#im not watching opq bc 1 ive never watched tbtrpg and 2 i am a squeaky person i get scared easily
born-in-hell · 1 year
Tbh i loved seing qbbh go insane
It shows so much of his character, from his immense paranoia and distrust to how much he thinks of himself.
He *knows* hes powerful. He *knows* hes capable. He thinks hes the only one able to tear down the fed. The only one that knows what they're up to. The rest of the islanders are, to him, mere pawns in a game. A game that's being played by him and the fed.
He knows himself better than anyone on the island. Even his kids. He has never shown even a glimpse of his demonic side to them. How fucked his morals are. How evil he is. That's a part of him. He does not what's morally correct, but what he deems necessary. And he accepts it. He knows how much more of a danger to the fed that makes him in comparison to forever, for example. The one that, despite all, always tries to act in a morally correct way.
He sees all of this as a burden. He has to conduct these weird plans bc hes the only one willing to cross the line. And so he does.
Edit: oh and i think qfoolish is the only one that truly knows qbad. He knows hes not a purely good person. And hes the only one that encourages it. He holds so much power, and hes using it for mindless entertainment at the expense of his also immortal friend that has nothing to lose.
Unlike qforever, that said TO BBHS FACE "this is not you". Im sorry but YES IT IS!! U just hadnt seen it until now. He tortures foolish for fun (its consensual). He gets tortured for fun. Its just how they pass time i guess.
But he is also a great person to who he considers family. He is willing to do ANYTHING to protect them. Hes not a bad person directly. Hes in a grey area that honestly is pretty entertaining.
Edit 2: and like, abt foolish. He wasnt sure abt supporting bbh UNTIL qbad said that he is considred family, and by extension, veggeta and leo (dunno abt roier tho) wont be harmed. He knows bbh wouldnt hurt his family, and thats why foolish supports his madness.
Also foolish knows bbh is morally worse than him.
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