#vampire yoongi x reader
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~Sunshine and Rain~
Pairing: Vampire!YoongixHuman!Reader
Words: 6.2k
Warnings: Blood, murder, angst, pain, loss, DEATH, disease, starvation, mention of suicide, cursing (it's a given at this point bruv)
~You brought me sunshine
when I only saw rain.
You brought me laughter
when I only felt pain.~
"I'm terribly sorry- you just remind me of someone I used to know."
Min Yoongi was never prideful, not once during his mortal life would he call himself romantic either, but with you- hell he was the most prideful and lovey-dovey man you had ever met, but only ever for you.
You a simple young woman of London's high society, the Queen's diamond of the season and him- nothing more than a artist for others including royalty. The two of you were never meant to cross paths but as luck would have it, you managed to catch his eye that fateful night.
A night that doomed him to a living hell the moment he first spoke to you- something the pair of you never saw coming.
The two of you had talked for most of the night and for once Yoongi was actually trying to impress a woman. His close friends Seokjin and Namjoon, two fellow artists, watched on as their usually guarded and reserved friend- charmed the woman in front of him.
He was everything you wanted and more, he was a man made of stone and soft silk. He was rough at the edges but soft in the middle. His hands were calloused from working with different materials over the years that he painted and sculpted with- he even did some woodwork for a few months which gave him a few more scars than he cared for.
Yoongi loved your hands, they were soft and delicate when he first got to hold them. He wasn't too sure about it at first, because a woman of high society London was to keep her gloves on at all times while she was being courted- though he wasn't courting you officially. Even so the two of you managed to escape your prying older brother and mother for at least an hour.
In that hour you and Yoongi had done nothing but laugh and enjoy each others company under a willow tree- keeping an eye out for your family all the while. He had told you about the many places he had visited over the years- the royal families he had painted on large canvases... really the royalty was nothing to bat an eye at- nothing but a bunch of self righteous, spoiled ass brats the lot of them.
Or so he would say at least twice, only because it made you laugh.
Eventually your eldest brother James had found the two of you under the old willow tree and scolded you right in front of him, like a child. Yoongi fumed at the exchange but was forced to keep his mouth shut- for if he was to say anything to your brother he would need to put a ring on it to have a say in anything pertaining to you.
A few weeks would pass and the two of you would send letters to each other, each one more poetic and lovesick than the last.
Yoongi was at the palace with the Queen- so getting letters to and from your residence was quick and easy since your family didn't live far from the palace. He would send you little snippets of how his day was, how insufferable the Queens brat children had been for their portrait- moving every minute it seemed. Why those little brats couldn't sit still was beyond him.
But he could never hold his excitement when you told him you missed him and wanted to see him soon. He held his head high and kept a smile on his face those days. Never once snapping at the royal children or the Queens grandchildren like he normally would, his head would always wander to the clouds when there was a small lull in the portrait process.
He would look to the bright blue sky outside the large, gold trimmed windows and imagine you're looking up at the same blue sky as he was in that very moment. He turned into such a lovesick fool he hadn't paid anyone else much attention anymore, not even his two closest friends. They had tried to get Yoongi to come out with them, to live a little instead of entertaining the thought of the two of you ever truly being together.
Did he listen to them?
Of course not.
Should he have listened to them?
Without a doubt.
But he was young, dumb, and in love- how was he to know the life he had promised you would go up in flames?
That night- oh that night was a whirlwind of emotion and hidden kisses- secret meetings between acts of some play that was going on at the opera house for the Queen who was in attendance. You two paid it no mind- especially when you were too lost in everything that was him, well hidden somewhere far from the opera stage.
Yoongi had mentioned in passing that you two were soulmates, destined to find each other in every lifetime no matter who you became. It was silly at the time but when he had snuck into your room one late night when he couldn't sleep- it began to make sense to you.
He had stayed a respectful distance from you to keep your reputation and honor intact and you understood that much. But as the hours wore on between hushed words and silent laughter you had grown restless- you wanted to be closer to him in everyway that was possible.
That was the first night he had let himself be selfish for once. He had memorized every curve, every dip of your body. Every freckle, every mole and blemish that made up your skin- leaving kisses on each one of them no matter their location. The way his large rough hands roamed over your bare skin was reverent, as if he was painting your body with his skilled hands- it sent shivers down your spine every time they ghosted over your naked body.
The very next day he had pushed by every single suitor that stood by the parlor door of your families generational home- ignoring the shouts and heinous words thrown his way. Really if those men were here to court you the least they could do was keep their words clean of profanities, honestly.
He had barely pushed by the last younger man, barreling into the vast parlor and nearly tripping over his own feet like a fool and maybe he was in that moment. Because when he looked up he saw your brother James, standing just in front of the floral loveseat looking at him like he had just disgraced his entire family by stumbling in the way he had- that was the first and last time Yoongi was a little cowardice.
Yoongi adjusted his collar and suit lapels- a suit he had used the last of his money to buy from the tailor, he wanted to at least look presentable for your family- maybe then they'd give him a chance, that's all he wanted. Your mother had looked him up and down with a searing gaze sizing him up like cattle meant for slaughter- it made Yoongi so damn nervous because even if your brother approved of him- the one who held his fate in her hands was your mother.
Yoongi swallowed thickly as he introduced himself to the only two of your family members present. He didn't have any flowers with him- he should have grabbed some when he passed by the floral shop in his rush to get here before someone could take you from him- since it was the last week of the season. But he was so focused on getting here that he didn't have much time to think after he left the tailors- he left in such a rush that he still had some lingering thread attached to his coat tail.
Your mother wasn't all that impressed with the artist but your brother- he was completely taken by Yoongi and his stories. The way he told them- it felt as if he was right there living it with him. Yoongi really did have a way with words or so he thought. All was going well until your mother stopped him mid-sentence stating that was enough and that she had heard all she needed and waved Yoongi off without so much as a glance in his direction.
Yoongi, who was once so sure he was going to be able to impress your mother, visibly deflated in front of the pair of them and James could only give him a tight lipped smile and a firm pat on the back. The artist walked back down the stairs he had earlier ran up with a racing heart and a dream, he knew it was foolish to think he could have you but goddamn it all to hell- he was in love with you and he would have you in the end. He had already taken your honor and by whatever God above he was going to marry you one way or another.
He stomped out of the manor that day fuming and seething with anger, how could your hag of a mother dismiss him so easily? Was it because he was nothing but a wandering artist? Sure he painted for royalty but the pay never kept his pockets full for long. He could give you the world and more- more beyond just money, he could give you a life full of travel and wonder. He could take you to Paris, Rome, even the Americas if you wanted to go. He would take you anywhere you wanted, all you needed to do was ask and he would move mountains for you.
That same night he had snuck into your room like he had so many times before- you were still awake reading a book by candle light, laying in your bed with your beautiful hair draped against your shoulders and across your pillow. You looked breathtaking to him, your pale face dusted in a light shade of pink when you heard him open your window after he scaled the fencing on the side of the manor leading to your bedroom.
Yoongi put a finger up to his perfect lips, silently telling you to keep quiet as he gently set his feet onto the wood below him. He was careful of the few spots where the old wood would creak under pressure and after a moment he was with you on your bed, his lips instantly finding yours in a passionate kiss. He caressed your cheek, his touch lingering down to your neck and pulling you closer to him as much as he could in that position.
He broke the kiss in need of air and once he caught his breath, he told you everything that had happened this morning since your father had chaperoned a stroll with you and another suitor before he got there. You were taken aback when he told you the events of the morning, your mother was never one to just dismiss someone so rudely but she did it to Yoongi, the man you loved more than anything in this world or the next.
With a wild look in his eyes- he asked you to run away with him, to leave all of this high society bullshit behind. He wanted to take you out of the ton and away from all of the prim and proper stuck up assholes in it- he didn't say it like that but you got the picture nonetheless. Of course you jumped into his lap happily and kissed him with a sunshine smile after but he had to hush you again and told you to keep it down and to find some clothes to ride a horse in and put them on.
The two of you climbed onto the back of the "borrowed" horse with nothing but the clothing on your back, a satchel full of food and a decent amount of coin to get you through your journey until you'd have to stop for food and maybe a room to sleep in for the night.
The days went on like just like that, the two of you staying no more than a night in a crappy hotel- to save some money of course. Most of your days were filled with laughter and sunshine- the ever present fear that Yoongi once held in his heart of never having the chance to really be with you- to marry you was gone. Stomped into the dirt- along with the pain in his chest he felt that day your mother basically told him to fuck right off.
Yoongi- the artist, married you a few months into your new life together and he couldn't be happier. You two had settled in a small town surrounded by people and as the times changed- more steam powered machines made their way into the world. That meant more bodies and the need for more housing- you two managed to keep your small one bedroom house all to yourselves for the most part.
The town had built more buildings and housing on either side of your home to accommodate the slew of people pouring in from all around for new jobs working the machines that powered the factories and among other things too.
Soon the small town was bustling into a city- a disgusting rat infested city. There was hardly a place the two of you could go without stepping on a rats tail or someones foot. There were people- adults and children too- everywhere, most of them were on the streets begging for food or coin to buy food.
You and Yoongi kept mainly to yourselves as a uncommon disease spread through the slums- taking nearly every man, woman, and child's life. If there was a need to go out Yoongi left you at home to keep you safe- giving you a sweet kiss goodbye before he walked out the door- the last time he didn't kiss you before he left he got held up by a few of the poor and sick, he swore to always kiss you before he left and maybe that way he could possibly avoid them. The dead also began to pile up in the streets leaving behind a foul odor of rot and decay- needless to say whatever this terrifying disease was it had a high mortality rate.
No matter how hard the two of you tried to stay healthy there was no stopping the disease- you had nearly every home remedy stashed in your pantry yet none of them seemed to help when Yoongi fell prey to this wild and terrifying disease.
First like many other diseases- it started with a fever then a horrible cough- if you were part of the lucky few the disease would go away on its own. But if you were one of the many unlucky few the cough would turn into throwing up anything you tried to eat, making your body weaker and weaker as the days dragged on.
Then came the blood- oh god the blood- Yoongi had been laying in bed for weeks and he began to cough up blood, so much of it mixed with whatever else came up. You didn't fair much better either but while Yoongi was knocking on deaths door, you had fallen ill as well.
It was difficult for the sick to take care of the sick but at least this way it wouldn't spread to others. The days were long an miserable- the two of you could hardly get out of bed to take care of one another.
But as Yoongi had somehow gotten better-still sick as hell but better- you were still laying in bed sweating bullets and coughing up too much blood for his liking. He begged many doctors to help you but none of them would even dare come to the district you two lived in. It was dark, damp and filthy which he understood but you were the love of his life, his wife and he couldn't just sit idly by and watch you die- if it came right down to it Yoongi would have taken his own life so he didn't have to live an empty existence without you.
Tonight was the night he would die, just not how he thought he would.
He had just sold one of his many paintings of you for a decent sized pouch of coin and was on his way back to you through a dark corpse filled alleyway. This money would pay for two weeks worth of food by itself and anything else you needed- Yoongi kept the pouch in his hand with a smile on his face as he walked down a few stairs and under an archway.
It happened so quickly he didn't have a chance to take a breath when something had ran by him and stabbed his neck with a sharp object.
Yoongi hissed and put his hand up to his neck and when he brought it in front of him he was mortified- eyes blown wide and he almost screamed but the pain that surged through his body stunned him into silence and he fell to the ground choking on air and soon blacked out.
When he awoke next everything felt new- like he wasn't sick at all. Colors were brighter- he could see everything from the flying birds to the smallest of insects.
The air around him didn't smell just of rotten flesh- he could smell the bakery a few blocks from where he stood, the perfume shop further down the road was an intense wall of different scents- so much so it made his head spin.
He could see the small specks of ash from the nearby factory floating in the air around him- he could hear the shop keep in the pottery shop to his right fight with his wife upstairs- he also heard two different speeds of rhythmic thumping.
What happened to him?
Yoongi didn't have a chance to question his new- whatever this was- as his head turned on a swivel when he heard a few men shout at each other down the street- close to his home, close to you. He barely heard any of their words but the few words he did hear made his heart drop to the ground at his feet.
Yoongi had never ran so fast in his life- it felt as if his surroundings blurred together and the wind like a hushed hum past his ears.
That's when he saw it- saw them...
They had torches and a few buckets of something clear and were pouring it on the houses surrounding his- and before he could act everything went up in roaring flames right before his eyes, everything including his own home where you laid helpless on the bed unable to scream or even shout.
The candles must have gone out because if they hadn't those idiots wouldn't have laid waste to the surrounding buildings by burning them like they do with diseased bodies.
Yoongi fell to his knees-tears streaming down his pale cheeks like waterfalls. He was angry-pissed even, but most of all he was in agony because he couldn't do anything to stop it.
Once the fire was out he tentatively walked into the charred remains of what was once the home you shared with him.
Everything was burned to ash- nothing was left of value to him... not even you.
When he saw your remains he fell to his knees once more beside the small bed you two once shared. The blood curdling scream that ripped through his throat was as if someone had stabbed him in the chest- straight through his undead heart.
He stayed there crying and sobbing over you for hours- but when he was done, his eyes glowed red- something had snapped inside him... Something that kept him sane during the hardships you two had endured together.
He was a man- or whatever he had become- on a mission. He knew what the men who had burned you alive smelled like so it was easy for him to hunt them down like animals.
These bastards wanted to act like animals- he was going to slaughter them all like animals and whoever got in his way would meet the same fate as them.
He skulked around the city- in the shadows moving as silent as death itself.
The first man he found was drunk at a pub about half a mile from the slum district. He was an older man with a round stomach and greying facial hair- Yoongi knew he was one of the eight men that had killed you... he could smell it on him.
He waited until the man stepped into the alley to take a piss and that's when he attacked. He didn't get the chance to scream in horror before Yoongi grabbed him by the throat and ripped it out of him- the man fell to the ground with a thud.
Yoongi quickly moved onto his next target. This one was another older man- only he was thinner and walking down the alley with a few of his friends.
Yoongi used his newfound speed to his advantagethis time- he slowly stalked closer at first... then just as the man turned around Yoongi plunged his hand into his chest and yanked his heart out if his chest with a wicked grin.
The man's friends screamed like little girls when his body fell limp onto the ground with a gaping hole in his chest- Yoongi was already gone by the time they began scanning the area for him, too consumed by his deep hunger for revenge.
When he found the last bastard he was at home eating dinner with his family. Yoongi watched from the darkness through their dining room window- his glowing eyes the only thing seen in the alleyway.
Once the family had all gone to bed he climbed the fire escape of the tall building- letting the mouth watering aroma of this man's blood guide him.
He broke locks with his bare hands as if they were made of butter- but he took his time getting to his last victim. He wanted to enjoy it this time, because this fuck was the one who lit it all up with a torch.
Yoongi broke the door handle to this assholes home quickly and slithered inside under the cover of night. He found the children's room first but closed and locked it by crushing the handle- not enough to break it but just enough to render it useless so they couldn't open it.
Then he found their parents room- the door was cracked open slightly. Yoongi pressed the pads of his slender fingers against the wood- opening the door as silently as possible.
He walked in- his steps feather light and stood on his side of the bed and watched him sleep. Yoongi shoved the man's shoulder after a moment passed- the man woke up with a jolt and his gaze instantly fell on the dark figure with glowing eyes standing in front of him.
He was about to scream when Yoongi held his index finger up to his lips to hush the man and surprisingly he complied. Yoongi's lips cracked into a creepy cheshire grin as he kneeled down to the man's height.
He grazed the man's head with his pale hand and hushing him pretending to be worried- then he grabbed the man by the back of his head and yanked it back to make the man look him into his cold dead eyes.
"You took the only one that kept me sane- and now you- and your family- are going to pay for her death with your life."
With deadly accuracy Yoongi wretched his head back and long, sharp fangs had pierced through his gums and around his eyes darkened- he bit into the man's throat forcing the scream that was caught in his throat to ring out into the room, waking up his wife.
Yoongi had swiftly grabbed her by the neck and ripped out her throat like he had so many others while he feasted on her husband like a man starved. He had no clue what possessed him to drink from the man's neck but fuck did it taste divine.
Once Yoongi had killed the parents and taken his vengeance for his beloved, he walked back home- back to you covered in blood from his mouth down his chest- the crimson liquid having stopped right at his belt.
It would be months before Yoongi even thought about leaving you alone ever again- maybe he was going insane but he like to pretend you were still alive. Going as far as to talk for you when he asked you a question but didn't answer.
There would be days he would cry over your charred body- others he would kill anyone who came near his home- his love. On those days he would scare everyone sometimes himself too, eventually his district became known as; The Blood District.
Most humans would stay far away from that area, scared for their lives and rightfully so- Yoongi liked it that way... at least now people would stop looking for him- the ripper. A name that would put fear into every man, woman and child for years to come.
That was well over 230 plus years ago and Yoongi never forgave himself for it- not a single day went by that he didn't blame himself for your death. He was so close yet so far that night, he couldn't stop those bastards as they lit the house on fire to keep the mystery disease from spreading- thinking nobody was inside.
That was the same night he had killed over a dozen or more men- ripped their throats out of their necks or wretched their hearts clean from their chest. He couldn't stop himself he was in pain and anguish- oh how he nearly became insane as he danced down the brick roads and allies- maybe he was insane. Yoongi knew that if he had his way- he would've painted that entire city blood red.
In today's world Yoongi was a doctor- a traveling doctor, he still got to travel all over the world- while helping both humans and vampires that had fallen on hard times.
It's something you would've done had you gotten the chance to- even during your last days you made it a point to try and help anyone who asked for it.
The few vampires that made up his clan- including his maker, Hoseok- who had managed to convince Yoongi to finally bury you somewhere your soul could be free nearly a year after your death- only one was younger than Yoongi the rest were eighty to three hundred years older than him.
Hoseok and Yoongi never got a long in the beginning- the younger vampire always, without fail- blamed his maker for keeping him from you that night. But as the years passed and the tears stopped- Yoongi learned to accept what was and what wasn't.
What was- Yoongi was a vampire who had endless wealth and an endless life. Free to roam the earth and anywhere he wanted to be- as long as he came home every couple months or so.
What wasn't was you- you were dead and long gone from his grasp for the afterlife was a place he could never reach. There was never a day he didn't think of you- looking up at the stars imagining you were looking down on him and his damned soul from the heavens.
Countless times Jimin- a vampire only older than him by eighty years- tried to comfort his brother. He would accompany Yoongi many times to your grave so he wouldn't be alone.
Hoseok and Jimin had made sure to give you the best headstone money could buy- Yoongi had engraved your portrait into the stone himself... with the same hands that once held you so close to him.
On days Yoongi would visit after he'd come home from wherever he was- he would stay with you most of the time, there were days he'd sleep by your grave- even if he had to pretend to sleep sometimes.
It brought him comfort and solace in the oddest of ways- Hoseok would worry for him and often came to your grave in secret... laying down a single tulip before waking Yoongi up from the trance he was in and going home.
Home was this old castle out in the woods- long forgotten but still in imaculent shape- sure the stones were older than dirt and covered in thick vines and moss- but inside was still as grand as a castle should be.
The castle had high walls with many large paintings- a few of which Yoongi had painted himself- and quite a few works of his old friends of the past- Seokjin and Namjoon.
The trim was golden of course with pearly white walls, a grand chandelier as you first walk in with a grand staircase leading up to the bedrooms- which most were used for storage but a few housed the vampires who were sired to Hoseok.
Yoongi kept the room with an old grand piano inside when he first arrived to his new home- the once cluttered and dusty room was cleaned and some furniture was put in to make it livable and over the years Yoongi had collected small trinkets that reminded him of you... each of them made him smile and wonder just how much you would cherish them if he could give them to you.
Yoongi had a difficult time going on without you- during his early years as a vampire he would always keep to himself- hugging the one poorly painted portrait of him you had done to his chest every night and quietly sobbing to himself.
Most days were always harder than the last but after 120 years he learned to cope with the empty feeling in his heart- he never truly moved on but what can one possibly do when you're immortal and not even your favorite whiskey tasted the same?
Their youngest- Jungkook- managed to coax Yoongi out for a night on the town after years of begging the older vampire, Yoongi only went to get him to shut the fuck up for once.
When he entered the club the flashing lights blinded him and the music made his sensitive ears feel as if they were bleeding. Nonetheless he pushed through the sea of bodies to a secluded corner of the club.
Jungkook and Jimin were having the time of their immortal lives- convincing young men and women alike to their corner of the world and nearly sucking them dry- they never killed anyone though, they simply drained them until they were too loopy to remember their encounters the next day.
Yoongi however hated feeding on humans- especially after his days as a ripper- the taste was like swallowing silver to him and he'd throw up any human blood he drank after.
Yoongi fed on animals in the woods- it wasn't much to keep his strength up but it kept him from starving and turning to ash, so he couldn't complain much. He'd always keep a pouch of animal blood on his person should he need it.
Jimin tried to get Yoongi to quote: to get over someone he needed to get under someone else. The thought repulsed him- to even think he could forget you by fucking another human was absurd.
But he tried to- he walked a young girl back to her apartment after talking with her all night- he didn't do much talking but the girl was like a broken record, doing all the talking for him.
That had to be the worst mistake of his long life that he had ever made. Nothing happened of course- nothing tangible at least- it was merely a simple kiss to her lips... after she had walked into her apartment and closed the door he was disgusted with himself.
Yoongi had sped down the two flights of stairs and into the dimly lit alley next to the apartment complex and wretched the blood bag from his pocket and sucked it dry just to get the lingering taste of her out of his mouth.
When he got back home though- he was seething pissed and went straight to his bedroom upstairs- slammed the door shut making the wood crack under pressure and fell to the floor in front of the last work he ever painted of you, in a few of your last days on earth.
The painting was mediocre at best because when he'd painted it he was still trembling with a high fever- but it captured some of your beauty, had the faintest hint of your perfume still on it and it was the only painting he never sold.
You were laying on your shared bed asleep- like you were for the most of your last living days- your wedding ring he had bought for you stood out the most against the pale colors he had used. Your long hair draped over the sweat soaked pillows- your pink cheeks pressed against them in a deep slumber.
It wasn't his best work but he had to keep your memory alive somehow- a Yoongi was on his knees in front of you his face void of all emotion until the tip of his index finger brushed your painted cheek and that's when he lost it.
Yoongi has screamed so loud and full of pain Hoseok and Taehyung who had just gotten home from hunting thought someone had plunged a silver dagger into his undead heart.
He stated in his room for days until a call came in from a vampire he had helped just last year- Yoongi didn't want to leave, it took him two days after the call just to get up and pack what he needed for the trip.
After he had made it to Rome he booked a hotel room for the night and out of the corner of his eye he barely caught long hair flowing past a corner and laughter that sounded just like you- bright, happy, and full of life.
He couldn't snatch his key card from the staff fast enough and just as the woman who sounded just like you had nearly shut the door it happened.
The two of them made brief eye contact before the door was closed and it was like his heart had started beating again- he knew those eyes, those beautiful mesmerizing eyes all too well.
Maybe this was father time playing a cruel joke on him- maybe this was a punishment from the gods perhaps. Either way Yoongi had to know- needed to know if what he saw was truly real and not a figment of his imagination.
But he couldn't bring himself to knock on her door- he stood there for a moment before shaking his head of the absurd thought and walked away to his hotel room- that so happened to be a few doors down from hers.
The next day he had exited the hotel without seeing the woman again- Yoongi kept telling himself it was all in his head, that what he saw was nothing but the ghost of you he longed to see.
Yoongi tried to keep his thoughts clear as he walked through the streets of Rome and he managed just fine until he heard your laugh again.
He was just three blocks down from his destination but he took a detour and followed the adorable melody around corners and small alleyways until he stopped a few feet from an old coffee shop.
Back when he was human Yoongi would frequent this very coffee shop nearly every time he'd visit Rome- but as he scanned the outside tables he saw her- he saw you.
Sure your hair was a different color and your skin was a shade or two darker but it was you- his love, his wife, his reason for being- sitting at a table with a few others he assumed were your friends.
You looked different yes but your laugh was the same and your eyes- oh gods your eyes we're still the same color and your eyes still squinted into little crescents when you laughed with your whole chest.
Yoongi was frozen to the spot, sticking out like a sore thumb with his black clothing against the colored buildings- you looked at him, right at him- it was as if time stopped and everything slowed down to this single moment.
Yoongi took a deep breath and forced his feet to move forward- he crossed the street like an idiot nearly hit by a speeding scooter- his gaze never left yours though. Once he had made it a foot or two from you he stopped- not speaking a single word just staring.
You weren't sick, you weren't pale as death itself- you were here smiling and full of life laughing with your friends- looking at him for the first time in centuries.
"Do we know each other?"
Oh hell your voice was even the same- if his heart was still beating it would've stopped for the second time in his life- he swallowed the lump in his throat and his gaze broke from yours when one of your friends coughed to clear their throats.
He felt small- nearly picked apart by their eyes like he had been with your mother all those years ago- he felt like the same lovesick fool he was when he was alive. His pale cheeks dusted in a light shade of pink as he kicked an imaginary rock- then he looked back to you.
"I'm terribly sorry- you just remind me of someone I used to know."
A/N: I decided to write differently for this one, it's giving Blood Sweat and Tears meets Bridgerton. (?) At least that's how I hope it came across in the very least.
I was also inspired by another vampire fic that I cannot seem to find fucking anywhere, like it fell off the fucking planet- I love that for me.
Please leave your comments or asks for me I really do love hearing from you guys!
Also let me know if you'd like a part two or an epilogue to this because if so I'll definitely write it, all you have to ask me honest!
Love you lots, Aly
#bts#bts army#bangtan sonyeondan#bts x reader#min yoongi#vampire au#vampire min yoongi#vampire yoongi#vampires#immortality#my immortal#vampire aesthetic#vampire yoongi x reader#min yoongi x reader#yoongi x reader#yoongi fanfic#yoongi fic#bts yoongi#bts min yoongi#💜🅐🅡🅜🅨⁷⟬⟭💜#yoongi#suga#bangtan#yoongi angst#bts au#bts fanfiction#bts fic#bts fanfic#btswritersclub#suga bts
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Vampire Boy || Ch.1 - jjk.

✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ 𓆩♱𓆪 pairing: vampire!Jungkook x human!Reader (afab, she/her) 𓆩♱𓆪 content: 18+ explicit content, established relationship au 𓆩♱𓆪 chapter warning/tags: golden retriever vampire boyfriend jk, "27"jk 26 reader, vampire activities, blood drinking, fluff, some angst, SMUT, blood kink?? Oh they are so in love its disgusting, so much domesticity in this chapter, I love them I'm sobbing, VAMPIRE NEW YEARS, big gatsby like party, this party is crazy extravagant, like blood and money galore, little bit of gore this chapter (nothing serious), drinking, swearing, intoxication, crying, reader is a librarian, vampire history and vampire war, angsty moment for yoongi and monique, yoongi history, Jungkook really likes your blood, my own vampire rules??, Jungkook is so whipped, y/n is a little bit of a brat, they are soooo down bad for each other, vampire!Jimin, vampire!Jin, vampire!Hoseok, vampire!Yoongi, other vampire characters (the girlies) unprotected sex (Jungkook literally cannot get y/n pregnant), cream pie, fingering, dick riding, so much kissing, hickies (sort of), blood drinking during sex, god they cannot stay off each other like CHILL (lmao), discussion of feeding on animals and people, this chapter is LOOONNGGG but so fun and I loved writing it 𓆩♱𓆪word count: 23.8K 𓆩♱𓆪Series Masterlist𓆩♱𓆪 𓆩♱𓆪 Next Chapter𓆩♱𓆪 𓆩♱𓆪If you want to be added to the tag list comment on this post!! fic crossposted to ao3 𓆩♱𓆪a/n: THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO WAITED SO PATIENTLY FOR THIS. I HOPE THIS FIRST CHAPTER IS TO YOUR LIKING IF YOU SEE ANY MISTAKES NO YO DIDN'T<3 ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
Fumbling with your keys, you tried to wedge them between your fingers, your pocketknife a reassuring weight in your other pocket. It was late, dark, and winter had a way of making everything eerily silent.
Tonight, you were in charge of closing the library. Your coworkers lived in opposite directions, leaving you to navigate the cold streets alone. Two routes lay before you: the long way, well-lit but littered with rowdy bar-goers and men who were a little too comfortable getting a little too close, or the shortcut through the dimly lit alley but was a straight shot to the other side. One was safer but full of potential annoyances; the other was just outright stupid.
Cold nipped at your exposed skin, and you shivered. You could already hear the noise from up the street and you didn’t have the energy to fight anyone off tonight. Nope. Not worth it tonight. You turned up the street and ducked into the alley, pulling your jacket tighter around yourself.
Quick and easy. No stopping. Don’t look at anything.
The sound of rain dripping from pipes and rooftops was all you could hear. It masked everything else, which, in hindsight, made it even worse because now you couldn’t hear what you were actively trying to keep an ear out for. Until—
Could have been an animal but you knew better though. You could tell, someone was definitely behind you. As light on their feet as they were, you could pick out the steps they took.
You reach into your pocket. Pulling out the knife. Slipping it open and gripping it tight in your hand. Not your best self defense weapon it works for a good scare.
“All right let’s get this over with.” You mutter under your breath twisting around on your heel, the person was obscured, the darkness surrounding them. “Might as well show yourself.”
The dark figure stepped out into the alleyway. Taking a wide stance, placing their hands on their hips. Superhero. You cocked an eyebrow before they spoke in a low rumbling tone, “I’m Batman.”
Realization settled over you and all of your nerves faded away instantly.
“Jungkook!” You whined. Folding your knife back up looking down and putting it back in your pocket. His presence appears next to you with a push of the wind around you.
“Hi baby.” Jungkook snaked his arms around your waist pulling you into him. Kissing you on the cheek. Nudging his nose into your neck and breathing in deeply. Taking in all of your scent. “God you smell good.”
This is Jungkook, your boyfriend, and evidently a vampire.
“You know you scared the shit out of me?” You hit him in the shoulder, trying to shove him away but failing. His eyes were wide and his red irises dilated with intent. He had a shit eating grin plastered across his face as well as he pulled his face away from you.
“I’m sorry. I seem to recall you promising me you wouldn’t cut through dark sketchy alleyways anymore.” He pouts but his tone was serious, you roll your eyes. You manage to pull yourself away and continue down the alley, Jungkook right on your tail.
“I seem to recall you saying you wouldn’t check up on me like this after work.” You cross your arms over yourself preserving the warmth you had.
“I was out and I was going to walk with you as a surprise! Then I saw you duck into the alleyway.” His hand looped through one of your arms and around your elbow, pulling it free from its fold. “This century has phones baby, I may be old but I know how it all works. Just call me next time you don’t feel safe.”
You let out an annoyed sigh, knowing he’s right. “I know I know. It was stupid and I was just trying to make it back quick tonight. I know it was stupid.”
“I just want you to get home in one piece please.” Jungkook whined, sliding his hand down to wrap his hand in yours. Cold fingertips enveloping your fingers. “I’m also not the only vampire in these parts”
“You’re all cold.” Holding his cold fingers between both of your paths to warm them up. You tease trying to lighten the mood and it seems to work some. A small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“Mmm, well I have you now to warm me up.” Not that Jungkook could tell the difference but you definitely could.
Vampires weren’t just ice cold like in the movies. Their temperature adapted to their surroundings like bottles of water. Fresh blood warmed them up, heaters helped, but they couldn’t actually feel the temperature. Jungkook made an effort to stay warm for you, though. You were hot blooded and having a boyfriend that stayed roughly 20 degrees colder, he tried to warm himself up just enough for you.
Because of that, that’s how you noticed it; his fingers trembled slightly, which was definitely not a reaction to the cold air outside.
“You’re shaky.” You frowned, the quivering clear.
"...Just a little hungry." Jungkook shook his head, rolling his shoulders, as if he could shake off the craving, bury it beneath sheer willpower.
You frowned, your gaze flicking to his hands. "You get the shakes when you push it too far. You should go get something to eat. I’m sure there are some drunk guys back there you could snack on."
He exhaled sharply, rolling his eyes. "It's fine. I'll eat when we get home."
But you knew better.
You knew the way his pupils dilated too wide the moment he saw you. How his gaze kept flickering to your throat, your wrist, anywhere he could hear it. Feel it. The steady, pulsing rhythm of your heartbeat drumming against his restraint.
Jungkook was careful, always careful. But hunger had a way of gnawing at even the most controlled instincts. You saw it in the way his jaw tensed, how his fingers flexed, how his breath stuttered just slightly every time you moved too close.
He was trying so hard to ignore it.
Trying not to listen to the blood rushing beneath your skin.
Trying not to stare.
“Just take some of mine tonight.” Your voice cut through the noise of your own blood.
Jungkook perked up a little, eyes dilating further. “Really?”
“Don’t get too excited, just a little bit. I still have to work tomorrow.” You smirked, dragging him along behind you.
Jungkook tilts his head, “You make it sound like I only see you as a blood bank or something.” He looks down to his feet and a pout on his lips. You stop his train of thought though and bring both of your hands to both of his cheeks.
“I’m teasing.” You rub his cheeks with your thumbs, the coldness seeping away with the warmth you present them. “Take what you need vampire boy. Are you going to sit here and act like you’re not excited about it?”
He nods his head from side to side, chewing on his bottom lip. A hint of a fang peaking out. “Anything to do with you makes me excited.”
“Don’t be gross.” You shove him again, but he doesn’t let you go. “Let’s get home and you can take what you need.”
Jungkook hesitated but you had that determined look in your eyes. You weren’t going to let this go so easily, “Fine, but I’m having some other blood first!”
There was a certain giddiness in your steps now.“Oh I’m gonna sleep so good tonight.”
“That should not be the main reason to let me drink from you!” Jungkook protested and you dragged him along the streets swinging your connected hands. A small giggle falling from your lips.
You really didn’t mind when he drank off of you and you really did get the best sleep after since you would be literally drained. Jungkook never understood how you couldn’t really mind doing it but he didn’t find much he was surprised with you anymore.
Your ability to just be so cool and casual about the vampire things sometimes still throws him off though. He also loved it that you were just so cool because a lot of people weren’t and have not been. You had a certain curiosity and willingness to learn.
None of it scared you, it was actually cool to learn that vampires were real. Although you didn’t really initially believe it when Jungkook told you what he was.
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
Two and a half years ago.
Jungkook was extremely nervous.
This was a conversation he had meant to have for a long time. A year, maybe longer. He always found reasons to delay it, to avoid it. It wasn’t going to be a problem telling you; he had gotten the go-ahead from everyone. Actually, he’d had it for over a year now, but their approval didn’t matter. What mattered was what came after he told you.
Were you going to freak out? Would you believe him? Would you be mad?
A million different scenarios had run through his head all week about how this could go. The possibilities gnawed at him so deeply that he had unintentionally been avoiding you. Not responding to texts or calls as quickly. Avoiding hanging out or dates. It was entirely out of character. The longest the two of you had ever gone without seeing each other was five days, and that was only because of a vacation. Now, over a week had passed, and his silence was suffocating you.
You didn’t think anything was wrong but this sudden distance and silence from Jungkook was freaking you out. Had you done something or said something to make Jungkook mad? Did you do something that was upsetting? Was he just not feeling it anymore? You had broached the topic of moving in together recently and you wondered if that had made Jungkook uneasy. Everything seemed fine up until now. Almost perfect even, then suddenly Jungkook had completely closed himself off.
You were jumping to the worst conclusions, the biggest one, a break up. Which is what you had been emotionally preparing for. Jungkook was going to dump you and you would just have to deal with that. Easily, you could already feel this would be the biggest break up of your life. The both of you had already shared and done so much together, you couldn’t imagine giving yourself to someone else the same way.
That’s when Jungkook said he wanted to come over tonight to talk about something, you were doing everything in your power to keep yourself composed. You had been shaking and anxious since you got the text.
Even worse when you get the knock on the door.
With your hands still shaking and your heart pounding in your ears. You twist the knob and pull the door open, Jungkook standing with a soft smile on his face standing in front of you. The smile disarming you slightly.
“Hi.” You said, forcing a smile back as you tried to hide the storm brewing inside you.
“Hi baby.” Jungkook hesitates a step forward, but can sense some unease coming from you. “Can I come in?”
You hadn’t realized that you hadn’t opened the door enough that he could enter. You clear your throat, “Yes… obviously.” You open the door and step to the side so he can come in. The pet name was a good sign but you are still on edge.
As he walked in, the silence in your studio apartment felt deafening. Every creak of the floorboards, every breath you took, seemed to echo. You closed the door, the sound reverberating through the small space, amplifying the tension. Jungkook paused in the middle of the room, uncharacteristically quiet, his steps heavy with unspoken words.
You moved around him, trying to read his face. He looked tired and conflicted, his teeth tugging at his bottom lip. He avoided your gaze. With your anxiety spiking, you retreated to the bed, the only real place to sit in your tiny space. Perched on the edge, you gripped the blanket beneath you like a lifeline.
“You wanted to talk?” Your voice was a little hoarse. Feeling like your entire body was about to start shaking.
Jungkook nodded, his fingers fidgeting as if searching for something to anchor him. “I… I don’t really know how to say this.” He began, pacing back and forth. “I’ve been thinking about this for so long, and now that I’m here, I… I don’t know how.”
The growing sense of dread in your chest felt unbearable. You couldn’t take it anymore. “If…” You paused, swallowing the lump in your throat. “If you’re just going to dump me, please don’t drag it out. Just say it.”
Jungkook's eyes widened for a moment, “What?”
You look at him, seeing the visible confusion on his face. “That’s what this is right? You wanted to talk… and that typically means you want to end things.”
“Y/N.” Jungkook starts but with a wave of your hand you cut him off.
“No, it’s okay. If that’s what this is, it's fine, just please don’t make me wait to hear it.” You hadn’t realised but you were digging your fingers into your mattress now. So hard your knuckles had gone white.
Jungkook paused for a second before he laughed, tilting his head. Eyes sympathetic. “Oh baby.” He comes over and kneels on the ground in front of you.
“Don’t laugh at me.” You whine, his smile felt almost mocking now.
“I’m not laughing at you. I’m not breaking up with you.” Jungkook sighs, he reaches and takes your hands in yours. Lacing your fingers together, “I love you, I don’t want to break up.”
You stay silent, his face has returned to its familiar soft nature versus the stressed one a moment ago. He wasn’t lying. “What?”
“We aren’t breaking up.” Jungkook kisses both of your hands, soothingly. Holding them close. Watching your face morph from concern to relaxation as his words settle in. “Why would you think that?”
You let out a heavy sigh you didn’t realize you were holding in, “Oh… is asked about moving in. I thought I had freaked you out or something and you were going to bolt.”
Jungkook laughed some more, just a quiet laugh under his breath. “You really think asking me to move in together freaked me out? We basically live together already.”
Your mouth falls into a pout, “I don’t know! You were all quiet and weird! I didn’t see you at all this week and you were barely talking to me!” You lay back on your bed, covering your face with your hands. Maybe you did jump to too many conclusions, but all the behavior this week was weird.
Jungkook gets to his feets but lays down next to you on your bed. “I do have something to tell you and it is serious. I just didn’t know how I wanted to tell you yet so I didn’t want to talk to you until I figured out how I wanted to do it.” He rested his hand on your stomach, wanting to pull you closer but letting you stay where you were.
You peak between your fingers to look at him. Jungkook's eyes are full of love only for you and no malicious intent behind them. “Is it going to give me a heart attack? Like the one you almost just gave me?”
Jungkook shakes his head. “Might be confusing but hopefully no heart attack.”
“Well tell me. I can handle basically any news now.” You both sit back up on your bed. You pull your legs under you so your legs are crossed together.
Jungkook paused. Now he really had to face the music. You could tell whatever it was really was serious and probably wasn’t going to be easy. He just needed to do it. He just needed to rip the bandaid off and say it. Get it off his chest. There was no easy way, and he would spend a lifetime explaining if he needed to.
“Okay.” He stayed quiet for a moment, “I-... shit this is hard.”
You watched as he figured this out in his mind. You could tell he was really jumping through hoops. You, trying to break the tension, say, “You’re not pregnant right? I’m not ready to be a dad.”
You laugh at your own joke but Jungkook just rolls his eyes with a smile. Knowing you aren’t serious and just trying to make this easier. Jungkook continues, “This is serious!”
“Sorry. Take your time. You know you can tell me anything.” You say with sincerity, reaching a hand to rub his arm.
“I know.” He nodded, “Everything… will be different. Everything will change.”
“Okay, now you are really making me nervous.” You shift uncomfortably on the bed, you really hoped something wasn’t wrong. Like he was sick or something.
He looks between your eyes for a moment, the whole nature of the relationship you two had may just crumble in a moment. Everything that you knew would suddenly be unknown. That terrified him. He couldn’t predict what would happen next. He can say everything perfect and could be just right and still not know what you would say next.
Just say it.
“I’m… I’m a vampire.” Jungkook whispers.
Your eyebrows knit together not fully hearing him, “What?”
Jungkook takes in a long long deep breath, meeting your eyes. “I’m a vampire.”
Silence fell over the room. Neither of you said a thing, you were just staring between Jungkook's eyes. Trying to find a lie. Trying to find a reason? Because this surely had to be a joke. He had to be joking.
“Honey.” Jungkook places a hand on your knee for a moment. You reflexively pull it back.
“Wow.” You say, a small shake to your head. A certain mistiness to your eyes. “I’ve heard a lot of excuses but this really takes the cake.” You stand up from the bed back facing to Jungkook. His face contorted into concern watching you.
“What? What are you talking about?” Jungkook moves so he’s sitting on the side of the bed now.
You turn around, clear hurt in your eyes. “You know it actually would have been kinder to just dump me versus saying something insane to get me to dump you. If that’s what you want then—”
Jungkook stands for a moment, pausing your train of thought. “I’m-I’m not lying though.”
“Yeah, right. I’m a vampire. That’s rich.” You start laughing at the ridiculousness of it. Trying to overwhelm the pain forming in your chest.
“Have I ever given you a reason to think I’m lying? Have I ever given you any reason to doubt me?” Jungkook steps toward you and you stand your ground. You don’t answer him but just shake your head. You looked angry and so he was thinking of anything he could do. “Why would I suddenly make up a wild story to get you to break up with me?”
You let out a noise of annoyance,“Because you wanted an easy way out, I don’t know!” A small huff trailing behind your words.
Jungkook places both of his hands on your shoulders, “Y/N this is real. I’m telling you the truth. I love you, I would never lie to you about something like this. I am… a vampire. I’m not trying to make an excuse, this is real.” His grip was tight on you, tighter than you had ever felt before. Unnaturally so.
Nothing in the way he was speaking seemed like a lie. No malice or farce, which was the part that was confusing you the most. It was completely sincere. As far as you had known he had never lied to you. That little voice of self preservation was still ringing in your mind though, telling you to get out. To run. “If… Well… Then… Then prove it.”
“If you’re a vampire then there are surely ways to prove it… So prove it.” You look into his eyes now. If he had any chance of saving this it was now, he had to show you everything or else you would be done. Which he was more than ready to do.
Jungkook’s mouth did move but you very distinctly heard him say, Okay. Like an echo inside your mind you almost couldn’t convince yourself he hadn’t just said it.
He brought his hands up to his eyes, pinching something, contacts. He took them from both eyes, pulling out a contact lens case from a pocket and placing them back in respectively. Jungkook lifted his head again to reveal not the dark brown ones you were so used to but ones that were a deep crimson. Could almost look brown in certain lights, but they were definitely red. Then Jungkook opened his mouth and you watched as two sets of fangs detracted down over where his k9’s were. Two long and what you could only imagine were incredibly sharp fangs.
Jungkook just took in your reaction, you blinked a few times standing in silence. No change in expression to show what you were thinking or feeling. The sweet boy you had come to know and love had transformed in front of your eyes. Although his new features seemed to initiate a fight or flight response in you, Jungkook could sense it. He tried to reach out to you but you flinched, just enough for him to notice.
He wanted desperately to bring you closer, but he needed to let you take it all in.
“I know. It’s… a lot. I just couldn’t keep it a secret anymore—”
“This is so cool!” Your face morphed into a look of complete fascination. Voice shooting up and octave. Your sudden change in demeanor threw Jungkook off, you took quick steps toward him and suddenly you were pushing him to sit on the bed again. You fingers swiftly move into his mouth holding his lips up away from his gums, inspecting his teeth.
Jungkook sat dumbfounded and eyes wide for a moment, he wasn’t prepared nor expecting this kind of outburst. You were gripping onto each side of his head, Moving it from side to side so you could get a good look at them. They were pretty big and seemed to just come out of nowhere from the roof of his mouth. Completely replaced where his regular teeth were. They were pretty and almost seemed to fit him more naturally than his regular teeth. Your thumbs were still pulling at his lips revealing his gums, viewing where the fangs hide.
“So these just retract and detract? Do you do it on command? Does it hurt?” You say as your lean your eyes close into his mouth viewing the anatomy. Jungkook stifled a laugh because he wasn’t really able to get words out with your thumbs in his mouth. You traced one of them with your thumbs, but accidentally pricked yourself on the end of it. “Okay, sharper than I thought.”
The smell of your blood being so close to Jungkook's nose made his pupils dilate instantly, you watched it happen but Jungkook kept himself still. It was always a natural reaction to blood.
“Careful.” Jungkook pushed your hands away while holding your wrists in his hands. “They hide up inside of my skull and I can do it on command. It doesn’t hurt anymore though.”
“Show me again.” You smile, a small hint of anticipation lacing your voice. “Please?”
Jungkook nods, opening his mouth. He releases one of your hands so you can push back his lip again with your thumb. As Jungkook pushes his fangs in and out of their place and you can visibly see how they move up and down. You were completely mesmerized by the action. Just watching his fangs seems to take their rightful place in his mouth. It was so weird to watch but also extremely fascinating. You let his lip go at a certain point once your curiosity had been satisfied. Jungkook traced the inside of his lips with his tongue to comfort the muscle that had been forced back.
You found your fascination had moved from his teeth back to his eyes. “You wore color contacts this whole time?” Your hands found their way to his cheeks, looking between his eyes. Tracing, with your eyes, the new unfamiliar color that lined them. These were his real eyes.
“Can’t exactly walk around with red eyes without some suspicion or stares.” Jungkook smiled, he could relax again, placing his hands on the side of your body as you just observed him. No, inspected him, like you were in a lab. He didn’t mind, you could ask him anything and he will tell you whatever you want.
You were still stuck on his eyes. They were such a dark red, velvety. They suited him well. The same ones you had looked at so many times but now you were actually seeing them. “They’re beautiful.”
“Really?” His heart felt like it skipped a beat in his chest, your first complement of his true appearance.
“I love them. They’re… I don’t even have the words. They’re… you. This is you.” Because this is the first time you really were seeing him, seeing him for everything. You thought you knew him before but it was all complete now.
“This is me.” Jungkook whispered, a weight finally being taken away from him. No more hiding.
You just stand there quietly staring at him, imprinting this moment in your memory. Taking in every detail. But you couldn’t help but have a million different things also running through your mind. A million different questions and a million thoughts about what this means now.
Jungkook could see you running through every question in your mind, just waiting for you to ask. He had nothing in his head though, nothing he wanted to think about. You were here, and you weren’t mad. You were here and you were excited. You were still here and you weren’t sending him away.
“I have just… so many things I want to ask.” You rock a little bit on your feet. Anticipation eating you from the inside out.
“Ask anything. I’ll tell you whatever you want.” Jungkook jumped on the end of your sentence, eager, insistent. He wanted to give you every answer. He would give you everything.
“Well… uhh… I don’t know. Um.” Your mind flipped through every vampire story you had ever heard, sifting through myths and legends, trying to figure out where to start. “Okay. Speed? Strength? Is that real, or just a fairy tale?”
“That’s all real.” Jungkook said without hesitation. “I’ve actually been faking straining when I pick up heavy things for you. It doesn’t feel like anything.” He shrugged, as if admitting to a harmless prank.
“Really? Show me!” Excitement bubbled up in your chest, making you bounce slightly on your heels.
Jungkook grinned, standing from the bed with a casual ease. He turned, scanning your apartment, his sharp gaze flicking over every object. His eyes landed on your massive wooden dresser. The one that had nearly killed you when you first moved in, requiring the help of two friends and a ridiculous amount of cursing just to get it through the door.
Without hesitation, Jungkook strode toward it. He crouched slightly, slipping both hands beneath the base, but there was no visible effort. No tensed muscles, no grunt of exertion; just an easy, almost lazy movement as he lifted it clean off the floor. The dresser, heavy enough to crush a human, might as well have been a stack of pillows in his grip.
“See?” He turned his head toward you, lifting it up and down a few times as if he were curling a dumbbell at the gym. He even tossed it lightly into the air, barely an inch, just enough to make your stomach lurch with the thought of it crashing down, before catching it again.
Your mouth fell open.
"Holy shit.”
Jungkook grinned and set the dresser back in place with an almost exaggerated gentleness, as if it were made of glass. His hands lingered on it for a moment before he turned back to you, his eyes gleaming with amusement.
“This is so cool! I never have to lift anything ever again.” You said, your mind still struggling to process what you had just seen. “I’ll just have you do it.”
“Oh yeah?” He was suddenly in front of you, closing the space in an instant, his presence comforting despite what you thought vampires were supposed to be. “Am I your pack mule now?”
“Only for the really heavy stuff.” You teased, tilting your head up at him.
Jungkook chuckled, his fangs barely flashing as his smile grew. Then his hands came up, cupping your face with a gentleness that contradicted the sheer, terrifying strength you had just witnessed. His thumbs brushed over your cheekbones, grounding you in the moment.
“Ask me more.” He said, his voice softer now. “Please. I want to answer all of your questions. No matter how long it takes.”
Your heart pounded against your ribs.
“This is just so insane. You really are… a vampire.” The words left your lips like an exhale, the weight of them heavy in the air.
Jungkook just smiled, his hands never leaving your face. “Yeah,” He murmured. “and you’re not scared.”
It wasn’t a question. It was an observation, one that made something deep inside you shift.
Because he was right. You weren’t scared. You were fascinated.
“For how long?” You asked, studying him carefully. “Are you actually twenty-seven?”
Jungkook’s lips pressed together for a moment. Then he shook his head, his eyes briefly flicking away before he forced himself to meet your gaze again. “I’m… much older.”
You tilted your head, narrowing your eyes. “How much older?”
“Five hundred and twenty-three.”
Your mouth parted slightly, your mind struggling to wrap itself around the number. Five hundred. And twenty-three. Your eyes widened as the realization fully sank in, and before you could stop yourself, a small, disbelieving laugh bubbled out of you. You clapped your hands over your mouth.
“Oh my god.” Another breathy laugh. “You’re so old!”
Jungkook’s expression immediately twisted into one of betrayal, his brows knitting together. “Hey!”
You dropped your hands, grinning at his wounded look. “Cradle robber.”
“Sorry, I just didn’t realize I was dating a man with both feet literally in the grave!”
“Y/N!” Jungkook groaned, his head dropping forward in exaggerated defeat. He pouted, lips forming the perfect shape of a complaint. You giggled, the sound light and unbothered, before reaching up to pull his face closer. You pressed small, playful kisses along his jaw, his cheekbones, the tip of his nose. Each one chasing away the wounded puppy look on his face. Replaced with a crooked smile.
“I just needed to get it out! I promise it’s fine!” You laugh some more to Jungkook's dismay, but you settle for a moment and another thought creeps in. “Is that strange? You’ve seen the world change so many times.” You rub your hands up and down his arms in a soothing motion.
Jungkook’s hands found your waist, his thumbs brushing absentmindedly along your sides. “It’s funny… it’s just normal now.” His voice softened, more thoughtful. “I think I’ve liked this century the best so far. I miss certain things about the past, but I also don’t.” His dark eyes searched yours, as if debating whether to say more. “It’s exciting to see what will become of humans.”
A strange, quiet feeling settled over you. You couldn’t even begin to imagine it. Seeing wars begin and end. Cities rise and fall. Watching humanity evolve and adapt, century after century, while you remained unchanged.
You swallowed. “Are you the only one?”
Jungkook shakes his head, “No.”
You leaned in a little, your fingers tightening slightly on his arms. “How many are there?”
“In the world?” He tilted his head, considering the scope of your question.
“Sure.” You shrugged, though that wasn’t exactly what you meant.
He exhaled, brows furrowing as he thought. “Uhhh, maybe a few thousand? Not an exact number, but there are more than you’d think.”
“Huh. Anyone we know?” You narrow your eyes, already suspecting the answer. There’s no way Jungkook is the only one in your friend group.
He hesitates for a moment, then nods. “Yes.”
“Who?” You demand, your voice rising slightly.
“Jimin… and Jin… and Hobi.” Jungkook starts, then hesitates again, as if debating whether to continue.
“I knew it!” You leap to your feet, nearly toppling over in your excitement. Jungkook reaches out to steady you, his hands firm on your arms as you wobble on the uneven mattress. “The first time I met Jin, I was like, ‘If there’s anyone in this world who’s a vampire, it’s that guy!’”
Jungkook chuckles, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “I think he told me about that.”
Your enthusiasm falters for a moment. “Wait, told you? I don’t think I told anyone that.”
“Yeah… He read your thoughts.”
“What!” You exclaim, your voice jumping an octave.
“Yeah… we can read thoughts.” Jungkook admits, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Oh my god.” You collapse back onto the bed, your hands covering your face. “This is so embarrassing.”
“Why?” Jungkook leans over you, his face hovering above yours, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.
You sit up on your elbows, glaring at him. “I’ve… not exactly had the purest thoughts about you… in the presence of our friends…” Jungkook lets his head drop with a laugh, his shoulders shaking. You groan and push him away with your foot against his chest. “This is mortifying! If any of them read my thoughts, they know what a freak I am!”
“I don’t think they need to read your thoughts to know that.” Jungkook teases, dodging your half-hearted kick.
“Jungkook!” You shout, grabbing a pillow from on your bed, throwing it at him.
“What!” He laughs, catching the pillow effortlessly. Then let it fall to the floor.
“This is the worst part about all of this!” You wail, flopping back onto the bed. Your melodrama filling the room but it seems to not phase Jungkook whatsoever.
“No one cares!” He reassures you, sitting down beside you.
“I do!” You insist, covering your face again.
“If anyone would care, it might be Monique.” Jungkook adds casually, as if he wasn’t dropping another bombshell.
“What?” You bolt upright again, your eyes wide.
“Yeah… uhh, that was the other thing. Monique is a vampire too.”
“Oh and your friend Rehna… also a vampire. Young but she’s one too.”
“I think this may literally be too much information.” You mutter, staring aimlessly up at your ceiling. Your voice quieter now. “So has everyone just been laughing at me for not knowing?”
“Not at all.” Jungkook says quickly, his tone soft. He lays down next to you and reaches an arm over you, pulling you into him. “They all love you. It’s just in our nature to hide what we are. It doesn’t always go well when humans find out.”
“Am I going to get in trouble for knowing?” You ask, turning your head to face him. A sudden worry creeping into your voice.
“What do you mean?” Jungkook frowns.
“Well, okay, not to reference movie vampires, but typically there are rules for telling humans. You either have to turn me, or kill me, or something. I don’t know.”
Jungkook blinked. Then, to your surprise, he laughed—a soft, rich sound that made the knot in your chest loosen just a little. He shook his head, “No. There are no rules or laws for what we do or who we tell. We have traditions, but no laws.”
“Okay, so I’m not going to get hunted down by, like, a vampire government now?” you ask, only half-joking.
“No. Maybe by other vampires, but that’s for food. You probably stink like me anyways, so no one will touch you.” Jungkook said it so casual as if he didn’t need to explain what that meant.
“I stink?” You pushed yourself up onto your elbows, glaring at him.
“It’s more like a scent.” Jungkook explains, his voice softening. “Vampires have their own, and humans have their own.”
“Do I smell bad?” You ask, suddenly self-conscious.
“Not at all.” Jungkook says, his voice dropping to a low. “To me, you smell amazing.” He wiggles his eyebrows up and down and you shove his shoulder away from you in annoyance.
“Is that because I’m food? Technically?” You ask, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes and no.” He admits. Rolling back your direction. “I’m in love with you, so I always want to be around you and near you. You also have the same blood type I did when I was human, so that draws me to you.”
“Well, at least I don’t smell bad.” You mutter, crossing your arms.
“Well, Hobi thinks you smell bad.” Jungkook adds with a grin. “You have his least favorite blood type.”
“Oh, well, that’s just great.” You reply dryly.
“It’s not a bad thing.” Jungkook reassures you. “It just means he’s less likely to snack on you.”
“Okay, wait.” You say, holding up a hand. “So you can smell blood, read minds, and have super strength and speed. Do you guys have other powers?”
“That’s where the differences start to come in.” Jungkook explains. “Every vampire has different skills beyond those. Some develop early, some with age and time, and some with practice.”
“What’s yours?” You ask, intrigued. He had to have something and you knew it had to be good.
“Mine is… sort of similar to a siren.” He says, his voice taking on a mysterious edge.
“Are sirens real too?” You press, leaning a bit too close, “Not the point, continue.”
“I have to sing for it to work.” Jungkook hesitates for a moment but then explains. “It sort of casts a spell on the person I’m targeting. It’s mostly for luring in easy prey, but I can use it for other reasons too—alter memories, issue commands, or access knowledge about the person and their body. The person never remembers they’ve been affected by it afterward.”
You pause, a thought occurring to you. “Have you ever used it on me?”
Jungkook nods, his expression turning serious and he chewed on his lips for a moment.. “...Just once. It was on that trip we took months ago. I had to bring food for myself, and it was more than usual. More than would be easy to hide or explain. So I… used it to alter your memory of the food. Instead of blood bags, you remember regular food.”
You paused realizing the weight of what he was just telling you. Although a small occurrence, he had to alter a part of your memories. You think back on it and try to see if maybe you did remember anything different, the only other thing you really remember from that trip is Jungkook getting extreme food poisoning.
“I wasn’t ready to tell you yet.” Jungkook continues, his voice tinged with guilt. “I wanted to stay… us a little longer because I was so afraid of how it would change things. I got so sick the night I did it because I felt so guilty. I promised when we started dating I would never use any of my powers on you…”
“How come?” You ask softly.
“Because… I knew whatever this was, it was… I don’t know. What we have is good… and is like one of the only good things I’ve found in a long time.” He says, his eyes locking onto yours. “I wanted it all to be real—no powers, no manipulation. Just me… and just you. No tricks.”
You both sit in silence looking at each other, before you completely breeze by his small moment of vulnerability. “You said you had food poisoning.” You recall, your voice barely above a whisper.
“It felt like it at the time.” Jungkook nods, thinking back on it. He really did get sick to his stomach. The guilt ade bringing all that blood almost a complete waste. “I felt so guilty because I never want to hide things from you. Ever.”
“I’m sorry you had to do that.” You say, reaching out to take his hand.
“No, you don’t need to apologize.” He squeezes your hand gently. “I just wish I’d told you sooner. If I’d known it would go this well, I probably would have told you in the first month.”
“I might have been scared in the first month.” You admit with a small laugh. “Might have run away out of self preservation.”
“That’s why I waited.” He says, smiling softly. “But then I kept waiting and waiting for the right moment and I got more anxious.”
“Well… now I know.” You say, laying on your side next to him again. Your faces so close together,
“Now you know.” He echoes, wrapping an arm around you.
“How do you eat? What do you eat? Human? Animal?” You ask after a moment, your curiosity resurfacing.
“Human blood and animal blood. Animal blood more often.” He explains. “Lots of vampires work at blood banks.”
“Wow, shocker.” you say dryly. “Vampires working with blood? Insane.”
“I know, news of the millennia.” Jungkook replies, his tone dripping with sarcasm as you both burst into laughter.
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
Present Day
That felt like an entire lifetime ago now.
Since then, you’d learned practically everything there was to know about vampires—the myths, the truths, the strange little quirks no one ever talked about. The things that were never written in books, never whispered in horror stories. Jungkook had been an open book from the moment he told you. Just the truth, plain and simple, dropped into conversation like he was telling you his favorite color.
At first, it had been surreal. The idea that vampires weren’t just creatures of fiction but real, living. Well, undead, beings who walked among humans undetected. That the man you had been falling in love with had walked through centuries, watched history unfold firsthand. It made your head spin. But never scary. Jungkook was still Jungkook. He still left wet towels on the bathroom floor. He still made the world’s worst coffee. He still held your hand in crowded places and kissed your forehead when you were too tired to function.
The only big difference in your relationship was that you couldn’t really eat together. For obvious reasons.
Also the sun thing, not a huge problem like people think. They can be in the sun but if they don’t eat the same day they will die. They can be out longer the older they get. They don’t immediately disengage though.
You had barely scratched the surface even after all this time.
After too long in the cold, the two of you finally reached your apartment. The moment you stepped onto your floor, you spotted something taped to the front door. Your name and Jungkook’s were written in elegant, swirling calligraphy, the gold ink shimmering under the hallway light.
“Already that time of year.” You plucked the envelope from the door, holding it up as Jungkook unlocked it.
He barely glanced at it before sighing. “We should ditch.”
You snorted. “Oh, I’m sure that’ll go over great. Centuries of tradition thrown out the window.”
“We could start our own tradition.” He offered, wiggling his eyebrows as he pushed the door open.
You shook your head, already slipping inside. “And when Jimin hunts us down and drags us there himself, then what?”
Jungkook grumbled something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like, We run faster. More like he’ll run faster.
You ignored him, already peeling the envelope open. The paper was thick and luxurious—the kind that felt expensive—and it smelled faintly of pine, because of course Jimin thought of every last detail. The invitation itself was beautiful, decorated with intricate gold and green accents, the lettering impossibly flawless. Jimin never just sent invitations. He crafted them, turning them into little works of art.
Jimin’s Annual New Vampire Soirée.
The famed New Years party.
You shrugged off your jacket, letting the day slip away with it, and—without needing to ask—Jungkook took it from you, hanging it neatly in the small coat closet by the door.
“I’ve attended just about every single one of these things.” He groaned, toeing off his shoes and trailing behind you. “I think he can live without us for one year.”
By every single one, he meant a few hundred.
“Oh, come on.” You teased, skimming the details. “It’s the only time we get to really dress up. I like you in a suit.”
Jungkook raised an eyebrow. “That’s your main selling point?”
“Duh.” You smirk, it also gives you an excuse to wear something nice which is rare these days. “Because then I get to take it off after. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.”
Jungkook sighed, scrubbing a hand down his face. “Fine. But if Jimin ropes me into another game of charades, I’m taking you down with me.”
You both round your way to the kitchen. Your place together was very nice, mostly funded by Jungkook. You had two bedrooms that stretched up a hallway, one for the two of you and one for a small office the two of you curated. A large and beautiful kitchen that is really only used by you. In a high building with beautiful views.
You pull out a stool at the island. Jungkook pulling out a few bags of blood. They were donation bags like you would see at a blood drive. Which means he had elected to have human blood tonight vs animal. Jungkook didn’t really mind eating in front of you anymore. The first few weeks you two lived together you couldn’t stomach it, but now it was normal.
You’d asked him before what it was like. Vampires could still eat real food but it doesn’t fill them up or provide the same benefits it does for humans. They need blood or they won’t survive. It’s food, like anything you eat. They have cravings for it and some taste better than others. Sometimes they needed it more often and sometimes they could go without it. Jungkook had recently been trying to go longer and longer without it but it had been proving difficult. He could usually feed once a week and be okay, but he’s been trying to push for two weeks.
Who would have thought that having a human partner would make that difficult?
Jungkook opened one of the pouches and he just sucked on the dispensing tube like it was a fruit pouch of some kind. The way he reacted made him act like it was delicious, you were always curious but knew it would not have the same effect for you. Would probably be gross or your body would naturally make you throw it up. Still, your curiosity always lingered.
Jungkook noticed you staring at him out of the corner of his vision as he was looking at his phone and eating his meal. “You’re next, be patient.” He teased.
“That’s not!… that’s not why I was staring at you. Can’t I just look at my boyfriend?” You cross your arms, putting up your fake defenses.
“Always. You just look like you want to ask me something.” He turns his focus to you, still drink from the pouch.
You pause for a moment, “What was it like the first time…?”
“Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever asked.” You lean on your elbows on the counter.
It’s been quite some time but Jungkook does remember it. “It was warm… but sweet. Like candy but if the sugar high hit instantly. It was like I was taking my first breath.”
“Was it weird?”
“No… Strangely. It felt completely normal. Weird as it sounds. It was like my mind had completely rewired itself away from regular food. Blood was all I needed.” Jungkook shrugged, it really was night and day. One day he wanted human food and the next he couldn’t care less about it.
“You weren’t afraid of it?”
Jungkook nodded, “Of course… but unfortunately because of our nature you have to move past it quickly… You had to kill to eat. We didn’t have the convenience of having blood banks so we didn’t have to kill.”
“I didn’t think about that… no preservation.”
Jungkook eyed you for a moment. “What? Thinking about trying it?” He waved the pouch in your direction, the blood sloshing around in the bag making your stomach turn.
“Well most of the time you make it look good, so my mind wanders. I know it’ll be shit for me.” You rest your chin on one of your palms. Jungkook finished off one of the pouches. Teeth stained red and his pupils were no longer dilated like before. Which was the usual once his hunger had been satisfied.
Jungkook smiles, swiping his bottom lip to catch a drop of blood. He starts on the second one, drinking this one much faster than the first. You can tell he doesn’t like it very much from the face he makes. He rounds his way around the counter, to you. Behind you, resting his head on your shoulder as he drank. One of his arms snaking around you. Your back pressed into his chest.
Although the packs were cold, Jungkook’s body heats up just a little bit when eating. Making him almost feel human.
“Bad?” You ask as he sets down the second pack on the counter. His tongue poked out his cheeks as he wiped his teeth clean of the bitter taste.
“Just bitter. Not great.” Jungkook’s sighs wrapping his other arm around you now. His nose is buried into your neck now.
“You know where I know there will be really good blood?” You muse and Jungkook just rolls his eyes. “Jimin’s party.”
“I’d still rather spend my time with you.” He places a kiss right on your jaw where your neck meets. “Alone.”
“Hmm maybe next time.” You rest the side of your head against his. You both rocked from side to side slightly. “Plus you get to have me all the time.”
“I know I know.” He places another kiss further down your neck. His grip is tightening around you.
Jungkook was barely listening though, your steady heartbeat was pounding in his ear. Yes he had quenched his thirst quite a bit but he still needed yours. The fact that you had his same blood type made it incredibly difficult to resist on days when he was especially hungry because your blood is all he would want. If only he could feed off of you whenever he wanted and it wouldn't kill you quickly. Still, he could hear the pulsing vein in your neck calling out for him. He was usually pretty good about blocking out this kind of thing around you but tonight was especially difficult.
“Just do it.” You whisper, you can feel him getting anxious and a little twitchy. You knew he wanted to eat. “Go ahead.”
Jungkook shakes his head, “Not yet.”
“Jungkook, you and I both know you haven’t eaten enough.” You pull out of his grip and twist around in your seat to look at him. “Free meal might as well be written on my forehead.”
“Better not be. I’m the only one allowed to eat from you.” He smiled, both of his hands running up and down your thighs now.
Before you could get a word in, his lips were on yours. One of his hands coming up to cup your jaw. The kiss has a certain intensity to it and you match Jungkook’s energy in kind. His tongue sliding into your mouth and your taste buds being met with a iron like flavor. A little off putting at first but you push past it. It wasn’t the first time you had tasted the aftermath of a feeding before.
When you were first dating Jungkook would wash his mouth out pretty good before he would see you so that it wouldn’t happen. Not exactly easy to explain why he tastes like his mouth was bleeding when making out.
Your hands found their way to the bottom of his shirt and your hands glided up his abdomen. Warm hands meeting cold skin. Your legs widen to let him stand between them. You were leaning back against the counter, the corner digging into your back some but you didn’t mind. Jungkook’s hand on your jaw moves it’s way to the back of your neck and into your hair. He gives it a light tug which elicits a small sound from you. A small whine which is exactly what he wanted
You break away from him for a second, breathless. “Jungkook… You have to eat.”
Jungkook kisses you again, a little sloppier this time. Before pulling back, “Not yet my love.” He mumbles against your skin kissing his way down your throat, his other hand tracing the inside of your thigh.
You sigh in content leaning into him, “Y-You get a little intense when you’re like this though.”
Jungkook pulls back away from you, kissing you again. Soft and sweet. Before breaking away. “I’m alright. I just missed you so I want to have my way with you now.”
“Oh is that right?” You tilt your head to the side, a playful smile tugging at the corner of your lips, “You know you see me everyday?”
“It’s not enough.” Jungkook whispers, and kisses you again.
You bring your hands up to either side of his cheeks and drink him in. “You’re cheesy.” You mumble against his lips.
Jungkook brings both of his hands down and tucks them underneath you to lift you from the stool. The sudden motion makes you yelp. “You love it.”
“Yeah, I guess.” You say nonchalantly like you were trying to play it off. Jungkook just rolls his eyes, keeping a tight grip on you.
Before you could think, your body was pressed into Jungkook's. As the kitchen and hall blurred past your vision as if you were in a car. Jungkook ran the both of you into your bedroom. Your hair instantaneously a mess around your face.
“Jungkook!” You whined, he let you fall from his grip onto the bed. You immediately smoothed your hair away from your face. “I hate when you do that.”
Jungkook is standing at the end of your bed, pulling his shirt over the top of his head. “I have a few ways I can make it up to you.”
“I hope so.” You bite down on your bottom lip but a huge smile still on your face. Jungkook couldn’t help but find you absolutely intoxicating.
Jungkook kneels in front of the bed, “God you’re beautiful.”
His hands climbed their way up your thighs and under your shirt to help lift it over your head in a swift motion. Discarding it to the floor. Your hands come down to unbutton your pants and Jungook slides them off of your legs. Jungkook with ease, pulling your hips to the end of the bed. Although to Jungkook it felt like nothing. Anytime he moved you you could tell the strength he held. It was clear that he was intentionally holding back.
Jungkook’s face came down between your legs, kissing his way up your left thigh. You watch him for a moment, you could see his eyes dilate for a second and a hint of his fangs grow from his mouth. In that instant one of his fangs punctured the skin of your thigh.
You gasp in surprise. A little blood escaped before Jungkook licks over the wound, closing it again. Jungkook's eyes closed and his breath raged. Your blood is like ecstasy on his tongue.
“Honey, a little warning next time.” You pout.
“Sorry baby.” He looks up to you with this puppy dog expression. “I just needed a taste.”
“Okay, it just hurts. Easier on the neck. I’m used to it.” You bring your hand down to rub his cheek. He turns his face to kiss your palm.
“So you’re saying I need to bite you more places more often.” He smirks and you just hum.
“Sounds good to me.” You giggle and Jungkook's face softens. A look more of adoration.
“Whatever you want, pretty.” His head dips back down between your legs. You lay back on the bed. Jungkook hooking your underwear in between his teeth and pulling it down your legs.
He presses a feather light kiss to your clit before kissing all the way up your stomach, then chest, and then kissing you on the mouth. Sliding his tongue into your mouth with ease. Jungkook's fingers were wasting no time before he was rubbing your clit with one of his hands. Slow and tantalizing circles. You bit down on Jungkook’s lip pulling it back before letting him fall back into place.
“I’m supposed to do that.” Jungkook fake whined, his fingers tracing the outside of your entrance which was dripping. Waiting for him to touch you.
“Whoops.” You bring your arm to rest above your head. “Instructions unclear.”
He kisses you again, before pulling away to kiss and then suck on your neck. Not feeding, just sucking to give you a regular old hickey. Taking two of his fingers to and sliding them deep into your dripping pussy. Reaching and curling his fingers to touch that spongy spot inside you that can easily make you cum.
“Fuck just like that.” You moan, your eyes screwing shut. Your knees coming up in reaction to the pleasure. Jungkook moved to a different spot on your neck and left another barely visible mark. He had seen you cum and had you exactly like this hundreds of times now but he still could not get enough. He pulled away from you to look down at you again.
But sex was always a little complicated. Your blood moving and your heart pounding is almost deafening. Especially today he was still hungry and his mind still reeled with needing your blood. Spinning as he could hear the blood in your body pumping quickly with every quickened breath you took because of every touch he gave you. He hadn’t even realised, his fangs had reappeared in his mouth. He was beginning to drool.
You open your eyes again and you see it. He was dazed, eyes completely dilated again. “Jungkook.” You say, tracing in line down his face. “Come back here.”
Jungkook closed his eyes, shaking his head. His fangs returned back in his mouth. Eyes returning to normal. “Sorry baby.”
He pulls his fingers out and begins to rub your clit from side to side. You were getting close quickly, but you needed a little more.
“You didn’t eat enough.” You raise an eyebrow to him.
“I thought I did.” He rests his forehead against your, your breathing mingling with your lips so close together. “Not enough I guess.”
You give him a quick peck on the lips before pulling back slightly. “Just a little longer honey.” You moan. You both knew if he drank from you now, the night ends here because you will be too dizzy and too tired to continue.
“I’m fine, my love. You just focus on cumming on my fingers just how I like.” Jungkook leans up and away from you, connecting his mouth with one of your nipples. Licking around the bud, sucking and slowly pushing you closer to the edge.
“Jungkook.” You moan, and Jungkook dips his fingers back between your legs. Pumping them in and out of you relentlessly. Wanting to get you over the edge, and blocking anything else out.
Jungkook pulls his mouth away from you. His teeth chatter from hunger instinctually and he has to shake his head back to a normal state. He was so hard inside of his pants he could have cum just like this. “Oh you’re doing so good.”
“God I need you to fuck me.” You whine, grinding your hips into Jungkook’s hand. He follows along with your rhythm, and continues to fuck you with his fingers. It really was not enough for you.
“Oh yeah? How bad?”
“I’m serious please fuck me Jungkook.” You bring your hands up under his shoulders and around his back, digging your nails into him.
“Fuck.” He exhaled, “I really want to make you cum like this though.”
“Please baby, I need it. Please please please.” Between each please you kiss him. Jungkook chasing after your mouth after every kiss. Both of your hearts pounding in his ears, dancing together as one.
“Yes… Yes, whatever you want.” Jungkook, with some hesitation retreats from you. His hand pulls out of you and you let out a small moan but know it’ll be replaced soon. Jungkook stands and begins to discard his pants and then his boxers with little time.
You stand up and kiss him again, before spinning the both of you around and sitting him on the bed. He was fully erected and you honestly needed to fuck him badly. You wanted him to fill up every inch of you. Your eagerness surprises him a little as you rest your hands on each of his shoulders. Adjusting your hips on either side of his.
Jungkook just watches you eyes wide. His red eyes were dilated almost to black. You waste no time lining up your entrance with his tip, sinking down onto it slowly. Letting him slowly fill you up. Jungkook takes in a sharp breath leaning back on his hands while you sink down onto him. The two of you had no need for protection, from what it sounded like from many accounts. Jungkook couldn’t get you pregnant no matter how hard you tried.
Jungkook's eyes close tight, and his grip on the blanket next to him was evident. One of his hands comes to grip on your hip forcing you to bottom out on him. His grip was too tight, “Ease up.” You place your hand on top of his like you need to pull him back to earth.
“Sorry.” He moans, his head falling to the side. His dick tucked perfectly inside you and his head twitching slightly almost driving you insane. “God you feel so good, fuck.”
You hum, and lift your hips on top of him. A moan falling past your lips, “Oh yes.”
You create a slow rhythm between the two of you. Your hips rising slowly up and down on his cock. His dick rubbing up against that same spot inside you and your high building all over again. Jungkook is now able to get some relief. He was still having a hard time though. He was still just focussing on your neck.
You could see it all over his face, his fangs were slowly peeking out again. His mouth was slack and eyes all fucked out. He was hungry and you were mostly just teasing him at this point. A small punishment for not eating enough.
“Oh are you hungry?” You lift yourself up and sit yourself back down onto him again.
Jungkook let’s out a gasp as he nods, “Yes.”
“Hmm,” You sit up, Jungkook's dick dragging inside you tantalizing. “You lied to me. Said you were fine, but look at you.”
“I’m sorry baby. I… I just… please.” He begs, a cross between desire and ferality written on his face. You sit your hips back down onto him, a moan falling from the both of you. You needed to toe this line carefully, but it was always a little fun when you got too.
You loved seeing Jungkook getting so desperate for you, in more ways than one. He did it to you all the time and so you reveled in the time you got to do it to him.
You continue to tease, you tone playful, “I don’t think you deserve my blood now.”
“Oh god please no.” Jungkook’s hands come up to either side of your face, desperation in his voice. Trying to pull you closer but enough slack given so you can hold yourself away. “Beautiful that’s not funny, don’t play with me right now.”
“No. You said you were fine and you’re about to lose it.. All over my blood.” You lift your hips up and sit back down onto him again. “Shame.”
“Please let me drink from you. Please just a little bit.” Jungkook's voice became slightly hoarse and he was fidgeting under you in desperation. Making his dick move inside and you had to do your best to not just cum all over him right now.
You place your hands on top of his that are rested on either side of your face. Pulling them away. “Ask nicely.”
“Please. Oh my love please let me taste you.” He conceded, he was totally out of it. You had gotten what you wanted and it was so hot.
His eyes sparkling under the light that only creeps in through the window of your room. You don’t move anymore. You kiss both of his hands before letting them go. You tilt your head to the left side to present your neck. Jungkook, although starving, takes gentle care of you. One hand coming back to hold your opposite cheek, the other around your back. Keeping you in place. You close your eyes waiting for him to make his move.
Jungkook’s fangs were fully exposed, his senses were completely filled with you. He licks a line over the spot where he is going to puncture before he sinks both of his teeth into your neck. Straight into the vein. The pain is cold and needle-like before it is gone but the side of your face and neck feels completely numb. Then Jungkook starts to drink, you can feel your heart begin to quicken. As the blood seeps out from you through the new holes in your neck. Jungkook drinks slowly to make sure he can tell how much he is taking.
You remember the first time it happened, it hurt a lot. You felt like you could feel life draining out of you. Now it no longer hurts and has become more of an intimate act for the two of you. Jungkook was always endlessly careful about how much he took. Never more than a blood bag's worth. It was difficult because of how good you tasted, you weren’t only the love of his life but the best meal he had in his time of being a vampire.
Jungkook’s grip on your head was tight so you couldn't easily slip away, but after a moment, Jungkook loosened his grip and you could tell he was done. You had kept your eyes closed. Usually you got pretty dizzy during this so you always closed your eyes. Jungkook with some force pulled himself away from you. His face came into view. His mouth was covered in your blood and it was dripping down his chin, teeth also stained red once again. His fangs detract back into his mouth. He was out of breath.
Your eyes were tired, as you leaned forward on his shoulder. “Fuck me. That never gets old.” Jungkook sigh. Jungkook leans back in to lick over the spot to close the wounds. A stray drop of blood had made its way down your neck and collarbone. Jungkook wasted no time in licking it’s trail back up your neck. Cleaning it away for you.
You kiss his forehead because it didn’t really do it for you to taste your own blood. “It can’t be that good.”
“Oh trust me, it is.” Jungkook shifts his hips under you, his dick nudges slightly inside you. You gasp and Jungkook is finally actually able to enjoy your pleasure instead of hearing your blood pound in your ears.
You lift our hips up and down on top of him again, his cock bottoming out inside your again and you both moan. Before you can continue though, Jungkook lifts you off of him and flips the two of you back over so you’re on your back. He does this to your surprise.
“Now I can fuck you like I want.” Jungkook leans away from you and strokes his cock a few times before pressing it to your entrance. Swirling it around. You widen you legs so that he can have better access, you needed him to fuck you bad. Before you got to tired to do so.
Jungkook guides his dick inside of you again.
“Yes!” You groan, wrapping your arms around his neck, as Jungkook picks up his speed and he rocks his hips into your. The slapping of your skin echoing in the room.
“That’s right baby. Cream my cock.” Jungkook groans as he continues to rock into you. The dizziness was hitting you but you didn’t care, you could feel your climax coming.
“Fuck I’m so close Jungkook.” You groan, grinding your hips into his each time he makes contact with yours. Jungkook was kissing all around your neck, encouraging your high. He wanted you to cum so bad, getting to eat from you and then make you cum. He couldn’t think of anything better.
Jungkook's body had become warm again, eating straight from you had that effect. You loved it when it happened, made you wonder if he was this warm when he was human too.
“Cum for me baby, please please cum all over me.” Jungkook begged into your ear. Jungkook thrusted a few more times, his tip dragging against your g spot and you were cumming undone. Walls squeezing his cock as your cum began to cover him.
Your walls squeezing around him as he fucked himself into you. “Oh fuck yes. God you feel so good.”
With a few more pumps Jungkook was coming undone and cumming inside you. His cum filling up your cunt as he continued to fuck into you. Your cum and his mixing together. Jungkook thrust a few more times before coming to a stop. He slid himself out of you and his cum spilling out of your throbbing pussy. He wanted to kiss you but he had your dried blood all around his mouth.
You were pretty dizzy, having an orgasm in the midst of losing a pint of blood wasn’t a super easy combination. Jungkook slid into your bathroom, closing the door so he could flick the light on. You covered your face with with your arms anyways, not sure if you would really be able to sit up without difficulty. After a moment Jungkook returned, he had gotten a new pair of boxers and his face was all cleaned up now. With a blink of the eye he had zipped out of the room and then zipped back in, you could feel the air shift with the speed he was going.
He removed one of your arms from your face. A smile on his face as you open your eyes to look at him.
“Come on let’s get you cleaned up.” He kissed you, his skin was cold again. Taking one of your hands and helping you sit up. What you hadn’t noticed is he brought back with him some juice, and another towel that was warm to clean you up. What you didn’t really notice was how you were also covered in your own dried blood. Jungkook may have taken a bit too much since he was a little sloppy with it.
“I’m really dizzy.” Which was mild but was almost headache inducing.
Jungkook nods, grabbing the juice he has placed on the ground next to him. “I know. I got you this and you need to drink it.”
He places the cup in your hand. You drink it all down pretty quickly, you probably should have also eaten something when you got home. Would have made this a little easier but whatever. Wasn’t your first rodeo but Jungkook worried every single time. He helped you clean up after you are comfortable moving.
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Your next day at work was alright but you were, in fact, exhausted.
You were filing books away, running on two coffees, but you still felt like you were going to need another. You worked as a librarian with one of the largest Libraries in the city that had some of the oldest works, so this was your typical day in and out. You had spent a good part of your morning also restoring old books. Now you were doing some mundane tasks that needed to be finished. Luckily you would be leaving soon and early.
Your friend, Rehna, who was also your colleague, had rounded her way around the corner in your aisle to find you. She had roped you into an afternoon of shopping to find a new outfit for Jimin’s party. It was only two days away, the invite was fresh but Jimin had confirmed with you months ago that you and Jungkook would be in attendance. Much to Jungkook’s complaints.
Rehna is also a vampire.
She was the youngest of the group. She was only turned 8 years ago. She’s technically 30 but she was 23 when she turned. She’s told you her story before, she was turned on accident. She was attacked by a vampire, she ended up biting him back and she swallowed enough blood to make her turn. Apparently it didn’t take much. You actually met her before you met any of the others. She was a vampire then but she was running around on her own. She only knew of Jungkook and the others through Jimin’s parties but never hung out with them until you and Jungkook started seeing each other.
“Please tell me you’re almost done. I’m bored and I’m ready to find something perfect.”
“I would have thought you found something already.” You say, the theme was Bejeweled. Which was incredibly vague but you think you had the idea. “Honestly anything shimmery or shiny will probably work.”
“Yeah but you know these parties are basically red carpet events.”
“You just want to win the outfit contest this year.” She had entered and had yet to win the competition for the last few years you were in attendance.
Her smirk turned wicked. "Damn right I do. This is my year." She lifted a finger in a dramatic flourish. "Now hurry up."
Before you could argue, the stack of books you were holding suddenly lifted out of your arms and flew onto the shelves, slotting themselves into place with eerie precision.
"Rehna." You groaned.
She grinned, brushing imaginary dust off her hands. "Oh, look at that, you’re done! Time to go!"
"Damn vampire powers." You muttered, crossing your arms.
You were annoyingly jealous that she could move things with her mind. Would make your life much easier as it certainly makes hers. She usually wouldn’t use it so openly but she really wanted to get out of here.
“I have a feeling you won’t have to complain about them for too much longer.” Rehna jokes but realizes her mouth was getting ahead of her mind.
“What?” You say, luckily you were a bit distracted and didn’t hear what she said.
You blinked, but before you could question her, she quickly threw an arm around your shoulders, steering you toward the employee room. "So, how’s Jungkook? Still annoying?"
You roll your eyes, “Jungkook is fine.”
“He doesn’t come around here as much as he used too.” She sighs. She was actually glad.
“He’s been busy lately, there’s always some new business with Jin these days. Today Jimin has roped him into something for the party.” You both enter the employee room and you both begin to gather your things.
“Oh how exciting. To be honest I’m fine with him not coming around. He always leaves his stink all around here.” She shivers at the thought, Jungkook and Rehna weren’t enemies by any means. If anything they were basically like siblings at this point but if he was the annoying brother she only cared to see at family gatherings.
“He can’t smell that bad.” You throw your bag over your shoulder.
“Believe me. He does.” She groans, it was a vampire thing. From how Jimin has described it to you it’s not very strong, it’s just subtle but some vampires don’t like others smell. Rehna really did not care for Jungkook’s scent.
“Anyways, I’m assuming Jimin will have him roped into party prep all day. Makes it easy since it’s just at Jin’s manor and not like in a cave on the side of a mountain or something.” You explain, which is exactly what he had done last year.
“Ugh but the best parties are always the ones he throws in some random obscure place.” She pouted.
“I almost lost my toes because of the cold, and none of you produced any body heat so you were no help.” You moan, thinking about it. Most of the night was very fun but by the end of it you felt like your feet were going to fall off because the cold hurt them so badly. Evidently when vampires hold a party inside a mountain in the middle of winter, cold doesn’t factor into their plans.
As you grabbed your bag, you couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something she wasn’t telling you. But with Rehna, that wasn’t unusual.
And honestly? You were too tired to press her on it.
“Well it’ll still be grand no matter where it’s at. Jimin will make sure of that.”
Because this party—this event—was the biggest night of the year.
Not just for vampires. For everyone.
Jimin’s soirée was a spectacle, something out of a gothic dream. It was more than a party—it was a gathering of the undead, an annual tradition that had carried on for centuries. Carried on because of Jimin. A night of indulgence and excess, of laughter and celebration. Vampires from all over the region attended, their grudges and rivalries put aside in favor of revelry. A silent truce held for one evening, upheld by nothing more than ancient tradition and the promise of a damn good time.
The venue changed every year, always extravagant, always hidden in plain sight. An old mansion, a repurposed cathedral, a secret ballroom tucked beneath the city. Chandeliers dripped with candlelight, casting golden glows against dark velvet walls. Music floated through the air; classical waltzes and modern remixes alike, played by musicians who had honed their craft for centuries. The scent of aged wine and fresh blood filled every corner, mingling with the faint traces of perfume and cologne.
But the real attraction, the thing that drew vampires from all over, was the blood.
It was a feast unlike any other.
Vampires brought their finest. Aged blood, stored in crystal decanters like fine whiskey. Fresh blood, bottled and sealed, each one labeled with its origin. Rare types, unique flavors, collected over years. Some brought exotic blends, infused with herbs and spices, creating something akin to mulled wine but richer, more intoxicating.
And it wasn’t just about drinking. It was about history. Vampires exchanged stories, sharing memories of the humans they once knew, the lives they once lived. They brought gifts, rare artifacts, and trinkets from centuries past. Some fought for sport, showcasing inhuman strength with friendly duels that blurred the line between violence and performance art. Others danced, moving with a grace that defied physics, their bodies fluid and weightless.
It was decadent. It was breathtaking.
And you got to witness all of it.
Human’s being in attendance wasn’t unusual. The situation that you and Jungkook had was not unusual. There were other vampires that had human partners and they would bring them along as well. Not all of them stayed human, the first year you went just about every human there you had met was either turned or had broken up with their vampire counterpart by the time the next party rolled around.
Human’s who weren’t the partners of vampires weren’t permitted though, or those who weren’t deeply entangled in their world. There is one man who is a sixth generation banker who is invited to these parties because he is in charge of the finances of a handful of wealthy vampires. His name is Larry. Nice guy.
Your continuation in being a human, although you and Jungkook had seemed to be attached by the hip, had brewed a curiosity in everyone. Although it wasn’t frowned upon or strange, it did feel like it to everyone else. Especially amongst Jungkook’s own coven.
“Jungkook, to the left! How many times do I have to repeat myself?!”
Jimin’s voice rang through the grand ballroom, exasperation thick in his tone. The cavernous space was in chaos—drapes of deep sapphire, shimmering crystal fixtures, and layers upon layers of bejeweled decorations yet to be placed. At the center of it all, precariously balanced on a tall ladder, was Jungkook, attempting to hang a string of decorative jewels exactly where Jimin wanted.
Or, at least, close enough.
“I can’t go any more left!” Jungkook snapped, gripping the ladder with one hand and holding the jewels with the other. “If you want it so precise, why don’t you climb up here and do it yourself?”
“I’m busy!” Jimin shot back, crossing his arms as if he were personally burdened by the weight of this entire production. “I have a million things to oversee, and you’re up there messing around!”
Jungkook let out an aggravated sigh and simply hung the jewels where he stood, ignoring Jimin’s frantic gesturing.
Jimin flailed. “That is not where I told you to—”
“Too bad! I’m getting down.” Jungkook climbed down the ladder, dropping to the floor with ease. “If you care that much, do it yourself.”
Jimin threw his arms in the air. “I swear—”
“If you two are going to fight, at least take it to the living room.” Jin’s voice interrupted, smooth and composed as ever. He strolled into the ballroom with a book in one hand, scribbling notes with the other. “I don’t need you breaking another chandelier.”
“He’s ruining my vision.” Jimin huffed. Jungkook leaning against the ladder, annoyance all over his face.
Jin barely looked up. “Isn’t there an actual decorator running around here somewhere? I thought you hired someone?”
Jimin scoffed. “I did… But Jungkook’s here, so why not make him useful?”
Jin chuckled, thoroughly entertained, while Jungkook remained unimpressed. He had come here to talk to Jin about something else entirely, yet somehow, he had been roped into helping Jimin with decorations. The entire house was alive with movement—hired help rushing around, carefully placing extravagant decorations that now stretched through every corridor.
“I would’ve rather helped with literally anything else.” Jungkook muttered, stepping beside Jimin and bumping his shoulder.
Jimin huffed, shoving him back just slightly. “Well, too bad, because I needed you.”
Jin finally took a good look around the ballroom, his sharp eyes scanning the shimmering spectacle before him. It was hard to surprise Jin, but even he seemed impressed. “Damn, Jimin. You’ve seriously outdone yourself.”
Jungkook had to admit—the room was stunning. Sparkles in every corner, a perfect blend of opulence and elegance. Everything dripped with wealth, which, knowing Jimin, was always the plan. You were going to eat it up.
“Three hundred-plus of these gatherings, and you still manage to come up with new ideas.” Jungkook teased.
Jimin shot him a smug glance. “I’ve only gotten better at it over the years. Trust me, I’ve got plenty more party ideas left in me.”
Jungkook smirked. “Great. You can plan any party I ever throw.”
Jimin’s eyes lit up. “Promise?”
Jungkook rolled his eyes. “Yes. Not that that’ll happen anytime soon.”
Jin, who had been silently observing, suddenly looked intrigued. “Oh? That sounded like a hint at something.”
Jungkook frowned slightly, glancing between the two of them. “A hint at what?”
“Oh, please.” Jimin rolled his eyes. “We’re all counting down the days until you and Y/N finally get hitched.”
Getting married to a vampire was a little different. A vampire marrying another vampire was more about declaring a companion. Some vampires do have the traditional ceremony but it wasn’t like the celebration that a human marriage was because vampires who wed other vampires is more of a casual affair. “Getting Married” was usually a term for vampires with human partners.
Jungkook choked on his own breath, “We aren’t getting married.”
“Why not, it’s been years. I figured it would have happened after you told her about us. You basically kiss the ground she walks on anyways.” Jimin smirks, trying to poke fun but a tone of seriousness was behind the remark.
“You’ve been together for five years now and you haven’t asked?” Jin asked, he couldn’t help himself. He too was curious when the two of you would be getting married.
“We haven’t talked about it.” Jungkook admitted, quietly. Almost looking like a kicked puppy or that he was going to get in trouble.
Jin and Jimin both pause for a moment, Jin raises a brow to Jungkook. “Seriously?”
Jungkook shakes his head. It actually never really came up, Jungkook was actually quite nervous to broach the topic. It was very serious and it’s not that he hadn’t thought about it, in fact he did. Just not in the way everyone thinks he would be thinking about it. He was more waiting for you to bring it up.
Jimin suddenly grabbed Jungkook by the ear, dragging him down to his level. “I cannot believe you haven’t talked about it. How could you not?”
“Ow—Jimin!” Jungkook swatted him away, freeing himself from his grip. He rubbed his ear with a glare. “I have thought about it, but it’s not that simple! We’ve talked about, like… regular marriage, but not about this.”
Jin tilted his head, his expression unreadable. “What’s the big deal? It’s completely normal. Happens all the time.”
Jungkook clenched his jaw. “Because I have no idea if that’s what she even wants.”
Jimin sighed dramatically before smacking Jungkook’s shoulder. “Seems like something you should talk about!”
Jungkook shot him a look, but Jimin just grinned. Ever since you had come into their lives, Jimin had immediately taken to you—he adored you. And whenever Jungkook did anything that seemed remotely questionable, Jimin was always the first to go to bat for you.
Jungkook exhaled sharply, running a hand through his hair. The weight of their words settled uncomfortably in his chest. This wasn’t just a marriage proposal. This was forever. Asking you to marry him wasn’t just about rings and vows—it meant asking you to give up your humanity.
To turn. To be like him.
The thought alone sent a storm of memories crashing through Jungkook’s mind, memories laced with pain, fear, and the irreversible consequences of a choice that could never be undone. He had buried them deep, locked them away where they couldn’t touch him. But now, under the scrutiny of his closest friends, the weight of it all pressed down on his chest like a boulder.
“The time isn’t right.” He muttered, voice tight.
Jimin stopped mid-step, turned on his heel, and without a second thought, kicked Jungkook square in the ass.
Jungkook stumbled forward, catching himself before he could completely lose balance. His glare shot daggers. “Hey!”
Jimin didn’t even flinch. “You deserved that.”
“I’m with him on that one.” Jin chimed in, arms crossed, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Right time? What kind of answer is that? You love her. I don’t even need to invade your thoughts to know that.”
A sly grin spread across Jimin’s face. I am invading your thoughts, his voice echoed smugly in Jungkook’s head. “And I know that’s a bullshit answer.”
Jungkook tensed, jaw clenching as he focused for a split second and then shut Jimin out of his mind. The vampire in front of him blinked, looking mildly offended before pouting.
Jungkook’s voice came out flat. “Come on. Is it really that hard to guess why I’m hesitant?”
Jin and Jimin exchanged glances before answering in unison. “Yes.”
Jungkook exhaled sharply, dragging a hand down his face. “Unbelievable.”
The air in the room shifted. He glanced around at the staff still buzzing through the ballroom, adjusting final decorations, moving chairs into perfect alignment. Not here. Not where curious ears might overhear things that didn’t concern them.
So instead, he let his thoughts slip past the surface and invaded theirs.
A beat of silence.
Jin and Jimin went still as the realization settled in, Jungkook’s memories bleeding into their awareness like ink spilled across a pristine surface. Their postures changed and Jin’s amusement faded into something serious, Jimin’s cocky demeanor softened.
Jungkook. Jin projected, his mind brushing against his friend’s like a whisper in the dark. There’s such a slim chance of that happening.
Jungkook’s gaze dropped to the polished floor beneath him. You can’t promise that. You remember how bad it got.
A flicker of something unreadable passed through Jin’s face.
Jimin cut in, his mind pressing against theirs like a sharp rod. That was a special case. This is different.
Jungkook shook his head, tension crawling up his spine. None of us know that. It would be my blood this time. It could have the same effect… or worse.
Jimin stepped forward, placing both hands firmly on Jungkook’s shoulders, his touch grounding, his presence warm despite the centuries he had spent as something cold. His voice was softer now, even in Jungkook’s head. Alright… I feel bad for giving you a hard time. But, Jungkook, everything is fine now. This could be something beautiful.
Jungkook swallowed thickly, flexing his fingers, trying to shake out the unease tightening in his chest.
Every time he let himself think about turning you, the same anxiety gripped him like a vice.
Jungkook's mind brushed past there's one more time, Or it could all be for nothing.
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It had been a few days since that conversation.
Jungkook had done everything in his power to shove the topic out of his mind, burying it beneath the routine of everyday life. He convinced himself there was no need to bring it up, not until you did first. It had to be something you wanted, so he saw no need for him to have that conversation until you wanted too.
And Jungkook—true to his word—never invaded your thoughts. Never once slipped into your mind the way he so easily did with the others.
But right now? God, how he wished he could.
Because as he sat on the edge of the tub, watching you flit between the closet and bathroom, he had no idea what you thought about any of it.
It was New Year’s Eve.
The scent of your perfume lingered in the air, mixing with the faint traces of soap and fabric softener from your clothes. You were wearing nothing fancy yet, just sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. Your hair half-done, your makeup barely started because you kept getting distracted. One minute you were digging through your jewelry, the next you were redoing your eyebrows, and now you were standing in front of the mirror, testing two different pairs of earrings.
Jungkook hadn’t even started putting himself together. He sat there, in slacks and a button-up with the top few buttons left open. But he wasn’t thinking about the party.
He was thinking about you.
And apparently, he was staring too hard because you turned toward him, arching a brow.
“What’s going on inside there?” You took a step closer and poked his forehead, snapping him from his daze.
Jungkook blinked, tilting his head up at you with an easy smile. “I’m thinking about you.”
Your face lit up, playful and teasing. “Oh yeah? What about me?” Turning back to the mirror to continue what you were doing.
Jungkook leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he watched you through the mirror. “How much I love you.”
Your expression twisted into disgust. “Gross.”
Jungkook snorted, shaking his head as he stood up and closed the space between you. “You’re gross.”
Before you could retort, he draped himself over you, resting his chin on your shoulder. Watching as you meticulously filled in your brows. You let out a small huff of concentration, your bottom lip caught between your teeth as you tried to finally get them right.
Jungkook’s hands found your waist, wrapping around you with ease, pulling you flush against him.
“Jungkook.” You warned as you reached for your mascara. Unable to reach it as Jungkook pulls you a step back. You hand pathetically waving in the air for it. He started to sway you side to side, his grip tightening just enough to throw you off balance. “Jungkook.”
“We can be a little late.” He murmured against your neck, pressing a slow kiss to the spot where your shoulder met your neck.
You exhaled sharply. “No, no, no. You do this every time.” Laughing, you pried his arms off of you and spun around, poking him in the chest. “I don’t want to miss anything! I like these parties, you know.”
Jungkook just grinned, all mischievous and smug, before leaning down and stealing a quick kiss from your lips. “You always fall for it, though.”
You turned back to the mirror, rolling your eyes as you reached for your brush. “Yeah, like a sucker! Not this time.”
Jungkook stepped in close again, this time pressing a kiss to the top of your head. His hands landed on your shoulders, thumbs rubbing slow circles as he watched you apply your mascara with careful precision.
“You’re just so cute.” He hummed, his voice a soft murmur against your ear. “I can’t help it.”
“How about you finish getting ready or something?” You quipped, flicking your gaze to him through the mirror. Waving your hand to shew him away.
You knew what he was trying to do. You also knew exactly what would happen if you gave in; your makeup smudged, your hair ruined, a twenty-minute delay at best. This year you were determined to get there at a reasonable time.
“Fine. We both know it’s going to take me like five seconds to get ready though.” Jungkook strolls away from you, you could hear some frantic shuffling in the closet, before Jungkook appears seconds later.
Dark green, nearly black, pinstripe three-piece suit hugged his frame perfectly, the crispness of his dress shirt stark against his inky tattoos. His hair somehow effortlessly tousled yet perfectly styled, made it seem as if he’d walked straight out of a magazine spread.
Jungkook threw his arms out with a smug grin. “See? All done.”
“Show off.” You pout, as you continue what you’re doing.
Jungkook just chuckled, sauntering over and perching himself back down on the edge of the tub, legs spread, shoulders relaxed—taunting. He didn’t say anything, but the amusement in his eyes told you everything. Suddenly his voice invades and echoing through your mind.
Am I distracting you yet?
You pointedly ignored him.
Though, you could still feel him watching you, and if you let yourself think about it too much, you knew you’d never finish getting ready. Because deep down, you knew he’d rather spend the night tangled up with you, alone, than go to this party at all.
After a little while, you finally finished your makeup and got dressed emerging in a similarly colored dark green silk gown that was beaded intricately with some beads that dangle off the gown like droplets. With some movement of the dress you sparkled under the light. An off the shoulder classic, very old hollywood.
As you stepped out, Jungkook’s head snapped up.
His gaze slowly dragged over you, taking in every detail, his lips parting slightly before he let out a low whistle.
You grinned, twirling slightly to show off the full effect.
Jungkook stood again and crossed the space between you in a few strides. He leaned back against the bathroom sink, looking you up and down with something just shy of awe.
“Hey you got something right here.”
You look at him confused, then back in the mirror, “What? Where?” You frantically look over your face.
He reached out, with his pointer finger and thumb, tilting your chin toward him. “Hmm… right here.”
Before you could react, he leaned in, pressing a lingering kiss to your cheek. You let out a soft laugh, narrowing your eyes at him. “Wow.”
Jungkook merely shrugged, feigning innocence. “Oh—wait. One more.”
Before you could question him, he leaned in again, this time pressing an equally slow kiss to your other cheek.
“Had to get that one.” He murmured, lips brushing against your skin. “Or the whole outfit would’ve been ruined.”
“Oh I’m sure.” You nod, your eyes racking over him now. A familiar glow filling your whole chest. Jungkook took your hand in his. Pulling you out of the bathroom.
“Come on, sucker, we’ve got a party to go to.”
“Awe come on. You’re the one who said we could be late.” You tease with a small laugh falling off your lips.
The two of you wasted no more time leaving, knowing full well that if you lingered any longer, you wouldn’t be stepping foot outside the apartment for days.
Jin’s manor was a short drive out of the city, nestled beyond the reach of streetlights and skyscrapers, surrounded by acres of untouched wilderness. The grand estate stood like a relic of another time—imposing yet elegant, its dark stone exterior bathed in the silver glow of the moon.
Despite its remote location, the manor was alive with energy. As Jungkook pulled up the winding driveway, you could already hear the faint hum of music drifting from within, an undertone to the laughter and clinking of glasses.
Jin’s home was more than just a lavish estate; it was the heart of their coven, a sanctuary that housed centuries of history. Ancient relics, preserved documents, and books bound in timeworn leather lined the vast library that stretched across one wings of the house. Jin had graciously allowed you to explore it before, though even after countless hours buried in those tomes, you had barely made a dent in its secrets. Centuries of vampire lore lived here, and it was precisely that allure that had made Jimin so adamant about hosting the party at the manor this year.
When you and Jungkook arrived, the massive double doors were already open, held by two eerily still gentlemen dressed in midnight-black suits. Their expressions were unreadable, their gazes sharp but unmoving.
You barely spared them a glance before stepping inside, though a part of you wondered—were they vampires? Or just illusions, elegant puppets crafted by Jimin’s magic? It wouldn’t be the first time he had conjured something like this for dramatic effect.
The moment you crossed the threshold, you were swallowed by opulence.
The vast entrance hall was bathed in a dazzling glow, every inch of the ceiling and walls adorned with sparkling gemstones, strung together like constellations. The light from the grand chandelier refracted off the stones, casting glittering reflections across the marble floors, creating an illusion of stardust swirling through the air.
It was breathtaking.
The energy in the room was magnetic—guests, both vampire and human, dressed in the finest silks and velvets, mingled effortlessly. Laughter and music wove through the air like silk threads, wrapping around you as you took it all in.
You leaned into Jungkook, who had an iron glad grip on your waste since entering the house. “Remind me to tell Jimin there could have been more glitter.”
Jungkook laughed, “I know he really over did it this time.”
“No!” You wave your hand dismissing him, “It's fantastic this is stuff you really only read about.”
And it was.
The sheer extravagance of the event was unlike anything you had ever seen. The caterers, gliding through the crowd, were dressed almost as exquisitely as the guests themselves, adorned in dark silks with golden accents, carrying trays of crystal glasses filled with deep, crimson liquid. Blood. Some trays held what you assumed was champagne, meant for the few humans—like yourself—who had been granted entry to this ethereal gathering.
The walls shimmered with illusions, flickering images of dazzling courtiers and celestial phenomena. The ceiling above transformed into a starry sky that seemed almost real, galaxies swirling and constellations twinkling in slow, mesmerizing motion.
Jungkook dragged you along as you basked in every intricate detail, his hand firm yet patient as he guided you toward the grand staircase that led up to the main ballroom.
At the foot of the stairs, Jin and Jimin stood poised like royalty, greeting each guest as they arrived. Jin was immaculate in a deep burgundy ensemble that complimented his yellow eyes, exuding effortless authority, while Jimin—never one to be outshined—was a vision in icy silver, his entire look designed to catch the light and demand attention. Jimin had also bleached his hair back to blonde to seemingly match his outfit. All making his red eyes shine brighter.
Guests arrived behind you in a steady stream, some carrying elegantly wrapped gifts, others presenting cases of unknown offerings—rare wines, expensive liquors, or perhaps something even more elusive.
“Oh a vision in green.”
Jimin’s voice was warm and teasing as he extended a hand toward you, taking yours with effortless grace and placing a chaste kiss to the back of it. His lips curled into a knowing smile as he straightened, eyes flickering with mischief.
“Jimin, this is truly something else.” Your gaze swept across the dazzling room once more, still in awe of how something so grand, so utterly enchanting, could exist completely hidden from the rest of the world.
“You flatter me.” He hummed, tilting his head slightly. “Jungkook helped a lot in getting some of these decorations, so he deserves some credit.”
Jimin shot a wink in Jungkook’s direction, though you caught the slight twitch of amusement at the corner of his lips—no doubt remembering the near disaster that had almost cost them an entire ballroom and possibly Jungkook’s head in the process.
“Well, I can’t wait to see what else you have planned for the night.” You bounced on your heels, excitement thrumming through you.
Jimin, ever the opportunist, wasted no time looping his arm through yours, effectively pulling you closer. He leaned slightly around you, peering at Jungkook, who was momentarily engaged in quiet conversation with Jin.
“Can I steal her away?”
Jungkook’s brows lifted, gaze flicking between the two of you with mild suspicion. “Already? We haven’t even gotten a drink.”
“I promise to bring her back before midnight!” Jimin didn’t even wait for a response before whisking you away, your shoes clicking against the marble steps as you struggled to match his pace.
You barely managed to wave at Jungkook, who remained at the foot of the stairs, watching you go with a mixture of exasperation and reluctant amusement. But the moment your eyes met, his softened, comforted by the unfiltered excitement on your face.
Jimin led you straight into the ballroom—an even grander spectacle than the entrance hall.
A massive Phantom of the Opera-style chandelier hung from the center of the vaulted ceiling, illuminated by shifting technicolor light that cast mesmerizing reflections onto the polished floor. Rhinestone streamers draped across the ceiling like cascading waterfalls, shimmering under the glow. The same illusionary night sky from the main hall continued here, except now, the constellations moved, twinkling and rearranging themselves in intricate patterns, like a cosmic dance only the stars understood.
The music was rich and full-bodied, played live by a band on a raised stage at the far end of the room. Couples twirled on the dance floor in elegant, sweeping motions, lost in the rhythm of the night. Along the walls, guests gathered in small clusters, glasses in hand, some already deep into their drinks, their laughter and whispered conversations filling the space like a carefully orchestrated melody.
“Monique! I got her!” Jimin called out suddenly, his voice cutting through the lively chatter.
A woman with cascading dark curls turned at the sound of his voice, her deep purple gown clinging to her frame as she pivoted effortlessly. The backless design of her dress only added to her commanding presence, and as she lifted a delicate crystal glass to her lips, the deep red stain left behind told you exactly what she’d been drinking. Her hair curly and draped around her in effortless elegance. Orange eyes shining under the lights.
She was one of Jin’s closest confidantes and Yoongi’s wife—212 years old, sharp as a dagger, and the resident doctor who could mend almost any injury, supernatural or otherwise. She was a force of nature in her own right. You could only imagine what Yoongi was like if she was like this, you had never had the pleasure of meeting him. Just heard stories.
At the sight of you, her face lit up. “Darling!” she cheered, her voice smooth as silk yet edged with a teasing warmth.
She closed the distance between you in an instant, placing affectionate kisses on both of your cheeks before pulling back to admire you fully.
“My God, you look gorgeous.” You gave her a once-over in return, a slow grin tugging at your lips.
“Right?” She lifted her arms and gave a twirl, letting the deep purple silk of her gown fan out elegantly before settling back into place. “Always ready to impress.”
“And I am.” Without hesitation, you linked your arm through hers, Jimin still holding onto your other side, the three of you now moving as an exclusive little trio through the glittering expanse of the ballroom. The energy in the room crackled—laughter, conversation, the clink of glasses, and the distant hum of the live band blending seamlessly together.
“So, what have I missed so far?” You asked, glancing between them.
Monique took a slow sip from her glass, the deep red liquid staining her lips like crushed roses. When she pulled back, her eyes twinkled with amusement.
“Nothing at all, darling. The party has just begun.”
There was something reassuring in her tone, but you didn’t miss the way her grip on you remained firm. Protective.
These gatherings were grand, extravagant, and, by all means, safe—but that never stopped the occasional stray vampire from giving in to temptation. You were painfully, unmistakably human, and your scent had already caught the attention of several guests. Their gazes lingered just a second too long, their smiles just a bit too sharp. Monique, ever perceptive, had already positioned herself between you and a few of the more curious onlookers, a subtle yet deliberate message—this one is not yours to touch.
“With you here, my dear, I can actually get things started.” Jimin mused, flashing you a grin before gracefully slipping out of your grasp.
Your eyes followed him as he moved through the ballroom like a phantom, effortless and commanding. Without a single spoken request, guests instinctively parted for him, creating space at the center of the grand hall. The shift was immediate, the energy in the room tightening like a drawn bowstring. A hushed murmur rippled through the crowd, and then, as if bewitched, the music began to die down.
Jimin turned on his heel, his expression slipping from playful to regal in an instant. When he spoke, his voice carried through the room, smooth as silk yet impossible to ignore.
“Undead and undesired.” He began, the corners of his lips curling mischievously. “Welcome to the greatest night of your lives.”
A round of applause echoed through the hall, accompanied by knowing laughter from those familiar with his theatrics. He soaked in the attention, allowing just the right amount of dramatic pause before continuing.
“I am your glorious host for this evening.” He declared, his arms spreading wide as if embracing the entire room. “You’ve heard me say it all before the universe made earth, then man, and then the vampire.” A rounding sound of hisses left everyone in the room, a large display of teeth and intimidation. “And we have many great things in store for you tonight—stories that will haunt your dreams, performances that will leave you breathless, and blood that will keep you satisfied until the end of time… or at least until my next party.”
More laughter, the atmosphere growing lighter, though the air remained charged with anticipation.
“Please, enjoy yourselves.” Jimin’s gaze flickered over the crowd, his smirk deepening. “Indulge as much as you wish. Tonight, we feast, we dance, and we are one with the night.”
With a spin and swish of his finger, the illusion that was once on the ceiling dripped down to the floor. Making it appear as if instead of walking on marble everyone was walking on the night sky. The illusion also seemed to envelope Jimin and his hair turned black and his suit went from silver to a midnight blue. The chandelier above shimmered, the illusionary constellations shifting in a dazzling display. The band struck up a new tune, rich and decadent, and just like that, the night was set into motion once more.
Monique exhaled beside you, shaking her head with a fond chuckle. “That boy was born to put on a show.”
“He does it rather well if I do say so.” You say, grabbing a champagne off of a tray that passes by you. Taking a sip, and of course Jimin had gotten a very nice quality champagne for this affair. You would probably be responsible for drinking two of the bottles.
“Where’s your boy?” Monique glances around the room seeing if she can spot Jungkook herself.
“Jimin dragged me away before he could follow. He’ll find us.” You said, taking another sip.
The music in the air swelled as a performance took center stage, dancers twirling in perfect synchrony, their movements almost hypnotic. The glittering lights overhead cast shifting patterns across the floor, and Jimin had once again disappeared, likely off to greet more guests.
“I have no doubt he’ll find us soon. You two start to implode when away from each other too long.” She teased, squeezing your arm.
“That may be a little true.” You giggle, sipping your champagne.
“It’s sweet. You’re really great for him. I’ve always thought that.” She hums, which was true. She has told you many times over the years how great she thinks the two of you are. She was the most encouraging of the relationship in the beginning before Jungook told everyone he was dating a human.
“What about you?” You asked, tilting your head curiously. “Where is this mysterious Yoongi I’ve heard about for years?”
You’d expected a flippant response, maybe even an exasperated sigh, but instead, a flicker of something serious crossed Monique’s face. It was so quick, you almost missed it but not quite. She schooled her features almost instantly, her smirk returning as she glanced behind you.
“Speaking of your lovesick puppy.” She raises her glass to Jungkook who was coming in your direction.
You turn to look at him, a smile on his face. “Five seconds in this place, and they steal you from me.” He said, immediately reaching for your free hand.
You shrugged, feigning innocence. “What can I say? I think they like me better than you.”
He laughed, shaking his head. “I think you’re right.” Then, glancing toward Monique, he added, “Hey, Mon.”
“Jungkook.” She tipped her glass in his direction. “Happy New Year. Get yourself a drink.” Without waiting for a response, she snagged a goblet off another passing tray and handed it to him.
He accepted it with a nod. “Happy New Year. Planning to steal her from me again?” He teased, resting his head lightly against yours.
“No I’ll let you have her back… for now.” Monique’s smile remained in place, but something in her tone shifted slightly. You caught it again, that same momentary change in her expression. And then, just like that, she was stepping away, disappearing into the crowd.
Jungkook didn’t seem to notice.
“Where do you want to start?” Jungkook leaned in close to your ear. “Dancing, gambling, making out in the bathroom. I like the last one but that’s me.”
You smile, hitting him in the chest, “We need at least two more drinks before we can do that.”
“Boo, you’re no fun.” He clinks his glass against yours, “Guess I need to start.”
You stop him before he takes a sip, “Hold on, one more kiss before you have iron mouth the rest of the mouth.”
He smiles, leaning in and giving you a lingering kiss. Wanting more but not really wanting to stick his tongue down your throat in front of all these people.
With that, the night raged on, a whirlwind of movement and sound. You and Jungkook drifted from room to room, immersed in stories that spanned centuries. Some vampires were impossibly old, their gazes heavy with history, while others were younger, still burning with the reckless energy of newfound immortality. There were dazzling performances—some manipulating fire with a flick of their fingers, others bending shadows into eerie, shifting forms. Illusions warped reality before your eyes, grand halls transforming in an instant, blurring the line between what was real and what was merely a trick of power.
The night reached its peak with a fencing match and sleek steel flashing under candlelight, footwork so precise it looked more like choreography than combat. The duelists struck with deadly accuracy, piercing and slashing in ways that would have been fatal to any human. But here, wounds were shrugged off, blades pulled from chests without so much as a grimace before the fight resumed. Laughter and applause rippled through the crowd, the energy of the gathering growing wilder as midnight loomed. Blood flowed freely, whether in ornate goblets or from the eager mouths of those who had abandoned restraint.
Jungkook and you got separated at some point. You had found Rehna amongst the chaos though.
You both were now in a drawing room which was hosting the outfit competition. Waiting for the results to be read allowed. Rehna had her hands clamped tight around yours, almost painfully but you knew she was excited. Hoseok was the hosting vampire for this year’s competition.
“Second place goes too,” He opened up the small envelope, “The vampire Rehna.”
You let go of her hand and start clapping yours and join in cheers from other vampires as she walks on stage to accept her award. She was happy but you could tell she was a little bitter about not getting first. She rejoins you as the winner gets their prize.
“Hey that was a tough call, I mean that girl who got first literally had made her dress in the 18th century… you can’t beat that.” You try to comfort her, but she picks herself up quickly.
“Starting tomorrow we are planning my outfit for next year. That first place is mine.” She nods, gripping onto her small trophy so tight that it seemed to bend underneath her grip.
“Hey, the top three get to take home some really nice bottles of blood. Why don’t we go pick yours out?” You say pulling her past other guests to leave the drawing room.
You both make your way back into the heart of the house where you pass some tall French doors that lead to a balcony area. Some vampires were smoking and other vampires leaning casually and others in deep discussion. You almost think nothing of it before you catch a glimpse of Monique standing outside alone. It makes you stop in your tracks. Rehna noticing your pause.
“You alright?” She raises an eyebrow to you, trying to see what you see.
You wave for her to continue on, “You go ahead. I’ll find you later.”
She wants to pry but nods and continues as you turn to head out onto the balcony. The view of the estate just looked over the woods that spanned one side of the house. You could see the stars pretty clearly out here and it would be a lovely spot to sit and think. You understand why Monique may be finding solace here. You couldn’t help if you said something wrong to her earlier. She usually would be enjoying the festivities but was here… alone. Having that same look on her face that you saw earlier.
The cold air bites against your skin, sharp and unwelcome, but you push past the discomfort and step closer to Monique. The moonlight catches in her dark eyes, and there’s something distant in her expression, a weight you can’t quite name.
"Care for some company?" You offer, your voice light despite the strange tension in the air.
She turns toward you with a soft, practiced smile. "Oh, darling. Having a good night?"
"So far, yes," You admit, swaying slightly as warmth buzzes through your limbs. "I’m a little tipsy, to be honest." You giggle, the edges of your amusement blurring under the influence, and Monique’s smile lingers, though it doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
"Are you alright? You don’t seem as festive as you usually are at these things." You press, watching her closely.
She hums, a quiet acknowledgment, then exhales slowly. "I’m alright. Still having a good time, I promise. Just… some old memories getting kicked up."
"Was it something I said earlier? I’m sorry if I—"
She cuts you off with a small shake of her head. "No, not at all. I already knew I was going to feel this way tonight. It has nothing to do with you."
You study her, unconvinced. "Well, then what is it? I’m pretty good at listening. Even if I don’t always understand all the vampire stuff." You shrug, trying to offer levity.
A flicker of hesitation crosses her face, but then she sighs, her gaze flicking away. "It’s… Yoongi."
Your head tilts slightly. "The famous and elusive husband?"
The name lingers in the air between you. You’ve heard plenty about Yoongi. Whispers of a sharp mind, a man who seemed to exist only in the stories others told. You’d assumed he was simply away, a researcher, a traveler always chasing something beyond your reach. Whenever the subject arose, the conversation had a way of dissolving into something else, slipping through your fingers before you could grasp any real details. The way everyone spoke about him made it feel like he was still here.
Just hidden, just unseen.
"Yes…" Monique’s voice is quieter now, careful. "Has Jungkook talked about him much?"
"Here and there.” You admit. "The subject always seems to get dropped pretty quickly, though. I’ve heard plenty of stories from everyone else. I’ve always wanted to meet him, but it feels like… like he’s never around."
A pause. "Makes sense.” She murmurs, gaze flickering as if she’s choosing her words with precision. "Well, they were very close… Are close. Come with me."
She nods her head back inside and she takes your hand before you can ask anything else, fingers cool and firm as she pulls you through the party.
She grabs two more glasses which you assume is for herself. She leads you down two flights of stairs, away from the pulse of the party, the sounds fading into a distant echo. The air grows cooler, the flickering light from the sconces casting elongated shadows on the stone walls. You recognize this path and its one that leads to the cellars, a place you’ve rarely ventured. Few people come down here during these gatherings. It feels… separate, untouched by the revelry above.
“This feels like I'm being set up to be sacrificed or something.” You joke, trying to lighten the eerie atmosphere.
Monique lets out a laugh, her voice rich and amused. “Weird place to sacrifice you, considering there are over two hundred vampires upstairs.”
“True.” You admit, though the further she leads you, the less sure you are about anything. The air shifts, turning cooler, denser. The house above is lavish, but down here, it feels ancient. The stone walls, though well-lit, seem to close in the deeper you go.
There’s a shift in Monique’s expression, something amused yet knowing. “Oh, also, your boyfriend is trying to find you. He’s calling out.”
You groan. “How bad?”
“Pretty drunk.”
“Oh no.” You sigh, rubbing your temple. “He probably drank that mulled blood stuff. He waits all year for it.”
Monique smirks. “He’s going to be a handful when you get back.”
Great. You were already preparing for a very clingy, very intoxicated Jungkook draping himself over you the moment you surfaced from… whatever this was. But for now, Monique’s grip on your wrist is firm, leading you deeper into the underground corridors.
Eventually, you reach a narrow hallway lined with locked doors. Some have glass doors, showing carefully preserved artifacts displayed in temperature-controlled rooms and historical relics, no doubt, kept safe from time and age. Others bear plaques reading “Archives.” You recognize the setup from the old library you used to work at, except this was older, untouched by time in a way that made your stomach twist.
Monique stops at the last door. It’s heavier than the others, its dark wood carved with intricate patterns, a symbol you don’t recognize etched into the center. Without hesitation, she opens it.
The room inside is cold. Silent. The flickering lights barely reach the high ceilings, casting long shadows across the stone floor. The walls are lined with plaques, names etched in silver, and beneath them, urns carefully placed in recessed alcoves. It looks like a crypt, and the air feels thick with something unspoken.
But what catches your attention isn’t the room itself—it’s the statue at the very end.
It’s life-sized, eerily detailed. A man, frozen mid-motion, his body twisted as if recoiling from something unseen. His expression is caught between defiance and fear, lips slightly parted, eyes wide. He’s propped up with supports, standing atop a pedestal, carved in a military-style uniform.
You hesitate near the doorway, the weight of the space pressing down on you. Monique, however, steps forward, placing one of the glasses of blood on the pedestal’s edge with deliberate care. Then she turns to you, her gaze unreadable.
“Y/N,” She says softly, her voice carrying through the quiet, “meet Yoongi.”
You blink. Once. Twice.
Your gaze flicks between her and the statue, confusion settling into your bones. “What?”
She looks at the figure, then back at you. “This is Yoongi.” She lifts a hand toward the frozen man, as if introducing him formally.
You take a cautious step forward. “I’m confused.”
“There’s a long story here, but this…” Monique exhales, her expression tightening. “This is my husband. This is why you’ve never met him.”
A sharp chill slides down your spine. You glance at the room again, at the plaques, at the urns. Your stomach twists. “Did… D-Did he die?”
Monique shakes her head, her voice dropping to something nearly inaudible. “That would be easier.”
You step closer, standing beside her now. She’s staring at the statue like it might move, like it might suddenly exhale and return to her after years of silence. You don’t interrupt. After a long moment, she takes a deep breath. “How much has Jungkook told you about… vampire powers? Our history?”
You shake your head slightly. “Jungkook’s told me details here and there. I’ve asked a lot of questions, but honestly… it still feels like I’ve barely scratched the surface even after two years.”
Monique hums in acknowledgment. “It’s complicated.” She says, nodding. “As you know, we all have the speed, the strength, the mind reading… but beyond that, we each develop our own abilities. When a vampire has the power to manipulate something, and I mean truly change it, the only one who can undo that power is the one who cast it in the first place.”
A small pause echos between you. You watch as she seems to make a decision, deciding to tell a different story.
She continues, voice distant. “I met Yoongi at the beginning of the 19th century. My sister and I had just moved to England, escaping a war that wasn’t ours. My father had connections and secured us a comfortable life through distant relatives. It was exciting but suddenly, we had titles, dowries, invitations to every ball. For a young woman, it was everything society told me I should want.” She lets out a quiet laugh, though there’s no humor in it. “Yoongi was a Viscount at the time.”
Your eyes widen slightly. “Really?”
“They were having fun with it.” A small smirk touches her lips, as if recalling something fond. “Anyway, Yoongi was highly sought after that season. He had wealth, he was gorgeous, and he had absolutely no intention of marrying.”
You can’t help but smile. “So how did you get his attention?”
Monique’s smirk widens, her gaze flicking to the statue. “It’s a classic story. Boy meets girl. Girl spills wine on him in front of everyone.”
You wince. “Oh no.”
“It was mortifying.” Monique shakes her head at the memory, a soft, wistful laugh escaping her lips. “I spent days trying to make it right, sending notes, trying to find a way to replace his coat. Apologizing over and over, but he didn’t care in the slightest. He actually found it amusing how much care I placed in a simple dress shirt.”
She falls silent then, her eyes locked onto Yoongi’s frozen form, as if trapped in the past alongside him. The weight of her grief settles over the room like a thick fog, making the air heavy, pressing against your chest.
“So then what?” You ask gently, urging her on.
“He started coming around more often. We became fast friends, though he never officially courted me. It all just… fell into place. One day, I realized I couldn’t help how I felt. Except he beat me to it. Probably read my mind or something.” Shaking her head with pursed lips, “It was easy, natural… until he had to tell me about the vampire part.”
“How did he do it?”
“He just blurted it out.” She huffs a small laugh, the memory clearly amusing in hindsight. “He wasn’t dramatic about it, didn’t sugarcoat it, just said it. Like it was the most normal thing in the world. He didn’t care if I knew. He was so sure I wouldn’t blink twice over it. And he was right. I didn’t.” She shrugs. “I had no idea before that. They were very good at keeping themselves hidden back then.”
You shift your weight slightly, glancing again at the statue, at the way Yoongi’s body is posed. “Then he asked you to marry him?”
Monique exhales a long breath, her fingers tightening around the glass she holds. “Yoongi was actually afraid to ask me to marry him. Vampires asking for a human’s hand in marriage is a big deal. You are asking this person to be with you for eternity. It meant Yoongi was asking to turn me, turn into a vampire. Now he had little hesitation about it, for a long time, but he was terrified of what it meant. Of taking something from me. My humanity, my chance at a ‘normal’ life. He worried about things like children, about whether I would resent the decision later.” She shakes her head. “But I never wanted children. I watched my mother have five boys and knew early on that that life wasn’t for me.”
“So what did you say when he finally asked?”
A soft, nostalgic smile curves her lips. “I told him there was nothing I wanted more. That the idea of forever with him didn’t scare me. That it excited me.” Her gaze flickers with warmth, but only for a moment before the sadness creeps back in. “He was so surprised by my willingness. But for me, it was the easiest decision in the world. That I would willingly die for him.”
Silence hangs between you for a beat before you press further. “So then… how… when did this happen?”
Monique’s expression shifts, her voice quieter now. “It happened during World War One. Humans weren’t the only ones at war. There was a war between vampires, too. A lot of vampire men were drafted into the human armies, fighting not just humans, but each other. And the women… we fought our own battles in the shadows, deep in the forests.” She lets out a humorless laugh. “No matter how powerful we think we are, war finds a way to break everyone.”
Your stomach knots at the implication.
“One night, Yoongi and Jin were on patrol for their unit when they were ambushed by a squad of enemy vampires. They had no idea what kind of abilities these vampires had, but they were outnumbered. Jin managed to take down two of them, but he got badly injured in the process. Yoongi, was trying to get Jin out, trying to protect him. And then…” She swallows hard, her eyes drifting back to the statue. “One of them petrified him.”
“Oh no.”
She nods. “Turned to stone instantly.” Her fingers clenched into fists. “Jungkook and Hoseok found Jin, barely alive, but by the time they got there, it was too late. The vampire who did this to him was gone. No trace. No way to track them.” She exhales sharply. “They brought Yoongi back like this… and he’s been this way ever since.”
A cold chill creeps up your spine as you stare at Yoongi’s statue. The idea that he isn’t dead but that he’s still in there, trapped, unable to move, unable to speak—makes your skin crawl.
“You haven’t found the vampire who did this? Even after all this time?” You whisper.
Monique’s jaw tightens, and when she speaks, her voice is edged with something far more dangerous than sadness.
Her lips press together before she exhales sharply. “It’s possible they’re dead. But it doesn’t undo the effect.” Her voice wavers, frustration and grief laced together in a fragile thread. “It’s almost ironic. Yoongi spend most of his life dedicated to understanding vampires better. Yoongi spent centuries researching vampire abilities, collecting books, studying cases, trying to understand all the different powers we possess… and yet, even with all his research, we still don’t have an answer.” She lets out a humorless laugh. “So he’s just… like this. Until we find a way to undo it.”
Your throat tightens. “Mon… I’m so sorry.” A small tear escaping one of your eyes. The grief that escapes her overwhelming you.
She shakes her head. “No need to apologize.” She reaches over, wiping your tear away. “And no need for tears.”
“But—I can’t even imagine how you feel.”
“It’s…” She hesitates. “It’s painful. I have to keep living in the hopes we find something… For the first few years, I wasn’t—I was just existing. A shell of myself, searching for answers, desperate for anything that could fix this. I hunted for that vampire for what felt like forever. We had leads, rumors about others with similar abilities, but they always led to dead ends.”
You swallow, glancing back at Yoongi’s unmoving figure. “You know… Can he hear us?”
Monique exhales slowly. “We don’t know. We all talk to him regardless, just in case. We tell him about the world, about what’s happening, about us. We try to keep him filled in… but honestly?” Her voice wavers. “A part of me hopes he can hear us. But another part of me hopes he can’t. That he hasn’t been sitting here, awake, for more than a hundred years, unable to move, unable to speak.”
Your eyes widen at the realization, he could be awake. “Oh my god. I hadn’t even thought about that.”
Monique’s eyes soften, but there’s an unbearable weight behind them. “Yeah… so today is hard. It’s supposed to be a celebration, but how do I celebrate without the person I want most? Sometimes it feels like he died. The grief comes and goes, like waves, crashing when I least expect it.”
“I don’t know… I’m sorry.” You murmur.
She meets your gaze, a flicker of something unreadable in her expression. “I hope we can find something.” She sighs, rolling the stem of her glass between her fingers. “But at least we live in a lasting age of peace now. Vampires have worked hard to bridge the gaps between us. We won’t have to fight like that again. We lost so many—so many were sacrificed.”
She pauses, then continues. “We’ve had vampires come from all over, trying to help. Some of them were Yoongi’s friends, people he helped in their time of need. But no matter how many have tried…” She gestures toward him, her voice barely above a whisper. “We’re still here.”
You hesitate, glancing around the dimly lit space. “Why is he down here? Why not up at the party, where people can pay their respects?”
Monique’s jaw tightens. “Because in the ‘90s, some drunk idiot broke off his left arm.”
Your eyes widen. “Shit.”
She nods, and now that you look closer, you can see the faint lines where the repair was made. Just below the shoulder.
“After that, we decided Yoongi couldn’t be displayed at the parties anymore. It was too dangerous. Too much risk.”
Your chest tightens at the thought. “That’s awful.”
She hums, staring at her glass before tipping it slightly in the direction of the other drink she brought down. “That’s why I bring this.” She says softly. “It’s for him. So he can still celebrate. I always come down here on this night. I spend the New Year with him.”
Your heart aches at the quiet devotion in her voice. “That’s… so sad.”
Monique shakes her head, offering you the ghost of a smile. “No sadness tonight. It’s a night of celebration.” She reaches out, squeezing your hand gently. “You should go back up. I’ll be okay. Now that you’ve finally met Yoongi.”
“Well it was lovely to meet you Yoongi.” You nod towards him looking back to her, “I don’t mind staying.”
“You have so much to celebrate.” She gives you a small, reassuring smile. “Go be with everyone. Celebrate into the night. It’s close to midnight, and I’ve kept you long enough.”
You open your mouth to protest, but at that moment—
Baby. Baby, where are you?
Jungkook’s voice echoes in your mind, petulant and needy. He sounds whiny, which means he’s definitely had a few too many drinks. If you don’t go find him, he’s liable to start running through the halls, searching for you like a lovesick idiot.
You sigh, amused. “I’ll come say goodbye before we leave.”
Monique nods, her expression warm but tired. “Okay.”
With one last glance at Yoongi’s frozen form, you turn and head back up to the party—leaving Monique to her vigil, her love for him unwavering even after a century of waiting.
With a heavy heart and a mind full of tangled thoughts, you ascend the stairs, leaving behind the weight of Monique and Yoongi’s story. Their tragedy lingers in your chest, an ache that refuses to settle. She’s been waiting, searching, for him, for a way to bring him back. The sorrow in her voice clings to you, and as much as you wish you could do something, anything, to help… you know there’s nothing.
The party is still in full swing as you step back into the throng of people. Laughter echoes through the grand halls, music thrums beneath your feet, and the faint scent of spilled champagne lingers in the air. You weave your way through the crowd, your mind distracted as you search for Jungkook.
He could be anywhere by now, lost in the sea of guests. You sigh, dodging a pair of unsteady dancers and taking note of the slight destruction left in the wake of too much drinking—Jimin is going to love that.
“Oh, Jungkook, where are you?” You murmur to yourself, scanning the faces around you.
If only you had some supernatural ability to read minds, to pull his thoughts from the noise and find him in an instant instead of aimlessly wandering.
You slip into a quieter hallway, peeking into rooms as you pass, hoping to spot him. Nothing. It’s almost comical—he’s likely looking for you too, both of you just barely missing each other in the chaos.
Meanwhile, Jungkook has been trapped for the past hour listening to Jimin’s annual rant about how he should have won a gold medal in the 1972 Winter Olympics. He tells the story every single year, growing more bitter with time. Jungkook, slouched on a couch with his head hanging over the back, has all but tuned him out, using what little cognitive function he has left to search for your mind instead.
It’s proving difficult.
He’s six—no, seven drinks in. His limbs feel heavy, his mind hazy.
His eyes are closed when he feels it, a soft press of lips against his forehead. His red eyes blink open, vision blurry before it sharpens, landing on you. You’re smiling down at him, hands braced on either side of his head, warmth radiating from your touch.
“My love.” You say and Jungkook hums. A drunken smile on his face. Unbeknownst to him you had left a lipstick march on his forehead. In his search for him, you took a pause to reapply it.
“You found me.” He sighs. You kiss hip lips, a little awkward since his head was upside down. Leaving another stain on his lips. Then another on both of his cheeks. Another on his nose. All leaving lipstick stains behind.
“Now you look perfect.” You laugh at your work, Jungkook still unaware of what you had done. You pull out your phone to take a picture. It would be a good one to show him later.
“I need to tell you a secret.” He says staring up at you while you stare at the picture.
“Yeah?” You look at him and he curls his finger gesturing for you to come closer. You lean your head close to his mouth.
“I’m a vampire.” He whispers. Then, with a chuckle, he giggles at himself.
You snort, pulling back to look at him properly. “Oh my god, I had no idea.”
He waves for you to come close again and you comply, “I also really want to rip that dress off with my teeth.”
“Hot, maybe another time.” You whisper to him. Standing back up straight. Jungkook hoists himself off of the couch. Walking past you with a smug grin on his face as he leaves the room.
Follow me. His voice calls back to you in your mind.
You trail after him as he just keeps on walking through the house, stumbling a little but mostly keeping himself up right. You stay close behind, he manages to swiftly grab another glass for himself and for you. He caught a quick glimpse of himself in a mirror and gave you a knowing look. You just shrug your shoulders like you had no idea what you had done.
Before he veers down another hallway, which was technically off limits to other party members. You knew this wing, this is where the library was. Which is exactly where Jungkook ducked into. Things that were old but could be safely kept out in the open for those to look at regularly were kept here. It was a beautiful collection that Jin had curated over the years. Some works you would never find in any parts of the world. It didn’t shield from the rest of the sounds of the party but it was much quieter. Only a lamp was left on so the light in here was dark.
“No Jin will actually kill us if he sees we brought drinks in here!” You protest staying a foot outside the door while Jungkook stands inside.
“He’ll never know, plus he likes you so he would never get mad at you.”
“Jungkook it’s almost midnight, we'll miss the countdown.”
“We can have our own.”
“Come here.” He grabs your hand pulling you into the room anyways. Closing the door behind the both of you. “I just want one moment just with you.”
He sets the glasses down on one of the side tables. Taking your hand again. Pulling you into him. You don’t protest him letting yourself fall into his arms.
It was just a comfortable silence between the two of you for a moment. The hum of the music outside filled in the void as your mind was flooded. Your chest was so full and so warm because you just loved Jungkook so much. Your mind still wandered. Thinking about something like what happened to Yoongi and Monique… you couldn’t imagine. How would you even handle that kind of thing if it was you two. She’s been waiting for over a hundred years now.
They only got a small piece of forever together.
You felt every word she said about Yoongi because it’s all the same things you felt for Jungkook. You would go searching the world for something to fix him. To bring him back to you. You would do anything.
You would die for him.
Your thoughts are interrupted. The sounds of people outside begin to countdown from 30.
“So what do you want in the new year?” You ask him, your arms hugging tighter around Jungkook.
He thought for a moment, chewing on his bottom lip, “Never hear Jimin’s Olympic story ever again. I lived it… I already know what happened.”
You laugh, “Be serious.”
“Fine. I don’t need anything. I have everything I want already.”
“Everything? That’s a lot.”
“I know.”
Jungkook leans close to your ear. “What about you? What do you want for the new year?”
“I think I want to have everything… I don’t have it quite yet.”
“What do you mean?”
“I just…” The words caught in your throat because you had wanted it for much longer than you were willing to voice. You had thought about it since the day he told you but you weren’t sure if you were ready.
“What is it?”
“I want more than this Jungkook… I want forever.”
“What are you saying?”
“I want you. I want our life. I don’t think I was ready to talk about it before but I want it now…”
“I want to be like you... I want you to turn me into a vampire.”
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
a/n: woof this is a long one, I hope you enjoyed!! Let me know your thoughts plssssssss... I will try to have the next part out as soon as possible but enjoy this for now <3
𓆩♱𓆪 Next Chapter
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Sanctity - Chapter One
Pairing(s); BTS OT7 x Reader
Genre/Themes; Vampire!AU, yandere!AU, horror, themes of the supernatural and mythology, historical topics, vampiric powers, religious themes, violence, romance
Rated; 18+ for swearing, violence/gore, toxic behavior including stalking, torture, and manipulation, future sexual themes. Reader discretion is strongly advised.
Word Count; 22.8k
Sanctity Masterlist
Sanctity Playlist
Ko-fi 💜
Hello my loves! For those who do not know me from Trouvaille, this is Dana! I am very pleased and excited to share this brand-new series with you. It has been a longtime desire of mine to write a story with vampires. Sanctity was born from a love of history and a past with yandere stories. I sincerely hope you enjoy this first chapter and the love that was poured into it!
WARNING! There are instances of gore, including cutting. Suicidal language is used, so please be warned if this is triggering to you.
Next Chapter
The bell struck six in the crumbling belltower, two young men in white robes pulling on the rope to swing the massive metal fixture to and fro. The haunting sound sent a murder of crows scattering across the steadily darkening sky when they were startled from their perches on the Sanctuary’s roof. Y/N peered out of the arched window curiously, halting her task of wiping down the glass with an old, weathered rag, distant yearning filling her as she watched the black birds fly away to the greater unknown.
“Y/N, it’s time to wash up for dinner,” Meredith, a fellow ‘acolyte’ and friend, reminded her, setting aside the wooden broom she was using to sweep the hallway they were working in.
Suppressing an agitated grunt, Y/N simply nodded, rising from her knees and adjusting the cream linen skirt she was wearing, the hem of it dirtied from skimming the old stone floors all day. Following the blonde girl, the wispy curls on her nape appeared silver in the darkened, wintery hallways, Y/N wondered when the Sanctuary would allow them to light the sconces in the frigid building so the acolytes wouldn’t be numb and stiff by the end of the unforgiving November evenings. Not that the wardens actually cared one way or another if the acolytes were cold, as long as they were alive, blood still running through their veins, resources wouldn’t be wasted on a few paltry fires.
“You know, electricity exists. Doesn’t it bother you that we’re forced to live like fucking peasants during the Black Plague?” Y/N seethed, Meredith’s posture growing stiff as she nervously looked around. Not a soul was in the hallway with them, so Y/N rolled her eyes at the blonde’s haughty reaction. “Relax, Mere. No one’s around.”
“You shouldn’t swear, Y/N. They’ll punish you,” Meredith whispered, her angelic blue eyes wide with concern. Y/N scoffed, her aching fingers curling into fists as they continued their way to the dining hall.
“Working all day for nothing is punishment enough. What’s the prize? Becoming a walking transfusion one day?” Y/N, despite her agitation, lowered her voice when Meredith began to look truly frightened. “I’m sorry, Mere. There aren’t any vampires here, you know that, right?”
“Of course I do. They never come on Sanctuary grounds. I wish to continue being your friend, Y/N, but I do not wish to invite punishment onto myself,” Meredith swallowed, looking a touch guilty. “I’ll meet you at the table.”
Y/N sighed, watching the girl spirit away, a flurry of white skirts and matching billowy blouses. After so many years spent in the Sanctuary, Y/N realized she shouldn’t be as bitter as she was, but the winter months brought out the aching in her.
“Talks like a fuckin’ walking pamphlet,” Y/N muttered, heading straight to the large basins lining the outskirts of the dining hall, cringing at the icy water that came from the taps as she scrubbed at her dirty fingernails.
At the very least, the dining hall was one of the warmest sections of the Sanctuary, thanks to the heat from the kitchens and the singular fire roaring in a brazier placed in the center of the room. The Sanctuary, free of 21st century comforts, was always crusted in ice in the winters and stiflingly hot in the summers. Sniffing the air, Y/N tried not to frown– food from the Sanctuary’s kitchens were never very tasty, even if she was often starving enough to eat a leather boot at the end of a day’s work.
“What’s tonight’s mystery meat?” Y/N got in line, retrieving a tray for herself, and leaning up to whisper her joke into her other friend Joseph’s ear. Unlike Meredith, the dark haired man snorted, mirth flashing in his eyes.
“Oh, the usuals. Beef organs or tuna. Paired with lentil slop, shitty kale salad, maybe a sweet potato if we’re lucky. Don’t forget the out-of-season orange and singular square of dark chocolate for dessert, too!”
This time, Y/N did not hold back her light groan, startling a timid acolyte in front of her and Joseph, the girl dropping her hardened, ‘fortified’ bread roll onto the counter. Both her and Joseph bowing in apology slightly while they contained their snickering, Y/N shuddering when a slimy piece of beef liver was slapped onto her plate by a kitchen acolyte.
“I can’t take these organs anymore. Why can’t we have a steak? Steak is rich in iron,” Y/N sat beside Joseph at one of the long tables, her ass smarting against the stone bench. Meredith, across from her, eyed her carefully, using her spoon to push mushy lentils around on her plate.
“You’ve been eating organs for ten years now, squirt, aren’t you fond of them by now?” Joseph teased, prodding at the gory looking organs on his own plate with a fork.
“For once, I just want a bowl of pasta. I mean, come on, vampires eat the best food in the world, and they don’t even need it to survive. Just pure hedonism,” Y/N continued, peeling the orange that came with her dinner considering everything else on the tray looked absolutely revolting.
Every meal served to the acolytes in the Sanctuary was required to be chock-full of ingredients with an abundance of iron and Vitamin C, allegedly making their blood more nutritious and appetizing to vampires. So, in order for vampires to eat like kings, mere human acolytes ate like cavemen.
“You’re especially salty this evening,” Joseph remarked, a flicker of surprise flashing over his face. Meredith had ironically grown quite pale, considering the supposed iron-rich meal she was eating should have had a glow rising to her cheeks. “Make sure none of the wardens walk by while you’re still on your soapbox.”
“You can hear their boots from a mile away, I’ll shut up well before they’re in earshot,” Y/N pinched her nose as she stuffed some lentils down her throat so she wouldn’t have to taste the foul mush. “I’ll stop now, don’t wanna upset you, Mere.”
“Thank you,” Meredith murmured quietly, her eyes softening. Y/N knew that Meredith understood where she was coming from, but complaining about their situations did nothing to get them out of it, in the end. “When we’re back in our dorm… it’ll be okay.”
Nodding, Y/N’s lower eyelid twitched at the thought of her bed– hard as a rock and no better than a bale of hay to sleep on, but kept her promise and changed the subject promptly.
“What was your task today, Joey?”
“Ugh. Joey,” Joseph shivered, nudging Y/N with his elbow. “The usual. Raking dead leaves and preparing the garden for the snow.”
“It’s going to be a cold winter,” Meredith remarked, her gaze turning to the stained-glass windows overlooking a frosty courtyard.
“Maybe if we’re lucky, one of us will get out of here. Be able to stay in a warm building, with wool blankets, fires lit in every room…” Joseph twirled one of his dark curls around an index finger contemplatively, Y/N frowning at the unsaid. The only way that would happen would be if one of them got picked to become a human blood bank at the end of the week. Joseph read her mind. “Tomorrow is the Drawing.”
Drawing day happened monthly. Each acolyte in the Sanctuary was required to report to the infirmary wing and offer up a pint of their blood to be sent out around the area for vampires to “sample”, like some kind of wine tasting that could be delivered to one’s doorstep. Days after the Drawing, there would be a chance that word would be sent from a coven that they were interested in a sample, and the matching acolyte, in consequence, would be delivered to the coven to be a live-in blood donor.
The Drawing happened for a reason. While vampires held the most power across the globe, it was agreed decades ago, after many conferences held by vampires and human world leaders, that solitary vampires must go through a Sanctuary in order to receive a human to feed on. It was during that time when solitary vampires began to form covens to decrease demand for a human donor, and Sanctuaries were born. It was also that time where vampires roamed rampant, claiming any human on the street to drain dry. The death toll was climbing at an alarming rate, so a compromise was reached: vampires could not “hunt”, only go through a Sanctuary to select a donor, one they’d keep indefinitely.
Y/N often weighed the pros and cons of being selected for The Drawing: at the Sanctuary, she could keep her blood but spend her days freezing, eating nasty food, and scrubbing the filthy building. If she was taken in by a coven, sure, she’d have luxuries– good food, riches, warm clothes. But she’d be at the mercy of vampires, notoriously vicious and unforgiving creatures. That, and she’d be fed on constantly by the sadistic beings, likely for the rest of her life.
“That’s why we got extra organs today. Figures,” Y/N shrugged, once again pinching her nose to choke down a sliver of meat. “I’m beat. Gonna head back before the final bell. You can finish my portion, Joey.”
Joseph grimaced at the nickname, but eagerly reached for her tray anyways, Meredith watching Y/N slip from the hall. Delicately dabbing her mouth with a frayed cloth napkin, Meredith sighed.
“She’s always like this the night before the Drawing,” Meredith’s voice was sympathetic, resigned. “She never got used to it, even after all these years.”
“Can you blame her? She was living under the radar, forging her blood type results most of her life before she was caught. I’d be jaded too,” Joseph pointed out around a mouthful of soggy kale. “You’ve been here your whole life, Mere. Y/N and I knew what it was like before living here. Having freedom.”
“I know that, Joseph,” Meredith, to her credit, had the decency to look chastised. “I never said I do not understand. I suppose since the Sanctuary is all I know, I do not yearn for freedom in quite the same way.”
Joseph collected his and Y/N’s trays, smiling at Meredith wistfully. He often thought that life would be simpler if he began to think like her, but it was difficult to let go of freedoms after they’d been tasted before. He remembered the days where he could wander in untamed forests, on the outskirts of town, where he could pick wild fruit and bask in the summer sun. Joseph recalled Y/N telling him about her life of drifting, hiding– the excitement, the footloose feeling of it all. Smiling at his other friend still, he stood from the stone bench.
“The freest we’ll be is if we’re chosen after a Drawing. And even then, we’re birds in cages.”
Even though she had pulled two pairs of wool socks on her feet before passing out in bed, Y/N’s toes were icicles when the obnoxious morning bell clanged through the hollow halls. Starting to regret not eating much dinner, Y/N’s stomach was turning uncomfortably as she sat up in bed. The roiling in her gut was not just because she was hungry, but the familiar unease that festered there each morning of a Drawing day. As she watched Meredith, who happened to be her roommate, pull the threadbare curtains back on their barred window dutifully, Y/N sluggishly removed her nightgown and dressed herself in the dreaded white linens she was forced to wear on a daily basis.
“Hopefully I won’t pass out today,” Y/N joked, knowing that Meredith was usually much more relaxed about complaining when they were in the privacy of their shoebox-sized room.
“They’ll give you juice if you do. Just keep your eyes closed and focus on your breath,” Meredith gestured to the stool at the foot of her bed, encouraging Y/N to sit.
Humming, she did so, staring at the ceiling as her friend began to braid her hair. Meredith’s careful fingertips raking through her tresses calmed her down enough to stop the acid in her stomach from rising into her mouth. Meredith was singing quietly, a hymn, from the sound of it, and Y/N was thankful for the peaceful start of the day, no matter how cold and nauseous she was.
“You won’t have to go to the infirmary until after lunch, right?” Y/N attempted to distract herself from the fact that she’d be the very first to get her blood drawn.
“Mm-hmm. B+ is scheduled for after the midday meal,” Meredith stopped singing, using a scrap of old cream fabric to tie off the braid hanging down Y/N’s back. “So I’ll see you in the dining hall, then I’ll meet you back in the west hallway to finish cleaning anything we didn't yesterday.”
“Thanks, Mere,” Y/N reached back, passing her hand over the braid her friend weaved, wishing that there was at least a mirror somewhere. Y/N hadn’t seen her reflection in years, except for blurry images in the surface of the Sanctuary’s garden fountain; the wardens rejected vanity amongst acolytes. “I’m gonna get it over with, head straight for the infirmary.”
“Are you positive that’s wise without breakfast? You hardly touched dinner, too,” Meredith’s pale eyebrows shot into her hairline, worry etched between them.
“I’m worried if I eat, the spinach smoothie will make another appearance as soon as they get the needle in my arm,” Y/N pictured the tasteless breakfast she normally had coming up for a round two and shuddered. “It’ll be okay. Just like every time, right? I’ve been here for years. The local vampires don’t seem to like my blood very much, or at least the ones that this Sanctuary sends it to.”
“Good luck, Y/N. See you at lunch,” Meredith didn’t comment on Y/N’s attempt to brighten up– she knew the stakes were as high as Y/N did.
God must have felt particularly cruel the day he decided to bestow Y/N with one of the world’s rarest blood types: the coveted AB-, a sought-after type for many vampires. Apparently, all of the blood types had different tastes, but Y/N hardly believed that. Blood was blood; tinny, salty, and a nauseating reminder of fragile mortality. There was a reason she had hidden from the world for many years, drifting from place to place. Those with AB- blood were hardly at Sanctuaries for long before a coven would promptly request them as their live-in donor. Y/N was basically living on borrowed time– she often wondered if her bitterness leached into her bloodstream and spoiled the ‘product’.
Dragging her palm along the stone walls of the Sanctuary’s hallway, Y/N barely registered the crowd of acolytes passing by on their ways to the dining hall in the opposite direction from where she was going. Y/N was the only acolyte in that particular Sanctuary to have AB- blood, so naturally, she was by herself every Drawing day first thing in the morning, and the top priority of the wardens. Swallowing thickly, the scent of rubbing alcohol had her gagging as it filled her nostrils when she neared closer to the infirmary.
Of course, the infirmary wing was cold as ice both temperature wise and atmospherically. In contrast to the Gothic interior of the rest of the Sanctuary, the infirmary was somewhat modern (or was once, in the 80’s), sterile, and covered in pastel vinyl flooring. Her Mary Janes squeaked against the tiles, nervously wringing her hands together as she stared at the plastic dentist’s chair in the corner of the room, the clump of wardens setting up the apparatus to collect blood. Clearing her throat, Y/N pressed her lips together in a line as one of the wardens turned to her– Mrs. Sloane, a severe 60-year-old woman who ran the Sanctuary like the military. Y/N had an acute dislike for the woman, who saw her and the acolytes as nothing more but cattle to raise.
“AB-, come here. Everything is ready,” her voice was dry, sharp, like a whip cracking down. It had her flinching, but she obediently trudged towards the crinkled old chair, mostly out of fear of having to kneel in the chapel for several hours in punishment if she didn’t follow orders exactly.
Knees wobbling, she lowered herself onto the chair while Mrs. Sloane eyed her like she was a slab of wagyu beef she was preparing to sell to the highest bidder. Biting her lip, she swiftly shut her eyes, heeding Meredith’s earlier advice. Perhaps she could prolong her anxiety attack if she kept her eyes shut the entire time, flinching in the seat when someone was not-so-gently rolling up the sleeve on her left arm past her elbow and swiping an alcohol wipe over her sensitive skin.
“We’ll be taking more than usual today,” Mrs. Sloane announced, and Y/N’s plans of staying blind were foiled when her eyes snapped open in shock.
“W-what? But taking more than a pint is dangerous, is it not?” Y/N’s voice came out panicked and thin, Mrs. Sloane scowling at her nastily.
“Silence. It is not your place to question,” Mrs. Sloane scolded, Y/N’s breathing becoming fast and shallow. “A new coven has arrived in the area. They have requested a large sample of AB-.”
Dread flooded through every cell of her body, horrified that she was about to be drained dry, two pint bags on the steel table beside her. Barely having time at all to process that there was a coven of vampires that were new to the area, and that there was a great chance that they’d select her as a donor, Y/N yelped when one of the wardens pinned her wrist down and another slid the hollow needle in her arm. Seeing stars dance in her field of vision, Y/N whimpered at the sting of the needle, feeling sick when she felt the warmth of her blood flowing into the tube connected to the pint bag resting on her arm. She absolutely loathed the feeling of her blood leaving her body, like her very life force was being sucked out, and before she could actively close her eyes, they shut involuntarily when they began to water.
“Calm down, AB-,” Mrs. Sloane sounded like she was spitting through her teeth, Y/N unable to feel her limbs. “You should be grateful. You’ll have the rest of the day off to recuperate.”
Y/N hardly heard the woman. Ears ringing, she was drifting away, a cold, sticky sweat coating her forehead. While she was struggling to form a coherent thought, one of the wardens must have switched out the full bag for the empty one, and by then, Y/N lost consciousness.
Several moments later, Y/N not knowing exactly how much time had passed, someone was snapping in her face, jamming a straw in her mouth. Nearly choking on the orange juice that was being squeezed down her parched throat, her eyes opened blearily and all she could see was blinding white light from the fluorescence above her.
“You may sit here for no more than five additional minutes. Then return to your dorm until the dinner bell,” Mrs. Sloane’s arms were crossed, annoyed that Y/N was holding up the line of acolytes outside waiting their turns.
Though she was pretty much completely drained of energy, Y/N’s mind was moving a thousand miles per hour. With a new coven in the area, there was a very real possibility they’d be interested in her blood, considering the rarity of the blood type. She gleaned no additional information from Mrs. Sloane– typical– but how many vampires would be in that coven, if God forbid they chose her? Three, four? Four was typically the largest a coven would get, and the thought of four of them latching onto her at once had her leaning over in the chair and emptying the contents of her stomach into the bucket on the floor.
It didn’t matter that she’d be free of the Sanctuary. Though she’d live lavishly, she’d have constant open wounds and would be psychologically tortured by the creatures. Suddenly, meals made purely of beef liver and beds constructed out of pallets seemed much better than cake and down feather mattresses.
“Your time is up. Go back to your dorm. The midday meal will be delivered to you,” Mrs. Sloane barked, hauling Y/N up by her wrist. Feet faltering, Y/N swayed and scrabbled for the drywall, blindly feeling her way to the main hallway again.
Dazed, her arm throbbed where the needle had been inserted, and the only positive that came from that morning’s events was the fact that she’d get to lay in bed all day instead of scrubbing floors. Y/N wasn’t sure how she managed to find her way back to her dorm room, but before she knew it, she was wrapping two blankets around herself and curling up in bed.
She was woken up by Meredith hours later, the blonde bringing her a tuna sandwich on a undoubtedly stale roll. Choking it down like a wolf, she tried not to cry when Meredith gingerly wrapped a cloth around her arm, which was cruelly left to clot on its own by the wardens.
“It’s going to be me this time,” Y/N announced dully, eyes on the overcast sky outside her barred windows. “I can feel it.”
“There is no way to know–”
“A new coven has moved to this town,” Y/N cut her friend off, Meredith’s hands stilling. Withdrawing her touch from Y/N’s arm, Meredith appeared tentatively unsure.
“To Newport?” Meredith’s light eyebrows pulled together, disbelieving. Newport wasn’t exactly a magnet for vampires, most of the ones that resided in the area weren’t in covens at all, just solitary vampires. A new coven spelled danger for Y/N. “I heard that a vampire built one of the famous mansions by the ocean. Do you think one of the vampires could be him?”
“Well, if he is, then I guess I’d get to live like a princess. You know, the one that got locked in a tower with a dragon and shit.”
Y/N had a bad feeling. Not that she was one to have premonitions, but trusting that feeling in her gut is what helped her to survive years before she was brought to the Sanctuary. Meredith stroked the back of her head in an attempt to comfort her, but Y/N knew she was just as nervous as she was. Because the coven requested so much of her blood specifically, and was the only person in the immediate area with AB- blood, if the vampires liked her blood her fate was officially sealed. Swallowing bile, she shook her head, not wanting to put the cart before the horse yet.
“I shouldn’t get ahead of myself. I’ve been around for a while, none of the local vampires have been interested. Maybe my blood tastes like dirt, and I’ll be here until I’m elderly.”
“It’s okay to worry, Y/N. However,” Meredith sat on the side of Y/N’s bed, the old wood frame creaking with her weight. “There are many others here with rare blood types. Perhaps they will prefer AB positive.”
“Perhaps,” Y/N agreed, beginning to sit up. “Shall we go to the hall and finish the windows?”
“I have to go to the infirmary wing, it’s my turn. You should rest, Y/N,” Meredith helped her stand, Y/N furiously shaking her head.
“If I stay here until dinner, my thoughts will continue to spiral,” Y/N shoved her feet into her well-worn shoes, slinging her braided hair over her shoulder. “Thank you for bringing me lunch. I’ll get started on the windows and wait for you.”
Y/N headed out first, leaving Meredith to prepare herself for her drawing. The blonde often liked to pray before the process, Y/N not knowing whether she was praying to be chosen, or praying to be skipped over. She didn’t have the stomach to ask.
By herself in the west hallway, she picked up the rag she abandoned the previous evening with a rough sigh. The sky opened up and ice-cold rain began to pelt the windows, crows eerily taking shelter in the eaves of the bell tower. Y/N felt like their beady eyes were on her, able to see through the glass and spot her wiping the window. Shuddering, she couldn’t tear her sight from the birds, the superstitious side of her insisting that they were some kind of omen.
Two days later, Y/N was trudging through the hollow halls after dinner, which she again excused herself from early. There had been no news about the results of the Drawing, but it didn’t stop her stomach from turning over in anxiety all day long. Hands coming up to rub her biceps, she glanced at the full moon outside of the large arched windows, slightly obscured by thin, dark clouds.
Kicking a stray stone as she turned the corner to the wing with the dorms, she paused a few feet from her and Meredith’s door with a frown. Light spilled out from the open dorm, more light than would have been possible coming from the small candles she and Meredith were allowed for nighttime reading. Besides, Meredith was still in the dining hall, so the door shouldn’t have been open. Fear sunk into her bones, making a sticky heat flash over her skin with dread. Mustering her remaining courage, she crept towards her room like a mouse.
Torches were lit up in the usually empty sconces, three wardens, including Mrs. Sloane, rifling through Y/N’s small dresser and nightstand. There was a large, old-fashioned suitcase box on her bed. Horrified and confused, Y/N accidentally bumped into the creaky door and snagged Mrs. Sloane’s attention.
“Congratulations, AB-,” Mrs. Sloane was sickly sweet, and it didn’t suit her whatsoever. “The coven has chosen you. Help pack your belongings, you leave tonight.”
“What?” Y/N’s world was spinning, vision getting spotty. “Leave? T-tonight?”
“Yes, girl. Are you hard of hearing? Pack your belongings, we are to bring you to the coven in less than an hour,” Mrs. Sloane went back to her snarky self, Y/N holding onto the door in a desperate attempt to stay upright.
Mrs. Sloane reached for the pocket of her apron, where she kept a metal ruler so she could strike those who disobeyed her, Y/N stumbled into the room and shakily tossed her white skirts into the suitcase to avoid being struck. Hardly able to form a single coherent thought, Y/N moved woodenly, so shocked that tears didn’t even roll down her cheeks.
“You are lucky. The coven that requested you consists of some of the wealthiest vampires in the world. You will want for nothing,” Mrs. Sloane tossed the final garment Y/N owned into the suitcase, another warden closing it up and bringing it out to the hall. Y/N had to hold her tongue, considering she was about to shout but I’m going to live with monsters. “All seven of them have wealth, in fact. They are rumored to have great powers, as well.”
“S-seven? Did y-you just say seven?” Y/N gasped, flinching when Alfred, the burliest warden in the Sanctuary, grabbed her arm and began to pull her out of the room. She had never heard of a coven so large, and it made every cell in her body light up with sharp panic.
“Yes, seven. Make haste,” Mrs. Sloane and Alfred hauled her through the Sanctuary, confused acolytes coming from the dining hall making space for them to pass. Y/N recognized the look on some of their faces, relief that they hadn’t been chosen.
“But, my friends! Please, let me say goodbye,” Y/N begged, tears finally starting to form when she spotted Joseph in the crowd, his eyes wide and mouth dropped open. Somewhere, Meredith was probably thinking about the book they were going to read together that night.
“There’s no time. You’ll get to write letters,” Mrs. Sloane refused, a whimper coming from Y/N’s throat as tears began to pour down her cheeks, getting one last look at Joseph who was mouthing something to her. Miserably, she couldn’t figure out what he was trying to say, Alfred yanking her to the tall front doors, frigid air blasting her in the face as they opened.
In the courtyard, a place Y/N had only been once or twice when she was first brought to the Sanctuary, there was a horse-drawn carriage. Y/N, had she not been in the greatest shock of her life, would have laughed– wouldn’t it have been easier for her to be taken in a car? Hardly having the time to look back at the Sanctuary she called home the past ten years, her knees knocked together when she was pushed into the carriage with her luggage. Unfortunately, she wasn’t allowed privacy to cry when in the carriage, Alfred clambering in after her with a grunt.
Y/N didn’t talk to Alfred, mostly because he rarely spoke. At least he let her silently weep for a few moments, Y/N beginning to process the gravity of the situation. With watery eyes, she looked outside the carriage window, the gothic Sanctuary becoming distant as the horses trotted on. Her dread was temporarily numbed by the opportunity to see beyond the Sanctuary, land she had not seen in years. The trees lining the paved streets were barren, gray, and the hard-packed dirt had not a blade of grass. Even then, Y/N hadn’t seen such beauty in so long– a small taste of freedom before she was locked away for life again.
Her tears continued to flow even when she greedily took in the sights of the town of Newport, the homes of the wealthy humans who did not have to give up their freedom for vampires, shops that had closed for the day, parked cars on the sides of the streets. It was odd to see the vehicles, considering she had been living in an analog manner for so long, Y/N wondered if she’d ever know what the inside of one looked like.
“H-how long will it take?” Y/N asked timidly, not confident Alfred would respond, but she tried anyway. The middle-aged man looked up from his Bible, giving Y/N an unfeeling look.
“We are no more than ten minutes away, now. Wipe your sorry face,” Alfred responded coldly, Y/N’s heart racing when she dabbed at her cheeks obediently. “You will not shame our Sanctuary by showing the coven how miserable you are.”
Y/N had never heard Alfred speak so many words. She was starting to think that was for the best, his words like a slap across her face. Part of her pondered if she’d ever hear a kind word again. Lapsing back into silence, Y/N sniffled up the remainder of her tears, the shock beginning to wear off and her survival skills kicking in. If she wanted to remain sane, and not give the vampires an inch before they took a mile, she had to appear unafraid and unaffected. Strong, confident, and indifferent, but pure, so if not to anger them. Vampires and their purity– ironic.
The houses– if one could even call the structures that– became grander and grander the further they traveled. The massive buildings made the ginormous cathedral the Sanctuary called home look like a garden shack. Y/N had a hunch, as they turned down a road that had imposing iron gates lining yards that looked like parks, that the coven she was to belong to resided in one of the famous Newport mansions. Passing by a white marble monstrosity, Y/N shuddered. The homes looked empty, cold, and imposing. Grand, yes, but the kind of display of wealth that had someone like Y/N, who lived her entire life struggling, clenching her fist in fury.
“Won’t be long now. Straighten yourself out. The staff is to greet you,” Alfred slapped his Bible shut, grasping for the handle of Y/N’s suitcase.
Breathing shallowly, Y/N’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head when the carriage brought them to the largest iron gate on the street, initials TK welded between filigree at the top of the barrier. As if by magic, the gates began to creak open, Y/N stunned by her first glimpse of actual electricity illuminating the gatehouse. Of course, she had seen it prior to her life at the Sanctuary, but it was odd to see the night lit up after living by candlelight. Gnawing at her nails, thinking that she could be shocked no further, an audible gasp tore from her when the carriage pulled through the driveway of great trees, an imposing mansion coming into view.
Y/N had never imagined such a building could ever be constructed. It would take a person hours to walk the entire floor plan, the grounds aside. Y/N was struck by a memory from earlier that week, when Meredith brought up the mansions by the ocean. One of the members of the coven must have been the man that built it, and the only other thing Y/N knew was that the mansion was settled on a steep cliff jutting into the sea. One she could potentially careen herself off of, if need be.
Her elbow was tightly grabbed again when the carriage stopped before the covered front entrance, bright lights nearly blinding her as Alfred shoved her out of the carriage, Y/N freezing instantly when she felt a foreign touch on her forearm to steady her. Eyes adjusting, she frantically looked up, not ready to deal with a vampire right off the bat. To her great relief, a blue-eyed– not red-eyed man, one dressed in a fine suit, righted her with a tight smile. A human, presumably a member of the mansion’s staff.
“I–I– I’m sorry,” Y/N managed, cursing Alfred colorfully in her mind. So much for confidence.
“Quite alright, acolyte…” the man prompted in a British accent, the first whisper of kindness Y/N had in over an hour.
“Oh. Forgive me. Acolyte Y/N,” she replied quickly, accessing the back of her brain where cobwebs and her etiquette surrounding that event resided.
“Sir, you may leave. Acolyte Y/N will begin her duties under our watch now,” the man in the suit removed his touch from Y/N’s forearm, not a single strand of silver hair on the man’s head out of place.
“Contact us if there are issues,” Alfred hardly got out of the carriage, his scarred face twisting into a smirk. Y/N wanted to spit on him.
“Of course,” the man replied, tight smile still on his lips, standing importantly beside Y/N until the carriage was well on its way back to the gate. “He’s a cup of tea, isn’t he?”
Y/N blinked, not knowing whether or not to agree, if it was her place. Turning to the man, whose posture had loosened up and a more genuinely friendly expression taking over his features, Y/N nodded slowly.
“Forgive me. I’m Edmund, head butler here at The Breakers. Pleased to meet you, Miss Y/N,” Edmund extended a gloved hand to Y/N, who hesitantly shook it. Was he trying to get her guard down by feigning gentlemanly behavior? “I take care of important matters inside of the estate. If you have any needs, you can seek me out. Of course, you’ll have personal maids, as well. Come, let’s get you out of the cold.”
Reeling, Y/N watched Edmund effortlessly scoop up her luggage, timidly following him to the door that was opened by an older man, also dressed in a sharp suit. With a house that size, Y/N realized that the staff must have been numerous to keep everything functioning smoothly. It was somewhat of a comfort that the staff she encountered so far seemed to be humans, likely ones with low status and common blood types.
Not even the imposing exterior of the building could have prepared Y/N for what the mansion looked like inside. In just the entrance alone, exquisite stone work, massive tiled floors, and tall ornate lamps illuminated by real light bulbs had stars circling around her head. Now that she was inside, she started to feel nervous again, waiting for a vampire to pop out from behind a thick stone column. In awe and in fear of her surroundings, she jolted when a young woman appeared from the left, carrying a tray.
“This is Nadia, she’ll be your head maid. I’ll take your luggage to your room, and Nadia will show you around the first floor before you retire. She’ll answer any questions you have.”
Edmund bowed to Y/N, which had her blanching in embarrassment. The butler disappearing further into the estate, Y/N turned to Nadia when the young woman cleared her throat lightly.
“Miss, I’ve brought you some cocoa. Hopefully it will warm you,” Nadia presented her with a large porcelain mug on the silver tray, a thick, sweet smell hitting her nostrils and making her nearly tear up. The only chocolate she could have at the Sanctuary was a square of bitter 100% cacao on Wednesdays and Sundays, not something decadent and rich like the cocoa she was being offered.
“I can have this?” Y/N squeaked, not daring to take the mug lest it was some kind of trick. Nadia cocked her head, confused by the question.
“Of course, Miss. Unless you don’t like chocolate, I can prepare you some tea instead,” Nadia began to lower the tray, Y/N waving her hands urgently to stop her.
“N-no, no, you don’t have to do that! Thank you, I’ll take it,” Y/N wrapped her hands around the ceramic mug, the warmth soothing her frozen fingers. “Um, you can call me Y/N if you want, please.”
Y/N was already weirded out, and people addressing her by formal titles was definitely a camel back-breaking straw. Nadia set her tray aside, watching Y/N take a shaky sip of the cocoa. It was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted, and she couldn’t even find it in herself to be embarrassed when she drained the whole mug in five seconds flat. The drink was thick, rich, and warmed her from the inside out. She both wanted to cry and beg for a second mug.
“You must be freezing, shall we head into the hall? It’s much warmer there,” Nadia gestured forward, Y/N glancing at what appeared to be a giant ballroom in front of her. Gulping, she nodded, following the woman timidly. So far, not a single mention of the vampires that allegedly lived in the mansion. “If you’d like, I can draw you a hot bath when we get to your bedroom. I’ve filled your dresser with warm clothes for you to sleep in, too, I’ll put them on your bed… This is the Great Hall. I imagine the coven will hold parties here from time to time.”
Y/N didn’t know where to look. Between the sheer size of the space, the ornate artwork painted on the ceiling, and the endless colors swirling around the room, her vision finally landed on the enormous fireplace roaring at one end of the hall. It was then when she noticed it was the first time since mid-October she wasn’t chilly. Prior to that evening, Y/N had a lot of assumptions about vampires. One of the assumptions was that they would prefer to live in a cold and dark environment, but the mansion she was standing in was toasty and brightly lit.
“It’s… big,” Y/N managed weakly, Nadia leading her to a red-carpeted staircase. All she could do was follow, wanting to ask the maid a few questions about the coven, but she knew that vampires had superior hearing and she didn’t want to attract the attention of one of them.
“Yes, but you will become accustomed to it. I can help you navigate the interior and grounds until you know your own way around. Oh, right here. This is a portrait of Master Taehyung. He built this estate,” Nadia paused on the landing, where the staircase split into two directions.
Whipping her head upwards, she soaked in the lines of the old painted canvas, Nadia’s first mention of the vampires making her heart stop dead in her chest. The man depicted in the painting was beautiful, which was typical for the creatures, but Taehyung nearly took her breath away. Dressed in a Victorian-style suit, the vampire had a cold, stern expression. His dark wavy hair was parted down the middle neatly, and of course, the vampiric red irises staring back at her made her stomach turn in fear. Schooling her features, Y/N bit her lip at Nadia’s expectant expression.
“He’s, um. Handsome,” Y/N offered, hoping that her voice wasn’t wavering, Nadia nodded, resuming her ascent up the stairs.
“Master Taehyung made his fortune in steamships, railroads, and shipping in the mid-1800’s. He’s a legendary businessman,” Nadia informed her, Y/N cringing that she referred to the creature as a ‘man’. Nadia herself didn’t seem to have a problem with the vampire, and in fact, her voice almost implied that she admired Taehyung. “All seven of our masters are impressive men.”
“Wait, they’re all male?” Y/N stopped in her tracks, feeling the blood drain from her face. She was hoping for a coven of mostly female vampires, theorizing that perhaps they’d be less vicious.
“Yes, I’m sure you know that it’s atypical for a coven to be both so large and of all one gender. The masters are like-minded, which is why they chose to form the coven,” Nadia explained, stopping at a door at the end of the hall, beside a breezeway that likely looked out onto the ocean. “Here we are, this is where you’ll stay. The rest of the bedrooms on this floor are occupied by five of the masters, Masters Seokjin and Namjoon prefer the bedrooms on the third floor due to privacy of the quarters.”
Y/N swallowed, stepping into her new bedroom, which was bigger than four dorm rooms at the Sanctuary smashed together. The walls were covered in an intricate pink floral wallpaper, all of the upholstered furniture a matching shade of blushing rose, and the marble fireplace was lit already. The room was decidedly feminine, Y/N’s eyes catching on a painting above a nightstand depicting dancing women. Nadia, as she was bumbling around the room selecting clothes from a dresser, noticed Y/N staring at it. It was expertly painted, precise.
“That is one of Master Yoongi’s pieces, depicting the Nine Muses of Greek mythology,” Nadia placed flannel pajamas on Y/N’s new bed, which looked plush and was piled high with thick pillows. “Master Yoongi is a painter, an artist. Very famous.”
“Really?” Y/N knew nothing about art, let alone Greek mythology. She didn’t have the luxury of studying those things.
“The hour is growing late, Miss. I can tell you more about the masters in the morning. They will not be back from the affairs that called them away tonight until midday tomorrow,” Nadia pulled out a pocket watch from her apron, heading towards a door by the back of the bedroom. “I’ll run your bath, and leave you to rest. You’ll be woken in the morning for breakfast.”
Moments later, Y/N was left alone in her very own bathroom, not a communal one like she was used to at the Sanctuary with cold water taps. The bathtub had steaming water filling the room with humidity, the scent of lavender oil somewhat easing her frayed nerves. Chewing her lip, she decided she might as well indulge in the hot bath, considering her muscles were beyond stiff and there was no way she’d be able to fall asleep right away, if at all.
Part of her wondered what kind of ‘affairs’ that the vampires were involved with. If it were her, and she had accumulated all of that wealth and immortality, she’d spend her days lazing around. The other part of her was thanking the sky that none of them were in the building; she had more time to prepare herself to meet the creatures the following day. Stiffly, she began to untie her skirt, letting the fabric hit the floor. Y/N supposed never having to wear those skirts again was a bit of a silver lining. Kicking it to the side, Y/N’s vision caught on something silvery and polished– an actual mirror. Eagerly, she dashed to the sink it was fixed over to catch a glimpse of herself for the very first time in ages.
Unable to help the gasp that came from her mouth, Y/N didn’t recognize the woman staring back at her. The image of herself she had in her mind was her fifteen year old self, not the twenty-five year-old reflected in the polished silver. In awe, she traced her sharpened jaw and cheekbone, lacking teenage fullness, and she realized that she had forgotten the color of her eyes. Tearing up a little, she turned from side to side, getting a look at her figure– even going as far as removing the rest of her clothing in curiosity. Poking at areas of her body she was unfamiliar with in the mirror, like the curve to her hips, Y/N felt rather odd. The whole evening had her entire world turning upside-down.
After several moments, she tore her attention from the mirror, only feeling slightly guilty of vanity, and tentatively dipped a toe into the bath. The water didn’t immediately dissolve her skin and bones, so she slowly sunk her body into the porcelain basin with a ragged groan. Maybe she had died and went somewhere beautiful, because being treated like royalty so far was not something she predicted. In the back of her mind, she reminded herself not to get too comfortable. She hadn’t even met the coven yet, and for all she knew, they could be horrible individuals. Nadia didn’t speak of them in that way– but maybe the maid wouldn’t dare.
Y/N sat in the bath until the water became lukewarm and her skin was pruny. Limbs loose, she wrapped herself in a plush towel that was waiting for her on a rack that actually heated the towel. While the ends of her hair dripped water on the tiled floor, she bent down, looking through a chest beside the sink with interest. Each drawer held essential and non-essential toiletries, some things Y/N had never even heard of. Picking up a bottle of ‘skin oil’ and ‘hair detangler’, she blinked in confusion. Was it Nadia who stocked the drawers for her? Or were the vampires considerate enough to provide her with a toothbrush and facial cleanser?
Head full of cotton, she decided to ignore all of the products she was unfamiliar with and simply brushed her teeth and combed her hair. Peeking out of the bathroom door to make sure that no one had entered the room while she was bathing, Y/N tip-toed across the richly carpeted floor towards the ridiculously large bed. The fire was still going, warming the room, and Y/N hesitantly slid into a pair of flannel pajama pants left out for her. The elasticated waistband hugged her hips perfectly, and as she buttoned up the top and pulled on fluffy socks, she speculated about how Nadia managed to figure out her measurements. The Sanctuary probably had some sort of file on all of her personal information, which had her skin crawling.
While she was still on edge, her body was so relaxed from the bath that with slight resignation, she maneuvered herself under the sheets and heavy blankets, clasping a hand over her mouth as she sunk comically into the mattress. The bed hugged her in all directions, like getting to sleep on a cloud, and as she stared at the ceiling in awe, Y/N squirmed around to get in a cozy position curled up tight on her side protectively.
The lights would remain on, that was for sure. Y/N was never afraid of the dark per se, but in a new environment, she wasn’t risking things watching her from the shadows of the old estate. While memorizing the shapes of the intricate carvings on the ceiling, Y/N tried to make a mental list of everything she knew about vampires in general, and the specifics of the ones she was about to serve.
Over the centuries, there were several old wives tales that were circulated by humans surrounding vampires; but Y/N hardly knew which ones were fact or fiction. There were the superstitions passed down through common blood-typed, lower class humans that would work as maids and butlers to the vampires, the awe-inspiring, intimidating tidbits wealthy and influential humans would spread after doing business with the creatures. Then, of course, was the probable propaganda Y/N and her fellow acolytes were spoon-fed in Sanctuaries.
Y/N started with what she knew was just plain phony: vampires did not have an aversion to the sun and could walk around in daylight as they pleased. They did not flee from crosses or garlic, and they could not be exterminated by a stake through the heart. Acolytes were told that vampires could not be killed, and had few, if any, weaknesses. That was enough to have Y/N shivering, even beneath all of her blankets and flannel pajamas.
The older the vampire, the less in-touch with humanity they became. There was a recalled memory, a boring lecture in the Sanctuary’s dusty chapel, which consisted of a hazy memory of Y/N copying down ‘Oldest known vampire is aged 1,291 years, but some may be even older’. Y/N couldn’t even fathom living to be in her forties, let alone how it must be to live for over a century. On the other hand, ‘younger’ vampires– under three hundred years old– tended to be bolder, and adapted to modern times with greater ease.
Vampires needed human blood to sustain their powers, immortality, and to keep their internal organs functioning properly. While considered to be undead, a vampire’s heart kept beating, lungs brought in oxygen, and they could even digest human food if the creatures had consistent access to blood. Squeezing her eyes shut tight at the image of a vampire tearing into a rare steak, Y/N started to count off the things she found out from Nadia about the particular coven that requested her from the Sanctuary.
First, there was only a brief visual she had of one out of the seven, ‘Master’ Taehyung. Y/N prayed she wouldn’t have to use a title on any of them, but it was likely out of her hands. Sure, the portrait depicted a handsome young man, with all the airs of importance and wealth– but Y/N couldn’t get his unearthly red irises out of her mind. Taehyung was the vampire that commissioned the construction of the mansion she was currently cowering in, apparently a business tycoon that dominated during the Gilded Age. The next piece of information she got was ‘Seokjin’ and ‘Namjoon’ living on a separate floor for additional privacy, which made her nervous for some reason. Which was more dangerous, vampires in the bedroom next door to her, or those hidden in spots she hadn’t even toured yet?
The last thing she learned about one of the vampires– Yoongi– from Nadia is that he was evidently a famous artist. Cracking one sore eye open, she stared at the elaborately framed artwork above her nightstand again, noticing the fading of the paint and how it aged the piece. How old was the painting, and how old was Yoongi? Shutting her eyes once more, she sunk deeper into the mattress and pulled her blankets over her head. Nadia promised she’d answer any additional questions Y/N had over breakfast, so Y/N miraculously fell asleep by coming up with a handful of queries.
“Miss, hello? The sun has risen,” Y/N sat up in her bed with a sharp gasp, her hair hanging in her face like a nest. Whipping her head around frantically, she couldn’t believe she actually managed to get some sleep in a brand-new setting so easily. Knocking on the door, as well as a mousy, unfamiliar voice had her stumbling to her feet frantically. “May I come in, Miss?”
“Um, uh, yes, come in,” Y/N panicked, smoothing her wrinkled flannel shirt into place and hastily raking hair from her face. The door creaked open, a young woman who wasn’t Nadia hurrying in– her uniform pristinely pressed.
“Good morning, Miss Y/N. I’m Juliana, I work under Nadia. I’ll be helping you with your morning routine, while Nadia handles more important matters– coordinating breakfast, of course,” Juliana gave Y/N a slight bow, Y/N’s mouth dropping open at the gesture.
Before she could respond, Juliana began to draw the great curtains around the room open, the blinding white light of the early winter morning flooding into the room and stinging her eyes. When her vision returned to her, she gasped again at the sight just beyond the windows. Unable to help herself, she tripped towards one of the windows, grappling for the sill so she could steady herself.
Her room overlooked the backyard– if one could even call it that– and beyond the manicured grass and gardens was the vast, unending ocean once the landscaping dropped off of the famous cliff. It was like her eyes couldn’t absorb enough of the scenery, and impatiently, she pressed her forehead to the glass plane to gawk at the icy, gray ocean.
“In this drawer, here, we’ve placed warm pants for you– leggings, jeans, corduroys. If you prefer skirts and wool tights, those are hanging in your closet, and your tops and sweaters are in this armoire, here. Underthings are located in the lingerie chest beside you,” Juliana opened up various drawers, light on her feet and peppy, her curly brown hair bouncing with her movements.
“Lin… lingerie?” Y/N tasted the unfamiliar word on her tongue, attention effectively stolen from the gorgeous view beyond her windows.
“Forgive me. It’s another word for your undergarments, such as brassiers?” Juliana clarified, raising her brows and crossing the room. Y/N had not a single clue what she was talking about, following her like a duckling.
“Oh! I’ve never…” Y/N suddenly felt immensely awkward, peering into the drawer that held garments she hadn’t worn while at the Sanctuary– the thick, burlap material of the Sanctuary tops were all she got, not delicate lacy scraps of fabric that seemed to exist for the sole purpose of cradling her chest. “Um, okay. I can… wear whatever I want?”
“Yes, yes, as long as you’re comfortable, Miss,” Juliana took Y/N’s confusion in stride, moving towards the fireplace. Taking up a fire poker, the maid prodded at the glowing embers in the hearth. “I hope you were warm enough while you slept. The fire tends to go out in the middle of the night.”
“Y-yes, I was fine. Plenty of blankets,” Y/N chuckled nervously, not used to being so diligently cared for. Would it always be like that? “Um… have they returned?”
“They? You mean the masters?” Juliana paused, replacing the fire poker back on the rack. “They’ll be back before noon.”
“Okay,” Y/N was proud of herself for keeping a tremble out of her voice, Juliana gesturing towards a vanity by one of the windows.
“I can comb your hair, Miss, then leave you to get changed,” Juliana herded Y/N to the cushy stool, Y/N once again blinking at her unfamiliar expression. Contrary to the circumstances, her expression told the story of someone who got plenty of rest the night before. “I’ll wait by the stairs to show you to the breakfast room.”
That time, Y/N didn’t reply. She was too distracted by the feeling of the young maid gliding a fine comb through her hair gently– and with a sharp twist in her chest, she was reminded of the last time someone did her hair– Meredith, on the day of the Drawing. Holding her breath, she waited patiently for Juliana to comb through every snag on her head, surprised when she finally pulled away without braiding Y/N’s hair. Usually, Sanctuaries insisted that acolytes keep their hair braided if female, and cropped short if male. Juliana, however, left Y/N with her hair flowing free.
“Alright, Miss, take your time getting dressed. I’ll wait for you by the staircase,” Juliana smiled sweetly at her through the mirror, setting the comb back onto the vanity before she took her leave.
Y/N had a newfound feeling of determination when she absorbed her reflection, suddenly. She was going to get as much detail about the characters of the vampires from members of the staff as she could before the seven of them returned to the mansion. Swiftly, she pawed through various drawers for clothes, stomping to the bathroom to brush her teeth.
Tugging on fleece-lined leggings, she cursed at herself in the mirror when it took her several minutes to figure out how to hook a brassier around her bust. The top she selected was a large slouchy sweater, one that hid her figure and hung loosely around her thighs. It made her feel a bit more protected, not having so much skin exposed. There weren’t any shoes in her closet, so she awkwardly stuffed her feet into her Mary Janes from the Sanctuary.
With a huff, she headed to the hallway, the mansion looking completely different during the day. Early winter sunlight flooded into the building, making the colors of the interior appear vibrant and excessive. Able to retrace her steps from the previous evening, Y/N didn’t have any trouble meeting Juliana at the top of the grand staircase.
“Right this way, Miss,” Juliana started down the stairs, Y/N glancing at the portrait of Taehyung on the wall. She hadn’t noticed before, but while he certainly seemed cold, there was a sort of melancholy look on his face.
“Juliana, did um… Master Yoongi paint that portrait?” Y/N launched into her interrogations, the maid cocking her head to look at the painting Y/N was referring to. Y/N had to fight the urge not to cringe when using the ‘master’ title.
“Hmm. I never thought about that! Master Yoongi is mostly known for his work from the Renaissance. Now that you bring it up, however, the attention to detail does look quite a lot like Master Yoongi’s handiwork,” Juliana continued down the stairs, Y/N grasping onto the banister for stability. If Yoongi’s famous artwork was from the Renaissance period, he’d have to be over 500 years old. “Do you like to read, Miss? The library is full of rare books. Master Hoseok has collected them from around the world for hundreds of years. Nadia can show you the way after your breakfast.”
“Good morning, Miss Y/N, I hope you had a restful sleep,” Edmund was at the bottom of the staircase, interrupting Y/N’s response to Juliana. “Juliana, you’re needed in the laundry.”
“Yes, sir,” Juliana straightened up importantly, bowing at Y/N again. “Have a nice breakfast, Miss.”
Edmund stood with his hands clasped behind his back, watching Juliana hurry away out of earshot. The polite smile sort of slipped from his face, attention turning back to Y/N shifting from foot to foot by the staircase.
“Y/N, after your meal, I’d like to speak with you in the pantry. Have Nadia show you the way,” Edmund said quietly, gesturing to the left. Tightness in her chest increased when he said that, following him through the hall.
There was what appeared to be a grotto under the staircase, water trickling from a fountain and a couple of seats facing the structure. Briefly, Y/N thought that that would be a wonderful spot to read. Led to a sage-green room, Y/N blushed furiously when Edmund pulled out a chair for her at the round table in the center of the room. There was only one fine porcelain plate set in front of her, along with silver cutlery and crystal glasses.
“I’ll tell them to send out the food. Please enjoy,” Edmund announced, filling one of Y/N’s glasses with water from a metal pitcher. The butler was gone before she could ask him any questions, but moments later, at least ten staff members were filing into the room.
Y/N’s eyes immediately bugged out of her head. A vat of creamy scrambled eggs, a platter of toast and pastries with jam and butter, plates of crispy bacon and breakfast potatoes, cinnamon-scented oatmeal, even a board with cheeses and bowls of every kind of fruit one could ever wish to try. Staff arranging everything meticulously, she could only blink as someone poured her a mug of coffee with cream and sugar left on the side, as well as a large glass of orange juice.
“W-wait, this is… this is all for me?” Y/N hadn’t seen food like that well, ever. Everything looked gourmet and prepped with love and care. She wouldn’t be able to eat everything, but she was going to try her hardest.
“Yes, Miss. The staff eats before the sun rises,” a young man answered her, setting down a plate stacked with waffles and a gravy boat of syrup. “Meals will be quite large like this until we figure out what your favorite foods are. I hope that’s alright.”
“O-of course,” Y/N felt herself flushing again, swallowing down a mouthful of saliva that was flooding her palate dangerously. “Thank y-you.”
“Enjoy. Call if you would like anything else.”
With that, the staff left her alone in the room, and Y/N didn’t know where to start. She compared the silence of the room to the loud chatter that she would listen to in the Sanctuary’s dining hall. Slowly, she sniffed the steaming coffee in front of her– she had never tasted it. Taking a small sip, she cringed at the bitterness, understanding at once why the bowl of sugar and fresh cream was left beside the mug. Not wanting to waste anything, she stirred cream and sugar into the mug until the drink tasted decent. With eager, shaky hands, Y/N stood with her plate and began to pile food onto it.
Y/N worked herself around the table. Ignoring the feeling of gluttony, she tried every single thing that was left out for her, her plate stacked so high she snorted at herself when she sat back down. To her embarrassment, she moaned in pleasure when she swallowed her spoonful of eggs– buttery and topped with chives. Urgently, she nibbled on a strip of bacon, the meat hanging out of her mouth as she tore a croissant into pieces. Everything she put into her mouth was the most delicious thing in the world, and she felt like a ravenous bear trying to bulk up for the winter.
She stopped eating only when her stomach felt it was going to burst, pushing a bowl of peaches and cream away with a grunt. Y/N did try everything, but it looked like she hadn’t even made a dent in the feast. Wiping her face with a fine cloth napkin, she clumsily got to her feet like a milk-drunk baby. Instantly, several staff members swept into the room when she stood to clear the table, Nadia’s familiar face appearing.
“How was your breakfast, Miss?”
“I’ve never had such delicious food,” Y/N admitted, absently trailing after her head maid through a door connected to the breakfast room, probably leading her to the pantry. “The chefs here must be very skilled.”
“Master Seokjin insists that we hire the finest chefs in the world. Though he is a vampire, he has culinary interests,” Nadia replied, Y/N finding it hard to walk with how stuffed she was. “Edmund told me you two were going to speak. He’s likely going to give you a formal tour and tell you a few things about the manor, day-to-day routines…”
Y/N turned that over in her mind. The look on Edmund’s face earlier had a sort of graveness to it, which she didn’t think matched up to explaining house rules. Y/N decided to keep her mouth shut, hoping at the very least she’d have her questions answered. Suddenly, they were in a room filled with dark wood shelves holding china and crystal stemware, and when Y/N looked up, there was a loft that held even more shelves and dishes. Edmund was by a table in the center of the room, taking notes.
“Thank you Nadia. I know you had some errands to run, so I’ll show Miss Y/N around until the masters return,” Edmund looked up from his notepad, Nadia nodding once before turning on her heel to leave the room.
“Alright, one moment, Miss Y/N…” Edmund said in a chipper tone, moving around the room to shut the doors quickly, which had Y/N suddenly growing nervous– was he trying to soundproof the room, keep the conversation quiet?
“Oh, dear. You do not have to be frightened of me,” Edmund put his hands up when Y/N began to cower in the corner of the room. “I want to offer you information before the vampires return.”
“R-really?” Y/N released the breath she was holding, timidly getting closer to the table Edmund had returned to. He had a grandfatherly look about him, kind and warm. It was not lost on Y/N that he didn’t refer to the vampires as masters.
“It was lucky that they were called away yesterday. I fear you wouldn’t have been prepared had they been here. Now, listen; this is very important. Most of the staff treats the coven like gods. I am the only one in this estate who you can talk about the coven negatively.”
Not a good start, Y/N thought, shivering.
“Negatively, sir?”
“Child. Looks can be deceiving. I know you that in the hours you’ve been here already you have been treated gently. The coven will not follow suit. They are cruel, heartless creatures. You must do everything in your power to not upset any of them,” Edmund enunciated clearly, Y/N’s heart dropping in her chest. “The powers they possess are extremely dangerous. They do not have emotions like you or I.”
“The way Nadia talked about them… painted a different picture,” Y/N uttered desperately, Edmund looking out the window wistfully.
“I’ve been with the coven for decades, while they lived in Europe. Nadia has only been around for five years, and she does not deal with the coven as I do. She has not seen what they’re capable of.”
“Are you telling me this because you feel bad for me?” Y/N suddenly became defensive despite her terror, hating when she was pitied in any circumstance.
“No, child. I want to help you. I want to warn you, before they come back and they size you up,” Edmund shook his head, looking down at the notes he was taking earlier. “You are dealing with four vampires that are very old and disconnected to humanity. The younger three are wild and reckless. It's important to remember this.”
“How old…”
“I’ll tell you a bit about each of them specifically in a moment. My largest piece of advice to you is never directly show the coven you’re afraid of them. Of course, they’ll be able to scent it on you, but do not give away your fear verbally, or you will be backed into a dark corner and toyed with.”
“Oh my god,” Y/N breathed, then dreading the coven’s return to the estate.
“You asked how old they are. I’ll start with the eldest, who is the most respected vampire in the coven– he has seniority, you see, due to his age and his status. Seokjin is 879 years old, and when he was human, he was a crown prince of a Korean monarch,” Edmund began, using a handkerchief to dab his dewy hairline. “He may appear very calm and unaffected, but he absolutely despises humans. He hardly tolerates the staff, and we know not to bother him unless necessary. Under no circumstance should you lie to him, ever. I’ve seen him kill many staff members and even associates over being deceived. One more thing about Seokjin… the ‘power’ he has. Vampires call it ‘Compulsion’. He has the ability to make telepathic suggestions to others in order to control their thoughts, even wipe memories. He can convince a man to jump to his own death, or forget his happiest memories.”
Y/N didn’t know what to say. All of the questions that she had come up with before falling asleep completely fled from her mind, and all she could do was grip onto the wooden table with slick palms. Over 800 years old– Seokjin was ancient, otherworldly, and sounded like a monster.
“On the other hand, the youngest in the coven, Jeongguk– just 124 years old. He has the gift of Telepathy, so you must learn to control your thoughts around him. If somehow, Seokjin is unable to find out you lied to him, Jeongguk can tear through your thoughts and report it back to him,” Edmund continued, tapping his notepad with his pen. “Quite a few in the coven have much experience with violence. Jeongguk, when he was human, was a bodyguard to Al Capone. When he was turned, he was not only a bodyguard, but he read the minds of enemy gangs to relay back to Capone. He’s strong and lacks empathy, so he kills without mercy.”
“How… will I be able to control my thoughts? He’ll know I’m terrified, he’ll…”
“I can teach you, when they’re away on business. It is difficult, but can be done. Child, let me finish telling you what I know before they’re due back.”
Y/N clammed up, growing more petrified by the second by each word that came out of the butler’s mouth. By the time he had run through the basic personalities of each of the vampires, Y/N had a cloth soaked in cold water pressed to her forehead. For lack of a better word, she was fucked.
“I’m sorry to tell you all of this,” Edmund said quietly when he was finished, regret flashing over his face. “Just know, you have someone here who is on your side. I’ll do everything I can to protect you from their wrath, or at least train you to handle it. Fortunately, you’re needed by them– while they may be cruel to you, they need you alive in order to sustain themselves.”
“Spectacular,” Y/N wheezed, wishing she didn’t eat so much breakfast. She didn’t want it to make a second appearance. “To think I was going to press you for information. I don’t know if I was better off in the dark or not.”
“Certainly not. You know what to expect this afternoon, somewhat. Keep your guard up, and try to keep your fear in check, and the introduction can go smoothly,” Edmund insisted. “Perhaps… while you wait for their return, you can peruse the library, as Juliana suggested.”
Edmund began to open the doors again, and Y/N understood that meant their conversation was as good as over.
“Yes, child?’
“Won’t they know that you warned me about them? Will you be punished?”
“Don’t worry about me, child. The coven knows how I feel about them, it’s earned me a teaspoon of respect. Besides, no other butler in the world wishes to work for them. Rumors of their behavior, you see,” Edmund placed a hand on Y/N’s shoulder, smiling faintly. “Come. I’ll give you a brief tour and then escort you to the library.”
About fifteen minutes later, Y/N was left by herself in the dark, intricate library. Hardly giving the alleged ‘rare’ books collected by Hoseok a glance, she sank down into a chair by the fireplace, staring into the flames blindly. Curiosity killed the cat, and Y/N hardly knew what to do. Every single one of the vampires were murderous, unfeeling monsters with horrifying powers. Powers they’d likely be using on her any moment.
Y/N didn’t know who she was afraid of the most. Seokjin sounded menacing, Jeongguk dangerous and immoral. The others, she didn’t even know where to start sorting out what she learned. There was Hoseok, Y/N’s eyes shifting to the weathered books on the shelves, who was once a pirate over four hundred years ago, and had the ability to ‘Track’ people by scent. Edmund told her that Hoseok could find anybody without fail and even predict their future moves. He was greedy, fond of drinking, and impulsive.
She wondered if it was Namjoon she was most afraid of. His power was definitely the worst one: with eye contact and focus, he could inflict pain on others compared to being burned alive, a power called Pain Illusion. Apparently, he was once a Korean military general roughly four hundred years prior, and once turned, he became a sword-for-hire. Edmund told her that he enjoyed the kill, enjoyed watching others suffer, and was second to Seokjin as far as the hierarchy of the coven. Like the elder vampire, Namjoon had a disdain for humanity. Edmund told her to be especially careful around Namjoon, as he was a known sadist.
Head in her hands, she groaned. Yeah, Namjoon definitely was the scariest. The other three were no daisies, either, but the thought of having to experience what Namjoon’s Pain Illusion felt like was enough to have her heart racing.
Apparently Taehyung is the most deceiving of the bunch. He had all of the etiquette of a Gilded Age businessman, but Edmund relayed that he was absolutely ruthless when it came to his affairs and could Glamour his appearance. Jimin, a famed playwright of romantic tragedies the same years Jane Austen was active, was notoriously manipulative, hedonistic, and a feared Hypnotist. Finally, the artist, Yoongi– apparently studied under an artist named Leonardo da Vinci, and was secretly known for using his power of Paralysis on his models so he could paint them for hours without interruption.
That tacky sort of nervous sweat began to roll down the notches of Y/N’s spine. None of the vampires sounded friendly at all. Y/N knew that it would be wishful thinking to expect all of them to be somewhat tame, but she had hoped for at least one that wouldn’t be insane or murderous. Hugging her knees to her chest, Y/N counted her breaths to calm down. Heeding Edmund’s initial advice would be wise; trying to keep her thoughts bland, maintaining aloof confidence. Not bursting into tears, or trying to hide behind Nadia’s skirts.
Chin resting on her knees, Y/N closed her eyes. She wondered what Meredith and Joseph were up to. In the mornings after breakfast, typically they'd have study and silent prayer in the chapel. Y/N considered herself to be somewhat of an atheist, so usually she’d daydream while on her knees, eyes glazed over. Meredith would let Y/N lean her shoulder on hers, and Joseph would make sure she wouldn’t fall asleep and get punished. Sadness filled her at the thought of her memories. It was likely she’d never get to see Meredith or Joseph ever again. Too busy wallowing, Y/N jolted in her seat when Nadia appeared in front of her, repeating her name several times.
“Miss, the masters have returned. We must greet them outside,” Nadia offered Y/N a thick winter jacket, Y/N audibly gulping. She’d run out of time.
Heart thundering in her chest, Y/N shrugged into the maroon felt coat, shuffling after Nadia with resignation. It was like the a monarch was coming, countless members of staff hurriedly heading to the front entrance or flying up the stairs with various linens. Deciding to think of only her friends, Y/N replayed scenes of the two of her closest kin harvesting vegetables in the gardens during the summer months. Reading with Meredith by candlelight in dramatic voices. Horsing around with Joseph in the hallways when they were supposed to be dusting statues.
Outside, the grounds were clearer to her in the daylight. In the spring, the landscaping was probably breathtaking. Quietly, she stood between Edmund– the head butler, and Nadia– the former giving nothing away regarding their private discussion surrounding the coven. Holding her breath, Y/N watched the large iron gates swing open, the purr of car engines filling the quiet street.
Biting back a surprised noise, Y/N supposed she shouldn’t have been stunned to see a line of luxury cars pulling into the drive. The first in line was a sleek, vibrant-blue colored sports car, followed by a cushy looking black sedan, two black SUVs, and two more small sports cars– one in cherry red and the other canary yellow.
No one said a word. Y/N counted the vehicles again– there were only six. Again, she was thinking about the excess of wealth. Would it kill them to share cars? Bouncing on the balls of her feet, the blue sports car’s doors opened first– upward, like a spaceship. In succession, the rest of the roaring engines cut off and Y/N stared blankly at the carport’s carved stone ceiling to put off matching names to faces. She hadn’t even considered how old they looked physically, were they middle aged– Christ forbid, were they teenagers?
“Master Seokjin. I trust everything went well?” Edmund bowed deeply, Y/N urgently copying the movement when the butler glanced at her from the corner of his eye.
“Who’s this little girl?” Seokjin ignored Edmund’s question, Y/N’s eyes on the highly polished loafers that were just in front of her.
Y/N finally straightened up to take a look at the vampire in front of her, and all of the oxygen was sucked out of her lungs when the most beautiful face she had ever seen was studying her right back. He appeared to physically be in his early thirties, but the faraway look in his eyes gave away his true ancient age.
Tall, broad, and dressed in an expensive looking suit, the dark-haired vampire had his full mouth twisted into disapproval. With his short, choppy bangs, they gave a perfect view to sculpted eyebrows, a pallor to his flawless skin, and of course, the red eyes narrowing while he waited for an answer. Y/N felt like she had to look away, so her eyes slid from Seokjin’s statuesque face to the second figure disembarking from the blue sports car, the passenger.
“This is Acolyte Y/N, from the local Sanctuary. The AB- donor. She arrived last night,” Edmund bowed again, this time at the second vampire storming up the steps to the front door.
“Take this upstairs, Nadia,” the second vampire, again, an exceedingly gorgeous man, barked. While his voice was rich and smooth like silk, he curled his nose up in a snarl when he spotted Y/N beside her head maid.
“Yes, Master Namjoon,” Nadia grunted when a briefcase was shoved into her chest, Namjoon scoffing once at Y/N before disappearing into the mansion. Three things Y/N noticed about him: the skinny Asian-style sword strapped to his massive back, the thick leather gloves on his hands, and the air of total hatred coming off of him in waves.
“Didn’t think she’d be such a… scrap of a thing,” Seokjin sounded bored, almost disappointed she wouldn’t put up a strong fight.
“The Sanctuary diets aren’t particularly nutritious. She’ll gain more muscle and mass after a few weeks with our great chefs,” Edmund reassured the eldest vampire, whom Y/N wished would stop staring at her and simply go inside.
“Make sure she’s present for dinner,” Seokjin drawled, lifting an eyebrow at Y/N. Was… she for dinner? “I have calls to make. Tell the chefs twelve courses tonight, rich food. The little girl needs more meat on her bones to be of actual use.”
With that, Seokjin brushed past the butler, Y/N’s head already spinning. Next thing she knew, there were three more vampires stalking towards her and Edmund, Y/N wondering which one was the one that could read her uneasy thoughts.
“Oh? A little dove!” A borderline childish voice is what caught her attention first, wicked delight coloring his tone.
If his eyes weren’t so frightening, the grin stretching across the vampire’s face could have been on the cover of a magazine. He flicked his overgrown black bangs out of his face, biting down on his plump lower lip with a sharpened fang. Contrary to the chilly weather, all he wore was a loosely buttoned, thin white shirt, revealing a large strip of his pale bare chest.
“Jimin, don’t get carried away like last time. You’re always breaking your toys,” One of the others, leaning against a stone column, picked his nails while tsking. That particular vampire wouldn’t even spare her a glance, his wavy dark hair curtaining his face. While his body was lean, hands were extremely weathered compared to the rest of his smooth, pushing-30-years-old complexion.
Knees wobbling from that remark, the third vampire, who was eyeing every inch of her thoughtfully, noticed the movement with a slight smirk and a narrowing of his feline-like eyes.
“Aw, that wasn’t my fault, Hoseok. Don’t listen to him, little dove! We’re going to have fun together,” Jimin, evidently, pouted, but the effect didn’t soothe her when she saw a psychotic glint reflected in his irises. “Ugh, I hate traveling. I hope there’s wine in my room…”
Jimin winked at her as he slunk inside. Rolling his eyes, Hoseok, the most casually dressed so far in a simple dark turtleneck, trailed after, Y/N noticing how sharply cut his jawline was and the geometrically perfect way his nose turned up into the air.
“Master Yoongi, is there anything I can get for you before you resume painting?” Edmund cleared his throat, the long-haired vampire finally stopped smirking at Y/N, shaking his head silently. As soon as Yoongi stopped looking at her, she felt like she could breathe again, her fingertips twitching. “We’ve purchased fresh oil paints, as per your request.”
Wordessly, Yoongi was in her presence at once, and the next, with a blur, he was gone.
“Vampiric speed,” Edmund murmured, Y/N swallowing thickly. She had forgotten that not only did they have individual powers, but they had strength and speed, as well. Only two more to go– Taehyung and the mind reader, Jeongguk. “You’re doing well.”
The driver of the second car that had pulled into the driveway, the black sedan, finally cut the engine. The second SUV, the first of which belonged to Hoseok, had long since been turned off but no one emerged from it.
“Master Taehyung typically likes to take a walk around the grounds after returning from business. Here, however, is Master Jeongguk,” Edmund schooled his features, him and Y/N robotically bowing at the final vampire she was to greet. The mind reader.
“Hello,” Y/N blurted impulsively, much to her chagrin. The youngest vampire appeared to be around her age, perhaps a year or two older, and besides his ghostly complexion and red eyes, Jeongguk looked remarkably like a human man– perhaps like Joseph, but far more muscular.
“Edmund, I’m assuming this human is the AB- acolyte?” Jeongguk completely ignored Y/N, which had humiliation pulsing through her body painfully. “Let’s see, you. Look at me.”
Y/N froze, Jeongguk stooping to make his face completely level with Y/N’s. Suddenly, the grip she thought she had on her thoughts melted away into nothing, and she got lost in the doelike quality of the youngest vampire’s eyes.
“Typical, Edmund. Warning her about us? All you did was terrify her,” Jeongguk murmured, his youthful voice but a coo. Y/N knew not to trust it, especially when his chilled index finger jabbed into her cheek. “Who’s Joseph, AB-? A lover from the Sanctuary?”
Y/N’s tongue turned to stone in her mouth. Like his covenmates, Jeongguk was extremely handsome, but taunted her coldly. Luckily, she had motor function, shaking her head in the slightest. Tongue probing into the meat of his cheek, Jeongguk stood to his full height, the dark brown trench coat he was wearing hiding just how truly large he was.
“You’re fortunate you’re the only butler available to us. Your head would be on a pike, if it were up to me,” Jeongguk, in a mild tone, addressed Edmund, who simply looked at the vampire placidly.
“Yes, sir,” Edmund took a leather bag from the vampire, Y/N unable to believe how easy it was for Jeongguk to enter her mind– her memories pulled from her mind to his in hazy flashes that had her skull throbbing.
“Y/N,” she flinched when Jeongguk addressed her by name, whipping her head around to watch him stalk up the stairs behind her, wearing a murderous smirk. “Wear something pretty to dinner, alright?”
Acid began to crawl up her throat, and when Jeongguk disappeared in almost a mist, Edmund placed a grandfatherly-like hand on her upper arm.
“Relax now, Y/N. You did well. Very well. You won’t see any of them until dinner. Returning to your bedroom for now would be wise, Nadia will help prepare you for the meal,” Edmund whispered, gripping Jeongguk’s bag in one of his hands. “Head in, child. You’ve been in the cold long enough. Soak up the warmth, while you can.”
It was a miracle that Y/N didn’t make deep dents in the carpet of her bedroom as she paced back and forth. Escorted to her room after meeting six out of the seven vampires, Y/N was left to her own devices that afternoon. Nadia had left her a stack of books to entertain herself before dinner, Y/N thinking that she’d rather swallow shattered glass than sit at a table with the monsters.
Halting, Y/N stood in front of one of the windows, hands coming up to brace herself on the windowsill. The ocean was choppy thanks to a biting wind blowing in from the North, the color of it almost black. Was it too late for her to jump off of the cliff? If she made a run for it, would anyone catch her before she could fall to her merciful death?
Eyes glazed over, her fingernails dug into the flesh of her palms. Suddenly and inexplicably, the hair on the back of her neck stood up, like a cold draft of air swept through the room. Ears picking up movement, Y/N spun around, a startled yelp coming from her mouth at the sight of the figure at her door. One of the vampires actually sought her out, lazily trailing his crimson eyes up and down her form. Tripping backwards, Y/N’s back was pressed into the icy windowpane. The vampire boldly stepping into the light, Y/N realized who it was before he even opened his mouth.
“Be careful, little dove. It would be a shame if you fell through the glass and cracked that skull of yours open before we even had a chance to play,” Jimin teased, though the taunt was far from an innocent jest.
“I said, careful. Think about how to speak to me before you stutter out something disrespectful,” Jimin sneered, crossing the room in a split second. Flinching, his face was mere inches from hers, his skin so pale it was almost translucent. His eyes, while certainly red, were sort of a dulled tone, and there was nothing good-natured about his expression at all.
“I’m sorry,” Y/N whispered, voice cracking. Jimin seemed to accept the apology, tsking and backing up a degree. Y/N forced herself to remain calm, the vampire pushing up the sleeves to his blouse. His chest was even more exposed than it was before, his muscles seemingly carved from white marble.
“That’s better, dove,” Jimin hummed, falsely sweet. “You can’t wear those rags to dinner. Juliana!”
Jimin’s voice was sing-songy, the vampire putting his hands on his hips and tapping his foot impatiently. Swallowing with great unease, Y/N’s palms were slick as she held onto the windowsill. Then, the sound of hurried footsteps flooded into the room, Y/N’s fright easing a degree when Juliana and several other maids joined her and the vampire in the bedroom. At once, Y/N’s eyes went owlishly wide, each of the maids carrying brightly colored gowns, stacks of velvet boxes, and more pairs of shoes than she could count.
“The latest fashions… Chanel and Dior, Cartier jewelry. Fashion design has come a long way these last few centuries– not bad for a bunch of humans,” Jimin seemed like he was talking to himself, plucking a heavy looking necklace up from the open case Juliana was holding. Y/N still couldn’t get over the childlike lilt to his voice, paired with the unsettling confidence he carried, cautiously returning eye-contact when he sauntered towards her.
“Dressing your new doll, Jimin?” Hoseok appeared in the doorway, Jimin still entirely focused on getting Y/N pinned to the window. The older vampire had a bottle of liquor in his grasp, an amused smirk on his face. Y/N felt ill.
“Rubies suit her, don’t you think, Hoseok?” Jimin bit down on his lip with a fang, like he did earlier. Then, his voice took on a silky tone, an index finger curling in her direction. “Come here, dove.”
Y/N didn’t want to comply, but after nearly a heartbeat, everything in her body was telling her that it was okay, more than okay, to get close to Jimin. She wanted to, needed him, it felt like she could hardly breathe. In a darkened corner of her mind, Y/N’s rational self realized Jimin was using Hypnosis on her, and there was nothing she could do to resist his his call. Moving on autopilot, Y/N almost stumbled over her feet to close the distance between herself and the vampire.
With a satisfied, wicked grin, Jimin tilted his head, looking down at her through his dark lashes. Spellbound by his presence– how had Y/N gone her entire life without him? Unprompted, she gathered her hair up and held it over her shoulder, exposing her bare neck to the vampire. Excitement flashed through her when Jimin licked his lips, and when his chilly fingers traced along a fluttering vein by the base of her throat, Y/N squirmed in delight. So removed from herself, as if in a trance, she obediently stayed still as Jimin clasped the necklace around her throat. Past the haze, she could hear an amused snort coming from Hoseok watching by the doorframe.
“Isn’t that nice?” Jimin hummed, adjusting the jewelry so it sat perfectly on her clavicle. Boldly, he tugged at the neckline of her sweater, exposing more of her skin, the strength in his touch stretching out the flimsy wool with ease.
“Very obedient, pet. Juliana, get her ready for dinner,” Hoseok snarked, taking a swig from his liquor.
Slowly, like roots of a tree pulling up from the earth, the influence Jimin had over her mind and body untangled from her being with a deep ache. Different from the throbbing, disorienting pain that filled her brain when Jeongguk infiltrated her thoughts, Jimin’s affect gripped her entire being as if her bone marrow was bruising. With a whimper, Y/N staggered to the side, Juliana promptly righting her by one of her arms. Jimin had used his vampiric speed to join Hoseok at the door, winking at Y/N trying to catch her breath.
“Here, Katie. Make the human a pre-dinner cocktail. She looks like she’s going to suffer from a paranoid break. I abhor hysterics,” Hoseok loudly placed his glass bottle of booze on one of Y/N’s nightstands, addressing an older woman who was holding several silky dresses in her arms.
With that, the two vampires shut the door behind themselves, the sounds of their expensive shoes marching down the hallway, leaving Y/N to figure out what just happened. The necklace around her throat felt like a ten-pound weight, and if the room wasn’t full of maids who acted like nothing happened, she would have ripped it off and pelted it at the bedroom door. Noise buzzing around her, rustling of skirts, the only thing that kept her on her feet was Juliana’s arm slung around her lower back.
“Alright, Miss, let’s get started on your bath,” Juliana said airily, Y/N feeling a single tear slip down her cheek, which she hurriedly swept away with her sweater sleeve before anyone caught it. “I have the most lovely hairstyle in mind for you. Master Jimin seemed to like that necklace on you, so we’ll pick something red to go with it.”
Y/N was astonished. Juliana was in the room when that whole interaction happened, was she not? Did she not see how Jimin hypnotized her, and was she not disturbed by it? Perhaps it was something only Y/N and the two vampires could sense happening, but Y/N had never felt more vulnerable and alone. Hollowly, she let Juliana herd her into the bathroom, sitting on the closed toilet seat, she wasn’t fully listening to the maid, tracing her fingers over the polished stones around her neck.
“The chefs have been working so hard today on the meal, it’s going to be wonderful, Miss Y/N! I helped the executive chef select ingredients at the finest market in town,” Juliana tested the water coming from the bathtub’s tap, pouring various vials into the water. “I picked up some moisturizing rose oils, bubbles, and powdered milk for the bath. I even managed to find dried flowers, which is rare for this time of year. Come, I’ll wash your hair for you.”
“H-huh?” Y/N squeaked, not wanting to strip her clothes off in front of somebody else.
“It’s quite alright, Miss. We’re your personal maids, there is no reason to be bashful,” Juliana insisted, keeping her eyes low, but helping Y/N to her feet. Too afraid to protest, Y/N stood statue-still as the maid carefully removed the necklace Jimin put on her and handed it off to another nameless maid. “Have you ever heard of a spa day? Think of it as that!”
“Spa day?” Y/N repeated stupidly, blushing furiously when she was left in just her brassier and the scrap they called underwear. Juliana turned, allowing Y/N to remove her undergarments and get into the mass of perfumed bubbles piling up in the tub. “Never heard of that… is that a holiday?”
“No, Miss,” Juliana giggled, her cheeks pink with merriment. “You’ll just enjoy some beauty treatments. It’s been a while since we’ve gotten to do things like this, so you’ll have to forgive us if we go overboard with spoiling you.”
Dumbfounded was the only word for how Y/N felt. At that point, she was going to get whiplash from being treated like a princess by the staff at one moment, and like a toy by the vampires the next. Bitterly, Y/N came up with the hypothesis that the reasons she was getting ‘spoiled’ was either out of pity, or that the vampires wanted their toy shiny and flawless. Katie, the older maid from before, appeared with a crystal glass filled with some kind of bubbling liquid, a slice of a blood-red orange floating amongst real ice cubes.
“As per Master Hoseok’s request, Miss. It’s a blood orange rum sour, his favorite,” Katie slightly bowed, a wisp of gray hair falling from her low bun. Alarm bells went off in Y/N’s head.
“It simply refers to the color and variety of the citrus, dear. Not actual blood,” Katie’s mouth twitched, like she was trying not to laugh. Y/N took a sniff of the drink, recoiling slightly at the burn in her nostrils. She knew it was alcohol– something she never tried before.
“Alcohol isn’t allowed at the Sanctuary. They tell us it’s bad for acolytes,” Y/N felt like a lamb going up for slaughter, unsure and anxious. Warm water was being poured down her back from a cup, where Juliana was slowly soaking the strands of her hair to wash, and it made her shiver.
“Well, dear, you’re here now. You may drink as much as you or the Masters deem suitable,” Katie bowed again, whisking away back into Y/N’s bedroom to select her dinner outfit.
If she knew anything about alcohol, it was that it had the ability to steel one’s nerves. Which was something she desperately needed- so bravely, her eyes fluttered shut and she took a hearty swig of the cocktail. The first thing that washed over her palate was bright, juicy citrus, but when she swallowed, the burn of alcohol made the contents of her stomach sting. Grimacing, she willed herself to drain the glass, wondering when she’d feel the effects. Gut boiling, she kept her eyes shut as Juliana worked shampoo into her hair.
“You have such pretty hair, Miss Y/N,” Juliana complimented, Y/N’s cheeks hot– not just from the compliment. A haze, a pleasant one, had her humming. Was it the way Juliana was massaging her temples, or was it the booze flooding through her system? “Anything else we can get you? Another drink?”
“Okay?” Y/N replied, just a tad bit more comfortable with asking for things. Juliana called out for Katie while she rinsed Y/N’s hair, the warm water making her sigh.
And when she had another drink in her hand, Juliana wrapping a hot towel around her conditioned hair and a third nameless maid using a sandy scrub to slough off flakiness from her years-neglected skin, Y/N started to feel giddy. Maybe things wouldn’t be so bad– being pampered sure was nice, and Y/N had always been strong-willed. Edmund was right, earlier; the vampires needed her alive, so they wouldn’t dare kill her. To Y/N’s knowledge, there wasn’t another human in the nearest Sanctuaries with blood as rare as hers.
It was like she could feel her backbone growing, only peeling one of her eyes open when something odd was gliding up her legs. Cocking her eyebrow curiously, she watched the third maid– Mei– use a razor to shave downy hair from her legs. Strange.
When she was sufficiently scrubbed, shaved, and presented with oil and lotion to apply, Y/N was left in the bathroom to dry off and slide into a terry cloth robe. Wobbling a little when she got out of the tub, Y/N giggled as she slathered herself with a floral scented lotion, her legs foreignly baby-soft. The cocktails were certainly doing their job, Y/N pinching her cheeks in the mirror and fixing a determined look on her face.
She was always the brave one amongst herself, Meredith, and Joseph. Why should she dissolve into a puddle of helplessness and meek responses? Even though she was being made over into a perfect angel for a group of demons, she held significant power. She didn’t need the coven to survive, but they did.
With renewed courage, Y/N returned to her bedroom. That time, only Nadia and Juliana remained, both of them waiting for her by the old vanity that was littered with appliances, jewelry, and cosmetics. The sun was starting to set, making the sky a burnt orange over the silver ocean.
“How’re you feeling?” Nadia smiled at her through the mirror when Y/N sunk down onto the stool, Y/N returning the expression. She thought that might have been the first time she smiled in the previous 24 hours.
“Relaxed,” Y/N answered honestly, sitting still while Nadia worked a silky product through her hair. Juliana, however, began selecting various powders and tubes and comparing them to Y/N’s complexion with a concentrated pout.
“Fantastic! I’m pleased to hear,” Nadia seemed to glow, like it was her life’s duty to pamper and please Y/N.
Lapsing into silence, Y/N stared at her reflection while Juliana began to dust her face with powder, and Nadia fired up a device that seemed to dry her hair. Buzzed, she watched the two maids make her up into a princess that Y/N used to read about with Meredith, her unruly hair manipulated into a pretty style, shimmering ruby gloss being painted across her lips.
Once the ‘hair dryer’ was switched off, Y/N dared to ask a question that popped into her mind when she got to the bottom of her second cocktail in the bath. Rolling back her shoulders, she got Nadia’s attention while she was sliding a sparkly hair clip into Y/N’s hair. When the query left her lips, both of her maids' expressions went from merry to grim– which wasn’t encouraging.
“Nadia, what happened to the coven’s previous donor?”
“Where is the human sitting?” Yoongi crossed his arms over his chest, a dull ache all over his body. It had been too long since he had fed on human blood, and his immortal body was feeling the deprivation. “Might I suggest… not next to Jimin?”
“Why, do you want that little girl at your side instead?” Seokjin hardly looked up from the documents he was signing, already seated at the head of the dining room table. “You’re not the greedy type, Yoongi. Leave that to Hoseok.”
Yoongi curled up his lip into a snarl, but would not offer a retort to the elder vampire. Really, the only one who had the balls and Seokjin’s grace to allow challenging was Namjoon. With a sigh, Yoongi took his usual seat, his fangs aching. Since they returned to the estate, the scent of AB- blood intensified Yoongi’s longing to have a taste of that sample the coven received earlier in the week. Idly, he traced the veins on the back of his hand– usually pale blue, but with the lack of blood flowing through his system, they were nearly dark gray.
“Which documents are those?”
“From the UN. They want us to sit in on an Assembly in December,” Seokjin sounded terribly bored, mostly because he was to death. Another human war he’d have to offer expertise on, expertise that would probably be ignored. After all, Seokjin and his covenmates were really only invited out of fear.
“What a pain in the ass,” Hoseok arrived at the table, collapsing onto the seat beside Yoongi. Kicking his feet up on the polished table, narrowly missing the china that was set there, Seokjin’s pen-scratching stopped. “I hate New York City. Filthy place. Should have burned it down when I still had my ship.”
“Was New York even established when you still had a ship, Captain Morgan?” Seokjin snarked, staring once pointedly at the bottle of rum in Hoseok’s hand, and then at his boots on the table. “Put your feet down, now.”
Hoseok rolled his rust-colored eyes but obeyed, knowing not to anger Seokjin unless he wanted Namjoon to use his ‘gift’ on him. Taking a swig of the rum, Hoseok frowned– the longer he went without human blood, the duller his taste buds got. He only tasted a flat note of cinnamon, not even the sting of the liquor. Hopefully, he’d get a taste of the mousy acolyte that night.
Snapping his fingers sharply, a staff member appeared out of the shadows to take the signed documents from Seokjin. With mild annoyance, he checked his watch for the time; he told Nadia, the human’s maid, to have the girl at the dinner table at 8 PM sharp. Nadia still had ten minutes before her life was in danger. Seokjin couldn’t stand humans who couldn’t follow simple directions.
“Is twelve courses really necessary? We’ll be here for hours,” Hoseok complained, mostly because he’d have to hear the chefs drone on and on about the ingredients of each dish and the beverage pairing that went with it.
“You saw how pathetically frail that human was. If she is to serve us, she needs to gain weight,” Namjoon thundered into the room, his tread heavy and confident. He sat closest to Seokjin, on the left, his expression made of stone. Again, Hoseok rolled his eyes.
“I agree. With just a few gulps, I could drain the little dove dry,” a melodious voice joined the conversation, Jimin giggling when he sunk into his chair just across from Namjoon. Annoyed with the buttons on his shirt, Jimin tugged the last one free, letting both sides of the garment hang loose.
Namjoon set his jaw in warning, already bracing himself for how insufferable Jimin would become with the arrival of the girl. Namjoon thought it was beneath him to interact with humans unless necessary, while Jimin preferred to see just how far he could push them. Jimin simply grinned back at Namjoon, slow and seductive, a muscle pulsing in the elder vampire’s cheek.
“Control yourself, Jimin. You’re on thin ice,” Seokjin leaned back in his chair, his voice airy and high. His voice had even forced Namjoon somewhat stiff. “Taehyung, have you contacted Berwind?”
The owner of the estate the coven currently called home made his entrance, still in his tweed suit from earlier. Taehyung looked exactly like he did in the portrait of himself hanging above the grand staircase. It’s like time, for Taehyung, stopped in 1869.
“Wait, why?” Hoseok straightened up, with distaste on his face when Taehyung took the opposite head of the table– across from Seokjin. “That guy is a blowhard.”
“Well, the blowhard might be our newest partner for marine affairs. You want a new ship, do you not?” Taehyung pointed out blandly, rubbing the grayish veins over his temples. “We’re going to have to host a party soon. He won’t agree to anything unless we get a selection of acolytes and fine wine.”
“She has five more minutes…” Seokjin murmured to himself, secretly wishing Nadia would give him an excuse to blow off steam. “Where is Jeongguk?”
“Hyung,” Namjoon cleared his throat to get Seokjin’s attention, pointing to the door leading into the butler’s pantry.
Jeongguk emerged, his hands shoved into his pockets as a very sheepish looking set of sous chefs followed him with silver trays.
“I don’t know why they expected us to eat food when the lack of blood has stolen our sense of taste,” Jeongguk drawled, a chef shakily placing a cordial glass in front of Seokjin.
It contained the remainder of the AB- sample, the acolyte’s blood. The glass was hardly on the table before Yoongi snatched it up, draining it in one go. Anything to relieve the ache. Even after five hundred years, Yoongi could never get used to the feeling of being starved.
“So sorry, Masters,” one of the chefs bowed, Namjoon’s eyes narrowing. Normally, he would have broken a limb for the forgetfulness, but he didn’t have it in him that evening. “Hors d'oeuvres will be out momentarily.”
Jeongguk scoffed, glancing curiously when Seokjin started tutting as the youngest vampire began to take his usual spot beside Namjoon.
“What’s wrong?”
“Leave a space between you and Namjoon-ah,” Seokjin ordered firmly. “The human will sit between you two, lest she decide to flee the table, you two will be able to restrain her swiftly.”
Jimin pouted, his lips stained with the blood he sipped from his cordial glass. Seokjin was about to get up to deal with Nadia failing to follow his order when every vampire in the room paused, clumsy footsteps hurrying in the direction of the dining room. Covered poorly by expensive perfume was the scent of unease, alcohol, and mortal vitality.
“Cutting it close, Nadia,” Seokjin purred, the maid blushing as she ushered the young acolyte into the dining room.
The girl, dressed in a velvet ruby cocktail dress, fidgeted with the short hem of the garment while gawking at the crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Her racing pulse was audible and visible; veins fluttering at the base of her throat.
“I apologize, Master Seokjin. I’m afraid Juliana and I got carried away with dressing Miss Y/N for dinner. It has been a while,” Nadia bowed, the human acolyte flinching when Jimin was abruptly at her side. “Please, enjoy dinner. I’ll take my leave, now.”
“Oh, our little dove! You’re in the Mugler dress, your maids chose so well…. Matches the rubies perfectly,” Jimin cooed while poking the choker around her neck, the rest of the vampires knowing that there was nothing sweet about Jimin’s approval. Jimin, despite the raised brow from Seokjin that was directed towards him, took up one of Y/N’s trembling hands, dragging her further into the room.
“Thank you,” Y/N breathed, intimidated and sounding like she was far from flattered. Jimin delighted in the way her body completely locked up with his touch, her palm slick with perspiration.
Stumbling in her heels, Y/N had no choice but to be escorted to the table by Jimin, her large eyes widening when she realized who she was to be seated between. Pulling out her chair like a perfect gentleman, Y/N snatched her hand back as soon as she tumbled onto the velvet cushion. Jimin didn’t seem to care, simply smirking, stalking back to his own place at the table. There was a pause, Y/N glancing around the room at both the fine decorations and the vampires, fingers still twitching at her dress hemline. It was likely she hadn’t worn something so revealing before.
Y/N blinked when her sight landed on one of the heads of the table, the vampire in the portrait on the staircase staring back at her blankly. He looked precisely like he had in the painting, down to the light-colored suit. Sure, his face was a bit more drawn and he was much paler, but it was almost like he stepped out of the canvas like a realm-walker.
Nervously, she peeked to the left, where Namjoon was, the vampire taking a sip of a red liquid from a small glass, his leather gloves still on his large hands. He caught her gaze from the corner of his sharpened eyes, Y/N knowing at once what he was drinking– far too viscous to be wine, too red, it had to be blood. Whose blood it was, exactly, Y/N hoped she’d never know.
“It’s yours, of course, remnants of the sample. Humans are so dim,” Jeongguk easily read her thoughts, not even having to put in effort to enter her mind. Even with the lack of effort, he could tell Y/N was uncomfortable with him probing around in her skull, the girl wincing and rubbing her forehead.
“Do not sap her of energy yet, Jeongguk. She must eat so she can be useful,” Seokjin sighed, still tasting her on his tongue. Though she was malnourished, her blood was still the finest he had tasted in centuries.
“What were they feeding you at that sanctimonious dump, pet?” Hoseok, still lazily slouching, drawled. Y/N hesitated, not knowing whether or not to reply, making Hoseok grow impatient. “Speak when spoken to. Articulate.”
“U-uh, um… organ meats, mostly. Lentils and kale,” Y/N squeaked, her complexion a touch green.
“Poor little dove. How repulsive,” Jimin pouted, the expression teasing.
Y/N opened her mouth, fidgeting in her seat, Taehyung watching her mortal movements with fascination– they could never quite sit still. Before she could speak again, squirming under the weight of seven ruby gazes, staff members dressed in suits and white gloves came from the butler’s pantry carrying dishes. One of the staff members was carrying a silver ice-bucket with a bottle of wine, Y/N eagerly waiting for more alcohol to take the edge off. Whatever she had earlier had long since worn off.
“Good evening, Masters, Miss Y/N,” a man in a chef’s uniform began, standing beside Seokjin at the head of the table. “Tonight’s hors d'oeuvres is oysters rockefeller with Sambuca and garlic-buttered sautéed spinach, paired with Clos des Bouquinardieres Muscadet. Please enjoy.”
Jeongguk laughed when he read Y/N’s mind trying to wrap around unfamiliar words. Rubbing her forehead again, she stared at the odd thing placed in front of her. As someone poured wine for her– to her disappointment, only about an inch of liquid splashing into the glass– she was immensely curious about the seashell placed delicately on a tiny plate, containing something breaded within.
“Never had seafood before?” Hoseok raised a dark eyebrow, ignoring the oyster and going straight for his wine.
“This is seafood?” Y/N blurted, Jimin finding her innocence quite entertaining. She was like a young girl he’d write as his heroine in one of his tragedies. Hoseok, however, glared at Y/N’s failure to answer his question. “I’ve just had t-tuna before… M-master Hoseok.”
“Master! Look at that, the pet is already learning her place,” Hoseok’s laugh was boisterous, bouncing off of the great walls, a thin whimper leaving from the back of Y/N’s throat. Namjoon had heard whimpers like that millions of times: pure, involuntary fear. It made him smile behind the rim of his wine glass.
“Enough. Eat,” Seokjin’s voice was a hiss, plucking up the small fork specifically for shellfish. “Yoongi. I want you to get in touch with some artists in Italy. We’ll invite them here when we host Berwind, you know how much he loves being in the company of talent.”
Yoongi chewed the oyster thoroughly, relieved that he could actually taste the flavor after just a small sip of the acolyte’s blood. All of the painters Yoongi once knew, the ones he actually wished could be present during a party, were long since dead and gone. He’d have to write to modern artists, who would be frothing at the mouth for an opportunity to meet Yoongi. What a bore.
“I’ve seen Gianluca Traina, his work isn’t half-bad. I can reach out to him and Agostino Iacurci,” Yoongi leaned back, letting a staff member take his plate. His hands itched to paint, loathing that he’d have to sit through eleven more courses. In particular, as he watched the young human girl cautiously raise a fork to her mouth, he wanted to capture how she looked when she tasted a flavor brand-new to her. “They’re no Boticelli or Michelangelo, though.”
“Too bad your mentor wasn’t turned,” Namjoon spoke up, though Yoongi knew Namjoon really didn’t care one way or the other.
“Da Vinci would have hated the modern age,” Yoongi muttered nonchalantly, Namjoon scoffing at the name-drop. Not that the human would have known who the artist was, Namjoon confirming that she had no idea who Leonardo da Vinci was when she peered at Yoongi vacantly, draining her wine glass with a shaky grip.
Y/N felt the wine burning in her stomach, stuck between relieved that she was being ignored for the moment and filled with anticipation for the next time the attention would be on her.
“Next we have the amuse-bouche. Pickled baby beets with herbed goat cheese, candied kumquats and basil chiffon. With it we have Sancerre.”
The chef reappeared, the next small plate and glass of wine placed before Y/N. The food, so far, were like works of art, and Y/N almost felt bad eating it. Especially when she thought about the bland, mushy pile of goo her fellow acolytes at the Sanctuary were picking at while she ate like a queen.
Mercifully, all the vampires talked about for quite some time was the event they were planning for the following week, and they left Y/N alone. Her guard was not coming down any time soon, so she stayed quiet as a mouse through each course.
Acorn squash soup garnished with pepitas, purple radish microgreens and sage oil with prosecco. Native lobster, roasted heritage carrots, carrot puree, buttermilk puree, spiced crumb and chardonnay. Kale and brussels sprout salad with maple-candied pecans, honeycrisp apples, pomegranate and lemon vinaigrette with sauvignon blanc. Ingredients, flavors, and textures Y/N never even dreamed of before. By the time she stuffed the last slice of apple from her salad into her mouth, Y/N was already feeling quite satiated, and the wine was dizzying up her head. Or perhaps it was Jeongguk still fishing though her mind.
“Seven more courses, human. Don’t think you can leave this table before then,” Jeongguk reminded her mildly, her suspicions confirmed. Thankfully, she caught herself before she could grumble at him.
“Tell me, little girl. Did you spend your entire life in that Sanctuary?” Seokjin asked, curious about how much she knew about vampires. That, and he was concerned about her purity; though judging by her innocence, he didn’t predict that to be too much of a problem.
“No, Master Seokjin,” Y/N replied, apprehensive towards a round of questioning.
Swallowing, Y/N glanced down at the fish that was just delivered to her, stomach turning. She found it hard to look at any of the vampires for too long, but Seokjin’s face was so hauntingly beautiful, it hurt to look at.
“I was brought to the Sanctuary ten years ago, when I was fifteen. I grew up on the outskirts of town and was raised by my grandmother. When she passed away, I drifted until I was caught by wardens who were testing human’s blood types on the street.”
“I’ve noticed those vans around town. Wardens drive them around looking for new acolytes,” Jeongguk remarked helpfully, when Hoseok looked distantly confused.
“You have the rarest blood type in the world. How is it that you were not immediately sent to a Sanctuary upon your birth? It is the law,” Seokjin was frowning, extremely annoyed. Fifteen years of alluding a system set up so meticulously led him to believe she’d be wayward.
“I was born off of the grid, not in a hospital. My grandmother faked my blood results later on, when we were visited by Sanctuary wardens,” Y/N spoke softly, too afraid to raise her voice. She didn’t like the sharpened edge to Seokjin’s tone.
“I don’t understand how an elderly woman could have pulled that off,” Hoseok said, his mouth flattened into a line. “What happened to your parents, pet?”
Y/N flinched, reluctant to give up a vulnerability to the predators. She knew she wouldn’t be able to conceal her thoughts, however, with Jeongguk still prying into her head. With the fish cleared away, a roasted chicken was put in front of her– this time, with a glass of red wine. Before answering Hoseok, she sucked down the velvety liquid.
“My mother died in childbirth, I never knew her. Apparently my father was just a fling, I didn’t know him, either. It was just me and grandma,” Y/N pushed a strand of pasta around on her plate, doodling shapes with the tip of her fork in the creamy sauce.
“The little dove is an orphan. How tragic,” Jimin’s excitement was paramount. There was nothing he loved more than a heroine with an ill–fated past. Y/N was disturbed by the twinkle in his eyes, barely able to finish the rest of her chicken.
“Um, it’s alright. You can’t really miss what you never knew,” Y/N spoke impulsively, like she was talking to Joseph or Meredith rather than seven vampires who were effectively perfect, lethal strangers.
“Adorable,” Jimin gushed, licking his lips. Yoongi, beside Jimin, pinched the bridge of his nose, exasperated with Jimin’s theatrics. It came naturally to Jimin, being a writer of dramas and screenplays, so Yoongi couldn’t actually fault him for it, but it was dreadful to withstand.
Blood rushed to Y/N’s face, the three youngest vampires in the dining room becoming coiled and ready to pounce. Seokjin simply held up his hand disinterestedly, a silent order for the fledglings to get control of themselves.
“Oh! What’s this?” Y/N had become incredibly loosened up thanks to the seven various wines she tasted over the course of the evening, cocking her head at the small silver dish placed in front of her.
“Miss, it’s a lime sorbet with mint to cleanse the palate before the second main course,” A staff member poured a bubbly wine into a skinny flute for her, presenting a miniature spoon for Y/N to use.
“Sor-bet…” Y/N repeated slowly, scooping up some of the treat, the iciness washing over her tongue bizarre and making her audibly exclaim. A frozen sweet wasn’t something she was able to have at the Sanctuary, and it brought a tear to her eye.
“They brought out the Dom Perignon, what do they think, we have the Pope here?” Hoseok lifted his champagne flute to his face, watching the bubbles dance in the glass.
“Is it expensive?” Y/N dared to ask, a distant part of her screaming to shut up. Hoseok’s expression darkened when she addressed him, so she instantly corrected herself. “Master Hoseok.”
“Taehyung will only drink expensive wines. That champagne you so hastily gulped down is the most expensive vintage wine that money can buy, pet,” Hoseok smirked, Y/N becoming embarrassed that she did, in fact, knock the drink back.
“You paint me as a snob,” Taehyung frowned, earning a dry chuckle from Jeongguk.
“Take a look around this place, for Christ’s sake. Of course you’re a snob,” Jeongguk remarked, gesturing around the lavish dining room they were seated in.
Y/N was positively stuffed. In fact, she clasped a hand over her mouth when a rack of lamb and rice replaced her empty sorbet dish, not wanting to eat another bite. She felt if she did, the velvet dress she was in would rip open.
“You will eat it all,” Seokjin barked when Y/N made no motion to pick up her fork, the sound making her flinch into Namjoon’s thick shoulder. The vampire stiffened, a disgusted look on his face, Y/N’s skin flashing with heat. “You will eat it, or I’ll allow Jimin to go over there and force-feed you.”
That threat terrified Y/N, Jimin’s grin widening when she caught his eye. Without another second spared, Y/N began cutting through the meat, much to Jimin’s disappointment. With a bereft sigh, Jimin leaned on his elbows, craving some trouble he could stir up.
Diligently, Y/N picked her way through the final courses, nearly gagging on the rich chocolate truffles that ended the meal. She was laughed at again– that time by Hoseok, when she asked if she could really eat the ‘gold leaf’ dusted on top of the dessert. The final drink that was offered was an espresso ‘martini’, which is what careened Y/N out of tipsiness and straight into dizzy intoxication. Giggling for no particular reason, Y/N started folding her napkin into different shapes, forgetting who her company was.
“She’s a pretty little dove, isn’t she?” Jimin held his face in his hands, ravenous even though he had plenty of human food in his stomach.
“Those words are familiar,” Jeongguk deadpanned, Yoongi spotting where things were going a mile away.
“I bet she’d look pretty all drained, too. Like the last girl,” Jimin’s voice was dreamy, and it was fortunate that Y/N was too distracted by her cocktail to pick up on what he was going on about.
“Watch it,” Jeongguk warned, not wanting to end the evening with Jimin’s dramatics.
“Oh, come now, Jeongguk… don’t you want to pin her down, fangs in her throat?” Venom flooded into Jimin’s mouth, watching Y/N’s pulse fluttering at the base of her throat. “We could always find another, too, after we drain her. You take a wrist, I’ll–”
“Namjoon-ah,” Seokjin interrupted quietly, looking up towards the chandelier. The whole table went silent, Jimin’s mouth slamming shut, regret all over his sculpted face. With a grunt, Namjoon stood from his seat, slowly stalking around the table.
Y/N’s attention towards the vampires was recaptured when she noticed Namjoon, eyes dark and determined, approaching Jimin. The silence deafening, Y/N watched curiously when Namjoon bent low, face close to Jimin’s. Even Y/N could sense Jimin’s fear, and it made her instantly nauseous.
Namjoon gripped Jimin’s sculpted jaw, his gloved hands rough against Jimin’s skin, and for a moment, Y/N thought Namjoon was going to kiss the younger vampire. Narrowing his eyes, Namjoon squeezed Jimin’s jaw, Jimin going absolutely rigid when they made eye contact, the martini glass Jimin was holding shattering in his grasp. Horrified, Y/N watched Jimin shake, eyebrows scrunched up in agony, and she realized Namjoon was using his ‘gift’ on Jimin. For what, she wasn’t sure, but it was terrifying that he could inflict so much pain on even a vampire.
“Enough,” Seokjin called, Namjoon releasing Jimin’s jaw at once, and the younger vampire gasped for breath, his body sagging over the table. “I told you you were on thin ice, Jimin.”
“Sorry,” Jimin heaved, only apologetic because he had to suffer from Namjoon’s Pain Illusion. The sensation of being burned alive was unbearable, but he didn’t regret what he said. Besides, it was trouble that he was craving earlier.
“No you’re not,” Namjoon hissed, Y/N unable to process how scary Namjoon looked, standing beside Seokjin with his arms crossed. Y/N swore to herself, in that very moment, she would do everything in her power to avoid Namjoon using Pain Illusion on her.
“Can we wrap this evening up now?” Yoongi asked, peeved. He wanted to isolate, to paint.
“Not yet,” Seokjin twirled an empty wine glass contemplatively, his eyes then on Y/N. “Come here, little girl.”
“W-what? Why?” Y/N asked with dread, still nauseous. Seokjin clicked his tongue, agitated.
Come here, little girl.
That time, Seokjin’s voice was in her head rather than out loud. Forgetting that he could use Compulsion, she felt her skin crawling hearing his dulcet tones inside of her head. Staring at her expectantly, Y/N was frozen in her seat. Seokjin snapped his fingers, and Namjoon rounded the table again, hooking one of his gloved hands under Y/N’s bicep. Roughly hauling her to her feet, she was effectively dragged to the head of the table, Y/N starting to hyperventilate and panic. Namjoon’s grip was bruising, her skin smarting when he let her go.
Seokjin’s voice in her mind was firm and authoritative, spreading his legs expectantly. Y/N’s eyes bugged out of her head– there was no way on God’s green planet she was sitting on that vampire’s lap. Still borderline hysterical, she did the only thing she could think of: beg and plead.
“P-please, please. Don’t hurt me,” Y/N had a tear running down her cheek, Seokjin’s expression hardening at the sight.
Sit down.
Suddenly, Y/N’s spine went rigid. Seokjin’s mental suggestion didn’t seem so bad, then. Even though she was still crying and breathing heavily, her body moved on its own, lowering herself onto one of Seokjin’s thighs. The power of his suggestion, his Compulsion, was impossible to override, so embarrassingly, she was perched on Seokjin’s lap. The vampire curled a hand around her waist, his hold ironclad, to keep her in place. Panic setting in further, Y/N continued to beg the eldest vampire pathetically.
“Please, I’m begging you,” Y/N whimpered, Seokjin setting his wine glass down and tracing his fingers over a steak knife beside it.
“Jeongguk, Taehyung,” Seokjin sighed, exhausted. The little girl was proving to be difficult, so he’d need some persuasion to keep her quiet. Confused, Y/N looked at Jeongguk, more tears slipping down her face when she felt him worming her way into her memories.
“I do not know if you’re aware how a coven operates…” Seokjin began, Y/N finding it hard to focus on his voice while Jeongguk was in her head. “But as the head of the coven, I must be the first to bite you. However, my covenmates… they’re starving.”
Chest heaving, Y/N hated the sturdy feeling of Seokjin’s chest pressed against her back. He was cold, plucking up the steak knife and totally indifferent to her hysteria.
“Y/N, it’s okay!” A familiar, cheery voice had her head snapping in an opposite direction, pure amazement washing over her at the sight of the person across the table.
It was Joseph, from the Sanctuary, dressed in his usual white linens and grinning at her. The sight of him had her tears drying up, even if she had no idea how her friend had gotten there. She didn’t even notice he had taken the spot that Taehyung once sat in.
What Y/N wasn’t aware of was how Joseph managed to arrive at The Breakers. It was simple: Jeongguk found memories of Joseph in the acolyte’s mind, Seokjin pried the image of Joseph from Jeongguk’s report, and sent it to Taehyung, who then Glamored himself as the acolyte’s friend. The visual of her former friend was enough to have Y/N calming down somewhat, Taehyung keeping up the act by using words that ‘Joseph’ would.
“I bet that meal was a lot better than the Sanctuary slop. We had canned tuna tonight.”
“Joey? How did you get here?” Y/N breathed, watching Joseph (Taehyung) push a hand through his dark curls, one of his common habits.
You are going to be calm while I do this.
Seokjin’s voice, a siren’s call in her brain, told her. She wasn’t entirely focused on the vampire whose lap she was sitting in, hardly aware that he was holding onto her wrist with a cold hand. All of her panic went away instantly, melting on Seokjin’s lap, limp for him.
“Just visiting. Actually, it’s really nice here, isn’t it?” Joseph replied, Taehyung wondering just how close the two of them were as he saw Y/N through Joseph’s eyes.
“I-I guess?” Y/N answered, still staring at her friend in disbelief. She froze when she felt something cold and sharp against her wrist, looking down to see that Seokjin had the steak knife against her skin. “Wait, what are you–”
“Y/N, I think you’ll be happy!” Her friend interrupted, distracting her. Taehyung inwardly smirked at how easy it was to fool her.
“H-how? Ah!” Y/N yelped, Seokjin dragging the knife’s blade across her flesh, cutting into the skin. A three inch long gash was created, blood immediately spilling down her palm, Y/N out-of-body when Seokjin placed her wrist over the empty wine glass.
“Look at me, Y/N. It’s alright. Hey, remember when we used to weed the garden together and see who could pull out the most dandelions?”
“Uh-huh,” Y/N’s voice was far away, somehow relaxed in Seokjin’s arms and talking to her friend even though her wrist was just slit. Joseph was right, it was alright, everything was okay, and she’d be fine. “You’d always win.”
“That’s right, squirt. You could never beat me.”
His nickname for her had a stab of pain rocking through her. It really was Joseph!
“J-joey,” Y/N began, feeling lightheaded from the blood flowing from the gash on her wrist. “What were you trying to tell me when they took me away?”
Joseph seemed puzzled, Taehyung unfortunately not having an answer. Thinking on his feet, he composed himself, leaning forward, and came up with a response the girl would likely be satisfied with.
“Oh, I said that I’d write to you every week. That I’d never forget you.”
Y/N didn’t reply, her expression wiping blank. Taehyung didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Surprisingly, Jeongguk couldn’t even decipher what she was thinking when he probed into her skull. All he felt coming from the girl was deep remorse.
Then, Seokjin lifted her wrist again. Trembling, she turned to get a look at his perfect face, gasping sharply when the vampire brought her hand close to his face. Full lips parting, his tongue dragged along the cut he made on her wrist, and Y/N gawked in awe as she watched Seokjin’s eye color go from rusty to deep, dark red.
“Vampire venom can cauterize wounds,” Taehyung’s low voice rang out, and when Y/N turned her head, Joseph was gone and Taehyung had returned to his seat. It was then that she realized she had been deceived, and her heart dropped. Joseph was never truly there, it was Taehyung Glamoring himself to make her docile.
“Pass it around,” Seokjin spoke from behind her, his grip likely leaving a deep bruise on the small of her waist while Namjoon reached for the wine glass– nearly full to the brim with her blood.
With horror, Y/N watched Namjoon take a deep gulp from the glass, color returning to his skin which took on a golden tone. His eyes, too, became richer in color, and in a daze, Y/N was still as the glass made its way around the table, each of the vampires seemingly coming back to life as soon as her blood touched their lips.
Stay still, little girl.
Seokjin, still ordering her around mentally, started to gather her hair in one of his fists, pushing it over her shoulder to expose the column of her neck. Helplessly, all Y/N could do was squeeze her eyes shut, knowing what was coming.
A pair of cold, but plush, lips parted against her throat, the eldest vampire collecting her in his arms firmly as razor-sharp fangs brushed her skin. Gripping the edge of the dining table, she shrieked when she felt Seokjin’s fangs sink into her neck.
There was a stinging sensation– probably the venom– but a head-to-toe pain flooded through her all at once. It was repulsive to feel Seokjin’s temperature immediately heat up, his chest becoming warm like a human’s, all because of her blood flowing into his mouth. Unable to move due to his supernatural strength keeping her caged, she felt hot tears pouring down her cheeks while Seokjin latched onto her. The recognizable sensation of blood leaving her body, the sensation she hated more than anything, was intensified now that it was literally being sucked out of her.
“Please,” Y/N wheezed, broken. Everything was spinning, and her vision was dimming.
Finally, Seokjin’s fangs retracted, the girl like a rag doll in his lap when he used his tongue to stop the bite from bleeding further. Though she was slight, simple, and weak, her blood was life-giving, and some of the best blood he had ever tasted. The emotion he was feeling, using the back of his hand to clean up the trail of blood dripping down his chin, was comparable to human amazement that he hadn’t felt for over eight hundred years.
Y/N was completely shaken. Over the course of several minutes, she was manhandled and maimed, deceived and manipulated, and bitten. It was more horrible than she ever could have imagined, her head fuzzy and the side of her throat throbbing painfully.
Get up.
Seokjin’s voice haunted her, and she never wanted to hear it again. She knew, however, it was just the beginning of him residing in her mind, and it made her want to use the bloodied steak knife he used on her to cut her own throat. His mental suggestion was so powerful that she actually ended up struggling to her feet, finally out of the eldest vampire’s proximity.
“What did I tell you all? She’s a good little pet,” Hoseok, the picture of vitality with her blood in his system, chuckled, Y/N’s knees buckling before she collapsed on the floor.
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"You accidentally start your period in the middle of the night next to your boyfriend, who just so happens to be a vampire with a way too sensitive sense of smell."
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x f.Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, Smut
Warnings: Hard Dom & very desperate!Yoongi, sub & whiney!Reader, rough sex, she’s a tease, he shows her his truest face, period sex, lotsa period blood, they kiss with her blood on his lips, messy oral (f.receiving), that's the closest you will get to Yoongi drinking her blood, and of course it's nothing but pussy wetting porn, multiple forced orgasms (f.receiving), his demon tongue is making an appearance, squirting, she uses her safeword to get a break and Yoongi gives it to her, then after some bickering and snuggles the fucking continues jsjsj, strength kink, choking (f.receiving), scratching & hair pulling (m.receiving), graphic dirty talk, praise & degradation, they’re both masochists, Yoongi also shows his sadistic side, he calls her slut & brat, but also babygirl & princess, he rails the shit outta her while his face is covered in her blood fjadsf, he has his huge vampire cock out <3, he also talks about pumping her full of his cum, he is so unhinged, I'm telling you this is craziness, this is once again monster fucker smut ehehe, he domdrops but she gives him affection <3, the softest aftercare and both being giggly, this is reason 666 why I want a vampire boyfriend
Wordcount: 5.7k
a/n: This is nothing but pussy madness, I will not apologize. I was in a mood and you guys are gonna bear witness to it. Enjoy this no brain just pussy story 🤪
You have been slumbering peacefully when a harsh shake wakes you.
“No”, you grumble, getting shaken around again mere seconds later.
“___ wake up”, Yoongi’s voice sound stressed.
With a groan, you let him roll you to your back.
“Too sleepy”, you mumble.
“Fucking hell, open your eyes”, he hisses and groans.
At that you open your eyes because Yoongi normally never snaps at you like that. You blink a few times. He turned the nightstand lamp on, giving view to his distressed features.
“What’s wrong?” you ask him.
“I think you should go to the bathroom, princess”, he says, licking his lips.
“Why should I go to the bathroom? You silly kitten, I don’t even have to pee”, you mumble and close your eyes again, settling into the pillow comfortably.
“Go to the bathroom. Please. I can’t bear to be next to you”, Yoongi stresses.
You open your eyes, studying his distressed features.
“I’m confused. What do you mean? Do I stink?”
“On the contrary”, he whispers, croaks even, all while his fingers are digging into your shoulder in a desperate massage.
“You’re so silly”, you mumble, closing your eyes again, “why do you want me to leave when I smell nice?”
“Because you temptatious woman started your period, for fuck’s sake and I currently wanna fucking ruin you”, he hisses the words, not out of anger but pure desperation.
You open your eyes, meeting his blown out pupils and ruby irises.
“No princess, not hot”, he hisses, “fuck, stop thinking everything is hot. This is serious business.”
“Yeah, bloody serious.”
Yoongi grinds his teeth, sending you an annoyed look. You grin.
“Come on Yoongi, you must admit that joke was good.”
“No. It was terrible. Fuck”, he groans and rolls out bed, “I’m taking a walk. You’re too much.”
You sit up, trying to ignore the wetness between your legs.
“Don’t leave please.”
He turns, giving view to his massive fangs and black veins. You rub your soaked thighs together at the view.
“Please take care of me”, you try.
“Excuse me?”
“Help me clean up, please.”
“Clean it up yourself. You don’t know what I could do to you.”
“I’m sure it’s fun.”
“It’s not.”
Yoongi sneaks a glance at your middle. There is the smallest spot of red between your legs where you leaked. He gulps. He has been around many of your periods. He smelled the change and felt even more drawn to you during those times, but nothing could have prepared him for tonight. When he got forcefully woken up by you starting your period accidentally and soaking the sheets with the sweetest scent he has ever smelled. His head is pounding and his muscles burn from tensing them oh so much. He is so close to losing his mind, feeling on edge.
“Don’t tempt me. Just clean up.”
“Okay”, you say, removing the blanket from your body. It reveals your soaked legs and pussy to his eyes.
The intensity of your scent makes him stumble.
“Fuck”, he barely gets out with all the saliva in his mouth. He throws his hand over his nose, “please close your legs.”
“But it’s so uncomfortable to close my legs”, you whine.
“Stop playing”, he spits, “what do you want from me? Do you want me to break?”
“Because I need you”, you part your legs, “need you so bad.”
Yoongi shakes, tenses his body, growls. He is panting heavily, dripping saliva on the floor.
“Please? I can’t do it myself”, you beg, writhing on the sheets sensually.
“Urgh!” he lets out in an angry roar and moves.
He is on top of you, pinning you down with a strong grip and bruising your wrists on accident. It knocks the air out of you, but more than anything it makes you moan and arch into him. You writhe, fighting his grip with minimal effort. It results in his long fingers closing around your wrists tighter and his nose scrunching up as he growls in warning.
“That’s better”, you rasp, eyes glued to his dripping fangs.
“You are the worst ever”, he spits, “why do you have to push my buttons so much?”
“It’s fun”, you give him a little smile, parting your lips as you do.
Yoongi looks at it and squeezes your wrists.
“Are you sure? I’m fucking serious, are you sure?” he asks.
“I’m so sure.”
“Snowdrop’s your only hope, fucking say it the second I get too much”, he lulls the words.
“Yeah okay”, you whisper, parting your legs. You feel how that makes new blood leak out of you and on other nights it would have embarrassed you, but not tonight. Not when Yoongi growls at the scent of it and convulses on top of you as he fights his most natural instincts.
“Fuck”, he presses out and then he is gone from you. One second of nothingness, then his hot mouth is latched onto your pussy.
“Ah!” you squeak out, lifting your head in surprise. You writhe, locking eyes with him.
His brows are furrowed, his hair messy and his eyes dark red. He is pinning you down, watching you like a hunter would its prey. You reach down to twist his hair, but Yoongi breaks away from you.
Your redness covers his lower face messily.
“Holy fuck”, he speaks with two voices in his throat, panting like crazy, “holy fuck, that’s how you taste?”
“Yes?” you act shy on purpose, “is it bad?”
“Shut the fuck up, you know exactly that it’s heaven. Holy fuck”, he spits and grips your legs to open them widely. He digs his strong hands into the back of your knees, forcing your legs to bend and press into the sheets beside you.
The sudden stretch makes you mewl.
“I’m fucking insane for doing this”, he is talking to himself, “this is fucking insane”, he spits and latches himself back onto your pussy.
“Yoongi god”, you mewl, squirming desperately as your legs try to close in instinct. He is swirling his tongue over your messy entrance, lapping up your blood as demonic growls rumble in his throat. He is holding you with such strength that the contact points where his long fingers meet your thighs start to ache. You don’t want him to let go for even one second, arching into him with your toes curling.
Yoongi doesn’t drink your blood. He said so. The fight you had about it still comes back to haunt you sometimes. You know that he would never drink from you. So to have him growl and moan between your legs while his long tongue cleans you messily is the closest you will get to the ecstasy that is offering your blood to him.
And you can’t handle it. You are still so droopy and disoriented from deep sleep and now you have wet, aggressive warmth lapping at your pussy. You arch your back and twist Yoongi’s hair. You can’t handle how good this makes you feel.
“Holy fuck, slow down”, you moan desperately, hating your legs for shaking against your will.
“Shut up”, Yoongi growls into you, pinning your hips down in warning, “I’m not doing that.”
“Yoongi”, you whimper, squirming in his strong hold fruitlessly. He’s got you pinned. No amount of wiggling will free you now. You have to take what he gives you. Even if it borders too much, “holy shit. Oh god, fuck.”
Yoongi uses his entire mouth on your pussy. Now bear in mind, he does that on calm days as well. He’s got the lips for it as well. Soft and pouty, just puffy enough to feel you up and so incredibly hungry for you. He sucks and kisses and grinds against your dripping pussy each time he eats you out, but tonight he is manic in the way he does it. He can’t stop sucking with such vigour that it makes your legs twitch and as he does, he growls deeply, murmuring graphic curses each time he comes up for air.
“This is heaven, this is fucking heaven”, he spits, smothering himself with your pussy as he laps at your entrance again. His button nose grinds against your clit that way, forcing a loud mewl out of you. You smell so good, Yoongi wants the scent to coat every single cell in his nose.
You grip his hair with your second hand as well. Yoongi moans because as much as you try to pull him away, you end up pushing him closer. You fucking love it when he’s rough. You can’t lie to him. Not to him. Not when he’s the only fucking person who can make you moan like this.
“Yoongi please, Yoongi please, Yoongi. Please.”
He knows that you don’t even know what you’re begging for. You just beg when he goes down on you.
Good. Beg.
He fucking loves it when you do. He loves how he ruins you, how he turns you dumb and how he makes you his' without even trying. He just has to swirl his tongue just right and you are moaning his name.
Yoongi furrows his brows and pulls your hips onto his face. Your sweet scent is suffocating him. Your pussy smells heavenly on normal days, but this is insane. This is fucking insane. Yoongi feels delirious, fucking the mattress so harshly that he managed to push down his own briefs. The sheets are grinding against his cock and rubs him sore. It hurts, but he can’t stop. The harsh friction is the only thing keeping him sane. At least a little.
He is very far from being sane right now. He is high on your blood and your pussy. Yoongi wiggles his head and grinds his nose over your clit in sync with his tongue slipping into you.
“N-not this. It’s too good”, you squeak, trying to close your legs but Yoongi forces them open.
“Hey”, he spits, “don’t you fucking dare close them. You fucking hear me?”
You stare at his blackened out eyes and the black veins spanning all the way down to his neck. Even the veins on his neck are darkened, pulsing quickly. The view makes you weak, but nothing ruins you as much as the view of his lower face. Your blood is covering him. Red nectar against ivory skin and black veins. Red lips puffy and pulled back enough to reveal his long fangs to you.
“Yoongi”, you whimper.
“Are we understood?” he spits, pushing your legs apart even more.
You cry up from the stretch, squeezing your eyes shut and throwing your head back as best as possible.
“Yes”, you mewl, “yes, yes, I’m- yes.”
“Good girl. Misbehaving isn’t gonna get you anywhere”, he growls and returns to his favourite spot. He pins you against him and slips his tongue back into your pussy.
“Holy fuck.”
Yoongi agrees with a loud growl. His voice is distorted in pleasure. He abandons one of your hips for the mere purpose of twisting the sheets beside your body. He can’t do it otherwise. This is too much. He is going too far. He knows how wrong it is and yet he can’t stop.
Your blood is covering every inch of his tongue, mixing with your sweet juices and Yoongi doesn’t know how to act. He sees eating your pussy as his favourite feed. He knows pussy doesn’t actually nourish him, but when he is between your legs and fucks your pussy with his mouth, he gets at least enough satisfaction that he feels sated for a few days.
But this is different. This is actually feeding him. Your blood gives him nourishment. It coats his throat and runs through his veins. And Yoongi feels so fucking wrong doing it, but he can’t stop.
He digs for more of your taste, letting his tongue grow in your pussy. It pulsates and throbs as it does. This is the closest you’ll get to feeling a heartbeat from him. His wet, girthy tongue pulsating deep in your pussy as he pumps it into you quickly. This is how alive you make him feel.
“Yoongi”, you moan and sob, “Yoongi, I’m cumming.”
Yoongi doesn’t slow down. Yoongi growls into your pussy like a maniac. Yoongi hate fucks the mattress. Yoongi grinds his nose against your clit. And Yoongi thrusts his pulsating tongue into you until he can’t go any further.
“Yoongi!” you orgasm instantly. Fuck, he is forcing you so hard, making your entire body shake. You whimper and gasp, pulling his hair desperately. Yoongi cares rather little, moving his head against you while his fucked up tongue is fucking into you as deeply as possible. It feels thick and throbbing inside you, curling oh so deep, you wonder if what he is doing to you is healthy.
“Yoongi please”, you sob, writhing on the mattress. Your orgasm burns so deep and he doesn’t give you any chance to recover. He fucks and licks and sucks while his strong hand keeps you pinned to him and his other hand rips the sheets.
It’s not healthy what he does to you. He is aware of how fucking sick it is. He is right at the source, the small spot where your blood leaps out of you. He can’t go any further than that, grinding the flat of his tongue against it quickly but with all the care in the world. He knows that this spot is incredibly sensitive and that one wrong move would end in you hurting instead of shaking. It feels like fire under his tongue. Wet, hot and incredibly soft fire.
“Yoongi please”, and you continue begging, losing your vision from just how far he pushes you. You know that he is deep. You can feel it. It feels almost like too much and yet like not enough.
He presses down on an especially sensitive spot, making your body convulse desperately.
“Yoong- plea- ah!” words aren’t meant to be finished by you. Not when Yoongi forces yet another orgasm out of you. It is short, hotter than fire and so strong you fear you might snap your spine from arching your back so aggressively.
You feel dizzy afterwards. Dizzy, out of breath, close to passing out. And Yoongi isn’t stopping. He fucks his tongue deeper and presses his fingers against your clit to rub her quickly.
“Oh god, no. Holy fuuuck”, you groaned the last word but ended up wailing his name afterwards. Your legs try to close again, Yoongi pushes them open instantly, punishing the mattress in your stead with an angry thrust. He knows you’re sensitive, but he doesn’t like you closing your legs.
You shouldn’t flee from him. This is his feeding time and it’s fucking rude to disturb him when he’s getting high so good that he feels dizzy.
“You demon”, you sob, convulsing on the sheets, “oh god, again. Yoongi, again.”
By now, Yoongi tastes no difference between your orgasm and your normal pussy. He is too delirious to distinguish between those tastes. Everything just fills him with ecstasy. Every single droplet he forces out of you and which coats his throbbing tongue, tastes like pure, concentrated heaven.
But you can distinguish between it. Oh how you can distinguish between it. You can’t breathe and your nerves are so sensitive that your legs ache. You know that you already squirted and your tummy is cramping so hard that it hurts. This is so torturous and you can’t handle another orgasm.
“Snowdrop please”, you beg.
Yoongi shoots up with his tongue normal and his eyes worried. They are dark brown and glassy. His face is sweaty and covered in your blood. The veins disappeared from his cheeks. His state shows you that even if he seemed so out of control, he never was. The master of perfect control rules over his body’s most instinctive nature so well that not even your orgasming, bloodied pussy could break him.
“My princess”, he croaks because eating your pussy like that ruined his voice, “I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?” he asks, wrapping you up in his strong arms. He litters your burning cheeks with tender kisses, rocking you from side to side, “did I hurt you? I’m so sorry, please don’t cry.”
“I’m fine, just…” you assure him, breathing heavily, “...you were a lot.”
“I’m sorry, holy fuck”, Yoongi cradles you against his chest, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, “I feel awful. Why did I do that? I’m so sorry you had to see this, I’ll never show it again.”
“No, you were awesome. It’s just a lot when you fucker don’t even let me breathe between orgasms. Like goddamn, I’m fighting for my life here”, you say, nudging him with the tip of your nose.
Yoongi can’t help but crack up, chuckling quietly. He squeezes you, letting out a terribly fragile whimper of relief.
“So you’re…not disgusted?” he asks quietly.
“Yoongi, I told you…” you lift your head, grinning up at him, “I’m the biggest monster fucker out there.”
His brows shoot up, “are you calling me a monster?”
“Duh? You were definitely one right now. Like look”, you show him your shaking knees, “I’m still shaking.”
He lowers his eyes shyly, “I’m not a monster”, he murmurs so cutely you feel the need to pin him down and smother him in kisses.
“You’re right, you’re my Yoongi Boongie”, you say, giggling happily as you bite into his soft cheek, “my sweetie, mwuah.”
“Your kisses are wet”, he murmurs, melting under you like the happiest sugardrop.
“My pussy’s wet too”, you throw back.
He scoffs, “really?” he sounds annoyed but it’s because he is flustered.
“Yeah. Wanna feel it?”
“But you said it was too much.”
“I’m good again, just want more of you.”
“I don’t know.”
You wrap your fingers around his cock lowering yourself to it so you can grind him right against you. You press him close with the flat of your palm against his cock, hugging his sensitive shaft with your soaked lips.
“Shit, princess”, he gasps, looking down at where you’re grinding against him. You are covered in blood, soiling his cock with it as well. The view makes his cock throb and he hates that it does. He shouldn’t be so weak for this view. He should be above this, he should have stopped caring about shit like this. And yet here he is with a throbbing cock and his chest heaving up and down quickly.
Yoongi growls and grips your hips, squeezing them tightly. You moan at the touch, pressing your dirtied pussy closer. Right where it feels the best for him. It forces him to growl and scrunch his nose up.
“It feels so good, I’m so wet.”
“You’re insatiable.”
“Says the Glutton.”
He frowns, but stops when you grind his frenulum right against your clit, “fuck, princess. Fuck.”
You moan in a high pitched voice, giving him big puppy eyes.
“Are you sure?” he asks.
“So sure. You?”
“Then stop being a pussy and fuck my pussy.”
“You’re so dangerous”, Yoongi growls, sitting up smoothly. He grips your hips roughly, tugging you closer. Like this you would just have to tilt your head and you could be kissing, “you’re gonna get yourself hurt one day, princess.”
“I’m a masochist. I’m into it”, you only partially joke, painting amusement onto his features.
“Fucking sink down on me before I have to force you”, he rasps.
“Kiss me”, you order.
Yoongi obeys instantly, kissing you deeply. You sink down with a moan, forcing his chest to rumble in a deep groan of total bliss.
“Yes princess, yes”, he encourages you, “shit, you’re so tight. You sure you’re good?”
“Yeah, good”, you promise, shutting him up by tongue kissing him as needily as possible. He tastes like you. Metallic. You shouldn’t like it that much, but you fucking do. You lick into his mouth, twisting his hair.
Yoongi reciprocates it gladly, groaning and sighing deliciously as you begin bouncing on his cock. A growl rumbles in his chest, the kiss breaks because you needed to gasp from the sensation.
“You like that?” he lulls.
“Yes, I ngng”, you mewl, squeezing your eyes shut.
“So tight, your pussy’s so tight”, he chants with his eyes closed in bliss. He is guiding the movements of your hips, tugging and pushing them in a fast, rough rhythm. You should know who fucks you that good, who controls the scene. You may be on top, but Yoongi is the one to conduct every single movement, every single sigh and moan and groan.
“Your cock’s so big, I’m so stuffed”, you tell him, swallowing his needy moan by kissing him again.
You just have to. Breathing may be hard and your hips may stutter because of it, but kissing him is all you need. His lips are addicting, his touch electrifying. His hands run to your lower back, painting goosebumps onto your skin with their touch. His stomach is grinding against your clit just enough that it feels like paradise after the amazing thing he did with his tongue. You’re so sensitive, writhing on top of him at the mere thought of it.
“Oh god”, you break the kiss to whimper, twisting his messy hair desperately. Your hips stutter, your legs shake, “Yoongi, it’s-”
“-difficult. I know”, he finishes your sentence, “I fucking ruined you, huh?” he taunts and grips you under your ass to hold you and thrust into you quickly. This is an easy task for such a monster like him and he is more than will to show you, “tell me how I ruined you. Tell me who tongue fucked your tasty, little pussy so good that you can’t walk now. Fucking tell me.”
“You”, you are sobbing into his neck, hugging him tightly. You have no idea why you decided to ride him because your body is still ruined and you are so weak that Yoongi has to actually hold you, but holy shit whatever demon possessed you, you are grateful for them. This is paradise. Hot, rough paradise, but paradise nonetheless.
“Say my fucking name.”
“That’s it. Fucking say it again.”
“Yes, fuck”, Yoongi growls and changes positions. He pins you down into the sheets, hovering over you with his eyes pitch black again. Your legs are around his waist, bouncing weakly on his back as he drills his cock into you. Your hands open and close on the sheets, having no home to call theirs.
Yoongi takes them and puts them around his neck, pinning you down with just one look.
“Hold onto me and don’t fucking let go”, he orders.
You whimper, spilling tears. You close your fingers around the back of his neck to the point where your nails dig into his skin.
Sharp pain shoots through his body. He growls and rewards you with even harsher thrusts.
“Yes babygirl, hurt me. Fucking make me bleed. Hear me?” he orders, nodding his head, “do you hear me?”
You nod your head with him, whimpering weakly.
“Yeah that’s right. Holy fuck”, he reveals his fangs in a snarl, “I wanna punish you so fucking bad. Look at what you’re doing to me. You disobedient, addictive brat”, he spits and shows you his anger with harsh thrusts and his right hand closing around your throat.
He cuts off most blood flow to your brain, stealing your breath not from contact to your wind pipe but from the mere sensation of having your clarity under the tips of his long fingers.
You begin squeaking, making sure of your promise of making him bleed by scratching down the nape of his neck.
Yoongi closes his fingers further, snarling deeply. You gasp and arch your back, feeling your eyes roll back in ecstasy. You are climaxing again. Yoongi doesn’t give a shit about it, even if you are scratching his back so deeply that parts of his skin gathered under your nail.
“Now you’re understanding, hm?” his voice is distorted in demonic pleasure, “you think you can open your slutty little legs and tempt me with your pussy and get away with it? You’re fucking playing with fire, princess and you know that.”
“Yoon- I-”
“Oh, I’m aware. You think I can’t feel your tight, little cunt throbbing around my cock?” he growls, fucking into you as far as his huge vampire cock allows him to, “but I don’t give a shit. You’re gonna keep cumming for me until I say that you’re done. Understood?”
You sob, writhing uncontrollably.
“Understood?” Yoongi stresses, giving your head a little shake to get you back to him.
Your eyes open and spill hot tears. Your hands close around his strong underarms and squeeze weakly.
“Yes”, you croak.
“That’s it. This is how I want you behaving. Stupid, little girl thinking you can push my buttons. Fuck, you piss me off”, he spits and lets go of your neck.
Blood shoots back to your head, forcing you to scream up because it causes the most aggressive and harsh chain reaction, forcing you to orgasm around his huge cock.
“Cum for me. Yes princess. Fucking cum for me, you bratty slut”, he encourages you, straightening up as he talks so he can lift your leg and twist you just enough that he can give it to you from the back.
You are resting on your tummy halfway, feeling dizzy. Your hips are lifted, your leg is bent around his waist and held by him. Your face is still visible to him as he twists your body into a slightly unnatural position. He knows you can take it. His left hand slips to your clit and begins rubbing circles into her. You sob and kick the air, twisting the sheets as he rearranges your insides.
“You’re so fucking good on that pussy shit”, he moans, staring down at you with his black veins spanning all the way down to his pecs. They cover his arms as well, throbbing each time he pulls your hips back onto his cock. Speaking of cock. The black veins are pulsating all over his girthy shaft as well, but you currently can’t see that.
You can’t see anything other than stars and unnamed colours. But Yoongi can see them. Their colour shines through the thick layer of blood which covers him. It’s so wet and red. It’s covering your inner thighs and ass, turning his lower body into a total mess as well.
Fuck, Yoongi feels his balls tighten at the view. He slips his hand to your ass and spreads it so he can see your stuffed pussy move around his dirtied cock. The view makes his head spin. He swore to never engage in these fucked up nights again. He spent too many centuries ruining his body with blood, sex and senseless drinking and now here he is, covered in your pretty blood and with his head pounding in pleasure. He is fucked up and the most fucked up part of it all was that he loved it.
He loves the view, loves the feeling of your hot, wet pussy and loves the honest moans he forces out of you.
“You’ve got me fucking faded for you, princess”, he growls, fucking your clit against the sheets with each harsh thrust. His vision is blurry because of how tight you become around him, “fucking faded…holy fuck, you feel so good.”
“Yoongi, again.”
“I know. Cum for me.”
“Oh god”, you croak and break around him. You can’t even make sounds at this point. The orgasm feels so good, but hurts so much. Your body is fucking ruined. It can’t even shake anymore, laying limp as fire consumes you. Holy fuck it feels so good.
“Fucking fuck princess, I’m cumming”, Yoongi moans deeply, throwing his head back, “fuck, princess. Take my fucking cum. Ah!”
His cock begins throbbing in your tight pussy, filling you with his cream. His hips move sloppily, his hands can barely hold you because of how weak you got him.
“Yes ___”, he moans, “take my cum. Shit, you’re mine.”
“Yoongi”, you whimper, looking up at him under your tears. He looks so good when he orgasms. His body is all sweaty and his hair is soaked in it as well. His pale skin shows flushes of pink, paths of black veins and patches of your burgundy blood. He is so messy and it’s fucking incredible to look at.
“___, my love”, Yoongi croaks and falls onto his hands. Like this, he is panting above you, looking down at you with his ebony hair framing his sweaty face. Remnants of your blood are still sticking to his cheeks, dissolving into faint red streaks under the sweat.
Your eyes meet. You are breathless and dizzy. Yoongi is fighting for air as well, feeling aching yearning for you. He makes sure to slip out of you carefully, watching your expression for any sign of discomfort. He doesn’t find any, which makes him ache for you all the more.
“My love”, he presses out and picks you up in his arms to pull you into a deep kiss.
You kiss him back, hooking your arms behind his head. This feels so good to do. He is so gentle and tender, reminding you just how wonderful it is to be loved by him.
“Oh, my love”, Yoongi chokes out, littering your face with kisses, “my love. My love, how are you? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, so okay”, you whisper, melting in his gentle hands, “I’m dizzy, but okay.”
“That’s so good to hear. Holy fuck, my love. I’m so proud of you. You did so, so well”, Yoongi praises you and cradles you against his chest. You sit down on his lap to make it even more intimate, leaning into him with all your weight.
Yoongi holds you gladly, rocking your bodies from side to side slowly. He wants to hug you tighter and tighter, yearning for your warmth and the softness of your skin.
“Good job, oh my love”, he shudders as he exhales, “fuck, I’m anxious.”
“Why?” you gasp, hugging him tighter. You can’t lift your head. It’s impossible. You feel so weak from the amazing sex you just had.
“That you hate me. I was so rough.”
“No, don’t”, you say, pressing his head close with your hand in his hair, “I would have said my safeword again if I didn’t want it. You were amazing.”
“I can’t do rough”, he confesses and exhales shakily, “fuck, I’m so upset. I’m sorry for being so rough.”
“Yoongi, my love”, you lift your head even if it is hard. You cup his cheeks and make him look into your eyes, “please don’t apologise. You have no reason to feel guilty because I don’t feel bad. I’m not hurting and I fucking loved what you did.”
“Yes. Really”, you kiss his forehead, “and if you worry that your true face is disgusting, it’s not. You are so beautiful, my love.”
He lowers his eyes shyly. Takes a deep breath. Exhales.
“Thank you”, he whispers, “I needed to hear this.”
“Of course. It’s the truth.”
Yoongi looks up at you. You can watch how his eyes fill with unbreakable and soul-consuming love for you. And then Yoongi picks you up and places you into the sheets to attack your face and neck with kisses. He makes sounds as he does. Like a little kitten eating good food.
It makes you giggle and squeak because of how good he makes you feel.
Yoongi lifts his head, giggling with you. You and he look into each other’s eyes. Oh how deeply you are connected.
Yoongi grins, “sorry for messing up your face”, he says, wiping at the bloody kiss marks he left all over it, “you look ruined.”
“You’re covered in blood too”, you say, “it would explain why your kisses had a slight metallic taste to it.”
“Yeah”, he laughs breathily, “fuck. I can’t believe I did that. This was fucking sick.”
“It’s not. You didn’t bite me and I wasn’t in pain at all. Allow yourself that little treat.”
“Little treat?” he widens his eyes, “princess, this wasn’t a little treat. I just drank your blood from your pussy. You think this is a little treat?” he furrows his brows, “I feel faded. This was insanity.”
You snicker, tracing his pouty lips.
“And you loved it. Be honest.”
He huffs out air, sagging his shoulders in defeat.
“You’re the worst person ever”, he murmurs, “why are you so…so…so”, he cups your face and shakes it gently, “I have rules for myself, rules I’ve been following for millennia. Stop making me break them. You have to stop being so addictive. Do you hear me?”
You laugh, “mhm no”, you say, scrunching your nose up, “you gotta deal with it for eternity.”
“Fuck princess love”, he gets out and drops down on you, snuggling his nose into the crook of your neck, “I wanna be mad at you, but how can I when you’re so cute?”
You giggle, hugging him tightly.
“You’re cute too.”
“Mhm”, he hums and squeezes you, “I didn’t clean you up at all. My bed’s a mess.”
“I know”, you laugh, “you kinda managed to make it stronger too. It’s been leaking out of me ever since you’re lying on me.”
“Sorry, that’s probably my cum too”, he says and puts more of his weight on your tummy.
“Yoongi stop”, you squeak in laughter, “you’re making me leak.”
Yoongi laughs and does it again.
“Stop. It’s so wet and yucky”, you complain, spanking his butt gently.
Yoongi snickers, “sorry”, he says, shifting his weight, “it’s funny to mess with you.”
“Wah so mean”, you mumble.
He chuckles and kisses your cheek, “I’ll run you a hot shower, yeah? It’s the least I can do after ruining you.”
“I’d like that, my love. But only when you’re taking the shower with me.”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
You and Yoongi sleep in your bed after washing up, cuddling and kissing until you both fall asleep. The next morning, Yoongi is gone from bed and you wake up to breakfast waiting for you on a tray on the bedside table, a small basket filled with period products next to it and a note telling you that he was in his wing cleaning the bed and that he can’t stop thinking about last night.
#yoongi smut#yoongi fanfic#yoongi fanfiction#yoongi oneshot#yoongi scenario#yoongi x reader#yoongi x you#dom!yoongi#vampire!yoongi#bts smut#bts fanfic#bts fanfiction#bts oneshot#bts scenario#bts x reader#bts x you#dom!bts#vampire!bts#bangtan smut#bangtan fanfic#bangtan fanfiction#bangtan scenario#bangtan oneshot#bangtan x reader#bangtan x you#dom!bangtan#vampire!bangtan#fanfic: sanguis duology
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Twisted Fate (M) | MYG
Twisted Fate
⟶ Pairing: Min Yoongi x Female Reader (Y/N) ⟶ Genre: Oneshot, Smut, Rated R | 18+ ⟶ Tropes: Vampire!Yoongi, Strangers to Lovers, Royalty AU, Supernatural AU, Fantasy AU ⟶ WC: 4.7k+ ⟶ Warnings: blood (obviously), some degrading, biting / blood drinking, breast play, choking, sparkling jealousy, unprotected sex, there’s a third party at play, some bondage, fingering, oral (f), threats, reader has a nickname. ⟶ Beta: n/a (no beta just complete yolo - if it doesn't make sense don't worry about it) ⟶ Summary: A slice of vampiric lifestyle here inside the Briarwood Manor walls after you ultimately picked the Lord you wish to serve. ⟶ Author’s Note: I actually feel very bad that most of all my hosted collaborations are incomplete. It happens though, ya know? This Yoongi is a part of the Briarwood Manor Collab, hosted by myself! I never expected to be writing this fic, honestly. But I hope it does well and is good enough! Please leave any feedback or comments on a reblog, post, or even my ask box! ⟶ Song Recommendation: Sweet Sacrifice by Evanescence
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“Hello, puppet, did you miss me?”
The low mischievous voice whispers a chill in your ear. His cold hand comes to rest on your bare shoulder, stroking your soft skin. If anyone were to see they’d think his touch is sincere and tender, a loving gesture to greet his lover, but they’d be so very wrong.
A puppet is what you are to him, nothing more. To serve however he sees fit. The nickname is quick out of his mouth the moment you pick him under the shine of a blood moon. You aren’t so sure what drew you to him in the first place. Maybe his aura played a trick on you, taunted you with his beauty and looks. An elegant and stoic composure mixed in one. The most unresponsive to the personal sacrifice (you) during the ritual.
You still remember the lifeless blink of his eyes when he first looked at you. From there you should have known he didn’t see the life inside of you. The vampire whose fangs ghost over your neck and haunt your nights is far from a lover. He’s an obligation. A duty. The choice you were forced to make among the six other princes.
Some nights you question what would have been if you picked someone different. How would the others treat their Church’s generous gift? Would you be more than a puppet?
His hand sends a visible chill through you. The sickly sweet voice of Lord Yoongi that you dread has returned after weeks away. There’s no doubt in your mind that there’s a toothy-grin widening on his face when he inhales your scent. You were just starting to enjoy that temporary freedom from his demanding fangs. Oh, how you wish he was gone just a while longer.
Yoongi had been away visiting a nearby kingdom to the West for business. Both Lord Namjoon and Lord Hoseok accompanied him. You know very little of their endeavors. Council work if anything. Matters that a blood-bag, such as yourself, has no business knowing. You are thankful for the pleasant peace of the manor while you had it.
You remain quiet, but your heart pounds in your chest. Anyone in an earshot can probably hear it pumping through your veins. Yoongi sends a full attack to your nervous system and he hardly touches you.
“Let’s pretend that’s excitement,” he comments as a nimble finger runs along your neck.
“H-How was the trip?” You ignore his first question completely. Faking a soft smile to please him.
“Nonsense,” he mutters as his mouth hovers the crook of your next. Your body already expects the snag of his teeth any second now. “Take off that pathetic excuse of a dress the servants dressed you in. I want you in my quarters. Now,” Yoongi whispers with demand.
You feel that there’s no room for objections, you’ve learned the hard way once or twice before. Disobeying Yoongi only makes things harder for you.
The first step you take halts as you feel his hand tug at the lace to your bodice. It snaps easily, loosening the material for an easier escape. Yoongi trails you, watches you with a burning hunger, as one by one you shed your clothes on your way to his room.
There’s no shame walking down the corridors of the manor, you’ve gotten used to these trips. Seen many others in the same position. It’s the way of life here.
Yoongi’s room is one of the furthest from the grand room. It requires walking the stairs and passing several other spaces before reaching the crystal knob of his door. On occasion, his impatience forces you into the music room where he lays you on the piano lid and does exactly what one can imagine.
Although, tonight doesn’t feel like one of those nights.
“You haven’t answered me yet,” his voice hums, “did you miss me?”
You don’t loath the man, but you know what he does to you. How you are easily frail compared to him and fear slipping up. The sharpness in his fangs and in his words and the strength in his grip and demeanor. You do not miss his beastly moods when he sucks your blood savagely and brings you to the brink of tears. To where you fall far too weak to put up a fight.
There are no soft sides to Yoongi, not from what you’ve witnessed anyway. When he’s finished with you, you’re sure he’ll do it with no remorse.
You want to answer truthfully. Saying ‘no’ is on the very tip of your tongue. Maybe his absence did make you feel useless in a way. But you also felt relief by being away from the ruthless need of your body. And for that, you feel a tang of guilt. Making you question how you actually feel.
“Yes, my Lord,” you speak sweet yet flat. “Your presence was greatly missed.”
Finally, you’re met in the center of his room. The still cool air swallows you as you stand there awaiting his next command. The click to the door shutting behind you resounds out loud. It leaves you trapped inside the vampire’s chamber.
“Of course you did,” he smirks to himself as he slowly undos his cufflinks. His eyes continue to scan you, admiring the shape of your body and nudity. “Go on. Sit.”
You see the nod of his head from your peripheral as you stare blankly at the dark silk comforter. A canopy hangs from the ceiling above, draping thick charcoal black curtains. There’s a litter of candles scattered throughout, none of which are lit. You’re granted very little light from the cascading moon from outside the tall paneled windows. It’s darker than usual due to the storm clouds.
Everyday his chamber is cleaned and dusted even when left unoccupied. Yoongi likes his stuff maintained, presetine if he could. If one thing is out of alignment he will notice it. They have workers for several reasons, many for pure enjoyment and food.
As you take a seat on the side of the bed, Yoongi hovers. He stands close, taking your chin in his hand and tilting your head up to look at him. His grip is menacing, you’re aware of how easily a man with his strength can break your bones.
“Whore,” he comments as he looks down on you.
His voice cuts through you like a knife. Clear and loud. He watches the way your eyes flicker in shock and widen. Heat plasters to your face as his grip tightens.
“Do you think I don’t know?” He huffed a laugh. “Why don’t you tell me what I'm speaking about?”
“Y-Yoongi I –”
He slips a finger into your mouth, pressing down on your tongue to prevent you from forming any more words.
“Take my name out of your dirty mouth or I'll do it for you,” he threatens.
“I’m sorry!,” you attempt to say out of pure reaction.
Yoongi leans in flashing you a smile, revealing his sharpened canines. His eyes turn a blazing ruby red, popping out of his stark black hair.
“I’ll release your tongue and when the second I do, I expect you to tell me.”
He waits for your acknowledgement before his fingers find their way back to cradling your chin.
“Lord Jimin,” the name falls out of your mouth just as your eyes fall to the ground. “I didn’t know what I was supposed to do,” you fester up.
How could you? With no guidance from the Lord you picked. He left you at the manor with very little discussion. There’s unspoken rules you’re still learning to this day. How are you supposed to know what Lord Yoongi wants when he doesn’t speak the words into existence?
“You’re not his,” Yoongi states. He rests one knee on the edge of the bed beside you. His other hand traces up your arm lightly all the way to the back of your neck. With his position, he brings your head back up to look at him. “I don’t care what he says. You picked me.”
“He would have killed me if I denied his advances,” you mention. Confusion and panic swells deeply in your eyes. “He only just –”
Yoongi snorts, displeased beyond belief. “He wouldn’t unless he wanted a war. He knows you belong to me and took the opportunity to take you when I was gone.”
“–Just bit me!,” you managed to get out.
“Hm?” Yoongi’s eyebrow quirks.
“He only just bit me. I swear there is nothing more!”
You plead with your eyes. You’ve never wanted to upset him in any way. The role you play is one you take seriously. If you were murdered by a fellow ally of your Lord, that would have madden him further, no?
Yoongi’s touch turns featherlight, nothing compared to how he touches you when he lays with you. Rough and demanding. Guiding you exactly how and when he wants it. It’s what you’re expecting from him.
He leans down close, slotting his head next to your neck as he breathes in your scent. “I’ll keep you locked up in my room.” Yoongi’s lips touch against your skin, you can’t help but shiver. “Spread your legs.”
Yoongi’s cool fingers ghost your core, leaving traces as they pass each inch. You feel the threat of his fangs against you, making your body heat up quickly. It is safe to say that you do miss the way he touches you. Feeling his grip all over your body, it brings you to places you’ve never – and will never – admit.
“But I'll have no property of mine” – he continues with his earlier words – “be shared like a whore on the street.”
You politely move your head to the side with his hand as direction, bracing for the impact of his teeth. They lightly drag along your jugular until he finds his desired spot before sinking them into your skin.
The feeling hurts like a razor sharp sting as you release a groan. Yoongi’s hand secures you in place as the other presses against your heated core. His fingers slip between your folds, gliding them across your clit and into your pussy. Drawing out the wetness he searches for.
There’s a trickle of blood that breaks through the seam of Yoongi’s lips, dripping down the front of your chest. He’s sloppy, unusual for him. Probably from the weeks away. You stay stagnant, letting Yoongi do as he pleases.
“Lay back,” Yoongi pushes you down before you feel his lips pressing kisses on your thighs. He continues to press two fingers into you while he reaches for your nipple, swirling around the hardening bud.
You close your eyes as you let out a shuddering breath. Your entire body is warming up, aching silently for more. Maybe he misses you?
“Do you want me to touch you more?” The voice is so low you can barely hear it over the heavy rain outside. When his touch does everything to ignite that burning sensation inside, how can you not want more?
“Yes,” you whimper when another kiss lands on your inner thigh. You feel your pussy tighten from the want, the need.
“Yes?” He questions, as his fingers pinch down hard on your nipple. It sends bolting zaps of pain through you, making you yelp at the action.
You feel his plunging fingers curl up inside you and drag against your walls. Your legs move on their own accord, body only reacting to the joyous sensation.
“Oh God, yes! Please touch me!” You plead.
Once your desperate words leave your mouth, he latches onto your clit, sucking the sweet tender bud eagerly. He pairs it well with the pace of his fingers in your aching core, possessive hand roaming your front as his body slots between your legs.
Your curious eyes travel downward to spy Yoongi’s black hair nuzzled between your thighs and feverishly licking at your leaking arousal. It takes everything in you to not place your hands in his hair, you know he doesn’t like being touched. But it looks so soft, so long and pretty.
“I don’t want you to ever think about being bitten by anyone else,” he growls. “Your blood is mine and mine only.” You feel your leg being lifted enough for Yoongi’s fangs to pierce the skin on your inner thigh.
His words and actions make you whimper. Yoongi’s tongue laps over the bleeding blood on your skin.
“I won’t,” you affirm as you toss your head to the side. Absentmindedly your fingers thread through his hair, it feels like the finest of silks. “I only want you to bite me, Lord Yoongi.”
Your confession pleases him. He replaces his fingers with his tongue, diving it deep into your leaking hole. A moan slips from your mouth while your fingers fasten a lock in his hair. Lewd noises spill into the air from the vampire sucking and licking at your core, devouring the taste of you.
Doing what he says always grants you intense pleasure. Being good tends to satisfy you, you realized that a long time ago. Once Yoongi draws you agonizingly close to a climax, he withdraws his pursuit. Leaving you in a cloud of haze.
‘Is that it?’ you think to yourself. Why the sudden stop? Did you do something wrong?
Yoongi reluctantly pulls from you, forcing your hands off his hair with a sinister smile. Blood and arousal is smeared across his mouth and chin.
“What’s wrong?” you whisper the question.
You’re left huffing and puffing as you feel your orgasm slipping away from you. His menacing stare down doesn’t ease your mind and you feel your body shriveling up from under his scorching red eyes.
“Time to learn your lesson.”
Yoongi manages to pull your body up the bed to the headboard. Fastening two hard metal cuffs to each of your wrists. You’ve been here once before in a playful gig, but the motivation behind Yoongi’s tone sends a shiver to your spine.
You obey, as you should, while the darkness of the drapes shroud around the bed. You’re left with red glowing eyes staring straight down at you once again. His ethereal features, as beautiful as they are, frighten you to say the least. There's anger swirling inside of him. The angel you view Yoongi at shows how the cut of his eyes are deadly, the shape of his jaw is sharp and the curve of his lips stands against the casted shadows of the dark. You feel the anxious fear bubbling up inside your body, a spike of nerves setting aflame.
He can read you like a book. Heart pinging higher than the normal rate. A confused quirk of your brows. Even the clearing of your throat and desperate breaths have him understanding your senses. Your body language tells him everything he needs to know about your fear.
“Brianne!” Yoongi snaps his fingers together as he calls upon a servant.
On cue, the door to his room opens and closes. She walks as punctually as ever, hands clasped in front of her apron as she curtsy bows to the vampire.
“My Lord,” she smiles. Paying you no mind as you lay naked and latched to Yoongi’s bed. “How may I aid you?”
“My puppet here is in need of a lesson. Care to participate?”
“It would be an honor,” Brianna bows.
Unspokenly, she begins to shed her clothes piece by piece. Yoongi hums to himself as he does the same. You are left strapped there, witnessing the entire event in confusion.
It’s as if this has been done before. You watch with worry as Brianne steps out of her skirt and pulls out the ties of her hair, allowing it to cascade around her shoulders. She steps toward the bed, eyes nearly lifeless, as she glances at you. There’s several, very visible, bite wounds on her body.
Quickly, Yoongi meets Brianne from behind. His hands guide her atop the mattress as she kneels near your feet. You curl up further, drawing your legs into yourself as your mind races with endless possibilities of what’s about to happen.
You flinch, very noticeably, at the bark of your nickname. You hadn’t realized how on edge your nerves are until now.
Yoongi follows behind Brianne, being sure to peer over her shoulder at you with his ruby eyes. Brianne is displayed before you, legs spread apart as she kneels, tits in full view. Yoongi’s crafty and daft hands sliding across her front and touching every piece of her. It’s a taunting scene, mentally riling you up inside.
“I want you to know,” Yoongi begins with a devilish low growl, “How easy it is,” he pushes aside Brianne’s hair to expose her neck, “For us to take a whore.”
Yoongi latches his mouth down on Brianne, forcing a muffled groan out of her throat. He bites, and bites, and bites, until there’s a chain of red leaking down her shoulder and arm. Some meet the mound of her breast, where Yoongi happily is cupping with his own hand while the other is gliding down her front and rubbing circles on her clit.
You watch in shame and fear. Seeing the way Brianne thrives from the mutilating hands and mouth of the Lord. Pleasure crosses her face, pain and ecstasy. She has no embarrassment with the noises that leak out of her. You swear you see her face mocking yours as you turn away.
“Look at me,” you hear the demanding growl of Yoongi.
But the burning heat of anger tingles your face. You fear disobeying him though. It only can make things worse.
“Puppet!” he growls over Brianne’s moans. Yoongi pushes Brianne down on her hands, her head closer to where you curl up against the headboard. “Look at what I am doing!”
You hesitantly glance over, hating the scene you see. Yoongi’s possessive hands scratch Brianne’s back as he lines himself behind her. There’s blood covering his front, smearing down his chest as his mouth gaps open. You squirm uncomfortably. As much as you loathe what’s happening, how your heart is thumping with disbelief and hatred, it bothers you even more that it turns you on.
Yoongi spits down at the junction between Brianna and himself and lathers his cock with his free hand. He slots himself inside her roughly, pulling out a loud moan from Brianne and forcing tears to swell in your eyes.
“Look at me!” He commands again, and this time you stare at his glowing eyes.
Locked in and afraid to move. Sure you can see Brianne through the edges of your sight, you can see the way Yoongi’s abs flex with each harsh thrust he inflicts on her, the way her audible noises fill the room just like the way Yoongi’s cock fills her pussy.
He keeps his stare with you, eyes threatening. “How do you feel when I choose someone else? To make them feel this good while I feed and fuck them? Do you think you’re so special to go around and give yourself up like Brianne here?” He grunts between breaths, making sure to give Brianne a good ramming as her hips get pulled back into him.
Yoongi continues to speak to you, “Do you want to end up like this?” He quizzes you again. He forces Brianne to flip over, revealing all those scattered bite marks on her body including his own. He arches her back by holding a hand under her. You can’t help but to flick your eyes down at it.
There’s a burning rage brewing inside of you, watching the way your Lord takes care of another. Bluntly in front of you as well. You don’t think you’re anything special, just a gift from the Church. There’s no doubt in your mind Yoongi has all the freedom to do what he pleases, but you’re mad that you aren’t the option when you were only raised to be such.
You remain silent and fear stricken. There’s upset and anger on your face and he can see that. Pathetically, you are his. You picked this. But desperately you want to only be his.
“No,” you whimper out. There’s a sad tear that rolls down the curve of your cheek.
“‘No’ what?”
There’s thorns forming inside of your throat, digging into it as if your voice doesn’t have freedom.
“No I don’t want this!”
Yoongi continues to thrust into Brianne, but his attention is on you. His hand closes down on her throat, squeezing slowly to prevent airflow.
“Have you learned?” His fingernails begin digging into Brianne and you hear her noticeable gasp. “That a whore is used by many and can be,” – he squeezes firmer, watching Brianne’s hands clasp around his wrist in protest – “killed with no feeling of guilt?”
There’s a gargle replacing the moans in Brianne’s mouth. Her eyes are bloodshot and full of tears. Yoongi pays no attention, he knows what he’s doing. But he keeps his ruby eyes on you, stalking your next actions.
“Yoongi, stop!” You shout with warning, “She’s going to die!”
“So?” His voice is cold.
“Stop!” you plead. “Stop it, stop it, stop it! I get it! I’m sorry! Just stop it!” Each hopeless syllable falling out of your mouth amplifies higher until you shout.
Yoongi finally halts his actions completely, releasing his grip on poor Brianne and pulling out of her. She gasps as her lungs fill with air, hands clutching her throat. Yoongi rolls her over, letting her legs hit the floor beside the bed and commands her to stand.
He analyzes her, wipes away the wet tears from her face before patting the side of her head. “Gather your things,” he beckons. “Please seek Lord Jimin and tell him you are but a gift from me.”
Brianne attempts a hoarse response but her throat is far too fragile to speak. She quickly gathers her belongings and rushes out of the room, holding her throat with a hand the entire time.
As the room falls silent, you can’t help but stare at the naked vampire in front of you. He’s thin, toned, skin milky pale due to his vampiric complexion and lack of sun. Cock stands out, still hardened as a hand runs along its length.
“Never become a whore, puppet. It’ll get you killed.”
Yoongi turns to look back at you, seeing how shriveled up you’ve become. He knows the power he holds and the loyalty you only wish to fulfill. It’s how you are raised. You want to act on your own actions, but Yoongi is the shotcaller. The owner of you.
“I’m only yours,” you state with a nod.
Like lightning, Yoongi returns to you. Finger’s dipping into your cunt again. He groans with the seeping wet arousal leaking from you, making sure to comment on how you must have been turned on all along. He pushes deep inside your needy walls, stoking and thrusting his fingers at a quick pace almost as if he wants you to cum right then and there. His tongue works on your clit, swirling delicately around the sensitive bundle of nerves.
The pleasure between your legs causes you to tremble, Yoongi’s name falls out of your mouth as you tug on the cuffs chaining you to the bed. You’re beginning to feel the start of your delayed climax from before. Your breaths become shallow pants while you can’t help but ride Yoongi’s mouth desperately.
Your hazy mind takes away your active awareness and forces you to enjoy the senses you hear, feel, smell, taste, and see. Yoongi works his way up past your navel, peppering kisses on his pursuit to your clavicles. His teeth glide over your skin only enough to scratch you as you whimper from the loss of his tongue.
Somehow you end up on your knees and straddling Yoongi’s pelvis. He flipped you quickly to slide himself under you. The chains twist, forcing your wrists together. His hair fans out around his head as he rests on the pillow, eyes lazily looking up at your hanging breasts. You feel the cold hard hands on your hips as he leads you onto his cock, letting you slide against his length and spread your arousal on him.
You use your arm to muffle your moan as he slips his tip inside of you. The promise of his length inside of you makes you eager so you press down. Letting an inch deeper before he pulls you back up to begin the process again.
Yoongi leans up from under you to latch his mouth on one tit, sucking harshly at your nipple before sinking his fangs enough to draw blood. The sting hurts, you whine on the impact as he simultaneously draws your hips down onto him. Stuffing his thick cock inside your tight cunt.
You want to lean on him for support but those blasted chains hold your position high. In reaction, you bite your own arm as you feel the way Yoongi fills you up and feeds on you. The joyous satisfaction you gain from pleasing the Lord is soon to follow.
Yeah, there is no way you wish to be a whore. Yoongi is more than enough.
“You like it. Don’t you, puppet?” Yoongi chuckles. He pulls on your hair sharply, twisting your head to the side to admire his earlier bite mark. “You like being my little puppet and filled up like this, huh?” Yoongi grinds his hips into you, his other hand firmly guiding your body to ride him.
You’re left breathless, painfully in pleasure, but fully enjoying being filled to the brim by his cock. The recklessness of his grip on your hair and bleeding from his beautiful bites. It’s so devilishly good, you could never wish to be anything more than his puppet.
“Ah, please,” you groan. The sound of skin against skin resonates throughout the darkened room. It’s mingled with your beautiful cries and his low guttural grunts.
“I love it,” you confess.
You don’t ever want to be used to getting filled so well. You don’t want to be curious about the other princes and how they would treat you. Something about Yoongi is exactly what you need, you just never knew before. Is the lesson supposed to make you have this realization?
Yoongi releases a low groan against your skin, murmuring, “you feel so fucking good. You taste so fucking good.”
Once again, Yoongi sinks his teeth in you. The pain draws you closer to your impending orgasm and you yelp outloud.
His thrusts become even more determined. Your chest arches into him as you tug on the cuffs that limit your hand movement. The noise from the headboard thuds rhythmically against the wall as your cunt clenches.
“Cum on me,” you hear the words tickle your ears. Yoongi’s hand wraps around your head and leads you into a bloody, searing kiss. He hushes your moans as his tongue dives past your teeth.
Metabolic tasting liquid seeps into your taste buds but you aren’t focused on the flavor. The cradling hand on your cheek and gentle soft strokes of his fingers on your hips are. The deepened kiss, full of lust and passion, sends you to overdrive as you whimper through your crashing orgasm.
Your legs shake against his sides in the same pace of your walls gripping his cock. Your blood trickles down on Yoongi’s chest as you ride out the waves of pleasure. Wet squelching sounds happen at the intersection between you and him as his thumb runs circles against your clit.
You feel your eyes fluttering shut as you groan. Your rolling orgasm kicks your body into realizing how much strain it’s handling. The harsh mixture of pain and pleasure. Your body is beginning to fall limp, the life and energy inside of you finally hitting their max. You want to collapse but Yoongi continues to thrust into you, perhaps chasing his own high.
“Ah,” you breathe as Yoongi’s mouth detaches from yours. His eyes focus on the mess of arousal on his lap, the way your cunt disappears his cock entirely. There’s a vice grip on your hips now, all you can do now is be a toy for him.
A puppet, so he’d say.
Your head begins to spin as your vision fades into darkness. The last thing you see is the beautiful features of Yoongi, enjoying full on gratification from your body. Blood covered across his smooth poreless skin and black raven hair.
moodboard credit: @kth1
© 2024 All rights reserved under @kth1 - do not copy, repost, modify, edit, or translate any of my work without my direct consent. This TUMBLR and AO3 are the ONLY places my fics are posted.
#twisted fate#briarwood manor collab#bangtansorciere#bangtanarmynet#thebtswritersclub#yoongi x reader#vampire!yoongi#suga smut#yoongi smut#bts fanfic#bts smut#bts vampire#kth1#bts one shot
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My BFF is a Vampire

Characters: ot7 x reader
Warnings: This story contains nsfw content (descriptive blood, gore, etc.) as well as sexual content. Mentions may include violence, self harm, attempt to suicide, consumption of alcohol and blood, male and male sexual content, explicit sexual interactions, sharp objects, knife play, blood play, death, description of injuries, themes of major horror/psychological horror and also explores obsessive behaviors and codependency. Many characters are morally gray. The story will contain aspects of the show Vampire Diaries and the BTS Wings era.
>If you are sensitive to any of these themes please do not proceed with the story.<
Genre: supernatural, fantasy, vampire, reversed harem, best friends to lovers.
🩸My Master List🩸
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨 • 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 >
Chapter One🩸
The night felt cooler then usual. That for Spring Villa was uncanny but nothing about this town was near close to normal, I felt breathless. Running through the woods with nothing but the full moon above me to light up the path between the tall trees, the cold air burned inside my lungs.
I couldn’t stop even if I wanted too, my feet seems to move on their own. I should hide, I knew that. His presence became more obvious as the sound of his footsteps behind me became louder and clearer.
Every breath I took.
Every step away.
Until I couldn’t breath anymore, falling miserable on the cold wet path of the night. I could hear him laughing behind me, his deep breathy chuckled bitterly echoed around me.
I needed to get up.
But I couldn’t. My body wasn’t mine, I couldn’t move even if I begged myself to.
Vision getting blurred the more I tried to breath but no air was coming to my lungs, until the horrified feeling of a cold hand closed around my neck turned me around.
I couldn’t see his face even when he was so close to me, all I could see was his red eyes staring at me as he took my last breath.
The loud beeping noise of my alarm woke me up abruptly, I was breathless completely covered in cold sweat once again. I looked over the small vintage silver clock over my nightstand, glad it was still early in the morning and I had more then enough time to get ready to work at the Spring Grill.
A sight left my lips once I was finally able to catch my breath, once again I had the same dream. By this time I should’ve become used to them, It has been years since I started having weird nightmares, every damn night. It became unbearable and at some point I had to go to the hospital once after waking up screaming, I don’t remember anything from that night just that the nightmares continued since then. I used to take pills to help me sleep and at first they helped but as time passed they simply stopped working and I was too tired to ask for more, because of my reputation the doctors could’ve locked me at the mental facility and feeling helpless I just stopped taking them, I gave up on trying to stop the nightmares. They won’t go away no matter what I do. What’s the point fighting?
The day had just started and I felt restless.
Tired from knowing exactly what would happen after I opened the door of my room and went downstairs, knowing exactly how my day is going to start and how is going to end. Every day is the same for me. I wished I could say something about it but there is nothing especial about my life in this town.
I was known for being the weird girl, psycho girl down the street with an alcoholic mother who every neighbor hates now.
I used to be someone just like everyone, I had dreams like every other girl in high school did and I wanted more from life than anyone else did. I was alive.
For years I tried so hard not to let my parents actions get the best of me but now I feel like I can’t bearly breathe, my mother drank all her emotions away with alcohol till the bottles are empty just like herself.
I’m no better then her. Hiding away my scars with a jacket so no one knows it. Not that they would care anyway.
Once I’m pleased with my appearance after getting ready, making sure to hide the dark circles under my eyes with make up. I hold on tight to the door before opening in a breath, immediately holding my breath as I walk down the corridor to the stairs. A sight of relief washes over me as I notices she’s still asleep in the couch as I walk over the door as quietly as possible.
Mom was passed out again and thankfully on the right time for me to leave unnoticed by her.
Another sight of relief leaves my lips as I could finally breath in the cold air of Spring Villa, it was not always that I could leave home without any trouble caused by my mother. I was always grateful when I could.
And for just this once I could actually smile. Even though I knew everything would crash down when I get home later at night. For now I let myself breath for once.
Making my way through the empty streets till I get to the Grill, it won’t be a long walk anyway. Spring Villa was not known for being a big city, you could walk pretty much all around here and you could never be late. Every place here was placed right next to it, especially the neighborhood that’s why you can’t keep secrets in his town. People are so noisy here.
The center of the city was much more busy today, more tourist must have come since Halloween is in two months now. The perfect time to spread the old reports about the city’s history of a serial killer. People are so empty it makes me sad for them, but in all honesty sadness is all you can find in this city.
Once I finally get to my destination I open the wooden doors to the Spring Grill immediately being embraced by its warm interior, making my way to the staff room quickly changing into the Grill apron marking my shift as I leave the staff room. Today I’ll be serving tables in the morning and later I’ll serve at the bar.
No one minds my presence here so I just embrace my own thoughts and begin my work.
For the entire day I’ve been working, I wished it lasted longer. Contradicting I know. Even though I was tired like hell and my feet hurt just as bad; Even though I could already feel sweat running down the back of my neck and my arms felt like jelly from holding heavy trays with food and drinks for hours, the thought of heaving to go back home was never a pleasant one for me.
My shift was almost done and I moved as slow as possible with no desire to go home I was still behind the bar in case any costumers come for a few drinks, it was night already yet the Grill was just as agitated as it was in the afternoon. People didn’t care for their safety anymore, they would stay up all night drinking at Spring Villa even though our little city was known for a serial killer case, all they wanted was something to gossip about anyway and here, it was the serial killer case still unsolved after years.
Quickly to my distraction a costumer just made his way to the bar, he sat on the barstool asking for a bottle of beer. I made my way to get it for him filling a cup with ice and putting in front of him as well as the opened bottle, he thanked me without looking my way throwing a few dollar bill over the bar to pay.
I simply took it. I wasn’t used to kindness in this place, no one here seemed to know what it meant anyway.
The sound of the ring above the door signs for more costumers and I immediately looked up to see who it might be, noticing the familiar faces as he also noticed me from further away.
My best friend.
He was the only one who knew who I was and still chose me to be his friend, Jungkook wasn’t like the people from Spring Villa. He had an energy around him that even from afar you could tell he was special. He wasn’t even from here. He shined wherever he was and always became the life of the party, his smiled was a punch in the stomach of everyone one from this city, a face that was a constant reminder of how different and full of life he was. The truth was no one knows we’re he comes from or any of his friends, not even me. I never bother to ask him too. I always assumed he could tell me whenever he felt ready for it and apart from that, there was nothing we didn’t know about each other.
I only knew a few of his guy friends, with Jungkook there were seven of them and they all lived together with the oldest of the group in his house. I never asked him what his friends did for a living or what they’d were here for as it wasn’t Jungkooks place to say anyway and we both hated gossip. I knew he wasn’t like the other people who only came here for the serial killer case and that was enough for me to not ask questions. I was closer with him and his friend Jimin, who’d usually hang around with us the most, the others were much busier and didn’t stick around us much so I haven’t meet them yet and bearly knew them.
Seeing him together with his friend Jimin and the white haired Hoseok was something for the eyes to see, from any distance you could tell they were not from this small city.
From the way they all dressed so sophisticated and the way they walk, talk, even breath to every detail on them you could tell they where perfect. No one here was at their level, people tended to do everything to keep it to themselves so it doesn’t call for unnecessary attention to themselves. I still remember when they first came here, everybody talked about them for three months and so many rumors began to rise about them. The boys kept things to themselves and only talked to a few people from town, so gossip about them were all over the town as soon as they stepped foot in here. It wasn’t like any other tourist who came to town, they came to stay and that made the rumors about them grow even more especially since they all looked anything from normal.
Hoseok was well know because of his white hair and the signature sunglasses he wore all the time, some said he was blind and some said he had devil eyes. People said all sorts of things about them for their looks and I honestly thought the people in this town were just being mean at this point, these people never seemed to have something to do and were always on someone else’s business. The few things I heard about Jimin was; how he was always out with a red haired man at night, always at the company of a woman or a men and by far he was the most popular with people.
Jungkook was the rumored bad boy, always up to something bad and some people spreed that he was in a gang, that he was a criminal and today we just laugh at that. I couldn’t even begin to imagine him as such rumors portrayed him.
I didn’t care much about it, after a few weeks talking with Jungkook he told me the oldest of his friends Jin was the son of one of the founders of Spring Villa and that’s way they came here, they were staying at his late fathers house the mansion on the other side of the city.
I was surprised no one know anything about the founders of Spring Villa - since gossip was their priority around. But people only talked about what they wanted and what they wanted to hear, even when it wasn’t true.
I watched as Jungkook parted ways with his friends who took one of the tables on a corner and make his way to the bar were I was, a smirk playing around his lips as he did so. He looked incredibly handsome tonight, like usual. He wore a black outfit, never a fan of colors as he would always tell me, a leather jacket over the long sleeve shirt and loosen jeans ripped on the knees.
I replied with a smile of my own, watching as he sat on the bar stool in front of me.
“when is your shift ending tonight?” he asked, as soon as he took the bar stool in front of me. A playful look glimmered in his eyes, by his tone I knew he would ask me to join later.
“in an hour, why?” I said, cleaning over the bar in front of us to place a glass with ice for him, turning around to get him his usual whiskey.
“perfect, we’ll have enough time to get a few drinks before going to the bonfire that’s happening by the lake” at his words I turned around quickly looking at him dumbfounded.
“we? who said I was going?” I teased.
“I did” he said as if it was nothing, pushing his glass towards me to fill it, scoffing playfully I did so.
He looked up at me with biggest puppy eyes ever, leaning his head slightly to the side. I chuckled knowingly.
“oh no, I know this look…” I tell him as I filling another glass of whiskey for him. “…and it won’t work. Jungkook you know I hate parties.”
“Yeah but… this is different” he says, almond eyes shining through his long lashes as he stared at me with a sly smile.
“really how?”
“I’ll be there” he said drink all of the liquid in his hand in one gulp. “my friends too, so come please?”
I looked over the table his friends were sat at, they were looking over us too. No wonder, Jungkook must’ve told everyone one he knew I was going already. Not that many people would care if I showed up or not, he was the only one who does care.
If this was the only way to not go home tonight, might as well just grab the chance. For once I could walk out of my sad blue and gray routine.
“ok I’ll go with you” I finally tell him, filling his glass one more time.
“I knew you would” his eyes seemed to light up above his smirk in that moment, making my heart skip a beat. It was a different kind of look, one I have never seen before.
I would be the biggest lier if I ever say I didn’t had a crush on him, Jungkook was one of the most handsome men on Spring Villa ever since he step foot here. All woman and men lined up in front of him for a chance to be with him, he was definitely a catch.
Anyone could tell he was hot just by looking, he had his own special charm to make people fall in love with him instantly. Not only did he had a beautiful body that you could definitely tell was all toned even under all the dark loosen clothes he wore but, he had his way with everybody and all it took was one look and a charming smile from him and you would fall on his knees, he didn’t go by anyone unnoticed. People here either loved him or hated him, no in between. I knew from the moment I first saw him that nothing could ever happen between us, that’s why we have such strong friendship.
I couldn’t help but let my eyes wonder from every now and then, every time I would notice him looking away I let myself get a glimpse of his beautiful body and his beautiful face.
But he was much more then that to me, he was my best friend. One of the only ones I had and I wouldn’t let anything mess that up, even my own feelings. I would push anything aside to keep him by my side, even if is my heart.
He deserves more. More then I could ever be.
“oh right…” he suddenly said “you like girls right?”
“what!?” I exclaimed, flushed at his sudden question.
“what, what?” he lifted his eyebrows up surprised “you never said anything about boyfriends and I never saw you with a guy, I’m starting to wonder….”
“no…” i like you, you idiot. Is what I want to say, but I can’t and I shouldn’t. Never. “Don’t just assume that kind of thing…”
“well then what do you like, I need to know so I can set you up with someone for the bonfire” he said.
“I like boys, and you don’t need to set me up with anyone.”
“besides is not like anyone is interested in me or what so ever” I began to angrily clean the bar top.
“ok, sorry for pushing kitty” he said, stoping me from cleaning with his hand over mine.
I immediately looked up at him, heart beat skipping a beat as I gulped down. His eyes scanned my face, i tried my best not to show how the nickname affected me focusing on the light in his eyes as they seemed to shine different tonight almost making them look brighter like whiskey mixed with wine. I was completely lost in him again, too much to notice his cold hand over mine as his smile brought my attention to his lips. Wet and pink.
“you’ll take our table for the rest of your shift right?” he asked softly.
“of course, who else can put up with you guys?” I tell him.
He only chuckled nodding towards me, he got up from his seat and gave me one last smile before turning around to go back to the table with his friends. I wished i could tell that smile went past me and didn’t effect me as much as he always did, he was my only friend why did such feelings had to rise from my chest every time i was with him?
Once again i shut that door in my heart to stop them from rising again.
For some reason the past hour felt like an eternity, i carried on serving Jungkooks table for the rest of my shift as they order as much they could drink for the time being before it was time to go to the bonfire, Jungkook was with two of his friends tonight and it always amazed me how much they drink and don’t even looked halfway drunk. I knew they were seven although it has difficult to see all of them together at the same time, i only knew their names through Jungkook and a few things about them as he would tell me sometimes. How they all meet one by one as the years passed through trips around the world.
He mentioned how he first meet Hoseok when he went to a contemporary dance concert at a music festival and at the same week he meet Taehyung who were there to play violin at the festival, he said they all clicked with each other immediately and a few months later they run into Jimin in a party as well as Yoongi as they already knew each other. It seemed Yoongi already knew Jin the oldest and Jin knew Namjoon from birth as they grew up together away from Spring Villa.
I haven’t meet the older friends yet, they all seemed to be occupied with something as Jungkook would always tell me. He admire his friends very much from how he always speaks so passionately of them to me from time to time. So far i only knew Jimin since he and Jungkook were always together as well as Hoseok who sometimes tags along with the two, although they were very closed to each other i never saw them with the other three.
One look at the clock and a sight of relief left my lips as i notice my shift was about to end, making my way towards the staff room to change and hit the end of my shift, I quickly take my things from my locker before walking out of the staff room. I wished i knew he would invite me out for the bonfire, I would have put a bit more of an effort into how i looked before going out.
Whilst making my way towards their table I tried to fix my hair the best I could, untying the messy bun i did earlier to work and letting my hair fall messily down my back. I watched as the three of them seemed to be heaving a fun conversation before Jungkook turned towards my direction a smirk on his lips as he looked me up and down rising his eyebrows playfully.
“are you guys ready to go?” i said, once i finally stood in front of them catching their stares.
“yes boss” said Jimin, while getting up from his seat being fallowed by the two others.
“are we walking there?” i asked Jungkook taking his side while we made or way out of the Grill.
“yeah, is not that far from here” he took a cigarette from his pocket lightening it up while we walked down the cold streets of Sping Villa.
The smoke filling the humid air around us, it hadn’t rain in a few days here which was honestly a miracle. That was unusual in a city that rained more than anything, at times like this i really wondered if the reason why the serial killer just wasn’t caugh because the rain cleaned his traces.
How lucky and convenient for someone to attack this small town, I couldn’t help but think about it from time to time. Even though i would always brush this thoughts away from my mind now letting Jungkook and his friends voice fill my head as we make our way to the bonfire on the west side of town. Although it was away from the town it didn’t took too long for us to get there, a bonfire in Spring Villa was rare due to the heavy rains that were present every day here. People must been excited about it, something i was unfamiliar with. All senses of joy for me were short lived, I didn’t have a choice but to give up on them. Not because i wanted but, because they were stolen from me each time.
I looked up at the sky watching as the full moon shined above me, the sky never looked so clear before. Full of stars to replace the clouds and cover us and more light.
It felt warmer to be under the moon for once, I couldn’t remember the last time i saw her.
“you okay?” Jimin whispered over my ear, one arm closing around my neck as he showed me a smile.
“yeah” i replied his smile.
Out of all of them - or at least, the ones i knew - Jimin was the most touchy person, Jungkook could get clingy sometimes but usually only when he needed something in return. Even though he was a men after all, i never once felt uncomfortable close to him. He always had a soft energy around him that just brings you into him each time, it took some time before we got close enough to be like this though with each other. The first time we meet he couldn’t even look at me without shying away, it was cute.
I circle my arm around his waist and we make our way together.
“oh… i see why don’t have to set you up with anyone…” Jungkook said, playfully beside me eyeing us together.
“hey, his my friend too” i glare at him playfully.
“see? she’s mine too” Jimin taunts beside me, pulling me from the shoulders as he closed around me a deep chuckle filling the air from his chest.
I chuckled with him too distracted by his smile and hands around me to notice we were the only ones laughing, too absorbed by his eyes over mine to look anywhere else.
Everything just felt like slow motion whenever i was with them, i could bearly see through it all. And i loved every little second of it - anything to stay out of home.
I didn’t liked parties much, I never understood what was so special about them. Maybe if you have friends it is more enjoyable to be partying, since for a long time people didn’t wanted to be close to me I just shut myself down from everything I could.
Until Jungkook showed up I had no one by my side, now with him and his friends I can actually enjoy a bit of fun.
Just like I predicted it didn’t took us much longer to arrive at the bonfire, I watched around us all the young people laugh over the loud music with red cups in hands. Some danced, some just sat around the big bonfire drinking and just talking while some were courageous enough to be swimming at the lake.
Jungkook guided us to a big fallen tree in a corner closer to the lake to sit there, him and Jimin left quickly to get us some drinks and Jungkook came without Jimin saying his getting something stronger.
I took one beer from him as Hoseok did the same, sitting between the too boys.
“oh god I hate this…” immediately regretted taking a sip of the cheap drink.
“what? The party?” Hoseok asked beside me.
“no… this disgusting liquid” I turned to the white haired boy putting the bottle down.
“oh, not everyone does” he chuckled. “what do you like drinking?”
“sweet!” Jimins loud voice interrupted before I could answer.
He sat in front of us all giggly with which I assumed was a stolen bottle of strawberry Smirnoff.
“she likes the strong and sweet drinks”Jimin answered for me.
“you’re right, thanks Jimin.”
He gives me a wink fallowed by a small nod opening the bottle for me to have a sip, we all drank a few times together and I remember mentioning that I hated beer and preferred sweeter drinks and wine, I didn’t know he would remember as we usually were completely nocked out drunk.
“want some?” I offer to Hoseok.
“oh yes��” he took the bottle from my hand, cold fingers brushing over mine.
A chill went down my body for a second and a hugged myself, watching as he drank a good amount lips slightly wet from the drink.
He handed me back the bottle, the fire shining on the dark glasses on his face.
“isn’t it too dark for you?” i playful ask.
“a little…” he smiled, taking it off.
I tried to hide my surprise when I saw his eyes for the first time, the fire reflected in them wildly almost like a reflection on a mirror. His eyes were of a blue so clear to a white shade I could swear o saw galaxies in them, I can’t understand why he would want to hide them he looked even more beautiful without the glasses.
I don’t question him anymore deciding to enjoy the time with them by drinking some more, I let time completely go forgotten for now watching the fire burn in front of me.
At some point i knew i was completely drunk already, the bottle in my hand wasn’t the same from before and my body felt lighter. Everything that was coming out of Jimins mouth seemed to be the most funny joke I’ve ever heard, he kept me entertained for the most time taken me to dance a few times even.
But I couldn’t keep up with his energetic self, body tired from working a whole shift at the Grill.
Then again he would pull me out to dance again this time taking the white haired boy with us, the three of us drunk as hell dancing together with the people around the bonfire.
The hot heat warmed my body and for once I felt the happiest for once, nothing matter in the world anymore and all my problems had evaporated completely from my mind.
When Hoseoks cold hands took mine into his to dance bringing my body closer to his, I let him. Giggling like an idiot with my cheeks hotter then the fire burning beside us, when he brushed my hair back exposing my skin I simply let him.
I could feel his drunken giggles over my face as he spin me around, hands holding my waist but it wasn’t his anymore. Looking up I’m meet with Jimins sweet eyes and smile.
Every cell in my body was being pulled towards him, as if I was in a dream a state I could no longer control my body and only watch what was happening.
Watching as my body leaned forward into his, the only moment I felt like my body belonged to me when I felt the shivers running down my skin as he brushed the hair away from my shoulder, eyes staring down at my lips the more he leaned into me.
Just then before he could move another centimeter closer, Jimin was pulled away from me as well as the dreamy state I was in.
All together I felt my senses come back, the sound of loud music and people’s talking around us, the smell of fire burning. Jungkook stood in front of me anger clearly reflected on his features as he stared silently at Jimin who looked at him with the same intensity.
I watched the two of them confused, feeling a gentle pull at my arm from behind me I turned quickly looking up and Hoseok.
He muttered a “let’s go” and I fallowed him wherever he was going, turning back a few times to check on the two males we just left.
We stood closer to a truck filled with all sorts of drinks, Hoseok grabbed a few water bottles from it and we stood close to a big old tree. I could see all the bonfire from here as well as Jungkook and Jimin leaving together into the dark entrance of trees.
After drink half of the water I looked up at Hoseok who still looked where the two boys just went.
“what happened?” I asked him, feeling completely lost. “was it something I did?”
“no y/n…” he turned to me, clearly trying his best to hide what he truly felt in that moment “you didn’t do anything it’s just… they have something’s going on right now, it’s a bit complicated.”
“oh… oh” the realization hits me like a brick.
From the time I’ve been friends with Jungkook I knew that both, men and woman were always there for him trying to get with him. I just never saw him with someone before and now everything made sense to me, he had something with Jimin.
That thought made things more complex to me, I just couldn’t understand why he never mentioned to me before. We were friends.
After some time had passed I realized that maybe that was because of me, Jungkook must’ve seen all of that and now they are fighting.
I couldn’t bear that, I never knew that could happen and before I even know I was already making my way into the dark trees without Hoseok noticing.
If they fight because of me I have to clear things out, beyond that I felt terribly bad for Jungkook.
Walking into this tress at night made me feel uncomfortable, it was a clear reminder of my nightmares and I felt the fear growing inside of my chest the deeper I went through that darkness.
I could still hear the loud music and talking of people from here but as I carry on walking I heard loud hustles from the other side, I didn’t felt the need to rush there until I heard Jungkooks voice.
My feet moved on it’s on I was rushing through the bushes, fallowing his voice as I felt some bushes hit me all over until I stomp into the unexpected scene.
My breath got stuck in my throat but everything looked so clear that my whole body went cold.
Jungkook was pressed on the tree as someone held him by the neck, a painful expression reflected on his features as the men who held him there was glued to his neck.
It wasn’t until said men leaned back from him and I realized it was Jimin, exposing all the blood on his face it finally came to me what was happening. Jungkook fell to the ground hand over his neck, a painful groan leaving his lips .
All I could do was watch, feeling my body cold as ice completely frozen at the spot as jimins face covered in blood turned towards me. A gasp leaving my lips as his eyes burned over mine, red eyes like crimson blood.
I immediately turned to leave finally finding the will to move my frozen body but, all to my surprise he was right there in front of me with a bloody smirk on his lips.
My vision began to blur into darkness, my own body completely giving up on standing and I felt weak in my senses.
All I could see was his red eyes before I fall into the darkness of my mind.
I could feel my lungs burning as i breathed in and out the cold air, i was running between the trees again the darkness of my surroundings where swallowing me the deeper i ran into it.
Every cell in my body burned getting more restless as I desperately rushed through the woods, completely exhausted and out of breath my vision blurred and i felt my body give up on me falling miserably into the wet grass.
Turning around breathless a shadow presence like the dark night sky made his way slowly towards my body on the ground, i wanted to get up, run again my body wouldn’t listen to me.
I felt my body completely froze at the sight the closer he got to me, the moon light slowly illuminated more of his presence each step he took.
The more clear i saw him the more anxious i felt, just then as he stood completely above me i realized i knew who he was. I could no longer breathe as his red crimson eyes stared into mine with complete darkness, for the first time in years i see the face of my nightmares.
He falls to his knees in front of me, blood dripping from his mouth as a smile i never saw on him grows on his lips. I felt at loss at the sight of Jungkook, still not believing in it but there he was ready to take me as one of his victims.
I woke up in a rush cold sweat dripping from my forehead, my chest was hurting instantly feeling as if I had rubbed a marathon my body ache in pain and my head was foggy as if I was under water for a moment until I wasn’t and high pitched sound echoed through my head.
Once it faded away I was able to breath normally, looking around to see I was in my room. I couldn’t make out how i felt in that moment, everything still felt like a dream.
But that couldn’t be.
The memories of last night were a blur in my head, I couldn’t place my thoughts together weakly trying and the more i did the more my head hurt tears forming in my eyes i felt so helpless. Not being able to control my own my mind anymore no matter how much i tried to, all of a sudden everything became to much to understand then with the sound of rain hitting my window i could finally feel my mind emptying and i was back to myself, as if i was high on a dream I remembered one by one of last night events.
I was at the bonfire with Jungkook and his friends when he and Jimin went in the woods, how unease I felt at the knew informations about his relation with him in that moment deciding to fallow them in the woods only to be meet with the sight of Jungkook body falling on the ground with blood covering his neck as a Jimin stood there in a way I never could imagine.
The red eyes I could swear I’ve seen it before, the same one in my nightmares.
The same ones i dreamed were Jungkook, and the blood dancing on their lips.
All i could think was how much had i lost my mind to project such nightmare on Jungkook and Jimin, him out of every person i knew. The thought made me sick and i wish i could understand why that was happening to me, worried i might have actually gone insane.
By the moment I had collected my thoughts my head was spinning and I quickly got up, rushing to the bathroom to take my meds and throw some water on my face.
Everything that happened last night was a complete mess, what was supposed to be a fun night between friends was flipped insanely into another nightmare of mine.
All i could think now was Jungkook, what could have happen after i blank out last night. I stil couldn’t understand how i got back home, what could have happen to my friend and who did that to him.
My hands were shaking as I searched for my phone it was still so early in the morning, the sun has bearly appear although you couldn’t really tell as the dark gray skies covered Spring Villa in rain, after finding it I quickly called Jungkook to make sue he was okay but every time it went straight to voicemail.
Growing worried each time i spear no more time to leave my room running down the stairs without a single thou in my mind as I exit the house.
Not him.
I kept repeating that in my head.
I felt desperate, not even sure what I should do in that moment I just hoped in my bike and made my way to the only place i knew someone would be able to tell me what in the hell happened to Jungkook, his oldest friend mansion on the west of Spring Villa.
I have no idea where he could be right now and if someone knew what happened that night it has to be Hoseok and I hoped I could find them at their house, i didnt know who else to turn to right now and it only made my feel more helpless. My friend could be in danger and all i could do was find someone else to do something about it.
Tears were forming under my eyes the cold weather as usual was enough to make me shake under it, rushing through the empty streets a light rain began falling as if on quote Spring Villa was back to its grey days.
I passed a few police cars and an ambulance closer to were the bonfire happened last night, I couldn’t help the immediate stop watching as they closed half the road with yellow tape. Just then a the sky roared in anger, a light thunder shined above us as if to say something.
A few people who watched closely to were I had stopped were gossiping about what I thought would never happen again in this shitty town, but under all of their usual comments and half ass words of comfort to the people around there was one that felt like a punch in my stomach blurring anything else they were saying was the phrase;
“They found a body of a young man on the woods”
With a racing heart I rushed past them, repeating in my mind prayers - please not him.
After a long while I spotted the old mansion on the west hill, my legs were hurting from biking around so fast. My body cold from the rain, I couldn’t think about anything else besides him. The possibility that someone so close to me turned out to be the monster in my dreams.
It never one occurred to me to go their house before, it was never something I felt comfortable with and Jungkook never invited me over. I never questioned it I wasn’t the type to push someone about their lives, we build our friendship over our trust with each other . I knew who he was and he knew about me, we had that and it was enough.
But now after last night I felt desperate, he hasn’t returned my calls and even though it was so early I had to make sure he was fine. Especially when the serial killer was back.
I quickly made my way towards the entrance nocking on the heavy wooden door, I waited before moving once again impatiently I felt my self grow even more worried.
Before I could nock a third time the door was open revealing a tall men with red hair and amber eyes, I stood there staring into his eyes fist still mid air In front of me embarrassing.
“yes?” he blurted, voice deep almost like a growl as he looked me up and down no expression on his face.
It didn’t go unnoticed by me how he clearly was inspecting my presence there with judging eyes, then I realized he was still in his sleeping clothes feeling my embarrassment grow even more for waking him up so early with my sudden presence but i had a reason for coming here and despite everything else I held up the courage to speak up.
“is Jungkook here?” i questioned, trying my best not to let any of my insecurities shine through. Still feeling the awkwardness
“who’s asking?” he then asked, a bored look on his features. The awkwardness was stone cold.
I almost groaned out at his words, something bad must’ve happened to Jungkook and he was playing around as if everything was completely fine. My body was begging to grow hot with anger.
“I’m y/n, his friend…” i rushed the words, feeling more impatient at his calmness. “is he here? Is he okay?”
Before he could say anything the door opened fully and to my relief it was Hoseok, just like the men with red hair he too was still in his sleeping clothes confused as he walked to me.
“y/n? what are you doing here so early?” he mumble, voice deeper then usual and a bit hoarse.
“I’m sorry it’s just…. about last night when I saw Jungkook… he-“ I couldn’t even mutter the words without feeling a hole swallow me from my chest.
“hey it’s okay, Tae go back I’ll take care of her” he spoke to the red haired man, making his way closer to me holding my shoulders carefully.
The red haired men looked at me before giving Hoseok a nod turning on his heels to go back inside, the door was shut closed leaving me out alone with Hoseok who seemed a bit more worried this time.
“Hoseok what in the world happened last night?”
“I’ll tell you come here” he pulled me towards the side but i stood there growing anxious, I can’t wait any longer for an explanation. He looked into my eyes as if realizing exactly what i meant. “you blackout in the woods last night.”
“yeah I know that but Jungkook…” I interrupt, nothing about me was important to me.
“he took you home” he blurted
“he did? But…”
“listen y/n, we were having fun last night then you black out in the woods and Jungkook was searching for you everywhere” he carry on explaining, and I couldn’t believe it or i just didnt know what to believe in anymore. “when we found you he immediately brought you back home.”
“but I saw…”
Was it all in my head then?
He had no reason to lie to me about such thing, still it didnt felt right what he was saying. I knew what I saw last ight, despite all the alcohol and my meds i knew i saw Jungkook being attacked by something or someone.
But if Jungkook was fine as Hoseok said then, all of this was just another illusion. What I saw last night wasn’t real. I was falling into that miserable trap in my head, I couldn’t help but feel completely lost as darkness fell upon my back.
I’ve been acting out of my mind this whole time without a care in the world, trespassing boundaries by coming here like a crazy woman asking for Jungkook to some of his friends when he was safe and sound.
“I’m so sorry Hoseok I just…. I heard about a body found in the woods” I tell him “he didn’t answer my calls so I was worried something happened to him.”
I decided to tell him what made me worried enough to come all the way here, leaving out the fact that i was mentally unstable and had a nightmare with his friend so real i thought he was dead.
He gave me an apologetic smile.
“is okay… you were just worried about him” he replied.
I watched as he looked at me with those eyes, the same ones everyone else did when they got a glimpse into my turbulent mind. I hated that more then anything and the fact he was now staring into my eyes with the same look mad me realize he might as well just be like everybody else, and I felt a crack in my heart.
“can you tell him to call me then, please I need to talk to him” I mumbled, looking down unable to meet his eyes.
“of course y/n…” he gave me a small hug “you should rest now is still pretty early in the morning, I’ll make sure he calls you as soon as I see him.”
“yes, im sorry Hoseok for showing up like this…” looking everywhere but his face, a need to run awa creeping into my mind.
“is okay, I understand where you’re coming from y/n” he answered softly.
I didnt spear another look at his direction as i turned on my heels to leave. That was my walk of shame back home and I didn’t know if i would ever be able to look into his face again without feeling completely embarrassed. I almost let it slip my worst nightmare, most people from Spring Villa already knew about my past and i didnt wanted to more people to find out about it. It burned almost, how much that part of me contributed to my own down fall but there was nothing i could do about it. I had tried everything I could and nothing ever seems to work. My mind has been playing games over me for so long, I should’ve known it was all in my head before packing and going to their home.
I was worried for what I saw and all of it wasn’t even real, just a coincidence.
I sighted looking at my own self in front of my small bathroom mirror, tired eyes and messy hair all over the place. I took a good look at my self feeling more pathetic the more i looked, i was tired. Physically and mentally.
It honestly took me so long to leave the bathroom, to get out of my head. This illusions ive been heaving ever since my brother left the world, this nightmares i thought were gone but now were back stronger then ever took everything i had.
I sat down in bed, the small container with meds in my hand. The rain continued to pour down outside, the darkness slowly rising more above in the skies just like my heart it was almost unbearable to tolerate all of this conscious, taking the meds in one gulp i waited for the effects to start and so on slowly my body began to drift into the deep sleep.
For once, let me sleep without a single dream in mind. No more nightmares.
But the pills stopped working a long time ago.
I walked a dark path of a long corridor, my stpes were muffled by a red carpet that fallowed the floors of the corridor.
I wasnt tired.
I wasnt running.
No one was coming to get me, my heart beat calmly on my chest and nothing happened.
I could see some lighter further ahead on the left and fallowed till im inside a big room, the enormous fireplace illuminated the room and from the fire i could make out two couches on each side and a small tea table between them.
My attention was focused on a painting above the fireplace which i could tell was the “The fall of rabel angels” from Pieter Bruegel the Elder.
The sudden deep chuckle behind me makes me turn around quickly, fear rising up my chest but i see nothing. Taking steps slowly closer to the fireplace until I feel myself collide with someone, turning on my heels im meet with amber eyes and a re haired men.
The fire burned brighter behind him and in an abrupt movement he takes me by the neck, turning my self aaround so my back is against his body he holding my chin forcing me to look into his amber eyes as i watch them slowly fade into red crimson.
“don’t worry, this wont hurt…”
Was all he mumbles into my face before showing his fangs, an almost demonic face staring into mine i could feel my whole body panicking colder then ever felt.
I could still hear his deep laugh as i lost consciousness, eyes feeling so heavy being forced to open as my body shakes in his arms. I was abruptly woken up cold sweat sliding down my neck making me feel even more uncomfortable, the loud noise of my phone ringing waking me up fully.
I took it not looking who’s the caller.
“hello?” my voice was still muffled and raspy, throat dry.
“y/n? Are you okay?” jungkooks rushed voice said on the other side.
I felt my whole body immediately wake up at the sound of his voice. He was okay.
I didnt know what to say in that moment it felt unreal but i was so relieved to finally hear his voice, everything seemed to fall back to its place in that moment.
“I’m fine, i was so worried about you….” i tell him honestly “I’m so sorry i even went to your house.”
He chuckled and i cold almost picture his teasingly smiling.
“i know that…. I’m flattered you care that much for me” he said.
“how could i not? You are my best friend.”
“I know. Sorry I made you worry that much, i wont do that again kitten.”
I looked at the clock on my nightstand as it marked half past nine, stomach rumbles in hunger. An entire day has gone already and invent had single bite of food.
“oh my was that an alien?” he said, a deep laughter coming from the other side of the line.
“you heard that?” I exclaimed embarrassed, cheeks hitting up.
“hard not to, have you not feed the family of aliens in your stomach?” he playfully says, I could definitely picture the grin he had on his face as he said that.
“i will right now…” i groaned.
“yes do that, ill see you tomorrow at the grill?”
“yeah… text me the time” i tell him.
“will do boss, bye.”
“bye, Jungkook.”
With that i hung up the call, feeling the smile grow on my face.
For as much as my nightmares and illusions bring the bitterness of me i could always count on Jungkook to change that, he was always able to filter out all of that darkness from my heart.
Hearing my stomach roar in hunger again i’d decide to finally commit to feeding it, feeling completely refreshed now knowing my best friend was fine and safe i made my way downstairs to get some food.
The sight i saw as I went downstairs was almost enough to make me regret it completely my decision and alsmot go back to my room, watching as my mother sat in the couch with one of her boyfriends drinking beer as they’re watched a football match smoke do cigarettes filling the small tv room.
I felt like throwing up but I wouldn’t let this be the end of my day, taking my purse i took the back door and decided to go have dinner at the one place i knew would be opened this late. The Grill.
The light rain hasn’t stopped since it started today, deep in my heart I knew the air in Srping Villa had changed again. A feeling I was hoping I would never felt again ever since this small town was turned upside down, but all was gone.
My thoughts were in pieces and for at least the end of this night I just wanted to forget everything and enjoy a meal.
That was my only concern the moment I sat down in on of the tables close to the bar at the Grill, French fries in front of me and a cup with coffee. The only thing they would serve at this late night but o was grateful for it.
I was quietly eating my fries listening to the low voices around me, there were only a few people at the Grill tonight. Certainly the accident that happened last night did shaken some sense into people’s minds for once, a reminder that this place was not only a tourist attraction but it had its stories.
I dared to look up once I was almost finished eating my food, inmost chocking upon the scene a few tables away from mine on the corner.
There was the red haired men I meet earlier at Jungkooks house and Jimin, they seemed to be in a fun chat with two girls sitting between the two of them.
I could see how Jimin would push aside the hair of the girl beside him, clearly expressing flirtatious acts towards her.
It would take a genius to understand what was happening there, knowing it isn’t made me feel any better too.
As they got up and walked to the exit I tired my best to hide my presence, not waning to make anything more difficult.
Watching as Jiminclosed one arm around the girls neck, as they left the Grill.
I still remember Hoseoks words at the bonfire last night, that couldn’t be my minds doing. I knew he told me Jimin and Jungkook had something going on together and that was what made me even more uneasy.
If they do then why would Jimin be going out with that girl?
Why would he do such thing to Jungkook?
I immediately scensored myself, it’s none of my business I shouldn’t be even thinking about such things.
But as his friend also, I should at least make sure I’m no just jumping to wrong conclusions. I could be just misunderstanding what was happening.
Not daring much to overthink it I got up making my way to the exit, I was afraid I might’ve lose them by now but they were still close by. Walking a few feet behind them making sure to keep a good distance I fallowed as they walked around the night streets, so far nothing had happened.
Once I saw them take another turned I stoped - this is wrong, I shouldn’t be fallowing them like this.
With a sight I turned back to leave but ended up crashing with someone else.
“I’m so sorry….”
I mumbled turning around before harshly being pulled back.
“Hey!” I stare angrily at the girl who pulled me back.
The girls says nothing at first, she had grin on her face as she looks at me up and down. She didn’t look like someone from around here and I sure never saw here in town before, the girl was taller then as she wore heels, a dress glued to her body and a jacket over it.
“Watch your tone little girl… you’re no match for me” the girl says, taking a step closer to me till she’s nearly a centimeter away.
The more I stared at her the more I stared to feel a dimly tingling sensation over my body, it was making me feel colder and uncomfortable. I could feel my brain screaming and gut in unison for me to run, that something didn’t felt right. But I was paralyzed in that moment, I couldn’t bring myself to speak or move.
“Well since your here… let’s make this the best of it, hum?” The girl pulled me by the wrist.
I try to pull away from her grip but I was suddenly struck by a painful feeling as she bite into my wrist, a loud groan comes out of my mouth as I feel her sharp teeth rip through my skin.
Her eyes where completely black as she stared at me, I try to fight her, to pull her back but it was impossible she was so much stronger.
In that moment all I could hear was my own heart pounding in my chest, my entire body was shivering and my legs were shaking. The pain burned through my entire arm.
It was so fast that I could nearly process the moment the girl was ripped off my arm, I fall to my knees breathing quickly as I look up to the red haired men I saw this morning holding her against the wall by the neck.
I looked the red hair in panic, but I couldn’t tell who he was anymore. A chill spreads down my spine as his eyes were no longer the amber color I knew but red just like blood, in a second he bit into the girls neck and I watched in horror as blood splattered across the air, the girl groan out in pain and I looked away as the sounds of flesh being ripped off continued. No, this can’t be real - i begged.
It’s just another illusion of my mind, I’m sure I’m heaving another dream.
I could feel my whole body shake with my have breathing, heart racing faster by the seconds I was completely losing myself into panic.
Holding tighter to my burning arm, blood wetting the surface of my shirt and everything around it. The smell of it was getting stronger, something I knew but wasn’t used to it.
It wasn’t until I felt a grip into my shoulder that was able to move again.
“no!” i exclaimed, fearing it was red hair now ready to end me aswell but i felt myself slowly calming as im meet with Jimins worried expression.
“it’s okay y/n….” he murmured. “it’s me y/n.”
He helped me get back up on my feet, hands holding my shoulders he looked into my eyes.
“i’m so sorry for this” he said.
My eyes looked behind him were the red hair men stood, blood dripping down his lips as he smirked.
I didn’t know what to say, my mind was blank in that moment I didn’t know what was real.
“oh no… you’re…”Jimin said between pauses looking down at my arm “hurt…”
He sounded much lower and I notice the change in his eyes the moment he looked at me bloody arm, how hos brown eyes faded into red crimson pointy fangs showing.
“what happened here?!”
I blinked a couple times before looking up at the worried face of my best friend.
“Jungkook?” I called breathless.
Upon Jungkooks voice I felt myself wake up fully, and with that came the realization of the situation.
I pushed Jimin away rushing towards Jungkook and almost falling over my own feet, feeling my body getting colder and vision blurring.
He quickly catches me and I let myself be immersed into his warmth.
Leaning away I searched for his eyes.
“what is happening kook?” I asked.
He sighted looking at the two men behind me.
“opsie…” even without looking I could tell that wa the red haired men, his mocking deep voice.
“I’ll explain everything y/n I just need to make sure you’re…” he stopped, looking down between us to my arm.
I stared in panic as his eyes faded into bloody red eyes.
They were all the same.
“you’re hurt…” he said.
I feared I had lost myself completely in my insanity but this felt too real to be another illusion form my mind, too painful to be unreal.
The same as I saw in all my nightmares.
“Jungkook…. What are you?”
Notes: this is it for the first part of the story, taglist? Comment if you want to be tagged! I love you guys hope you like this one, until the next one! 🫶☺️
#bts fanfiction#bts smut#bts x you#yoongi smut#yoongi x reader#jimin x reader#bts au#vampire au#namjoon smut#namjoon x y/n#seokjin x y/n#seokjin x reader#jimin x y/n#jimin smut#jimin x oc#jungkook x y/n#jungkook and reader#jungkook smut#jung hoseok x y/n#jung hoseok smut#hoseok x reader#hoseok smut#bts taehyung#bts fic#bts x reader#bts vampire au#min yoongi x reader#min yoongi smut#seokjin smut#kim seokjin
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Sprite's Favourite Fics {Bangtan Fics} Part 1

Note: This is my first time creating a list of my favorite fanfics. I’ve been on Tumblr for quite a while, and it can be exhausting to sift through all my liked posts to find a specific story. So, I'm putting together this list to make it easier for myself and others looking for some good fanfics to read. I’m still a bit unsure about how to structure this list, but let’s give it a try! Also, all the moodboards are edited by me and therefore I request everyone not to repost them as theirs. Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12 (completed)

➺ Coming Home by moonstruck-poet
Pairing- Kang Taehyun x sister!OC, BTS x platonic! OC Summary - Kang Ari comes back from the military for a couple of days to surprise her brother on his birthday.
➺ The Gateway to Your Heart by justimajin
Pairing: OT7 x Reader Genre: Fluff, Cuteness, Sprinkles of Angst ↳ Magic Shop AU Words: 7.2k Warnings: None! Summary: ❝You gave me the best of me, so you give you the best of you.❞
➺ Requested Drabble by minniepetals
Genre: CEO AU Synopsis: “I love you and I thought everything was okay but I guess not...“

➺ Nervous by etherealacoustic
Pairing - Kim Namjoon x Female! Reader Summary - Your husband Namjoon and BTS get an invitation to the White House. He's nervous so you comfort him.
➺ His Goodluck Charm by etherealacoustic
Pairing - Kim Namjoon x wife Reader Summary - It'll soon be Namjoon's performance but you had been travelling and were not present during the start.
➺ Nine Months by gimmesumsuga
Summary: “Your due date has come and gone. Namjoon’s excited and you’re uncomfortable, but you’re both equally as impatient to meet your little girl.” Pairings: Namjoon x Reader Rating: 15+ Warnings: Pregnancy, Birth, and all the icky bodily fluids that come along with it.
➺ A Dangerous Game by chaoticpuff17
Genre: A Yandere Mafia Au
➺ Guilty by xjoonchildx
pairing: namjoon X reader summary: as the man at the top, kim namjoon has almost everything he wants. almost. could a familiar face from the past change his future?

➺ Real by Jiminrings
pairing: seokjin x reader wordcount: 13k glimpse: single dad!jin has all the money to blow off in the world but not time, and swim instructor!y/n just nEEDS to meet this student’s dad who’s never there to pick her up :D ft. someone’s ex that just had to be an olympic swimmer
➺ The Profit & Love Statement by justimajin
↠ Pairing: Seokjin x Reader ↠ Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst ↳ Office AU ↠ Word Count: 105.9k / 24 parts ↠ Summary: The workplace isn’t for everyone. It can be mundane and repetitive, with some describing it like a nuisance and others as a blessing. You’re the kind that leans more towards the latter and while it does make you an ideal candidate for many things, nothing could have prepared you for the whirlwind that is the new employee.
➺ The a-listers by httpknjoon
pairing | actor!jin x famous!reader genres | humor/crack, fluff, angst, actors!au plot | Meet Y/N and Jin, two of Hollywood's hottest celebrities and couple — or are they? Media and fans have been wanting to hear a confirmation for years now. But you two are always good at confusing everyone. Watch as everyone else play this guessing game of what's the relationship between Y/N and Jin.

➺ CEO Yoongi by jungshookz
→ pairing: min yoongi x secretary reader → genre: ceo!au, clumsy!y/n because that’s always nice, jimin is ur best friend, floofy fluff, a touch of nsfw aka office sex → wordcount: 21k+
➺ Requested Drabble by jungshookz
summary- oc has this big ol crush on yoongi and she’s like hella shy around him and they’re paired up for a project and oc is debating if she should say “can you help me” or “can you hold this” but it comes out like “can you hold me” and cheeky yoongi actually does it hehe
➺ Like flowers we bloom by cupofteaguk
pairing: yoongi x fem!reader genre: bad boy au | fluff warnings: slow burn, some knowledge of flowers, yoongi is a meanie in the beginning </3 word count: 5k summary: in which a garden isn’t the only thing you’re building with Min Yoongi
➺ No Choice (next to you) by gukyi
pairing: yoongi x reader genre: fluff, comedy word count: 13k summary:the pros of your last-minute senior year apartment sublet: cheap, furnished, close to campus, in a gorgeous old victorian conversion home, and right next to the greek takeout place. the cons of your last-minute senior year apartment sublet: min yoongi, senior member of the beta tau sigma fraternity, and his party-throwing, vodka-loving, ruckus-making fraternity buddies, are your neighbors.
➺ One Chance by out-of-jams
↠ Summary ↞ Min Yoongi was a lot of things. A musical genius, a guy with a bad reputation, your assigned partner for your final project. And the last thing you ever would have expected. Word Count: 7.4k Warnings/Genre: College!au. Music producer!Yoongi x Singer!Reader. Fluff. Explicit language. Some angst. Mentions of alcohol. s2l. Oneshot.
➺ It's a Reverse Basket by justimajin
⇝ Pairing: Yoongi x Reader ⇝ Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst ↳ Basketball AU, Crossdressing AU ⇝ Word Count: 90.5k / 21 parts ⇝ Summary: The goal has never been in your favor, and despite all your best efforts, you don’t think it ever will be. But that’s right when you finally get the chance to turn things around, to do things the way you’ve always wanted to, and to go after what you truly love. However the problem isn’t if you can do it, it’s how much are you willing to do...?
➺ Love is... on tour by httpknjoon
pairing | bass guitarist!yoongi x popstar!reader genre | enemies to lovers synopsis | Tell everyone you know, Love Is... On Tour! Popstar!YN is set to start her sophomore world tour with her new hit songs, sparkly outfits, and talented live band. There are 352 days of this tour, which means 352 days of YN and her new bassist, Yoongi getting on each other's skin in every way possible.
➺ Fail-Safe by Jiminrings
pairing: yoongi x reader glimpse: growing up, your brother's best friend always berated you for not having a passion in life outside of loving him from afar. when yoongi leaves everything he's ever known for everything he's ever wanted, trying to move on from him becomes your biggest aspiration. alternatively, yoongi left when you needed him the most, and comes back home at a time when you love him the least. warning: [ a Lot of angst, eventual fluff, brother's best friend AND single dad au, So Much Yearning, unrequited love (initial), jealousy, self-deprecation, a lot of talk abt passion in an empty n hurtful way that most impassioned youngest children feel (it's a specific feeling idk!!!), eventual redemption in the next parts ]
➺ Greedy by xjoonchildx
Pairing: yoongi x reader Summary: being a loner has never bothered yoongi until now. until you.

➺ No Time For Love by Jiminrings
pairing: doctor!hoseok x nurse!y/n wordcount: 3k glimpse: "If something happens to you, you come to me — not to the receptionist you like chatting with on your lunch breaks."
➺ Base Line by Jiminrings
pairing: hoseok x y/n wordcount: 3k glimpse: hoseok swears that you’re intolerable, but maybe that’s just because you don’t greet him good morning like you usually do
➺ Guarded by xjoonchildx
Pairing: Hoseok x reader Summary: you’ve tried to separate yourself from your infamous crime family, but a new case has your carefully-constructed world crashing down around you. now you have to figure out how to heal old wounds and handle the new man who enters your orbit.

➺ A Bite of Sin (M) by sangsanghaebwa
Genre: Smut, vampire!AU, (a bit of angst?) Word count: 4748 Description: After one fateful accident your entire life changes, but so does Jimin, leaving you bitter and lonely until you both break down. Warnings: Mature content
➺ While You're Sleeping by parkdatjimin
warnings: heavy angst, reader unleashes some insecurities to Jimin while he's sleeping, mentions of divorced parents and anxiety wc: 1.6K
➺ To Love You by alessiamalfoyzabini
Pairing | wanted!Jimin x princess!Reader Word Count | 16,1k Summary | You have been separated from your beloved and your kingdom is under the rule of a heartless man, but all is not lost.
➺ Sweetheart by indgio
↳ pairing park jimin x f!reader ↳ genre e2l / lawyer!au / wc 2.8k ↳ warnings very heated make-out session LMAO / ft. bff!taekook / oc is honestly just full of rage
➺ Blooming Days by bluekyun
Genre: fluff, smut, angst & humour Word Count: 15.390 Rating: NC-17 Summary: A typical night for you begins at the library in your favorite chair underneath the lamp in the corner, only to be picked up at 3am by your best friend, Jimin. Despite having slept over in his room several times before, this certain night in Sigma house leads to far more than you ever imagined. But what is to come of your friendship once you reveal those two little lines that will change your lives forever?
➺ Rebound by out-of-jams
Pairing: Jimin x Reader Word Count: 7k. Warnings/Genre: College!au. s2l. Explicit language. Alcohol use. Slight angst. Jealousy. Pining. One shot. PG 16. ↠ Summary ↞ Who cared if Kim Taehyung slept with other people? You sure as hell didn’t. That was what friends with benefits meant, right? No, it didn’t matter that you were halfway in love with him. And no, you sure as hell weren’t going to try and make him jealous with a complete stranger. Nope, not at all. Right? Right.
➺ What I did for Love by krreader
pairing: park jimin x reader genre: angst ; fluff ; mentions of smut summary: Park Jimin had long given up on hope of finding love and thought being a sugar daddy was just an easier way to get what he wanted. but when you start developing feelings for him, to a point where he knew you loved him, he couldn’t help but wonder what love might feel like...
➺ Heartburn by Jiminrings
pairing: jimin x reader glimpse: you know it’d happen eventually and you’ve been preparing yourself for the impending hurt — you just don’t want it now. Not now when it’s nearing jimin’s little sister’s birthday; not now when you can swear love isn’t the only thing you can put on the table. alternatively, jimin emotionally cheats on you while your wedding’s six months away. warnings: heavy angst (pls i am once again apologizing to the people that cried bc of this ily), emotional cheating, emotional constipation n baggage, insecurities, broken relationship w parents, intense longing and hurt i can't put into words + specified tags in each installment!

➺ Falling in crayolove by jungshookz
✎ pairing: kim taehyung x reader ✎ genre: kindergartenteacher!au, workingman!au, F L U F F, tiny bit of angst at the start :-( but this is literally 98% fluff; y/n and taehyung are like two little kids with little crushes on each other ✎ trigger warning(s): implications of getting an abortion!! ✎ wordcount: 10.5k ✎ summary: y/n is a single mom and taehyung is a single kindergarten teacher. emma knows exactly what she needs to do.
➺ Stuck with You by jungshookz
❥ pairing: kim taehyung x reader ❥ genre: university!au, enemies-to-lovers, fratboy!tae??, comedy that’ll either make you chuckle out loud or roll your eyes and snoRT or maybe u won’t laugh that’s cool too, domestic fluff because i want to go grocery shopping with tae toO (but also fluff in general!!), smutty smut so make sure to read this with your phone’s brightness lowered all the dang way, hi @ librarian!namjoon!!! fratboy!jungkook is also in here ❥ wordcount: 37k ❥ summary: kim taehyung becoming your new roommate is definitely up there on the list of the worst things that have ever happened to you.
➺ In Bloom {M} by untaemedqueen
Pairing: Tattooed&Pierced!Taehyung x Wife!Reader WordCount: 6.2k Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut Summary: A tattoo artist taehyung, and a florist's wife reader, have their shops side by side, and one day they fight, and taehyung feels bad because of which he visits her with their daughter but she’s very angry, so he plans a trip to take her to a garden where they met for the first time and they make up, with some smut and the reader revealing she’s expecting.
➺ Swoon by minisugakoobies
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader Genre: fluff, enemies to lovers, non-Idol!AU Word Count: 3.6k Summary: “You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” Warnings: swearing, kissing, Tae's wearing his red leather jacket from his Paris trip, we've also got Disco Jungkook and Harley Quinn Jimin in here
➺ Soft Spot by v-hope
Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader Genre: Fluff Word Count: 2k Summary: "where Tae is super soft for the reader who is a part of the staff and everyone starts noticing."
➺ Catching a Case of Doctor Blues by justimajin
⇢ Pairing: Taehyung x Reader ⇢ Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst ↳ Doctor/Surgeon AU, Enemies to Lovers AU ⇢ Word Count: 67.4k / 20 parts ⇢ Summary: When asked about Dr. Kim, a string of beautifully aligned words are ready spew from your lips. You could possibly go on and on about how his wonderful stubbornness wasn’t similar to talking to a brick wall, or how his observation skills were especially great in preparing your blood vessels for a drastic rupture or even how one gracious stare of his nearly had you on the verge of ripping your essential documents in half. But it seems that, perhaps, there was a lot more to Dr. Kim then what meets the eye...

➺ Requested drabble by jungshookz
summary- jungkook and yn do this thing where they fake marriage proposals to get free stuff in restaurants until jungkook is actually seriously proposing to his long time gf yn and she doesn't get the clue
➺ if-then by Jiminrings
pairing: jungkook x reader wordcount: 7k Glimpse: you're an alien in prince jungkook's planet — both literally and figuratively. alternatively, jungkook gives his nickname for you to someone else in a fit of anger, and you've never been more upset. Warning: [ fluff, angst, painfully oblivious n dense alien koo, mutual pining (yes MUTUAL!!!!), the glaring concept of not being good n whole enough to deserve love (yikes but i Swear it gets better), mentions of injuries ]
➺ Mature by Jiminrings
pairing: jungkook x reader wordcount: 8k Glimpse: the good thing about professing your feelings to jungkook is that it'd be over with, whether or not he likes you back — the bad thing is that he rejects you, even if you haven't confessed. alternatively, crushing on jungkook who's in your friend group is, has, and will never be a good idea. Warning: [ push n pull fic YIPPPEEEEE, fluff, angst, So Much Yearning, friends to lovers trope, jealousy, dunking on a stewpid jk (as one does), arguments that kinda hit home, redemption!! ]
➺ Out of Gas? {M} by 97kuu
Paring: Jungkook x reader! Genre; jungkookbestfriend! Friends to lovers! WC; under 3k Summary; It was a setup between Taehyung, namjoon and Jungkook to get him to hook up with you in the car. However, his guilty heart and physical desire revealed that he wanted more than what he was willing to confess that night..
➺ Fifth Wish by Jiminrings
pairing: jungkook x reader wordcount: 18k Glimpse: jeon jungkook, world-class socialite and nepotism baby, should be out every night to celebrate while he’s at his prime. why should he fake-date his bodyguard instead? alternatively, jungkook regularly throws coins to wishing wells with only one desire in mind — to get rid of you. Warning: [ angst, unrequited love (at first), emotional constipation, jk is Very Frustrating to be with, so much pining, the constant repetition of the notion that one must amount to something to be deserving of love, rlly wholesome fluff, mentions of blood n injuries, whole 360 redemption arc dw i am not evil ]
➺ Tutus & Tiaras (M) by 1kook
DILF!JK SPECIAL! rating m (18+) word count 10k summary: your first pregnancy through the lens of your husband
➺ Gamer Boy {M} by hoebii
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader Genre : Established Relationship!Au, Smut Rating : 18+ Warnings : sexual content, unprotected sex, slight exhibitionism I guess? Wc : 2.3k
#bts fic recs#bts fanfic#bts x reader#bts angst#bts smut#jungkook smut#taehyung smut#jimin smut#yoongi smut#namjoon smut#hoseok smut#seokjin smut#jungkook fluff#taehyung fluff#jimin fluff#yoongi fluff#hoseok fluff#jin fluff#namjoon fluff#bts fluff#bts hybrid au#bts vampire au#bts mafia au#bts yandere#hoseok fanfic#namjoon fanfic#jimin fanfic#yoongi fanfic#taehyung fanfic#jungkook fanfic
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Wicked As They Come | myg
⟶ title: Wicked As They Come
⟶ pairing: vampire!yoongi x reporter! f reader
⟶ genres/aus: supernatural au, vampire au, fake dating au, ceo au, romance, smut
⟶ rating: 18+
⟶ wc: 10.7k
⟶ warnings: Yoongi is a bit mean but 😏, dom!yoongi, sub!reader, threats, dirty talk, mentions of blood, biting, blood drinking, blood play, a cheesy staircase scene, a shower scene, smut in the forms of: oral m & f receiving, unprotected sex, rough sex, overstimulation, multiple orgasms
⟶ summary: you’ve been undercover at one of Min Yoongi’s many hotels in the city for the past week. you’re there because of the rumors that have been spreading regarding his vampire employees feeding off of his human guests. what you don’t expect to happen is Min Yoongi discovering your true intentions in his hotel and offering you a very interesting ultimatum: pretend to date the vampire CEO to help appeal to his human guests, or quickly find out just what kind of monster he can really be.
⟶ authors note: I know you all must be so surprised to see me posting since it’s been literal months lol. This fic is part of the To Love A Monster collab that I’m hosting with a bunch of really amazing writers. Please check out their fics as well! I have to give some big shoutouts here: M @here2bbtstrash, thank you for betaing what was obviously a mess and assuring me that it wasn’t complete trash, I so appreciate your help. Also to sav @jeonjcngkook who read it before it was even done to also assure me I wasn’t writing junk. And then to jai @gimmethatagustd for making this amazing banner all those months ago when I thought I wouldn’t procrastinate and get this done sooner lol.
I hope you all enjoy this, it’s mostly porn lol.

You have been sneaking around his hotel for a week trying to put any weight behind the rumors that were circulating.
Min Yoongi was a vampire and a very powerful one. He owns almost every luxury hotel within 500 miles of the city. He employs vampires and humans in his hotels and none of the humans you had been talking to seemed afraid to be here. So why are there rumors the vamps are feeding off humans in his hotels?
You have been unable to find any evidence of the unapproved blood drinking. There is, of course, plenty of approved blood drinking. Humans are paid handsomely to volunteer their blood to the vamps and Min Yoongi almost made a show of how much he paid them.
Your last night in the hotel is supposed to be spent at a masquerade party being held downstairs in the grand room, but ever curious you decided to take a small detour past the kitchens.
The dress you are wearing was sent to your hotel room with a note that simply stated “can’t wait to finally meet you tonight when you're wearing this.”
At first, you thought it was possibly delivered to your room by mistake. But the dress was exactly your size and fit like it had been made for you. You didn’t have a no clue who would have sent it, but you weren’t the type to turn down expensive gifts.
While taking your last minute detour past the kitchens, you hear something around the corner that quickly catches your attention.
“I don’t want you to if it’s going to hurt, Jimin.” A female voice says in a hushed whisper.
“I would never hurt you, princess. It’s going to feel so good,” a man with silver hair and a ridiculously pretty smile says to the female as you slowly peek around the corner. One of his hands strokes her cheek while the other holds her body against his.
“Do you promise?” Her voice trembles slightly and you’re immediately afraid for her.
“Of course.” He leans down to kiss her and she seems to melt into him.
There are two things you are absolutely sure about at this moment.
This man named Jimin is a vampire.
This girl is human and being coerced into letting this vampire bite her even though she is obviously terrified.
You watch as the vampire hikes up the girl's skirt, hitching her leg over his hip. You hadn’t noticed that he had removed his cock from his pants until you saw him slip inside the girl in front of him.
You can’t look away, but an even bigger part of you wants to see more. She moans his name and Jimin praises her for taking him so well.
Was this really what they had been talking about? Were they talking about fucking and not him drinking her blood?
But while you were distracted by the scene in front of you, watching tears roll down the girl's face when Jimin slammed her back to the wall, you hadn’t realized that someone else was watching you. A hand covers your mouth and an arm wraps around your waist and lifts you off the ground.
“You aren’t supposed to be down here,” a deep voice says against the shell of your ear. You try to scream to no avail, flailing your head around trying to hit them in the face, but they’re too quick.
You keep fighting against them, even as you feel a needle pierce the skin of your neck and a scream leave the mouth of that poor girl around the corner.
“Time to wake up.” You feel someone grip your face in their hand to keep your head up. Your mind feels like a fog has settled inside.
“You probably gave her too much, Namjoon,” a voice says.
“Impossible. I never miscalculate a dose.”
“Would you two please shut the fuck up,” a deep grumbly voice says from a little further away. “Open your eyes, little monster.”
You force them to flutter open, trying to focus on what’s in front of you through your blurry vision.
“Where…where am I?” You start to move your limbs; your legs move fine, but your arms are handcuffed behind the back of the chair you’re sitting in. “What the fuck?”
“We need to talk about why you’ve been snooping around my hotel for the past week. And I suggest you not lie to me or I’ll kill you now.” A man dressed in a very expensive suit comes around the front side of the desk he was sitting behind and leans against it.
“If you already know, what’s the point in me telling you anything?” Your vision clears more as you focus on his face: long black hair smoothed back off his forehead and eyes that could see through your soul.
“Humor me.” His voice is suddenly at your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Is this how you treat all of your guests? Cuffing them to chairs and letting your employees drink their blood even though they’re terrified?” You glare at him as you speak. It didn’t take you long to realize that this man is Min Yoongi.
He laughs before placing his hands on the arms of the chair, leaning down until his face is level with yours.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, little monster.” His voice is low and his smirk is maddening.
“I’m calling the cops as soon as I get the fuck out of here. This is kidnapping.” You struggle against the cuffs to no avail. Yoongi leans down closer, his nose coming down to skim your throat and cause your body to freeze.
“I can smell it on you…the fear. Your heart is pumping too hard. It’s fucking divine.” His tongue ghosts along your skin and no matter how hard you try not to react, goosebumps appear after you shiver. “Does that turn you on, little monster? Knowing I could kill you…bleed you dry on my tongue?”
It does. God it fucking does. It’s so fucked up, but pain…pushing limits…a little bit of fear…you fucking love it.
“No.” You seethe through clenched teeth.
“Liar.” His words are hot against your ear before his inhuman speed takes him back to the other side of his desk in an instant.
“Bastard.” You cross your legs tightly and slump against the chair.
“You have a choice to make, Ms. ______.” Yoongi sits down in his oversized leather chair and leans back with his eyes on you. “I’m in need of a partner. A human one. Someone to make appearances with me and make it look convincing. I need the humans to book my hotels more often. You can either help me do that or I can kill you.”
“Gee, so glad you’ve given me so many options here,” you scoff.
“What will it be then?” His hand cards through his long hair but his attention stays on you.
You realize that this may give you an extra in for your article. You could have insider information about what’s going on in these hotels if you agree. Maybe this isn’t the worst thing that could’ve happened.
“Fine. I agree.” You know the smile on your face probably isn’t as convincing as you want it to be.
“Meet me back here tomorrow night to sign the contract.” Yoongi nods towards the vampires who have been lingering near the door and one of them comes forward to undo your cuffs.

“What the hell? You’ve got an entire clause in this thing that says I can’t write any piece of journalism regarding what I see and hear at any time while or after the contract is up? That’s bullshit!” You toss the thick packet of paper back onto his desk.
“I’ll compensate you for any money your magazine would pay you for the article you were going to write about me.” Yoongi says, as if he’s bored to death as he scrolls his phone.
“How much compensation are we talking about here? Because the magazine I’m working for pays pretty decently for pieces like…” Your sentence is cut off by the sound of your phone dinging on the table. You pick it up to see Min Yoongi has deposited $20,000 into your bank account. You choke, almost throwing your phone when you see the number. “You can’t be serious.”
“Now that your compensation is dealt with, is there anything else in the terms you want to discuss?” Namjoon says, steam practically pouring out of his ears. He turns to his boss next. “Or is there any more money you would like to just throw around?”
You glare at Yoongi, his eyes never leaving you as you reach onto the table and pick the packet of papers back up. He smiles, poking the tip of his tongue against one of his fangs.
Flipping through the rest of the contract, it occurs to you that one thing was never mentioned throughout that ridiculously long document.
“There’s nothing about sex in here.” You skim through a few pages again and Namjoon nearly chokes.
“Should there be?” Yoongi says with amusement in his voice.
“I just assumed…”
“If you want me to fuck you, little monster, we don’t need a contract for it. Just say that’s what you want.” He leans over the desk, his elbows resting on it.
“Obviously I don’t.” You cross your legs and pretend to look through the contract more.
“Get out,” Yoongi says, black eyes still staring at you.
“Excuse me?” You’re about to go off before he cuts you off.
“Not you.” He turns his eyes to Namjoon who was apparently pretending there was something more interesting on his phone. “You. Get out of my office.”
“Asshole,” Namjoon mumbles as he shoves his chair back and, quicker than any human ever could, rushes out of the door and leaves it slamming behind him.
“What is your problem? Why did you tell him to leave?”
“My problem is that you’re lying to me. So I’ll give you one last chance to tell the truth. Do you want to be fucked?” He starts to loosen the tie around his neck while standing up slowly from his desk.
“Why do you assume that I want you to fuck me?” Your mouth feels dry as you grip the arms of your chair.
“Does your cunt usually get ridiculously wet when you don’t want to be fucked?” He stops in front of you, the silky black neck tie sliding between his long fingers.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“No? So if I got my fingers between your legs I wouldn’t find you dripping?”
“It wouldn’t be because of you.” You tighten your jaw and lift your nose slightly into the air in defiance. “Maybe I thought your lawyer was hot.”
Yoongi has never looked more wicked than he does at this moment. It’s like any kind of mask he was wearing to hide the monster has slipped away, his eyes suddenly the color of blood and fangs elongated while he grips the arms of the chair you’re sitting in, crushing them in his hands. The suddenness of it all makes you yelp in surprise.
“Don’t forget who you’re talking to with that smart fucking mouth, little monster.” One of Yoongi’s hands lifts from the rubble of the chair arms so he can drag a finger up your chest. Even without his inhuman abilities, you know he can hear your heart.
You should be terrified. You are terrified. But you should be trying to get away. Fight him off of you. But you just want more. Want him to bend you over his desk and show you the monster he can truly be.
His wandering finger makes its way over your pulse thrumming in your neck, making him groan low and deep in his chest. But he doesn’t stop there; he keeps his torturously slow pace until the finger is resting on your chin just beneath your lips.
“Open,” he demands, the red of his eyes slowly retreating back to their normal dark color.
You decide not to argue this time, parting your lips just enough for him to slip his finger into the hot cavern of your mouth.
“Suck, little monster, like it’s my cock I know you’re dying to choke on.” He presses the long digit against your tongue, tilting his head to the side as he watches your lips wrap around his finger.
You suck gently at first, running your tongue along its length until you can taste the metal of the very expensive ring on his finger. You lift your eyes to meet his, desperate to see how it’s affecting him.
“You can do better, can’t you, beautiful?” His other hand cups your chin and tilts it up more before he pulls his finger from your mouth. “Well?”
You watch as he leans against his desk, spreading his legs slightly as he presses his palms to the top of the dark wood.
It only takes you a moment to realize what he’s suggesting, and then you’re sliding from the leather chair you’re sitting in down to your knees on the floor in front of him. You can tell he’s half hard already when you come face to face with his crotch.
“This doesn’t mean anything.” Your voice sounds strained and unfamiliar. Yoongi smirks, a small laugh slipping out.
“Don’t worry, little monster. Out there you can be my well put together princess. But here, you’re my whore.” He growls the last part, one of his fangs poking into his bottom lip as he watches you undo his belt and zipper.
You hate how hard your pussy clenches at his words. How much you’re craving exactly what you’re getting. It’s stupid. So, so stupid.
Running your hands up his thighs, you slip your fingers into the band of his underwear and pants, sliding them down to free his waiting cock. And of course it’s perfect. His cocky demeanor is well backed up by the size of the dick in your face alone. Your mouth waters.
“There will be plenty of time for you to gawk, but right now you should really start sucking.” His fingers lace into your hair and lightly grip at the back of your head. You roll your eyes at him, but take his cock into your hand anyways.
His skin is cool to the touch but still flushed as you stroke him. A hum of approval comes from above you. You look up again, taking him into your mouth and making sure to hold eye contact as you do.
Your tongue swirls around him while your head bobs slowly up and down his long shaft. His grip in your hair tightens each time you take him a little deeper into your throat.
“Good girl, fuck,” Yoongi groans, grabbing the bottom of his button up shirt and pulling it up to his chest so that he can see everything that you’re doing.
Closing your eyes for a moment, you let your throat relax and take him all the way down until your nose presses against his lower stomach. The groan you receive in return is nothing short of delicious.
“I could tell from the moment I saw you watching Jimin fuck that girl downstairs that you were going to be the sweetest little slut.” He grips your hair hard, making you yelp around his cock. “And I was so fucking right.” Yoongi uses your hair as leverage to start rocking his hips and fucking into your mouth.
This is exactly what you want. You want him to use you and say dirty things. Your pussy has been clenching around nothing and dripping all over your thighs the entire time. You open your mouth as wide as you can and let him corrupt your throat, holding on to the backs of his thighs for dear life.
“How badly do you want my cum, little monster?” His voice is breathy and full of lust.
Unable to answer him with your mouth occupied, you slide your hands up to his ass cheeks and dig your nails in, making him jolt further down your throat. God you want it so badly.
“Fuck, that’s so good. So fucking good.” Yoongi releases his grip on your hair and lets you bob your head up and down him again to finish him off.
You bring a hand around to stroke him in tandem with your mouth, squeezing at the head on each upstroke. You watch above you as his head finally falls back with a loud moan, his hand on the back of your head to hold you down as he cums down your throat.
He didn’t have to hold you there, you were gladly going to take it all, but it’s obvious this vampire loves control. So you continue to suck softly until he’s finished and pulls his cock from your lips.
You take in a deep breath when he releases you, falling forward slightly but catching yourself on your hands.
“Let me see,” Yoongi grumbles.
“See what?” you say, out of breath. He doesn’t answer, simply grabs your chin and yanks you back up to look at him.
“Open your mouth,” he demands and you obey. “Good girl. I like to see that it’s all been swallowed down your perfect throat.” He releases your chin, extending his hand for you to take to help you up.
As you stand on wobbly legs, you’re surprised by the sudden gentleness from the man who was fucking your throat raw just moments ago. Yoongi helps you straighten your clothes and then moves on to his own, fixing his pants back into place as if the whole thing hadn’t just happened.
“Are you going to put sex in the contract now?” you ask, genuinely curious. Yoongi laughs quietly as he rounds the other side of his desk.
“If you’d prefer it be in writing I can have Namjoon add it in.”
“That…might be best.” You don’t know why. Maybe to give yourself the illusion that this isn’t something you’re more than willing to do.
“As you wish.” He sits back in his chair and watches as you head for his door. “And little monster?”
“Yes?” You almost jump at the sound of his voice again.
“A member of my staff will be taking you shopping and helping you get settled into my penthouse in the next few days.”
“Your penthouse? I don’t remember living together being in the contract.”
“We have to make this as believable as possible. And I want to keep you close.” He opens his laptop, ignoring the surprised look on your face.
“Possessive much?” You glare at him, arms crossing over your chest. He hums with a smirk.
“Only when it comes to things that are mine.” His words send a shiver down your spine, and in that moment you aren’t sure if it’s out of lust or fear.
You don’t respond further, slipping out of his office so that you can breathe again.

“Was all of this truly necessary?” you ask.
“Yoongi said you were to get everything you wanted.” Jungkook shrugs his shoulders as he types into his phone.
Jungkook had come to your hotel room three days after you’d left Yoongi’s office. He’s apparently Yoongi’s assistant, and lucky for you, is much friendlier than his boss. He had other staff collect your things from your room and take them to Yoongi’s penthouse before rushing you out the door to shop.
“Yes, but you literally bought everything I even glanced at twice.” There are bags covering the entire floor of the elevator you’re riding up in, and the hotel attendants will be bringing tons more up from the car.
“Don’t overthink it. Just enjoy being the spoiled brat that you are for a few months,” Jungkook teases, making you roll your eyes with a laugh.
The elevator dings, signaling your arrival at the very top floor of the hotel. Your stomach twists as the thought of living here with Yoongi finally dawns on you. This is a ridiculous idea.
“Welcome home!” Jungkook shouts, scaring you for a moment.
You step out into the entryway of the penthouse, immediately overwhelmed by the beautiful set up. The entire far wall is windows, of course: it wouldn’t be a penthouse without ceiling to floor windows. But the way the sun is setting outside is breathtaking to see from this high up.
You move a little further inside, taking in the black leather couches and oversized fireplace in the living room area. Fur carpets cover the dark wood floors and abstract pieces of art sit on almost every table.
It’s an open concept, the kitchen taking up the other half of the first floor. Though you aren’t sure why a vampire would need a kitchen with their…special diet. It has lights that drop down low from the ceiling and a huge island with tons of seating. Does Min Yoongi enjoy entertaining guests? You can barely imagine it.
“Boss should be back soon. Want me to wait with you?” Jungkook says, still typing away into his phone. He’s rather sweet for a vampire.
“I’ll be fine, Jungkook.” You give him a small smile as you wrap your arms around yourself. “And thank you for today.”
“My pleasure. You’ve got my number, anything you need just give me a call.” He looks up at you, then inhumanly fast is out the door. How will you ever get used to that?
You decide to look a little closer at the kitchen, letting your fingertips ghost over the black marble countertops. Making your way to the fridge, you open its huge doors to find it fully stocked with food.
“What the fuck?” you mumble to yourself. Why did he need all of this food?
Before you close the doors, a bottle of wine on the top shelf catches your eye and you grab it before spinning around to face the kitchen island and search for a corkscrew.
What you don’t expect to see is Min Yoongi standing on the other side of the island, watching you carefully.
“Holy shit!” you screech, your heart lurching in your chest. “Can you please make some noise when you enter a room? Jesus.”
“Making yourself at home, little monster?” He smirks, likely loving the fact that you almost had a heart attack.
“I was just looking around.” You sit the bottle of wine down and lean over the counter, resting your elbows on the marble. “Is that okay?” You know that your cleavage is pushed up by the way you're bent over and you definitely did it on purpose.
“You’re welcome to look around.” He drums his long fingers against the countertop. “I’ve got nothing to hide from you.” You scoff.
“No bodies hidden in the closets? A coffin in your bedroom perhaps?” You reach up and carefully take a wine glass down from the rack hanging above the kitchen island.
“This isn’t the dark ages, little monster. The sun being a problem for vampires is something of the past.” He shrugs out of his suit jacket and drapes it over the chair next to him.
“It seems vampires evolve very quickly.” You say it casually, hoping he will spill information that most humans don’t know; information that you can use when you write an article exposing everything about them.
“Curious little thing, aren’t you?” He loosens his tie while slowly stalking towards you around the counter.
“It’s my job to be curious.” You try to pretend that him coming closer doesn’t affect you by pouring the wine into the glass you retrieved.
“Do you think you’re going to find a loophole in my contract? Something that would allow you to write your article? Foolish…” Yoongi wraps his tie around his palm and continues his slow movements towards you. Your stomach tightens, wondering when he’s going to get sick of you and kill you where you stand.
“We don’t need to talk about the article. It’s obviously not happening.” You take a drink, the sweet white liquid enticing your taste buds.
“Your heart gives you away.”
“What?” You’re taken aback by his words, taking them in a way he didn’t mean.
“It’s picked up speed. Almost a thrum. You’re lying…but that’s okay. You want to be brave, then go ahead. But I’m not your enemy, little monster.” He moves too quickly for a moment, coming too close all at once, causing you to drop your wine glass on the floor.
The glass shatters against the tile floor, the wine spreading out and filling into the space between the tiles. You don’t even think about your next move, bending down and immediately starting to pick up the shards of glass.
“Sorry…” you start to say, nicking your palm on a piece of glass in your rush to scoop them up. “Fuck, that hurts. Could you hand me a rag?” You don’t look up at first, but when Yoongi doesn’t say anything, you get impatient.
What you see is the monster you know you shouldn’t want so desperately.
His eyes are red and raging as he grips the counter top with one of his hands, the marble starting to crumble between his fingers.
“Get the fuck up.” Yoongi struggles but manages to get the words out between gritted teeth.
“What?” You scoot back across the floor, trying to put space between you. You watch as his hands shove into his hair, pulling at the long black strands as he makes pained groaning noises at the floor.
With that inhuman speed, Yoongi leans down and grabs your wrist, blood still leaking from the cut on your palm. The grip on your wrist is so hard you’re afraid he might break your bones.
“Yoongi, you’re hurting me. Let go,” you practically whimper as he drags you up from the floor and shoves you against the side of the island. “Stop. Please don’t…”
You know that if he wanted to kill you, he would have by now. He could have drained you dry and no one would ever know to even look for you here. But the fear makes you feel alive. It makes your heart hammer and your pussy clench. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Yoongi grabs your wrist again, making you yelp in surprise. He stares at it for a moment, intently watching your blood slide down your skin. He closes his eyes before making his final decision.
You decide to close your eyes too, not sure if you want to see what could happen next.
To your surprise, what you feel is the warm, wet muscle of his tongue licking along the inside of your wrist up to your palm. Your eyes shoot open immediately, meeting his ruby colored orbs.
“I want to kill you,” he whispers against the skin of your wrist, lapping at the blood once more.
“I know,” you whisper back.
“Why does that make your pussy wet, little monster?” He smiles wickedly before his lips attach to the cut on your palm, sucking gently. You can’t help the moan that slips past your lips as you watch your blood coat his mouth and run down his chin.
“I…I don’t know.” You reach out with your other hand to grab onto his shirt and anchor yourself to something.
“All of that insolence seems to disappear when your pussy is getting what it wants.” He licks one more long stripe up your wrist before he pulls away, his eyes in the beginning stages of returning to their normal dark.
“You haven’t given me anything that I want.” You yank your wrist out of his hold, rubbing at the bruise marks already appearing. Yoongi rolls his eyes, grasping your shoulders and turning you around to walk you towards the sink. He turns on the water and motions for you to put your hand underneath it.
You turn your back to him, washing your hand under the warm water until it seems to stop bleeding heavily. You start to reach for a towel before you feel his chest against your back, his arms suddenly caging you against the counter in front of the sink.
“Why don’t you tell me what it is you want then, hm?” His breath against your ear sends a shiver down your spine. “I can smell every bit of desire between your legs.” His knee comes up between your legs, making you brace yourself on the counter at the sudden pressure he’s putting against your pussy.
“Touch me…and don’t stop.” Your body shakes in anticipation. Yoongi chuckles in your ear, his tongue finding the lobe.
“You’ll take what I give you…and you’ll be fucking grateful.” His sharp fangs nip at your ear and cause your ass to press harder into his crotch. You don’t care what he wants to give you at this point, you’re too desperate.
“Please,” you whine.
“I’m feeling benevolent this evening…you sucked my cock so well the other day that I may even let you cum.” He presses his cock against your ass before pulling away from you all together.
“Asshole.” You scowl as you turn around to face him. Yoongi merely looks amused.
“I’m still hungry, little monster. Get on the counter.” He pats the marble top with his hand while he undoes the top few buttons of his shirt with the other.
“Are you always going to ask so many questions or are you just going to fucking listen?” He cards a hand through his long raven colored hair and sighs, drenched in annoyance.
“Fine.” You roll your eyes, walking towards him where he stands by the kitchen island. Before you even have a chance to call him more names, he’s grabbing you by the hips and practically tossing you onto the counter. “Fuck, Yoongi, can you try not to break me?”
“Where's the fun in that?” He smirks, coming to stand between your thighs, your face just above his from this height. “I think you may even beg me for it.” His voice is low, a rumble in his chest as he watches your face.
You want to reach up and push some of the stray hairs away from his face. But that would mean you have some kind of affection towards this vampire and you can’t let that happen. It’s almost painful to keep your hands at your sides.
“Get on with it then.” Your lips just barely ghost his when you speak, yet another thing you have to keep yourself from wanting.
Too quickly, your back is suddenly pressed against the cold marble countertop when Yoongi grabs your thighs and pulls your ass to the edge. You yelp when his lips press to the inside of your thigh.
“Maybe the human men you’ve slept with like that smart mouth of yours, little monster.” He shoves your skirt up over your hips, long fingers immediately finding your slit over your panties. “But me? It makes me want to devour you.”
You moan and don’t hold back the sound, shivering when you feel his fangs pressing against your skin. He sucks a trail up your thigh, leaving small blossoms in his wake. When you feel his tongue languidly slide over the outside of your panties, you almost come undone right there.
“Please don’t tease me anymore. I’m so wet already.” He licks at you again before raising his head to look at you.
“Be a good girl and take what I give you.” His hand reaches between your thighs and, with no effort at all, rips your underwear from your body in a single motion.
You don’t have time to be snarky again before his face is buried in your pussy. Your back arches off the counter, fingers gripping at the marble to no avail.
The long muscle of his tongue swirls around your clit before expertly diving back down inside you, licking up every bit of wetness that leaks from you. The world feels as if it’s tilting on its axis, that feeling of falling clouding your mind when you start to feel the urge to cum after such a short period of time.
“You’re going to give me at least three, so stop holding back and let me have what’s mine.” The rough grumble of his voice vibrates straight to your core as the pad of his thumb strokes your clit and his tongue disappears back inside you.
“Oh fuck,” you whine, chest heaving as your first orgasm wracks through you like a hurricane on a path of destruction with no end in sight.
“Your cum tastes almost as good as your blood, little monster. Again.” His long fingers slide inside you easily as your body shakes from being over-sensitive.
“Feels so good.” Your hands take on a mind of their own and make their way into the long, messy strands of his hair, gripping at the roots and pulling him closer.
“Greedy.” Yoongi sucks harshly on your clit, letting it pop from between his lips before he soothes it with his tongue.
“Asshole,” you moan, feeling your second orgasm hurtling towards you. Yoongi laughs quietly against the inside of your thigh.
“You like the pain. Stop pretending that you don’t.” He nips at your skin with his fangs, making you flinch. “You just gushed on my tongue.”
“I can’t go again, Yoongi. I need to stop.” You can feel sweat dripping from your forehead, your skin hot to the touch.
“You can and you will.” His arms wrap tightly around your thighs and yank you back to the edge of the counter, your sweaty skin squeaking across the surface.
Your body is telling you to scream. The pleasure and the discomfort are dancing a fine line and your head is absolutely swimming. You begin to think that you may not live through this when his mouth is back on your abused pussy.
Yoongi throws your legs over his shoulders and licks deeper than he had been before, the bottom half of his face drenched in everything leaking from you through the past two orgasms.
“Bite me,” you beg. You know if he bites you that it will intensify everything you feel, but also bring the possibility that the monster consuming your pussy kills you.
Yoongi practically rips himself from you, his breathing ragged and rushed.
“Don’t ask for things that you don’t understand.” His long fingers find your swollen clit while the other hand swipes across his mouth.
“Please…please I can’t cum again without it.” Tears start to slip down your face.
“I could kill you. It would be so fucking easy.” His eyes start to turn red, the crimson bleeding into his dark irises.
“It’s worth the risk, isn’t it? Please…” You’re so desperate you have no idea what you’re saying. Yoongi scoffs.
“You really are a little monster, aren’t you?” Yoongi smiles, his fangs elongating. Your heart beats so fast, somewhat with fear but mostly with the anticipation of what you’ll feel when he bites you.
In a flash, the vampire between legs is sinking his teeth into the inside of your thigh. You gasp, all the air leaving your lungs as your eyes fly open, the light fixtures on the ceiling blurring. You grab at your breasts when a sudden flood of heat starts to spread through your entire body.
Your body jolts when Yoongi takes the first long drag of your blood into his mouth. He moans at the taste, his hands gripping your hips in a bruising hold.
Another long pull of blood floods into his mouth and you start to see stars. Yoongi moves one hand back to your pussy, his fingers gathering wetness and spreading it up to your swollen clit.
“Yoongi…” You’re so light headed you aren’t sure if you can keep your eyes open much longer. Yoongi rips his mouth from your thigh, his chest heaving, blood dripping off his chin and down his neck where it stains the white collar of his shirt.
“Good girl. You’re doing so well, baby.” He pushes you back further onto the counter before climbing onto it himself.
You can feel the warmth of your blood coating your skin on your thigh, but the only other thing you’re desperately aware of is him. Him and the way he rips your dress off your body as if it wasn’t extremely expensive and brand new.
“I’m so close.” Everything between your legs aches but your greedy body still wants more.
“I’m going to keep you, little monster. You’re mine now.” He licks the inside of your thigh, dragging his tongue through the blood. “Say it.”
“Yours,” you sigh, his fingers gathering up the blood on your skin and spreading over one of your breasts.
“I’ll make you cum now, little monster. Good girls get what they need.” His sinful mouth attaches to your breast, licking and sucking the blood.
You arch up from the counter top, pushing your breast further into his mouth and spreading your legs wider when his fingers make their way back inside you, petting your walls and stroking your g-spot until he��s making you cum again.
Your cheeks are wet from tears and your body is weak from losing blood and orgasming a ridiculous amount of times. But somehow you manage to sit up on your elbows when Yoongi slides back off of the counter, wiping his mouth and licking his fingers clean of your juices and blood.
“You’re quite divine, even if you constantly test my patience.” He puts a hand out for you to take. When you do, he helps you down from the counter. “Let’s shower.”
“You want to shower with me?” Your legs wobble as you stand and Yoongi rolls his eyes.
“I need to make sure you don’t collapse while you’re in there. Don’t overthink it.” He looks around at the floor still covered in glass and the countertop covered in your blood. “I’ll have someone clean this up while we get you cleaned up.”
“Is it a normal occurrence for the cleaning staff to casually clean up blood?” You stumble a bit when you try to take a step. Yoongi pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
“So many questions.”
“You could’ve picked any human to be your fake girlfriend, I’m sure there are plenty of them that wouldn’t ask questions.” You take another wobbly step. Yoongi sighs behind you, moving too fast for your eyes as he scoops you up into his arms. Your eyes have no time to adjust before you’re in the bathroom.
“Don’t make me regret that decision, little monster,” he whispers against the shell of your ear, carefully sitting you down onto a chaise lounge chair.
“Why is this here?” you ask, hands sliding over the soft material.
“Perhaps I’ll show you some time.” He smiles wickedly, turning away from you to turn on the water inside the giant shower. Water pours down like a waterfall from the ceiling.
You take a moment to appreciate the incredible shower before your eyes find Yoongi again, his fingers still stained with your blood nimbly beginning to unbutton his shirt and revealing the smooth planes of his chest and stomach. It’s the first time you’ve really had a moment to appreciate the details of his body.
Your eyes fall on the crotch of his pants, still tented and tight.
“Do you want me to…” you motion towards his obvious hard on.
“No. Not tonight.” He holds out his hand for yours again. “Come here.” You let him wrap his fingers around yours, helping you to your feet. He makes sure that you’re steady before walking you into the shower.
Yoongi stands back, watching you walk under the steaming waterfall and removing his pants as he does. He commits the shape of your body to memory, eager to continue defiling it every chance that he gets.
You don’t hear him approach, your skin merely explodes in goosebumps when the cool skin of his hands and arms wraps around your torso from behind you. His face finds the crook of your neck, lips seeking out your throat and up to your jaw. It’s surprisingly…soft.
“Does it hurt?” he murmurs against your ear, fingers ghosting at your lower stomach. Cool lips kiss your shoulder.
“Just sore.” You turn your head and meet his eyes when he lifts his head. “I’ll be fine.”
Looking at him in that moment makes you suddenly realize that you’ve never kissed Yoongi. Maybe he wants it that way. Kissing is intimate and this is supposed to be an arrangement with no feelings involved.
He looks at you a moment longer before he clears his throat, his arms leaving your body as he kneels down in front of you.
“What are you doing?” Your eyes widen.
“Relax, little monster. I’m going to make it better. Hold onto my shoulders.” He waits until you do as he asks before he carefully lifts your legs, turning your inner thigh towards his face.
Blood still slowly seeps from the puncture wounds he left behind, bruises forming around them. Yoongi looks up to meet your eyes once more, holding them as he sticks out his tongue and presses it to your thigh, swiping up the blood before he drags it over the punctures.
Shivering at the feeling, you watch as the bite marks seal themselves closed and the bruising quickly fades from your skin. It’s as if nothing had ever happened.
“That trick must get a lot of attention at parties.” You try to laugh at your own joke, but you’re honestly so taken aback by what just happened in front of you. Yoongi smiles, a real one that you aren’t sure you’ve seen until now.
“Vampire venom has healing properties. I’m not a fan of the idea of you being uncomfortable in any way.” He presses a kiss to your thigh, then stands from the shower floor.
He helps you wash your body and hair, rubbing your scalp and shoulders until you almost fall asleep standing up.
“Come to bed.” You suddenly realize that you’re no longer in the shower, but in Yoongi’s bedroom, a fluffy black towel wrapped around your body.
“Why am I in your room?” you ask, confused.
“Because you’re sleeping in my bed. With me.” He throws back the comforter and pats the mattress. “In the bed, little monster.”
“Why am I sleeping in here? Surely you have spare rooms in this ridiculously big penthouse.” The idea of Yoongi wanting you to sleep in bed with him feels strange.
“Of course there are, but you’re staying in my room. Stop asking questions for the night, I beg you.” He rubs his temple as he walks towards his closet, reappearing a literal second later with sleep pants on. “Sleep in this if you want.” He tosses a tshirt towards you and you barely manage to catch it.
“But I don’t…” you start to protest again and Yoongi is suddenly in front of you, his hand covering your mouth.
“I want you to sleep in here. You’re mine and that’s all the explanation I’ll be giving you. No. More. Questions.” When you nod in understanding, he slowly moves his hand down and holds your jaw. “Get into bed.”
You nod again and he releases you, walking around to the other side of the bed. Yoongi settles with his back against the headboard, watching as you drop your towel and slip on the T-shirt he had given you.
“Are all vampires as possessive as you?” You glare at him playfully as you climb into the bed.
“What did I just say about questions, _____?” He throws his hands up in the air.
“Fine. Goodnight.” You dramatically grab the comforter and pull it over you, turning to face away from him. You hear him laugh quietly before the bed shifts once more and sleep grabs hold of you faster than it ever has.

Weeks go by.
The arrangement becomes easier and easier to do.
Yoongi brings you to parties and meetings and formal dances, dressing you up in the most gorgeous and expensive outfits. He gets you anything that you want and all you have to do is talk about how amazing he is to all of his human investors and guests.
He keeps you close, doesn’t let you wander too far. His cool hand is always at the small of your back.
The possessiveness is something you thought you would find annoying. He explained it’s just in a vampire's nature to be that way. But it’s easy to just let it happen when deep down, you love it.
God there really is something wrong with you.
Yoongi being possessive, however, is not the biggest problem you’ve had over the last few weeks. The problem is that he refuses to fuck you.
There’s plenty of other things to keep the edge off. Using his mouth to possess you in an entirely different way. He buries his face between your legs every chance that he gets. In his office…on top of his desk…in every dark corner he can find. You repay the favor when he lets you, letting him use your throat as his own personal fuck toy. But it isn’t enough, and he brushes you off every time you try to bring it up.
Tonight is an extremely important night. Yoongi is throwing a party to celebrate the grand opening of his newest hotel. There will be hundreds of people in attendance that need to be impressed.
“Are you almost ready?” Yoongi’s deep voice startles you as you stand in front of the vanity mirror in his bathroom.
“Just finishing up.” You pop in your second very large emerald earring before picking up the matching necklace. It’s the heaviest piece of jewelry you’ve ever felt.
“Can I help with that?” He comes to stand behind you, holding out his hand for the necklace.
“Thanks.” You carefully place it in his palm and turn back to the mirror, watching his face intently.
“You understand how important this night is, don’t you?” His breath tickles the back of your neck as he speaks. “How badly I need it to go well?”
“I know.” His eyes meet yours in the mirror as he carefully brings the chain around your throat.
“Good girl.” His lips meet your shoulder, pressing a too-soft kiss to your already heated skin.
“You’re going to have to talk eventually.” Your eyes fall shut when his hands come around and cup your breasts from behind.
“I find it amusing that you think I owe you any kind of explanation for what I do or don’t do to you, little monster.” He pinches your nipples through the thin material of your dress, making you hiss through your teeth and lean further into him.
“Just tell me why you won’t fuck me, Yoongi. It’s been weeks.” You grind your ass against his growing erection.
“We’ll discuss this later. The car is waiting downstairs.” A scrape of his fangs across your shoulder before the feeling of his body against your back is gone.
“Asshole,” you grumble, straightening your dress and smoothing any hair that may have moved out of place.
He waits for you at the top of the stairs, offering his hand to help you walk down them in your heels. You brush past him, taking on the challenge unassisted and making Yoongi scoff.
The universe has other plans for you though, not allowing you even a single moment of holding your head up high before you trip on the edge of one of the stairs. It happens so quickly that you don’t even have time to make a sound.
There are arms abruptly wrapped around you, too quick for your human eyes to make sense of. The next thing you know, your back is being shoved against the railing, bent, with a vampire looming over you, his nose pressing to yours while his lips ghost just above you.
“Do you have a death wish, little monster?” Yoongi whispers, his hold on you tightening.
“I’m sorry…that was so…” You can’t think straight, let alone comprehend what just happened.
“Stupid? Yes, so very stupid.” One of his hands leaves your back and makes its way into your hair, pulling the strands to make you look up at him. “Do not ever endanger yourself that way again. I can’t be around all the time to keep you alive.”
“Okay.” You nod, lips brushing his in the motion. You shudder at their cool sensation. But when you move to try and kiss him, he immediately pulls back.
“Come on. We’re late.” When he offers his hand this time, you take it, letting him usher you into the penthouse elevator and down to the lobby. His bodyguards get the two of you into the car in a blur.
Yoongi doesn’t say a word in the car. He doesn’t even look at you the entire way to the new hotel. It’s fucking infuriating.
Once inside the hotel, you immediately grab a glass of champagne off of a passing tray, downing it quickly before you feel the familiar pressure of Yoongi’s hand on your lower back.
“Easy, little monster,” he says lowly. You roll your eyes, plastering on a fake smile and joining him to talk to some very rich humans.
“I don’t think we’ve met.” A tall man in a pristine suit and glasses says when you join them. He is incredibly handsome.
“Taehyung, this is my girlfriend, Y\N. Y/N, Kim Taehyung. He’s giving me a hard time about investing in my hotels.” Yoongi’s fingers gently stroke your bare back exposed from your dress.
“Girlfriend? A human?” Taehyung asks curiously.
“100% human,” you laugh, nervously gesturing towards yourself.
“Wouldn’t have imagined such a pairing. Especially for you, Yoongi.” Taehyung sips his whiskey, his eyes staying on you even as he speaks to Yoongi. You’re too busy trying to laugh at everything he says to notice the way Yoongi’s jaw tightens.
“Yes, well, sometimes humans can be rather surprising. Tolerable even.” Yoongi looks at Taehyung like he wants to drain him, while everyone else standing there laughs at what Yoongi has said.
“Indeed.” Taehyung sips his whiskey again.
“We should make our rounds, baby.” Yoongi runs his finger under your chin, bringing your eyes up to his. “Come,” he whispers, only loud enough for you to hear. You bite your bottom lip, nodding as you thread your fingers through his.
“I hope to see you again soon, _____,” Taehyung calls from behind the two of you. Yoongi starts to turn around but you pull him back.
“Don’t. He’s trying to get under your skin.”
“I could snap his neck…sever his throat…” Yoongi loosens his tie a little, pulling your hand to continue walking towards the outdoor balcony.
“You need him, don’t you? Just think about that.”
“He makes the best gambling games in the damn country, of course I need him.” He runs a hand through his long hair, the strands of it even longer now than they were when you had first met him all those weeks ago.
“So let it go,” you sigh, releasing his hand when the two of you are alone outside. “I don’t know why you care anyways.”
“I didn’t say I cared.”
“You were acting like a jealous prick back there. Seems like you might care a little.” You fold your arms over your chest, cool night air chilling your skin.
“I don’t, you ridiculously infuriating woman,” he half-laughs, pressing his palms to the stone wall that overlooks the hotel courtyard.
“Yeah, well, I don’t care about you either.” You’re practically pouting but you don’t care.
He groans, his fingers cracking the stone beneath them. You want to close the distance between the two of you, touch his chin and make him look at you.
“Why is it so hard for you to say?” you ask quietly.
“We’re talking about feelings here, little monster. I don’t do feelings,” he lies. You roll your eyes.
“Fine. I’ll go see if Taehyung wants to spin me around the dance floor a few…” you start to say, heading towards the door. You’re cut off by Yoongi grabbing the back of your neck and spinning you back around to face him. Your body presses to his, molding to the shape.
“You. Are. Mine,” he practically growls, a deep snarl on his face as he tries to keep the monster at bay.
But you aren’t afraid.
“Then act like it. Show me that you want me or let me walk away.” Your breaths come out rushed and uneven as the two of you stand there, nose to nose.
He thinks for a moment. Almost too long. But then he smirks, his grip on the back of your neck softening slightly.
“You’re not getting away that easily, little monster.” And then his mouth is crashing against yours, consuming, devouring.
You’ve thought about what it would be like to kiss Yoongi for weeks. You knew that you shouldn’t, but that didn’t stop you from imagining what he tasted like or how his lips felt.
The way he kisses you now is so incredibly unexpected, you have to remind yourself what planet you’re on.
It only takes a moment for you to respond, pulling him closer and molding your mouth to his, filling in the spaces with your tongues. It’s when your fingers find their way into his hair that you really begin to grasp that there’s no coming back from this. There’s no more pretending.
Your thoughts are shaken when his hands travel to the backs of your thighs, lifting you onto the stone wall of the balcony. You grip him tighter, afraid to look behind you and see the ground looming below.
“What’s wrong? You aren’t afraid of heights are you, little monster?” he teases, shoving himself between your legs and scooting you even closer to the edge of the wall.
“Anyone would be afraid of a two story drop.” You try to capture his lips again, anything to stop thinking about the possibility of falling, but he pulls back just enough to keep you wanting.
“As if I’d let you fall.” Yoongi whispers the words so quietly you barely hear them, his eyes staying on your lips.
“Maybe I already am.” You feel him stiffen, his body going rigid at your words.
“Don’t say things like that.”
“Stupid, stupid girl,” he sighs. “There’s too much good in you…too much humanity for you to be talking that way.”
“You don’t get to decide that.”
He stares at you for what seems like hours, gauging what could really be going through that head of yours. Then he gently kisses you again, melting away any facade either of you were trying to keep playing.
“We’re leaving,” he says after a moment of soft kisses.
“But we just got here. What about all the schmoozing we need to be doing?”
“Screw the schmoozing. I want to fuck you.” He takes one of your hands and brings it between your bodies, helping you to cup his hardening dick through his pants. “This is what you want, isn’t it, little monster? So desperate to be filled with cock.”
You whimper, licking the seam of his lips with your tongue as you palm his cock, thoughts of literally anyone who looks out the window seeing the two of you out here turning you on even more.
“Take me home, please.” You’re no longer above begging.
“I’m going to leave you in ruins.” Yoongi means for it to be a threat, something to deter you from wanting this, but it only makes you wetter. The thrill and the danger and the possibility of devastation that making this choice could cause only make you want it more.
Yoongi grabs your wrist, walking with determination until you’re back inside the party where Namjoon immediately sees the two of you making your way through the crowd.
“Yoongi, what the fuck? There’s people looking for you.” Namjoon steps in front of Yoongi but it doesn’t stop him from his mission to get to the front door.
“Tell them I’m sick.” Yoongi opens the door, presses a kiss to the top of your hand and guides you outside. You can’t help the ridiculous smile that finds its way onto your face.
“Vampires don’t get sick.” Namjoon pinches the bridge of his nose. “Are you really going to do this to me?”
“I’ll make it up to you.” Yoongi guides you down the front steps of the hotel, your eyes landing on Jungkook at the bottom, leaning against the car and playing a game on his phone.
“What’s going on?” Jungkook asks, panic crossing his usually soft features.
“It’s okay, Jungkook. We just need the car.” You pat his shoulder reassuringly while Yoongi opens the door for you to settle into the passenger seat. You’re about to grab your seatbelt when he leans down into the car and kisses you. “What was that for?”
“It may be the last bit of sweetness you get from me tonight. Enjoy it while you can.” His teeth nip at your bottom lip.
“Who said I enjoy sweetness?” You make sure he sees the way you make your dress ride up your thighs. Yoongi groans.
“Perfect little monster,” he coos, taking one last look at your exposed thighs before he shuts the car door. You watch as Yoongi brushes off Jungkook and Namjoon’s protests of him leaving this important party and gets into the driver's seat.
His long fingers grip the steering wheel tightly as he immediately punches the gas. And while you’re not afraid of the vampire sitting next to you, his driving is an entirely different story.
Luckily the drive back to the main hotel is short and you find yourself pressed to the wall of the elevator before you can even think of scolding Yoongi for his driving.
“I’ve pictured thousands of ways I’ve wanted to fuck you.” He hikes your leg over his hip. “But this is going to be quick.”
The elevator dings for the penthouse floor and with his inhuman speed, Yoongi moves you into the entry way and through the apartment, his mouth devouring yours as he deposits you onto his bed.
“No foreplay. Please just fuck me.” Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he licks down the column of your throat.
“Are you ready for me already?” His breath tickles your skin.
“Yes.” You take his hand and move it between your legs, your dress bunching around your hips as you push it out of the way.
Yoongi takes your hint, his fingers delving into your underwear to find your soaking pussy. He groans, pushing his fingers inside to pet your walls.
“So you are.” He sits up on his knees between your legs, throwing his suit jacket off of his shoulders and tossing it across the room.
You sit up on your elbows, watching intently as he undoes the buttons of shirt and reveals the beautiful skin of his chest and stomach. The muscles are there, but he’s also unexpectedly soft as your fingers explore the planes.
You help him the rest of the way out of his shirt, leaning up further to kiss his chest. His hands grip your hair but he doesn’t move you away, letting you traverse his skin with your lips and tongue for a moment.
“Get this off of me.” You start to reach behind you for the zipper of the dress but Yoongi has other ideas.
He reaches down and grabs your hips, flipping your body over so that you’re on your stomach and face down on the bed.
“Allow me.” His mouth is on the exposed skin of your back, kissing a wet path down your spine as he unzips the dress. You can’t help the moan that escapes you, or the way your hips push back to try and find friction. “Greedy,” he mumbles against the small of your back.
“Please, Yoongi. Just hurry up.” You slide the sleeves off of your arms so that Yoongi can pull the dress the rest of the way off. It must’ve been expensive, but he still tosses it to the floor.
When you try to roll back over onto your back, he grabs your hips and holds you in place.
“No, I think I’ll have you just like this.” You hear him take off his belt and the mattress move slightly when he removes his pants. “Hold onto something, little monster.”
There’s no time to protest; you barely have time to grab the comforter before he’s sheathing his cock inside you in one fluid motion. You fall forward on your elbows, your face meeting the bed as you cry out from the intrusion.
“Fuck…” you whine, tightening your hold on the comforter as he starts to rock his hips, burying himself to hilt each time he pumps back into you.
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it? So desperate for cock that you’d let a vampire defile you.” His hands hold so tightly to your hips that you know there will be bruises immediately.
“Yes, I wanted it so bad.” You can feel drool begin to form at the corner of your mouth as he fucks you harder.
“Just remember, little monster, out there you’re the perfect princess for the public to see. But in here, in my bed, you’re my good little whore.” He thrusts particularly hard on the last word, shoving your top half flat against the bed when your arms give out.
“Yoongi…” It barely comes out a whisper, but you know he hears you.
“Come here,” he grunts, leaning over your body and wrapping his arms around your torso, pulling you up to press your back to his chest, his cock staying nestled inside you as he adjusts you the way he wants.
His thrusts stay deep, but slow down slightly. One hand grips your breast while the other spreads your legs wider over his lap.
“I’m going to cum…fuck I’m so close.” Your head flops back and rests on his shoulder, sweat coating your skin.
“You’re lucky that I want to feel this pretty pussy squeeze my cock, little monster. I’m going to let you cum.” Rough fingers find your clit, sloppy circles sending you into a frenzy as you chase your orgasm.
“Right there, yes yes, right there.” Your thighs start to shake as Yoongi pulls you down further on his cock, holding you there as you come apart, squeezing his cock just like he wanted.
“Good girl. Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum.” He swipes your hair away from your shoulder and suddenly sinks his fangs into your throat.
His bite only elongates your orgasm…it could have been two, maybe even three orgasms all chained together. Your sight blurs at the sheer force of the climax that rolls through you.
You’re barely coherent when you feel Yoongi release inside you, hot spurts filling you up and leaking down your thighs. He moans against your neck, taking two more long pulls of blood before he pulls off, hungrily licking at the trails of blood that trickle down your throat.
Your body is completely spent as Yoongi gently lowers you onto the bed, covering you with the comforter before he gets up off the bed.
You watch with hooded eyes as he goes into his bathroom and comes back with a cloth to clean you up.
“Let me see the mess you made, baby.” He moves the covers off of your legs and cleans you up, making you whine at the contact of anything touching you there so soon. “Go to sleep.”
“I’m fine, I promise.” You snuggle deeper into the covers.
“We have a lot to talk about tomorrow.” You feel him join you in the bed.
“Talk about what?” Your eyes are too heavy to stay open.
“The contract.” His cool body presses against your back and his arm falls over your waist.
“What about it?” you mumble.
“The next phase of it, of course.” You feel his finger swipe at the blood still on your neck, popping it into his mouth.
#bangtansorciere#btshoneyhive#btswritersclub#bangtanarmynet#bangtantheatrenet#kvanity#thekpopuniverse#yoongi fic#yoongi x reader#suga fic#bts fic#bts#yoongi fanfic#yoongi smut#suga smut#bts smut#vampire yoongi
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—immortal lust |myg|
🧛🏻 pairing: vampire!yoongi x vampire hunter!reader 🧛🏻 au/genre: vampire au, e2l, angst, smut 🧛🏻 rating: M 🧛🏻 wc: 8,783 🧛🏻 warnings: mentions of parent death (off-screen). creepy themes associated with graveyards, vampires, and vampire hunting. explicit smut: fingering, unprotected vaginal sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, implied bdsm, implied orgy, biting, blood drinking (vamps, duh!), use of blood for lubrication (again, vamps!) 🧛🏻 an: thank you to my beta readers @downbad4yoongi and @lo1k-diamonds and @mrsparkjimin18. I know this ws rough at first, but I think it became a very enjoyable piece of literature in the end. @colormepurplex2, thank you for the prompt to write, and congrats on earning the most points for the network in the semi-annual tally! You earned it! 🧛🏻 summary: In the shadows of a world where the supernatural breathes just beneath the surface of the mundane, you are a skilled vampire slayer from a revered family harboring a secret desire that contradicts your very existence.
This story is written for @colormepurplex2 as her gift for being the top leading point earner for our network, @bangtanwritershq and for our Quarter 2 event: Seven Deadly Sins
ᥫ᭡ AU Type: Lust — Vampire AU ᥫ᭡ Themes: Enemies 2 Lovers & Forbidden Desires ᥫ᭡ Inclusions: Bargains & Contracts, Confessions and Secrets, Explicit Sexual Content, Blood & Violence
masterlist ❁ ao3
24 Years Ago
“Why are you crying, Uncle Sol?” Eight-year-old you stands in the darkened doorway of the study, bleary eyes struggling to take in the scene in front of you.
Soleil Belmont sits in the overly stuffed, brown leather armchair in front of the fireplace. Your uncle by choice, thanks to the life-long friendship between him and your mother, Valkyrie Blake, is how he came to be in your life. The hands that cover his damp eyes wipe furiously at his cheeks, as if to hide the evidence of his tears from your sight. You didn’t even notice how he looked—the mud caked on his boots, the tattered look of his shirt under his leather jacket, the small cut by his hairline or the bruises starting to appear along his face.
“Come here, sweetie,” he asks, voice breaking as you walk in your thin nightgown across the wood floors, feet making quiet sounds with every step you take closer to him. Once within his reach, he places a clammy hand on your shoulder.
“There’s been an accident.”
The funeral itself was one of the worst days of your life, watching the twin caskets of your parents lower into the rectangular cutouts in the earth. The gleaming black lacquered wood was polished to perfection, only to be marred by the small handful of dirt you’d thrown before begging to be taken away from the graveyard, away from the scent of death and decay.
That day is when you decide you never want to experience death. You never want to be so badly injured in a car accident that your family has to have a closed casket. That you’d never see your child grow up, and leave her abandoned in this world. You hate that death is the inevitable end to life, and that fear leads you down the path you’re on now.
You - Present Day
The dream begins much like all of the other ones you’ve had as of late. You’re in an old cemetery—gothic gravestones coated in thick moss with flora obscuring the names and dates of the not-so-recently deceased. Large tombs with crumbling marble and ivy-covered wrought-iron fences, the overgrown oaks with Spanish moss reaching eerily towards your figure in the shadows from the waxing crescent moon. The dirt beneath your feet feels malleable as you step quietly past the final resting places of all of the former slayers. You’ve traversed these grounds before, more than several times in your adult life, as you’ve learned about your family, the work that they did—that you are supposed to continue—and can name all of the family lines that take their final rest here.
An eerie fog begins to rise from the ground, permeating the air until it covers your boots and ankles, weaving its way along the marble and stone placards, hiding the Lord’s Prayer epitaphs and angelic motifs from sight. A shiver raises the hair along your arms and the back of your neck and you sense him. He’s here, watching you with his luminous eyes and heightened, immortal beauty. You know he can hear the way your heart thrums in your chest, can smell the prickles of adrenaline that drip from the sweat at your hairline, and possibly the arousal as it seeps through your panties.
You attempt to refocus your thoughts away from the nervous energy, standing still. You wonder if he believes that you are doing this so as to not trip or step on dead wood littering the ground to make too much sound. You know it wouldn’t matter. Quiet as a mouse or trampling like an elephant would make no difference to this being. He is well over three centuries old, exact years he has been alive though are not documented anywhere. No one has lived after a close encounter with him to document his life pre-turning, according to the various journals and tomes housed in the slayer library.
All you know for certain is that the earliest records of the vampire known only as ‘Yoongi’ appear in the late 17th century, identify his maker as ‘Namjoon’, and his three known fledglings as ‘Heizi’, ‘Taehyung’, and ‘Hoseok’. Only one of his creations is dead—the one who killed your parents. A loud crack of lightning whips your head to the left, the flash revealing the amber backlit eyes embedded in the dark silhouette of the famed vampire crouched on the edge of the cremation tomb several yards away. Your amygdala reacts, heart rate spiking as he moves faster than you can capture—one second he’s atop the Van Helsing columbarium, the next he’s standing in front of you, strong hands clamped to your arms holding you tight, keeping you from moving. Your small but deadly sharp stake is rendered useless by your side.
There’s no time to scream, no time to do anything but hear the rush of blood through your veins as his mouth grows from a smirk to a downright smile, fangs glowing from the reflection of moonlight.
“You made it too easy, kitten,” he purrs, bringing his face closer to yours before dipping his face into your neck. He takes a deep breath, inhaling your scent as he scrapes the tips of his pointed teeth across the sensitive skin of your neck. “And to think you were able to kill Heize. I must do better at training my progeny. Oh well, another slayer to add to the crypt. You didn’t even last two minutes.”
Squirming in his grip, you try to disengage his clenched fists from your arms as his mouth descends to your thrumming artery. You wake with a gasp, hands flying to your neck to check for puncture wounds.
Down in the gym at the bottom floor of your house—if you can call it that—you push your muscles to their extent, fists flying into the punching bag. You whip around, grabbing the thin bladed stake from the side pocket of your athletic leggings and plunge it into the second bag made for staking.
With a deep breath, you step onto the bag to pull your weapon loose, watching small bits of fluff flutter to the mat beneath you. Wiping the sweat from your brow, you check the time on the clock, noting it’s near lunchtime. Sheathing your weapon, you head up the staircase to sunlight.
On the ground floor, your eyes easily slide past the neoclassical designs along the hallway, high ceilings with blank walls, and columns lining the open floor plan with large arched floor-to-ceiling windows. The protein shake you prepared earlier sits on the top shelf in the fridge, and you grab it along with the jelly to make yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You’ve just finished when Soleil Belmont walks into the kitchen, a gentle squeeze to your shoulder as he bypasses you to the fridge.
“Can we talk?” he asks you, but you don’t want to argue with him, not when tonight could be the last time you ever talk to him.
“Sol, I have to do this. You can’t change my mind about this. He sired the vampire that killed my mom and dad. He’s killed countless people for sport, leaving behind orphaned children like me.” You hope the finality in your tone will keep him from prying or asking more questions.
It works.
“I love you. And I won’t try to change your mind. You’re much like your mother, stubborn to the very end.” Your mother’s best friend and your legal guardian until you turned 18 joins you at the table with a bowl of grapes, a look of acceptance in his eyes. “You know, if anything happens to you, I’m selling this house. It’s much too big for me and I’m getting older.”
Your eyes gaze across his features: the greying hair at the edges of his hairline, crow’s feet meeting the creases of his eyes, the weariness in the undereye circles and fine lines. He’s nearing 60, an age you don’t think you’ll live to see. An age your parents never got to be. At 32, you live on your family estate alone, with Soleil in the pool house you had renovated years ago as a Mother-in-Law suite once you turned 21 and gained your inheritance—and learned the truth about your parents’ death.
Just as much as you probably could have lived without ever knowing the truth of your parents’ lives, and their demise, you didn’t need all the space he was trying to give you, but he wanted to allow you the chance to be an adult, have a social life and you assume a sex life without having to hear it. You appreciated it in the moments you brought men back from the bar or campus library, but other times, it was just…lonely.
As a Belmont, Soleil knew about vampires. His family is well known across Europe for their work in Romania slaying creatures of the night, and Soleil’s great-grandparents moved here in the early 1800’s to spread their knowledge to others to continue hunting as the new world grew and vampires spread to the new continent. This is how your families came to be friends and fight alongside each other. Until Heize killed three of the four hunters tasked with taking her out, leaving you and Sol as the only survivors of the Belmont’s and the Blake’s.
“I think you should. I only keep it because it has everything I need to train. I could practice in peace without worrying about people judging me for all of my weapons. Most people think it’s a little weird to have wooden stakes and crossbows when working out.”
Sol chuckles, making a joke about how between the gym being littered with staked bags and the UV lights that line the entire property at night, people would be confused when purchasing, but then the light leeches out of his eyes as he looks you over.
“Remember to keep your wits about you, okay? I never wanted kids because I knew that hunters' lives never end happily, and when I lost…we lost your parents and my fiancee, I wouldn’t have had a reason to keep living if it weren’t for you.”
You decide now is best to give him the ticket and the envelope.
“Sol, I think…I think it’s best for you to go away on a trip. I think I’ll be able to focus better knowing you are out of harm’s way if you leave.” You slide the ticket across the table towards him, the envelope underneath it. “It’s a one-way ticket to Paris and enough money to be comfortable for as long as you want.”
“You don’t think you’ll survive this, do you?” Sol asks, eyes searching yours for clues, but you remain steadfast.
“Don’t worry about me, Sol,” you say and he makes to interrupt you, but you don’t let him, dealing the killing blow. “I’m not your daughter, so you don’t have to stick around anymore. Go live your life. I want you to go and live your life.”
The hurt in Sol’s eyes is visible, but your plan works. His hand reaches out to grasp the ticket, leaving the envelope of money where it’s at.
“I don’t need Blake money; the Belmont’s have enough of their own.” He takes a moment to pause, eyes locking back all emotions as he stands. “I’ll pack and leave town. Don’t be distracted.”
Soleil walks to the hallway, turning back just once. “Goodbye.”
The past 11 years seem to be coming to a head. You’ve spent all of your time after graduating from college training for today. Ever since you learned the truth of how your parents and Sol’s fiancee died, you’ve been plotting for this moment.
As a member of the famed Blake family, vampire hunting is in your blood. As a child, you obsessed over vampires because of the ability to avoid dying, and as an adult, that obsession helped you with your training. You knew more about vampires than one would expect having been brought into the fold so late, but you put your head down and studied more, learning all you could from previous journals and occult texts to gain insight into the vampires with ties to the one called Min Yoongi.
Several years ago you went out to avenge your parents, trapping Heize in a classic bait-and-switch. You didn’t think it would be so easy since she was estimated to be around 200 years, but she fell for it simply because Soleil was the only one she didn’t kill, and in her blood haze, she underestimated you. A simple ‘accidental’ dropping of a message from Sol that said where to meet, coupled with thoughts that you and Sol made sure to keep in your head to continue the ruse allowed Heize to willingly walk into the decrepit mausoleum that was booby-trapped with the thinnest of steel wiring criss-crossing the doorway several yards inside with you and Sol on the other side.
In her haste to grab Soleil, she blurred—her speed too fast to stop her from splicing herself into pieces and effectively decapitating herself was a pleasure to watch. Grabbing the blow torches stashed in the room, her body quickly lit up with flames licking the marble walls as you made your exit.
It’s been over 5 years since then, and every second since has been spent planning for tonight.
Min Yoongi - Present Day
Laying in the coffin in his home, Yoongi awaits dusk. His body is antsy for the moment the sun is below the horizon; even in his slumber, he knows that you are out there waiting. For him. He’s followed your movements since the death of his fledgling, Heize, watching to see how this novice of a hunter could have overpowered one of his chosen flock. Imagine his surprise when it turns out that it was you—the last remaining survivor of the Blake family who knew nothing of vampires true existence until you were an adult.
But over time, he realized as novice as you were, you were skilled. Your lithe movements and ability to track his kind was a novel experience for him to observe. You took down creatures of the night in preparation for what you expressed to your guardian as training for taking out him. Yoongi laughs to himself.
He admits you’re smart, the plan you laid out is a good one, but you forgot to block your mind from thoughts of the plan several times, which allowed Yoongi to plan his counterattack. In the light of the midday sun, even from outside of his home, he sensed you as you approached and left a note. He could hear your heartbeat, hear the rustle of the paper as you placed it through the mail slot of the front door.
His eyes shot open the moment the sun fell below the horizon. Yoongi hated that he was not yet able to avoid the forced slumber that overtook his kind when the sun rose, nor that he was not averse yet to the fatigue that set in beforehand, warning him of the lack of time remaining to the night. Elder vampires, of which he’s only met two who had lived over a thousand years, were almost immortal. The ability to walk in the sun and thus are not affected by the need to sleep when it rises. Yoongi envies them, but he plans to join them one day.
He flits to the main hallway, hand reaching for the note and taking in your handwriting in seconds.
I know what you are. I want to be one of you. Please meet me tonight and turn me, or I will tell everyone vampires exist.
An address is scrawled at the bottom of the note, but he doesn’t need it. He can follow the heady scent of you to wherever you are. Even in sleep, he sensed when you drew near and his subconscious couldn’t help reading the thoughts that lay in your mind. You truly thought this ruse would work? Hell, it would’ve worked on Heize, or his other fledglings, had they not known who you were. There is fear to be had with mortals knowing of their existence; vulnerability lay in the moments that the sun is out, and a house fire could destroy a whole flock in minutes if their kind is not careful. Yoongi cursed their inability to wake while the sun was out, and now that he knows you know where he resides, he must find a new place to live out his days.
A glance at the old grandfather clock in the hallway shows him that the sun is now well and truly gone, allowing him to slip through the entrance of the home and out onto the sidewalk. He takes a deep breath, searching for your scent through the others that encompass the air around him; the grass along the road, the burnt rubber of tires in traffic, the lingering warmth of the sun before its descent, and then the faint smell of jasmine flowers after a fresh rainfall. You.
Blurring into motion, Yoongi travels several miles towards the city, slowing once other scents begin to emerge. Thin crust pizzas covered in meat and cheese, overflowing trash and body odor, and a desperation that covers the city’s nightlife with a humming buzz. The fading jasmine keeps him moving, though now at a human pace as he approaches what appears to be a dance studio. The sign above the door confirms as much, and he’s not surprised that the glass door is unlocked despite the red and white closed sign hanging at eye-level for passersby.
The floral scent grows tenfold, as if Yoongi has stepped into what he assumes your bedroom would smell like. There is a strange undercurrent that he isn’t used to associating with you, but he assumes it’s just lingering from the studio. As he walks past the lobby area, the shadows of the fake potted plants and the empty chairs intrigue him. Why you chose this place is beyond his comprehension, as a dance studio such as this one, owned by the Blake family—your family—for years, is in the middle of the city and one of the few places not related to the hidden career path of hunting. Unless you count using dance as a way to build agility for fighting those who cannot die, well at least not die easily.
Yoongi’s cockiness as he meanders closer to the hallway towards the various dance rooms leaves him caught off guard when the sound of whirring behind him causes him to move unnaturally before going eerily still. The slightest misstep is only noticed by Yoongi, whose barely beating heart seems to pick up minutely—not that anyone living or dead would be able to tell. He chuckles at your meager attempt to lock him in; a motorized grate lowering across the lobby door and windows.
His strength could easily rip the grate off of its frame, but this little game you’re playing is just too good to walk away from without seeing what you’ve planned with his own eyes. It only pops into his thoughts once he’s walked through the back studio where your scent is the strongest, that the grate lowering was not part of the plans his Mind Gift overheard from you.
So it’s only to his own surprise when the undercurrent rises to an overwhelming level and he realizes what his hubris blocked out. The mirrored room before him is splashed floor to ceiling with blood.
You - Present Day
With the scent of your blood so overwhelming to the centuries-old vampire, you watch from the corner of the room as he drifts towards the mirrors and closer to where you need him to be. Your fingertips itch on the small switchboard you hold, ready for your plan to unfold. He looks almost dazed, eyes unfocused as his fangs poke his bottom lip. He looks so different, from the way the journals make him out to be, in person he’s much more attractive, and you have to really focus to make sure you don’t miss your mark.
When Yoongi enters the area you’ve marked off with tape, you release your hold on the button that allows two things to happen simultaneously: a set of low UV flashbang grenades are set off, the mirrored walls reflecting the blinding light with a cacophony of sounds to drown out any thoughts he might try to detect, and a 4x4 cage made of the thinnest wire springs into place trapping him within its confines.
You watch him through your military-grade glasses, the lenses preventing the bright lights from disorienting you as his brilliant eyes shut against the danger they sense. He is a few centuries old, and you know that despite the direct hit of the UV light, which only lasts for a split second, the slight damage dealt to his skin heals seconds later.
But your aim wasn’t to kill him. He laughs, a loud bellyful that sounds almost joyous until you flip the second switch, which sets the alkali metal aflame. His laugh is silenced almost immediately, a growl rumbling lowly in his throat.
“What game are you playing at, little mortal?” His voice carries an edge, and you shiver with delight. You’re sure that it’s never been this easy to capture a vampire that is several centuries old, but sometimes the best laid plans are the most simple. You step forward from the corner you were in, no longer hidden as the flames light the room and you pull off the tinted lenses.
“I’m not playing any games at all.”
He glares at you, the slits of his eyes glowing an intense amber shade—an enhancement to what you predict were originally beautiful brown eyes—and you bravely take a step closer.
“Then what, praytell, would you call this,” his hand waves gingerly towards the room around him, “smoke and mirrors set up you have me in?”
“I…I want to experience being bitten.”
This time, the vampire does laugh fully, his head thrown back exposing his fangs and the long lines of his neck from his sharp jaw. His milky white collar bones are barely exposed in his black, button-down, long-sleeved shirt.
“No hunter,” he spits the word as if spitting a foul taste from his mouth, “would willingly subject themselves to a bite, to risk becoming that which they hunt.”
“I would.” Your answer rings with sincerity, at least to your own ears, and you hope that the vampire can see the longing in your eyes.
“What reason would I have to give in to this request? The promise that you’ll let me out of here before daylight comes to burn me into ash? That you’ll let me out of this fire prison you’ve created? Do I look like a fool, mortal?”
“I think you’re desperate enough to make sure tonight is not your last night on Earth, and you should know that you hold all of the cards.” You take a deep breath before sharing your deepest secret with the immortal being before you, your voice rushing with a frenzied speed. “I only learned of your existence once I was an adult. Before that, I prayed to whatever gods would listen to find a way to avoid the inevitable—to escape death. You know I grew up without parents, right?”
Yoongi only stared at you, glowing embers following your every move.
“Of course you know. I killed your progeny for their murder once I knew the truth.”
He hissed at you then, fangs extended fully as his eyes deepened with rage. He looked as if he had half a mind to grip the flame-laden cage and come after you, but held back—barely. You wait, quietly assessing him as he reins in his anger, chest no longer rising and falling in unbidden anger.
“That was a death that I deserved, and your anger will not sway how I feel about it. But it also doesn’t change what I am requesting of you. I want you to bite me.”
Min Yoongi - Present Day
Min Yoongi doesn’t believe the predicament he’s currently in. A fool! He curses himself. A damned fool to walk right into the trap you laid out for him.
The flames entrapping his body are low, but still, the heat has him on edge. His search of your mind as you speak shows no pretense, but he remembers how easily you fooled him with your thoughts just earlier today. The scent of your blood sang to him, luring him deeper into the dance studio until his mind couldn’t handle the amount; it overwhelmed him just long enough for you to pounce.
Now that the flames have had time to thrive, the smell of burning metal drowns out the worst of your scent, and he asks you questions to buy himself time to think. But he can’t understand you fully. Your actions and words do not align with what he knows of hunters, of what he knows of you from afar. To hear you earnestly wish for him to bite you, despite knowing how hard you trained to kill his fledgling, contradicts everything he thinks he knows about the prominent hunting families.
And still, your request piques his interest. The calmness of your body belies no deceit, no racing heart or skittered words as you barter with him as if discussing what to have for breakfast with a partner. And he’s studied your body, unbeknownst to you. He’s watched as you brought home men to fuck, heard the way your body reacted to their attempts at pleasure, the way your nervous system changed when you lied about seeing them again. Has smelled your jasmine scent and can’t lie that he’s wanted a taste…if only to then rip your pretty throat out.
He realizes in that moment that you do not know fully and truly what it is you are asking for. There are mysteries yet hidden from the mortal world about vampires, about their bite and the effect it has on the living when not immediately drained.
Yoongi grins, finally deciding to answer your request after long moments of thought.
“I accept your demands, hunter. I shall bite you in exchange for sparing my life.”
You - Present Day
Your heart beats loudly in your ears as you walk away from his gaze to shut the door to the dance studio. You take a few deep breaths before turning around to walk back towards the switchboard, where you activate another switch.
A low hum reminiscent of fluorescent lights quietly fills the quiet of the room, to which Yoongi questions.
“Another precaution?”
You glance at him over your shoulder with a smirk.
“Just my way of making sure that you stick to your end of the bargain. Should you harm me against my will, I have a way to activate those lights lining the room, which are high-powered UV lights, and not just the ones that last for a second.” You look back at the switchboard, finger searching for the one to shut off the fire and disengage the cage. “The only way out of here safely is with my blessing.”
“Afraid of me, hunter?” His query has you pause your movements.
“Afraid of you? No. You’re my best bet at getting what I want.”
Facing the vampire, you maintain eye contact as you grip the hemline of your shirt, pulling it up and over your head in as fluid a motion as you can to leave you in just a simple underwire t-shirt bra and your denim jeans—you assume his bite will still be messy, and walking out of here covered in blood seems like a sure way to attract police attention. Again, you see Yoongi take on that supernatural stillness that only creatures of the night can achieve. His eyes are like focused lasers on your body, and you feel a thrill as you reach behind you to release him.
With unnatural speed, he blurs into your space, forcing you back towards the wall—a cold hand on your exposed hip and the other leaving a dent as it braces against the wall by your ear.
“Any of my kind could’ve given you what you wanted. It need not be me,” he murmurs as his nose trails along your jawline seductively. But in the next moment, his fingers tighten into your skin as he growls. “So why strip and offer yourself to me?”
You squirm in his grip, a sense of deja vu taking over as you remember the dream you had a couple of nights ago. “Because,” you gasp out, “you’re the oldest vampire I know in existence. Newer vampires have no control, killing almost immediately.” You arch in an attempt to create space off of the wall—you hate the way you feel trapped. You question whether you should have trusted your instincts about Yoongi.
“Flattery will get you nowhere. Why would a hunter want to be bitten?” His hand leaves the wall to grab your chin. A chill sweeps down your body from the points of contact, sending goosebumps along your exposed skin. His eyes flash a luminous amber. “Tell the truth.”
Your mind feels hazy from his command, almost as if you’ve stepped outside of yourself to watch your mouth open. “I’ve always been fascinated by vampires,” your voice sounds dreamy, a wistful look upon your face, “ever since my parents died. I want to escape that fate, I want to master death.”
A low hum from Yoongi helps break the spell as his eyes ever so carefully appear to peel back the layers until he sees through to the real you. The little girl who cried at her parents funeral and vowed never to meet her maker. You sense when he makes his decision, his eyes growing lighter and his hand tilts your head to the side.
“There is much you do not know, and you know not truly what you ask for.” He inhales a breath he doesn’t need, and his voice changes, a different tone taking over. “But your body reacts—it longs for this, does it not?” he teases. “I can smell your lust, your desire.” He presses his body to yours, firm planes and muscle meeting your softer curves. You feel the closeness of his lips as they graze across yours.
A small whimper escapes your mouth. “Please,” you softly beg so your lips caress.
Yoongi’s tongue slips between your teeth in a kiss of seduction. There is no rush to his movements, only a controlled, steady pace as he meets your tongue with his. You feel his teeth prick your lip as his hand moves to cup the back of your neck, pulling you closer. There’s no sound, except for the hum of the device and your heavy breathing. Yoongi doesn’t need to breathe.
You gasp for air when he trails featherlight kisses along your carotid artery, his hand sliding along your side and over your covered chest and onto your shoulder. Once there, he pushes your bra strap down and removes the fabric covering your breast, freeing it from the holster. His thumb circles the peak of your breast, taught from the friction. He must be enjoying the way he’s building the tension in your body, and you wonder if humans taste better to vampires when they’re aroused.
You don’t get a chance to ask. The insertion of his fangs into your neck is nothing like your dreams. The prickle of pain as they lance open your skin fades almost instantly when you feel the first pull of your blood through your veins and into his mouth.
You gasp, astonished as the euphoric feeling settles over you like a warm blanket and Yoongi’s arms wrap around you as he drinks from you in deep swallows. He’s taken in a few mouthfuls before he pulls away with a shudder that shakes his whole being.
“Divine,” he whispers, blood trailing along the sides of his chin as his hands move to fully free you of your bra, then trail along your curves. The contact is exquisite, the coolness of his hands doing wonders for the flames licking underneath your skin.
“More, touch me more, please,” you sigh, wanting nothing more than the creature who holds you in his arms. The feeling of him seems to burrow under your skin to the very depths of your soul as if he’s leaving a permanent stamp embedded.
His deft fingers cup your breast, causing you to moan with barely any movement. “Not enough!” you whine, uncaring at your petulance. Yoongi chuckles at you.
“Where do you want me to touch you, kitten? How do you want me to touch you? Under your jeans? Gentle or rough? Perhaps you want much more than that?”
You blink coquettishly, nodding yes and begging him to take more of your blood from you. Your hands reach for him, fingertips pulling at the edge of his clothes as if to free him of them. You’re rewarded with his alabaster skin, the light dusting of hair below his navel leading into the very pants your fingers fiddle with the button on.
His tongue laps at your heaving chest, and you watch as he cleans away the blood that ran from the bite he left. His fingers tug at your nipples, and you give up tugging at his pants as the sensation causes your head to fall back in a breathy whine. Your fingers have worked efficiently enough though—his pants fall to the floor and he kicks them aside to join the growing pile of clothes, and you add your jeans next in haste.
Another mewling sound leaves you when his tongue toys with your pert nipple, fangs scraping along the soft contours of your breast as he chases the last of your blood. When you feel your back hit a mirrored wall behind you, you welcome the cooling feel of the glass, though unsure of when you moved. Yoongi’s leg pries apart your thighs, hand dropping to the heat between as he presses against your still-clothed core in search of your clit. When his fingers push your panties aside and he begins to rub slippery circles against you, he chuckles lowly.
“How wet you are, indeed, pet. Yes, I think you want much more than just my bite.”
In your own mind, you agree with his words. You want so much more than just his bite because you want all of him—his bite, his touch, his cock filling you over and over as you crest in shuddering waves of insurmountable pleasure—for all of eternity. His lips drag along your neck as he speaks, leaving small kisses between his sentences. His fingers dance along your slick opening, teasing but never broaching. Not in the ways you want him to fill you.
He hikes up one of your legs so that it rests on his forearm, opening you up to him and at the same time that he plunges his fingers into you, he returns his mouth to your skin, placing a bite in the swell of your breast and drinking deeply. Your body thrums, blood pulsing slower to be in sync with Yoongi’s at every swallow of your life force.
You’ve never felt this way—no one has ever finger fucked you like this, and through the roaring of your blood in your veins, you distantly hear your own voice begging him for more. The heel of his hand makes contact with your clit, and you keen when he holds the position, fingers deep inside you to rub against the spongy patch of nerves as his wrist makes circular movements to stimulate your clit. Your hands work at the buttons along his shirt, pulling with haste and faintly recognizing the ping of the buttons as they ricochet free. Shoving the cloth off his shoulders, you’re exposed to delicate collarbones, a lean torso with blush nipples and a toned chest that tapers into a narrow waist. A small smattering of unruly black hair leads a path down the center into the briefs low on his hips.
You see starbursts behind your eyes as you cum, hard, walls fluttering rapidly around his long fingers. The air in the room is thick with need, desire running so deeply in your veins that you feel lightheaded. All you want is more, more, more. It’s not enough that he bit you, not enough that he brought you to ecstasy with just his fingers. You crave everything he has to give you. As if not of your own volition, you rock against the fingers still inside you, hands reaching to pull Yoongi’s face back towards yours.
Fingers twine with the hair at the nape of his neck, and with reckless abandon, you kiss him hard. The metallic taste of your blood mixes with a taste all his own and you relish the way the two mix into a delightful cocktail on your tongue. His fingers thrust shallowly into you as he slowly makes to remove them from your body. Your hips cant towards him, chasing the feeling until he drops your leg from his arm and you’re left empty and wanting.
The hollowness he’s left you with makes you want to cry, but when you try to pull away from the kiss and complain, he chuckles against your lips. “Hush, kitten, we’re just getting started.”
It seems like an eternity that he’s abandoned your pleasure, but with his supernatural strength, it takes mere seconds for his hands to rip your panties from your body, rid himself of his remaining clothes, bend his knees for access to hook his elbows around the backs of your knees, and lift you up. Your back slams into the glass mirror, and you feel the way it shatters around your body, but you feel no pain. Not when the new position has your core exposed to him and his velvet, steel cock is positioned at your entrance, teasing you with what’s to come.
The view of him between your thighs is amazing. Your eyes trail down his body, showing no shame as you rest them upon his cock, a blushing hue color fueled from your blood now pumping in his body. It’s erect, his lust for you is apparent as he flexes his hips. The tip sinks inside you with help from your first orgasm lubricating his entry, but he doesn’t let it get far before pulling back. He edges you with languid pumps, and you watch in anguish each time he retreats from your warmth. His cock glistens farther up each time he dips inside of you, and the unhinged, sex-craved and cock thirsty being inside you wants him covered in you, the smell of sex so overwhelming that people on the street can smell it.
“Oh, yes, kitten, everyone will know all of the depraved and debaucherous things I’m going to do to you.” He thrusts in with one fluid movement, and you swear you feel him in your chest. The fullness his girth offers splits you open like you’ve never experienced before, while his length reaches deep inside you.
A glance at Yoongi's face as he takes in your naked body proves that he too feels the snug way he fits inside of you, and is also expecting to see the bulge from the tip of his glorious cock pressing against your skin. A flash of disappointment when it doesn’t happen flits across his face, and you realize he was not joking about the depraved things he wants to do to you.
A press of his palm to your lower abdomen has your mouth open in silent pleasure as his hips swirl delectably; the pressure provides the perfect grind of his flexing muscle against every part of you that squeezes him, and the sound as he slips through you just to thrust in again only makes your lust rage more. It’s sinful, everything about the way he’s fucking you roughly is.
Gasping out sensual curses mixed with your name, Yoongi’s eyes flash an intense color, and as if reading your deepest thoughts, he pulls out of you and shifts away from the pane of shattered glass to one still intact. He flips you so that your breasts press to the mirrors. His fingers dig into your hips as he pulls them backward, his feet nudging your own apart. You brace yourself with your hands on the glass, breath leaving a hazy fog with each shuddering exhale of air as you find reprieve from the fire beneath your skin with a pressed cheek to the reflective wall.
“Fuck…me…” you moan out the curse when he seats himself fully inside of you, his pelvis pressed tightly against your ass cheeks as he lets out a low, throaty growl.
“I thought I was,” he replies smartly, but the shake to his voice shows how much restraint he’s showing. You press your ass into him as much as you can, rising onto your toes for leverage. Your eyes stare at his reflection behind you, watching as he curls his body around yours to lick at your earlobe. “I had plans of killing you, dreamt of the way I would torture you before I snapped this pretty little neck of yours, did you know?”
You didn’t know for certain, but you feel like all creatures of the night have the goal of killing humans one way or another, so it doesn’t really bother you. In fact, his words make you clench around him, because the way he’s worded it seems like these are no longer his plans. He confirms as much as his hips rock back and forth in a teasing rhythm that barely sates your needs for him.
“I’ve decided that this pussy is just too good to go to waste, kitten.” His head drops into the crux of your neck, breathing deeply. “Your sweet blood calls to me, and will taste even more decadent when you cum around my cock,” his tongue swipes over your skin before his fangs burrow into you with such an all-consuming lust, you nearly sob with how good it feels. His hips begin a punishing pace as he wraps his arms around you, one hand going to hold your right breast as the other hand drops between your thighs.
The pads of his first two fingertips slip around his thrusting cock, stimulating your weeping core before moving back up to strum along your clit, matching pace with each press inside of you. “You will make such a lovely creature, don’t you think? Cum for me, kitten, and I will make sure of it.” His words trigger a deep need inside you, words that soothe an ache you’ve carried since you were a child.
Your orgasm bursts from you in an earth-shattering explosion, so heady and rippling that you fear you will black out from the strength of it. You barely feel when his teeth sink into you again. He takes a deep pull from your artery, and your high gives him exactly what you think he was searching for. It’s almost shameful the way he moans against your skin as he drinks you in, but you’re so lost to his thrall that it only makes your desire for him deeper.
His thrusts stutter until he is no longer able to hold back, and he fills you as he rips his fangs from you. His head is thrown back as he growls through his ecstasy, and you blink slowly at his reflection, eyes tracing the veins in his neck now running red with your blood trailing from his mouth.
With more restraint than you thought he had left, he turns to you and you feel a fog take over as he asks you a series of questions about getting out of this room safely. You answer them each methodically, as if you have no control over your words.
You feel yourself growing more and more tired, watching every few seconds when your eyes decide to open again from each blink, bleary-eyed as Yoongi dismantles the failsafes you put in place should things go wrong. Your chest aches for him, wanting him closer to you, touching you, drinking from you.
“Soon, 달달한 피.” He kneels before you, dressed once again, hiding his body from you. You hate it. “It’s time for us to go somewhere safe.”
He pulls you into his arms and you preen, if you could purr, your chest would be rumbling in the pleasure of the feel of him. Your head rests on his shoulder and you try to stay awake; some part of you wants to pay attention to where you’re going, but blood loss wins as you sink into a deep slumber.
Yoongi - Several Days Later
Your body thrashes with pain as the blood you just consumed spreads throughout your system. The last few days after leaving the ballet studio and entering Yoongi’s…home, for lack of a better word, has been full of the most exquisite satisfaction your body has ever experienced. You told him as much each night since arriving.
He’s reveled in giving into his most debased fantasies, and your body is covered in the proof; bruises littering your skin, chafing around your wrists and ankles, blood staining the rug beneath his feet where he now stands, watching you.
Yoongi hasn’t turned a mortal in almost 200 years—not since he turned the one you killed. You make a better replacement for her in many ways, he thinks. Your beauty, your mind, your 달달한 피, or sweet blood, which he can’t wait to taste once you’re resurrected. And because this is the longest he has gone since bestowing the Dark Gift upon a being, not to mention that he is closer to 400 years than he likes to admit, he is sure you will be powerful beyond belief.
He heals his wrist and glances at the time; he chose to turn you at sunset so he had time to prepare before he needs to rest. The marble walls that surround the underground basement bedroom of Yoongi’s home echo with your sounds of pain, so Yoongi leaves you in the bed as he ventures towards another wing. He knows that when the sun sets again, you shall be ravenous, and he needs the help of his brothers to bring in enough sustenance for when you wake.
His maker, Namjoon, lounges in his study with a beautiful woman straddling his hips. Her skin tone is darker than his, and their coloring makes a beautiful picture of caramel and chocolate swirls. She is draped over him, arms wrapped around Namjoon’s neck as she bucks her hips slowly against him, no doubt riding his cock now for several hours. Yoongi doesn’t hesitate to enter and approach him; he’s used to such displays.
Namjoon licks his lips as he pulls his mouth from her neck, and then smiles up at Yoongi from his couch.
“Well done, enthralling the last of that hunter family. One less family we need to worry about.”
Yoongi focuses on Namjoon’s face, trying to ignore the whimpering moans from the woman getting off in front of him. It’s making his own cock stir, and he’s tempted to join in, but then he wouldn’t have time to gather the blood you need. He indulges for a few moments longer though, watching the way her supple breasts press against Namjoon’s firm chest as she kisses along his neck.
“You can join, brother. Would you like her mouth or her ass?”
Yoongi shakes his head but continues to enjoy watching the beautiful woman as she rides his maker. He’s tented in his jeans, but that’s also a normal occurrence for all of the men living here, since you can always find someone having sex at any moment.
“I wanted to let you know that I will be inviting a few mortals over. I plan to head out with the others and gather a few.”
Glee arises on Namjoon’s face. “You’ve given her your blood, brother? Oh, this is brilliant. Another one to add to our flock! We haven’t had anyone else in years.” He sighs out in content and then murmurs something into the woman’s ear which has her shuddering. He sinks his fangs into her to enjoy her orgasm before turning back to Yoongi.
“I can’t wait to meet your newest fledgling, Yoongi. I must know though…will you be possessive or is she one we all can share?”
Yoongi smiles, his fangs poking into his bottom lip as he grins at his maker over the shoulder of the woman who is now leaning away, head thrown back as she bounces on Namjoon’s cock with a fierceness of someone chasing a fourth or fifth orgasm.
“I think she may be open to sharing, brother, she should awake tomorrow at sunset.”
Yoongi turns away with a chuckle as he heads to find any of the other five of their flock to accompany him to the bar.
You - The Next Sunset
It’s disorienting how clear everything looks to you. You gasp as a hunger you’ve never felt before takes you into its grip and takes over your mind. Lurching out of the bed you’ve been fucked in every which way since arriving, you clutch at your neck. The hunger burns.
“Come here, kitten, I’ve got what you need right here.”
You turn to the voice, and a bright splash of scarlet comes into view. You don’t even think about it, you just bring it to your mouth and drink messily. You latch on and slurp down as much as you can, wanting every last drop to sate the intensity, but the voice tugs you away. You feel anger but then you’re given another warm mouthful of scarlet and indulge gluttonously.
This time, when the voice calls to you, there is no anger, only a need to follow, to go to the voice and await more from it. From him. Yoongi. Your memories flood you all at once, a pulsing thrum as your pussy throbs now that the blood from the drowsy humans is in your veins, and you search for him.
When you find him, you stumble up from your knees away from the bodies and throw yourself into his arms. You realize you’re still naked when he maneuvers your body so that your thighs are on either side of his, bulge from his jeans rubbing your core from the friction. Leaning into you he kisses you languidly, tongue cleaning up some of the mess you left behind before swirling with your tongue to share the taste of the humans in a kiss.
Your hips grind against him, the kiss turning sexual in moments and Yoongi growls in response to your libido, now heightened after death.
“Fuck,” he groans as you unzip his jeans and reverently pull his cock from his boxers, and using a combination of the blood dripping on your chest and your spit, begin to stroke him with firm movements.
Moments later you return to your first position, straddling Yoongi as you sink onto him repeatedly, one hand gripping your ass and the other in your hair, keeping your mouth on his.
‘Just like that, beautiful, he likes when his cock is buried deep inside a pretty girl.’
You gasp as you hear a melodic voice in your head, turning your head behind you to see six men watching you take Yoongi’s cock as his lips trail down your neck and chest.
You cock an eyebrow at the men, all so beautiful, you could cry at their jaw lines and angles, broad shoulders and dilated eyes.
“Yoongi, I didn’t realize you liked an audience,” you tease as you slow your movements and put on a show, pushing Yoongi’s shoulders down to the mattress so that when your chests meet, the view of how well you take him, how well he splits you open as you sink down and envelop him to the hilt, is visible to all of them.
“I like an audience, kitten, and sometimes I like when the audience joins in.” The look he’s giving you as you continue to ride him lets you know the question he’s asking you.
“With this new immortal lust of mine, I think I’d like that too.”
Sealing your decision with a bite to Yoongi’s neck, you take a deep pull as you feel the bed dip with the weight of the others joining you for what you hope will be the height of immortal lust that will last an eternity.
달달한 피 (daldalhan pi)- “sweet blood”
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𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔅𝔩𝔲𝔢 ℜ𝔬𝔬𝔪
𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔱𝔴𝔬

Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader
Genre: vampire!AU, victorian!AU, strangers to lovers, slow burn, forbidden love, eventual light smut, angst, gothic,
Warnings: blood, death, smut, manipulation, possessive behavior, mild violence, angst, hurt/ comfort, fluff, gaslighting.
Word count: 30k
Summary: In a grand countryside estate, where roses bloom with unnatural darkness, a mysterious stranger appears seeking shelter. Park Jimin, with his otherworldly beauty and cultured charm, quickly becomes an intimate companion to the Baron's daughter. But as girls in the village begin falling mysteriously ill and strange dreams plague her nights, she discovers his dark nature - and must choose between the warmth of mortal days or an eternal night in his arms.
a/n: ok so this isn't meant to be in two parts I just hit the tumblr limit so this is the second part.
𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔬𝔫𝔢
Weeks had passed since that afternoon in the blue room. Autumn had deepened around the estate, the roses in the garden finally surrendering to the season's inevitable decay. Their relationship had shifted too - something unspoken now lingered between them, making each encounter feel charged with possibility.
Jimin still appeared only in late afternoon, his door remaining firmly locked until the sun began its westward descent. But when he did emerge, his attention to her grew more intense, more possessive. His cool touches lingered longer, his dark eyes following her every movement with an almost predatory focus.
It was around this time that (Y/n) first noticed the subtle changes in herself. Nothing dramatic - just a persistent lethargy that made her eyelids heavy during the day. She found herself drifting off during her morning reading, book sliding from loose fingers as she dozed in patches of wan sunlight.
"You seem tired, my dear," her father observed over breakfast, watching as she picked at her food with unusual disinterest. "Not sleeping well?"
The dreams, she thought but didn't say. Those strange, sweet dreams that left her feeling both drained and oddly euphoric come morning. But how could she explain the weight on her chest each night, the sensation of being watched, cherished, consumed? How to describe the familiar scent - Jimin's scent - that seemed to linger in her room long after she woke?
"Just dreams, Papa," she assured him instead, though 'dreams' wasn't quite the right word for these nightly visitations.
Only in Jimin's presence did she feel truly awake. Their evening conversations in the library or music room became the axis around which her days revolved. He had a way of making her forget her increasing tiredness, his voice acting like a tonic that revived her flagging spirits.
"You look lovely in this light," he would murmur as dusk gathered around them, his cool fingers brushing her cheek with familiar intimacy. If he noticed the slight pallor beneath her skin, the darkening shadows beneath her eyes, he never mentioned it. Instead, his touches grew more tender, more reverent, as if she were something precious becoming ever more rare.
The marks above her breast remained her secret - two small punctures that sometimes faded slightly only to appear darker the next morning. She found herself touching them absently throughout the day, remembering the exquisite mixture of pleasure and pain that accompanied their appearance in her dreams.
Their favorite spot had become the ancient oak by the pond, the same place where she'd read Bertha's letter what felt like a lifetime ago. Now, in the gathering November dusk, Jimin would lead her there with possessive tenderness, mindful of her slightly unsteady steps.
"You should wear warmer clothes," he chided softly one evening, though the chill that made her shiver had little to do with the weather. His arm around her waist was both support and embrace as they settled against the oak's massive roots. "The seasons are changing."
Indeed they were. The pond's surface had become a mirror for dying leaves, crimson and gold drifting like abandoned dreams on the dark water. Everything was changing, including her, though the transformation was so subtle she could almost pretend not to notice.
"Tell me more about your dreams," he would often murmur, pulling her closer against his cool form. The impropriety of such intimacy seemed less important with each passing day. Or perhaps she simply had less energy to maintain proper distance.
"They're becoming clearer," she admitted, watching the last light fade from the sky. "More... real. Sometimes I'm not sure if I'm truly awake or still dreaming."
His fingers traced idle patterns on her palm, each touch sending pleasant shivers up her arm. "Perhaps the divide between dreaming and waking is thinner than most believe. Perhaps some dreams are more true than our waking hours."
She found herself leaning more heavily against him, her energy waning as darkness fell. The lethargy that plagued her days seemed to lift slightly in his presence, yet paradoxically, she felt weaker around him too - as if he both strengthened and drained her.
"You're tired," he observed, his lips brushing her temple. The gesture was both comfort and claim.
"Not tired exactly." How to explain this strange state? This feeling of being somehow less substantial with each passing day, yet more alive than ever in these twilight moments with him? "It's more like... floating. Everything feels distant except..."
"Except you." The confession slipped out unbidden. "You feel more real than anything."
His smile against her skin held secrets. They sat in comfortable silence as true night descended, the stars emerging one by one like curious eyes. From the house came the distant sound of servants lighting lamps, preparing for dinner. Soon Madame Perrodon would come looking for her, clucking with disapproval at finding them alone in the dark.
But for now, there was just this - his cool embrace, the whisper of wind through nearly bare branches, and the strange, sweet lethargy that made everything feel like a beautiful dream she never wanted to wake from.
The dining room blazed with unusual brilliance that evening, extra candles lit to mark the rare occasion of Jimin joining them at table. Crystal glasses caught and fractured the light, sending tiny rainbows dancing across the white tablecloth. Even the servants seemed to move with extra ceremony, though (Y/n) noticed how they avoided meeting Jimin's eyes as they served.
He sat across from her, beautiful and otherworldly in the flickering light. Though he arranged each course with artistic precision on his plate, she rarely caught him actually lifting food to his lips. Yet somehow his plate would end up nearly empty, as if the food had vanished by some strange magic.
"I had another letter from Baron Rheinfeldt today," her father mentioned as the second course was cleared. "Most interesting actually - he's been conducting research into his daughter's case. Apparently there have been similar instances in other regions."
(Y/n) felt rather than saw Jimin's sudden stillness. When she glanced up, his face held only polite interest.
"How fascinating," he murmured, adjusting his untouched wine glass. "Though perhaps such dark topics aren't suitable for dinner conversation?"
"On the contrary," her father continued, oblivious to the subtle tension that had entered the air. "I find it rather compelling. Especially given our own village's troubles. You've heard about the milliner's daughters, I assume? And poor Emma, Marcel's granddaughter?"
"Most unfortunate," Jimin's voice held perfect sympathy. "Though young girls are often... susceptible to mysterious ailments."
Madame Perrodon clicked her tongue softly. "Three girls in one village, all with the same symptoms - it's most unusual. Dr. Werner is quite puzzled by it all."
"Which reminds me," her father turned his attention to (Y/n), who had been pushing a piece of pheasant around her plate. "You're looking rather pale yourself, my dear. Perhaps we should have the doctor-"
"Speaking of health and welfare," Madame Perrodon interjected diplomatically, "have you had any word from your mother, Mr. Park? It's been several weeks now..."
Something flickered across Jimin's perfect features - too quick to catch. "No," he said after a slight pause. "Though I confess I expected as much. Her business often demands... prolonged attention."
"Surely she must be concerned about you," Madame Perrodon interjected, her tone suggesting she found such maternal negligence difficult to comprehend.
"Perhaps it's time I took my leave," Jimin said smoothly, though his eyes fixed on (Y/n) as he spoke. "I've imposed upon your hospitality far too long."
The thought of his departure sent an unexpected pain through (Y/n)'s chest. She must have made some small sound, for his eyes softened almost imperceptibly when they met hers.
"Nonsense," her father replied firmly. "We couldn't possibly let you leave without proper word from your mother. What kind of hosts would that make us? Besides," he added with a warm smile, "you've brought such life to this old house. (Y/n) especially seems brightened by your company."
If he noticed how his daughter flushed at this observation, he gave no sign. Jimin, however, watched the color rise in her cheeks with obvious satisfaction.
"How kind you all are to a stranger," he murmured, though his gaze never left (Y/n)'s face.
"Hardly a stranger now," her father said, gesturing for dessert to be served. "Though I must admit, we know remarkably little about your family, your background..."
The remainder of dinner passed in a curious haze of candlelight and half-finished conversations. (Y/n) barely noticed when dessert was served - some elaborate concoction of cream and berries that Jimin praised but didn't touch. Her attention kept drifting to his hands, the elegant way they moved over silverware he never quite used, the way he seemed to conduct an elaborate performance of dining without actually consuming anything.
As the servants began clearing the last plates, Jimin rose with fluid grace. "Might I request an escort to my room?" he asked (Y/n) directly. "These old houses can be so confusing in the dark."
Before anyone could object to the impropriety, he added, "Madame Perrodon, you'll accompany us of course?"
The French woman nodded, though something in her expression suggested she'd rather not. As they left the dining room, (Y/n) could feel her father's eyes following them, his earlier warmth now tempered with paternal concern.
They ascended the grand staircase together, Madame Perrodon following at a careful distance, her candle casting their shadows long against the darkened walls. Though it was Jimin ostensibly being escorted to his room, their steps somehow led them to (Y/n)'s chambers instead. If Madame Perrodon disapproved of this deviation, she kept her silence, taking up her usual position in the doorway - close enough to observe, far enough to allow conversation.
The familiar space of (Y/n)'s room felt different with Jimin in it, as if his presence transformed the everyday into something more mysterious. He moved to the window seat where she so often sat watching for carriages, his figure silhouetted against the night sky. Moonlight silvered his profile, making him look more like a painting than a person.
"You never speak of yourself," (Y/n) said softly, settling into her chair. "Of your life before..."
"No," he agreed, his voice taking on a dreamy, distant quality. "Some memories are... difficult to revisit. But perhaps..." He turned to her, moonlight catching in his dark eyes. "Perhaps you should know something of me, after sharing so much of yourself."
He was quiet for a long moment, as if gathering scattered thoughts - or perhaps choosing which ones to share. "I attended a ball once," he began finally, his voice dropping to a near-whisper that made her lean forward to catch his words. "My first. I was young - so young - and everything seemed magical. The lights, the music, the way everyone moved like figures in a dream..."
His hand drifted to his chest, pressing against some remembered pain. "There was a young man there. Beautiful in a way that seemed almost unreal - tall, with features that might have been carved from marble, eyes that seemed to hold entire worlds. When he asked me to dance..." Jimin's voice faltered slightly. "Well, how could anyone refuse such a creature?"
"He was so graceful, so attentive. The entire night became a blur of him - his voice like honey, his touch cool against my skin as we danced. I was rather like you then," he added, glancing at (Y/n) with an unreadable expression. "Innocent. Protected. Until that night."
His fingers absently traced patterns on the window glass, leaving frost-like marks that faded almost immediately. "What I felt... it was a strange sort of love. Terrible and beautiful at once. The kind that consumes, that burns even as it cherishes." He smiled, but it held no warmth. "I retired to my room still drunk on his attention, on dancing and candlelight. And there, in what should have been my sanctuary, this love nearly took my life."
"I remember every detail of that night with perfect clarity," Jimin continued, his voice taking on an almost hypnotic quality. "The way moonlight spilled across my bedroom floor, not unlike how it does now. The lingering scent of roses from the ball. Even the sound of distant music still playing, though the hour was terribly late."
He moved from the window, drifting through the room like smoke. "My admirer had given me a rose, dark as wine. I'd placed it on my bedside table, watching its shadow on the wall as I prepared for bed. I was so young, so foolish - already half in love with his otherworldly beauty, the graceful way he moved, how his dark eyes seemed to contain mysteries I longed to unravel."
(Y/n) found herself holding her breath, caught in the spell of his words. Even Madame Perrodon seemed to lean forward slightly in her doorway vigil.
"I felt it first as a presence," Jimin went on, his hand again pressing against his chest. "That sensation of being watched, of being wanted with an intensity that was both thrilling and terrifying. Then came the weight, the paralysis..." His eyes met (Y/n)'s suddenly, filled with an emotion she couldn't quite name. "But you know something of that, don't you? These visitations in the night?"
Before she could respond, he continued, "The pain, when it came, was exquisite - like ice and fire combined, here." He touched a spot just above his heart. "A love that pierced deeper than any blade, that would have drained my very life had fate not intervened."
"What happened?" (Y/n) whispered, aware she was leaning forward in her chair, drawn by his tale.
"The dawn came," he said simply. "And with it, an end to that particular enchantment. Though not without leaving its mark." His fingers traced what must have been a scar beneath his clothes. "Some loves, dear, are meant to transform us. To remake us entirely."
The moonlight seemed to gather around him as he spoke, making his beauty almost painful to look at. "I saw him once more after that night. He stood beneath my window in the garden, beautiful as ever, but changed somehow. His smile held secrets I finally understood. He raised his hand to me - not in farewell, I think, but in promise."
Jimin's eyes fixed on (Y/n) with sudden intensity. "Strange, isn't it? How some experiences echo through time? How some souls are destined to meet, to repeat these ancient patterns?"
The air in the room felt thick, charged with meaning she couldn't quite grasp. Outside, clouds passed over the moon, throwing the room into momentary darkness. When light returned, Jimin had moved closer to her chair, his presence making her skin prickle with awareness.
"But listen to me," he said softly, his cool fingers brushing her cheek. "Filling your head with dark tales before bed. You'll have nightmares."
"I already have nightmares," she found herself saying. "Or perhaps they're not nightmares at all..."
A clock somewhere in the house struck ten, breaking the spell of Jimin's story. He straightened, something shifting in his manner - becoming more formal, more contained. "I've kept you too late," he said, though his eyes lingered on her face as if memorizing its features. "And filled your head with strange tales."
"Walk me to my door?" he asked, offering his arm with courtly grace. Madame Perrodon's soft sigh of resignation followed them into the corridor.
The walk to the blue room seemed both endless and too brief. Their footsteps echoed on the wooden floors, marking what felt like a procession of sorts. At his door, Jimin turned to her, taking her hand in his cool grip.
"Dream sweet dreams," he murmured, bringing her fingers to his lips in a gesture that made Madame Perrodon clear her throat pointedly. His eyes held (Y/n)'s even as he backed into his room, something hungry in his gaze that made her shiver. The click of his lock seemed unusually loud in the quiet hallway.
Back in her room, Madame Perrodon's familiar routines felt somehow altered, as if Jimin's story had changed even these simple acts of preparation for bed. The French woman's fingers were gentle but efficient as she helped (Y/n) out of her dinner dress, unlacing stays and unpinning her hair with practiced ease.
"The amulet too, mademoiselle?" Madame Perrodon asked, reaching for the leather cord around (Y/n)'s neck.
"Yes," (Y/n) touched the silver charm that had grown warm against her skin. "It... it catches on my nightgown sometimes."
She watched in her mirror as Madame Perrodon carefully placed the amulet on her bedside table, next to the candlestick. The silver seemed to catch the light oddly, almost appearing to pulse in the flickering flame.
"Shall I leave a candle?" Madame Perrodon asked, hovering by the door as always.
"No," (Y/n) replied, already settling into her bed, mind still full of Jimin's tale. "The moonlight is enough."
Indeed, moonlight poured through her windows, turning the room to silver and shadow. As Madame Perrodon's footsteps faded down the corridor, (Y/n) found herself watching the patterns it made on her ceiling, thinking of another moonlit room, another young person preparing for bed, unaware of what the night might bring...
Moonlight transformed her familiar room into something altogether different - shadows lengthening, ordinary objects taking on strange new forms. (Y/n) lay watching the silver patterns on her ceiling, Jimin's story echoing in her mind. His words about visitations in the night seemed to hang in the air like incense, making everything feel slightly unreal.
From her bedside table, the amulet caught the moonlight, its silver surface seeming to pulse with gentle warning. As she drifted in that space between waking and sleeping, a sudden draft - though no window was open - sent the charm tipping over the edge of the table. It fell with a muffled thud into the thick carpet, its protective presence now out of reach.
The room felt different after that, as if some invisible barrier had dissolved. The air grew thick, heavy with anticipation, and that sweet-strange scent that always surrounded Jimin began to fill her lungs. Somewhere in the house, a clock struck midnight, its chimes sounding distorted and far away.
Sleep, when it came, was thin and uneasy. She floated in and out of consciousness, each time unsure whether she was truly awake or still dreaming. The moonlight shifted across her walls like water, and shadows in the corners seemed to breathe with alien life.
Then came the weight - familiar yet terrible, different from her usual nighttime visitations. Something large and dark crouched at the foot of her bed, its form too fluid to properly grasp. Larger than a cat but smaller than a person, it seemed to shift and change in the uncertain light, its edges bleeding into the surrounding darkness.
The thing at the foot of her bed seemed to drink in the moonlight rather than reflect it. As (Y/n) watched, paralyzed by terror and that strange languor that always accompanied these nighttime visits, it began to move - not crawling exactly, but flowing across her counterpane like liquid shadow.
That sweet-strange scent grew stronger, making her head spin. The creature drew closer, its form continuing to shift and change. She could make out something like fur, black as pitch, and eyes that caught the moonlight in a way that made her heart stutter - eyes she knew, eyes she'd spent weeks watching across dinner tables and garden paths.
The paralysis that held her began to fade, replaced by a growing horror as the thing drew level with her chest. Its weight settled over her, both familiar and terribly wrong. She wanted to scream, to call out, but her voice seemed trapped in her throat.
Then came the pain - sharp and sudden, like two needles piercing the flesh above her breast. This wasn't the usual dreamy pleasure-pain of her nightly visitations. This was immediate, terrible, real. The pain seemed to spread like ice through her veins, and with it came a horrible clarity.
As she watched, the dark creature began to transform. The black fur seemed to melt away, revealing a form she knew too well - Jimin's beautiful face, terrible in its perfection, emerged from the darkness. His eyes, when they met hers, held both triumph and tenderness.
The scream that had been building finally tore free from her throat, shattering the night's silence. The figure jerked back, and for a moment she saw both forms at once - the beautiful young man and the dark beast, overlaid like double-exposed photographs.
Then it was moving toward her door - her locked door - seeming to flow through the solid wood like smoke through a keyhole. The pain in her breast throbbed with each beat of her racing heart, even as running footsteps echoed through the house.
"(Y/n)!" Her father's voice from down the hall. "(Y/n)!"
"Mademoiselle!" Madame Perrodon's cry joined the chorus of concern, accompanied by the sound of multiple servants rushing toward her room.
Her door burst open, lantern light flooding the space and chasing away the last of the shadows. Her father reached her first, face pale with worry as she clutched at her nightgown, tears streaming down her face.
"He was here," she gasped, trembling violently. "Jimin - he was here, but not himself, something was wrong, something terrible-"
"Impossible," Madame Perrodon interjected, pressing a cool hand to (Y/n)'s forehead. "You were dreaming, dear. A nightmare-"
"No!" The pain in her breast throbbed with terrible conviction. "He was here! Like some kind of... some kind of dark creature, and then it was him, I saw him! Please, you must check his room-"
Her father exchanged worried glances with Mrs. Klaus and Thomas, who hovered anxiously in the doorway. The amulet lay forgotten on the floor, its silver surface dull in the lantern light.
"Very well," her father said softly, as one might speak to a frightened child. "Thomas, Mrs. Klaus - come with me."
(Y/n) listened to their footsteps hurrying down the corridor, heard them reach the blue room. The sound of knocking echoed through the silent house.
"Mr. Park?" Her father's voice, trying to maintain propriety even in this strange hour. "Mr. Park, forgive the intrusion, but there's been a disturbance..."
More knocking, more urgent now. Silence answered.
"The door's locked, sir," came Thomas's voice.
A moment of hesitation, then her father's command: "Break it down."
The sound of splintering wood made (Y/n) jump, even with Madame Perrodon's arms around her. Then came a moment of terrible silence.
"Empty," her father's voice carried clearly through the house. "The bed hasn't been slept in... the windows are locked from inside..."
She could hear them moving through the room, checking closets, looking behind curtains. Their lantern light cast moving shadows in the hallway, like dancers performing some macabre ballet.
"Impossible," Mrs. Klaus's voice drifted down the corridor. "I saw him enter myself, not an hour ago..."
More searching, more confusion. (Y/n) sat trembling in her bed, the pain in her breast a constant reminder that this had been no mere nightmare. Madame Perrodon kept murmuring soothing nonsense, stroking her hair as if she were still a child.
"The gardens," (Y/n) insisted, her voice hoarse. Before anyone could protest, she was already moving toward the doors, something pulling her into the darkness beyond. Perhaps it was memory - how many evenings had she spent out there with Jimin, his cool presence both comfort and contradiction?
The November air wrapped around her like a shroud, her white nightgown offering no protection against its bite. Behind her, she could hear the others following - her father's worried stride, Madame Perrodon's anxious muttering, Thomas with his wavering lantern that made the shadows dance like living things.
The garden paths, so familiar in daylight, had transformed into twisted mazes under the moon's cold gaze. Everything looked different, as if the night had rewritten the landscape she'd known since childhood. The great oak by the pond stood like a sentinel, its bare branches clawing at the star-strewn sky. Even the pond itself seemed different - not reflecting the moon but swallowing its light, like an eye turned inward.
Their lantern light caught what remained of her mother's roses, those once-proud bushes now reduced to skeletal forms. (Y/n) found herself drawn to them, remembering how gradually they'd declined over the autumn - each day losing a little more color, a little more life, the change so subtle it was only noticeable in retrospect. Like her own transformation, perhaps.
She reached out to touch one bare stem, careful of its thorns. How many times had she watched Jimin do the same, his cool fingers tracing patterns among the dying blooms as if reading some secret message in their decay?
"Mademoiselle, please," Madame Perrodon pleaded, finally catching up and trying to wrap the shawl around (Y/n)'s shoulders. "This night air will be the death of you."
Death. The word hung in the frozen air like smoke. (Y/n) turned away from the roses, that strange ache in her chest deepening. The gardens held no answers tonight, only echoes of what had been and dark promises of what might come.
Above them, clouds scudded across the moon's face, making the shadows shift and change. For a moment, she thought she saw movement near the oak tree - a darker patch of darkness that seemed to flow rather than move. But when Thomas raised his lantern, nothing was there except the night itself.
"There's nothing for us out here," her father finally said, his voice carrying a weariness that seemed more than physical. "Let's return to the house."
The journey back felt like a retreat, their small party moving in silence through the gardens. (Y/n)'s bare feet had gone numb with cold, but she welcomed the sensation - it distracted from the deeper ache in her chest.
Inside, they checked the blue room once more, finding it still empty and cold, the bed undisturbed. Her father organized the servants into search parties to continue through the night, but Madame Perrodon insisted on taking (Y/n) back to her room.
"You're shaking like a leaf," the French woman muttered, tucking her charge back into bed. "Whatever happened - whatever you think happened - can be dealt with in the morning."
But sleep was impossible. (Y/n) lay listening to the sounds of the search continuing throughout the house - footsteps, whispered conversations, doors opening and closing. Eventually, even these sounds faded into the deep silence of late night.
She must have drifted off eventually, for the next thing she knew the morning came like a physical assault. Sunlight, usually gentle through her eastern windows, seemed to pierce Saffron's skull with needle-sharp rays. She turned away from it with a soft cry, the movement sending new waves of pain through her body. Every muscle ached as if she'd spent the night running rather than searching.
The house already hummed with unusual activity - servants' footsteps hurrying past her door, urgent whispers she couldn't quite make out. Everything felt slightly wrong, shifted just enough to make the familiar strange. Even the simple act of sitting up required enormous effort, her limbs heavy and uncooperative.
It was when she went to press her hand against her aching head that she saw them - spots of blood on her nightgown, vivid as rubies against the white fabric. With trembling fingers, she pulled the collar aside. There, just above her breast, were two marks like needle punctures, an angry red that seemed to pulse in time with her racing heart. The skin around them felt hot to touch, sensitive enough that even the light pressure of her fingertips made her gasp.
The room spun slowly around her as she stood, having to catch herself on the bedpost. Her reflection in the mirror showed a stranger - hair wild around her shoulders, skin pale and ash stricken except for two fever-bright spots high on her cheeks. She looked like one of the consumptive heroines in her Gothic novels, beautiful in their decay.
No one stopped her as she drifted into the hallway, though she was scandalously underdressed - no cape or wrapper over her nightgown, her hair completely down. Servants rushed past, their arms full of linens or medical supplies, too preoccupied to notice the impropriety of her appearance. The house itself seemed to sway around her, or perhaps that was just her unsteady steps.
As she passed her father's study, fragments of conversation drifted out through the half-open door.
"...the milliner's daughters both succumbed in the night. Same wasting illness..."
"Poor things had grown so weak these past weeks..."
"Doctor Werner is baffled... just like the others, fading away despite their youth..."
The words should have shocked her, should have drawn some reaction. Instead, they seemed to come from very far away, as meaningless as the buzz of summer insects. Her feet carried her forward, drawn by some force she couldn't name.
The corridor to the blue room felt endless, though she couldn't remember deciding to go there. Whispers followed her like shadows - servants discussing her father's plans to summon another doctor, Madame Perrodon's worried voice speaking of her deteriorating condition. None of it seemed to matter.
Jimin's room, when she finally reached it, was a shock to her system. Gone was his usual immaculate ordering of space. The bed looked as if a struggle had taken place there, sheets twisted and torn. Books lay scattered across the floor, their spines broken as if they'd been thrown. A chair lay overturned near the window, which stood open despite the cold - impossible, given how they'd found it locked the night before.
She moved through the chaos in a daze, bending to pick up a fallen book despite how the movement made her head spin. A flash of dark red caught her eye - a single rose, nearly black, lay crushed beside the bed. Something about it nagged at her memory, but thinking felt like trying to catch smoke with bare hands.
Then she smelled it - that sweet-strange scent that always surrounded him, somehow stronger here despite his absence. It seemed to wrap around her like an embrace, making her knees weak, her thoughts fuzzy. Darkness crept at the edges of her vision as she swayed, catching herself on the bedpost, before something caught her eye.
The armoire seemed to draw her forward like a lodestone, her feet moving without conscious thought. That sweet-strange scent grew stronger with each step, making her head swim. Her hand trembled as it reached for the brass handle, cool metal shocking against her fever-warm skin.
Time seemed to stretch and warp as she pulled the door open. There, folded impossibly into the space, was Jimin. He looked like a Renaissance painting of a sleeping angel - dark hair falling across his face, formal clothes still pristine despite the room's destruction. But something was wrong about how he fit into the space, as if his form didn't quite follow the normal rules of flesh and bone.
"Jimin?" The name escaped her lips like a prayer, or perhaps a plea.
His eyes opened instantly, showing no trace of sleep. In the shadows of the armoire, they seemed to hold an inner light - burgundy rather than brown. The sight sent fresh waves of memory crashing through her mind: those same eyes watching her from the foot of her bed, from the face of a creature made of shadow and hunger.
A sound somewhere between a gasp and a sob tore from her throat. She stumbled backward, her legs threatening to give way beneath her.
"(Y/n)," his voice wrapped around her like silk, and suddenly he was there, supporting her with those cool, strong hands. How had he moved so quickly?
"Shhh, my dear," Jimin murmured, gathering her closer. His cool touch seemed to ease the fever burning beneath her skin. "You're trembling like a caught bird."
Despite every instinct screaming at her to pull away, Saffron found herself melting into his embrace. His fingers traced soothing patterns up her spine, into her hair, each touch carrying that familiar mix of comfort and possession that made her head spin.
"The marks," she tried again, but her voice emerged weak, dreamy. "I saw you... there was a creature..."
"Let me see," he whispered, his cool fingers already moving to her collar before she could protest. The touch against her wounded flesh should have hurt, should have frightened her, but instead it brought an odd relief. His thumb traced gentle circles around the punctures, drawing out the heat and pain until she sagged against him.
"There now," his voice had taken on that hypnotic quality that made everything feel soft and distant. "Nothing but dreams and shadows. You've been ill, dear heart. Feverish. Imagining such terrible things..."
One hand continued to stroke her hair while the other pressed against the marks on her breast, as if he could heal them through touch alone. Or perhaps he was claiming them - the thought surfaced hazily before drowning in the sweet-strange scent that surrounded them both.
"I would never harm you," he murmured against her temple, though something in his tone suggested deeper meanings. "Everything I do, every touch, every moment... it's all for love of you."
"You're exhausted," he murmured against her hair, gathering her closer as her legs threatened to give way entirely. "Let me take care of you."
She should protest, should tell someone he'd been found, should question how he'd ended up in that armoire - but his cool touch against her fevered skin made thinking impossible. The world had taken on that dreamlike quality again, everything soft and hazy except for Jimin.
"I can walk," she whispered, but even as she said it, he was lifting her with impossible grace, cradling her against his chest as if she weighed nothing at all.
The journey back to her room felt like floating. His sweet-strange scent wrapped around her, making the pain in her breast fade to a distant throb. She found herself pressing closer, seeking more of that delicious coolness, her face tucked against his neck.
"My beautiful girl," he breathed, his lips brushing her temple. "So trusting, even now. Even after your nightmares tried to make you fear me."
Her bed appeared before her as if by magic - had they walked there? Had they floated? His hands were gentle as he laid her down, drawing covers up around her with tender care. When he made to move away, she caught his sleeve with weak fingers.
"Stay," she pleaded, though some part of her mind whispered that she should want him as far away as possible. "Please."
His smile in the morning light was beautiful and terrible. "Of course," he settled beside her on the bed, gathering her close again. His cool fingers returned to the marks on her breast, touch feather-light yet somehow claiming. "Sleep now. Let me watch over you."
The morning light seemed dimmer now, as if Jimin's presence somehow softened its harsh edges. His cool body curved around hers protectively, one hand resting over the marks on her breast while the other stroked her hair with hypnotic rhythm. Each touch seemed to draw the pain away, replacing it with a languid heaviness that made her eyelids droop.
"They searched everywhere," she murmured against his chest, fighting the seductive pull of sleep. "The whole house... every corner..."
"Did they?" His voice held that musical quality that always made her thoughts turn liquid. "How thorough they must have been. And yet..." His fingers traced idle patterns on her skin. "Sometimes the most obvious places are the easiest to overlook. Like how you might stare at a word so long it loses meaning."
She wanted to question this, to ask how they could have missed him in that armoire during their thorough search, but his sweet-strange scent surrounded her, making everything feel soft and distant.
"Sleep now," he whispered, his lips brushing her temple. "You're exhausted from your night of searching."
His coolness was a balm against her fevered skin, and despite every question still burning in her mind, she found herself drifting. The last thing she felt was his hand pressing gently over the marks, as if claiming them even in her sleep.
She woke to Madame Perrodon's worried face hovering over her, the French woman's hand gentle but insistent on her shoulder.
"Finally," Madame breathed. "I've been trying to wake you for nearly an hour, mademoiselle. Such deep sleep - most unusual for you."
(Y/n) blinked in confusion, the morning's events feeling like a distant dream. The space beside her was empty, though she could have sworn... But Jimin's cool presence was gone, leaving only the lingering trace of his sweet-strange scent on her pillow.
"Mr. Park explained everything," Madame Perrodon continued, helping her sit up. "About finding himself in that armoire - a sleepwalking habit from childhood, poor thing. He was quite mortified to have caused such disruption. Your father was most understanding."
The explanation felt wrong somehow, like a dress that almost fits but pulls at the seams. But (Y/n)'s mind was still clouded with what had been, surprisingly, the most restful sleep she'd had in weeks.
"We must dress quickly," Madame was saying, already pulling out a black dress. "The milliner's daughters..."
Reality crashed back with terrible force. Catherine and Marie - gone in a single night, taken by the same mysterious illness that had been slowly consuming the village's young women. The same weakness that seemed to be creeping through (Y/n)'s own veins.
The journey into town was a blur of grey skies and concerned glances. Her father insisted on the carriage despite the short distance, claiming the walk would tax her strength too much. She didn't argue - even the simple act of dressing had left her trembling.
Jimin sat beside her, his cool hand covering hers in a gesture that looked merely comforting to others but felt like possession. The familiar sweet-strange scent of him helped ease the carriage sickness that had lately begun plaguing her.
The milliner's shop was closed, black crepe draped across its windows. Inside, the sisters lay in their coffins like sleeping princesses from a dark fairy tale. Catherine's golden hair had been arranged to hide how thin she'd grown near the end. Marie's small hands clutched a prayer book, as if seeking comfort even in death.
"They were reading to each other, when they found them," someone whispered nearby. "As if they'd simply fallen asleep mid-story..."
(Y/n) felt tears sliding down her cheeks. She'd spoken with them just weeks ago, sharing whispered conversations after Sunday service. They'd been so alive then, so vibrant. How quickly everything could fade.
"Hush, dear," Jimin murmured, his arm steady around her waist as she swayed. His voice held perfect sympathy, though something in his eyes when he gazed at the coffins seemed almost... satisfied. But surely that was just her grief-addled mind playing tricks.
The days following the funeral seemed to blur together. (Y/n) spent most of her time drifting between sleep and waking, each day bringing new weakness. Even sitting up to read exhausted her now.
That morning, she overheard Marcel in the garden below her window, his voice carrying up to where she lay.
"Fading away, she is," he was saying, presumably to her father. "My Emma, bright as a spring morning, now pale as winter frost. Can barely lift her head from the pillow, poor lamb. Just like those milliner's girls before..." His voice cracked. "Begging your pardon, sir, but seeing the young miss looking so peaked too..."
The gardens had grown wild in Emma's absence. (Y/n) could see the untended paths from her window, remembering how she used to watch the girl working beside her grandfather. When had she stopped noticing Emma's absence? Everything before Jimin's arrival felt like a half-remembered dream.
Dr. Werner arrived that afternoon, his black bag and grave expression suggesting he'd been at least partially briefed by her father. Madame Perrodon helped (Y/n) into a sitting position, propping her with pillows that felt too heavy to bear.
"Baron," Dr. Werner said, packing away his instruments with methodical precision. "Might I speak with you for a moment?"
Her father moved from where he'd been hovering near the door, coming to stand by the doctor. Madame Perrodon remained a silent presence near (Y/n)'s bed.
"These symptoms," the doctor began in low tones that nevertheless carried to (Y/n)'s ears. "How long has she been experiencing them?"
"The weakness began gradually," her father replied, his voice tight with worry. "At first we thought it merely fatigue, but lately..."
"She sleeps poorly?"
"Yes, though she seems unable to recall her dreams clearly. And her appetite..."
"Has diminished significantly," the doctor finished, his expression grave. "And these spells of languor - they're worse during daylight hours?"
Her father nodded. "She seems to rally somewhat in the evenings, but by morning..."
Dr. Werner's face grew increasingly troubled as her father listed her symptoms. His hand moved unconsciously to touch his medical bag where he'd noted his findings about the marks.
"Baron," Dr. Werner said gravely, his voice dropping even lower. "I must be frank with you. These symptoms - they are identical to those displayed by the milliner's daughters before their deaths. The same strange marks, the same pattern of decline."
Her father's face paled. "Surely you don't suggest-"
"I suggest nothing yet," the doctor interrupted carefully. "But there are precautions that must be taken. She must be watched, particularly during the night hours. Has she mentioned any... unusual occurrences? Sensations of a presence in her room perhaps?"
Through her half-closed eyes, (Y/n) watched her father sink heavily into the chair beside her bed. "She had some disturbance, several nights ago. Claimed she saw something - or someone - in her room. We searched the house but found nothing amiss."
"Ah." The doctor's pencil scratched against his notebook again. "And she sleeps alone?"
"Madame Perrodon's room adjoins hers," her father gestured to the French woman, who stood like a statue near the window. "Though lately..."
"The connecting door has been locked some nights. From (Y/n)'s side, though she claims no memory of doing so."
Dr. Werner's frown deepened. "Most concerning. And these marks - you've noticed them before?"
"Marks?" Her father leaned forward sharply. "What marks?"
The doctor gestured to his own chest, just above the heart. "Two small punctures, like needle pricks. They appear to fade and return. The milliner's daughters showed identical marks, in precisely the same location. As does young Emma, the gardener's granddaughter."
(Y/n) wanted to protest, to explain about her dreams, about Jimin's story of his own similar wounds - but exhaustion pulled at her like lead weights. Even keeping her eyes open had become an impossible task.
"What do you suggest?" Her father's voice seemed to come from very far away.
"She must not be left alone," the doctor's reply was firm. "Particularly after sunset. The door between her room and Madame Perrodon's must remain open. And..." he hesitated, "perhaps it would be wise to maintain a record of any visitors to the house, especially during the evening hours."
"Visitors?" Her father's tone sharpened. "You cannot possibly suggest-"
"I suggest nothing, Baron. Merely that in cases such as these, every detail must be noted. Every pattern observed. The similarities between these afflicted young women are too striking to ignore."
A week had passed since the doctor's visit, each day bleeding into the next in a haze of enforced bed rest and careful monitoring. Jimin's absence felt like a physical ache, though she couldn't be certain if he was truly gone or if the new precautions simply kept him from her side. Time had become fluid, marked only by Madame Perrodon's constant presence and the changing of guards outside her door.
This particular morning found her at her dressing table, barely recognizing the reflection before her. The girl in the mirror was a stranger - cheekbones sharp beneath almost translucent skin, eyes huge and fever-bright in their dark-circled hollows. Her hair, once thick and lustrous, fell limply as Madame Perrodon's gentle hands worked to arrange it.
"Perhaps a ribbon," the French woman murmured, more to herself than (Y/n). "To add some color..."
Every movement felt like swimming through honey. Even holding her head up as Madame Perrodon dressed her hair required immense effort. The black dress they'd chosen felt unusually formal for a morning at home, but thinking about why seemed beyond her current capabilities.
"There," Madame Perrodon said finally, helping her to stand. "Your father's waiting in the front hall."
The journey downstairs was painfully slow, each step carefully monitored. Strange, how the house seemed unusually still this morning, as if holding its breath. Through the front windows, watery autumn sunshine cast long shadows across the drive.
Her father waited by the door, his face grave as he offered his arm for support. She wanted to ask why they were standing here, why everything felt draped in such heavy silence, but even forming questions seemed too difficult.
The sound came first - the slow, measured tread of multiple feet on gravel. Then figures emerged from the morning mist. Marcel came into view, his aged shoulders straining beneath a wooden box she didn't immediately recognize. Three other men helped support the corners, but it was Marcel's bowed head that caught her attention. How strange to see him away from the garden, and in such formal black attire.
Behind them came a group of villagers, all in dark clothes. Emma's mother was there, supported by relatives. Why was she crying? And where was Emma? She hadn't seen the girl in the gardens lately...
The morning air felt suddenly thick, hard to breathe. Something about the careful way they moved, the measured steps, the box they carried - recognition hovered just at the edges of her mind, but her thoughts were too sluggish to grasp it.
"Papa?" she whispered, her voice small. "Why is Marcel..."
The words died in her throat as understanding finally, terribly dawned. Her legs gave way, but her father's arm kept her upright as her childhood friend's final journey passed before them
"Papa?" she whispered again, her voice catching as she watched Marcel's slow progress down the drive. "That's not... Emma isn't..."
The world seemed to tilt sideways, reality rearranging itself into something terrible she couldn't quite comprehend. Her eyes followed the simple wooden box - coffin, her mind finally supplied, that's a coffin - as if staring hard enough might change what it contained.
She'd just been thinking about Emma yesterday, hadn't she? Or was it last week? Time had become so strange lately. She remembered watching from her window as the girl helped her grandfather with the roses, her laugh carrying up through the air. When had that been? Before Jimin arrived? Everything before him felt like a half-remembered dream.
"She was ill, my dear," her father said softly, his arm tightening around her waist as she swayed. "Like the milliner's daughters. We thought it best not to distress you with the news, given your own condition."
The procession moved with terrible slowness past their position by the door. Marcel's face was set in lines she'd never seen before, aging him decades in what must have been mere weeks. How had she not noticed his absence from the gardens? The roses growing wild without Emma's careful attention?
Behind the coffin, Emma's mother's sobs seemed to echo in the still morning air. The sound struck something deep in (Y/n)'s chest, making her own breath catch painfully. She remembered summer afternoons, Emma sneaking her treats from the village, sharing whispered confidences about books and boys while Marcel pretended not to hear as he pruned nearby bushes.
"She can't be," (Y/n) found herself saying, though the evidence passed before her eyes. "She was fine. She was..." But had she been? When was the last time they'd actually spoken? Everything felt so hazy, like trying to catch smoke with bare hands.
The morning light seemed too harsh suddenly, making her head spin. Or perhaps that was the realization that while she'd been drifting in her twilight world with Jimin, Emma had been fading away entirely. Just like the milliner's daughters. Just like...
Her knees buckled completely this time. Dark spots danced at the edges of her vision as her father caught her weight. She was dimly aware of Madame Perrodon appearing at her other side, of worried murmurs and gentle hands trying to guide her back inside.
"No," she protested weakly, though even speaking took immense effort. "I have to... Marcel shouldn't have to..."
But what could she do? She could barely stand, barely think through the fog that seemed to fill her head. Everything felt distant except the terrible sight of Marcel carrying his granddaughter's coffin, his determined steps carrying her away forever.
Her father and Madame Perrodon guided her back into the house, away from the terrible sight of Marcel's bowed shoulders disappearing into the morning mist. The grand hall spun around her, familiar paintings blurring into dark smudges against the walls. Every step felt like wading through deep water, her legs threatening to give way entirely.
They settled her in her room, Madame Perrodon's cool hands gentle as she helped (Y/n) out of the black dress and into her nightgown. The simple act of changing exhausted her completely. She fell into a deep, heavy sleep before her head touched the pillow.
When she woke, the quality of light suggested late afternoon, and the house hummed with unusual activity. The scrape of furniture being moved echoed through corridors, rapid footsteps on wooden floors, voices calling back and forth with strange urgency. Her room was empty, Madame Perrodon's usual vigilant presence notably absent.
In her white nightgown and wrapper, hair falling loose around her shoulders, she drifted into the corridor like a ghost. The household's usual ordered rhythm had transformed into careful chaos. Maids hurried past with fresh linens, too focused on their tasks to notice her. From below came Mrs. Klaus's voice directing the transformation of the best guest rooms.
Even her father's study door stood open, papers scattered across his usually immaculate desk, suggesting hasty departure. Strange, how the household's chaos made her invisible - no one rushing past seemed to notice the master's daughter wandering the halls in her nightclothes, pale as a wraith in the lengthening shadows.
Her feet carried her up the grand staircase, each step requiring more effort than the last. The upper corridor seemed different somehow, transformed by the golden afternoon light and the unusual bustle below. As she passed the blue room - Jimin's room - something made her pause. Perhaps it was the quality of silence behind that door, so different from the chaos elsewhere. Or perhaps it was that sweet-strange scent that always surrounded him, seeping out from beneath the door like mist.
Before she could decide whether to knock, the door opened. Jimin stood there, beautiful as always in the dying light, though something about his expression seemed different - more intense, almost hungry.
"I wondered when you'd come," he said softly, stepping back in silent invitation. The room behind him was dim, heavy curtains drawn against the afternoon sun. "You look tired, dear."
She stepped into the familiar blue room, now cast in shadows from the drawn curtains. The space felt different somehow - not just from the dim light, but as if Jimin's awareness of impending departure had already begun to empty it of his presence. Yet his sweet-strange scent seemed stronger than ever, making her head swim in that now-familiar way.
"You shouldn't be out of bed," he murmured, closing the door behind her with a soft click. His cool hands found her shoulders, steadying her swaying form. "Not after this morning."
So he knew about Emma. Of course he did - how could anyone in the house not know? Yet he hadn't come to her, hadn't offered comfort. Something about that nagged at her tired mind, but his proximity made thinking difficult.
"The house is strange today," she said, letting him guide her to sit on the edge of his bed. "Everyone rushing about..."
"Change comes whether we wish it or not," he replied cryptically, settling beside her. His fingers found her hair, gently combing through the tangled strands. The gesture was achingly familiar, yet held something new - an urgency, a possessiveness that made her shiver. "Time grows short, dear."
"What do you mean?" But even as she asked, she found herself leaning into his cool touch, her body betraying her as it always did around him. The room seemed to spin slowly, though whether from weakness or his intoxicating presence, she couldn't tell.
"How pale you've grown," he observed, his other hand cupping her cheek. His thumb traced the dark circles beneath her eyes. "Like moonlight given form. Beautiful."
She should protest this - should question why he found her increasing illness beautiful - but his touch was so soothing against her fevered skin. When he drew her closer, she went willingly, letting her heavy head rest against his shoulder.
"What do you mean, time grows short?" she asked again, but his cool fingers were already trailing down her throat, making it hard to focus. The scent that always surrounded him seemed stronger in the dim room - roses on the edge of decay mingled with honey turned too thick, too sweet. It should have repulsed her, yet she found herself breathing deeper, wanting more.
"Say it again," he commanded softly, his mouth moving against her throat. "My name on your lips... I'll miss that most of all."
The words made no sense, yet she found herself obeying, his name falling from her lips like a prayer. His grip tightened in response, one hand tangling in her hair while the other slipped lower, tracing the curve of her spine through her thin nightgown. Each touch left trails of delicious cold that made her arch closer, seeking more of that sweet relief against her fever-hot skin.
The room had grown darker still, the blue walls deepening to midnight shades. In the mirrors, their reflection seemed to blur at the edges, as if they too were transforming into shadows. Or perhaps that was just her weakened vision, everything growing soft and strange as his scent overwhelmed her senses.
"I should have waited," he murmured, more to himself than her. His fingers found the marks below her breast, pressing gently until she gasped. "Should have been more patient. But you're so..." His other hand tightened in her hair, tilting her head back to expose more of her throat. "So perfectly made for this."
"For me."
She should question his words, should ask what he meant, but his cool lips were trailing down her neck, each kiss making thought more impossible. The impropriety of their position barely registered anymore - her in his lap, her nightgown slipping off one shoulder, his hands growing bolder as the room grew darker.
"Everything changes," he continued, his voice taking on that hypnotic quality that made her feel like she was drowning in honey. "But some things are eternal. Some hungers..." His teeth grazed her pulse point, sending shivers down her spine. "Some loves...
"Love?" she echoed dreamily, the word floating between them like smoke. His hands had grown more possessive, one splayed across her back while the other traced patterns on her collarbone that felt like ancient writing.
"A different kind of love," he breathed against her skin. "Deeper than mortal affection. The kind that consumes, that transforms..." His fingers found the marks again, making her gasp as pleasure-pain spiraled out from his touch. "The kind that lives in dreams and shadows."
The last rays of sunlight had vanished now, leaving them in a darkness broken only by faint moonlight filtering through the heavy curtains. His pale skin seemed to glow in the dim light, making him look less human than ever. Beautiful, terribly beautiful, like something from a Gothic novel come to life.
"I'm dizzy," she whispered, though whether from weakness or his intoxicating presence, she couldn't tell. The sweet decay scent of him filled her lungs, making everything feel distant and dream-like.
"Then let me hold you," he murmured, shifting them until she lay across his bed, her hair spilling across the blue silk counterpane. He moved over her like a shadow given form, his cool weight both comforting and overwhelming. "Let me memorize you like this, while there's still time."
His words should have worried her, should have made her question what he meant by 'still time', but his touch was growing more insistent, more intimate. Cool fingers slipped beneath the collar of her nightgown, tracing the line of her shoulder, while his other hand cradled her head with impossible tenderness.
"So warm," he breathed, pressing his face against her throat. "So alive. Even now, fading as you are, your heart beats so strongly..." His lips found her pulse point, lingering there as if counting each beat. "If only..."
His cool touch traced fire across her fevered skin, each caress somehow both soothing and igniting. The sweet-decay scent surrounding them made her head swim as his lips found her throat, her collarbone, lower still. Her nightgown had slipped from one shoulder, his mouth following the path of exposed skin with deliberate slowness.
"My sweet girl," he breathed against her flesh, one hand tangling in her hair while the other explored with increasing boldness. The contrast between his cold touch and her burning skin made her gasp, arch into his caress. "So responsive... so perfect..."
When her trembling fingers found his shirt buttons, he helped her, revealing that marble-perfect chest with its telling scars. Her hands explored the cool expanse of him as his own touch grew more intimate, slipping beneath her nightgown with possessive purpose.
"Let me show you," he murmured, his skilled fingers drawing sounds from her she'd never made before. "Let me make you mine... in every way..."
His cool fingers trailed down her throat, following the flutter of her pulse as it quickened beneath his touch. The thin fabric of her nightgown did nothing to shield her from the delicious chill of his hands as they explored lower, tracing the curve of her breast, thumbs brushing over sensitive peaks until she gasped.
"So responsive," he murmured against her neck, his mouth leaving trails of frost-fire on her fever-hot skin. "Every touch makes your heart race..." His hand slipped lower, gathering the fabric of her nightgown until it bunched around her thighs. "Let me hear you, dear."
Her nightgown slipped from one shoulder, his lips immediately following the exposed skin with cool, open-mouthed kisses. His fingers found bare skin, trailing patterns up her inner thigh that made her whimper. The sweet-decay scent surrounding them grew stronger as his touch grew bolder, finding that sensitive bundle of nerves that made her arch off the blue silk counterpane.
"Please," she gasped, though what she was begging for she couldn't say. Her hands found his shirt buttons, desperate to feel more of his cool skin against hers. He helped her, shrugging the fabric away to reveal that marble-perfect chest. The moonlight caught the twin scars above his heart - so like the marks he'd left on her own breast.
"Touch me," he encouraged as her fingers explored the cold expanse of his torso. His own fingers continued their intimate dance between her thighs, circling her most sensitive spot before dipping lower to gather her growing wetness. One long finger slipped inside her, making her cry out at the strange intrusion.
"That's it," he breathed, watching her face as he added another finger, stretching her gently. His thumb continued its circles above while his fingers moved in and out with devastating precision. "Let me hear how much you want this..."
Her hips rose to meet his touch of their own accord, seeking more of that exquisite pressure. His free hand tangled in her hair, tilting her head back to expose her throat to his hungry mouth.
His cool mouth traced patterns down her throat while his fingers maintained their rhythm, drawing increasingly desperate sounds from her lips. Each stroke inside her made her arch closer, seeking more of his delicious chill against her burning skin. The sweet scent that always surrounded him seemed to pulse with each wave of pleasure, making everything feel dreamlike yet achingly real.
"Perfect," he breathed against her collarbone, his thumb circling faster as his fingers curled inside her. "So warm, so alive..." His other hand slipped beneath her nightgown, palm flat against her stomach before sliding up to cup her breast. "Every inch of you was made for this."
She clutched at his shoulders, his bare skin perfect and cold beneath her burning palms. Her body tightened around his fingers as he worked her closer to some precipice she'd never known existed. When his cool mouth closed around her nipple through the thin fabric, she cried out, back bowing off the bed.
"Please," she gasped, though what exactly she was begging for remained unclear. Everything felt too much yet not enough - his touch, his weight above her, the way his fingers seemed to know exactly how to drive her mad.
Moonlight painted moving shadows across the blue walls as their forms entwined on the silk counterpane. His cool touch drew increasingly desperate responses from her fever-hot skin, each caress bringing them closer to that inevitable moment. The sweet-decay scent grew stronger, making everything feel dreamlike yet terribly real.
"My heart," he breathed against her throat, his movements growing more urgent. "Say you'll be mine forever..."
The mirrors seemed to hold only darkness now, as if the world beyond their embraced had ceased to exist. Somewhere far below, the household continued its frantic preparations, but those sounds couldn't penetrate their private realm of shadow and sensation.
Her pulse raced beneath his lips as he traced the path he'd marked so many times in dreams. This time would be different - no more nighttime visitations, no more playing at mortality. His teeth grazed her skin, drawing a gasp that was equal parts fear and desire.
His fingers curled inside her with devastating precision, drawing sounds she'd never imagined making. The room spun slowly around them, blue shadows deepening as his cool mouth traced patterns down her throat, across her collarbone, finding every sensitive spot that made her arch and gasp.
"Beautiful," he breathed against her skin, his thumb circling faster while his other hand pinned her wrists above her head. "The way you respond to every touch..." His mouth found her breast through the thin fabric, teeth grazing the sensitive peak until she cried out. "The way your heart races..."
The sweet-decay scent grew stronger as pleasure built inside her, making everything feel unreal yet achingly present. Her nightgown had slipped further, exposing more skin to his hungry mouth. Each kiss left trails of delicious frost that made her burn hotter, need him more.
"Please," she gasped, though what exactly she was begging for remained unclear. Her body tightened around his fingers as he drove her closer to some precipice she'd never known existed. "Jimin..."
"Say it again," he demanded softly, his movements growing more insistent. "Say my name while I make you mine completely."
His fingers kept their relentless rhythm as her pleasure built higher, each stroke bringing her closer to something tremendous, something that would change everything. The sweet-decaying smell overwhelmed her senses as his cool mouth found that spot on her neck that always made her shiver.
"Now," he breathed against her pulse point, his thumb circling faster while his other hand tightened in her hair. "Come for me, dear. Let me feel you..."
Her body tightened around his fingers as the first waves of pleasure crashed through her. In that moment of perfect vulnerability, his teeth broke skin - not the usual gentle pierce but something deeper, more permanent. The twin sensations of ecstasy and sharp pain merged into something transcendent, making her cry out his name into the darkness.
The pleasure seemed endless, each pull of his mouth drawing out her release as her blood filled his. Her fingers clutched at his shoulders, torn between pushing him away and drawing him closer as everything she was flowed into him.
"Mine," he growled against her throat, his fingers still moving inside her, prolonging both pleasures until she thought she might shatter completely. "Forever mine..."
As the last tremors subsided, Jimin lifted his head from her throat, his tongue catching a final drop of blood. The moonlight caught his face as he brought his fingers to his mouth, cleaning them with deliberate slowness while holding her gaze. Something about the gesture should have shocked her, but she felt beyond such mortal concerns now.
He settled against her chest, his cool weight comforting rather than crushing. Her fingers found their way into his dark hair, stroking through the silk-soft strands as she admired how the moonlight painted his perfect features. His own fingers traced the fresh marks on her breast with possessive tenderness.
"Dawn comes too quickly," he murmured, more to himself than her. His touch lingered on the punctures, as if memorizing their placement. "They'll be here soon..."
"Don't leave," she whispered, her voice weak but urgent. The thought of separation felt like physical pain. "I can't... I think I love you."
He smiled up at her - that beautiful, terrible smile that had captured her from the first. "Love," he echoed, pressing a kiss to the marks he'd made. "Yes, I suppose that's what this is. A different kind of love..."
Rising with fluid grace, he began to put her back together - smoothing her nightgown, arranging her hair with careful fingers. The cool cloth he produced from somewhere felt heavenly against her heated skin as he cleaned away the evidence of their passion. Every touch felt like a goodbye.
When he tucked her into his bed, the blue silk cool against her skin, she could barely keep her eyes open. His kiss, when it came, tasted of copper and promises.
"Dream of me," he whispered against her lips.
Through heavy lids, she watched him move to the window. The last thing she saw before sleep claimed her was his silhouette against the moon, beautiful as a painting. Or perhaps that was just a dream.
Consciousness returned slowly, like swimming up through dark water. The first thing (Y/n) noticed was the rose on the pillow beside her - its petals so dark they appeared almost black in the pre-dawn light. Something about it nagged at her memory as she reached out with trembling fingers to touch the aged bloom.
"I attended a ball once..." Jimin's voice echoed in her memory, the story he'd told her in this very room suddenly taking on new meaning. "He'd given me a rose, dark as wine..." The petals crumbled at her touch, soft as ash.
Her hand flew to her throat, finding the fresh marks that throbbed with each heartbeat. Not dream marks this time - these felt different, permanent. The sweet-decay scent that always surrounded him lingered in the air, but she knew with terrible certainty that Jimin himself was gone.
She lay in his bed still, surrounded by blue silk and shadows. Her nightgown felt impossibly soft against her sensitized skin, though she couldn't remember him redressing her. Every movement brought fresh awareness of what they'd shared - intimate aches, cooling trails where his fingers had traced possession into her flesh. The marks on her breast throbbed in time with those on her throat, a matched set of claims she'd welcomed in the darkness.
Beyond the heavy curtains, dawn was breaking - she could feel it somehow, a pressure against her skin even through the thick fabric. The blue room felt different in this strange half-light, as if Jimin's departure had already begun erasing traces of his presence. Yet that sweet-strange scent remained, making her head swim with memories of his cool touch, his tender possession, the way he'd...
Urgent footsteps in the corridor interrupted her reverie. Multiple sets, she realized, moving with purpose toward the blue room's locked door. Her father's voice carried through the wood, tight with worry, but the other voice - deeper, rough with grief and rage - sent recognition shooting through her like lightning.
"The lock, damn you!" Baron Rheinfeldt commanded, and her heart clenched. Bertha's father. Of course she recognized that voice - how many summer afternoons had she spent in his gardens, playing with his daughter? Before Bertha had grown ill, before she'd... "Break it down if you must!"
The door shuddered under impact once, twice - then burst open with a crack of splintering wood. Rheinfeldt stood in the doorway, his face haggard with travel and purpose. The kind eyes that had once watched her and Bertha gathering flowers were now hard as granite, filled with a terrible knowledge. Her father appeared behind him, candle casting wild shadows across his worried features.
"Where is he?" Rheinfeldt demanded, scanning the room with desperate intensity. His gaze caught on the rumpled sheets, the black rose crumbling to ash on the pillow, the marks visible at her throat. Something like horror crossed his weathered features.
"Where is the monster?"
"Uncle Rheinfeldt?" The childhood name slipped out before she could stop it. She hadn't seen him since Bertha's last visit , his grief had carved new lines in his once-jovial face. "I don't understand..."
"No, child. You don't." His voice softened for a moment, remembering perhaps how she and Bertha had once called him that. But then his face hardened again as he strode to the window, yanking back curtains that had remained drawn for months. "But you will."
(Y/n) flinched from the morning light, unexpectedly painful against her sensitive eyes. Her father moved to her side, his hand cool against her fevered brow. "You're burning up, sweetheart. We need to-"
"A doctor cannot help her now," Rheinfeldt cut him off sharply. He turned from the window, and she saw he held a leather folio she hadn't noticed before. "Just as no doctor could help my Bertha. Our only hope lies in destroying the creature before..." He broke off, something like pity crossing his features as he looked at her throat.
"Baron, please," her father started, but Rheinfeldt was already shouting into the corridor, his voice seeming to shake the house's foundations.
"Prepare the wagon! Now! Horses, weapons - everything!" His commands echoed through the halls. "We hunt him before he gets too far. Before he claims another innocent like my Bertha!"
Servants rushed past the doorway, carrying strange bundles - wooden stakes, crosses, things that seemed pulled from old tales rather than reality. Their usual measured efficiency had taken on a frantic edge, as if they too sensed how little time remained.
"Papa?" (Y/n)’s voice sounded distant to her own ears. The morning light that had merely hurt her eyes moments ago now seemed to burn. "What's happening?"
Rheinfeldt strode to the bed, his movements sharp with urgency. "After Bertha..." His voice caught for a moment. "After I lost her, I began researching similar cases. Girls wasting away from mysterious illnesses, strange marks upon their breasts... The pattern stretched back centuries." He thrust the folio at her father, who went pale at whatever he saw inside.
"This is impossible," her father breathed, looking between whatever he held and (Y/n)'s increasingly unnatural pallor. "He can't be..."
"The same creature," Rheinfeldt confirmed grimly. "Taking different names, different forms even, but always the same pattern. Always young women in the same village, gradually weakening. Strange dreams, marks upon their breasts..." He broke off as Madame Perrodon appeared with traveling clothes. "Quickly now. The sun rises - we must reach the crypt before nightfall."
"Crypt?" The word felt ashen in (Y/n)'s mouth. She thought of Jimin's perfect face, his cool touches, the tender way he'd arranged her hair before... before... "I don't understand. Last night, he..."
"Last night he marked you as his next victim," Rheinfeldt's voice grew harsh again. "Just as he marked my Bertha. Just as he's marked countless others across centuries." He pulled something else from the folio - a yellowed sketch that made her breath catch. "This was drawn in Vienna, 1846. The name then was Minji..."
There on aged paper was Jimin's face - unchanged across decades, beautiful and terrible as a painting that never aged. But something about the features seemed softer, more feminine somehow. The longer she stared, the more the image seemed to shift between male and female, like a trick of candlelight.
"Baron Vordenburg arrives within the hour," Rheinfeldt continued, already moving to supervise the packing. "He knows the location of the crypt, the proper rituals..." He broke off, glancing at the lightening sky visible through the windows Jimin had kept so carefully curtained. "But we must hurry. Once night falls..."
The journey down the grand staircase was torture. Each step sent waves of strange sensation through (Y/n)'s body - not illness, though they all believed it so, but transformation. The sunlight streaming through the windows felt like knives against her skin, making her burrow deeper into the cloak her father had wrapped around her shoulders.
"She can barely stand," her father protested as they reached the entrance hall, his arm supporting most of her weight. "Surely we should wait-"
"Every moment we delay brings her closer to her fate," Rheinfeldt cut him off sharply. But (Y/n) caught the tremor in his voice, the way he couldn't quite meet her eyes. She wondered if he saw Bertha in her now - but no, Bertha had truly been ill, truly been a victim. What (Y/n) felt coursing through her veins was something else entirely.
The sweet-decay scent that still clung to her skin seemed to pulse with each slowing heartbeat. Her father's touch, once comforting, now felt scalding against her cooling flesh. Everything was changing, transforming, becoming something other than human. She thought of Jimin's words "Some loves transform us completely." Only now did she understand what he'd meant.
The wagon waited in the courtyard, already loaded with their grim cargo - crosses that made her eyes water, holy water that seemed to ripple without being touched, wooden stakes carved with symbols she couldn't bear to look at directly. Her father helped her into the back, where he'd created a nest of blankets to shield her from the sun's assault.
As they pulled away from the estate, (Y/n) pressed her face against the wagon's wooden side, finding a gap through which to watch her home recede into distance. The roses she'd tended were just visible, their petals drinking in the morning light. She remembered Jimin walking with her in the gardens, always in late afternoon, always in shadows. Had he been remembering his own mortal days, his own last moments in sunlight?
"The pattern was always the same," Rheinfeldt's voice carried from the front of the wagon. "Young women of good family, gradually weakening. Strange dreams, marks upon their breasts..."
But they were wrong about her, about all of it. She wasn't weakening - she was strengthening, changing, becoming something eternal. Each bump in the road made her more aware of how different her body felt. Her heartbeat had slowed to a rhythm as ancient as the earth itself. Colors seemed sharper, scents more intense, every sensation magnified to almost unbearable clarity.
The countryside rolled past in a blur of too-bright colors as (Y/n) drifted between memories of last night and awareness of what awaited them. She thought of Jimin's cool fingers in her hair, his tender touches, the way he'd looked at her in the blue room's shadows. Not a monster taking a victim, but a lover sharing his eternal gift.
"The crypt lies within consecrated ground," Rheinfeldt continued, shuffling through his papers. "An old monastery, long abandoned. They thought holy ground would contain him, but..."
(Y/n) pressed deeper into her blanket nest as the sun climbed higher. She could feel Jimin out there somewhere, moving through hidden paths toward the same destination. The marks on her throat and breast throbbed in time with her slowing pulse, calling her toward something vast and dark and eternal.
"All those girls," her father's voice cracked slightly. "Emma, Catherine, the others... How did we not see?"
But (Y/n)'s thoughts were only of Jimin - his perfect face in the blue room's mirrors, his cool weight above her, the exquisite moment when he'd made her his forever. Not victim and monster, but equals in transformation. How could she make them understand that what flowed through her veins now wasn't death, but a different kind of life?
The wagon rattled onward as morning stretched into afternoon. With each mile, (Y/n) felt herself slipping further from humanity. Sounds grew sharper - she could hear every creak of the wheels, every shift of the hunters' weapons. Scents became overwhelming - leather and wood, sweat and fear, and underneath it all, that sweet-decay perfume that meant Jimin was somewhere ahead, waiting.
The sun began its slow descent as dense forest closed in around them. Ancient trees blocked much of the painful light, their branches reaching across the road like grasping fingers. (Y/n) felt something pull at her blood, at the marks Jimin had left on her throat and breast. They were getting closer. Soon they would reach the crypt, and she would have to choose - the mortality they fought to preserve, or the dark eternity Jimin offered.
The thought of them destroying him made her chest ache with a pain that had nothing to do with transformation. They didn't understand what he was, what she was becoming. They saw only a monster who had to be stopped, not the beautiful, lonely creature who had finally found someone to share his endless night.
As the wagon wheels crunched onto different ground, (Y/n) dared to peek out from her blankets. Crumbling stone walls rose around them - the remains of the monastery Rheinfeldt had spoken of. Statues of saints, worn nearly featureless by time, watched their progress with blind eyes. Nature had begun reclaiming this sacred space - ivy crawled up weathered stone, tree roots burst through ancient paving stones, and moss carpeted what must once have been paths between buildings.
The wagon creaked to a stop in what had once been a courtyard. As her father helped her down, (Y/n) felt it - that pull in her blood growing stronger. Somewhere beneath these ruins, Jimin waited. And soon she would have to decide: the warm world of sunlight and mortality, or the eternal darkness of his love.
"Stay close," her father murmured, supporting her weight as the hunters began unloading their grim cargo. Crosses that made her eyes water, vials of water that seemed to ripple without being touched, wooden stakes carved with symbols she couldn't bear to look at directly.
But (Y/n)'s attention was elsewhere. Through her changed senses, she could feel Jimin's presence like a song in her blood. He was below them, in the crypt's endless darkness, waiting. Perhaps he already knew they had come. Perhaps he had always known how this would end.
"The entrance lies there," Rheinfeldt pointed toward a structure that seemed to grow out of the hillside itself. Unlike the monastery's slow decay above ground, this entrance appeared eerily well-preserved. Its heavy iron door gleamed as if recently tended, though that seemed impossible in such a forgotten place.
The hunters moved with practiced efficiency, checking weapons, conferring in low voices about approach and strategy. Her father had stepped away briefly to help Rheinfeldt with some ancient text, leaving her alone for the first time since they'd burst into the blue room.
(Y/n)'s eyes found a smaller path leading around the side of the ruined church. Overgrown with vines and shadow, it seemed to beckon her with promises of darker passages, hidden ways down to where Jimin waited. The pull in her blood grew stronger, urging her toward that secret route.
While the men were occupied with their preparations, she began to drift backward, one careful step at a time. The transformation had already changed her - her movements were silent now, graceful in a way that felt foreign yet natural. When she reached the shadow of a crumbling wall, no one had noticed her absence.
The hidden path led down through tangles of ancient roses, their blooms dark as wine. Their scent reminded her painfully of the black rose she'd found on Jimin's pillow that morning - had it only been that morning? It felt like lifetimes ago. Each step took her further from the hunters and closer to where she knew Jimin would be. The sweet-decay scent grew stronger, making her head swim with memories of the blue room, of his cool touches, of the moment he'd made her his forever.
A weathered door, half-hidden by ivy, opened at her touch. The passage beyond was dark, but her changed eyes pierced the shadows easily. Stone steps led down into earth that felt alive around her, the walls themselves seeming to pulse with centuries of dark magic.
Behind her, distantly, she heard her father's voice raised in alarm as they discovered her missing. But she was already descending, drawn forward by something stronger than family ties or mortal love. Each step took her closer to where she belonged - to cool arms that would hold her forever, to a darkness that felt more like home than sunlight ever had.
The passage twisted deeper, the air growing thick with that sweet-familiar scent that made her blood sing. Ancient carvings covered the walls - beautiful faces caught in eternal ecstasy or agony, it was impossible to tell which. The marks on her throat and breast throbbed stronger with each step, leading her toward their maker.
When the passage finally opened into a vast chamber, she knew she had found him. Mirrors hung between stone columns, their tarnished surfaces holding centuries of secrets. At the chamber's center stood what appeared to be an altar, but she knew it for what it truly was - his resting place, where he waited between hunting grounds, between loves that burned too bright and brief.
"I knew you would come alone."
Jimin's voice sent shivers down her spine - that same musical tone that had first enchanted her, though now it held edges of something darker, older. He emerged from the shadows as if he'd been formed from them, beautiful as ever in the chamber's eternal twilight.
"They're coming," she whispered, moving toward him as if drawn by invisible threads. "With stakes and crosses, holy water and ancient texts..."
"Let them come." His cool fingers found her face, traced the changes already visible in her features. "You're nearly complete, dear heart. The transformation almost finished." His other hand settled over the marks on her breast, making her gasp as sensation spiraled out from his touch. "Soon nothing they bring can harm you."
His touch felt different now - no longer the shocking contrast of cold against heat, but a perfect matching of temperature that made her realize how completely she had changed. When his arms drew her closer, it felt like coming home.
"I couldn't let them hurt you," she breathed against his chest, where those twin scars lay beneath his shirt - mirror images of the marks he'd left on her. "Not after... not when I understand now what this really is."
"And what is this?" he murmured into her hair, his fingers tracing patterns on her cooling skin. His voice held centuries of loneliness, of searching for someone who would understand, who would choose this darkness freely.
"Love," she answered simply, tilting her face up to his. "A different kind of love. The kind that transforms completely."
His hands cradled her face with impossible tenderness, thumbs tracing the new sharpness of her cheekbones. "How long I've waited," he breathed, his dark eyes holding centuries of loneliness. "How many lives I've lived, how many loves I've lost, searching for someone who would understand. Someone who would choose this freely."
The urgency of approaching footsteps faded away as he drew her closer. In that moment, there was only this - his cool skin perfect against hers, the sweet-decay scent surrounding them like a veil, the way the ancient mirrors caught and multiplied their reflection until it seemed a thousand versions of them stood locked in eternal embrace.
"I'm not afraid," Saffron whispered, her fingers finding the buttons of his shirt, tracing those twin scars above his heart. "Not of the darkness, not of forever. Not when it means being with you."
When his lips found hers, it was different from their kisses in the blue room. No more the thrilling contrast of cold and heat - now they matched perfectly, two pieces of the same eternal darkness. His mouth moved against hers with desperate tenderness, centuries of longing poured into a single kiss. She tasted forever on his tongue, tasted the sweetness of decay that had always surrounded him, understanding now that it was the flavor of transformation itself.
His hands tangled in her hair as the kiss deepened, grew more urgent. She could feel his hunger - not for blood now, but for connection, for someone who finally understood what it was to be both monster and lover, both predator and willing prey. When she gasped against his mouth, it wasn't from the cold of his touch but from the intensity of feeling completely, perfectly known.
"My heart," he breathed between kisses, his lips trailing fire-frost down her throat, lingering over the marks that bound them together. "My eternal love."
Above them, voices echoed down the proper passage. They had found her trail, would reach them soon. But in that moment, with Jimin's arms around her and eternity singing in her blood, Saffron found she couldn't fear what approached.
"They come to save you," Jimin murmured against her lips, though he made no move to release her from his embrace. "To return you to the sunlit world, to mortal days and human love." His fingers traced the marks on her throat with possessive tenderness. "As if you could ever go back now. As if you'd want to."
The voices grew closer, torch light beginning to flicker at the passage entrance. Saffron pressed herself closer to him, breathing in that sweet-decay scent that had become more precious than air. His cool hands slipped beneath her cloak, finding all the places he'd marked her as his own.
"There's still time," he whispered, though his grip tightened as if he couldn't bear to let her go. "Time to pretend this was all my doing, not your choice. They would believe it - that I enchanted you, corrupted you. You could return to your father's love, to gardens in daylight..."
"No," she caught his face between her hands, making him meet her gaze. In the ancient mirrors surrounding them, their reflection rippled like water - sometimes male and female, sometimes both, sometimes neither. All the faces he'd worn across centuries, all the loves he'd known and lost. "I choose this. I choose you."
His kiss turned desperate then, hungry with more than blood-need. She met his passion with her own, understanding now that this was what he'd been waiting for across centuries - not just a victim to feed upon, but someone to share his endless night. Someone who would want the darkness as much as he did.
"Saffron!" Her father's voice shattered their moment, echoing off ancient stone. "Dear God - get away from that monster!"
They broke apart slowly, reluctantly, though Jimin kept one arm around her waist. The hunters filed into the chamber, crosses raised, stakes ready. Her father's face transformed with horror as he saw how willingly she leaned into Jimin's embrace.
"Step away from him, child," Rheinfeldt commanded, his voice tight with barely contained fury. "Before it's too late."
"It was too late the moment I saw her," Jimin said softly, his cool fingers intertwining with hers. "Or perhaps the moment she saw me for what I truly was, and chose to love me anyway."
"She's enchanted," her father pleaded, taking a step forward. "Whatever hold you have on her-"
"No enchantment," Saffron interrupted, feeling Jimin's arm tighten protectively around her waist. "No thrall, no corruption. Every choice was mine." She touched the marks on her throat, watching her father flinch at the gesture. "From the first moment in the blue room, every surrender was willing."
The hunters spread out in a practiced formation, their crosses casting sacred light that made shadows dance across the ancient mirrors. But Saffron noticed something strange - the holy symbols that had burned her eyes in the wagon now seemed to hold no power. The transformation was complete, then. She was truly his.
"Like my Bertha," Rheinfeldt's voice cracked with rage and grief. "She grew weaker each day, speaking of strange dreams she could barely remember. A beautiful visitor in the night - we didn't understand until it was too late. Until she was gone."
"Yes," Jimin acknowledged softly. "She was sustenance, like the others before her. I won't deny my nature, or the lives I've taken." His arms tightened around Saffron. "But this... this is different. For the first time in centuries, I chose to reveal myself fully. To walk in twilight rather than just shadow."
"You're a creature who feeds on innocent girls," Rheinfeldt snarled. "Who drained my daughter in her sleep while she thought she was merely dreaming!"
"I am what I am," Jimin replied, no denial in his voice. "A predator, yes. A hunter of mortal life. But Saffron..." His cool fingers traced her face with a tenderness that belied his deadly nature. "She is the first I've wanted beside me in this eternal night. The first to know me fully, to choose this darkness freely."
"Choose?" Her father's voice broke on the word. "You've been planning this since she was a child! That first night visit years ago - you marked her then, didn't you? Chose her to be your victim?"
"I marked her as mine, yes," Jimin admitted. "But I returned to claim her as an equal, not just feed. For the first time in centuries, I wanted more than simple sustenance. I wanted..." His eyes met Saffron's with ancient longing. "I wanted someone to share this endless night."
"Spread out," Rheinfeldt commanded the hunters, his voice hard with purpose. "Remember your training. The crosses will weaken him, but only the stake will end this."
The hunters moved with practiced efficiency, forming a circle around the lovers. Their torches cast wild shadows across the ancient mirrors, making it seem as if dozens of copies of Jimin and Saffron were trapped within the tarnished glass.
The sweet-decay scent grew stronger as Jimin tensed behind her. She could feel something building in the air - a power older than the stones around them, something dark and hungry awakening. The shadows between the columns began to move in ways shadows shouldn't.
"Last chance, child," Rheinfeldt warned, raising his own stake. "Step aside."
But Saffron stayed where she was, arms spread to shield Jimin, though she felt him trying to pull her behind him. "I won't let you hurt him."
"Then you leave us no choice." Rheinfeldt's face hardened. "On my signal-"
The chamber suddenly plunged into darkness as every torch extinguished simultaneously. In the chaos that followed, Saffron felt Jimin's cool hands grasp her waist, spinning her away from the hunters' blind strikes. His lips found her ear in the perfect darkness.
"Trust me?" he whispered.
The absolute darkness held no secrets from her changed eyes. She could see everything with perfect clarity - the hunters stumbling with their useless torches, her father's desperate face as he called her name, Rheinfeldt trying to maintain formation despite the chaos.
"Always," she breathed back to Jimin, feeling his arms tighten around her.
The shadows themselves seemed to come alive, flowing like liquid darkness around them. Jimin's cool lips found hers in a desperate kiss as the chamber's ancient mirrors began to shatter one by one, their breaking a symphony of destruction that echoed off stone walls.
"No!" Her father's voice cracked with terror. "Saffron!"
But she was already moving with Jimin, his grace becoming hers as they danced between the hunters' blind strikes. Each broken mirror seemed to release more darkness into the chamber, until the very air felt thick with shadow. The sweet-decay scent that always surrounded him grew overwhelming, making everything feel dreamlike yet terribly real.
"The entrance!" Rheinfeldt shouted. "Don't let them reach-"
His words cut off as more mirrors shattered, their breaking glass a terrible music. Saffron felt Jimin guiding her toward something - not the passage she'd entered through, but another way, hidden behind centuries of shadow and secret.
"I won't let them take you from me," he whispered against her hair as they moved. "Not now. Not ever."
The passage twisted deeper, each step taking them further underground. But Saffron began to notice something changing in Jimin's movements - a growing heaviness, a reluctance in his perfect grace.
"The sun," he murmured, his voice tight with ancient compulsion. "Dawn approaches. I can feel it, even this far below."
She understood then - why he hadn't simply fled the monastery, why this hidden passage led down rather than out. Like in all the old tales, he was bound to his resting place during daylight hours. The transformation in her blood wasn't complete enough yet to save him from this curse.
"Here," he said finally, as the passage opened into a smaller chamber. Unlike the ceremonial tomb above, this space felt truly ancient. A stone sarcophagus lay at its center, its surface worn smooth by centuries. This wasn't for show or ceremony - this was where he truly slept between nights, between hunts, between loves.
"I cannot fight it," he whispered, his movements becoming more sluggish as dawn's power reached even here. "The sun calls me to sleep, as it has for centuries."
Behind them, the hunters' voices grew closer. They knew these passages too - some ancient knowledge passed down through generations of those who hunted his kind.
"The sun," Jimin whispered, his legs buckling as dawn's ancient power reached even these depths. "I can't..." For the first time, she saw real fear in those eternal eyes - not fear of death, but fear of leaving her.
"Then we face it together," Saffron said softly, supporting his weight. The stone sarcophagus waited before them, its surface worn smooth by centuries of use. When she pushed against the heavy lid, it moved as easily as the blue room's curtains had once done.
Jimin looked up at her with something like wonder, even as the dawn's power pulled at him. "You would choose this? An eternity of darkness, of daylight deaths, just to stay with me?"
"I chose you the moment I let you into my room," she whispered, helping him toward his resting place. The silk-lined interior seemed to welcome them both, as if it had been waiting for this moment across centuries. "Every step since then has led to this."
His cool fingers found her face, tracing its changed features with desperate tenderness. "So many years," he breathed, pulling her down with him into the sarcophagus's embrace. "So many loves lost to time. I never dared hope..." His voice caught as she settled against him, her head finding that perfect place over his heart. "Never dared dream someone would choose to share this curse freely."
"Not a curse," she murmured, feeling his arms tighten around her as dawn's power grew stronger. "A different kind of love. The kind that transforms completely." Her fingers found the buttons of his shirt, seeking those twin scars above his heart - mirror images of the marks he'd left on her breast. "The kind that lasts forever."
"My heart," he breathed against her hair, his perfect features already taking on that death-like stillness. But his embrace remained strong, possessive, eternal. "My love... my everything..."
The sweet-decay scent that had always surrounded him enveloped them both now, roses on the edge of transformation. She felt her own body beginning to respond to dawn's approach, that same ancient sleep calling to her changed blood. It should have frightened her, this descent into temporary death, but in his arms it felt right. Perfect. Inevitable.
"Every dawn," Jimin murmured, his fingers threading through her hair even as the sun's distant power made his movements slower. "Every dawn for eternity, we'll sleep like this. No more solitary deaths, no more waking alone." His cool lips found her forehead, lingering there. "You've ended centuries of loneliness with a single choice."
Their bodies fit together perfectly in the silk-lined space, as if his resting place had been waiting for her all along. She could feel his heart slowing beneath her cheek, matching rhythm with her own as dawn approached. The sweet-decay scent surrounded them like a veil, making everything feel dreamlike yet achingly real.
"I love you," she whispered against his chest, where those ancient scars lay. "Beyond death, beyond daylight, beyond everything they think they know about monsters and victims." Her fingers traced patterns on his cooling skin. "I choose this. Choose you. For every dawn, every dusk, every eternal moment between."
His arms tightened around her with desperate possession. "My heart," he breathed, voice growing fainter as the sun's power pulled at them both. "My eternal love..." His perfect features were taking on that death-like stillness, but his eyes still held hers with centuries of longing finally fulfilled.
"Here!" Rheinfeldt's voice echoed distantly, torchlight spilling into their sanctuary. But Saffron could barely keep her eyes open now, the daylight's power drawing her down into that strange sleep alongside her love.
"Together," Jimin whispered, his last word before dawn claimed him completely. She felt his arms lock around her, ensuring that even in death-sleep, they wouldn't be separated.
The last thing she saw was her father's face, transformed by horror as he realized what she'd become, what she'd chosen. But she couldn't bring herself to regret, not with Jimin's eternal embrace holding her as they descended together into daylight's dark dreams.
The torchlight cast wild shadows as the hunters crowded into the chamber, their crosses and stakes at the ready. But they hesitated at the sight before them - not a monster and his victim, but two lovers entwined in death-like sleep, their faces bearing identical expressions of perfect peace.
"Dear God," her father whispered, the stake trembling in his grip. "Saffron..."
"She's chosen to join him in his curse," Rheinfeldt said grimly, though something like pity crossed his weathered features. "Look how she lies with him - not in thrall, but in love."
Their bodies were intertwined intimately in the silk-lined sarcophagus - Saffron's dark hair spilled across Jimin's chest, his arms locked around her in eternal protection, their faces close as if they'd been sharing secrets when dawn took them. Even in death-sleep, his grip on her remained possessive, ensuring nothing could separate them.
"We must end this," one of the hunters urged, raising his stake. "Before nightfall-"
"Wait," her father stepped forward, reaching a trembling hand toward his daughter's face. But he pulled back before touching her, seeing how perfectly she matched Jimin's ethereal stillness. "She's smiling. Even in this cursed sleep, she's smiling."
Indeed, both their faces held expressions of profound peace - no sign of the monster he'd been hunting, no trace of the innocent girl they'd come to save. Just two eternal lovers, finally united after centuries of searching.
Yes, let me move us toward the ending. Let's maintain the emotional weight while bringing it to its conclusion:
"She's my daughter," her father whispered, moving closer to the sarcophagus despite the hunters' warnings. "My little girl who loved roses and poetry. Who blushed at dinner parties and dreamed of romance." His hand hovered over her peaceful face. "And now look - she's found a love so consuming she'd choose eternal darkness for it."
"A cursed love," Rheinfeldt reminded him, but his voice held more sorrow than rage now. "No matter how beautiful it appears."
The hunters readied their stakes again, but with visible reluctance. The scene before them defied everything they'd been taught about the monsters they hunted. Jimin's eternal face showed only love as he held Saffron, his entire body curved around her protectively even in death-sleep. Her hand still rested over his heart, where those twin scars lay beneath his shirt - mirror images of the marks he'd left on her.
"The sun climbs higher," one hunter warned. "If we're to act, it must be now."
Her father straightened suddenly, something resolute crossing his features. "No."
"What?" Rheinfeldt stepped forward. "You can't mean to-"
"Look at them," her father gestured to the eternal lovers. "Really look. My daughter made her choice. For the first time in his centuries of existence, he revealed himself fully to someone. Offered transformation instead of just taking life." His voice caught. "Who are we to destroy a love strong enough to transform death itself?"
Silence fell in the ancient chamber as the hunters looked between themselves, stakes lowering one by one. Even Rheinfeldt seemed to deflate, years of vengeful purpose draining away as he watched how tenderly Jimin held Saffron in their shared sleep.
"Then we seal this place," Rheinfeldt finally said. "Let them have their eternal love, but contained where they can harm no others. It's... it's more mercy than I ever thought to show such a creature."
Her father stepped forward one last time, looking down at his daughter's peaceful face. He withdrew something from his coat - her mother's rosary, worn smooth by years of prayers. With trembling fingers, he placed it in the sarcophagus beside them.
"For whatever peace it might bring you, my daughter," he whispered. "In whatever eternal life you've chosen."
The hunters worked efficiently but quietly, as if hesitant to disturb the lovers' rest. Ancient stone groaned as they sealed the chamber's entrance, ensuring no mortal would stumble upon this sanctuary of eternal love. The last torch light caught Jimin and Saffron's still faces, casting them in a golden glow before darkness claimed the chamber completely.
As sunset approached, color began returning to their still forms. Jimin woke first, his eternal eyes opening to the perfect darkness of their sanctuary. His first conscious thought was surprise - he had expected stakes, not survival. His arms tightened instinctively around Saffron as she stirred against his chest.
"We're alive," she whispered, her transformed vision adjusting to the darkness that would now be their eternal home. Her fingers found something beside them - cool beads worn smooth by years of devotion. "My father's... my mother's rosary."
Jimin's cool fingers traced her face in the darkness. "They chose mercy," he said softly, wonder in his ancient voice. "In all my centuries, I've never known hunters to..."
"They saw our love for what it truly was," Saffron touched the rosary again, feeling the weight of her father's final blessing. "Not a curse or a corruption, but a choice. A transformation." She lifted her face to his in the perfect dark. "Our eternal choice."
The sealed chamber held no terror for them now - it was their sanctuary, their palace of shadows. Somewhere far above, her father and the hunters were sealing them away from the mortal world. But here in the darkness, Jimin's cool lips found hers with centuries of longing finally fulfilled.
"Every sunset," he whispered against her mouth. "Every sunset for eternity, we'll wake like this. Together."
The sweet-decay scent filled their sanctuary as they held each other in the perfect darkness, the rosary a reminder of both what they'd left behind and what they'd gained. Above them, they could hear the hunters at work - stone grinding against stone as they sealed the chamber.
"Listen," Jimin murmured, his fingers threading through her hair. "They build our eternal home." There was still wonder in his voice, as if he couldn't quite believe the mercy they'd been shown. "No more hunting in shadows, no more solitary dawns."
Saffron touched the rosary once more, imagining her father placing it beside them while they slept. Such a human gesture of love, a blessing for an inhuman existence. "He understood, in the end," she whispered. "They all did."
Her father's voice drifted down to them as the final stones were moved into place: "What do we tell the household?"
"The truth," they heard him say, his words carrying a father's grief and acceptance. "That love transformed her completely. That she chose an eternal night with him over all our mortal days."
The last echoes of movement faded above them as the hunters completed their work. The chamber settled into its perpetual darkness, but neither of them feared it now. This was their realm, their paradise of shadow.
Jimin drew her closer in the darkness, his cool lips finding the marks on her throat that had sealed their eternal bond. The chamber that should have been their tomb had become their sanctuary instead, blessed by her father's final gift and the hunters' unexpected mercy.
"Dance with me," he whispered, pulling her to her feet in their perfect darkness. "Let's celebrate our first sunset of forever."
As they moved together, their steps echoing off ancient stone, her father's final words seemed to linger in the air - that love had transformed her completely, that she had chosen eternal night over mortal days. The rosary lay on their silk-lined resting place, a bridge between the world they'd left and the eternity they'd chosen.
Some say that on certain nights, when the moon is full and roses bloom their darkest, beautiful music can be heard drifting up from beneath the monastery ruins. Perhaps it's just the wind in ancient stones, or perhaps it's two eternal lovers dancing in their sanctuary of shadows, celebrating a love that defied both death and daylight.
In gardens nearby, roses grow wild and untamed, their petals darker than any natural bloom. Their sweet-decay perfume serves as a reminder of two souls who chose to transform death itself with the power of their love - a predator who learned to love truly, and a girl who chose darkness freely, dancing together through their eternal night.
#bts fanfic#bts x reader#bts x y/n#jimin x reader#bts x you#jimin x y/n#jimin x you#park jimin x reader#jimin fanfic#bts fanfction#jeon jungkook x reader#jungkook x y/n#jungkook x you#jungkook fanfic#v x reader#vampire fanfiction#v x you#taehyung x reader#hoseok x reader#hobie x reader#jhope x reader#yoongi x reader#suga x reader#namjoon x reader#rm x reader#seokjin x reader#jin x reader#jungkook x reader#bts fanfiction#jimin fanfiction
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Midnight Bite| Introduction
Ship: Jeon Jungkook x Fem reader
au/genre: vampire!au royal!au arranged marriage.
rating: M
wc: 1.8k
Chapter warnings: little smut. POSSESSIVE JK. Blood mentions. (It's a vampy fic...) YOU ARE THE TOXIC ONE. JK is the perfect boyfriend.
summary: Jungkook, a powerful vampire king, is on a relentless pursuit to find his runaway bride. Their relationship is a complex dance of love, desire, and conflicting needs. Jungkook is determined to bring her back, but she yearns for freedom and independence. As the chase intensifies, the story delves into the complexities of their relationship and the sacrifices required to bridge their differences. Amidst a dark and mystical world, their destinies intertwine in a thrilling game of cat and mouse.
tagss: @shadowyjellyfishfest @baechugff @maunosorioh @shelylamc @princess-sunshyn @scuzmunkie @wanceu @coldcoffee2121 @maunosorioh @massivelyfullenthusiast

Jimin leaned against the polished wooden bar, his gaze fixed on his younger brother, a mixture of worry and frustration etched across his face. "Have you seen her?" he asked, his voice laced with urgency. Jungkook sighed irritably, his expression mirroring his annoyance. "I haven't seen her anywhere. I don't even know if she's arrived yet," he replied, his words tinged with exasperation. Jimin furrowed his brows, his curiosity getting the best of him. "But you're a vampire, a king no less. Why don't you simply command your servants to bring her to you?" he questioned, hoping for a simple solution. "If only it were that simple," Jungkook replied, Jimin poked his head up “Better yet, why don’t you find another? You have plenty of others at your feet.”
“Well first,” He started “If it was that easy, don’t you think I would have done it already? She’s avoiding what she truly wants. It’s just her way of…testing me. She just wants to see if I will go to lengths to have her. Which I am. I don’t want another. I want what was promised to me. I want what I’m obsessed with. You would never understand brother.”
Jungkook had a moment of reminiscing about an intimate moment between you two that almost stopped him in his tracks. Your touches, kisses, calling his name—it was all so addicting for him. He knew another couldn’t give him what you gave him.
He knew what you were running from but he wished you would just let him fix what needs to be fixed.
He needed you to trust him and trust him fully. He has been proving himself to you for years now. He doesn’t know what else he could do to prove to you that he can be everything you ever needed but that never stops him from trying.
Every time he would get you where he wanted you, you’d pull the rug from underneath his feet and vanish—starting the dreadful game yet again.
‘It’s not safe out here my princess, my queen.’ he murmured to himself looking through the crowd, trying not to get annoyed with all the sweaty humans bumping into him with this awful music playing in the background.
Jimin growled as another sweaty jock bumped into him, spilling their beer all over his expensive suit.
While Jungkook was patient, mainly because you were more important to him than some college boy looking for a fuck and cannot handle his liquor, Jimin was not.
“Don’t lose focus brother. We need to bring my princess home.” Jungkook said as he continued to push anyone and everyone out of his way as your scent got stronger and stronger.
“If one more of these lowlifes spill their beverage on me, we’ll be on the most wanted list.”
Jungkook chuckled as he continued to move through the crowd, feeling your presence grow stronger and closer.
“It wouldn’t be the first time. Hold it together, it’s not much longer brother, I feel my baby.”
You were twirling your hair as you pretended to be interested in what this kid was talking about. He was going on and on about his car and how the blah, blah —you didn’t care. You were more interested in how he tasted. He got into a fight with some guys earlier, and you could smell his cut from a mile away, truly captivating you. You were hopeful he would taste delicious, you could tell from the scent he gave off. Truthfully, that’s the only reason why you were here.
While he kept talking, you looked around the club growing bored with this conversation when your eyes landed on someone you hadn’t seen in so long. A small giggle left your lips as you knew that the night just got more interesting.
‘Jungkook,’ you said bitterly, rolling your eyes the moment you locked a mutual gaze, just being a little teased as you were. Of course, he’d find you here. That’s what makes it fun.
There’s no real reason as to why you were playing this game with him. He’s an amazing guy and he’s respectful. No red flags are to be seen. If anything, it was more of the terms to which you are agreeing.
You wanted to be queen. You even wanted to be his queen. You just didn’t like that his parents already had a planned step-by-step timeline you two had to follow.
‘You need to be married by this date and pregnant with your first child by this date. You need to make these appearances and make sure you are always doing this–’
It was too much for you. You liked to do things, naturally. Your parents always allowed you to do things more naturally, that was the reason you agreed to marry Jungkook because you were naturally attracted to him. You guys hit it off as soon as you had the first ‘date’. Both of your parents planned a ball for the two of you to meet and mingle. You and Jungkook were attached at the hip. You looked like a couple as you guys walked around the ballroom, dancing, talking, just enjoying one another.
He was perfect. He is perfect. The terms? Not so much.
You knew it could be fun but with his parents having their hand in everything, you knew it’d be a pain in the ass.
A smirk grows on Jungkook’s face as he heads closer to you until he sees the man you’re talking to. His smirk instantly turns to a frown. His tongue pushed the inside of his cheek as he grew closer. You followed his eyes on the man and smirked, turning your attention back to him, you gave him a flirtatious nod as if you’d been paying attention to his dreadful rambling. Your hand rested on the man’s lap as you laughed as if his joke was actually funny. You just wanted to piss Jungkook off. And boy did you do a great job at it. Seeing him so worked up and so possessive was toxic but it was the sexiest you’ve seen him.
You are fully aware that you are the toxic one in this relationship.
Jungkook’s eyes were dark as he looked at the man next to you. Once he got close enough he snatched your hand off of the man’s lap, instantly.
“What the fuck are you doing, sir?” Jungkook looked at the man with so much disgust but tried to remain as normal as he possibly could, but you could tell his attitude was flaring up.
You giggled softly as you crossed your legs, allowing your already too-short of a dress raise to show your thigh. All three men look as your honey skin is exposed. Jimin cleaned his throat as he tried to look in another direction. The guy turns to Jungkook and begins to stutter to which you roll your eyes again. ‘Such a weak man’ you thought to yourself.
Your perfectly manicured nails danced across the bar before you slightly turned the guy’s face back to you, tilting your head.
“We were talking, right? Tell me more, baby.” You seductively continue, “You’re so sexy when you talk about cars. Please tell me more.”
His jaw dropped at your voice and how you were talking to him. Jungkook was growing more irritated. The mere fact that you called this low-life baby and not him was fucking him up in the head. He couldn’t believe it.
“I asked you a question. What the fuck are you doing, talking to my fiancée?” Jungkook smirked.
“H-huh?! Y-your fiancee? Sh-she never said anything about being engaged”
The man frantically looked between you and Jungkook as you sat there unbothered.
“Why must you always ruin my fun, Prince, it was harmless,” you said in your native language between vampires to which Jungkook responded.
“Because you’re mine, no matter what you think. The sooner you get that through your head the sooner we can get to the more fun parts”
“I only wanted to feed. Can’t you see how yummy he smells?” You pouted and crossed your arms as Jimin held his hand out for you to hold onto. Giving him a small smile, you took his hand and stood to your feet.
“Come, Princess. Let’s go now.” Jimin said. “I’ll take you feeding later,” Jungkook added.
You rolled your eyes and allowed Jimin to escort you out of the club.
“Why do I have to chase you all the time? Why can’t you just stay put, Princess” Jungkook asked, rubbing your thighs softly. You laid your head on his chest as your right leg rested on his lap.
“I was trying to feed. That’s all. I was coming back,” you mumbled.
Jungkook chuckled and planted kisses on your neck. He loved it when you were obedient to him. Everything felt so perfect.
“I know you, I’ve always had to come find you to bring you back home, you were never coming back. At least not until you needed me to fulfill your needs.”
“That is not true! You always come to find me and never give me a chanc-”
You bite back your response when you feel his hands push your legs open. A small whine falls from your lips.
“If I won’t give you want you wa-want when you want it, w-why don’t you take your parents up o-on their offer of finding another?” You pushed out as his hands got close to your core.
“Because baby…” he started, “I don’t give a damn about what my parents want and you’re my property. I own you and you know I’m the only one that can make you feel good,” he expressed, grazing his fangs across your neck drawing another moan from your lips.
“Y-you’re too controlling. You always think I’m doing something against you. I’d never hurt you, Jungkook.”
Jungkook let out a bitter laugh in the crook of your neck.
“Because you do shit like this. Time and time again, I’m out looking for you because you don’t know how to stay still. Daddy fucks you, you stay for a few weeks, then you leave. So disrespectful, baby.”
His fingers worked on your core softly as he listened to your pants and moans fill the car. He had no regard for his brother driving the car who’s getting captivated by your moans as well. You hid your face in his chest as he still toyed with you, your wetness began to pool underneath you. Jungkook chuckled as he began to slip his fingers between your folds.
“Are you ready to stay put and let me take care of you?” Jungkook whispered in your ear.
He had you. You couldn’t escape this man, he has you wrapped around his finger. Literally. Finally, you decided to give up and give in to him.
“Yes what?”
“Yes, d-daddy”
”Jungkook chuckled pleased as you finally came to.
“If you’d stay put like a good girl…we wouldn’t have this problem. Would we?”

#bts fanfic#bts imagine#bts angst#bts x reader#bts smut#bts jungkook#bts yoongi#bts jhope#bts namjoon#bts smut drabble#bts jimin#bts taehyung#bts seokjin#bangtanwhq#bts vampire au#bts series#female oc#failing at love#falling in love
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Vampire Boy || Series Page

Jeon Jungkook Series
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
𓆩♱𓆪 pairing: vampire!Jungkook x human!Reader (afab, she/her)
𓆩♱𓆪 content: 18+ explicit content, established relationship au, oh they are so in love
𓆩♱𓆪 series warning/tags: golden retriever boyfriend jk, 27jk 26 reader, vampire activities, blood drinking, fluff, some angst, smut, blood kink?? (Squint), Jungkook really likes your blood, my own vampire rules?? But similar to traditional vampire rules??, Jungkook is so whipped, past trauma, comedy, y/n is a little bit of a brat, Jungkook is very good at handling her but also loves her so much, they are soooo down bad for each other, vampire!Jimin, vampire!Jin, vampire!Hoseok, vampire!Yoongi, other vampire characters (the girlies) unprotected sex (Jungkook literally cannot get y/n pregnant), cream pie, fingering, dick riding, oral f and m receiving, discussion of feeding on animals and people, vampire turning trauma, Jungkook is severely afraid of garlic (lmao), vampire traditions and rituals, family trauma, family death
𓆩♱𓆪 description: So your boyfriend is a vampire…It’s actually not too different than having a human boyfriend. He is kind and caring and genuinely loves you. He’s just a touch afraid of garlic and he’s kind of cold. Other than that everything is the same and you couldn’t ask for anyone better. You cannot imagine spending your life with anyone else, except… it would be only your life going on.
which wasn’t a problem… right?
𓆩♱𓆪 comment on this page or any chapter to be added to the taglist!
fic is cross posted to ao3
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𓆩 one 𓆪 || 𓆩 two 𓆪 || 𓆩 three 𓆪 || 𓆩 four 𓆪
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#bts#Jungkook#vampire Jungkook#vampire jk#Jungkook fanfic#Jungkook fic#Jungkook x reader#Jungkook x oc#Jungkook x y/n#Jungkook x you#vampire Jungkook x reader#bts fic#kpop fic#bts fanfic#kpop fanfic#kpop fanfiction#Jungkook scenarios#Jungkook imagine#bts scenarios#bts imagine#vampire Jimin#vampire Namjoon#vampire yoongi#Jungkook smut#bts smut#bts x reader#Jungkook fluff#Jungkook crack#jungkook fic rec#jungkook fanfic rec
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Sanctity Masterlist
Pairing(s); BTS OT7 x Reader
Genre/Themes; Vampire!AU, yandere!AU, horror, themes of the supernatural and mythology, historical topics, vampiric powers, religious themes, violence, romance
Rated; 18+ for swearing, violence/gore, toxic behavior including stalking, torture, and manipulation, future sexual themes. Reader discretion is strongly advised.
The world revolves around powerful, deadly creatures, their every whim catered to– vampires. Humans with rare blood types are kept in large Sanctuaries around the world, where they can be hand-picked by vampires and their covens to become live-in blood banks. Y/N, who had been trapped in a Sanctuary for ten years thanks to her ultra-rare blood type, is acutely aware of just how vicious vampires are. Though she wishes for freedom she once had when she was fifteen, if it came at the cost of being at the mercy of terrifying beings, she would remain within the halls of the Sanctuary forever.
Covens as large as seven individual vampires are exceedingly hard to come by, especially an all-male coven. Brought together by their skewed views of reality, twisted minds, strong powers and connections, and blood-soaked pasts, seven vampires move to a new city in search of their perfect human to feed from. Though the town of Newport, Rhode Island, is sleepy, it holds a secret past, one that’s perfect to set the stage for a complicated, dark future. With a particular taste for the rarest types of blood, the coven discovers an acolyte with irresistible pull in a nearby Sanctuary– and they can’t wait to see what she can endure.
Ko-fi 💜
Find Sanctity on Ao3 and Wattpad, too!
Chapter One posted 10.3.24; 22.8k words
Chapter Two posted 1.20.25; 20.3k words
Teasers for Chapter One
Teaser for Chapter Two
coming soon! requests via ask box
Sanctity Playlist
Moodboards - Seokjin . Yoongi . Hoseok . Namjoon . Jimin . Taehyung . Jeongguk
My Pinterest
Rough character profiles
Tour of the setting
Marauder Hoseok, coming soon!
Chiaroscuro Yoongi, coming soon!
Gilded Taehyung, coming soon!
Devotion Jimin, coming soon!
Taeja Seokjin, coming soon!
Scarface Jeongguk,coming soon!
Hwando Namjoon, coming soon!
#bts fanfiction#bts fanfic#bts ot7 x reader#vampire au#yandere au#vampire!bts#yandere!bts#bts yandere au#bts vampire au#bts fic#bts au#bts vampire x reader#bts yandere x reader#yandere bts#vampire bts#bts vampire fanfic#bts yandere fanfic#namjoon fanfic#seokjin fanfic#yoongi fanfic#hoseok fanfic#jimin fanfic#taehyung fanfic#jungkook fanfic
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“They’ve seen the centuries come and go, watched empires rise and fall and witnessed the creation of society as it is today. And now you have fallen into their arms, showing them once again that change never stops.”
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Smut, Hurt and Comfort, Vampire!AU, Magic!AU, Polyamory!AU

“You change universities after moving towns. Your new university is an old, ancient building with secret tunnels and whispered ghost stories. There are two fraternities, which for some reason always seem to be in a quarrel. Alpha consisting of Kim Taehyung, Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin and Min Yoongi. Handsome, porcelain skinned men, who act as if they are out of another century and for some reason everyone on campus seems to be scared of. And Sanguis consisting of Jeon Jungkook, Kim Seokjin and Jung Hoseok. Men with skin just as pale and their faces just as beautiful, who always wear sunglasses when it is light outside and who never seem to open their curtains. And for some peculiar reason you always find yourself in the middle of them….”
Pairing: OT7 x f.Reader with main Taehyung x f.Reader & Yoongi x f.Reader
Genre: Mystery, Fantasy, Romance, Smut, University!AU, Vampire!AU
《 To Book One 》

“When your endless game of hide and seek with Namjoon sends your little group all over Europe, you have to fight more than just vengeful witches and bloodthirsty demons. Different morals, beliefs and mindsets bring just as much struggle to your bond as your enemies. And soon you have to accept that the world you decided to live in is darker than you initially prepared for.”
Pairing: Yoongi x f.Reader, Taehyung x f.Reader & Jungkook x f.Reader + more as the story progresses
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Smut, Vampire!AU, Magic!AU
《 To Book Two 》

“You and your lovers visit The Plains, a magical realm created for the souls of witches and warlocks and home of your dear grandmother. She welcomes you with raspberry pie and tea. You come with many stories to tell and eager hands to help on her cottage. Golden sunlight, blue moonshine and green forests await you alongside early morning snuggles and late night kisses with your lovers.”
Pairing: Yoongi x f.Reader, Jungkook x f.Reader, Taehyung x f.Reader, Yoongi x Jungkook, Taehyung x Jungkook, platonic Yoongi x Taehyung
Genre: Magic!AU, Vampire!AU, Polyamory!AU, Slice of Life, Fluff, Romance, Smut, this is a spin-off meant to be read after the Duology
《 To the Spin-Off 》
#01 - What You Deserve [YG x JK]
#02 - The Piano Teacher [YG x OC]
#03 - Only For You ([YG x OC]
#04 - Mellifluous [TH x OC]
#05 - Safe Hands [YG x OC]
#06 - Rache [TH x JK]
#07 - Captured [YG x OC]
#08 - Illecebra [TH x OC]
#09 - How I Love You [YG x OC]
#10 - Stormy Nights [YG x OC]
#11 - Of Simpler Times [TH x JM]
#12 - Best Seat [YG x OC]
#13 - Deep [JK]
#14 - Painted Blue [TH x OC]
#15 - Drunk on You [YG x OC]
#16 - I Want Your Love Forever [YG x OC]
#17 - Between Friends [YG x HS]
#18 - Bed Head [JK x OC]
#19 - Don’t Tease Please [JK x OC]
#20 - Fade into You [YG x OC]
#21 - Rope Bunny [YG x OC]
#22 - Lavender Warmth [YG x OC]
#23 - The Scholar, The Princess and the Master [YG x OC x JK]
#24 - Picnics [YG x OC x JK]
#25 - Where Love Is [YG x OC]
#26 - Wake Up Call [YG x OC]
#27 - Devotion [TH x OC]
#28 - Bewitched [YG x OC]
#29 - wanna see myself inside you [JK x OC]
#30 - Princess Treatment [YG x OC]
#31 - Guilty Tears [TH x OC]
#32 - Moonlight & Campsites [YG x OC]
#33 - ILY [YG x OC]
#34 - Morning Hours [JK x OC]
#35 - Silly Fights [YG x OC]
#36 - Carefree [YG & TH]
#37 - Cozy Times [YG x OC]
#38 - Drive You Fucking Crazy [TH x OC]
#39 - FWB [HS x OC]
#40 - A Good Life [YG x OC]
#41 - Impatient [JK x TH]
#42 - Love Wins All [TH x OC]
#43 - Cozy [YG x OC]
#44 - Listen In [HS x JK x TH]
#45 - moonlight [TH x OC]
#46 - Stardust [ TH x JK]
#47 - Protective [TH x JK]
#48 - Babybun [YG x OC x JK]
#49 - Just Relax [YG x HS]
#50 - Tenderness [JM & OC]
#51 - Creamer [YG x TH]
#52 - Shut You Up [JK x OC]
#53 - Double is Best [YG x OC x HS]
#54 - Fuck Yourself [JK x OC]
#55 - Used [TH x OC]
#56 - Grateful [YG x OC x JK]
#57 - Good Doll [TH x JK]
#58 - Prove It [YG x OC]
#59 - Cozy Nights [YG x OC x JK]
#60 - Rainy Mornings [YG x OC]
#61 - Birthday Boy [HS x OC]
#62 - Red Shirt [JK x OC]
#bts fanfic#bts fanfiction#bts scenario#bts x reader#bts x you#vampire!bts#bangtan fanfic#bangtan fanfiction#bangtan scenario#bangtan x reader#bangtan x you#vampire!bangtan#yoongi fanfic#yoongi x reader#vampire!yoongi#taehyung fanfic#taehyung x reader#vampire!taehyung#jungkook fanfic#jungkook x reader#vampire!jungkook#hoseok fanfic#vampire!hoseok#jimin fanfic#vampire!jimin#seokjin fanfic#vampire!seokjin#namjoon fanfic#vampire!namjoon#fanfic: sanguis duology
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requiem of the broken - prologue

pairing: bts x reader
status: ongoing
word count: 3.1 k
warnings: depictions of violence, 18+, death, non con, mentions of blood, vampires, selling of people
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the world was cloaked in shadow. a fog of rot and decay settled over the land, curling around the crooked spires of stone buildings, their outlines barely visible against the endless gray sky. the air was thick with an unnatural stillness, a silence that lingered like death itself. the sun had long since been swallowed by the dark clouds, casting a pall over the cities that had once thrived with life. now, only whispers of a time forgotten remained, as if the world itself was holding its breath, waiting for the inevitable.
vampires ruled now.
the nobility, their skin pale and ashen, their eyes gleaming with a hunger that could never be satisfied. they had been born of blood, forged in darkness, and their fangs were sharp, always ready to pierce the flesh of the humans who still clung to life. their power was absolute, their reign eternal. the cities were their playgrounds, the people their puppets. humans, once masters of the land, had become mere livestock, herded and caged like animals.
there were few humans left now, scattered across the land like forgotten relics. the race had been bred out, erased from history by the vampires who thrived on their blood. the women, those rare few who had the ability to reproduce, were the most coveted. they were kept in breeding houses, places where they were examined, tested, chosen to bear the offspring of the vampires. their lives, their bodies, no longer belonged to them. they were vessels, nothing more.
the breeding houses were cold, dark places, built deep within the heart of the cities. they stood like dark cathedrals, their spires reaching into the heavens, their doors wide open to the darkness. inside, the women were kept in small, stone-walled rooms, their lives reduced to a series of examinations and tests. at the age of eighteen, they were taken, led through long, empty halls, their hearts heavy with fear. they were brought before the vampires, their fates decided by the cold, calculating eyes of the nobility.
the girls were examined one by one. their bodies stripped bare, their bloodlines inspected with cold precision. the vampires were indifferent to their suffering, their eyes empty of mercy. those who failed the examination were discarded, thrown into the feeding programs, where they were sold to the highest bidder. their bodies were fed to the vampires, drained of all life, their blood fueling the eternal hunger that could never be satisfied.
there were a few, however, who were deemed worthy. these women were taken into the world of the nobility, given a place at the table of the vampires. they were not free, not by any measure, but their lives were less bleak than those who had failed. they wore beautiful gowns, their bodies adorned with jewels and silks, their rooms rich with comfort. but even they were not truly free. they were still tools, their blood and their wombs the only things of value.
the vampires had long since stopped being human. their eyes were empty, their hearts cold. they cared only for power, for the blood that sustained them, for the control they held over the humans. there was no love, no compassion, no mercy. there was only hunger.
the humans lived in fear, their lives reduced to nothing more than a constant struggle for survival. some tried to flee, to escape the clutches of the vampires, but they were always hunted, always brought back. there was no safe place, no sanctuary, no escape. the vampires’ reach was endless, their power all-encompassing.
in the city of seongjin, the heart of the vampire kingdom, the breeding houses were a symbol of power, a reminder of the dominance the vampires held over the humans. the name of the city itself had become a curse, a whisper on the lips of those who still remembered what it had once been. now, it was a place of darkness, a place where the vampires reigned, and the humans suffered.
the city streets were dark, empty, save for the occasional flicker of movement in the shadows. there were whispers, murmurs of rebellion, of hope, but they were nothing more than echoes. the vampires ruled with iron fists, their influence spreading like a disease, suffocating any spark of resistance. the humans had been broken, their spirits crushed beneath the weight of centuries of oppression.
the humans were nothing but tools to be used, their lives measured in blood. but there were those among them who still dreamed of something more, who whispered of a rebellion, of a world where they were no longer slaves. those whispers, though, were always crushed. the vampires listened, always. and they had no mercy.
the world had been broken. the humans had been lost. and the vampires had claimed it all.
the nobles, the high-ranking covens of vampires who lived in their lavish estates, were the true rulers. their names were spoken with reverence, their power unmatched. they controlled the breeding houses, deciding who would live and who would die. they decided who would be given a life of luxury and who would be sold for food. their whims were law, and there was no one to challenge them.
the coven of the damned had risen in silence, their power growing with every passing year. in the past few centuries a new power had taken over. a coven had risen from the ashes of an old world, their power unfurling like the wings of a phoenix. but this was no rebirth. this was a reign. the world trembled beneath their feet, crushed under centuries of bloodlust and greed. the vampires ruled, and with them, they had claimed the humans, those few who were left to be fed upon, and the select few women, their purpose far darker. among them was kim namjoon, their leader. his presence dominated any room he entered, his sharp jawline cutting through the air with an air of regality. namjoon’s gaze could freeze the very blood in your veins, his eyes glowing faintly when hunger took hold. and yet, there was something mesmerizing about him. something that, once captured in his gaze, left you with no escape.
he wasn’t alone, though. at his side, as always, was kim seokjin, the eldest among them. where namjoon exuded command, seokjin brought elegance, his beauty bordering on the celestial. his features were so perfect they could only have been sculpted by the gods, and his dark hair, sleek and always in place, framed his face like the softest of veils. seokjin’s deep brown eyes shimmered red when hunger overtook him, an alluring, dangerous reminder that beauty was not just skin deep. yet, despite the intoxicating allure of his charm, there was nothing kind about the way he looked at you. he was a predator. refined, yes, but no less lethal for it. he walked in perfect synchronization with namjoon, each step a promise of dominance.
together, they were a force. an unstoppable pair. but the coven was more than just these two. min yoongi was their shadow, the embodiment of mystery and danger. while namjoon and seokjin basked in the power of the light, yoongi thrived in the shadows. his dark, messy hair—a streak of silver marking his age—fell across his face, hiding the icy blue eyes that glowed with hunger. yoongi’s silence was more powerful than any scream. he watched from the edges, waiting. waiting for the right moment, the right victim. his clothing, dark and gothic, fit the nature of a creature whose mind was always calculating, always measuring risk. his power was in the unseen, the quiet moments before the storm. he wasn’t a man of words, but a man of action, his presence felt long before it was ever seen.
but there was also jung hoseok, who was not the same creature that the world saw in the light. his golden-brown eyes gleamed, burning with an intensity that could only be called dangerous. where the others carried themselves like kings, hoseok was a tempest, bright and full of fire, but beneath that brightness lay an ice-cold resolve. his hair, a chaotic mess of red and black streaks, was always wild, matching the turbulent energy that pulsed beneath his skin. his smile, so warm, so inviting, was enough to disarm even the most cautious soul. yet, hoseok’s smile hid the truth: he was a hunter, with instincts sharper than the blade he wielded. when he moved, it was like a storm breaking free of its chains. he, too, was a predator, but he wore the face of a friend before he sunk his teeth in.
park jimin, on the other hand, exuded a beauty so delicate, so refined, it was almost too perfect for this world. his porcelain-like skin gleamed in the darkness, contrasting against his dark, silky hair that was always styled to perfection. jimin’s eyes, golden, like the deepest of amber, would shimmer with a predatory hunger whenever he desired. his smile, sweet as it seemed, always hinted at something darker, something far more dangerous. he was their seducer, the one who could entrance any human with just a glance. but it wasn’t just his beauty that made him dangerous; it was the way he used it, the way he toyed with his prey. jimin was a creature of temptation and death, his elegance hiding the brutality of what lay beneath. in his presence, it was hard to know if you were safe or if your time was simply running out.
kim taehyung was unlike any of them, in that he didn’t need to be anything less than himself to be a force of nature. his beauty was the stuff of legends. sharp, defined features, violet eyes that seemed to pierce through your soul, and a presence that was nothing short of magnetic. taehyung could entrance anyone with a glance, his hair dark and shimmering with hues of blue and purple, like the night sky reflecting the stars. but it wasn’t just his beauty that made him dangerous. it was his unpredictability. taehyung was a creature of extremes. his calm could suddenly break, turning him into a predator you never saw coming. he wore the finest clothing, long, dark coats with intricate detailing, but his true power wasn’t in what he wore; it was in his ability to command any room, any situation, with a simple word or look.
and then there was jeon jungkook, whose presence was as imposing as the rest, yet even more brutal. his dark eyes, always so piercing, would glow an ominous red whenever hunger overtook him. his rough, tousled hair, mixed with his chiseled jawline and muscular frame, gave him an almost feral appearance, one that screamed power, that demanded respect. jungkook didn’t hide his nature as the others did. he was a predator, and there was nothing delicate about him. he was ruthlessness incarnate, never apologizing for his thirst, never hesitating to claim what he wanted. his skin, pale against the defined muscles of his physique, marked him as someone who had transcended human frailty. he wasn’t just a vampire, he was a force to be reckoned with.
together, they were a terror, a coven of such dark power that the world itself trembled in their wake. their hunger knew no bounds. their thirst was never quenched. but in the quiet moments when the blood had been drained and the chaos had subsided, they were left with only one thing: the search for something far rarer than any human they had ever consumed.
a human woman. one who could carry their bloodline forward.
the breeding program had been scarce. in the years that had passed, there had been few women who had been found worthy of such an honor. but there were whispers, rumors that a new one had been born. someone special, someone who could bear the next generation of vampires. and the coven needed her. for in a world where vampires had no way to reproduce on their own, the survival of their kind lay in the hands of these few women. and they were willing to do whatever it took to find her.
for now, they waited, their eyes scanning the world, searching for the next one. but when she was found, when she finally appeared, they would know. and then, there would be no stopping them.
the room was thick with silence, the air heavy and stale. the girls sat in tight rows on the cold stone floor, their faces pale and fragile under the dim, flickering candlelight. the older girls, those who had been here longer, leaned against the walls, their eyes glazed with the hollow weight of the days spent in this place.
nobody moved as kim yuri’s voice echoed softly through the room, carrying with it the promise of something darker, something unavoidable. she spoke of the vampires. of their hunger, their search for a woman who could carry their bloodline, of the breeding programs and the feeding programs, of the girls who had come before them and had never returned.
“…they’ll stop at nothing,” yuri murmured, her voice a low whisper that seemed to slither through the cracks in the stone. “they’ve waited too long. the coven will come for us. all of us. and we won’t have a choice. they’ll take us, make us what they need… use us for their blood, for their offspring, and then…”
her voice trailed off into a chilling silence, and for a moment, the girls around her were all still, eyes wide, trapped in the same suffocating fear that seemed to have no end.
but just as the weight of the story pressed down on them, a voice, sharp, defiant, cut through the air like a blade.
yuri’s words died in her throat as a girl, no older than yuri herself, stood and stepped into the center of the room. her eyes were burning with a fire that cut through the darkness, her stance unyielding, her voice trembling only slightly but holding a force that could not be ignored.
“you’re scaring them,” minji said, her voice firm despite the way her hands fidgeted at her sides, the anxiety curling in her gut. she was no stranger to fear, but the constant need to keep everyone from breaking under it weighed on her heart. “they don’t need to hear this.”
yuri blinked, a flicker of surprise crossing her face, but then she smirked, her lips curving in a cold, almost predatory way. she could sense the shift in the room—the unease growing even sharper now. “oh?” she asked softly, stepping closer, her voice lowering. “and you think they don’t already know what’s coming for them, minji?” she looked at the younger girl, her gaze piercing, full of mockery. “you think they don’t hear the whispers of their fates every day?”
the other girls shrank back, their heads lowering even further. some held their breath, unwilling to look up. but minji didn’t flinch.
“i know,” she replied, her voice tight with the effort of holding back the terror that threatened to consume her. “we all know. but there’s no need to make it worse.”
yuri scoffed, clearly unmoved by the challenge. “you think your pretty little words are going to change anything?” she snapped, her eyes narrowing, a dangerous gleam flickering in the dark depths of her gaze. “they’re going to be taken. they’re going to be used. that’s all we are to them. food. breeding stock.”
minji’s jaw clenched as she stepped closer, her fists clenching at her sides. she had to keep it together for them, for everyone in this room. “stop pretending like you’ve got all the answers. just because you’ve been here longer doesn’t mean you know everything. we all know what they want from us. but we don’t have to live in fear of it every single day.”
“fear is all we have left,” yuri sneered, her voice dripping with cold bitterness. “you can’t pretend we’re not living in the shadow of it. you think hiding away from the truth is going to protect you?” she glanced at the other girls, her words becoming crueler. “you think if you just ignore the truth, they’ll spare you?”
minji took another step, her breath shallow but steady. “i’m not hiding from it,” she snapped, her voice shaking but growing louder. “i’m not hiding from anything. but i refuse to let you make them think there’s no way out. you’re not the only one who knows what happens here. but they don’t need you to break them. i won’t let you.”
the room was dead silent as minji’s words hung heavy in the air, each girl silently weighing the force of what she’d just said. even yuri seemed to pause for a moment, her smirk faltering slightly as the quiet tension stretched between them.
the older girl’s eyes flickered with a strange, cold amusement. “you’re just a dreamer, minji. just like the rest of them.”
minji’s gaze never wavered, even as the weight of yuri’s words lingered. “maybe i am,” she replied quietly. “but if we don’t hold on to hope, what do we have left?
the silence stretched for a long moment, thick with the tension of unspoken things. the younger girls around them watched with wide eyes, their hearts pounding in their chests as they tried to process what had just happened.
finally, yuri’s lips curled into a sharp smile, one that didn’t reach her eyes. “we’ll see how long that hope lasts,” she said softly, turning on her heel and walking away, leaving the room to settle back into the heavy quiet.
as she left, minji stayed standing, her heart still racing. she didn’t know how to fix this place, how to stop the cycle of fear that gripped every girl here. but for now, she would hold on to something. anything. she wasn’t sure how long they’d have to wait, or how long they’d survive, but she wouldn’t let them be consumed by despair, not yet.
not while there was still a chance.
authors note: heyyy so like i told myself i wasn’t gonna start a bunch of fanfics out of fear that i’d end up not finishing them but like guys i literally just watched nosferatu and i’ve been nonstop thinking about that aesthetic for a fanfic so like i needed to do this. just a heads up this is gonna be really dark from the get go and also will probs be slower updates since i am still working on my other two works and plan on prioritizing those !!
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Bon Voyage: Into the Sea - Chapter 6

A storm capsized your boat and looks like you were the only survivor. Somehow you made it to shore, but where? Stranded, you suddenly find out you are not alone, and now you’re stuck in the middle of a centuries old conflict between 7 monsters.
BTS fantasy AU. OT7 x reader. werewolf!Namjoon x werewolf!Hoseok x werewolf!Jungkook x siren!Yoongi x vampire!Jimin x vampire!Jin x whatis?Taehyung.
If you enjoy this series and want more updates, please leave a comment or reblog!
Warnings: smutty content, mind control, blood-drinking cause vampire things, dubconish, light yandere, voyeur, lots of neck licking lol
Word count: 12.1k
“You are going to be the reason we all die.”
“Jimin, stop,” Jin says. “Dove, we need to know what Taehyung said to you,” he asks, much more diplomatically.
You shake your head, trying to make your way closer to the vampires, but the men around you have made an impressive barrier. How are you going to explain the lost months you experienced, the things you witnessed in Jimin’s memory? You stare at the angry younger vampire, how are you going to convince Jimin to help you?
“Jimin, you need to bite me.”
“What did you do to her?!” Hoseok roars at the vampire in question, who looks equally as shocked and offended at the accusation.
“Nothing!” you interject, but your words fall on deaf ears.
“He did something to her to make her act like this!” Hoseok yells louder, turning his frustrations onto his pack leader.
“She has been calling out to him since we found her,” Yoongi tells Namjoon, confirming Hoseok’s accusations.
“What?! What did you do!” Jungkook growls out. “I’ll kill you-”
“It’s my fault that she's obsessed with me?” Jimin crosses his arms, looking away like the entire display was beneath him.
“Do you want to stop Taehyung or not?!”
The men exchange looks. “We need a plan, a real one,” Yoongi says, dismissing you. “The longer we wait-”
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who furiously glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him, there is no telling what he is capable of now.”
“Hello!? I have a way to stop him!”
“What is it, Dove?”
“I told you! Jimin needs to bi-”
“No! No way in hell.”
“Oh I am going to kill you!”
“Everyone, silence!” Namjoon bellows and a tense silence settles in the air.
You speak up first, desperate to make them understand you. “Jin, why exactly did you forbid Jimin to bite me in the first place? Huh? Why?!” you challenge him.
Everyone stares at the eldest, even the vampire in question himself. Seokjin’s finger runs over his forehead, moving a stray lock of hair back in place. He clears his throat, “I did not want to cause him any pain-”
“What do you mean pain?” Jimin asks, repulsed. “She can’t hurt me!”
You huff, “Your memories, Jimin, your life-”
“There are certain memories better forgotten,” Seokjin interjects.
“No, no,” you say shakily. You had wished to forget this place so many times locked up in the vampire’s lair, and then when you did, you lost more than just the memories, you lost yourself. “No.”
And Jimin, he too, is lost.
You glance over to the defiant vampire. “You have to bite me, you’re the only one who can stop Taehyung!”
Jimin looks around at everyone’s concerned faces, growing more irritated. Why does he have to be the one to stop Taehyung? Jimin never agreed to even help! And what makes you even think he has that kind of power?
“Why?” It was Hoseok who questioned you angrily, upset at the way you are treating Jimin with such fondness. “Why him?!”
“Because he knows magic,” you say simply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“I d-don’t know magic,” he spits out. You couldn’t be any more wrong, Jimin thinks, who the fuck do you think you are, acting like you know so much about him, better than himself!
But everyone is silent, eyes full of guilt and remorse, looking at him as if they know something he doesn’t. The kind of look that Jimin despises.
“You do,” you say with more conviction. “When you were human. I can show you.” You hold out your arm to him as the pack tries still to barricade your body away from the vampires.
“What is she talking about, Jin?” he turns to the eldest.
“Jin, we don’t have time, you need to be honest with him!”
“Shut up! You are the reason we are even in this mess to begin with, you know that? Just how many times did we tell you to not get so comfy with Taehyung. You let him use you, because you’re weak, you’re-”
“And what about you?! You let Taehyung use you too, didn’t you?!” you scream, your anger getting the better of you.
“Stop!” Namjoon bellows, “Everyone, stop!” He looks furious with you, his hard glare instantly making you feel small and apologetic.
“Don’t order me around, you filthy beast!” Jimin hisses at Namjoon, deep and threatening, his eyes glowing with rage.
“We don't have time,” you whimper desperately.
Your head is pounding. You feel it…
…inside of you, in the back of your mind…screaming, wrapping around your bones…
…the dread of something horrible coming for you all.
Jimin can’t believe he’s stuck here until sunset! Inside this idiot infested house with the biggest of the idiots telling him the most ridiculous things he’s ever heard. It’s insufferable, you’re insufferable, the way you stare at him now. Whatever spell Taehyung inflicted on you has only changed you for the worse.
“Jimin, I’m afraid we need to work together on this.” The younger vampire yanks himself away from Jin’s comforting hand. He’s beginning to think Seokjin is equally to blame as much as you. He’s beginning not to trust him…
“I’m not fucking helping any of you,” he stares at you, glowering. “Let Taehyung tear you apart,” he growls, baring his fangs.
You shake your head in disbelief. “You wanted to be a doctor, you loved helping people, you became a medic in the military. You fought for your country, you saved people,” you ramble on and on, hoping to convince the vampire to listen to reason. You’re angry that no one has told him, they should have, this shouldn’t be coming from you!
Jimin yells, picks up and throws a wicker chair in your direction in his anger, which Jungkook stops with ease, the chair exploding when it hits the youngest’s shoulder.
Hoseok has had just about enough of Jimin, he hasn’t forgotten the scars he witnessed across your body, he hasn’t forgotten the way you looked so fragile when he found you. This was all the vampires’ fault, and Jimin most of all. That arrogant, cruel, deceptive little-
Hoseok transforms instantly, pouncing on Jimin.
Yoongi pulls you back as the others transform as well. You’re both thrown to the ground as they fight, as they tear the house apart from the inside, unable to cohabitate any longer.
You groan, rolling over, still attempting to get to the headstrong vampire, your hand pressing into broken glass and blood escaping.
At the smell it wasn’t Jimin, but Jin who lost control. So many days drinking from you, addicted in more ways than one. His eyes glow red, searching out your blood.
Namjoon’s large snout sinks its teeth into the eldest vampire and the fighting only escalates tenfold. Everything is loud, everything is chaos. You try to keep moving closer to the chaos still, until you notice something familiar in front of you.
You notice the redness of the gem that had fallen out of Yoongi’s pack in the chaos, now shining brighter than ever.
Oh no. You can feel it again, pulling you in. You shuffle backwards, clutching your chest, closing your eyes tightly as the gem burns brighter, glowing like the vampires’ eyes then glowing even more until it envelops the entire home.
“Do you all want to stop Taehyung or not?!”
The men exchange looks. “We need a plan, a real one,” Yoongi says, dismissing you. “The longer we wait-”
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him, there is no telling what he is capable of now.”
“Hello!? I have a way to stop him!”
“What is it, Dove?”
“I told you! Jimin needs to bi-”
“No! No way in hell.”
“Oh I am going to kill you!”
“Everyone, silence!” Namjoon bellows and a tense silence settles in the air.
This is getting you nowhere. Good God, how are you supposed to make six stubborn beings listen to you?! Think, y/n. Think! You try to come up with a plan, but your head is throbbing in pain.
Jimin speaks up first, “Just what are you playing at, pet?”
You look up at him. “Pull my memories. You’ve already done it once. Just do it again.”
Seokjin looks over at the younger vampire in disbelief.
“I have not,” Jimin looks at you furiously for getting him in trouble over a lie. “She’s obviously suffering from some delusional episode! Listen, you wretched human girl! You’re nothing to me, you mean nothing, so stop these fantasies! right! now!”
“You have, and we saw your mother. You just, ugh, don’t remember because it happened in the future, ugh, just-” you groan, clutching your head. It’s pounding more than ever, and you feel it, inside of you, in the back of your mind screaming, wrapping around your bones, the dread of something horrible coming for you all. Your body starts shaking and Jungkook wraps his arms around your waist to steady you.
Jimin can’t believe he’s stuck here until sunset! Inside this idiot infested house with the biggest of the idiots telling him the most ridiculous things he’s ever heard. His mother? You saw his mother? How dare you even talk about her! Like you know anything about her, like you know more than Jimin, who well, knows nothing about his mother…and he doesn’t care to know!
Who the fuck do you think you are, acting like you know so much about him, better than himself! It’s insufferable, you’re insufferable. Whatever spell that Taehyung inflicted on you has only changed you for the worse. “See! She’s lost it,” he yells, pointing at you. “So weak!”
“Please, I’m not lying,” you cry out. You feel sick. You just want to save them, why won’t they listen to you?! Jungkook holds you tighter as your legs give out.
“What’s happening to her!” Hoseok looks over to his leader worriedly, holding onto your shoulders to keep you upright as you slump forward.
“I think it has something to do with this,” Yoongi pulls the red amulet from his pouch, holding the necklace up and letting it dangle for everyone to see.
“No!” You can’t stop it, it’s already starting again, the red glow emanating directly from the gem, covering everyone and everything in that same red hue, until that’s all you can see.
You clutch your chest, closing your eyes tightly as it burns brighter, until it envelops the entire home.
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him, there is no telling what he is capable of now.”
“Hello!? I have a way to stop him!”
“What is it, Dove?”
“I told you! Jimin needs to bi-”
“No! No way in hell.”
“Oh I am going to kill you!”
“Everyone, silence!” Namjoon bellows and a tense silence settles in the air.
You feel your stomach turn again. You feel winded, like you’ve been running. You massage your temples, wiping away the accumulating sweat. God, how are you supposed to make six stubborn beings listen to you?! Think, y/n. Think!
“Why?” Jungkook speaks first, voice full of pain. “Why Jimin out of all of us?” Your heart drops at his hurt expression. You don’t know the right way to explain to Jungkook, to all of them, why this needs to be done, especially now when your head feels like it’s about to explode. When did you become so jittery? What is happening?! You try to concentrate and think, but where do you even begin?
“W-We all know the power they have, right?” You gesture to the vampires. “The way they can look into your memories when they…but Jimin has never bitten me,” technically that is correct in this point in time, “only Jin-”
“Yeah, and just why is that?” Jimin looks at the eldest vampire pointedly, crossing his arms, fed up with Seokjin’s obtuse answers. “Explain.”
Seokjin sighs, straightening the wrinkly shirt Namjoon had given him to wear. “It was for your protection,” he addresses Jimin.
“Protection from what?!” Jimin asks, repulsed. “She can’t hurt me!”
“We don’t have time for this,” you mutter. You feel it, inside of you, in the back of your mind screaming, wrapping around your bones, the dread of something horrible coming for you all. “Seokjin, make Jimin bite me!”
“SEOKJIN DOESN’T MAKE ME DO ANYTHING,” Jimin roars. You couldn’t be any more wrong, Jimin thinks, who the fuck do you think you are, acting like you know so much about Seokjin, about him, better than himself!
“THEN JUST BITE ME!” You scream back. “You’ve been wanting to all this time!”
The pack watches you argue, stunned into silence. This is news to everyone else; Jimin hasn’t bitten you? And furthermore, Seokjin didn’t want him to bite you. Seokjin had found Namjoon and explained most of what happened, but not that.
“Stay here, in case Hoseok returns.” That was a direct order from his pack leader, and as much as Jungkook wanted to disobey and run towards the thundering noise that had rattled their home, the older shapeshifter was leagues above the young wolf in strength and dominance.
It was luck that Namjoon encountered the pair of vampires instead of his brothers. If it had been anyone else, the vampires might not have made it out with their heads. But Namjoon was always the type to observe first, take everything in before making any rash decision, it’s what kept him alive this long and made Namjoon a leader.
Jin and Namjoon were talkers. They were, even in their wildest days, the best at beguiling, enticing, drawing in others with their words, and upon meeting, they realized they had finally met their match. Namjoon’s most favorite nights were conversations with Seokjin, picking apart the intricacies of the humanities. Two beasts had become obsessed with learning and gaining a humanity of their own.
Namjoon would have torn them apart otherwise. But the magical blasts had knocked the younger more confrontational vampire out, and Seokjin pleaded with Namjoon to listen to his story. “Taehyung has escaped.” With a start like that, Namjoon couldn’t resist not learning more.
With the sun soon rising and Taehyung out there somewhere, Namjoon had little options left but to invite the wounded vampires into his home.
While you were in another part of the island healing and trying to bridge the peace amongst two headstrong beasts, Namjoon and Seokjin were coming to their own kind of peace, a détente at least for the time being, an opportunity to speak to each other like old times now that they had a bigger enemy then themselves.
“Well now I don’t want to.” Jimin crosses his arms, looking away.
You look at him in disbelief. Ugh. This is driving you crazy, there is no time to be like this. ‘Fucking Jimin,’ he really knows how to push your last button. Fuck, you are so over this!
You think about the crying man on the floor, covered in your blood with a broken expression on his face, you think about that sweet boy, crying for his mother. Somewhere deep inside Jimin is that sweet boy who cried.
You look down at your nails with one last hope remaining. You’ll just have to make him drink from you.
You dig your nails into your forearm, scratching your skin as deep as you can.
But it was Seokjin who lost control. So many days drinking from you, addicted in more ways than one. His eyes turning red, searching out your blood.
Fur envelopes you, Jungkook and Hoseok shielding you with their large canine bodies while Seokjin lunges for you, stopped short by Namjoon’s fangs.
Jimin throws the beast off the older vampire. Jimin, full of rage, tears his sharp nails into Namjoon’s coat. Yoongi screams for Jin, his influential words finally knocking him out of his blood stupor. Then he calls out to the younger vampire, “Jimin, stop.”
But Jimin is already too full of rage to listen to reason. He can’t stand being stuck in this idiot infested house any longer. It’s insufferable, you’re insufferable, the way you stare at him now. Whatever spell that Taehyung inflicted on you has only changed you for the worse! He should have never listened to Seokjin! He’s beginning not to trust him-
Seokjin addresses the two wolves next to you as the younger vampire lashes out. “Take her out of here, hurry!” he yells, attempting with difficulty to retain the younger vampire with Yoongi’s and Namjoon’s help.
“No!” you scream at the top of your lungs, “You don’t understand!”
A deep growl from Jungkook frightens you into silence. His fangs are around your stomach, only holding you still, not puncturing into you, but it’s terrifying nonetheless as he yanks you backwards, his hind legs digging into the earth.
You cry once outside, unable to pull yourself together. You pull at Jungkook’s fangs, attempting to unlock his jaw from your side and the large beast begins to whimper in anguish at your attempts to flee from him, extinguishing the fight inside you.
Nothing is working! Nothing! It’s hopeless, you’re all going to die, you think, either by Taehyung’s hands or by each others. You cry harder into Jungkook’s fur, who has wrapped his large canine body around yours.
“…what?” You see it from the open door and your body acts on impulse as you claw at the ground, trying to move closer, uncaring if Jungkook’s teeth tear at your skin. Tears dry up as you watch the house start to glow red, brighter than anything you’ve ever seen before.
No, that’s not quite true. You’ve seen that red glow befo-
“We need a plan, a real one,” Yoongi says, dismissing you. “The longer we wait-”
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks. “Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” you murmur to yourself. Jungkook and Jimin glance towards your way.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me…” you whisper. “Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him-”
“There is no telling what he is capable of now,” you say in unison to the leader, finally aware this is not just some strange case of deja vu. All eyes turn to you. Jimin scoffs, just like he did before, pulling on Seokjin’s shoulder. “...I-I want Jimin to bite me!” you yell.
“No! No way in hell.” “No! No way in hell.”
“Oh I am going to kill you!” “Oh I am going to kill you!”
“What the hell are you doing?!” Jimin screams accusingly.
You look around, your gaze stopping on the eldest. “Seokjin, make Jimin bite me!”
“SEOKJIN DOESN’T MAKE ME DO ANYTHING,” Jimin roars. “Seokjin doesn’t make me do anything!” you yell back in unison, a satisfied smirk on your face, pointing directly at Jimin.
“How the fuck are you doing that?” the merman questions.
You rub your temples, trying to make sense of it all. ‘This happened before, why has this happened before? This has to be Tae’s doing!’ “I don’t know, I don’t know, but we’ve already had this conversation, and I-I think, I can’t remember, something must have went wrong...Jimin, you need to bite me, right now!”
“Well…” he clears his throat, looking around as everyone has gone deathly quiet, “now I don’t want to,” Jimin crosses his arms.
Ugh! ‘Fucking Jimin,’ he really knows how to push your last button. “Listen, you’ve already done it once! Just just do it agai-wait, no, we did this already…something is wrong…”
“Maybe it’s you!” Jimin accuses. “Taehyung has already gotten in her head, how can we trust her?” he warns the others.
“Jimin is right. I can feel him,” you shudder. “Which is why you need to bite me, because I know for certain, Taehyung doesn’t want you to.” You hold your hand to him.
“And if this is a trick?”
“Ugh, I’m not tricking you! I want to stop Taehyung for you, you idiot!”
‘Idiot’?! How dare you call Jimin an idiot, when you’re the biggest of the idiots in this idiot infested house! “And suddenly you have my best interest at heart?!” Jimin yells back, disgust evident.
Ugh, your head is killing you, and you feel it, inside of you, in the back of your mind screaming, wrapping around your bones, the dread of something horrible coming for you all.
You try to think about everything that has transpired since you met Taehyung, trying to see if you missed anything-
“Wait, wait, wait…ugh, let me go!” you yell at the pack surrounding you. You press yourself against the door, opening it quickly and falling into the sand.
You look up at the sky, taking a deep breath of fresh air to calm yourself. It’s still daytime, but not for much longer, and you’re scared of what night will bring.
Yoongi is by your side, lifting you up. “Y/n,” you think he is about to dismiss you like he always does, but instead he says, “tell me what I need to do to help you.”
“Yoongi...” You’ve never seen him so sincere before. “Do you think you can use your siren song on Jimin to-”
“I can hear you, pet! It doesn’t work! And I should kill you for even suggesting it.”
“Touch her and I will kill you!”
“Ugh,” you groan, turning your back as the group of stubborn monsters in front of you begin to bicker, deja vu hitting you hard again. “What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to change?” You ask yourself out loud, head in your hands.
Yoongi holds you steady. “Something definitely is up, and I have a feeling it has something to do with this-” Yoongi looks through his pack.
“T-That’s it! Wait! No!” You yell as Yoongi pulls the gem out of his pack, letting it dangle in his hand.
But it’s too late. You can’t stop it, it’s already starting again, the red glow emanating directly from the gem, covering everyone and everything in that same red hue, until that’s all you can see.
‘Y/n, take it.’
You fall back to the ground and clutch your chest, dismissing the words inside your head, closing your eyes tightly as the gem burns brighter.
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him, there is no telling what he is capable of now.”
“Hello!? I have a way to stop him!”
“What is it, Dove?”
Okay, this is it. “Seokjin, you need to bite me.”
“What!?” Jimin yells angrily.
You look into Seokjin’s eyes, silently pleading with him. “The memory pull, it’s going to work now. Please,” you urge, holding out your arm to him as the pack tries still to barricade your body away from the vampires. “Look into my memories and you’ll understand!”
Jimin pulls the eldest back as he advances. “You’re really going to obey her command? Just like that! Taehyung might have already gotten to her, how can we trust her?!”
“You’re right! Jimin is right. I can feel him. Which is why…” you swallow, looking at Jimin, remembering this same conversation said just another way, wondering just how many times you have tried to convince them. “Which is why, you need to bite me.” You move your eyes to Seokjin, staring ahead steadfast. “So you can see the truth!”
“Why?” Jungkook speaks up, voice full of pain. “Why Seokjin out of all-”
You grab the youngest’s face and kiss him abruptly, silencing his worries.
Hoseok’s stares at you, mouth agape. He doesn’t know whether to be furious with you, or satisfied that Jimin and Yoongi both look so furious with you for kissing the youngest shapeshifter.
“Trust me, please,” your hands shake in your desperation, squishing his cheeks as he looks at you in shock and awe.
“O-Okay,” Jungkook nods.
The eldest vampire sighs and starts to move closer much to Jimin’s astonishment and disgust. You try to push past the pack’s strong bodies. It hurts them to see you try to go to their enemy, but they let you pass.
Jimin crosses his arms, scoffing as the eldest meets you in the center of the room. Jimin can’t believe he’s stuck here until sunset! Inside this idiot infested house with the biggest of the idiots telling him the most ridiculous things he’s ever heard. Suddenly you want Seokjin to bite you now? When you were just throwing yourself at Jimin! Why?! What happened? What’s the reason? You’re so annoying, you’re insufferable, the way you look at Seokjin with so much hope and trust.
Jimin grinds his teeth together in anger, so hard his fangs begin to pierce his bottom lip.
Seokjin puts his hands up, glancing towards the pack leader, meaning no harm before he bends his head closer to your neck.
“Wait!” Jimin speaks up. “Y/n, you wanted me to bite you, didn’t you? So come here then!”
“Jimin, I-”
“Don’t you dare say it,” Jimin cuts Seokjin off. “You didn’t listen to me about Taehyung, about her, and then you made a truce with them without even asking me! You’re lucky I even speak to you at all!” Jimin is furious with Seokjin, he’s beginning not to trust him...
You raise your eyebrows. “Really? Are you sure?”
“Don’t make me say it again,” Jimin seethes.
You smile, running past Seokjin. You hold out your wrist to Jimin, looking up at him hopefully.
Jimin scoffs again, gripping your arm painfully and yanking you closer. The wolf trio begin to growl in anger, baring their fangs.
“I choose where I bite you, pet.”
You try to remain calm as the trio behind you let out low threatening growls. Jimin smirks, spinning you around by your arm, hugging you against his body like a shield and snickering at how angry it makes them.
The pack looks ready to attack. Yoongi begins to step forward in his growing anger.
“No!,” you stop him, “J-Just let him do what he wants,” you mutter.
Jimin smirks. “If it was what I wanted, you would be on your knees with your mouth shut.” He sneers, gripping your chin painfully tight and yanking your head backward. “And your head down, thinking about how stupid you are for walking right into Taehyung’s trap.”
‘Like you did,’ you think, keeping your temper in check. “I know you’re scared, it’s okay.”
“I am not scared!” he hisses, nails digging into your side. You wince. Namjoon’s growls become louder.
“Namjoon, stop!”
Jimin smirks again. “Yeah, listen to her, dog. Since we are all at this human’s mercy,” he scoffs. “You seem to know so much about what happens next, so tell me, is it going all according to your little plan?” He presses his body against yours, holding you tightly.
“You like this, don’t you?” he whispers in your ear, obscenely grinding himself against your backside. Jimin rests his chin on your shoulder, arm still secure around your waist, smirking, intent on drawing this out for everyone involved, “them watching.” His hand grabs your breast roughly.
Your eyes meet Yoongi’s eyes, dark with anger, and you shut them in shame.
You breathe through your nose as he fondles you for everyone to see, letting out short breaths when he rests his hand over your throat, choosing to submit in hopes he’ll eventually do what you want.
Jimin’s fangs scrape across your shoulder as he revels in the intoxicating feeling of power he has over you and everyone else, finally feeling better about his new situation. He breathes in the anger emanating from everyone in the room, inhaling your sweet desperation most of all.
His fangs scratch the surface of you, up the sensitive skin of your neck until you bleed.
Seokjin drops to his knees, panting heavily, addicted to your blood in more ways than one. Jimin stops, looking over to the older vampire. “I’m fine,” Seokjin pants. “I’m fine.”
Jimin looks coldly down at him, how disgraceful that he’s let you affect him so much. That’s what he gets for drinking from you all the time, for not letting Jimin! He licks the blood off your neck and you shudder. Jimin moans loudly, tasting your blood again finally.
The pack looks ready to kill, they bare their fangs, the restraint in their growls long gone.
“I’m sure they can all smell you from here, I can,” Jimin whispers in your ear, hand pressing down on your lower stomach, taunting you, “You’ve learned to be a good little pet, hmm? Here’s your reward.” Jimin presses his fangs into the column of your neck, directly on your pulse.
“What the hell?” the merman mumbles. There is something glowing in Yoongi’s pack. He fumbles with the latch to inspect it. Yoongi yanks out the red glowing gem, confusion evident on his face.
Oh no. You can feel it again. A familiar voice starts to call out to you. If it wasn’t for the pain in your neck keeping you present, you surely would have lost control.
You clutch your chest as the gem burns brighter. “Jimin! You-”
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?” Jimin roars, advancing on you and the pack.
“You saw– You know–” you look at Jimin in disbelief. You reflexively cover your throat, the punctures are gone, but your heartbeat is still fluttering. “It wasn’t me!” you yell back.
The younger vampire yanks himself away from Jin’s protective hand. “Taehyung…” Jimin growls. “And you!” He points an accusing finger at the merman. “Give me that gem in your pack right now!”
“How did you know about that?” Yoongi glares at the younger vampire.
He scoffs, “I don’t have to explain myself to you!”
“Well then fuck off,” Yoongi spits out.
Jimin can’t believe he’s stuck here until sunset! Inside this idiot infested house with– ‘Wait,’ He feels it, he can’t explain it, but it’s there, all around him, an inevitability that he can’t control, and it pisses him off! Jimin spins around, baring his fangs, claws ready to strike.
The group watches Jimin spin around angrily like a confused dog chasing its tail.
“See,” you glare at Jimin, “See how annoying it is!”
Jimin rolls his eyes. “Taehyung. The gem is his. And it seems he’s still using it somehow.” Jimin reasons, looking around at the familiar scene. “Give it, we need to destroy it,” Jimin holds out his hand impatiently. “DAMMIT YOONGI! We don’t have time for this!”
“That’s what I’ve been saying,” you huff.
The merman holds onto his pack defensively. He doesn’t trust Jimin, but he knows they have to work together to stop Taehyung. Jimin is untrustworthy, but Jimin is powerful, more than he even realizes. So Yoongi holds his tongue and relents.
You clutch your head in your hands. It’s pounding more than ever, and you feel it, inside of you, in the back of your mind screaming, wrapping around your bones, the dread of something horrible coming for you all. “Get it away from me!” you cry out.
You press yourself against the door, opening it quickly and falling in the sand. Jungkook and Hoseok follow you out, worried for your safety and your quickly declining state of mind.
Jimin scoffs again. Pathetic, he thinks. Humans are scared of their own shadows. He turns his attention on the merman, waiting impatiently. He tries to ignore how close the others are to him as the men huddle around to look at the necklace.
Jimin holds the gem in his hand, inspecting it. The weight of it in his palm is heavy. He touches the smooth rock, the gem itself is small, but the energy surrounding it is immense, a familiar power the vampire can’t quite put his finger on. ‘Why isn’t it glowing?’ he thinks, and as soon as the thought enters his mind a slow bright red light begins to emanate around the gem.
“What’s going on?” The pack leader questions, staring at the gem, ready to strike anything that appears.
“I don’t know.” Jimin doesn’t know how to stop it, but he wishes for whatever is happening to halt.
And as soon as the thought entered his mind the glow begins to recede back into the gem.
“Jimin, you should hold onto that necklace for now.” Seokjin speaks.
Jimin looks up and the expression on Seokjin’s face surprises the younger vampire. He’s seen that hardened look before from Seokjin, in moments when the older vampire begins to feel sentimental. Most recently, the night you came to them. Jimin never questioned it before, but now he wants to, he wants to know all the secrets Seokjin is keeping from him. Jimin is beginning not to trust him-
He grabs the eldest’s shirt collar, yanking him close. “You know what this is?”
Seokjin remains unaffected by Jimin’s outburst, covering Jimin’s hand with his own. “Now that I’ve looked at it up close, yes, I’ve seen it before. I believe, that necklace,” he sighs, “used to be yours. A long time ago, I saw you wear it. Or something very similar,” he swallows.
But before you, Jimin has never seen this necklace before in his life! He stares at the gem. That familiarity he feels can’t be– no, that feeling is just like the other moments of deja vu he has been experiencing, it’s not because…is it? Does this necklace belong to him?
You stare at the wolves’ den, refusing to move any closer. Nothing has happened yet, there is no red glow, and no immediate danger, but you feel at any moment everything could change. You look up at the sky, it’s still daytime, but not for much longer, and you’re worried-
“Y/n?” Hoseok shakes you when you don’t respond.
“Hoseok…” You wonder how many times this moment has repeated itself. Has Hoseok looked at you like this before, his care for you evident in his soft gaze? You try to remember and make sense of what is real. “That necklace, Taehyung used it to escape. I-I don’t know how, I don’t know why. I– Ahhh!”
Your nails dig into your scalp as you desperately try to claw away at the pain. The pain is radiating at your temples, just behind your eyes, in the back of your head, behind your ear-
“Hey, y/n, hey!” Hoseok holds your trembling body, patting your cheek, reminded of the moment he found you on the beach. Your eyes stare at the sky, far away, like you’re lost in your head, unable to hear him.
“W-What’s happening to her?!” Jungkook whimpers. You just came back to him and now he fears he might lose you completely.
Hoseok picks you up into his arms, holding you securely to him. “I don’t know, Namjoon will know. I’m taking her back inside.”
You want to tell him no, you want to tell him to wait, you don’t want to go back in, but you can’t find the energy to open your mouth to speak the words. Your body is betraying you, your vision starts to cloud, and you realize darkness is coming for you, even with the sun still high up in sky. You wish more than ever, you could start over again-
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“Oh,” you groan, falling forward, unable to hold yourself up. The youngest of the pack wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into his embrace before your knees hit the ground.
Jimin looks around, the gem still heavy in his palm. “The necklace,” he murmurs. It didn’t glow red this time and yet-
“Jimin!” The merman hisses, glaring at the vampire who has somehow taken the gem from Yoongi without him noticing, “Don’t move.”
Jimin’s body, and mind, suddenly feel sluggish. It lasts only a moment before the vampire is shaking himself out of the merman’s mind control. Jimin can’t help but laugh at his weak attempt.
“DON’T MOVE,” Yoongi bellows, his words echoing throughout the wolves’ den, and everyone, including Jimin, freezes.
“What are you doing, Yoongi?!” Namjoon grunts, stuck in place by the merman’s words.
“I don’t know how, but he stole that from me, from my pack.” The merman walks with purpose while Jimin struggles to move.
Your eyes go wide when you notice what’s happened. “It’s not his fault,” you mumble, glancing at Namjoon, your eyes and mouth the only part of you able to move, “I think...w-we’re stuck in a time loop.”
“A w-what?” Hoseok grunts, trying with all his might to turn his head.
“W-Well...it’s a lot t-to explain and you’ll probably forget it all anyways,” you whine.
Namjoon raises his brow. He can only slightly move his neck now, and struggles to turn his head to look at you. “Perhaps you should explain anyways. Now.” His tone is serious, potentially menacing if you were being honest.
“I know it sounds crazy, and I know you don’t want him to, shit, what haven't I explained to you yet? Jimin hasn’t actually bitten me yet, well, technically not yet, he has, but it was before I came back, from the future, into now-another time thing.” You start to remember clearly now, though it seems to be still very hard to explain, “Anyways, I know about Jimin’s past! And everything, and-”
“Is she making sense to you?” Hoseok mutters.
“Oh you’re so lucky we haven’t had this conversation before or I would be really blowing your mind,” you grunt.
Jimin’s arms jerk backwards as he fights the merman’s impressive mind control. “It’s mine! Give it back!” Jimin hisses as Yoongi plucks the gem out of the vampire’s hand mere seconds before Jimin regains control of himself again.
“Jimin, we don’t have the time,” you groan, your limbs finally moving again. “Jimin!” you yell, pulling the vampire’s attention away before he attacks the merman in his anger.
You struggle in Jungkook’s arms, holding out your wrist to Jimin hopefully. “You know what you have to do, before it happens again!”
“No!” Jungkook barks, lifting you off your feet to end your advance.
Jimin exhales. This is insufferable, you’re insufferable, you’re, fuck– It’s happening again. He bares his fangs, letting his anger simmer over this constant deja vu.
“Wait! Let me see it, that necklace,” Seokjin steps forward curiously.
Yoongi throws his arm backwards out of the vampire’s reach, the gold chain accidentally hitting your outstretched hand.
The gem touching your finger.
It felt like just a graze, so quickly it couldn’t have been longer than a second. Yet you felt it through your whole body.
And then pulling right behind your ear.
And finally you understood as the brightest flash of red light quickly comes and goes. You hear his voice again, commanding you to do something else, something horrible...
You want to tell them all to run, to escape, but the only words your lips can speak are-
“Taehyung, come in.”
The door shatters, knocking everyone inside to the ground.
The back of your ear feels like it’s on fire and like you summoned the devil himself, Taehyung appears behind you, lifting you up. “Ahh princess, now where did you put my jewel?”
You stand paralyzed by fear, as if gravity chained your limbs to your body.
“Taehyung, leave her alone!” Jungkook roars, and he somehow looks more imposing than the pack leader himself.
Taehyung laughs, looking around incredulously at the monsters surrounding him.
“I’m saving her from you!” He pulls you close and despite your fear, you gravitate to him. It reminds you of Yoongi’s siren song, but more painful, dark, like ropes around your limbs, a noose around your throat. “You would rather use her, draining her life away because you want a pretty pet-” he looks at Seokjin, “-or keep her here on this island, chained like a prisoner, like you did to me! You just can’t see her potential!”
“You...betrayed Jimin...this is all your fault,” you grunt, barely able to speak the words out loud.
Taehyung looks at you, eyes softening. “Your loyalty to my brother is sweet. After everything they did to you. You really are perfect. I knew it when I first met you, we were fated to meet. You were the one who was going to save me, and now I can save you.” He holds you close, embracing you how he always wanted to, no chains or shackles between you anymore. “You saw Jimin’s story and believed him. I’ll show you mine, y/n. You’ll see once and for all.”
Yoongi’s nose is bleeding from the explosion. He has the gem hidden in his palm. He doesn’t quite understand how Taehyung appeared so suddenly, or what the gem has to do with it, but he figures no good will come from Taehyung having it, and he intends to risk everything to keep it away from Taehyung.
He looks at your pain stricken expression and suddenly realizes, no, he can’t risk everything.
“They should have cut off your hands,” Yoongi mutters, wiping away the dried blood from under his nose and standing up. “Thy were too nice to you. When I defeat you I’ll make sure your next cell is underground and twice as small,” the merman tries to goad Taehyung away from you.
“Monster,” Taehyung frowns. “Do you know how many humans he has killed, y/n? How many they’ve all killed? Have I ever killed anyone!” he yells.
“You were going to kill Seokjin!” Jimin argues.
“Seokjin is evil!” he yells back. “And not a human.”
“Okay, Taehyung, you want retribution, we’re all here now. So let y/n go, can’t you see how scared she is?” Namjoon questions, crouching low in fighting stance. His calmness is even more menacing than his anger, you think.
“She doesn’t want me to let her go,” Taehyung smiles, his chin pressing into your shoulder as he continues to hug you close. “Tell them you want to be with me.”
“I want to be with Taehyung,” you cry out, terrified how the words left your lips so quickly, of the way your control is slipping away.
“See, she’s my destiny.” He grins, triumph dripping from his words.
No, no, no. You clutch your chest, where the pain emanates the most, right over your heart.
“Oh, that’s where it went.” Taehyung sighs, petting your head softly. “I’m sorry, one of my attacks must have hit you hard. Let’s go back, out of reach this time. Now, where is my necklace? Tell me, y/n.”
Yoongi, Yoongi has it. It’s Yoongi. It’s Yoongi. It’s Yoongi. Yoongi.
You clench your jaw so tight your teeth begin to hurt. “Who took it?” he asks sweetly.
“Yoongi...” You begin to cry. “Please don’t hurt him!”
The merman speaks up, “Oh, he won’t hurt me.”
“You haven’t changed at all, so arrogant, acting like you’re better than everyone else!” Taehyung says, staring at Yoongi’s closed fist. He flicks his wrist over, fingers pulling at the air.
A glowing red light starts emanating from Yoongi’s palm, an inescapable power ready to burst from the tiny gem, red streaks of light between his fingers cut through the wolf’s den, knocking back anything it touches.
Yoongi yells in pain, but he refuses to let go of the necklace.
Unlike the others, when the red light hits Taehyung, he can easily redirect it with his hand, and his beam hits Seokjin, knocking the vampire right in the chest.
You see singes across the eldest vampire’s body, his clothes tattered and deep burn scars across his skin. Yoongi’s hand looks charred too, he yells and doubles over in pain, still fighting to hold onto the necklace. The others are fast, dodging the attacks, but how long can they last?
Hoseok is hit next, he turns into a wolf instantly, charging towards you. Namjoon runs in to attack Taehyung, who shifts your body in front of the leader.
The wolves are trying so hard to save you from Taehyung, it breaks your heart to witness the pain they are going through. How can you save them? Protect them? You feel so useless, so human and fragile. A mere pawn in a game played between kings.
If only there was a way to restart this day again.
“Y/n, don’t,” Taehyung whispers in your ear.
The wolves are too worried for your safety to use their full force, something Taehyung uses to his full advantage as he moves closer to the merman still fighting to hold onto the gem.
Jimin doesn’t care about your safety. He crashes into both of you.
You feel the weight of both men on top of you, suffocating you as Taehyung covers your body with his to take the brunt of the vampire’s wild attacks.
However, Taehyung’s physical strength seems to be unmatched, he throws the vampire as if Jimin weighed nothing with only one arm, the other holding your wrist so you can’t get away.
He moves closer to the struggling merman.
This can’t be happening, it can’t end this way, after everything you’ve been through.
Perhaps it was how close to victory Taehyung had been, so close he was only thinking about the outcome of his winning, the great future ahead of him. He was distracted just enough, and the reigns he had held over you loosened just a bit. It cleared your mind just enough, made you hope, wish for help to come for Yoongi and the others.
Your wish fluttered inside you like a heartbeat, pulling you, and this time, pulling everyone…
Through time…
To a place where the merman had an advantage. Your wish was granted.
The thumping receded and seawater filled every space around you suddenly. You were underwater, deep in the sea. You looked around and saw red and blue flashes of light, the shadows of the beast’s bodies around you, blood like red ribbons leaving their wounds. You slowly kick towards the sky.
How deep are you? You don’t know if you can make it to get in air in time.
You scream, the sound muffled underwater, when fingers reach for your hair, jerking your head down.
It’s Jimin. By the look in his eyes you think he might drain you right here, let you drown in a sea of blood, but he reaches for your hand instead and pulls you to the surface at inhuman speed.
Spluttering, you gasp in air as the ocean lights up the night with streaks of power flashing under water.
“You’re coming with me,” he grunts, dragging your body back to land.
“Yoongi! The others!”
“Hold your breath!” Jimin pulls you back under when Taehyung resurfaces.
You inhale in quickly. You see the sparkling merman’s tail reflecting under water as he attacks Taehyung again.
Red light explodes underwater. Pulsing through the ocean, knocking you back into Jimin. He pulls you away from the fighting, closer to shore until you can stand above water.
You try to keep up, but the night waves crash into your body knocking you off your feet. Jimin drops you into shallow water. You gasp for breath while he looks over you. It reminded you of when you first met him, the way his body is over yours. But his eyes aren’t the same, there’s no hatred in them like before, Jimin looks lost, Jimin looks…sad.
He grabs the front of your dress and rips it, exposing your cleavage. Your arms cover your chest and he yanks those away too. You almost scream, but he doesn’t do anything but look at you. Then his finger traces the scars on your chest, making you shudder. The scar lines form a deep v across your chest, connecting around your neck.
“It was you.” He grips your neck, startling you. “Fix it. Now!”
Moonlight is speckling the ocean’s surface. The water calmer than usual. “Take us back to before Taehyung arrived. Before…” he shudders, looking out at the ocean, up towards the moon angrily. “This is your fault.” Jimin lunges for you, his claws pulled quickly away by Jungkook rushing to your side. Jungkook picks up your exhausted body, wading deeper in the water, glaring at the vampire. “Let’s go.”
“Follow me.” Yoongi yells, further out.
When you reach Yoongi, the youngest reluctantly hands you to him. “Where’s Taehyung?”
“He…took the necklace,” Yoongi says bitterly. “Ready?”
You look at the dark water all around you. “W-Where are we going?”
“My home.”
Yoongi swims down to the sea floor. You hold his hand, let the current and his strong fin lead you to the furthest depths of the ocean.
There’s no light, only the faint sparkling reflection of Yoongi’s tail is visible to your human eyes.
Your feet touch the sandy floor. The pain in your ears lessens the longer Yoongi breathes air into you. It’s an odd feeling, walking the sea floor, a place certainly no other living human could walk alone.
‘Jin.’ Your body stiffens in fright. You see the vampire, lying suspended upon the ocean floor. It frightens you how dead he looks, floating there, but for as long as you’ve known him, Jin has always been dead, hasn't he? Jimin passes, hooking Seokjin’s floating arm over his shoulder and pulling the vampire along.
You reach an underwater cave and swim inside. It’s tunnels are vast. The coral crevices hold things, some are man-made items, some magical.
The coral of the cave winds around, creating tunnels that are compact, walls that are cramped together. It’s dark and lonely inside, there is no light, no warmth. Is this where Yoongi stayed? It makes you feel sorry for the merman, makes you want to fill his life with warmth. He swims around quickly pulling things from inside the pockets of coral.
It’s impressive how the wolves can hold their breath, but even at this depth for so long they are having trouble. Even you are almost out of the air Yoongi gave you.
The merman swims to the cave’s bottom. There’s a purple wooden door situated at the cave floor with a spoked handle. The color reminds you of the one in Seokjin’s office. He begins to turn the vault handle quickly, unlocking the door. You watch, holding your body against one of the coral walls, making sure you don't float away.
You begin to choke on water. The door opens finally and the others rush inside, quickly escaping down into the depths. Yoongi finds you, kissing you. Slowly, taking his time now.
Submerged in the water, floating, he became the only thing that grounded you. You wish you could speak underwater and tell him how sorry you were for letting Taehyung inside, for causing this all to happen. You kept your lips pressed to his, hoping to convey how apologetic you felt. Yoongi hugs you close and dives into the vault.
You break the surface of the water, somehow right side up now. You wipe the water away from your face as Yoongi holds you to him. You look around the small cave, a part of the underground cave system inside the island. You look down at your bodies still submerged in the water, you should be upside down. How is that possible?
It never ceases to amaze you, the magicalness of this place.
“How is he?” you call out.
“I’ve seen better days.” The vampire in question grunts. Seokjin has definitely seen better days, the usually put together vampire is the most beaten you’ve ever seen him, lying on the cave floor unable to move.
“Jin, would it help?” you offer your wrist to him. You were the only human here.
Seokjin swallows, “Yes.”
“Let me help him,” you beg the others. Namjoon lifts you out of the cave pool. Everyone looks so beaten they don't fight you, they stay silent as you make your way to Seokjin.
“Are you sure, Dove?” he grunts.
You nod, lying against him, finally letting your tired muscles relax. Seokjin drank from you countless of times before, what’s one more?
Jimin breaks Seokjin’s jade statue, smashing it to pieces.
“Get away from me!” he screams, “w-who are you?!”
You see Seokjin and Namjoon standing next to him. And you see Hoseok. You see Taehyung.
“Is it normal to forget?” Taehyung asks, watching Jimin curiously.
“No…no,” Seokjin swallows. Had Seokjin really been too late to save Jimin?
Jimin screams and screams, clawing at his throat. It’s dry and itchy, he feels like he’s burning from the inside out. “Stop. Stop it!” The pain won’t stop!
“He needs blood,” Hoseok says, his tone urgent and worried.
“If we bring someone to the island, he’s not going to be able to control himself.”
“I’ll find someone no one will miss,” Hoseok suggests.
“No, it’s still a life.” Namjoon interjects, watching the display, clenching his jaw when Jimin screams again.
“And what about Jimin?!” Hoseok argues. “What about his life?!” You can feel his anger, you feel it too within Seokjin.
“If it’s someone who deserves it, someone bad?” Taehyung speaks up, wincing as he watches his friend writhe in pain.
“Let’s go hunt one last time, old friend,” Seokjin mumbles, unable to look Namjoon in the eyes, watching instead the horrible state Jimin is in.
“Okay, okay.”
It was an easier find than they had thought. During a dark club night, the music boomed as a regular flirted with a young woman. Upon entering the club, Namjoon and Seokjin noticed all the tell tale signs immediately, the signs of a predator..
While Namjoon bumped into the couple, and riled up the man by cozying up to his unsuspecting victim, Seokjin quickly switched their drinks, the one the man had spiked for his date switched with his clean one. While the drug worked its magic, you looked around the club, listening to old music. You watched the bodies on the dance floor move together in almost one fluid motion. You missed it, realizing how long it’s been since you’ve had that kind of fun. Your heart raced as the beat of the song quickened, as urgency ran through the vampire’s cold veins instead of blood. You want to dance. You want to kill that man. You want to save Jimin. Complicated emotions filter through Seokjin and into you.
Your mouth goes slack as you press your body closer, your hands fisting Seokjin’s tattered shirt. “You’re taking too much!” Namjoon barks.
“I’m sorry.” Seokjin licks your wounds clean as your vision goes hazy and you slump against him. No, you wanted to see more, to listen to more-
“Where are you, sweetheart?”
Taehyung covers your cheek with his hand. “Tell me where you are so I can find you, get you away from them.”
“No! You stay away from them!”
Taehyung’s arms cage you in, his body above yours. “Y/n, please,” he begs, lowering himself over you. “I can leave the island now, but I don't want to go, not without you.” He wraps his arms around your body, hugging you close to him in a suffocating embrace. “Please come with me, I don’t want to be alone anymore.”
Despite everything, you feel sorry for him as he shakes against you.
No, no, no! He’s the same man who tried to betray Seokjin. What would he have done to Jimin if he had succeeded? What is he going to do to you? You press against his shoulders, trying to push him off of you. Taehyung covers your lips with his own, lessening your resolve.
His lips work a different kind of magic, he presses his tongue inside your mouth, runs it over your own, tilting his head and deepening the kiss. You grip his shoulders, unsure whether to push him away or closer. He kisses you for so long you wonder how he hasn’t broken away to take a breath, you wonder why you don’t have the need to either.
You gasp when Taehyung decides to move lower down your body, his lips licking across your neck. By now, he’s made sure to keep you locked to him, holding onto both your wrists so you can’t push against him. Even when he shifts his digits and intertwines your fingers, he keeps his weight heavy on you.
“It’s not fair, I can only have you in my dreams like this,” he chuckles against your skin. “Please be with me. Together we can explore the whole world, do whatever we want.” Taehyung was so excited to see all the new technology you had described to him during your long visits. He wants to experience it all with you.
You take in a ragged breath, suppressing a moan every time he sucks and rolls his tongue over your skin. “Promise me you won’t hurt them.”
“I promise.”
You don’t believe him.
You can’t believe him.
It feels like a lie, it all feels like a lie.
“Where are you?”
“In a cave.”
“There are thousands of caves on the island, do you know where?”
“I d-don’t know.”
It’s true you don't know, but there are words you could use to describe the cave. You could tell Taehyung how you got there, about Yoongi’s magical door. But you bite those words down, hiding the whole truth.
“Don’t worry, I’ll find you.” He rests his forehead against yours, runs his thumb over your kiss bitten lips. He can't wait to have you, to mark you, to make you like him.
You touch the necklace dangling from Taehyung’s neck, and he rips your hand away, gripping your wrist so tightly you can feel the pressure in your bones.
Fear trickles down your spine and catches in your throat once you realize how entangled you are to him, how easily he could hurt you if he wanted to. The Taehyung you knew had been so unthreatening, like a lonely puppy tied to a tree, only wanting attention.
The shackles took away any threatening aura, you only ever felt safe with him, you hadn't yet known what he was capable of...
Taehyung feels your heart beat jumping against his lips. “You’re scared of me, why?” he frowns. “Have I ever given you a reason to believe I would ever hurt you? Jimin hurt you, Seokjin hurt you,” he adds.
You swallow, unable to answer him. He’s right.
“If you hated Seokjin so much...why did you want to become like him?”
Taehyung holds you loosely now, smiling softly. “You know...Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook, their powers slow their aging, but one day, they’re going to grow old, they’re going to grow weak. They’re going to die,” he hums.
“T-That’s no excuse-”
“Sometimes we have to lose everything to gain everything.”
“Is that what you told Jimin before you took everything from him?!”
“Seokjin’s affliction really did rub off on you. What will you say when you make him remember and he still wants to rip your throat out?”
You swallow, silenced by his words.
“Tell me where you are so I can protect you,” he presses his lips upon the column of your neck tenderly.
“T-The cave-”
“Yes?” Taehyung runs his tongue along your throat, enjoying the way you tremble against him.
“-a d-door-”
His hands knead your side, up your body, gripping your mounds, caressing your suppleness.
“A door? Invite me in then, sweetheart.”
Your fingers tangle his hair, pulling him closer to you. Then run down his neck, slipping under his necklace.
You yank the gold chain, screaming.
“You’re awake,” Jungkook says happily. You’re lying nestled in between bodies, warm in the otherwise cold and dark cave. “Are y-you okay?”
You close your eyes, calming down, shaking your head, worried your words won’t be your own.
Namjoon holds your hand, “Y/n, can you tell us anything about what happened to the watch I gave you?”
Your hand cups your neck, where Seokjin’s bite is now healed over. “T-Taehyung, he said he would ‘fix’ the watch for me. He must have, because...it must have been, three months ago? I found that red amulet, it was from Seokjin’s shop, it appeared in my hand and then I heard Taehyung’s voice in my head, and…and I-I had no control...” You remember it clearly now, “The watch took me back in time and broke as soon as I used it.”
You look down at your hands. “But I still had the one I hadn’t used yet, from this time…” you say, absentmindedly touching your collarbone out of reflex. “When the explosion happened, I-I don’t know, I-I lost them.” Namjoon inspects your neck, gently adjusting the torn fabric of your dress.
He looks over his shoulder, where the merman lazily swims in the cave pool. “Yoongi?” he asks.
“The stronger the magic, the more uncontrollable it becomes. If Taehyung’s attack hit her...and the watch…anything could be possible.”
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“Does that human brain of yours not work at all anymore?” Hoseok complains, sitting at the top of your head, looking down at you with crossed arms. “The watch’s magic, it’s inside you.”
“...what,” you ask horrified. You trace the scars across your chest, running up your clavicle and around your neck.
“You were trying to protect yourself from Taehyung,” Yoongi says knowingly. “You took us forward in time.”
Yoongi had noticed the stronger tides, looked up at the moon, and realized the phase had shifted 4 days ahead.
But how could that be? Then when he mentioned it to the others, they all realized…
“I-I can’t control it.”
“And we’re not even sure what it does to her when she uses it,” Hoseok says, concerned, thinking the worst. There is no telling what will happen to you in the end, are you losing hours off your life? Days?
“Where’s Jimin?”
“Cooling off, taking a late night swim.” Seokjin sighs. “Dove, what happened between you and Jimin in this future of yours that makes you think he will be so cooperative?”
It felt wrong, telling his story, intimate memories that he didn’t even have the chance to see yet. “His past…”
“You know his whole past?” Hoseok asks. You nod. “And you trust him? After everything you know?”
“You don’t know what he’s been through! Taehyung-”
“They worked together to betray us all,” Hoseok scoffed.
You shake your head. “Taehyung knew Jimin before he knew you, Hoseok.” You’ve seen enough of their memories together to see how protective Hoseok had been over Taehyung. But the secrets Jimin and Taehyung had kept weren’t even knowledgeable to Jimin anymore.
“Did you know about this?” Hoseok turns to his pack leader.
He shakes his head no, “They acted like strangers. Did you know?” Namjoon turns to Seokjin.
“He didn’t speak much of his childhood, even when he was human.” Seokjin hums, “The few memories of his childhood I pulled did not have any indication they knew each other. They had only become close after Jimin was turned.”
“No, they were always close.” you say, sure of yourself. “I can’t prove it, yet, but I don’t think what happened was an accident,” you look at Hoseok. “It wasn’t your fault you lost control, Hoseok.”
Hoseok's eyes start to shine in the shadows of the cave as tears well up. “No,” he says in disbelief. It was his fault. He turned Taehyung into a beast like him, and he’s never forgiven himself because of it.
He shakes his head, unable to let your words really hit him.
“Well, we can only learn the whole truth from Jimin himself. Help me this time, please?”
Jimin returns later than usual, right before sunrise, his mind no less at ease.
“Well, it almost worked last time.”
Has Seokjin been drinking from you this whole time?! Jimin scoffs, settling himself away from you and the others.
Seokjin does it messily, letting the blood drip down your shoulder, covering your chest in the red liquid.
You let a soft whimper escape your lips, moaning. Seokjin’s hand moves from your hip to resting between your legs
“Are you going to be doing that all day?!” Jimin barks, his words echoing in the small cave.
“You haven’t drank in a while, brother. Come drink.” Jimin swallows hard, smelling your blood, the sweet iron scent fills the cave. He remembers the previous time loop, the taste of your blood still a strong memory. It never happened, he hasn’t really tasted you, yet that’s now all he can think about. He remembers it distantly like a dream. Or rather a nightmare, how can you possibly be this annoying to him without even trying? Jimin silently seethes as his throat becomes itchier and drier.
Jimin looks over at the wolves, who seem to be minding their own business. There is no way they are not affected by this...lewd display! He narrows his eyes on Hoseok, the jealous one, who sits crossed-legged and crossed-arms, eyes closed and jaw clenched.
“You’re joking?”
“No, I saw them do it before with other girls,” you mutter, unable to meet Hoseok's eyes, “in Seokjin’s memories.”
Jungkook rests his head against the pack leader’s shoulder, shaking his legs to a song in his head he is using to distract himself, and Namjoon acts completely unaffected. Jimin scoffs, Namjoon sure has the best poker face, but Jimin knows this is bothering the pack. They probably finally figured out they’re weaker ones amongst them, Jimin thinks.
“Well if you won’t, then I will.” Namjoon speaks up.
Namjoon pulls your leg, pulling you closer to him as he crawls over you. His strong hands press your legs open so he can settle in between them.
“You know my kind bites too. We don’t do it to suck blood, our bite is different. But, I wouldn’t mind eating you up,” Namjoon teases, his deep voice even deeper in his gruffness.
You know this is just an act, but your heart escalates at the thought, remembering the younger werewolf acting so brazenly. Devious suits Namjoon so well, the roughness in his nature is so attractive.
Jimin grits his teeth at such a revolting thought.
“You’re just going to let him put his filthy paws all over her? You’re going to hand her over just like that?”
“I haven’t let her go.” Seokjin caresses your temples, smearing blood across your face. “We used to do this all the time. I’ve gotten used to Namjoon’s scent.”
Jimin looks away, looking for the merman, someone else he can yell at.
“Joon, wait. Jimin, did you want to drink from me instead?”
“No thanks,” Jimin hisses.
You look back at Namjoon. Seokjin lifts your hand to his mouth, biting down on the fleshy part of your palm. It hurts, he is usually better at making the pain feel pleasurable, but his objective isn’t your pleasure, it’s to cause maximum blood flow, to make you cry out in pain, knowing your whimpers will entice Jimin the most.
Namjoon’s lets his teeth scrape across your thigh. “Shh little Dove.” He uses the pet name Seokjin gave you. “Don’t cry, I’ll make you sing.”
It’s so hot in this goddamn cave. The smell of everyone’s arousal is assaulting, inescapable.
“My turn next,” Hoseok calls out.
“I’m going to mark her as my mate,” Jungkook growls, eyes darkened at the sight of you writhing in pleasure and pain.
Jimin has had it. He has had to endure being in their company for this long, but now the dogs want to defile what is his? Yes, you are his and Seokjin’s! They paid fairly for you, you would be dead if it were not for them. You are theirs! You are his. And you are the only human left on this damned island, Jimin had searched all night for any signs of life to no avail.
“I’m going to rip out your teeth,” Jimin threatens lowly.
“Did you say something?” Hoseok says flippantly.
“You don’t think I know what you’re all doing?”
You look between yourselves in silence.
“You’re just giving up! Taehyung really turned you into a bunch of cowardly dogs. You’re just gonna stay in this cave like a bunch of animals in heat while Taehyung does god knows what!?”
You continue to look between yourselves in silence.
He points at you. “She said if I bit her, we could stop Taehyung!” He yanks you to your feet so hard you feel the whiplash in your bones. “Isn’t that right? SO WHY ARE YOU WASTING YOUR PRECIOUS TIME WITH THEM?!” Jimin yells so loud his words echo over and over again.
You blink. “You’re right, Jimin.”
Jimin moves behind you, tilting your head. He licks the old blood off your shoulder, suppressing a groan at the taste. “If this doesn’t work-” he growls.
“It will.”
“Then I wont stop until it does.” All your blood will be Jimin’s one way or another.
He licks his lips before sinking his teeth into the column of your neck.
Just like that, you and Jimin revisit his bedroom, a memory you both shared, your past and his future had Taehyung’s plan not have worked.
Jimin roars, pulling away. Your body spasms with too much blood loss. Jimin looks down, your blood covering his body, his pants undone. How is he in bed with you? He was just in the merman’s cave, drinking your blood.
No, he is in the merman’s cave. This is a memory.
Jimin remembers.
He gently turns your body over. Your breathing is ragged, strained, your eyes try to focus on the vampire above you.
Now you remember, it was the first time Jimin looked at you without hatred in his eyes. Tearing the flesh from his arm, he puts the wound over your mouth and you drink until your body relaxes. Then cautiously, Jimin lowers himself over you again, ready to see more.
Jin steps closer, followed by the rest of the men.
Was Jimin still drinking from you?
Neither of you made any movement.
You both fell to your knees with Jimin’s fangs deep in your neck, your eyes glazed over and out of focus.
“What happened?” Namjoon whispers to the eldest vampire. He wasn’t quite sure, neither of you were responsive, both lost in your heads.
“Little Dove?”
I am so excited to write some backstory finally!!! Are you excited for the next chapter?
#bts smut#bts hybrid au#ot7 x reader#bts hybrid smut#taehyung x reader#jimin x reader#namjoon x reader#seokjin x reader#jungkook x reader#yoongi x reader#hoseok x reader#bts vampire au#bts fantasy au
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