khemorrhoids · 2 years
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Really been enjoying FFXI the past months.
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muttfangs · 4 months
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finished my DNC af set!!! look like a fruity lil matador :3c
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electroslag · 1 year
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Konschtat Highlands (non watermarked vers available for free on my kofi)
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undibujomanco · 2 months
Gekal performs a passionate samba:
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vannesgreave · 2 years
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So I just finish watching Madoka Magica for the first time, and then lo and behold the level 90 limit break quest in Final Fantasy XI is just a giant Madoka Magica reference, right down to receiving a soul gem. I have concerns. Does Vana'diel have an Icubator problem? Is Mumor a magical girl? Will she become a witch? Will I become a witch? The world may never know.
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invisiblebounds-ffxiv · 6 months
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Cosmic Exploration
The Arcadion
Echoes of Vanadiel
Futures Rewritten
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slishthelovemachine · 2 months
i rly rly rly want you guys to play ff11 w me. like. please. i want at least 2 of you to download horizonxi and explore vanadiel with me. live out your dot hack sign dreams with me. join me in a reactive, warm, gentle, complex player driven world with wonderful music and wonder and exploration.
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eorzeanflowers · 6 months
now that its been nearly a full day since the last fanfest, i'm just gonna put my thoughts on Dawntrail as a whole out.
Viper is cool. I like the idea of another scouting class. I'm a ranged phys main so sharing jewelry with another job is a plus.
The aesthetic of Viper is really really cool. I love the swashbuckler look that the AF gear has. I cannot wait to put Marisol in something similar. The twin blades into a double blade is also very appealing. I used to play Sith Assassin and Jedi Sentinel in SWTOR and its like a marriage of the two.
So in conclusion, Viper is just cool and its gonna be a lot of fun to play. Just like how Reaper is pretty fun to play still.
BUT Pictomancer is just more exciting to me. I LOVE RELM so much. Its been forever since I played VI so I might go do that sometime.
AND THE SPELLS ARE SO CUTE. They look so fake and painterly that I just can't help but fall in love with them. The AF gear is also so cute and I cannot wait to put it on Lily.
Archie is also going to main this class (I had decided that before the reveal, when it was still in the air between green mage and pictomancer.) Its so cheesy and cute and goofy and feels like it would fit my Doctor Who-like character a lot better than the raw powerful Black Mage.
Pictomancer is just gonna be good healthy goofy fun and its the job I'm more looking forward to!
Fem Hrothgar
I'm so so so so happy that they went big and buff over cutesifying Hrothgar. Cause we know they could've and it would've not looked good at all. I'm still not the biggest fan of the dimorphism of Au Ra. (even tho I main one. ^.^;)
My biggest complaint with Fem Hrothgar is that their starter gear looks so much better than all the others. Like the wrist guards! They look sooooo good. (I also really dislike Au Ra starter gear, that doesn't help.) But you can see the new graphic update with them and just their general design feels better than the OG 5. I felt this way a little about male Viera, but I was not super likely to make a male Viera so it didn't matter to me that much.
I don't know if i'm gonna make a Fem Hrothgar... They aren't my style per say, but I'm not gonna keep that door closed. I'm not the biggest fan of more animalistic faces, but that's a personal problem.
All in all, they look fucking fantastic and I'm glad they went the route they did.
Graphic Update
It looks great and its gonna be good when we get it. I'm very glad they actually showed us dark skintones this time too. They all got such a glow up! Can't wait for the gear to follow.
Now give us more character creator options for everyone, and hats for Viera and Hrothgar!!
The areas look really pleasant, I do like the whole brand new adventure feel. Its a lot better than the feel of the start of the void quests, that kinda had the same feel but got a little dreary once in the void proper. I dunno. Even as a fan of IV the Void Arc was kinda, meh. I like Zero and Golbez as characters, but the rest was kinda whatever. The world lore was also good but eh.
The new zone designs are just breathtaking. I'm the biggest fan of the Western town and South American highland zones. They are just so different from what we have currently it will be great. Solution 9 and the cave zone (that appears to be under it) are.... really fucking cool. Its so far away from what we were expecting I just can't help but be estatic. (And I can take pics of the Linnaeas twins' home shard there. Since I headcannon it as a cyberpunky shard.)
The dungeons all look pretty neat, I like the thunder crystal mountainside the most so far.
Its gonna be a fun story I think, a nice palette cleanser from the heaviness of Endwalker.
The Arcadian
I have no idea what to expect from a raid that is taking place inside a graphics card. By name alone and the fact its in the cyberpunk area does give me good hope. :D
As I haven't played XI I'm indifferent. It'll be a fun raid and I'm likely going to enjoy the fights, but its just another FF in XIV. Pretty standard tbh. It'll be fun and I'll enjoy the story but there is no anticipation for me.
Ultimate Eden
Its gonna be bonkers and I'm gonna enjoy watching the full fight once its figured out. (I'm not a savage raider lol)
Other Content
The field zone has potential. Since we know nothing else, that's all I've got. I did miss having a field zone in Endwalker tho. It was the perfect place to while away hours working on relics. (let's hope the next relic grind is as tedious as just gather tomes.)
Cosmic Exploration is going to look flashy and great, but I don't do a lot of crafting/gathering so I dunno how much I will enjoy it past its story. Its gonna just be relegated to going there once in a while like Island Sanctuary for me likely.
Deep dungeons are only fun the first time solo and ok with friends later. I've completed both PotD and HoH but my friends still haven't finished EO so....
Hildebrand is Hildebrand. Perfection in humor form.
I will likely enjoy the Variant dungeons, I've enjoyed the first 2 (haven't done the newest cause I was taking a break from the game) and I like the lore that comes with them.
I can't think of anything else really rn but those are my immediate thoughts! Its going to be fun and refreshing and I cannot wait till summer to play it. (tho we must)
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Final Fantasy XI Treasures of Vanadiel 21st Anniversary Exhibition Announced https://t.co/X1u6F7JUHS
Final Fantasy XI Treasures of Vana’diel 21st Anniversary Exhibition Announced https://t.co/X1u6F7JUHS
— Retrograde Wear Gaming (@RetroGradeWear) Jun 26, 2023
from Twitter https://twitter.com/RetroGradeWear
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rinnysmuses · 8 months
never played ff11 but ive seen the end to rhapsodies of vanadiel many times now and it still makes me all teary eyed]
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gamingrolli · 2 years
Ffxi warblade beak
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All of the -1 pieces requires an Eschite Ore only for the Tier 1 synth. Mhuufyas Beak Moblin Sheepskin Novia Earring 75 Novio Earring 75 Panetiere (10) Persikos (180) Raaz Hide. Sell FFXI Gil Sell FFXIV Gil Sell My Accounts. HQ Price Quantity Total Buyer Date UTCFILTIME HQ Price Quantity Total Buyer Date UTCFILTIME 30,000: 1: 30,000: Mamiko Baxe: 03:07:37: 131658160570000000. Unities are named after and led by some of Vanadiels biggest characters, and adventurers can make new friends with members of the same unity. Get Amazon eero 6 included with our Fibre 150 (Data only) package. Amazon eero 6 intuitively finds its way into more of those hard-to-reach corners, supporting speeds of up to 500Mb/s and coverage of up to 1,500 square feet per router. The Vexed Tekko and Vexed Hakama are not smithing, as with their Hexed counterparts. Buy FFXI Accounts Buy FFXIV Accounts Sell Gil. Unity) is a new type of loose in-game community-closer together than conquest, less binding than linkshells-that players can jump into and enjoy easily. The award-winning Amazon eero 6 router is the answer to all your Wi-Fi problems. The vexed gear is less of a challenge than it is a pain getting lucky with tier 1 synths, much less finding materials to do so.Ĭan shoot me a tell in-game, or PM me here or BG, I'll get back to you. In this video I discuss Warblade Beak, the Unity NM in Meriphataud Mountains.Previous Unity NM Guides:Abyssdiver. With the current state of the game, I think there needs to be more active crafters to come forward to help Bismarck out. I don't care for anything in return, just bring me the materials needed. With the population dwindling away, I don't know how many active crafters there are now, but I'm still around. So we all know by now how the new vexed gear is obtained, so I'm offing my blacksmithing services to the server.
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tara-chin-sang · 2 years
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Final Fantasy XI - The Sanctuary of Zi'tah
I had to paint something for FFXI's 20th anniversary! This game consumed my life in 9th grade and I have a huge fondness for it as my 2nd MMO after Ultima Online (it was a lot more group content-focused than UO, so the social aspect of MMOs became the most enjoyable part of MMORPGs for me).
This zone made me fall in love with both MMOs and environmental art, and the music still provides me with instant tranquility to this day 💜
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muttfangs · 4 months
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"I met my past self today-- they're looking forward to what the future holds" self-indulgent love letter to myself playing the same MMO I did when I was a little kid, and being trans masc I have more to say about it but I'm gonna save that for when I have more time to type it out lol
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vallianeux · 4 years
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“Vana’diel” by Yoshitaka Amano. Artwork featured in the limited edition original soundtrack for Final Fantasy XI.
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xarcabard · 5 years
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Battle WHM squad
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anactualferret · 5 years
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel English Version - FINAL FANTASY XI - Ending Them...
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