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Posing next to one of the beautiful portraits of the rescues animals by the @catskill_animal_sanctuary at their homestead ✨🙅♀️This was at the Polly room , a bedroom dedicated to a rescued rooster , who had the chance to have a great life at the sanctuary ✨All of the rooms are dedicated to a rescued residents✨Their homestead is lovely and there are beautiful photos of the rescues residents all over , the portraits are for sale and it all goes to the animals ✨Thanks to this place , I realized that roosters and chickens are one of the most lovely and friendly animals out there ✨Love to all ✨💗 #vegan #rescueanimals #supportanimalsanctuaries #govegan #vegansofig #vegansofinsta #veganover45 #veganover40 #vegansofnj #vegansofhackensack #vegansofnewjersey #vegansofnewyork #vegansofny https://www.instagram.com/p/B13LNd1BDgm/?igshid=v57n3yfjdphg
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Me on Saturday at the hardware store after I showed a client a few houses. As I sit in front of the hardware store, I began to think about my next moves (& the fact that my nails are not looking pretty, lol). I will officially be in my mid-40s this year. I have a lot of decisions I need to make. I am blessed and grateful but still adjusting to life in the era of COVID-19. I want a vacation far away! As soon as the snow is gone, I’ll start making my videos for YouTube again. Until then, love to love to love yah. Bless up! 😘 Stay warm. 💚 #whatveganslooklike #veganover40 #over40 #veganrealtor #realtorDaniella #veganblogger #NaturallyDeeOne (at Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLncqUXp_2L/?igshid=3kjep9sd4qr0
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Recharge moments like this is crucial for my well being . ✨This is one my favorite spot , it became my second home , and luckily is not too far ✨My heart and soul get big smiles when I am surround by a lot of nature , beautiful tress , mountains , able to breathe fresh air and feeling what is the most real ✨I love being here , where I am capable to remind my self , to take my time , and just breathe , and appreciate this planet.✨.Whenever I can , I love to go on the opposite direction of our societies that lead us to be on a fast pace , spreading the fake need for consumerism that makes us buy things we don’t need , this mentally is literally destroying our planet ✨I have been trying my best to be a minimalist , by consuming only what I need ✨ The greedy is real , for some they can’t never have enough ; such mentality damage our planet ✨Greedy may speak loud to most ,but for the ones who seek peace of mind ,somehow will be able to hear the heart beats of the forests ,and understand , that being alive is already a big victory , and that we don’t need that much to feel happy✨ Real happiness is within us , and on the small things that matters ; such as smiles from strangers , small acts of kindness , appreciation for birds that visits our backyards , people who are willing to wait for us to cross the street first while they are driving , the ones who wishes us good things ✨ For instance, when we are kids , we get exited when we make a new friend ,and can’t wait to tell our parents about our new friend ; most adults usually ask “ How big are his house? “ “ What do their parents do for a living ?“ , while most kids don’t pay attention to that ,and stead notice the cute doves on the roofs and the fun they had with their new friend ✨ Greedy is destroying our eco system and humanity , and it won’t be long for us to realize we can’t count our money without air to breathe ✨Love to all❤️#vegan #catskills #nature #govegan #veganshare #slowpace #environment #climatechange #climatechangeisreal #veganover45 #veganover40 #kindness #proudvegan #vegansofny #newyorkstate #vegansofnewjersey #vegana #meioambiente #minimalism https://www.instagram.com/p/B1IxPSnBBlM/?igshid=1aej9wx5ae6pl
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Seeking for simplicity in the nature where I can breathe peace and feel real 🥰🌼✨It seems like my pink T - shirt is matching with my favorite #vegan pink lipstick by @eccobellabeauty .😇☺️I didn’t even plan to make this very pink match 😅🥰✨I rarely wear make up but when I do I make sure it is free of cruelty towards animals and Ecco Bella is one of my favorite vegan makeup brand ✨🌼 Wishing a peaceful day surround by love to all of us ✨ #simple #vegan #vegansofig #natureaddict #veganover45 #veganover40 #selfieoftheday #veganover40 #hiking #vegana #vegansofny #vegansofnj #nature #vegansofhackensack #vegansofnewyork #vegansofnewjersey #veganosdoinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BykACOmhv3a/?igshid=p6k0mv9dycch
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With this little girl #lillyfoschino ✨✨Looking forward for to stick with her and others ,like glue on this day off 🌼✨#vegan #vegannsofig #vegansofnewjersey #vegansofnj #veganover45 #veganover40 #govegan #besties👭 #dogs #adoptdontshop #vegandog #vegandogsquad #plantpowereddog #vegansogsofig #vegandogsofinstagram #vegana #caes #caovegano #adoteseumelhoramigo #veganosdoinstagram #natureaddict #mybestie https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzfi32fB9Z2/?igshid=sbs0i8knrz3y
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Who else like to practice some dance out of no where at the Mirror ? Well , I do 😇😌✨✨✨In a world surround by endless labels ,fast technology , new terms , new inventions; we should never forget our inner freedom and capacity to create our own peaceful inner world , seeking real and simplicity ✨🌼 Hapoy Friday y ‘ all #shabbatshalom #vegan #veganover45 #vegandance #govegan #veganover40 #freedom #vegansofny #vegansofig #vegansofnj #vegansofnewyork #vegansofnewjersey #vegana #vaganosdoinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BzPuF78hkPS/?igshid=12ti426wvmkcd
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✨Animal testing is one of the most horrific forms of animal exploitation and it is unnecessary for cosmetics✨✨ Finding vegan cosmetics and products became part of my vegan journey of learning and awareness ✨✨✨ As the years passed by ,vegan products started to become more visible in the market with a larger variety then 20 to 10 and 5 years ago ✨✨Here are some of the latest #vegan products and cosmetics that I have been using lately ✨✨✨I LOVE the toothpaste by @helloproducts , ✨✨✨I can’ t get enough of the skin care collection by @acurebeauty , they literally have everything vegan , very tempting ✨I been using their deodorant, body lotions , skin scrubs, anti aging day cream and make up remover 🥰😇✨My favorite vegan shampoo for my hair type is by @ecolove_official , they have a for all types of hair ✨Now that I am 46 I have been “lurking “ high quality anti aging products ,✨ I very impressed by @juicebeauty apple peel mask ,I stared using 2 months ago .. they have such a great collection there for all types of skin , very tempting for someone who itry to buy only what I need 😇 ✨🌼 There is no such a thing as “perfect “ vegan , we start to learn with our own pace once we are on this path ..✨Just because we can’t completely eliminate all animal suffering , it doesn’t mean we can’t do something to diminish the extreme violence and cruelty towards animals for Food ,cosmetics and objects ✨✨✨Look how much bigger the vegan market is today in 2019 , ✨These companies are listening to us other wise they wouldn’t create such good products . ✨Moving forward by making kind choices when we eat and use is a must for one day we can have a less violent world for the animals and to all of us 🌼🥰 #vegan #vegancosmetics #veganproducts #ethicalvegan #crueltyfree #vegansofnewjersey #vegansofnewyork #vegansofig #veganover40 #veganover45 #veganmarket #veganshare #veganproducts #govegan #veganlove #vegana #produtosveganos #veganosdoinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/Bus_T-wH93i/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n8ew6mtqy1ju
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There is nothing better in life then hold our besties tight , and surround our selves with vegan food and peace ☮️ ❤️ 🌼💟 I lack Words to describe the type of love I have for these two #lillyfoschino and #samlouiefoschino , not sure what I did to deserve such amazing #besties ✨🌼 To be able to love the animals that are around us and at the same time not collaborating to others animals suffering is a beautiful thing ✨ Being #vegan gives me this huge relief , for knowing that I am not being part of the horrific cruelty , pain that they do to animals that are just like Sam and LIlly , in which leads serious environment problems ✨🌼 #vegan #veganover45 #adoptdontshop #dogs #vegandogs #vegandogsquad #shabbatshalom #haappyfriday #veganover40 #plantpowereddogs #plantpowered #govegan #vegandogsquad #vegandogsofinstagram #vegansofig #vegansofboston #vegansofnewyork #vegansofnewjersey #vegandogsofig #caes #vegana #caesveganos #dogsofig #dogsofinsta #caesdoinstagram #adoteseumelhoramigo #veganosdoinstagram #gratitude (at Boston Harbor) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw_kd1Yn-HY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18c9jyxowtkru
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Cuddling my bestie #lillyfoschino at the Catskills Animal Sanctuary , our favorite place to be ✨🥰 Look at this cute duck pillow 🥰 Lilly is no different then ducks 🦆 and other animals .. Like all animals Lilly feel pain and love and want live as much as we do ✨It is illogical to love ones and let others to suffer 🌼Lilly is 14 and 1/2 years , I couldn’t be more grateful for her life , her love and loyalty✨#Vegan #vegansofig #bestie #dogs #adoptdontshop #vegandog #vegandogsofig #vegandogsofinstagram #vegandogsquad #vegandogsofig #dogsofinsta #dogsofig #caes #adoteumamigo #caovegano #vegans #veganover45 #veganover40 #caesdoinstagram #veganosdoinstagram #vegansofnewyork #vegansofnewjersey #govegan #speciesism https://www.instagram.com/p/BvBTsvAnoj1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tkfob84yjy69
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This is how I roll most of the time , with this extremely easy #vegan meals— My blacknbeans burritos with veggies , if I can make this anyone can 😇🥰✨ Being vegan is not a no brainer , It is not a trendy , it is not a diet , it is awareness , it is a consciousness, where we don’t need to collaborate with animal cruelty for food, objects or cosmetics ✨I don’t state that I am vegan to be popular but mostly to let people know , that there is an amazing way of living that doesn’t envolve victims that leads to other serious issues ✨ Even tho I love wearing my pink vegan t shirt ; Being vegan is not about being part of a special club , it is mostly being part of movement that wants to stop the unnecessary harm to animals and at the same time saving the environment and improving our health. ✨Being vegan is about find ways not to collaborate with unnecessary animal cruelty for food , objects , and cosmetics , and as years pass by , it is becoming easier to find kind ways to live ✨✨✨. My vegan journey stared when I was 7 , times when vegan was not even a word , I am 46 , and for many years I didn’t have the sources of informations and remained quiet , but the people close to me would easily notice how normal I was living without animal products on my plate ✨I never thought that veganism would come this far ✨Today ,It is super exiting to witness the young generations and people at my age speaking up , the best part is to get to know lovely rescued animals at Animal sanctuaries ; such experiences led me to speak up more the way I can ✨Vegan is not a phase , I am vegan for life ❤️✨🌼🌼Love to all ✨🌼🥰 #govegan #easyveganmeals #veganeats #veganover40 #veganover45 #vegansnacks #veganshare #veganstories #veganlady #easyveganmeals #vegans #vegana #vegansofnewyork #vegansofnewjersey #veganosdoinstagram #comidavegana #whyvegan #veganstories #vegansince 80’s #stillvegan #veganforlife #plantbased #comidavegana https://www.instagram.com/p/BwoP5XuH-zj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sjvht64yyppr
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With my cocoa almond milk y ‘all 🥰🌼I drink almond milk without moderation ,vegan life style for me is a rejection of violence not calories ✨Back in the days when I was a vegetarian as a kid before I went vegan, way way way before the internet , I had no idea about the evil of dairy ✨✨✨all the Tv comercias , magazines were always , showing off happy cows , baby calfs , that all made believe it was ok ✨It didn’t take much for me to go vegan ,once I learned the brutal truth , behind the eggs , milk and dairy in general ✨I immediately started to find not dairy options , late 80’s ✨Back in the days I was only able to find soy milk and sometimes coconut milk ✨As years passed by I am able to find a larger variety of plant milk , it is 2019 and there are vegan option for everything everyone 🌼✊✨I am 46 years old , I never had any deficiency, it was always the other way around ✨ I never had to overthink ✨In the end of the day being vegan is super simple , it is all about humans not wanting to collaborate with animal cruelty in any way we can ✨Being vegan makes me being peace with the universe and align with my true values ✨ With the Internet many may think veganism is about views likes and popularity , but veganism is about the cruciante pain that animals goes trough , it is about the sadistic ways cows go trough so humans can have their milk and their babies taken way , when we can easily drink healthier and tastiest plant milk like this with raw cocoa ✨It is about raising intelligent lovely animals artificially to make them go trough hell , to destroy the environment and people ‘s health ✨ The animals cruciante pain ,injustice and exploitation extend to cosmetics objects entertainment as well ✨in the end of the day is a no brainer to be vegan , and it is just a matter to #choosevegan ✨🌼 Cheers for a less violent world to a of us 🌼 #vegan #govegan #dairyisscary #dairyfree #veganover40 #veganforlife #stillvegan #veganover45 #vegansofig #vegansofnewyork #vegansofnewjersey #vegandrinks #plantmilk #veganstories #vegana #leitevegano #leitevegetal #plantmilk #whyvegan #veganosdoinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BwGzJDmnc-c/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v0kk9hz8yahc
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I always seek for peaceful moments like this where I can just look outside and see the beauty of the wind ✨Life is a miracle , and each second of it is pure magic ✨ Most of the time what I really want is peace of mind , move slow and dig deep in my own thoughts ✨We don’t have to be part of delusional competitions that others may try to drag us ✨We should never forget who we are because of others irrational standards ✨ We are good enough , and whoever think otherwise have a different perspective then our own ✨I stick with my own perspectives and my true values , after all trying to be someone else is a big waste of who we are ✨ There is not need to be part of horrific exploitation and pain towards animal or humans just because society normalize all types of cruelty towards them over profit ✨I seek a life without competition , where all beings can make it , and I try my best to brush it off the evil of greed and embrace gratitude for simple moments like this ✨✨✨ #Vegan #peace #vegansofig #natureaddict #wellness #veganthoughts #vegansofnewyork #freedom #veganthoughts #veganover40 #vegan #veganover45 #vegansofnewjersey #vegansofnewjersey #greatfuleveryday #vegana #veganosdoinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsr770Ln22V/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u26ivfh73iaa
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Here I am acting like the Healthy smoothies addict that I am and posing with this Green beauty of pure health ✨🌼Well , this actually a smoothie , but a refreshing celery juice mixed with lemon juice , ginger and a few slices of 🍎 apples . 🌼 will be drinking smoothies later on yes 🥰💕🎉Starting my day with #vegan healthy vibes around here ✨🥰 #veganover40 #celeryjuice #healthyaddict #govegan #greenjuice #veganover45 #vegandogsofig #vegansofnewyork #vegansofnewjersey #vegana #veganshares #veganosdoinstagram #vegannewjersey #veganvibes #vegansofhackensack #veganbrasil #vegannewjersey https://www.instagram.com/p/BtNnh59nDmq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=h4lmrm267wdx
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The weekend is here at least for me ✊🤘, and the winter still on ❄️🥰 It feels pure heaven to snuggle with #Lillyfoschino and #samlouiefoschino , with my pijamas , watching good movies , read , and eat ✨🥰 Happy weekend y’all ✨✨✨ #dogs #adoptdontshop🐾 #vegan #vegandogs #vegandogsofinstagram #vegandogsofig #plantpowereddog #plantpowereddogfoodsummit #shabbatshalom #veganover45 #veganover40 #vegans #vegana #vegansofig #vegansofinstagram #vegansofnewyork #vegansofnewjersey #veganosdoinstagram #caes #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #dogsofig #dogsofinstagram #vegandogsquad #caesveganos #adoteseumelhoramigo #besties https://www.instagram.com/p/BuvtZEHHME7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1um1dbx6b8vva
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It is easy to feel joy and peace with this these two all over me #Lillyfoschino and #samlouiefoschino ✨🥰🌼 Lilly will be 15 on April , and it has been the best friend someone could ask for ✨✨✨Sam became a great bro to Lilly after we adopted him in 2016 , both have been thriving with @vdogfood the vest #vegan food for #dogs ✨They are not different then the animals people eat, it is illogical to love some and let others to suffer ✨My very simple breakfast on this photo has a vegan cereal in it such as “fiber one “with almond milk , maple syrup and tons of bananas , toast with jelly and fruits 🍌 I always share the bananas with these two with peanut butter , it is helps their digestive system . ✨🌼 #vegan #adoptdontshop #vegan2019 #veganbreakfast #vegandogs #vegandogsofig #veganshare #vegandogsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #dogsofig #govegan #veganboston #vegansofig #vegansofboston #vegansofnewyork #vegansofnewjersey #veganover40 #veganover45 #vegandoglady #vegandogs #vegana #rescueddogs #rescueismyfavoritebreed #govegan #ilovemydogs #besties https://www.instagram.com/p/BsC0aiFnwV4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xa1bdgowhhxf
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Here I am acting like the Healthy smoothies addict that I am and posing with this Green beauty of pure health ✨🌼Well , this is not a smoothie , but a refreshing celery juice mixed with lemon juice , ginger and a few slices of 🍎 apples . 🌼 🥰 AAd you can see I am Starting my day with #vegan healthy vibes around here ✨🥰 #veganover40 #celeryjuice #healthyaddict #govegan #greenjuice #veganover45 #vegandogsofig #vegansofnewyork #vegansofnewjersey #vegana #veganshares #veganosdoinstagram #vegannewjersey #veganvibes #vegansofhackensack #veganbrasil #vegannewjersey #govegan🌱 #veganlady #vegan (at Hackensack, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtNnh59nDmq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v1rn2blzeapk
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