koyomiyomi6 · 1 year
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Dad core
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sweetie-peaches · 8 months
I haven't seen anyone talk about it but foolbo and fooligetta has such fun potential together. Foolish and his two boyfriends. Cause Vegetta would come back and Foolish would point at Tubbo like "Vegetta look isn't he great :D!" And Veggeta would just be so chill, "Ohh yeah he's a cutie and rich too!" Tubbo totally forgot Leo had another dad but it's Tubbo so he doesn't really care that Foolish is also dating Vegetta. Or you could go the angsty route and he feels like Foolish wouldn't want him anymore now that his original boyfriend is back. So much fic potential!
Poly ships for the win, poly ships for the win
I think Tubbo would feel like foolish wouldn’t want him, but, I hope to think foolish would explain that yknow. He still loves him just as much. And they live happily ever after and Sunny’s list of family grows bigger :D
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swordalt · 7 months
Also I wasn't gonna bring this up but I noticed most the time QSMP CC's get attack it's starts from r/dreamwastaken2 and not to make any accusations yet, but it's insane to me how everytime I look into it, it keeps going back to that subreddit.
They were the ones circulating the first accusations of Cellbit, they shared lot of anger against aypierre and Charlie, they shared the accusations of veggeta allegedly being Transphobic.
People with "dream Stan" in their bio to this day still post frequent misinformation.
It's just fuckin concerning how much of the accusations start from there.
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qsmp-yaoi-island · 1 year
Tubbo: everyone on the server is so friendly :D
He said this about Veggeta and Willy, who were planning to kill the eggs no more than 5 minutes ago
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imagines-babes · 1 year
cardigan (c!wilbur)
Hello thank you for over 50 followers. This week story is about qsmp and about the egg. This is a long story so just a heads up. There not a lot to say before i just tell you how it goes. But one thing I would say is, The moon is beautiful isn’t it, means I love you. Today song is, cardigan by Taylor Swift. I hope you enjoy and maybe next week story will be about pirate Karl.
Wilbur list Masterlist
Arriving at the island. Leaving them all behind starting a new live. Forgetting all the rules of my parents. Forgetting what happened that was before here. This is a vacation. Seeing everyone at the station I smiled. That failed till I saw him. My lover. I gave a smile. No more lies No more hiding. No more of any of that. Wanting to walk up to him. He never saw me there. Till his eye meet mine I gave a smile. He hugged me as kiss my lips with a smile.
But that 27 days ago. I haven't seen him in 27 days. I never heard from him or even found where he lives. I thought we were lovers before we came here to Quesadilla. But after the first night here he disappeared. Never to be heard from again. But that's beside the point I have forgotten about him. I think I have. But a lot has happened. Everyone was sent to a pairs and gotten a child(egg). They pair up people with someone who's first language was Spanish or if you spoke Spanish they got paired with someone first language is English. Somewhere in the system there was mix up. I was not picked to have an egg. So the single parents were bad and quackity. I told them both  before everyone went off to show their child around. If they ever needed help to me know or just to message .Looking at all the eggs either parents made me smile. Everyone left the adoption center while I stayed looking around for a egg of my own. But nothing came so i left going to my house and stare at the night sky.
Along this 27 days 3 eggs have died and new homes were build. With the exploring, bad getting on foolish nerves with now Dapper, Slime and Marianna went to court then was behind bars aswell as foolish, Bobby bulling his dad, Foolish love life, don't get me started with it, but he only has eyes for veggeta so i believe him, and many more that i won't go into detail.
This morning, I heard voices near the adoption center as I went in. It looked abandoned, webs with broken glasses and a ladder against the wall. I climb up little by little. ' Fit I don't think I am able to take care of an egg I can barely manage myself,' poking my head out to see fit with Wilbur. After 27 days he comes here and gets a child. 'Oh hey y/n, what are you doing here?' Fit asked to see Wilbur turned see me. Looking passed them to see an egg. 'I was just walking passed till I heard you both talking. Who is this little one?' Passing by them to see her with the same beanie and hair as her father. 'Hey little one I'm y/n and these men are fit and Wilbur wanna come out so we can give you some food and you can run outside?' Steping out of the glass slowly we made our ways to the bottom as i lol at the two. 'Come on you two, oh and fit you can go home to Ramon, if you want I can help Wilbur.' He nods making it to the bottom telling us good luck. Giving us a wave. Looking over to Wilbur. 'So your a father now,' the air was thick as he nods.
Within the first day of getting her, Tallulah, he got attach to her. I started to light up an area for them by the water. For Wilbur, he made a dock for her. For her to do some fishing like he did when he was a child. He made he a fishing pole as she gave him a flower with a smile. Tallulah waited to catch her first fish as i sit on the deck with my leg hanging off touching the water while Wilbur sat beside me. 'How are you feeling?' He turned to look over at me, 'y/n I'm so-' I shake my head, 'that's not what I'm asking. How are you feeling?' He took in a breathe, ' I'm good now, never knew how much my life would change because of Tallulah,' I gave a small smile, 'so where is your child?' That question made my smile disappear. 'The day everyone got their egg i was one of the last one to be assigned. When I walked up to get a ticket nothing happened and their was no egg. So I guess I wasn't fit to be a parent. But I do help other with their kids if they ask.' Tallulah was rolling in the string to pull up something she has caught. 'Dad I have got something,' she started shouting to Wilbur. With him quickly going over to help her caught her first fish. She pulled it in as Wilbur smiled. It was fun father and daughter time and possibly will be one of their first best memories. Across the stream was quackity staring at them both. Starting to walk to wilbur, 'I will be back,' giving across the river I walked up to him. 'It's not fair,' was his first words, 'it's not fair that my tilin had to die while he finds another child to raise.' There were tears in his eyes while I nod. 'Maybe Wilbur isn't tilin father quackity. Maybe it's Luzu remember he wasn't assigned ether. ' he shook his head quickly and replied, 'it's his.' Nothing had came out as I touched his shoulder, 'if you ever want to talk I'll be here,' walking back to Wilbur and Tallulah. They smiled trying to catch another. 'Wil you should talk to him,' he agreed and left tallulah here by the docks. 'Mis y/n do you like my dad,' the question stumble on me while I look across the water. I didn’t want to lie so I told the truth, ‘long ago I was in love with your father but I don’t know about now. Just don’t tell your dad.’ She gives a nod while catching another fish. The two across the water started to yell as I turned to Tallulah. ‘How about we build you a small house for you to sleep in for now while they talk.’ She gives me the fishing pole as she nods. Cutting the grass and picking up flowers we build a small dirt house. Wilbur came back and look defeated. Tallulah notice and gave him a flower. That was putting a smile on his face. Finishing the house and sitting by the water. Wilbur was putting Tallulah asleep as I didn’t know what to do. More like I was procrastinating on if I should go or not. Laying back on the grass with my eyes staring at the moon. Hearing the footsteps come closer. He sat down looking over at me then at the sly. ‘The moon beautiful isn’t it Wilbur?’ He stayed silent for a minute than looked over at me, ‘More beautiful than it know y/n.’
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Trigger Word Part 2
Uh Oh... I hope Gegg is okay. I wonder where he ran off to?
If you're confused, in my timeline Wilbur leaves the day after the party at Veggeta's Club! So Quackity asks Philza, a day after Gegg runs off if he has seen Gegg right after Wilbur leaves.
AWWWh-! I can't believe the next comic is the season 1 Finale! I'm not committing to season 2 but if you want the Gegg Comics to continue, I'll continue... and it will be really interesting... <:
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
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baradurus · 4 months
Alr im currently making a drawing of all the queer charekter on the qsmp and all the coupels are
Pac and Fit ,Missa ans Philza , Veggeta and Foolish , Bagi and Tina ,Pierre and Maxo
And the non coupel charekter that are queer are:
Jaiden and Mike (aroace)
Tubbo (unlabeld) Niki (bi) bagehra
Did i forget smb? Or was it confirmwd that smb was a certain flavor of queer (talking about the charekters)
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born-in-hell · 1 year
Tbh i loved seing qbbh go insane
It shows so much of his character, from his immense paranoia and distrust to how much he thinks of himself.
He *knows* hes powerful. He *knows* hes capable. He thinks hes the only one able to tear down the fed. The only one that knows what they're up to. The rest of the islanders are, to him, mere pawns in a game. A game that's being played by him and the fed.
He knows himself better than anyone on the island. Even his kids. He has never shown even a glimpse of his demonic side to them. How fucked his morals are. How evil he is. That's a part of him. He does not what's morally correct, but what he deems necessary. And he accepts it. He knows how much more of a danger to the fed that makes him in comparison to forever, for example. The one that, despite all, always tries to act in a morally correct way.
He sees all of this as a burden. He has to conduct these weird plans bc hes the only one willing to cross the line. And so he does.
Edit: oh and i think qfoolish is the only one that truly knows qbad. He knows hes not a purely good person. And hes the only one that encourages it. He holds so much power, and hes using it for mindless entertainment at the expense of his also immortal friend that has nothing to lose.
Unlike qforever, that said TO BBHS FACE "this is not you". Im sorry but YES IT IS!! U just hadnt seen it until now. He tortures foolish for fun (its consensual). He gets tortured for fun. Its just how they pass time i guess.
But he is also a great person to who he considers family. He is willing to do ANYTHING to protect them. Hes not a bad person directly. Hes in a grey area that honestly is pretty entertaining.
Edit 2: and like, abt foolish. He wasnt sure abt supporting bbh UNTIL qbad said that he is considred family, and by extension, veggeta and leo (dunno abt roier tho) wont be harmed. He knows bbh wouldnt hurt his family, and thats why foolish supports his madness.
Also foolish knows bbh is morally worse than him.
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ghost-likes-drawing · 4 months
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swords-of-a-soilder · 8 months
Remove Problematic CCs
Section 1 part 2
Charlie's Problematic past
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Charlie did in fact apologizes as stated before, I'll give them the tiniest bit of credit, sometime they get it right, but as for using it in his apology, I'm sorry that's stupid, he censored the word firstly and did so to make it Clear what word he said.
But hey it's kinda ironic isn't it, how the non English side was getting drag for the N word and Now Charlie for the B word.
Full fuckin circle.
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Also I hate when people say only blank is allowed to forgive, I disagree, you can accept someone's apology if you're not the targeted audience JUST DON'T GO TWITTER AND RANTING ABOUT HOW YOU FORGIVE THEM you can forgive just don't talk about it.
It's weird behavior to say, oh it's not your place to forgive them, public statements are made for a reason, don't make people feel guilty for forgiving someone.
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Quaickty has a lot of things on him from his early YouTube days, let me say me and big Q are the same age and I was watching him as a teen laughing along, if I wasn't mature enough to see the error on his behavior I can't except him to.
He did however apologizes
Okay lighting round
Veggeta allegedly made fun of Non binary people he has yet to apology. (I say allegedly because the account posting proof was deleted and now all we have is hearsay)
Take with a tablespoon of salt.
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Carré made fun of an Asian who raid him I have yet to see an apology
Fitmc interacted with the dubed "racism mobs" and got called racist as a result, He has not apologize.
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OK I need y'all to stay with me on this don't jump to anything let me explain, Which is one of the reason I decided to do this draft.
Cellbit keeps catching strays for being an "Abuser", now here's the thing. He WAS a toxic boyfriend, that was over Seven years ago, since then he's seen a psychiatrist and moved on to a relationship with Lore and the victim doesn't want it brought up anymore.
Tô call Him am Abuser seems a little misleading because it make it sound like he hit her, it was emotional abuse yes that's still abuse and just as important but like they're is a moral difference right?
I chopped these up together because he says a lot and image limit, but I hope I get the point across
I'll leave a link for you can read it yourself.
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livingwrite-andrepeat · 6 months
This is my first time doing art, I usually feel worried about drawing a stick person but here’s the egg bois. Meet Funtime Eggy, Jack’O Egg, and Veggeta.
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anonymous-dentist · 7 months
Speaking of leo, is she going to be a frequent character in the story? Are all the brown de luque family members (leo, foolish, veggeta) going to be main-ish characters?
Idk about Vegetta because he isn’t too present in the server and I wanna translate that to the fic, but both Leo and Foolish are major enough characters to have been tagged!! They’re pretty important and they show up often enough! Because I love them
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artisticwolf32311 · 3 months
My Qsmp AU Pride stuff
Becuase my pride drawing of my ocs will be late here's some qsmp pride headconon :D
-Alexander(Elq) and evermore are bigender
-Nikki,Tina,Quackity,foolish,and roeir are bi
-Nacho and Tilin are nonbinary (nacho is very fem)
-and of couse the gays are cellbit,pac,fit tubbo, veggeta ,missa, Jungryeok,Fred ,Pepito ,and romone
-Bad ,Evermore ,Tilin and Willis are pan
-Acau,Jaiden,Chayanne and Alexander are all aro/ace
-Bagi,Baghera,pomme,and Tallulah are Lesbian
-Spreen and dapper are aromantic(dappers more interested in other peoples romance lives lol)
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I just put a couple of people who I heard are a decent fighters, but couldn't fit them all.
Sorry if your fave is not here! You can tell me about how good they are in the fight in the comments/tags if you want. :D
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carpedzem · 1 year
Spill the tea
I tagged it cc neg at the start so i remember and let me add discourse tag okay added im just sad. For the record im not poc nor native so maybe its not my place but i see my friends hurting and i want ir to stop its fucking 2023 wy are we on 2015 level of discourse. Why is veggeta keep talking JUST STUP THE FUCK UP why we still putting our comfort above minorities comfort even if you disagree its so fuckinf easy to fucking shut up and if q wont say anything - which realistically he wont- idk im gonna be so disappointed bc I was following this boy for so long ans seeing qsmp to become a place of free racist it just makes me sad. My heart is torn bc i used to be proud of him and his projects. Idk guys my intention was to just write and fuck qsmp and now i have this essay corrected by my phone... i wish i could understand why w allows this
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
Veggeta es el mejor youtuber 🤝 Colervial do Cellbit
Músicas chiclete que ficam presas na cabeça
eu to quieto e do nada eu começo "eh... Vegetta... Eh... Vegetta"
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