#vash zwingli x reader
appleandsnow · 7 months
Vash and Walks
You're taking a walk with Vash after tea.
Sometimes you wonder if it would be awkward to compliment all the natural beauty around you.
It was, after all, all part of Switzerland.. so would complimenting nature be the equivalent of complimenting his appearance?
It was a strange thought and even stranger to ask, so, instead you hold his hand and squeeze it twice - a gesture you had come to share.
He blushes and gives you two squeezes back
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alitaimagines · 4 years
request: “I’m in a Switzerland mood so bear with me here, LMFAO. this is my small blurb on him bc I love this clown.” 
character: vasch zwingli
fandom: hetalia 
song recommendations: I actually don’t have one this time so pick a song of your choosing! 
you walked behind Alfred as he wrote down everything that you needed to remember for the world meeting you were attending with him. being a micro-nation (pick a country of your choosing) and basically being ran by the blond himself, you were like his second handed assistant. 
“uh Alfred, remember that Arthur wants to talk to you about something before the meeting,” you reminded him as he perked up, “awesome! I’ll go find him. go find our seats and I’ll meet you there,” Alfred exclaimed before running off. 
the two of you thought of each other as siblings so sometimes, all you could do was laugh at his antics. you knew that you had a few minutes to spare before the meeting was supposed to start so you made your way to find the nearest coffee cart. 
the hotel that was hosting the meeting luckily a Starbucks inside of it. you wobbled your way to the conference room, stumbling into the room as a few assistants gave you a smile before pointing to your seat. 
just as you found your seat, you realized someone was sitting down in it. you gave the girl a small smile as she returned it. 
“hi sweetie, I’m ( your name ), I believe you’re in my seat,” you mentioned as you noticed her name tag was two seats over, “Lichtenstein, right?” you asked as she nodded her head excitedly. 
you helped her move her things to her seat before she sat down next to you, “I’ve never heard of you before!” she exclaimed, “yeah, I’m a smaller country. I’m also here with Alfred,” you explained. 
Lily opened her mouth to speak before she got interrupted, “Lilly, who are you with?” you heard someone say. you jumped in your seat, clutching your heart from fear as Lilly smiled, “oh, this is my friend ( your name )! I accidentally sat in her seat.” 
you looked to see Switzerland staring down at you, “ah Vash, I apologize,” you quickly said as he just continued to stare at you, “agh, shit, Gilbert’s coming” you muttered as you looked over at who was approaching you. 
you had a slight past with the Prussian who was approaching you. the two of you didn’t quite date but you knew he had an interest in you and whenever he seen you, he never let you go. 
“fuck,” you whispered before looking at Lilly, “hey, want to get a coffee? I’ll pay it,” you basically screamed as Lilly looked over to Vash for approval. 
he nodded before muttering that he would come along, just to watch over Lilly. Vash was able to tell you were running away from the Prussian and he knew better than anyone how annoying Gilbert was. 
“why are you running from Prussia?” Lilly asked innocently. you couldn’t help but laugh, “it’s a long story. one I’m sure Vash won’t appreciate if I told you,” you whispered. 
Lilly gave you a big smile, “I like you. we’re friends now, right?” she asked naively. you nodded, “of course! everyone needs a friend, right?” you replied as Lilly turned around to look at Vash. 
“big brother! look! we’re friends now!” Vash nodded as he stood outside of the Starbucks while you bought Lilly her drink, “he is always looking at you this way?” you asked Lilly as you nudged to Vash. 
Lilly nodded as she took a sip of her drink, “yeah, he’s always like that. he’s my big brother so I understand!” you nodded as two of you finally met up with Vash again. 
as you and Lilly continued to talk, Vash was a little more than surprised for two reasons. he had never Lilly so talkative with someone before and secondly, for someone so close to Alfred, he couldn’t imagine how you were so well put together and not as obnoxious. 
“well, I’ll see you after the meeting, okay?” you told her as you sat in your seat. Lilly nodded as she sat down in hers. Vash was in the middle of the both of you as Alfred finally arrived. 
even though Vash didn’t bother to put his business where it didn’t belong, every so often, he would turn to look over at you. Vash couldn’t lie to himself. you were very cute. if he was ever to put a label on his perfect partner, it would be someone like you. quiet, reserved, and someone who got along with Lilly. 
he was also able to tell that Gilbert kept staring over at you. Although Gilbert unlike himself made it quite noticeable that he was looking over at you. every time Vash heard Alfred mention that Gilbert wanted to talk to you, you would start to gag. 
once the meeting was over, you pulled your backpack and started putting your things into it. 
“tell Gilbert to fuck off, better yet, tell him to finally disappear,” you told Alfred as Vash couldn’t help but laugh. you turned over to him and smiled, “woah, feisty are we?” Alfred mentioned as you gave him a threatening look. a look to shut up. 
just as you were about to head over to Lilly, Gilbert managed to finally catch up with you, “babe!” Gilbert yelled you as you stood stiff and let him hug you, “what? what could you possibly want, Gilbert?” you stated as you tried shoving him off. 
“what about that date you promised me?” you started laughing as you grabbed your backpack, “yeah fucking right! trust me, I have things to do and those things don’t involve you,” you explained. 
Vash watched as Gilbert looked at you with a confident smile, “without me? what are you doing without the awesome me?” he asked. Vash knew it was his time to interfere so you could get out of the situation, “are you ready? Lilly wanted to invite you to have dinner with us.” 
you perked up at his offer, “of course. see that, Gilbert? that’s what I’m doing without you,” you mocked as Gilbert stood in place, a bit upset that you denied him so harshly. 
“I didn’t know she was so close with him!” Gilbert exclaimed to Alfred. all Alfred did was shrug, “I didn’t either. sorry bro, you lost your chance,” Alfred mentioned as he walked towards Denmark. 
“so, where are we having dinner Lilly?” you asked her as you watched her face contort to confusion, “remember you mentioned that we should go out to dinner!” Vash said as he tried to give Lilly a signal to follow along. 
luckily Lilly understood what he was implying and smiled, “there’s this cute restaurant down the street. we could go there!” you nodded as you realized that carrying all these things to a restaurant would cause you trouble, “would you guys mind if I met you there? I have to drop all of my things off in my room,” you told Vash. 
“I’ll help you take your things,” Vash stated as he grabbed your two backpacks and followed you to your room. you gave him a smile which caused him to blush, “you’re so sweet, Vash. thank you so much!” you mentioned. 
Lilly felt like squealing as she realized that Vash actually liked you. liked you more than the average country that is. 
after Vash helped put your things in your room, the three of you walked to the restaurant. the evening had a slight breeze in the summer air as you and Lilly talked all the way until you arrive. 
you had to give it to Lilly, the restaurant was pretty cute and it didn’t seemed too crowded. Vash ended up asking for a table on a balcony, which you knew would be included in the bill. it surprised you that Vash was willing to have dinner considering how tight he held his money. 
the food was pretty good and managed to make all three of you full to the point where you couldn’t breath. as you and Vash split the bill, knowing you couldn’t leave him with such a hefty amount to pay, you noticed how tired Lilly looked. 
“want a piggyback ride until we arrive at the hotel?” you asked her. Lilly nodded as she hopped onto your back and immediately laid her head on your shoulder. it didn’t take long for her to pass out, “we can drop her off in our room and I’ll walk you back to your room,” Vash said as you arrived to the hotel. 
you nodded as the elevator took you up to the floor, luckily that your room was only in the floor above theirs. after you silently laid Lilly down on the bed and Vash tucked her in, the two of you walked up towards your room. 
“thanks for everything, Vash, I appreciate it,” you said as you gave him a smile. he nodded as he watched you put the hotel card in the slot to open the door, “we should do this again,” Vash mentioned. 
you turned around and nodded, “of course. I’m sure Lilly would love to have dinner again,” you watched as Vash struggled to say something. he took a moment before he spoke up again, “I was thinking this time it could be without her.” 
your eyes widened at what he was indicating, “oh, of course! Lilly has my number. text me when you want to have dinner or something!” you replied happily. 
Vash nodded as he tried to suppress his smile, “I will. I’ll see you later?” you nodded as you noticed him about to walk away. you grabbed his arm and pulled him in for a quick kiss on the cheek, “I’ll be waiting on the text. have a nice night, Zwingli,” you whispered before finally entering your room. 
Vash immediately went red in the face as he gave himself a mental high five. now all he had to do was actually tell Lilly he had a date with someone. he knew that would gain a major squeal from her but this was one of the rare times he didn’t mind it. 
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(REPOSTED) Caregiver (One Shot) Switzerland X Reader
(Name's POV)
I just got transferred here to Switzerland. To work in a Switz national bank. This bank is made for the most powerful people in Switzerland. So working here is a real honor. One reason I believe I got hired was my multiple languages. French, Italian, German, and Romansh. Which are four main languages spoken here in Switzerland. Life here and the bank is good. I get along with my co workers, I am a hard worker, and the bank members seem to enjoy me.
On fellow co-worker is very nice to me though. He name is Vash Zwingli. He is a proud man. He is also very shy. It took him a month to say hi to me. When he did he stutter it so it was cute. We are now good friends though. He has told me of his younger sister, Erika Vogel. She is a adopted sister from Liechtenstein. They are very close but she is a sickly child. Confined to her room half of the time. I felt bad for her. But I told him I would visit them soon. He smiled softly at that which is a rare sight for the swiss man.
-Not knowing that the next day my life will completely change-
I just walk out of my boss's office tears in my eyes. I was just fired. Something about cutbacks. Since I was a foreigner it was easy for mr to be fired. But tomorrow I became a Swiss Citizen Legally. Now what am I going to do!
"(Name), are you all right?" I hear Vash ask me.
"No, Vash." I confess all teary eyed. "I am not alright at all. I- I was just fired. For cutbacks."
"That is terrible, (Name). What will you do?" He asks coming over and comforting me.
"I guess I will have to move back to America." I say with a slight hiccup.
"No!" Vash snaps angrily.
"I mean, you can work as my sisters care giver. Until you find a new job." Vash says.
"Oh, thank you Vash. But I cannot put you in that position." I tell him.
"I insists. My sister will adore you." He tells me.
After a few ten minutes, i agree to the job. And we head to his car. Which takes us to his house.
-Time Skip, brought to you by: my laziness. Sorry-
It has been a week since I moved here and became a caregiver for Erika. She is the sweetest girl. And we soon became closest friends. I did not see myself leaving anytime soon.
One day though a man came. This man has brown hair, violet eyes, and a small gravity defying curl.
He came up to me and greeted himself. "Hello, my name is Roderich Edelstein. I am here to speak to a miss (LAST NAME)."
"Oh that would be me." I tell him then ask. "Would you like to come in for some tea?"
"Most certainly." He agrees.
We chat about why was he here. He is offering me a job as a banker in The Capital of Austria. I would be under contract so I could not be fired. I happily accepted.
But then out of no where there is a gunshot. With Roderich Edelstein's head blown off. I screamed and look to see who killed him.
It is, Erika!?!
"Why, Erika?" I ask distress.
"Because big brother told me to keep you here. You will marry and become my sister." She explains to me.
Before I can say anything Vash comes in.
"She is right, (Reader) you will never leave me or us." Vash tells me.
Next thing I know I am shot. And everything goes black.
-Time skip, brought to you by: you being shot by the one who loves you-
It has been a week since I have been shot. And I found out that Erika was never sick. It was all apart of his plan. Now she is my caregiver. Since I am a prisoner to the man who loves me and his sister.
"We Love you, (Name)..."
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Liechtenstein x Reader - Enamored With Each Other
A soft smile spreads across your face as you rap lightly three times on the door in front of you. Nerves take over when you hear footsteps approach the door and you stand a little taller, straightening your clothes to look more presentable.
“Hallo, (Y/n)~!” A familiar voice calls out, that being of your best friend Lilli Zwingli.
“Hello, Lilli. Am I interrupting?” You ask a bit nervously, though you doubt you are.
You had asked permission for this outing a bit in advance from her brother, so you know that he likely convinced her not to schedule anything for this time.
“No. Vhy are you here?” She asks, tilting her head adorably.
You smile fondly at her, biting back an aww at the motion, “First, I wanted to give you these!” You announce, presenting a bouquet of beautiful yellow lilies from behind your back.
“Mein gott~!” Lilli coos, eyes locked on the flowers, “Zhey’re beautiful! Danke, (Y/n)!” You smile and press the bouquet into her hand, her telling you to wait a moment before disappearing inside.
When she returns, she beams at you, “Just had to find a vase for them. They look lovely~!”
You smile at just how much she’s enjoying the flowers and shift slightly, the motion causing her eyes to lock onto a picnic basket swinging from your arm.
“Oh! Are vee going on a picnic?” You nod and she grins at you. “Let me tell big brother I’m leaving, zhen we can go.”
“Alright, Lilli.” You say and she disappears once again. After a minute or so of waiting, she returns and smiles at you.
“Let’s go!” Giggling softly at her energy, you hold out an arm, which she swiftly wraps an arm around, her letting out a soft giggle at the gesture.
You escort her to the park that you had chosen for the picnic, one containing many large gardens with a variety of beautiful flowers. Lilli oohs when you arrive, eyes roving from one garden to the next, unable to keep herself from looking around.
A soft smile graces your face at this and you lead her over to a secluded spot where you lay out the blanket and gesture for her to sit in front of you. The two of you sit down and you start setting out the food you packed, it being simple things like sandwiches and cookies.
You both take some food and begin eating, the soft sounds of the wind rustling against the branches and through the flowers surrounding you. After taking a few bites, Lilli turns to you with a soft smile, “Zhis is really good!” She announces, taking another bite.
You giggle softly and smile back, “Thanks but they’re just sandwiches.” You say, not seeing how someone could mess them up.
“True.” She concedes with a small nod, “But you made zhem. Zhat makes zhem better in my opinion.”
A light blush crosses your face as she giggles softly, shutting her eyes and sending you a soft smile.
‘She’s so pretty…’ You think idly at the sight. You’ve had a crush on her for a year or so now but value her friendship too much to confess that to her. Even despite her brother telling you to go for it and that you have his permission, you don’t think that you have that much of a chance with her returning your feelings.
When your attention returns to her, she’s looking at the flowers again, a content smile on her face. You smile in response, continuing to eat while watching her.
However, the minute her eyes flick over to you, yours drop to your food, embarrassed to have been caught staring. The sound of her giggling reaches your ears and she scoots a bit closer to you.
A soft pressure on your cheek causes you to look back up at the blonde, only to see her face moving away from yours. Your face erupts into a dark blush at the realization that she kissed you and she giggles at the stunned expression on your face.
“You vere staring, (Y/n).” Lilli states teasingly, your blush darkening as you look down. Her hand comes up and brushes gently against your cheek before cupping it, her thumb lightly stroking the top of your cheek.
“It vas cute, don’t vorry!” She states with a sparkle in her emerald eyes. You shakily smile back at her and she pulls back, taking her food back in her lap and taking a bite.
You relax when you realize she won’t tease you further, resuming your food as well. Some time passes while you both eat and when all the food has been reduced to crumbs, you pull out her gift from your bag.
She takes it curiously, commenting idly on how pretty the wrapping paper is. You smile at that and gesture for her to open it, which she does, revealing a stuffed kestrel, her national animal.
“Awwww! It’s so cute~!” She squeals as she pulls it close to her chest. Your heart flutters at just how cute her reaction is. “Zhank you so much!”
“Aw, you’re welcome, Lilli.” You reply, glad that she loves it so much.
The next thing you know, her arms are wrapped around you, her face buried in your neck. You wrap your arms around her, a hand coming up to run through her hair. After remaining in the hug for a few moments, Lilli pulls back and smiles at you, surprising you with her next move.
Her lips brush against your own gently, causing them to tingle slightly. A soft blush spreads on both of your faces, your eyes meeting.
“Lilli…” You breathe out softly and she smiles at her name from your lips. “You’re so cute.” You continue, “That’s why I love you so much…”
Her eyes widen in surprise, your own mirroring hers as you realize what you just confessed. “You...love me?” She asks quietly and you look away, nodding shyly in response.
You would’ve expected her to merely accept your feelings before but the kiss has certainly thrown that thought from your mind. So when she giggles softly at the confession, pecking your cheek softly and whispering ‘ich liebe dich auch’ into your ear, you’re not so surprised.
Instead, you smile and wrap your arms around her again, both of you relaxing slightly with the relief that your feelings are returned.
You spend another hour with her in the garden before walking her back to her house, getting invited in by her for movies and cuddles.
Vash ends up walking in during one of the movies and shoots you a soft smile, mouthing the word finally at you before leaving the room. You giggle and when Lilli looks at you in curiosity, you explain what just happened, causing her to giggle as well.
The rest of the day is spent peacefully together, neither one of you wanting to leave the other. You’re too enamored with each other to want to be apart at this point. But that’s perfectly fine as you’ve got a lot of time left with each other. Forever, in fact.
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