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long bacon store
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kleptopunk · 17 days
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Trashpunk dirtbag date night, Nomad style ✨👄(*FLUID dress mod by @pinkyjulien!!)
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meltovv · 7 months
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lol I wanted to draw that love potion billboard where we see this horrible duo
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goodmorningbluejay · 6 months
Vox is a work-alcoholic
Like it legitimately worries Valentino and Velvet and they're not the type to be worried about others too.
I've had a teensy little headcanon that the reason Vox looks like a TV isn't just because he was a reporter or like worked on TV. It's because that was the last thing he was saw when he died, that was the last thing he saw most days because he died from overworking. He died from hacking his life away for years, staring at a computer for hours and hours without sleep till eventually he just passed out and and woke up in hell.
I feel like at first Velvet and Val wouldn't care tooooo much, like "he's a grown man he can do what he wants, its his funeral not mine" kinda deal. But then they both learn that Vox litreally died from his working himself to death, that this is a problem he's had since the beginning and suddenly they have a protocol.
A step by step guide and schedule made to make sure Vox eats and sleeps and goes out a healthy amount despite Vox's protests.
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deacons-wig · 25 days
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y-rhywbeth2 · 7 months
I don't know if they're supposed to do this, but I just threw the tadpoles I've collected into a chasm to spite the Emperor for never shutting up about them.
They teleported back to me. And then the Emperor went: "Oh look, a tadpole. You should collect it."
As I said, I don't know if that's a glitch or something, but I'm choosing to interpret it as mind flayer trickery and the next stage in my passive aggressive war with the Emperor.
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vince-linder · 5 months
Midnight play
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countlessrealities · 4 months
@statiicstag from HERE
A voice. Dreamlike, it carries across the room and through the ruin; the words drift to his ears which twitch with acknowledgement. Alastor himself sits slumped against his desk in the mess that remains of his radio tower, a bloody heap.
It would appear that this voice in particular will always be able to snap him into some state of consciousness, even now. How unfortunate.
Crimson eyes creak open, and though his grin widens the emotion he feels is a far cry from joy as he takes in the face in front of him. If this is how and where he expires for good, he would rather do it alone, and not under the watchful eye of . . . someone he does not know how to put a name to. He will blame blood loss on the lack of ability to come up with a proper term.
Radio static crackles around them, permeating his voice in his weakened state and making it rather hard to understand the words that attempt to slip from a mouth that drips blood.
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❝ Is that so? You've a rather fine opportunity to do so now, then. ❞ Alastor replies, somehow still having the ability to muster up some cheek as he moves his arms to his sides. The movement exposes the severity of his wound and just how much crimson drips from it, a trail leading from what remains of the door to him.
He's not truly offering himself up. He knows good and well Vox won't take the opportunity. If that were the case, he'd had already done so.
❝ It's rude to keep a man waiting, you know. ❞
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Vox scowls at Alastor's comeback. It doesn't surprise him, of course, because the crazy motherfucker always had to be the one on top of the situation...even when he obviously was not. It's annoying as hell, just as the taunting in itself. It almost makes him regret his decision to leave the Tower and risk getting caught in the mess that surrounds what's left of the Hotel. Without even grabbing his jacket.
Why in the seven Rings does he like this guy again?
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"I wouldn't call it a 'fine opportunity'. There's no satisfaction in striking down someone who's already dying on their own," the Overlord scoffs, making a show of rolling his eyes even if his rival probably can't see that. "You look like shit and I have more class than that."
Of course, things are much more complicated than that. For as much as he enjoys seeing the Radio Demon getting his ass kicked and reduced to this sort of pitiful mess, he doesn't actually want him to meet his double death. For reasons he'd rather not dwell on.
The static echoes unpleasantly through his speakers as he steps forward, crouching down in front of Alastor to better assess the damage. He can't fully see the wound with the clothes in the way, but it's obvious that it's bad, and the amount of blood the bastard has already lost is all the confirmation he needs.
Vox's eyes dart around, scanning their surroundings. There's no way there could be anything sort of first aid kit in that wreck, assuming that Alastor has something of the sort to start with. Well, shit. He can see only one working option left there.
"But since you don't like to be left waiting, you leave me just one choice..." He starts again, standing up.
His voice trails off, purposefully leaving the other hanging so he can grab him while he's distracted. Under other circumstances, daring something like that would probably get him killed, but he's confidence that the other is too weak for that right now.
"You're paying for my dry cleaner," he announces. properly adjusting his arms around the Radio Demon, one hooked under his legs and the other holding his back. "Blood is a bitch to wash off."
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I’ve been warming up to the concept of Voxvel recently and God, can you imagine how much that would suck in this verse? Your boyfriend/fuckbuddy/sugar daddy only being able to (occasionally) recognize you as his seven-year-old daughter? That’d be heartbreaking for Vel
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theviridianbunny · 2 years
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Gig: V for Valentine event prize for the wonderful @velmesh ~ 🌸 🥰
Featuring her V (Vel) and River Ward
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ramblings-of-fessa · 7 months
Thinking abt vvcest on valentines day...they'd spend it with each other for sure
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kleptopunk · 11 days
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constable · 3 months
[[semi-plotted starter for @sixthweyoun
Vel developed slowly. For nearly three years, they existed as a small blob, experiencing the emotions and curiosity any baby did, only imitating anything for a few minutes at a time, and not with much coherence. It took another several years for them to pick up on the notion of language, as a part of telepathic communication. They had been in Odo and Weyoun's care for over a decade when they first made themself a complete humanoid form. There was an extra tail, and a couple missing fingers, but it was very clearly a bipedal form. One based on Vorta if the coloring was any indication. They toddled their way to Weyoun, unused to moving like that, then they took his hand in theirs to express their pride and excitement, closely followed by their hopeful curiosity about his reaction.
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ninahn404 · 2 years
V for Valentine
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Sneaking Into A Fancy Corpo Party Together
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hazbin-college · 5 months
The V’s
“Vox! Val!” The shout rang down the hallway from the living room, tone scolding and aggravated “get your asses out here now!”
It didn’t take long for the two other residents to come out of their own respective rooms. Vox in his causal oversized clothes, curly hair a mess atop his head.
While Valentino was already dressed in pajamas, silky shorts that barely covered what they needed and a half hanging off similar materiel shirt. His longer pink hair tied back loosely with a scrunchy
“What?? I was studying” Vox scowled, his arms crossing while he looked down towards his much shorter roommate. Who was holding a pair of pants. Hey, that kind of looked like his pants-
He wasn’t able to finish that thought before the pants were chucked at his face, causing him to stumble back
“For god’s sake you own a laundry basket!” Velvette snapped, her nose scrunching “want to know where I found that? Not the laundry! Or even in your room! If you two can’t keep your fuckin pants on while you’re sucking face on the couch at least bring a fucking hamper out here! I don’t want your crusty over used, under washed, jizz covered pants on the fucking floor!” Her voice only rose in volume the longer she ranted, taking a much needed gulp of air after she stopped, but otherwise looking completely composed.
“Ooooh, you’re in trouble~” Val purred towards Vox, wiggling his fingers at him. But the vocalization merely got hazel eyes snapped towards him. And he immediately shut his mouth
“And. You.” Vel growled, pointing an accusatory finger at the much too tall man “just because you leave less piss stained clothes behind doesn’t mean you’re off the hook!” She narrowed her eyes. Before pointing towards the kitchen “you need to wash your fucking dishes! Just because I’m the only one who knows how to be reasonably clean in this house does not mean I’m your fucking housewife. Every time I see a fucking three day old plate in that sink you dumped in from your room, I will break one of your precious decorative weapons and put the broken fucking plastic in your lube” she sneered. A low satisfaction warming her chest at the way Val’s eyes widened. Her threats were never empty. She would do it.
“Now that we have that out of the way” she says, taking a calming breath “next time you both decided to have a bang sesh. Either do it when I’m out. Or do it quietly. I don’t need to hear Val moaning for his daddy at three AM when I’m studying for an exam. Next time I hear it, I’m recording and posting it” she gave a patronizing grin after she finished speaking, crossing her arms over her chest “any questions?”
“Uh, yeah. How come you get to make all the rules. You aren’t the landlord” Vox scoffed, waving Velvette off “I pay my portion of rent I should be able to leave my pants where I fucking want”
Velvette’s eye twitched. She could not stand living with these two idiots. She clasped her hands together in front of her “okay! Guess I’ll start rubbing my bare ass all over your bed and leaving my dirty fucking tampons on the floor. How does that sound smartass?”
“Gross! What the fuck Vel!” Valentino piped up this time, scrunching his nose
“Yeah, that’s not the same. Keep your gross girl shit to yourself” Vox huffed, rolling his eyes
“I swear to god I’m going to shit in your fucking coffee” Vel could feel her very limited patience growing thinner, her glare narrowing towards Vox “I’m going to say this in a very simple way” she started, folding her hands together and taking a step closer to Vox “next time I find any of your clothes out of your room. I’m burning them. And then bringing the ashes back here and rubbing it in your fuckin eyes” she took another breath, pinching the bridge if her nose “god why did I agree to room with two fucking dudes you both are so disgusting” she muttered to herself.
She spun around on her heel before either could say anything, throwing a hand up “I’m going out! Your boy toy Angel posted on his insta about a party tonight. I expect the place to be fucking clean when I’m back, later fuckers!” She threw up a middle finger for good measure, slamming the door closed behind her
The two boys were left standing in the living room, glancing at each other before towards whatever mess might be around the living space
“…. We should probably do what she says” Vox piped up
“Yeah I really don’t want my next hookup to be ruined by plastic in the lube” Val shivered at the idea, moving to start picking up the mess he had definitely left in the kitchen earlier that day.
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vince-linder · 9 months
VP 2023
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Always interesting to see how changes over the year. Template by @pinkyjulien
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