thebeardlyben · 6 months
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It's always a cold morning in Thralkeld, but Barny will get you nice and warmed up with some strong coffee.
I had to do this meme, my hand was forced.
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mirielsart · 1 year
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flowersforjude · 2 months
𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem Cousin!Reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | You could not leave him. Not when your very breath was the only thing that kept him tethered to this world. 
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 1,433
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | Arguing, Angry Jace, Desperate Jace, One curse word, Kind of hurt/comfort. 
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 | This was requested by @intheheartoftheking. I had a million different ideas for this, but the inspiration wasn’t there for any of them. So, I hope this is to your liking! Also, Varaxs is the name I gave the reader’s dragon! 
masterlist | read on ao3
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Sea salt kisses your cheeks as the gentle roll of the tide rushes below you. The familiar scent of your dragon fluttered in the breeze as the Dragon Keepers brought your ivory mount out to you. Varaxs growled deeply, as if mimicking the waves that crashed against the inky cliffs of Dragonstone.
Chills danced up your spine as the cold seeped into your bones beneath your riding clothes. The weather wasn’t what had you so chilled, though.
Nervousness burns through your mind. Has your eyes darting from the dragon pit to the palace looming behind you. Every howl of the wind and every tumbling pebble falling from the rocks, kept you on high alert of discovery. There were more than enough troubles to keep your mind occupied, but should anyone catch you here before you could depart, your plan would be all for nothing. 
The Greens had sent an assassin to take Rhaenyra’s life in the dead of night. Ser Arryk was unsuccessful thanks to his brother’s valiant efforts, which cost him his life. But even if the Queen was unharmed, the usurper must still pay for the cowardly attempt on her life. 
Rhaenyra still hoped for peace, though, and such wishes had her stalling her hand. You, as her stepdaughter and loyal subject, could no longer rationalize doing nothing. 
And so, you were going to King’s Landing.  
You dare not give thought to what could befall you once you’re there. But if death or something worse awaited you, then it would have been worth it fighting for your queen. 
The wind seemed to pick up with his arrival. You didn’t notice until a loud cry of your name sounded over the currents. You spin around and see your betrothed, Jacaerys, dashing towards you. Trepidation and unease flowed through you as you caught sight of his vexed expression. You hadn’t told anyone of your plan, and you thought you had snuck away with no one noticing your absence. But of course, it was Jace who figured it out. 
He’s still in his princely attire, the Targaryen colors displayed proudly. The deep hues of black and red had always complimented him in the most alluring way. His boots kick up clouds of dust and sand as he comes to a stop in front of you. His lips pressed into a hard line, and his jaw clenched in irritation. His hand gripped the hilt of his sword like he always did, but the knuckles were white with the forceful hold he had on it. 
“Jacaerys.” You greet, meeting those serious, dark eyes you’ve lost yourself in more times than you could remember. 
“What are you doing?” He asks simply, but the sharpness of his voice made it clear this was no easy matter. His eyes burned into yours as he stood just inches from you. 
“What do you think I’m doing?” You questioned in return. Deciding to let him reveal what he knew before you told him the whole of your plan. 
He scoffs and swallows thickly. “I am not certain, but I am sure that it is something reckless and not something that my mother approved of.” 
Shifting your weight in the sand, you thought about how best to proceed. “I was anticipating no one finding out until I was already gone.”
“Did you think I would not notice your absence?” He asks incredulously, his brows rising in disbelief. 
You shrugged. “I hoped it would take you a little longer.” A leaden sigh leaves your lips while the restless waters below you rage on. The light reflecting off the water shines like a beacon around Jace, and you have to battle against the longing ache that spreads through your chest. 
“Someone needs to scout King’s Landing. Gather what information we can.” You explain praying to the seven that he’ll understand. 
His eyes widened as exasperation ignited in them. “Have you lost your mind?” He exclaims, shaking his head of dark curls. 
“No,” he insists. “You’re not going. You’re not going to fucking King’s Landing, where you very likely will be spotted.” His jaw is tight, and his eyes are just as troublesome as the waters crashing against the rocky shores of the island. 
“Someone has to do something!” You argue back, your raised voice causing Varaxs, waiting in the landing pit, to hiss with displeasure at your growing distress. 
“And if you are captured? Slain? What then?” He sneered, a sudden thickness lingering in his words. 
You lose yourself for a moment. Imagining all the horrors that could come upon you should anyone discover you even somewhat close to the capitol. Aemond held resentment towards you and your sisters for what occurred the night Luke took his eye. And Aegon was a mindless drunk, but no less cruel than his brother. But thinking of all their treachery just made you all the more determined to do everything in your power to see Rhaenyra on the throne. And Jace, good-hearted, compassionate Jace, as the heir.
“I have to do this, Jace. And if I meet my end, then it would be worth it to see Rhaenrya and you reclaim your birthright.”
Desperation colors his features, his sharp expression melting to one of concern and tenderness . Something that stokes the fires of your affection for him. 
“I forbid you.” He finally declares after a long moment of silence. 
“Forbid me?” Your own frustration at last rises to match his. “You are not my king yet. You’re not even my husband yet. So unless you intend to tie me up, I will be leaving now.” 
You turn on your heel to approach your mount. Fully planning on flying off to King’s Landing before his voice breaks. 
“You cannot leave me!” 
You halt in your place, your throat growing tight upon hearing the sheer panic coming from him. Your hands twitch at your sides as the wind dies down enough to allow you to hear the ragged breaths sounding from your betrothed. Hesitantly, not wanting to be met with his distraught expression, you turned back to face him. 
Raw desperation swam in his eyes. His lips, that had welcomed yours in so many devoting kisses, parted with pleading breaths. He closes the short distance between you; his hand captures yours before falling to rest against his heart. Heat flashes through you where your skin touches his. 
When he speaks, his words come out breathlessly. “It is no secret between us my devotion to you.” The strong fingers of his free hand, calloused from all his hours of training, fluttered over your cheek with a touch as light as goose down. “But even before our betrothal, you were my guiding light. In the wake of all the chaos, there was you.” His normally collected voice cracks. He clings to his hold on you as if terrified of you vanishing from his sight forever. “My entire heart craves only a fraction of yours. Even if only a piece of you loved me, that would be plenty, because that would mean at least a part of you was genuinely mine.”
His gaze flickers down to your lips before meeting your eyes again. “I cannot live in a world where you do not exist,” he professed. The air had been stolen from your lungs upon hearing his words. You were no fool to Jace’s affection; you returned it tenfold. But never had he confessed such adoration to you. 
“I cannot just do nothing.” You whispered, knowing he could hear you. 
He was nodding along with your words. “We will destroy them,” he vowed. “But we will do it together. You cannot not be so careless with your life, Issa jorrāelagon.” 
You do not wish to be labeled as rash or reckless, but the Greens must face retribution. For all the agony they’ve caused. You wish only to help your family win back the heritage that was stolen from them. One day, sit by Jace’s side as he rules with all the kindness and strength you know him to possess.
But he was right. 
You look down at his hand, holding yours to his heart. It beat as fiercely as dragon wings in the sky. Each pulse hammered in each nail of faith you had in him. “Together?” You coaxed meeting his eyes again and seeing determination mingling with his sheer devotion. 
“You and I will take back my mother’s throne.” He pledged, pressing a reverent kiss to your brow. “And one day I will take you as my queen, and we will rule together just as we are meant to.”
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This was shorter than I wanted it to be, but I'm just glad I was finally able to finish it!
Issa jorrāelagon; My love
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jackzillanyanut8008 · 2 years
Star Wars TLJ Rewrite: Final
Author’s Note:
This rewrite is completely fan-made. I am not the creator of these characters. They belong to George Lucas, Lucasfilm Entertainment, Lily and Mikaila Orchard, and Disney+ Entertainment. I am not claiming any of these properties of my own. In the event that I do otherwise, I will take full legal responsibility for the misuse of these characters. Please support the official creators and there content. Thank You
Chapter 29: Calm Before The Storm
After a few months of gathering allies around the Outer Rim, Varax lets out a sigh of relief to be back on Naboo. As he steps off the ship, Poe and Finn run up to him to await their new plan. “Are we gonna terminate their fleet?!” Finn asks, almost giddy at the concept of destroying the First Order “Yeah, we gonna blow the Supremacy into a fiery wreck?” Poe asks, not as giddy, but equally enjoyable in the concept. Varax gives his friends a smile as he points to the nearby ships below Theed as an army of soldiers from every corner of the galaxy line atop their respected ships to await their orders. “Gentlemen, I’m done sitting by, the First Order wants a war… we’ll give ‘em a damn war” he says before stepping up to a podium, overlooking his new army alongside Aliana, Rey, and the other high command officers of the Resistance. 
“My fellow citizens of the Galactic Republic and beyond, For too long have our homes been sacked, raided, and pillaged by fascist empires over the decades. And for too long have we sat idly by while they do so… Well I say no more!” He says through the valley, his voice booming through the hologram like thunder. “I have gathered you all here, not only to fight, but to crush, burn, and eradicate the tyrannical First Order that has terrorized the Galaxy we call home!” Varax bellows as the crowds cheer in glory. “For today, this will be marked, as either the Galaxy’s final stand against tyranny, or the end of the first order. But regardless of if we win or lose WE WILL NOT GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT!!!” He yells as the crowds cheer before the entirety of the First Order’s fleet, including both the Supremacy and Finalizer warships appear out of hyperspace. “FOR GLORY, FOR FREEDOM, FOR LIBERTY, AND FOR THE ETERNAL ALLIANCE!!!!!” Varax yells, igniting his lightsaber and pointing it straight at the fleet, officially declaring war against the First Order as his army flies into the atmosphere, cheering as they lift off into battle.
Rey and Aliana look at each other and give one more good kiss as the battle begins.
“Hey Aliana?” Rey asks
“Yeah love?” Aliana asks
“If we survive this, we’re getting married” Rey says with a smirk
“I’ll take you up on that offer hun, just don’t die okay?” Aliana says with a soft laugh. “I’ll try hun” Rey says as they depart for the fight.
Chapter 30: To Ben, Or Not to Ben?
Varax sat aboard the Rattus with an almost maddening stare as the First Order fleet burned around him as Lord K’un enters the bridge. “Quite the speech my friend, I’m surprised you’re not fighting alongside the troops or the starfighters” he says as his serpent staff coils around his arm. Varax gives the warlord a chuckle “The wisest leaders know when to and to not sit upon the front lines” he said as he looked upon the chaos. 
Meanwhile, Snoke is almost foaming at the mouth as the fleet he spent almost 3 decades building and financing burns around him. “KYLO!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING OUT THERE!!! I WANT THOSE SHIPS ERADICATED” He yelled through the holomessage of Ben as he flew through the chaos. “The fleet outnumbers us 12 to 1, even if we were as great as Sidious’s empire, we’d still lose” he explains before Snoke gives him a glare “Bring me Varax Koslov and his apprentice, or you will be replaced boy!” he barks before hanging up.
Kylo thought for a moment as he dodged the enemy fire. Was he wrong? Did he screw up? Was his mother, father, and uncle right? Questions riddled Kylo’s mind as he flew through the chaos before noticing Varax’s presence through the force, he sensed he was aboard his mother’s old warship the Raddus. “Alright Snoke, you want Varax, you’ll get him” he says as he charges at the warship.
Varax feels Kylo’s anger through the battlefield, he outstretched his hand as the TIE Interceptor charges at the war room before slamming the ship into the hull of the Raddus.
Kylo ejects from his ship's cockpit, luckily landing in a transport tunnel rather than a hangar, he climbs out as a hover deck flies beneath him. He kills the guards with minimal effort as he makes his way to the central hangar, sensing Varax’s presence inside.
Varax stares at the HoloDeck gates as he hears Kylo yell through the barrier and blast through, igniting his red crossguard as he points it at his old master “You should’ve killed me, now you’re gonna suffer” he says under his mask, almost snarling with his words.
Varax lets out a deep laugh as he takes off his exterior robes and cloak, “Let's end this, Padawan” he says with a smirk as the two engage in a furious duel.
Meanwhile, Rey and Aliana sneak aboard the Supremacy with Finn and Poe…
Chapter 31: Duels Of Fate
Rey plants the charges aboard the hyperdrive with Poe as Finn and Alie keep watch, “You know, it would be a shame if you don’t make it out of this Finn, you’d make a great Jedi” she says, trying to lighten the mood a little. “Nah, Jedi stuff is your guy’s thing, and besides, I’ve always been better with a blaster anyhow” he says as he holds up a blaster pistol ironically. Rey giggles a little “Alright doofus, but if you change your mind just ask, I’ll always be ready to take on a student” she says as she arms the last of the bombs “ALRIGHT THATS ALL OF THEM” she yells down to the others as she and Finn hop down.
Suddenly, Rey feels a sickeningly cold feeling through the Force, “It’s him” she says as Snoke enters the chamber with his knights at his side. “You know, I half suspected you’d step out of the war business Rey, but I guess if you want something done right…” he says as a pair of lightsabers slide out of his sleeves, igniting into a deep red color “...You do it yourself” he says as he charges the group, roaring as he flips through the air as Rey and Aliana prepare to fight the Supreme Leader.
Back on the Raddus Varax is holding his own against Kylo, using a new lightsaber form he developed by studying the Nightbrothers of Dathomir, the Mandalorian Death Watch, and the Yusong Vong of Exegol. Kylo is struggling to keep up the defensive as Varax targets his weak point: His cybernetic arm. And after a heavy barrage of swings and slashes, Varax gleans both of Kylo’s arms as he falls to his knees. Varax grabs the red crossguard and holds it to his neck, “Do it, let the past die, kill it if you have to” he snarls under his broken mask. 
Varax just lets out a disappointed sigh, “I sensed a glimpse of light inside you Ben, before you snuffed it out” he says as he backs off his blades and deactivates them. “You will stand trial for what you’ve done, and I’ll make sure your death is quick and painless” Varax says as Resistance troops take Kylo to the brig, the Dark Jedi screaming in rage as they grab him “DAMN YOU VARAX!!! KILL ME!!!! END MY TORMENT!!!! YOU WILL ALL BURN!!!” Kylo yells through the halls as the troops take him away.
Varax heads to the Obsidian Blade and notices a familiar presence through the Force…
“Son of a bitch, he actually came back!” he says as he heads to the Supremacy
Chapter 32: Epilogue (Part One)
Rey and Aliana hold their own against Snoke, managing to lead him to the ships hangar as the duo do their best to fight the old tyrant, “Where’s Finn and Poe?!?!” Rey asks in between strikes as Snoke flips back and starts hurling TIE Fighters at them. Aliana tries to answer in between dodges “Last I saw of them, they were running to the barracks. I don’t know what for though” she says as she uses Force Lightning to overcharge a fighter as Snoke leaps above them before being stopped mid air.
Rey and Aliana stare and see Luke, Varax, and Gungi holding the Supreme Leader above them with the Force, throwing him into a wall as the trio of masters ignite their blades “FOR THE ALLIANCE!!!” Varax roars as he charges the old tyrant, Luke and Gungi following suit as the five of them overwhelm Snoke before he pushes them back and holds Aliana in the air. 
“So little girl, you think you’re powerful, let’s test that theory…” he says before pulling Aliana in with the Force and slicing her left leg clean off. Aliana cries out from the pain, Varax lets out a roar as he charges the Dark Lord before getting hit with a torrent of Force Lightning.
“What? Did you think you won? Foolish brat!!” He says as Varax writhes in agony as the lightning burns his back and shoulders before Luke jumps in front of him and impales Snoke in the stomach “This is for Ben you wrinkly fucker” he says before absorbing the lightning and releasing it into a massive explosion of Force energy.
“The Light Bomb….” Varax says in awe as he and Gungi help Rey and Aliana get up. As they do that Poe and Finn come running out “GET ON THE SHIP THEY DIDN’T WANNA CONVERT WE GOTTA GO!!!” Poe screams as the group head for the Fury and fly out of the Supremacy as Finn activates the bombs planted on the ship’s hyperdrive. The warship slowly falls into Naboo’s atmosphere in a fiery demise. “Holy kriff, WE MADE IT!!! YEAH BABY!!!” Poe says as he jumps into Finn's arms and hugs him before looking at Rey. Rey holds Aliana in her arms, her lips are curled and tears roll down her face as 2V enters the living hall. “Oh I’m so glad we ca- HOLY MOTHER OF THE FORCE WHAT HAPPENED TO LADY AMOROSA!?!?!” he screams as the others look to Rey for an answer. Before she can give one however, Varax steps up and explains what happened. 2V Gives the Sith, the closest thing he had to a daughter, a look of sadness as he carries her to the medical room. 
Chapter 33: Epilogue (Part 2)
Several Weeks After the Battle Of Naboo
Rey walks into Aliana's room, her Sith fiance lying outstretched on the red mattress like a Corellian Spice Hound. “Well don’t you look radiant love, sleep well?” she asks Aliana, who tosses and turns in response, “yeah, just give me five more minutes hun, this bed is soooooooo much better than the ones on the Raddus” she says underneath a pillow. Rey crosses her arms as she looks down at the prosthetic leg Aliana had been wearing for the past month or so, which was on the ground and not on her leg as ordered by 2V. 
“C’mon, get up, we’re meeting up with Varax to open the new Eternal Academy Today, and YOU are the head of Sith studies my little sleepyhead” she says as she sits on the mattress next to Aliana. The Sith lets out a groan “Fine, only if I get to pick our takeout meal after the ceremony, I’m sick of Mon Cala seafood” she says as she gets up and fixes her hair.
After getting ready, the duo reach the Eternal Academy, located on Kashyyyk, and land on the personal landing pad set up by Chieftain Lowbacca and Master Gungi. 
As they step out they see hundreds of thousands of people lined up from across the galaxy. From the Core Planets to the Farthest Reaches of the Outer Rim, all citizens of the New Republic gathered to witness the rise of a new academy of Force Users…
Varax, the newly elected Headmaster, steps up to give his speech…
“Citizens of the New Galactic Republic, It gives me great pleasure to announce the official opening of the Eternal Academy. No longer will the ancient rivalries of the Jedi and Sith plague the galaxy we call home” he says as the crowd roars with laughter, cheers, and rejoice as Varax ignites his saber and points it to the sky, as if raising a torch to a new era…
“MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU, AND MAY IT SERVE YOU WELL!!!” He cheers as fireworks paint the night sky with a barrage of colors…
Thus bringing a new age of adventure, in a galaxy far, far, away…
The End.
PS:  As Always, please check out the original creators of both the original Star Wars property and the Sith Resurgence Rewrite of the Sequel Trilogy. And remember that this work is credited to all owners of both of these properties -Stone CL W.
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nyarumi-nyan · 3 years
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Was hanging out with friends :3 It was fun lol, also poor N’oah (White catboy) I’m sure Satien is confused on what the hell is going on here xD
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aritel-does-dnd · 4 years
Presenting Varax
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So here we finally go. 
I decided to give it another shot. This is Varax my dragonborn barbarian, lacking his great axe since this is only work in progress. ^^
His former group got killed by undead in the jungle of Chult so he fought his way through until he stumbled upon his recent group (who just lost Natari). He decided to follow them, since it’s better than to be alone in the jungle. 
He is kind of a ex-soldier / headhunter / mercenary guy who got hired to accompany his last group. 
He seems harsh at first sight but is very loayl to his friends and groupmembers. Although he picked up some bad habits while living amongst Lizardfolk for a few weeks in the jungle. 
I will post the finish result asap. But cant guarantee this will be any time soon. 
[Special note: Yes, I made heavy use of a reference I found online. It’s from an artist called Happy Sheep!! / @NoMoreBiscuit on twitter. He’s doing lots of antro and nsfw stuff. The base sketch I used was just what I was searching for so I build Varax around.]
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salokorai · 3 years
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The perfect man doesn't exi-
finally I can show off this very.. .very good boy! This is Varax, the dragonborn barbarian with a soft spot for blood and bunnies, apparently!
This is the best halloween costume and I am in LOVE! He is beauty... He is grace...
He was commissioned by the same person, that commissioned Elster, btw! :D Really on a roll there!
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[ID: The audiobook of "Rogue Elements" with an intensely staring, dark-and-handsome Santiago Cabrera as Cristóbal Rios on the cover. In the background, the interior of a spaceship, stacked with cargo crates /end ID]
I started listening to the audiobook yesterday and decided to do a little “reading journal”. Going to update this post as I listen. For spoiler reasons, all updates will happen below the cut.
Keep reading at your own risk!
The beginning is basically a lot of starship tech talk (@mappinglasirena, did you co-author this?!), Cris falling in love with a Kaplan F17 speed freighter (even though it's stinky and full of trash and grey at this point) and letting on that he'll name her after a fairytale by Hans Christian Andersen. (My heart! 🧜‍♀️🥺❤️)
Also, the perils of listening to an audiobook: I have no clue how the things/names/species mentioned are spelled. Verex 3? Varax Three? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Y’all just have to live with me terribly misspelling everything until my print copy arrives and I can look stuff up. Apologies.
Robert Petkoff (whom I know and appreciate as a seasoned Sci-Fi narrator) is doing a good job giving Cris that slightly husky voice, but - please! - learn how to pronounce "Cristóbal" correctly! (Hint: it's neither CristoBALL nor CristoBELL...) Or just leave it at Cris. Or Rios. Por favor! 🙈
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breviscribbles · 7 years
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thebeardlyben · 2 years
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Since I haven't done much art of him yet since he is quite a new D&D character, here's my half-orc gnoll Barny kneading some bread dough :)
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mirielsart · 8 months
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The Empress of Zakuul (Darth Varaxes if she had made another choice).
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flowersforjude · 2 months
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | Jacaerys Velaryon x Sister!Reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | During your shared grief, you and Jace find solace in each other. 
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 3,880
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | Mature Content-Explicit Descriptions Of Sex | Twin incest, Emotional hurt/comfort, Grief, Smut: Piv, Oral(fem receiving), Multiple orgasms, Implied loss of virginity, One use of y/n.
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 | Something I’ve been thinking about since the first episode. Sad sex is something I didn’t know I’d be into, but I’m not mad about it? This obviously isn’t connected to my other Jace fic, Dangerous Disposition, I just used the same name for the reader’s dragon. 
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞² | Reposting because...I can.
masterlist | read on ao3
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Varaxs was restless. The closer you got to Dragonstone, the more ill-at-ease your mount grew. Your boy was a normally calm dragon, but something had him on edge. You were traveling home from The Vale, having secured Lady Arryn’s support for your mother. You would have expected him to be just as anxious as you were to be home after two weeks of treating with Jeyne Arryn.
You were gone longer than the week your mother had allotted, but you wanted to return only with the strongest alliance for her. You had sent word of when she could expect your arrival back, so she did not worry.
The waves crashed against the rocky edges of the island with relentless fury. Seemingly taking after your dragon’s nervous mood. You circled above the palace once, wanting to give him a chance to settle a bit before cooping him up in the pit.
Landing Varaxs on the grassland at the front of the palace, you took notice of how no one awaited you. A pit of dread dug its way into your stomach. Something was the matter.
Your footsteps upon the stairs did nothing to quiet the blood rushing through your ears. Rationality battled with your worry, trying to convince yourself that everything was as it should be.
But once you spotted your cousin Baela as the heavy doors swung open for you, your heart told you nothing short of a tragedy awaited you. The sound of your feet on stones echoed through the entry hall. Baela looked comforted to see you, but her eyes couldn’t hide their distress.
“Cousin,” you greeted with apprehension. “Where-”
“Come.” She simply said, taking your arm to link it with hers.
As she walked you through the halls, your hands shook with the weight of the unknown. “Who is it?” You urged her to tell you.
Baela said nothing. She just looked at you with sympathy before directing you to your mother’s rooms.
Jacaerys was the first person you saw as the doors opened.
“Jace!” You called out to him. He halted his nervous pacing, turning his eyes to you with a relieved gasp.
He met you on the threshold, hands shooting out to draw you to him. “Y/N.” He sighed into your hair as you clutched his shirtfront with trembling hands. His fingers dig into your waist, keeping you from pulling away.
“What has happened?” You whisper urgently into his shoulder.
You heard his breath hitch before he spoke. “Lucerys.”
He needed only to mutter your younger brother’s name for you to realize what was going on. Grief split your chest open as you wailed into the fabric of his shirt. Your lungs seized up in an attempt to draw air.
Another set of arms wrapped around you and Jace.
“My darlings.” Your mother said as she drew her two oldest children to her. No words about alliances were spoken. All thoughts on your shared grief and desperation for the comfort of each other. You stood there wounded around Jace, being held by both him and your mother for a century it felt like. Eventually, your limbs untangle from one another. Your tears stained your cheeks as your heart ached in a way you didn’t know was possible.
Lucerys was born just a year after you and Jace. With only that little time separating you, the three of you had been practically inseparable. Many nights were spent with each of you piled into one of your beds, refusing to sleep anywhere but together. Now you would have to learn to live with the space he left.
“You should go rest.” Your mother said gently, cradling your cheek. Her gaze flickered to Jace. “Both of you. I must attend to the Council before Daemon gets too far ahead of himself.”
“We’ve won The Vale, mother. Your Grace.” You corrected yourself.
She nodded proudly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before doing the same to Jace. You went to reach for your brother’s hand again to take your leave, but your mother stopped him for a moment.
“Watch over your sister.” She whispered to him. “We only have each other.”
He nodded, his face set with determination. He took your hand in his, your fingers linking together tightly. Drawing you closer to his side, as if even an inch of space between you was unthinkable, he began to lead you from the room.
You looked back at your mother one last time, seeing a small, pleased smile spread across her sorrowful expression.
Without a word spoken between you, you and Jace made the walk to his chambers. Your grip on his hand tightened as you crossed the doorway into his room. Your breath still hadn’t fully returned to you, and the same suffocating look mangled your twin’s handsome face.
“Jace.” You spoke with a broken voice before he pulled you to him once again. He took your face in his hands, his eyes roaming wildly over your features like he was attempting to discern if you were truly alright or not.
“I was afraid… I thought…” He couldn’t even give voice to his fears. That you had been slain as well. That he not only lost his brother but his sister too. The girl he loved.
You gripped at his shirt again, needing to touch some part of him with your own hands. “I cannot-” You were breathless, trying to regain control over your emotions. “I cannot breathe; cannot think, Jace.”
You were collapsing into yourself as he surged forward. His lips claimed yours in a way only someone who knew the very essence of your soul could. You whimpered as he slid his hands from your face to secure you against him. Wrapping around your waist like a coil.
You clung to any part of him. His chest, his shoulders, and finally resting your hands in the curls of his hair. His lips molded over yours in a messy display of your desperation to ease some of the hurt with something pleasurable.
Under all your overwhelming feelings, there was a strangeness to having Jace’s mouth on yours. You and your twin had shared a single kiss before. It was your last name day and you had found yourselves with only each other for company. In the darkness of the hall outside your chambers, he had kissed you. It was soft and quick. Nothing like your current hurried hunger.
It felt right in a way nothing else ever had, though. You didn’t know anything beyond that and frankly didn’t wish to.
Soon, the clothes separating you became too great of an annoyance. You let your hands fall from his curls to unfasten the constraints of his doublet. He caught on and went to work on the clasp of your riding gown. Bit by bit, your clothes fell away, bearing you to each other.
“My heart fell from my chest when I returned, and you had not.” Jace told you as he slid his hands up your sides. You sighed when he started to undo the laces of your shift. He pulled the fabric from your body pressing heavy kisses across your collarbone to your shoulder. He dropped to his knees to continue his path down your chest to your stomach.
Wanting to see him as well, you reached down to pull his shirt over his head. He helped you by yanking it off once you got it over his shoulders. He switched his focus from kissing your skin to the laces of your riding trousers. Pulling the strings undone before shuffling them down your legs. His eyes never leave yours. He stopped for a moment once they and your boots were off, taking you in bare before him. His gaze was drawn to the space between your legs. It was tinted with a pink blush. He just looked for a moment before standing in a rush. Kicking off his boots and then hurriedly working the laces of his pants open.
His lips devoured yours once more. Bringing your naked body flush with his. His cock rested against his stomach, rigid with want.
“I need you, Jace.” You pleaded into his mouth. Both knowing and not knowing what you were begging for. All you knew was the chasm of emptiness that grew larger every second. And the fact that Jace and only Jace could make you whole again.
Circling an arm snuggly about your waist, he picked you up. Lips still pressing into yours with a frantic need as he made his way over to the bed. Tipping you down and gently situating you atop the covers.
Opening your legs, you welcomed him as he settled between them. Hips flush with yours, and his hands going to thread through your hair. Pulling on the strands to tip your head back so he could gain access to your throat. He placed harsh, bruising kisses along the column of your neck, making you gasp when he grazed the flesh with his teeth.
You were dizzy with desire and desperation. “You can never abandon me. Swear, naejot issa. Kivio issa īlon jāhor va moriot sagon hēnkirī.” (Swear, to me. Promise me we will always be together.) His cock rocked against your bundle of nerves, making that abyss of hollowness grow larger with yearning.
“I swear it,” he vowed. “I will never part from you again.” He kissed a burning path down your body. From the pulse of your throat to the valley between your breasts to your stomach. And finally, nudging your legs further apart to continue his exploration to the sensitive skin on the inside of your thighs.
You hadn’t noticed he’d gotten off the bed until he pulled your legs to dangle from the edge. You looked down and met his eyes as he kneeled before you. A question waited on your lips, but before you could voice it, Jace lowered his head to press the lightest of kisses to your center.
Any and all inquiries dissipated from thought as his tongue flicked against your pearl. His movement was hesitant, as if testing the waters of the newly discovered thirst for each other. He didn’t stop, though. His tongue returned to rake across your cunt. Licking a wide stripe from your entrance to your clit.
A gasp tore from your mouth. Your reaction seemed to encourage him as he took a second taste of you. He then wrapped his mouth around your bud, swiping his tongue over it as he gently sucked at it.
You whine at his touch, fists clutching the sheets at first, but then deciding that’s not enough. Your fingers find themselves in his hair once again. He switched from using his tongue to taking your clit in his mouth every few seconds. Not giving you time to grow used to anything he was doing. A particularly harsh tug on your pearl had your legs closing around his head.
Moving from your clit, Jace turned his attention to your entrance. Sliding his tongue between your folds, gathering your arousal with groans sounding from him. Your back arched to move closer to his face.
“Jace!” A shameless moan slipped from your mouth. You couldn’t find it in yourself to be embarrassed of the sounds he was pulling from you. Every pull and tug of his mouth on your center filled that chasm inside of you just a little bit more.
His nose nudged against your clit as he dipped his tongue briefly inside your entrance. The sensation was quick, but it had a whimper slipping past your lips and your nails digging themselves into his scalp.
Jace felt the tiny pinpricks of your nails but made no indication of discomfort. No, instead, the pain aided in driving him farther away from the cliff he dangled from. Losing himself in you as opposed to losing himself to grief or anger. The breathy gasps and whines he took from you, he collected as glittering treasures. You were perfection in his eyes; you always had been. And now he was able to show you.
The light flickering of his tongue across your clit was driving you mad. The feeling was heavy, and it was accompanied by a pool of molten fire growing in the pit of your stomach. It spilled from you, only to be collected by Jace’s tongue. He couldn’t even think about letting a single drop go to waste. He hummed against your cunt as he drank from you, his grip on your thighs becoming impossibly tight. Still switching between lapping at your entrance, to teasing your clit with the lightest jolts of pleasure. You could do nothing but lay there and whine at his every movement. Your head turning from side to side restlessly, hips moving not but an inch in his hold.
The low groans sounding from him every time you tugged on his curls only fueled your desperation. There was a cord drawn taunt in your belly, begging to be snapped free. Each kiss and pull on your pearl wound the cord tighter and tighter.
You glanced down and caught his gaze from between your legs. His eyes were dark with lust and desire as he continued his sweet torture on your cunt. “Please, Jace. Just…oh gods.” You breathed out, noticing a satisfied glint in his dark eyes.
A smirk you’ve only seen on rare occasions made an appearance, your pleading appeasing him on some level. He pressed a worshiping kiss to your clit making you jerk away from his lips slightly. “Beg like that some more, and I’ll give you anything.” His voice was low and coaxing.
You wiggled your hips, growing more and more desperate for that cord to release. And Jace found no issue with teasing you with it. “Please.” You sighed, fingers digging farther in his curls, trying to move him closer to you. “I need it, Jace. Please.”
Who was he to deny such a saccharine request from you of all people? His sweet princess, who deserved nothing less than reverence.
The peak was just within your grasp. You just needed a little bit more.
A loud cry tore from your lips as Jace took your pearl back into his mouth. He scraped it with his teeth, whether on purpose or by accident, you did not know. But by the gods, it felt good. His lips pursed around it, suckling and running his tongue over the bundle of nerves at the same time.
There was an obsessive determination in his ministrations. That unquenchable hunger strengthened its hold on him. His tongue lapping over your clit then moving to tease your entrance. His teeth kept catching on your pearl. Your thighs closing around his head told you the release was coming upon you quickly.
“Jacaerys,” you whispered breathlessly. He buried his face into your cunt, impossibly closer. The fire spilled over, causing high-pitched whines to leave your lips. As roll after roll of pleasure went through you, he continued to drink you in. Helping the bliss to stretch out longer. It lingered for a few more moments, making your thighs twitch with Jace’s head still between them.
You looked down with hazy eyes, but you could still make out the sheen of your arousal upon his face. The almost drunk look in his eyes as he rested his cheek against your thigh.
He held your gaze for a time before standing. You moved to lay back on the pillows as he rounded to the side of the bed to join you.
Now that the blazing pleasure had subsided almost completely, that emptiness returned with vengeance. Jace had laid beside you, making no movement to continue onto other things. He only pulled the blankets up to cover you. But you couldn’t stop the ache from spreading.
Grief dug its claws into your heart again. Piercing you until the pain was unbearable. You didn’t allow yourself time to think before you pushed the blankets from you, reaching out for Jace.
You pulled him down for a kiss, your arms going around his neck. He returned your affection. His lips slotted over yours and his hands coming to rest on your waist tugging you to him. The second his mouth left yours to trail down your neck, a small sob broke free.
Jace’s head shot up at the sound, eyes filling with worry. “What is it?” He asked.
You shook your head, not able to give words to the grief.
Understanding replaced the concern as Jace nodded once. “I feel it too,” he confessed. “What can I do to help?”
What can I do to help?
It brought more tears to your eyes to hear Jace’s selflessness. No thought for his own sadness; just wanting to rid you of yours.
You kissed him again, slowly this time. “Just make it go away.” You pleaded, angling your hips to press against his.
He hitched one of your legs around his hips, aligning your bodies perfectly together. Your hands danced up his arms before settling around his shoulders. Your mouths molded together, igniting the hearth of your desire for each other.
The ridgid hardness of his cock pressed into you. His breathing quickened each time you shifted your hips, trying to find some kind of friction. Soft groans slipped from his mouth to yours. He braced his weight on his forearms by your head before guiding the tip of his length just slightly into your cunt.
He looked up at you from where your bodies were joining. A question he didn’t need to voice for you to hear in his eyes. Nodding your head to let him know it was alright, that you were alright, he pressed forward. He was sure to be careful with you; your desperation not enough reason to risk hurting you.
His cock pressed deeper and deeper into you, the feeling of being split apart burning through you. But there was an underlying pleasure that came with the stretch.
A sharp exhale escaped both of you as he finally seated himself fully inside you. His arms trembled with the work of holding himself still. The blissful feeling he had was overwhelming, but he had to think of you.
Something tore inside you as he shifted, drawing out and then back in slightly. The burn was still there, but the feeling of him filling you was all you could think about. Every corner and crevice of your being was nothing but Jace. You realized that even if tragedy had not driven you both to this, you would have found your way to it eventually. There wasn’t a world where you didn’t belong to him, and he didn’t belong to you.
After checking to be sure you were ready, he pulled back slowly and began to move in a languid rhythm. You sighed out his name as you wrapped your other leg around his waist. Hands in his hair tugged at the strands, drawing a hissed curse he spoke into the crook of your neck. Your lower back arched to meet his sluggish thrusts.
Your name fell from his mouth like a needy prayer, sending a shiver through you. Your body reacts to the feel of him by erupting goosebumps down your spine.
He pressed kisses to your throat, nipping at the skin here and there. He reached a place where your shoulder and neck met, drawing the skin between his teeth. You gasped a little as he settled there.
“Jace!” You keened as he picked up his pace. The sounds of your coupling bringing a blush to your cheeks. You let one hand fall from his hair to search for his. He tangled your fingers together before flattening your joined hands beside your head and pressing them into the mattress.
Your core clenched around him suddenly, causing his breath to be stolen momentarily. He moaned lowly, thrusting into you harder, hitting against some spot deep within you that had you crying out and clenching around him again.
He looked up from your neck, locking his eyes with yours. “Ao issi ñuhon. Ao’ve va moriot issare ñuhon, pār īlon drew īlva ēlī breaths hēnkirī.” (You are mine. You’ve always been mine, since we drew our first breaths together.)
He quickened his pace more, driving into you in a way that would surely leave you sore. But you didn’t dare tell him to slow down. Chasing his strokes, you rolled your hips up to meet his, sighing as he squeezed your hand with his.
Jace had always thought you to be beautiful, but there was something otherworldly about seeing you like this. Writhing and crying out beneath him. Breathless as you greedily took the pleasure he gave you. He meant what he had said too; you were his. You came into the world together; it was only right that you remained linked throughout your lives. When he reached his hand up to withdraw yours from his hair to press it into the mattress, he imagined a ring resting on your fourth finger. The thought had him shuddering as he steadily thrusted into you.
Time lost all meaning, and neither of you had any way of knowing how much had passed. But when Jace’s pace started to falter, you knew he was close. You could tell he was trying to compose himself, maintain what control he had left. But you wanted to see him unravel. He tensed his jaw, breathing harshly through his nose. His brows were drawn together, and he had little will to put up a fight when you pulled him down for a kiss.
“Hēnkirī.” (Together.) You whispered into his mouth. “I want to do it together.”
He nodded, trailing a hand down to rub at your clit. A few more moments of Jace rocking into you, combined with his fingers on you, drove you to the end. He followed with a broken moan muffled into your neck. You felt his cock throbbing within you, thrusting gently once, twice, three times before he pulled out.
You panted heavily, his breaths ghosting across your heated skin. You threaded your fingers through his hair as you both took some time to come down from your shared high.
A giggle came from you when he began to softly kiss on your collarbone. You could feel him smile a little as he pressed his lips to you a few more times before raising his head to look at you.
His expression was one of affection, but there was a question swimming in his gaze as well. “Do you feel better?” He asked, not really knowing how to broach the subject just yet.
“I don’t want to talk about it yet.” You answered, not wanting to risk dispelling this illusive moment. Simply wishing to lay here with Jace for as long as you could and not think about anything. Because you were sure that as soon as you left this room, reality would come rushing back in.
Jace nodded in understanding before resting his head on your chest. “It can wait until tomorrow,” he agreed.
You wish you could stop time completely or turn it back. But you couldn’t, and all you could do was cling to Jace’s comfort until the pain came knocking again.
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I debated heavily on posting this or not, but I don't have anything else ready to post so enjoy!
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jackzillanyanut8008 · 2 years
Star Wars TLJ Rewrite: Part 6
Author’s Note:
This rewrite is completely fan-made. I am not the creator of these characters. They belong to George Lucas, Lucasfilm Entertainment, Lily and Mikaila Orchard, and Disney+ Entertainment. I am not claiming any of these properties of my own. In the event that I do otherwise, I will take full legal responsibility for the misuse of these characters. Please support the official creators and there content. Thank You
Chapter 25: Talking About What Happened
Varax lands the shuttle outside Theed, laying back on the pilot’s seat as he sighs with relief. “Goddamnit Varax, you just had to be a hero” he says to himself, wincing in pain due to his scarred back and shoulders. He gets up and grabs Rey, who’s awake but almost lifeless. Almost as if her spirit has left her body, leaving only a husk of her old self “C’mon Rey, let's get out of here and head back to HQ. Hopefully 2V can patch us up” he says as he walks out of the control room. Rey doesn’t even respond, she just gets up and walks out, not even saying a word. 
Aliana sees Ren’s dropship, almost reaching her arm out to crush the bastard's shuttle before seeing Rey and Varax walk out of it. “Rey! Varax! What happened?! Are you hurt?! I’ll get 2V and the medical squa-” she says before Rey hugs her, burying her face into the Sith’s shoulder as she cries softly. Varax limps over, a look of pity and sadness on his face “We got captured by Ren and his Knights, they…” he says before stopping himself, almost getting sick at the thought of what happened to Rey aboard Snoke’s warship “They tortured us, Rey got the worst of it” he says, still wincing in pain from his burns as 2V and a medical team come to walk Varax to the medical tent.
Aliana walks Rey over to the Fury, her girlfriend was pale, almost as if she was  a ghost, which scared Aliana more than anything. The two sat down as Aliana clears her throat “Hun, I don’t know what went on when I was gone, but I’ll tell you this: Did Kylo hurt you, even in the slightest?” she asks as she puts her hands on Rey’s shoulder. Rey still is shaking from the experience “H-he entered my mind, he… tried to find Luke” she says, almost in a whisper. Aliana was shocked, she knew Luke was powerful, but she didn’t see him as a threat to anyone, even the First Order.
Aliana hugs Rey gently, “It’s okay love, as long as I’m here, nothing bad will happen to you, I swear on my life” she says as she kisses her forehead. Rey wipes away her tears “Thanks hun, Is it alright if I stay here for a while? I just wanna sleep, hopefully I can forget that whole fucking ordeal…” Rey says.
Aliana kisses Rey’s forehead “Sure thing, I’ll be in the living room if you need anything, if not 2V should be close by” she says as she gets up, Porg-Racing jumping onto the bed next to Rey, nuzzling her thigh. 
Rey smiles at the creature as she drifts into slumber. Hoping to never see Kylo Ren again…
Chapter 26: A Jedi’s Crusade
Varax leaves the medical tent, still sore from his injuries aboard the Supremacy. “Thanks guys! I’ll see if I can pay you all back someday!” he says as he waves farewell to the medics inside. He walks around the new compound, which Ackbar Named Leia’s Rest, after the fallen founder of the Resistance. 
Poe and Finn meet up with him, walking alongside the fallen Jedi. “So what's the plan? Do we bomb the bastards? assassinate Snoke and the Knights? Give us something man!!!” Poe exclaims as he and Finn follow Varax to his new personal shuttle The Obsidian Blade, Varax stops as he opens the shuttle. “I need to gather an army, one that can compete with the First Order, but I may not come back…” he says as he enters the ship. 
Poe and Finn look at each other as Finn stops him “We’ll go with” he says as Varax brushes his arm. “No, this is my task, not yours… besides, we need all the troops we can get, I’ll be fine” he says as he gets into The Obsidian Blade and takes off.
“Alright Snoke, you and your Dark Jedi wanna war, I’ll give you a damn war” he says to himself as he jumps the ship to hyperspeed to the homeworld of the most savage beasts in the galaxy… the Yusong Vong.
Varax lands the ship outside the massive walled village of the creatures as the guards block the gate “HALT, STATE YOUR BUSINESS OR DIE JEDI SCUM!!!” the soldier barks as Varax looks up. “I seek a quarry with your Chief, the galaxy needs an army” Varax says as he reveals his blade to the guard, who stares for a moment before the gate opens.
Varax was impressed by the Yuson Vong’s recovery after their fight with the Old Republic, Varax eventually reached the palace, home to the Chief of The Yusong Vong. “Oh mighty chieftain, I seek your aid in the fight against a new empire, one that threatens all alien and human life in the galaxy” he says, respectfully bowing before the warrior chief in honor.
The Chief laughs as Varax bows “You come to our home, demand our aid, and expect us to follow you? Who do you think you are?” he says 
Varax smiles as he ignites his lightsaber and unveils his hood, “I’m a peacekeeper your highness” he says with an smirk.
Chapter 27: The Warrior Tribe Of Exegol
“You are a Jedi? I thought your kind we’re extinct” the Chieftain says as he stands up from his throne. Varax gives the warrior a chuckle “The feeling’s mutual friend” he says, still holding the blade as the chief steps closer. “What are you called, Jedi?” he asks as Varax straightens his poster “Varax Koslov. Jedi Master and bounty hunter” he says, outstretching his hand for a handshake, which insights a laugh from the shake “You’re a funny little man, but we do things differently here on Exegol…” the Chief says as he signals his guards to stand down.
“My name is Lord Ku’n, I am the leader of these people, and we choose our allies not by their words…” he says as a red serpent coils around his leg and into his hand, transforming into a staff as he slams it to the ground, “But by their strength, fight me in mortal combat. If you win, you’ll have our allegiance, if you lose… you’ll become a slave” he says with a deep and menacing laugh.
Varax gives the warrior a look before chuckling to himself, “Deal” he says as the two warriors exit the throne room and prepare for a fight.
Varax wasn’t against the Yusong Vong, he understood their culture to a sense, a race of aliens who believed machines were the enemy of life and should be destroyed. And although they were essentially savage barbarians, Varax was low on both time and options. He grabbed a large broadsword with a serrated blade as he entered the coliseum. It wasn’t as big as the one at Cato Neimoidia, but for a desert world it was impressive.
Varax saw his opponent, sure he was big, but Varax was stronger.
A horn suddenly blew off as the Chief charged Varax, unleashing a flurry of attacks as Varax tried to block the blows. He countered the blows fairly well, staggering the Ku’n once or twice before pulling a fast one and disarming the warrior of his axe and tripping him, the warrior’s body echoing the arena as Varax held the blade to his throat. “Your choice K’un, surrender or die, I’m good either way” he says as the warrior gives him a snarl.
K’un looks at the Jedi, “As much as I’d like to die honorably…” he says as he gets up “I’d rather die fighting a common enemy than an ally” he adds, outstretching his hand. Varax laughs “Welcome to the Resistance Lord K’un, I’ll contact my allies and get some ships here as soon as possible” he says as he tosses the blade, K’un laughing as the two leave the arena.
Chapter 28: The Birth Of The New Eternal Alliance
Rey gets up and stretches, exiting her and Aliana’s room as she sees her girlfriend reading an old holodoc on the couch with a plate of sandwiches next to her. “Whatcha reading Alie?” she asks as Aliana looks over her shoulder and smiles. “Just some old history, the Eternal Alliance to be specific” she says as she moves over to let Rey sit, “Eternal Alliance?” she asks as she sits down “Never heard of it”. Aliana laughs a little, “Most haven’t, it was formed over a millenia ago by my ancestors to fight against Emperor Arcann and Empress Vaylin” she explains, showing Rey the insignia of the old order.
“That looks like a mix between the Imperial mark and the mark of the Jedi order” Rey says as she points to the symbol. Aliana sighs “Yeah, before Sidious and his Empire that insignia was a mark for the original Sith Empire which was formed thousands of years ago” Aliana explains. Rey smiles as she pecks her girlfriends cheek “Well if you wanna stay in here, I’m gonna walk around Leia’s Rest and see how everyone’s holding up” she says as she gets up to leave. “Okay love, if you see anything weird-” she says before Rey cuts her off “I won’t leave the compound I promise” she says with a gentle smile.
Aliana gives her a look of concern before brushing it off, “Just be careful, I don’t want you getting hurt is all” she says as she gets up “And besides, Talon said her and CD-9 were gonna swing by with the Ryloth Pirate Order, figured we should stick around to say hi and all” she says as she kisses Rey’s cheek. “Actually.. I should get out of here too, I need to keep up my ‘Sithly glow’ after all” she says with a smirk as Rey blushes up “OH MY GOD I TOLD YOU THAT IN CONFIDENCE!!!” she said as her face turned bright red. Aliana laughs a little “Besides, it’ll be like a date, kind of” she says with a smile.
“Well I guess I can’t say no now can I” Rey says flirtingly with a smirk as the two walk out and see several cruisers missing. “That’s odd, where are the Mon Cala cruisers?” she asks. Aliana gives her a shrug as they walk to the control room, General Ackbar and Rose both talking to Varax over a holographic transmission. “ How can we trust these ‘Yusong Von’ Master Varax, last time they got involved in galactic affairs-” he says before Varax cuts him off. “General Ackbar, we need allies who are willing to fight the First Order, Lord K’un and his people are willing to set aside past differences and help us” Varax explains, a large alien warrior walking next to him.
“And besides, we need all the help we can get” he says as he ends the transmission.
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444names · 2 years
hindu deities + american and indian forenames + theological angels and demons
Aballen Abornill Achavine Aderesha Adian Adrinamani Agaryl Agneerak Aipochri Ajjagus Alinie Allee Alley Aloshmar Amaago Amadarl Amanmolin Amayyan Amphelie Amuta Anaom Anarin Anathyaken Anavi Ancandron Andachen Andia Andrad Andrati Andrice Angginia Aniel Anjath Ankarayut Annihane Annir Anupaka Appamiette Aradma Ardamnar Ardang Arennaka Arikey Arinie Ariquel Arishish Armall Armwoory Arrya Ashie Ashtra Asmicine Aymodnince Aziel Barave Bathim Batie Beennika Beranja Berrt Berti Bertu Betti Bever Bezbeha Bhabnoron Bhael Bhalakhan Bhaniel Bhansha Bharlys Bhary Bhaya Bheri Bhura Bhuth Bielleta Bifreandra Binab Bonad Braconta Bramarie Branshirta Brinkall Brisavrel Bryadi Budan Budanjulch Bundanda Caachodine Caarle Carcarry Cardita Chaha Chail Charsh Chempon Chetuer Chhir Chhitiel Chista Chrison Cistis Citata Clica Cliel Clinabinar Clyne Conicia Corrieth Dagamael Dagnehek Daighari Daila Daksets Damta Dandael Danni Danorgo Dawna Debus Delasvassa Delline Demirap Derresty Dersh Deven Devin Dhahriki Dikeis Domer Donisthel Dorus Drossy Dwily Eatan Edran Edwarie Eirie Ekhon Elauleilly Eliel Elliall Ellyd Enathanlex Errit Erylvale Ettyroce Eulia Eulsiric Farinick Feren Floce Foricar Furus Gandrayya Ganee Ganjiston Gelaul Georinda Gianyamah Githilte Glecip Goranah Gredorian Greenrya Grenes Grephius Gussa Gwenney Haambola Hairatin Haraj Hashwal Hayya Helil Hellaj Heremmeema Heriti Herni Herre Honihaurt Hupalak Idant Inurfurt Ipent Irailla Ishnais Ishyllan Ivendra Ivingely Jacharlyn Jajitta Jalajajith Jalampujan Jalew Jaliahapri Jallaurik Jayini Jennin Jeque Jequel Jerikene Jeshna Jeste Jhubick Jitaliara Joavant Johara Johirailie Johnaguy Joniel Jopera Jophen Joricamica Jorpina Josefandy Josirey Juleoniele Jumiston Junagi Kaberah Kaberleta Kabhen Karon Karya Kashar Kasianji Kasvan Kathin Kavijul Keita Keshielan Keshret Kettine Khbacyu Kilphar Kisya Krana Krish Krishrith Kritejan Kritraip Kumahan Kumallia Kurgine Kusiva Labie Lajana Lamaynne Lanne Lassie Latmi Lertal Lewika Lianite Liastenrie Lipami Lithya Lochelik Loryleya Lotter Lucerna Luparag Maace Mabar Mahin Mahulaula Makshym Malalin Malepheana Maleya Mansh Manta Mared Marey Maricas Marin Marya Matendra Matmiel Mavrocheri Meganie Megiresmon Megon Melaur Meneen Merodd Meswajeria Meswar Miell Mitardo Mogelmata Molapulota Monithene Munda Mundrandin Mundrey Mundy Murick Mutha Nabilliona Nailasthya Namasta Nasia Natist Nellon Neshisti Nilarrton Nista Nitaracki Olabhalin Olenan Onick Oobill Ookathia Oscatie Pahin Panka Parick Parta Partle Pathayn Patin Patmi Paurai Paured Peanneel Pegom Penria Penus Perephil Pinumi Polie Pookarea Poorella Pragie Prema Raagad Raden Radevist Ragary Rahara Ranaphya Rankalava Ranny Ransh Ranurti Rasemphel Ratamon Ravelisty Ravin Reene Rendony Resta Rhola Rilly Rishry Roleet Ronalee Ronsha Rosekhil Rosemuth Rothourata Royonicia Rutan Saakkur Saaldipood Sagina Sagney Saipesle Salajitac Sarine Savisal Saytolaudi Sella Semha Sencerre Serace Seretzan Shasoindie Shette Shmahumald Shmeen Shrini Simme Sitchika Smelas Sondriya Soyettes Sriti Suannia Suaya Sucis Suddhanu Surgir Suriya Surta Sushivanne Susobehet Talendra Talie Tanichorri Tarle Tejalio Tejandee Tendrol Tepherti Tepta Terta Tiellynex Toderick Tonesh Tramelsay Trush Upina Urana Uzzie Vaimoni Vaishan Vally Vanaswadie Varax Varvaini Vataris Vichastin Victodya Vider Vilmar Vinesle Vionary Vitamod Vitarana Vivey Wammane Waryald Wathanie Wayama Wesher Wetianci Whisherta Wilinda Yveette Zadralia
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aritel-does-dnd · 4 years
Hello :) So, weekend is over and I pretty much did nothing in terms of drawing. xD
But! I had an awesome session on Saturday with Varax. I discovered he’s quite the drinker or at least can chug down lots of beer before getting drunk. 
We discovered an abandoned tavern where they had still some beer. Party was excited to have some drinking games and it was super fun. Got also our fourth puzzle cube. 
Also I continued the rewatching marathon of the Harry Potter films. Also was really fun and I could finish them (only “ Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them “ and “ Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald “ are left).
I hope I have enough time this week to maybe finish Varax’ outlines or start with a kind-of commission for one of my friends. It’s more of a favor not really a commission since I really like his idea. He’s playing DnD aswell and asked me to draw his charakter and another PC together since they just sorted their feelings out and are now in a relationship and they are so cute together. ;3
I’ll keep you updated :)
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nirahsaooc · 6 years
((A brief bit I got inspired to write due to recent Star Wars-ing, based on my Sith Sorceror character from the game ‘The Old Republic’ MMO. It’s probably terrible but it was fun to hash out in short order. Around 1700 words))
Three Thousand Years Before the fall of the Old Republic
The facility was dimly lit, with sparks from shorted out power conduits causing flickers every now and then. Distant groaning reverberated through durasteel walls as poorly maintained generators whined against the stress of maintaining what power the bunker had left.
Down the corridors a makeshift laboratory had been assembled, though sith runes appeared on several artifacts that rested upon the table of equipment. A red hued Twi’lek dressed in thick combat style boots, with black pants and a more form fitting if revealing top stood hunched over the workbench gauntleted hand scrawling results and speculation into a handwritten journal. She’d archive it onto a datapad later on.
She felt a disturbance rather suddenly, there was no sound but a sense of something was amiss. Her hand shifted to the curved lightsaber hilt on her belt. Eyes looking forwards as her lekku shifted briefly in anticipation.
“Now Aria’lan is that how one reacts to a fellow Sith? I’d almost get the impression you didn’t like me,” Came a male voice from the doorway as a robed figure appeared. Yellow eyes looking back at hers as the human smirked mockingly for a moment.
“Amusing…Darth Varax, given how Sith do have a habit of greeting one another…when alone,” She mused, “And that is Lord Aria’lan, I may not have the title of Darth but I will be shown what I have earned thus far.”
He smirked, “Ofcourse –Lord-,  you would however do well to remember your place when in the presence of your betters however.” His tone took on a darker one as if carrying a veiled threat in it.
Aria chose not to continue her own attitude even though she had little fear of the Darth before her. Instead her eyes narrowed lekku giving a few twitches of annoyance, “To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit, my lord?”
“Your research ofcourse Lord Aria, I’ve heard you’ve been making great strides in your study.”
“Perhaps, but correct me if I am mistaken, my lord. But my research falls outside your direct privy. As I am certain Darth Kaltor has stated in the past.”
A looked of annoyance crossed Varax’s face as he regarded her, “Perhaps, but she is not here at the moment. And given your more isolated location at the moment I could still just relieve you of your work.”
“I’m sure anything is possible my lord. Though I do imagine if you did kill me to get my research that the Dark Council would become suspicious of you rather quickly given how, well known you’ve made your intentions known in the past. Darth Kaltor would no doubt investigate directly, in the end you just wouldn’t gain as much as you stand to lose. My Lord.”
“You are far to clever for your own good Aria’lan, most sith of your standing would be falling over themselves to please a Darth.”
“As we both know, I am not most Sith. Was there anything else I could do for you, my lord?”
“No Aria’lan, you’ve done enough.” The robed Sith stated before he turned and left, disappearing into the dimly lit corridors once more. Aria kept her senses trained on him ensuring that the Darth had left even as she wondered what the point of his visit was. Coming all this way just to insinuate killing her and then leaving so suddenly was not how a Darth such as him spent their time.
Three Hours Later
Aria’lan had continued her work, finishing up another page before the Sith had began to pack up her things. Darth Varax’s ominous visit had put her on edge and she’d decided it best to relocate before continuing.
As she was finishing gathering the last of her materials she again sensed a disturbance. This time it felt much different, brighter in the force and much less subtle. It was then the sounds of heavy footfalls caused by combat armor reached the Twi’lek’s ears. Eliciting a frown as she slung her pack around her shoulders and exited the room she’d be working in, entering the main corridor.
“Stay right where you are Sith!” Came a shout enhanced by electronics, Aria’s gaze shifted to where a couple dozen Republic Troopers stood arrayed in defensive positions blasters held at the ready. A brown robed figure moved forward from the middle of them.
“You are outnumbered and outmatched, it would only be rational to surrender peaceably,” The robed figure stated, her voice flowing in a manner that only Jedi really used.
“I have no quarrel with you Jedi, or the Republic on this day. I intend to leave, but on my own, not with you.” Aria returned still frowning as she brushed her Lekku over her shoulders so the long tattooed tentacles hung against her back.
The words seemed to give the Republic forces pause, letting Aria think for a moment. Realization dawned on her as she realized Varax’s plan. He’d shown up mostly just to ensure she was indeed here, then he’d left and no doubt left some kind of signal or even something as blatant as an anonymous tip to the Republic Troops in the area about a Sith skulking about. They’d show up in force with a Jedi, kill her then Varax would either return later and collect what he was after or ambush the Republic for it. Keeping his own meddling hands clean and free from suspicion with the Dark Council. A far more clever ploy than she’d have given him credit for.
“You are a member of the Sith Empire, that is enough to warrant your arrest, or neutralization if you do not surrender.” The Jedi stated calmly.
Aria sighed, “I see, I suppose it is good that you brought so many troops to back you up. And here I was hoping for an honorable duel.”
“Sith and honor do not go together, I will not rise to your bait.”
“I suppose I was never good at the honor thing anyway.” Aria shrugged her shoulders, her words having given her the opportunity to shift her hands apart while subtly widening her stance. With a sudden jerk of both hands purple bolts of lightning shot down into the ground lancing through it only to shoot up the armor of the front line of Troopers. Their bodies convulsed in the current before falling over as Aria ignited her lightsaber the purple hued blade shimmering into existence just in time to deflect several blaster bolts back at the troopers that had fired them.
Another saber hummed to life as the Jedi leaped at Aria while flourishing her blue blade, their blades interlocked as the lethan Twi’lek grinned in delight, “Besides this is the more entertaining method, rather than just boringly arresting me isn’t it?”
“I don’t delight in death Sith!” The Jedi retorted as their blades broke apart and she struck at Aria who blocked and retaliated with a fast swing of her own trying to watch her opponent while keep an eye on the remaining Republic Troopers.
The Jedi continued to attack shifting into several more acrobatic moves that signified the aggressive Ataru form of lightsaber combat. It was a good form against a single opponent, utilizing the force to enhance ones abilities and attack relentlessly from nearly all sides.
Lord Aria continued to counter the aggressive strikes, her own form was very fluid, practiced and precise something unusual in many Sith given she’d mastered the ways of the Makashi form rather than the more brutally aggressive Djem So style that most Sith preferred due to the sheer offensive power it had.
Her dueling style let Aria counter the Jedi’s strikes and retaliate with quick precise swings of her own that conserved energy and always kept her just a few paces ahead of her opponent.
The motion of the duel changed however as the Jedi somersaulted over Aria getting her to shift to defend and giving an opening for the troopers to open fire. She deflected the bolts with quick fluid motions before quickly shifting her free hand to unleash a torrent of force lightning at the Jedi. The lightning slammed into the woman’s blue blade as she blocked the current.
Aria’s grin widened a bit more as she poured more energy into the attack keeping the Jedi back, only for Aria to throw her lightsaber behind her sending the blade spinning through the air, guided by the force as it cut down the last Republic Troopers who cried out briefly in surprise before it careened back to Aria’s hand.
She moved to stab the Jedi only to feel the sudden pressure of the force as she was shoved backwards. The Twi’lek took a moment to steady herself only to lunge back at the Jedi blades colliding as their duel resumed. Aria kept pushing back against the woman, countering blow after blow building up a rhythm working up to an opening. Waiting with far more patience than a Sith ever should have, until the Jedi did another leap, blade spinning in the air with the brown robed woman. Aria quickly predicted where the Jedi would land before her free hand jolted downwards, releasing another blast of lightning into the ground which erupted from the ground at the Jedi.
The move caused the Jedi’s maneuver to shift defensively to try and deflect the lightning even as Aria followed up with a lightsaber strike an instant afterwards, her violet blade impaling the Jedi through the chest and putting a sudden end to the duel. As the Jedi’s saber shut off and clattered to the ground, Aria’lan took a moment to watch the woman fall lifelessly to the ground before shutting off her own lightsaber.
“A fun if rather pointless diversion,” She muttered to herself before leaving the scene, heading towards an alternate exit to the bunker rather than the main entrance which she had a feeling was under guard by this point.  The Sith Lord was far more interested in resuming her research at a more secure location than getting into more pointless battles.
Fortunately her ship wasn’t too far, and Darth Varax wouldn’t have its location.
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