#ven ask
kozakuwas · 8 months
i love the way u draw kano's hair :3 so fluffy
THANK YOU 😭😭😭 i need to make his hair as fluffy as possible or im not doing him justice. also kinda unrelated i think but i also imagine he takes like Good care of his hair. uses a bunch of hair products (that he steals from kido) that make his hair so nice and fluffy
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luxmoogle · 4 months
Could you draw one of the KH boys in a plaited skirt? I really don’t care who I just think it’d be neat.
I started drawing, and we're here now, not quite where I was planning to head but, well.
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venear-tmblr · 1 month
Would Ven become a god then if his soul isnt showing up in the Eylsume?
nope! unfortunately, something else owns Ven’s soul. so once he’s completed his purpose here, his soul wouldn’t appear in Elysium.
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venbetta · 8 months
While I was M.I.A,,, I got inspired to make werebear! Glamrock Freddy
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...it's been an interesting week.
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I was going feral over him lowkey...
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shellraiserz · 6 months
I see you guys are taking sketch requests! (Your guys' art is so very cool!) Would you like to draw rise Mikey with your idea of Klunk the cat? Sleeping or playing or whatever you'd like, if you'd want to! Have an awesome day!
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Let’s pretend I’m not answering this nearly 5 months later 😅
Mikey & Klunk for you! This was such a fun and cute idea, thank you! - Ven
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zillychu · 2 years
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(ven voice) p*ssy
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mr-payjay · 6 months
because i have seen MY misogyny thread credited to ven flyingbuddiies (my friend who posted it on twitter for it to get more publicity) instead of me, here it is in its full glory. my twitter is @mr_payjay though i don't use it really but if you have questions or comments about this please feel free to send me an ask or dm me on tumblr
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midnightbrightside · 2 months
Can you please tell me what are your favorite Kristin head cannons please?
i couldnt choose a favourite so i wrote out like ten but that was too many so i've limited myself to five and now they're written down half of them are more like fic premises than headcanons BUT
phoenix was genuinely in love with kristoph at some point. it was near the beginning, before he realised any of the lies. and it took him so long to really pursue that nagging suspicious he had because every time he woke up to kristoph's sleeping, vunerable face, he felt sick to his stomach for doubting him.
and in turn kristoph was genuinely in love with phoenix too, but it was further along into the 7yg and he couldn't admit it to himself, so it manifested as a twisted posessiveness and a desire to control. he must keep phoenix under his control or else phoenix will leave just like how everyone else does.
phoenix is popular with the single mothers (and some of the dads) on the PTA at trucy's school and kristoph is Not Happy about it. he starts attending parent-teacher evenings with phoenix just to loop his arm in the crook of phoenix's elbow to not-so-subtly ward off anyone who so much as looks at his not-boyfriend
one december trucy sets up mistletoe in the doorway to trap phoenix and kristoph underneath. phoenix laughs a bit and pulls kristoph in by his waist for a brief kiss. it's soft and sweet and strangely romantic, far from the first kiss they've shared but it's the first time theyve kissed in front of trucy. in a way it almost feels like confirmation of his place in their family and he doesnt know how to feel about that. trucy, watching him closely, cant tell how hes feeling either, but she doesnt pick up on any annoyance or disgust.
phoenix gets back into drawing during the 7yg, he sits down with a couple of hb pencils and a few sheets of printer paper and starts idly sketching the people around him. one day kristoph sees him sketching and says he didnt know phoenix could draw (a lie, hes dug into every nook and cranny of wright's history) and asks to see. he's prepared to glance at the page and say something about how phoenix has a wonderful talent but he can tell his real calling was the courtroom (a jab at his artistic skills and at the disbarrment).
instead he's struck silent for a moment. the pages are filled with sketches of trucy, maya, larry, staff at the borscht bowl... and kristoph. candid sketches of kristoph working, tucking his hair behind his ear, even smiling. they're far from realistic but they contain so much character. is that what phoenix thinks he looks like? has anyone else looked at kristoph and seen this much humanity?
people should give me more excuses to talk about krisnix im so full of thoughts and feelings
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nosfelixculpa · 1 year
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heart hotel wombo combo my beloved
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the-resident-gay · 3 months
top 5 fable ships go
I don't know ship names very well so please forgive me
I've also decided to do 5 platonic and 5 romantic because yes
5. Wetbird- I am a proud Icarus POV main and I enjoy a healthy bit of Vens POV as well. There is something about this ship that just feels very right to me and also they both have experience with Fable so I feel like they'd have this ability when something might set the other off with trauma and stuff
4. Ghaae- The OG polycule on the server and they can do no wrong in my eyes. They support each other so nicely and its just wonderful.
3. Isla/Enderian- The momssss. I love them sm for so many reasons. Enderian being protective of Isla and only soft for her is mmmmm/pos
2. Ocie/Centross- you guys I love them. I love them so much. They are so similar and I love them so much and they're just mmmmmmm/vpos. How to I explain the love I have for these two.
Wolftross- I hold them in my little hands. As a Centross POV main(until the cathedral, ofc), watching this relationship form was one of my favorite things ever. From the castle back to spawn to s3, I love this ship with my whole heart.
5. Rae/Wolf(Nightingstar?)- Okay so I love these two as a duo, and the cast can do what the cast wants to do with their characters. Now, with that being said- something about them becoming romantic didn't and still doesn't sit right with me. I can totally see the two in a QPR, they have a great dynamic as partners, but I just prefer them as a platonic ship.
4. Ari/Momboo- I have seen like three posts about them as partners and I hold them in my hands. The sun/moon imagery. The potential for nicknames. They would be wonderful QPPs.
3. End duo- They're such close friends. They are always there for each other. I hold them in my hands.
2. Ghosty/Momboo- LOTW and the guy she revived. The everlasting friendship. Their beauty as a duo. They are so good you guys I don't know how to sell this please just trust me on it.
Prison duo- I could go on for so long about why these two are the perfect platonic relationship in my eyes. They have similar trauma, saw each other at their worsts, when through so much shit and came out as best friends. Icarus taking off their jacket, which they don't do often, in front of Centross. Icarus letting Centross give them a tattoo. Icarus barely fighting Centross when he took off their gloves. Centross showing up on Icarus' doorstep with a skulk injury. Centross fighting Fable for Icarus. Them, everyone.
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kozakuwas · 1 year
bro kagepro illness also hitting me so hard rn. i mean, ALWAYS. im always very ill but rn... I FEEL SICK!! anyways. lets join our forces. harutaka and kidomomo. tell me abt them <3 anything u want <3 do u think theyd go on double dates <3 i think kido&takane make a good duo cuz Music buddies and kido is honestly pleasantly surprised to see who they know as ene act very normal for once. they're like i thought ene was batshit insane. and takane's like No i am. but i can also be normal<3 and haruka&momo have little art clubs :3 momo is haruka's first job methinks. as like art lessons. very early str haruka's picking himself up and etc etc and momo's like HI. DRAW WITH ME and keeps insisting to pay him and he's like IM NOT A PROFESIONAL U DONT GOTTA PAY ME ALSO UR A FRIEND but momo's like ratio+i have money+u need money+IM PAYING YOU. erm. sorry that was weird im normal. i swear i was just gonna ask a question not go insane on ur askbox. TELL ME ABT HARUTAKA AND KIDOMOMO:3
AUGH 💥💥 i can absolutely see kido and takane hanging out, and the haruka and momo hangout thing reminds me of my fav kdmm fic where haruka was momo's wingman who got her to finally confess to kido. ough... god haruka teaching momo how to draw is smthn ive had in mind for SO LONG. like them drawing and haruka giving momo both art and dating advice. they're buddies post str. i just know it bugs the hell out of shintaro that his sister has gotten so close with his homie too, but he still prefers that than her hanging with takane (he thinks she's a bit of a bad influence. he does not need his sister turning into takane 2). ALSO IMAGINE MOMO DOING HARUKA'S MAKEUP. girls night <3
anyways back to kido and takane. yes they would get along great i feel, like them sharing their music recs!! kido recommending some radiohead while takane recommends the most skull shattering heavy metal songs ever. and also takane gives kido relationship advice too. like whenever ayano gives kido advice takane comes in after she leaves like "hey, all of that she just told you? Forget It. anyways..." (sorry ayano but we dont need kidomomo becoming like. you and shintaro </3)
and i just think kido and takane would just. sit in kido's room and just talk and Vibe, y'know? like takane is the best to have a convo with and yes its refreshing for kido to finally see takane's more normal side
and HRTK KDMM DOUBLE DATE SO REAL AND TRUE. momo and takane are already like this 🤞so it gives haruka and kido an opportunity to know each other better (their partners are also enjoying seeing them get along too) and ooh imagine them going to an arcade for a double date. kido and takane headphone actor rematch no powers involved. takane fucking SMOKES kido. didnt give them a chance to breathe lmao. meanwhile momo and haruka are trying to win every plushie in the crane machine. hrtk and kdmm end up going home each with like 7 plushies. the end ❤️
kido: why does takane call you babygirl
haruka why does momo call you babygirl
sorry if this post isnt organized but none of my posts are lol. also UR KAGEPRO MADNESS IS ALWAYS WELCOME IN MY INBOX WE ARE ALL INSANE HERE ON KAGETUMBLR 💥💥
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luxmoogle · 11 months
I'm loving your Vampire AU!! Aqua looks gorgeous, as does everyone else! My favorite panel you drew is Aqua discovering a baby left on her doorstep. Aww, Aqua as a mom is so cute! Heaven forbid any harm comes to that child, Aqua can be fiercely protective XD Is there a story behind this moment? Is the baby another vampire like her, or is it a human?
The baby is Ven~! :)
He's abandoned on the steps of the castle, and Aqua takes him in, and so Ven grows up to be her familiar~
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venear-tmblr · 1 month
Would Ven's soul ever show up in Elysium? Or because it'd been so long since he would've died, resets and all, no?
Ven souls wouldn’t ever show up in Elysium, but not because of the resets. There’s another reason heheh
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Their first meeting <3
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venbetta · 3 months
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Yeah basically...
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lanternlightss · 1 month
in a yearning competition and my opponent is venti the bard, the anemo archon, barbatos themself (i am losing immediately, he has 2,600+ years of it)
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