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romangoldendream · 23 days ago
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you want balance the suffering?
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witchparade · 2 years ago
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Rhona Mitra as varinia, Spartacus 2004
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thequeenofthieves · 1 year ago
Varinia: Farwil is such an idiot. I can't believe I'm going to sleep with him.
Methredhel: Uhm, you don't have to do that.
Varinia: No, I'm going to.
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awakentrashpanda · 1 year ago
What my OCs would call you
🌼My child
🌼My dear
Ki ki
🐶Little buddy
Gi gi
🪸Shooting Star
🪸Baby bird
🪸My friend
🎭Dingus (affectionate)
🎭Butthead (also affectionate)
🌹[Your favorite flower]
🌙Heathen (affectionate)
🌙My equal
🌙Exhaustion source (affectionate)
🌙Person who is __________ (ex: person who is speaking to me before I’ve had my morning coffee)
💙New friend
💚Dude (gender neutral)
♦️Wise⚫️ss (affectionate)
🌈My lady/lord/friend
🌈My Dearie
🌈Little bug
👁️Foreseen one
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female-rappers · 1 year ago
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drrav3nb · 2 months ago
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KIRK DOUGLAS as Spartacus JEAN SIMMONS as Varinia SPARTACUS (dir. Stanley Kubrick)
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wlwaerith-moved · 1 year ago
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happy valentione's from miss varinia!
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hejanic · 7 months ago
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superlove nblnb route love interestssssss lets gooooooooooooo
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divinesveil · 2 years ago
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some niastrelle + quotes on pinterest :) @necroticpetals
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ishizizzle · 1 year ago
I watched The Book of Clarence, it was amazing ! The cinematography was excellent, here’s more things I found notable loI
I was so surprised to see Anna Diop in it I love her 🤧 Alfre Woodard as Virgin Mary was hilarious she is everyone’s mother 🤧 Teyana Taylor as Mary Magdalene! They even had an Achilles
Benedict Cumberbatch as White Jesus was also funny as hell (sorry Lord) meanwhile first time he was on screen in the back of mind I was thinking about that lady that said his family owes hers reparations
One of my favorite moments is a scene between Clarence (Lakeith) and Varinia (Anna) where she shows up at his party, he says “You came” she replies, “I arrive.”
Came means “move or travel toward or into a place thought of as near or familiar to the speaker”
Arrive means “reach a place at the end of a journey or a stage in a journey”
So I took it as Clarence says, “you travelled to familiarity (me)” and Varinia replies, “I’m at the end of my story”
considering how their story played throughout the movie, I thought that was beautiful 🤧
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moonxdreamer · 3 months ago
im listening the case of the feminicide of Fatima Varinia Quintana Gutierrez and im crying. how can someone hurt a little girl with such cruelty
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alexthomas2024 · 8 months ago
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Explore Varinia’s Ultimate Guide to Ibiza: top dining spots, vibrant beach clubs, local markets, and adventures for an island experience. Let me know more. Please visit at  https://www.villa-ibiza-san-agustin.com/varinias-ultimate-guide-to-ibiza-exquisite-dining-beach-clubs-markets-and-adventure/
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thesistersyork · 1 year ago
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Set before Melaine and Dane was a path, neither knew would come to be.
Now, the newest Queen of Intrigue, Clara Rose, presented the pair a choice, a life amongst the black sands.
An abandoned castle that once housed many, tempted and intrigued others, and had once belonged to another; Pink Dust.
The Beachside Castle.
Melaine and Dane had some thinking to do.
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thequeenofthieves · 2 years ago
Bremman: I can’t believe you and Varinia broke the bed last night!
Jhared: Must have been a wild night.
Farwil: Haha… Yeah…
[last night]
Varinia: Bet you can’t jump high enough to touch the ceiling!
Farwil: Try me.
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thedinanshiral · 6 months ago
What's in a name? A (very) simple guide to find your Rook's name.
I’ve seen some people are wondering how some of us already have named Rooks, others have no idea how to get names or which names could be good, and since i kinda overdid it and have 11 Rooks already planned and named i thought i’d share some of my process and drop some ideas. This works for me, but maybe it can help others find their Rook’s name(s).
Keep in mind these are also fantasy names, they don’t have to make sense or have a specific meaning, you can literally make them up. I also take into consideration known naming conventions, for example in Elven we have Solas and Abelas’ names, with specific meanings (Pride, Sorrow) and judging by what Solas tells Abelas, it’d seem ancient elvhen would change their names according to roles or events in their life. Similarly in the Qun, we know their names aren’t names as we understand them but simply descriptors of the role that is assigned to them within the Qun.
It’s probably easier when it comes to human nations in Thedas: Orlesians are likely to have French names, Fereldans to have anglo names, Antivans to have Spanish and Italian names. Tevinter is a bit trickier because it’s based on the Roman empire and Latin is a pretty dead language, but they sure liked to make records so we have names there too.
Elvhen names:
I literally opened a tab with the Elven language DA wiki page and read everything -for the bazillionth time tbh-; DA elven language is a cipher, not a conlang, so feel free to make things up because we don’t have the full cipher -i’m not even sure BW does- .
For Elven names i check the wiki for words that i like the sound of, the meaning of, ideally both. If i feel something is “missing” i may add a letter or combine different words into a new one.
Here are some examples:
Athima, from athim, humility
Atisha, from Atish'an, atisha is peace
Sethena, from Sethen'a or Setheneran, land of waking dreams or where the veil is thin, aka the Fade.
Revaren, from Revas, freedom, and Renan, voice.
Alasan, from alas, earth/dirt, and suffix an, place.
Sulahni, from sulahn, sing.
Samahli, from samahl, laughter.
Vardanehn, lit. Our little joy.
Mir'as, Banal'ras is shadows, implying ras refers to light, Mir is mine. Lit. "my light".
Qunlat names:
Same process as elven, but trying to modify as less as possible, keeping in mind the Qunari are very rigid in their ways and can be very literal as well.
Anaan, victory
Asaarash, rivaini horsebreed used by the antaam.
Kaaras, navigator.
Asaara-kaaras, wind navigator, wind rider.
Saar, dangerous. Saar-asaara, dangerous wind. Saar-meraad, dangerous tide.
Sata-kasi, mauler.
Vattic-kos, vat is fire, tic is cold and kos refers to nature damage, all three words are in reference to damage done with a mage staff. So Vattic-kos could be elemental damage.
Shokra, shok is struggle or war, shokrakar is rebel.
Antivan names:
These were way easier as i’m Latina of Spanish and Italian descent which in this case feels a bit like cheating. I think any Spanish and Italian name could work, these are just some i like.
Tevinter names:
I literally googled for Latin names for this one, and also checked previous Tevinter characters’ names. Some of this could also work for an Antivan Rook.
Fausto, Faustino, Faustus
Urbano, Urbanus
Virgilio, Virgil
I’m leaving out the numerals like Primo, Segundo, Quintus, Octavio... check Cesars' names, that could work too. I think you could just search the scientific name of any fauna (hello House Pavus) or flora and pick whatever sounds nice too. Also we recently got a new Magister’s name in the Dragon Age: Vows & Vengeance trailer, Magister Andante. Y’know what “Andante” means? Walking. Magister Walking. Fear nothing and go wild with these names, seriously.
You could also check other cultures and native names, respectfully of course. Here are some guaraní and mapuche names i like, i didn’t modify these at all.
Kerana, guaraní “goddess of sleep”, or sleepy one.
Karai, guaraní, “respectable man”.
Luriel, guaraní, “lord of the wind”.
Amaru, guaraní, “rain”.
Anahí, guaraní, from a legend, the name of a young woman burned at the stake by the conquistadors, after which she is transformed into the flowering tree.
Newén, mapuche, "strength"
Nahuel, mapuche, “jaguar”
Ayelén, mapuche, “laughing”.
Tahiel, mapuche, “hombre libre”
For Dwarven names, i am deeply sorry i haven't decided on a Dwarf Rook yet so i haven't done my dwarven research, but the same process applies: check the canon dwarf names we got so far, if the lore says anything about dwarven naming conventions, if they're a commoner or noble, if there are caste-specific names too, and so on. And if you want to name your dwarf Rook Bob, that's fine too! ( if DUNE can have Paul and Jessica, why couldn't we have a dwarf named Bob?? like i said, go wild, name freely, be happy)
I understand some people don't want to or aren't sure about naming their Rooks until we learn what the different canon surnames will be, and i totally get that, i felt the same way. But i couldn't resist until we got that info so i overdid it, particularly with my Tevinter-Nevarran mage whose name i picked clearly inspired by Cassandra's full name, only for me to end up calling her by the first of her five names that i kinda struggle to remember. So far we've only seen one canon surname, "Thorne", and since surnames are defined by factions, Thorne seems to be the Grey Wardens' canon surname. The elf Grey Warden champion seen in the recent high-level combat gameplay is named Esha Thorne.
I think maybe surnames should depend on what they're now calling lineage (elven, qunari, human, dwarf) rather than on factions, or they could have offered options, one per lineage and one per faction, and let us decide which one to keep. An elf named Thorne sounds a bit odd to me, even if they're a Grey Warden. Will any of my chosen names match the canon surnames? Probably not, but at least i had fun while naming them. My only GW for now is Favian and Favian Thorne doesn't sound bad.
Anyway, I hope this helps those who are a bit lost to find names that works for you and your Rooks, have fun!
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drrav3nb · 2 months ago
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KIRK DOUGLAS as Spartacus JEAN SIMMONS as Varinia SPARTACUS (dir. Stanley Kubrick)
You realise nobody can ever sell you again. Nobody can sell you. Or give you away. Or give you away. Nobody can ever make you stay with anyone. And nobody can make you stay with anybody.
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