#i tried to?? put a variety in here idk
agustdef · 1 year
Will You
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Black!Reader
Genre: Fluff; Idol AU/Idolverse
Word Count: 3k
Warning: Light Language
Rating: PG-13
Beta Reader: @hobeemin
A/N: This was due to idk and I have so many ideas that I simply didn’t write a ff that ended up posted for much too long. So here’s to hoping to finishing these ideas.
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“And without further ado, I am more than happy to introduce you to our keynote speaker Ms. YN LN.”
Clapping fills the room, and Jungkook joins in a beat late. His mind wandered as he’d listened to the other speakers for almost an hour. They’d all had interesting things to say, but something about being in a room with all these people with a person at a podium felt too much like school. Plus, a few of them seemed just to enjoy hearing themselves talk.
He refused to admit that to YN, though.
His beautiful girlfriend tried to give him an out when he said he’d come with her for this event. Told him how boring it would be and that she didn’t mind if he just did something else until she was done. Of course, he pushed for it, and she relented with one final warning about how he’d be bored as hell. To a degree, he’d known that going into it, but he wanted to support her. And to see her in her element.
Though they both work in the same industry, they’re on different ends of it. Jungkook as an artist and occasional writer, while YN worked legal. Their first encounter was when an American artist friend of his invited her out to dinner as a thank you for helping him with a contract issue with his label. They’d made him promises and tried to backtrack when it was time for the new contract. YN worked at a firm that specialized in that kind of thing, though they usually worked with smaller artists. His friend had been her big break, bringing in business and a promotion.
Of course, Jungkook was too much of a punk to ask her for her number at that meeting. He was too nervous about if it was forward, and he didn’t want to mess with the mostly professional nature of the event. But he got her card, and that was enough.
Until they kept bumping into each other at the more business-like industry events. Well, half bumping into each other and the other half him hunting down her name on programs and making sure to show up to those panels or events. It made him feel like a little bit of a stalker, but to combat that, he finally got his shit together and asked her out after running into her at a restaurant. 
Grateful to not be turned down was an understatement.
As they got to know each other, he felt himself fall hard and fast. She was perfect. Not in how one thinks when they hear the word, but in how that worked for him. That made their relationship work through the lows as well as the highs. 
I love you slipped out of his mouth five months in. 
If that didn’t explain why he put himself through this boredom, nothing, else would at least not in a way that made sense. His members still sometimes looked at him crazy with how he felt about her and how he could only sometimes find the words to explain it in a coherent way.
“I promise to try not making this too boring for y’all. I can not, however promise it won’t be boring at all. My line of work has to have some pitfalls besides all that paperwork,” YN joked.
The entire room laughs. It’s not the funniest thing in the world, but the way she delivers it and the energy she exudes as a person gets to people. It’s why Jungkook lets out a laugh that’s a little too loud and draws the attention of those around him. And of YN, though she doesn’t look his way to make that clear. He just nose from the way she pauses for a second longer, and her smile widens. 
Embarrassed isn’t even the right word for him at the moment. Part of him wants to flee the room, but he stays in his seat. It helps that anyone who side eyes him switches to being shocked to see him there. Being identified as a member of BTS is what he can handle; being embarrassed is not, despite what his variety show content and the lives over the years might suggest.
To let the feeling pass, he focused on the stage. Well, on YN.
“For those who don’t know me, I’m YN LN, and I've been working at Heights Law for the last six or seven years,. We specialize in fair contracts for indie artists. From things with their label to tours, merchandise, the people they hire, and even contracts between members if it’s a group. About thirty-five percent of those we work with don’t even have a label they’re signed to and don’t want to. And then about twenty percent of our clients are more mainstream artists looking for the same services.
We don’t work with any sort of label because we feel it ties us to worrying too much about keeping on their good side when trying to figure things out. And while we are not on a mission to do anything that would be, for the lack of a better word, line crossing with the people we are trying to get to sign the contracts, our clients come first. That’s made us stand out in a way y’all may have heard about a time or two. I’d like to personally apologize for making you sit through articles about a certain label trying to screw over up and coming artist Minx and all the weird things that were honestly not so weird about her tour rider.”
Again laughter, but with some whispers and grumbles thrown in. That entire situation had everyone in the industry confused as hell, and for the last few months, they thought Minx was trying to be greedy until everything was settled and it was shown that all her asks weren’t as crazy as they’d seemed. Even Jungkook found himself looking at YN like she’d lost it with every new bit of information that was released. He’d asked her about it, but she gave him a look, and he had to wait out the outcome like everyone else. 
“And for this, I think Minx is the perfect situation to discuss. I mean, when else will you see how things can go when a former lawyer turned pop star wants to sign with the label she used to work for but knows all their tricks.”
That was all it took to have people enthralled. After everything settled, everyone still had a million questions about it, but they were still waiting for someone at the firm to answer them. Jungkook had the fortune of dating YN around the time, so he got her to tell him, and Minx had invited them somewhere and told him more. So, he knew everything.
Which meant he could just stare at her. He didn’t think of himself as the type to be much of a creepy person, even if him trying to run into her wasn’t a clear indication of that. That and that looking at her was one of his favorite pastimes. 
YNs cute.
He would and did use a million words to describe her. But the first thought in his brain when he saw her was how cute she was, and he felt his heart triple in size from that alone. Her genuine smile and soft features do a lot to counteract the fact that she’s only an inch shorter than me, which throws people off when they meet her and had only seen her face before.
Those legs of hers, when she wears heels, drive Jungkook absolutely feral. And he has to fight off the thought of them as his mind spirals. He focused instead on the light tint of pink pushing through the brown skin because of all the bright lighting, the way there’s a stray piece of hair not as curly as the rest that she swears isn’t from heat damage, and she can fix, the soft red of her lips, and the way every part of her body seems light and open as she talks about a subject she loves. A look he’s familiar with and is how he knows she looks at him. 
More than anything, Jungkook is sure that YN loves him as much as he loves her, and like a revelation, he knows how much that is. How much space that love takes up in him, to the point that sometimes it feels like it’s overflowing. Right now, it feels like it’s overflowing.
That one word pulls him out of his head, but he looks at YN with a clarity he didn’t have a few minutes ago, let alone a few hours ago.
Someone clears their throat, but his eyes don’t leave her.
“Why not just go with what the label wanted? I mean, sure, Minx had the background, but that shouldn’t make her any different than any other artist. Should she not be thankful to get into the place twice on different sides of it?”
There was agreement in the crowd, but it died out quickly with everyone else's quietness drop quiet.
Despite the shift in vibes, there’s a smile on YN’s face. 
“Why do you think that? Is it because others don’t have that same knowledge? I can see how that could be seen as unfair because it is. But because she has the background,, she used it to help herself best,, which made it so we could best help her and those in the future. However, I can assure you that they changed their contract language a lot since then. Height and many other firms who deal with them and this kind of thing all saw a shift for the better and for the worst with them. So, while you may wonder why Minx didn’t simply take what she should be lucky to have gotten from them, I hope you’re settled by the fact that unless the rare thing happens. Someone else does the same thing, no one else will be able to give the insight on how to best make the next contract work for the client in the way she did.”
The response is assertive, sarcastic, and professionally annoyed. It doesn’t leave room for anyone to say anything that doesn’t make them look any more like an ass. But the man at the podium opens his mouth a few times to try and figure out what to say. In the end, he walks away from the mic with his head down. Jungkook is sure that if it weren’t for pride, he would walk out of the room altogether.
“Any more questions,” YN said after a moment.
There’s one that Jungkook has. One he needs answered, but he finds himself glued to his seat.
Several people go up and ask their questions, all of them better than the first one, though some of them toe the line. There are also a few that Jungkook would deem flirting, but they don’t bother him. Not with the thoughts swarming around in his head.
Before he knows it, she answers the last question, and everyone is dismissed. A few linger to talk, but with this day being so packed, everyone wants to rush off to the next talk or event happening.
He sits in the seat for about fifteen minutes before she walks up to him, and when she puts her hand on his shoulder, he looks up at her startled, even though he watched her approach him.
“Ready to go?”
Jungkook’s mouth opens and closes as he stares at her. He feels all over the place, but none of it’s uncertainty or doubt.
“I have a question,” he managed.
“I have a question. I didn’t get the chance to ask it in there. I was… I’m nervous to ask it, and I couldn’t do it in there.”
YN frowned. “You can always ask me anything, my love. No need to be nervous about it. Plus, I’m sure yours is better than some of the bullshit I get asked in general when it comes to work.”
For a moment, Jungkook says nothing. All he can do is stare at her and try to keep his breathing normal. The latter is the hardest part, but YN takes his hand in hers and squeezes it tight.
Taking a breath, he gets to his feet, takes both of her hands in his, and stares into her eyes. He’s more than sure about what he has to say.
“Will you marry me?”
Question nor answer was said with any hesitation. However, Jungkook could tell that YN was still trying to process what was happening. He was too, but that wasn’t important now.
After a second, Jungkook released one of her hands, and with the other firm in his grasp, he led her out of the room. He hears her ask a question, but it doesn’t fully register in his brain. All his focus is on weaving through the crowd of people and out the door of the convention center. The place isn’t as isolated as some can be, so he walked past the parking lot where his car is and made his way past the hotel they were staying at.
“Where are we going?”
There’s a loud exhale too, but Jungkook paid it no mind. He’s on a mission. 
“For goodness sake, Kookie.”
YN matches his pace though she’s clearly confused by what the hell is happening. He knew he should say something, but couldn’t find his words just yet, so he kept walking until ten minutes later, they were in front of a popular celebrity-use jewelry store.
A few of the things he bought for himself and others - YN included - were from here, so he had a code that they gave him to get in. The door buzzed them in, and the moment that they walked in, there was a person there and ready to help. Though it might not be obvious to most, it was clear from the knowing smile on the woman’s face she knew what was up. 
Didn’t stop Jungkook from being so flustered, though. 
“Hi. Engagement rings. I mean, we would like to see engagement rings.”
Without a word, she directed them to the back of the store. They followed close behind her, and when they entered the room, she’s taking them to another person is setting down a tray of rings, with others sitting on a cart behind him.
Yeah, she knew.
Once everything is on the table, the man leaves, and they’re directed to sit. The woman who welcomed them stands on the other side of the table.
“This is a collection of all the rings we sell in the store. Though there are others, we can have custom made if what you see in front of you isn’t the right fit or you want a mix of styles. There’s a mix of the traditional sort and the non-traditional. Some are even without diamonds. Please, take your time to look through them and see if something catches your eye.”
Then she’s gone, and all the sound goes with her.
“We’re doing this?”
“You asked me.”
Jungkook finally turns and looks at her, and despite all the nerves he’s feeling about if she’ll take it back, there’s a smile on her face. And a lack of anxiety like what’s going through him. Though he can tell, she’s a little thrown off by it all.
“I did. And I want to.”
“Then we better start looking, yeah?”
All the tension that was once there leaves the room, and they both turn their attention to the hundreds of rings in front of them. It’s an overwhelming site, but they dive into them. Jungkook tries to get YN to try some on, but she says that she doesn’t want to just yet, so they set them on the empty tray right in front of them. 
Each one feels perfect to Jungkook, but not right. More of the diamond rings that look how he’s used to seeing American engagement rings look like end up on the tray, which isn’t much of a shock with YN’s usual preferences.
A tray marked as morganite is second to last, and Jungkook almost avoids it, but then one ring calls to him. His eyes zone in on it, and he reaches for it just as YN gasps. His neck nearly breaks when he turns to look at her, but the slight pain means nothing as he follows her gaze to the ring he was reaching for.
Without another thought, he picks it up, takes her hand, and slides it into place. Though it’s a little loose, it fits her finger. The oval champagne colored gem is on a white gold band and surrounded on either side with diamonds that fan out, almost like leaves on the stem of a flower. They wrap perfectly around her finger and stop before they reach the palm side. Everything about it is YN. Is them.
“Perfection,” YN whispered.
And like the whirlwind that this was, Jungkook was happy to find that they had the same ring, the right size, on the premises, and he paid for it right then and there. It only left YN’s finger so they could clean it, and then it was on again.
They walked out of the room, and both were on a cloud. All those nerves Jungkook felt before were gone, but something else replaced it.
“I guess we have a wedding to plan. I can’t imagine when we’d even have it,” YN said.
Not the least bit startled, she turned to him with a raised brow. 
“I… I don’t know. Maybe?”
Silence sat between them for what felt like forever, and then YN turned her attention back to the jeweler.
“We need to see wedding bands, too,” she said, then turned back to Jungkook. “And you need to start making phone calls.”
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hippiepowrs · 5 months
weed smoking boyfriend
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eddie munson x gn!reader
a/n: hi sorry i disappeared i had a lot going on but i could not miss this special day so here's a lil blurb for all who celebrate. idk if 420 was popularized by 86/87 but since it originated in 71 we're going to pretend, okay???
warnings: weed. a lot of weed smoking. r and eddie both very very stoned. fluff. established relationship. making out but nothing bad.
wc: 562
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Eddie isn’t exactly a holiday guy. Sure, he likes a good day off from school or work, but he doesn’t love the capitalistic ideals that seeped their way into every holiday that could’ve been enjoyable to him. 
But Eddie will never, ever give up an excuse to get stoned off his ass. 
He’s lucky that Wayne will be out all day. Even if that man put up with a lot, Eddie would probably get his ass beat for hotboxing the entire fucking trailer. 
The two of you are on his bed. Eddie, sat against the headboard, and you on the foot of the bed, laying on your stomach. A foggy haze covers the entire room, a result of the nausea-inducing amount of weed the two of you have smoked. You went between joints and his bong, just to have some variety. 
Now, both of you lay there, absolutely blasted out of your minds, barely able to conjure up a single thought. 
“Baby,” he giggles, “do you think that, like,” he pauses, “I don’t know.” 
Thinking that he’s the pinnacle of comedy, you silently laugh so hard that tears form in the corners of your eyes. 
“Come here.” He puts out grabby hands towards you, urging you to lay next to him. 
Obliging his request, you crawl your way up the bed and lay your head right next to his, staring right into his sleepy eyes. 
“Your eyes are, like, so brown.” You say in awe, quickly devolving into yet another fit of giggles. 
“Yours are, like, uh, they’re really pretty?” He says, seemingly unsure of his words in his inflection. The goofy grin plastered on his face speaks differently, telling you he is totally infatuated with the way your eyes looked, looking at his own. 
His eyes dart down to your lips, signaling to you that he wants to kiss you—which you’re able to pick up on, no matter how high you are. 
The kiss is gentle, yet sloppy, the two of you so uncoordinated that spit is getting all over your faces. Eddie’s hands quickly find their place around your waist, pulling you on top of him as you begin to make out. 
Every touch feels like heaven. Your hands find his hair, scratching at his scalp, which causes Eddie to let out the most pathetic of moans you’ve ever heard in your life. 
“Mmm, love you.” He mumbles into the kiss, the words so slurred they can barely be made out. 
“Love you more.” You murmur back. Drowsiness begins to take over for the two of you, and the draw of sleep doesn’t take long to cause you two to pass out, lips still smushed against each other’s faces. 
The morning light comes in no time, shining through the curtains and directly onto your faces. Your drool is sticky on Eddie’s chin, still laying exactly how you fell asleep. 
Lifting your head, you wipe your chin in confusion. 
“Jesus Christ, babe, what the fuck happened last night?” You ask, still a little giggly from the pure volume you smoked. 
“Hmm?” He tries to act like he knows exactly what’s going on, but is too asleep to comprehend your words immediately. 
“Oh.” His fingers touch his chin, which is covered in mostly dry, but some wet, spit. “A lot of fun, I think.” His signature sleepy morning grin covering his face. 
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maysrinn · 9 months
District AU:
What was Lucy Gray/the covey’s strategy for raising kids in the wilderness without getting caught by the public eye? (Also what was the covey’s opinion/reaction to finding out Lucy Gray was pregnant?)
(Did they encourage dirt eating to “build up a tolerance”)
Good question, I don’t think they had a strategy at first with each single member trying to make it till next month dragging Lucy Gray along the way. Each incoming child had to be taught and excluded from the same thing, which was going out into the district towns. In the book they lived at the edge of the Seam near the forest edge if I recall correctly, I have no idea how it is with neighbors, idk if they have any, in the movie they don’t seem to have they are surrounded by the meadow and trees (On set pics show some kind of run down trailers they call the “covey nest” which I adore…4 hour cut where are you my beloved) So I don’t think people would notice or care about little wild gremlins running around or Lucy Gray giving birth where nobody goes voluntarily anyway.
Upon her revealing it to the covey there were some mixed reactions about the reveal, especially with Tam Amber and Barb Azure being the oldest having the most worried ones. Lucy Gray insisted on keeping it a secret for the babies sake with the two oldest Covey members agreeing. The one with the most reaction variety was Barb Azure, while Maude Ivory and CC thinking about names, where to put a little crib, colors, new and old lullabies or if the babe would like goat milk.
Meanwhile Barb Azure being wooried about:
Food shortage, Lucy Gray now needs to eat for two and later be able feed the little one
Performances, if they want to keep this a secret Lucy Gray has to step out at some point and even then its risky
Billy Taupe who tries to get her back with an angry pissed Mayfair on his trail who goes lengths to hurt Lucy Gray
Medical assistance
Birth in itself and where with who
Potentially also Lucy Grays lingering ptsd since the games maybe the little critters improve it
Don’t get me wrong she is just worried and scared for her cousin, but whatever Lucy Gray chooses for herself Barb Azure will be there to support her with the challenges laying ahead (She’s a great aunt by the way).
Lucy Gray: please don’t tell HIM a thing, Coriolanus will turn Panem upside down trying to get back here
Barb Azure: what? Oh no sweetheart don’t worry about that I won’t tell him a thing…WE wont tell him a thing, I promise.
Lucy Gray: *sigh of relief* thank you
Barb Azure: especially not before I shot him myself….where are those riffles at Lucy Gray-
Lucy Gray: Barb Azure NO-
Also yes absolutely, especially Clementine the little stomach bug was trying to eat everything that she could get her hands on, especially grasshoppers from the meadow. Rosalyn tried to eat flowers or grass and Cedar is definitely a dirt babe. Builds character and resistance.
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listenheresweaty · 1 year
Food for Thought: Wilbur Soot Chef!Au
this is unedited. This was also originally an ask I planned to send someone but I ended up posting it here. ——-
Thinking about Wilbur, chef au. like— ratatouille, without the rats. An inexperienced new chef (reader) comes to the 5 star family run restaurant called the Syndicate and is for some reason hired. Wilbur, the sauce chef (third highest ranking, after techno the sous chef and Philza the big man chef— master chef. Idk), is assigned to show them the ropes. He is already cranky for ranking in *third* among his family of four, even though he loves his brother and father very much. And now they dump the newbie into his hands??? Don’t they know he has better to do?
he was going to make your life hell. if only you weren’t so damn intriguing.
the first week, he’s cocky and arrogant, sweeping through the kitchen without so much as a backwards glance to you, giving the most vague instructions to purposefully tick you off. —-
“so the pan over there goes here when the heat is on that level, then that goes there, and there over there.. yknow.. get the bottles from the fridge, put ‘em here, turn the heat on like so—“ he turned the oven nozzle on and then back off again, too quickly for you to see the heat level. He turns to you, hands behind his back. “Any questions?”
he took your gaping silence as a yes. “Good. Follow me. You’ll wash pans for the day, then we’ll see each other tomorrow morning.”
Oh you hate the smug bastard. But as you watch him effortlessly dice a variety of vegetables and scrape them into the pot in a matter of seconds, you realize that hatred and admiration is an awful combination.
one late night— when you had received the infuriating assignment of “master high-speed julienne cuts on these onions before you get to go home”—- you tried to replicate his movements, growing increasingly frustrated as the onions stung your eyes, the clock ticked past midnight, and Wilbur snickered faintly in the background. You were so intently focused on getting that stupid onion into strips that you didn’t notice your finger getting in the way. With a yelp, you drop the knife, hissing and staring at your cut thumb. Wilbur looks up sharply, uncrossing his arms and moving away from the counter he had leaned against. “What the hell did you do now?”
“it’s nothing,” you grit out, “don’t—“ but you are cut off by Wilbur taking a hold of your hand, lifting it to his face and inspecting the cut.
“proper safety is important in the kitchen.” He states, not taking his eyes off the cut. “Not only for our sakes, but for the safety and hygiene of those who will eventually eat the food we prepare.”
you know that, but your words die in your throat as he rifled through a medicine cabinet and took out some antiseptic and gauze. the room is silent, silent except for the ticking of the clock and the occasional ripping of gauze and tape as he patches up your thumb. His face remains impassive, neutral, showing no real friendliness but none of the hostility from earlier.
”Right.” He finishes taping down the gauze and steps back, turning to take some fresh onions out of the fridge, and a new knife and cutting board.
“do I have to do the exercise all over again?” You ask in dismay.
He pauses. “No. No, you don’t.”
you let Wilbur maneuver you to stand in front of the new cutting board— and freeze up when he stands close behind you, grabbing your hands from behind and guiding them to the knife. “put your thumb there— no— like that, yes. There. That’s the correct way to hold a chopping knife. Now, since you’ve mangled your hands, follow my lead.”
He gently guides your hands to the onion, positions them, and cuts it smoothly.
“there. You see?” He says, his voice quiet and close to your ear. It’s a lot more gentle too, or maybe that’s just the late hour getting to him as well.
“Y-yeah.” You manage, clearing your throat. “Seems simple enough.”
”hm.” He hums, amused, and lets go of your hands. “I think that’s all for the day. It’s quite late.”
you sigh in relief, dropping the knife on the counter. Instead of walking to the front door and getting your coat, however, you pick up the boards and cutlery and make your way across the room.
“what are you doing?” Wilbur asks.
“Washing the dishes. “ you blink. That was the first rule you learned in the kitchen. A chef always cleans up after cooking, and never procrastinates or postpones the work, no matter how many plates need to be cleaned.
“…I’ll wash up.” Wilbur sighed. “You go on home.”
Who the hell was this guy, and what did he do to Wilbur? “are— are you sure? What about you?”
Wilbur cracked a smile. “I’m sure. Don’t you worry about me. I can manage.”
“alright.” You acquiesced, getting your coat from the hanger and sweeping it over your shoulders. You pause before leaving through the door, and look back. “Good night, Wilbur.”
“good night, love.” Wilbur paused. “And remember to be here at 5:00 AM Tomorrow, at the latest.”
you groaned and shut the door, listening to his chuckles fade into the distance as you trudge your way home.
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raychleadele · 9 months
Lately I’ve been really craving greens. Just absolutely slamming salads, putting them in wraps, on my morning egg toast, wilted into my pasta. Mixed greens everywhere. Spinach and arugula my beloveds. Also tried watercress for the first time and found that delightful. Loving my leafy greens. Figured there must be something in them, a vitamin or other nutrient, that my body really needs, because I’ve been going through them like crazy.
Relatedly, I recently paid an in person visit to the grocery store. I usually order for pickup to save on time, but this day I wasn’t able to for some reason. I was buying canned clams to make my late grandpa’s clam chowder. It’s a traditional Christmas/New Year’s season meal for me, I had to have it.
And when I picked up my can of clams, I became entranced by how many different canned fishes there were on the shelves. Sometimes I buy tuna, but I’d never touched most of them. And I know I was shopping hungry and when you shop hungry everything sounds good, but on that day the canned fish sounded really good. I thought “Idk, maybe I could be the kind of person who likes canned sardines.”
Then I snapped out of it and realized how hungry I was, and thought how insane it is for me to crave unfamiliar canned fish when I hardly eat the familiar variety I do buy, and reassured myself I’d get a meal when I got home, and I walked away without ransacking the shelf of canned fish.
But then I did it again at the fish counter at the Asian market a week later. I stood there for a full ten minutes, studying the dozens of whole fish they had that I’d never tried before, thinking maybe this would be the day I’d finally try filleting a fish for the first time, before deciding there weren’t any in my price range that looked fresh enough (I am in the only triple landlocked state of course), and walking away with no fish.
Then I saw that post here about someone who slammed three cans of fish and then learned they have lots of nutrients that help with seasonal depression. And I remembered how I’ve been slamming so many salads. And I thought huh, maybe my body is trying to tell me something about fish.
Then one of my favorite food YouTubers uploaded a video all about how people eat canned fish around the world and I said OKAY! CLEARLY I NEED TO BUY THE FISH!
So when I ordered groceries yesterday to prepare for the coming blizzard, I ordered canned fish. Specifically, I got one can of sardines, one can of anchovies, and one can of smoked oysters.
Today I cracked open the can of sardines for lunch. I taste tested a small piece and it was delicious! So I toasted an English muffin, spread it with some cream cheese, topped it with some thin sliced red onion and my beloved mixed greens, and added some sardines on top. Drizzled the top with some of the sardine oil and had an open faced sandwich. It was messy, because the minute I tried to bite into it all my toppings fell off, but it was delicious.
So anyway, I guess I am the kind of person who enjoys canned sardines now.
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hanarchy · 4 months
top 5 skz songs to sing along to? and top 5 of your favorite dishes? and top 5 songs you’d like han jisungie to cover in full? sorry for sending fifty billion things i just love your insights and would love to hear your thoughts and opinions 💖
aah ana ilysm ok cracking my knuckles, lets go
top 5 skittles song to sing along to:
1. Topline (always and forever, i screamed so loud i nearly passed out)
2. Cheese (click clack, bang)
ur gonna laugh at me for the rest of these but
3. wolfgang (graaow we go wild)
4. gone away (ssshhh dont tell anyone that i like a skz ballad)
5. miroh (its a must, stray kids woo)
favorite dishes
1. bolognese pasta (am i 5? maybe)
2. bibimbap (i love how everyone makes it a little different, i love the variety of flavors, i love how indulgent it is without being super greasy)
3. frankfurter grüne soße (‘green sauce’ its technically a super simple dish, its usually just served with eggs and potatos. but its very specific.
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theres herbs in it that are barely used nowadays, very old german cuisine vibes. and if you get the ratio exactly right and the herbs are in season it has such a delicate and specific flavor. a little sweet, a little mustardy, very refreshing. it’s hard to describe. also is excellent with white asparagus and young potatoes (in season at the same time) or surprisingly a really ripe avocado. anyway its hard to find most of the year in most of germany but since i am from frankfurt its a matter of pride)
4. sashimi or maybe a really good ceviche (i love raw fish but ceviche has become such a trend thing that its usually just not great here)
5. can i just say salad? like maybe its bc its getting hot but a really nice salad maybe with some haloumi or avocado or some grilled fish and some really nice bread is sooooo good.
ok top songs i want hanji to cover. now this is why i put this ask off for so long top 5 is SUCH a high bar to clear. ok that being said though i have some directions i would looooove him to explore.
(for convenience, a shortlist without my rambling:
1. kacey musgraves - golden hour/slow burn/ butterflies
2. the internet - get away | just sayin/i tried
3. paramore - misery business
4. arctic monkeys - leave before the lights come on/do me a favour
5. the strokes - is this it)
1. intimate acoustic guitar country songs like kacey musgraves did on golden hour (god i was obsessed with that album) this whole album has such a sunny warmth to it, and such a specific cleverness in the songwriting i think jisungs voice would just be so pretty on it. my top choices would be butterflies or golden hour or slow burn i think
2. jazzy, slow a little funky rnb like the internet used to make (rip to that band i will miss u forever) plus their breakup songs have a pettiness that just gels with jisungs vibes so well. i wouldnt really want a straight cover but like if he put some additional vocals and a little laid back rap verse on get away or just sayin/i tried uuuugh a perfect fuckin idea.
3. obvious one but paramore misery business but i would accept any of their like. earlier actually kinda emo stuff.
4. self indulgent but my favorite arctic monkeys song is leave before the lights come on i would LOVE to see what he does with that OR possibly do me a favour. again, petty but like… suuuuch great storytelling that i think would fit him
5. the strokes is this it idk i just think its a lazy existential dread/petty relationship sort of vibe that would fit him if he was allowed to make music like that lmao kind of similar vibe to those arctic monkeys songs but this is just the music i grew up on so i am biased
(if i could be self indulgent with songs that DONT fit him i would love to see him do patti smith because the night OR like. a fuckin hole song like doll parts OR theres this korean dj/producer(?) called cifika who did a remix for seulgis solo and i would loooooove to see him work with someone like that, her stuff has turned very futuristic and moody/dark lately OR because i cant /not/ mention him make the boy do tougher than the rest by bruce springsteen, it would be the cringiest fuckin thing in history and yet…. if he put his own production on it…. could be a vibe)
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lingering-42-long · 1 year
Idk how many more ideas I have left in me lol
Request - König OR Rodolfo Parra x F! Reader [fluff]
Prompt/Idea - They're always writing poems/drawing stuff but they've lost inspiration. That's until they meet the reader on base or outside of the base, and immediately they begin to write/draw about them. The reader notices them and tries to talk to them, but they freak out and walk away, just for the art piece to fall out of their book. The reader picks it up and smiles
An Artist’s Muse
König x f! reader
I loved the idea of both so I may do another for Rudy. If this gets 20 likes I’ll do a Rudy version!
Sorry I have been inactive, I didn’t have any writing juice in me…. This is a short but sweet story. I changed it up a little bit because I didn’t read the full thing and I should’ve lol. I still think this is super sweet.
Warnings: none, fluff
Scenario: when König meets his girl for the first time, he gets the sudden urge to open his sketch book to draw.
Austria was a beautiful place with scenery that rivaled even some of the best locations anywhere else in Europe or America for that matter. König believed it wholeheartedly. This was his home where he grew up with his father and mother on their farm. He loved it here, though he hated the people of his town to some degree. But here he was sitting in another local area in a small café right outside of the main street. He was away from his obligations for a few months. He needed some time to recover and some time to rest. Just to be by himself.
One of his favorite past times was art. Growing up his mother sent him to an art school where he fell in love with art. He enjoyed doing a large variety of different things ranging from acrylic to oil watercolor and sketching with pencils and pens. He was a natural talent and everyone believed that he had a knack for it. He even entered a few of his pieces into a few contests and even one a little bit of prize money here and there. One might think that he would’ve chosen a path dealing with something in art for his career but he needed some thing else to channel his aggression, while art was a good way to relax, he still needed some thing else to fuel his mind.
As he was sitting, trying to think of some thing to draw, anything would be good at this point, he heard the door chime from where he was at his table. The café wasn’t usually busy at this time of the day but there were the occasional people that would be going back-and-forth ordering drinks or grabbing a quick bite to eat before heading off to another meeting or leaving to go do some thing. He didn’t like going during the times that were a little busy. As he took a sip from his coffee, he looked up to see a girl. This made him almost choke on his hot beverage, to him she was beautiful. Her hair flowed gracefully over her shoulders and her beautiful eye sparkled as she was trying her hardest to speak to the barista in his native tongue of German. It wasn’t good he wouldn’t lie but he could see the effort that she was trying. Thankfully the barista also knew English and help the girl out order her drink. König wanted to hide and not be seen. Out of all the days an angel had to land on this one particular afternoon.
The girl sat in a table next to a window across from him. She had brought a book to read and seems to be enjoying the hard cover. Inspiration hit him hard. Carefully pulling out his sketchpad once again, he began quietly working away every once in a while taking a quick glance in her direction just enough to remember features before sketching more on the page.
She stayed only for an hour before getting up, finishing her coffee, putting it in the trash, and waving goodbye to the baristas. He wanted to go after her, to show her what he had done so far, but he knew that would be awkward for both of them. She might think that he was stocking her and the last thing he wanted was to startle her. He was now pretty grumpy about the whole thing. All he wanted to do was to give her his drawing of her and hopes of asking her if she wanted to grab coffee soon, but now his chances were ruined because he didn’t have the courage to ask. He groaned and lightly hit his head against the table. He hated his social awkwardness, he always did. He just wanted the courage to go up and ask her.
Sighing, he picked up his equipment and put them back into his bag before he to finish this coffee and left for the day. As he walked out, he wanted to see if he could spot her anywhere on the street, but it was like she vanished. There was no trace of her. Cursing to himself quietly, he made his way to his car to head back to his families homestead.
3 weeks later
It has been three weeks since König had seen her and he finally lost hope in her coming back. Once again, he was sitting at his favorite table trying to come up with some idea to sketch some thing else outside of this memory of this mysterious girl. As he was about to give up, the door opened again and the same girl came back. She was talking to the barista about how she had made a trip to the capital city with some of her friends for school before ordering herself another cup of coffee and walking to the table where she sat last as she once again opened her book and began reading. König wasted in no time sketching out the finishing touches to her.
She got up to use the restroom and left her book open to the page where she was at. Taking in all of his courage, König stood up and with the paper in his hand, carefully placed it in her book where she was reading before hastily making his way back to his table hoping that the shadows hit him well enough for her not to notice. A part of him was praying that she would find him and talk to him and another part of him dreaded the idea of being caught.
When the girl came back she saw the paper and looked over it. A small blush formed over her cheeks as she quickly scanned the room for the person that could have done this. Her eyes landed on König, Who was fidgeting with his pencil sharpener, too nervous to look up. She closed her book and walked over to him.
“Did you do this?” She asked
König looked up and nodded shyly.
“It’s very beautiful.” The girl smiled, “Thank you for making me your muse.”
“O-oh no problem! You are very b-beautiful and I wanted to capture your radiance.” König Wanted to be run over by a truck. He sounded so cliché and stupid.
The girl blushed and gave a light laugh, “Well your not too bad yourself. I’m (y/n) by the way.”
“König.” He applied alittle to quickly and abruptly, but the girl didn’t seem to take notice of this.
“Conich?” She tried to say his name on her tongue.
“König.” He made the syllables a lot more clearer for her to hear.
“Con…Kön…ing…. König?” She asked looking at him if that was how she needed to say it.
The man grinned happily “Yes! Good!” He felt like there was a million butterflies just dancing around in his stomach. It made him happy and wanting to throw up all at the same time. Was this love? He felt at once a long time ago in his youth only to have it be betrayed on him.
“Well König, it was nice meeting you, your really good at this, you made my day…. Well I will see you around.”
“W-wait!” He stood up a little too fast making the table bump against his legs and the chair creek behind him. “Ummm…. I was wondering if you would like to grab some coffee sometime… if not I understand.” He couldn’t look at her directly. And fiddled with his hands as he was trying to come up with a sentence without sounding like an idiot or a creep.
(Y/n) just smiled and nodded “sure I would love too… tomorrow same time?” She asked.
“Ja… that would be good.” He nodded vigorously.
“Ok König I will see you tomorrow.” The girl blushed and walked back over to her table to finish reading her book with the paper in her hand. König practically collapsed back into his chair, he could hear his heart beating in his rib cage harder than it had ever beated before.
He got up after a little bit of calming himself down, to leave. He waved shyly back at (y/n) and she returned the wave smiling back at him making the tall man blush even more, as he made his way to the door. Once he got back into his car, he stared blankly at the roof trying to collect some thought that was flowing through his head that came up empty. Did he really just find a girl and was able to win her over with just a silly piece of art? Surely he couldn’t be that talented in doing that the only time he ever seen that happen was through films. He prayed to whatever was listening to him, that this would be the one for him, the one person who he had been searching for.
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Context: This angsty train wreck right here
Reginald Crane knew that he was drunk. Or, if not drunk, dangerously close to it.
So many different people had sent him alcohol, all of them different varieties and quality. It was probably meant to be a consultation, but every drop just reminded him of their face. Of how happy they were whenever a new agent thought they could out-drink them.
His other selves had chewed him out, saying he shouldn't have taken their agents with him. Incredibly irresponsible, one had said. Why didn't you tell them not to come?
He tried to explain his motives, but the other him cut him off. Look, I understand you care for your agent. We know what that's like. But involving our operatives is against so many protocols that it isn't funny. And they got seriously hurt.
In retrospect, he understood their message. He would have made the same argument if he was on the other side of this. But he remembered how angry he felt, how pissed he was that these other versions were lecturing him about this situation.
What would you have done?! If your agent was the one who got taken, would you have let them go without a fight?! Would you listen to protocol over trying to save them?! Would you just write up their kidnapping as an incident report and then move on?!?
He took another sip from his wine glass before he stopped kidding himself and took a large swig from the bottle.
He didn't notice the door opening until someone walked in.
"Reginald, have you seen Phoenix lately? They aren't answering my calls-"
She stopped when she saw the three open half empty bottles.
"... something... happened to them, didn't it?"
"What makes you say that?"
He replied dryly as he put the bottle down.
"You haven't drank that much alcohol in one sitting since Rising Phoenix."
He sighed.
"They... I messed up, Roxana. They got taken by this woman named Vadas who disabled their tracker and nearly killed two agents who weren't supposed to be there but were because I didn't tell them to leave and now I have no idea where they are or if they're even still alive-"
Prism snapped in his face to get his attention.
"Hey, earth to Crane."
She had a look of fierce intensity, the same look she got whenever she was trying to solve a problem. She saw this as an equation.
"What would they say right now?"
He blinked.
"You heard me. If they walked into this office right now, and saw you like this, worried about them, chugging wine, what would they say to you?"
He looked at his desk and smiled against his will.
"Probably ask if they could have some, too."
She smiled.
"Okay, you got me there. But you know what I mean."
He thought about it a moment before answering.
"They would ask me what was wrong. Then they would help me up, talking about something they knew I wouldn't understand just to keep me awake until they got me to the medical wing."
"Would they let you sit here, giving up?"
She grabbed his arm with a determined look on her face.
"Then neither am I."
@wyvchard guess wat :3
@the-one-and-only-043 it's Reggie having a depressive episode with alcohol involved because idk
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aingeal98 · 1 year
Having Bruce and Cass and the Robins thoughts and they're a bit messy and jumbled so bear with me.
Idk how to explain why the Bruce and Cass messed up but loving dynamic is so much more appealing to me than his toxic relationship with his other kids but I guess it's because the entirety of Batgirl 2000 understands that Bruce is not a perfect parent. His flaws and virtues are both deliberately and carefully written and his relationship with Cass is so layered and it makes it so that I can both laugh and cringe, appreciate the sweet moments and rage at some of his more shitty moves. It's not perfect but overall the writing is just GOOD, and there's enough material to form a solid core of understanding even when their dynamic grows past Cass's solo run. This is Cass and Bruce and this is how they tick and no writer has been able to thoroughly screw that up no matter how hard some of them were pushed to by editorial.
Compare that to how he's written with his other kids, where every writer has their own version and some have him be a perfect dad and others have him be shitty and frame it as "He's got this darkness in him" while another group of writers have him absolutely brutalise his kids or neglect them or gaslight them for angst all while knowing the kids will never receive any sort of narrative justice for this because he's Batman and he's the big flagship hero. There is no single run you can point to and say yes this here showcases the heart of the dynamic between him and Tim or him and Damian, no single run so good that all other comics about their dynamic use it as their basis for this bond between father and child. There is no consistency and no communication or understanding between writers or even an attempt to pick up what the other puts down. Batman comics will have him be a good parent or a bad parent but either way it will be all about Him. Batfamily comics tend to have him just be absolutely awful and then a few months later they have to pretend it never happened because the main bat books want to make him a good parent again.
It's all shock value that rarely lasts past the arc and writer. When Tom Taylor has Dick hug Bruce and call him dad I'm remembering that time Bruce beat him into a bloody pulp or backhanded him across the face and Dick never got to call him out on it. But we're not meant to be thinking about that in Taylor's run because this is a Good Dad Bruce comic. Taylor's Bruce and Dick dynamic is completely different to the New 52 dynamic the same way that dynamic is different to Wolfman's which is different to the original Batman and Robin. And that variety can be a great thing when it comes to comics but the downside here is that you can pick Bruce's "good dad" comics or you can pick his abusive asshole comics but you cannot find the middle ground that Batgirl 2000 hit because (controversial opinion I guess) it doesn't exist for the batboys and no writer has successfully managed to pull all the different comics together and create one.
Fans have tried. Fans have pieced together a decent narrative from the mess of inconsistencies, taking the moments of almost cartoonish abuse and the moments where Bruce is shown to care, and forming the image of a complicated and nuanced abusive parent from it all. But the great thing about Batgirl 2000 is you don't have to do all that effort of trying to make the happy fluffy hero batman and the edgy punches his sons Batman fit into one character. The writing does it and does it in a more realistic fashion too, which is saying something considering the big Bruce and Cass emotional fight is solved by Bruce letting them both get drugged and fight bloodlusted. I do think there are moments when it hypes Bruce's bad parenting up a tiny bit but compared to the absolute mess that is the writing of say, Bruce and Jason? It's just so much easier to actually engage with. Being on the same page as a narrative instead of chafing against it is just a much better way for me to read comics.
That's not to say there isn't any kind of narrative and canon dynamic for Bruce and the Robins. Tim's Robin run, Dick's various runs, UTRH, Batman and Robin etc. Just that for me none of them hit that balance Cass and Bruce's dynamic succeeded in hitting during Batgirl 2000. And to be fair it's harder to hit that balance when you're working with characters who have been through the hands of so many different authors before landing on your doorstop. UTRH probably comes closest but unfortunately everything that came after that did manage to shake the emotional foundation utrh set up to the point you can look back on it and wonder if Bruce cared about Jason much at all, despite the writer clearly not wanting it to be seen that way.
Not sure how much sense this makes but to me it's the difference between a bad parent Bruce I am actually interested in engaging with and a bad parent Bruce where I just want the kids to team up and knock his teeth out.
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lfghughes · 1 year
If you're still taking requests could I ask for a John Marino x reader that is really into nature/wildlife or a reader that is in vet school for wildlife. I know it really specific, you could broaden it however :)
Ive been reading all of your stuff and you're a fantastic writer! I hope you get all the recognition you deserve
a/n: this made my heart so incredibly happy. when i was little i actually always said this is exactly what i wanted to do as an adult and right after i graduated high school i got to volunteer at a rescue like this for the summer and so idk i loved writing this
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“Will you please tell me what we’re doing?” You begged your boyfriend to let you in on at least a little bit of this surprise for you. But all John had told you was for you to dress in clothes that you were okay with getting dirty and to put your hair up. That meant it could be a whole variety of things. He was a guy and an athletic one at that and you just really hoped this wasn’t some mud run kind of thing. “Funny thing is a surprise only works if the other person is…surprised.”
Yeah, you decided your boyfriend was a jerk. A very sweet but sarcastic jerk. You changed into running shorts (and silently hoped there would be no running today) and a tshirt that you didn’t mind getting dirty. “Look okay?” You asked and he nodded his head and looked at your shoes “I would wear those black running shoes you have.” You tried your best to suppress the groan because he really was going to take you running.
Once he deemed you appropriately dressed you got into the car and watched out the window as he drove to see if you could at least figure out what area you would be in. The city just kept getting further and further and eventually you ended up in a much more open area of land. After a hour you found yourself looking at a building that had the letters wildlife sanctuary across it. You couldn’t believe John.
You were currently going to school to be a wildlife vet but you were in your first year and you hadn’t really done any hands on thing and since school took up most of your time you didn’t get to really work with animals yet. “I called them earlier this month and they have a whole day planned for us to work with their tigers and wolves plus I guess they have some other animals they saved. I stopped paying attention the minute they said we’d get to bottle feed a tiger cub because I knew that alone would be your favorite.”
You took back everything you said earlier about him. He wasn’t a jerk, no he was the sweetest boy on the planet who planned the greatest things for you. It was even better than you expected when you got inside. They showed you around the area, explaining their day to day process and they really did put you to work with cleaning the habitats and preparing food. But John was right, the best part was the both of you getting to bottle feed the babies.
It had truly been a day in paradise for you and as you walked around the little gift shop one of the employees started a conversation with you while John shopped around. “Your boyfriend told us all about you and how this is your passion. We know you’re going to school but if you’re interested in volunteering even if it’s once a month we can email you the information. We love having people here who are passionate about rescuing and the hands on experience can be good for you future.”
You were seconds away from asking John to pinch you because surely you were dreaming. Very quickly you nodded your head and got their email from them. It was a longish drive but you’d do this in a heartbeat when you had the free time. As you and John walked back to the car he gave you a small smile “I had a feeling you would like it.” He told you and you stopped him to give him a quick kiss. “I didn’t just like it. I loved it and I love you so freaking much John.”
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sacchxrine05 · 1 year
Had a thought while barely conscious in bed this morning and I feel the need to exorcise it.
(tw for discussions of eating disorders like ARFID and things of that ilk)
I think about Sherlock a lot (too much) and one of the things that’s kinda captured my attention recently is his eating habits. I’m going through a rough patch with eating myself, and usually when this happens I think of ACD Sherlock saying smthn along the lines of ‘I don’t eat while working on a case, digestion slows me down.’ (that might be a BBC Sherlock thing but I can’t quite remember lmao)
I imagine YNM Sherlock is similar or the same in this case, as we rarely see him eat (off the top of my head I think he ate a cherry at the bar during A Study in S in the anime and then both a sandwich with John on the roof and the floor sandwich Milverton tried to use to humiliate them with, although that was more to prove a point than to get any sustenance from it) and at least once John has reprimanded him for not eating enough. Sherlock is also quite messy and doesn’t often see the point in cleaning as, in his mind, it’s a waste of time and he might have this view when it comes to preparing a meal to eat.
I’m pulling a lot from my own experience here, but with eating disorders like ARFID it’s hard to find motivation to eat/prepare food, and I can imagine Sherlock often feels this way when he gets into a slump between cases or something like that. And although there’s nothing to really prove that he has an aversion to certain foods due to a sensitivity in taste/texture (I imagine his senses are quite heightened in order to make some of his deductions) he probably does stick to a select few foods both because he probably can’t afford many varieties of food and also because his idea of a meal is something quick that he doesn’t have to take time out of his day to prepare.
Miss Hudson has cooked for Sherlock and John on occasion, although I don’t think this is a very regular occurrence given their dynamic. However, she probably does make something for one or both of them if she thinks he hasn’t been eating enough recently.
Sherlock probably also gets quite hyper focused on cases when they come up (even more so when the Lord of Crime pops up) and so he doesn’t always notice when he’s hungry since it’s not something he’s really thinking about. Also, smoking cigarettes can reduce your appetite and with the way Sherlock smokes he’s definitely not realising how hungry he is until he’s on the brink of starvation. Also drugs…enough said there.
Idk, I just think it’s interesting and especially with how the fandom tends to put Liam as the one who doesn’t eat enough while Sherlock is the exasperated one trying get him to eat something goddamnit. Such a dynamic isn’t exactly wrong per-say, and I believe it says in the character profiles that Sherlock gained some weight post fall, most likely thanks to Billy poking and prodding him into eating and also working regularly and therefore have more of a desire to eat, especially after taking on missions with a lot of field work. He also probably wanted to set an example for Liam so that he eats more too. And he stopped smoking and doing drugs, so that probably improved things quite a lot too.
But like anything to do with mental health and disorders, things come and go in waves and it’s likely Sherlock would have moments where he ‘relapses’ and will go a long time without eating much or just feeling generally unmotivated to make food on top of nothing really appealing to him taste-wise y’know?
I think it’s also this dumb sort-of-headcannon of mine that makes me generally less keen on art/fics that portray Sherlock as being significantly larger/broader than Liam and I don’t mean the slight difference between their figures in the official art/manga/anime I mean like a noticeable difference you know?
Cus I mean…Sherly has muscle cus of his martial arts(?) training and maintaining that through his work, but he’s also a skinny coke addict who smokes too much and eats too little, there’s not going to be an insane difference between him and Liam like some ppl like to portray, y’know?
But anyway, people will always view characters differently and do what they want with them in their fanworks, it matters very little in the end lmao
If you made it this far thank you for listening to me ramble, I hope it wasn’t too nonsensical TuT
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asherashedwings · 1 year
I completely forgot to post these guys
May include rambling cuz my love for spiders kinda slipped its way into these designs lol
DJ Music Man
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VERY vaguely based on a Goliath Bird Eater, since they’re the biggest spider. I thought it’d fit this big guy.
Fun fact: if you google “Goliath Bird Eater face” one of the first results is actually the face of a wolf spider.
…I’ve spent a lot of time looking at spider faces. I can recognize a lot of them based on head shape and eye placement now.
Mini Music Men ! (and their ruined forms)
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They’re all based on different spiders, which will be explained under the cut, as well as close ups cuz I don’t want this post to be super annoying to scroll past
Hip Hop (Jumping Spider)
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Hip Hop is the only one with a name so far, and he’s based on a jumping spider! I had a good idea of what spiders I knew I wanted to include when starting these designs, and you best believe jumping spiders were on that list. They’re just very recognizable, and their eye placements are just very unique. That’s something I tried to accomplish with these designs too; chose spiders with unique eye placements from one another. Since it gives more variety to each music man.
He was actually the first one I designed and was part of the original 4 I designed way back in July of last year, the other three being Wolf Spider, Trapdoor, and Daddy Long Legs.
Also, making him the rabbit ruined music man was completely coincidental, I wasn’t even thinking about how perfect that was until after I had already finished all the designs. I’m just glad I happened to choose that cuz man it lines up so well. Cuz. Cuz jumping spider. And rabbits are known to jump-
Wolf Spider
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I don’t have a too awful lot to say on this guy. Sweet old man. When I saw the eye placements for wolf spiders, I was having a hard time trying to figure out how to incorporate it in a way that was appealing. And then it hit me: put the lower four on a mustache. And then he just became an old man after that.
Trapdoor Spider
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This guy’s based on a trapdoor spider— SPECIFICALLY a cork lid trapdoor spider. This is mainly cuz normal trapdoors don’t really stand out too much appearance wise. They look like a stereotypical venomous spider I think. But then! I remembered the cork lid trapdoor spider, and that one definitely stands out. The main thing that makes it stand out so much is that, compared to the average spider, it’s missing like, half its abdomen, the back end of which has a very interesting pattern.
I don’t know if it’s communicated well from this angle, but he’s missing half his abdomen, but in a way where it’s clear he was built that way, given the placement of his wind. I also included designs on his wind to kind of represent the designs real cork lids have on their abdomens.
Daddy Long Legs
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Yes, I know daddy long legs aren't actually a spider, but it felt wrong not to include one, so I did it anyways.
This fella actually has a tiny bit of lore. Basically, he's an early prototype model of the mini music men, hence why he appears out of date compared to the others. And run down too; his age means more time for wear and tear to have occurred, hence his missing abdomen (which was really just a design choice I made in order to reference how daddy long legs don't have as many body segments as actual spiders).
Brown Recluse
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Now we're onto the spiders that weren't in the original batch. Brown Recluse, as well as the other two after this, were actually concepts I made not too long after the first time I drew the original 4, however they never went far beyond just concepts. Until recently.
There's not much I can say about their design. It's not shown here but they actually play the violin, since one of the recognizable features of a brown recluse is the violin shape present on their back. So I guess that's that their limb shapes come from; they vaguely resemble the shape of violin bows. Kind of. Idk don't look too deep into it.
Black Widow
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This one I kinda just threw stuff at a wall until something stuck. I still really like how she turned out tho. I tried making her wind pointier to kind of resemble the hourglass shape on their abdomen that black widows are so infamous for. I don't know if that's clear or not though.
Black Widow and Brown Recluse is where I sorta broke my main rule when picking spiders, which was, as stated earlier, to pick ones with unique eye placements. Black widows and brown recluses have very similar, if not identical eye placements. But I decided to overlook it cuz I wanted to include both of them.
Yellow Orb Weaver
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When I was initially designing this one, I don't think I had a specific orb weaver in mind. Because back then, I had no idea how diverse orb weavers actually are. So after some consideration, and looking at the design I had already made, I decided that he's based on a yellow orb weaver. Mainly just cuz I wanted more variety in the hues I was using for these guys' colors.
I don't have much else to say on this dude. I just made him super lanky cuz the shapes were interesting.
Bonus doodles for those willing to read my spider ramblings. Love yall <3 /p
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fizzytaste · 5 months
As promised, here I'm with my dungeon meshi headcanons part2 now its time for Senshi and Marcille
Ok, on one hand, I think he would be very chill about generally, he sees it as just a normal bodily function and if you need to do it, you should just do it. I can even see him giving a litttle lecture on how holding it in is bad for your health and there's nothing to be ashamed of. If someone did it on accident after a meal or something, he will just smile and assure them it's fine and maybe that it's even a "compliment to the chef".
But on the other hand he canonically cares about table manners, so I would say he would get quite frustrated to see someone doing it on purpose just to be annoying, gross or funny and would also give a lecture on how that's not good and can also make you sick (the person receiving the lecture is prob Izutsumi). I would say he doesn't think excusing yourself is always necessary, but at least making an effort to muffle the sound is, especially in a dungeon.
He applies the same rules to himself, except that I do think he'll always excuse himself (its like, "other people don't have to do it but I can always be a good role model!"), but generally, if he has to burp, he'll just do it, unless he's in a formal situation or needs to be quiet. I can picture he putting a fist over his mouth and then casually excusing himself, not too worried about it.
He doesn't have any skill related to it, like doing it on command or burping words because he doesn't see the point, he finds it weird, actually, that some people would see it as a party trick or something when it's just, again, a bodily function. He would also never participate in a burping contest, unless idk he was really bored and really trying to bond with the people around him and it would still take a good amount of convincing.
Now, I don't think he would burp very often, for a variety of reasons 1) I don't know if that's true for the dungeon meshi universe, but for what I know dwarfs generally have stronger stomachs 2) He knows how to pace himself when eating and wouldn't be swallowing a lot of air 3) He has a very good understanding of which foods work for him and which ones don't.
I think his burps are a little bit below average for a dwarf (which translates as a little above average) and that they aren't very loud, but they're very deep and can be quite long. He'll make an effort to muffle them, but it's always going to be at least a little audible.
From the main four she's definitely the one that's more grossed out by it. Mostly she'll just roll her eyes, groan and maybe mumble some insult, but if she's in a particularly bad mood she may actually snap and scold whoever did it for being loud (normally Laios) or not excusing themselves (normally Chilchuck).
Of course because of that she doesn't know how to burp on command or anything like that and would never participate in a burping contest, she thinks only someone incredibly vulgar would do any of those things
All that being said, the universe must really hate her because her burps are loud. Very loud. Explosions of sound. So loud she can't even properly muffle them. And she tries her hardest to, trying to hold it as much as she can (which just makes it worse in the long run) and if she has to, keep her mouth shut and covered by her hand (also always excuses herself, multiple times even), but it's not enough. She hates it, she gets actually angry at herself for this, but there isn't much she can do. The others don't even taunt her about it anymore (unless she's being particularly insistent with her scolding), because she gets actually sad and so ashamed its painful to be reminded of it.
I have more so once again if this gets likes I'll post them
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bitterwaters · 23 days
Lacquer Brands
so one day I went to a fugue and wrote a 2000 word essay on nail polish brands
We got four tiers of nail polish brands: overpriced luxury bullshit, drugstore, boutique, and indie. 
Overpriced Luxury Bullshit
Don’t buy these! Just don’t! You’re paying for name, not quality. Chanel charges $32 for an 11 ml creme, the second cheapest polish type there is. That’s ludicrous. Every review I’ve seen of a “high-brand” from a real swatcher has been negative. Fuck ‘em all.
This is every other mainstream brand, whether it’s from CVS, Walmart, or Ulta. Wide range of price and quality. In general, you’ll probably get what you pay for. Sally Hensen Insta-Dry is classic and Acceptably Okay; if you don’t have the patience for a full manicure, just slap some of that on. Look for brands that are 3-free or 5-free--that means that won’t have a few nasty chemicals. Anything over 5 is fake and doesn’t matter.
My preferred drugstore brands:
Zoya: Jellies, glitters, shimmers. Tends to have a very thin formula--leave the cap off for a few minutes to thicken it up.
Orly: Cremes! The absolute best, well-pigmented, buttery smooth cremes. Persistent Memory is my perfect dark red. The bottles are generously sized, they have a nice paddle brush, and I love the big rubberized cap. They’re just really pleasant!
OPI: I only use their matte top coat but I use a lot of it. It’s the best! Get their matte top coat! I’ve seen recs to use their polishes over Essie’s, but I’ve never tried either.
Now we’re getting into the Good Shit. There’s a price jump here, but there’s also a huge jump in quality. These are small- to medium-sized online-only businesses with semi-industrial production and ample stock. They’re big enough to ship within a few days. They use a LOT more pigment and glitter than drugstore brands, and have far more variety in finishes.
You might see them on Amazon or Etsy--skip it and go order from their sites instead. Shipping costs the same and you can save up reward points.
Charmed Lacquer: Brand new, recently announced, will open in a week or two. Started by a streamer named Janixa. I’m not familiar, but her followers seem excited enough to check it out.
Cirque Colors: CONTROVERSY! I like Cirque. I have a ton of their polishes. A little pricey, but they have frequent small sales and are high-quality. Best known for the jellies and some really stunning magnetics like Mood Ring and Black Swan (which have since been rampantly duped). So why the controversy?
Mystery bags: idk people get het up about ‘em. I kind of feel like if you gamble on a bunch of polishes you don’t choose, you risk pruglies.
Coronation: This is a purple polish with a red-green shift shimmer pigment called, I shit you not, Unicorn Pee. UP was made unavailable for public sale years ago (the suspicion is that it’s now used in some currency). Cirque keeps finding stashes and re-releasing Coronation. There have been complaints that it’s not the same shade as the original, that it’s over-priced ($18.50 is a LOT for a polish), and the FOMO marketing. It always sells out fast. I have a bottle. It’s okay.
Jaritos: The current teapot tempest. Cirque just put out a Jarito-themed line of jellies that’s FOURTEEN FUCKIN FIFTY a bottle. Their regular jellies are two bucks less because JELLIES ARE CHEAP. They have less pigment than other finishes. Cirque has also been caught editing pics from swatchers. Some of the Jaritos shades are outright dupes of existing Cirque colors--but when Cirque reposted swatcher pics that compared them, they changed things to make them look different. Little shady!
I still got Mxcn Cola
Holo Taco: I don’t go to this school. It seems fine. Owned by a YouTuber with a pretty big following, Simply Nailogical. The brand has devoted followers, but I’ve never been real impressed. I feel like I can get everything they do somewhere else for a buck or two cheaper. Lots of limited-time bundles.
ILNP: MY LOVE! Shimmers, glitters, holos. Their formulas are just fantastic. If you follow lacquer reddits you’ll see a TON of posts featuring Flower Child and Fairy Dust; they aren’t for me but I see why people love them. They’re really good with shimmers--Flicker glows like a candle in a dark window. I also like their flakie toppers and magnetics. You really can’t go wrong with anything from ILNP. 
One of the rare lacquer companies that doesn’t do FOMO. They never remove anything from their line-up. New collections get a 10% discount for a week at release, and they have an annual Black Friday sale.
KBShimmer: They’re pretty good! They don’t get as much love as I think they deserve--probably because they aren’t quite as flashy and highly-marketed as other brands. They also aren’t as heavily pigmented/glittered. Still pretty good though! I really love All Fired Up. They have big 15 ml bottles for only $12, no matter what finish. KBShimmer is a great place to start if you’re just dipping your toe beyond drugstore brands. Pick up their polish thinner (suitable for every brand except Orly) and glitter smoothing top coat. 
Lights Lacquer: Don’t. They have some nice shades, though they tend to be as subdued as drugstore polishes. I was really disappointed by their cremes--the formula isn’t at all self-leveling. That’s just weird in this day and age. And then I found out that black swatchers refuse to work with them because the owner has been openly racist. Her non-apologies did not improve relations. Skip it.
Mooncat: CONTROVERSY! I have over a dozen Mooncat polishes and do love most of them, but it's getting harder to recommend the brand. They specialize in intense shimmer/glitter/holo/flakie/magnetics--all the fancy stuff. They have a few unique polishes that I haven’t seen duped elsewhere. Their formula can be gloopy, especially their flakies; easily fixed by a few drops of thinner. Why controversy?
they’re fukkin expensive bro. Like $15 a bottle. I do feel that you get what you pay for--it’s good stuff. I’ve never been disappointed by a Mooncat. But part of what you’re paying for is brand aesthetic.
they’re fukkin annoying bro. Their site, marketing, and even customer service emails are all lower-case dramatic gothy stuff. Never “nails,” always “claws.”
Their bottles keep shattering. This has happened occasionally in the past, then become more frequent starting in April. Seems like there was some supply change that thinned the glass. Mooncat was also filling about 14 ml instead of the promised 12 ml. Temperature and air pressure changes during shipping started to cause a lot of bottles to break. One person ended up in urgent care to get her hand stitched. Mooncat has promised to make changes and has been quick to refund/replace broken bottles, but there’s still a lot of ill-will simmering in the community. I think we’re past the tipping point--I’m no longer seeing broken bottle posts, just love for their new Power Puff Girls collab--but if you like something, I would wish list and wait another month. That should be enough time to make sure the bottles are safe and the weather has cooled.
Every single indie nail polish company is one or two people working out of their basement. That is not a joke. They hand-makes every small batch, fill the bottles, pack, and ship by themselves. That’s in addition to designing and testing polishes, and just living their lives. 
That means that if you order from an indie, expect to wait. Most list a turn-around time of up to a month (they usually say 7-21 business days--people read three weeks but it’s a month). That’s padded to give them safety--nearly all will ship within a week, maybe two. But if they get hit with life stuff or a ton of orders, it really can take a while. My longest order took over a month arrive. It was entirely worth it.
Indies tend to have a big focus on fancy finishes. The biggest trend right now is sheer lacquers that are loaded with aurora shimmer. They’re color-shifty and glowy, and a lot of fun. That’s starting to stagnate a bit--every base color/shimmer combination has been done, so a lot of dupes are emerging--but it’s also starting to evolve. I’m seeing more and more shimmers that also have holo, flakes, or reflective glitter. I’m betting we’ll get some thermal shimmers as fall rolls in and temperatures drop.
Indies have some phenomenal variety and creativity. They’re doing the coolest stuff with the most love. Many also rely heavily on FOMO, and some are just plain not open much of the time. Instead, they have monthly or seasonal release windows. They usually drop a new collection and may retire old ones.
How do you keep track? The Reddit Laquerists (sic) Nail Polish Release Calendar. You can also subscribe to brand newsletters--most give a small coupon on your first order. A lot are on Instagram and Facebook.
There are at least two dozen indie brands, and it’s hard to know where to start. I highly recommend Lyn B. Designs. I love her lacquers, absolutely flawless formula. She has big bottles, fast turn-around, and lots of variety. Get her top coat! It’s the best. But most importantly, she has a 50% off code for ALL products every time she launches a new collection. You can get top-quality lacquers for $6 each, and the big top coat refill for $12.50. No brand of any size can match that value. You can either follow her on Facebook for the code or check the calendar on launch day.
Others I like, in no particular order:
Bee’s Knees, Dam, Polished for Days, Great Lakes Lacquers for fantastic shimmers and reflectives. Garden Path and Rogue Lacquers have great flakies. Lurid Lacquer is pretty new, and she’s doing some really interesting things with intense shimmers and color-shifty chromes. Sassy Sauce keeps a small, tidy line-up, but it’s all quality and creative stuff. She’ll also have some nice thermals once October hits--she doesn’t ship them during summer, which I respect. 
Cupcake is kind of a workhorse brand like KBShimmer: nothing too spectacular, but everything is solid and reasonably priced. Likewise, Glisten & Glow isn't too exciting but IS cheap and high-quality. Emily de Molly is Just Good. Drunk Fairy has really nice jellies and cremes. Wildflower Lacquers is closed for rebranding, back 09/06; I don’t have any from her yet but I gotta give props for big bottles, a fan brush, and surviving in Oklahoma. 
Death Valley Nails is a little pricey but they’re doing the weirdest, most absolutely unique shit out there. They’re making polish out of rocks and wildflowers. One looks like the sink after your boyfriend shaves. It’s great.
Clionadh gets some hype but IMO they’re overpriced and overrated. They definitely up the saturation on swatch pics. I’m unimpressed by Femme Fatale’s formula and teeny 9 ml size. Shleee polishes don’t self level at all. Stella Chroma still sells Harry Potter themed polishes and I'm very over that.
But really, the best way to check out indie brands is…
Indie Preorders
There are two big indie collabs every month that work on a pre-order basis: Polish Pickup and Hella Handmade Creations. They open for a week each month and feature unique, one-time only products from a ton of indie brands. They can cause major FOMO. If you feel that might not be healthy for you, stay away! But if you’re okay with the possibility that you may never be able to replace a bottle you finish off, you’ll find some great stuff. They’re an excellent way to explore new brands, and creators get to be a little experimental. PPU has fun monthly themes; HHC doesn’t have a general theme, but many creators do a series of fandom-themed designed. Indie polish creators tend to be pretty nerdy.
If you want to try non-US brands, go to Color4Nails.They’re a stockist that carries several brands, drugstore, boutique, and indie. They also have monthly pre-orders for a few Brazilian brands like Phoenix Indie Polish and Penelope Luz. I find the Brazilian brands to be a little pricey, with smallish bottles and fairly thin consistency, but they’re doing some interesting stuff. I’m pretty consistently impressed with Phoenix; PL less so.
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minhosblr · 6 months
hello! i hope ur day is going well! im not really sure how to word this but ur one of my favorite gifmakers on this site!! and i was wondering if u have any tutorial or would be willing to tell how!! do u make ur gifs so sharp! along w being so smooth and gorgeous im foremost always just stumped at how beautifully sharp ur gifs r!! not to mention the coloring!! regardless of if u get to answer any part of ur process or not, i just wanted to tell you ur gifs r very very beautiful. im always so awed and admiring wnv i see them! so warm and prettily colored yet so sharp!! apologies for gushing here, pls have a good day!!!
AHHH THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY, ANON! It always makes me so happy, when I get any kind of compliments on my gifs, so this really really really warms my heart!! ♥
I did a gif tutorial like 1,5 years ago which you can find here! My sharpening has changed slightly from back then, so I'll just tell you what I do now.
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Much more detail under the cut (this got way longer and detailed than I had expected)!
This is a walk through of my sharpening/effect process, so if you want any tricks about colouring or anything let me know!
The first important step to sharp gifs is the video quality! The higher the video quality is, the prettier and sharper your gifs will be. TS files are the highest quality (most of the time, sometimes they kind of scam you ngl) files you can get. Else 4k videos are great too! For me I usually don't go under 1080p (with few 720p exceptions). Sometimes I don't really like TS files, because they're a bit too sharp for me. This is mostly if it's a variety show. Concerts tend to be not as sharp in my experience.
I use vapoursynth to resize my gifs before putting them in photoshop. I usually don't do any sharpening or denoise in vapoursynth. This site has everything you need for vapoursynth!
For sharpening and stuff in photoshop, I usually do camera raw + topaz denoise + sharpening + 1% blur at 30% oppacity.
A bonus tip is, if you've done everything and tried soooo hard to make it non-grainy, but you just can't get it to do whatever you want it to... embrace the grain and add a noise layer! I do this with big gifs (540x540) usually.
To go more in depth, my settings for those are as following...
Camera raw
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Texture (tekstur) I usually go between 20 and 30, depending on the thing I'm giffing. For Clarity (klarhed) I do the same number as texture, but minus 10. Idk why, it's just how I usually roll!
For Topaz denoise I usually only use a little bit. Like 0.04-0.06 overall strength. I don't really have any "this is what I always do" settings, but usually my shadow is at 0.90 and my highlight is 0.48 (because I liked it one time and then just kept it). You can also use the denoise option in vapoursynth, I just prefer photoshop, because it feels like I have more control over it. I know a lot of people don't use denoise at all, but I usually do with files less than 4k quality!
OBS! Using topaz denoise on smart objects in photoshop is a bit tricky, but I made a video about it once, so here you go! (the video is kind of outdated for me, so ignore the sharpening part and focus on the "how to do after you've put denoise on your gif" part. Also ignore my voice, thank you).
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These are my settings for sharpening. If I think the gif is a bit too sharp after I've added a blur filter, I change the amount (mængde, sorry my ps is in Danish) to 80% and that usually does the trick!
If you use all of these, this is how the smart object will look, before you convert it into frames
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Let me know if you have any other questions or anything at all!! ♥
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kakiastro · 2 years
Astrology of Zayn Malik
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Using whole sign system
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Chart ruler
Zayn is a Taurus Rising with ruler Venus Pisces 11h.
Obviously he’s a handsome man with him being Venus ruled and his Venus is exalted. There’s an ethereal beauty to him that stands out in the public. Taurus rules over singing and 11h deals with groups. He got his start in One direction. He’s probably stubborn😅Taurus y’all know you are. He tries to see the good in everyone especially his friends but may wear rose colored glasses but lucky for him his cap placements snap him back to reality😅 he loves the Arts, especially music and Taurus rules over music!
A stellium is when you have 3+ planets in the same Sign and House.
Zayn has a Capricorn stellium in the 9h.
His stellium consist of Sun, Mercury , Neptune, Uranus.
Sun 9h - he’s known from all over the world, this indicate mass fame. The sun represents where you shine in the world. I remember his cultural background was a big topic and I know he’s talked about his family roots before. 9h represents different culture and immigration.
With it conj his Neptune; this indicates having creative abilities and being known for it.
Also, it conj his Mc- so this also indicates mass fame and popularity.
Mercury 9h- very straightforward with how he communicates with people, blunt as well, he tell it like it is and that may offend some people. He’s probably has a whole range of topics he loves talking about and may like surrounding himself with intellectuals and creatives.
Uranus 9h- this goes back to what I said earlier about being interested in a variety of different things and he may switch up careers since it conj his MC or his music sound may sound different from his past projects.
Neptune 9h- very creative and I don’t know if he’s religious or spiritual but this can indicate that or at least being around people who are especially elders since it’s in Capricorn. He may love to travel to foreign places or meet people from all walks of life.
-He has his Moon in Virgo 5h. Having your moon in the 5h indicates fame and creative abilities as well.
-Virgo moon are more logical then emotional plus his moon ruler (mercury) is in Capricorn. So his emotions are very logical. He may be a perfectionist and if he his, that probably drove his ex band mates insane 😅 Virgo moons feel emotional stable when things are going there way and when it doesn’t they tend to work themselves until it’s to their liking, which isn’t bad but they can be hard on themselves 😭 with Zayn, it’s probably his creative projects, he puts his all and emotions into it, I just hope he has a good balance so he won’t stress himself out. It also doesn’t help that he has a cap stellium so that work hard energy is strong.
-He has mars cancer 3h.
-Now Mars is not too happy in Cancer. He may not express his emotions in the best way. He may bottle a lot of his emotions up but once he’s fed up, they burst out like a volcano and it shocks people because he has such a cool, calm demeanor with all this earth energy. He probably grew up with strong willed women in his life and he’s protective over his family/loved ones.
He’s about to go through his Mars return here soon once mars leaves Gemini
-I wanted to talk about his Saturn because I realize he’s been going through his first return these last few years! Saturn is changing signs in march.
-His Saturn is in the 10h.
-Ok I know he’s been in the spotlight a lot recently due to him posting clips of him singing. I do think his career is about have some sort of renaissance or resurrection and he may release more of a mature sound; fully leaving his boy band song days behind. Like before, it was relationships woes but now it maybe about idk the things he’s learned about his past relationships ; I hope I’m making sense here😭 or it’s going to be something you wouldn’t expect him to sing, a completely different genre.
Asteroids; Chiron , Fama and Juno
Chiron: wounded healer and teacher. It’s our most painful lessons this lifetime.
-He has Chiron Leo 4h. Anytime you have Chiron in the 4h, you are breaking generational karmic cycles on your mother side. With Leo here, he was the one to create generational wealth for his family. Due to his fame, he’s was able to shed light on his culture, roots, and where he comes from. The wound here maybe due to having pressure to break these cycles due to fame.
-His 4h ruler in the 9h Capricorn. These are old pass life karmic cycles he’s breaking. He may have been royalty in pass lives; he gives me a Royal Prince vibes lol.
Fama 408: means fame or famous.
-Fama is the 5h so music abilities or creative abilities altogether. Also 5h is the fame house lol. It’s conj his moon so popular among the public and women of course. -Anytime this asteroid is aspecting your personal planets, it indicates being widely known.
Juno: ideal marriage life/partner, our devotion and loyalty.
-He has Juno In Cancer 3h. He loves intellectual women. He may end up marrying (if he choose to) to someone that’s from the same background as his family. He may end up with someone who reminds him of his mom, he may meet his future partner through his siblings or close friends It’s loosely conj his mars, so he loves strong willed women or independent women. They could be a writer since it’s ruler moon is in Virgo. We will see I guess lol
North Node
North node is what we are meant to learn in this lifetime.
South Node is the lessons we learned in pass lives and early life.
-SN Gemini 2h so in pass lives, money or material wealth was important to him. He could’ve been a writer or he didn’t listen to the opinions of others 😅 very stubborn energy
- NN Sagittarius 8h so he’s meant to learn to be spontaneous, gain knowledge and travel to gain broad perspective on life.
-since it’s in the 8h, this could mean occult knowledge, spiritual knowledge, sexual knowledge. Being comfortable with one’s inner being and power. This could also indicate healing energy as well maybe with religious trauma(just a one interpretation), I’m not saying he has that by the way
Long term Transits
-He coming out of a Saturn return so I’m interested to see the events following that. He took a break from social and public life for a while. Saturn is restriction.
Pluto Aquarius for 20 years
-well now that Saturn has left his 10h, now here comes Pluto! Saturn taught him lots of lessons but Pluto is really about to some transformations here.
I predict
- his fame is about to get intense and bigger than what it is right now or his public image is about to change someway
-his career is about to go through some changes; like I said earlier, I think his music is about to change up, Aquarius is all about changes and unpredictability
-his overall vision for what he wants to do might even change
I can be wrong about all of this because who knows with aqua energy 😅but just know, some things are about change (hopefully good). So keep an eye out on zayn news.
These next 20 plus years will be interesting for him
Saturn Pisces for 2.5 years
- it will be in the 11h conj his Venus; which is also his chart ruler! He may get serious about what he wants from love.
-he may actually start to get the respect he wants from the mass public. I think he’s gone through a change with himself and he may have grown a lot as a person and I think we are going to start to see that growth.
Lunar Nodes for 18 months
North Node changes to Aries while South Node chances to Libra
- North Node will be in his 12h so this goes back to what I said earlier about new creativity! 12h rules over creativity and Aries is fresh new energy. He will spiritually grow as well whether he knows it on a conscious level or not. He’s meant to learn to go with the Flow
-South Node Libra in his 6h conj his moon and Fama.
His fame may bring up some pass emotional triggers especially dealing with past relationships ,and may bring up some old habites he needs to break away from he’s meant to learn from these things and heal.
I hope you all enjoyed this post and make sure you check out my other celebrity breakdowns in the pinned post on my page.
Thank you!
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