#ven no mutual tag (not yet)
dedkirsch · 2 years
(PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE feel free to delete my asks btw! the other one got long(?) and i didn’t wanna make you type out a whole long post 🏃💨 BUT)
hello! i would like to know your thoughts on my beloved nozel 😞🙏 IF THATS OKAY OFC. man’s plagued my brain so i’m curious 👁️👁️ (also i copy/pasted these from my notes so i hope i didnt make any typos T_T)
"I don't want to make you type out a whole long post" too late. kirsch deserves the longest, most analytical posts, I will never shut up about him /j
I have mixed feelings about Nozel honestly! I get why he is.. appealing, I mean 👀 except for his questionable fashion, but then, I'm not one to talk (glares at Kirsch and his FUCKING ONESIE)
I do like his development, and the way he strives to be a better brother to Noelle. In comparison to their other siblings especially. I also think his backstory is interesting, with the whole thing of knowing exactly how Acier died and yet not being able to tell anyone. It's an interesting concept and I do like the execution!
That being said I wish he did a little more to stop Nebra and Salad Solid from treating Noelle so horribly. And he himself could have treated her better, because as it is she has a fuckton of issues from her childhood now and that is NOT GREAT ahaha
But again, his later interactions with Noelle after they've sort of made up are nice, and I can't hate him, as he has been actively trying to be better, and it cannot have been easy to live with the sole burden of how your mother died for the majority of your life.
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masterpost - stories of the letterbox archives
hello, all! welcome to the letterbox archives! if you're here, i assume you've gotten to know me and now want to explore the archives with me! well, there's a lot to pick from, i've been here for a while and i'm not even close to uncovering all the stories here.
from longstanding current projects, completed series (although i haven't found any of those yet), and others can be found here, as well as tags to boot, for organisation's sake. i take my job very seriously, y'know.
consistent updates aren't guaranteed, but i'm always finding new things in this place (these archives are massive, after all)!
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~ archivekeeping ~
everything related to the archives itself (not the stories). i like to remember as many people that pass through here as i can, so you can find introductory information here, the filing system, volume information, as well as giving thanks to all of you that've stuck around to read the stories here with me!
tags include: "letters rants", "letters speaks," "not a story," "archival asks," "tag game"
welcome to the letterbox!
the filing system
story volumes
a month in the archives
mutual celebration!
100 visitors of the archives!
onto the stories!! meticulously catagorised, albeit half finished, i hope you enjoy them as much as i do!
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~ VOLUME 1 ~
tales from a dying heart
“do you hear the ancient heartbeat?”
tales from a dying heart is an anthology series about love, loss, and the lengths we go to find comfort in the uncomfortable. the heart, the giver of life and creator of stories, has grown bitter as humanity has abandoned it in pursuit of mortal decadence. human love defies it, and through the hardships of many loving people, the heart’s hateful goal is realised.
genres include: fantasy, tragedy, horror
chapters available here: tales from a dying heart masterpost
the rockdove promise
“should they wish to wager, they will find me here, with the rockdove.”
the rockdove is many things; a word, a symbol, a promise. the rockdove promise is a story following prince laszlo, and his endeavours to halt the yearly divine tithes to spiteful gods. but, for a world so broken to the will of those gods, it is easier said than done. when politics, morality, and mortality collide, laszlo must find a way to defy all tradition, and break that sacred, aged promise.
genres include: high fantasy, political intrigue, religious/cosmic horror
chapters available here: the rockdove promise masterpost 
“there are no insincere thoughts. there are no insincere emotions.”
insincere. is a story about mental health, self-discovery, and identity. through the lessons learned by ven, a creature new to the waking world, insincere. explores the true nature of existence, wellbeing, and fulfilment. many tethers will try to stop ven from understanding themselves – the journey to trusting themselves and others will be one of hardship, but a path that must be walked.
genres include: speculative, new weird, absurdist
lessons available here: insincere. masterpost 
on kingston alley
“just… remember not to go too far. be careful.”
everything moves slower in kingston alley. things happen, and no matter how important, they are quickly forgotten. joy and tragedy are fleeting moments to the people of kingston alley. despite this, faye o’callahan and daphne kanelos are determined to unravel the hidden nature of their town. but when the chips are down, truths both unexpected and painfully predicted are made clear. will the community tear itself apart to keep the peace? or will everyone learn to accept the more sordid details of their history?
genres include: mystery, ‘small town’ horror, found footage/analog
episodes available here: on kingston alley masterpost 
school rules
“greetings, fellow fugitives – i mean, students!”
spencer’s private school for enterprising girls can get so dull, wouldn’t you agree? sunny finch entertains and informs the masses with her star-studded radio show, flaunting the rules of the school board for the good of the program. but when the dux, a coveted prize amongst the seniors, is announced, school spirit takes on a brand new meaning. a meaning far more bloody than sunny is prepared for.
genres include: dark academia, romance, thriller
episodes available here: school rules masterpost
the dumaresq poems
“sons and daughters, foxes and fireflies / the marsh is our home now / so cherish your disguise.”
the dumaresq children are wandering poets, spinning stories to any willing to listen. the dumaresq poems is an anthology of such stories, short poems woven by young minstrels long ago.
genres include: n/a
poems available here: the dumaresq poems masterpost 
~ VOLUME 2 ~
the hunt is a dance
“to control the flow of the hunt is to honour its dance, and that is survival.”
ebonwick is a village rooted in tradition. the outsiders will be shunned at the door, the approved gods will be worshipped, and the hunters will respect the hunt. most importantly, nothing will change. so when seren marrow brings an outsider into ebonwick, and sets her grand plans into motion, everyone’s way of life is shaken. seren must protect herself from the hatred, horror, and heretics. it’s trial by fire, but at least the hunters will honour their dance.
genres include: folk horror, religious horror, light speculative
chapters available here: the hunt is a dance masterpost 
“the prophecies were no help.”
in the city of luraris, the TITANSPINE is advancing. a violent and hateful police initiative targeting the young, poor, and misfortunate, many individuals — innocent or otherwise — are preparing for the catastrophic change. lance dexter, a teenage street rat and amateur prophet, winds up at the heart of this conflict when he is brought into contact with commissioner richter and their… ambiguous goals.
genres include: urban fantasy, political intrigue, action
chapters available here: TITANSPINE masterpost
n3xt y3ar
“they all feared the worst. so they stuffed individuality into the corners of reality.”
in the near future, when a.i. capabilities surge and selfish tech companies reap the rewards, creatives are shunned. their art forgotten and forcibly replaced with complacency, shepherd lux and their brother juno find themselves involved in an artistic resistance. in the midst of this renaissance, explorations of creativity, growing relationships, and — most importantly — hope await.
genres include: sci-fi, dystopia, action
chapters available here: n3xt y3ar masterpost
soleil éteint
“why would i be scared of the dark? i have real things to fear.”
concerns about soleil faucher’s wellbeing rose as they refused to sleep, claiming their rest was consumed by terrible nightmares they couldn’t escape from. their parents, more inconvenienced than worried, brought them to dr. the analog in a vain final attempt to rid their child of hysteria. but as tales of these nightmares spin out of control, the two discover the truth behind soleil’s nightmares.
genres include: horror, psychological horror, mystery
sessions available here: soleil éteint masterpost 
shatter the shield
“all for me, he’d say, but he always had a habit of echoing other’s words when he spoke.”
roshan was a shield. every day of his life was devoted to the protection of kåre, a loving yet sickly noble, destined for a tyrannical throne he will never live to see. tensions mount when the inevitable comes true, and roshan has to navigate his new life, rife with grief and change.
genres include: fantasy, tragedy, action
chapters available here: shatter the shield masterpost
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thank you for perusing the archives! i hope you enjoy your visit!
(dividers by @cafekitsune)
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rosie-kairi · 11 months
Aight lads I have come once again to break hearts because Lauriam and Ven have me in a chokehold and this is the saddest yet. Also I am in no way a competent writer so if any of your mutuals or followers want to take these ideas and run with it please by all means go ahead I will be lurking on ao3 waiting for fics and ready with kudos.
Biggest #1 change. Everything is the same except Ventus is actually Lauriam and Strelitzia's actual little brother. Their parents died when Ven was a toddler so 9-year-old Lauriam was now a single parent to his two younger siblings so the protective instinct runs deep.
Since Ven doesn't really remember their parents whenever he tries to picture them all he can see is Lauriam who would comfort him when he woke up from a bad dream, who wrapped him in blankets and sang him lullabies, who helped him learn to tie his shoes button his buttons and zip his zippers. Ven still feels lonely because obviously he loves his siblings and they do spend time together but there's quite an age gap (Lauriam is probably 6 years older and Strelitzia is probably 4 years older). So when they get keyblades Ven is among if not the youngest keyblade wielder and when all your peers are preteens/teens/young adults well it's no surprise no one wants an 8 year old Ven to tag along.
This means when Darkness possesses Ven it's like way more purposeful, he lures Strelitzia into the house and she quickly picks up something is wrong. She draws her keyblade demanding Ven be released and Darkness speaks to her through Ven that he's weak and it would be so easy to end him and just to taunt her has him hold his own keyblade ready to slice his throat. Strelitzia is naturally terrified for her baby brother and quickly switches to begging. She can't fight him afraid he'll get hurt and pleads to spare his life. Darkness then asks if she would take his place and Strelitzia agrees. So she willingly lets Darkness kill her to save Ven, he still watched the murder happen but was in a daze so his memories are hazy.
This of course makes the later confrontation like 10x worse Ven feels so so guilty he feels he should've died and has to repent Lauriam is dealing with grief and crushing failure and in a moment of weakness takes it out on Ven. so when Ven goes to trap Darkness within himself Lauriam is far more panicked but is still unable to stop him.
So imagine Lauriam making the jump forward in time. If they get separated he's now lost both his siblings possibly for good and if they travel together then he's powerless to stop xehanort from tearing Ven in two and the last thing he sees is his 12 year old brother left dying on the ground never able to properly make up for his constant failure.
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Ventus being their biological little brother..... I am a sucker for that lil idea (thinks about the omori au thing). Also. lol at single parent lauriam. boy experiences the crushing pains of being a single father to two children at the tender age of 9. Any guy can be a babygirl but it takes a real man to be a single mother y'know.
I think that makes the Strelitzia situation worse in both character's perspectives. You are Ventus and you discover that you got you older sister killed. You are Lauriam and you have just been told that your baby brother- the boy you practically raised- was indirectly responsible for the death of your younger sister. What do either of you do in that situation? That's not something you can really come back from.
And all of those horrible things happening to Ven when Lauriam can do nothing about it. Ough.
(I think I'm gonna be tagging this saga as "Windflower Family Fun Times!!!!" because 1. organizational purposes 2. windflower is a cute name for this duo and 3. no one here is having a fun time.)
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
Terra x Female!Keyblade Student!Reader: Sprain
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Summary: Your first kiss isn’t as magical as you were led to believe either.
Rating/Tags: All (Not Canon Compliant; Pre-Birth by Sleep; heavy exposition; mutual crushing; keyblade training; Master Eraqus & Reader; Aqua & Ven & Terra & Reader)
Challenge: “160 Collective Drabbles” challenge by BobaPop on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire​
Keyblade Knighthood sounded pretty magical to little kids on distant worlds, visited suddenly by men in white to tell these children that they were destined for greater things. Your head continued to spin with dreams and ideas even after your parents had you packed up and shipped off to the Land of Departure. And magic, as it turned out, was a part of Keyblade Knighthood...but so were sweat and tears and a lot of lectures about the nature of light and dark.
At the age of sixteen, all of those things seemed commonplace. Your visions of traversing galaxies and saving the day no longer plagued you–at least not as often or as badly as your many nights of cramming for surprise tests on spells. Being a knight was about as tedious as any other occupation might have been back on your home world, with the one exception of a certain someone you wouldn’t have met if you had stayed there.
“Oi, [Name]! What’re you doing?” called a masculine voice from behind you.
You turned quickly away from the courtyard fountain to glare at the owner of the voice. How had Terra even found you here? Ignoring the fact that the Land of Departure was the size of a flea, you meant.
“I’m taking a break,” you answered as he approached. 
The look on his face did not bode well for said break, you could tell that already. It had not been all that long ago that you’d finally managed to escape Terra and now here he was all over again. Sure enough, his smile only grew when he got to the space in front of you to grab your hand.
“You can’t take a break yet,” he said. “We’re not finished.”
A groan escaped you before you could stop it. Since the cat of your lack of enthusiasm was out of the bag (if it had ever been in the bag to begin with), you tugged your hand free of Terra’s to sink onto the fountain’s rim. You pressed your face into your palms, then said in a muffled voice, “I’m done, Terra.”
As usual, he was prompt with his rebuttal: “Come on. Don’t be like that.”
With a snort, you forced your head up to look at him. The battle was lost the second your eyes met his, but it would be better for everyone involved if Terra didn’t find that out. His ego was huge enough as it was. 
“Don’t be like what?” you sighed. 
This was one of your many mistakes. Maybe if you hadn't asked, you would have been permitted to spend the rest of the day alone. Terra grinned before plopping down next to you, careful to shove you over as he did so. Needless to say, this did not improve your mood. Neither did his answer:
“Like you always are.” He must have been able to feel your annoyance because he bumped his shoulder against yours as he went on, “Aqua, Ven, and Master Eraqus won’t be home for another few hours. Don’t you want to have something to show for our time when they get back?”
“Honestly? I’d rather sleep while Master Eraqus isn’t around to wake me up with reminders about how the Darkness is lazy. Don’t you ever get tired?” 
After all, he’d woken you up at the crack of dawn not for breakfast, not to watch the sunrise, but to declare that you would be spending all day together…training. Not exactly the most romantic day alone with Terra you could imagine.
“How can I? Our Mark of Mastery exam is coming up! Just two more weeks. I don’t understand how you can sleep at all,” he said.
Unfortunately, the due date was accurate. Finally you were close enough to visiting home that you could practically taste it–if you could pass your test, that was. 
“I’m trying not to think about it,” you said tersely. 
This only caused Terra to turn the force of his encouragement up another dozen notches. He was on his feet again quicker than you could blink, and smiling like the sun once more.
“Nothing for you to be worried about. Not if you help with me sparring this afternoon, anyway. What if I fail because I didn’t get enough practice? Do you really want that on your conscience?” he asked.
Another dramatic groan was your reply, but you also stuck both your arms out in front of you. “Fine, but only until the others come home for dinner. I’m not staying up until midnight stabbing at you with a stick again.”
Terra grabbed your hands with no further prompting, and soon you were flying after him, laughing as you raced back toward the training field and away from the cobblestone fountain where you had gone to avoid him in the first place. After a morning of mock fighting, you were already scraped up, singed, and in dire need of a cure spell. If there was one person in the multiverse that you would willing go another round with in this condition, it was Terra. No one else could get you to enjoy all the dodging and ducking and lunging. Only him.
“Don’t go easy on me,” he reminded you as you both took up your positions for what felt like the hundredth time that day alone.
“I never do,” you said, picking up your lovingly-crafted wooden keyblade, then swinging at him without warning. The sparring session started up just where the last one ended.
Aqua, Terra, and Ventus were your three closest friends. They had to be; there were no other children in the Land of Departure, and you had left those of your childhood on your home world years ago. Between you and Terra, though, things were different. You didn’t quite understand how. All you did know was that you didn’t hold hands, sit close, or fall asleep on the floor together after a long night of studying with Aqua or Ven–and you were pretty sure Terra didn’t either. Whatever you had with him, it wasn’t easily defined, perhaps because you had a sneaking suspicion Master Eraqus wouldn’t be happy if you tried to find that definition.
But that was what you were working toward, wasn’t it? Just a few more days, and you could leave, see your parents again, travel the world with Terra at your side, and never hear another lecture on emotions from your master. If that was your reward, then a handful of hours more of Terra and you beating each other black and blue didn’t seem so bad.
You froze as Terra dropped to the grassy ground, clutching at his own wrist.
“Terra!” Your practice blade was tossed aside with little ceremony as you crouched next to your partner. He shot you a thin smile, which only served to make you frown before gently helping him to his feet. “You okay?”
“Fine.” He laughed at look on your face. “Really, [Name]. I think you sprained my wrist.”
When he lifted his arm, you saw that Terra’s wrist was indeed swollen and red. Maybe the right reaction would have been to fuss over his injury. Instead, you let go with a scowl. 
“Me? You sprained your wrist, you big baby. I didn’t ask to have another go.”
“Baby!” Terra repeated indignantly.
You stuck your nose in the air and turned your back on him. “I thought you’d been seriously hurt. How do you expect to earn your Mark of Mastery if you fall over crying because you hurt your wrist?”
The thing was, you knew Terra was teasing you. Much to Master Eraqus’s chagrin, you had never grown into the ideal, serene keyblade wielder that Aqua had. No one knew that better than Terra. He loved to get a rise out of you, especially when your instructor wasn’t around to correct either of your behaviors. You really had been worried about hurting him, though, so when he sighed and put his uninjured hand on your shoulder, you still weren’t in any hurry to forgive him.
“Okay, okay. It did hurt,” he said. “But look. All I need is you to cure me, and I’ll be good as new.”
This you pretended to consider and reject in due course. “No.”
“No,” you said again, twisting around to face him. 
He looked just as shocked as you had expected him to, which was something of a thrill. As tempting as it was to crack a smile, however, you decided to continue teasing him for just a little while longer.
“But how can I train with a sprained wrist?” he protested.
“Heal it yourself.”
“I can’t even hold my keyblade!”
“Good. Maybe I can get a break from fighting you for a few days.”
Finally, a smile broke out wide across your face. Now Terra simply looked bewildered as he watched you double over with laughter. 
“I’m kidding, Ter!” This confession appeared to do little to impress him. Still grinning, you held out one hand. “Give me your arm.”
“I don’t think I want to anymore.”
Sure, he frowned when he gently plopped his arm back into your grip, but you could tell he was just playing, too. His playing had never brought him quite so close to you before, though–at least, not his face. Summoning your keyblade forgotten, you stared up at him into those familiar blue eyes. Terra cocked his head slightly to the side, obviously confused by your lack of action. You opened your mouth to say something, but you were thinking too hard to actually speak.
Without actively making the decision, you made the decision. It must have been pure instinct driving you to jump forward to get your lips against his, since you certainly didn’t have anyone else around to teach you the finer points of kissing. You figured it couldn’t be too difficult a skill to master–no more difficult than Aero, surely–when you felt Terra’s soft lips meet yours. 
Unfortunately, you misjudged how much power to put behind your leap. The next thing you felt was a sharp pain on your mouth.
It was not just Terra that collapsed to the ground this time. Tears streaming down your cheeks, you clutched at your bleeding lips…and heard, from somewhere behind you, the distinct sound of Terra’s laughter. You whirled around to see him laughing. Laughing! At your first kiss! He only laughed harder at your expression of horror.
“I think–I think you sprained my lips!” he managed to choke out between guffaws.
Sure enough, your life was so un-magical that even your first kiss had to turn out to be a dud. Hadn’t Master Eraqus seen to that the first day he met you? 
And your master didn’t stop his attempts at life ruining there. Upon arriving home and finding you and Terra in such a condition, he set Aqua and Ven to healing up Terra while you accompanied your teacher to an empty room for a long talk on “the birds and the bees.” If Terra thought he’d be getting another try at kissing you after he managed to dodge that bullet, well…he had another thing coming, and that thing would not be a second kiss.
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wingbladed · 5 years
will i ever tire of sora and ven’s potential relationship that we were severely deprived of in canon? signs point to no!
#` ✧ .* — OOC.#` ✧ .* — TBD.#( there will never be a day where i stop rambling in the tags of art & gif sets about how we were ROBBED#of what could have been the sweetest & most mutually supportive friendship going#their meeting was reduced to a cheap moment of 'hey haha yeah sora looks like vanitas & that's all that's important here'#instead of giving sora & ven a meaningful reaction to one another#hell--- referencing that moment in ddd would have been gorgeous !!! having sora recognise ven !!!#ven going in for a hug instead of that silly handshake !!! because !!! this is the boy who literally saved his life !!!#the boy who selflessly offered him a place to stay even if he didn't know what he was doing !!! his heart was so warm & open#HE'S SAVED VEN !!! TWICE !!!#he even acknowledges that he knows sora is the one who saved him when he nearly died after vanitas was stripped from him#and yet kh3 did absolutely nothing to capitalise on what could have been such a touching first official meeting between them#but i guess this is what happens when you cram all of the supposedly important plot into the last several hours of your game#instead of spreading it out in a way that makes sense ! hm !#ugh anyway i really enjoyed kh3 and i had a lot of fun playing it#but i admit my expectations were a little too high regarding a lot of the original canon stuff#BUT!! this is why we have rp; to expand upon & alter things in a way that we prefer#i fully intend to explore their friendship as much as i can with any sora rper willing to listen to me cry about these two sdbhhb#I PROMISE I'M WRITING BTW I'M JUST SLOW & easily distracted as this post is proving sdhhnjn RIP??? )
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afoolandathief · 3 years
Informal Intro Tag
Tagged by @diphthongsfordays for this, and since I don't have a formal intro post for Yonder (but I do have this really cool graphic), I thought I'd chat about my giants and witches and whatnot:
Working title is currently Yonder, formerly known as Untitled Giants WIP
Fantasy, a bit of steam/solar punk
The story starts in two different places: the forests of fantasy medieval France/Britain known as the Gallic Kingdom; and a floating vegetable farm ship known as a bukjoll. The next part takes place in the fantasy Scandinavian-ish floating city of Junndär occupied by the Jotnar, or giants, and the ven, or witches allowed to live in safety there. Additional references to a fantasy thalassocratic empire based on Mediterranean and Asian empires; fantasy Russian steppes; and fantasy Caucuses.
Giant monster man and his tiny feral wife; the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one; unbury your gays; (brief) mutual pining
Logi Leifsen is far from home, lost, and hungry. But when he finds a princess locked in a tower, he’s sure he’s walked right into a fairy tale.
Thera Thermopoli is no princess. A witch and one of the most feared forces in her empire’s navy, she’s been imprisoned as a war criminal. But she wasn’t expecting a giant of all creatures to break her out of this tower and offer her a journey to a utopia in the sky.
Rasim Rayanov learned very quickly Junndär is no utopia. A witch chased out of his homeland, his escape to Junndär relies on working half the year in the giants’ farms or factories. But he finds himself drawn in as others begin questioning this ancient system.
Soon, all three find themselves uncovering a conspiracy in the city up yonder.
Stealing this partly from a previous post (though I've gone back and forth on Rasim's name):
Our main trio -
Logi Leifsen Is baby. Has panic attacks whenever violence is involved. An aspiring politician who prefers solving problems with mediation. Fire-red hair, sky-blue eyes, 44' 3" tall.
Thera Thermopoli Feral woman. Talks about her former ships like her exes. A naval navigator known for her lightning strikes, and the only one in the group who's actually killed people. Black to dark-brown hair, glass-green eyes, 5' 0" tall.
Rasim Rayanov Bastard man who did not sign up for this, yet somehow he's now a labor organizer for the witches (even if his main talent is glamour). The grumpy half of the grumpy-sunshine pairing, until he lost his sunshine (or did he?). Black hair, brown-black eyes, 5'8" tall.
For reference: their height differences
Some other characters here
A brief rundown:
Background: Giants around the world used magic and advanced technology to retreat to floating cities long ago, including the Jotnar up north
Originally, Jotnar could practice magic as volka, the same as the human witches, or ven; volka are now known for studying sciences, and are primarily women
Jotnar return to Earth when they are the equivalent of a human’s early twenties (i.e. 75) and explore and hunt in the Old Forest for 1000 days (the equivalent of a Jotunn pregnancy; it stems from a tradition of going out to seek your fortune for your child)
A Jotunn (Logi) finds a tiny feral woman in a tower (Thera), who wants revenge for her slaughtered crew
Stuff happens, and they decide Thera should be snuck into the floating city where Logi lives, because it will eventually make a stop at a port near her home
Bastard man (Rasim) starts out as a scab but eventually decides to help unionize the witches
A cop, a girlboss scientist, and a corrupt politician meanwhile have a disturbing plan to stop the witches and bring magic back to the Jotnar
Cool Stuff
Taking it mostly from here but
Megafauna like giant deer and boars living in the Old Forest
Jotnar who may have snuck in “little companions” get tailored clothing with elaborate embroidery and epaulets serving as ladder rungs and crows-nests for humans to climb on;
Witches may also get wing-like gliders they can fly with by heating air currents, sometimes earning them nicknames of “fairies”
A character gains weight near the end and it's not seen as a bad thing.
This image:
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Outlining and drafting the first couple chapters, but it's mostly in stasis.
Open tag, but also tagging @artbyeloquent, @thegreatobsesso, @authortango and @faelanvance (since you seemed interested in this), if you'd like.
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Fic Writer Questions!
Thanks for the tag @venhedish dont mind if I do darlin'! Loved reading your answers too!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
17 and I started May 2020
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
84,430! Sooooo close to that 100k milestone I just need to get off my writing hiatus since I have a beefy one shot WIP and a couple kink-meme prompt fills started that will get me to the finish line!
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On Ao3/as an adult, just Supernatural.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Well Jung – This was my first and I’m still super surprised it took off so well considering all the head-hopping. I also hadn’t written fiction since high school so it’s pretty technically rough!
I Can’t Forget the Time and Place Where We Just Met – Who doesn’t love a good old-fashioned double amnesia fic! This was a SPN Masquerade fill and it was super fun to write!
Kiss the Cook – Another SPN Masquerade fill inspired by Dean in an apron in S15. Kitchen fucking is fun fucking!
Iodine and Stitches – 3/5 SPN Masquerade fills that I did fall 2020. Seriously such a fun event to participate in I cant recommend it enough. This is one my only fics with a serious tone throughout which is tough for this clown.
Double Jeopardy – Written for my buddy after finding out she has an intelligence kink! Cut to us giggling about Sam losing his damn mind when he plays Jeopardy with clever Dean!
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Listen…I can’t fully express how much comments give me LIFE! I want to know what you liked about my silly musings, I want to know your fav part, I want to know that I gave you a boner! I'll take a button smash, I'll take an emoticon. Anything, everything! I make a point to always respond back to show my appreciation for people taking time out of their day to make my day.
6) What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Without a shadow of a doubt Yesterday Don’t Matter if It’s Gone about what would happen if Sam and Dean hooked up during Mystery Spot and exacerbated Sam’s downward spiral during the months of Tuesdays. I write a lot of humour and this sucker is humourless PLUS has an unhappy ending! Weeee!
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've written?
Never have but not opposed to the idea.
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Nope, I’ve been pretty fortunate but I also write pretty tame shit. So if I start dabbling more in the archive warnings it may change. I do have a fun multichap wincestiel non-con WIP in the works 😈
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
AHAHAHAHAHA I’d say a good 90-95% of my 84k wordcount is smut! All M/M all explicit! Fun times over at Casa Scissors 😏. I do have some upcoming stuff that’s more plot heavy though which I’m looking forward to.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I fucking hope not that would be a big bummer.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! And as a noob I had to pinch myself, it still fucking blows my mind! A lovely Ao3 user Yigelulu translated I Can’t Forget the Time and Place Where We Just Met into Chinese. It was so incredibly cool to see my words in another language and a great honour that they liked my fic enough to put in all that work!
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yup! Turn Your Head and Cough with my budbud Wearingdeantoprom. Dean gets his prostate rubbed for the first time at the doctors office.
14) What's your all time favorite ship?
Wincest wincest all the wincest! My brain is infected and there is no cure! I am a pro-shipper though ship and let ship my dudes. I also dabble in wincestiel and LOVE any combination of winkline and may write it one day. I don’t really read much from other fandoms. I’ve read some George/Fred (I like brother fucking ok?) and I love me some Jess Mariano/Dean Forester over in the Gilmore Girls camp (the perfect enemies to lovers) but its unfortunately such a small ship. Any souls reading this who like those ships, please drop any recs into my box!
15) What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Anything I am passionate about I will finish. I’ve only killed one thing because I got bored with it but I posted my fav part for a fic challenge. I hate not having something to show for my spent time (I know it's a hobby but it's the principle damnit!) and I hate unfinished things. Those damn little ao3 red circles haunt me 🚫
16) What are your writing strengths?
Christ uhhh I’ll say I’m most consistently praised in comments for my dialogue and it’s what always flows the smoothest for me. I think my humour is also a strength, it comes very naturally when I write which is why I have a hard time keeping it out of my fics! Times are tough I just wanna make y’all giggle ok?
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Frankly, my greatest weakness is that I don’t take it seriously enough to look at my past writing critically for improvement. I also write (non-fiction) for my job and had extensive training to do so, so when its for this hobby I honestly whip it out, edit a couple times, and slap it up ‘good enough’ styles and I don’t go back to re-read once posted. I think if I looked back, I could see lots of opportunities for improvement and could go from a fine writer to a good writer. I’d also say that I’ve written pretty fun fluffy cracky smutty stuff so I guess another weakness is a lack of depth of plot and subject matter. I do want to explore this stuff more though.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
My concern is if you don’t speak the language fluently, then native speakers reading your fic might feel a big disconnect if you get colloquialisms and euphemism etc. incorrect. It could take them out of your fic if its not authentic enough. I don’t speak any other language fluently so it would END BADLY. I can speak and read French VERY POORLY and that’s it so no, I will never write in another language unless its jibberish I invented myself!
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The only fanfic I wrote before SPN last year was a handful of super cracky, gen Gundam Wing fanfiction in high school!! They are on a broken USB stick which kills me I want to read them so badly! All my other creative writing was original fiction mainly horror/thrillers. I stopped when I started my undergrad cause...that shit is a lot of work yo.
20) What's your favorite fic you've written?
My first love is my first baby Well Jung. I love the plot, I love the humour in it, I love the heart, and it’s still some of my fav sex I’ve written. And the title makes me giggle too who doesn’t love a bad pun? I'm so thrilled it was so successful but it would still be my favourite even if 3 people read it. It made me rediscover writing as a hobby and helped me explore this wonderful (yet insane) fandom. I love all my babies and I even think the writing is stronger in other fics, but he will always be #1 in my heart.
OK this was fun I love talking about fic writing! If any of you read my stuff and want to know more, hit me with an ask; I love making new frans! Tagging @oddsocksandstuff @samanddeaninpanties @raidens-realm I think my other writer mutuals have been tagged by Ven!
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kissesandcream · 3 years
lets play a game! tag and associate your mutuals/friends with colors + a song and why! and name one thing you love about their work! have fun! (o^▽^o)
i got two of these so i'll just answer them on one!! this is fun thank u to both the anons who sent it hehe <3
all of my moots are super sweet so this is gonna be fun !!
• @pirapurin - please don't say you love me , lilac
okay so technically amy doesn't write anymore but her writing is so very realistic, and her art is too, so that's why i chose the song! it's soft yet very vibrant and down-to-earth, just like her style and the color.
• @kirislut - you'll be on my mind , hot pink
i don't think it's legal to associate meg with a color that isn't hot pink,, she really own the color what can i say 😌 meg gives me summer vibes, her works are vibrant and light-hearted, so that's why i chose the song!
• @sugas-sweetheart - dandelions , gray
sof is like my older sister, we speak everyday and she's the nicest person ever. she's very cozy, and it's in her writing style as well, which is why i chose the song and the color! gray reminds me of soft velvet and wool, and she's just as sweet. <3
• @love-in-the-time-of-waffles - be around , black
mel is literally the reason im alive at this point, she keeps me going through everything and gives me a reason to do what i do! i love her very much, i associate her with black because she's sort of a light in my darkness. her art gets better and better every piece, it's lovely to watch <3
• @justamultifandomfan16 - strawberry mentos , pastel blue
abril loml my soulmate <33 they're super sweet and positive, and i love them so much! they are the most amazing person to goof around with and make tens and thousands of incomplete aus- im usually a horrible listener but i could listen to them ramble on for hours on end and never get bored.
• @hushyouu - are you bored yet , dark red
ven!! my first moot on this blog! they're a very bubbly personality, hence the song and color- dark red reminds me of strawberries, and they remind me of strawberries too, sweet and pretty! they're a lovely friend and i'd love to get to know them better, their art style is so pretty too!
• @mattsvn - love and war , midnight blue
nana is a very lovely person, i love them and their personality sm even though i don't talk with them as often anymore. their writing is literally the greatest thing ever,, it inspired me so much! the color and song give me omnious vibes, i feel like they'd like them pFf
i have more moots but my memory for their urls is non existant,,, i love them all so much but my brain refuses to remember anything im so sorry 😃 i used to have a google doc for urls but at one point i stopped updating it <///3
this was fun!! i know only love songs but fair enough i love all my moots dearly <3
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2wnikiangel · 4 years
Takhle je to lepší / It’s better this way
Fandom: Les Misérables/Bídníci
Lengt: Oneshot, 10.800+ words    
Rating: T (Teen and Up Audience)
Warning: None  
Parning(s): Enjolras/Grantaire (Enjoltaire)
Character(s): Enjolras, Grantaire, others Ámis are mentioned
Tag(s): Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst, Some fluff, Mutual Pining, First Date, First Kiss, Implied Se-ual Content, References to Depression, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Not Beta Read
Grantaire přemýšlel, že by mu ještě napsal – Jseš si jistej? Jak se ti vede? Už ses rozloučil s rodinou? Proč odjíždíš tak rychle? Nechceš zůstat? – ale nic z toho mu nepřipadalo správné. Vypnul televizi, zastrčil mobil do kapsy u kalhot a odešel do předsíně. Nasadil si staré botasky, bundu, na hlavu oblíbenou čepici a vyrazil ven. Bylo mu jedno, že už bylo skoro deset v noci. Potřeboval na čerstvý vzduch.
Enjolras odlétá pryč.
Myšlenky se pomalu vracely.
Grantaire thought he would write to him again - Are you sure? How are you? Have you said goodbye to your family yet? Why are you leaving so fast? Don't you want to stay? - but none of it seemed right to him. He turned off the television, tucked his cell phone in his trouser pocket, and went into the hall. He put on his old boots, jacket, and favorite beanie, and went outside. He didn't care that it was almost ten at night. He needed fresh air.
Enjolras flies away.
Thoughts slowly returned.
Read online on AO3 in [czech original] or [english translation].
A/N CZ: První povídka tohoto roku na “Bídníky” je na světě! Rozepsala jsem ji již minulý rok, ale nemohla jsem se stále přinutit k jejímu dokončení. Nakonec to ale bylo první dílo, které mě v tomto roce rozepsalo a postupně začínám pracovat na všech plánech pro psaní. Mezi nimi je i další, teprve druhá!, povídka na pokračování na tento fandom. Těšíte se?
A/N ENG: This year's first fanfic for “Les Misérables” is out! I wrote it down last year, but I still couldn't force myself to finish it. In the end, however, it was the first work that helpted me to start writing this year, and I'm gradually starting to work on all my writing plans. Among them is another, the second!, chaptered story for this fandom. You are looking forward?
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birchquill · 4 years
Last Line Tag!
I got tagged by @jasewrites !! thank you!!
here's the last thing I wrote!
“I still need to know, Annia,” Ven began, his mind playing on what lay ahead, “What plans you have. It’s important for me to know what’s going on so that I can be prepared.”
i uh- don't have many mutuals yet so i'll just tag one person. @beetleblue88, if you want to do it, of course
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dedkirsch · 2 years
pls forgive me for just POPPING INTO YOUR INBOX instead of reblogging but— YESYES I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU’VE SAID 😤 i 100% would love to see more screentime from kirsch, especially showcasing his character development and (hopefully 😩) a better relationship with his sister T_T
even if it’s just anime canon, i’ll take it SKSK (i mean i guess we got crumbs (?) with those two?? during the one anime canon episode when fuego and mereo invited asta, noelle, mimosa, and kirsch to celebrate sister teresa’s sisterhood anniversary BUT— i don’t think that counts SKSKS)
i also agree that mimosa and kirsch would be an unstoppable™️ sibling duo if their relationship was a little less hostile 😞 (i mean ik the show depicted it as just sibling things but. THINK ABOUT WHAT WE *COULD* HAVE 😩)
also yesyes kirsch’s confidence is UNMATCHED 😩 man seems like a firm believer of any press is good press 🙄✋ (but also you mentioned angst 👁️👁️ and now for the first time ever i’m searching for kirsch fics 😞 listen sadness with overconfident characters HURTS, and i love it)
uhhh in conclusion: i would also like more kirsch screentime 😞 and just a CRUMB of character development for him and his relationship with mimosa 😞 (also i am a supporter of a blaze and kirsch wedding 🙏)
I am determined to have more Kirsch screentime NO MATTER IF ITS MANGA CANON OR NOT I just 😔 canon, pls feed me... just a drop... please....
I'd agree the one filler episode didn't count but I have to acknowledge it because man he is pretty in it and I... I have to appreciate his pretty 😍
Honestly in terms of Mimo and Kirsch’s sibling dynamic I have too much to say 🙏 but PERSONALLY for me I'd Absolutely have loved to see a moment of Kirsch stepping up as a brother, to defend Mimosa or something~ I think that could have been a good way to show that despite the way she insults him he still cares (because he WOULD and nobody can change my mind) and wants to protect her. 🤝
If you need fic recs I'm gonna be honest most of my favourite Kirsch fics are @crazedstoryteller 's Zora/Kirsch fics! I'd definitely recommend a lot of them, I love her interpretation of Kirsch and I absolutely adore this ship by now so 🙏 I have a few Kirsch things on ao3 too and I am currently working on some sibling interactions as well as ship content 🤩
I also have uhh. Angstified my baby 🙏 I can probably talk about the shitty childhood I projected onto him in detail sofnj but I don't have TIME 😭🙏
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solared · 5 years
answer 21 questions and tag 21 mutuals you’d like to know better
tagged by @ecosystms tyyy :} <3
nicknames: ven, v, angel
zodiac sign: libra
height: 5″
hogwarts house: beats me, lets say griff(?) for the colours
the last thing I googled: izakaya near me 
favorite musicians: hm. currently young fathers, glass animals, 草东没有派对. sevdaliza 
song stuck in your head: very specifically bdg singing love on top
following: 97 -__- ok mayb im picky
followers: 128 
do you get asks? nope
amount of sleep: currently 4-6 unfortunately restful sleep comes and goes and i need to wake up early these days
lucky number: 8 or 789
what you’re wearing: a black dress w a thigh slit, i havent made dysphoria my bitch yet, i got off my shift earlier, the dress is sexy tho maddening 
dream job: social worker, considered forensic scientist 
dream trip: mariana trench. and other untouchable parts of the earth, we’re shooting for mt kilauea next
instrument: hah, i have no sense of rhythm 
languages: english, mandarin used to be b4 i moved to the u.s. but ive been brushing up on it again. im remembering the struggle
favorite songs: currently on the nature of daylight by max richter i Will cry, I will cry right now. incomplete kisses by sampha n hide by fka twigs also
random fact: ive only lived on islands my entire life. xcept for a brief stint in alaska where sisterly friends homed me, didnt get to meet snake’s 50 dogs but i did dog sit a collie named bingo
aesthetic: hm, forests, black cats lazing in the sun, gold jewelry, deep saturated colours against black, goth n suave thot
not tagging 21 ppl, its up to you if you want to fill it out :]
@downhillullaby bby.,,,, @dogflys @commiebasterd @diecishets @girlfriendcore @auroraborealis @lexitperro
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Blog Summary Tag Game
Find your fandom kru and help them find you. Answer the following and include the tag #the100blog in your answer, then tag some of the blogs you follow.
Great idea, and thank you @osleyakomwonkru & @viviansternwood for tagging me - I read both of your summaries with interest!
1. What are your primary topics?
I got a tumblr blog during S5 of the 100 because I just needed to finally talk about the show with other people (been watching since S1 though), so The 100 and the characters of Raven & Murphy in particular are my primary subjects. I’d say they’re about 85% of my content, tossing in a few other shows I like (TUA, Twin Peaks, Buffy, Peaky Blinders, Altered Carbon, GOT, Marvel stuff...) and then also very progressive politics, some gardening stuff (I have a big garden) and posts I find funny. 
I started writing Murven fanfic soon after S5 started as well, so I post updates about that and am always open to messages about my stories. 
2. What tags should a visitor check?
I’m not the greatest at this considering I’m still a bit new, but I use a few tags frequently =  #murven, #murphy x raven, #the 100 spoilers, #my meta, character names, and then in the hiatus waiting for S6, I used #is it season 6 yet. Otherwise I mostly tag the name of the show or the ‘ship’ I’m posting about. 
3. What do you love about The 100?
I love that it’s so gray! I’m on the “older” side of fandom (I have 2 young children), and I am involved in local politics where I live. I’m an empathetic person and the world we are living in today brings me a lot of grief. It sounds strange that I would choose a dystopian tv show watch in my downtime, but I have always loved sci-fi and the delve into the darker aspects of human nature, and this show speaks to me on quite a few levels, especially when I relate it to the world stage we face in our own timeline. The show is not perfect, and I am frequently angry about some issues, but overall, it’s done a wonderful job of creating characters with intriguing backgrounds and motivations, and I love dissecting the character choices and emotional struggles they go through. So much of our own lives feel like a battle these days, and while it may not be the physical struggle that the characters on The 100 face, I relate to the desire of wanting to do the right thing but often feeling like your efforts are for naught and your successes are very short-lived. 
My favourite living characters are Raven, Murphy & Diyoza 
My favorite dead characters are Sinclair & Luna (honorable mention to barrette dad!)
My favourite ships are Murven & Kabby, and I am rooting for some Niytavia this season. Throw Diyoza into anything and she’ll make that work too.
4. What do you hate/what frustrates you about The 100?
Like a lot of fans who really enjoy the characters in this show, I’m constantly frustrated over how frequently plot takes precedence over characterization. When things feel out of character, ignored, or only happening to help the plot along, I am taken out of the show because it doesn’t feel ‘right’ to me. But when things are flowing and it all makes sense and the characters are reacting like they are true to themselves - ahhh, now THAT is why I’m watching. 
And I have seen others mention this, but when it comes to fandom, I am very surprised how many fans choose a favorite character but then decide that every other character is “bad/wrong/evil” if that character in any way is at odds with their favorite. Like they can’t acknowledge the faults of their own favorite, even though this entire show is built around the idea that everyone is morally gray...It’s baffling to me as a fan and I think is contributing to this idea that entertainment should either be “good” or “bad” with no middle ground, which is completely absurd. I’ve talked about it a lot with other fans, and I think the suggestion that fans relate to a character so much and then feel personally attacked if that character is going through something may be correct. But that also feels concerning because such a reactionary attitude when you don’t have all the facts (ie, the next episode may resolve the conflict, or the next scene may take it in another direction, or in fact, there are valid reasons for characters to be fighting/angry with each other but that doesn’t mean that EITHER of them are wrong for their feelings and/or that doesn’t mean that they won’t work through it eventually) - is concerning to me, especially in this political climate. It’s like the authoritarian worldview we’re seeing come out in politics around the world - people aren’t thinking critically (and no, that doesn’t mean just complaining) and people aren’t thinking big picture. I could say a lot more, honestly (what else is new!), but it absolutely meshes with purity culture, authoritarianism and what I see as a lack of empathy because people are so focused on themselves. Again, this comes from someone who may often have been a silent fan but has been present in a variety of fandoms for a long time, and certainly that shapes my own two cents. 
My least favourite living characters - I don’t love every living character but I don’t hate any of them either. I get FRUSTRATED for sure though, and while I love Kane & Abby typically, I’m not liking their attitudes lately and really hope that clears up soon. 
My NOTPs - I’m absolutely a “ship and let ship” fan, but I truly don’t get the idea of Clurphy. And since I’ve wanted Murven since 1x10 (yes, I know this is weird), I have never been a fan of mem0ri and didn’t like the rushed setup of z@ven that made no sense to me
5. Is this exclusively a The 100 blog?
No, but about 85%, if not more. And absolutely Raven x Murphy/Murven obsessed. If you like them too, well then, come sit by me and I’ll happily talk your ear off and let you do the same!
6. What else should people know?
I have a small circle of close friends in real life, and none of them watch the 100 (I don’t watch their shows either, LOL). So I am always super interested in chatting about it with other fans! I always reply via Ao3 comments, inbox asks and DMs, and in fact - let me give fair warning that once I get going, I just keep going and going. My metas are LONG and I will cite my sources! LOL! Please keep in mind that most of my time is spent with two young children so adult discourse is like catnip to me! Honestly, it’s love for the characters that motivates me and I just really like diving into them. I have made other fandom friends via random asks & comments, and I think that’s one of the great things about this show. 
And I would also just like to say that overall I think the 100 fandom is really great, and a big shout out to all the Murven shippers who have welcomed me & eagerly accepted my stories! 
Gonna tag some mutuals & please know if I missed you, you ARE included here and it is just that my memory is not perfect and nothing else! And only play if you want to, obviously!
@anilengka, @deweysdenouement, @idontwantto10, @mamabearsdontthink, @johnmurphysass, @arkadiaschancellor, @mastertano, @cicichip, @amidnightjen, @sly2o, @bettsfic, @asroarke, @octannibal-blake, @youleftme-clarke, @brienneknighted, @potpourri-of-ecclecticism, @izzycheeese, @sarka-stically, @paintingbellarke @electricalice, @jarleene, @bellofthesky
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joonsjeon · 7 years
Who do you ship your mutuals with in got7??
Turned out to be very long🙃 But alright here we go, this took me forever omg. Love you all though💘  
Mark:@taetaetuanMy fellow Mark stan! 🤧She loves him a lot and isdying because of his beautiful, sweet personality every now and then which isreally cute (we die together though). Mark literally is her fluffball ✨and ifyou don’t think that’s cute af then I can’t help… sidenote: I love Ven a lot 💕@jeonandtuanWe haven’t been mutuals for too long but wheneverwe talk be sure it’s the both of us rambling about Mark (or Jungkook)☺️ . Her tagsare the sweetest and I love to read them because they are so full of love!💞Honestly just this ship has sailed.Jaebum:@mayjay-got7She is an irl friend of mine, the one and only whodragged me into this to be exact, but I love her for it. And even though sheisn’t that active on Tumblr trust me when I tell you she is a HUGE JB stan andvery very protective 💫 No matter what he does, she will support him until theday she dies and it makes me very happy to see her swoon over him 😌 ❤️ Jackson:@thirstyrapmonAnother irl friend, this time I was the one whodragged her into it all and she is in it for good 🌝 Also a friend who is notthat active on Tumblr, but if only you could see our whats app chats like thisgirl is so in love with Jackson it’s out of this world 🤧Sometimes I think shewould jump in front of a car or you know… sacrifice herself any other way lmao.THE LOVE IS REAL. 💗💗@jacksonwangblogJackson stan #1 - Karoline is lovely and theway she supports her man is so sweet!! ☺️Just go and read her tags because theyare the definition of love and support✨  Also her love is just as extra as theman himself and he should be proud to have such a sweetheart by his side!💖Youngjae:@flyeraWithout a trace of doubt in my mind I will screamthe name Emjae 🗣 We actually didn’t talk yet but I admire her from afar andalways feel honored when she tags me in something😌 ❣️Also her love for Youngjae is so PURE and GENUINE??✨ She is literally so soft forour sunshine and it makes me soft from watching like…BamBam:@ilysmbamListen up people, jem is in love with her man likenobody else 🤧She loves him to the moon and back if not more!! The sweetest,softest, cutest and most lovable Bam stan I will ever know💕We talk quite a lot and she is so so so nice, I love our conversations a lot ☺️Ilove her a lot tbh. Just everything about this ship is perfect, don’t fight meon this. Yugyeom:@redgyeomieI feel like I have seen her name in every mutualship post ever, always right next to the love of her life that isYugyeom  ❤️  I probably don’t even need to tell you that she is the BIGGESTredgyeom lover out there and watching her talk about him is pure happiness 🤧 It’ll honestly make you feel warm and fuzzy inside because her love justradiates like idk the sun😶✨  Did I mention that she was the very first person Iever talked to on here? Katy means a lot to me, I love her so much and shedeserves to be with her man in every way. 💗💕@flygyeomAnother Yugy stan that just makes your heart feelso warm with the love she has for him!! ☺️Katie is such a sweet and caring personwith a huge heart filled with love for our giant maknae 💕 She also is a mutual Ijust love talking to, we ramble a lot and it made my day a few times! Love herand the way she speaks about Yugyeom 💫🤧Jinyoung:@ohjinyoungWe never talked but I do see her name quite a fewtimes in my notifications and highly appreciate it, almost as much as sheappreciates and hypes Jinyoung in her tags. 😊Reading them is too much fun, I cantell that she really cares about him 💓
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kissesandcream · 3 years
I have incurable boredom so!!! let us play a little game hehe,, tag your precious mutuals and state some things you love about them!! im just going around random blogs and sending these stuff since I absolutely love seeing people connect with each other!! ♡ I hope you have fun doing this, deep!~
anon this is cute heck ur so cute ty for this !! 😭 i love my moots very much <33
@love-in-the-time-of-waffles best cousin award goes to:
no but seriously mel is amazing and the best person on earth and we've known each other for literal years and she's helped me through sm stuff and i love her very much <333
i wrote an entire essay and two love letters about why and how much i love amy. she means a lot to me bc i know i mean a lot to her, and she's the first friend i've had who i've never doubted that <333
@sugas-sweetheart SOF is amazing bc she always says the best things. she can always make me feel better and is so fun to talk to, i want her to be my sister so bad pls
our numerous self indulgent aus where we're all siblings when 😩
@justamultifandomfan16 abril is my soulmate !!! or long lost twin !!! idk what but we're literally the same person <3 neither of us can People and i suck at listening but i could listen to her for hours on end and enjoy every second of it <33 they bring light to everything the touch, and they're so amazing i love their voice sm <3
@hushyouu VEN one of my newest moots!! i dont know much about them yet but they're vibes are very chill!! it's super fun co oping with her in genshin, even though my mobile typing abilities are bad and i can't communicate for the life of me <3
@cxlris SHELL ANON,,, i would put the emoji but pc is annoying yk <//3 they may not technically be anon anymore but they will always have a special place in my heart for being one of the first to follow this blog <33 i love the essays they send me everyday, they are so fun to read since i tend to communicate in large blocks of text too <3
ur all!! amazing!! ily guys <3 and ily too anon who sent this!! maybe one day we can be moots as well hehe
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