#vanilla sinday asks
maskednihilism · 13 days
4 / 16 / 19 - 21 / 31 / &40: just something you wanna say about ships. ( SHIPPING QUESTIONS FOR THE MUN - SFW EDITION! )
@ anon! || Prompt! || From...?
4. do you prefer to plot a ship, or would you rather “wing it”?
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Some plotting. I try to "jump" in or "wing it" but it can be difficult at times. Because why would my character want to be with yours? Especially if it's supposed to be a mutual and romantic ship? Now I won't deny some shipping I've done I have jumped into it. But even in those I feel there's already some level of connection. Either in game/story or otherwise.
16. what’s your NOTP when it comes to your muse?
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Sam.luk.a. sorry but I just don't care for Luka. Even with the new update while I appreciate his character more, I don't wish to ship him with Sampo.
19. is there a ship you used to dislike, but now you like?
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Sam.nat. sorry at the beginning I was very Sam.pard/ge.po so whenever I saw geppie or samp.o being shipped with someone else it made me mad. Now I'm shipping him like a whore.
20. is there a ship you wanted to play, but couldn’t yet?
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Not particularly? Unless we count kave.tham? For Sam.po I'm fine with some rare pairs being that. At least with those, they get content out fairly regularly or bc I haven't played it I don't feel that urge to need to write it (like Aven.po)
21. what’s something that immediately turns you off from shipping with someone?
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At this point what doesn't? Lack of communication, shipping with others but dragging on our ship. Differences of opinions that cannot be changed (ex: kinks and how a character would act in xyz scenario), lack of enthusiasm. Idk. I need a lot. Forgive me for wanting to put time and effort into the ship you (the royal you) pursued me for.*
*This does not include those who are busy with life or other things.
40. random!!!
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Um... I do try to be ship more or else so please no one feels obligated to write ships with me! While I may have heavy bias towards some, and against others, I'm just here to have a good time like everyone else. My fun simply feels more flexible than the rest of the community.
31. do you have a favorite memory when it comes to rping a ship?
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I'll go into read more for this one. As it's a touch more personal.
For reasons I rather not disclose, I hated tender.shipping (Ryou Bakura x Yami Bakura from ygo) for a very, very long time. I stopped writing because of it. And when I came back, it felt like I couldn't connect with people because I didn't ship it.
But @ahhvernin was very kind to me despite me being so mean at times and downright dick-ish. Eventually she wrote as a sort of spin off to Yami Bakura and because of her patience, willingness to listen and go at my pace, I was able to love the ship again.
And in doing so, I found myself getting over this hatred. It sounds silly I know, but that ship hit close to home for me for many, many reasons. While some issues related to it will never be resolved, Vern's patience and care made me appreciate the ship again. And helped me get over some parts of myself I thought would never heal.
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mathcs · 4 months
Seems that same figure from before is back, though he's more focused on the book in his hands than Jude himself. But when he gets to a certain page, he shuts it with a smile.
"So, how has your conquest to make sure Maxie's in for both a penny and a pound~?" The man then slips off the unmarked book sleeve to show the book's title: Men and Women Beneath the Sheets. "Because studying the textbook, she could get anyone bothered and collared in no time."
Again? There he is again. What kind of dream is this...?! It's probably not a dream. The moment passes painfully awkwardly, at least for Jude. Nervously sitting on the couch, he stares at the man, then at the book. So much for asking who he is or how he got here, their conversation from last time is still really fresh in mindー
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"ーー?!" A year ago, that pun might've went over his happy little head. Alas. An embarrassed heat rushes to Jude's face as he straightens. Maybe one day, this man will stop catching him off guard with what he says, because he sure says things nobody else dares to ( 'jude, is that a love letter?' no, this is a whole new level of teasing and privacy violation! and he's never felt it quite like this before ).
Then the book sleeve is slipped off with perfect timing. Jude's eyes only widen as he realizes. In his quiet panic, they land on a drawer in the room. Milla's book is still in there, right?! Did the man nab it with his weird teleportation(?) abilities, or is that his own copy...? Maybe it's more popular than Jude had thought.
... Well, he did find the ( slightly rare ) sequel to said book that he hasn't gifted her yet. And it's only because she likes reading that kind of stuff, okay! Anywaysー
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"I-It's not like that..." Vague, but he might as well admit it at this point. Jude's head dips as he stares into his lap, hands placed neatly there. "I mean, it's not really a conquest or... c-collaring!" So it's... 'normal', instead? For now? He's admitted something, at least.
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humblemooncat · 1 year
Vanilla Sunday: 7.
Is your muse the big spoon or the little spoon?
When it comes to spooning any of his husbands, Ki'to prefers to be the big spoon (Or one of the sandwiched spoons if there's more than two of them present)
He loves the feeling of holding someone close and inhaling their scent, and the act puts him right to sleep most times. Aymeric, Raha, and Estinien have their own distinct scents, and he knows he's safe when he smells them somewhere nearby (He has a very good nose, so scent is important to him)
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Other than that though, he just really likes hugging his arms around someone/something since it makes him feel safe and secure. If he doesn't have one of his husbands or a friend to hug, he'll often curl up around a pillow to sleep.
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lizarddiary · 2 years
For sinday: what are Tahla's thoughts on group activities? Would she rather have sex one-on-one or with more people?
Tahla blushes ever so slightly and crosses her arms, tapping her feet with nervousness. She would have never agreed to participate in something so raunchy by herself, but is not like her creator gave her any other option. After a death glare, she takes a deep breath and tries to relax her posture. “I mean… Define group activities. I would much rather… Make love with one person at a time: with my current lover, that is. But I suppose I’m not one to discard the possibility of being with more than one person at once… At the end of the day, we cannot control with who and how we fall in love, right? In that scenario I suppose… I would make love with all of them at once, however they may be. But in any other scenario… It is unlikely.”
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I was looking for something mildly spicy in terms of Sinday Ask Lists, but all the ones I found are rather too high on the Scoville Scale for my personal tastes (and my OCs). Not that I'm a complete prude, but I'm far too repressed to start discussing things being clamped or inserted or... inflated?
Possibly I need to make a list of my own, but then it would probably be far too dull and vanilla to interest anyone else! I'm just not very good at this sort of thing clearly.
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ainyan · 2 years
Questions to Provoke Thought
I like being asked questions about my OCs. I like being given prompts for flash fiction. They help me think and help me grow and they help me share something I’m passionate about - the stories and characters I’ve created. This post is to compile a list of the different prompts and questions I’ve come across, and I will update it as I find more. Feel free to ask me anything or borrow them for yourself. I’ve tried to link to the original (as far as I can tell) to make sure that the maker gets the credit. :)
This list is frequently updated. Check here to see if you have the latest!
Prompts and Sentence Starters
Humorous Writing Prompts
Fun Trope Combos
Kiss Roulette
Assorted Question Prompts
Twenty-Four Touches
Another Kiss Prompt
Prompts for Lavish Balls, Parties, and Secrets
Gentleness Actions Prompts
Prompts for Commands and Demands
Bad Morning Prompts
Friends Prompt Challenge
Soulmate AU Prompts
Prompts for Sharing a Bed
Kiss and Tell Prompts
Two-Word Prompts
Cuddle and Snuggle Prompts
Difficult Recovery Prompts
*Don’t Starters
Hurt/Comfort Prompts
Flirty Training/Sparring/Injury Prompts
Non-Verbal Love Writing Prompts
‘Broken Iris’ Sentence Starters
Love Language Prompts
Touching Tenderly Prompts
Written Notes Prompts
Touching Prompts
Touch Prompts
Question Prompts
One-Word Prompts
Outcast/Runaway Sentence Starters
Tol and Smol Prompts
Micro-Story Prompts
Compliment Sentence Starters
First Meeting Sentence Starters
Do Revenge
Kiss Prompts
OT3 Prompts
December Prompts
Variety of Writing Prompts
One Word Prompt & Genre
Non-Sexual Forms of Intimacy
Relationship/Friendship/SFW Sex Specific Ask Memes
OTP Questions
Polyamorous Ship Asks
Vanilla Sunday Asks
OC Questions on Friendships and Companionship
Couple Questions
Ship Opinion Bingo
Friendship Shipping Meme
Ship Ask Game - The Basics
Valentine’s Day Questions for Relationships
OC Questions on the 7 forms of Love
Ask About Family
Ship Questions Redux
Not-so-SFW OC Asks/Prompts
Sinday Sunday Asks
Sinday Asks
Smut Dialogue Prompts
OC Ask Memes
Choose Violence Ask Game
In-Depth Headcanon Questions
Misc. Ask Meme
Little OC Creation Ask List
Edgy OC Ask Meme
FFXIV Culture and Geography Asks
Studio Ghibli Ask Game
Pride Themed OC Ask Game
30 Totally Random Get to Know You Character Asks
100 Random Character Development Asks
Stat Attribute Asks
Flowery OC Asks
Resident Evil Themed Asks
Tarot-Card OC Asks
Colorful Interview Questions
If Your OC was an NPC Asks
SW:TOR Character Ask Meme
Cocktail OC Asks
Basic OC Asks
Battery Percentage Meme
OC Asks
Random Headcanon Meme
Yet Another OC Ask Game
Pink-Themed Asks
Vanilla Sunday Meme
Wholesome OC Ask Memes
Send a Playing Card
Headcanon Memes, Comfort Character Edition
Super Detailed Asks
OC vs. Villain Asks
Character Design Asks
Character Development: Hard Mode
Odd OC Asks
People My Muse Knows
OC Emoji Asks
Weirdly Specific Questions
Uncommon OC Asks
Random OC Asks
OC/WoL Interview Asks
Piping Hot OC Asks
Headcanon by Number
Starlight Celebration Asks
Misc. Ask Meme
FFXIV Ask Memes [WoL]
Heraldic OC Questions
Childhood Asks
Emoji Character Asks
Some Character Questions
Capital Virtues OC Asks
OC Question Generator
FFXIV Deity Asks
FFXIV Screenshot Meme
SFW Alphabet Ask Meme
Headcanon Meme
Headcanon: Send me a Symbol
OTP Asks
More OTP Asks
Games and Single-Question Memes
Ship Opinion Bingo
Send △ and Ask An Invasive OC Question
Sinday Rumors (potentially NSFW)
Music Playlist Minific Game
Sinday Asks/Prompts
Friendship Ask Game
Friend or No?
Send Me 🔥 For an Unpopular Opinion
Author Ask Memes
25 Questions for the Writer
Let’s Get Real Fiction Writer Asks
Questions for Fic Writers
Gemstone-themed Writeblr Asks
Ask Game for Fanfic Writers
Colorful Writeblr Asks
Fanfiction Writing Asks
Ask a Writer: Fanfic Edition
(Note: I always reblog a meme first - I only add it to this list after it’s made it on my dash at least once. No stealing for me!)
Please let me know if you find any broken links - I will fix them!
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Last Call for a Smut Starter
Open to All
To New Follows and Mutuals
Even if we don't have an introduction thread right now
All genders accepted
You can ask for more than one, especially if you're a Multimuse blog
Even we have other threads
Vanilla, Passion, Hate, One-night Smut Accepted
Sinday is the last day before I focus on the other blog I have. Will reblog this post a few times a day before deleting.
Rp with you soon.
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mvrcellas · 25 days
10+13 for the sinday asks
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10. What kind of things are they into?
i think myrcella is a bit of a vanilla girly. she has a crazy praise kink, loves intimacy like hand holding and eye contact. but i also think she lowkey likes hooking up in mildly dangerous places where she and her partner could potentially get caught, though she would never be the one to instigate. she loves when someone else takes charge (she is an absolute princess in every sense of the word), but she also likes having the kind of trust with her partner that would allow her the space to take charge as well. she's such a romantic -- she likes sweet nothings and soft touches. she's a little lady!!!
13. Are they loud in bed or quiet? Talkative or more of a noise maker?
i think myrcella is VERY quiet, just out of shyness and trying to encompass being the perfect lady. with a little encouragement, she is LOUUUUUUUD and quite a noise maker. moans, squeaks, gasps -- she loves saying her partner's name and praising them. yeah, once she's told to just let go, relax, and make sounds then you'll have a hard time getting her to shut up djfhdshfds
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bigdaddydaemon · 1 month
What kind of things are they into?
sinday was yesterday but send me memes anyway
surprisingly , nothing too out there. he might be seen as much more vanilla than others , depending on who is asking. daemon is not against restricting his partner's hands by tying their wrists to the bed , nor is he against sex in a public setting. he does enjoy marking his partner with bites or hickeys , and finds his pleasure in seeing that his partner is left satisfied. he is not one to degrade his partner in bed , nor is he one who participates in over the top dirty talk (he actually finds it quite ridiculous). he doesn't find much thrill in b.dsm , nor is he into anything that could be considered k.inky. he does like when his partner is begging for him to touch her / fuck her , though ; it drives the man insane.
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arisenreborn · 4 months
From the sinday ask game,
👀👄🫶 for Olivia and Emrys, and 🛏💦❤️‍🔥 for Reverie and Rann?
Thank you sm for this feast of prompts!!
(Sinday Headcanons)
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Olivia & Emrys -
👀how do they feel about voyeurism? exhibitionism?
Olivia doesn't conceptually mind voyeurism but she's much too hands on and impatient to fully appreciate just watching. On the opposite end, Emrys quite enjoys watching - it stems a little bit from just wanting to study, to absorb human interactions and motivations (and moreso when he was younger), but by now he just genuinely enjoys a good show. (Yes, he has learned a lot of neat tricks. 😏) Both are comfortable with exhibitionism in some sense, not the 'indecent public exposure' so much, though sneaking around in back rooms and corridors is absolutely on the table - it's more about the thrill of not getting caught, but also just desperately needing to have their hands on each other despite where they are.
💋do they like to kiss while having sex? do they cuddle afterward?
Yes and yes. It bears noting that while Emrys was absolutely familiar with both, Olivia really takes it to a new level that surprised him (because Olivia doesn't do things by half-measures but also yanno, because there's love there and all that fluffy shit). They are trying to touch as much as possible at all times, so yes that means lots of kissing, all over. Cuddling afterwards was exceptionally more of a new experience for him (because Olivia is not a passive cuddler, she is koala'd, she is nuzzling and brushing hair and tracing fingers over skin). He's just got that dog experiencing human compassion for the first time sort of confusion and inability to resist it. Like, he was a little resistant at first, but he enjoys it too much and is too inclined to indulging in whatever feels good to have done so for long.
🫶 what does after care look like for them?
It's a little clumsy, but whole-hearted between them. The basic, surface level stuff (making sure they're satisfied, comfortable, treating injuries) comes easy enough, and Olivia is excellent at cuddling and it's pretty natural for Em to go and get her some water. But I think it's often after sex where they have lazy, sleepy conversations in bed, and start to communicate more openly and start actually being honest with each other, opening the door to a deeper and much needed care and tending to, which can at times be a little uncomfortable. Though they usually pull back before getting too uncomfortable, so it's slow-going. Olivia is usually the one who has to do the prodding and heavy-work (this is good for her tbh, it's part of her own growth slowing down and considering the people around her more), but he makes up for it in brushing her hair and massages. He gets better at the 'communicating honestly' stuff, but it's still easier for him to show care through actions. 'Late game' aftercare is more relaxed and comfortable once they've more or less got things out in the open. If they're at home they'll lounge around, maybe make some food together (to varying success) - if it's early enough and they haven't already, they'll very often take a bath together, cleaning each other up.
Reverie & Rann -
🛏️what’s their favorite position?
They strike a pretty fair balance between being typically on the more vanilla side, but occasionally spicing things up. (Basically, they're both content with 'simplicity', but they both have a hidden kinky side.) Most anything is on the table to try, but some 'preferences': they both like being able to see each others faces, going down on each other, Rann will absolutely take the strap, and they occasionally dabble in some light bondage. It sometimes feel like someone is missing though...
💦what’s their immediate post-orgasm reaction?
Reverie is purely blissed out. She'll get cuddlier a bit later, but initially she is just more or less out wherever she is at the end of things - be it on top of him, sprawled on the floor, whatever. She just soaks in the afterglow and revels in it, and is 99% more likely to doze off regardless of the hour. At times it almost feels like she hasn't forgotten anything at all, like this was the point and answer to everything. Rann's brain is similarly effectively off but his attention is always locked on her, drinking her in, touching her softly as if to be sure she's real and he's not dreaming. Then he'll slowly set to cleaning up, so they'll be comfortable by the time she's ready to get to cuddling.
❤️‍🔥what’s their most erogenous zone?
Her lower/back is a big one for Reverie; having fingers trailing up and down her spine will quickly turn her into a sighing, shivering, lip-biting mess. Rann is the scalp: hands in his hair, playing with it, tugging at it, will pretty quickly see his well put-together demeanor unraveled. The neck is also top tier for both of them, though it's slightly more to Rann's fixation.
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maskednihilism · 4 months
yeah lemme get uh 5 and 9 from the vanilla meme pls 🩷
@draconicfool || prompt! ||
5. Is your muse comfortable with public displays of affection? 
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Mhm! He loves displays of affection. A shame that both his romantic interests (Aventurine and Gepard) are a bit reserved for various different reasons.
(Gepard in keeping his appearance as a Landau and Silvermane and Aventurine having his own personal issues with touch and such)
That being said he won't be upset if his partner isn't. As long as he gets love at home, he's fine.
9. Is your muse attracted to any features in particular?
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I guess what he'd consider beautiful or cute but it can vary tbh. As an aroace person, he can appreciate beauty as an aesthetics but that's not what gets him hooked.
But if I had to pick something, I guess he has a thing for eyes. He loves both Aventurine's and Gepard's eyes very much. Have a unique look and I guess he'd be interested.
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anneapocalypse · 4 months
🫶 for ariane!
🫶what does after care look like for them?
Cuddling! Ariane's very cuddly with her partners and just physically affectionate in general. She's going to hold them and kiss them and stroke their hair and tell them how good it was and how well they did, whether they've been doing kink or the most vanilla sex imaginable. She's like that even with casual sex, not that she's done much of that (it was pretty much just Hildibrand)--but hey, friends with benefits deserve praise and reassurance after sex too, don't they?
She's never been with a partner who objected, and if she was, it probably wouldn't work out for long. She and Urianger are extra compatible in that regard, because he really looks for comfort and affection after sex and feels hurt if he doesn't get it. They are both more than happy to give it to each other. The hard part is dragging themselves out of bed and back to responsibilities.
Sinday Headcanons ask meme
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humblemooncat · 1 year
9. Is your muse attracted to any features in particular?
As far as facial features are concerned, he loves eyes. Especially sharp eyes. Honestly, I think that's what first physically attracted Ki'to to Aymeric. (His voice is what first got him tho. Notice how all his husbands have a deeper voice? It's definitely a theme with him)
As far as other physical features?
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He's definitely a tits man.
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[ i ask about sinday stuff because laurentius used to end up in a lot of ships and there was no small amount of NSFW on this blog
it was to the point i got accused of having this character specifically to write smut, which is hilarious to me because when i started writing him i'd been told characters like him (too nice, too 'vanilla,' etc.) were boring
so i get flinchy about it, but like, y'know, i like fluff and romance as much as the next person dang it
anywho ]
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hazbintales · 6 months
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@helldrip ⸻ Not-as-spicy sinday asks.
1-13 for Angel
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What is your muse’s sexuality? Angel is homosexual.
Is your muse sexually active? Very much so, yes.
Where does your muse’s libido fall on the scale? 10 being hyper-sexual, 1 being the opposite. Angel would be a 10, 100% hyper-sexual.
Do they like to listen to any music or are they more of a fan of silence during the act? Honestly? It doesn't really matter to Angel, whatever his bed partner prefers.
Is your muse a top, bottom, or a switch? Why? Angel is totally a bottom. No reason other than the fact that he likes to bottom than anything else.
Are they dominant or submissive? I mean he leans more towards submissive but can be dominant in a power bottom way too if he needs to.
What kind of underwear do they wear on the day-to-day? Angel wears lots of different kinds, it depends on his outfit and mood. Usually lacy sexy ones is what he normally wears though.
Are they polite or do they have a dirty mouth? Angel totally has a dirty mouth.
Do they get embarrassed easily when it comes to nsfw things? Or are they shameless? Haha, shameless all the way. Have you seen what he does for work? He would be shocked if something embarrassed him.
What kind of things are they into? Almost everything is on the table for him. He likes to do kinky stuff more than vanilla things but sometimes he craves a gentle hand.
Are they a virgin? When did they lose their virginity? If they haven’t, do you think they ever will? Are they waiting for someone special, or do they just not care? Angel is totally not a virgin and probably lost it a long time ago before he even came to Hell. But if virginity resets when you die, then he wasn't a virgin for long after death either.
Would you consider them kinky or tame? Angel is very much kinky.
Are they loud in bed or quiet? Talkative or more of a noise maker? This one really depends on bed partners. He usually is loud in bed not really caring about making too much noise, but if his bed partner prefers him to be quieter then he can be. He's between talkative and a noise maker to be honest, just depends on who he is with and what he's feeling.
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filmdesque · 8 months
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001. jonathan is VERY SENSITIVE to touch, especially during sex. it's a bit surprising given the fact that he's so touch-starved, but maybe less so due to him generally being very ticklish too — though when he's in bed with someone, the moment they get an erogenous zone, he's putty in their hands. he'll be reduced to a whining, whimpering mess in no time at all. his most erogenous zones are his neck, his thighs, and his hips.
002. we've already determined that jonathan is a BOTTOM here, but also in general, he likes being ordered around. he's less quick to obey when it comes to some commands over others, but if it's something he needs, then he won't waste time getting to it. however, he is absolutely capable of being dominant with someone, especially if they are more submissive than him and enjoy occupying that role.
003. jonathan is generally very QUIET, but he is absolutely capable of being louder if he's with someone he trusts deeply. he'll usually gasp and whine and breathe really loudly during foreplay, the volume going up a bit if his partner gets a sensitive spot.
004. jonathan considers himself vanilla, but he still has AN ARRAY OF KINKS he'd like to explore, most of which he has little to no experience with. he has a pretty prominent femdom kink, for if he's sexually involved with anyone who presents femininely, he'll not only beg them to do things to him but also become hesitant if requested to be more dominant. he's also interested in light bdsm, sensation play, nipple play, being praised, being humiliated, teasing, overstimulation, handcuffs, being blindfolded, edging, piercing play, body worship, & light choking (but be careful with this one since it reminds him of the upside down; always safe to ask him first as with any kink/kinky activity).
005. jonathan also has quite a pressing UNIFORM KINK, despite also not have any experience with this and being rather embarrassed about it, making him hesitant to bring it up with his sexual partners. he's particularly turned on by cowboy, sheriff, soldier, nurse, and cheerleader uniforms. he also very much digs lingerie on people of any gender.
006. jonathan has had QUITE A FEW sexual fantasies, most if not all of which have been kept completely to himself. they also have more to do with locations and activities than specific individuals. one of them is to have sex in a body of water, particularly in a pool or the bath/shower, a second being to have sex while trapped in a small space with someone, but forced to be quiet because of the activity on the other side of the door, and a third being to experiment with food in the bedroom (he's joked about wanting to turn a past partner into an ice cream sundae before). he also doesn't have a ton of experience with bondage either, so he'd like to do more of that, especially if it involves him being the one to be tied up.
007. jonathan is a MASOCHIST, meaning that he can easily derive sexual pleasure from experiencing discomfort or pain in the bedroom. he prefers to be on the receiving end of any pain or discomfort, most often comfortable with actions such as being lightly slapped, spanked, grabbed, pinched, scratched, or bitten. he is also very much into being marked. he wants the world to know that he's taken.
008. jonathan often tends to be a JEALOUS LOVER, despite trying his damndest not to let it show, at least not out in public. when he's with a partner and they get handsy or seemingly flirty with another person when they're out and about, he'll be subtle about it, maybe linking an arm around their waist or shoulders to pull them close or nuzzle their ear or the top of their head. but behind closed doors, you bet he's going to be kissing them roughly, pulling them in flush against his body so he can nibble at their collarbones or their neck or wherever they're sensitive and/or is generally visible, just to let the rest of the world know that they're taken (all with their consent, of course, and he'll stop right away if they look uncomfortable or tell him to back off). to put it shortly, making him jealous is the surefire way to bring out his more domineering side.
009. despite considering himself pretty vanilla, from time to time jonathan will get curious and will like to try out some of his partners' ideas for the bedroom. this curiosity and excitement about what his partners have planned will tend to escalate to the point where jonathan may even consider himself an EXPERIMENTALIST. he finds it exciting not only to let his partners have most or full control about what goes down in the bedroom, but also to be surprised (not like in an out of nowhere/non-consenusal way) by their ideas or what they may have planned. thankfully, most things have gone pretty well and he's enjoyed most experimentation he's had with partners in the past. it was after all what led to the development/discovery of his handcuff, blindfold, and uniform fetishes/kinks in the first place.
010. as of right now, jonathan has not canonically tried it (and i wish to write a thread where he does try it for the first time sshh), but here's a spoiler alert: he absolutely loves PROSTATE STIMULATION. he loves both giving and receiving it, but mostly receiving. while giving it can give him a sense of power in how he has so much control over his partner's pleasure, jon is very much a bottom and a pillow prince(ss?) so he'd very much rather be the one experiencing the pleasure. he loves that it makes him so needy; all you have to do is scissor your fingers over that bundle of nerves a couple times and he'll be melted like a puddle in your arms, completely at your mercy, whining and begging for more. he also gets off at his partners getting off, so if they like when their partners are needy and submissive and are turned on by the noises their partners make, they're perfect for him. and, as we mentioned, he is also very much a masochist who gets turned on by discomfort, especially if the discomfort is caused by overstimulation.
( to be updated on occasion ccc: )
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