#vander is the best puppy
ospreyadderart · 1 year
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I draw Vander doing stuff for my mental health
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1-danid · 1 year
Dating Teen Vi
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Dating Arc 1 Vi would include..
Vander loving you as another kid. You may have your own patents but he still sees you as one of his children. Meaning he gives Vi the talk instead of you because he feels she'll need it more.
Teen Vi is 100% shy when it comes to PDA. She will hold your hand in public but that's about it. On the rare occasion when she's a bit jealous she may give your check or lip a kiss but it's rare.
When it's just the two of you or 3 of you powder can see her soft side. She'd go all out and be attacking your face with kisses and love.
At this stage you guys wouldn't know your love language so expect a bit of everything at this stage as you're trying it all out for the first time.
I don't think she can cook, no one in that band can. So often you'd cook meals for the group and bake treats for her and Powder.
If you go on the "jobs" with the group, Vi would be protective of you. Yeah she knows you can kickass but she doesn't want to lose you or to get you hurt.
Also Mylo would be annoying cause she'd stop for a sec to admire your beauty and he'd be like
" I could do better than that. She's just showing off at this point."
You'd flip him off whilst flipping to another building. And when you get to wherever you are going to rob she'd let you take personal things for yourself and not to sell. Honestly she wouldn't care what you do she'd just watch you for a minute with a love sick smile on her face.
The others would 100% tease her about it. And she's blushing a bit and playing it off. They'd believe for the first few times until it becomes a daily routine.
She'd get you little gifts when you don't do jobs together and surprise you with them
If you don't go on jobs with the group you'd originally babysit Powder. Keeping her distracted and happy while the others are out risking your lives.
You weren't a fighter so you never asked to go to jobs. However you did learn how to treat basic ailments to help Vi and Claggor when they got badly hurt.
 Vi would 100% get you little gifts from the jobs she does without you surprising you with them. She'd be like;
"We were out at this one house, and I saw something. It reminded me so much of you. It was perfect and beautiful so I thought you should have it."
And then she'll give you a beautiful necklace. Or something romantic that you appreciate because of your relationship.
You'd bake her cupcakes whenever she's had a hard day and you think she needs to relax. The two of you will just cuddle as you sing a soft song to her. For example, falling for you by peachy!
Because you're always baking her  sweet stuff and 'cause she loves your cake and cups she calls you…
I'm not sorry for that. But on the note of pet name's teen Vi will call you anything to see you flustered.
 She just loves you so much and you love her too
She’s definitely the big spoon and powder loves you more than vi (you didn’t hear that from me)
Like she see Vi as her hero but she sees how Vi looks at you and see you as Vi hero
You’re literally the coolest kid in Vander’s house
Plus you can work the bar, you have a lot of free time, so you’re able to earn a little for shifts at the bar
When Vi leaves powder behind you’d both have a big cussing 100%
Like you know how scared and confused Powder is and refuse to go and help because Powder needs support as well
Powder (bless her) would 100% influence you and beg you to bring her to the fight
One look at her puppy dog eyes, and you would cave and bring her in once she promises to stay hidden
You’d bring her and miss all the signs and when the bomb goes off, you’re their trying to protect her
Vi slaps (I refuse to write the p word) both you and her sister
Cue another heated argument you’d slap her back and cuss her out for touching you and Powder
And you’d break up.
So pissed you tell her to “fucking go to hell Violet.”
And she pretty much does, you’d try your best to comfort powder
Trying to stay strong for her, yet you’d let a few tears fall at your newly broken heart, your loss of home and your loss of your friends
You don’t notice Silco and when you do you don’t trust him fully.
But you know you and Powder need a place to stay so when he accepts Powder’s hug, you lower your guard
Moreso when you see a familiar face, passed out Sevika eases your nerves
You never do find out what happened at the warehouse, but you do know you lost everyone except Powder
You wonder if you’d ever see Vi again as you take on the older sister responsibilities for Powder’s sake
I hope you enjoyed this. I feel its better than the version i posted last time. To old moots this is not a goodbye. THIS IS A REVAMP!!
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whoreforsplatasha · 2 months
Jealousy (Jinx x Female r)
Part 4
series contains- smut, violence, obscene language
After what seemed like hours of constant struggle I was finally able to get some sleep until... "time to start your training, get your fucking ass up y/n" I grunted while trying to get ahold of my feet; I felt a sharp pain in my lower back, most likely from the uncomfortableness of the mattress I had to endure all night.
I glanced at the short, foggy window that was placed at the very top of the room; not a single ray of sunlight mirrored form the outside. "What time even is it?" I complained. "3:45" my jaw dropped and I felt a bit of anger boil up inside me. "YOU SAID 4! WHAT HAPPENED TO 4?" I shouted as I did some angry hand gestures. "watch your tone. and rule one of being a fighter, always submit before the due date" I stared at her in annoyance and dusted my pants off.
fuck it, she's going down with them too that heartless bitch.
at 'The Last Drop' (the bar previously owned by Vander)
                                                                     . . .
"ARGH" I wailed as I tumbled to the floor. Sevika pumped more shimmer into her robotic left arm as she readied her next punch. I struggled getting up from my current position, before I could get on my feet she pounced at me grabbing my shirt and tossing me to the wall like trash. "hm" she scoffed. She walked closer to me and provoked  "weak"
weak? the taunting voices of my mother echoed through my head. “ you are nothing you will always be nothing until you stop being so god damn weak y/n” she scoffed and muttered, “what a pathetic excuse for a daughter”
With the new found energy burning inside me I gave an unpredictable kick in her stomach causing her to stagger a little giving me enough time to knock her off her feet and pin her to the floor with my fist. I gave her a self praised looked and she nodded her head in approval . "not bad kid, not bad at all" "woohoo! bravo!" I heard a voice say from behind me. I cringed as my mind processed who that annoying but kinda hot voice belonged to.
"What do you want Jinx?" she gave me puppy eyes "What's the matter sugar? I just came to see how my partners doin'" "uh huh" I replied. Sevika got up and was about to leave when I stopped her "woah woah woah where do you think you're going?" "I'm starving I'll bring you back something but I don't have the patience to deal with that brat right now " "So you're just going to leave me with miss crazy pants?" I said while looking over at Jinx; she just smiled and waved at me enthusiastically. "Please don't leave me with her" I begged. "Sorry y/n someone's gotta deal with her and you agreed to be her friend so that's your job now, thanks". " I DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE" sevika just shrugged and walked away.
great. you just earned yourself number one on my assassination list
I grudgingly walked back inside to meet a smiley Jinx
oh boy
I put on my best fake smile and sat down beside her. "How's training with SEVIKA" she said Sevika in a princess like voice. "Actually it's pretty nice, she pushes me way beyond my limits but it's actually shaping me into a good fighter" "pft I could've done that a gazzilion and a billion times better than SEVIKA" again saying her name in a princess like voice, obviously mocking her.
i don't think a gazillion is even a real number, but i'm not trying to get slaughtered right now so i'll just keep that to myself
I nodded at her statement and wiped some sweat of my forehead when she blurted out;"what's going on with you and Sevika" she bit her lip nervously looking into my eyes. I almost choked on my own saliva. "ME AND SEVIKA? YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING NOTHING IS GOING ON I DO NOT AND WILL NEVER LIKE HER LIKE THAT! PLUS SHES LIKE WHAT? 40?" I laughed at my own protest and jinx smiled a bit. "So you're single, right sugar?" "uh I mean, well yeah but-" she cut me off my leaning close to my face, her lips inches away from my mine. She touched my bottom lip with her thumb "good"
She leaned back and I silently cursed myself. Did I want her to kiss me? Surely not, I don't even like her like that plus I have Jayce at home. Jinx saw that I was frustrated, "What? Did you want me to continue." I felt myself blush uncontrollably. "N-no why would I want you to" "Soo you don't want me to kiss you" "Well I didn't say that either" i mumbled under my breath. "What was that sugar?" "Nothing" I quickly replied. She smirked at me and got close, even closer than she was before. She looked at my lips and leaned in but didn't kiss me. "Alright then I'll see ya tomorrow sugar." she rerouted her position and gave me a kiss on my cheek instead.
why was i mad? why was i so frustrated. did i really want her to kiss me? maybe i did but i can't let myself get attached, i have to kill her or my mother would never think i'm good enough. i need to do this quick before my feelings get stronger.
(hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! i'll try to update more frequently) also top or bottom jinx
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
Any 'behind the scenes' or 'director's cut' stuff in FnF you'd be kind enough to share? :3
I guess random tidbits of would-be scenes from non-pov characters? Would that count? XD
Silco had horrible PTSD-like symptoms the week following Jinx's blow-up on the Bridge. He spent much of his time protectively prowling around a deeply discombobulated Jinx, while unable to look her in those brand-new bright pink Shimmer eyes.
Jayce spent the days during Piltover and Zaun's conflict organizing aid shelters, and emphasizing that no ID or questions of citizenship be asked - just help provided to families in trouble.
Mel warned him that they'd give easy access to Zaunite spies this way. She and Jayce ended up having their first major fight, and it had nothing to do with aid shelters, and everything to do with stress, shared guilt, and building resentment on Jayce's part at how she'd foisted the game of politics on him for her own agenda.
Mel went to the bathroom and shed a few tears afterwards. He was right.
Viktor spent the war-days under covert surveillance as a Zaunite - a backdoor order via the Council. When Jayce found out, he flipped his lid - again.
When the war was over, Silco went to sit by Vander's statue - not to gloat but to grieve at everything it cost them to achieve what they should've had by right all along. "Nothing is fair, eh, brother?"
After Silco and Mel's negotiation, Mel went home and asked Jayce if he'd be up to try erotic asphyxiation in the bedroom. Jayce gave her the most horrified puppy eyes. "What? No - Mel, I'm not mad at you like THAT!" :c
Ambessa watched the war unfold from her airship, sipping wine and remarking to the Local Cuisine Boy. "I told my daughter to beware of the dangers in her backyard." She sent Mel a missive offering military assistance. Mel sent it back with a golden splatter on the parchment as an artistic Fuck You.
Sevika spent her spare hours slumped next to Nandi's tomb at Janna's Temple. She considered writing a letter to her father in Stillwater to share the news - then decided against it. He'd just use it as an excuse to ask for cash to be transferred to his prison commissary.
Vi and Caitlyn hit the streets during the conflict, and did their best to get supplies in the aid shelters and evacuate families away from shelling sites. Vi actually watched from an outpost when Jinx's rocket hit the bridge and it collapsed in flames. She felt a sense of profound horror - and also the tiniest bit of triumph.
Unbeknownst to the sisters, both Vi and Jinx were a stone's throw from each other at several points during the conflict: Jinx blasting buildings to pieces, and Vi rushing in to get survivors out of the wreckage.
They also hummed 'Dear friend across the river' to themselves as a self-soothing mnemonic later that night in bed.
The Firelights felt the after-echoes of the bombings and gunfire. Ekko wanted to send scouts to look for survivors - maybe even organize a coup against Silco while the city was in turmoil. His men took one look at the destruction and noped the fuck out. In their own words, "It's a slaughterhouse out there."
The hour Zaun declared independence, the broken clocktower of the Old Hungry issued a series of eerie gongs that reverberated throughout the city. Some said it sounded like wails of despair. Others said it called to mind an infant's first cry.
(It was just the gearworks collapsing from the inside).
Vive la révolution.
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mcnagerie · 1 year
💘 -For both Vash and maybe Silco?
☠ ― 𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑆𝑦𝑚𝑏𝑜𝑙 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠.
💘 - What is your muse like when they're in love? What does your muse find attractive in someone else? What are their love languages? How do they show affection? Do they show any distinct signs that they're in love?
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Vash will say he's never fallen in love; this is a lie. He's never allowed himself to enter into a genuine, lasting relationship, but throughout his 150+ years on No Man's Land, he's definitely fallen for people - and that's usually his cue to get the hell out of dodge.
Personality matters more to him than anything else. People who are kind, generous, who do their best to help others, who believe in something and earnestly work towards achieving their dreams - though, admittedly, he's got a weakness for dark hair. His main love language is acts of service, though simple physical affection is another favorite; hugs, long cuddle sessions, holding hands, just simply being with his lover.
The main tell that Vash is in love with someone is if he watches them during idle time; he'll often get lost just staring at them while they're walking or drinking, often with a soft smile on his face. He very much looks like a besotted puppy, and it's pretty obvious to anyone who looks at him - but he'd still deny it, of course.
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Silco is unexpectedly similar to Vash in the regard that he'd like about never having fallen in love, but in his case, his refusal to let it go any further was out of a sense of duty to Zaun, as well as the lingering sting of betrayal left by Vander.
He doesn't really have a "type", per se; similarly to Vash, again, he focuses more on personality than anything, but there's not really any hard and fast metrics as to what might determine if he's attracted to someone or not. He'll spend time with them, get to know them, and if feelings develop, they'll do so naturally from there.
He'll typically show affection through verbal reassurance, physical touch - or allowance of physical touch, since he usually won't be the one doing the touching - and gift-giving. This can all be seen with Jinx; letting her hang off of him and cuddle up to him unabated, reassuring her, giving her the resources she needs to work on her inventions, etc.
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vander-affectionate · 2 years
theres a villain named jia, not a lot of grayson, but new look on younger, vulnerable vander
warning for harassment, assault, and a hell of a lot of bullshit i made up in two seconds about piltover law enforcement regulations, not proofread but when do i ever do that. i'd been working on this for days straight, gn!reader here ig? it's not as intense as you think it is i swear
Vander draws a hand down his face because the situation in the bar is not getting any better. It's not that he can't ask Grayson's new tail chaser to leave, but it wouldn't be too wise if he wanted to keep the peace. She's flirting him up and down the counter as he hands off tankards, following behind him with bouyant laughter and brushing against his arm when he's collecting half finished flagons from tables.
Her superiors think it's cute. He's sheepishly turning her away and avoiding her more than occasional wandering touches. Grayson's gone to deal with some shit and this is a favor he's paying back. He didn't anticipate this woman taking a liking to him.
"There's a nice lookin' gent over there who can't take his eyes off ya," he nods to the booth over her shoulder, but she doesn't follow his eyes to the flustered lad. She's staring up at him.
"But I don't want a gent." Her hand curls around his wrist - tries to - and Vander tries not to wince from how she's pressing herself into his hip. "I want you."
His eyes flit up to her and the muffled chuckle of her higher ranking officer is not helping. He stopped looking over there after the first half hour went by and now he's hoping to shake her before this hour comes to a close. "Look. Uh-"
"Jia." She offers on a dreamy sigh, smiling wider and pushing up on his tense arm so her breath fans over his face.
She's a pretty thing. He couldn't deny that if he wanted to because her eyes are a twinkling jade and her hair is a startling flow of gold that looks like it's outgrown a bob. She's had half the enforcer unit in his bar giving her none too subtle glances and she knows it so he doesn't understand why she's caught up on him when there's a perfect little puppy eyeing her in the corner.
Vander relaxes his arm so the distance is kept. "Jia." he sighs patiently, "I'm not interested in a person who wears the enforcer uniform." Or you for that matter lingers on the tip of his tongue. Other less civil replies are spinning laps in his head as he tries to form a polite sentence.
She's stronger than she looks. She yanks him down by the collar and he drops a couple freshly topped off tankards on the floor and he rounds to tell her to back the fuck off so he can do his job, but his ear is between his teeth and Vander drops the other tankards when her lips press against the shell of his ear,
"I can take the uniform off, sir."
He freezes up.
His head is spinning and the hand on his collar suddenly feels like it's around his neck when it won't free his collar after he tugs loosely at it.
"Y'lright mannin' the bar, hotshot?"
Vander's shoulders fall and his eyes are nearly closing from the contentment that comes from hearing your voice, it's only natural that he's tilting his head back to steal a glance at you despite how awkward it might feel on his neck.
"A new face or two, nothin' I can't handle," He shoots you his best smile, the one that makes his heart full and his mind empty and fbe one you tell him makes you a clutz in rush hour. But you're not looking at him. "I see you're a walkin' marvel once again. How's that fairin' for you?"
"Flirting won't get you a raise, V."
You're wiping the bar down and sending a wink to one of the rosy cheeked uniforms sitting at the counter.
He pouts, huffing and grumbling about not wanting a raise anyway as he picks up fallen tankards. You're so preoccupied with the company in front of you that you won't look at —
"You never answered my question, V." a syrupy voice lilts through his ears.
Vander stills, that nickname on someone else's lips making him sit upright. He doesn't spare her a glance as he walks back toward the counter, "I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me that." he grounds out.
"But it's sexy." she giggles and he's caught on a table. He stops immediately, having remembered all the messes and fights he's caused from tipping ale only to turn and see Jia with a beltloop in her finger. "Is that something people only call you after hours?" Her hand slides around his front and over his toned stomach before his hand closes around her wrist and keeps it from going lower.
A few eyes are on them and Jia is certainly wide eyed as she regards him. He's no longer smiling politely, a pointed look on his face as he returns her hand to her.
You want to laugh because you've never seen anyone grate his nerves like that, let alone a girl, and still people despite his size expect him to have a bad temper. It's hilarious to see him cornered in an audience of gunpowder because, despite the looming danger, it's where he best thrives. But as you guessed, when Vander straightens, broad shoulders accenting how massive he really is — some gazes darken from the unrealized threat.
It's best to get him out of the crowd when people start seeing him as such.
His eyes fall away from the woman in front of him to you and he thinks he might be in trouble from how firm your voice is, wincing slightly and head bowing despite doing nothing wrong until he sees the amusement in your eyes. You see him. You know what's going on and he hopes you don't tell him to go in the back because he doesn't want to leave you to handle the collective uniforms alone.
You nod your head, an order rather than a question for him to come near. "Help me behind the bar."
He's more than happy to ignore the protests of an enforcer to do as you say and he's brushing up against you like pleased housecat, a faint hum on his lips before he cleans tankards (his least favorite job) with a smile.
"You never answered my question, Vanner." she opts for leaning on the bar and he stills.
She's saying his name wrong and you're not sure if it's on purpose, but it's usually an easy pet peeve to get him riled up. He doesn't turn. He doesn't answer and she slams her hands down on the bar counter. Vander jumps slightly, throat bobbing as he stares at the tankard in his hand and his ears are flushed.
"Look at an officer when you're spoken to."
Her voice is a reminder of what happens in the undercity when you're cornered by an enforcer, let alone a brigade of twenty.
Doing the math, there are four people at the bar and you can count on your hand how much shorter two of them are than Vander. There's one elder among them and a woman packed to the gills with ammo, but doesn't have the look of experience her elders do. Jia is much like the rest of her squad; well-equipped and no doubt well trained to take a challenge like Vander.
Vander's twitching fingers are pressed tight to the tankard and he turns his back to her so he can meet your eyes for a brief moment.
His shirt is sticking awkwardly to him from sweat, his brows are steepled, and his wobbly frown paired with pleading eyes makes your breath hitch. He's never been this panicked before. He's never had a woman insist she sleep with him without a way out.
"This is a bar, not a brothel," you call and she stares at you thoroughly pissed off at your interruption. "And as such, the bar hands are not allowed to interact with the customers for more than a friendly chat in and outside of the bar, so can I interest you in a drink?"
She shifts her weight on her feet, nodding, "If you could pour me a glass of fuck off then I'd be delighted."
Jia pushes her weight onto the counter and her feet barely landed on it, but you have moved, situating yourself between her and Vander who's staring down at you, tugging at your shirt to try to defuse the situation, but you're leaning on the bar with a kind smile that's making his heart drop into his stomach.
"Get your feet off my bar counter." your sweet tone does little to mask what's going to happen next.
The female enforcer swings her foot at your face, but in one smooth motion to dodge it, you catch her ankle and shove her off the counter. She squawks and it makes her superiors at the counter choke on their laughter. All you do is pointedly watch and wipe down where her boots dug into the counter.
It's no surprise when she climbs to her feet and takes hold of your shirt, but you're completely unbothered as you stare at her hand as if it's riddled with disease.
"If you rats wanted a fight all you had to do was say so," she sneers at you and you sigh.
"I want you to get your piltie hands off me before I catch whatever delusional bullshit you're on."
A firm crack echoes on the four walls of the bar. You hiss, gripping the metal edge of the counter and as you stagger back with watery eyes. It stings and you groan, leaning your head back to meet her eyes.
She stares in shock when you're smirking at her.
"Isn't it a misdemeanor to assault a citizen for an unwarranted incursion?"
As your blood drips on the floor, the situation settles in. That vehement glare falters before she's collecting whatever resolve she has to square off on you. "What of it?" she scowls, "You're no citizen of Piltover."
"I'm not?" you whisper conspiratorially, a hand coming to your chest, "But then who governs the undercity?"
You receive only silence in return.
"Right. So I've been assaulted by Piltover law enforcement." you let blood drip down your nose, uncaring if it's running along your cupid's bow. "Not only that, you've spent the last half hour harassing one of my bar hands which is also a violation of civil code and enforcer behavioral practices."
"You can't prove anything," she scowls and her pretty green eyes are sharper than they've been all afternoon when aimed at you.
"I can't? My nose doesn't have indents from your tailored brass lined gloves?" you raise a brow, "There are plenty of enforcers with the size of your fingers specifically? I'm sure the Academic Bureau of Inventive Research couldn't possibly find a match to you."
A hand on your arm squeezes and Vander's quickly giving your face a onceover before you turn your attention back to the officer in front of you. He's giving you these eyes, please stop.
"Not to mention what kind of trouble decorated officers would get into for watching a subordinate assault and harass a representitive to the civil council of the Academic Bureau." you lean on the counter and her associates seem to have just been hit by a brick of reality when they remember their own existence. "And Grayson, let's not forget her. What would she say? I'm sure the other half of the bar didn't see anything either?"
Vander's painfully aware of the picture you've painted. There's a handful, five or six people in a booth, that give a wave as if to prove your point. There's only a handful of them, you and Vander, and you're all outnumbered by government dogs. It wouldn't matter how good you are at handling yourselves.
"Nothing." one of the enforcers say, "You're under arrest for conspiracy."
You roll your eyes and the people at the bar stand up, guns cock and Vander's clutching you by the arms and you roll your eyes at this show of blatant dominance from the enforcers.
"What are you doing?" he asks, pulling you closer to him as the woman who was aggressively flirting with him pulls you away to cuff your wrists in metal.
Vander's shouting for them to let you go before he cracks some skulls and he's about to lose his shit when they're pulling you outside, but they stop. Twenty uniforms are outnumbered by the crowd in front of the bar and all of them slowly come to realize you're in cuffs and there are enforcers in their neck of the woods.
You shoot a smile at Jia, "Are you really going to arrest me for defending my husband?"
Your voice carries and the crowd shifts, closing in a little closer as murmurings break out. Vander pushes from the small crowd of uniforms to be among the sea of fissurefolk and you can see the visible sweat forming on their foreheads.
"What's going on here?"
You nod gleefully at Grayson, a smile on your face as Vander approaches her and he opens his mouth to speak, but someone's doing it for him.
"Nothing." Jia says, quickly undoing your cuffs and you purse your lips.
"Really?" you look over your shoulder to the small band of witnesses you purposefully had waiting in the bar.
"It looks like you arrested one of the partners of that bar." Grayson says and you shoot her a smile as you walk over to Vander. He's all too happy to sweep you into his arms and nuzzle his nose against your cheek, his chest rumbling as he grunts threats if you ever were to try that again.
"I guess nothing happened, Vander. Is wrongful arrest a misdemeanor, too?"
You don't have to look behind you to know Grayson's squad has stiffened and you tip your head back, a smile on your face when you meet eyes with Jia.
"Oops." you set a hand over mouth and do nothing to hide your smile as Grayson herds them off before the bar's weekend rush of ale drinkers decide to sate a different kind of thirst as they watch the uniforms disappear.
Other employed barkeeps take on the brunt of the sudden fill of people in the bar while Vander pulls you away from the crowds and upstairs into your shared bedroom.
The first thing he does is pull you into his arms and bury his face in your neck.
"Next time you're going to pull something like that, wink at me or something." he groans as you pepper kisses over the side of his face and he pulls back to look at your semi-clean face.
You peel off your shirt and wipe the rest of the blood from your nose. Vander takes your chin in his fingers, gently prodding the swollen area and sighing when you don't wince too bad. He kisses the space between your brows and rubs your bare arms.
"It's not broken, you're lucky." he whispers, kissing your forehead. "I should've called you when she started flirting with me. Thought I could handle it."
You kiss his shoulder as he pulls you to lay on top of him while he sprawls out on the bed. "You couldn't have known." He grunts in response, burying his face in your neck and sighing, "You okay, big guy? You were pretty shaken up earlier, had me worried."
"Yeah," he murmurs. "Nothing a little rest can't fix."
You hum, pressing a kiss to his cheek and his jaw, massaging his shoulders and feeling the way he allows himself to relax from your touch. Kisses slowly run down his neck and his hands seat themselves on your hips,
"That was hot." he squeezes your hips. "When you tossed that enforcer off the counter, I think I saw my soul leave my body."
You snicker against his neck and lean up to look down at him. He pulls your hips to grind over the hardness in his trousers, licking his lips and taking in the sight of you topless. "I wouldn't be surprised if you orchestrated all that to get me like this."
"I would. Smart enough to convince Grayson and Nia to let you defend my honor? Genius." He whispers, fingers playing with the button of your pants.
"Jia." you correct and he gives you a pointed look to which you giggle and lean against him.
"That's what you want to correct me on? Not working with enforcers, just the Jia part?"
You lean down and capture Vander's lips in a sweet kiss that has his breath hitchng and his head spinning. "Keep your enemies close." you remind him gently.
He draws the button to your pants loose to draw his hands around your hips before cupping the your ass. You sigh, leaning your head back and grinding harder on top of him.
He jolts suddenly and you're in his arms, both of you against the wall, but Vander's focused on something else.
"Right there. You see that?"
"Babe, are you serious?"
He's glaring at the frog on your cracked window. He's outside and perched vertically against the glass. Vander sneers at him as a cat would a dog and you kiss his cheek, prying yourself from his arms as you near the window and he's two steps behind you.
"He's going to get in, slam it." he whisper shouts and you pause by the window, only to grate his nerves. "The safety of our bedroom is at stake. Slam. It."
You slowly roll the window shut and he holds his breath when the frog moves a little.
"Lock it."
"Vander." you laugh and he's nearing the window, cautiously tapping the glass that shows the frog's belly.
You lock the window and he sweeps you into a grateful hug, "What would I do without you?"
"Succumb to frogs, apparently."
He's pulling his shirt over his head, adamant on showing you his gratitude for having his back against the cold-blooded villains of the world.
Enforcers. And frogs.
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Sounds can be heard coming from inside! It will hatch soon!
by Puschelinchen
Vi has been waiting for this moment for three weeks now. The egg is about to hatch.
Words: 2432, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Vi (League of Legends), Caitlyn (League of Legends), Powder (Arcane), Mylo (Arcane: League of Legends), Claggor (Arcane: League of Legends), Vander (League of Legends), Jinx (League of Legends)
Relationships: Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)
Additional Tags: PokemonAU!, Hurt/Comfort, Vi is super excited, but also a sad little puppy, there is an egg hatching and it's got a surprise, it'll make her happy again, caitlyn supportive gf, powder being the best little sister
from AO3 works tagged 'Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)'
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thistleandthorn-rpg · 2 years
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Congrats Kree on your audition for Maverick Vander! Please check out this page here for more information and send us his blog within 48 hours! Welcome to the group!
Name: Kree 

Preferred pronouns: he/him

Age: 21+

Timezone/Country: PST/United States  

RP Experience: 5+ years 

Activity Level: I can be on every day for a few hours. I may not be able to get on one or two days in a row because I am on the road. This schedule changes weekly. 

Name: Maverick Vander
Designation: Dominant. 

Age: 26
Birthdate: May 4, 1996 

Faceclaim: Chris Wood

Orientation: Bisexual 

Kinks: Bondage, Edge play, Face-Sitting/Lapping/Fucking, Cock/Feet/Pit Worship, Humiliation, Hypnotism, Watersports, Sadism, Orgasm Control, Pain, Puppy Play, Endless Teasing, anything else. 

Anti-Kinks: Race play
Just having a good time.
Maverick grew up in a very strict household, with strict schedules and routines. The man didn’t particularly enjoy his upbringing but he never challenged it, either. In fact, he excelled in the environment. This pleased his father, more than anyone. Maverick was his dad’s special child. He wasn’t born a twin or triplet, a unique case. This only raised his dad’s expectations for him, despite having other siblings in the family.
Every summer, Maverick’s father helped run a type of teenage boot camp. Which all Vander children attended with their dad, every year. The summer of his freshman year, Maverick didn’t attend due to a broken finger. He was, instead, sent to spend the summer with his uncle in the city. This uncle was very different from his dad, much more relaxed and free spirited. He was the person who first introduced Maverick to a world outside of routines and rules. He really bonded with his uncle that summer, and started to become his own person.
The following year, Maverick faked being accepted to an elite summer program to deceive his father, and visit his uncle once again. He knew his father wouldn’t be able to resist sending him to something like that. It was something the man could boast about. He had no reason to believe his perfect son would lie. So, every summer after that, he would spend it having fun in the city.
He continued making his father proud by getting his Dominant mark. Though, his father still has no idea about Maverick’s summer adventures, his thoughts on the system, and the way they were brought up. He doesn’t care to tell him, either. All he cares about is that he’s his own person. In some ways, Maverick turned out just like his father, though he’s glad he can say he’s able to think for himself.
What are your feelings about the mark you have received? 
I intend to make the best of it. Just like I would have with any mark. My father was proud, but whatever.
How do your feelings on the system compare to your parents’ feelings on it?
Our feelings on the system are very different. My parents believe in all this in his soul. My father is very patriotic. And you could say I’m… indifferent.
Where do you see yourself after you graduate? 
After graduation, I see myself traveling a lot, starting a career in journalism, working my way to high status Dom.
How do you feel about authority? 
In the right hands, authority can be a beautiful thing, but in the wrong hands, it can turn into something else. Not everyone was meant to have authority. This can be seen with people who currently hold authority.
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sevikasmainwhore · 2 years
Heyyyy ummm I love your post and I was wondering if you could do a little post about the characters after they made you cry *cough* ran *cough*
i did not expect that last one to blow up the way it did. and i got a lot a request about it to. you guys are so sweet 💖
They Apologize
Requested ⇢ Yes/No
Type ⇢ Headcanons ❥
characters ⇢ vi, caitlyn, ran, jinx, sevika, vander, grayson.
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❤️ You had came out of the bedroom but you didn’t talk to Vi. She didn’t push you into talking to her either. She knew what she did and she knew her raising her voice and cursing at you was wrong. She fucked up. Vi being stubborn she thought she could do with the silent treatment but she missed the sound of your voice, she misses you being overly excited over the smallest things so she apologized. It was around night time when you were getting my ready for bed. As your about to lie down, she stops you. “Y/n…I-I’m sorry..I was completely in the wrong and I never meant to make you feel like that…” She kept going, never breaking eye contact. You hung onto her every word until she started tearing up. “and I promise to never ever put you in that position again..”. You couldn’t help but tear up a bit too. “Vi please, you were just being protective.” You bring her in for a hug. You accepted her apology with a lot of tears and kisses and spent the rest of the night of you babbling about things Vi misses you talking about . Vi really missed that.
💙 After the argument you decided it was best to stay with a friend for a while. What Caitlyn said had really sat with you. It also sat with Caitlyn. She was an absolute mess. She couldn’t eat right, sleep right or get her job done right. She had to take a few days off because of how terrible she looked. She knew she should apologize but she wanted to give you time and it was going good at first until she started missing you in bed with her. That’s when she went to find you. When Caitlyn arrived, your friend had opened the door but immediately closed it when they saw who it was. “Hey..Y/n…Guess who???” It was bound to happen but you didn’t think it would take her this long. “Do you want to talk to her?” They asked. After thinking it over you said yea but only at the door. You opened the door to find a moping Caitlyn, head down like a puppy being scolded. You crossed your arms, waiting for her to start. “um…er…Y/n…I’m sorry…I never meant any of those words and I never should’ve yelled at you like that. I don’t know what it was but I know I was wrong. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I wasn’t able to come back home to you…” By the end of it she looked up at you. “I really miss you Y/n…I’m sorry..” It felt genuine and you sure let missed her too, but you wanted to see something. “Anything else..”. “I miss having you in the bed with me.” “And?” “And I miss doing my routines with you..” “And?” “…and I miss…your amazing cooking..?” You couldn’t help but laugh. “I miss you too Kiramman.” You brought her in for a hug. and she more than happy to accept. “If I ever put you into that position position again you have my full permission to shoot me” “Noted”
🖤 Ran leaving made you feel worse. You didn’t know if they were gonna come back or if they left you for good. Left you alone for someone way better. It scared you. It kept you up almost every night, you’d just wait, and wait. Until one night they came home. You were fast asleep but when Ran came into the room, they came to your side of the bed and sat there, watching you sleep while rubbing at your tear stained face. They woke you up with soft kisses and you just started crying again. “Ran…please don’t do that again…I didn’t know when you were gonna come home..” You cried in their chest and they couldn’t help but hug you, rubbing your back and just whispering how it’s okay. How they were here now and that they never should’ve left. “Hey..hey..it’s okay..you’re okay…I’m sorry baby..” Ran felt guilty. The argument was so stupid. That night Ran promised to never leave like that again. Especially without telling you.
💣 Jinx knew what she did. She couldn’t blame the voices for this one. She knew she had gone to far and she was scared she lost you. She couldn’t help but cry as well. She needed to find you and fast. You on the other hand was at a lost. You probably shouldn’t have left like that knowing Jinx but on the other hand you couldn’t help but feel the need to just give her some time to think or at least find that voice of reasoning. Jinx looked everywhere for you, even asked around where you were but she had no luck. Until she got the bright idea to look in Silcos old office. Luck must’ve been on her side because that’s where you were. “Y/n…?” Jinx voice sounded shakey, like she seconds from crying. “Jinx..?” “Y/N!!” She ran to you and embraced you in the biggest hug she could give you. “Y/n…I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry..please don’t leave again..” Her face was buried deep in your neck and you could feel the tears. “Oh Jinx, I’m sorry…it wasn’t your fault..it’s never your fault” You both were still in that old basement when you forgave each other. For the rest of night you both sat in silence with a few words here and there but just overall missing each other’s presence. You may not have been gone forever but to Jinx it felt as if the whole world dropped.
💜 Sevika felt horrible. You were just looking out for her, just wanted to make sure she was safe but she fucked it up. She tried to maybe look at it differently and say that you were in the wrong. That made her feel worse. Especially when she tried playing cards. It just wasn’t the same without you next to her. She lost at least 5 times. But that wasn’t what pushed her to apologize. It was her missing being close to you, being able to hear your endless ranting about nothing, and just overall you. She needed to find you and fast.You had been wondering around Zaun to find something, anything to distract from what Sevika had said. You didn’t worry too much about being bothered because almost half the Undercity knew you were off limits but it was still a bit scary without Sevika. No, you were upset at her right now. How could she say that?? Why would she say that??? Your thoughts were interrupted as you were lifted of the ground and thrown over a shoulder. “You’re coming with me.” Sevika??? “No, Let me down” You start hitting at her back, kicking trying to get off. “Y/n you’re gonna get killed. You’re coming home.” Her grip tightened, making sure you couldn’t get down. When you made it home, Sevika still wouldn’t let you go. You were glad she didn’t though. While she had you she spewed her whole heart out. She didn’t mean anything she said and she made sure to make no excuses.
🍻 Vander hated that he yelled. He ran you off and it was his fault. He felt horrible for putting into that position. He went out looking for you. First in the Last Drop, then somewhere Topside, then the Lanes. He found you by the docks. He should’ve guessed you were there since the fish brought you a bit of joy. “Y/n..” He started walking towards you, but as he got closer he heard sniffling. “Oh..Y/n…” He tried hugging you but you swatted him away “No, don’t touch me, I don’t wanna see you right now.” That stung him. “Y/n…I’m sorry..I was completely in the wrong..” He continued. “You’re probably the best thing that has ever happened to me and I blew it…” He kept going until he let you talk. After a few minutes you wiped away you’re tears, turning to face him with your head down. “You didn’t really mean calling me lazy like that?” Vander could’ve cried right there. “If you ever hear me say anything like that again, you have my permission to shoot me dead” You couldn’t help but laugh and Vander. missed that. “There’s that smile” He brings you in for a hug and it was probably the best feeling in the world. You may not have been gone for long but he missed you. A lot.
🧡 Grayson almost followed you out the door. She didn’t want you to go but she also knew you needed time but she also knew she needed to apologize. She didn’t mean anything she had said and she didn’t want to blame it on stress. She wasn’t sure what it was but she knew in her heart she could never mean what she had said and she needed you to know that immediately. Finding you was the hard part. Grayson had enforcers on every block in search of you. No where, No one building was left unlooked. You were no where to be found. That is until Grayson realized she hadn’t checked her home. Zaun. Grayson called off the enforcers and made her way across town. You were sitting at the last drop, just thinking. You hadn’t been here long maybe for a few minutes. You had no plans of going home so you just kept the drinks coming. “Here to make an arrest?” The bartender asked to someone beside you. “Not quite” You knew it. “You didn’t have to come get me Sheirff” “But I wanted to” You scoffed “Wouldn’t that be better if I didn’t come home..You could have the whole house to yourself.”. Grayson felt horrible. She should’ve kept her composure. You were just being cautious of her words . “What fun would that be?” She started. “I wouldn’t be able to wake to you, I wouldn’t be able to listening to endless conversations that I love too much. I wouldn’t be able to enjoy just watching you..” You looked up at her. “What else wouldn’t you be able to enjoy?” After that Grayson went on a whole rant about everything she’d miss about you. By the end of the night you both were laughing and just overall falling in love all over again. Grayson apologized and promised to never ever yell like that again.
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note: i probably should’ve posted this before my nap sorry 😭
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sevikasupremacy · 2 years
I would love to see a sfw ff about when Sevika and the others cry and the reader comforts them! If you want to ofc! :)
I hope it’s okay with you if I do headcanons instead since there are many characters here! ☺️
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~ Comforting Them When They Cry ~
Grayson, Vi, Mel, Caitlyn, Sevika
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➼ As an enforcer, it was Grayson’s responsibility to protect the city… Which can sometimes be challenging for this woman. The pressure from the councilors weren’t making things any better too. Sometimes they just ask for too much.
➼ Every night when Grayson comes home, she always had the same blank expression on her face. She looked… exhausted. But whenever you asked her what was wrong, she would always give you a gentle smile, reassuring you that everything would be okay.
➼ But one night, while you were peacefully sleeping alone in your shared bed, you heard sniffling coming from the older woman as she walked over to you. You immediately sat up and turned on the lamp, getting a good look at your wife. Her tear-stained face made your heart drop.
➼ The moment Grayson laid eyes on you, she broke down, immediately burrow her face into your chest as she let all her emotions out. Her arms wrapped tightly around your waist, refusing to let you go.
➼ After a few minutes, both of you were laying on the bed together, your head on her chest as you listened to all her rants. As she tries to fall asleep, you would hum a lullaby for her, your hand tenderly caressing her face.
➼ “I really tried my best… I just want to at least have some time for myself… Don’t get me wrong, I want to protect our city… and be a good Sheriff… But sometimes it’s too overbearing…”
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➼ Losing a loved one is the most tragic thing someone could go through. Especially for Vi. Not only did she lose Vander, she lost her friends too. And Powder..? Well we all know what happened to her.
➼ Spending years in prison only made it worse. No one was there to love her, comfort her, or even care for her. It was just her… alone in a concrete cell.
➼ When she was finally free and was able to return home, the uneasy feelings were still there. Even when you showed up. She was terrified that she would lose you too. Which explains why sometimes she could be overprotective with you.
➼ In the middle of the night, you woke up to the sound of sniffles and whimpers. You forced your eyes open, noticing Vi laying on your chest as she cried. Tear stains were visible on your clothes but you weren’t bothered by it.
➼ You caressed the back of her head, telling her to calm down. It didn’t surprised you though since this happened almost occasionally. But you were never annoyed by it. You fully understand your girlfriend’s feeling. After a while she would craned her head up to look at you with those puppy eyes. You smiled, giving her a soft kiss on the forehead as you let her sleep on your chest for the rest of the night.
➼ “I’m sorry it’s just… I really love you Y/N… I don’t want to lose you too… I still get nightmares about them… so please… don’t leave me….”
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➼ As her girlfriend, you always knew about Mel’s relationship with her mother. How she felt like an outcast among her family. Not gonna lie, you never met Mrs. Medarda before but the way Mel speaks about her made you shiver.
➼ But once Elora informed you and Mel about Mrs. Medarda’s visit, you knew it was going to worst day ever.
➼ You followed Mel into her bedroom, telling her that it was okay and everything was going to be fine. She didn’t listen. Instead, she started to rant, letting out all her emotions to you. The moment tears started to roll down her cheeks, you immediately hold her in your arms.
➼ It’s as if the moment she felt your pair of arms, she started calm down, her breathing slowed down. After a while she would nuzzle her face into the crook of your neck, her arms wrapping around your waist.
➼ You would later princess carry her to the bed, setting her down on the soft mattress. As she closed her eyes, trying to drift off to sleep, you’ll pepper her face with soft kisses, whispering praises to her.
➼ “Please Y/N… You know how my mother’s like. I’m not ready… I… don’t want to see her… Stay with me? Please? If you are there with me I will be okay…”
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➼ Being a councilor’s daughter doesn’t mean everything will be perfect. At least Caitlyn was certain of that. Not gonna lie, even her job was difficult sometimes. Some people just believes that she was able to become an enforcer because of her family’s status. But you never had that thought.
➼ Everyone knew you and Caitlyn were lovers. You always got her back, ready to help her cross any obstacles. But handling a job like being an enforcer can be overwhelming for Caitlyn sometimes.
➼ One night, you were walking down the hallway to head to Caitlyn’s bedroom when you heard gasps and sniffles. You immediately barged in, seeing your lover sitting on the floor, hugging her knees. She looked up at you with swollen eyes.
➼ You immediately cupped her face, pulling her in for a kiss as you tried to calm her down. Luckily, it worked. After a minute of silence, she started explaining how some other enforcers would say that she wasn’t capable of handling this type of job and that she should just quit and be a councilor instead. She would complain, saying how hard she tried but no one ever acknowledges it.
➼ You nodded, understanding every word that was coming out of her mouth. You hugged her tightly, reassuring her that you believed in her and that she would become a great enforcer one day. After hours of kissing and comforting the sad woman, the both of you eventually laid on the bed together, staring at the ceiling as you shared late night thoughts together.
➼ “Why am I always treated like this..? They don’t believe in me Y/N… they’ll never will. I should just be a councilor, just like my mother… Why won’t they just leave me alone…”
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➼ Dating the scary lady of Zaun was like the best thing you could’ve ask for. But seeing her overwork herself with Silco and Jinx by her side, ready to add even more stress? You couldn’t bare to watch her come home exhausted and frustrated all the time.
➼ But whenever you showed any signs of concern to her, she always cut you off, saying that she was fine. No matter how exhausted she was, she would always say that it wasn’t a big deal and that she had been handling this kind of work for a long very time already.
➼ Well not when she came home unusually late one night. Sevika decided to sit alone in the living room, painful cries could be heard from the older woman. After a while, she looked up to see you standing in front of her. She quickly wiped her tears away, clearing her throat as she told you to go back to sleep. But you didn’t listen.
➼ You straddled her lap, wrapping your arms around her neck as you hugged her tightly. This made Sevika froze like a statue before bawling her eyes out again, wrapping her strong arms around your waist. She would bury her face into your shoulder as you rubbed her back soothingly.
➼ After hours of comforting the exhausted woman, the both of you eventually fell asleep on the couch together… with her spooning you.
➼ “Fine I’m not okay. I’m really not okay… I’m so exhausted… Why can’t anyone see that..? But at least you are here… God what would I do without you..?”
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vanderslanes · 3 years
Could you do something fluffy like cuddling with Vander I need some Vander fluff in my life <3
[Ask and you shall receive friendo! Artist credits to: @chris_SDD ]
POV: Some well deserved fluff and cuddles with the big wolf of the under city
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This man
Lord all mighty this FUCKING SEXY BEAST OF A MAN
Despite all the tales of his cold hearted raw displays of physical strength and fear, he’s the softest man on this planet.
The wolf of the under city is nothing more than a big golden retriever puppy.
Loyal to a fault.
Would never ever look at anyone else when you’re in the same room as him
He literally wouldn’t take his damn eyes off of you.
Even though part of it is his protective nature. Like honestly, God forbid anyone in Zaun raised so much as a voice towards you it’d be hell to pay.
When you two are at the bar together your displays of PDA are limited
Strictly hand holding
Occasionally you’ll have one of his thick strong arms wrapped around your waist.
However the bedroom? Different story ENTIRELY
Forget a different story, your private life with the man is an entirely different saga!
When the two of you are alone, he’ll scoop you up in his arms and carry you to the bed.
He’s so gentle about the way he handles you as if you’re made of glass even though he knows you’ve taken your fair share of bruises bumps and fists to the face.
Kisses galore!!
He’s so playful about them
He’ll pepper your face in kisses until you can’t help but laugh and squirm away from him.
Y/N: “Will you cut that out! Your beard tickles sir!”
Vander: “Mm that depends, you gonna stop laughing if I do stop?”
Y/N: “Maybe!”
Vander: “Well then. I don’t take that’s a risk I’m willin’ to take sweetheart.”
You’d laugh and laugh and honestly it’s music to his ears.
He’d keep going until his lips finally found yours
Kisses with Vander are always so passionate.
His palms embrace you and hold your body flush against his while his lips take control
It feels secure and loving.
An amazing kisser overall truthfully. He never fails to make you weak in the knees.
He’s spend quite a bit of time just making up for missed kisses he couldn’t give you during the day
But once he was done there he’d get himself comfortable and tuck you nicely into his side
Those big ol’ arms would lock around you as he let your body rest against his.
The man is a furnace. His body heat could warm you up even on the coldest day. He’s always so damn warm
He’s a big spoon for sure! 1000%
Though if you gave him the old switch-a-roo he wouldn’t mind being the lil spoon for a night.
When he’s big spoon he loves to play with your hair.
Fingers in it, twirling the ends with his index
He’d be so lazy about it, just twirling as he listened to you talk about your day or frankly whatever’s on your mind at the moment.
Don’t be surprised though if late night cuddles turn into more than just cuddles.
You WILL be getting dicked down seven ways from Sunday. And you WILL NOT be able to walk the next day.
1000/10 would give you the best after care of your life.
No matter what though, at the end of all the cuddles and all the playful bedroom activities….he’s always the first one to fall asleep
He’s a snorer
A crisper actually.
He doesn’t snore and rumble down the house
It’s a small crisp of air that slips through his lips.
It’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen.
You tell everyone
Before you fall asleep for the night too you always whisper a good night to him.
It’s usually always met with his arms tightening around you, his face burying into the back of your neck or the top of your head.
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fandomsonrequests · 2 years
behind closed doors
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fandom: arcane
characters: vander
reader: fem!
word count: 500+
warnings: smut, femdom + hand kink, some cussing (first request for vander aye–)
requested by anon
Please, minors do not proceed with reading; contains very adult themes
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On the outside, people see Vander as the strong, steadfast man that led them through a revolution. He’s the leader that holds the Lanes together. He’s the Hound of the Underground. This mountain of a man could hurl out people from his bar with no hesitation. He could send a wave of fear with just one stare. To the kids, he’s the man who became their father when their parents have passed away, the one they look up to the most. To you– he’s your lover and your partner in crime of several years.
But he’s also your little puppy behind closed doors.
Despite being married for more than a decade– the romance between you two never died down. Sure the libido and stamina have changed as you two aged on but it did nothing to quell the fire between you two… nor did it change the dynamics.
Ever since you two were hot-blooded young adults, Vander had been completely whipped for you. He submitted to your every whim and loved on you like his life depended on it. Not that he minded of course– he was comfortable in his sexuality and himself to be handled this way. And you? You practically thrived on bringing such a huge man such as him down on his knees for you.
“You’re so good for me, Vander~” You purr from your position over him, thighs pasted on either side of him. The man exhales at the praise, doing his best to not just thrust up into the warmth of your cunt. He could feel the slick trail down his throbbing cock, precum practically dripping from the head.
You take one of his wide hands that rested upon your thighs. The calluses of his fingers slide against your skin. You bring his hand up to your lips, softly kissing his palms. One of your favorite physical features of Vander was his hands– how warm they were when they caressed you or how safe you felt when they encased your own. But you also loved how gentle and tender they can be, like now for instance.
Vander’s breath hitches at your kisses, slowly morphing into what sounded like a cross between a desperate whine and a groan. “Oh fuck, darl,” He groans when your tongue darts out as you swallow around his thick digits, the same ones that fill your cunt up on nights he just wanted to feel you. “Fuck– you’re gonna be the death of me, love.”
You only laugh, the sounds vibrating around his fingers. Your own hands trail up the wiry hairs of his chest up to his neck. Vander, being the obedient man he was, tilted his head backward, allowing you to gently wrap your own hand around his neck. You applied the lightest pressure, grinding down against his weeping cock as you sucked on his fingers. Gods– you couldn’t get enough of him.
“Prepare yourself, honey,” You warn him as you pop his fingers out of your mouth. You see his icy-grey orbs follow the thin trail of saliva that connected your lips to his digits. The sight of his desperation makes you throb. It was clear he was holding himself back. Oh you were going to have fun.
You smirk, hissing in pleasure when you direct his soaked digits to your cunt. “I’ve only just begun.”
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conretewings · 3 years
How about something more fluffy? Vander's a furnace, so hot summer nights (not sure if a/c is a thing) means less cuddles for him. And the hound of the underground has some intense puppy dog eyes.
-Oh hun fuck me up with that fluffy longing stuff yessss 😩❤
In the middle of the balmy summer season, the days in the Undercity could sometimes be next to unbearable, with the heat trapped in the canyons and bolstered by the mining and industrial goings-on slithering into every crevice from which there was little escape. People rigged up whatever air conditioning systems they could yet these were rarely very effective, usually best for whomever was lucky enough to be sitting roughly in front of them.
The nights were more tolerable, when the rising heat dissipated upward towards Piltover (one of the few things they were grateful to let them have), however with that came the nearly as oppressive humidity that settled in like an unwelcome blanket.
It was the middle of one of these steamy nights that, in trying to find some relief you stood in front of the small window of your shared room, clad in only a thin tank top and your underwear. The height and angle of the window gave you decent protection from any prying eyes, and in all honesty at this moment you were too hot to care if anyone was watching. You closed your eyes and let a soft night breeze wash over your skin, releasing a tiny sigh.
The next sound came from behind you, as you heard the creaking of the old, worn mattress and a deep, sleepy voice.
"'Ey...come back to bed, love..."
You looked over your shoulder and smiled wearily at the handsome man there, "Vander it's insufferable in here. I just needed some air. I'll be there in a moment."
"A'ight..." he relented, rolling onto his side and propping himself up on one elbow to watch you with half-lidded eyes. The breeze played with your hair and shifted the almost-transparent shirt around your form and he found himself hissing in a quiet breath; gods he was a lucky man. You crooked one eyebrow at him and smirked.
"C'mere gorgeous." he murmured with a jerk of his head, voice gravelly from sleep and need.
Damn him he was irresistible, laying there with no shirt at all and nearly nothing else, and with another smirk you crossed the small room and crawled in next to him as he immediately threw his thick arms around you, falling back into the bed with you resting on his chest. There's a few moments of peaceful quiet, save for the background ambiance of the city's ever-constant nightlife, before you felt his body heat seep through your skin and raise your temperature all over again. The man was a living furnace, which in the chill of winter was a blessing but at this moment was certainly not.
"Vander..." you groaned, trying to pry yourself off him, "It's too hot for cuddling..."
He lifted his head to meet your gaze, for a moment looking miffed before his expression shifts, eyes opening a little more and brows down turned slightly, "Ya really don't want me to hold you?"
Oh no. He was doing it the bastard; giving you that soft, almost pleading look that he knew very well you couldn't resist. Despite being a generally serious, somewhat gruff man, the feared hound of the underground was at this moment little more than an overgrown puppy, especially with the serious case of 'puppy-dog eyes' he gave you.
"For fucks sake you're so needy sometimes-" you laughed, sitting up to remove your shirt entirely and his eyebrow went up, before you add, "Don't get excited I'm just cooling off as much as possible."
Tossing the garment aside you layed back down on him, his arms swiftly entrapping you and a contented sigh escaped you both.
There's silence again, as your combined heartbeats and breath created a soothing, sleep-inducing song before Vander spoke lowly into your hair with a tone that was at once gravely serious yet gently sincere, "...If I'm needy it's 'cause I need you..."
This time it's you who picked your head up to look at him, feeling your chest tighten with happiness. You reached to run a hand through his hair and down his jaw to settle in his beard, smiling softly before stretching to press your lips tenderly to his.
"....I need you too," you suddenly laugh, "But it's still too goddamn hot!"
He chuckles now too, grabbing you as you both readjust and attempt to get some sleep.
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selineram3421 · 3 years
Things in my Viktor(Arcane) X Reader:
The College Art Teacher
Silco picks up Jinx from college everyday.
Ekko teaches the kids in his neighborhood how to draw.
Also teaches them how to skateboard when he can *he'll get one soon
Heimerdinger is a substitute teacher for the science department. *Jayce took over.
His little puppy Porofessor follows him around everywhere.
Rio has their own spot in the classroom for when she's under Viktor's care.
Her area is off limits. Do not put things on her table, its her table.
Mel is oil painting teacher, as well as color theory? *or board member who donates to the art department
Haven't decided yet
Vi does boxing* Vander is not dead and runs the boxing ring after letting Silco take over the bar.
Caitlyn is Vi's girlfriend and they walk home together. Jinx is slightly jealous but Silco gets her ice cream after classes, so its ok.
Silco and Vander are bro dads 🤝, no conflict
Jayce and Viktor have lunch together to talk about science stuff.
I can already imagine the flock of students coming up to them to ask questions about class. *the two men don't eat lunch anywhere near students now lol
Y/n does not do NSFW drawings, its a very innocent type of love.
Tried to draw him shirtless once and backed out immediately. Too hot.
Jinx caught Y/n drawing their teacher during lunch break and snatched the sketchbook.
"OoOoo! What do we have here!"
"Jinx! Give it back!
Y/n and Ekko have a sibling like relationship
The three friends go to the downtown art galleries together
Caitlyn took them to a fancy gallery once
Uniforms? Maybe. Not sure.
If there is uniforms, they are expensive.
Jayce substitutes for Viktor sometimes when it rains/cold.
when his leg acts up
Heimerdinger is now the history professor.
Y/n and Jinx are best friends
Somewhere it will be said
Will add more later.
Pick one you would like to happen.
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iisgoose · 2 years
I Only Want to Protect You  (Silco x fem!Reader x Viktor) Pt. 1
Summary: Y/N gets her world flipped upside down when Powder brings home a stranger named Silco
I have also cross posted this to AO3 and Wattpad so part 1 is a combination of chapter 1 and 2 to make it longer :)
I’m doing my best to keep it following the show but I’m also using some LOL lore to fill in gaps the best I can.
This is my first work so please enjoy!
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After being sent home early after a slow day at work, you decide to stop for a drink at The Last Drop before calling it an early night of relaxing in your room. You are still thankful that Vander found you drinking your feelings away after yet another apartment falling through your fingers. Vander being the kind man that he is, offered to rent you a room above The Last Drop. It wasn’t much, just a small room with a bathroom and a kitchenette, but it was perfect for you. He even gave it to you for a great deal in exchange for being a positive female role model for his kids, Vi, Mylo, Claggor, and little Powder. Which you were happy to do because they were all amazing kids.
This night as you were walking home, you felt like something was off. You don’t know why but all you know is that your gut was telling you to find the kids. As you quickened your pace, you heard someone run up behind you and jump on your back. Startled, you turned around to find Powder burying her tear soaked face into you. 
“Powder,” you say as you lower yourself to her level, “Sweetie, what’s wrong? Where is Vi?”
Through her tears she starts explaining everything that happened that evening and sadly your gut feeling was correct. Something was off, something bad. She explains how Vi, Mylo, and Claggor went off to save Vander and that when she tried to help she caused an explosion that hurt them. 
“I didn’t mean it!” she chokes out, “Now they’re dead and it’s all my fault and Vi left me!”
“It’s okay sweetie.” you say. What else are you supposed to say? Her tiny inventions usually never work and now she is your responsibility. “How about you come home with me and we’ll make something for dinner?”
It was then when you noticed him. A tall, slender man standing behind Powder. He looked so familiar to you. You realize you have seen him before as you walked home from work late at night. You remember how the few people that were out at that hour seemed afraid of the man with the golden dead eye. But, you didn’t. You found him intriguing. You wanted to ask him about how he got the scar on his face and what happened to his eye.
As you look up to meet the strange man’s gaze, Powder pulls away from your embrace. 
“Can Silco join?” she asked as walk towards the unknown man.
Her question throws you off guard, “Ah, who’s Silco?” was all you was the only sentence you could manage to form.
“I am.” was all he said as he looked you up and down, “And you are?”
“Oh, sorry.” you say as you stand back up and move towards him and Powder. “I’m Y/N L/N and I live in the room above The Last Drop. That’s how I met Powder.” 
You push some hair behind your ear, just waiting to see how he responds to that. After a few moments of silence, Powder speaks up.
“He helped me after Vi abandoned me.” she says happily as she grabs his hand. 
“And now I’m in charge of The Last Drop.” he said emotionlessly as he met your eyes.
You really don’t care but you’re more afraid that this change in ownership means you’re out of a home. 
“Okay. Well, would you like to join us for dinner Silco? And maybe I can convince you not to kick me out.” You ask with a smile. You really hope your cooking can keep you from being homeless again.
“I don’t…” But before he could finish, Powder started bagging him.
“She is the best cook in the world! You need to join us!” she says with excitement and with her big puppy dog eyes.
A quick “Fine” escaped Silco’s mouth as she grabbed his hand and started dragging him towards The Last Drop.
Silco’s POV
Jinx is a lot stronger than I thought and now I’m being dragged to a dinner I don’t even want to go to. I finally got rid of Vander and have a lot of work to do but at least I finally get to talk to her. I have seen her before, a few weeks back. It was late at night and I was walking back towards the lab to see what Singed was working on. That’s when I first noticed her. A woman like that shouldn’t be walking alone at that time at night. I remember the way she smiled at me. It threw me off guard. A woman as beautiful as her doesn't smile at me, not since I got my scar. From that night forward, I would take walks at the same time every night just in the hope of seeing her again even if it was just a glimpse.
Now, here I am, being dragged to her apartment for dinner. I’m lost in my thoughts before I noticed that Jinx had finally dropped my hand and was asking Y/N about dinner plans. She was really good with Jinx. Any normal person would have freaked out when they found out what Jinx had done. But not Y/N. She showed her compassion and understanding. Part of me feels like she doesn’t care what happened to them, just about having a place to live. But, she does care about Jinx. 
“What do you think?” Y/N asked as she looked back at me with a smile.
“About what?” I asked flustered. I’m not able to regain my composure.
“Powder would like soup for dinner. Weren’t you listening?” she laughed. It was such an amazing sound.
“I don’t have an opinion nor do I care.” I look at her with the straightest face I could muster. 
Her smile faded, “Soup it is Powder.” She says as she looks down at the girl holding her hand.
Great, I have been around her for five minutes and already my sparkling personality came through. At least The Last Drop was finally ahead of us and I can hopefully make up for it. I continued to follow the two to a set of stairs on the side of the building. Y/N led the way up the stairs and grabbed out a set of keys as we reached the top.
“Home sweet home.” she says as she unlocked the door.
“Home sweet home.” you say with a smile as the door to your studio apartment opens to reveal you little room.
For some reason, you start to feel embarrassed as Powder runs to the spot where you kept her coloring supplies. He must be used to a bit nicer of homes, considering how he is dressed. No one down here dresses that nicely. You follow his eyes as they look around the room, almost like he was analyzing it…or maybe silently judging it. You couldn’t get a read on his expressionless face.
“I know it doesn’t look like much but it’s home.” you say with a small smile, meeting his gaze.
“It’s a lot more than what I had at your age.” Silco says as you make your way to your little kitchen. 
“I’m lucky that Vander offered it to me or else I would still be sleeping on the streets.” you say back as you start the preparation for dinner.
While grabbing out your ingredients, Silco watched, still in the doorway.
“Vander isn’t as great of a man as you think Y/N.” he says as he brings his hand to his scarred face.
Without thinking you blurt out, “Is Vander behind your scar?” 
Embarrassed by the outburst, you quickly turn back your attention to dinner. You can feel his eyes on you, like he was thinking about how to answer. You turn back around to meet his gaze. You feel the warmth forming on your cheeks. Why did you feel so comfortable around a man you just met? A man who is the reason your landlord and friend is dead?
“I’m sorry, that was uncalled for. Please feel free to not answer. It’s really none of my business.” You anxiously laugh as you chop the final ingredients.
Silco walks over to you and leans against the counter. Close, you think, he is too close. You could feel yourself getting flustered by the sudden invasion of your personal space.
“I’ll answer,” he starts with a grin, “only if you tell me more about yourself.”
More about myself, you think. Why the hell would he want to know more about you? Would it influence his decision on keeping your lease?
“Oh yeah,” you laugh. Trying to keep your cool, “what would you like to know?”
Silco POV
Questions. God, why would I say that? I didn’t think she would quickly and happily agree to my terms. Being this close to her makes my head a bit fuzzy and I can’t keep my composer. I never thought when I started my nightly walks I would end up in her home, watching her cook, and holding a conversation. 
“Well,” she says as she adds the food to the pot, “Maybe I should put a time limit.”
I felt a smile forming and a soft chuckle form in my throat. “What kind of job makes a woman like you walk home at ungodly hours?” 
“I bartend at a strip club.” She softly says as our eyes meet once more. She looks away, embarrassed. Like she didn’t want me to know. “I refuse to strip and the customers can’t get handsy if I’m behind the bar.”
“I doubt bartending was your childhood dream job.” I say as she walks to the small refrigerator and grabs out drinks.
“No,” She started, looking up to check on Jinx, “I’ve always dreamed of attending the Academy up in Piltover.” She looks at me with a weak smile, “Piltover doesn’t exactly make it easy for us in the undercity to enroll.” 
I don’t know why, but her sad, forced smile made my heart hurt. She wanted out of here. “Why the Academy? I haven’t heard of any people from the Undercity attending there.” I say as she hands me my drink.
“That’s not true.” she shot back quickly, “An old friend of mine does, some professor took him to Piltover.”
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fireflykaizoku · 3 years
One Piece Characters and Carnival
It's almost carnival here in Brazil (it's on tuesday but we start celebrating on friday), and I'm excited (even though I won't go anywhere because: covid). Me and @intothehawkseyes were talking about it a few months ago, and now @undercoverweeeb participated as well (our first collab omg ily bby!).
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Doesn’t go and decides to enjoy the holiday at home: Killer, Heat, Wire, Kid, Katakuri, Crocodile, Akainu, Buggy, Lucci, Garp, Caesar, Bege, Mihawk, Jinbe, Kin’emon, Kaido (wouldn’t get invited anyway), Koby.
Spends carnival in another country, maybe goes to the italian carnival instead: Doflamingo, Cavendish, Crocodile, Boa, Mihawk, Enel.
Gets lost and mixes in with another crowd: Zoro, Ace, Luffy, Yamato, Thatch.
Gets too drunk and maybe gets sick: Kid, Zoro, Bellamy, Shanks, Roger, Haruta.
The responsible friend who gives their drunk friends some water: Robin, Benn, Rayleigh, Marco, Killer, Sabo, Katakuri, Drake, Jinbe, Izou, Koby.
Learns how to dance the summer songs: Luffy, Ace, Chopper, Shachi, Penguin, Usopp, Franky.
Goes to the children’s carnival parties: Robin and Zoro (to take Chopper). Law (maybe, to take Bepo if he made that cute puppy face).
Says “these songs are too explicit! Back when I was younger and went to street parties, the songs were different”: Whitebeard, Fujitora, Paulie, Smoker, Bege, Rosinante, Jinbe, Kin’emon.
They’re older, but still go to some parades and street parties. May know some new songs too: Rayleigh, Roger, Brook, Oden, Izou, Dragon, Franky, Denjiro, Aokiji, Kizaru.
Kisses a few people: Nami, Ace, Bellamy, Sanji, Vander Decken, Vista, Sanji (or tries to), Thatch, Haruta, Bonney.
Thinks about their costume for months: Bartolomeo, Cavendish, Bon Clay, Doflamingo, Ivankov, Boa, Usopp, Izou, Kiku.
Doesn’t wear a costume, maybe some glitter to get in the mood: Baby 5, Robin, Nami, Tashigi, Haruta, Bonney.
Matching costumes with their best friends: Ace, Luffy, Penguin, Shachi, Bepo, Chopper, Usopp, Rosinante (tries to, with child Law).
“There's a 99% chance that it may rain during the parade, so it’s probably not a good idea. The cards told me to stay at home this year": Hawkins.
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