landonpratts-blog · 7 years
we’re alone now, you could kiss me.
send my muse “we’re alone now, you could kiss me.” for their reaction.
Landon’s otherwise devilishly wicked face drew blank for some seconds, it wasn’t often he was caught of guard or needed time to process anyone’s words, usually he was a loaded canon about to fire at any given moment. He had never been any different with girls, placing his hands onto their bodies and his lips to theirs, it was something he did so often he’d mastered the skill in epic timing. But something about Varya changed him, no matter how reckless he was -- or how bad he wanted to kiss her he found himself being cautious and cool. It was something that frightened him as he never experienced this kind of emotion with anyone else and yet when her sweet voice rang trough his ears he felt himself freeze in a formation of panic and terror. 
He shrugged turning around so that he could give his face time to recover from the shock. “Are you saying you wouldn’t wanna’ kiss me in front of all them?” he asked looking over his shoulder and gesturing his thumb to the town. He grinned while facing Varya again and tugged anxiously at the ends of his hoodie before leaning down to her height. “I’ve never been this short before - its weird” he declared before delicately pressing his lips to the shorter girl. He felt something inside him jolt like the breaks of a car before a red light and placed his idle hands on her hips before pulling out of the kiss. “We’re gonna need some kinda’ step ladder if we’re to do that again.”
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blanchereinc-blog · 7 years
‡ ; from oswald
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Blanche relaxed in bed her windows open and fans on, it was finally getting nice outside to where she could do so, she popped in a movie and made herself some popcorn, after finishing the movie she sat the finished popcorn bag on the ground for her to throw away in the morning and turned the tv to a random station for back ground noise she hated having it to quiet so being able to leave her window open was a plus, she laid under a light blanket since it was hotter outside she turned on her side and turned the light off and started to dose off but, as she started to dose she heard her door creak open slightly and a larger figure lay behind her in bed and scoot under the blankets with her, she turned over and saw it was Oswald, “I hope you know this mean you have to cuddle with me..” She joked with a smile.
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luciusharper-blog · 7 years
‡ ; for oswald? lol
send ‡ for my muse’s reaction to yours climbing into bed with them.
“Wait wait wait, I was kidding wait!” Lucius fought to pull the duvet over his head before Oz bounded into the bed after him. He didn’t make it in time, though, despite his newer reflexes. He slumped immediately, defeated, as Oz curled up around him. He was so warm whereas Lucius was always dead cold. He lie stiff as a board as he stared up at his ceiling in disbelief.  He’d mentioned in passing that he missed the times he used to crawl into Oz’s bed when he first moved in with the Harpers. How he used to have nightmares that he would be forced to move again so soon. That somehow, a scrappy little kid managed to make him feel more protected as opposed to an older brother. He must have been getting too sentimental because now he had to deal with a full grown Oswald in his bed and a very angry Beelzebub because Oz stole his spot. “You’re the weirdest brother, ever,” he said fondly.
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charming-wolfprince · 7 years
☼ cause why noooooot
It had been a long night at the Den with Peter and Varya. She wanted to call an uber but Peter never trusted those dang people so he offered to take her back to his place and she could sleep in his bed. As for him, he would sleep on the couch in his room. When the sun rised he was the first to wake up and went over to his friend. Gently shaking her he whispered, “Hey I made you some breakfast if you want some.”
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toulousechat-blog · 7 years
☼ for arthur and his sis :)
Pushing the boy from his couch, shaking him by the shoulder, Toulouse tried to wake Arthur. The two had been watching a movie the night before, falling asleep passed out on the couch as their movie marathon ran too long. Tou didn’t know who had passed out on the other’s shoulder first, him or the brunette, but the two had comfortably fallen asleep, snoring and drooling on each other. “Get up Arthur. We missed it. Jason Bourne saved the world and we fucking missed it.”
Groaning, Toulouse rolled over, his arm knocking into Varya’s side. Ugh, he’d forgotten that she’d crawled into his bed the night before, some nightmare waking her and sending her scurrying for the safety of the older brother. His arms wrapping around his foster sister’s small frame, pulling her into his chest. Tou’s lips pressed to the top of her head, the blonde closing his eyes and drifting back to sleep. Varya’s hair smelled like strawberries. Since when did they own strawberry scented shampoo? Toulouse sighed, holding Varya close. As long as he was her big brother, nothing was going to harm her.
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brittiism-blog · 7 years
Would Bang [ from Varya, Arthur, Oswald, Dimitri, Peter, Beau ✨ ]
“Oh of course.” Britt laughed, nodding. “She is one of my best friends, but to tap that Schweet Ass? I’d do it in a heartbeat. Glad to know we’re on the same page though.”
Britt frowned, tilting her head to the side, her nose wrinkling in confusion. Was Arthur good looking? Certainly, Brittany definitely thought so, what with those bright eyes and that soft looking blonde hair. But had he ever slept with someone before? “I mean…. I’m not opposed, but I just…. You do know what to do, right?”
“Bang? Oh god, you’re finally picking up on the lingo kids use nowadays. Good for you, I’m proud.” She smiled, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. “I can’t lie, you’d look better with that sweater vest off, but are you gonna go back to judging me for who I sleep with as soon as we’re done?” 
Her giggle was infectious, a hand coming to cover her mouth, as if trying to hide the high pitched laughter echoing from her chest. “I think that bit is obvious, Di.” Her hand moved to her hair, brushing some behind her ear - revealing the large grin formerly behind her hand. “You know….. all you have to do is make a move.” 
She glanced up at the red head, his smile almost wicked, the corners of his lips quirked up into a grin, the rest of his lips following in a lopsided fashion. Britt wasn’t sure if she’d ever met him, but now she was kicking herself for not knowing him earlier. He sure was easy on the eyes. “Yeah? You wanna go a round or two with me?” She raised a brow, her tone teasing despite the words almost being serious.
“I’m gonna pass on that one, but thanks for the vote of confidence.” Britt shook her head, pouring Beau a glass of mango juice, having come home with Sadie after work. “That’d be like if Landon asked. Weird. You two are like my brothers. That I never really had, but I do now.”
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oldcharminghqgossip · 7 years
Right so handy-dandy number randomizer gave me this list (with a bit of encouragement). Best to seek out your partner ASAP to ask them their questions. First pair done gets a prize!
@tianafck & @fckinmaisie
@toulousechat & @skelebeau
@megxrx & @madeline-morris
@brittiism & @blairiiisms
@kingscully & @dearseth-hansen
@sadiepratt & @lilblondeflower
@dannyrxmero & @siabau
@candiehughes & @hannahrdrgz
@curtis-bonnet & @mickmunroe
@iridessant & @berdolce
@varyaschmidt & @tiffmarsh
Under the cut is your questionnaire. Fill it out and get it back to me by the end of the night. (Aka submit them to me.)
Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would they want as a dinner guest?
Would they like to be famous? In what way?
What would constitute a “perfect” day for them?
Do they have a secret hunch about how they will die?
Name three things you and your partner have in common.
For what in their life do they feel most grateful?
If they could change anything about the way they were raised, what would it be?
If they could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
If a crystal ball could tell them the truth about one thing, what would they like to know?
What’s their life’s ambition?
What is the greatest accomplishment of their life?
What do they value most in a friendship?
What is their most treasured memory?
What is their most terrible memory?
What does friendship mean to them?
What are 5 positive characteristics of your partner?
How close and warm is their family?
What’s their most embarrassing story?
When did they last cry?
Tell your partner something that you like about them already.
What, if anything, do they think is too serious to be joked about?
What would they rescue from a house fire?
Of all the people in your family, whose death would they find most disturbing?
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landonpratts-blog · 7 years
Send “💭” for my characters thoughts on yours.
Landon doesn’t know how he’s supposed to feel about Varya on one hand she is the most adventurous and entertaining person he has ever met -- but on the other hand she’s tight with the Chat’s and that makes him concerned that she’ll end up cutting ties on their somewhat friendship if one of the Chat’s ask her too. He’s very intrigued by her, what she stands for, what she’s into, why she is the way she is and he’s never actually cared that much about another person to know more about their name before. He enjoys the time they spend together, she doesn’t drive him as insane as he initially thought she would plus he likes how she doesn’t seem to judge him or care that he’s a Pratt. If he was the type to have feelings -- which he doesn’t he would feel happier in her presence and he’s not saying shit right now that indicates that he does (he totally does) -- he also likes her eye colour but again he’s not saying shit.
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blanchereinc-blog · 7 years
Would Bang [ from Varya, Arthur, Oswald, Dimitri, Peter, Beau ✨ ]
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“Surely you’re joking I mean we’ve never even talked!” @Beau 
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“Oh, c’mon Varya.. We’ve talked what maybe once? Plus I don’t think I’m you’re type.. I mean not in a bad way just people like you don’t talk to people like me.” @varyaschmidt
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“Okay, you’re taking the joking to far now, Oswald. Cuddling was okay but, I didn’t really take that serious either.” @ozwcld
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“I don’t even know who you are so surely someone put you up to this.” @pters
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“Yet, another person I don’t know.. Okay seriously, who paid you guys to do this.. You guys can seriously mess someone up..” @dimitrisprios
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oldcharminghq · 7 years
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Congratulations POLAROID! You have been accepted as PETER ABBOT with a(n) KJ APA FC. You have 24 hours to send in your character’s account. We look forward to seeing you on the dash! @varyaschmidt
Congratulations DAKOTA! You have been accepted as CECIL FOSTER with a(n) EZRA MILLER FC. You have 24 hours to send in your character’s account. We look forward to seeing you on the dash! @straight-pride-month
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toulousechat-blog · 7 years
☆ for var |  ▪ for beau | ♤ for peter
VARYA Send me a ☆ to go on a mundane adventure with my muse, such as to get groceries or coffee etc
“It’s grocery shopping,” Tou called back to the younger girl. “Nothing terribly exciting. You can just stay home.” But his words were to no avail, his younger sister already out the door and fastening herself into the passenger seat of Toulouse’s car. Right who was he kidding? This was Varya - and she wanted to be included in everything, no matter how mundane. Tou was nearly on the verge of just handing her the list and the credit card, but he knew she’d only return with a car full of candy. If she returned with his car at all. Resigning himself to the task, Toulouse silently cursed the maid who had called out sick today forcing him to do this himself. Practice for when he lived on his own, he told himself. Tou hopped into the driver’s seat, starting the car and easing it out of the garage. “I sure hope you know the difference between tuna fish and cat food because I can’t tell them apart.”
BEAUSend me a ▪ to help my muse with a project, mission, something routine around the house, etc
Toulouse still didn’t understand why the Pratt boy was around their house so much recently. He’d always been a bit of an ass to Berlioz, but now it seemed like he was on his best manners, so it wasn’t like Tou could complain. He wasn’t a fan of his continued presence, the youngest Pratt unnerving him slightly, but usually he stayed out of his way. Not today though. Today Beau was up his ass, as if looking for something to do. Sighing the blonde grabbed the boy by his shoulders after he asked his fifteenth question in two minutes. “You wanna know what I’m doing? Go over to that easel.” He motioned to the tripod a few yards away, moving to get the boy a canvas of his own and a set up a small palette for him. “You know how to paint yeah? Like the basics from grade school? Go nuts kid.”
PETERSend me a ♤ for my muse to style yours, whether it be clothing, jewelry, makeup, etc is up to you
It was almost laughable - Tou eyeing his friend as the red head stepped into the gym. It was as if he had just stepped out of his last class and shown up here. Which, knowing Peter was probably exactly what had happened. Toulouse undid his lifting gloves, the blonde moving forward to intercept the kid, still dressed in jeans. “Dude.” Tou’s laugh came out now, hidden behind his words. “How are you gonna lift like that? I mean, thank god it’s not leg day but still man…” He grinned, stepping around Peter and reaching for his gym bag. Reaching inside, he pulled out an extra cutoff shirt and pair of basketball shorts - clothes that had been meant for his ride home when his workout outfit was drenched and uncomfortable, but the sacrifice was worth it. “There’s a bathroom over there where you can change. You did remember a water bottle though, right?”
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oldcharminghqgossip · 7 years
Can you sort everyone into their respective hogwarts houses?
Everyone? That’s a tall order dearie, but I’ll try.
Gryffindor: @notyourbimbette, @straylevi, @judyhoppers, @ridxmxoffmoon, @absolutczero, @fckinmaisie, @skinnylittlencbody, @toulousechat, @forgcttenracer, @viiixens, @toddnolan, @kingskeletcn, @peterabbots, @charming-wolfprince, @roarofadam, @annabrahms, @djnoahprince, @landonpratts, @ravengothel, @waterchild, @wcndybxrd, and @callmeteeny
Slytherin: @hunteriiisms, @waterisms, @queenwitchquinn, @ofvampiiisms, @decorativeantlers, @skelebeau, @lumierexpetit, @ofjasmincs, @themadhatterofcharming, @hookinghayden, @sadiepratt, @ericalderson, @varyaschmidt, and @megflorcs
Ravenclaw: @saltkingcurtis, @nctentirelythere, @gigipxrk, @babesreyes, @elsxabrahms, @ofglcssslipcrs, @littlezoerogers, @marievchat, @alicehowxll, @stiitchedup, @bookwormiisms, and @tinkiism
Hufflepuff: @flowersnfinnick, @hannahrdrgz, @monicaknowsbest, @percyschameleon, @sleepyrory, @silveriisms, @blanchereinc, @berdolce, @fawnisms, @joyfuljosephine, @theycallmctatum, @lorelai-barber, @oceanbby-mona, @tianafck, and @fallingsncws
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landonpratts-blog · 7 years
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