captain-academia · 4 months
Quotes from Aerospace Class
a collection of quotes from 8 semesters of aerospace engineering lectures
“We have 20 chemical components in our rocket fuel. It’s like making a cake!” - Prof. for Rocket Propulsion
“So far everyone is calling it Project Gateway. For PR reasons it is illegal to call it little ISS” - Prof. for Human Spaceflight
“Why breathe?” - Prof. for Aerospace Medicine
“They also built Canadarm2 a little car - because why not?” - Prof. for Human Spaceflight
“And then they tell you: Boy! You are loosing bone mass!” - Prof. for Human Spaceflight
“It’s hard to be a combustion chamber” - Prof. for Rocket Propulsion
about model rocketry: “Never forget: Small boys have small toys and big boys have big toys to play with” - Prof. for Rocket Propulsion
“That’s the Combustion Chamber. You could easily hide in there!” - Prof. for Rocket Propulsion
question in class: "So what happens when there is an impending collision event between two satellites in orbit? Do the operators talk to each other or is it more like a high stakes games of chicken?"
"Now. How to make a small fortune? Easy. You first make a large fortune and then you buy an aircraft." - Prof. for Flight Operations
"An Animometer! It's quite obvious what that does!" - Prof. for Flight Operations "So I had to tell them: Sorry, I am a flight instructor. I would like to help but I don't have time to be your maintenance work slave." - Prof. for Flight Operations
Professor, shows video of an exploding aircraft: “The Pilots ejected safely, but the aircraft was not reusable” - Prof. for Structures and Elements
“Flying while unconscious is a bad idea in the long run” - Prof. for Aerospace Medicine
“I don’t remember what the light signals at airports mean... green is good red is bad and if they are shooting at you you flew into a military air zone” - Prof. for Flight Operations
Science & Theory
You don't care if I named this fluid particle Oscar or Barbara" - Prof. for Fluid Mechanics
"Computers are just annoying bullshit if you're trying to do computer science" - Prof. for Computer Science
Student: asks a question about an electric circuit Professor for Electrical Engineering: "There is no rule. It's just magic"
In an incredibly strong German accent: “I have to tell you a secret. When I was at uni - what like 52 years ago... is that right??? Nobody was using Tensors! And you see... I’m still alive! Tensors are not necessary for a happy life.” - Prof. for Mechanics
Prof. for Mechanics, explaining some formula: “What was that one guy called??” Someone: “Pythagoras?” Prof, delighted: YES!
“Electromagnetically speaking we live in a invisible world” - Prof. for Experimental Physics
"Math ASMR?" whispers “K-Vectorspace!” - Prof. for Linear Algebra
when asked about progress on his research: „There are also Business Guys… and they are really ugly! … YEAH! They don’t open their wallet! But I want [fancy carbon fiber material] for my project.“ - Prof. for Material Science
"They set in motion God and the World to support their cause. And by God I mean money and by World I also mean money" - Prof. for Geospatial Data
“Always google with open eyes” - Prof. for Computer Science
in strong Italian accent: “Guys... Why do you always need motivation? ... Are you depressed?” - Prof. for Basic Mathematics
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ulfdis-voludottir · 1 year
One of my favorite things about having studied linear algebra is that you can say things like "I can prove to you that the nullspace of a homomorphism between vectorspaces is a subspace of the domain" and people will think it sounds cool even though it's only actually cool if you're a massive nerd and then it's actually not cool anymore.
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cointahmin · 1 year
Önde gelen çip üreticisi Nvidia, Perşembe günü paylarının %26 yükseldiğini gördü. Piyasa bedeli de 1 trilyon dolara yaklaşan şirketin birinci çeyrek raporunda yapay zekaya yönelik talebi vurgulaması, yapay zeka coin piyasasında çift haneli ralliyi tetikledi.Nvidia, Apple ve Microsoft’un yer aldığı trilyon dolarlık piyasa bedeli kulübüne yaklaşıyorNvidia şu anda 1 trilyon dolar bedelinde olan beşinci halka açık ABD şirketi pozisyonunda. Şirketin pay senedi fiyatları Perşembe günü %26 artış kaydetti. Böylelikle, bir ABD pay senedinin bir günlük en büyük bedel kazanımlarından birini gerçekleştirdi.Gelişmenin kripto para piyasasını ilgilendiren istikameti, Nvidia’nın birinci çeyrek raporunda yapay zekaya yönelik talebi vurgulamasıydı. Nvidia, Çarşamba günü geç saatlerde 2024 mali yılının ikinci çeyreği için 11 milyar dolarlık satış iddiası yaptı. Bu talebin büyük oranda ‘yapay zeka’ uygulamalarına güç sağlayan grafik işlemcileri üzerine olacağını bildirdi.Nvidia, Google, Microsoft ve ChatGPT üreticisi OpenAI’dekiler üzere yapay zeka uygulamalarının talebi körükleyeceğini raporluyor. Uzmanlarda bu artışın öteki AI firmalarının pay fiyatlarının yükselmesine yardımcı olabileceğini düşünüyor.Bu büyük artışın global mali krizin ortasında geldiğini belirtelim. Fakat, Nvidia CEO’su Jensen Huang, dev bir rekor yılı olmasını beklediğini tabir ediyor. Datalar, firmanın Temmuz ayında sona eren üç ay için 11 milyar dolarlık satış kestirim ettiğini gösteriyor. Öte yandan, çeyrek raporunda yapay zekaya yönelik artan talebi raporlaması, yapay zeka coin piyasasında çift haneli ralliyi tetikliyor.Nvidia raporu, yapay zeka coin piyasasını harekete geçirdiRaporlara nazaran, Nvidia’nın ürettiği grafik işlemcilere (GPU’lar) olan talep arttıkça satışlar da artıyor. Bu işlemciler, yapay zeka uygulamalarını güçlendirmek için Google, Microsoft ve OpenAI tarafından yüksek oranda kullanılmaktadır.Bununla birlikte, artan yapay zeka kullanımının bu alanda faaliyet gösteren Blockchain projelerine yeni yatırımcılar çektiği gözlemlendi. Nvidia’in mali raporu esnasında, yapay zeka coin piyasasında en çok kazanan, %20 yükselişle SingularityNET (AGIX) oldu.Ayrıca Cortex (CTXC), yaklaşık %6 ve Measurable Veri Token (MDT) %6,5 bedel kazandı. Bu ortada, ralli yapay zeka coin piyasasının tümü için geçerliydi. Şu anda, bu alanda faaliyet gösteren Blockchain projelerin tümü son 7 güne nazaran çift haneli yükseliyor:AllianceBlock (ALBT): %187.10DX (DxChain Token): %114.96IMGNAI (Image Generation AI): %79.07DBC (DeepBrain Chain): %40.30FOAM (FOAM): %39.55NMR (Numeraire): %24.38VXV (Vectorspace AI): %21.31CPC (CPChain): %19.79CTI (ClinTex CTi): %17.04AGRS (Agoras: Currency of Tau): %16.70GLQ (Graphlinq Chain): %15.60SDAO (SingularityDAO): %14.78AION (Aion): %14.11MDT (Measurable Veri Token): %14.69TRAVA (TRAVA.FINANCE): %12.93FORT (Forta): %11.91
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cryptogids · 2 years
Microsoft en Google zorgen voor rally in AI big data tokens
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In het kort: - Cryptomunten gespecialiseerd in kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) en data leiden de recente rally op de cryptomarkt. - Microsoft en Google zetten een beetje in op AI-chatbots na ChatGPT-trends. Kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) en big data tokens zijn aan het rallyen te midden van de plotselinge fascinatie voor AI chatbots. Google promoot zijn Bard bot, terwijl Microsoft zijn Bing zoekmachine opnieuw lanceerde met ChatGPT ingebouwd. Crypto-activa in de AI en big data ruimte hebben een sprong gemaakt. Big data protocol (BDP), de eigen token van een opkomende gedecentraliseerde data marktplaats, leidt het peloton met een rally van 1.400% in de afgelopen week, tot een handel van ongeveer $ 0,48, volgens gegevens van CoinGecko. Het wordt op de voet gevolgd door AI-gerichte tokens zoals SingularityDAO (SDAO) en SingularityNET (AGIX), met winsten van 170%-200%. Fetch.ai (FET), measurable data (MDT), matrix AI network (MAN), deepbrain chain (DBC), oraichain (ORAI) en Vectorspace AI (VXV) zijn enkele van de andere opvallende stijgers in de AI- en data intelligentie omgeving met koerswinsten van 75%-95%. Wees erbij vrijdag 10 februari vanaf 19 uur in de Kloosterhoeven in Harmelen voor het Kick off event. AI rage De recente hype rond tekst- en beeld generatiemodellen zoals ChatGPT, StableDiffusion en DALL-E heeft de speculatieve rally voor crypto projecten die in deze niche actief zijn, aangewakkerd. Veel van de projecten bieden op blockchain gebaseerde data-analyse en een gedistribueerde infrastructuur ter ondersteuning van gedecentraliseerde AI en data science modellen. SingularityNET stimuleert bijvoorbeeld individuen om gegevens bij te dragen die eigen AI-modellen verbeteren. Gebruikers worden dan gecompenseerd met tokens. Projecten als DeepBrain Chain verlagen de kosten van het trainen van AI-modellen door gebruikers data en verwerkingskracht te laten bijdragen op een verspreid netwerk. Hoewel handelaren zich op deze tokens lijken te storten, is niet iedereen overtuigd. "Blockchain en AI zijn niet complementair, en voorlopig doet iedereen die op de 'AI' trein springt dat gewoon om te pumpen en dumpen," zei Andre Cronje, lead developer bij Fanton. "Projecten die zich op AI storten hebben waarschijnlijk geen ideeën meer en liggen doelloos te drijven."aldus de oprichter van Yearn Finance. "Als we op een punt komen waar blockchain het soort doorvoer kan verwerken dat nodig is voor neurale netten, kunnen we ze misschien on chain zien," zei hij, alvorens toe te voegen dat dit nog steeds de vraag oproept waarom iemand dat zou willen doen. "Blockchains verbeteren AI niet, en AI verbetert de blockchain niet." Word lid van de Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency Facebook groep en join de Discord/Telegram om onderdeel te worden van de community. Klik hier voor een gratis crypto starters gids. Read the full article
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thesecrettimes · 2 years
Artificial Intelligence and Cryptocurrency: The Rise of AI-Focused Projects in 2023
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Trends show that artificial intelligence (AI) will be a major topic in 2023, as data indicates a surge in interest. Since interest peaked and Microsoft invested billions into Chatgpt, demand for AI-focused cryptocurrency projects has risen dramatically. For example, the crypto project Fetch.ai has seen its native token FET rise 212% in the past 30 days, and another AI project, Singularitynet, has seen it’s token AGIX increase 293% against the U.S. dollar.
There’s Been a Surge in Interest in AI-Focused Cryptocurrency Projects
During the week of Jan. 22-28, 2023, the worldwide Google Trends score for the term “AI” was 94 out of 100. In the first week of Dec. 2022, the search term reached its highest Google Trends score of 100. It’s safe to say that the world has become increasingly focused on artificial intelligence (AI) since the release of AI-infused art platforms like Dall-E, Deep AI, Jasper Art, Starry AI, Nightcafe, and others. In the past two months, the Openai platform Chatgpt or GPT-3 has become a widely used AI phenomenon. Google Trends shows the worldwide score for the search term “Chatgpt” was 100 during the week of Jan. 22-28, 2023, and it has been rising since the first week of Dec. 2022. Reports also show that Microsoft has entered the third phase of its long-term partnership with Openai through a “multi-year, multi-billion dollar investment,” said to be as much as $10 billion in funding. The growing trend in artificial intelligence (AI) and demand for the technology has spilled over to blockchain projects integrating AI into their protocols. For instance, a crypto asset created by the project singularitynet.io has seen its native token AGIX rise 293% in the past month. Although singularitynet (AGIX) was down more than 6% on Jan. 29, 2023, it has increased 17.5% over the past two weeks. The project aims to support the next generation of decentralized AI. Another blockchain-powered AI project, Vectorspace AI (vspb.science), has a token called VXV that has risen 95.9% over the past month. The Fetch.ai project has experienced similar demand over the past four weeks. Over the past 30 days, the Fetch.ai project’s FET token has risen 212% against the U.S. dollar. The Fetch.ai team says the project creates “autonomous agent technology” for peer-to-peer applications with automation and AI capabilities, with or without direct blockchain access.” Another AI-based blockchain project, Ocean Protocol, and its OCEAN token have risen 130% against the U.S. dollar in the past 30 days. Ocean Protocol, named a technology pioneer by the World Economic Forum, aims to unlock data at scale through encrypted data monetization. It is uncertain how long the demand for AI-based crypto assets and the popularity of these tokens will last. All of the AI-related crypto assets are currently ranked below the top 75 in terms of market capitalization and have recently seen price surges due to increased interest in AI/Chatgpt. What do you think is driving the surge in demand for AI-focused cryptocurrency projects? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Read the full article
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dat-physics-gal · 2 years
What would be the major benefit of using quaternions instead of 4-vectors?
The full answer is more involved, but in a nutshell, quaternions form a field. They're not just a vectorspace, they're a field in and of themselves. Which gives you perks like a division algebra.
Also, the multiplication structure of pure vector quaternions with scalar part 0 encodes both the dot and cross product directly.
And spinors arise naturally instead of having to be constructed artificially.
Generally, they have an inherent structure, which has advantages.
Vectors are like bags of numbers, while Quaternions are numbers.
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rietvelds · 5 years
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@booksociety’s lgbt+ pride event: alexander claremont-diaz — red, white & royal blue by casey mcquiston
i am the first son of the united states, and i'm bisexual. history will remember us.
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lasbrumas-archived · 6 years
the thing about being infinite is that no one tells you about:      – the lonely nights      – the aching hearts      – the whispered wishes to stars above      – begging them to take you back
you’re human, they whisper, you stay
and you try to fit into this life that wasn’t made for you and some days are better than others but the stars they always call you home
infinite is just a promise || s.c. ↳ @inkstay dare to write challenge | 500 prompts | immortality
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tragedyposting · 6 years
ooh a name playlist for caroline please?
in the spirit of a playlist I tried to capture a sort of general mood, using the first song as a jumping off point. I would describe it as “looking out at a rose garden from under quick shelter in a rainstorm and watching the rain turn the earth and soak the roses in a melancholy but pretty way”
Caresse Sur l’Ocean from Les Choristes
April Come She Will by Simon and Garfunkel
Roses Blue by Joni Mitchell
Orion by Anais Mitchell
La Vie En Rose by Edith Piaf- Cover by Daniela Andrade
I May Know The Word by Natalie Merchant
Night, Exquisite by Brent Arnold
El Condor Pasa by Simon and Garfunkel
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likeawildthing · 6 years
i’ve been doing a lot of original writing (mostly poetry but a couple short stories as well) and i’m hoping to compile a chapbook with some original photography in it as well. i look back on what i’ve written even a year ago and cannot believe that i’ve become more coherent and artistic poet since then, and hope that in 2019 i’ll look back at this year’s work and feel that i’ve grown once more
So proud of you!! These creative endeavors are amazing. Can’t wait to see you looking back this time next year and seeing how much growth you achieved in 2019!
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poirot · 6 years
peter pan?
it almost made it on the list but it didn’t in the end agsaj I’m sorry
Lilo & Stitch
The Emperor’s New Groove
The Lion King
Beauty and the Beast
guess my top ten disney movies and win something
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mahgiciian · 6 years
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“ i tried to pass for  n o t h i n g ,  but my dreams gave me  a w a y . “
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perspective · 6 years
Today was the day I learned that Calculus was the mathematics of change, of calculating the different problems that continually evolve and all I could think about was you, you, you, and how you continued to evolve, leaving me a constant in the equation we were both a part of.
calculus // a.a
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adjoining · 6 years
compliment time!
i am feeling a bit down, so what better way to cheer myself up than to cheer others up? if you want a compliment or just some nice words, here’s all you have to do:
- reblog this post
- send me an ask with your name, your favorite plant, and a fun fact about yourself
and that’s it!! help me by letting me spread some joy ❤️
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niylah · 6 years
10, 15, 25:)
thank yoouuuuu
10. how was your love life this year?
non existing lol. that’s something I need to work on, decreasing my fear of (any hint to) romantic/sexual intimacy, but I wouldn’t even know how to start doing that
15. did you make any new friends?
I very much did!! two of my current best friends are people that I knew before 2018 but that I’ve grown so immensly close to this year. also I went to India and met so many sweet ppl there, so yes, I did make new friends and I’m so grateful for all of them
25. what’s one thing that you hope will continue next year?
I answered this ask here already but a second one would be being organised in achieving goals and actually do things to reach them
[ask me end of the year asks]
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merflk · 6 years
17, 29, and 32:)
17. a kind of hunger - penny and sparrow
29. whispers - svrcina 
32. we’ve got soul - chapel 
send me a number between 1 and 100 and i’ll tell you what that song is on my spotify most played in 2018 playlist
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