#veg pizza order
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fastapizza · 1 month ago
Few things in life are as universally cherished as a freshly baked pizza. From a crispy crust to melted cheese and flavorful toppings, pizza can satisfy cravings like few other foods can. If you’re a fan of vegetarian pizza, you’re in luck—there has never been a better time to explore fantastic options. But when you lead a busy lifestyle, going out to a restaurant isn’t always easy. Fortunately, you no longer have to wait in line or travel far to enjoy a delicious, hot vegetarian pizza. With just a few clicks, you can order veg pizza online from Fasta Pizza and have it delivered straight to your doorstep. So why wait? Indulge in a slice of heaven today with Fasta Pizza!
In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key, and nothing beats the ease of ordering your favorite vegetarian pizza online. With endless options for toppings, and the ability to order from anywhere at any time, online pizza delivery is the perfect solution for anyone craving a delicious meal without the wait. So, don’t hesitate—order veg pizza online from Fasta Pizza and treat yourself to a satisfying meal today!
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blackjackkent · 11 months ago
Reporting to you live from successfully reinstalled computer! \o/
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crumbledcheese · 1 year ago
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dailyfoodlovers · 9 months ago
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nicestgirlonline · 1 year ago
Let Me Hear You Scream
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT AHEAD! 18+ ONLY! MINORS DNI! language, threatening situations, DUB CON, horror elements
Word count: 3.8k
Summary: It’s the 90s so you actually answer the phone when you’re watching movies
a/n: Happy Halloween yall!!!! Still working on other projects but really wanted to get something out for Halloween! This was for @witchywithwhiskey’s Horror Movie Hoe-a-thon! the prompts I picked were Scream and “I’m your boyfriend now” Hope you all enjoy!!!! Thanks for reading, I’d love your feedback! Reblogs and comments are love <3
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1993. A sleepy suburban town, where nothing exciting ever happens. Friday night.
Your friends were all going out to Wanda’s party, but you were stuck housesitting for your aunt. Your mom had promised you would house sit weeks ago, so you couldn’t get off the hook. It was a big empty house, more rooms than your aunt could ever need. Most were filled up with storage and dust bunnies.
You tried to make the best of the boring night-in. You rented some Meg Ryan movies with plans to completely veg out. You ordered an extra large pizza with all of your favorite toppings and raided your aunts pantry for snacks.
You glanced down at your shirt and saw red. Pizza sauce! Blooming red circle right in the center of your cream sweater. You let out a huff of frustration. Some Friday night.
You changed into comfy nightwear--a baby blue cotton gown that brushed the very top of your knees, along with a pair of fluffy bunny slippers for good measure. You settled back down in front of the TV.
You picked up the phone, squeezing it between your ear and shoulder as you carried your snacks over to the kitchen.
“Hello,” you used your best fake customer service voice. Your aunt had asked you to take down any messages. She must have a new boyfriend she was hoping would call. You wait for a response but all you can hear is low breaths through the receiver. “Hello?” You try again
“Is this Sidney?” The voice was weirdly distorted and hard to place. It was deep, clearly a man’s voice.
“Sorry, wrong number dude.” You hung up before he could let another word out. You set the phone down by the cradle and go back to making your snacks. You got out the big popcorn bowl.
The phone rang out again. “Hello?” You answered. You really hadn’t expected to be fielding this many phone calls.
“Hey. Did I call you earlier?” It was the same strange voice. You blew some air through your lips, how annoying.
“Sidney’s not here. Have a good night--”
“Aw man. She must have given me a fake number. I don’t mean to bother you over and over tonight.” He sighed, sounding very apologetic.
“No worries. Have a good night.”
“Wait, wait. I like the sound of your voice.”
You paused. Was it totally weird to just chat with this guy? Yeah. But what harm could it be? You felt a bit of a flutter in your stomach. You never had talked to a stranger over the phone like this. It felt clandestine! You decided to go with it.
“Better than Sidney’s?” You asked, trying to make your voice sound as flirty as possible. You heard him hum approval.
“Much better than…let’s not talk about her. What are you doing tonight?” There was something very familiar about his voice. There was a crackle and static that made it so you couldn’t quite make it out. It must be a shitty connection.
“I was having a movie night. I’m making some snacks right now.” You started to curl the phone cord around your finger.
“What are you watching, Pumpkin? Something scary?”
“No way. I hate scary movies.”
“Especially not when you’re alone right?”
“Uh - um - I’m not alone. Actually.” You lied. How did he know you were alone? Was he just guessing?
“Scary movies are always scarier when you’re all alone, in a big empty house, that’s in the middle of nowhere,” he continued.
A shiver went down your spine. That was a bit too accurate. But there's no way he could possibly know where you were. It was a phone call!
“I just don’t like them. It's either some creepy slasher stabbing some big boobed blonde through her white t-shirt or a ghost that's a metaphor for trauma. No thank you,” you sighed.
“I think you’re being a little hard on them. Maybe if you watched them with a guy to cling to you’d like them more. Do you have a boyfriend?”
There it was. Obviously the alone comment was him trying to set the mood.
“Why do you want to know? Already over Sidney?” You teased him.
“Answer the question.” He was very serious. You didn’t like the tone he had.
“Yes, I do. Are you going to hang up?” You lied again, trying to call his bluff.
“You don’t have a boyfriend. What are you wearing? Something cute and virginal? What about your underwear?” You pulled the phone away from your ear in shock. You were officially too skeeved out. This wasn’t some poor guy who got slipped a fake number. He was a weirdo!
“Ok perv, I’m over this. Bye.”
“I wouldn’t hang up Y/N.” His voice was suddenly hostile. He spat each syllable out filled with hatred. Your blood ran cold. Your heart started to race. How would he possibly know your name?
“Is this a prank? Not very funny. Is this you Tony?” Your voice shook with fear.
“Who’s Tony? That your boyfriend?” He snarled.
“This is a really bad joke. Did someone put you up to this? Scott? Knock it off now!”
“Jesus you’ve got a lot of men in your life. Are you trying to make me jealous or something? I don’t like sharing.”
“I’m serious, this is a bad joke, so just give it up already.” You cried out, you looked around, making sure you were still totally alone.
“I don’t give up so easily. Do you, Pumpkin? Do you give it up to any guy who looks in your direction? I bet you do, you slut. That's why you're talking to a guy you don’t know while you’re all alone.”
“I’m hanging up, I already told you I’m not alone. My boyfriend is here! He’s big and he plays football. S-so don’t call back ok?” You tried to sound as forceful as possible but your lips wobbled and you tripped over your words.
“Pumpkin, you’re lying to me. You’re all alone in that big house in the middle of nowhere, wearing that skanky nightgown. I can see your nipples poking through this whole time. You’re so turned on by a psycho on the phone, huh?”
You let out a scream. You slammed the phone down, hanging it up. You started to spin a circle looking at all the windows, trying to see if you could see somebody watching you. You ran to the front door to make sure they were locked. You went window by window locking them and shutting the curtains. You took a chair from the kitchen and dragged it in front of the door, jamming it beneath the door knob.
You looked around, trying to remember where all of the doors were in the house. You spun around running to the kitchen entrance. You double checked the lock and put the chain on the door. You slid down the door with your back pressing against it trying to catch your breath.
This wasn’t real. This had to be some fucked up prank. The guys were all too hyped up for Halloween and wanted to get a scare out of you. The ringing stopped and you heard the voicemail click, your aunt's outgoing message began to play.
“You screening your calls, skank? You’re gonna die, you little whore! I’m gonna see what your insides look like --” You picked up the phone just to end the message and slammed it back down. As you scampered away it fell down, swinging from the cord. You take off up the stairs, stumbling up the stairs.
You dash into the guest room you had been staying in. You quickly locked the door. Your hands were shaking still. How was this happening?
The window started to jiggle. You could hear the groaning old wood start to slide. With nothing better to arm yourself with you grabbed a pillow and started to wildly smack the intruder with all you could.
“Whoa whoa whoa, it’s me -- it’s me!” Bucky Barnes, your classmate, was gripping the window sill, flabbergasted from the pillow. You hadn’t even had time to register who it was before you attacked.
“Bucky? What the fuck are you doing here?” You demanded. This proved to you it had to be some kind of a prank. Why else would Bucky Barnes, the moody guy from your film class be climbing up to your room.
“Well, when you said you were busy tonight I thought I could just surprise you? Like a grand romantic gesture or something? Can you um, let me in? It's actually kind of cold.” He was shivering out there. He looked so earnest it tugged on your heart just a bit.
You motioned for him to come in. He heaved his body up, awkwardly crawling through the tight window then falling to the ground. He sprang back up quickly, smiling at you.
“Is this a prank? Are you in on this with the other guys or something?” You crossed your arms.
“Um, other guys? Are there other guys here? I thought I was being original.” He peered around you as if to look for them. You rolled your eyes.
“The phone calls Bucky. I’m not joking around.”
“What phone calls? I’ve been driving all night to get here from campus, then shimmying up some ivy. Haven’t exactly had any time to stop at a payphone. You know what. This was a bad idea, I can see that, I’ll just leave.” He sheepishly put his hands in his pockets as he crouched down to leave the way he came.
“No, no wait!” You grabbed him, keeping him from going outside. If it wasn’t Bucky then there was still a psycho out there! “I don’t know what's going on, but this weird guy kept calling me, and he was watching me! Like I think he was outside the house or something.”
“Calm down, calm down. I was just outside. There's nobody out there. It was probably just a prank call.”
He started to rub your back with slow soothing circles. It was intimate in a way you weren’t used to from Bucky. He was the quiet one, never really hung out unless Steve was around. His palm pressed into your lower back, holding you closer to him. His other hand cupped the back of your head, guiding you into the crook of his neck.
“You’re getting so worked up. Maybe you should just lie down.” He shushed you as you tried desperately to explain it wasn’t a prank call. He guided the two of you down to the bed. He laid down next to you.
“Bucky…why are you here?”
“I wanted to see you, I thought you knew…isn’t it obvious how I feel about you?”
Your head was spinning. Bucky liked you? He barely even talked to you! When he casually asked if you were going to Wanda’s party you assumed it was just small talk. He had grunted and left the second you told him you were busy.
“I think I should call the cops about this--”
“I’m here aren’t I? I’ll keep you safe.” His lips connected with yours silencing you from responding. His kiss was eager, but still so gentle. He slowly moved his lips against yours, basking in the taste of you. He took his time and slowly you could feel his tongue ghosts against your bottom lip, looking for entrance.
Maybe it was the adrenaline, the shock, or maybe Bucky was just an extremely good kisser, but you quickly fell under the spell of the kiss. You let yourself get lost kissing him, trying to forget the phone call prankster that had been terrorizing you.
Fear was still racking through your body, but Bucky felt safe. You tangled your hands in his hair bringing him closer. His hand slowly traced up and down your leg. Both his hands grasped your legs, essentially pinning you down. You felt a cool air waft over your thighs as his fingers gently crept beneath your nightgown.
He cupped you over your underwear, grabbing the elastic and letting it snap back against your skin. You finally broke free of the kiss to gasp. He sat back on his ankles, his hand still toying with your panties.
“Bucky, I--”
“Shhh it's ok. I’m here to save the day. No one's gonna hurt you while I’m around.” He pushed aside your panties and started to slowly circle your clit. You whined as he circles you again and again, the pleasure rushing through you and pushing every thought of terror out of your brain.
He pressed his thumb against your clit and dipped his fingers inside of you. He curled his fingers, dragging more moans out of you. As he fucked you with his fingers, you tilted your hips up for more delicious friction.
“That's it my brave girl, Bucky’s here for you,” he murmured above you. He spoke with such hard conviction. His eyes were intensely boring into yours, nearly unblinking. He was no longer softly in the throws of passion. He was a man on a mission.
He kept pumping his fingers, he brought his other hand up from your leg to palm himself through his jeans. He groaned as he adjusted himself and went back to work on you. His other hand circling around your inner thigh, moving your leg up to his shoulder.
“Bucky, please, please,” you babbled as the pleasure began to mount and mount. It was nearly unbearable as you chased your release, grinding your hips up and down on his hand, riding his fingers towards that sweet relief.
“Yes, you’re doing so well, you’re perfect.” He brought his lips to your neck and began to suck at your sensitive spot. You let out a cry of pleasure as your climax flowed over you. You clamped your legs together, biting down on your lip as another cry came out.
You took a moment to catch your breath, Bucky was still nibbling on your neck. You grabbed his face and brought his lips back to yours. He eagerly responded, his lips enveloping yours.
You grabbed the underwear that you were still wearing and rolled it down your body to fling them off. You sat up and grabbed at Bucky until you found his belt. You fumbled, trying to unbuckle it. Bucky's hands quickly found yours and he brought them together, kissing both your palms. He unbuckled the belt on his own. Removing it without ceremony or flourish. He then yanked his jeans and underwear down.
“Are you sure about this?” He asked.
“I want you so badly, Bucky,” you moaned.
He let out a strangled gasp that turned to laughter. You tilted your head at the reaction. He didn’t sound exactly happy, it was more sinister.
“I just have waited so long to hear you say that to me. I’m so happy right now,” he nearly giggled. He giddily took off his jacket, tossing it to the ground.
“Keep me distracted Bucky, ok?” You asked as you hitch your nightgown up to your waist.
“Oh yes, anything for you, Pumpkin.” He had a devilish smirk on his face as he pressed his lips to your navel, slowly kissing his way up. He grabbed your nightgown and finished taking it off. Tossed it to the side with the pile of his clothes.
He made his way up your abdomen before groping your chest with a satisfied hiss. He squeezed you roughly, making you squeak. He latched his lips onto your breast. You let out a gasp as he lightly bit down. He tended thoroughly to each breast, his wicked tongue teasing at your pebbled nipples until you were a moaning puddle.
He grasped his cock, stroking it a few times before guiding it to your folds. He brushed the head of his cock up and down your cunt, teasing it out. He pressed his forehead against yours.
“You really mean it, right? You want me?” he asked desperately.
“Yes --” Before another word could escape your lips, he entered you. His whole body shivered. He thrust the tip of his head in, easing in and out until he was fully sheathed inside of you. You moaned as the stretch burned in pleasure and pain.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” he moaned, the pace he had set was blistering. You gripped his shoulders to keep yourself anchored as he hammered into you. “You’re so tight, so tight fuuuck me.”
He thrust over and over, using the heel of his hand to keep working at your clit. You scratched your hands down his back as his pumps kept hitting the perfect spot. It was torturous pleasure as he kept working up and down your clit, not giving you a moment of respite.
You came again, your body seizing up as you cried out and then falling limp, boneless back down to the bed. Bucky grabbed your hips, pulling your lower body off the bed as he raced for his own release. The slapping sounds of your bodies filled the room along with his deep, gutural breaths.
“Yes, yes, you’re mine, you’re mine, I finally have you, finally, finally…” he babbled as he slowed his pace as he fucked out his climax.
You curled next to Bucky in the big fluffy guest bed. Both of you were happily satisfied. All thoughts of strangers on the phone were gone from your head. Now it was filled with what just happened.
Hooking up with Bucky? You’d never considered it before. You weren’t sure why, he was so very cute, you thought as you gazed at his face. His eyes were dreamily staring back at you, that big smile had not left his face yet.
“So if you want to like, hang out, I have snacks and movies. We can go curl up on the couch and just completely let our brains rot.” You traced tiny circles on his chest, feeling pretty confident he’d want to stick around.
“I’d be down for a little romcom night, as long as you’re there.” He affectionately tapped your nose.
“Good because that's all I’ve got!”
The two of you got back into a semblance of your outfits, you pulled your nightgown back on, and Bucky pulled on his boxers and the white undershirt he was wearing. You snagged his jacket and draped it over your shoulders. He hummed his approval and kissed you on the cheek.
You grabbed him by the hand and pulled him along down the stairs.
“You can go grab the popcorn, I’ll put the tapes in.” You directed Bucky towards the kitchen as you made your way towards the living room.
You pass the chairs jammed in front of the doors, and you remember your panic.
You shuddered--what a mean prank to pull. What kind of psycho talks to people like that?
You slipped your arms into Bucky's jacket to wrap yourself in it. It smelled sharp and sweet from his body wash and cologne blending together. You stuck your hands in the pockets, only to feel something heavy and tube shaped. You pulled it out, curious, turning it over in your hands a few times to investigate.
It was a long cylindrical looking microphone. You assumed it was some sort of film equipment, but why would Bucky bring that along?
“Hello?” You spoke into the mic. But instead of your own voice, the same distorted, crackling voice from the phone came out.
You dropped it. It was like a hot iron in your hand.
You realized Bucky must have heard you too. Your head snapped towards the kitchen. He was walking slowly towards you, a huge chef’s knife from the kitchen was now in his hands.
“Bucky what the hell is this?” You asked, slowly backing away from him.
“I…can explain.” His grip on the knife tightened and he raised his hands in the air as if in surender, never slowing his pace towards you.
“No, I think you need to leave.” You covered your body with your arms, trying not to trip over the furniture.
“No, no, no you’re misunderstanding --” He was getting closer to you, he reached his arms out to try and grab you.
“Leave me alone!” You screamed out as you broke into a run. You made a mad dash to the front door. Bucky was close behind you.
“I’m not going to hurt you!” He cried out as you fumbled with all the locks. Your hands were shaking, you tried to remove the chain from the door but it wasn’t moving fast enough.
Bucky's arm wrapped around your waist and yanked your body into his. His hard bulge poked at your ass.
“No!!” you cried out as you started to thrash around. You quickly stilled as the sharp point of the knife began to dig into your throat.
“Let’s calm down ok. I think you’re getting too worked up again.”
“B-Bucky, just say that it’s a prank. This was all a big prank. I won’t tell anyone. Just put the knife down please.” You try desperately to reason with him. He lets out an unamused grunt.
He began to drag you away from the door. You strained your neck as far as you could to keep the pressure from the knife as minimal as possible.
“You weren’t supposed to find out. Now it’s all ruined. Fuck. Fuuuck!” He growled. Clearly enraged he started to grapple you down to the floor.
“Why are you doing this to me?” You whimpered, tears oozing from the corners of your eyes. Rolling down your cheeks in huge streaks.
“You don’t get it. You never noticed me. All I wanted was for you to notice me. I just had to grease the wheels a little bit, put on a show to make you see…that I’m the guy for you.” He looked crazed. He moved the knife from your neck to your cheek. He caressed it against your cheeks like a lover's hand.
“Bucky please…put down the knife.”
“You’re misunderstanding me, you’re trying to run away! That’s why I have the knife because you need to listen to me. You always listen to the guy with the biggest tool in the room huh? You thought I was Tony. Does he call you up at night a lot or something? Huh?!”
You were just whimpering as he ranted above you. The blunt side of the knife was pressed against your cheek, the shiny metal reflecting into your eyes.
“Well you don’t have to worry about him anymore.” The look in Bucky’s eyes was primal, like he was no longer a man. The charming smile from before was now warped and too large, his lips curling to show his teeth and gums.
“You’re scaring me. Please don’t hurt me!”
“Hurt you? I would never.” He said, not moving the knife from your face. “I’m your boyfriend now. And I’m not going to let anything happen to you again.”
He brought the knife down from your cheek slowly, the sharp tip dragging down your neck. He began to slice the top button off your nightgown.
“Now, you made such beautiful noises for me before. Let me hear you scream, Pumpkin.”
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finniestoncrane · 2 years ago
💜🍴 Finnie's 1.5k Follower Event 🍴💚
CLOSED by health inspector
even though it felt like this took forever it really didn't because i've only been on here and writing for just over a year, and i'm so grateful that people still follow me despite my personality as a whole lmao, i wanted to do something silly and goofy so here's my prompt list for my milestone ;-; hello and welcome to the vill-inn, gotham's newest restaurant (and definitely 100% not a money-laundering front for nefarious rogue activity no sirree u-u) please come on in and peruse the menu and let us know what you want to eat!! send in your order + reader/insert gender/pronouns/genitals too! the restaurant is now closed as well as writing headcanons and drabbles, i'm also doing a little give away! so anyone who asks off anon (or not, check the specials menu below) i'll enter into a little silly draw for a 1k commission and pick 3 winners u-u 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie1500 (to follow or to block)
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Hello, welcome to Vill-Inn, how will you be DIE-ning with us today?
Sit-In [drabbles/short fic]
Takeout [bullet-point/free form story/headcanon style]
Delivery [surprise me]
Great! Wonderful! What can I get you to drink? And don't say fear toxin! (I'm this close to quitting...) (pick 1)
Water [hurt/comfort]
Soda [angst]
Milkshake [fluff]
Signature Cocktail [smut/pwp]
Black Coffee [doesn't matter/surprise me]
And what will you be having for your MAIM course? (pick 1, feel free to specify the version)
Question Mark Shaped Nuggies [riddler]
Sushi Platter [penguin]
Pumpkin Ravioli [scarecrow]
Surf and Turf [two face]
Arroz con Pollo [bane]
Steak [victor zsasz]
Cucumber Sandwiches [mad hatter]
Garden Salad [poison ivy]
Gut Buster Burger [harley quinn]
Gazpacho [mr freeze]
Plain Noodles with Butter [john doe]
Gumbo [killer croc]
BBQ Platter [captain boomerang]
And what loyal side(kick)s are you having with that? (pick up to 4)
🍟 Regular Fries [waking up with them]
🧇 Waffle Fries [sex in a public place]
🍠 Sweet potato Fries [visiting them in Arkham/Blackgate]
➰ Curly Fries [only one bed]
🍁 Poutine [slow dancing]
🥔 Potato Skins [at a party]
🍕 Pizza Bites [tending to wounds]
🍗 Chicken Wings [confession/confessing feelings]
🍔 Sliders [exacting revenge]
🌭 Mini Dogs [hate/angry sex]
🍤 Popcorn Shrimp [hugs from behind]
🐔 Chicken Strips [oral sex/how they give and receive]
🍿 Cheese Popcorn [bite marks/marking kink]
🥒 Deep Fried Pickles [sloppy kisses]
🧅 Blooming Onion [being rejected]
🍘 Rice Crackers [choking]
🍞 Bread Rolls [blood play]
🧄 Garlic Bread [straddling]
🥖 Breadsticks [neck/wrist kisses]
🥪 Half Sandwich [giving/receiving praise]
🥣 Soup [argument]
🍜 Noodles [cuddles]
🍚 Steamed Rice [denial]
🦪 Oysters [rough sex]
🍣 Sushi Sampler [edging/orgasm denial]
🌽 Corn on the Cob [instructional masturbation]
🥕 Honey Glazed Carrots ["open your mouth"]
🥗 Green Salad ["do you need a hand?"]
🍅 Tomato Salad ["i have to go"]
🍏 Fruit Salad ["i shouldn't have to ask"]
🍆 Roasted Veg ["i've never done this before"]
🥦 Seared Broccoli ["i hate you"]
🧀 Cheese Platter ["it's too late"]
🍖 Meat Plate ["i've never wanted anything more"]
🍄 Sauteed Mushrooms ["do you want it rough or gentle?"]
🥑 Guacamole ["please don't leave"]
🥜 Toasted Peanuts ["i want to hear you"]
🥓 Bacon Bits ["i didn't say stop"]
💚 Specials Menu 💚
I'm Here For A Blind Date [tell me a bit about yourself and i'll do a character pairing for who you're having lunch with]
Can I Get A Seat At the Buffet? [i don't have an idea/want to ask off anon, but i want to be included in the draw - this message won't be answered]
thanks for visiting, and please feel free to tip your wait staff 💜
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fauxraven · 11 months ago
The Time Paradigm [VI]
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pairing: Dream of the Endless x fem!reader
summary: the death of a Dream, the anguish of another
warnings: gore, Dream’s endless (but hot af) anger, character death
word count: 2.9k+
Enter the Dream, weary traveller
Chapter VI: Mutually assured salvation
GaiaPrime-57, Londinium, Half the Lifetime of the Universe,
A window snaps shut.
A droplet drops.
A zipper zips shut.
Zips open.
Chipping nail polish cracks further with every slide of the zip. Zip up; zip down. Zip up; zip down.
The suitcase slams on the floorboards. A frustrated groan leaves the chipping nail polish.
‘’Yes. Yes, I understand that too, Mr. Harris.’’ Up and down and up and down again until it jams. The phone gives a groan under cheap nail polish and exhausted fingers. ‘’Pedro, come—hop on my suitcase.’’
The curly head of a child pops around a corner; small, for his age, smallest of his class, in every aspect. He holds a soft toy that’s half bunny half elephant and about 5% extinct species. He hops on the suitcase silently.
‘’No, obviously, I don’t expect you to hop on my suitcase, Mr. Harris.’’ The zipper draws back, jams again. ‘’Pedro? Remember the Chuck E. Cheese ball pit?’’
The child throws himself onto the suitcase. The zipper is still stuck.
‘’Yes, I know. But the lease said—just one really. Yes, the other intends to stay. I don’t know, a few months. Yes, just me. She’ll stay. Yes—yes! Perfect, thank you, so much!’’ The phone drops on a red faux suede beanbag. ‘’Kid, this isn’t working.’’
‘’It was zipping a bit funny when Aunty Anna tried it too.’’
‘’Anna was within a file-mile radius of my suitcase?’’
The half-elephant half-unicorn dips a head of a cotton into a nod. She pulls him up and throws the suitcase open.
‘’You have got to be kidding me!’’
A pink garment falls to the floor. Followed by a white veil and a cable knit stitch the colour of ebony. Footfalls draw closer with every piece she plucks from the intestines of the suitcase.
‘’Pizza’s ordered. What? You said healthy; veg—what the bloody hell are you doing?’’
‘’You tell me. What part of ‘going there for work’ do you not understand?’’
‘’I understood perfectly! Blimey, I even packed you nice professional clothes.’’
‘’Lingerie? That’s what you call professional?’’
‘’Pleasure and business. Precisely in that order,’’ a lacy thong drops, adding to the growing pile forming on the floor. The child has gone away, thankfully. ‘’What if you meet a hot and loaded British bugger? What then? You’ll be glad I packed the essentials, that’s what.’’
‘’It’s a job in a quiet countryside house; the closest village is eight miles. The only guy I’ll see is pushing ninety and I’ll spend my days wheeling him around—passionately.’’
‘’Just loaded then?’’
‘’Business. I’m going there for business. I’m not like you, Jo. Hell, how many did you—okay, who needs this many thongs?’’
‘’That one’s a stray, actually.’’
On cue, the top layer of the unholy pile shifts into a ginger Tabby cat.
‘’Tell me you did not keep that thing.’’ Johanna snags in a beanbag, hissing at the cat when it tries snuggling up against her leg. She plucks a magazine from the coffee table and starts thumbing through gibberish. She isn’t really paying attention to the words; she isn’t paying attention to anything.
‘’I let you keep the kid!’’ The woman fires back, sitting on her haunches.
‘’Kids aren’t strays, love. Besides, this one’s just using ya for food and free snuggles, hope you know that.’’
‘’Since you’re missing the point, I’ll just cut to the chase—where did you find a whole kid? Where are his parents?’’
Johanna spares her a coy look over the magazine. ‘’Don’t you mean when are his parents?’’
‘’No, I really just mean where are his parents, the people who are supposed to care for him and report him missing should you decide to keep him any longer than you already have.’’
Johanna opens her mouth, tongue fit with a quick retort, but a zipper zips shut and a bell tolls; and life goes on. Without her. Always without her. She ought to move on too.
A sharp snap! rescues her from grim thoughts. A luggage handle is drawn and a decision is made.
‘’Looks like I’m all set. Walk me to the door?’’
‘’Promise to visit for Bommy Night?’’
‘’Sure. Why not Christmas or Easter or any other normal holidays?’’
‘’I want you on Bommy Night.’’
A suitcase is wheeled over the threshold of a small London flat. A dream leaves through the door.
‘’Hun, it happened four hundred years ago, think you can let it go, eventually?’’
‘’Bommy Night?’’
‘’Bommy Night.’’ She sighs. ‘’And do clean up while I’m gone. This place is a mess.’’
A door shuts behind an idyllic picture, a semblance of normalcy, a modicum of love.
In all her lives, Johanna Constantine has never particularly enjoyed loneliness. But loneliness far outweighs death, grief, sorrow, work. So she lets it go. She lets love overflow. She lets her only friend forge her own path through the world. A world cleansed of any demons, ghouls or whatnots that come bump into the night.
Still, she hangs onto the knob. Still, she pauses before the door. Still, she glances at the quiet flat.
A piece of paper and a mess of clothes strewn about a dust-covered couch.
All that’s left of her.
There’s a child in there somewhere, but she doesn’t bother finding him. She knows it won’t last. She knows nothing ever lasts.
An orange cat pushes its head against her calf, purring lightly through her bones.
She might take that gig at Saint-Anne’s. She might blow up the Houses of Parliament. She might phone Rachel.
Endless possibilities.
⌛︎ ⌛︎ ⌛︎
GaiaPrime-57, Edge of the Worlds, Mytikas Peak, Two Millennia Before the End,
He isn’t sure she is breathing.
Granted, his kind do not need to breathe, but nearly all living things do.
In the beginning, breathing was surviving.
Breathing was new, invented by some higher power, meant to be the latest trend in a series of many; holy gifts bestowed upon humanity before it even became humanity.
But in humanity breathing has found meaning.
One’s breathing tells a tale of life—of life and of love and of sorrow and of pain.
In times forgotten but not forgiven, he’d relish in the steady breath of sleepers.
He’d watch the ephemeral rise and fall of a passing chest with great fascination, overcome with a strange mixture of relief and indifference when the fleeting moment inevitably ended.
He’d listen to the soft thrumming of a laboured breath fanning across his own lips, bodies tangled, hearts mingled, minds miles apart. He’d pour his heart into everything that he was and everything that he wanted and he’d breathe them all into his arms… and they would always end up drowning. He’d choke the breath right out of them.
His sorrow was great; but his love was suffocating.
To add insult to injury, evolution has made breathing mandatory; essential.
But she has defied every rule, every law, every principle and sacred promise from day one.
So he is almost certain she is not breathing at all.
And he needs her to breathe.
He isn’t sure why—perhaps because she’s got a kind smile and she’s happy and she’s wounded and she’s saved his life.
A debt he can never repay, to his dismay.
He cannot stand between a flying sword and her lovely face. He cannot mend her wounds with a flick of his wrist. He cannot call out her name so sweetly and stir something buried within the depths of a blazing nova.
But he can save her life.
The hopeful thought digs, and soft golden grains of sand guide him to Chiron’s bedchambers.
He finds the Centaur reading. He calls to him, nearly falls to his knees.
Morpheus, Dream of the Endless, Oneiros, the Shaper of Form and everything he has ever been and ever will be—is utterly devastated.
Strangely enough, nothing gives the King away.
Nothing on the hard face, the wild hair nor deep eyes, nothing in the dark billowing robes and the shining ruby; it’s a feeling in the air, a rapture through time itself that tells Chiron something dreadful has happened.
That, and the dying girl in his arms.
For his usual aloofness, Oneiros proves to be very cooperative.
He lowers her to the cushioned table, per Chiron’s orders and stands aside to let him work.
He watches, powerless, as the doctor tears through fabric and blood-marred skin and frowns.
‘’What is it?’’ His voice is cutting, demanding, that of a sovereign hanging onto his crown with one hand. In the other, lie his wants and desires. Duty warring against something barely blossoming. Something deadly. Something very nearly dead.
‘’The stitches hold still.’’
‘’Is that not a good thing?’’
‘‘Terrible. Very terrible, Milord.’’
Gilded scissors cut deeper, digging into raw flesh and crusted meat alike, dragging unintelligible pained murmurs from the victim’s throat.
‘’She’s coming to, my lord.’’
‘’Not quite. Faster.’’
Scissors chop away, blood bursts everywhere, screams rip free, golden liquid bearing the smell of spoilt milk leaks through veins.
‘’By Zeus—’’ The Centaur curses; the Dream Lord hears it—neither moves an inch.
‘’What is that?’’ Oneiros rasps, anger lacing his even tone as he stares deeper into the leaking wound.
‘’Adiona—‘’ Chiron stammers, wide eyes burning a hole into a gaping canyon. ‘’Go, find Adiona, and any servants and willing gods.’’
Oneiros does not move. His star-filled gaze has darkened; the stars are slowly dying as they gawk at the trickling drops of blood and the large puddle of liquid gold pouring from the wound.
‘’Oneiros, go!’’ Chiron calls to him, they share a glance over the woman and then his eyes sweep over her fevered form again. A pale hand he hadn’t noticed falls from a limp grasp. He is gone in a swirl of sand.
What happens in the split second of his absence is a secret kept between the doctor and the universe.
But for clarity’s sake, the scene is as follows; this tale is not for the faint of heart.
Blood pours.
As a doctor, surgeon, centaur, son of a ruthless beast, he has seen blood. Some might say he is used to the sight of it. Blood and pus and bodily fluids, all fascinating in their diversity. After its inevitable loss, the human body can produce nearly one liter per day. That's two gallons full of pungent blood. He fears she might fill up five pitchers of wine with her blood alone.
But the blood doesn't bother him. It is terrifying.
Blood pours, pours.
Vicious droplets gushing from a gaping wound—a Sunday to him.
He'd operated during the Dhorian Invasion and all that followed humanity's first brush with extraterrestrial forces. He'd served as a soldier for a time, a nurse, a brother, a friend, a gravestone. He thought he'd seen all the world had to give and take.
He hadn't.
He probably still hasn't.
Blood pours pours pours.
Red splotches dot his skin—her skin, the difference is hard to tell anymore.
He reacts mechanically, his body switching to auto-pilot. His arm lifts, a hand reaches and nibble fingers dig through shining flesh and golden remnants of bone. He knows what this is, this gilded ambrosia spreading through her veins. He knows what it is and he knows what it does, so he carries on, hands digging through her entrails as her screams overpower the wet squelching of his crass ministrations.
He digs and he digs until the voice that comes from her throat is nothing but a distant echo carried by a Roman breeze, a flutter of a butterfly's wings.
By the time the doors to his antechamber burst open, he's elbow deep into the angry flesh of her.
A flurry of gods and goddesses and servants stand arrayed about him, gawking eyes narrowing at the sight of the carnage.
''Chiron,'' a voice calls to him, and then two, and then three and a thousand and one. They pierce through the silent spell in the room and noise comes back to him at once, a moist, most disturbing noise.
He carries on; acutely aware that somewhere along his ministrations, she had stopped screaming.
''Chiron, there's too much blood.''
''Is this all from the... inside?''
‘’I could not find Adiona.’’
‘’No matter. Hold her hand.’’
Wordlessly, he gives commands. A world of gods and servants obey, gathering tools and knowledge, changing bandages and spoiling cloth after cloth with dried pungent blood. It just never stops, the flow keeps pouring, rushing over all of Mount Olympus. The rivers of blood spread like gossip on Haloa, splitting into narrow paths, designing warped veins on the pristine floors. The irony.
The servants still the traveller. It is useless. The violent writhing has subsided, only slight tremors remain, faint whimpers and an assembly of gods.
Hephaestus beats her chest repeatedly with brawny arms.
A Cherub's small rounded fingers are pressed against her pulse. With every passing second, they press harder still.
Calliope, ninth daughter of the Hecatae, is sponging up blood and gilded pus from a corpse.
A painting that will never make it to a museum.
Oneiros knows she is no longer breathing. Her hand lays slack in his palm.
Chiron perseveres. Delicate fingers pry him off the body carefully.
The stranger-traveller-lover-of-dreams is... dead?
''It's alright, Chiron. You did your best.''
''You were very admirable. As was she; she shall be remembered as such.''
''Really nothing you could do.''
''Try again.''
A death knell drops. A pipe organ is playing somewhere deep within the bowels of the palace. The eerie melody cannot reach them. Nothing can save for sorrow and grief and the Dreamlord's quiet anger.
''My Lord?''
''Try. Again.''
Chiron holds his haunted gaze. The ninth daughter of the Hecatae raises a graceful hand to the side of his face. ''Oneiros—''
''Save her.'' he repeats, rasping voice never changing in tone. ''You owe her that much.''
''Do I?'' The doctor's eyes sweep over her form again. Just a moment ago she'd been laughing, mocking his customs and reminiscing gibberish. Just a moment ago, she'd been carried in by the prince of stories for whom she obviously harbored a strong inclination. ''Do you?''
Just a moment ago, she'd been more than a cold lump of meat on a decorative table.
''I know when to admit defeat, Dreamlord. Please, forgive me.''
''Oneiros, he did all he could.''
Cold, starless eyes barely brush against some ninth daughter. Under his stare, she feels smaller than a grain of sand.
''No,'' Chiron says before the Dream Lord can retort. ''No, I did not.''
His shoulders deflate, turning away from Calliope's comforting touch. ''She came to see me this morning. After the feast.''
''Well, what did she want?'' a rough, gravelly voice asks. The Cherub hops on a corner of the table, bare legs brushing over the tip of her dead sandaled feet. She is a corpse now, everything about her is dead, expect, perhaps, her heart. It shall live endlessly.
''She asked me to check the wound. I had to remove the bandage and cut her up, I'm afraid.''
The temperature drops, the air turns crisp, burning the doctor's lungs when he draws a deep breath and looks into Morpheus' eyes.
''Tell me, is this your doing?''
''I wish,'' he surrenders, summoning all the strength left in him. His hands are covered in blood, his arms reek of death and his scalp is as damp as that of the victim. The blood has gilded vein-like streaks stretching across his arms. ''This—this is something else. Something impossible.''
He orders the blood-covered servants to leave. As they fill out wordlessly, he watches, scrutinizing them one by one. The doors close on blood and fabric and a forbidden glance.
To the remaining world, he whispers one word.
''Poison?'' Calliope echoes, frowning. ''It cannot be. Zeus had all the hemlock shrubs removed after the Phaedra incident.''
''Only this isn't hemlock, Calliope. This is something else. Something new.''
''Could it be lethal to us?''
''Of course not, dimwit! Why would you even think that?''
''Look what it's done to her, Anteros! A powerful beauty, was she? I mean no disrespect my lord.''
Hephaestus considers himself a man of bravery and honor.
He isn't anywhere near as obnoxious as Plutus, or inconsiderate as Aergia, and twice the man Anteros pretends to be. But he must admit that the tendrils of pure darkness sprouting from the Master of Dreams’ shadow make him a tee tiny bit frightened.
They expand, licking across the polished floors, continuing their creeping journey toward the foot of the table, snuffing out all light and life from the closest particles of this plane. The shadows grow, shape, de-shape and reshape in a senseless and endless twirl.
Calliope has always been braver than him.
She turns and in one graceful twirl places herself between the tendrils of darkness and her half-brother. Between the god and the Endless. She stares him down. He stares right back.
The tendrils tremble around the edges.
Chiron pinches the bridge of his nose wearily. A cherub sucks a thumb into his mouth, watching the game with bright amused eyes.
A shadow stills, the air turns sour.
A gasp is breathed, a heart is released.
A stranger-traveller springs from a table, cheered on by a collective shriek. A toddler tumbles from her table. A palm is pressed to her cheek, lovely brown eyes coming into view. Shadows retreat into the darkest parts of an ancient soul.
She breathes. She lives. She cries.
''Please, please, don't send me off on a burning boat.''
A/N: yes I am alive, no, I’m not sorry (a tiny bit still).
Also… finally introducing the premise, how do we feel about that ;)
Gotta sort the rest of my drafts before I update again, but I’m currently working on a Sandman x DBD crossover so updates on this series might take a while. And since the algorithm seems to be against me, I'd recommend a follow to be sure not to miss them!
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glowingvenus · 2 months ago
@praline-elegy tagged me in this tag game, thank you praline 😚
Last book: I reread "we contain multitudes" by sarah henstra - one of my favorite gay YA romances ❤️🥂
Favorite animal: The humble housecat 🐱
Last meal: Chocolate banana peanut butter overnight oats
Last text message: "ok 😊" to @supermonkeyball lol. That was days ago... I don't text a lot 😅 and am absolutely awful at texting back tbqh
Socks/slippers/bare feet: omg socks. my toes get cold so easily. I don't rly understand the appeal of slippers... they don't seal the heat in like socks do
Last thing that made me laugh: wish I could remember 😵‍💫 unfortunately I'm quite stressed these days bc of work but my wife and/or friends can still get a laugh out of me
Last thing I watched on YouTube: Competitive eating videos....
Favorite lazy-Sunday activity: I always do chores on Sundays... 😅 well truthfully what I cherish most is when I can find time to work on my writing but I guess that's not "lazy".... When i have a real veg out day I like to order pizza and play the sims 3
Current obsession: True obsessions only come along every few years for me but I did recently watch both seasons of IWTV and enjoyed it quite a lot 😉
Looking forward to: warm weather! and posting a new fic for the fence valentines week event 💘 and hopefully getting a promotion... I made the case to my boss the other day and I think I was successful but I guess it depends on what the higher ups say🤞 pray for me people of tumblr
I will tag @supermonkeyball, @joyinks @ugly-sweater and @banjothreeie - no pressure of course 😘
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msbarrows · 8 months ago
Aug 2 - another annoyingly hot day. Ran the AC and crocheted in the living room for a while to get out of the heat upstairs. Made toad-in-the-hole and some steamed veg for supper.
Aug 3 - my birthday! Ran the AC while I baked myself a cake, so i wouldn't also bake. We had both apricot jam and chocolate on hand, so I decided to go with making something vaguely inspired by sachertorte:
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Three thin 6" wide layers of dark chocolate brownie, moistened with some orange juice since the layers dried out a bit too much in cooking (I should have checked them earlier than I did; their small size meant they cooked very quickly), then stacked with apricot jam between the layers and drizzled with semi-sweet chocolate ganache. Very delicious.
Have ordered myself several small presents over the last couple of weeks, only a few of which have arrived so far; a yarn swift and winder, some fancy hand-dyed yarn. I'll likely be posting about the larger purchases once they show up.
Was thinking of making a batch of pizzas for my birthday, but by the time the cake was baking my get up and go was going, so I decided to make those tomorrow or the next day instead, and did a nice simple chili from the freezer with rice, and have left the dishes for tomorrow. Except for most of the things from cake-making, which I already cleaned up.
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fastapizza · 13 days ago
At first glance, pizza conjures up the usual savory flavors of cheese, meat, and vegetables. Have you ever explored the dessert pizza world? If not, get ready for a treat since Fasta Pizza’s dessert pizza menu stretches far beyond your imagination about what would form a typical dessert. When you want something truly unique, why settle for the ordinary? Fasta Pizza offers a variety of sweet experiences designed to satisfy your sweet tooth and set new standards for desserts. We at Fasta Pizza are of the opinion that pizzas ought to appeal to people of all tastes. Desserts can be made with the same passion and creativity that we put into our classic pizzas. Imagine a flavor symphony consisting of a warm, doughy base and rich, sweet toppings. Our dessert pizzas feature everything from fresh fruits to gooey chocolates to please any palate. Every single slice is nothing short of a fun adventure, offering a distinct take on the old favorite.
Treat yourself and your loved ones with a dessert that’s worth more than just being known as dessert. Order dessert pizzas online and discover why our sweet deals are simply irresistible. Your taste buds will thank you!
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Hi, you probably don't remember me, but you reblogged my art a few years back! Since the 2nd of September, 2022, I could not stop thinking about the tags you left on this post:
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I mean that in a good way! I have no idea who you are, but I promised myself that I would remake my art better and make a pizza combination that would make you proud... (and yes, I have NOT stopped thinking about it in the last 2 years. in fact, I go back to this past just to giggle at the tags you left every so often) So, you can respond to this if you like, but what would YOU think is the best pizza combination if Tom and Harry were to order one? P.S. Asking this since I'm revamping my banner and I so badly want to change their pizza order, who better else than to ask you what would do them justice? (I've also updated the art so if you wanna check that out LMAO)
hiii, I definitely remember your art, and I’m flattered that my very silly comments that I made when I was probably half awake and sleep deprived at a very late hour managed to make you giggle.
“what would YOU think is the best combination if Tom and Harry were to order one?”
Man, I honestly don’t know 🤔…
I saw this ask like a few hours after you sent it, and I was like hmmm, and I spent quite a bit pondering on it, and I’ve been pondering on it since, but i’m still not sure..
Yk, I feel like he (Voldemort, that is, or Tom) probably doesn’t like pizza. idk. he just doesn’t seem the type. if he did, he’d probably like something like Prosciutto e funghi, Margherita, and..maybe a veg pizza? with like, olives and stuff? maybe not?? idk.
thin crust or thick crust? thin.
Harry, I think he’d like Caprese, Pepperoni, Margherita, Quattro Formaggi, etc (maybe even pineapple and ham?? 👀)
and thin crust or thick crust? probably both. maybe…I noticed that in the uk, thin crust is more prevalent over thick, thick crust seems to be more of an American thing…i think he’d prob still like it tho, he’d demolish a deep dish pizza anytime.
So if they were to order a combo, maybe it could b a combination of some of these. Anyways yeah.
honoured that u value my opinion enough and thought to ask me.
(Btw, I went to look for the updated art u mentioned, but I couldn’t find it…I bet it’s just as cute and nice as the original though! I rlly like ur artstyle)
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humblepizza · 5 months ago
Craving delicious pizza? Order from Humble Pizza in Bangalore for fast home delivery! Choose from a wide selection of freshly made veg and non-veg pizzas, packed with flavors and quality ingredients. Whether you're a veggie lover or a meat enthusiast, we’ve got something for everyone. Enjoy a hot, cheesy pizza delivered straight to your door in no time! Order now and satisfy your pizza cravings today!
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eva-knits12 · 10 months ago
Spa Night With CE Characters.
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Steve Rogers
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Steve and you come home after a long and exhausting day of work.
You've filled out paperwork, had a ton of meetings with Tony, Nick, and Phil, and you've had to fill out mission reports.
Steve was busy training new recruits, and going over the last mission with Tony, Nick, and Phil.
The end of the day is here, and you and Steve head home.
You're both exhausted.
You order a pizza for delivery.
You pull out your masks, pore strips, pimple patches, the bubble bath, and your hydrating foot socks.
Steve and you just collapse on the bed.
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The pizza arrives, and Steve pays for it.
You and Steve eat the pizza, and enjoy the giant brownie for dessert.
Steve lies down some towels on the bed, and you both give each other a nice massage.
Then, you run the bath, and you and Steve just relax in the bath.
After, you apply a the first face mask, and you apply some on Steve, too.
You rinse of the first face mask, and then you rinse it off of Steve.
You apply the second mask and then apply it to Steve.
You then rinse it off, and rinse it off of Steve.
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You apply the pore strip, and then apply one to Steve.
You let it sit on your nose for the 15 minutes that you're supposed to, then you peel it off.
Steve peels his off.
You and Steve both have blackheads galore on your nose.
Steve's lucky, so he doesn't need to apply a pimple patch.
You have to apply a few because you have a few breakouts that popped up overnight.
You and Steve just fall asleep in each other's arms, under the covers of your shared bed.
You're too tired to even watch Star Trek.
Luckily, the next day is Saturday, and you and Steve don't have to work for the weekend.
You're just going to be lazy slobs for two day.
It's the best.
You got to spend your spa night with your boyfriend, Steve.
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Ransom Drysdale
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Ransom doesn't want anyone to know that he gives himself a spa night.
He applies a charcoal mask to both you and to him.
You both just lie on the bed and relax while the mask does it's thing.
Then, he rinsed it off the both of you, dries your skin, and then applies a clay mask to the both of you.
You then wait for the mask to dry.
When it dries, he rinses it off the both of you, then dries your faces.
He then applies the final mask, which is a mud mask.
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You both wait for it to dry.
Ransom then brings in two masseuses.
You both get a nice massage from the masseuses that he brought in.
You and Ransom rinse off the last masque, and then apply some serum, then some moisturizer.
You apply an acne patch on the spot that surfaced all of a sudden.
Ransom is lucky-he doesn't have to deal with problematic skin.
The masseuse gives you and Ransom an amazing massage.
You two end the night with some nice pizza, and some hot fudge sundaes.
You and Ransom brush your teeth, and fall asleep in each other's arms.
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Andy Barber
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Andy comes home, only you're no where to be found.
He finds you soaking in the tub.
You tell him to join you.
You have some nice, lavender scented bath salts, some epsom salt, and the water is nice and hot.
You also have some nice, lavender bubble bath.
You've had a hard week at work, it never seemed to end.
Andy strips down and joins you in the tub.
You two enjoy the nice, long soak.
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Your head is resting on Andy's shoulder, and you two fall asleep.
You get out when the water turns cold.
You put on your pajamas, while Andy puts on his sweats and his favorite long sleeved tee.
You apply your sea mineral masque.
You apply a little to Andy.
You two just veg out on the floor of the bathroom, while you two wait for the mask to dry.
You rinse off the mask, and then apply a charcoal mask because your skin is oily AF.
Andy orders your favorite Chinese, and you two just enjoy it in bed.
You and Andy watch a movie, but after dinner, brushing your teeth, and the hard and long week you both had, you two fall asleep in each others arms ten minutes into the movie.
Tomorrow is Saturday, you two just spend the ENTIRE weekend in bed.
You and Andy took care of the grocery shopping by having the groceries delivered Saturday morning.
You both put the groceries away, then resume your lazy weekend in bed.
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Colin Shea
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You're pregnant with your first child, so Colin is giving you a day of pampering.
He begins with a nice face mask, and applies it to you.
You're naked on the bed, and he's kissing every inch of you're pregnant belly while you're relaxing.
The mask eventually dries, and he wipes it off with a warm cloth.
You then get are led to a nice bath.
You welcome the nice, long soak.
Colin joins you.
He can't keep his hands off your bump.
The baby kicks after a while.
After your soak, you and Colin get out and dry off.
Colin rubs some cocoa butter on your belly.
You put on a pair of Colin's sweats, since they're one of the few things that fit comfortably.
You also put on one of Colin's tees.
"Baby prefers your clothes," you say.
Colin orders you pizza, cheesy bread, and makes you a hot fudge sundae since that's what you're craving right now.
Colin is giving you a foot rub while you wait for the pizza.
The pizza arrives, and you and Colin watch a Disney movie.
It's the best night of pampering from your fiancee, Colin.
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Jake Jensen
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Jake is telling you about his day, while you're waiting for your face mask to dry.
You're also soaking in the tub, while Jake is stripping down to join you.
You two relax in the tub, but you also put a face mask on him!
He actually enjoys this.
Dinner is easy-you order Mexican take out.
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You both enjoy your tacos, while watching a rerun of Bob's Burgers.
It's your favorite night of the week!
Spa night is amazing.
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Johnny Storm
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Johnny and you have a spa night once a week.
It helps the both of you relax and unwind.
You both work so hard, so you two need a night where you can both just relax, unwind, and just do nothing.
Spa night usually involves ordering your go-to Chinese order.
A nice, long soak? Done.
Face masks? Done.
Massage? Done.
A nice, long, slow lovemaking session? Done!
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Spa night with your boyfriend Johnny is amazing.
It always brings you and Johnny closer.
You don't have the TV on, the computer, the tablet, or even phones on.
It's all about you two right now.
Right now, you and Johnny don't need the distractions.
You two fall asleep in each others arms, after your nice, long, slow lovemaking session.
You and Johnny wouldn't trade this for the world.
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Cole Turner
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Cole loves giving you nice day of pampering after teaching all week.
First, it's breakfast in bed.
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Then, Cole gets rid of the tray when your done.
Cole carries you to the bathroom, bridal style.
You two enjoy a nice couples shower together.
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Cole then gives you nice massage after you both are done showering.
Then, you are given a nice facial, courtesy of Cole.
He applies your first face mask, rinses it off, then your next face mask.
After, he applies a pore strip to your nose.
After, you put on a nice pair pajamas.
Later that day, Cole draws you a nice, hot bath.
The nice, long soak is amazing.
He put in bubble bath, bath salts, has candles lit, the works.
Cole has made a nice dinner for the both of you.
It's your favorite comfort food.
Spa day with Cole is the best.
He thought of everything.
It ends with you falling asleep on Cole's chest.
You wouldn't trade this for the world.
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frestoniia · 2 years ago
I ordered a veggie pizza and it has,,, no veggies. not one. not a single veg :(
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nearmecafe · 8 days ago
Craving Italian Food Near You? NEAR ME CAFE Has You Covered!
Step into NEAR ME CAFE | RESTAURANT and indulge in the rich flavors of authentic Italian cuisine – right here in Jaipur! From wood-fired pizzas and creamy pastas to garlic bread, lasagna, and more – every dish is crafted with love, fresh ingredients, and traditional recipes.
Why Choose NEAR ME CAFE for Italian Delights?
✅ Fresh Ingredients | Authentic Italian Flavors ✅ 100% Veg – No Compromise on Taste ✅ Cozy, Elegant Ambience | Perfect for Couples, Families & Friends ✅ Dine-In, Takeaway & Quick Delivery Available
📍 Visit Us: Plot No. 9, Scheme No.1, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Near Nawal Towers, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur 📞 Order Now: 9119129295
🍝 Taste Italy in Every Bite – The Best Italian Food Near You, Only at NEAR ME CAFE
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catchy-court-food · 1 month ago
Discover the Delight of Vezlay Veg Meat at Catchy Court
In today’s world, more people are embracing plant-based diets, seeking delicious and nutritious alternatives to traditional meat products. If you’re on this journey, Vezlay Veg Meat offers a delectable solution, and Catchy Court is your go-to platform to explore and purchase these innovative products.
What is Vezlay Veg Meat?
Vezlay Veg Meat is a plant-based meat substitute crafted to mimic the taste and texture of chicken or mutton. Made primarily from soy and natural ingredients, it provides a high-protein, low-cholesterol alternative for those looking to reduce or eliminate animal products from their diet.
Key Features of Vezlay Veg Meat
High Protein Content: Essential for muscle growth and repair.
Low Cholesterol: Supports heart health.
Vegan-Friendly: Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
No Preservatives: Ensures a natural and healthy product.
Easy to Digest: Gentle on the digestive system.
Why Choose Catchy Court?
Catchy Court is an online marketplace dedicated to offering a wide range of vegan and plant-based food products. Managed by Vezlay Foods Private Limited, it aims to make vegan-friendly products accessible to everyone.
Benefits of Shopping at Catchy Court
Extensive Product Range: From frozen to non-frozen items, there’s something for everyone.
Nationwide Shipping: Enjoy your favorite products delivered across India.
User-Friendly Platform: Easy navigation and secure payment options.
Exclusive Offers: Regular deals and discounts to enhance your shopping experience.
How to Purchase Vezlay Veg Meat from Catchy Court
Buying Vezlay Veg Meat is a straightforward process:
Visit the Website: Navigate to Catchy Court’s official website.
Browse Products: Explore the variety of Vezlay products available.
Select Your Items: Choose the products you wish to purchase and add them to your cart.
Checkout: Proceed to payment and provide your delivery details.
Enjoy: Receive your order and savor the deliciousness of plant-based meat.
Popular Vezlay Products Available at Catchy Court
Here are some top-selling Vezlay products you might want to try:
1. Vezlay Tofu Fries
A crispy and delightful snack, perfect for any time of the day.
2. Vezlay Crispy Veg Chicken
A plant-based alternative that offers the taste and texture of crispy chicken.
3. Vezlay Plant-Based Sausages — Spicy
Spice up your meals with these flavorful plant-based sausages.
4. Vezlay Soya Chikka Rogan Josh
A rich and aromatic dish that brings the traditional flavors of Rogan Josh in a vegan avatar.
5. Vezlay Chop Sticks
A quick and tasty snack that’s both healthy and satisfying.
Cooking with Vezlay Veg Meat
Vezlay Veg Meat is versatile and can be incorporated into various recipes. Here are some ideas to get you started:
1. Veg Meat Biryani
A fragrant and flavorful rice dish layered with spiced veg meat.
2. Chili Veg Meat
A spicy and tangy preparation that’s perfect as a main course.
3. Veg Meat Roll
A quick snack or meal option, featuring veg meat wrapped in flatbread with veggies and sauces.
4. Kadai Veg Meat
A hearty dish cooked with bell peppers, onions, and aromatic spices.
5. Veg Meat Pizza
Top your pizza with veg meat chunks for a protein-packed twist.
Nutritional Information
Understanding what goes into your food is essential. Here’s a breakdown of the nutritional content per 100g of Vezlay Veg Meat:
Energy: 227.62 Kcal
Protein: 22.49g
Carbohydrates: 7.91g
Total Fat: 11.78g
Dietary Fiber: 5.88g
Iron: 13.91mg
Calcium: 418.64mg
Cholesterol: 0mg
Customer Reviews
Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what customers are saying:
Karishma Verma: “Bht tasty tha” (It was very tasty).
Arvind Mahajan: “Yummy and awesome product, feels like eating chicken without harming any living beings.”
Shivansh: “I like the taste of this one. It’s good for people who are looking for an alternative to meat.”
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is Vezlay Veg Meat made of?
Vezlay Veg Meat is made from vegetable protein (soy), wheat protein, wheat flour, rice, starch, soybean oil, spices, and condiments.
2. Is Vezlay Veg Meat healthy?
Yes, it is high in protein, low in cholesterol, and free from preservatives, making it a healthy alternative to traditional meat.
3. How can I cook with Vezlay Veg Meat?
It can be used in various recipes like biryani, curries, rolls, pizzas, and more. It’s a versatile ingredient that adapts well to different cuisines.
4. Does Catchy Court deliver nationwide?
Yes, Catchy Court offers delivery across India, ensuring you can enjoy Vezlay products no matter where you are.
5. Are there any special offers for first-time buyers?
Catchy Court frequently offers exclusive deals and discounts. It’s best to check their website for the latest promotions.
Embrace a healthier lifestyle without compromising on taste. Explore the range of Vezlay Veg Meat products at Catchy Court today and embark on a delightful culinary journey.
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