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dubcvapor · 2 years ago
In a 2022 study at the National Institute of Health, participants who exclusively used vapor products showed no difference in Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Risk compared to that of non-users of vapor products or tobacco.
Original Article
"In a 2022 study funded in part by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Berlowitz et al. conducted a longitudinal analysis based on self-reported data from roughly 24,000 adult participants (50% of whom were younger than 35 years) in the national PATH (Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health) study to examine the link between e-cigarette use and incident CVD.
After adjusting for covariates including demographic factors, comorbidities, and smoking history, analyses showed no difference in CVD risk between exclusive e-cigarette users and nonusers of combustible cigarettes or e-cigarettes (hazard ratio [HR], 1.00; 95% CI, 0.69-1.45) in up to 4 years of follow-up.
In addition, the results revealed a 30% to 40% lower risk for the outcome of “any CVD” in association with e-cigarette users compared with combustible cigarette users."
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docs-cowbell-recorders · 6 years ago
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from @juggernaut_tfc - Walk by faith not by sight 2 Corinthians 5:7 #teamfreedomcloudz #prospect #vapinggirl #vapingveracruz #vapingtime #vapingmedia #vapingallday #vaping #vapingsaveslives #vapingisnotsmoking #vaping💨 #vapingladies #vapingstyle #vapingisthefuture #vapingsavedmylife #vapingisnotacrime #vapingroom #vapingfam #vapinglifestyle #vaping101 #vapingfriends #vapingislife #vapinggood #vapinglove #vapinglife #vapingtricks #worldofvaping #vapingfamily #vapingfresh #vapingcommunity Doc's Army (at Urbandale, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwcVf5NHtWo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lpybufsy1va1
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vapordnaofficial · 4 years ago
SUPERGOOD Each SuperGood Bar Disposable Device features an estimated 300 puffs, and has an internal 280mAh battery meant to be disposed of once the life cycle ends. The SuperGood Bar accommodates 1.4ml of Salt Nicotine E-Liquid with the nicotine level of 50mg! Now Available At VaporDNA.com
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z0mbielol · 7 years ago
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apuliacustomcoil-blog · 5 years ago
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┏ PITCHFORK CORRUGATE ┓ creating this pitchfork this time was not easy, something went wrong, it created me a lot of problems, but patience, I propose it to you anyway __ #wirepornthursday __ ________________ 📸 - @apulia_custom_coil 👈 🔰 Team @buildarmageddon 🔰 ________________ 👇Check out my Sponsor 👇 ▶️ @coilclout ➡️ Get yours today at COILCLOUT.com use code APULIA to save 10% off your ENTIRE order use code APULIASPOOLS to save 20% of ALL spooled wire! (N80, N90, SS, KA1) FREE SHIPPING on U,S, orders $60.00+ / FREE WORLDWIDE shipping on orders $90.00+ ▶️ @augvapeofficial ________________ #subohmvaping #wiregasm #calivapors #vaperstuff #vapelyfestyle #vapebro #vapeclouds #vapelife #vapenation #vapecommunity #vapeon #coilbutter #vapemania #svapoporn #vapesgram #vapersofinstagram #vapingisnotsmoking #ni80 #vapersunited #liverpoolvape #vapeit #ukvapefam #ukvapescene #westcoastvapers (presso London - Uk) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8JqAJcDWyI/?igshid=6o3ght92l0aj
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blog-arom-team · 7 years ago
#MOIsansTabac Une réponse à tous ceux qui négligent la santé et se font détracteurs irresponsables ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uy6zgNxgME
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djpek · 6 years ago
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FIRMA, CONDIVIDI, SPAMMA!!! www.vapingisnottobacco.eu/it #djpek #vapingisnotsmoking #vapingisnottobacco #firma #govapers #vape #vapefamily #facciamocisentire (presso Sansepolcro) https://www.instagram.com/p/BySACmkoaIv/?igshid=rcf17zi9xds3
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veiik-vape · 5 years ago
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"I got this @veiik_official Airo pro mesh this morning and man, this looks good, feels good and vapes amazing. The flavor on this Airo pro and the clouds it produces are banging. " 📸@kev_vapez - #teamcloudkings #veiik #airopro #podlife #meshcoil #vapeworld #vapelyfe #vapephotographer #vapeon💨 #vapersunite #notsmoking #notblowingsmoke #vapingisnotsmoking #vaping #instagood #instagood #instafamous #instavape https://www.instagram.com/p/B_JMrPbBwUg/?igshid=1arfvi8z5pimt
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docs-cowbell-recorders · 6 years ago
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from @juggernaut_tfc - Simple yet divine. I love the comp lyfe battle cap s and battledeck. #vapinggirl #vapingtime #vapingmedia #vapingallday #vaping #vapingsaveslives #vapingisnotsmoking #vaping💨 #vapingladies #vapingstyle #vapingisthefuture #vapingsavedmylife #vapingisnotacrime #vapingroom #vapingfam #vapinglifestyle #vaping101 #vapingfriends #vapingislife #vapinggood #vapinglove #vapinglife #vapingtricks #worldofvaping #vapingfamily #vapingfresh #vapingcommunity Doc's Army (at Mr & Mrs Vaporium) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwSIb1VnFRB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=np4vuty3f7c1
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exultant714 · 6 years ago
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Repost from @casaamedia THE MORE YOU KNOW: High school vaping actually declined dramatically after a certain pod device hit the market in 2015. After the 2016 Surgeon General warning, ANTZ started putting out campaigns on TV and social media about teen-friendly flavors & concealable devices and then... Don’t Believe The Lies!!! Vaping Helped Me Quit! #VapingIsNotSmoking #casaamedia #VapeTruth #NotBlowingSmoke #itsnotsmokeitsvapor (at CDC) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxvPsevlqQT/?igshid=12dlq53piyv7w
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cyphervapes · 6 years ago
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Perfect day outside so need a damn near perfect juice @riot.squad.eliquid delivered with cola cooler. Sweet fizzy cola inhales with an unexpected cooling exhale. A fantastic vape for a warm spring day. . . #ukeliquid #premiumeliquid #eliquiduk #riotsquad #ejuiceporn #jointheriot #ejuices #ejuicereviews #vapornotsmoke #vapingisnotsmoking #premiumejuice #ruthlessejuice #notblowingsmoke #picoftheday #eliquidreview #eliquids #handcheckoftheday #ukvaper #vapstagram #vapecommunity #boysvapetoo #handmodel (at Salisbury, Wiltshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwheLgYl2im/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9xst5mfiz2ao
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apuliacustomcoil-blog · 5 years ago
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maybe you got bored to see this build, this in particular has remained close to my heart, but I don't want to go on further and bore you, in fact I leave you the last shot of this buil to be able to move on to something else, I hope it was to your liking ┏ FROM BACK TO FUTURE ┓ __ #macromonday __ - RDA #csmntrda ( @districtf5ve ) - Wire ( @coilclout / @wireclout ) ________________ 📸 - @apulia_custom_coil 👈 🔰 Team @buildarmageddon 🔰 ________________ 👇Check out my Sponsor 👇 ▶️ @coilclout ➡️ Get yours today at COILCLOUT.com use code APULIA to save 10% off your ENTIRE order use code APULIASPOOLS to save 20% of ALL spooled wire! (N80, N90, SS, KA1) FREE SHIPPING on U,S, orders $60.00+ / FREE WORLDWIDE shipping on orders $90.00+ ▶️ @augvapeofficial ________________ #dutchvapers #germanvaper #coilprn #londonvapers #ausvapers #handmadecoils #officialvapefam #instabuilders #vapingisnotsmoking #vapespain #coilsociety #cleancoils #vapecoils #vapitaly #vapejunkie #vapestar #coilbuilds #instavapers #svapolibero #cleanbuilds #vaporlife #vapephotograpraphy #coilwars #nicebuilds #vappix #vapeit #vapenation #coilcraft (presso Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7081BuDryD/?igshid=14nt93oq6guwe
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vape-bear-essential · 6 years ago
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@ijoyusa - 🛑STOP & READ🛑 🚨VOTE NO ON S.B. 263🚨 S.B. 263 is a 30% wholesale tax on vapor products. "...this bill provides that certain vapor products, including electronic cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, and similar products or devices and their components, are regulated and taxed as other tobacco products. Because this bill regulates and taxes such vapor products as other tobacco products, wholesale and retail dealers of those vapor products would be required to obtain a license from the Department and wholesale dealers of those vapor products would be required to collect and pay a tax of 30 percent of the wholesale price of those products (NRS 370.445, 370.450)" -S.B. 263 This would not only affect Wholesalers & Retailers; this will affect vaping consumers and the prices of vapor products you purchase. This tax is typically passed on to the consumers, increasing the cost of their e-liquid by $5- $10 per bottle depending on the tax per milliliter. This can, in turn, cause a $25 bottle of e-liquid to become $30-35. This could potentially destroy our consumer market and close brick and mortar locations. Sometimes these excise taxes are accompanied by a “floor tax,” which allows the state to collect taxes on all products a store has on hand the day the tax goes into effect. . The issue is not being taxed but the fact our industry is being taxed the same as tobacco products. Our Products are not tobacco. Vaping is a nicotine delivery system which helps more smokers quit. Reposted from @uvaper - #ijoyglobal #ijoyusa #itsnotsmokeitsvapor #pinklungbrigade #smokefree #vapingisnotsmoking #vapingsaveslives #vapingsavedmylife #vapeordie #vapenation #vapecommunity #FightForYourRightToVape #lasvegasvapers #calivape #westcoastvape #eastcoastvape #usavapers #vapemodels #vapeworld #instavapor #vape https://www.instagram.com/p/BvnAoyFn2TF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13q9jiiqscl1c
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dayswithmycamera · 8 years ago
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morning check.. . #dayswithmycamera #vape #vaper #vapor #mechamod #mechanicalmod #compilyfe #vaporindo #vapeindo #vapeciledug #vapingisnotsmoking #vapenotsmoke #vapebukanrokok (at Hutan Kota Pesanggrahan Sangga Buana, Karang Tengah, Jakarta Selatan)
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limitlessmod · 8 years ago
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Black bandanna limitless mod setup Repost @ohmsofmayhem Morning fam Rockin the limitless brass tube with the troll rta in side the troll set of mad rabbit coils and banana hammock from train wreck #vapefam #vapelife #canadainvapers #teammayhem #handcheck #limitless #limitlessboxmods #geekvape #newtechnology #tablecheck #subohm #countercheck #like4like #lol #200w #vapingsaves #vapingisthefuture #vapingisnotsmoking #vapestagram #instavape #instavaperz #vapestagramers #limitlessmodco #avlyfe #vaperussia #instavaperz #vapedaily #vapeon #dripclub #vapershoutssvapegram ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ Retail❌www.vapor-hub.com Wholesale ❌ [email protected] Call for wholesale❌ 805-309-0533 Follow us on FB❌ /limitlessmod 📺YouTube❌ /limitlessmodco 📲Instagram ❌ @limitlessmodco (at Vapor Hub)
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djpek · 6 years ago
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Ore 13:45 NUVOLOZZI - DJ PEK YOUTUBE CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPek72 #djpek #nuvolozzi #youtube #subscribenow #followthedj #photooftheday #sadiquello #vapingisnotsmoking #vapingisnottobacco #vapefamily (presso Sansepolcro) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx4M3EaoPx6/?igshid=kc0fo4myk5kb
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