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4rch1v3d · 6 years ago
@vampofaflyboy @twin-armageddons @mallekware @tittiesoutbitch
W3LL 1 0F Y0U H4S 4 V3RY PR0V0C4T1V3 URL 4ND TH3 R3ST 4R3 4PPR0PR14T3 1N S0M3 R3SP3CTS S0 TH4TS 4 TH1NG 2 C0MM3NT 0N
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voidequine · 6 years ago
[Pvt] @vampofaflyboy​
8=D Purposefoally ignoring the first bit forever the marement, 8=D I was unamare you had someone you considered a sibling. 8=D If you are open to discussing, hay I inquiry as to what he is like?
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vampofaflyboy started following you
oh hello!!! i don’t think we’ve met!! :D
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lassosandleashes-blog · 6 years ago
vampofaflyboy started following you
Oh heyy there Sir! Skyylla Koriga at yyer service!
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dilldaydreamer-blog · 6 years ago
Hey 1nspector! Happy b1rthday! 1 got your favor1te... pumpk1n cupcake
I think you got the date wrong, though the thought is appreciated.[pvt]Shsdffkj!Of all the things you keep to remember WHY THIS?!  ...though yay pumpkin cupcake. 
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bronzedwingedgeneral · 6 years ago
Bronze Meet1ngs }:)
In which an Ancestor is meet and he is now everyone’s dad.
Discord RP Thread with @vampofaflyboy and @lassosandleashes
Summoner Last Thursday at 9:33 AM
You are still one Petrus Nitram, better and more commonly known as the Summoner and you are still seated with perfect militarist posture upon your chosen seating close to the off-world transport area, switching between watching the city as trolls, carapacians and trolls alike walk rush past you going about their days. It's nice, sitting back and people watching. 
... The other thing that you're switching between people watching and is looking over the map you were given. It's... really not that good. Not really no. But hopefully you'll... figure out what to do now. Mainly how to get where you need to go... whatever counts as law enforcement in this place (yes you know the building's called a precinct }:| shush)
Rufioh Last Thursday at 9:49 AM
You are Rufioh Nitram, and you’re currently walking to the precinct after getting your mandatory coffe, as you normally do, when you see an unmistakable set of horns attached to a troll on the bench. 
Your horns. 
You’re so shocked that you nearly let go of your coffee cup, but you don’t. That would be a disaster. But you take a deep breath and shake your head out to clear it. And you... walk right on up to him.
Summoner Last Thursday at 10:01 AM
Between one switch in your activity and the next you've got a troll seemingly approaching you, which has you tensing momentarily before visual cues and clues adding information to the troll before you. 
Adult moult, but much younger than you are. Bronze-blood from his eye colour, safer than being approached by random Highbloods on the street. And... oh well look at those, horns like yours but smaller, also with a bit of a healthier shine than yours because you... haven't exactly taken all the care you needed for them. Shame on you }:( 
You straightened yourself up as he approaches you, finishing looking him over you cock your head at him. "You uh... you need something?"
Rufioh Last Thursday at 10:15 AM
You take a deep breath as you approach the older troll, shutting your eyes. Wow, how are you supposed to react to possibly- probably, definitely- meeting your ancestor? A troll you’ve looked up to your whole life? 
You offer a smile and motion toward the map in his hands. “I figured... you might want some help findin’ wherever you’re lookin’ for... those maps are real awful.”
Summoner Last Thursday at 10:21 AM
You blink and then, "yeah, they're uh... pretty d*rn awful you know? Don't know how they uh, how they expect anyone to find anything around here." You fold the map in your hands, it's a useless piece of paper, an insult to topography everywhere, and then you offer your hand out to him as only's polite. 
"They call me Summoner, nice to uh, nice to meet you." Now don't make things awkward Petrus you've got this pretty good so far - "You've uh, you've got my horns huh? Nitram?" ... }>:( really Petrus?
Rufioh Last Thursday at 10:32 AM
You chuckle and give a nod. “Yeah... they certainly are... I think that’s probably why the police force tries to at least point folks on their way...” You switch the hand that’s holding your coffee and shake his. 
“Nice to meet you as well...” But then he says that and you can’t help but laugh a little. “Yeah... Detective Rufioh Nitram.”
Summoner Last Thursday at 10:38 AM
Oh well that's fortunate, meeting a police force...er? police forcer? police force member? The second one sounds less stupid, you're using that one now. You grin at the younger troll, a bit giddy with the fact that oh wow this is one of yours? That's... that's really... yeah. 
"Rufioh's a good name," you tell him, shaking his hand in a strong and firm grip. "This is uh," don't say anything about fate, you don't want to even thing about clown things right now. "A really good coincidence? Cause I'm uh, I'm trying to make my way to the precinct, try to help out and all that uh, jazz? All that jazz, yeah." 
But oh wow, oh wow this is one of yours oh wow, oh geez, oh wow... wonder if he has to deal with the whole... wing thing as well?
Rufioh Last Thursday at 11:04 AM
You’re really good at hiding how fr•ggen excited you are to meet your ancestor. Thank goodness your wings are beneath your coat, they might’ve been fluttering at this point. This was so cool. 
“Thank you...” You smile and make sure you have your own strong, firm grip. You’ve got to make a great first impression after all! “Seems like a great coincidence to me... since I’m headin’ into work now. But I’m sure we’ll all be happy to have you.” 
Are... are you technically one of your ancestor’s senior officers? That’s great.
Summoner Last Thursday at 11:19 AM
“Great.” You’re still grinning, still on this side of giddy, your descendant, your descendant, oh geez, oh WOW. “Can’t wait to uh, get into things.” You really can’t, you wanna get into things, get your hands dirty and steeped back into work. 
Also helping people, it’s been so long since you’ve felt like you were actually helping people, god you are so ready. 
You pick up your luggage, including the case holding your lance and stand up and oh you’re only so very slightly taller than him oh wow, oh wow your descendant
Rufioh Last Thursday at 11:30 AM
You drop his hand and take a drink from your cup to hide the giddiness that creeps it’s way into your own grin. On the inside, your 6-sweep-old self is bouncing up and down, barely not taking off into the air. But you’re cool. This is fine. You’re calm. “I’m sure you’ll get somethin’ to do pretty quick.” 
You watch as he gathers his luggage up, eyes landing on the case for his lance. Oh wow, oh wow. That’s the lance! No, calm, you can geek out later. “You’ll... probably want to use a room at the police dorms... unless you’ve already got your own place. Someone... else will have to help you with that.”
Summoner Last Thursday at 11:36 AM
“Yeah uh, probably will.” You are not always the best forward thinker, enough to be able to work and lead an army into battle yeah, but those big complex, expanded plans have never actually been your ah, been your strong point. 
“Besides, staying close to uh, close to base sounds pretty good. For the uh, the moment at least, until I learn the place better.” You can worry about problems as you run into them, as you tend to do. 
“Ready when you are.” You are so ready to get moving and grooving.
Rufioh Last Thursday at 11:47 AM
You nod, and run a hand through your hair, grinning at him and flicking one of your ears. You glance over his luggage, and figure you may as well offer a hand. “You... want me to take any of that?” 
“That is... a very sound idea... probably should’ve done the same when I first moved here... dorms weren’t quite up and runnin’ then though...” You shrug. Even if they had been, you were even more bullheaded and independent when you first moved to Derse than you were now. 
“Then lets get goin’.”
Summoner Last Thursday at 11:53 AM
“Yeah actually uh, bit of help’d be nice.” You probably don’t need it but hey, hey, yes. There’s not much in the way of thinking before you offer the case of your lance to Rufioh to take, if he wants to. 
“You’ve been here a while then?” It sounds like it, probably for the best too. Alternia, not the best place even after everything you and others have done to try to catch that. Derse was probably much safer for the younger bronze, younger bronze with your clan sign, and name. Oh wow.
Rufioh Last Thursday at 12:03 PM
You can’t stop your ears from perking up, or the slightest movement of a flutter from your wings under your coat. You get to carry his lance??? H•ck yes you will absolutely take that and carry it for him, feeling like a kid in a candy shop. 
“Moved over around my twelfth hatchday... so definitely.” And it was definitely for the best with how stupid you were back then. It’s a surprise you’re alive really. But so worth it.
Summoner Last Thursday at 12:09 PM
“Oh really?” That’s pretty young, though you don’t have a reference for how long ago that was. “How old are you now?” 
You walk abreast of him as he guides you towards the precinct, eyes sweeping over the buildings and streets you pass to help learn your way.
Rufioh Last Thursday at 12:17 PM
“Just turned 24 sweeps last month.” You shrug a bit. You’ve had equal time on both planets, so you can say that you enjoy Derse better. And, anyway, you wouldn’t have met your darlin if you hadn’t moved. 
You make an attempt at pointing out various shops and restaurants along the way, so you know he won’t starve by getting lost. Besides, he’s gotta learn it somehow.
Summoner Last Thursday at 12:28 PM
“Half your lifetime then.” Which sounds like a pretty good medium, though you’re definitely of the mind that the less one has to experience everything regarding Alternia the better. Or at least, everything wrong with it, which is most of it, some things are getting better, others not so much, but hey. Life. 
You definitely pay attention to the places he points out for you, marking them down in the slowly forming map in your head. Are you going to get lost at least once? Most likely yes, it’ll be fine that’s where the wings’ll come in handy. 
“Is there uh, anywhere with some greenery? Park or uh, or anything similar?” Please say there’s somewhere with grass and/or trees, even if it’s a dying tree you’ll take it.
Rufioh Last Thursday at 12:38 PM
“Yeah... I can say with complete... certainty... that Derse is a lot nicer than Alternia...” You glance over at him with a grin. “Probably would be down a leg or both... if I’d stayed.” Will that probably worry him? You expect so, but it’s fine. Because you still have both legs, and all your other appendages. 
Hopefully you’re doing a good enough job at showing him around as you lead him to the precinct. This... is not something you’ve done often. The last time you did, you’re pretty sure you were flirting the entire time. 
“Yeah... there’s a park. I can... show you more of the city another time... if you’d like.” You hum faintly. “Oh! And we have a garden... on the roof of the precinct I believe... might still be working on that actually...”
Summoner Last Thursday at 12:49 PM
“Yeah that uh, that sounds like Alternia.” The homeland, with all its... yes. “I’m uh, more than aware of the um, the kindnesses of the planet.” You were almost culled so many times because of your mutation it was not even funny at all. 
“Yeah, yeah I’d like to uh, see it later.” GREEN PLACES WERE SO GOOD. “Gardens are nice, I can uh, can into helping on that.” Let you at the garden you will bleed in it, but not really because that’s kinda weird and you’re trying not to bleed too much anymore.
Rufioh Last Thursday at 1:25 PM
“Yeah... almost lost my leg the half sweep before I came here...” You can’t help but chuckle. You had a lot of run-ins with... a lot of people over your mutation, but that’s the good thing about it. They can’t get you in the sky. “Yeah... only good thing is... it’s hard to get you when you’re flyin’...” 
“Next time we’re both free... I’ll give you a proper tour... unless someone beats me to it.” You don’t have the greatest green thumb, but you do definitely appreciate the green. “I’m sure it’ll benefit from the help.”
Summoner Last Thursday at 1:28 PM
“Don’t uh, don’t I know that.” Wings, a great big bother but oh boy do you love them and the freedom they bring you. 
“I’d appreciate that,” planning on spending time with your descendant. You’ll fall quiet for a spell until the two of you reach the precinct.
Rufioh Last Thursday at 1:39 PM
You smile at him and nod. Yeah, they were your favourite thing that your ancestor had passed on. You adore your wings, and flight. You couldn’t imagine your life without them. 
Another nod is your reply to that. Honestly, you really hope that no one will steal your chance to show your ancestor around your home. It was so cool to think that you get to work with him, and so nice that you seemed to have a much easier time speaking to each other than Horuss and Darkleer. And those things are what you quietly think about as you walk, arriving shortly at your destination.
Summoner Last Thursday at 1:45 PM
You definitely whistle at the sight of the precinct, now that, that is a neat building. A neat building where justice that doesn’t always lead to execution happens, its pretty sweet. And you’re gonna work there which is yeah, it’s pretty fr**king sweet if you do say so yourself. 
“This is where you uh, where you work huh? It’s nice.”
Rufioh Last Thursday at 10:17 PM
Your ear flicks toward him when he whistles, grinning to yourself as you lead him up to the door. Yeah, it is pretty sweet to work at the precinct, pretty d•ng sweet indeed. 
“It is... now how about we get you inside... to get started and meet everyone?”
Summoner Last Thursday at 10:25 PM
"Think that uh, that sounds like a pretty neato plan ya got." It really is, meet and greets are great and you're all kinds of ready to be stepping into that. You shift your grip on your luggage just the slightest bit, older joints telling you that keeping the same grip is not something you should keep doing.
Rufioh Last Thursday at 10:39 PM
You open the door for him and hold it so that he can go in ahead of you. You’ll find a place he can put his luggage for now... it’ll probably be your office. That just seems easiest. You do wonder, however, if anyone else is going to be as excited as you were to meet him.
Summoner Last Thursday at 10:48 PM
Stepping into the building and yeah, yeah it's pretty nice, pretty nice indeed wow look at this place. There's not blood coating most available surface, it's so cool. 
You take a few steps inside ears and eyes sweeping over the room slowly taking everything in, now this... this is what a cohesive and safe work environment looks like, one where individuals didn't have to worry about being culled over not reaching a quota or something stupid like that. It was... amazing.
Rufioh Last Thursday at 11:04 PM
You follow after him with a grin, ears perking up. You can’t look too excited when you walk in, or you might never live it down. Depending who’s in already. 
You smile and motion to your office. “You can put your stuff in my office for now if you want... so it’s out of the way.” You can’t help but to chuckle as you watch him take it all in.
Summoner Last Thursday at 11:10 PM
"Yeah, that's uh, probably for the best." You probably shouldn't just carry your lance around a law enforcement building, it's probably not the smartest thing to do? So yeah, yeah tucking that away is a priority, also setting down your own case and giving your fingers a rest? A good decision. 
You catch his chuckle and focus back on him, young, free of Alternia and the fate that would have been his, was almost your more time than you care to count, and you smile at him, smaller and more subdued than your previous grinning but still warm all the same. "It's just so uh, different. In a good way." You're just... so very pleased you got the chance to live long enough to experience all of this.
June 14, 2019
Rufioh Yesterday at 12:39 AM
“Wouldn’t want you to lose anything... or hurt yourself.” Yes, you were teasing your ancestor. Look how mean you are. 
You smile at him, a warm, genuine expression rather than the childishly excited grin that had been on your face since you’d confirmed that he was your ancestor. “It’ll be really nice to have you here...”
Summoner Yesterday at 8:00 AM
You roll your eyes but accept the teasing, it's good natured enough you're cool with it. 
"Hope so," it'll be nice to feel like your working towards a common goal again, you haven't since... for a long time. "I'm sure it'll uh, it'll be nice here." You like people, you tend to get along with others, you'll probably be alright. 
"Let's uh, set this stuff down and you can give me the tour yeah?"
Rufioh Yesterday at 8:16 AM
You grin and lead him into your office, setting the case down in one corner so it’s out of the way.
Once you’ve set it down you run your hand through your hair, grinning. “I really hope so... it’ll be so cool workin’ with you.” You flick your ear lightly and glance out your door, humming faintly.
Summoner Yesterday at 8:52 AM
You set your own case new to where he lays your lance's case, letting yourself take a moment to reassure that yeah, it's the same one as you gave him you idiot, it's not like he had chances to switch 'em out or something silly like that. 
Then you stand again, back to your full height, the movement easy and painless. Your joints only really give you issues in your hands these days, first signs that your blood-allotted life-spans starting to catch up with you. 
"You say that now," you grin. "All you know I could be uh, awful with the more um, official side of things."
Rufioh Yesterday at 9:13 AM
You don’t pay any attention to him checking the case, let the old man do his thing. You really don’t mind what he does. You’re busy checking for Horuss who all’s here. Pay no mind to the very soft, gay sounds Summoner. 
You turn back to him after your short gay time, and smile. You’re glad that he doesn’t seem to have joint problems at... whatever his age is. Because you worry about these things; probably not for the most appropriate reasons. 
“Like I’m not?” You grin in return, chuckling faintly.
Summoner  Yesterday at 9:19 AM
"Least I won't be uh, ruining your good name then." You return. 
You move back over to him and turn your eyes towards the floor outside, looking over the gathered mix of individuals out there once more. "So uh," you start. "Who's got your eye out there?" Yes you'd caught the noises and yeah you were a little curious about who they were directed at, though you wouldn't push of course.
Rufioh Yesterday at 9:32 AM
“Nah... I might’ve ruined yours with... many late nights stayin’ here.” 
“Aha... you heard that?” You blush a little and rub the back of your neck, your wings giving a little flutter. You got called out. “Horuss Zahhak... he’s the big indigo right over there,” You gesture to him with a smile. “Don’t tell him I was making those sounds... he’s not into pda...”
Summoner Yesterday at 9:40 AM
You snort there because yup, he sure did. Then you go quiet as you process what he's said, Zahhak huh? That's uh, not that common a clan-sign, not for indigos at least. "Haven't heard that name in a while," you muse, looking over the troll in question, similarities sure are there, physical stature, dark lenses and those horns... 
That's definitely a Zahhak if you've ever seen one. 
"Don't worry, I won't uh, won't rat you out." You're not that mean.
Rufioh Yesterday at 10:14 AM
You smile a little in embarrassment, wings still faintly fluttering. But that’s probably because you’re still looking at Horuss, how very gay of you. “Oh? You know Darkleer then?” 
“Thanks... kinda don’t want to fluster him... this early in the day...” You grin a little. “That’ll have to... wait until later...”
Summoner Yesterday at 10:20 AM
You can't really respond to anything he's said because your pan is just stuttering right now, stuck and trapped on the first thrown-away bit. 
"How do you know Darkleer?"
Rufioh Yesterday at 10:25 AM
You look toward him and flick an ear up in confusion. Should... should you not have said that? 
“He... works here...”
Skylla Yesterday at 10:26 AM
"Hey Partner got a minute?? Reckon I need---!" 
Hindsight be twenty-twenty when ya chose t' walk in his office at that exact moment. T' be fair, you were just with yer hounds, makin' sure they were all rested after another night o' training. Still, there's loads of paperwork and ya need some signatures. That is, until ya notice the other bronze in the room. With them looong horns. 
"Uhh.... this be a bad time..??"
Summoner Yesterday at 10:31 AM
You... don't know what to do with that piece of information right now. You're... ... 
You're something right now. 
But distraction comes in the form of someone coming into the office and yes, you will take that you are going to gladly take that, you're not really ready to think about... the other thing just now. Maybe later. 
Anyways! You turn your attention to the new face, oh another bronze? Neato! Your features shift from the blankness of a second prior to a warmer, welcoming one. "Not at all. Especially not if uh, you need to get something important done." There is never a bad time to cut in on sudden, dramatic revelations.
Rufioh Yesterday at 10:42 AM
You... feel like you’ve said something very stupid without even knowing it. Well cr•d... you hope you didn’t mess things up with your ancestor already. He just got here! 
And then Skylla walks in! Thank goodness for your favourite cowgirl! She just saved you from something very, very awkward probably. 
You smile at her and shake your head. “Nah doll... you’re fine. You need somethin’?” You perk up an ear, ready to scoot over to your desk to do work related things if she needs it.
Skylla Yesterday at 10:47 AM
"Ah... reckon I just need some signatures for them paperworks. For that last case we did." You explain slowly, glancing between yer friend and his very tall ohmygog that's his ancestor OHMYGOG IT'S THESUMMONERWHATINTARNATIONS---!! 
"Am I seein' right right now??" You can't help but blurt, your cheeks colouring in surprise. "You be his Ancestor??" Themotherfuckin'Summoner!?!
Summoner Yesterday at 10:55 AM
"The uh, horns give it away a bit don't they?" You chuckle, lifting your hand to rub at the back of your neck. "But uh, yeah," you offer your hand out to her. "They call me Summoner." Introducing with your actual name? Haven't done that in years and you aren't starting anytime soon, only a few trolls alive that know that one and maybe one more onto that now. 
Then you really hear her answer to Rufioh and your whole demeanour brightens. "You work here too?" TWO bronze bloods in law enforcement positions? That's so great!
Rufioh Yesterday at 11:05 AM
You nod and go over to your desk to find a pen to get those signatures for her. “I can get that for you right now doll...” Time for your horrible excuse for a signature, you should work on making that more legible. Yeah... that won’t happen. 
And then you look up at her and grin with all the childlike excitement you’d been holding in... after making sure he wasn’t looking. Skylla gets to see, and bond with you over, your excitement for your ancestor being the fr•ggen Summoner.
Skylla Yesterday at 11:13 AM
OHMYGOG HE IS THE SUMMONER!!! "Bless myy pumper yer the Summoner!" You give him a firm handshake, as one does, but there's also a wide smile 'cross yer face as yer eyes sparkle in delight. "Aye I do Sir! Skylla Koriga, at yer service Sir!!" 
You are acting like a wee lil' wriggler right now but it's the motherfuckin' Summoner you can't EVEN.
Summoner Yesterday at 11:20 AM
"Lovely to meet you Skylla!" Look at these kids doing law enforcement and proving that they could do it just as well as anyone else! Take that highbloods. 
"What do uh, what do you do for work?" You want to hear all about it, please.
Rufioh Yesterday at 11:27 AM
You grin and start signing the papers. You’ll let them chat, and actually do some work that needs to be done. 
But you’re sure you’ll be having a lot of excited conversations with her after this.
Skylla Yesterday at 11:31 AM
There will be some much excited conversations with Rufioh later!!! 
"I work the K9 unit!" Ya answer honestly, just bouncing a little on the balls of yer feet. "I'm real good with them woofbeasts! Also other cases, but myy priority is them." Wait what is he doing here---OHMYGOG WAIT. "Are yya also in law enforcement Sir??"
Summoner Yesterday at 11:44 AM
"Far as I'm uh, I'm trying to yeah." You've planned it, sent in an expression of interest before uprooting yourself from... what little you'd had left back on Alternia after everything. "Try to do some good where I can um, help where I can." 
"But woofbeasts? How you enjoying that? They all good for ya? Aside from being woofbeasts and good for everyone because woofbeasts are all good." Tangent? Yes. Woofbeasts deserve tangents.
Rufioh Yesterday at 11:50 AM
You can’t help but to smile as you listen to them talk, ears perking up a little. You’re just liking your ancestor more and more by the minute. 
He’s so relatable with this right now. Woofbeast tangents are the best kind.
Skylla Yesterday at 12:13 PM
Yer gonna get t' do lawfolk stuff wit' the SUMMONER good golly miss molly you could cry wit' joy right 'bout now! You hope ya don't look as eager as ya feel; don't wanna be too much of a fangirl, even though ye totally are. 
"I adore woofbeasts! My lusus Lady, she be one too!" You explain. "And my hounds are a good bunch! I trained them up and paired a few o' them wit' a few other lawfolks, but they mostly are mine." Ya got a good bunch! Not too many, but enough t' help out 'round the city. Such good woofbeasts ya got!
Summoner Yesterday at 12:18 PM
“That sounds AMAZING.” It really does, wow, you are so happy for Skylla. “Even more so that you’re uh, you’re happy with what you’re doing.” Being happy with and able to choose your career is such a great thing you’re so glad they got. “You’ll have to show me them sometime.” Blatant invitation, please let the old bull meet your dogs.
Rufioh Yesterday at 12:20 PM
“I still need to meet them too...” Hint hint. Let the bulls cry over the woofbeasts Skylla. You smile at her and flick your ear. You love woofbeasts so much.
Skylla Yesterday at 12:22 PM
You laugh and nod to both them bulls before ya. "O' course! I'd love t' show them off to ya! They'd probably would really like ya both anyways." They're used t' you and how ya talk wit' them instead of at them. Woofbeasts are smart, especially yours!!!
Summoner Yesterday at 12:25 PM
“Then it’s uh, it’s decided. Gonna hold you to that one,” woofbeasts, woofbeasts, woofbeasts. But first, the rest of the precinct. “After I uh, see the rest of the place.” Save the best thing for last.
Rufioh Yesterday at 12:50 PM
You smile brightly at her reply, internally pumping your fists in the air. You like interacting with the animals, and you’d honestly enjoy working with them. If you could not be tempted to commune with them, but you always are, and always end up migraine riddled. “Woofbeasts and hoofbeasts last... I can introduce you to the hoofbeasts... but they’re really Horuss’s domain nowadays...”
Skylla Yesterday at 1:14 PM
"Oh Horuss' hoofbeasts are great!" You assure him. "They be real chill! Though they do like t' gossip now and then." You don't get hoofbeast gossip but then again you be biased for yer woofbeasts! 
"Oh right, ya gotta get settled in!" You so wanna include yerself on showin' him 'round, but he ain't yer ancestor. Ohbuthe'ssocoolUGH "What have ya seen thus far??"
Summoner Yesterday at 1:25 PM
“You’ve got hoofbeasts too?” You are loving this right now, but uh, best to avoid Zahhak territory while you can. For the uh, the moment at least. 
“I uh, know where the entrance is,” your smile turns sheepish because you’ve really just gotten here, you’ve seen very little yet.
Rufioh Yesterday at 11:53 PM
You smile happily and nod your agreement with Skylla’s words. Yeah... your darlin does a d•rn good job with the hoofbeasts. But yeah... yeah they do like to gossip. 
“Hadn’t gotten the chance to show him around yet...” You smile once again and flick your ear. “You... wanna join us?”
June 15, 2019
Skylla Today at 11:16 AM
OHMYGOGYOUREALLYWANNAJOIN--- "Aw I hate t' intrude on yer time together! But uh, iffin ya really want, I wouldn't mind?" 
Ya really gotta stop being so eager!! But you can't help it hhhhh---
Summoner Today at 11:19 AM
"I don't mind extra company," you also definitely don't mind the opportunity to chat at her about her experiences leading up to this point, send reports back and all about how well and FUNCTIONAL systems that aren't Alternia are and about the multi-bloodcasteial workforce.
Rufioh Today at 12:54 PM
“Well... I don’t want to bore the old man... on the first day I know him...” You chuckle and shake your head. It’s also so they can keep each other’s excitement in check. “Besides... it’ll be fun.”
Skylla Today at 1:31 PM
WELL THEN! "Then it'll be my pleasure t' help show y'all round~!" AHYOUGETTOBEROUNDAVENRABLELEGEND!!!! "Shall we then?"
Summoner Today at 1:33 PM
“Neato.” H*ck yeah this is going all kinds of good right now. “Lead the uh, the way!”
Rufioh Today at 1:35 PM
You grin and run a hand through your hair to muss it up a bit, giving them both a nod. “Let’s get goin’ then!”
Skylla Today at 1:45 PM
Ya lead them outta the office before lettin' Rufioh take the lead; is his t' lead after all. Yer just hopin' yer still lookin' calm and not extremely excited, cause ya totally are.
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fishprincessofthelaw-blog · 6 years ago
L1ttle b1rd1e (your mom) told me 1t was your b1rthday... so 1 got you a cupcake... 1t’s van1lla because 1 d1dn’t know your favor1te
O) ( my cod! S) (e’s suc) ( a busybody!
But T) (anks! T) (at’s reely sweet of you!
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darkballsofsight · 6 years ago
croupiergin started following you
vampofaflyboy started following you
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voidequine · 6 years ago
8=D Oh I adore them
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My animal friends with daisies on their heads: an incomplete set
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4rch1v3d · 6 years ago
@vampofaflyboy D0 Y0U JUST H4V3 CHR0N1C W1NK F4C3 1N TH3 H4NDS 0R 1S 1T CUST0M4RY 4 Y0U 2 FL1RT W1TH 3V3RY1 Y0U M33T RUF10H
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voidequine · 6 years ago
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Some very, very good dudes. Or in which flirt is super effectove
(( Art by @goddess-in-green ))
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policetapeandguns-blog · 6 years ago
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@vampofaflyboy @apurpleaddledbaker @voidequine @bronzedwingedgeneral
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vwanity · 6 years ago
nice to meet you, i'm cronus.
i'm enjoying the vwiewv of space for a bit then vwondering if i should stream something to stawve off the boredom.
hey daphne and bette, howv is your night treating you?
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afterrapocalyp5e · 6 years ago
@centurionaquarius @meowderous @asomatousaria @wwickedspirits @honkellujah @cyberstates @sidethereal @wwayfinder @umbratechnics @peises @vampofaflyboy @gratiscommand
god that wa5 a lot to type out, you 5hould all thank me. anyway5.
hi im 5ollux and i ju5t found thi5 5ong called “The zombie 5ong” and you know what? good 5hit. good 5hit.
how5 yourr night been?
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vwanity · 6 years ago
i mean, something else could be arranged in due time. maybe savwe that possible offer for a rainy night?
hey daphne and bette, howv is your night treating you?
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voidequine · 6 years ago
Of Arrangements and Flirtations
aka - How to break Horuss Zahhak the first in the series by one Rufioh Nitram
Discord RP Thread with @vampofaflyboy ft. A very smooth bull and A neigh-so-smooth horse
You are Rufioh Nitram, and today is your wriggling day. You’ve gotten some pretty awesome gifts, and some that you are not going to let the troll you’re going to visit see. He would probably die, and you don’t want that. You really don’t want that. Especially not when you are going to his office with VIP rodeo tickets and his own invitation to dinner in his pocket. 
 You grin and lean against the doorway, rapping against it lightly with your knuckle. 
Meanwhile you are the troll in question, one Horuss Zahhak and you hoof neigh been fretting and keeping yourself busy since you had first placed your gift to Rufioh upon his desk and then mare so when he contacted you to come and see you. You actually hoof been, that is all you hoof been doing. 
You swallow STRONGLY at the sound of knocking against your doorway, the door is open so that you hay see the rest of the building leaving you both in each other's view. "He-hello," that was neigh a very STRONG greeting. "I, um, hope you are enjoying your hay?" Better.
Yeah, you figured that Horuss would be fretting and doing his thing the entire time since he’d left his gift. It was cute. And so was his gift. Both parts of it. 
You smile at him and walk in and over to his desk, sitting in an extra chair. You pull the tickets and his invitation out of your pocket. “I have to say that I am so far... even with the old pictures...” You let out a soft laugh before leaning forward a bit more.
You STRONGLY resist the urge to shift mare of the horse figure on your desk around, the remainders of Egbert's prank upon you (most of them were tucked away back at home but there was still a sizstable amount of the small figure about you). You try to meet Rufioh's eyes and even manage it for a short marement, before your attention's drawn to the items in his hands. 
One is definitely the message you had penned him, there is neigh doubt to that. "That is, that is good..." At least you are neigh stuttering overly much. You allow yourself a soft chuckle, mare an exhalation of breath than anything really, along with him, "yes, they are, certainly something to look back on, neigh?" 
But then, then he is moving mare into your space which while neigh intimidating, you still hoof over a foot in height and musculature aside on him, is unnerving. Your ears flick back and to the sides, you flick your gaze between his face and hand wanting to inquire as to his answer but lacking the ability to get the words out.
You just smile and glance at all the horse figurines. That was just so cute, that he kept them all. 
“Thank you for your gift, I loved it... “ You smile genuinely, ears perking up at the chuckle that left him. And then he makes that comment! Oh no!! Bronze dusts across your cheeks and you clear your throat. “Yeah... they sure are... “ 
You slide his note onto the desk with a grin, looking up at him. This close, the holes from his various piercings- all visible in his old pictures- were very visible. “But! I wanted to tell you that my answer is absolutely yes.”
You would hoof noticed the piercing holes, you are going to get such a shock when you see him in a less formal, work setting, are you neigh?, but you are too busy letting his answer sink into your head. 
You are left beaming at him, or as close as you get. So grinning bashful and pleased down at the piece of paper now sitting innocently on your desk, neigh quite caring if your fangs are showing or neigh. "That is... wonderfoal to hear." Your head lifts back to his face. "Do you... what hays are your preference? Anything you do neigh particularly enjoy in food?" Time for planning, time to figure out the hay forward, it has been... sometime since you're last real date.
You can’t help but to let your smile grow at his reaction, a pleased purr leaving you. That was just so precious! You nearly have to hold yourself back from just leaning forward and kissing him- lips, nose, forehead, cheek, it didn’t matter where, but you really shouldn’t just kiss him. 
You found it really endearing how quickly he started trying to settle all the details of their date. “Well... I’m really not the pickiest eater... so I’ll be perfectly happy going to your favorite restaurant... “ You send him a wink.
If you were neigh blushing at his purring then you definitely were when he winked at you, colour flaring to your cheeks and even your ears, flickering about you in nervous movements. "Um, well..." oh, oh your favourite. Hmmm, you will be taking him to a place that you find particularly enjoystable enough to frequent on your own terms. You hoof got this. "Well, if you do neigh mind a primarily vegetarian experience... I hoof a place that I do enjoy quite a bit. I can, can make reservations for whenever suits you?"
You smile brightly and let out a soft laugh at his blush, your own ears giving a flick or two. You took the time that he was thinking about the restaurant to just admire him, sliding the tickets back into your pocket for now. You’ll ask about that once this date was set up. “I do neigh mind that at all... And would tomorrow suit you?”
"Ah, tomorrow," yes you colour mare when he uses one of your puns on you again, but you hoof the bigger issue of considering whether that is a good timeframe for you or neigh. Would it? It would certainly be better to arrange it sooner so that you do neigh hoof as much time to build anxiety and nervousness over it, yes, yes tomorrow would be... good. 
"Yes," you direct a soft smile onto him. "Yes tomorrow would work with me."
You just can’t help but to purr again as you watch the blue colour spread deeper across his face. Of course, you would be fine with figuring out another date if tomorrow wouldn’t work for him. But tomorrow would definitely be the best, for Horuss’s sake. 
“Wonderful!” You grin excitedly and run a hand through your hair. “Or should I say wonderfoal?”
"You are teasing me now," just to get a reaction out of you. 
It is definitely working, even if you are well amare of what he is doing. "Wonderfoal, insteed."
“I am teasing you, yeah...” you were. But he was too cute not to! “But... to be fair... your reactions are very cute.”
“You should neigh,” you flush darker, hoof rising to obscure the bottom half of your face, muffling your voice. “Neigh just say things like that.” He will actually end you, it is very unfair to your own individual self.
You let out a laugh at that, smiling over at him. “Well I don’t see why not... especially when it’s only truth.” You just grin playfully at him.
"Because," you start only to falter as you are, unstable to think of a reason that would properly deter him or neigh cause him to do it mare. 
Time to change the subject, very, very obviously mind you. "Are you... going to wear your piercings? I would... like to see them, if you were... wanting to that is." ... good job Horuss you are doing great.
You laugh and shoot him a wink as he falters, grinning. 
Oh yeah that was definitely very, very obvious what he was doing there. “Well... I definitely can if you want to see them in... so sure.” You wink again and purr faintly.
"I, um," you should neigh hoof let him talk to you at the beginning of your working hay, you really should neigh hoof you are going to be distracted for the rest of the hay, this was a terribull idea on your part, why hoof you done this to your own individual self? 
Rufioh's too pretty, this is neigh fair >8=( 
"I would... I would, yes, I would like to see them in person." Yes, definitely just see them. Just that.Insteed.
You probably will be pretty distracted as well, but it’s also your wriggling day and you have to avoid all of the embarrassing photos that have been pinned up. So thinking about how excited for this date you were, and how cute Horuss was? That was a very welcome distraction, you think. 
“I’ll definitely wear them all then...” You try not to grin, so very hard, but you can’t help it. You can’t wait to fluster him with all of your jewellery.
Then you take a steadying breath because you are about to do something very nerve inducing. "You hoof," your hoof reaches up to fiddle with your bangs or the strap of your goggles, but you manage to mostly keep your eyes on him. "A very lovely smile."
You let your ears perk up toward him as he begins speaking again, eyes following his hand before they snapped back to his face. It takes a second for the compliment to sink in, your ear giving a flick as a faint blush grew on your cheeks. “Thank you... have to say that you do too.”
You duck your head with a small, pleased chirp. "Thank you." 
Now, it is probably time that you at least attempt to focus on what you need to today, as unlikely as that sounds. "We should, both get back to work now." There will be time for further flirting later.
You let out your own pleased purr at the sound of his chirp. You can’t help the small pout that grows on your face at his words, but you sigh in disappointment and stand up. “Well alright... but can I see your hand first, just real quick?” You are going to kiss his knuckles before you leave. Because that’s absolutely what you should do.
"I... ok." You are completely caught off guard by the odd request but if he so wishes it it is something you can allow. You offer him one of your hands, unamare of what is to follow.
You grin brightly and take his hand, leaning over to press your lips to his knuckles delicately. You wink at him before pulling away with a cocky smirk.
Now your face is completely blue. And there is sweat on your brow. Your ears stuck somewhere between perked forward and flicked back as if unsure how to process this. 
If one could hear inside your pan they would be amare of the internet dialup tone playing on repeat. 
Broken horse.
You keep that smirk on your face as your purr starts up once again. You can’t tell if that’s a good reaction or not, because it’s neither, you broke him. But you figure that you have probably flirted more than he can handle for the day. 
“Can’t wait for dinner tomorrow, Horuss.” And with a wink, you stick your hands in your pockets and walk out with the smirk ever present.
You make a choked little clicking noise in your throat and it is a long, long marement before you are stable to pull yourself together. At which time you bury your head in your hands and groan at yourself. 
You are very much doomed. 
You can neigh wait.
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