just-an-old-blog · 2 years
October Fanfic Rec Prompts (Tales Edition)
So, as it says on the can this is a weekly prompt list originally made by @piratejenna encouraging people to rec their favorite fanfic and authors.
I decided to spilt this post into two, one post for Tales recs and another for all my other fandoms but anyway, while it's a bit late Week 1 was:
“Fics you’ve read more times than you can count”
“Fics you’ve stayed up reading later than you should have.”
This is in no way a complete list and it’s only the first round of recs!
Mentioned Fandoms: Tales of Berseria, Vesperia, and Abyss. Touhou Project, Fire Emblem and Legend of Zelda.
Fanfic Recs:
Tales of Berseria:
The Crowd by vandesdelca: A flash fic that revolves around the overlooked NPC of Percival while painting an early game scene in a completely new light. I found myself repeatedly coming back to this fic because as mentioned it gave me a whole new perspective for the character of Percival as well as the impact the protagonist Velvet has on the cast around her even if she isn’t aware of it. For a fic with such a short word count it’s very thought provoking
Demons Never Sleep by XiroPaine: A Velvet/Eleanor fic that takes place after a very overlooked event in the game that tethers right before several heavy hitting plot points in the game and foreshadows what’s to come. As for the fic itself, it tackles Velvet’s insomnia as well as the disregard she has for herself while also showcasing Eleanor’s caring nature and how she can flip flop between not handling stressful situations well and having to put her foot down for Velvet’s sake. It’s a very insightful look into both characters and where they were at in the story plus it has some genuinely touching moments.
Chicken Crisis by Kyumika: Another Velvet/Eleanor fic and you know what if we’re talking about fics that I’ve come back to more times then I can count then this zany little piece about Eleanor being transformed into a literal chicken. A classic tale for the ages to come. Well it’s obviously hilarious, all the characters are written marvelously IC, especially Velvet who is pretending not to care about Eleanor’s little problem. Magilou actually being bewildered for once was a joy to see as well. Truly this was an out and out pleasure to read.
Tales of Vesperia:
Have You Met His Highness? by daphnerunning: I won’t actually get into what this fic is about because I think it ruin the experience for first time readers but this revolves around a HC for Ioder and Flynn. The slow revelation of this theory and how Flynn’s perspective is completely changed upon reading it a second time definitely makes it worth checking out. It’s a very intriguing read.
Embodiment of Elegance by melodiesofrigel: This is just a really cute fic about Rita getting anxious to see Estelle at a royal ball post-canon and Judith decides trying to dress her up might help (spoilers: she really just wants to screw with poor Rita lol). Judith and Rita played off each other so well in this fic like a pair of feuding sisters and the resolution was nothing short of adorable. Just a really nice “if you’re having a bad day fic”. Also in all seriousness because this fic is post-canon there are blatant references to endgame Vesperia spoilers.
Atop the Silent Mountain by Underwaternature: Another post-game spoiler ridden fic only this time it’s a Judith-centric character study. It paints a very melancholic atmosphere as Judith introspects on her relationship with Ba’ul, her fellow Krityans and how she feels about the events of her past in general. There’s definitely a distinct twinge of hope in it though and it’s something I come back when I want to see content that examines Judith and her complicated relationship with her own species.
Tales of Abyss:
Journey by vandesdelca (again lol): So, what stands out to me in this fic and the reason why I continue to return to it is it’s uniqueness, particularly the setting. This is a LukeTear Backrooms AU, yep, those backrooms. As mentioned the setting is quite unconventional but served to be perfect for rotating between several different situations which all bring out different aspects in the characters and emotions in the readers. Sometimes it felt a little eerie, sometimes it was quite sweet, and other times it really got into the characters’ psyches, especially Tear. I would definitely recommend this fic for fans of what I would personally consider to be psychological drama.
Stay with Me by @bibliophileemily: A fic about the relationship between Largo and his wife before uhhh…spoilers…still, it’s actually quite sweet and it was nice seeing their relationship fleshed out and the letter format added a special something to it. I definitely liked how this filled in for some missing gaps in Largo’s backstory and personally speaking it really made him feel more believable as a person to me which is why I always return to it when I want some Largo content.
Missing from You by lucifaron: This is the longest recommendation on this list with a total word count of 16.5k spread across 7 chapters. A post-canon mostly Tear-centric fic where she alongside Guy grapple with settling into a new world which is still plagued with issues and doubts about whether the Luke that stands before them is the same Luke they went on their journey with. A lot of confusing feelings and complicated relationships ensue. This fic is layered in multiple different ways from the character’s introspections on how much the events of Abyss changed them to confronting some the lingering political issues like Replica abuse. It's ultimately that complexity that has me returning to this fic time and time again as it truly offers a three-dimensional experience with every new chapter.
Burn Your Doubts and Fly by Scarfinator: A Mileena Weiss x Velvet Crowe offering which is basically like putting the two biggest magnets for w/w ships in the Tales fandom together and watching them make an atomic bomb of femslash. The fic itself references several canon events and presents the idea that Mileena’s true feelings about them may have been more than meets the eye. It all culminates one night when...read for yourself. I liked the conclusion to this story and Mileena just accepting that hey, Velvet is hot and huggable and she wants a piece lol. It's a really endearing fic that I highly recommend if you are into crossover pairings.
Phew! That's a lot of fics but more recs to come soon!
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andstuffsketches · 1 month
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I want this like a cigarette can we drag it out and never quit?
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laurencin-draws · 7 months
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velvet comm from twitter!
Up now on Etsy!
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monolithtk · 9 months
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[TOB] Tales of Bunnia… 🐰🐰🐰
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silent-shanin · 8 months
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Tales of Berseria™
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mewnia · 10 months
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FINISHED! Redrew this piece I did alllllll the way back in 2018 :P more lively, isn’t it? Mario Kart has gotten more competitive >:3c
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amery · 3 months
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happy pride especially to veleanor
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koalchicine · 6 months
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won’t you cut down that apple tree for me?
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trunswicked · 2 months
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Hearts all around 💕💕
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Request: How about some jealousy headcannons for Velvet , Eleanor, and Magilou?
(Tales of Berseria) Velvet, Eleanor, Magilou Jealousy HC's
Honestly, I was waiting until I had access to the skit sprites, and now that I have, it's time to UNLEASH the Berseria asks that's been laying dormant for nearly a year.
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Velvet's jealousy is quiet, and very terrifying.
Thinking about it logically, she really shouldn't be that angry about S/O simply talking to other people than her.
She was a Daemon after all. And yet, S/O chose to stay with her despite that.
And right now, they were doing anything but that.
It takes a long while for the jealousy to build up, but it's nearly ready to blow up.
S/O notices her glaring at them, and the person they're talking to.
After a few moments, Velvet realizes she's staring and quickly looks away, acting like nothing is happening.
S/O walks after her, with Velvet continuing to walk despite her name being called.
(S/O) "Velvet?"
(Velvet) "What?"
(S/O) "Are you alright?"
She stops walking and glares at them again.
(Velvet) "Fine. Why?"
(S/O) "You...just looked a little angry is all-"
Her eyes narrow as her fists clench.
(Velvet) "A little?"
(S/O) "O-Okay, really angry! I'm sorry I haven't had much time for you lately, I've just been trying to get supplies and-"
(Velvet) "I said it's fine. Better for us to be stocked up anyway than wasting time."
She tries to play it off, but S/O knows her better than anyone at this point.
(S/O) "Well, I could use your help carrying some of it back to our rooms. And...I'd like to have some time alone with you, actually. There's this pretty spot near the inn we can sit down at!"
Velvet simply sighs and her shoulders relax a little.
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Choosing to not mention the blush on her cheeks, S/O gently grabs her hand and squeezes it for reassurance.
Velvet says nothing else and lets them hold it for a few more seconds before slowly letting go.
(Velvet) "Come on, show me where we're putting the supplies."
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Eleanor feels guilty for even thinking about being jealous.
The two of them were busy, especially on a journey like this, romance was almost impossible. She knew this, and yet...
Eleanor pouts when she sees S/O speaking to the other members of the group and goes off to be alone for a moment.
Maybe some fresh air would clear her head.
The sun was about to set, watching it glisten along the coastline they were on.
(Eleanor) "Maybe during the voyage, we could...-"
(S/O) "Eleanor?"
Eleanor nearly jumps out of her skin when she hears S/O voice come from behind.
(S/O) "Are you okay? You look upset."
(Eleanor) "A-Ah...Don't worry I-..."
Eleanor thought S/O was too busy to notice her lately, yet the fact they noticed her leaving in a crowded inn made her guilt grow.
She cuts herself off before simply sighing and clearing her throat.
(Eleanor) "I'd like to get dinner with you, if you don't mind."
(S/O) "Oh, sure. I can grab the others and-"
S/O immediately noticed Eleanor's body posture change, both her hands going behind her back.
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S/O gently smiles at her before nodding.
(S/O) "There's nothing wrong with being a little selfish. Where do you want to go? My treat, tonight."
Eleanor smiled back and nodded.
(Eleanor) "I recall seeing an interesting food stand in town. Perhaps they're still open?"
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Magilou doesn't really get that jealous.
She knows when people are lying or being serious.
She also is very much aware of herself, and how she truly feels.
Not to mention the incredible circumstances she and S/O found themselves in, going to assassinate a world leader.
With that being said, it would be remiss of her to not embarrass her S/O at every opportunity.
That was a sign of true love!
S/O is simply talking to Eizen regarding the Van Eltia.
And that was the time to strike.
(Magilou) "S/OOOOOOOOOOO!"
Magilou called out for S/O's name as she extended her hands and nearly tackling them to the floor.
Barely fending Magilou off of them, S/O stared at Magilou who began flailing at them.
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Eizen gives Magilou an extremely unamused look while S/O tries to shut her up, with everyone looking at their direction.
The crew, port workers, the rest of the group, everyone's attention was on them.
(S/O) "W-What are you doing, Magilou?!"
(Magilou) "You barely spend time with me at all lately! As your beloved, I demand that you give me attention too!"
(S/O) "We were literally just talking ten minutes ago!"
(Magilou) "It's not enough!"
(Eizen) "Are you done? S/O has to get the supplies on the ship before sunset."
(Magilou) "This is a matter of the heart, Eizen! You wouldn't understand, for you do not possess a maiden of your own!"
(S/O) "I'll talk with you once I'm done, Magi! Just give me a few-"
(Magilou) "UGH! You wound me, S/O!"
(Velvet) "I'm about to give you a wound if you keep this noise up."
(Magilou) "Believe me, you'll understand my feelings once you have someone to call your own!"
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fukinkitty · 1 year
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Commission for a mutual on twitter :]!
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just-an-old-blog · 2 years
The Berseria Train continues this time with a piece that came from my desire to see two traumatized ladies in one of my biggest Femslash ships actually have that trauma affect their relationship.
Title: Preservation
Author: It is I, Kranke
Fandom: Berseria
Ships/Characters: Velvet/Eleanor (a bit messy though)
Chapters/Word Count: 7,704
Rating: T
Warnings/Content Tags: Angst, hurt/comfort, mental breakdowns and mental instability, forced captivity, injury recovery and aftercare, stargazing lol
Summary: There’s no hope of escape, she is utterly trapped in this musky old room doomed to collect dust with it.
There’s been times where she’s been forced to commit atrocities she didn’t necessarily want to perpetrate and there’s been times where she hadn’t done the right thing of her own accord. But rarely is there a time where she couldn’t do anything at all. This feeling of powerlessness is crushing.
Right now, she’s a bird trapped in a cage and she has to convince Velvet she can fly on her own.
Commentary: On the cusp of a breakdown, Velvet locks Eleanor in a room and refuses to let her out. Now it’s up to Eleanor to figure out what led her to this point.
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crimson-camellia · 3 months
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🕊️ Old quick ToB drawing I made because I still think of them from time to time. I actually drew this last year, but made last minute changes, hence the recent date instead.
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hungrydolphin91 · 1 year
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it's been so long since i made one of these, i have SO many text posts saved to my computer help
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getmoneyghoul · 1 year
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silent-shanin · 8 months
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Fake dating but different
Thamks for the idea @xiropaine. Stay tuned for more 👀
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