#vanessa walder
one-with-the-tree · 7 months
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#51 Finder
Book name: Stadt der Füchse
Author: Vanessa Walder
Finder from the German xenofiction "Stadt der Füchse" by Vanessa Walder. It's part of an anthology series, I've designed Fünf from the first book also.
Lineart by Northernred (DeviantArt)
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reviews-sky · 6 months
New book review!
The Secret Life of Animals: Forest #3: City of Foxes by Vanessa Walder
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schoje · 1 month
Com exibição de mais de 80 obras de longa, média e curta-metragem, o 13º Festival Internacional de Cinema em Balneário Camboriú (FICBC) começa nesta quarta-feira (6), às 19h30, na sede na Arthousebc (Rua São Paulo, 581, Bairro dos Estados). Patrocinado pela Fundação Cultural de Balneário Camboriú, com recursos da Lei de Incentivo à Cultura (LIC), o festival tem 12 dias de duração e entrada gratuita. Os filmes que serão exibidos foram selecionados entre os mais de 550 inscritos, de países como Alemanha, Argentina, Áustria, Bangladesh, Bélgica, Canadá, Colômbia, China, Cuba, Equador, Estados Unidos, França, Grécia, Itália, Israel, Japão, Líbano, Mongólia, Noruega, Polônia, Portugal, Catar, além de filmes do Brasil (confira as obras selecionadas abaixo). Paralelamente, ocorrerão palestras, oficinas, debates, atividade do mercado audiovisual, exposição de obras de arte, shows musicais e homenagens. A programação vai até 17 de dezembro e pode ser conferida no site www.festivalbc.com ou no link https://tinyurl.com/ywj99kkm. FILMES SELECIONADOS INTERNACIONAL Longas-metragens “O Ritmo da Água”, de Juan Felipe Bernal Vargas“Puan”, de María Alché, Benjamín Naishtat“Anel Errante”, de Masakazu Kaneko“Uma Noite Longa”, de Gabriela Calvache“Trio”, de Battumur Dorj“Softie”, de Samuel Theis“É Hora da Festa”, de Léo Liotard“Landen”, de Vanessa Nica Mueller Curta e médias-metragens “A Última Festa”, de Matteo Damiani“Fora de Temporada”, de Francescu Artily“Caixa do Demônio”, de Sean Wainsteim“Campo”, de Meijing Lü“Fronteira”, de Khalifa Al Thani“Bégan”, de Maria Jorge“A Mão”, de Will Foreman“Testemunho do Vento”, de Fernanda Caicedo NACIONAL Longas-metragens “Fim de Semana no Paraíso Selvagem”, de Pedro Severien“Eu Sou Maria”, de Clara Linhart“Saudosa Maloca”, de Pedro Serrano“Nada Há”, de Stefania Fernandes“A Cozinha”, de Johnny Massaro“Propriedade”, de Daniel Bandeira Curta e médias-metragens “Vamos Ter a Noite Seguinte, Em Vez da Manhã Anterior”, de Rafael Ferreira Rocha e Lucas Almeida Miguel“De Tudo Um Pouco Sabia Costurar”, de Yérsia Assis e Felipe Moraes“O Abissal”, de Ari Maricato“Os Últimos Dias de Duas Amigas”, de Rodrigo Lavorato“Estilhaços”, de Gabriela Nogueira“Controle”, de Ricardo Manjaro“Cabana”, de Adriana de Faria, Tayana Pinheiro, Fernando Segtowick e Thiago Pelaes“Coleção de Histórias Extremamente Curtas”, de Pedro Fraga Villaça“Bug”, de Studio 003“A Garimpeira”, de Laís Sambugaro CATARINA Longas-metragens “Esse Sofá é Grande Demais para o meu Porta-malas”, de Victor Toth Curta e médias-metragens “Vãnh gõ tõ Laklãnõ”, de Barbara Pettres, Flávia Person e Walderes Coctá Priprá“Vertigem”, de Djulia Marc“O Quarto de André”, de Thiago Barba“A Beleza Viva nos Teus Olhos Mortos”, de Vitor Oliveira Carvalho“A Mala”, de Matheus Mendes do Espírito Santo“Être - Fronteiras que falam”, de Yohana Fukui Cantos“Código Pirata”, de Lallo Bocchino“Guerra Branca”, de Fernando Machado“Vento Solar”, de Aliakim de Sá VIVO “Pegadas”, de Manu Sobral“Nervo Morto”, de Margarida Pinto da Fonseca“Midríase”, de Eduardo Monteiro“Sempre Quis Ser Um Marciano”, de Smaragda Nitsopoulou“A Odisséia da Mulher”, de Leila Samari e Maryam Sehhat“Ode”, de Francoise Doherty“Estou Perdido Para o Mundo”, de Tiger Cai NOTURNA “Xamã Punk”, de João Maia Peixoto“A Luz Incidiu Sobre Nós Como a Pálida Noite”, de Lucca Genovesi Girardi“Atér”, de Marie Fages“O Filme Perdido”, de Luíza Sader“Estilhaços”, de Gabriela Nogueira“Vão das Almas”, de Edileuza Penha de Souza e Santiago Dellape“Claudio”, de Calebe Lopes CORUJINHA Longas-metragens “Placa-Mãe”, de Igor Bastos“A Ilha dos Ilus”, de Paulo GC Miranda“Bem-Vindos de Novo”, de Marcos Yoshi“Dos 3 aos 3”, de Pablo Lobato Curta e médias-metragens “2020: Odisseia no 3° Esquerdo”, de Ricardo Leite“Alma Gêmea”, de Irma Beatriz Peniche Silva“A Menina e o Mar”, de Gabriel Mellin“Boris e Rufus – Especial de Natal: Um caminho para a Lapônia”, de Rubens Belli“Bruce Spike e a Batalha da Berinjela”, de Caru Roelis“Cantigas do Meu Boizinho -
Bernunça Bebel”, de Bruno Pagani e Thiago de Melo“CEM PILUM - A História do Dilúvio”, de Thiago Morais“Comedores de Sonhos”, de Mike Wanderroscky“Fraiha”, de Amal Al-Shammari e Hossein Heydar“Meio Suspeixe”, de Aleksander Leines Nordaas“Novelito”, de João Batista Signorelli“O Cemitério do Parque da Luz”, de Marko Martinz“Pêras”, de Julia Trachtenberg“Quintal”, de Mariana Netto“Se Flopar, Nunca Postei”, de Lucas Zimer“Sobre Amizade e Bicicletas”, de Julia Vidal“Sonhos da Isah: O Livro Mágico”, de Joao Ricardo Costa“Trinca-ferro”, de Maria Fabiola“Tuca, o Mestre Cuca”, de Rubens Belli“Ursinho Azul”, de Marina Andree Skop Agende-se ENDEREÇO: Arthousebc (Rua São Paulo 581-1 / Balneário Camboriú)INGRESSOS: Gratuitos (retirada na bilheteria)BILHETERIA: de 06/12 a 17/12, das 14h às 22hINFORMAÇÕES: www.festivalbc.com ___________________ Fundação Cultural de Balneário Camboriú(47) 3267-7011 site www.festivalbc.com Diretoria de ComunicaçãoJornalista: Silvana de Castro(47) 3267-7022 www.bc.sc.gov.br www.instagram.com/prefeituradebc Fonte: Prefeitura de Balneário Camboriú
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danvilleareacc · 2 years
DACC Lists Fall President's & Honors Students
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Danville Area Community College has released a list of its honor students for the Fall 2022 Semester.   A student must carry 12 or more credit hours and a straight A (4.0) average on a 4.0 scale to be included on the President’s List. To be included on the Honors List, a student must carry 12 or more credit hours and have a B+ (3.5) grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
Danville Area Community College Fall 2022 President’s & Honors Lists
Danville Area Community College PRESIDENT’S LIST – FALL 2022
Alvin, IL
Nicholas Garmon.
Armstrong, IL
Olivia Logue.
Bismarck, IL
Allison Bostwick, Ryan Bostwick, Dianne Trimble.
Bloomington, IL
Brennon Reed.
Catlin, IL
Jaiden Baum, Holden Dunavan, Joseph Kedas, Kylee Pate, Rebecca Rogers, Monica Vasquez.
Chicago, IL
Lauren Crawley.
Chrisman, IL
Lindsey Franz.
Covington, IN
Alyssa Cheuvront, Margo Galloway, Hailynn Herzog, Briley Peyton, Alexandra VanVickle.
Danville, IL
Noah Acree, Wariya Alhassan, Gracie Arnett, Amber Atkinson, Xitlally Bonilla, Jasmine Brown, Ne'Kedra Cain, Devontay Carpenter, Rowan Clawson, Jeremiah Cooper, Isabella Courson, Brandon Cox, Mariela Cruz, Debra Cummings, Joel Cundiff, Olivia Edgington, Robin Farr, Brenda Fisher, Nicholas Fuentes, Teagyn Goodwin, Meghan Gross, Logan Hall, Marlee Harper, Jadyn Hess, Lindsey Janssen, Tamara Jimson, Josephine Kamwela, Christopher La Combe, Trenton Lewis, Layla Martinez, Kalia Mason, Ashlynn Pinnick, Ethan Rayburn, Chelsea Reeves, Kearby Robinson, Vivianna Ruffo, Veronica Sasseen, Yoo Bin Seo, Maxeen Smart, Shania Smith, Maria Sobany Bosch, Frederick Soderstrom, Elmonia Taylor, Lewis Towne, Kayce Wagle, Charlene Walsh, Grace Ward, Donald Wills, Mia Yant.
East Lynn, IL
Abigail Walder.
Evansville, IN
Matthew Bunnell.
Fithian, IL
Codey McMahon.
Georgetown, IL
Jacob Maskel, Hunter Way.
Hillsboro, IN
Lauren Highland.
Hoopeston, IL
Charis Allen, Tori Birge, Gage Hopkins, Morgan Keith, Skyler Morgan.
Mahomet, IL
Ahmad Al-Heeti.
Marine, IL
Alixandria Grenzebach.
Milford, IL
Abigail White.
Mooresville, IN
Blake Nigg.
Muncie, IL
Dominyq Gritten.
Oakwood, IL
Madison Doan, Jarron Fleming, Natalie Garrison, Raiden Jackson, Kimberly Montgomery, Tannar Pouilliard, Carlie Reitz.
Osgood, IN
Elizabeth Pavy.
Paris, IL
Drew Pinkston.
Philo, IL
Kyleigh Weller.
Potomac, IL
Destiny Fitzsimmons, Violet McCool, Mason McMasters, Seth Pollitt.
Ridge Farm, IL
Matthew Coleman.
Rossville, IL
Heidi Goble, Morgan Miller, Abigail Ryan.
Troy, IL
Caleb Durbin.
Tuscola, IL
Alexis Koester.
Westville, IL
Laney Crawford, Jack Duensing, McKenzie Meinders, Joshua Miller, Emma Myers, Zachary Troxel.
Danville Area Community College HONORS LIST – FALL 2022
Armstrong, IL
Justin Wilken.
Bismarck, IL
Trenton Spicer.
Catlin, IL
Naomi Dolan, Emily Fier, Lillie Hannan, Macallister Hill, Autumn Lange, Grace Niedzwiecki.
Champaign, IL
Lilian Eziefule.
Charleston, IL
Ashlynn McPeak.
Columbus, OH
Brianna Hamilton.
Covington, IN
Jacob Eells, Hannah Hunter, Calvin Springer, Katie Woodrow.
Danville, IL
Nora Abdelghani, Joan Applegate, Michele Budnovich, Anna Carrion, Christine Daniel, Benjamin Dickerson, Ian Dukes, Jayla Greer, Chelsey Haga, Dalton Hagley, Diego Hightower, Aryanna Huckstadt, Lexi Hudson, Matteo Janzen, Ginaveve Jessup, William Landis, Chayton Lawrence, Lezlea Lowe, Julieanna Morse, Amanda Nelson, Candela Nevares Garcia, Aaron Olmstead, Destiny Parker, Lilliana Perez, Tah'yah Rose, Ruth Salazar, Woodley Scholz, Andrew Sentelle, Sebastian Skinner, Braeden Skoog, Jennifer Stovall, Dylan Taylor, Rylie Terrell, Kendra Tucker, Cassie Warren, Zoe Wilson, Ella Wolfe, Jacob Xiong.
Evansville, IN
Ryan Caddell, Adam Evans.
Fairmount, IL
Aaron Dean.
Findlay, IL
Dirk Bruyn.
Fithian, IL
Reed Sperry.
Georgetown, IL
Brooke Robertson, LaVonte Taylor, Madison Wilson.
Hoopeston, IL
Maria Alvarado, Vanessa Blackburn, Ashley Cadle, Marissa Garcia, Brady Woods.
Indianaola, IL
Lacee Darr.
Ingersoll, Canada
Lucus Forbes.
Kingman, IN
Lydia Van Huysen.
Liberty Township, OH
Keiara Gregory.
Mattoon, IL
Raven Morrison.
Mentone, IN
Owen Kirchenstien.
Milford, IL
Craig VanHoveln.
New Market, IN
Samuel Endicott.
Oakwood, IL
Lane Bensyl, Gaven Clouse, Koby Fletcher, Travis Goodner, Hayley Mascari, Katherine Reffett, Charles Rieches, Isaiah Ruch, William Sandusky, Brevin Wells.
Potomac, IL
Casey Grant, Leanne Rogers.
Quincy, IL
Luke Mettemeyer.
Richland, IN
Jackson Raaf.
Ridge Farm, IL
Savannah Davis, Gentry Howard.
Rossville, IL
Madalyn Goble, Hunter Howe, Sabrina Koenig.
Sheldon, IL
Julia Bushnell.
Sidell, IL
Madison Farrell.
St. Joseph, IL
Kelsey Martlage.
Tampa, FL
Briana Hernandez.
Westville, IL
Jason Cotten, Gage Lange, Christopher Miller, McKenzie Montgerard, Douglas Reffett.
Wheaton, IL
Ian Johnson.
Williamsport, IN
Ethan Hickman.
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Heartstopper Vol 01 - Alice Oseman (Übersetzung Vanessa Walder)
Heartstopper Vol 01 – Alice Oseman (Übersetzung Vanessa Walder)
Boy trifft Boy – Das Buch zum Netflix Serien-Hit – Entdecke die schönste Liebesgeschichte des Jahres. Mitten ins Herz gestolpertDass Charlie schwul ist, weiß die ganze Schule. Dagegen ist Nick, der Star der Rugbymannschaft, so straight wie eine Goalline. Glaubt Charlie. Aber dann entwickelt sich eine intensive Freundschaft zwischen den beiden unterschiedlichen Jungen. Charlie weiß sofort, dass er…
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archontem · 7 years
10, 14 and 16
hi, I am not from the US (selectively accepting)
10 answered here!
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
I have a sort of complicated relationship with both of those. Our TV shows tend to be… from trashy to corny, sometimes they really try to make something more professional than your average soap opera, going for some historical themes and getting some international actors, like a recent series called Medici: Masters of Florence in which they hired even Richard Madden aka Robb Stark to play the protagonist (funniest thing in the world, he is betrothed to a character who is daughter of, again, a dude played by the actor of Walder Frey. Only this time they actually marry lmao). Then we also produced Gomorrah about the mafia, a great series based on a very informed novel by Roberto Saviano, and Suburra about modern criminality in Rome, also pretty well-acted. But overall, I’m not really a fan. 
Now, as far as cinema goes… we have SUCH trash, Vanessa… all the Christmas movies… but we also have some absolute masterpieces, both contemporary and classic. So… I suppose it depends on the movie. Like from the classics there’s the immortal Luchino Visconti and his Il Gattopardo/The Leopard (based on a 19th century novel about the unification of Italy in the south), which can count on actors like Burt Lancaster, Alain Delon, Claudia Cardinale and one of the most breath-taking works of costuming I’ve ever seen. Also like… Novecento by Bernardo Bertolucci, another historical masterpiece about the first half of the 20th century in central Italy, touching on three generations of social struggles, with an absolutely evil Donald Sutherland, and amazing Gérard Depardieu and Robert De Niro performances. A new one that really deserves a mention is Il Divo by Paolo Sorrentino, about the life of one of our politicians, Giulio Andreotti, now dead, an… an absolute asshole of a man, and that movie is haunting. So yeah. I have feelings about this.
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
One thing that is pretty true: the food appreciation/obsession. I once found myself arguing abuot olive oil, and after that I knew that it was over.
And one thing that I dislike is just… this very romanticised vision of Italy that there is around the world. On one hand, I get it. On the other hand, it leads to… to movies like The Godfather being taken as Actual Truth when just. No, guys. Just no. And anyway most of the time it leads to… a really simplistic and “primitivist” view of what the country really is. I don’t mean to shatter the dreams of tourists, obviously, but it’s stuff linked to more annoying stereotypes like “lazy people playing guitar all day” or whatever the fuck else.
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qemma · 7 years
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Dr. Facilier as Jaqen H’Ghar and the Evil Queen as the Waif
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Tinkerbell as Leaf
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The Stabbington Brothers as Black Walder Rivers and Lame Lothar Frey
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Archimedes Porter and Long John Silver as Qyburn and Gregor Clegane
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Eli "Big Daddy" La Bouff as Lord Wyman Manderly
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Buzz as Thoros of Myr, Woody as Beric Dondarrion and Jessie as Lem Lemoncloak
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Cinderella as Alys Karstark and Pinocchio as Ned Umber
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Governor Ratcliffe as Euron Greyjoy and Morgana as Aeron Greyjoy
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Professor Callaghan  as Ser Barristan Selmy
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King Hubert as the Spice King, Doctor Sweet as Xaro Xhoan Daxos, Jafar as Pyat Pree
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Cruella De Vil as Balon Greyjoy
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Ben as Harald Karstark and Lon as Smalljon Umber
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Roger as Mance Rayder, Tadashi as Benjen Stark, Frozone as Edd Tollett
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Edgar as Bowen Marsh, Grand Duke as Othell Yarwyck, Clayton as Alliser Thorne, Taran as Olly
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White Walkers
Part 1
Part 2
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one-with-the-tree · 9 months
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#1 Fünf
Book name: Das Geheime Leben der Tiere - Wald: Die Weiße Wölfin Author: Vanessa Walder This is Fünf (Five), the main character of the book listed above. It's only available in German so far. Lines: northernred (DeviantArt)
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maxfieldparrishes · 7 years
Penny Dreadful, Game of Thrones for that ask meme
eyyyo!!! alright, let’s do this: 
penny dreadful
my all-time ultimate fave character: my one true love, Vanessa Ives
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: I have to say that the Creature/John Clare really grew on me in the last season  
a character I used to like but now don’t: Victor Frankenstein, and YOU KNOW WHAT YOU’VE DONE VICTOR 
a character I’m indifferent about: I never really got into Penny Dreadful’s version of Dorian? I don’t know, I never really found him all that compelling? 
a character who deserved better: VANESSA IVES 2K5EVER 
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: Sweetnessa. I can’t. I just fucking CAN’T 
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: Ethanessa just fuck me UP 
a cute, low-key ship: Vanessa and Catriona? They were super cute and chill
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: Vanessa and Catriona? IDK if it was unpopular, maybe just underdeveloped? 
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: Sweetnessa. I know I harp on this ship a lot but I just can’t fucking stand him 
my favourite storyline/moment: I thought seasons 1 and 2 were much better than the third. I like witches, so I’ll go with the second season; I also thought Evelyn Poole was a fantastic villain who could have stuck around a bit longer
a storyline that never should have been written: all of season 3 tbh
my first thoughts on the show: this has eva green in it and looks super fucked-up I’M SO INTO IT
my thoughts now: wow, there’s a lot that could have been SO MUCH BETTER 
game of thrones
my all-time ultimate fave character: honestly? Sandor Clegane, Sansa Stark, Oberyn Martell, Arya Stark, and Benjen Stark. Toss in Olenna Tyrell and Brienne of Tarth too because I have no clear favorite, tbh, everyone on this show is terrible
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: Varys, perhaps? I have a feeling he’s gonna meet an awful end and he’s super shady but I honestly find him so amusing in the show. Also Davos! He’s such a dad I love him so much
a character I used to like but now don’t: Tyrion, honestly, because I’m kind of over D&D circlejerking over him 
a character I’m indifferent about: … Jorah Mormont??? There are just so many characters I’m like… racking my brain to think of them. Maybe some of the minor characters? I’m not super attached to Selyse Baratheon 
a character who deserved better: God, who didn’t deserve better? (answer: Tywin Lannister absolutely DOES NOT deserve better) Elia Martell, Gilly, the Stark girls, and Theon - while he is, admittedly, kind of a dick, he didn’t deserve Ramsay and the atrocities Ramsay committed against him. All of Ramsay’s victims deserve better, as do Craster’s wives. And Tysha. And most women on the show, tbh.
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: I can’t really get into Jonsa, tbh? I know it’s your ship Caro, but I guess it’s my book-sensibilities being imposed on my show-sensibilities? Maybe I just conflate the books and the show when it comes to shipping
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: … Sandor and Sansa… (when both parties are of age and capable of giving informed consent and have dealt with their Issues) 
a cute, low-key ship: Sam and Gilly are really adorable tbh. ALSO GENDRY AND ARYA HOW DID I FORGET
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: IDK if they were unpopular, but Daario and Dany seemed cute if temporary (I still haven’t finished that season so… that could change). 
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: that one scene in the early seasons where Theon feels up Yara/Asha on his horse without knowing she was his sister…. Y I K E S. for some reason, though, I don’t really mind Cersei and Jaime. Also, anyone with any Bolton or Walder Frey goodbye
my favourite storyline/moment: the first two seasons were my favorites, tbh. I liked the Battle of the Blackwater and Oberyn’s duel against Gregor
a storyline that never should have been written: I really disliked Jeyne Poole’s storyline with Ramsay being transferred over to Sansa. On some level I understand that they needed to condense characters, but… that was just… Not okay with me. 
my first thoughts on the show: lots of blood, lots of tits… is that really how they say these names? this looks interesting
my thoughts now: WHEN WILL IT END
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eggi1972 · 2 years
[Rezension] Heartstopper Volume 2 – Alice Oseman
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Klappentext: Mitten ins Herz gestolpert Charlie hat Nick geküsst! Oh, nein, hätte er das nur nie gemacht. Bestimmt hat er ihn damit total überrumpelt. Aber da kennt Charlie seinen Freund Nick schlecht. Klar, eigentlich mag er Mädchen. Aber er mag auch Charlie. Nur muss ja erst einmal niemand davon wissen! Für Liebe braucht man nicht viele Worte Band zwei der schönsten queeren Lovestory in Bildern Mit liebevollen Zeichnungen und ohne viele Worte erzählt Alice Oseman von einer ganz, ganz großen Liebe. Aber so ein Coming Out kann schwierig sein. Auch wenn (oder weil?) man „nur“ bisexuell ist. Der zweite Teil des erfolgreichen Webcomics und Netflix-Hits Heartstopper als Graphic Novel in der deutschen Übersetzung von Vanessa Walder. Rezension: Heartstopper Band 2 und ich habe mir die Serie noch immer nicht bei Netflix angesehen. Ich weiß, sollte man dann auch mal machen, aber irgendwie lese ich doch wirklich lieber das Buch. Beim Lesen wurde mir immer klarer, es ist vollkommen egal, ob nun hetero, schwul, lesbisch, bisexuell oder was auch immer, es gibt einen gemeinsamen Nenner. Sobald Liebe dazu kommt, wird es schwierig. Jeder von uns hat das schon mal erlebt, man gibt dem Gegenüber einen Kuss und dann rennt die Person weg oder reagiert ganz anders, als man es erhofft oder erwartet hat. So auch diesmal. Charlie küsst Nick und Nick rennt weg. Und es geht Charlie wie allen anderen Menschen in solchen Situationen. Man ist am nächsten Morgen so was von erschlagen, man hat die Nacht nicht richtig geschlafen, man hat geweint, man hat gehofft, der oder die andere meldet sich und sie hat es natürlich nicht getan und somit ist man dementsprechend scheiße drauf. Wenn der oder die Angebetete sich dann doch meldet, ist alles wieder vergessen. Es ist genauso und nicht anders. Sobald sich die Person wieder meldet, ist alles vergessen und man schwebt wieder auf Wolke 8000 oder so. Man hat es doch selber schon erlebt. Genauso ist es, wenn man die Freunde des anderen kennenlernt. Manche Freunde sind tolerant, andere machen sich über was weiß ich alles lustig. Und ja manche können mit anderen Sexualitäten nicht umgehen. Die wenigsten sind immer tolerant und offen. Ich glaube, dass ist bei Menschen, die auf einmal mit Homosexuellen zu tun haben noch viel schlimmer, als wenn die Freundin meinetwegen gerade etwas dicker ist oder eine andere Hautfarbe hat. Gerne würde ich sagen, die Menschen sind nicht so, aber ich denke, die Menschen sind noch härter und noch gemeiner, als in diesem Buch beschrieben. Wie viele Menschen haben Angst, sich zu outen? Wenn man wie Nick schon Angst hat, sich vor seiner Mutter zu outen, wie ist es dann erst bei anderen? Und genau das beschreibt Alice Oseman mit den kleinen und großen Fallstricke, die man erleben wird, aber auch die schönen Seiten einer Liebe zu einem anderen Menschen und da ist es wieder vollkommen egal, welche Neigung man nun hat. So lange beide offen und ehrlich sprechen können, so ist es für uns perfekt. Es ist doch egal, was andere denken oder? Wenn beide Seiten sagen, so ist es schön, ist alles in meinen Augen gut und schön. Und mal ehrlich, wer mag es nicht, wenn man die Person, die man liebt, festhalten kann, im Kino oder beim Spazieren gehen, einfach den Menschen zu küssen, egal wann und wo man gerade ist. Und genau für diese Freiheit spricht sich in meinen Augen Alice Oseman in einer Geschichte aus, die mit wenigen Worten, aber umso mehr Gefühl daherkommt. Ich freue mich schon sehr auf Band 3 und wie geht es euch damit? Titel: Heartstopper Volume 2Autorin: Oseman, AliceBand: 2ISBN: 978-3-7432-0937-4Altersempfehlung: ab 12 JahreVerlag: Loewe VerlagPreis: 15,00€Erscheinungsdatum: 25. Mai 2022 Bei unseren Partnern bestellen: Buecher.de Genialokal.de Hugendubel.de Thalia.de Buchhandlung Freiheitsplatz.de Buechergilde FFM Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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