#vegetta is a knight
tweeapis · 1 year
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Vegetta randomly telling Leo to "hop on the block" when she woke up and Leo not understanding but THEN putting her in a safe cage? And foolish too (it was an accident but still) also keeping the fight away from them so the demon wouldn't hurt them.
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
An excerpt from my Royalty AU:
The knight stands in the middle of the road with his sword drawn and pointed towards them. His helmet is off, and his tiny little idiot baby bear ears twitch annoyedly as Cellbit whoahs the horse to a halt a good couple of meters away.
Subtly, Cellbit leans back and mutters, “Do you know him?”
Roier ponders. He makes a show of it, actually, putting his chin in his hand and frowning, drumming his fingers against his cheek.
“I don’t knoooow,” he muses, just loud enough for the knight to hear. “He looks familiar, but I’m not sure.”
The knight, predictably, scowls. He lowers his sword, but just slightly. But, really, that’s basically a surrender from him.
“Your highness,” the knight slowly says, “do you know how hard it was to find you?”
“‘Your highness’?” Roier exclaims, faux shock playing at his face.
He hooks his chin over Cellbit’s shoulder, looks at him and asks, “Gatinho, are you a prince? Why didn’t you tell me, pendejo!”
He lightly smacks Cellbit’s arm. Cellbit, in turn, gives him half of a glare out of the corner of his eye, but Roier can see the smile teasing at his perfect sexy lips.
“I thought I could keep it a secret…” Cellbit sighs. He hangs his head, leaning into the consoling hand Roier puts on his back. “Desculpe, guapito, I never wanted to lie to you.”
The knight looks between them, not remotely convinced. Roier sticks his tongue out at him. The knight rolls his eyes, used to it.
“Pinche pendejo,” Roier hisses, right into Cellbit’s ear. “Lie better. This guy is good.”
Cellbit’s ear twitches, and that’s all the acknowledgment he gives.
“Roier,” the knight sighs, “get off the horse. Vamos. Do you know how angry Vegetta is right now?”
“How would I know how the king is feeling?” Roier sniffs. “I don’t know him.”
“Oh my God,” the knight groans. He raises his sword again, and Roier has to grab onto both of Cellbit’s arms to keep him from reaching for his daggers. “Just get off of the horse before I have to kill it, too.”
Roier gasps dramatically. He can’t put a hand to his chest, holding Cellbit and all, so he settles for pulling one of Cellbit’s hands backwards and putting it to his chest instead. Cellbit audibly winces and snaps at him to watch it, but Roier knows that he’d never argue against getting to touch Roier’s pecs.
“Why are you even sharing a horse?” the knight asks. “Do you know this guy?”
Roier can’t exactly say that they’re both currently too broke to afford a second horse.
But he doesn’t even get a chance to even try to explain, because Cellbit does it for him, cutting into the conversation with a very proud-sounding, “He is my fiancé, excuse you. And I do not appreciate you talking to him like this.”
Roier could swoon. So he does, sighing forward and slumping against Cellbit’s back. The knight looks positively disgusted, but not because he’s homophobic. It’s the look of a man seeing his childhood best friend in love with an obvious criminal, and it’s hilarious.
Fiancé, Roier dreamily thinks. He just wishes that they got to be boyfriends first.
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tomfrogisblue · 4 months
watched a compilation of all the (canon) egg deaths throughout the server's lifetime and I got some thoughts
(cw - lots of death, lots of pain, if you watched this server you know what to expect but be warned anyway)
- fit's reaction to ramón's loss of his first life is so interesting - no reaction from him or phil that an egg had just gone down in the in-game chat. crazy concept compared to the rest of the future of the smp
- juana and tilin's deaths are so sad and accidental that it's kinda funny. Charlie and Mari just clearly have no idea the risky shit they're pulling (COZ HOW COULD THEY???). man, thank god for etoiles figuring out the sword bug
- foolish just stepping out and coming back to a whale'd leo - the poor doozers who tried to get his attention through donos
- poor fucking roier man. that man just went through it. the reaction of the rest of the server when Bobby went down... bruh the suppressed memories of egg trauma are resurfacing...
- i forgot the bulls were such a fucking problem at one point, hit one and they all come to beat your ass.
- i was there for only some of the egg deaths in the actual streams but i remember tallulah's one from the code monster and phil so fucking clearly. the code was soooooo fucking intent on killing her that day, it took so long and it was so frustrating when it finally succeeded. (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
- oh my god i fucking straight up forgot how bad em's death to the eye workers was. that was so horrible. really fine with never hearing a scream like that ever again thanks 👍
- on that note - every single one of these are so not fun coz the qsmp perfected a level of story and character with the eggs where no one is really being a character or doing much acting. EVERY TIME AN EGG LOSES A LIFE EVERYONE IS ACTUALLY MISERABLE, THERE IS NO ACTING HERE, EVERYONE IS CRYING, IM CRYING, THE CHAT IS CRYING
- ahem. im fine.
- andddddddd i stopped watching when richas' final death was gonna play. i dont need to watch that again. it is tattooed in my brain. thanks but no ❤️
- and i didnt fully realise how many of the egg deaths that really fucked me up were the redacted ones, the nightmares. ramón getting chased out of his safehouse and dying alone in the bamboo as the server races to save him. Phil getting double tapped on the beach and watching pomme get one shotted by the code, totally helpless to do anything. richas disappearing for one (1) second and just showing up as dead, killed by a frenzied knight out of fucking nowhere. The Nightmare, the event that made the server remove a enemy mob mod for a while coz it was just too op compared to the players, just real fun memories of phil taking a boat back to the beach where it happened and debating on whether he's gonna straight up leave the server if chay is gone.
oh, and the Brazilians just blowing up on Vegetta's mines all the way through their first day, leading to richas just getting a redo of his lives lmao
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liliumblooms · 2 months
Summer job
For @anonymous-dentist’s Spiderbit Week Day 3
Prompt: First meetings
Maybe an OXXO wasn’t the best place to meet the love of your life, but he couldn’t help but imagine the possibilities after that handsome man, his knight in shining armor, left the store with his phone number.
Wait, wait, wait—maybe he should start explaining from the beginning.
Originally, it was just another normal day at work. The sun was blazing outside the store, the sidewalk practically vibrating from the heat. It was like any other summer day, and while he was happy to be back from his first year at university, he’d much rather be spending his time doing anything else, like hanging out with family and friends who were also back.
He had taken this job because he had hit it off with one of his roommates in the dorms, his new best friend Jaiden, based on their shared dislike for their other roommates. Together, they were planning to rent an apartment near campus for the next year of their studies.
He knew that if he asked, his parents would easily give him the money needed to find a good apartment, if they didn’t build him his own building first. But he didn’t want to put more burden on his parents, who were already paying for the part of his education not covered by scholarships and giving him a nice allowance to live comfortably through university. He wanted to take on this responsibility himself and was working hard to save up at least a few months’ rent for the apartment he and Jaiden had planned to share.
If he worked here during the summer, plus what he had saved during the year, he’d be ready to sign the lease once back in Quesadilla, ready to start a new semester at university.
At that moment, he was restocking inventory on the various shelves in the store, making sure there was enough stock of the most popular products for the season and reorganizing the mess left by a group of teenagers who had just come through the store.
He had been at it for a couple of hours, having received new merchandise in the morning, processing all the new items, organizing them in the small storeroom, bringing out boxes to display in the store, and restocking where necessary.
His coworker was on a lunch break, taking advantage of the low customer traffic during the hottest part of the day when no one wanted to be outside unless absolutely necessary. After making sure the shelves were tidy, full, and organized, he quickly went to fetch a cloth and the small ladder from the storeroom, ready to clean the top of the refrigerators to keep the store looking neat.
If he had learned anything from his father Vegetta, it was cleanliness, order, and symmetry, something he tried to apply in his daily life, even if it wasn’t always perfect. At least at work, his efforts were recognized, and his father’s teachings were what helped him get the job in the first place.
Quickly opening the small ladder, he started cleaning, not hearing the sound of the store’s bell indicating the entrance of a new customer, too focused on finishing quickly so he could return to the register before his coworker came back from lunch.
It wasn’t until he felt one of the refrigerator doors bump into the ladder that he noticed another person’s presence, startling him so much that he physically jumped and lost his balance, narrowly avoiding a fall in front of the customer.
Squeezing his eyes shut and mentally preparing for the impact, he was surprised when it never came, but what shocked him more were the strong arms he felt around his torso, his feet still tangled in the ladder rungs.
Slowly opening his eyes, ready to thank the person for their help, apologize for the inconvenience, and run to hide in the storeroom to call his coworker and beg him to return and handle the customer, unable to deal with the embarrassment. But all those foolish, self-destructive thoughts stopped the moment he locked eyes with the bluest eyes he had ever seen, like shining sapphires, with a gaze as deep as the ocean, feeling as if the stranger in front of him could see his deepest secrets with just one look.
The young man quickly helped him to his feet, lifting him off the ladder with his strong arms, and he could feel his body slowly melting, though not from the outside heat.
“¿Estás bien?” The stranger asked, his voice expressive and somewhat deep. He also detected a slight accent, which he quickly identified as Portuguese.
“S-si, gracias por s-salvarme,” he couldn’t help but stutter, caught between embarrassment and attraction to the man in front of him.
He was tall, though only slightly taller than him, with dark blond hair tied in a half-ponytail, a white streak in his bangs that gracefully fell across his forehead, fair skin with a slight tan and some small freckles, typical for this time of year and place. After a quick glance, he noticed multiple tattoos and scars on his arms, which, personally, didn’t help his brain, already on the verge of a short circuit.
“Sorry for bumping into you, I didn’t notice.” The man apologized politely while Roier mentally made a list of all the attributes he was learning about this stranger.
“Don’t worry, things like this happen here more often than you’d think. At this point, it’s part of the job.” He tried to be funny and downplay what had happened, ready to flirt with the handsome man the universe had sent his way to break the monotony of working at an OXXO.
Apparently, it worked, as the handsome young man let out a light laugh, a smile forming on his lips, which Roier mentally cursed for being attractive as well.
“Even so, forgive me, I’ll be more careful in the rest of the store.” He winked and walked to another aisle to find whatever he was going to buy. Meanwhile, Roier tried to quickly recover from the interaction they had just had.
He quickly went to the register and reached for his phone, ready to bombard his friends with messages and demand help in winning over the handsome Brazilian shopping in the store. Although he didn’t have much time to act, as the man soon approached the register, ready to pay for his items.
He scanned his items one by one and mentally analyzed his purchase. “A bag of regular Doritos, does he know that Mexican ones are spicier than in other countries? A bag of Sabritas, classic, a ham and cheese sandwich, is that his lunch? Two Cokes? Is he with someone?” But a quick glance around the store calmed his nerves, as he didn’t see anyone else, just the man looking at the candies on the small shelves below the register.
“Anything else, sir?” He asked politely, though not ready to end this interaction and let the most handsome man he had ever seen leave the store without at least knowing his name.
“Yes, this candy, do you like it?” He said, placing the candy on the counter. Roier quickly recognized it as a Lucas Muecas, a candy he used to eat a lot after school, a treat his father would often buy him after a long day.
“Yes, it’s good, a bit spicy but with a strong sweet flavor.” He replied honestly, hoping to extend the conversation a bit.
“Alright, just that then.” The man said while starting to search his pockets for something to pay with.
Meanwhile, Roier quickly placed all the items in a plastic bag and strategized his next move.
Once paid, he handed the bag directly to the man, their hands brushing in the process, feeling a slight electric shock run down his spine.
The handsome man quickly rummaged through the bag and handed the candy back to his still-outstretched hand after the contact.
“For you, again, sorry about earlier.” He still looked a bit embarrassed.
“Really, don’t worry about it, I’m fine. And thank you, but I can’t accept it.” He tried to return the candy, but the handsome young man just stepped back, shaking his head.
“Nao, nao, nao, I insist, it’s the least I can do after almost making you fall.”
“Well, thank you very much…” still embarrassed, he squeezed the candy in his hand, bringing it to himself. Gathering courage from who knows where, he decided to take a risky decision and flirt with the guy. What’s the worst that could happen? Embarrass himself and never see him again? That had already happened today.
“But, if you really wanted to make me feel better, maybe you could ask me out?” He felt his cheeks and nose blush slightly, but there was no turning back now.
He smiled when he noticed the blue-eyed man’s gaze, a special sparkle now in them, as he looked at him with a half-smile. Maybe he had made the right move.
“Alright, Roier, give me your number.” He said, handing him his receipt to write his phone number on it. How did he know his name? He wondered, though quickly realizing his work uniform had a small name tag.
Carefully taking the receipt not to wrinkle it, he quickly found a pen on the counter, writing his phone number along with his name and a small winking face, like the one the other had made earlier.
The blond received the receipt back, gently taking his hand in the process, then carefully placing the receipt in his wallet.
“I’m off at 5,” Roier informed him quickly, in case their potential date was today.
“That works perfectly for me, see you then…guapito.” He quickly said goodbye, winking at him again and giving him one last smile for the moment.
“Ay… gatinho!” He couldn’t help but blush at his words, still processing what had just happened.
After a few minutes, contemplating his life and inventing fictitious scenarios in his mind about his future with his most beautiful customer, he realized he never asked for his name, quickly feeling like the biggest idiot in history.
Though his suffering didn’t last long, a few minutes later, he felt his phone vibrate with multiple messages.
From: ????
Hi, guapito!
I’m Cellbit, the guy you served a little while ago.
Sorry for not texting immediately, I had to take my sister back to our hotel.
See you at 5 ;)
God bless summer jobs, annoying roommates, and the country of Brazil for having the most beautiful gatinho in the world.
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noobsomeexagerjunk · 10 months
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@tubborucho very messy doodles of some eggs based on your egg team pugatory sort
edit: oh yeah @qtubbo i heard the sort was partially yours as well
bolas: chayanne and tallulah
ggn: leo and bobby
soulfire: pomme and empanada
design notes:
big robe from missa is tattered to resemble a royal-esque prince dress
skeleton body suit persists, but the bones have more cracks
bolas mask is cut to match the phantom-esque skull mask i draw him in; covers the whole snout
wing protection, which applies to all members
hair cut! she so grew it out and cut it in purgatory
sweater & skirt combos persist, but she has raggedy coats on instead of cardigans and vests. purgatory lulu is inspired by c!wilbur
no more shoes
mask only protects her nostrils
cap faces forward, bc that's how you know things are shit
wrap-around mask for that superhero aesthetic, in honor of hermanoier
the general wear is very inspired by vegetta, with the sash and emeralds taken from foolish
bun for practicality
all green of her person glows
roier-typical headband
techwear ninja fit heavily taken from jaiden
overalls still constitute as pants though
very simplistic but rugged-looking
i've been putting this girl in knight-inspired clothing (etoiles), so fancy fluffy coat hides that
chains and trinkets are on her belt and they call back to all her parents
all the natural blue on her person glows
the hair streaks glow, as is with all soulfire members with color fun hair
3/5 of her parents are on this team, so her outfit is a combination of bagi, tina, and niki's soulfire outfits—so big coats, sweaters, and winter boots
no piercings this time
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hiatusdeity · 1 year
❤️ anon. A qsmp related ask I keep thinking about the school quackity made and how it wasn't often used so how about
Qsmp! Reader becoming a teacher with quackity (not knowing quackity true intention) but often doing fun activity and maybe even a defense lesson when the island is getting dangerous.
I just wanted a bit more school shenanigans, but I did love Biden trolling quackity.
welcome on in ❤️ anon, im so glad you’ve travelled and found my silly little tumblr.
QSMP! teacher
-being the second teacher of the school wasn’t hard work, they were all angels, to you anyway. your shared classes with quackity were full of suppressed laughs as chayanne had a strong dislike for your teaching partner, throwing pencils at him when he was writing on the board, or out right hitting him. you didn’t know the full extent as to why Chayanne did that, but you knew he had good reasoning, his grudges were to be held seriously, as you knew one of his fathers, Phil, was a man true to his word and grudges.
-you taught the kids painting, and creative writing, you sang to them and read to them, encouraging them to read any genre they wanted. the amount of fantasy books revolving around dragons that you had were now entirely gone, the eggs were curious after all, with no dragon mother around anymore, no one had any idea what sort of dragon they would become.
-along with the creativities, you taught them self défense and how to hold their own, you knew quackity was almost entirely useless in combat. it was pretty obvious from the fact chayanne could ruffle his feathers.
it started off small, teaching the kids strategies on how to get away, how to disarm. but after a while, the eggs became hungry, hungry to fight. they were all unanimously sick of being defended by their parents, they wanted to fight beside them, without being a liability. you were hesitant, but as best and less dangerous as you could, you taught them. you taught the kids how to knock entities out, how to break bones with clean slices, how to stun someone, and in some instances, in only emergencies. how to do a quick and clean, and mostly humane kill.
Tallulah had been lying to her father, about what she was doing at school, she knew he didn’t want her to fight, but she had to, for herself. and as much as Chayanne was strong and skilled, Tullulah didn’t want to be defenceless, always waiting for a knight in shining armour, it left a bitter taste in her mouth.
Dapper loved learning to fight, it was more material to mess around with his uncle foolish, to get on his nerves and escape, or to taunt his uncle because Dapper’s new tricks were too advanced for him. You remember spotting Bad peeking in on your lessons a few times, studying dapper, most likely seeing if you were teaching him right. Bad would have your head if your fighting and self defence classes were void and null.
you often caught Leo on her communicator, talking to their father’s. you saw glimpses of messages from foolish varying from, “kick dappers ass” or “you’re the best fighter outta all of em”. And messages from vegetta were always so sweet, “you are so good hija! tu son muy bien :D”. it warmed your heart to see, but you always had to remind the kid that the more she got distracted, the less she learnt.
whenever quackity did bravely step into one of your lessons, some had beelined to him to show him what you taught them. despite your objections, The other teacher was floored in seconds, with eggs triumphantly standing on his. “c’mon guys.” you grinned, gaining their attention once again, “you’re really wasting your awesome skills on someone who’s strength is equivalent to a worm?” you laughed.
Quackity had pulled you aside after class to ask for lessons, turns out, being called a worm had given him motivation to not be useless in a fight.
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vienoreal · 1 year
Hello hello I am a random and nervous anon who will probably never interact with you again but. I would like. to hear your thoughts. on the minecraft diaries au u mentioned hjbskjdnfksfd i remember watching through that series like 1000000 times back in the day lol
i have a lot of ideas for it and so many thoughts
1st variant of Minecraft Diaries x QSMP crossover.
qMariana is Aphmau, Juanaflippa is Levin and qCharlie is Laurance
Mariana just kinda appeared outta nowhere and Juanita got left at his door and as the Lord of the Quesadilla Village he just fuckin' had to keep her until he found her mother
on said adventure he meets this very pretty guy who for reason has really long green hair and pieces of slime on him like HUH? AND HE'S FLIRTING WITH HIM?? AND HE COMES OVER TO VOUCH FOR HIS INNOCENCE ALONG WITH HIS OWN KNIGHT FOOLISH?
okay and now he has a fucking Wyvern and offered to give him a ride? fuck yesss, but honestly even if he wants to jump this man's bones like every other bitch but he has a kid to take care of! and a village! also Foolish is kinda hot and Charlie is a knight for another village
Mariana just looks like his normal self, some people question the outfit but he doesn't really know either
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Charlie's outfit is exactly like Laurance's, but his hair is Green because his childhood friend, aka. Wilbur Soot, and who he considers his brother, dyed his hair and disappeared before he could change it back
Charlie ended up having to take care of Tallulah, Wilbur's daughter. Phil, the new Lord of Meteli also takes care of her and his other son, Chayanne. Missa is his guard.
Quackity takes Sasha's role, having died and turning into a Shadow Knight. Tilín disappeared after his death and Charlie is still working on trying to find them.
when Mariana goes to save the Chicken Shaman, aka. Maximus, Charlie sacrifices himself to save them, hoping for Maximus to turn Wilbur back to himself
he gets raptured and turned into a Shadow Knight, where he sees Quackity as Sasha, Luzu as Gene and someone else (i have yet to figure out who should be Vylad. )
Mariana is honestly fucking devastated that Charlie is in the Nether with no help and no way to come back, until he sees him while on a trip with Juanita. Charlie wanted to reach out to Mariana and hug him and kiss him, but he couldn't. the rage imbued in him by the Shadow Lord making it also impossible from pulling out his sword and gutting Mariana, the last Lord he served. but seeing little Juana there, staring at him with big bright eyes and a smile, reminded him of Tilín and Tallulah. it broke his heart and he fled, afraid of hurting the poor child.
when Mariana later finds Charlie, blind, hurt and nearly on death's door with the wyvern, Cucurucho (yes Cucurucho bc qCharlie's interactions with it are funny and adorable and sad) suddenly turned dark and disappearing
Wilbur, now turned normal thanks to the combined efforts of Vegetta (Zoey) and Cellbit (Kawaii-Chan), came to visit and Mariana left to give them space, but thennnnnnn
the High Priest, Rubius, is outside his tattered house which was blown up by Leo (Zenix) while he was on his adventure for the mother of Juanita. threatening Charlie
yaddi yaddi yada, story goes as normal y'know, except arguments and love between Charlie and Mariana and jealousy with Charlie over Foolish and Mariana
now misc facts about this version of this AU go! -> Charlie is a slime elemental and human hybrid. Mariana is still Lady Irene and i guess a reincarnation? Aaron doesn't exist in this version. Tilín takes Malachi's role, having died and become a ghost with the same fear powers, but Charlie takes them in instead of Mariana. Roier is Dante. Donna and Logan are Forever and Bad respectively. Jaiden is Kiki, and Fit is Brendan. Emmalyn's role is taken up by Baghera. Lucinda is Etoiles and Nicole is Melissa. yes. no, it doesn't make sense. yes, i know.
2nd variant of the AU!!
their roles are just reversed. that's it. Charlie is Aphmau, Mariana is Laurance.
3rd variant of the crossover
Charlie is Logan, Mariana is Donna and Juanaflippa is Yip. but make everything else and everyone else normal Minecraft Diaries or other QSMP members i honestly don't know
Charlie, instead of being greedy and mean, is very friendly and weird and quite diabolical, a slime hybrid. when he gets turned into a werewolf, it messes with his slime and instead transforms him into and eldritch mix of werewolf, slime and demon with too many limbs, too many eyes and teeth and claws, too much fur and goop and,,,, tentacles? goo goobie bitches
Mariana is a nurse who got moved into the "Babe House", and after seeing the hot buff merchant, he's very much into it and wants to become a sugar baby, but instead falls in love and gets married. mission failed successfully?
their relationship is very much playfighting and joke arguments that seem a bit too real for others. they are madly in love and have done el sexo de grande multiple times. even with Charlie in monster form. Charlie gets ruts btw– *gets shot*
when they get kidnapped, Charlie fights tooth and nail to keep Mariana safe, at the expense of his health. he's near death when rescued by the Lord, and frantic in going back to Mariana
Flippa, the lone survivor of the murder of her tribe, later found by Charlie, instead of the Lord of his village. he takes her in and treats her just like he would his own biological daughter
then when he sees Mariana again, reencuentro el sexo de grande
when they go back home, Charlie goes back to his job and dotes on his brand new daughter and his bitch wife like no other, it's sickening how much he adores his family
and during the war, Charlie stays behind to fight, wreaking havoc against his opponents. and during the 15 year time-skip, he waits for Mariana patiently, sitting at the docks like dog waiting for its owner. when he comes back with Flippa, Charlie almost tackles them into the ocean with how happy he was, crying with Flippa about missing each other and kissing Mariana breathless
the Backflippo family is one of the few who stayed at the village. Charlie is one of the few people who are capable of fighting off the bandits easily, along with the help of Juanaflippa, but he has to he away to keep getting more resources and food to keep everything ok and running
Mariana starts a garden at the wish of Juanita, giving them to Charlie to sell and Juana to make crowns of and press them. he farms as well and makes sure everyone stays healthy, rasing Juanita while Charlie is off doing business and exchanging letters with him almost every single day, sending them talking about their days and how they're doing while away
they're so in love your honor
Juana is very hyper and very energetic, practically hounding Charlie to play and teach her how to be a werewolf every time he's home. whenever that happens Mariana takes a big big nap and enjoys whatever gift Charlie brought back
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i'm so normal guys, trust me
hope you liked these ms paint drawings HSBDJDHHDGSGVS
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tweeapis · 1 year
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I have plans that I cannot share with you right now, because the haters will sabotage me. I have plans that I cannot share with you right now, because the haters will sabotage me. I have plans that I cannot share with you right now, because the haters will sabotage me. I have plans that I cannot share with you right now, because the haters will sabotage me. I have plans that I cannot share with you right now, because the haters will sabotage me. I have plans that I cannot share with you right now, because the haters will sabotage me.
If you see any inconsistencies with their designs,
you don’t
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butchfoolish · 11 days
Ough the banana. The fact he worked to make it eternal so he could hold and eat Vegetta’s banana while he was away. Like most people didn’t know it’s was Vegetta’s, but foolish did
fooligetta is so special to me because I am the BIGGEST sucker for devotion. Knights and their lords/ladies, worshippers and their gods, and especially just between friends/partners. Foolish might have been tempted once or twice but ultimately his heart belonged to Vegetta and only Vegetta.
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packedtazer · 8 months
🫧"Eu tava confortável no dia, né, tava calor." 🫧
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🫧 Notes about Y!pac:
-> Uses he/she/they pronouns, doesn't know exactly what her gender is! Also identifies as transfem, but not entirely?
-> Goes by Pac, or whatever nickname she gets called!
-> Has a mental link with Mike (@tazeredmike) so posts may occasionally have pink or green text!
-> She likes to be called Mae more than Pai!
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🫧 Taglist:
𓆝 chomp chomp - in-character posts
𓆝 🦈 - out-of-character posts/tags
𓆝 closed book - finished threads
𓆝 lab experiments - anonymous asks
𓆝 your machines - in-character reblogs
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🫧 The Favela:
𓆝 my darling baby - richarlyson (@footballpigeon)
𓆝 my coração - cellbit (@catboyarg)
𓆝 meu ar - felps (@felpsederation)
𓆝 my sun - mike (@tazeredmike)
𓆝 my brave knight - etoiles (@tueur-de-donjon)
🫧 Minha família:
𓆝 my dear sister - baghera (@theducklady)
𓆝 pomme! - pomme (@carmalized-apples)
𓆝 my other wet man - quackity (@duckduckquackity)
𓆝 oh my god its spider-man - roier (@psicologoier)
𓆝 my brother - slime (@elfagflippo)
𓆝 my sister in law - mariana (@elwifeguy)
𓆝 meu juana - juanaflippa (@bulletflips)
𓆝 meu tilin - tilin (@witheredlilacs)
𓆝 meu gegg - gegg (@goo-amalgamation)
🫧 You're cute ;) :
𓆝 my creator - foolish (@builderfreak)
𓆝 a great warrior - vegetta (@constructor777)
𓆝 fitch - fit (@spawnradio)
𓆝 another daddy! - badboyhalo (@daddestboyhalo)
𓆝 i love your band - wilbur (@signed-in-song)
𓆝 mr minecraft - philza (@crows-father)
🫧 Eggs:
𓆝 dapper! - dapper (@autismbeamsyou)
𓆝 bobby! - bobby (@bobby-el-mas-chingon)
𓆝 ramon! - ramon (@inventorswag)
𓆝 chayanne! - chayanne (@cha-cha-cha-chayanne)
𓆝 a princesa - tallulah (@music-among-the-amapolas)
𓆝 leonarda! - leo (@minibuilder777)
𓆝 trumpet! - trumpet (@yaaay-propellerhat)
🫧 Others:
𓆝 i like your mines - maximus (@maximum-father)
𓆝 jaiden :D - jaiden (@birdcage-island)
𓆝 skeletor? - missa (@cringefailskeledad)
𓆝 spreen. - spreen (@cringefailabsentdad)
𓆝 quesa? - @quesadillaislandofficial
𓆝 that bear... - cucurucho (@thecensusbureau)
𓆝 there's another? - cucurucho 2 (@thebetterbureau)
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qsmpvegetta · 1 year
Tumblr media
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡HOLAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! You can call me VEGETTA (he/it) on this blog! I am 21 & kin! As well as therian and sometimes age regressor! :} Main is @hrtnsolofytube !!
I'll reblog art and stuff that makes me think about myself, and also do ask games as well!! They are so fun :D
This blog might not always be themed around Vegetta, because I have a lot of strong kins, but it is right now and will be for a while! This blog will probably only have our QSMP kins!
Basic DNI criteria + DNI if anti-factkin/DA or Anti-Endo
C!Quackity (DSMP)
Scam Likely (Dungeons and Daddies)
Reddoons (LifestealSMP)
Branzy (LifestealSMP)
Chip Bastard Lastname (JRWI: Riptide)
Gillion Tidestrider (JRWI: Riptide)
DM!Grizzly (JRWI: Riptide)
Martyn Inthelittlewood (NLSMP/TL)
GoodTimesWithScar (All characters)
Camilo Madrigal (Encanto)
C!Tommy (DSMP)
Jack (BioShock)
Revivebur (DSMP)
HABIT (EverymanHybrid)
Ted Nivison
Wilbur Soot
Tyler Joseph
Karl Jacobs
Awsten Knight
* these are typically IRL/DAs for us
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cacklefrendly · 1 year
Share the au classes omg
here's the ground rules i've been goin with:
Each person can have a Main Class and a Secondary Class. No lore-based restrictions apply but they're fun to consider.
Alternatively, someone's main class can be replaced with them being non-"human".
Eggs follow the same principle BUT they can't be Tanks (Gladiator and Marauder are allowed) and can't be non-"human".
i don't have classes for: Forever, Mariana, Dan, Luzu, Maximus, Spreen, Quackity, Kameto, and most of the new members. everyone else* is under the readmore
(disclaimer: i don't watch everyone here but i do read other people's analysis' of them/their cubitos)
FIT — MAIN: Dragoon. SECONDARY: Gunbreaker. RAMÓN — MAIN: Machinist. SECONDARY: Lancer.
PHILZA — MAIN: Paladin. SECONDARY: Reaper. MISSA — MAIN: Astrologian. SECONDARY: Reaper. CHAYANNE — MAIN: Reaper. SECONDARY: Gladiator.
BBH — VOIDSPAWN. Pact: Dapper. SECONDARY: White Mage. DAPPER — MAIN: Reaper. SECONDARY: Machinist.
PAC — MAIN: Red Mage. SECONDARY: Sage. MIKE — MAIN: Sage. SECONDARY: Red Mage. FELPS — MAIN: White Mage. SECONDARY: Blue Mage. CELLBIT — MAIN: Summoner. SECONDARY: Dark Knight has no secondary shut up shut up he's past that RICHARLYSON — MAIN: Glamour Expert. SECONDARY: Cupid.
GEGG — Gegg. Summonable by AyPierre. Former Raid Boss. THE ENTITIES — Egi. Summonable by Cellbit. Future Raid Bosses. RUBIUS — Primal. MUMZA — God. Has pacts similar to a Voidsent. (Phil, Missa, Chay) CODE MONSTERS — Voidspawn. Reoccurring Raid/Trial Bosses. "JUANAFLIPPA" — Voidspawn. Pact w/ Charlie. Becomes Raid Boss.
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