ladysilverart · 4 years
Sooooooooooo something has sparked my hate for a lot of the canon shit that went down, so ive come back to write shit.
Chapter 1 and 2 are reuploads but chapter 3 is new
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the-ladysilver · 5 years
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here, have this
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ladysilver-sideblog · 6 years
Im gunna start posting updates here instead of @the-ladysilver
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facelessxchurch · 6 years
Have you ever considered the ship name ‘Vengpine’ for Baron Vengeous and Nefarian Serpine? P.S i love the art you do of them!
I don’t think I did. But admittingly, I like Baronpine better.
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the-ladysilver · 6 years
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the-ladysilver · 6 years
I’ve finally gotten around to writing Chapter Five and i apologise for how long it took for me to get around to writing this... Ive had a lot of writers block and art to do. But its finally done and i will start of Chapter Six soon-ish. 
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the-ladysilver · 6 years
This is inspired by an RP AU and such is targeted towards the members of the group, so for others it may be a little confusing and hard to understand...
When Nefarian was shot the second time (by Morgue) in the RP, Baron comes to the realisation that everything is going to change and not in a way he believes he can deal with it, because of this he believes it is in everyone’s best interest for him to step away from everything and leave. While Nefarian was in surgery with Ditz, Mevolent close by his side, Baron packed up his belongings and left, leaving nothing but a letter addressed to Nef.
Nefarian saw fit to take charge of declaring the war against Ravel, and Case is made a General to replaced Baron, which does nothing but drive Nefarian away from her and Mev slightly.
Another war breaks out, some sanctuaries follow Ravel, others follow Mevolent. After nearly 100 years of fighting; Ravel, the Irish sanctuary ans their allies fall. Mevolent takes over as King, instead of Grand Mage. After a few years all the sanctuaries follow in Mevolent’s rule and things began to settle down.
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the-ladysilver · 6 years
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the-ladysilver · 6 years
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the-ladysilver · 6 years
Hey look, another chapter...
So theres some pretty serious stuff going on in my personal life, and depending on how things go depends on if i'll continue to write, or if i'll be going MIA for a little bit regarding this... And because of this ive kinda rushed this chapter out so you'd have something new to read while im gone, if i dont have time or the effort/will to write, so yeah im sorry if its kinda crappy...
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