#varric x marian hawke
haverdoodles · 15 days
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don't you wish to see her again? your hawke?
— (solas, hawke & varric)
everyone thinks varric is going to die (me included unfortunately) and he's my favourite character so this is extremely upsetting. to cope i drew some awful varrichawke angst meoww (my soul is in the depths of agony)
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alltears · 7 months
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dragon age twitter au? dragon age twitter au. da2 <3
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immawraffle · 1 year
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Tell me I’m wrong.
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lirgus · 6 months
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Varric/Hawke wip
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bluerose5 · 1 year
The truth that Varric didn't want everyone to know was that, aside from their two token straights, all five of these chaotic bisexuals are in a committed polycule, wreaking havoc on all of Thedas. Oh, and he and Hawke are married, but that's just a given, right?
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edenxrosey · 1 year
Favorite art subject is Hawke & Varric just… chilling… having a time…. being bros (romantic)
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armyvulcan · 11 months
truly in desperation mode of intense, soul-sucking yearn of varric and marian hawke, like his dedication to this woman is almost sacrilege
he willingly upkept a lie for this woman, even facing cassandra's confrontation personally, like "ya i lied, so what? whaddaya gonna do? throw me in jail? bitch you need me"
my headcanon for him is whenever hawke's mentioned, in the war council or in passing, he gets immediately defensive, willing to throw out the shrouded mystery of his life for this woman. he loves her, HE LOVES HER, and you cannot convince me otherwise
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scarfacemarston · 9 months
saw your post saying that you want ideas for Fenris, so here's my 5 cents;
You know the romance ending for Fenris? Whenever I see it and I hear Varric say "a hero was born" for some reason that makes me think that it is giving us the idea that Fenris has become a dad, soooooo, any thoughts on Fenris as a dad?
Have a good day/night
Hey! I LOVE that idea. Seriously, that is so heartwarming to think of. It's been months since I've written hc and I've never written for Fenris before, but I hope you like it! I have bonus hc's from the crew below the cut. Background: Despite being together for over several years since Act 3 and the fact that they might as well have been married, Varric and crew still found themselves surprised to hear that Fenris and Hawke were pregnant/adopting. "Broody with a Broody Jr on the way? I knew it'd happen at some point; you owe me 50 coppers, Rivani."
If pregnant - Hawke was initially worried Fenris would leave them because of their first night together, but he had proven himself loyal to a fault numerous times, the thought thankfully disrupted quickly.
Fenris is the worrying warrior until after the baby is born, or if adopting, til they bring them home.  His mind is always going a mile a minute risk calculation and problem-solving for things that haven't yet happened. Hawke has to get him to snap out of it. He's extremely attentive partially because he tries to think about any possible situation and discomfort and how to avoid it. If Hawke is pregnant, he's ready, whether through ginger tea, soothing balms, hot towels, massages, craving outings, you name it.
It's not original, but the baby would definitely be named Bethany, Leandra, or Malcolm if it's a son. With adoption, he feels a little more in control. (I love the idea of Fenris having a daughter, so that's what I'm using her. Feel free to hc differently!)
The baby loves his voice. Adores it. She perks up whenever Fenris speaks, even if it's the quietest of murmurs or humming. Fenris would talk to the baby if his partner is pregnant, calming her down, especially if she starts kicking.  
He doesn't mind getting up in the middle of the night to take care of her. He's lived on such little sleep before, but this was something worth it. He sometimes likes the quiet to reflect on his new life and gaze at the miracle in his arms.
Fenris has to be reminded to put her down sometimes so Hawke can hold her ---then Hawke has to be reminded to put down the baby so they can get work done.
Definitely lots of story time together and time spent reading books together. 
He wants his child to be curious about the world and not be afraid to question why things are the way they are. He encourages her to ask difficult questions, even if it's something he doesn't always want to answer. He will try to answer in an age-appropriate manner anyhow.
Incredibly protective. He never thought he'd have a family, and now he has someone who depends on him more than anything. He is never far from her; if he can't chase after them, she's in a playpen where he can keep watch. However, he also tells himself that falling and making mistakes is okay. Scratched knees or messes are to be expected. Fenris becomes very good at toeing the line between being protective and allowing her to pick herself up and figure out solutions "by herself." (Of course, he'll still be there to kiss it better or give her a boost.)
He and Hawke agree that they'd rather gift her love and time than gifts.
Somehow, Fenris has ended up with an extra Malbari, 2 cats, and a goat as pets.
He teaches her a lot of skills, Lots of nature excursions, and teaches her things like navigation, plant identification, starting a fire, and helping her learn a language. 
He and Hawke agree to teach her self-defense once she's old enough. He's a firm & thorough but patient teacher.
He and Hawke believe she should do whatever she pleases with her body. Does she want long-flowing hair? He'll show off his braiding skills. Does she want chopped hair like FemHawke? Done. 
If she turns out to be a mage, Fenris would accept it. He would know that was a possibility whether she was biologically theirs - because of Hawke's mage line or, if adopted, that it is a randomized gene. He would be lying if he didn't think their lives would be easier if she wasn't a mage - but that is because he is worried for her and the current politics - not so much because of his past treatment of mages. It would take him a little time to process it, but he would love her just the same……….he only hopes that Hawke or one of their friends can help with the magic because turning the floor into an ice rink or the smell of burnt hair can only be tolerated for so long.
The Hawke crew isn't always around, but I like to hear them stay in touch and visit. Maybe they still travel together. I hated the idea of them breaking up.
Varric has most definitely written a few adventures with her in mind - one being a talking animal version of Hawke's adventures. Another about griffons and another about malbari adventurers.
Merrill brings the sweetest gifts and loves telling stories and taking her foraging. Flower crowns are a must.
Isabela develops a liking for stuffed plushies. It started with a stuffed parrot, and before they knew it, the bed was crowded with stuff like Malbari, parrots, griffon, cats, and whatever she could find. Isabela also gives her her first pirate sword. Baby Hawke loves her jewelry.
Aveline - mage or not - offers to train her in combat. Of course, Hawke laughs and says, "She's a baby. I think she's fine for now." She'd offer to babysit - Hawke having a child really has her curious about starting her own family with Donnic when they can find the time. Donnic makes her a set of cards so she can "play" diamondback with them.
Anders offers medical care if he is around and also offers to tutor her in magic - but I think we all know what Fenris' thoughts on that would be. Still, Fenris would begrudgingly be thankful for any care he provided.
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ivygrowingsideways · 1 year
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꧁ringing in the new year at the hanged man꧂
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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This is Round Two of the Artist Claims for the 2023 round of WIPBB. You may claim up to three fics this round. If you want only one fic, please fill out the form once with your top choices. If you want two fics, fill out the form twice with your first choice in the first form submission with one unique ID and the second choice in another submission with a different unique ID.
The synopses are located at https://wipbigbang.dreamwidth.org/172201.html
The form is located at https://forms.gle/ES2D3d2mTG1nU4Pk6.
Round two of the art claims will go on until July 1st.
Dragon Age 2
Title: Kindling
Pairing/Characters: Fenris/Marian Hawke
Rating Teen | T
Warnings/Tags: No Warnings apply
TW Alcohol and Inebriation, Loss of Temper, some minor mention of blood.
Summary: Marian may have helped Fenris clear out Danarius' men, but he isn't certain the mage he feels himself indebted too isn't free of ulterior motive. Unwilling to rub elbows with just any apostate, he keeps his walls up and her out, at least until they get a feel for one another.
A fic taking place between their first meeting, and the cutscene where he breaks the Aggregio. I always felt they were too chummy by that point for having only just met. Takes place in a Twin!Hawke AU
Title: Set Yourself On Fire
Pairing/Characters: Marian Hawke & Garrett Hawke, Marian Hawke & Varric Tethras, Marian Hawke & Carver Hawke, some mentioned Fenris/Marian Hawke and Anders/Garrett Hawke
Rating Mature | M
Warnings/Tags: Graphic Violence
TW: Canon-typical Violence, Suicidal Ideation, Self-Sacrifice, Traumatic Amputation, Miscommunication, Arguing, Some Drinking and Alcohol.
Summary: Marian Hawke's life is falling apart. After a game of telephone strains her already unsteady relationship with her twin brother Garrett, the Arishok attacks Kirkwall, and she chooses to do the only thing that will keep the people she loves safe: accept his challenge, and fight to the death.
A fic following my Twin!Hawke AU, taking place at the end of Act 2 after Marian has been broken up with by Fenris, and Leandra has passed away. Covers the occupation of Kirkwall by the Qunari.
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haverdoodles · 3 days
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it's you!
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despite everything, it's still you.
— (varric & hawke)
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alltears · 2 months
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dragon age twitter au? dragon age twitter au. HAWKE EDITION
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sphenoidwing · 5 months
Guilty Conscience
“Do you really think you have done so much damage to me that I would have preferred a life without you in it?” His voice wavered for the first time since her return.
I may have had some feelings while writing this scene.
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omgkalyppso · 1 year
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bluerose5 · 1 year
Those moments when you're overcome with the Varric/Hawke brainworms.
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edenxrosey · 10 months
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