flowerakatsuka · 2 months
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laurzvahll · 2 months
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that godforsaken drawing on the right was so hard and took me so long I might never color it so here you go
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denkimystery · 4 years
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Karamatsu : Almost All Illustrations Artbook
Karamatsu in his costume on the cover of the "Almost Almost All Illustrations" Artbook. He sits on the sofa with a lot of plushies waiting for him and takes pleasure in it.
Mod Note: The plushies shown in this set sadly aren’t actual real life plushies. The plushie that Karamatsu is holding is Karla Pinefield (written like カーラ, ka is extended with a vowel extender and since ra and la are the same katakana, Kaara can be read as Karla (or Carla)) from the Musical AU. Here are close ups of the Karatsugu plush:
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カラ松 : ほぼほぼ全イラスト集
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alucience · 5 years
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Choro and Vampo Oso (・へ・)
This was a scene from another trash fanfic I wrote a while back, where the brothers get stranded in a mansion infested with ghosts and vampires that are at war with each other - or something. 
fun fun fun
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mallowmatsu · 5 years
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also a separate version of that fully colored sketch from the sketchpage
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akai-hito · 6 years
You find a bat in your garden. Not fan of rabbies, you think that the creature will just leaveby itself, until you notice it’s actually bleeding.
Oh well, you’ve never been good at avoiding problem anyway.
You thought it would’ve been fine if you followed what Google say with its quality to give you the answer you need everyday. 
But Google say nothing about what to do if instead of the bat you decided to “adopt”, a weirdo in a ridiculous cap show up
You had no choice. It was him or you. You decided to beat his ass up with a broom, not listening to what excuse he could have because nobody can have a decent reason to show up in someone room in the middle of the night. 
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thebardisabird · 6 years
This popped in my head at 1 am as I randomly remembered vampmatsus. So have some kinda sad Vampire Choro x Reader (also please be warned, there’s some hypnotizing here! just making sure yall know :>) 
“You’ll stay with me forever...won’t you?” you asked softly, shuddering out softly when he lapped at the fresh bite wounds. The gloved hand at your other shoulder tensed considerably and you felt his breath ease off of your neck. This feeling was nothing foreign, you’d been doing this dance with him for years now. You loved him, there was no denying it - he noticed the saccharine swirl when he tasted you.  But love was something a man like him could not give you. Choromatsu was afraid it would come to this. 
He whispered, “What brought this on?” and he was afraid to catch your gaze; afraid of what he might see. Your wistful sigh drifted into his ears, “...I know you know, Choromatsu.” The nightcrawler lowered his head in shame, long lock of hair falling over an eye. It was true, he’d known for so long now. Not from just the blood, but everything else as well. The long looks you gave him when you thought he wasn’t looking, the way your hand would fall over his as he drained droplet by droplet of your sanguine sweetness. He’d be lying to himself if he said he didn’t care about you...but therein lay the problem. 
“I can’t give you what you want,” Choromatsu said abruptly, turning on his heel so his back faced you. Approaching him slowly, your hand merely touched his back and you felt his whole body turn rigid. Your fingers retreated; biting your lip you dared ask, “Why...W-Why not...?” 
He clenched his fist and slowly released it in a heavy sigh, “...I’d outlive you.” 
Your head perked up at his words. Boldly, you took a step forward, “Choromatsu, you know how you could turn me and -” “You know that’s not guaranteed.”
You persisted, “I know, but if we just tried it,” and his eyebrows knit together, “I could stop you if I felt like -” “I’m not willing to take that risk.”
Still you would not let it, your own hands balling into fists now, “How would you know if we didn’t try-” 
“I WON’T KILL YOU!” he shouted, facing you finally. His fangs were at full length, frustration visible in his features. Choromatsu drew back immediately however at the realization of your stunned expression. Gingerly he took your hands, the rough texture of his aged gloves brushing down the length of your fingers. 
“I’ve...lived for so long now...” his eyes roamed over your hands, searching for something inside himself you couldn’t begin to place, “you aren’t the first to know me, and you won’t be the last.” 
He trembled slightly, squeezing your palms a little tighter now, “And it’s not like I haven’t tried...there are have been plenty attempts...” Choromatsu bit his lip, “But no matter what I did...They never...” 
It made sense now. Why he’d always drink just enough for his fill - just shy of the boundary it took to turn you into one of his kind. 
“...I can’t lose you. You’ve been too good to me.” 
Tears welled in the vampire’s eyes as he finally met your gaze. They were riddled with sadness, yet deep within them, lay a hefty decision.  “That’s why...” and he took a step back, splaying out his cape from behind him, “I have to do this...”
His hand swiftly wrapped around the edge of his cape and he easily brought his arm up to cover half of his face, his eyes being the only thing visible. A chill ran down your spine, “ “Choromatsu! No...!” 
Trails of crystalline soared down his pale cheeks, though his eyes remained trained on you. Slowly his dark hues lit up to take on a crimson color, entrancing in beauty as it took hold of you. You felt your eyelids grow heavy; your spirit fought his hypnotic gaze, but not for long,  “Choro...matsu...” you slurred, fingers twitching to will themselves to touch him, “pl...please...don...t...do this...”
He narrowed his eyes, swallowing the sob that crawled up his throat. In a shaky whimper, “I need you...to forget me.” You seemed like you wanted to protest, but under his spell, your words finally ceased. When he was sure you were under, he approached cautiously. Your chin was gently grasped by his hand, and he took a good look at you one last time. 
“Forget me...my love.” 
You would wake up in the morning nestled under your covers. You couldn’t remember how you got there. The bite marks that once embellished your skin would cease to exist. He made sure it stayed that way, erasing every trace of him as he set off to wander another world without you. 
You would inexplicably feel a great deal of sadness every time you saw the color green. 
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psychedelicsart · 6 years
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Normally I’m not very confident about posting OC x Canon art but
I’m actually really proud of how these turned out
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lainetar · 7 years
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Some sketches I did out of boredom in my worksheets. Two first are from my messed up Zombie-apocalypse AU (which is mainly just Jyushi suffering). The two others are vampire-Matsus or something?
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windyeclipse-blog · 7 years
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My boissssss
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ridermatsu · 8 years
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He's still my bf send help
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ask-ichiko-matsu · 7 years
@vampirematsus continued from (x)
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“I suppose I am not like most mortals then,” she said approaching closer to the other. She grabbed a vacant stepladder and stood up on it so that she was eyelevel with the other, her violet orbs looking into his own crimson ones. “Nothing too unbearable I would imagine. I just would like to study you is all. Once I have the knowledge I want I shall let you go,” she told him, gently running her slim fingers down his cheek. 
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vrisrezis · 3 years
Vampirematsu scenerio where matsu has been heavily injured by a small group of vampire hunters. He manages to lose them in the woods long enough to hide. The group splits up to look for him and he is eventually found by y/n one of the vampire hunters. The two stare each other down for a while. y/n calls out to the rest of the group letting them know that the area is clear and leaves, effectively sparing him. Whats going through matsus head after all this. (Sorry this is kind of lengthy...)
Osomatsu just goes with the idea of you being “one of the good ones” and trusts you immediately. He expects you to continue to help him though.
Karamatsu would be trusting too, but he might just ask why you helped him exactly. He’s more curious if anything though.
Choromatsus so freaked out by this experience he goes against his better judgment and trusts you. (For now, he’s usually not so trusting).
Ichimatsu doesn’t trust you outright, he probably thinks you just wanna kill him for yourself. But then you don’t.. now he’s just confused..
Jyushimatsu is honest with asking you “why did you do that?” it just doesn’t make sense to him. You’re a vampire Hunter? Why did you spare him? It just doesn’t come to him that maybe you pity him
Todomatsu would be both relieved and annoyed, he’s happy to be alive on one hand but on the other you betrayed your own kind, and you’re looking down on him too?!
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denkimystery · 4 years
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Almost All Illustrations Artbook Cover
In celebration of Hesokuri Wars’ 3rd anniversary, an Almost All Illustrations Artbook + Bonus OST CD was released. On the cover it features the sextuplets in exclusive designs for the book holding plushies of the most popular AUs from Hesokuri Wars. These designs would be later used in a Hesokuri Wars set. The characters and AUs are as follows
Osomatsu - Hong Cuung from Matsu Noir
Karamatsu - Karla Pinefield from Musical AU
Choromatsu - Choromatiu Matsunov from Vampire AU
Ichimatsu - Ichimatsu from Yakuza Wolf
Jyushimatsu - Toshio Ogami from Denki Mystery
Todomatsu - Bake-danuki from Yokai AU
Mod note: Sorry this post is out of order! This should’ve been before I posted the Denki Rough Concepts but for some reason my Queue broke. The book itself isn’t out of order and you can find it on eBay. You can probably find them for cheaper from Japanese online shops, but I’m not so sure on the shipping costs.
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antimatsus · 7 years
The sound of someone moving outside the small shed they were staying in jolted Karamatsu up. The boys face lit up and he quickly stood, bolting out of the shed to greet who he thought was out there.
“Welcome home, Ani--”
He stopped, staring quietly. This wasn’t his brother... He took a small step back to the open door of the shed, frowning. He had just given up where they were staying to total strangers! Aniki was gonna be mad...
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youkaimatsus · 7 years
“Don’t ya know to stay out of a guys home?”
Osomatsu did not visit the cave much, usually staying with others, but he was surprised to see someone there when he returned. The oni canted his head to the side, grinning as he did.
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