#but i love this book sosososo much
firstofficerrose · 2 years
Nobody told me that "Jack! You have debauched my sloth!" was followed by Stephen cussing him out in French!
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truegoist · 2 years
old ppl are like sooo important to me
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rainybraindays · 28 days
Got thoughts on Ethan Carter this morning.
This man was SO in love with Genevieve, in an attempt to gain her fathers approval, he joins a war effort he doesn't support or believe in. When he deserts his main concern isn't his family, who literally remove him from the family records and the tree that hangs in Wates Landing, its Genevieve, because he hates to disappoint her by failing to please her father. Hes fully prepared for her to leave him when she finds out, tells her he'd understand because he "has no honor and has no money", and Genevieve calls him the most honorable man, because he is, and she essentially tells him her dad can shove it because "you're home now and we're gonna get married"
He is shot protecting her, and while she desperately struggles to keep him alive, panicking and brgging Ivy for help, hes telling her how he would have married her no matter what her family thought, how he would have taken a marriage where they can barely touch because Casters and Mortals don't mix, and he would have been happy.
And as he dies the second time after she brings him back, all he does is talk about loving her, about how he never believed for even a second that her father was right when he said it was impossible for a mortal and a caster to be together. And he gives her the locket as he does before he dies in her arms a second time in one night. Both times hes given a chance to say anything as he bleeds out in her arms, he could ask her to say something to his family or to be buried somewhere special to them, but he purs his final bits of energy into making sure Genevieve, who has lost her mother and sister this night, know she is LOVED.
And in the afterlife?? When he could wait for her to join him(he seemingly wouldn't have had to wait moe than maybe a decade or so seeing as she seemingly dies rather young) instead, he tries to save her from her curse. The curse she brought onto her bloodline through her love for him and her unwillingness to let him go, he goes to the far keep to try and fix it. To prove one last time that he loves her, that he would do anything for her in this life or the next. But he fails, and becomes one of the bodies in the water, while Genevieve spends eternity wanting him, and watching her family.
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disneybooklist · 7 months
In Search of the Castaways (1962)
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In Search of the Castaways by Jules Verne (1867)
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awearywritersworld · 8 months
Hii this is so random but do you think Sukuna has cute aggression? I can totally see him experience cute aggression towards Reader haha like pinching her cheeks or something I don't know
tags: fluff. curse words. 500 words.
as he looks down at your sleeping form, your head resting comfortably on his lap, he can't help but feel an uncomfortable pull in his chest.
his teeth grind together and his fingers twitch, a response that leaves him puzzled.
he's reading a good book. he is with you. there are still many hours left in the night. he should be content.
so why does he feel such... agitation.
his hand reaches toward your face, and while he swears he means to do nothing more than caress your cheek, he finds himself pinching your skin between his fingers.
he doesn't realize he's done it until you jolt, staring up at him with sleepy yet wide eyes that seem to beg the question "what the hell?"
"sorry," he says evenly.
"was i snoring or something? there are gentler ways to wake me up, you know," you grumble.
"you weren't snoring. i didn't intend to do that."
your eyebrows knit. "you didn't intend to nearly rip the skin off my face?"
"now you're just being dramatic."
you let out a breath of a laugh, "maybe."
you stretch your arms above your head, and one of your hands moves to cover your mouth as you let out something between a sigh and a yawn.
and he feels it again. more intensely this time.
your shirt's ridden up, so he reaches for the plump flesh it reveals and squeezes it between his thumb and pointer finger.
slapping his hand away, you finally sit up. "hello???? that hurts. have you discovered intrusive thoughts or something? you're supposed to ignore those."
"intrusive thoughts?"
"yeah. it's when you get unwanted thoughts. for example, about doing something violent—"
"oh. i get those all the time."
you stare at him for a moment before rubbing at your temples. "right. you're hopeless."
"this wasn't that. it was a feeling, not a thought."
"...go on."
perhaps he's said too much, because suddenly he really does not want to explain any further, but he does so anyway.
"it's just that you looked so... pleasing... that it made me feel... things."
once you get over his stellar articulation, you understand the situation and it makes you giggle.
"stop that," he commands, pink dusting his cheeks. "now you just look annoying."
"sorry— i'm sorry," you offer. "it's just that, i wouldn't expect you to experience that."
"experience what?" he questions, agitation lacing his tone.
"cuteness aggression."
"i can't even begin to explain how ridiculous that sounds," he deadpans.
"you think i'm so cute," you begin dreamily. placing your hands on either side of his face, you squeeze his cheeks together. "that it pisses you off. you're just adorable."
if you were anyone else, you'd be terrified by the look he gives you. "you're not cute. you're too infuriating to be cute."
"if you say so," you sing, settling back into your spot with your head on his lap. "just try to control yourself, hm? thought you were supposed to be some sophisticated higher being or whatever."
"shut up and go back to sleep."
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i truly believe he would take full advantage of cuteness aggression after this. AND HE'D BE A NIBBLER. god, his teeth would always be leaving little marks on your skin.
he's nibbling on your earlobe and he's nipping at the spot below your ear. it makes you feel so flustered, so you're pushing him away.
and in the most dastardly sugary tone he can muster he's like "i can't help it. you're just so cute."
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think-like-a-poet · 3 months
I'd totally love to read about Kenan Yildiz tbh, maybe something where is away for Euro24 and fem!reader had to stay home. So he misses her sosososo much, and one evening he gets a call from her and while they talk she enters the room, surprising him with a surprise visit 😂
A/N: Hope you like it. First time writing about football players.
tagged: @adrianakimberly @usuiswifelol
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Kenan Yildiz x fem!reader
Kenan was in Germany for the Euro cup and you couldn't be more proud of your boyfriend. He worked so hard for this and it finally paid off.
The problem is that you weren't able to make it to his games. You had your last assignments for college and your job, so you planned on watching them from home. It was painful being away from each other for so long and you wished nothing more to be there for him.
So that is what you did.
That evening, you two were talking on the phone. You had made up an excuse to not use your camera, so you could surprise him. His teammate, Arda, had helped you plan it, sending all the information about the stay and schedule to you.
"You were good today. Congrats on the win." You say as you walked through the streets of Hamburg towards the hotel that Arda send you.
Kenan was laying on his bed, hair damp from the shower he took. "Thank you. The next game is against Austria, so it would be more difficult I think, but we can do it." He explains. "How was your day?"
You had to check your google maps to look at which way to go, before answering, "It was good. It wasn't really busy in the store, so that was calming for once." That was of course a lie, as you didn't work today and took a flight to Germany. "I started reading this book, it is quite interesting."
"That sounds nice. You have to tell me about it when you finish it. Love to hear you talk about it." he let out a yawn, tired from the game he just played. It was past midnight and he should really get some sleep.
"I wish you could be here," Kenan said with sadness in his voice.
You smiled as you walked along the hallway towards the door of his hotel room, "What if I am?"
Kenan wanted to ask you what you meant before hearing the knock on his door. He dropped the phone and ran towards it to open it. You stood there, the phone still by your ear. "You're here." He smiles, happy tears in his eyes as he wrapped his arms around you.
You put the phone away and hugged him back, "Hello, honey." you kissed his cheek and ruffled his hair. He pulled away to cup your face and kiss you. You laugh against his lips as he pulls you closer. You had to remind yourself that you were still standing in the door opening and someone could walk past you.
"Lets get inside first, Kenan." He nods and lets you inside, closing the door behind you. He took your jacket and bag from you and put it away. You took of your shoes before walking further.
As he came back in the room, Kenan wrapped his arms back around you. "I missed you so much." you hadn't seen each other in two weeks, apart from the face timing, but it felt like eternity. "I missed you too."
"How did you manage to get here? I thought you had work and school." he sat you both down on the couch, playing with your hair.
"I did, but I exchanged my shift and took some time off, so I am able to come and watch you play the next match. School is over, I finished the last project, so i have a summer holiday." your head was laying on his chest as he watched you speak. You saw him trying hard to stay awake for you, but you knew he wanted to sleep.
He lets out another yawn, "I am happy that you could make it."
"Lets get to bed. You are tired, you should get some sleep after that game." he nods and led you to the bedroom.
After you changed and got ready for bed, he grabbed you close to him. "Good night."
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nofingjustaninchident · 5 months
omg hi im here to participate in the event CONGRATS BTW!!!!! may i pls get "you and me, got a whole lot of history" (LOVE THAT SONG BTW) w jason obv and a demeter girl ? idk how detailed u need these but ummm maybe reader discovers hes been reading on the language of flowers n making little annotations n stuff n she gets all teary cz shes sensitive like that LMAO love u sosososo much
HIIII CYNTHIAAAAAAA!!!! thank uuuu!!! i'd say that soon it'll be u, but soon you'll be at 500 baby.
Tears bring flowers. And a gent, if you're lucky.
"baby, you here?" you asked, entering cabin one to an almost-empty place, being only occupated by the massive zeus' statue in it - which, almost two years before, your boyfriend confined you that it really looked hippie. it did. but jason wasn't in his cabin.
you didn't find the situation weird, since he was probably finishing sparring - or maybe showering, you wouldn't know - so you just sat on his bed to wait for him.
but when you laid on his usually soft bed, covered with his emotional support rain-themed blanket, there was something hard on it. you winced when the thing hit you rib cage and quickly went away from it, pulling the covers off the thing so you could know what it was.
when the thing was out of the warm heat it was engulfed, she had to gasp. it was the book she was reading just a week ago, the language of flowers. definitely a newer version, but still the same book. and while she flipped the pages, she noticed diverse notes in a massive variety of colors.
"y/n's favorite" was written right under the hyacinth with a pink color. "y/n doesn't like it, attract bees" written in yellow under the daisy. and, written in red, massive letters on the page marker was "NEVER, EVER BUY FLOWERS TO HER!!!! buy the seeds and soil and plant them. don't kill the flowers"
you felt tears pricking in your eyes, and they were quick to fall from it. when you put the book bad on the bed, the door opened to a very happy jason with a small pack of seeds in his hands. when he saw you crying, his smile fell and he ran to your side.
"baby, what's up? what's going on?" he said, craddling her in his arms without even questioning it.
"i- i found y-your book." you said, smiling through the tears and sniffles. that brought a smile to his face.
"you did?"
"and what do you think?"
"do you want kids?"
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time-woods · 9 months
hi omg ok so im just sending a message to say that i love ur art SOSOSOSO MUCH like.. it brings me joy everytime i see it like it brightens up my day. they way you color is so expressive and its been so fun watching your artstyle grow and change with all the fun pwish art you keep making ( LOVE THAT BTW UR THE REASON I GOT INTO PWISH IN THE FIRST PLACE ) your art is like, my big major inspiration and i one day hope to have my art look just a fraction of how lively and lovely yours does. i could go on and on about how unique and different and amazing your art is to me but i would literally be writing a book at that point haha anyways byeeee hope you have a great day! (≧◡≦)ノ
thank you so much ! ! everyday im still always so shocked that people like my art so much- but thank you again ! !
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slasherfckr · 1 year
Good Morning, I hope you have a wonderful day!!✨ I was wondering if you could write a Michael Myers X fem plus size reader who appreciates Michael and actually treats him like a human✨ plus smut if you like ☺️
Holy SHIT this should not have taken two months to post 😭😭😭 I'm sosososo sorry it did. I wrote this with the Rob Zombie version of Michael Myers in mind BUT I tried leaving it ambiguous enough so if you wanted, let's say PeePaw Myers instead, you could read it as that version too 😊
☠️⚠️ Warnings - Slight mentions of: Implied sex, domestic abuse, and killings/death⚠️☠️
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(Semi-NSFW) Michael Myers x PlusSize!Fem!Reader
You sat on your couch, flipping through a book you had checked out from the Library when the couch suddenly dipped. Michael was home.
"Well hello to you too." You laughed as you scooted over to him and made yourself comfortable on his sturdy lap. His hands moved to your plush thighs and gripped them, keeping you in place.
You laid your head on his shoulder, listening to the quiet sound of his breathing coming out from his mask. That was the only sign of life coming from the man as his body was completely still. Well that and the semi-death grip he had on your plump thighs.
You sometimes think how odd it was for someone so cold and seemingly heartless that could murder a random person on the street without a second thought would ever be like....this. Sitting on a couch, holding their S/O so tightly and close. Yet, Michael Myers IS human after all. Everyone, even Dr Loomis or Laurie Strode, seemed to forget that. He wasn't completely incapable of love.
The night you had met Michael, you had gotten into a fight with your now deceased ex. They had shoved you to the ground and were spewing all sorts of hateful things about you and your weight. You nor them noticed the shadowy figure come up behind them and drive the large knife deep into the back of their chest.
For whatever reason, Michael didn't kill you that night. Maybe he had seen the dispute between the two of you, which reminded him of his own past; His father beat his mother perhaps? Maybe it could have been his sister or classmates that relentlessly bullied him in his youth? You didn't know and Michael would never tell.
Yet, for whatever reason, Michael kept coming back to your home after that night. Back to you. You would see him occasionally in your back yard or across the street, just slightly standing in view from a little ways away. As he kept visiting, he would also start to leave little gifts behind. Like a cat leaving a dead mouse for it's owner. Gifts usually included something from one of his victims, like a necklace or a book.
Then one night, after coming home from work, you found him upstairs in your bedroom. You weren't afraid of him like you were that first night or the couple first times you saw him stalking you. No, you knew he wouldn't hurt you...at least on purpose.
He had wanted to officially make you his. Despite every common sense you had, you let him. He was a killer, yes, but that didn't stop you from letting him pick you up and plop you down onto your bed.
Him being a killer didn't stop you from letting him undress you, running his hands all over your body and chubby belly. The way he filled your tight cunt with his fat cock was almost too much for you. He made you feel amazing but also didn't let you forget how dangerous he was either that night. To say you didn't wake up the next day with a few bruises and cuts would be a lie. Him being a killer didn't stop you from falling in love with him. He was, after all, a human just like you were.
While lost in thought, something dawned on you. He's never let you seen his face, even after two whole years. 'Such a shame,' you thought to yourself as you slowly began to feel drowsiness creep up on you. Damn. You had gotten too lost in though and were now getting sleepy. Yet that did stop you from wondering what Michael looked like under that mask. Was he cute? Ugly? Incredibly hot? Guess that was only for him to know. Apparently Laurie had unmasked him once and saw his face, but she took the secret of his identity to her grave.
Suddenly you felt yourself being lifted. You were quickly dozing off and Michael knew this. Wasn't long before you felt the comfort of your bed. You quickly got yourself under the covers and curled up, snuggling the top of the blanket. You looked up to thank him.
Instead, your eyes ended up meeting the most gorgeous ocean blues you have ever seen. He had obvious scarring on his face but that didn't bother you. You actually found it quite attractive actually. You went to sit up but Michael crawled into bed and put his hand around your neck.
He guided you back down so you were flat on your back, giving your neck a rough squeeze. You could see it now. The animalistic hunger in his eyes. You suddenly didn't feel an ounce of sleepiness in you anymore. It was replaced with a growing pool of heat in-between your legs. You were in for a long night.
A/N: I'm sorry if y'all ain't into somewhat Domestic Michael but I'm absolutely a whore for all that 😭 I wish there were more fics with a domestic Mikey
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
I hope im not the only one who finds it kinda annoying when people write mc/prefect as someone who doesn't have basic table manners just so they can be taught by riddle in riddle x readers, or if they're slovenly and ungraceful just so vil can chide and "fix" them in vil x readers, or any other incompetent reader/yuu x competent LI dynamics out there. I know readers are supposed to be "empty" and flexible for many kinds of readers, but it started to feel alot like self-depreciation for me.
I can't say I've seen too many fics with this specific set up, but there's a pretty good chance I ignored and forgot about them. I am more familiar with the Vil concept though, at least I think? But either way I think the issue you might be finding with these things is that they focus on Yuu's incompetence/inability to function as opposed to the potential for intimacy the scenario could create σ( ̄、 ̄=)
This sort of feels like a weird point to bring up, but table etiquette and basic manners can sort of mean two different things. The type of manners you could argue Riddle would want to see expressed at tea/at an unbirthday party could be much more formal than Yuu is used to, which could make for a cute set up for a fic! Picture Riddle trying his best to teach Yuu about etiquette and finding himself having trouble keeping proper decorum, he wants to hold Yuu's hand so badly, he finds himself letting his finger brush up against the back of Yuu's hand while he tries to guide them through what fork to use... or Riddle trying to teach Yuu to dance and getting too caught up in how excited he is to touch them that he forgets to speak (,,>﹏<,,)
And with Vil, I think people like the concept of having someone dote on them and dress them up in expensive things, but there is also a fundamental misunderstanding of Vil's character that a lot of people have where they think he would see someone in basic sweats and assume they need to be "fixed." The main thing Vil desires is for people to work on self improvement and accept nothing less than the best version of themselves. He's not a Kardashian who wants everything airbrushed and the same, he even admits to being privileged in his upbringing and not understanding Neige's struggles in book 6, he's such a well rounded character, maybe the best in the entire game but back to the topic I am actually on-
Walking someone through a skin care routine or washing their hair, especially if they are having a hard time taking care of themselves due to injury or mental distress is something that can be so painfully intimate. People have different ways of caring for themselves and the VOLUMES it speaks to have someone learn and know your language of self love is sosososo important. Makeup is something Vil loves to express himself with, watching him pick out things to use on Yuu so he can express his love through his work shouldn't be about how he is "fixing" Yuu because that's not how Vil would see it. He is speaking to the beauty he already sees and enhancing it with his own, picture him slowly, deliberately, tracing a lip stain onto Yuu's lips and drawing out the process so he can experience what it is like to kiss them without breaching the delicate line his contract has forced him to walk. How he watches Yuu lick their lips later in the night and swears he can feels it; Yuu worries that they're doing something wrong when Vil keeps insisting on doing their make up because he's always so slow about it but really he just wants to place his claim on them in as subtle and intimate a way as possible.
or something i dunno this was just where my mind went
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fairuzfan · 7 months
Hi Med,
tldr; I recently purchased an exhibition book of Palestinian photographs. Would you like to have it after I've finished reading it?
I've been following you and learning a lot from you. I'd really like to give you something that would be in better hands with you, if you feel comfortable with it.
I'm not sure if you're aware of Souq Stories, the 2019- collaborative photography project of Palestinian markets across 7 cities (Gaza, Jaffa, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Acre, Nablus, and Khalil). It was displayed in those 7 cities simultaneously in 2021, as an act of Palestinian unity and defiance of colonial borders.
This month, SAFE, the brilliant pro-Palestine student org at the University of Michigan, coordinated with folks who were involved in the original project, and brought it to UMich. The exhibit was in memory of one of the photographers, Fouad Abu Khammash, who was martyred in January. https://www.lib.umich.edu/visit-and-study/events-and-exhibits/today-and-upcoming/souq-stories-gaza-lives
As a part of the exhibition, you could purchase exhibition books (with proceeds going to support Palestinians). I purchased one of these exhibition books. I realized I don't want this beautiful photography book to sit on a shelf after myself and my roommate read it.
Would you like to have it after we've completed it? I'm thinking it will be more cherished and taken care of in the home of a Palestinian archivist. Additionally, this book is bilingual with English and Arabic, so you can share even the text with folks who can read either.
P.S. Feel free to respond privately if you'd like to exchange contact details
P.P.S. I could also share with you photos of the book's pages, if you'd be interested but don't feel comfortable exchanging details with a rando. If you don't respond, then I'll try to send another ask some time with a Google drive link to the photos. No pressure on responding or reading. I just wanted to give you the opportunity.
Best wishes
This is sosososo sweet thank you so much for sending this. I would love a Google link to this if you have the time and energy. Thank you so much for offering, no worries if you can't do it!!
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lia-loves-youu · 4 months
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A little more ~ Seonghwa x Reader
Notes (please read): So hello y’all<33 This is my first fanfic AND English is not my first language, so I really hope it won’t be too bad helpp- It’s based on “A Little More” by Lim Jisoo, please listen to it, it’s such an underrated song and I’ve been listening to it soo much lately :> I’ll try to sneak a few lyrics in, so if you listen to the song while/before reading, you can maybe hear the lyrics replay in your head (I’ll most likely change them up a bit so they don’t sound so weird tho)<3 Also, if you like this, please try to boost it so I can gain reach a bit faster, I’m really afraid that this will flop TvT I’ll also reply to every comment, so if you have something to say, please go ahead<33
pairing: Park Seonghwa (Ateez) x fem! reader
warnings: fluff so teeth rotting, it has you ready for a dentist visit, pretty cheesy, swearing, toxic friends (no physical harm), reader is sometimes talking to herself, everything goes pretty fast
tropes: love at first note, (implied) one true love
word count: 3512
summary: Seonghwa is out with his friends for a fun karaoke night, but when he returns from the toilet, he walks by a room out of which a beautiful song, well, rather a beautiful voice comes and fills his whole body (let’s just ignore that these rooms should be soundproof). Not finding the courage to ask the dark silhouette standing in the karaoke room for the song name, he writes a message on a tissue and slides it under the door.
Here’s the link for the song again<3
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'~'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Fast steps fill the hallway. The dark haired man is searching for the karaoke room he and his friends booked, but suddenly he slows down and finds himself standing in front of a door. It’s not the one to the room his friends are in, but the intriguing voice which makes its way to his ears seems to stop him. His curious eyes are searching through the darkness of the room to finally see the silhouette of a girl standing in front of the karaoke machine, her back turned towards Seonghwa. Almost in a trance, he listens to the relaxing music complimenting your voice perfectly. Should he ask you for the song name? He wishes he could, but he can’t find the courage to knock on the door in front of him and interrupt you. His eyes proceed to search for any other way to ask for the song, or even your name, and luck seems to be on his side today. Quickly grabbing a tissue and a pen - which some staff member probably dropped as they were in a hurry - he scribbles a few sentences on the fabric. After sliding it through the small gap under the door, he quickly stands up and continues on his way back to his friends, the melody not leaving his head.
“No fucking way.” “Yes I knowww, I’m sosososo sorry again! We’ll make it up to you next time, yeah? Really!” Not even a second later the call ends. You stare at the now dark phone screen, laughing and huffing in disbelief. Your “friends” just cancelled your plans. Again. You already rented the karaoke room for three hours for you and your friends and just finished with the first song so you can warm your voice up a bit, but it looks like your friends had better plans. You wouldn’t be so disappointed if this was the first time, if you weren’t paying with your own money and if this wasn’t one of the most expensive karaoke places your friends had picked without even asking about your opinion. But unfortunately that’s the case.
Before the tears could even begin to fill your eyes, you already grab your stuff and storm to the door. Almost reaching the door handle, you suddenly slip and fall, while a short scream exits your mouth. “Ouch, what the-“, you look down to your and stop mid sentence, noticing the item which made your body meet the floor so painfully. You reach for the small tissue and turn on your phone’s flashlight to make words written in a neat and elegant handwriting out:
Your voice is so pretty and unique, could you please tell me which song you were singing? I mean the one with the calming melody
Blinking dumbfounded, you reread the note. “Telling them which song I was singing-? How am I supposed to do that, no name, no telephone number. At least I only sang one song, so I know which one they mean”, you murmur. After reading the note a third time, a smile slowly creeps onto your lips. It’s not the fact that you don’t know who this wrote, but rather how they complimented you. It clears your bad mood up a bit and you feel the need to tell them the song name, however that’s supposed to work.
“What am I supposed to doooo”, you let yourself sink into your sheets, talking to none other than yourself. You would’ve called one of your super cool friends, but after the countless instagram stories they had posted, dancing and drinking in some pub after having to sadly call your plans off again, you quickly gave up on the idea. At this point you would’ve already confronted them, but considering that they were the only people you talk to in and outside of school, you’re too afraid to be blamed and left out even more, loosing all the remaining social contacts you try so desperately to keep.
Suddenly a thought crosses your mind. It might seem a bit unlikely to happen, but what if the ominous person shows up at the karaoke place tomorrow too? You turn around, now lying on your back and sigh: “It’s a try worth, right? Which room did I have today? 127? 143? NONO it was definitely 119.” You don’t even know why you’re so touched by this stupid little message, but the thought of having someone you really share something with (unlike your friends) just doesn’t plan to leave your mind anytime soon.
The next day at school passes regularly, excluding how you try to avoid your friend group, walking through hallways they probably never ever seen before, skipping lunch and keeping your head down, hoping that they won’t even try to look for you. Luckily you also caught the first bus after school ended, so there are almost no people you’re already familiar with. A relived sigh exiting your lips you drop on an empty seat and close your eyes, already worried about the next day.
“Excuse me? Could I please rent room 119?” You smile awkwardly, recognising the receptionist from yesterday. He looks at you hesitantly, you can almost hear him ask if you will also leave two and a half hours early and without the three people which supposedly should’ve joined you, but he doesn’t. Instead he smiles and tells you that the room is already taken. “Oh please wait, he reserved for two people, you had the room yesterday too right?” Now that he said it so blunt your cheeks start to light up. You mumble a little yes and try to look as unaffected as possible, which quickly becomes irrelevant after realising the boy, as you just found out, probably reserved for the both of you and that he’s waiting in exactly the room you had, like he knew you’d think the same way as him. “Uhm yes?” “Great, follow me please- Or can you find the room again?” Politely declining, you turn around and quickly walk towards the door, trying to suppress a wide smile from your lips.
“Ahhh what should I say to him noww?” You nervously tap your foot on the ground and stare holes into the door. Shaking your head and after taking a deep breath you swing the door open, just for the air to be knocked out of your lungs again: The boy, who’s just sitting on the couch, if without doubt the most gorgeous and elegant person you’ve ever laid your eyes on. “Oh, so you must be the girl from yesterday?” “…” “Are… you alright?” Suddenly awaking from your trance, you blink and start to splutter a bit: “Ehh yeah- Yes that’s me, uhm my name is yn, yours?” He starts smiling - which makes your heart bounce and cheeks uncontrollably light up - and tells you his name in return. ‘Park Seonghwa’, a world stopping beauty with a pretty name, if his personality’s as good as the rest, you’re ready to sign him up for marriage on the spot. Not being able to stop smiling, you sit down beside him after asking for his approval and start a little conversation.
At first it was a bit awkward of course, but after you found a good topic, you both loosen up and seem like you won’t be able to stop talking and laughing together, like you’ve been friends for years. The hours vanish like seconds and neither of you realise how late it has gotten.
A sudden knock stops you from continuing your rant about people who chew with their mouth open, and Seonghwa takes a glance at the clock. „Oh shit we were supposed to get out of here like half a hour ago!“ After processing what he just said, you quickly get up, grab your stuff and sprint to the door, the tall boy right behind you. Bowing and excusing yourself you walk past the staff member and out of the building.
“Oh god I’m so sorry, I didn’t look at the time.“ You turn and look at the cute apologetic look on his face. Not being able to prevent it, you chuckle and tell him that it’s alright. His face instantly relaxes and he laughs with you. „Do you want me to walk you home? It’s already so dark and I’m a bit worried about you“, he offers sweetly. „I have to go by bus, I really don’t want you to take a detour just because of me.“ „Oh! I have to go by bus too! We can at least walk to the station together, if we don’t even have too take the same bus!” ‘If he doesn’t stop smiling so cutely like that I’m seriously going to cry’ Instead of actually saying what you just thought, you return his little grin and just nod.
The walk is a bit calmer and a comfortable silence encases the both of you (I hope I can say it like that?) “Soo which bus do you have to take?” You tell him an he starts to smile, telling you he has to take the same one - which he in fact doesn’t, but the thought of you being alone in the dark has him feeling a bit off. If he would feel like that about other people too? Probably, but his feelings and thought are also oddly different when he’s with you.
Chitchatting a bit about this and that, the bus arrives and you continue your conversation after sitting down.
“Oh, I have to get off at the next stop”, you pout a bit and watch a frown appear on his face as those words leave your lips. “Do you really don’t want me to walk you home?” You try to show him the warmest and most assuring smile you have and tell him how your house is only two minutes away from the stop, which seems to calm him down. “Ah by the way! I forgot to tell you the song name, it’s-“ “No stop, tell me next time okay?”, he interrupts you swiftly. “Next time?” “If you’re willing to give me one?” You chuckle: “Are you trying to flirt with me?” “Maybe?” You gently, jokingly punch his chest and start to already see your station in the distance. “Then I guess you better take my phone number now before I have to get off.” He pulls his phone out and opens it, already showing “add a new contact” on the screen, like he waited for you to give him your number. After you quickly filled the boxes in, you return the phone to him and stand up. “Text me then!”, you grin and walk out of the already opened doors.
The grin doesn’t leave your face until you drift away in the warm embrace of your bed, neither does the one on Seonghwa’s lips, even though he has to drive the whole way back and further now.
The days where you don’t see your sweet new friend feel endless, standing up at ungodly times, classes are even more boring, spending every damn break on the school’s roof to avoid your other friends, going home, doing the homework, eating, studying, sleeping and everything repeats again. Luckily there was only one day where you didn’t get to meet up. You only meet for lunch because school days are too busy, but today is Friday, which makes you unusually happy. Of course you’re always excited for Fridays, but this time it just feels more special.
You grin relieved, finally throwing your jacket off and jumping on the couch.
Hwa [2:47]
Are you free today?
Do you wanna meet up at my place? I don’t wanna go out to our cafe today :(
Your grin grows even wider.
Me [2:47]
Yeah ofc!! Do you live far from me? Can I go there by bike?
You don’t even wait for an answer before you already run towards your wardrobe, searching for your favourite outfit.
Hwa [2:49]
I’ll just send you the location
Should I pick you up tho?
| location attached |
You really can’t stop smiling like crazy and you also can’t tell why it makes you so happy that he asked if he should pick you up. “He’s so gentle and caring… Why didn’t I meet more people like him? Life would’ve been so much easier if I had some real friends- I should really stop thinking about them. I should rather ask how I deserved to meet Hwa. Okay, which hairstyle do I go for tho?”
After you’re done with your outfit and everything, you get your stuff together and pull your shoes on.
Me [3:00]
Nono I’ll just go by bus, don’t worry :D
“…Huh? That’s definitely not how he got home last time, I was the first one to leave and we took the same bus. Ahh I shouldn’t worry about it now as long as I’ll arrive at his home”, you mumble, looking at the route while waiting at the station. Just as the bus stops, “A little more” starts to play in your earphones, making you smile subconsciously. ‘Ahh I still didn’t tell Hwa the song name, the week was just so busy I forgot about it… I really have to do it today.‘
Just as you took the first ten steps out of the bus, your whole body stops moving, your hands drop and everything starts to turn, but not the people in front of you. “Ohh if that isn’t our sweet, dearest little yn. Do you maybe want to… I don’t know, apologise? Why are you not answering our messages and leaving us alone in the breaks? Girl this is literally so annoying, you know?“
You don’t move, neither do you speak, which visibly makes the girl in front of you angry. ”So, listen you stupid fucking-“
“Uhm, excuse me please”, the group turns around, moving aside for Seonghwa to walk towards you and ask with a cute little smile, “Do we wanna go in now? I was kinda worried you might wouldn’t find my apartment, so I’m her now.” You’re still not able to answer, but your friend already starts to talk again: “Oh my god who are you?” She eyes him up and down and grins stupidly. “So you’re friends with yn? Why didn’t you introduce us before? Don’t keep your handsome friends to yourself yn, are you single by the way, mr. handsome? I’m free this weekend by the way hihi.” Disgustedly raising his eyebrow at this horrible attempt to flirt, he looks down at your face, which finally shows some type of reaction. “If you excuse me-“, Seonghwa says still softly and gently grabs your hand, guiding you through the group and quickly to a building. “Wait, you forgot to give me your number!” Rolling his eyes he closes the door which he just opened for you both and walks to an elevator.
The silence is slightly awkward, but addressing the elephant in the room right now would’ve made it worse.
“You can leave your shoes and jacket here, do you want a glass of water?” You shake your head and smile at him, which he returns and your cheeks warm up. His smile always makes you feel all fuzzy inside, which is in fact not the greatest sign, falling in love with the only person you have right now was definitely not on your bucket list for this year. “Do you want to watch a movie with me? I think I still have popcorn left! Wait, let me see real quick.” As he walks away, he makes little happy jumps which results in him looks even more adorable than he always is. Your checks turn even redder and you’re sure you’ll never recover from this while slowly following him.
Seonghwa is already rummaging through a cabinet when you reach the kitchen, a few strands of his long black hair falling on his concentrated face, making you chuckle quietly. He looks up at you, his doe eyes making your legs weak, and smirks: “God you’re red, are you fine? I found the popcorn by the way, do you want it sweet or salty?” You clear your throat, lowering your head and telling him your preference. Still laughing he continues.
“Okayy it should be ready in 15 minutes, let’s pick out the movie now.“ You follow him to the living room, where he sits down on the couch and starts to scroll through Netflix. After you just stood there for a few seconds he turns his gaze to you and pouts, which makes your face burn again. “Why aren’t you sitting down? Are you really okay-? I’m starting to get worried, I should measure your temperature.” You wanted to stop him, but it was already too late as he gets up and suddenly presses his forehead against yours. “Uhmm I’m pretty sure you don’t measure temperature like that”, you manage to mutter, but he just laughs and lets his head fall from your forehead onto your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you and giving you the warmest hug in forever. It feels special and caring, not like you didn’t expect that his hugs were like this or if you weren’t hoping to get one of them every single day, but the way his hands rest on your back and caress you so gently makes your body long for him more and more.
After standing like this for several seconds, Seonghwa slowly gets away from you, hesitantly asking: “Do you think you could… You know, tell me about who these people were and what they did to you? It’s nagging me since I saw your horrified face back then.” You look at his worried expression but don’t answer.
“I know it’s hard to trust me, that’s alright, considering how we don’t know each other for that long yet. I’ll wait for you, tell me when you’re ready, okay? I’m here with open arms.” You can’t help but chuckle, making Seonghwa’s gorgeous face clear up. “Okay okay Hwa, I’ll tell you. Let’s sit down though, if that’s alright.” He nods and wraps a blanket around you after you’ve made yourself comfortable on the pillowy couch.
You really try to hold the tears back while telling him anything in detail, but bringing all the memories and emotions back is just too much. Usually you don’t cry that easily and definitely not in presence of other people, but all the denied feelings break down on you. You lower your head, hoping the man in front of you wouldn’t notice, but of course he does anyways. Slowly bringing his soft hand up to your face, he swipes your tears away and strokes your cheek: “Don’t worry and please don’t cry, I guess you at least have me now, right? Shhh please don’t cry, c’mere.” Carefully skidding over to you he pulls you in another hug, this time it’s even harder for you to not completely loose yourself in his embrace.
As less tears drop on his neck and your muffled sobs get quieter, he assures: “I’ll be your best friend. I’ll always be there for you and never do such things as your stupid little ex-friends. I’ll be everything you ever wanted and won’t hesitate to hold your hand.”
You burry your head deeper in the crook of his neck and take all your courage together: “I don’t want you to be my best friend”, Seonghwa’s body tenses up and you notice a quiet “oh” from above you, “I want you to be more than that.” You sit up, looking at Seonghwa’s sweet eyes. “I know this all happened way too fast, but I couldn’t hold myself, you’re just too… perfect. I never had someone like you and after being alone for so long, you were just like a savior. I can’t really explain what I feel, but I hope you understand. I’m always on top of the world, because of you. All those little ‘dates’ just made me realise how important you already are for me. Seonghwa, I love you, I’m sorry.”
Silence. You don’t look at him anymore, gaze directed on your hands before your crossed legs. You can feel that you tear up again, so you press your eyes shut.
You suddenly feel hands on yours, which kind of startles you. “Please look at me, yn.” Sullenly you look up to meet his deep, dark eyes. “I know what you mean and feel. And I feel the same way. I think of you so often and my day is just not complete without having some kind of conversation with you, please, stay by my side. Forever. And come closer please, I want to hug you again.”
You two spend the rest of the day with eating the popcorn and watching Star Wars, Seonghwa also proudly showed you his Lego collection and cuddled with you until you both were about to drift into sleep. “Oh, by the way, the song I sung was ‘A little more’ by Lim Jisoo”, you manage to mutter before falling asleep.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'~'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Please don’t kill me if this was shit<3
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riuyiyu · 1 year
m!yan x gn!reader
→ cw; obsession, stalking, breaking into ur house, stealing
「mdni 」
i do not condone yanderes irl !!!
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yandere nerd who enjoys reading books, studying, watching you educational shows !! yea..!
yandere nerd who watches you go around campus
seeing you with your friends, laughing, having fun!!! oh how he wishes he was with u :(
yandere nerd who cant bare with it anymore!!! he needs to be close to you..
yandere nerd who follows you home so he can see more of you, he’s desperate.
but it still isnt enough D:
yandere nerd who breaks into your house when you’re not home and starts to look at things
yandere nerd who steals borrows your clothes ! it’s only for research promise !!!!!!!
yandere nerd who borrows your clothes but it’s still not enough :( he HAS to be with you nothing else can work now..
yandere nerd who sabotages your grades so he can help you !!
yandere nerd who pretends to not know where you live (even if he knows it like the back of his hand)
yandere nerd who’s supposed to help you but he can’t stop looking at your lips !!!
so pretty!! and heavenly!!! and plump!!!! and-
yandere nerd who cant take his eyes off you <3
please accept my love !!!! i yearn for you !!
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ajgsda i hope u guys will like this !!ALSO thank u sosososo much 4 the support on my first post ?? omg??? thank u?? hello???? & sorry for js disappearing LMAO i’ve been busy 😞
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bumblebeeig · 5 months
Hello!!! 😄 May I request a fan fiction of a rare ship: Ramattra x Venture, I hadnt seen any content of it!!! Thank you!!!
me and my girlfriend talked ab how their dynamic would be a little bit so here we go!
-Ramattra x Venture-
-TW: a bit of fluff, kind of a slow burn. nothing bad though :)
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- ram had honestly tolerated sloane mostly when they had first met
- they were very respectful and intrigued by his history, and were overall just very kind. he had no reason to have anything against them.
- but he never expected to find himself growing fond of them.. especially so. intensely
- i mean they were a human, and ramattra already had such an indifferent relationship with humans, how could he be falling for one??
- he tried to brush it off, not thinking about it and just chalking it up to just being very appreciative of sloane
- but man… every time their eyes lit up when ramattra would tell them about his experiences with the shambali, how they would ramble on and on about these historical facts they knew (which ram more than likely already knew a lot of them, he just wanted to hear them talk), how they would get so close to him to show him a new artifact they had found, and how their smile was so adorable-
- GODDAMNIT bro is in love
- but of course, with ram being as closed off and reserved as he is he doesn’t act on those feelings for a long, LONG time
- but it becomes noticeable in… small ways.
- he acts a lot more gentler with sloane than others, even chuckling a bit at some of their jokes. he’s also quite protective of them, being sure to always be at their side during missions.
- everyone noticed it, but especially his brother, zenyatta.
- “brother, have you grown fond of the archeologist? that’s rather surprising for you!” zenyatta would comment at some point, positivity in his voice
- if ramattra was able too, he’d definitely be blushing at that moment. “i have no idea what you’re talking about.” he’d say coldly, walking away.
- zenyatta would just chuckle, being able to read ramattra like an open book
it had been a cold night. ramattra had brought sloane to visit nepal, as they had insisted on coming with him when he had mentioned visiting at some point. he had formed such a soft spot for the explorer, that he honestly couldn’t resist. they sat on the edge of a balcony of one of the shrines, star-gazing as they sat next to eachother.
“ahh, this is so cool ramattra!! thank you sosososo much for bringing me!” sloane had exclaimed, a big smile on their face. “i’m glad you’re enjoying it here.” ramattra had replied, a gentle tone in his robotic voice. if he could, he’d be smiling right back at them.
ramattra had used this opportunity to admire sloanes features. their chocolate colored hair, their soft looking skin, the way their eyes sparkled in the star light… they were beautiful to him, which was something he never could fully admit to them, or anyone.
as he continued to examine their features, he noticed a small patch of dirt on their face. it began to bother him a little, until he felt he had to do something about it. “ugh.. look here.”
“huh?” sloane looked over at rammatra, his cool robotic hands suddenly cupping their face. he started to gently rub away the dirt on sloanes face with his thumb. “you humans… always so messy.”
after a bit he realized just how close he was to sloane. a pink tint had painted their cheeks, with a hand gently placed on one of ramattra’s. their lips had looked so soft, their eyes just as bright and full as before.. so, so beautiful. he was entranced. he didn’t want to let go of this. but he knew he had too.
“ah— i’m- i’m sorry.” he stuttered out as he pulled away from sloanes face, darting his sight in the other direction. “n-no, no! it’s okay!” sloane replied, the pink on their face becoming darker from embarrassment. they began to fidget with their hands.. had that really just happened?
they looked up at the large omnic next to them. they had always admired him, but they could never really tell what kind of admiration it was… they just knew they had felt so appreciated by ramattra, that he was someone who encouraged their efforts in what they loved. they had always felt safe with him, and butterflies would flutter in their stomach thinking about him, or just being around him sometimes. this was definitely one of those many moments.
they scooted in closer to ramattra, resting their head on his arm. ramattra tensed at this, but eventually eased, becoming used to the feeling. hesitantly, ramattra wrapped his arm around sloane, pulling them in closer. they both sat there for a while, looking up at the stars in silence, taking in eachothers presence. this was all they needed right now.
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calciumdeficientt · 1 month
Hiii, these are some headcanons for @namranii ‘s oc Harin Kim! I wanna take a brief moment to fangirl over her because she is sosososo cute, I’ve got a huge soft spot for bully ocs, everyone always puts so much love and care into themmmm ugh i LOOOVE the bully fandommmmmm. Anyway…
One of the oldest and wisest members of the greaser clique, I feel like all the advice she gives is pretty sage, despite her outwardly delinquent personality.
Very family oriented, even if its found family, she seems to be pretty likely to play den mother for the greasers. She knows what they’re capable of but she also knows their limits, that’s a good friend to have. The clinginess pays off, especially if her friends are feeling a little down on their luck, it’s nice to know that there’s always someone in their corner.
Puts the least possible effort into her hair and it looks absolutely flawless every time, even if someone tries to mess it up it just seems to fall back into an even better hairstyle, this is genuinely frustrating to other students who put a LOT more effort into keeping their hair nice. Harin is just immune to school air.
Uses a CD Walkman in the shop when she’s working on her bike, she illegally makes mixtapes and burns them onto cds with little doodles on the front. She has literally hundreds, including full torrented albums. Are you having a party? Harin is your girl for illegal party CDs
Absolutely DOMINATES in art class, not that its a competition, but if it was... She’d definitely win.Harin probably gets a lot of shit from other teachers for her incessant margin doodles but Miss Philips absolutely loves her creative spirit and genuine talent for drawing, its nice to see a student treating art class seriously instead of just a blowoff to draw dicks or make out in the supply closet.
Watches the sunset every single night, she will literally make her plans around the sunset so she doesnt miss it. It was a little tradition she started to make herself smile when she was a scared little freshman but she kept the tradition going up until her senior year. Norton quite likes the sunset too so sometimes they’ll share a smoke and sit on the roof to watch the sun go down over bullworth.
Does pretty well on her own if she’s not got any other greasers lingering around, the only clique that really give her any trouble is the preps and they’re pretty easy to take down. A leg swing can get them on the floor in no time… even then the preps dont go as hard on her as they could, Bif tries to keep them in line. That poor, poor lovesick puppy. Another huge help is the fact that she’s in Russell’s good books. No one in their right mind would even dream of starting something with Russell… well apart from Jimmy but he’s always gonna be a bit of a loose cannon.
Harin seems like a pretty amicable person, she’s got one of those faces that just makes you feel so safe. She’s like, genetically friendly looking if that makes sense. She’s so beautiful it makes you feel bad for even bumping her in the hallway. Not that she can’t handle herself, quite the opposite as i mentioned above but it just…. Feels wrong to whale on someone so beautiful, even if she’s trying to start something.
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Pokepark - Shout out a Pokemon IRL blog you really like!
ill do you one better i have A LOT to shout out lol. its very hard to like articulate ALL my thoughts in just like one paragraph cause i dont wanna drop a masive ESSAY for each blog so ill try to keep it brief but do check all of them out if you havent yet!!
@lovenpeace-pkmn - anthea and concordia are,, surprisingly forgotten about pkmn characters so finding out there was a blog for them a few months back was like. insane for me. i love the blogrunners characterization and its just generally a fun blog to scroll through and interact with on occasion!
@thatfailedpokemontrainer - sprite an interesting critter fr. theres something wrong with them and i love it. every once in a while something goes down on the blog and im just in the discord chat with friends like omg look at whats happening on tumblr RIGHT NOW!!! also as a dedenne best pikaclone TRUTHER i am obligated to promite this blog lol
@battle-subway-ghost - is also a really fun blog that im always like GUYS LOOK AT WHATS HAPPENING OVER THERE!!! honestly i could probably link ALL the blogs linked to this one and thatfailedpokemontrainer but i dont wanna decimate a buncha peoples notifs with me @ ing them all on the same post lmao. but like. something up with paris fr and his relationships with other characters are so fun to read. also i love rattatas so any blog about characters that give love to the rats get a good grade in my book
@wingsofachampion - tropius is such a fun character and bench plays her so well!! pokemon like tropius are sososo underrated compared to a lot of the like. anthro/more humanoid pokemon and pokemon that are just cats or dogs so seeing one about one of these more underrated pokemon so good to me. bench (blogrunner) also has a ton of fun pmd lore that builds off the canon stuff on this blog and a few of their other blogs so if you love pmdstuff you should REALLY check them out
@psn-stalling - i could list A LOT of the bbablr blogs because theyre all some degree of something up with that guy fr but atlas is one of the first blogs that popped up on my dash p often and is what got me to check out a ton of the bba blogs. atlas and his relationships to other characters are so fun to me and tbh atlas is just a fascinating character in general. top ten guys of all time i hope he beefs with even more of his classmates in the future
@viridian-rat - OKAY SO. TURT (the blogrunner) IS MY FIRNED SO PERHAPS THIS MAY BE CHEATING BUT RAT IS SO SOSO SOMETHING TO ME. 12 YEAR OLD OF ALL TIME. turt plays rat like an actual 12 year old and its so refreshing because a lot of people DO NOT KNOW HOW CHILDREN ACT AND ITS INSANE. also turts been putting so much effort into a whole ass animation for this blog thats almost done so you guys have to follow the blog before it comes out so you'll see it.
@harteofthehart-ayyy - harte is another character on pkmn irl thats a guy of all time fr. fascinated by him and everything that is revealed about him. whatevers going on with him and his roommate has captivated me. this is also another blog where i REALLY like the art thats posted on occasion, and i just find it funny to follow. also its just a REALLY fun blog to interact with. like some blogs are just awkward to reply to because theres like way too little to actually grab onto but harte's mod is really good at giving you stuff to actually reply to
theres sosososo many more blogs but some are just escaping my mind rn or i dont know how to like properly articulate anything than this blog good. id like @ my entire following list rn if i could but i do not think people would be happy with the amount of notifs
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