#vatican garden
blueiscoool · 3 months
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Roman Emperor Caligula's 2,000-Year-Old Garden Unearthed Near the Vatican
The gardens overlooking the Tiber river in Italy once belonged to an infamous Roman emperor.
Construction workers in Italy have discovered a 2,000-year-old garden that once belonged to a Roman emperor.
The travertine walls of the garden overlook the banks of the Tiber, a river that cuts through Rome and sits east of Vatican City. The ruins were unearthed as workers constructed a new overpass at Piazza Pia, according to a translated statement from the Italian Ministry of Culture.
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As archaeologists removed debris, they found a lead water pipe with the following inscription: "C(ai) Cæsaris Aug(usti) Germanici." Researchers determined that the engraving referred to Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, better known as Caligula (aka "little boot," a childhood nickname given to him by his father's soldiers).
Based on the inscription, researchers think the garden likely belonged to the infamous Roman emperor. Not only was Caligula known for being a tyrannical and ruthless leader, he was also a sadist who humiliated his senate. Caligula assumed the throne in A.D. 37, and in A.D. 41 the Praetorian Guard — the officials who were supposed to protect him — assassinated the emperor.
This conclusion is supported by a passage in the ancient text "On the Embassy to Gaius," penned by Egyptian philosopher Philo of Alexandria. It describes how Caligula had met with a representative of Jews living in Alexandria, Egypt, at a large garden along the Tiber, according to the statement.
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At that time, Jewish Alexandrians and the Greek-Alexandrian population were in a "crisis that had manifested itself with violence, brawls and episodes of religious intolerance." However, Caligula rejected the Jews' requests for religious autonomy, instead siding with the Greeks.
Alessio De Cristofaro, an archaeologist at the Special Superintendency for Archaeology, Fine Art and Landscape, a government agency in Rome, said the find is significant because Piazza Pia is in the same area as the "Horti Agrippinae," the garden of Agrippina the Elder, who was Caligula's mother.
The pipe is also similar to another one, found in the early 1900s, that's inscribed with the name Iulia (Julia) Augusta, the second wife of Augustus and the grandmother of Germanicus. Researchers speculate that the property was inherited by Germanicus and later passed down to his wife, Agrippina the Elder, before going to Caligula.
In addition to the pipe, archaeologists found slabs of Roman-era pottery and terra-cotta figures of mythological scenes that would have decorated rooftops.
By Jennifer Nalewicki.
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jaygaeze · 9 months
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years
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dykebeckett · 7 months
group of retired folks visiting the garden had a lot of interesting things to say about art + made fun of trumpers. I love you old southern people ❤️
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kjzx · 4 months
I don't typically make OCs cause with the media I join the fandoms for I tend to be happy with the characters I have and consider the main role slots already taken but Marina's girlfriends and maybe a potential crush is such an unexplored topic in the game (reasonably enough) that I can't help but wonder and imagine things, even though, again, I'm normally not the kind of person to create fan- or really any OCs.
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thetemplarknight · 1 year
Knights Templar and Freemasons - linked or not?
TV historian Tony McMahon sets out to discover the truth behind claims the Knights Templar and Freemasons are connected
If the Knights Templar and Freemasons are connected in some way then how to explain it? We need to get to the bottom of this mystery and discover the truth. Is there any link between the Templars and Masons or is it entirely a myth? Regardless of your own view, the story is fascinating. Let me regale you with the facts and evidence below – then form your own opinion. Who came first – Freemasons…
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hsmagazine254 · 1 year
Unveiling the Marvels of Rome: Exploring Attractions, Shopping, Food & Unique Experiences
 Unveiling The Marvels Of Rome Rome, the Eternal City, is a captivating destination that seamlessly blends ancient history with modern charm. From its iconic landmarks to its vibrant culture, Rome offers a plethora of experiences that will leave you spellbound. In this article, we will embark on a virtual journey through Rome, highlighting its top attractions, shopping hotspots, culinary…
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andrewdugganartist · 1 year
Photographing variables ‘L E S E D I T I O N B R A U N & C. - P A R I S’
When recently I was looking at the theatre space in Culín, Dingle, Kerry with Rachel Holstead, arts administrator for our Gaeltacht ahead of an install, she pointed out boxes of books left by the late Daryl Broe in an adjacent corridor, hoping I might find a use for them, urging me to take some [what do we do with what is left behind]. Daryl had worked as a cameraman, reporter, editor among other things in the theatre space. He died last year at home alone, somewhat sadly; it was a number of days before someone found his body. And now some of his books lay waiting …many of which were art and politically related. One particular book grabbed my attention.
It was a small old, dog eared French book on ‘la Sculpture Grecque’ a volume of a collection of books on art ‘les maitres’. I was initially attracted to the rough matt printed pages, thick. I flicked through it and put in my car where it sat for a couple of weeks until one morning while waiting for my daughters at the Kerry School of music I picked it up and poured over the images of the figurative sculptures housed I might add in the various museums around the world, separated, fragmented, a colonial legacy; the various photographers forgotten. I liked how the type was set and how the photographs were framed and laid out by the picture editor and/or designer. Absentmindedly, instinctively and perhaps playfully I started folding the pages in on themselves. I was dividing the images in half vertically, presenting only half the image to juxtapose it to the next page and subsequent pages. I liked the accidental contrasts. It made me think about the original designer and their design decisions; the geometry of the images and how they proportionally suited the page. I began to think about the book and its modular accidents sculpturally, architecturally even, that it could be picked up by anyone, thumbed through, handled and played with. Each holder having a different experience.
The book acted as a book of possibilities; a modular sculptural collage.
Later, just before install, I would come across another of Daryl’s books, this time on Michelangelo , again its texture and image quality I loved. I purposely this time folded the pages in the same manner to present new possibilities. And also with the descriptive text on the left hand page, revealing a dadaist or situationalist type of text.
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canisalbus · 5 months
I think Machete should be allowed to dig a hole. For enrichment reasons.
Just stick his snout in a hole and woo woo the anxiety away
I received this ask after posting art of the dogs in their four legged forms, but imagine if we were talking of him in anthro mode. Just digging holes in the Vatican gardens, sticking his face in them and screaming.
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flowerandblood · 9 months
The Gate of Salvation [2/3]
[ young pope • Aemond x catholic • female ]
[ warnings: fingering, smut, sexual tension, angst, religious guilt, doubts related to faith, chauvinism ]
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[ description: During the conclave, a new pope is elected, but to everyone's surprise, he does not intend to show himself to the crowds waiting for him. His ideas terrify the cardinals, and one of them convinces his niece, who is studying marketing, to talk to the new head of the Catholic Church in his presence. Main theme: sexual tension & holy touch. ]
A mini-series created as a thank you and celebration of my 2'500 followers. I initially plan that it will have about 3 chapters.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
The Song of Songs (Oneshot) Death and Ressurection (Oneshot)
Aemond as a Pope Edit Series Characters Moodboard Aemond NSFW Alphabet
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
After her meeting with the Pope, she had been writhing around all night, terrified and humiliated, unable to sleep. She couldn't forgive herself for her stupidity, for not seeing in time that it was obvious her uncle was trying to slip her over to the head of the Catholic Church like a snack he might be tempted to focus on.
The worst part was that he had hired her and she didn't know how she could take it back, defy the Pope himself, communicate that she was rejecting his proposal.
She got up before dawn, recognising that she would not get any rest anyway, and decided to take a warm shower. She thought while standing under the stream of hot water that she would try to distance herself, be professional and not give satisfaction to either her uncle or the Pope himself.
She hoped that when he finally decided to give any sort of interview the commotion around him would quiet down and she could quickly offer her resignation.
She sighed heavily, running her hand over her wet face, wondering how she was supposed to reconcile this madness with her classes at the University.
A car with the same driver as the day before arrived outside her townhouse again and took her straight to the Vatican; driving through its streets, she noticed that many people had pitched tents in and around St Peter's Square, waiting for any new information about their Pope.
She sighed quietly, resignedly thinking about how unnecessary his stubbornness actually was.
This time it was not her uncle waiting for her in the square, but a middle-aged priest who could have been her father, dressed in a plain black cassock. He smiled at her in a way that seemed genuine to her and she reciprocated the gesture when he indicated with a movement of his hand that she should move to follow him.
"The Pope is just having breakfast in the garden and he will receive you there." He said as they walked along the marble corridors filled with works of art; she looked at him surprised and sighed quietly, glancing out of the window, finding that it was indeed pleasant warm weather, the sky was cloudless.
They walked out one of the back exits to the cloisters into a small garden consisting of a maze formed of walls of shrubbery, which, however, easily led them to its centre, on which stood a large arbour styled in antique manner, with a dome and Corinthian-style columns.
She grinned with some kind of disbelief when she spotted his figure seated at an ornate small white table, his cassock also white, he held in his hands a newspaper he had just been looking through.
She thought with amusement that he was reading about himself.
Only when they got closer did she notice that other gazettes from different countries lay folded on the table top; the front pages of each asking who the new pope was, why he wasn't showing himself, why he was silent.
"Your Holiness." Said the priest standing next to her and nodded; the young pope, however, did not even bestow a single glance on them.
She pressed her lips together as she saw his thumb go to his mouth, he licked it and then used it to flip the page of the newspaper.
The priest who had brought her left them alone, as if he had already become accustomed to the lack of reaction and any culture on his part. She stared at him in silence for a moment, standing in front of him in the same dress as the day before, not having time to buy anything else.
"Holy Father." She said softly, wanting to get it over with, standing a few steps beside him.
He did not look at her, instead lifting his hand and extending it towards her, a signet ring of pure gold on his heart finger.
She looked at him for a moment in disbelief, then swallowed hard and walked towards him, grasping his warm hand in hers.
She leaned in, placing a quick, brief kiss on his ring and let him go immediately; he took his hand without even giving her a glance and went back to reading the newspaper.
She pressed her lips together feeling his intense, pleasant-smelling male perfume again.
"What do you think of what they write about me?" He asked, carelessly tossing the newspaper he had just read onto a pile of others, the discouragement on his face bordering on disgust, as if what he had read made him sick. "They are already reaching my family. Day and night they chat outside my mother's house."
She felt a tightness in her throat at his words and some kind of sympathy, because although he must have known what his decision entailed and what the consequences would be, some journalists crossed all possible boundaries, recognising no sanctity.
She shifted from foot to foot, looking at the French croissants that lay on one of the porcelain plates and a jar of strawberry jam, and reminded herself that she hadn't eaten breakfast. She grunted quietly, looking away, staring at the field flowers that grew around them – she spotted a gardener in the distance who was cutting the shrubs with his big steel shears.
"They won't stop until you give them something, Holy Father." She replied truthfully, hearing him snort under his breath.
"They will always want more." He replied dryly and she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye – he was staring at her sitting with his legs crossed.
She shuddered and looked at him in disbelief as he pushed the other chair in front of her with his foot clad in white elegant shoes, moving it away.
"Sit down, child. You are pale. Did you eat breakfast today?" He asked disapprovingly, like a parent expressing their discontent. She shook her head and he sighed heavily, indicating with his hand gesture to the seat next to him.
She thought that this certainly had nothing to do with behaving according to protocol, but decided that it probably didn't matter much to him. She sat down next to him, smelling the intense scent of his perfume again, adjusting her dress, remembering not to sit with her legs crossed.
"Eat." He said dispassionately; she wasn't going to argue, figuring that since she was being forced to be at his every beck and call now, she could get something in return.
Therefore, she reached for the croissant and jam, which immediately drew the attention of her stomach – she casted him a wordless surprised glance as she heard the sound of the lighter being lit and the hiss of the cigarette he held in his mouth.
He took a deep drag and spread out comfortably in his chair, looking at her thoughtfully, letting the smoke out through his nose. He smirked, as if something in her gaze amused him.
"My chancellery contacted your University. They were happy to hear that you will be doing a sort of…internship here. You don't have to worry about your exams or classes." He hummed as if he was talking about something trivial and uninteresting, an irrelevant piece of information he had to convey to her, and took another drag, the tip of his cigarette igniting red.
"− what − but −" She started, but decided it made no sense; whoever he was, this man had clearly already planned everything for himself and had no intention of changing anything, much less asking her opinion.
"I thought you'd be pleased. Your uncle arranges for you accommodation and studies, the Pope makes sure you pass your exams without your personal involvement. Isn't that beautiful?" He asked with a sneer, and she felt a tightening in her throat, a cold sweat on her back; she stared wide-eyed at the half-cut croissant on which she had just spread jam, but lost the urge to eat.
He knew everything about her and thought she and her uncle were the same.
She pressed her lips together and leaned back against the backrest, placing her hands on the armrests even though she shouldn't be doing so and crossed her legs. She saw his gaze drop involuntarily to her bare knees, his cigarette burning slowly between his fingers.
"My uncle wants you to take me to your bed, Holy Father." She said quietly, recognising that she didn't have the strength for this, for their games, their hookups, the secrets they obviously adored, of which the entire Vatican was made.
She blinked when he chuckled, his pointing finger hitting his cigarette so that the ash from it fell to the stone floor beneath him.
"Tell me something I don't know. Eat. We have a lot of work ahead of us." He muttered, taking one last drag on his cigarette, letting the smoke out through his nose, extinguishing the remnants of it on his plate.
She stared at him with her heart pounding fast, thinking in disbelief that he really was a few steps ahead of everyone else.
He was perfectly informed, and although his words and actions seemed chaotic, there was purpose in them.
"What do you want, Holy Father?" She asked lightly, taking a piece of croissant into her mouth. He threw her an amused look and raised an eyebrow.
She had the impression that he took satisfaction in teasing her, his gaze fixed on her lips, which she involuntarily licked.
"Many things. Above all, holy peace and quiet, but I am not afforded it. Get up, let's take a walk." He said matter-of-factly and rose abruptly, putting his hands behind him, moving ahead without looking at her towards the corridors made of tall, evenly trimmed bushes.
She quickly swallowed the piece she just had in her mouth and stood up, following him, levelling her step with his, sunshine and birdsong all around them.
"We're being watched. It's harder for them to eavesdrop on me as I walk." He said coolly; she turned behind her and saw the gardener she noticed before, who was apparently just pretending to water the flowers around the arbour.
She looked at him in horror, realising that he must have been spied on all the time.
That they all wanted to know what he was going to do, surely he must have kept them in an iron grip since no picture of him had leaked to the press yet.
"What's going to make the atmosphere calm down and the journalists back off?" He asked discouraged, and she sighed quietly, looking up at the cloudless sky.
"Your private invitation."
She was surprised that her idea that he would hold a press conference where he would be invisible and only his voice could be heard appealed to him. He felt that, in fact, his faithful should hear his words and what he has to share with them, and this did not require his image to be revealed at all.
He decided to receive the TV and newspaper envoys in the Sistine Chapel, recognising that this was some kind of milestone moment that required a special place, a black veil was placed in front of his papal throne.
Although on the one hand it looked comical, on the other it added a sort of solemnity and impression of holiness, something tangible and yet inaccessible.
The cardinals and his office workers had prepared a script for him, which he tore in front of her eyes before the speech itself, handing her the shreds that remained of the pages, staring blankly at the black fabric in front of him. She took it from him, not knowing what else she could do; he demanded she be by his side in case someone asked an uncomfortable question.
Her heart was pounding like mad, she could feel the cold sweat on her back and wondered if he felt a similar anxiety.
She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and although his face was stony, he seemed even paler to her than usual, his large hands on which she could clearly see the outline of his veins clenched on his armrests – he sat comfortably on his throne with his legs crossed.
"Holy Father, why don't you want to show your face to your faithful? Is this some new kind of Vatican policy, a way of getting the whole world's attention?" They heard the question echoed by the first journalist on the other side of the curtain; she saw him press his lips together and swallow loudly before his cold, matter-of-fact, dispassionate voice began to spread around them.
"My face is not useful to my faithful for anything. They need my action. My causality. They need my intervention in matters of urgency, in the problems of paedophilia in the church, in the embezzlement and misuse of church assets, in the restoration of law and order, in the opening up of the church to young people who feel forgotten and unwanted. My face, my history, my personal views will distract them from all these things."
He said without stammering. She looked at him in disbelief, realising that he couldn't have prepared this answer beforehand.
He was saying straight from his heart what he was thinking and there was something touching about it.
Somehow she understood what he meant.
"What about the pilgrimages, what about the Sunday masses celebrated by the Pope?" Asked another journalist. She heard him sigh heavily, noticed that his hand trembled as he raised it to his face, tightening his fingers on the base of his nose.
"The Pope is not alone, he has his cardinals who can assist him in his missions around the world. As for the masses, I will attend them as a guest, but I will not be visible. The Pope is not unique. The Pope is chosen as first among equals. As Pope, I still remain a cardinal, one of the apostles. I am not Christ. I am not God."
She looked at him in pain, breathing unevenly through slightly parted lips, remembering what she had told him a few days earlier.
They need a guide, not another invisible God.
She couldn't believe that after what she had heard she had begun to feel sympathy for him – his answers seemed thoughtful and sensible, and she wondered if she had just seen his true nature, or if he was as perfect a manipulator as any of the cardinals.
She wondered how he had convinced them.
How he became Pope.
When it was all over he left without a word; the journalists were led away, and she prayed that it would help, that public opinion would calm down a little.
She watched all the news editions that evening with bated breath – the whole world quoted his statements and his decision, to her relief, most of the experts spoke warmly of him. The newspaper headlines also left her under no illusions.
The Pope has spoken. He doesn't want to show his face, only his actions.
The Pope who chooses the fight against paedophilia over the glamour of glory.
The Pope without a face − a new beginning.
The end of splendour − the Pope retreats to work like any of us.
The end of the church as we know it. The Pope at last again the voice of the weakest.
The next day she arrived in the Vatican with a stack of newspapers, eager to show him the result of their work, hoping it would satisfy him and allow her to return to normality.
"The Pope is exercising, but he said he would receive you." Said the priest, who was called Father Lenz, and who was apparently his private secretary, always waiting for her to lead her wherever he just happened to be.
"He's exercising?" She asked with amusement, and he just raised his eyebrows, himself clearly not knowing what he thought about it.
He opened the door for her and she stepped into a large room, with a beautiful baroque vaulted ceiling and hundreds of paintings on one side, rows of tall windows on the other, illuminating an exercise machine consisting of a small bench with a mattress on which he placed his back as he pulled on the railing at the end of which the weights hung, his legs braced on either side of the machine for balance.
He was dressed in white tracksuits.
She stared at the sight in disbelief, waiting for him to notice her; it only happened after a while when he took a break and sat down, reaching for a bottle of water standing on the old wooden floor. She lifted up a bundle of newspapers and he nodded, running his fingers through his hair, trying to calm his breathing after his exertion.
She walked over to him and handed him the magazines she held in her hand; she felt a pleasant throbbing between her thighs feeling the smell of his sweat mixed with the scent of his perfume, his lips slightly swollen and pink from the blood that pulsed faster through his body.
He flipped through the front pages of the papers one by one and sighed quietly; she thought with surprise that there was a sort of expression of relief painted on his face, as if what was happening frightened him somewhere deep inside and filled him with anxiety.
He put them down at last, looking ahead, grabbing the white towel that hung over the railing at the other end of the machine.
"I prayed to God after I was elected. I prayed that he would show me the way, and although he usually answered me in some way, that evening he was silent. It was a silence full of rejection, as if the heavens did not agree with the decision of the conclave. How was I to go out to the crowds in such a situation, to convince them that Our Father in the heavens was sending me to them?"
He asked, rising with a quiet creak from the metal bench, surprising her completely with his words; because of his clothes and the way he spoke she had cognitive dissonance and had to remind herself that he was the Pope and not just a young man close to her age.
His confession touched her in some way – she was able to imagine his despair on the evening he was elected as people chanted his name, but it was the voice of God that he wanted to hear.
He stood a few steps away from her, drinking the contents of his small water bottle to the end, and stared ahead, as if he had returned with his mind to that time, as if he needed to get it out of himself.
"That's why I asked my faithful to pray from me. And what did they do? They despaired. They despaired that they could not see my face, that they could not touch me, tear me apart, dissect my private life and my past. I have never felt so lonely." He said with a regret from which she felt a squeeze in her throat and lowered her gaze, not knowing what to say, reminding herself with shame that she had thought the same thing about him as all those people.
"Perhaps it was also the will of the heavens. In the end, when the time comes everyone will face God alone. Maybe it was his words: don't follow the crowd, don't conform, that's not why I sent you." She said softly, but immediately regretted her words, recognising that she had no right to interpret anyone's spiritual experiences, much less those of the Head of the Church.
She heard him snort with amusement; he pulled a lighter and cigarettes from his pocket and for a moment she thought he would want to smoke in this beautiful baroque chamber, however, he moved ahead towards a small door other than the one she had entered through.
"Come." He hummed, so she moved after him, knowing that it was pointless to resist.
For the rest, the more she got to know him, the more she liked him.
They passed through a narrow corridor and began to climb up a stone staircase that spiraled around a large pillar – it seemed to her that they were in some older part of this great complex. They reached a small wooden door, and when he opened it they emerged onto the roof of one of the buildings located to the right of St Peter's Square.
The view in front of her struck her –the sun was rising over the Vatican, lazily leaning out from above the church standing in the centre of the square like a nimbus, the air around them pleasantly cool and crisp.
She watched as he moved ahead and walked closer to the stone wall, firing up his lighter and leaning forward with a cigarette in his mouth – there was something so obscene about the sight that she smiled involuntarily.
He looked at her over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow, taking a drag, then slid his cigarette out of his mouth with a motion of his hand and let the smoke out silently through his nose, shaking the ash to the ground with a flick of his finger.
"It has been reported to me that journalists are slowly making their way into my past. Don't worry, I don't think it's your fault. I knew it would happen, but I thought I had more time." He murmured lowly seeing her surprised, horrified face, suddenly as if tired and discouraged, taking another drag with a quiet hiss of fire.
She thought looking at his silhouette illuminated by the first rays of the sun, that he looked like a saint.
"I want you to hear it from me. Will you listen to what I have to say?" He asked calmly and she nodded, feeling her heart pounding fast, looking at him with her lips slightly parted, terrified of what he wanted to tell her.
"My mother I told you about is a nun. She adopted me a few years after I was placed in a convent orphanage." He said calmly, looking away, staring at the crowds of people walking around St Peter's Square.
"They took me from the woman who gave birth to me because she liked to inject various stimulants into her veins. She was asleep when one of her men decided he didn't like the way I looked at him, that I was complaining about being hungry. He decided that he would gouge my eyes out, but he only succeeded with one, my screaming would wake even the dead."
He muttered, not looking at her but somewhere in the distance, letting out a puff of smoke with a deep breath; she looked at him with her eyebrows arched in pain feeling the squeeze in her throat, her cheeks red with emotion.
She wanted to say something but was afraid to interrupt him, she knew that what he was telling her was of the utmost importance and she wondered if anyone else knew about all this, if he had confided in anyone.
"Sister Alicent after I was brought in wouldn't let me call her my mother. So I called every woman I saw that, cooks, cleaners, teachers. She adopted me in the end, unable to look at it anymore. She got a dispensation from the Pope." He said lowly, throwing the cigarette butt on the ground, crushing it with his completely white Adidas.
"Some trashy, cheap magazines are already writing about the fact that I am the son of a nun and the Pope, others with mockery recognise that I am certainly her immaculate conception. That they mock me doesn't bother me, but it fills me with sadness that journalists stand outside her house all day. She can't even go out shopping or gardening. I guess you think the only way out of this situation would be an interview where I would tell my story?"
He asked disapprovingly, looking at her finally; she was shocked and horrified that he was asking her opinion on such an important matter. She shook her head helplessly, shrugging her shoulders.
"You cannot allow them to make your mother a hostage, Holy Father. You must show strength. Call press conferences where you talk about what decisions you make, but don't answer questions about your family. In the Vatican, you are Pius XIII, not Aemond Targaryen. When they see that they cannot blackmail you, they will let go. In my opinion, you both have to bear it." She said what she thought, thinking in the back of her mind that journalists would always want more and the matter would only get worse.
He looked at her silently as if analysing her words and sighed finally, kicking a stone that lay under his feet with his shoe.
"Have you ever kissed?" He asked lightly and she looked at him with shock written all over her face, feeling her heart pounding like crazy, her cheeks burning with heat.
She couldn't believe such a question had come out of his mouth.
"You don't have to answer. I'm just curious. I've never kissed anyone." He replied after a moment, seeing her embarrassed reaction, as if he wanted to clarify and elaborate that his interest was purely scientific and theoretical.
She swallowed loudly, pressing her lips together, thinking that he had told her about himself, about the most private aspects of his life, and decided that nothing bad would happen if she answered him.
"Once, in high school." She muttered, stroking her arm in a gesture of uncertainty and embarrassment, looking away. She heard him hum under his breath, intrigued.
"Did it feel good?" He asked softly, standing a few steps away from her with his hands tucked into his snow-white tracksuit bottoms, cocking his head.
She looked up at him in disbelief, breathing erratically, clasping her hands tighter, involuntarily her gaze escaped to his full, glistening lips.
"It was a very moist, soft and warm sensation." She muttered feeling a tightness in her throat, her gaze fleeing from his eyes to his lips, unable to stop herself from imagining how wonderful it would be to feel how they tasted.
"Hm." He murmured, looking away thoughtfully.
They stood like that for a moment in silence – she could feel the wordless tension around them, as if electricity flowed through the air with their every word and movement.
"Did you confess this deed?"
She blinked and felt her heart stop. She shook her head, looking at him with slightly parted lips.
"Pardon?" She asked in disbelief, feeling discomfort in her lower abdomen and a cold sweat on her back, not believing that he was suggesting such a thing.
"Failure to maintain chastity before marriage is a sin." He replied indifferently; she pressed her lips together, feeling tears of shame and humiliation under her eyelids, her eyebrows arched in pain.
"So I am a sinner, Holy Father." She said coldly, and turned away, leaving without any pleasantries or even a simple goodbye.
She burst out sobbing as she ran down the narrow stairs.
It was only a kiss.
She just wanted to see what it was like.
In fact, she felt bad afterwards, but not because she thought it was a sin, but because she was not in love with this boy.
She asked Father Lenz for any of the drivers to take her home; seeing her face red from tears he asked what had happened, but she did not answer him.
She opened up to him, spoke about an intimate part of her life, and he could only judge her, make her another Eve, a fallen woman.
It was only a kiss.
She returned to her flat filled with regret and disappointment – she angrily pulled off her long dress she had bought and chosen specially to be able to present herself as expected, to keep herself humble, but for what?
She decided that she would never appear there again.
There was no kind of real contract between the two of them, she had only signed documents regarding her collaboration with the Pope's secretaries and a confidentiality clause.
She changed into her pyjamas, undid her hair, took the box of leftover cakes from the cupboard and lay in bed, browsing social media platforms on her phone, trying not to think about what had happened.
She tilted her head back and groaned in frustration when she saw that her uncle had started to call her. She muted her phone and flipped the screen down, sighing.
She lay back on her bedding, staring blankly at the window, and thought with pain that the man who should be giving her the strength to be a better person had made her doubt herself, made her feel sinful and dirty.
She started to think that maybe she should go to confession after all, that maybe he was right, that she was only making excuses for herself without wanting to admit that she was wrong, but she felt even worse at that thought and just burst out crying.
Exhausted by sobbing and remorse, she finally fell asleep, seeing only through her closed eyelids that the phone display lying next to her glowed again and again.
She shuddered, rising quickly to sit up in complete darkness when she heard someone's loud knock on her door; she looked around with a pounding heart, not knowing where she was, whether it was evening or morning.
She glanced at her phone and saw that she had slept for several long hours and the sun had set, on her screen 20 missed calls from her uncle and a plethora of text messages that she didn't have the energy to read.
She sighed heavily and got up, walking reluctantly to the door, knowing her uncle would now make a litany for her; she turned on the night light on the way so she wouldn't trip over anything and she turned the lock, opening it.
"Oh God."
She muttered, seeing the figure of the young Pope in front of her, still in the same white tracksuit and sneakers.
He had his hood up over his head.
He pulled the white earphones out of his ears with a soft flick of his hand – she could hear the heavy metal music playing from them.
"Will you let me in?" He asked indifferently; she looked at him in disbelief, thinking he was risking a lot by going outside just to see her.
She sighed quietly and stepped back, allowing him to go inside. She leaned out wanting to check if anyone had seen him and closed the door quickly.
She glanced at him over her shoulder and saw that he had turned off the music on his player and put it back in his pocket.
They stood for a moment in silence, his gaze focused on her naked thighs; she swallowed loudly with shame at the thought that she was standing before the Head of the Catholic Church in nothing but pyjamas consisting of cream shorts and a shirt buttoned up the front, under which she didn't even have a bra.
She turned her head, running her trembling hand over her face, her heart pounding like mad.
"I made a mistake." She heard his voice full of regret. "I wanted your uncle to pass it on to you, but you didn't answer."
"I didn't and don't feel like talking to anyone, Holy Father." She muttered, feeling a tightening in her chest, fiddling restlessly with the cross hanging on her neck.
She heard him swallow loudly and look to the side, pulling the hood off his head.
"I made you doubt in yourself. In your purity and your value in the eyes of God." He said lowly, and she felt tears gathering in the corners of her eyes for the umpteenth time that day. She closed her eyelids and tilted her head back, trying to control herself, not letting them flow out.
She did not reply.
"My words arise from my depravity, which I fight unsuccessfully. From my vanity and jealousy. I would rather have you locked up in a convent. You could then be by my side and no one would ever touch you again. You could be mine." He said softly, thoughtfully, looking at some point on the floor, as if he had drifted off completely in his musings – she felt her lips part in disbelief, her brow arching in pain.
I would rather have you locked up in a convent.
You could be mine.
What was she to reply to such a shocking confession?
She shuddered when he finally turned his attention to her, the gaze of his healthy eye sharp and piercing, while his artificial one was empty, white, lifeless.
"Though never before have my members reacted to the sight and thought of a woman, when I see you, I long to touch you, to taste you, to smell you. I have become addicted to your scent and try to recall it after evening prayer before I fall asleep." He spoke calmly, as if it was not an emotionally driven statement but something thought out, something that had been going on in his head for a very long time.
She felt with fear how her body reacted to his words with a greedy throbbing between her thighs and a moisture from which the material of her underwear was getting wet, her nipples hardened, more clearly visible from under her shirt.
She froze when she saw his gaze flee to her breasts, seeing exactly what she feared, his full lips parted slightly; she could hear his breathing clearly, fingers of his hands rubbing against each other in an anxious, nervous gesture.
"What do you feel now?" He whispered and she drew in the air loudly, feeling a tightness in her throat. She licked her lips dry from stress, taking a step backwards, hitting her back against the wall, feeling that she had nowhere to run. She helplessly clenched her thighs together, wanting to stop what was happening, seeing that his pupil widened at the sight.
"I'm wet." She confessed in shame, recognising that there was no point in pretending that there was something innocent in what was happening – her body was twitching with desire, begging for his touch and relief, her heart pounding like mad.
She heard him draw in a loud breath at her words while looking straight into her eyes, she saw fire in them, heavenly or hellish.
"Does it feel good?" He asked softly, gazing shamelessly at the spot between her thighs – she felt a wonderful heat in her lower abdomen and a tickling inside her, her walls were clenching around nothing at his question.
She thought helplessly that she had never felt anything like this before in her life.
"Yes." She whispered in a trembling voice, feeling her whole body quiver and pulsate, feeling desire in her fingertips, in her lips and down there, deep, deep inside her.
She shuddered as he approached her with a slow step and lifted her terrified gaze to him. His lips were parted in an anxious, hitched breath, in his eyes heat and darkness from which she felt a squeeze in her throat and between her thighs.
He stood over her, for a moment just looking at her – his trembling hands finally raised, reaching for the buttons of her shirt. They looked at each other with some kind of pain and suffering from which she felt a sting in her heart as a coldness enveloped her naked skin.
It seemed to her that it lasted an eternity – he took his time, his gaze fixed on the line of her bare body as he unbuttoned her shirt fully; he didn't expose her breasts, he just looked at her.
She gasped when he lifted his hand and ran his fingertips slowly over her sternum down to her stomach – she closed her eyes and sighed quietly, feeling her lips pulsate with desire, swollen and thirsty.
"− so soft − so warm −" He whispered; her quivering palm rose and touched his fingers, his hand larger and more massive than hers, she could feel the outline of his veins clearly under her skin.
She pressed his hand to her heart, heard him draw in the air hard as he felt it beat beneath his fingertips.
He looked at her, remaining still, as if frozen, knowing that one word from him, one expression of hesitation and they would be left with only shame, only regret, only disappointment.
She felt the tears under her eyelids, which involuntarily one by one ran down her face; he noticed it and shook his head, his breathing shaky, uneven, despairing.
"− you're so pure −" He whispered, nuzzling the tip of his nose into her cheek as if seeking refuge. She clenched her eyelids in shock at how intimate and desired this closeness was, his scent filled her entire lungs, his warm breath enveloped her cheek.
"− looking at you I feel terror because I regret − I regret that I will never feel you − that I will never give you what I want −" He muttered in a trembling voice; she felt his warm tears running down her skin.
They both gasped when his shaking hand tentatively began to slide lower and sobbed in pleasure as his fingers slipped hesitantly under the material of her shorts, deep between her thighs.
They were panting and quivering with desire, her trembling hands clenched on his arms as his fingertips pushed the material of her underwear aside with a shy gesture full of shame, she heard his low, helpless groan as he felt how wet she was.
"− God, help me −" He mumbled in a broken voice full of guilt – she tried but was unable to stop the moans of pleasure that left her mouth with each tentative movement of his fingers that brushed her swollen, throbbing womanhood, her body was so tense she felt she was on the edge.
"− please −" She whimpered pleadingly, placing her hand on his with a gesture full of desperation, wanting to feel him harder, deeper.
She tilted her head back as she finally felt him the way she wanted to, his fingertips digging into her fleshy, hot, moist folds with intense, circular strokes – she could feel his hot, ragged breath on her skin, his face pressed against her cheek, her hands clenched in a helpless gesture on the material of his sweatshirt.
Tears of despair and delight streamed down their faces, tired of pretending and fleeing, shivers ran down her spine every time the tips of his fingers teased again that tender bud from which her sobriety of mind was taken away; it seemed to her that their bodies were moving on their own, something hard and throbbing under his trousers rubbing against her thigh with desperate strokes.
"− forgive me − say you forgive me −" He mumbled pleadingly in a breaking voice.
She felt him trembling all over just like her, unable to stop now, knowing there was no way back, her face wet with her and his tears.
She reached her palm into his hair and combed through it with her fingers, letting out her breath with a loud sob, moving involuntarily to the rhythm of his hand as it pressed harder and harder against her fleshy skin with the lewd click of her moisture.
"− I forgive you − I forgive you and ask for forgiveness −" She gasped as she felt something approaching, moaning louder and louder.
She thought that despite the fact that he was touching her in this forbidden, sinful place, some incomprehensible kind of intimacy and innocence was added to what was happening by the fact that he hadn't exposed her naked body, that he hadn't wanted to possess her, only to experience something with her and in her presence.
"− good God, you're leaking − so sticky − I'll lick it off my fingers −" He whispered with a kind of awe, as if he were talking about something sacred and mysterious.
She felt that his words had done something to her – she cried out loudly, parting her lips in disbelief when suddenly a wave of warm pleasure surged through her body like a lightning bolt.
She felt wonderful tickling in her lips, in the tips of her fingers, in her breasts, in her chest, her inside's clenching greedily around nothing, her moisture trickled down onto his hand, she heard his low, surprised groan.
Her body suddenly became numb; she would have fallen if he hadn't put his arm around her in time, his hand ran over her cheek heated from the exertion.
"− you look like Bernini's Saint Teresa − so beautiful −" He mumbled in a trembling voice, panting hard along with her, looking at her dreamily. She sighed sweetly, laying her head on his chest, letting him embrace her tightly.
She could feel his manhood throbbing under the damp material of his sweatpants.
He came.
She stayed in his embrace not daring to look at him, not daring to think about what they had done, wanting to push back the moment when they would feel remorse, pain and regret, sinking only into this wonderful relief.
You look like Bernini's Saint Teresa.
A sculpture in which a holy woman curves in ecstasy after an angel pierces her with an arrow of Divine Love.
God's Delight.
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @randomdragonfires @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes @darylandbethfanforever9 @fudge13 @snh96 @rwdkarla @echos-muses
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hoeforalbedo · 2 months
ᗪEᗩᒪ ᗯITᕼ TᕼE ᗪEᐯIᒪ ✟
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Sensitive topics including vague details of SA. Reader will display many mental health such as depression, PTSD, and anxiety. I will also discuss after effects of said trauma such as hyper sexuality, over-sexualizing oneself, over trusting, and many more. (Many cope in different ways however I am more familiar with this side of the spectrum as I have taken this information from my experience.) Suicidal topics. Horror. Manipulation. Blasphemy. Religious horror and possibly hints of religious trauma. Demons. Paganism. Witchcraft (I try to depict witchcraft as accurate as I can however if I make it too accurate, it will seem boring so I did add magical abilities. I write it based off of how I practice it). Possession. Death. Murder. Exorcism. Sex. Ritualistic sex. Female reader. A bit of crack (reader doesn’t take things seriously. Humor is the way of coping 😭)
If any of these themes trigger you, please do not read. You have already been warned.
Writing criticism is appreciated since I want to get better in writing.
SUMMARY: Depression is shit. This town is shit. Everything is shit. But that priest is sexy and trauma dumping is hot.
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Kim Hongjoong was never the same after working for the Vatican. He had performed an unsuccessful exorcism that took the life of the child. Trauma could do a lot to someone and so he never went back, instead residing in a small town In Massachusetts.
The town has everything it needs, shopping centers, supermarkets, entertainment, and of course, the church. The church is the center of everything, well geographically it isn’t, but everyone’s lives revolve around it.
There was never a need to leave. Those born in the town tend to be stuck in the town.
Fortunately, you were accepted into a prestigious college and had a scholarship to cover you. You were never an academic overachiever as everyone turned out the same. Working in the small town or becoming a nun to contribute to the church.
Everyone has always been devoted to the church. The town is small enough that everyone knows each other to the point you could get a knock on your door if you don’t attend Sunday mass. If you are sick, be prepared to have your parents invite the priest for a private mass.
As a child, you would pray before every meal, abide by the commandments, go to monthly confessions, and of course Bible is above everything. You weren’t allowed to question.
At 13, you asked why God placed the garden in the first place if he knew, since he is the all knowing God after all, that Eve would eat the fruit. Your parents slapped you and had you pray the rosary three times. Another time, you were at school. It was a catholic school where nuns were teachers. You had asked, “If God said that all life is valuable and killing is a sin, why would he order Abraham to sacrifice his son.” You just felt everything to be hypocritical and at the end, you were ordered to kneel on salt as you were slapped and forced to pray.
You were told that everything is all predetermined. That everything is God’s plan. When you looked around, everybody lived the same way everyday. Women were stuck in the house while men worked. “A woman's purpose is to cook and clean. You must always keep your husband happy.” When your room was messy, your mother would always berate you, saying, “If you can’t keep your room clean, how can you expect to marry a man?” Is that really the only purpose you have? If everything is predetermined, is that all there is?
Is that all there is? That question haunted you.In high school you worked extra hard, becoming honors and getting all A’s in all subjects. You even applied to NYU without your parents knowing, and only then when you received the acceptance letter did you tell them. You didn’t give them any choice. You wanted to leave, to study and become successful. They had thought you were possessed by the devil.
So why did you come back to this awful town? Maybe God is against you. Is there even a God? Some being may have decided to punish you. You were walking to the train after your shift at the hospital. You are a neurosurgeon. You know New York can be dangerous at night. Maybe you were asking for it. Ironically, the man was Christian. That cross was all you could look at. At the end, you became depressed. You could afford a psychiatrist but that never really crossed your mind.
The irony of it all was that instead of shying away from sex, it’s like all your body wants is sex. It doesn’t make sense. You would go to clubs and bars to get laid for the night but it never really got anywhere, and the more it never progressed, the more frustrated you got. You spiraled into this sex addict maniac who would oversexualize yourself only to back away when you’re finally feeling good.
In the end, an attempted suicide sent you to the ER and your parents were called. They had decided that taking you back into town would drive the devil out of you.
"Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand," A young man preaches for the hundreds of people in the church. He has black hair and he’s dressed in the green robe priests wear for ordinary times. He is clearly crafted personally by God. God must have taken his time carefully molding this masterpiece. You really shouldn’t be drooling over a priest. The poor lighting of the church doesn’t do his face justice, however he still looks angelic regardless.
“Depression is a sign of weakness, but that does not mean we are alone,” Pastor Hongjoong preaches and it’s clear that he’s talking about you. “God is always there for you and if you reach out to him, he will be there to light the darkness in our hearts. Depression, hopelessness, it is what the devil does to try and claw into us, to tempt us to sin. So brothers and sisters, let us pray for our sister Y/N, to help bring her into the light,” Hongjoong smiles. He watches how you uncomfortably shift in your spot, and it gives him a sense of satisfaction.
Suddenly, it feels like everyone is judging. The church looks darker than before and all eyes look at you, and only you. Even the huge statue of Jesus, a recreation of his crucifixion, stares at you as it hangs above the altar. He’s judging you and it’s clear by the look of Jesus that you aren’t crossing those pearly gates.
Hongjoong doesn’t understand why, but the way you shrink back makes him feel hot, as if his skin is burning. He shouldn’t feel that way and it causes him to feel sick to the stomach. He rushes the mass, and once he’s walked down the aisle where people sang the psalms around him like some sort of ritual, he goes to his office and downs two bottles of water. He mutters prayers under his breath until he can calm himself. Hongjoong was never the same since after the exorcism. The night haunts him and there are days when he questions his own faith. He must be a weak priest for questioning God but there are far too many questions than answers.
Once he had collected himself, he made his way back out where many people outside were waiting to say hi to him.
“Can we go home?” You whine. You already experienced unbearable humiliation earlier. It’s much worse when the town pretty much knows your business.
“No. Father! Father Hongjoong, our daughter, Y/N. We were hoping you were open for confession after the many sins she had committed. It’s also worse that she hasn’t saved herself for marriage-“ Your dad began, each word filling you with rage.
“You know I didn’t have a choice!” You yell loud enough for people to look at you weirdly. “How could you just tell people my business like that?”
“I do hope you can take her into the convent,” Your dad continues.
“I will not be a nun!” You snap.
“As you can see, Father, we fear the devil may have gotten to her,” Your mother nearly cried, dabbing her face with a handkerchief when there were no tears.
“It is unfortunate what you had to go through. It seems that the devil truly has power in this world and you just had to experience it first hand,” Hongjoong gives a comforting smile. He understands where you’re coming from.
“Well what can we say? It is all God’s plan, am I right Father?” Your dad laughs and looks for the priest’s approval of his words.
Hongjoong forces a laugh. How could God plan something so cruel? You didn’t ask for it. He didn’t ask for it and yet everyone else is justifying everything, making it seem that the pain is pointless.
“I always tell her, God gives us free will but some things happen for a reason! It was what God wanted!” Your dad continues when he believes Hongjoong agrees with him. You wanted to hurt your dad. Is that bad?
Hongjoong wanted this man to shut up. It is people like him who use religion to justify their wrong doings. “I’ll take her to the back for confession,” He interrupts. “Please follow me, Ms. Y/N.”
“Y/N is just fine,” You mumble as you follow him. You’d rather follow through with that stupid confession than hear your father’s words. There’s a reason you left.
You found yourself in a stereotypical confessional booth where there’s a screen in between you and the handsome priest.
“This is stupid. I did nothing wrong,” You mutter.
“In the eyes of God it may,” Hongjoong says thickly.
“That’s stupid,” You scoff.
“That, I can understand.”
A moment of silence comes between you both.
“I’ll just play into this stupid thing,” You sigh defeatedly. You didn’t want to go back to your parents so soon.
“Go ahead. I’m all ears,” He chuckles amusedly. “Oh Father forgive me for I have sin,” You say sarcastically, scrunching your face up in disgust. “I tried to kill my self because I couldn’t handle being a slut and having sex before marriage. If only I said no then maybe this wouldn’t have happened,” You mock the people who went up to you and called you names.
“Is that how you really feel?” Honjoong ask.
“Sure,” You shrug nonchalantly. If that’s what everyone is saying, it must be true, right?
“Let’s take out the religion aspect. Is that how you really feel?” He asks genuinely.
You scoff bitterly, “No. I find all of this stupid. These people are hypocrites! These people are calling me names, calling me whore and slut as if they know me! And- And-“ It suddenly becomes so hard to breathe and there’s a stinging feeling in your eyes. “Fuck!” You wipe the tears that had begun to fall. You never knew how badly you needed to let everything out. “I really didn’t ask for it,” You whimper, allowing yourself to be vulnerable with a stranger.
“I know you didn’t. Some people are just cruel,” He answers as he gnaws on the bottom of his lip until it bled. The booth feels as if it’s closing in on him. Why does he feel this way? Your words make him sad, angry, murderous even. A part of him wants to save you. Protect you. It’s overstepping his job as a priest. He shouldn’t get so caught up when he just met you.
“He was wearing a cross,” You mutter. “That was all I could think about. I didn’t care if he had me pinned down, he was wearing a cross and all I could think was, maybe this is what God wanted. Maybe he’s punishing me. Maybe I wanted it after all. I didn’t even say stop. Maybe they are right,” You croak, thoughts spiraling from one bad idea to the next.
Hongjoong had enough of gripping his seat from anger. Ironically enough, he would have just made the same excuse back then, tell her the same thing everyone is saying. ‘Everything happens for a reason. It is God’s will!’ He doesn’t feel that way anymore. This is one of the times he wanted to curse God. You seem so sweet and genuinely a good person. He heard you were a surgeon and he’s impressed that a person from this town made it to be so successful, especially when everyone is so closed minded.
Hongjoong stood up, no longer wanting to feel suffocated by the booth. He left his side to go into yours, to see you face to face without some barrier between you. “Hey, it’s not your fault. You didn’t want it. Did you tell him yes? Did you tell him it was okay to touch you?” He asks.
“No,” You shake your head.
“May I?” He asks to touch your hand.
You hesitate.
“It’s okay to say no,” He assures you and you’ve never felt more comfortable with a man till now.
You nod.
“No no, I want to hear you use your words. Let me hear you.”
“You can touch me,” You whisper and you fight back a smirk when you realize the sexual innuendo. You wouldn’t mind fucking him. God it’s so frustrating. You’re supposed to feel depressed and yet you tend to go between depressed and horny.
Warmth erupts within Hongjoong although he tries to push it down within him, his skin feeling as if it’s burning again. His spine tingles and he subtly shudders. He holds your hand, giving it a warm squeeze.
“Lust is never a bad thing. It goes way more beyond sex. We, as humans, lust for money, success, power, and so much more,” Hongjoong says. He tells you things that a devout child of God would never say. “But, there’s a reason why lust is a sin. When people crave too much of it, when they become greedy, they start doing things that could hurt others. You’re not a slut. You’re not a whore. You are the victim of a sinner.”
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blueiscoool · 3 months
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Ancient Roman Laundry Uncovered Near the Vatican in Italy
1,700-year-old laundry tubs and tiled floors were discovered by construction workers.
Construction workers in Italy recently came across the site of an ancient laundry near the Vatican, officials say.
Italy's Ministry of Culture announced the surprising findings in a press release on June 14. The discovery was made during construction efforts at Piazza Pia, a Roman square that Italian officials are "pedestrianizing."
Pictures of the site show archaeologists uncovering ancient tiled floors several feet below ground level. Tubs, which were used to clean dirty clothes, were also found at the site.
Excavators also uncovered what appear to be ceramic shards from destroyed artifacts. Officials also discovered pits, which may have once been used as baths.
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In a statement, Italian officials said that the site was likely built to be an imperial residence. The housing would have overlooked the Tiber River "in a scenic way with arcades, walks and gardens," officials described.
Between the second and third centuries, the site became a fullonica – or a laundry.
According to the World History Encyclopedia, launderers in ancient Rome used human and animal urine as detergent. They often collected urine – which contains ammonia – from public restrooms.
"The urine was poured into a vat with the clothing and the fullers (or their slaves) would tread on the cloth, agitating it the way a modern-day washing machine does, to remove stains and odors," the World History Encyclopedia's website reads.
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"This profession continued, operating in the same way with the same cleaning agents, for hundreds of years after the fall of the Roman Empire and up into the modern age when soap replaced urine."
Romans would bring their dirty laundry to a fullonica and pay to have it cleaned. Even though citizens generally looked down on launderers for their unhygienic washing methods, launderers were paid very well.
In a statement, Archbishop Rino Fisichella said that the recent discovery of the fullonica "brought [him] back in time."
"This part of Rome will again be made visible to all, and as a citizen I can only express a sense of deep gratitude," he said. "[The laundry room] was the meeting place of the people, the people, the women of the era."
By Andrea Vacchiano.
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bestboxerever · 2 months
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Vatican garden
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uniteds · 1 year
part 2 of stuff that happened in the 2022/2023 football season that should send us into a coma but we’re too desensitized:
for part one go here.
1. the bayern board deciding to sack nagelsmann before the most important game of their season because he showed up to work on a skateboard
2. related: nagelsmann finding out he was sacked through social media while he was away on a ski trip
3. also related: nagelsmann getting dumped the same weekend he lost his job. 
4. todd boehly getting advice on what to do with chelsea from james corden (known west ham fan) and hiring frank lampard
5. tuchel and conte fight
6. the ghana coach taking a selfie with heung min son while son is sobbing after losing in the World Cup
7. the five minutes where both spain and germany were out of the World Cup
8. mourinho being in (and being sampled in!) stormzy’s music video
9. psg’s director of football going down to the field to curse them out
10. aguero turning up to the world cup celebrations in a full kit 
11. the pope summoning atletico madrid’s physio all the way to the vatican to treat him
12. arsenal bottling the title (2023 version)
13. rebekah vardy tried to trademark the phrase wagatha christie
14. luis enrique saying ferran torres will never play football again if he did the pacifier celebration after scoring
15. jose saying the only club he doesn’t have any feelings for is tottenham hotspur
16. mason mount having a stalker
17. jack grealish discovered what a camel is
18. the saudi team getting new cars during the World Cup
19. cho gue sung telling ronaldo to fuck off and then getting flooded with marriage proposals 
20. the princess of spain having a crush on gavi
21. luton town promoted so now you have to walk through some guy’s garden to get to their stadium
22. the gio reyna and gregg berhalter usmnt saga
23. the pogba/mbappe witch doctor saga
24. ac milan sacked maldini and now the players all wanna leave
25. conte’s press conference where he basically said “it’s the history of the tottenham” 
26. barcelona winning the league at espanyol and then the espanyol fans chasing the barca players off the pitch
27. the one pitch invader who pushed eddie howe
28. ac milan having to answer to their ultras after a match
29. calum wilson and antonio laughing at richarlison for flopping
30. klopp doing his hamstring and adding to liverpool’s injury problems
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In a city the size of Chicago, Eddie should be easy to avoid. Or maybe the city isn't as big as you thought?
Masterlist Listen to Sour Girl Here
What to expect: Second Chance Romance set in 2012 Chicago.  Eddie and Steve are in their 30s. Fem!Reader is given a pet name from each of the guys. No other name mentioned. No use of Y/N. No physical description. Reader does have a bit of personality, as I find it nearly impossible to keep her blank for such a long fic. You may find yourself at times making choices that you wouldn't normally make, but I hope you can put that aside and enjoy the ride. Sensitive Content. 18+ Mentions of DV. Smut Guaranteed happy ending. This is my love letter to Eddie Munson.
WC:6558 beta'd by @superblysubpar
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Plink. Plink. Plink.
The old wooden frame of your window groans against the track, burdened with too many layers of paint to make the slide smooth. The swirls of creamy pinks and oranges have faded hours ago into the star-lit summer sky. The boy is below, standing in your backyard, fist full of pea gravel taken from a neighbor's garden. A smile twisting his lips lifts his cheeks, putting dimples on full display as he looks up at you from the darkness below. You raise a finger, signaling for him to wait before you turn away. Tossing a few things in your empty backpack, you take a pillow from your bed, and your comforter is wrestled free from the mattress. With careful footsteps, you creep down the stairs, stopping in the kitchen. The light from the fridge casts a triangle across the floor as you take a few Capri Suns to add to your bag. Leaving through the slider, the end of your blanket trails behind you through the grass that was trimmed that morning. You slip off your flip-flops, leaving them beside a pair of larger, well-worn sneakers with a chain wallet tucked inside the right shoe. Eddie bounces on the trampoline, his sock-covered feet launching him into the air, arms stretched for balance. You toss everything on before climbing on with him. With a final bounce, he lands on his butt beside you, grinning. 
“I got it,” you tell him, tossing the pillow behind you.
"My dad took me to Tower this afternoon." Rummaging in your pack, you pull out a Discman and over-the-ear headphones with the cord in a tangled mess. "I could only get two. I had to choose between Rage," you begin, ticking off album titles on your fingers, “Soundgarden, STP, and Pearl Jam.”
Taking out the CDs, you press them against his chest, letting go as soon as his fingers go around them. His brown eyes widen as he examines what’s in his hands as you pick apart the knotted cord.
“Songs from the Vatican Gift Shop AND Down on the Upside? You haven’t even opened this one.” He holds up the Soundgarden CD before using his teeth to rip open the cellophane covering the plastic case.
“I waited for you.” You smile.
His face softens. “You’re a doll.” 
He lies back, his head nestling into your pillow, hands clasped behind his head, gazing up at the sky. After putting the CD into the player, you follow him, pulling the comforter over you both and resting your head on his bicep. The headphone speakers are flipped out, tucked between you, as Chris Cornell's melancholic voice begins to seep into your ears, velvety and dark like the night itself.
"Listen to this transition," he insists, his voice filled with the same awe that it always does when he talks about music, "The shift from acoustic to electric guitar is seamless." 
“I wish I could hear it the way you do.”
As you gaze skyward, a slender branch sways in perfect rhythm with the chords, green leaves fluttering with the bass. The stars multiply and shimmer as if they’re caught up in the flow of the song. 
“You do,” he says, his head turning toward you, “You’re the only one I know who loves it as much as I do.” He studies your face, his eyes locking with yours. The music building until it’s too intense, and he looks away. “It’s lyrics that hook you. You’ve always got so many words floating around in that big brain of yours.”  
The disc spins, and you both listen, the scent of lilacs wafting in on the breeze, and fireflies painting the sky with their gentle glow. Time passes in the slow way it only does for kids on a cool summer night.
“Hmm?” He answers, eyes closed.
“Are they fighting again?”
He doesn’t talk about it, but everyone knows—an ugly secret festering on an otherwise picture-perfect street. No one wants to get their hands dirty by getting involved. 
“Why won’t she leave him?” A simple question in a world of black and white.
“I want her to,” his adams apple bobs as he swallows, “She says she loves him.”
“Just stay here with me tonight, okay?” Rolling to your side, you wrap your hand across his chest, offering him the only protection that you can. 
“Yeah, okay.”
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When you wake the following morning, the songs and memories you were reacquainted with last night have faded to a dull throb–much like the martinis. But remnants of their lyrics persist,  crawling under your skin, irritating like an itch, a tune hummed without the words to accompany it. Your phone’s screen lights up with an incoming text, the short burst of vibration sending it skittering across the surface of your nightstand. It takes a moment for your bleary eyes to focus on the notification on your lock screen.
Unknown: I admit last night could have gone better. Let me make it up to you. Coffee?
After tapping in your passcode, you open the message app to reply.
You: Wrong number
Darkening your screen, you let your phone slip from your hand onto the bed beside you. With a sigh, you lean back, staring at the ceiling, seeking answers that remain elusive. The scent of brewing dark roast and toasting bagels rises up the stairs with the sounds of Steve moving around the kitchen. A cup of coffee (or five) and a shower is what you need to wash away the past and leave it firmly where it belongs– in your rearview. 
It's the bottom of your second cup when Steve walks into your massive walk-in closet with a towel wrapped around his waist, fresh from the shower, his hair still damp, the freckled skin of his chest looking golden in the soft glow of the elegant pendant lights. 
“Is that what you're wearing to work?” He asks.
“Um, yeah.” You finish buckling the strap of your chunky mary-janes. “Something wrong with it?” you ask, catching sight of yourself in the mirror, dark distressed jeans and a band tee recut into a fitted v-neck. 
“Of course not,” he sighs, running his hand through his hair before sitting down heavily on the leather bench. His shoulders slump as he looks across to the cherry built-in shelves holding the rows of tailored suits hung by progression of color. “You always look beautiful.”
Taking your watch from the marble top of the large center island, you wander over to where he’s seated. He hooks a finger into one of the large holes in your jeans, tugging you over to stand between his legs, his big hands wrapping around the backs of your thighs.
“Guess I’m just missing the days of wearing jeans and a jersey to work,” he says, his smile not smoothing the faint crease in his brows.
“You traded that in for a car service and a big fat paycheck,” you point out, kissing the top of his head and moving back to your side of the closet to select a blazer.
“How else am I going to keep spoiling you?” He stands, dropping the towel and picking up the black Tom Ford boxer briefs he set out before his shower. 
“Steve, I don’t need all of this,” your hand sweeps in the air, gesturing to the lit shelves holding more clothes and shoes than you could ever need. “Just take me to a concert every once in a while.” Your voice trails off as notification chimes on your phone.
Unknown: Nice try, doll. Robin gave me your number.
“Can you imagine if we were still in that cramped apartment in Lincoln Park?” He scoffs, pulling on a light gray pair of suit pants. “We were tripping over all our stuff.”
Steve found the three-bedroom, three-bath brownstone on a tree-lined street in the ritzy Gold Coast neighborhood just after he got promoted from Metro, marking the beginning of his rise up the ranks in Second City Media. He spent a year and a chunk of his trust fund on a meticulous renovation before the two of you moved in. It is beautiful—large air rooms with lofty ceilings adorned with pristine white crown molding and wainscotting throughout, giving a modern but classic feel. Living with so much space is lavish in a city of this size. But you would be just as happy back on that ratty couch in Lincoln Park, drinking beer straight from the bottle and eating pizza without the fuss of plates, working on your laptop while he watched a Cubs game. Steve is driven–determined to be a success, and he is, but with the money came the stress. And it’s taking a toll.
Your finger hovers over the block button, but you press add to contacts instead. “Hey,” you change the subject, slipping your phone into your jacket pocket, “Did you ever look into that sailing charter you wanted to book out at the lake? We could do that this weekend?”
“I wish I could, Ace. I’ve got those weekend meetings about the streaming radio we're trying to launch. Pick out a tie for me?” He asks, pulling off a starched black button-up from its hanger.
“Sure.” You walk over and spin the rack holding up dozens of ties on shiny brass hooks.
“What do you have going on today?” The well-defined muscles of his sculpted shoulders, earned from never skipping a day at the gym, flex before disappearing into his shirt sleeves.
“Not a lot.” You pull the silky slip of deep maroon fabric off its hanger. “Lola is put to bed for this year. I just have an album review to finish up and a meeting with my editor today. Maybe a series on the Fall tours?” You propose, mostly to yourself, as you bring him his tie.
“Maroon, huh?” One brow raises with the question, “I would have picked black.”
“I know.” The corner of your lips turn up in a sly smile before you rise to your toes and place a kiss on his mouth, “I’m gonna go.”
“You want my driver to drop you off?” He asks, looking in the mirror and adjusting his tie.
“Nah, I’ll drive myself. Argyle and I are going to the Subterranean for drinks. Santigold is performing. Do you want to come?” You throw out, picking up your ancient army green messenger bag you can’t bear to part with, straining with the fullness of your laptop and notes.
“I’ll pass. Not really my scene.” As he fastens his gold cufflinks, they catch the gleaming light.
“You never come to shows with me,” you sigh. 
“I know, I know. I’ll try and catch the next one,” he says, sliding his feet into shiny Italian leather shoes. “I’m meeting Robin for lunch. You want to join us?” 
“No. I’ll let you have your girl time.” You blow him a kiss before heading out the door. 
 “See you tonight, okay?” 
“Love you. See you tonight,” he calls after you.
Passing through rooms decorated with rich creams and calming moss greens, you yell over your shoulder, “Tell Robin I said we don’t have any more room for paintings of flowers that look like vaginas.” 
“They’re a good investment,” his voice fades as you jog down your stairs, grabbing your keys from the stained-glass bowl on the table beside the door, ignoring the buzz coming from your pocket. 
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The world is full of cliches. Many become so ingrained that we accept them as unwavering truths.  Every cloud has a silver lining. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Actions speak louder than words. A rotten apple will spoil the bunch. Don’t spit into the wind. Well, that last one is just good advice, but there is one that has stuck with you. Love what you do, and you’ll never work a day in your life. Music is your deity, and working at Stax is where you worship at its altar, spreading the Gospel of John, Paul, George, and Ringo. It’s a place where your lifelong obsession is not only validated, it’s celebrated. Your journey leading up to this point feels like destiny, like the universe conspired to harmonize your two greatest loves—the lyrical power of words and the soul-stirring magic of music. Each day within these walls is a new chord, a different tempo, and you revel in the ever-changing rhythm of your life. One spent intertwined with the music and the people that create it. The magazine's pages are your stage, your canvas, and with every keystroke, you paint the stories of the music, offering them to those who care to listen.
Without taking your eyes off your laptop screen, you reach for your coffee mug only to knock over the tittering tower of CDs that you had stacked on the corner of your cluttered desk. The plastic jewel cases meet the cement floor with a shattering crash, the noise echoing off the walls of the open industrial space that houses the offices for Stax Magazine in the heart of Fulton Market District. Clapping comes from other desks as you chase the discs rolling on their sides in all directions. Pausing, you bend into a dramatic curtsey, earning chuckles as the applause dies out. The perpetual chaos of your desk has become an ongoing punchline in the office banter. Your phone begins to ring at the same time an IM pops on your screen - both from your editor, the enigmatic J. Hopper. 
“Art Garfunkel’s house of pizza,” you say by way of greeting, trying to get the CDs back in their cases and toppling a pile of mail in the process.
“Where are you? Why aren’t you here? We had a meeting at 2,” comes the gruff voice of a man who's clearly not amused.
“It’s only one forty,” you reply.
“Get your ass in here now,” he yells, disconnecting. 
Hopper's bark has always been more bluster than bite. The towering, older man has been a fixture in this building since its days as a "hard-hitting" newspaper. While the city has evolved and transformed, Hopper and this old brick building have remained resolute, like an immovable rock in the ever-shifting stream of time. He possesses zero patience, holds a disdain for people, and dismisses any music created after 1978. You love him as much as your own father. He offered you a position fresh out of college when other magazines wouldn’t take a chance. He's pulled out your best work, often sending you back to your desk like a pouting child, making you the writer you are today. The wisdom he’s imparted is beyond the reach of any professor or workshop, and for that, you’ll always be grateful.
With a gentle rap of your knuckles against the frosted glass, you step into Hopper's office. He's seated behind a substantial oak desk, buried beneath a mountain of paperwork. A hint of cigar lingers in the air, though you've never been able to catch him smoking. He remains engrossed, squinting at his desktop screen with a furrowed brow. Settling into one of the vintage leather club chairs, you wait for his acknowledgment, your gaze drifting across the framed magazine covers and photographs lining the walls. One of a much younger Hopper clad in a tattered flak jacket catches your eyes. His face smeared with dirt and grit, standing amidst the ruins of a war-torn Kosovo street, a city reduced to chaos.
"Where’s my album write-up?" He asks without looking up. 
"I emailed it to you before lunch," you reply, confirming on your phone. 
He pushes back from his desk, propping up his feet on the edge, and offers you a soft smile from under the bushy mustache covering his lip, "How are you, kid? Everything okay? Harrington treating you, right?"
"Of course, Hop. He knows he'd have to answer to you otherwise. What about you?" You ask, leaning forward, "Is Joyce looking after you? Making sure you're watching that cholesterol?"
"Yup, she's got me eating all these organic vegetables, no booze, no smokes. Kinda takes all the fun outta life." He laces his hands behind his head, stretching out his back. 
"Oh yeah, does that include that bottle hootch you got stowed in your bottom drawer?"
He sits up with a quick move, pointing his finger in your direction. "You don't know anything about that. Are we clear?"
The only one who can scare Hopper is Hopper's wife. 
"I don't know. What are you going to do if I give Joyce a call? Seems to me that's something she'd want to know," you tease, crossing your arms over your chest. 
"You'd be out on that sidewalk before you hung up the call. Don't test me." He shakes a finger at you, "Now, what are you pitching me?"
"Well, I'm going to a club tonight, so I'll have a live performance review. And I was thinking of a piece on the bands touring this Fall. Kind of like a road map that the readership could follow and hit all the good shows."
"Those sound good, kid, but I got a feature for you to cover." He leans forward, narrowing his eyes, "You know this Eddie Munson character?"
The blood drains from your face. "No. Not-not really," you stammer, "we're from the same town, but I haven't seen him in years."
"Well, it's time to get reacquainted. I want a series chronicling the opening of CursedSound Recordings, and I want you to write it."
A featured series is something that other journalists fight over, and usually, you'd jump at the chance, but not this time. Not this series. Not Eddie Muson. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” you say, looking down at your lap.
“You don’t think–”
“Give it to Miles.”
“I’m giving it to you. Morales is busy with–”
“I don’t want it,” the words burst out of your mouth before you think better of it. Less than twenty-four hours after seeing Eddie, your world is spinning out of control.
Hopper's face turns to steel as he plucks the pen from behind his ear and throws it down on the desk. “I think that you’ve forgotten how this works. I give you an assignment. You write it.”
Your lips part before the protest in your brain is fully formed. 
“If you’re about to tell me no again, it better be followed by a damn good reason.”
His eyes are locked on yours while he waits for a response, one brow raised in challenge. 
“Listen, kid,” he picks up a stack of papers, shuffling through them as he talks, “I’ve looked into this Munson character. He has a good reputation in L.A. His name is in the credits for over half the multi-platinum releases in the last five years. And word is, his studio is booked out with big names for a year in advance.” He pauses for a moment to be sure his words sink in. “Establishing a good relationship with him is in the magazine's best interests. And what's good for the magazine is good for you. Are you hearing me?”
“Yes, Hop,” he answers for you when you remain quiet. 
“Yes, Hop,” you repeat.
“Good,” he says, lacing his fingers together. "The printed word isn’t worth what it used to be. Everything's gone digital, the never-ending twenty-four-hour news cycle. The competition's cut-throat out there. Trust me, our friends over at Spectrum would eat this up for Chicago Lifestyles. Frankly, I’m surprised at you. I thought you’d be all over this. Especially since it was proposed by corporate. I figured you went around me and pitched it to Harrington directly.”
The mention of Steve’s name sets your teeth on edge. He hadn't breathed a word about this assignment earlier, and now he's reaching out to Hopper, painting a picture as if you're disrespecting your editor and exploiting your personal connections to secure a story.
“I would never do that,” you shake your head. 
"Alright then. Call Byers at Metro," Hopper instructs, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms across his chest. "Bring him with you. His assignment is just wrapping up."
You nod, your blood boiling and your mind racing. Taking a deep breath to compose yourself, you finally reply with an outward calm, "Okay."
Hopper's eyes remained fixed on you, his brow furrowing slightly. "Now, why are you still here wasting my time? Get out."
You don’t need any more prompting. Swiftly, you rise from your seat and make your way out of Hopper's office, formulating plans to murder your fiancé.
With a heavy sigh, you sit back down at your desk. The Stax logo bounces off the edges of your laptop screen. Your phone lights up with a photo of Steve. You let it ring a few times before sending it to voicemail. A few colleagues linger nearby, mugs in hand, their idle chatter blending with the hum of printers and the rhythmic clacking of keyboards. Your to-do list sits on your desk with strike-throughs on only half the tasks, but the priority of the ones remaining isn’t enough to capture your attention. 
Reaching down, you tug at the handle of your tightly packed bottom desk drawer. It sticks, protesting the overload.  The bright yellow color of the Sony Sports Walkman stands out from among the other clutter. You hesitate when reaching for it, the beginnings of the ache already tightening your chest. But you can’t resist, your hand closes around it, pulling it and the headphones coiled around out from under a pile of old concert passes attached to lanyards. 
Swiveling your chair away from the desk, you face the windows and slip the headphones onto your ears. A gentle press of your thumb produces a satisfying click, and a soft crackling sound fills your ears as the capstans start to whir.
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The crystal blue of the cassette is dulled behind the transparent black window, but you can still make out the handwriting on the yellowed label. 
For when you miss me.
“Did you ever listen?”
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A bird's eye view of the stage is perfectly spaced in your viewfinder, with Santi downstage dominating the mic, her other arm outstretched to the fervent crowd. Your finger clicks the shutter as a text pops on the screen.
Eddie: Seems this city isn’t so big after all.
With a huff, you close the screen, pocketing your phone.
“What’s going on with you?” Argyle shouts over the crowd, handing you back your drink as you both lean over the black-painted railing on the balcony at The Subterranean.
"Nothing," you reply, your gaze returning to the stage where Santigold is Chasing Shadows. 
“You’re moody,” he accuses, leaning closer to your ear to be heard over music.
“No, I’m not.”
“It’s true,” he shakes his head. “You’re moody. Moody dick.”
The corners of your lips lift as you roll your eyes.
“This wouldn't have anything to do with mister dark and handsome sound engineer guy from last night, would it?” He probes as someone bumps into you from behind, throwing you off balance.
Your eyes narrow as he steadies you with a hand on your elbow. 
“Hey, I know things,” he says, sipping his drink and looking back out over the crowd.
“Oh, yeah?” You ask, turning and leaning on the banister to face him, “What do you know?”
He turns his head toward you, his thoughtful brown eyes connecting with yours. “I know you looked freaked the fuck out when he showed up for drinks and even more so when he said he was staying. And I’ve seen you tell off enough people to know that’s what was going on at the bar when you walked away from him last night,” he says, looking back toward the stage, gesturing with his hands, “Now we're here, with my future baby mama killing it on stage, and you’re sucking all the energy out of the room.”
The song ends with the crowd erupting in applause. “I love you!” Argyle shouts toward the stage with his hands cupped around his mouth as the bass starts back up with the opening of High Priestess. Santi looks up, throwing him a wink, her voice low and fast as the reverb vibrates under your feet. 
“Future baby mama?” You laugh.
“Yeah. Do you think you could use your press pass to get us backstage?”
“No. I don’t think you need to add to the population tonight.”
"See, you're no fun,” he complains, sticking out his lower lip, “So you really used to crush on that guy?
Chewing on your lip, you throw him a sideways glance.
“Yeah, you did. You crushed hard,” he laughs, “So, tell me, what happened?”
“I don’t like talking about it,” you say, scrubbing your face.
“Keeping everything all bottled up ain’t good for you, little mama,” he pokes your arm, letting you know he’s not going to drop this, “I’m your boy. If you can’t tell me, who can you tell?”
“Circle of trust,” he says, stirring the air between you with two fingers when you don’t respond. 
You lean against the rail, considering. “Alright, but this stays between us,” you threaten him with a pointed finger. His head nods as his fingers slide across his mouth like a zipper.
“There’s not much to tell,” you say, looking down at the sticky floor. “I had a crush, and he didn’t feel the same way.”
“I get it. The fury of a woman scorned. What did you do, go full bunny boiler?”
“No,” you chuckle, “Nothing like that. That part didn’t even really bother me. He was my best friend, my only friend for a long time. I thought there was something between us, that he cared about me. Maybe not the same way I cared about him, but you know, I thought we were close. I must have built it all up in my head because one day, he just takes off.” You swallow the sharp pain pressing into your chest, “He never even said goodbye.”
“Nooo,” Argyle’s eyes widen.
“It broke me,” you admit.
“Harsh,” he agrees, “And he never called you? Or gave you an explanation?”
“Not until yesterday.  He asked me to lunch. You know, he actually had the nerve to say that Steve has me on a tight leash.” 
“Typical.” He shakes his head, swallowing the last of his drink.
“What do you mean?” You ask, swirling the last of your ice into your watered-down drink. 
His face turns serious as he explains, “It’s like surfing. We all want that wave that’s just out of reach. Especially if someone else is riding it.” 
“How did you get so wise?” You ask. 
“I don’t know. Must be all the weed,” he says with a hand on your shoulder, turning you toward the bar. “Let’s go get another drink.”
“You never told Steve any of this?” He asks as you join the crowd of people that constitutes the line.
“No,” you sigh.
“No?” He repeats in surprise, “This is bad news, man. Why wouldn’t you tell him? What are you going to do, just going to keep it a secret forever?”
“I guess. It doesn’t really have anything to do with him.”
“This is going to get messy.” He shakes his head as you move up in line.
“Well, I’m not real happy with him either right now. He went behind my back to Hopper, deciding that I’m going to cover Eddie’s recording studio's opening. He completely humiliated me in front of my boss. I look totally unprofessional.”
“Well, that's not cool,” Argyle sympathizes as he takes the plastic cup from your hand and tosses it into a trashcan tucked beside the bar.
“No, it was very not cool,” you agree, crossing your arms over your chest. 
"Wait," he looks at you with sudden revelation, “Technically, isn't Steve your boss?"
“That’s not the point–”
“And isn’t your job to write about major happenings in the city, like when fancy L.A. sound guys open up studios?”
“You're not helping, Argyle.”
His hand lands on your head, offering a comforting pat like you're a child before the line begins moving again. "Cheer up, Bernstein," he quips with a grin, "I'll buy the next round."
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Your anger hasn’t abated when you walk through the front door of the brownstone. Steve is already in bed, shirtless with the taupe velvet coverlet pulled up to his waist, glasses perched on his nose, not looking up from his laptop as you enter the room.
“Hey, Ace, how was your day? Did you write me–”
“Anything you want to tell me about, Steve?” You ask, your voice already coming out more heated than you intended.
He looks up at you, brows pulling together. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” you say, dropping your bag onto the blue slipper chair in the corner of the room, “Maybe about how you went behind my back?”
"What?” He questions, slamming his laptop shut.
“The story, Steve,” you huff, leaving the room through your closet. You’ve just put your shoes away when he appears in the doorway, padding across the carpet in his bare feet, wearing just his boxers.
“Munson’s opening, that’s what you’re mad about?” He demands.
“You totally blindsided me,” you complain, pulling a hanger off the rod and hanging up your blazer with enough force to have the other clothes swinging. “Why didn’t you say anything this morning?”
“Because I hadn’t thought of it this morning.” His hands run through his hair, tugging in frustration.
“So what, it just came to you in a flash of brilliance?” Popping the button on your jeans, you tug them down your hips, kicking them into the corner instead of putting them in the basket.
“No, it didn’t, and I hate it when you’re sarcastic. Robin wanted to stop by and see his studio. We had lunch nearby,” he informs you, crossing his arms over his broad chest, the gold chain he wears glinting in the low light.
“So the two of you just decided what I was going to be writing? Maybe that’s something you should be discussing with me.” You lay a hand on your chest before pulling your shirt over your head and giving it the same treatment as your jeans. “You know, your fiancée, not some old buddy that sold you weed a few times back in Hawkins.” 
“The content Stax puts out is directly under my approval, just like Metro and the Newsdesk and every other division.” His voice, which has been steady and even until now, begins to rise, “I’m not going to call you and ask for permission every time I make a decision. Eddie and I have kept in touch. How do you think we landed that interview with Radiohead last year when they wouldn’t even sit down with Rolling Stone?”
“That’s another thing you kept from me. I had no idea Eddie was your best friend.” Your eyes narrow as your fingers yank at the delicate clasps of your jewelry and watch.
Steve's eyes roll in frustration as he shakes his head. "He's not my best friend. He’s a business contact. I know him through Robin. They were is band together, you know this."
"That feels like a lifetime ago, Steve," you remark, the clinking of your jewelry against the marble island adding a discordant scrape.
"Well, some people aren't embarrassed about where they came from," he accuses.
"I'm not embarrassed," you scoff and begin to pace as if you can outrun his words.
"Oh, please," he says, taking a seat on the bench, his knuckles turning white as he grips the edge, his gaze tracking your restless movements. "You cut off anybody we still know living there. You won't even go to visit your parents. They always come here."
“You never listen to what I’m saying. This has nothing to do with Hawkins or my parents.” You halt your steps, your hand slices through the air, punctuating your statements. “It's about you making me look like a fool in front of Hopper. Like I’m trying to go around him to corporate to get assigned the big stories. Like I’m sleeping with the boss. I’m not ruining my reputation so you can give free advertising to your friends.”
“You're being crazy right now,” he yells, wincing with regret as soon as the words leave his mouth. He stands, moving closer, making an effort to control the tone of his voice, “I gave you this assignment because you know Eddie, and it will make for a better story, not because I’m fucking you. We’ve been together since the day you started at Stax. We’ve been engaged for two years. If anyone was going to think that, they already would’ve.”
Your head shakes, rejecting his rationale. He throws up his hands in frustration. “I can't have a conversation with you when you’re like this.” He starts to walk back toward the bedroom but stops abruptly, spinning on his heel and pointing his finger in your direction. “But I'll tell you one more thing—you are going to write this story.” He waves a hand toward the bathroom. “Now, go wash your face.”
Your teeth cut into your bottom lip as you walk into the bathroom, slamming the door behind you.
A sliver of gold from the streetlights outside pierces the tiny gap in the curtains. You’ve been lying on your side staring so long that you can see its warm hue behind closed lids whenever you start to drift. You burrow your arm deeper beneath your pillows while your feet shuffle, searching for a cool spot on the sheets. Steve’s breathing hasn’t changed behind you. He’s having the same trouble falling asleep. He turns over, his weight rocking the mattress. He’s much closer now. You can feel the comforting warmth from his chest, filling the space between him and your back. 
“Baby.” His breath caresses the spot just behind your ear before the wet press of his lips traces a path along your neck, latching on to the apex when it meets your shoulder. A gentle bite follows the swirl of his tongue as he moves even closer. The rough pads of his fingers glide over your shoulder and down your arm, coaxing the thin strap of your tank with them.
“Please,” he whispers between kisses, his fingers finding their way under the bottom edge of your tank top, the light scrape of his blunt nails against your ribs sending shivers across your skin. Your breathing is picking up, the fire from your argument morphing into a new kind of heat. His hips flex against your ass, his cock hard and ready. When you turn your head, his lips are there, a wet slide over your mouth until they pull back, floating just above you, lingering with a question. And when his hand cups your shoulder, urging your body to turn towards him-–you answer. 
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The sultry feminine voice drifts from the speakers in your bedroom, her smoky timber weaving through the air like dark tendrils intertwining with the high piano notes. Your hips rise with the flow, a slow, unchanging cadence, the stretch of his cock creating delicious friction against your velvet walls. You move higher until he almost leaves you before you start your descent, the angle finding all the hidden places that light you up beneath your skin. 
"M' sorry," he murmurs.
Your eyes flutter open at his words as they carry you away from the depths. 
"Hate telling you no." He gazes up at you with heavy-lidded eyes, his hair pushed back from his face, and a flush across his skin.
"I don't wanna talk about it." Your hands cover the ones wrapped around your thighs, guiding them up your body. His warm, rough fingers are eager to map out every contour. Your head falls back when they find their destination, cupping your breasts with a possessive grip.
The song shifts, the new baseline a drawn-out pulse lining up with your movements. The lyrics are raw and a little filthy, fueling the urgency of your rolling hips, your clit grazing the short hairs at his base.
"Don't like telling you what to do," he mumbles even as his hands drop to your hips, attempting to hold you still as he bucks up from underneath. "Just wanna take care of you."
"Steve," his name passes your lips in a low moan as you lean forward, taking his hand from your hips and pressing them into the pillow, "Stop talking."
Sitting up, you shift your position, leaning back, bracing your hands behind yourself on his hairy thighs. You set a new pace, bouncing harder, driving him deeper, taking what you want. 
“Jesus, fuck, baby,” he groans, eyes hitting the back of his head while his hands slide across the sheets seeking any purchase as you ride him. The music surges, its tempo rising in perfect sync with the wet intimate sounds of your bodies coming together, the rhythm repeating over and over.
"So close…please," his fingers slip between you, adding pressure to the sensitive bundle of nerves that he finds there, "Need you to cum."
"No," you rasp out breathless, pushing his hand aside, your eyes locked on his as you bring your own fingers to your mouth. With a swirl of your tongue, you coat them with wetness before sliding them down to touch yourself, controlling your own pleasure. 
The muscles in his neck strain with effort, his gaze darkening, fixated on you. “Goddam, so sexy like this,” he murmurs.
Your body tightens, taut like a bow-string, the tension building until the crescendo crashes over you. The music washes over your senses as you reach your peak, your legs trembling with the intensity. You push your body further over the edge, succumbing to the euphoria lost in the wave of sensations.
Floating back down, your eyes open to the sight of your ceiling, your body still arched, catching your breath. His fingers tighten on your ribs, reminding you he's there. Sticky wetness dripping between you is evidence that he reached his own climax. His hands gently urge your forward to collapse into his chest. 
"Wow, that was…" He strokes the sweat-slicked skin of your back. "I’ve never seen you like that before. What got into you?"
"I think you did," you say, placing a kiss over his heart as your fingers smooth through the hair covering his chest. He chuckles, holding you closer. 
The gentle croon of the music fills the quiet space between you as you lie entwined, drawing closer to sleep's embrace. With a fumbling hand, Steve reaches for the remote on his nightstand, silencing the stereo, returning the room to a restful hush. He places a final tender kiss on your temple, his eyes closing as his features turn peaceful. But for you, even in this stillness, another song lingers in your mind, its lyrics echoing like a secret.
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AN: Thank you for reading and rebloging. Your comments are what keep me at my keyboard plugging away at this story. Please keep sending me your songs and asks! They have inspired so much of what's to come. xoxo- Jelly
Read Song 3 Here
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tellmeallaboutit · 16 days
knock knock (Raphael x F!Player)
Chapter 14, In Which You Play The Main Role
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Art: Apollonia Saintclair – Love is a Killer
Fresh flowers.
Smelled like fresh flowers, freshly cut roses. Smelled amazing.
You opened one eye to admire a bouquet on the bedstand right before you, and then opened the second one. Twelve blood-red roses, their stems neatly trimmed. Nestled within was a card simply signed with an ornate letter 'R'. 
"Well done on not fleeing tonight," it read.
You tried once and learned your lesson. You were back at the place you tried to escape, having achieved nothing but landing your mother in a hospital, and you sure as hell won’t try again any time soon. You were stark naked, but a quick check reassured you that nobody had taken liberties while you slept.
An odd sense of disappointment seeped into you at that realisation, as if you had been overlooked in some way.
Pushing it aside, you stretched and checked the time - 10:30 am on a Saturday morning. Really? That means you slept more than thirty hours straight; a weird, dreamless slumber, much like being dead.
You turned; the side to the bed next to you was meticulously done, as if no one had been there at all. There was a lawn mower buzzing in the garden. Not a thing seemed out of place; blissfully serene. 
Where was Raphael? Where were both of them? Working?
You grabbed your phone and checked it next - nobody died while you were sleeping.
Nobody you knew, at least.
You were heading to grab some breakfast when you heard Raphael’s voice from across the upper floor. The other one, the man he was conversing with, sounded strangely familiar too. 
The usually locked study door was wide open. If they wanted to keep their business hush-hush, they'd have ensured it was bolted shut, wouldn’t they?
"Raul, are you out of your mind?" a male voice asked. "Even Avernus Capital doesn't have that kind of cash on balance."
"I've managed to secure third-party financing to bridge the shortfall." That unmistakable Raphael tone, but Raul's words.
You tiptoed closer, positioning yourself just beyond the doorway.
"Who would have both the money and sheer idiotism to help you take Blackrock private?” 
You vaguely recognised the name 'Blackrock', but couldn’t place it right away.
"Turns out some institutions still hold considerable fortunes," Raul responded. “You’d be surprised what compound interest does through centuries of tax-free reign”.
A quiet pause hung in the air before realization hit the other guy (where do you recognize his voice from?): "I see. Is that why you've been schmoozing up to the Vatican? Why would they get involved in your personal insanity?"
Raphael’s signature laugh echoed through the room; it must be a very large room indeed.
“The same reason anyone does anything: discontentment with how things are evolving and hope for a better leader.”
The other man sighed.
“This is not about money anymore, is it, Raul? Look, I respect your financial acumen but you are not - NOT - cut out for politics. With your... ahem... Neapolitan roots? I am being polite now, Raul. How long until they start digging up skeletons in your father’s garden?”
Intrigued, you couldn't help but peek into the room. Raphael was lounging against a pristine glass desk in his full cambion form, cigarette poised between his fingers, sleeves of his crisp white cotton shirt rolled up. He looked relaxed, unbothered, his tail resting peacefully beside him. The only other person in the room was a middle-aged man with ashen blond hair, facing away from you in a leather chair.
The study itself was a bizarre mix of avant-garde decor and Catholic art. Behind Raphael, a replica of Caravaggio (or not a replica…) dominated the entire wall, a depiction of dying Lazarus; not something you would hang to welcome guests. Thin white Venetian blinds covered floor-to-ceiling windows.
Raphael took an indulgent drag from his cigarette and smiled, making a sweeping gesture with his hand. "The gardens of my father are under cultural heritage protection," he said, "and are not to be dug up, come hell or high water." He paused for a moment before continuing, "And yes, you are right. Maybe I've found a calling more profound than just being Mammon's servant. Perhaps his reign is nearing its end; his promises revealed to be empty. After all, he can't keep exploiting his flock ad infinitum if they refuse to reproduce, can he?" 
You wondered if Raul’s constant smoking irked Raphael because there was something freudian about how he constantly dragged on a cigarette.
"A servant of Mammon..." Markus repeated. "A higher calling... Do you even hear yourself?"
"I do," Raphael replied. "And I quite like what I hear. See, Markus; inspire a man’s faith and he’ll paint the Sistine Chapel. Oppress him and he’ll create a masterpiece of fury and rebellion. Give him freedom and prepare for an avalanche of TikTok reels. I refuse to accept the downward spiral this world is in. And so should you."
With a flick of his wrist, Raphael extinguished his cigarette on a marble ashtray and stretched out his shoulders.
“I’m taking over Blackrock,” he said. “And with it comes the infrastructure, the influence, the manpower, the global investments to shape this world as I see fit. No longer will Mammon's greed dictate our fate."
The man scoffed. "You're living in a fantasy world," he said. “You'd have to navigate through a mountain of regulators, politicians, public and private investors. No one is willing to relinquish power back to the Old World. And if you keep spouting this nonsense, the engine of your private jet may just... Oh, what's the matter?"
Following Raphael’s glance, the man turned to you; visibly annoyed. 
Oh no, you knew him from the TV and newspapers - the leader of the democratic liberal party. There was even a tweet of yours out there vowing to spit in his face if given the chance after his speech on welfare and immigrants.
He looked at you with an arched eyebrow; dismissing you at first glance, clearly expecting you to shut the door but Raphael waved you over instead.
“This woman is privy to all my secrets, Markus,” Raphael stated. “Allow me to introduce you to my consort, Anya Berger.”
“Your what now?”, Markus blinked in surprise. “A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Berger”.
”My beloved consort”, he repeated, looking right into your eyes with a tender smile. “The wonderful being that gave me the keys to my kingdom come”. He beckoned again, this time with more urgency: "Come here mouse; don't be timid."
Raphael introduced you as his consort in front of one of the most powerful people in the country. It felt surreal.
He leaned in for a kiss and you happily obliged, tasting his perfectly soft and moisturised lips. As your eyes fluttered open mid-kiss, you stole a glance at Markus who was looking increasingly uncomfortable.
"Three weeks ago, you were swearing off women," Markus sighed, shaking his head in disbelief. "Remember when that French girl accused you of God knows what and Camilla needed my help to handle the media fallout?"
"I am forever grateful for your assistance during that time," Raphael responded. "But then I met this enchanting creature and it made me question everything. Look at her! Isn't she an absolute treasure?"
Markus exhaled slowly, clearly struggling with his thoughts before finally voicing them: "Raul, if I don't say this out loud, no one in your circle will. You're...well," he paused again, searching for the right words. "You're losing touch with reality. At first, I thought it was just rumours but now..." He shot a sharp look at you before continuing, "After your father's death, you clawed your way into the top hundred but don't - DON'T - mistake wealth for power; they're not interchangeable currencies."
Raphael watched him with detached amusement, his hand gently stroking your thigh.
“You are not immortal, Raul, is what I am trying to say”.
Raphael let out a laugh. "I just might be. Only death will tell for sure."
Markus' attempts at a diplomatic response died on his lips as he stared at Raphael in disbelief.
“You know, Raul”, he finally said. “The next thing I expect is you telling me God speaks through you”.
Raphael snapped his fingers as if struck by an idea. "Funny you should say that. I had a most peculiar dream of Archangel Raphael recently. Maybe one day God will choose me as His envoy and I will spread His word loud and clear. After all, His flock tends to wreck chaos when left unguided”.
Markus turned to you, pleading for some form of support. "You...you don't think it's crazy talk, Ms. Berger? You don't want to say anything to your boyfriend?"
“I don’t think it’s crazy talk”, you shrugged. “And I am an expert”.
That silenced him.
“Anya stands by me no matter what, my precious little mouse”, Raphael purred, placing a hand on your shoulder. “While it appears I’ve vastly overestimated your loyalty, Markus. Years of friendships, of secrets shared, of deals struck, and this is your payback. Tsk-tsk. Have you forgotten what happened in Sankt Moritz in 99? Because I certainly haven't."
If the threat bothered him, Markus did not let it show; he stood up from his chair and dusted off his suit.
“I've vastly overestimated your sanity, Raul”, Markus retorted. “I wish both of you a good day. You won't be having my backing in Davos, by the way. When you fall - and you will - I refuse to get pulled down with you.”
“Anya?”, Raphael looked at you with a smile. “Do you want to wish our dear guest something? A final farewell, perhaps?"
Should you kill Markus or something? You could gladly spit him in the face, but killing him yourself seems a bit… ugh… well. 
He could just… change his mind.
“I wish you would… reconsider?”, you suggested. “I wish you would reconsider”.
That came out… the way it came out.
Markus stared at you the very familiar stare of somebody who both slightly pities you and is slightly disgusted by you.
“…madhouse”, the man said and went straight for the door. 
As soon as the door closed behind Markus, you turned to Raphael with a bewildered look on your face.
“Was that...was that really-”
“It was whom I used to consider a friend. Perhaps with a tad more fervor in your wishes next time, my dear mouse”, Raphael said, a smile on his face that barely masked annoyance. “A bit more direction as well. You are only granted that which you truly yearn for, after all."
You quickly nodded, and watched his face shift. It was fleeting, momentarily, but you learned to read it very well.
"So, my sleeping beauty, did you have a good rest?" Raul asked. "You were out for a full day and a half. I was practically dying of loneliness and yet, being the gentleman that I am, I let you sleep in peace. Now don't I deserve some praise for being so kind?”
“You do”, you nodded. “Amazing fit of willpower”.
“Did you miss me terribly?”, he asked as he pushed strands of hair away from your face. “Or did you think about running away again?”
“Yes, of course”, you said, and quickly corrected yourself: “I mean no, no thoughts of running away, of course, and yes, I missed you terribly”.
Raul interpreted your words in the only way he wanted to interpret them.
“Is that so? I have twenty minutes until the next call”, he said, pulling your body to him. "Do you think that would be enough to show me how badly I was missed?”
read the rest on ao3
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