motormobiles · 9 months
Herbert Diess wird Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats bei The Mobility House
  Herbert Diess übernimmt künftig den Vorsitz im Aufsichtsrat des Unternehmens The Mobility House. Das Unternehmen aus der Schweiz gilt als führend bei Technologien, die sogenanntes Vehicle-to-Grid ermöglichen. Beim Vehicle-to-Grid Konzept werden die Batterien von Elektrofahrzeugen nicht nur zum Antrieb genutzt, sondern können als mobile Energiespeicher auch ins Stromnetz eingebunden werden. So…
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ad445566 · 2 years
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turtletoads · 7 months
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car doodles, plus plane
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mensfactory · 11 months
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Newlands Overlander
Concept by Jobin Sunil
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yearzerosurvival · 2 years
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y0ur-maj3sty · 1 year
It's simple. They want everything to be electric and 'SMART'.. so they can shut everything down when compliance is not met. Cell phones, cars, stoves, meters on your house, etc. Also, when something happens to your electric vehicles, they'll put you in a "15 Minute City", so you don't need to drive anywhere... because everything is only a 15 walk from where you live. While you bathe in 5G radiation.
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techtoio · 4 months
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kp777 · 1 year
By Alejandro Lazo
July 20, 2023
In Summary: Through bidirectional charging, owners of electric cars can sell energy to the grid or use it to power their homes. But will the technology, which is costly, become widespread?
As a historic 10-day heat wave threatened brownouts across California last summer, a small San Diego County school district did its part to help: It captured excess power from its electric school buses and sent it back to the state’s overwhelmed grid.
The seven school buses provided enough power for 452 homes each day of the heat wave, and the buses were recharged only during off hours when the grid was not strained.
California energy officials have high hopes that this new power source, called bidirectional charging, will boost California’s power supply as it ramps up its ambitious agenda of electrifying its cars, trucks and buses while switching to 100% clean energy.
Gov. Gavin Newsom called two-way charging technology a “game changer,” saying “this is the future” during a speech last September, about a week after the heat wave ended.
This year, a bill already approved by the state Senate in a 29-9 vote would require all new electric cars sold in California to be equipped with bidirectional technology by 2030. In the Assembly, two committees approved the bill earlier this month and it is now under consideration by a third.
This two-way charging has big potential — but also faces big obstacles. By 2035, California expects to have 12.5 million electric cars on the road, but it’s an open question how much California can rely on them to feed the grid. Automakers say the technology would add thousands of dollars to the cost of an electric car, and California’s utilities are still sorting out how to pay ratepayers for selling them the kilowatt hours.
Read more.
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energy-5 · 10 months
Incorporating Renewable Energy into Your EV Charging Routine
The shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) has been a significant stride in the collective effort to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. As the electric vehicle market continues to grow, with global sales hitting over 6.6 million in 2021, a 108% increase from the previous year, the focus now turns to how we power these vehicles. Transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources for EV charging is the next critical step in ensuring that the benefits of EVs are fully realized. This article explores the ways in which individuals and communities can incorporate renewable energy into their EV charging routines.
Firstly, the concept of 'green charging'—the process of using renewable energy to charge electric vehicles—is not only environmentally sound but also increasingly economically viable. The cost of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems has dropped by about 90% since 2010, making it an accessible option for many. Homeowners with EVs can install solar panels to capture energy during the day, which can then be used to charge their vehicles in the evening. For those without the option to install solar panels, choosing a green energy provider for their home charging setup that sources electricity from renewables is an effective alternative.
In addition to solar power, wind energy is another potent source for EV charging. Wind energy has experienced a dramatic increase in its adoption, with the global wind power capacity reaching 837 GW in 2021, an increase of 93% from the capacity in 2016. EV owners can tap into this resource by purchasing wind energy credits or by selecting energy plans that prioritize wind-sourced electricity. This ensures that the energy used for charging their EVs comes from clean sources, even if they are not directly connected to a wind farm.
The integration of smart chargers has made it easier for EV owners to charge their vehicles when renewable energy production is at its peak. Smart chargers can be programmed to operate when renewable energy generation is high, which usually coincides with low demand periods such as mid-day for solar or night-time for wind. By doing so, EV owners ensure their vehicles are charged using the cleanest energy possible while also taking advantage of lower energy prices during these off-peak times.
Another key element in aligning EV charging with renewable energy is the development of a robust public charging infrastructure that is powered by renewables. Governments and private companies are investing in the installation of public EV charging stations that are directly connected to renewable energy sources. For instance, in California, which leads the US with over 39% of the country's EV sales, there is a plan to install 250,000 charging stations by 2025, many of which will be powered by renewables.
On a larger scale, energy storage systems play a vital role in matching renewable energy supply with EV charging demand. Energy storage solutions, like lithium-ion batteries or pumped hydro storage, can store excess renewable energy generated during peak production times. This stored energy can then be used to provide a consistent and reliable source of green electricity for EV charging, regardless of the time of day or weather conditions.
There is also a growing trend towards vehicle-to-grid (V2G) systems, where EVs do not just consume power but also have the capability to return energy to the grid. This technology allows for a dynamic energy exchange where EVs can be charged during renewable energy peak production and then supply energy back to the grid when it's needed the most. This not only ensures optimal use of renewable energy but also provides stability to the energy grid and potentially offers financial benefits to EV owners.
Finally, to truly capitalize on renewable energy for EV charging, there needs to be increased collaboration between policymakers, renewable energy providers, and the automotive industry. Incentives for residential and commercial solar installations, tax benefits for purchasing green energy, and subsidies for smart chargers are just a few of the ways that can accelerate the adoption of renewable-powered EV charging.
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mari-beau · 11 months
PSA: Utilities Charge Whatever They Want
So like, if you're paycheck to paycheck, if you're having financial difficulties, pay close fucking attention to your utility bills...
Because look at this bullshit.
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Guess what happened in the 61 day billing period for 9/28/2023 statement date?
I moved into my fucking house. And started running my stove/oven and then eventually my furnace.
Guess what wasn't being used in every previous billing date shown here...?
NATURAL GAS. Like literally (in the actual definition of literally) none of it. Almost had my dad going to check if there was a leak in the lines at one point over the summer because nothing was being used. But nope, it's just the gas company charging whatever the fuck they feel like, whether you've used anything or not.
CONCLUSION: Pay attention to your bills because what they do is charge you based on an estimate of what your neighbors are using, not what you actually use. If you're having financial issues, call up your utility company and tell them that you will be calling in a reading every month (because they only send a person out to do an actual reading every other month, or now, every few months with ours, and just charge you whatever they want otherwise, and adjust it later when they do an actual reading... you can see in my bill they owed me a ton of money, because $11.17 is lower than the base charge for even having the gas turned on). And at least in NYS (or my county anyway), you have the right to demand they bill you on your actual usage by calling in a reading yourself because they don't want to pay someone to go out and do it monthly (but you can be damn sure they're going to charge you monthly).
*Also note: the double-billing 61 days on top of already being billed for 35 days of presumable the same time-period, and yet still, completely nonsensical invoice when you click on it. Their numbers come out of their ass.
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athoek · 1 year
tag directory
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asphaltapostle · 1 year
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sorry… hate to interrupt but - if you could indulge silly ole me - could we just go back to
WHY, again, is demand expected to be higher??
what was that one more time???
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sassygrrl32 · 2 years
I Bought a Ford Bronco and Took It To Top of the World in Moab Utah~Rachel Holbert Jones Page
I Bought a Ford Bronco and Took It To Top of the World in Moab Utah~Rachel Holbert Jones Page
To see all of my categories of posts go to the Home Page Yes, you heard that right. I bought a Ford Bronco and decided to drive it to Top of the World in Moab, Utah. I wasn’t alone. My cousin, nephew and his 16 year old son came with me. My two sister’s and brother(who are actually my cousins but we grew up together when their Dad died in an automobile accident in 1969) came later. My sister…
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mensfactory · 2 years
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Bugatti Custom Vehicles
Styling by Flybyartist
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yearzerosurvival · 2 years
Off grid heater DIY
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techtoio · 3 months
The Science of Climate Change and Technology Solutions
Climate change, of all the challenges, is among the most critical in the modern day. With such unpredictability from variable weather patterns and global average temperature increases, the need for implementable solutions has perhaps never been so extreme. By exploring the intriguing intersection of climate-change science and innovative technology solutions, TechtoIO goes to the bottom of this global issue. Read to continue
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