kyarasalvatore · 2 years
Take from me my lace...
Take from me my lace... por Spicy and Sexy Blog 🌶️ Via Flickr: 🌶️⤷1067⤶ 🌶️ ⋆FULL CREDITS⋆ 
 🌶️Lelutka EvoX Lilly 
 🌶️eBODY Reborn v1.69.4 
 🌶️^^Swallow^^ Gauged S for lel Evo X Ears (f) 2.0 
 🌶️Ade - Clo Hairstyle (FULL PACK) - @TRES CHIC 
 🌶️CocoaMatrix - MOE SKIN - @Harajuku 
 🌶️RAWR! Yin Yang Gauge S Earrings - #Mainstore 
 🌶️RAWR! Vegvisr Nails - #Mainstore 
 🌶️sass [lolita cuffs & collar set] - Exclusive at @BLACK FAIR 
 🌶️Diversion - Tamira Lace Set - [Fatpack] - @BLACK FAIR 
 🌶️PHOTOSHOOT: Devil Girl - Bento Pose Pack - @BLACK FAIR
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lokadottr · 2 years
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‘ YOU KNOW this is pretty sad compared to the festivals back home. ’ the teasing insult is accompanied by a smile. she wraps her palla around herself tighter as they stroll through the streets. her vanir clothes are not meant for this, for the cool summer nights in the north, and the streets full but not packed enough to gain warmth from the press of people. no, it is nothing like home, but then, they do not have the sight of dying sunlight giving way to a blue expanse of stars so late at night. the sight only interrupted by the twinkling of lights strewn across the booths above the road.
and it is late, the festival has gone on for hours, the tourists have seemed to mostly begun their trek back to hotels, and the locals remain. drinking, laughing, singing what she is certain was a bawdy song a few booths back. she loves it, secretly, just as secretly as she has stolen glances at him in his traditional clothing. bumping her shoulder into him she looks down at her feet, ‘ maybe someday you’ll-- ’
‘ KÅRESON! ’ the voice, loud, and impossibly close, rings in her ear and she turns with confusion written into her features. he is drunk, she can tell that before the stench of alcohol ever even reaches her nose. his steps are heavy, though not entirely unsteady, as he makes his way forward, large hand grabbing onto haraldr beside her, an attempt to jerk him forward. ‘ bastard. ’ he spits the insult in the same way he spits upon the ground at their feet. ‘ how dare you-- ’
all eyes are on them, a fact of which torvi is painfully aware. normally such attentions would be welcomed, seemingly ignored with the air of superiority that accompanies her every step, but now? now they are accompanied by an uneasiness that settles in her spine. she reaches out to separate them, ‘ surely this can be solved in some...other manner. ’
‘ you! you stay out of this. ’ he wrenches his arm away from her grasp, before turning back to haraldr. ‘ he can fight his battles, isn’t that right kåreson? hm? ’ he raises his brows, ‘ he must be able to if he can walk around town with his vanir hóra and rub my sister’s nose it it! ’ he leans in closer, disgusted sneer turned into cruel smirk, ‘ just like her mother isn’t she? my father’s told me all about her, and you, abandon a good woman for this. when she leaves you’ll be at our door again you worthless-- ’
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@vegvisr​ / / semi-plotted starter
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indig0pearl · 3 years
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crimsonsunsets · 3 years
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❝  I’m  afraid  that’s  classified,  ma’am.  ❞  It  was  the  standard  response.  Two  months  later  and  he  still  had  to  dodge,  dive  and  sidestep  questions  about  his  miraculous  return;  considering  the  amount  of  secrets  the  mission  contained  (Coulson,  time  travel,  multiple  universes,  god  his  head  ached),  there  was  no  room  for  error.  He  just  wished  his  chosen  field  wasn’t  filled  with  spies,  they  spotted  lies  from  a  mile  away.  
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@vegvisr • starter call.
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lightskinned-drengr · 3 years
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FINALLY!!!! I got my vegvisir tattoo!!!!! The nornir have determined my fate and may the Æsir and Vanir keep me! SKÅL MY SHEILD BROĐERS AND SHEILD MAIDENS!!!!
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venturoushearta · 3 years
@vegvisr​ asked ‘ "Out the window! Out the window!" / Eight ‘
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               “Trust me, he says. It’s perfectly safe, he says,” Clara muttered as she went to one of the windows, pushed it open, and changed her mind when she looked down. She went to the other, pushed it open and climbed onto the windowsill. She stopped and held out her hand to him. “Come on! Now’s not the time to be a hero.”
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faithsforgotten · 3 years
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      ⸻ @vegvisr​​ / for sif ♡ 
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she wonders if sif might have been a sister once,  had the fates twisted their threads differently.  instead,  she and sif are little more than strangers,  bound neither by blood nor by family.  ( her family is dead and buried,  and she does not long for another.  those days are behind her. ) 
instead of fondness,  it is a shared sense of sorrow that leads angrboda to welcome the other woman into her home.  she knows that look in sif’s eyes,  has seen it in her own more than once.  damn these odinsons.  
“ you seek thor? ”
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gildedruins · 3 years
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“ you’d love england,  sif, ”  thor says with all the energy of an over-excited puppy, somehow forgetting all the times they’ve visited together. “ it’s like here,  but warmer.  haven’t been able to find a cup of hot chocolate that compares to yours though -- not that i’ve been looking!! i swear!! i’d never cheat on this place.”  
he beams at her over the counter,  and it’s clearly taking all of his self control not to run around it and pull her into history’s longest hug. she’s lucky loki found him first ---- at least that encounter absorbed some of his boundless energy.  “ do you have to work the rest of today? can’t you slip away? ”
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naheniabathory · 3 years
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goldenyouth-a · 3 years
@vegvisr​ liked for a started
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“And then I told-” Idunn stopped herself as she had noticed that Sif was now looking in another direction, and was not at all paying attention to her. So she reaches out and snaps her fingers in the other blondes face to gain her attention once more. “Wakey, wakey, Sif! Have you even been paying attention to the things I have been telling you?”
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kyarasalvatore · 2 years
Nothin' to say por Spicy and Sexy Blog 🌶️ Via Flickr: 🌶️⤷1037⤶ 🌶️ ⋆FULL CREDITS⋆ 
 🌶️[monso] Mabel Hair /Brown & Blonde [UPDATED] 
🌶️ND/MD - KIM Shapes (CATWA-HDPRO Sasa) - Exclusive at @The New Ones 
 🌶️ND/MD - KIM skins-BOM (CATWA-HDPRO) - Exclusive at @The New Ones 
 🌶️^^Swallow^^ Gauged S for lel Evo X Ears (f) 
 🌶️RAWR! - Vegvisr Swallow Gauge S Earrings - @Store Special 
 🌶️RAWR! - Vegvisr Necklaces - @99 SALE 
 🌶️RAWR! - Vegvisr Rings - @TSS
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lokadottr · 2 years
* @vegvisr​ / / for harald
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‘ I HAVE to scoop it out? ’ she glances at the small coop they keep for their ducks, roof now removed, bottom full of litter and...the remains of several weeks of feedings. her nose wrinkles in disgust, fine lines creasing amongst pale freckles. ‘ can’t we hire someone to do this? that’s...it is bad enough cleaning up after the boys. ’ it must be a ridiculous sight, her rubber boots and overalls making her look like a farm hand. 
‘ we can get one of volstagg’s sons to do it! or maybe thrud! i am sure she would be happy to play in this dirt. ’
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thorslovex-archived · 3 years
@vegvisr​ for a plotted thingy
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“Go away!” Torunn shouts at her bedroom door when she hears someone knocking, and throws the covers over her head, for she was not in the mood to talk to anyone and wanted to be left alone to grieve and never to come out of her room. She also wished for everything to be a dream, to wake up and all her family is alive and well, that her avengers family were too all alive and well. 
But of course that was not the case at all, the young princess had at least thought that when Bruce brought everyone back, it would have included her mother, because she had hoped she was still alive. Wrong again it seemed, for she was unable to find her, granted it did not help that she cannot remember what she looked like, just that she has blonde hair like herself and is the goddess of the harvest, which is not enough to go on. So she decided to admit defeat and accept the fact her mother was never coming back to her. 
Tory could hear someone knocking again and clearly did they did not get the hint the first time she had shouted at them to leave and this time the person knocking was persistent in it. Letting out a groan, she throws the covers off herself and walks over to her bedroom door and swinging it open to see a woman standing there. Someone she did not recognise, but felt strangely familiar to her. “Can I help you?”
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fliath · 5 years
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First try at pyrography in the studio. Vegvisr on a wooden stool. We do our little excursions into various mediums and wood craft and pyrography are high on the list of things we want to do more. . . . . . . . . . #traditional #pyrography #woodworkings #norse #norsemythology #vegvisr #behaviour #runes https://www.instagram.com/p/B4aLKvQnnnM/?igshid=l7cw9eefr7k7
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crimsonsunsets · 3 years
vegvisr​ ( @vegvisr )​
                  „I am sure you will find that it is not HOMEWORK but… easy to learn. And I am sure you will learn to understand and control your powers as well.” And it was not just optimism in her voice but a hint of KNOWLEDGE, after all, she had seen in her dreams what would happen – history lay in front of her, but was also part of her memories already and those powers she held, made her feel as though she could understand the young woman at her side. Two different powers and yet so much on their shoulders. Sif understood, and she held sympathy for the young woman she wanted to give a new place to call home. Asgard. It was a good decision; a safe idea.
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               „And then you will be able to return to Earth if you so please. Or you can visit another realm. Travel the universe. Endless possibilities, my dear, and things turn out alright in the end.”
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“No offense, but that kinda sounds like homework.” Despite her complaints, there was no doubt she was going to throw herself into the lessons; these powers were hers, a legacy. The meetings with her father had been... unpleasant, to say the least. He was far from the man she had imagined all these years, but he had told her she was just like her mother. Skye wanted to connect to that. “Now traveling to other worlds, that sounds like fun!” Her exclamation is marked by a small rumble beneath her feet, the emotion triggering her powers. 
“Just...” she stops and sighs dramatically, “homework first, yeah?”
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