#&& Alastor || statiicstag
damnedrainbows · 3 months
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Commission for my dear @statiicstag of their radioapple girl that’s a fraternal twin to my Allette!
Presenting little Addelline! ❤️
(Now to draw the sisters together)
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countlessrealities · 4 months
@statiicstag from HERE
A voice. Dreamlike, it carries across the room and through the ruin; the words drift to his ears which twitch with acknowledgement. Alastor himself sits slumped against his desk in the mess that remains of his radio tower, a bloody heap.
It would appear that this voice in particular will always be able to snap him into some state of consciousness, even now. How unfortunate.
Crimson eyes creak open, and though his grin widens the emotion he feels is a far cry from joy as he takes in the face in front of him. If this is how and where he expires for good, he would rather do it alone, and not under the watchful eye of . . . someone he does not know how to put a name to. He will blame blood loss on the lack of ability to come up with a proper term.
Radio static crackles around them, permeating his voice in his weakened state and making it rather hard to understand the words that attempt to slip from a mouth that drips blood.
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❝ Is that so? You've a rather fine opportunity to do so now, then. ❞ Alastor replies, somehow still having the ability to muster up some cheek as he moves his arms to his sides. The movement exposes the severity of his wound and just how much crimson drips from it, a trail leading from what remains of the door to him.
He's not truly offering himself up. He knows good and well Vox won't take the opportunity. If that were the case, he'd had already done so.
❝ It's rude to keep a man waiting, you know. ❞
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Vox scowls at Alastor's comeback. It doesn't surprise him, of course, because the crazy motherfucker always had to be the one on top of the situation...even when he obviously was not. It's annoying as hell, just as the taunting in itself. It almost makes him regret his decision to leave the Tower and risk getting caught in the mess that surrounds what's left of the Hotel. Without even grabbing his jacket.
Why in the seven Rings does he like this guy again?
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"I wouldn't call it a 'fine opportunity'. There's no satisfaction in striking down someone who's already dying on their own," the Overlord scoffs, making a show of rolling his eyes even if his rival probably can't see that. "You look like shit and I have more class than that."
Of course, things are much more complicated than that. For as much as he enjoys seeing the Radio Demon getting his ass kicked and reduced to this sort of pitiful mess, he doesn't actually want him to meet his double death. For reasons he'd rather not dwell on.
The static echoes unpleasantly through his speakers as he steps forward, crouching down in front of Alastor to better assess the damage. He can't fully see the wound with the clothes in the way, but it's obvious that it's bad, and the amount of blood the bastard has already lost is all the confirmation he needs.
Vox's eyes dart around, scanning their surroundings. There's no way there could be anything sort of first aid kit in that wreck, assuming that Alastor has something of the sort to start with. Well, shit. He can see only one working option left there.
"But since you don't like to be left waiting, you leave me just one choice..." He starts again, standing up.
His voice trails off, purposefully leaving the other hanging so he can grab him while he's distracted. Under other circumstances, daring something like that would probably get him killed, but he's confidence that the other is too weak for that right now.
"You're paying for my dry cleaner," he announces. properly adjusting his arms around the Radio Demon, one hooked under his legs and the other holding his back. "Blood is a bitch to wash off."
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top-shelf-tender · 4 months
*walks past Alastor's limp wrist hand, takes it, kisses it, and keeps walking*
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There's something hidden behind his back as he steps in front of his feline friend? companion. That's not typically a good sign.
❝ I come bearing a gift! ❞
That's an even worse sign.
Honestly, Husk thought to himself as he eyed Alastor’s hidden hands, nothing could be worse than the Valentine’s Day he had been handed a still-beating heart by the cackling maniac.
“You shouldn’t have,” Husk deadpanned. And he meant it.
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@statiicstag Continued { X }
「 🐎 ❝ The Hazbin what now? ❞ Hands on his hips as he eyes the place with a bit of curiosity. Never heard of this fancy schmancy building before. Then again he wasn't some delusional sinner seeking redemption. Ha! But this was a hotel which could mean a shit ton of clients if he played his cards right. That bar tender looked pretty pissed. Probably had someone who fucked with him that he needed assassinated. He looked back at the guy. ❝ Redemption! Ha! Hilarious-ly a good idea! ❞ Fuck yeah, nice save. He mentally patted himself on the shoulder.
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❝ So that's a no on the bar? ❞ He noticed the shift in atmosphere. The way smiley pants over here got creepier by the second. Blitzø blinked when everything felt normal again. And remained silent for a few moments. ❝ Wow, fuck. Not sure if I should be feeling horny or scared? Or both? ❞ His eyes were squinted and he was rubbing his chin as he spoke. ❝ Are you in charge of this place or something? Got any clients yet? Ever kill anyone with that staff? ❞ 」
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voxxisms · 4 months
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@statiicstag  whispered a line  !! 'tell me' prompts  ( accepting! ) ❛ tell me what happened. ❜
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     HIS  EYES  WERE  TRAINED  ON  THE  FLOOR.  he hadn't known where else to go in such a state.  valentino  &&  velvette were both dead.  voxtek was a lost cause,  having had to sign over just about everything in order to avoid an untimely end himself.  he had been able to weasel out with a portion his soul contracts,  at least,  so his power was mostly in tact,  although much weaker than it should have been.  the turf war had gone much worse than he'd ever been prepared for,  he was in a sorry physical state,  too,  screen fuzzy from overexertion,  a little blood stained across his clothes from himself  &&  others.  clothes in near - tatters.
     he was lucky he remembered where alastor's place was.  it had been a long time,  of course,  since he'd been around here,  more than a decade,  at least.  he'd had hopes he wouldn't have to go to the full hotel,  dressed in his shame in front of too many people.  he was lucky he found him here.  his shoulders were slumped,  &&  he considered how best to explain.
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         ❛  i lost everything,  ❜    he started simply.  opening his hands,  offering them out,  palm up as he looked up to him,  almost in a gesture of defeat.     ❛  there was  ...  an attack on the tower.  we knew about it in advance,  but they managed to shut down my systems.  the security,  the communications hub.  they ...  they took over everything,  i  ...  i had to sign over voxtek in order to avoid being  ...   well.  i guess they went to carmine before they came,  gleaming steel  &&  all.  ❜    he wouldn't have come back if he hadn't.  the insinuation was there.
         ❛  i know  ...  i don't have a right to ask.  i just need a place for a little bit.  i can pay,  or whatever you need or want.  the bank is closed so i can't make those arrangements until they're open on monday.  ❜
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@statiicstag liked for a Roo Starter!
"You seem to have gotten quite cozy with this little hotel..." a soft voice hissed, from the Shadow's of Alastor's precious radio tower eyes form and open. They twist and turn beginning to slowly take shape, Roo's silhouette then her appearance properly taking form.
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"Not that I can blame you, truthfully, Charlotte for all her merits....can be charming. Truly, if she bothered less with helping the damned and more toward strengthening them, she would be truly impressive."
Roo never quite got good for the sake of it. It was cute, and it was sweet, sure, but she didn't see the point if you weren't gaining anything from it. Maybe Princess Charlie gained some allies, but like everyone else, they could be tempted and corrupted.
"You must care about her now, truly...? I don't recall the Radio Demon ever being so reckless and jumping against an exorcist like that before."
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mcltiples · 2 months
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The first 5 Asks to send 💋 get a kiss || no longer accepting
@statiicstag sent; 💋 for alastor if you want <3
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It wasn't usually something that Alastor did. Initiate kisses to those he rarely talked to. However, this wasn't just any person. It was an alternate and they've talked a few times; more so on the platonic side and the scheming side of things. Yes, that was indeed a fun night.
Besides, he did ask for a kiss from this alternate as well. it was only fair that he returned it, right?
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"Considering this is the second time, I do have to say, that perhaps we should go out for a nice dinner together --- not as a date, but as friends," He didn't want to imply anything romantic. They hardly knew each other. At least, in the ways that weren't superficial.
And with that out of the way, he placed his arms behind his own back. Only then to lean forward, giving the other a small peck on the lips. He was inexperienced, after all. So this was as much as he could properly give.
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baptbysmal · 3 months
@statiicstag // continued
Judas wasn't sure what he was after. Not really. For so long, he'd assumed he was only after his true final judgement. To no longer be stuck in that horrible, in-between world.
Silly of him to have been holding out hope that he'd end up in heaven and not hell, really.
He's still not sure about the dynamics in hell and how they work. He's... Vaguely aware that the person he's talking to is powerful, but not in what way or in what capacity or how much power he really held. Judas thinks it might be time to bite his tongue but. He's never been so good at that.
Hands shove into his pockets, his eyebrows raise, and he sighs.
"lots of things trouble me! lots of things. i-" He grits his teeth and gives a small shake of his head. Something seems to strike him, though, as his expression clears just slightly. "wait. you're that guy helping with that... hotel thing, right?"
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damnedrainbows · 5 months
lucifer: niffty will be fine without her leash, alastor. I’m sure she’s learned to be responsible enough
niffty: *first literal thing she does free is follow a strange man into a manhole*
Al: *puts her in a child harness and ties it to a fucking tree*
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countlessrealities · 4 months
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@statiicstag - Continued from HERE
Much as he's loathed ( but has he, really ? ) every moment of it he's had little choice but to be Vox's prisoner. Rather he'd like to admit it or not he'd saved Alastor from certain death, and for the life of him he'd not been able to figure out why he'd wasted his time and not left him to lay to waste. If the tables had been turned Alastor is certain he'd not had extended the same generosity.
( Right ? Surely, he'd had left him to die. They are enemies. That's is what they have become, is it not ? )
He so detests that even within a few short days, he finds himself questioning that.
In any case recovery has been a slow, painful process and that is how he finds himself curled into an armchair in Vox's personal quarters, ear swiveling before his head does as his . . . unwanted roommate all but slams himself into the seat next to him.
He is intoxicated—it had been obvious from his gait alone but made even more clear with the way his words slur from his mouth.
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❝ My. I've said nary a word to you yet and I'm already being greeted so pleasantly. ❞ he responds, leaning his elbow upon the arm of the chair he sits in. ❝ I hadn't even had an insult in my arsenal—though I'll refrain from commenting about the level of your intellegence. ❞
And be so—be so . . . What, now ?
❝ I am fine, ❞ he insists, though if he were fine he'd not be essentially bedridden. ❝ You, however, are beyond drunk. Whatever has you in such a tizzy ? ❞ Not that he particularly cares, but he is curious.
And that's all it is. Curiosity.
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Vox makes a show of rolling his eyes at the comeback that greets him. The movement isn't as smooth as it normally would be, there's a little glitch here and there, but it's still done well enough to convey what he isn't saying.
Fucking smartass.
Truth to be told, he's not surprised. That's exactly the kind of reply one must expect from Alastor under this sort of circumstances. He feels trapped, so he has to act like he is the one in control. And, so far, Vox has mostly let him do it, because it's easier for them both. While he's all for antagonising the old bastard once in a while, he has far too much on his hands to afford doing it on a daily basis, while they live together.
Which is something he's trying not to think about too hard. It would mean feeding his delusions more than he can bear.
However, tonight he isn't in the mood to put up with Alastor's shit. Maybe it's because he's cranky, maybe it's the alcohol in his system. Or perhaps he just can't handle one more person being condescending towards him, like he's nothing but a fool.
Whatever the reason, he has enough.
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"Oh, shut the fuck up, Alastor!" He exclaims, clumsily throwing his hands in the air. "You have nothing but insults on your mind when it comes to me. I know it, so no need to deny. I won't kick your sorry ass out anyway."
He shows the Radio Demon his middle finger and then seems to deflate, some of his pent-up irritation fading. When he speaks up again, his tone is more subdued.
"Liar. I help you with your bandages, remember? So I know you're not fine. You're better, but not fine. Not yet."
But he will be one day, and whatever this is, whatever odd balance they have built...It will be like it never happened. And fuck if that doesn't make his chest tighten in the most unpleasant of ways.
"Nothing you'd find interesting. Just...work stuff." He pauses, hesitating for a moment. "...And I got in a fight with Val. He got all whiny because I'm barely around these days," since he's been spending almost all his free time with Alastor, "and I fucking hate it when he acts like that."
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top-shelf-tender · 4 months
@statiicstag {{Les chemins de l'amour}}
There were several additions to the hotel that had enhanced its appeal in the wake of the renovations: a rooftop garden, a more spacious bar, and a ballroom for hosting events, for starters. It was here that Husk found himself after another full day at the concierge bar. Crimson moonlight streamed in through the floor-to-ceiling panes at the far end of the space, providing just enough light as Husk took a seat at a grand piano.
The bartender set his hat on top of the instrument, running his paws over the keys until the settled into the correct placement to begin the song he had in mind: a bittersweet waltz reminiscing on past love...
The paths that arch of the ocean protect our crossing, flowers losing their leaves and the echo under the trees, Our two bright laughs. Alas, from days of happiness radiant joys take flight, I journey without recovering your traces In my heart.
Husk's claws glided between the black and white while his heart found itself lost in the grey. He shouldn't have allowed himself to develop these feelings, shouldn't have let them linger after everything came crashing down, but hearts operated on the same game of chance that gambling did: you couldn't predict who you'd come to love any more than you could convince yourself to banish those feelings.
Paths of my love I try to find you always lost paths, you don't exist anymore, And your echoes have been muffled. Paths of despair, Paths of memory, Paths of first love, Divine pathways of love.
Losing himself in the music, Husk was oblivious to the other presence that had just joined him in the ballroom. He was too lost in the memories of nights filled with laughter and drink spent singing and playing together to realize the man from his memories was mere paces behind him.
This I am duty-bound to forget one day the way that life obliterates all things. I want in my heart that a memory will rest More strongly than another love. The memory of paths Where trembling and completely passionate, a day I have felt above myself to burn and be consumed by your hands.
Husk removed his foot from the pedal, but his hands remained at the keys, head bent as he studied them pensively. He wasn't a stupid man, but he certainly had been a fool - both to fall in love with Alastor and to think there was any easy manner of prying those claws out of his heart.
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He gives Husk a pair of wearable deer antlers and stares at him expectantly.
Husk had two choices here: he could either let his intrusive thoughts win and throw the antlers into the fireplace, causing the Radio Demon to lose his shit, or he could comply for the sake of everyone in the immediate vicinity. Choosing to keep the peace, Husk sighed, removed his top hat, and begrudgingly popped the felt antlers on his head. However, just because his keeper won this battle, didn’t mean he’d conquered the war.
“Didn’t know you enjoyed makin’ me horny, Al,” Husk smirked, awaiting the discomfort he hoped his innuendo would elicit.
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copaceticjillybean · 2 months
" good girl ! " :)
Jillian had been ecstatic, having gotten to make her idol's acquaintance at long last. It has been a dream come true, and she'd been doing everything in her power to not ruin it by embarrassing herself. And she'd felt she'd done a pretty good job of avoiding that...right up until this moment. Jillian had wanted to do something kind for Alastor- he's been so sweet as to go on that walk with her, after all- so she'd whipped up a nice lunch of gumbo and cornbread for him. And upon presenting it to him, knowing how well mannered the radio demon was, she'd expected a polite thank you, or maybe even one of his famous smiles. ...needless to say, that had not been what she'd gotten. The words out of Alastor's mouth had an instant effect on the shorter sinner, and Jillian felt her knees go weak. She buckled, falling to the floor (thankfully only after setting the gumbo and cornbread onto a table) before looking up at the radio demon. Yellow eyes were wide and dialated, fluffy ears were pinned to her head, and her tail was wagging at about a mile a minute. Jillian opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, attempting to find something, anything to say, before finally managing to squeak out. "I-I am?"
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voxxisms · 25 days
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❛ a six isn't so bad. better than many! ❜
don't mind him being pleased to be remembered. @statiicstag
how well do you know vox?
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angie-long-legs · 3 months
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He seems so proud. So, so proud. Some may be half points but that still counts !
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"I shoulda' added 'likes bitin''. Then we mighta' got bingo..."
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