marygih · 6 months
I redid my old drawing of V. I am extremely satisfied with the remake
New version
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Old version
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bear-cubs-art-things · 9 months
it truly is unfortunate that the msmdom is coming to this.
You know exactly what I'm talking about
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thepinkdeers · 3 months
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Me getting ready to marry this song
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sillyseaveerablogs · 10 months
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@cartoon-angerr @velyanagalvanizer @misty-zzz and @aisha-skyz Some sillies as our birth celestials Treez: Glaishur Velyana & Misty: Blassom Me: Synocpite Aisha: Vhamp
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milsmilya · 15 days
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hunniebbie · 4 months
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Remember that little old cowgirl waiting for you back in that red river valley, waiting back in that Tallahasee
I love you
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rusfawna · 3 months
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it’s that voodoo Mississippi south 69 million stars…
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Trufulla; Intro Pt 1 and 2
Previous | Next Episode | Next Arc
Summary; The world at large is illustrated before we meet a certain someone
Note; these early episodes are shorter in written length to allow for me to use the comic format more broadly. Other chapters are even longer but closer to exact guidelines for me to draw, this is not due to my desire to freestyle it when I do draw it. I may return to the script afterwards to add more detail another time
1. Corner of the World
[As the years passed, Trufulla developed in leaps and bounds.]
Show off Bianque’s architecture, based on Russia's
Zoom in on kids playing in snow
[The Gods were joyful to let the mortals have their time in this world, and in return for their guidance mortals honoured them grandly]
Temples in Bianque shift to Temples in Labrys, with worshippers knelt in prayer
[New magic was always to be discovered, and these discoveries were constantly shared at the yearly memoriam festivals of Velyana]
Shows of magic in Labrys (earth shaping magic and light shows) and Penasco (weather magic, of storms and cyclones in controlled miniature)
Linger on scenes of two girls leaning on each other watching a such display
[In some accounts, Trufulla is a more unified world than it was to start with. Everyone is unified in their ability to change and grow and learn]
Pass through to the Uccano, Yuzcal, and Sky’s Ridge regions of Penasco, to the changeable hills and meadows of Olwen
[And of course, truffles. Everyone believes that the namesake of the world is the fungi all over it]
Examples of said Fungi, be it lacy skirted caps or gooey slimes or mutated looking bulbs
[But there are exceptions to what all believe should be unified]
A cottage in an unknown region, with a lone woman with dreadlocks and white tattoos on her arms tending to a garden
The dwarven Royal family of Labrys, traveling with a number of guards flanking them
Floryda with its monoculture of nymphs and tourists of varying other species.
Bianque's Council, in argument, with one dark haired member looking to the side in tired frustration.
Panover of Ibiza’s architecture and oasis, with flashes of the royalty; namely a king and queen with two daughters.
[It’s tragic sometimes the lengths some will go to to keep away from the rest of the world]
Show a lone person leaving Ibiza, holding a bundle wrapped in fabric close to their chest and clasping a bag to their shoulder
The person is also dressed rather simply, though their wrists and ankles jingle with metal jewelry.
The figure never looks back as they hurry towards the mountains in the distance, an eager look in their eyes
2. Left Behind
Two figures, an adult and a small child, are walking in the dark of night. The setting and backgrounds reveal it to be autumn in Olwen, a town known as Cyklam. 
The adult is none other than the one seen prior, fleeing the sands of Ibiza, though they are significantly more made up and less conservative in their dress at this time. Their chest is bound and their legs clothed in gauzy fabric that makes them move as though in a dream.
The child is small, their already diminutive stature drooped with exhaustion, with hair in numerous little plaits and freckles that shine in the night. Two pieces of what looks like lighter portions of hair twist up towards the sky
The adult is walking ahead at a brisk pace while the child struggles to keep up, barely even able to open their eyes
Child; “Nini, it’s so late.”
Nini, the adult, heaves a sigh; “We’re almost there Mione. You can sleep all day if we get there on time.”
Mione; “I want to sleep now.”
Nini; “I could carry you and you could sleep the rest of the way, is that better?”
Mione takes a very intentional step back; “You’ll just drop me again.”
Nini; “What if I promise?”
Mione; “I don’t want to be carried.”
Nini looks away with a look of irritation, wringing their hands. Suddenly an idea seems to dawn on them and they look back to Mione with a finger raised.
Nini; “There is a temple nearby with open barracks for travelers under Adyriz’s protection. We can stay the night there if you’d like? If you can make it there I won’t make you take another step.”
Mione looks confused, tilting their head; “You promise?"
Nini smiles, happy to have figured this out. “You have my word.”
Not seeing anything wrong with this arrangement, the child agrees and they walk to the temple without even a complaint at their guardians' harried pace. Greeted by an acolyte, they are taken in and given a pair of bunk beds in the common barracks. Mione leaves their bag at the side of the bed and burrows under the blankets on the bottom bunk. We never see Nini lay down.
Night turns to day and we see the child awoken by the hustle and bustle in the dormitory. They get up and go through their morning routine, even dutifully replaiting their hair, before taking a seat on their bed and checking through their bag. An acolyte, different from the previous night, comes in and seems surprised to see them]
Acolyte; “what are you doing here all alone?”
Mione doesn’t look up. “I think I slept too late to get breakfast. No one woke me.”
The acolyte glances to the top bunk and notes the bedding isn’t disturbed. The only bags around Mione are their own
Acolyte; “You got here last night?”
Mione nods.
Acolyte; “That’s late for a child to be traveling alone.
Mione; “I wasn’t alone. Nini--I mean, my guardian came with me.”
Acolyte; “I don’t see their things.”
Mione looks up and around for Nini’s bags, but none are found. They shrug
Mione; “Sometimes they want to go to events alone. They’ll be back.”
Acolyte; “What… event?”
Mione; “...I think one in Mulborrough. But we were stopping for the night.”
Acolyte; “Do you remember who let you both in last night?”
Mione; “Her name was Eva…”
The Acolyte nods and leaves to find Eva. Eva confirms the arrival but also mentions she hasn’t actually seen Nini. They don’t return by the end of the day and over the course of that Mione is invited to meals.
The next day is the same, as is the third. The restless child is given a little to do shadowing acolytes and the acolytes try to ask about them
Tidying up the dormitories
Acolyte; “So where are you from?”
Mione; “I dunno. We walked from Ulgon in Sky’s Ridge.”
Acolyte; “No? Well, where’s your house?”
Mione; “You’re funny.” At the pregnant silent, they reluctantly add on. “I don’t have one.”
Cooking meals
Acolyte; “what’s your family like?”
Mione; “Nini likes to travel.”
Acolyte; “You don’t have another parent or siblings or…?”
Mione shakes their head.
[Days turn to weeks...which turn to months.]
Mione goes to bed again in the corner of the barracks, turning to face the wall and pulling the covers over their head
[Which turn to years]
Three frames of them waking up are shown, in temple garb rather than that of their travels. Each frame shows them older, and older, and more withdrawn
Mione shadows the Acolytes enough that eventually they get moved into the Acolyte dorms and formally start training, though they are noticeably keeping a distance between themselves from the others.
As we reach the present day, the no-longer-a child is distractedly playing with beads in their much more tidily woven hair while they attempt to translate a scroll in celestial. Their eyes have many jewel tone highlights, like boulder opal.
Speaker not in shot; “Riki? Riki? RIki!”
The highlights fade and leave their eyes an unusual but unremarkable brown. Looking up in surprise and registering that they’re being called for, Riki quickly packs away their work and rushes to where they’re needed
Riki; “Coming!”
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sun-lit-goth · 1 month
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bear-cubs-art-things · 10 months
making a small masterpost for Plushiis post on the whole Situation.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Im so fucking tired of this drama, and let this be a lesson to be a decent human fucking being. Don't harass others for any reason. It can do so much more harm than you realize.
(Apologies to Velyana and Plushii for making a lesson out of this, but ppl really need to learn internet manners.)
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veesventingacc · 7 months
Velyana dies, what a nice day after my outing with my Family... I don't need comfort rite now, but if so, just send me an ask on my inbox
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sillyseaveerablogs · 10 months
I feel like I am just making Galvana feel worse.
I try my best to help bot, but I feel like I just make bot feel worse instead of cheering bot up.
If bot offs botself, its all my fault.
My heart goes out to Bot, And It will not be your fault if bot does off botself. Velyana might be ok or not after bot vents bots feelings in Tumblr. And Inshallah, Bot will be better in Allah's hands
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worldwidewebzy · 7 months
Ive been repressing this but. Even though i never got to talk to velyana much. I am beyond broken on. What happened. I. God i. I'm scared. I was mutuals i wish we talked more oh my god fck fuck fuck.
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So I figured some stuff out? One is a theory about Myron’s name and the other two are meanings to names
I’ll start with the theory. So this is either super stretched, a very big coincidence or it does and will make a lot of sense in the story
A while ago I looked up Myron’s name to find a meaning to it and—apparently it’s connected to myrrh. And myrrh is one of the things the Three Wise Men gave to baby Jesus. And in TCoTB when Jacob and Noor were navigating their way through V’s loop via Noor’s song, they came along a WISEMAN STREET because her song went “Eight, nine, ten, three wise men” (page 315) So uhm, coincidence 👀? Also I’m not Christian, nor religious in general, so if I got something wrong and you know more about this, please correct me lmao
Second thing is Murnau’s first name Percival. I also looked it up and apparently it stands for “pierce the veil” which means to “see the truth within a lie”—maybe that he saw through Myron’s attempt to fool the wights with “mother of birds”? It also means “to uncover something hidden”—V’s location? And that someone sees through another one’s disguise—but that would mean that Murnau is good at seeing through OTHERS’ disguises, cause we all gotta admit he’s pretty good at disguising.
Last thing is the name Velyana which means “the hidden one”. Seems pretty fitting. Though I don’t remember where I saw that, nor can I find it again :(
If I remember correctly Ransom Riggs said in one of his live streams that most of his characters’ names don’t really have a meaning. But uhm,, man I dunno, not so sure about that anymore. I mean Caul’s name has BIG meaning too, sooo
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shadow-cooper · 3 years
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