#vampire la mascarade
amphinogiz · 1 year
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He’s a dumbass and the Sheriff I don’t make the rules (well technically yes, but still)
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montreal-by-night · 1 year
L'une des chansons thématiques de la chronique One of the chronicle's theme songs
C'est le malaise du moment L'épidémie qui s'étend La fête est finie, on descend Les pensées qui glacent la raison Paupières baissées, visages gris Surgissent les fantômes de notre lit On ouvre le loquet de la grille Du taudis qu'on appelle maison
Protect me from what I want Protect me from what I want Protect me from what I want
Protège-moi, protège-moi
Sommes-nous les jouets du destin Souviens-toi des moments divins Planant, éclatés, au matin Et maintenant nous sommes tout seuls Perdus les rêves de s'aimer Le temps où on avait rien fait Il nous reste toute une vie pour pleurer Et maintenant nous sommes tout seuls
Protect me from what I want Protect me from what I want Protect me from what I want
Protège-moi, protège-moi
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thewhumpcaretaker · 3 days
⚜ 𝐖𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐈𝐈𝐈: 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦 ⚜
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Sources: One (I lost this link T_T but it was on pinterest. I'll add it if I find it!!) | Two | Three
Event Host: @wickblr
Summary: Sebastian LaCroix gets creative to make Vincent a cup of "hot chocolate" from blood, since he can't eat sweets anymore. (Crossover with Vampire: The Masquerade)
CW: blood, semi-sensual kisses with fangs, and lots of fluff <3
Hot chocolate was a simple enough recipe for kine. For kindred, it was, undeniably, a little more complex, but Sebastian LaCroix had always been a man of ambition. And Vincent had taken the loss of sweets so terribly hard after the embrace…it was really heartbreaking. Something had to be done about it.
LaCroix put his ingenuity to work one day in late October. Vincent had just come in from a blustery night, scattered with the flecks of a first snowfall. The concrete and asphalt floor of LA was just barely too warm for the snow to stick, but the air still stung. Sebastian kissed his lover’s icy cheeks, but it only earned a momentary half-smile before the Marquis’ perfect mouth returned to a pout. “J'espère que tout s'est bien passé? [I trust everything went well?]”
“Votre précieuse Mascarade est intacte. [Your precious Masquerade is intact],” he said, pulling away to sink into the couch by the fireplace. So he was annoyed. Apparently, it had been a long work night.
“Mon associé ne t’a posé aucun problème ? S’il l’a fait, je veillerai à ce qu’il soit convenablement puni. [My associate didn’t give you any trouble? If he did, I’ll see that he’s suitably punished.]”
Vincent shrugged. “Oh, il est mort maintenant. Pas besoin de s'embêter. J'aimerais seulement, les soirs comme ce soir, pouvoir rentrer à la maison avec un parfait ou un vin doux ou… de toute façon. Je vais me nourrir dans un moment, mais ce n'est pas pareil. [Oh, he’s dead now. No need to bother. I only wish, on nights like tonight, that I could come home to a parfait or a sweet wine or…anyway. I’ll feed in a while, but it’s not the same.]”
“Ah. Je suis désolé, mon amour. [Ah. I’m sorry, love.]” Sebastian stifled a smile. He had chosen the perfect day to prepare his recipe, it seemed. “Installez-vous un peu. J'ai quelques affaires à régler en bas. [Settle in for a bit. I have some matters to attend to downstairs.]”
“Bien. [Fine.]” Vincent’s eyes didn’t move from the fire.
In some twenty minutes, Sebastian emerged from the elevator carrying a gold tray, set with an enormous, fluted parfait cup. Vincent was still tucked into his seat, evidently more relaxed now. Sebastian took a moment to just look at him, to admire his quietude. He was reading, with his chin resting on one hand while the other supported the book on his knee. His face was placid and yet engaged, absorbed in some dreamy world, lips moving ever so slightly at times to savor the form of a particular word or phrase. It was almost a shame to disturb him. But Sebastian noticed that he’d also wrapped the throw blanket around himself. Sometimes, it bothered Vincent to be so cold from the inside out – he still wasn’t accustomed to it. And Sebastion could help with that.
He approached delicately, setting the tray on the coffee table in front of him. “Vinny,” he said, sing-song.
“Bast,” came the echo, natural and effortless, even before he closed his book. At last he looked to the coffee table, raising an eyebrow. “Qu'est-ce que c'est? [What is that?]”
“C'est du chocolat chaud pour toi. Et c'est vraiment caféiné. [It’s hot chocolate for you. And it really is caffeinated.]” LaCroix couldn’t help grinning with pride over his handiwork. “J'ai trouvé le noble le plus né possible, je lui ai donné autant de sucreries qu'il pouvait en manger et je lui ai injecté suffisamment de caféine pour qu'il soit mort dans une heure. J'ai même demandé au chef de faire des miracles avec de la mousse de sang et de la poudre d'os pour la chantilly. [I found the highest born nobleman I could, fed him as many sweets as he could eat, and pumped him with enough caffeine injections that he’ll be dead in an hour. I even had the chef work some miracles with frothed blood and bone powder for the whipped cream.]”
Vincent just stared at the cup for a moment, his expression quivering in the most touched sort of way. “Tu as fait ça… pour moi? [You did this…for me?]”
Sebastian smiled. This was one of the many contradictions of Vincent – if he had asked for hot chocolate himself, he wouldn’t have dreamed of being denied his request and would’ve been outraged at anyone who suggested he didn’t deserve it. But when it was a gift, he was painfully overcome with disbelief. “Eh bien, je ne vois personne d’autre dans la pièce, n’est-ce pas ? Essayez-le. [Well I don’t see anyone else in the room, do you? Try it.]”
The cup was big enough that even Vincent had to lift it with both hands (Sebastian wanted to get every last drop of blood that he could). It made him look adorable as he put it to his lips and came away covered in whipped cream. Sebastian leaned over and kissed it off of him, taking the time to run his tongue along each lip and caress each of Vincent’s fangs, which were protruding in eagerness at the taste of blood. He was rewarded with a shiver of pleasure from Vincent. Sebastian sighed against his lover’s mouth. “Mmm… J'ai bien fait, semble-t-il. Il a presque aussi bon goût que toi. [Mmm…I did well, it seems. It tastes almost as good as you.]”
The fresh blood all went to Vincent’s cheeks. “Oui, c'est le cas - presque. Arrête d'être charmant pour que je puisse le boire avant qu'il ne refroidisse. [Yes it does - almost. Stop being charming so I can drink it before it gets cold.]” But he stole another kiss in spite of that, long and fierce with gratitude. His words were barely a whisper. “Je ne sais pas pourquoi tu es si gentil avec moi. [I don’t know why you’re so kind to me.]”
An ache rushed into in his heart, as if it was threatening to start beating. Sebastian fell against the couch next to the Marquis and put an arm around him. “Tu ne peux pas dire des choses comme ça, ma petite fraise, pas autour d'une simple tasse de chocolat chaud. Tu me fais trop sentir comme ça. [You can’t say things like that, my little strawberry, not over a simple cup of hot chocolate. You make me feel too much as it is.]”
For a moment, he was too flustered to speak. “Er - hmmm. Eh bien, je dirai simplement « merci ». [Er - hmmm. Well then, I’ll just say ‘thank you.’]” He noticed Sebastion pulling the blanket over both of them, snuggling up to his side. “Essaies-tu de voler ma chaleur? Ensuite, tu demanderez une gorgée de chocolat et tu ne pourrez pas en avoir. [Are you trying to steal my heat? Next you’ll be asking for a sip of chocolate, and you can’t have any.]”
Sebastion kissed him just above that pesky lapel that was hiding his jugular away. “C’est très bien, de toute façon, je préfère le boire dans ton cou plutôt que dans une tasse. [That’s fine, I’d prefer to drink it from your neck than the cup anyway.]”
“Diablerist,” Vincent giggled, and took another long drink. He came away beaming with a childish joy, and even warmer. Sebastian was starting to feel his faint, gentle heat even through both the vest and the tailcoat. “Tu as interrompu mon livre, Bast. [You interrupted my book, Bast],” he accused, in mock seriousness.
“C'est ce que j'ai fait. Comment puis-je me rattraper? [That I did. How can I make it up to you?]” God, Vincent owned him. He was utterly lost.
“Lisez-moi pendant que je prends mon dessert. [Read to me while I have my dessert.]” The contradiction again - here was the imperious side of Vincent, who had been so shy and grateful just moments ago. And Sebastian was only too happy to obey.
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alien-superst4r · 23 hours
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I'm deep into Vampire the Masquerade V5 lore, trying to write new arcs for my Hecata oc and it got me buzzing with an idea.
So I'm starting this Halloween special serie centered around the 13 VTM clans. Opening the ball is the clan Tremere and Ethel Cain has the perfect dark witchy vibes. I can picture her perfectly hands covered in blood preparing for a blood sorcery ritual. (Also, she's definitely a follower of Carna).
One thing about the most controversial clan, never let them have a drop of your Vitae, they already know TOO MUCH.
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En ce moment je suis plongée dans le lore Vampire la Mascarade V5 pour préparer un nouvel arc pour mon oc Hecata et j'ai eu une idée.
Du coup je me lance dans une série spéciale Halloween autour des 13 clans de VTM. Pour ouvrir le bal, je vous présente le clan Tremere représenté par Ethel Cain qui a les vibes parfaite de sorcière. J'arrive à parfaitement l'imaginer les mains dans le sang en train de préparer un rituel de sorcellerie du sang. (Je pense d'ailleurs qu'elle fait partie de la Maison Carna).
Si vous devez savoir une chose sur le clan le plus controversé, ne les laissez jamais récolter une goutte de votre Vitae. Ils en savent déjà trop.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
png credits go to abbysdian and coloursource
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arsene-inc · 10 months
A TTRPG collection retrospective
And so my TTRPG in book format collection has reached 70...not books......licences.... and a lot of them are complete. I miss when I had space to tidy stuff.
So here are all my books :
The PBTA and adjacent games
The first style of games that really hooked me
Monster of the week , the first game I ever gm'd
World Wide Wrestling
Masks, my most played game this year
Urban Shadows
Dungeon World, bought because I did not have any "generic" fantasy system.
Apocalypse Keys
Blades in the dark , the game that bought me where I am, introduce me to french ttrpg content creators when I responded to an ad for a player.
Band of Blades
Sig, City of Blades
City of Mist
English Import
Agon 2nd edition, still a favorite
Kids on broom
Slayers ( and a one)
Nova ( and a two)
Rune ( and a three for GilaRPGs)
DIE RPG ( really need to choose a good group to play this)
Heart the city beneath (yeah i like Rowan, Rook & Deckart)
Dragonbane ( A friend is a die hard Free League fan)
Tattered Magick
International Games translated in French
Thousand year Old Vampire
The Magus
Troika, my cursed game, the sessions are always canceled
Spire, the city must fall
Dragons conquer America
Sins of the father
Fate core
Nobilis 2nd edition, the big beautiful white book
Mage 20th
Castle Falkenstein
Cryptomancer, the 70th game
French indies ( with quick pitch)
Etoiles - a Stargate game
Aventures a Plumes/ Feathered Adventures - Play diceless Ducktales
Cités abimés / Broken Cities - 30's surrealism the game
Anime was a mistake - play every anime
Prosopopée - Mushishi the game
De mauvais reves - a cursed family in the Great North
Glorieuses - housewives in the 80's trying to escape boredom with wrestling
Temple des vents / Colosse de Grisantre - solo game of a fantasy wanderer
Les veilleurs - solo game / You are the Hero book, with Titan cults
Bois Dormant - post apocalyptic hopepunk gmless game inspired by Sleeping Beauty
Explorateur des Bruines/Libretés - Kids trying to survive an alternate dimension of murderous mermaids hiding in the rain
Les Héritiers de l'Hypogryphe Saoul - Urban fantasy where magic was just revealed to the world, along with things so old even the magicals forgot about them
Argyropée - Renaissance fantasy in a city where murder is impossible and leaving too long makes you die of depression
Speedrun - a system to speedrun TTRPG sessions and campaign
Bigger/Mainstream? French Games
Insectopia - Medfan but you are all insects
Cats la mascarade - Cats are secretly psychic
Donjons et Chatons - medfan but you're kittens and a cartoon planned for 2025
Donjon & Cie / Dungeon, Inc. - Monsters in the dungeon are just corporate employees
Terre 2 - scifi I don't really care about, i just told my parents to buy it when they saw it a -70% in a thrift shop
Nautilus - Play Jules Verne Hundred Leagues under the sea
Meute - French werewolfes with 2 souls : mortal human and immortal wolf
Rotting Christ - The Band. A ttrpg for metalheads
Knight - Epic Horror, The Arthurian Myth with mechas. It's great
Nephilim - the urban fantasy occult french game (basically The Secret World as a ttrpg)
Chroniques Oubliés Contemporain - generic system for modern adventures
Les Héritiers - All sorts of fae in 1901 dreaming of the end of the world in 1914
Ecryme - translation funded on KS, coming soon : Steampunk where the water rose, leaving only small islands, plus the water is highly acidic, melting everything except stone and steel
Les Oubliés - Korrigans & little people the size of a finger in a french city during the Religion Wars
Subabysse - sorta pulpy scifi where water rose so humanity went to live under the sea
Waiting for (dear god all the crowdfunding)
Fabula Ultima translation
Nephilim supplements
Arc Doom translation
Eat the Reich
Meute campaign
Babel, french game of book magic
Monsterhearts translation
Dragonbane bestiary
Triangle Agency
The Hidden Isle
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andreabaideas · 8 months
about me
Hi, everyone/ Hola a todos / Salut!
i like many things, that i usually like to discuss with other people.
90's bitch (born in 1995).
• Nothing is sacred (except my family) that means that i can laugh at, criticize and enjoy things all at the same time.
• Many fandoms : The Hunger Games, Twilight (renaissance), True Blood, Daisy Jones and the Six,Poldark , Drácula (book) , Vampire Chronicles (Anne Rice), Darren Shan saga, Hannibal (Bryan Fuller), The Walking Dead, Agatha Christie. Edgar Allan Poe. Guy de Maupassant. Stephen King. Lost Girl, Les revenants, Vampire Mascarade, Vampire Diaries universe, Guillermo del Toro's universe. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV). American Horror Story . Old french movies (Nouvelle Vague). Animated movies too.
There are plenty more, but those are the main ones.
• "Bonjour Tristesse", "Les enfants de la pluie" and "Portrait de la jeune fille en feu" own my heart.
• Anything with witchy vives ❤️.
• Feminist ♀️(everyone should be TBH).
• I love art and photography.
• I LOVE indie, folk, rock, pop and classic music.
• I love horror movies, mainly gothic tales, but i've watched a lot of different things really, many old and weird ones too. One of my faves its Carnival of souls (1962), that no one i know has watched (besides me).
• Indie movies ❤️ too
• Vampire obsessed. If It has vampires i've probably watched It TBH.
• I speak three languages fluently , though English isn't my first language. Je parle français très bien. My native language IS spanish (i'm from Madrid, Spain). ¡Hola gente!
• I like many actors and actresses.
My faves are :
Men : Sam Claflin (my fave ❤️❤️❤️) Aidan Turner, Richard Armitage, Robert Pattinson (❤️), Josh Whitehouse, Blake Ritson, Joseph Morgan, Sam Reid, Sam Heughan, Kiowa Gordon, Peter Facinelli, Lee Pace, Joe Anderson, Rami Malek, Alexander Skarsgård, Stephen Moyer, Michael Fassbender, Ben Barnes, Paul Amos, Gregg Sulkin (❤️).
Women : Kristen Stewart (❤️❤️❤️), Riley Keough (❤️❤️❤️), Noémie Merlant/Adele Haenel/Jean Seberg (those three❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️...Too many hearts to fit here), Sarah Michelle Gellar, Eva Green, Jena Malone, Jennifer Lawrence, Lorenza Izzo, Suki Waterhouse (❤️❤️), Camila Morrone (❤️❤️), Gemma Arterton (❤️) Vanessa Kirby, Katherine Waterstone, Amanda Seyfried, Zoe Kravitz, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Phoebe Tonkin, Lupita Nyong'o, Krysta Rodríguez, Lily Donoghue.
Also American Horror Story cast. And Les revenants cast ...and most of the french and francophone actors and actresses too.
And theres much more, but i think this is enough.
Welcome to my blog! Bienvenus! ¡Bienvenidos!
Feel free to ask me things, i like to make theories and metas too.
Also feel free to ask in spanish and french!!! (trolling and hate wont be answered, obviously)
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laneigeuse · 8 months
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[Jeu de rôle] "Mel" J'vous présente Mélusine, mon premier personnage dédié à du jdr ! C'est donc une vampire pour une petite campagne VTM (Vampire The Mascarade). Si tout va bien, vous la verrez sans doute souvent ici ! Enfin, pour peu que je reste un peu active sur mes réseaux ^^'
Passez une belle journée et à la prochaine !
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Jamais (jour 24)
Les mèches de mes boucles blondes se détachent avec souplesse de ma tête. Elle s'accrochent sur les fleurs entremêlées de la robe beige que je porte et d'autres atteignent le sol. Je sens le noeud qui s'est formé au creux de mon estomac se dénouer tout doucement, à mesure de l'avancée de la coupe. Je me débarrasse de cette longue chevelure parfaite qui fait toute ma féminité, selon eux. Ma famille, mes proches, les étrangers, ceux qui portent sur moi leurs regards pleins de jugement. Ils sont si courts, quasi inexistants. Je contemple mon crâne tel que je n'ai jamais pu l'observer auparavant. C'est donc à ça que je peux ressembler. Défaisant lentement ma robe, je la laisse retomber au sol avec les mèches qui s'y sont greffées. J'en sors et je fonce sous la douche, j'arrange le tout. Je me débarrasse du superflu, je finalise pour le grand final. Une fois séchée, je fonce enfiler la robe aux tons rubis scintillant dans la nuit. J'ai envie de jeter au feu cette soit disant part de féminité dont je me suis débarrassée et cette foutue robe beige. Je ne suis pas une petite brebis égarée dont il faut s'occuper afin de mieux la jeter dans la gueule du loup. Adapte-toi, sinon tu finiras vieille fille, mon enfant. Adapte-toi, où tu crèveras ma fille. Mais le petit animal fragile et blessé n'abrite pas que cette facette de sa personnalité et de son existence toute entière. Je contemple le reflet de la femme au crâne rasé et à la robe sombre, couleur sang. Je suis les griffes de la nuit, le vampire assoiffé, le loup qui va vous dévorer. Je suis le petit animal mignon et la bête sauvage. Je suis les deux faces d'une même pièce. Je vais mettre votre monde sans dessus dessous. Lorsque j'en aurai fini avec cette petite mascarade qui dure depuis des siècles, vous serez tous à mes pieds. Echec et mat. La reine l'emporte. Cheveux longs ou courts. Vêtue de blanc ou de noir. Habillée ou dévêtue. Grande ou petite. Puissante et fragile. Sensible et forte. Je suis le héros et le méchant de ma propre histoire. Je peux tout affronter, je vaincrai tout ce que je désire. Je suis inarêtable. Je suis à la fois une Toujours et une Jamais. La protagoniste de ma propre histoire. Ce conte, c'est vous contre moi, après que j'ai vaincu ce que j'avais à combattre en moi-même. Alors moi, je n'ai peur de rien. Je sais que cette fin heureuse, je l'aurai. Quant à vous, cependant... je ne peux rien garantir.
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univers-jdr · 6 days
Eugène Belgrand, un PNJ pour Vampire La Mascarade
Eugène Belgrand est né en 1810 dans la petite ville d’Ervy-le-Châtel, en France. Très tôt, il montra un talent exceptionnel pour les mathématiques et les sciences, ce qui le conduisit à rejoindre l’École polytechnique et à devenir ingénieur en chef des ponts et chaussées. Sa carrière l’amena à Paris, où il devint le bras droit du baron Haussmann, supervisant la modernisation de la ville sous le…
0 notes
audiofictionuk · 4 months
New Fiction Podcasts - 9th June
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Anime Audio Drama Link Pad Beasts Audio Book Rook is a young adult who was sent on a simple errand. He was tasked with returning a high tech device known as a Link Pad, or LP for short, to one of his former mentors named Dr. Ape. As he sets out to accomplish this simple task, he is brought into an alien planet where he meets his mentor. He is then given a new task, a new quest, to help his mentor and his colleagues fend off against a group known as Out Dates. His biggest mission in all of this, is trying to find a way for all of them to return back home to earth. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240514-07 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/IMP4316024170
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Crow Tales Audio Drama Crow Tales are dark audio dramas created by writers Carolyn Allum, Clare Burman and Amy Mallett. Carolyn and Clare bring lived experience of sight loss to their writing practice. Stories draw from the haunted heritage of Suffolk, in the UK. Our podcast explores topics such as the supernatural, violence and death, all with a dark sense of humour. We use immersive audio approaches and recommend that you listen with headphones for full effect. If you dare. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240514-08 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2364595.rss
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Alma dans la Sphère Audio Book Alma dans la Sphère, roman SF, un chapitre tous les mercredis. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240514-09 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/efdbe15c/podcast/rss
Rise of Drekis Chapter 4: Humanity Audio RPG Rise of Drekis will feature discrete chapters telling the story of what happens after the events of The War for Arcadia. We know Drekis becomes a power house, but that's just the big picture. What is happening on the level of individuals? Is this a great benevolence that spreads? Is it a brutal regime? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240512-03 RSS: https://media.rss.com/rod-4/feed.xml
Dark Web: Sexplay E1 Audio Drama A troubled teen turns to internet teen pornography as retaliation towards her mother and status appeal with her peers; however, she becomes enticed by the money to keep up with her image and satisfy her shopping craving. She thinks she is helping her classmates avoid image bullying by convincing them that The Los Gatos site is harmless and the money is rewarding; however, they discover sexplay is deadly, as one friend is kidnapped and the other is murdered. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240518-01 RSS: https://media.rss.com/westmediaentertainment-darkweb/feed.xml
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L'Etreinte de la Nuit - Vampire La Mascarade Audio RPG Une campagne JDR produite par Arkhane Asylum Publishing autour du Jeu de rôle "Vampire La Mascarade". https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240523-07 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2364491.rss
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Story Globe Audio Book Take a trip around the globe one tale at a time. Listen to traditional children’s stories from around the world, in English and the languages where the stories were first told. Come to Vietnam to meet the coconut kid, sail to Ethiopia to hear about the wedding of the cats and the rats. Head then to the Punjab and meet the little rascal who grows up to be a hero. Or travel to China and hear the tale of the magical paintbrush, before flying away to Greece to hang with the kids who became stars. Tales of magic, adventure, courage, love, trickery, and laughter for children and their parents. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240229-08 RSS: https://feeds.sbs.com.au/story-globe
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Bitcherton Audio RPG An improvised comedy podcast satirizing the world of Jane Austen that tells the tale of a wealthy family's scandals and shenanigans. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240530-01 RSS: https://feeds.redcircle.com/486f19ee-4001-41bb-a3cf-8bcbcaa10bac
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Shadows and Shenanigans Audio RPG A system agnostic actual play, run by a group of friends with a love for all things TTRPG, telling stories of every shade, and everything that comes with it Soldier, Doctor, Medium, Magician. Mystery lurks around every corner for the investigative team of the Circle of Mind and Material. As magick courses under and through the streets of the turn of the century city of Newfaire, the circle seeks to keep people safe, and uncover a mystery that may very well tear the world as they know it apart. Mind and Material is Shadow and Shenanigan's debut series, using the Candela Obscura game system. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240601-01 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/shadows-and-shenanigans
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The Price of Honour Audio Drama Spring has sprung in Gesiya, and what better time to find a match? The city of Zhimhe is alive and bustling with those hoping to find love. Of course, when surrounded by beauty, one must be careful to not fall into the trap of ignoring what’s beneath. As schemes worm their way through the city, in the skies, the brave men of the airships face battles from within. Welcome to the Price of Honour. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240601-02 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/the-price-of-honour
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Urban Omens Audio RPG A Black-led Actual Play network dedicated to telling intentional & engaging modern stories. Episodes release on Tuesdays https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240528-02 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/e5c6eeb4/podcast/rss
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Where The Trail Ends Audio Drama Months after finding out a friend had disappeared and was presumed dead, the host of the Where The Trail Ends podcast discovered an unplayed voicemail from them. It led to the discovery of recordings that appear to contain evidence of UFO encounters the friend had begun having on hikes. Since then the host has been on a mission to discover the truth about his missing friend and an explanation for the startling evidence that was left behind. And he needs your help... This unprecedented true UFO crime podcast features our once-skeptical host going down the rabbit-hole of UFO's looking for answers in a mystery that may change humanity's understanding of this phenomenon. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240507-06 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1818933.rss
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Whispers From the Void Audio Drama Whispers from the Void is an immersive audio drama that plunges listeners into a world where the boundaries between reality and the supernatural are blurred. Follow the gripping tale of Richard Harrison and Jason Vasquez as they unravel the dark secrets hidden within their city, confronting eldritch horrors and ancient cults that threaten their sanity and existence. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240529-01 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/66584ddb068f690012903a5c
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Fictional Men Written By Women Audio Drama From Dipsea, Fictional Men Written By Women is the spiciest fiction podcast on the internet. Each season features a new storyline with swoon-worthy characters, your favorite romantic tropes, and plenty of spice to keep you hooked. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231213-01 RSS: https://feeds.captivate.fm/dipsea-fictional-men-written-by-women/
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Fool's Gambit Podcast Audio RPG Fool's Gambit is a narrative-centric roleplaying game podcast using the Dungeons and Dragons (5e) ruleset where the rule of cool reigns superior. Host and Dungeon Master, Taun Sterling, takes the "main character" through episodic, mini-serial adventures where they're joined by a variable smorgasbord of guests and NPCs. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240528-03 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/fools-gambit-podcast
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Under A Blood Red Moon: A Werewolf the Apocalypse RPG Actual Play Audio RPG Three weeks ago, the war for Chicago began. It started with a lie - a false flag attack by the Black Spiral Dancers to incite the local vampires against the werewolves. The Dancers had vampire allies of their own, who attacked the werewolves' sacred site of the Fanum, and released the Celestine, Jupiter, from within. Now both sides are preparing for war, unaware that the dead and the burned were all a ruse, not that vampires and werewolves need an excuse most of the time. One pack of five garou are thrust into this war, aimed at the enemy with promises of glory ringing in their ears. But war is a crucible, and these five werewolves will be burned, reduced, and remade in the questions of what is worth dying for and what is worth killing for. All under a Blood Red Moon. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240527-01 RSS: https://feeds.castos.com/zk1qv
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The Serpent Under My Skin Audio Drama The Serpent Under My Skin is an exploration into an allegorical retelling of what it is like to be raised trans and conservative alt right. If you like the major motion picture The Green Knight and Arthurian legend, this might be for you. It's a hair-raising tale with small, quiet moments of gender exploration and theological discussion. The themes are religious trauma and heartbreak, the complicated relationships with our parents, and who gets to decide who lives and dies and what that means. A central theme runs through the story of brainwashing children to do our bidding instead of viewing them as complete and whole human beings. If you like stories of gender awakening, striking back against the people that have harmed you, pain and suffering and the catharsis that comes from becoming a more complete human being, even if it means leaving behind everyone and everything you've ever known, this story may be the one for you.It centers on Paladin, a lone child plucked from our world and raised in another to become a murderer of drifters, people that travel from other worlds. It follows their loss of faith and subsequent mental breakdown in a tender, raw performance that dips into both feminine and trans rage. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240531-01 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/the-serpent-under-my-skin
Session Has Begun Audio Book Erotic, suspenseful, horror stories told by anonymous authors through truly creative audio art. All characters and scenarios are fictional except those parts that are true. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240601-03 RSS: https://media.rss.com/sessionhasbegun/feed.xml
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The Revolting Ants Audio Book It’s the year 3050 and Humans have been frozen in Anticoagulation Network of Tubes (A.N.T.) Cryogenic Pods for 50 years. Saturn had suddenly detached from orbit and slammed into Earth at supersonic speed. It pushed Earth so far from the Sun that -20 cold temperatures made it impossible to sustain human life. Exactly 1 Billion of the 8 Billion on Earth were saved and successfully frozen. Unfortunately the owner of ANT Cryogenics was a diabolical ego maniac and programmed his 250 Million Pods to turn Humans into Ants. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240528-04 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f6e5c10c/podcast/rss
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I Faked Love With A Sorceress Audio Drama After being sent to a new world by the God of Rebirth, Rui's newly written backstory has him cheat on his girlfriend, Lolanthe. Being infuriated by his actions, she uses her magic to turn him into a girl. He sets off with his newfound physique, and makes connections as he attempts to overcome his emotions, and stop the sorceress from taking her broken heart out on the kingdoms. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240531-03 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/ed6cb48c/podcast/rss
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Uneasy Listening Audio Drama Author of the Uneasy Listening podcast series. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231215-10 RSS: https://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:1324892025/sounds.rss
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Bar Santropè Audio Drama Un radiodramma in lingua sarda ambientato nel bar di un quartiere popolare della città di Cagliari: Barsantropè. Il luogo di ritrovo per eccellenza, dove trascorrere il tempo raccontando storie e aneddoti che fanno parte della cronaca e della tradizione popolare della città. Ma dove sono? A Saint Tropez. È il posto dove un tempo scendevo per incontrare gli amici. C’è un bar ed è sempre là. Il Bar Santropè. Noi pronunciavamo quel nome tutto attaccato: Barsantropè. Il nome Saint Tropez evoca posti lontani. Le spiagge della Costa Azzurra, il mare blu, Cannes, le pivelle come Brigitte Bardot, i playboy. Molto più modestamente il bar è a Is Mirrionis, a Cagliari. Ma perché Saint Tropez? C’è una leggenda… https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240601-04 RSS: https://www.spreaker.com/show/6167013/episodes/feed
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Self-Rising Flower Audio Drama Erika’s life is stuck – but when her brilliant 12-year-old daughter recognizes her bakery gifts, they risk everything to build a dessert empire. "Self-Rising Flower" charts ten years of entrepreneurial struggles, strained family bonds, and persevering against the odds through their innovative rise. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240603-01 RSS: https://feeds.redcircle.com/4cb18d05-14e1-493c-9220-ebcff1e8ecd8
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HAUNTROPY Audio Book They've made a device that detects the kind of sounds we're not meant to hear... Scotland, 1933. Dr Marian Tarknassus has gone missing. Clues of her involvement with alien visitants have begun to surface, but deciphering them remains a mystery. Meanwhile, a group of rogue scholars and enthusiasts, led by Dr Mungo Macrae, have developed new technologies that allow them to detect the sonic activities of paranormal phenomena on the outer edges of the known world. Government agents are snooping. Reports of hauntings, cryptids and unusual sightings are on the increase. Rival factions are seeking to interfere. Dangers are mounting up for the group... Eavesdrop on the Sounds of the Strange. These are the secret radio broadcasts of the Committee of Enigmas, captured and committed to a hidden archive of untold legacies of unexplained phenomena, gathered and exchanged over generations of clandestine research by a trans-global network of expert investigators. Join us as we elicit the sonic discoveries of strange and paranormal events - available to those who dare to listen. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240603-02 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1881554.rss
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amphinogiz · 1 year
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All the portraits I did for my campaing so far !! I love my NPC so much I can't wait for my players to encounter some of them ,,
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montreal-by-night · 1 year
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The Main Characters | Les Personnages Principeaux
Felipe Castillo
Lasombra, 11th(e) Generation
(Le français suivra)
It is a known story: a man needs more. For their family, for themselves. They go out to acquire more. At first, a means of living. Then, as means of status. And for some, it grows to earn for the sake of the power being able to earn brings.
When his family started to suffer, he didn't slow down. When his job faltered, he got involved in the underworld. And when he was left alone with nothing, he was rewarded with being Embraced into the Clan of the Shadows, and its inevitable involvement with the Sabbat.
Castillo spent 10 years climbing and then leading a Sabbat pack in New York, adhering to the Path of Power and the Inner Voice. He was there when the city fell to the Camarilla, escaping by sheer luck, and a surprising act of friendship by a Nosferatu Camarilla spy who took to liking him.
That escape made him cross paths with the Prometheans who follow Ekaterina the Wise and who also defected from the Sabbat then. They left him with the biggest punishment they could give a Lasombra such as him - a higher Humanity.
So now, Castillo seeks to find his mortal family and make-up for the years he spent in the Sabbat. However, his family lives in Plateau-Mont-Royal, deep inside Camarilla-held territory, and needs to learn how to dance to the tune of La Paix de la Prince. Even as he doesn't speak French.
C'est une histoire courante : un homme a besoin de plus. Pour sa famille, pour lui-même. Il sort pour en acquérir davantage. Au départ, un moyen de vivre. Ensuite, comme moyen de statut. Et pour certains, cela devient du pouvoir pour le pouvoir.
Lorsque sa famille a commencé à souffrir, il n'a pas ralenti. Lorsque son travail a faibli, il s'est impliqué dans la pègre. Et quand il a été laissé seul sans rien, il a été récompensé par l'Etreinte dans le Clan des Ombres, et son implication inévitable avec le Sabbat.
Castillo a passé 10 ans à grimper puis à diriger une meute du Sabbat à New York, en adhérant au Chemin du Pouvoir et à la Voix Intérieure. Il était là lorsque la ville est tombée aux mains de la Camarilla, s'échappant par pure chance et par un acte d'amitié surprenant d'un espion Nosferatu Camarilla qui s'est mis à l'aimer.
Cette évasion lui a fait croiser le chemin des Prométhéens qui suivent Ekaterina la Sage et qui ont également fait défection du Sabbat à l'époque. Ils l'ont laissé avec la plus grande punition qu'ils pouvaient infliger à un Lasombra tel que lui - une Humanité supérieure.
Alors maintenant, Castillo cherche à retrouver sa famille mortelle et à rattraper les années qu'il a passé dans le Sabbat. Pourtant, sa famille vit sur le Plateau-Mont-Royal, au plus profond du territoire tenu par la Camarilla. Il lui faut apprendre à danser sur la musique de La Paix de la Prince. Même s'il ne parle pas français.
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-·=»◆ Paris en l’an 1880 ◆«=·-
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Alors que l’on pensait que la race des vampires plus communément appelé Ronge-Sang avait été éradiquée grâce aux combat acharné des Paladins de l’ordre des Lames Saintes, certains d’entre eux ayant survécu avaient été contraint de fuir la capitale, se réfugiant alors dans des villages isolés loin de toute civilisation humaine. Toutefois, avec les années, certains d’entre eux avaient fini par regagner la ville, à la seule condition de ne pas attaquer d’humain et ne pas boire leur sang. Si durant ces dernières années les ronge-sang avaient fini par se fondre dans la masse et s’étaient débarrassés pour la plupart de leur attrait pour l’hémoglobine, certaines rumeurs circulaient dernièrement : en effet, les autorités auraient retrouvé dernièrement neuf corps humains drainés de leur sang avec des marques de morsures jonchant leurs nuques. L’Eglise qui jusque là était restée silencieuse fut rapidement mise au courant des rumeurs et entreprit de passer à nouveau à l’action prête à éliminer tous ceux qui croiseront leur chemin. Les buveurs de sang qui avaient fini par être capturés montraient tous des signes de folie, recouvrant leurs instincts primitifs les poussant à attaquer et dévorer leurs victimes. Afin d’éviter que la rumeur ne s'ébruite, les Lames Saintes sont contraintes d’étouffer chaque affaire, agissant dans l’ombre. Les vampires quant à eux doivent redoubler de prudence pour ne pas subir le même sort que leurs confrères. Et vous quel sera vôtre rôle dans cette mascarade ? Bienvenue à Paris où tout est possible…
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songe-illustrations · 4 years
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Antigone « Je ne veux pas comprendre. Moi, je suis là pour autre chose que pour comprendre. Je suis là pour vous dire non et pour mourir. » Jean Anouilh.
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vismaviedemj · 7 years
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Quand tu me confies que ta campagne Sabbat c’est surtout pour  faire des rp cul avec le tzimisce Zulo.
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hasur-arts · 2 years
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ENG: Hello! Today I share with my Vampire character from a campaign rpg. She's a drag queen from 1970! So I mixed 70' pattern on her corset with black lace. Red tear shaped jewellery to remind blood drops. A victorian dress as a base, and 70' fabrics. It was a lot of fun to mix those themes! Thanks for enjoying my art! FR: Bonjour! Aujourd'hui je vous présente mon personnage de Vampire la mascarade. Une drag queen de 1970! J'ai mixé les motifs classique de l'époque sur le corset avec de la dentelle noire. Des bijoux rouge en forme de gouttes pour rappeller le sang. Une base de robe victorienne mixé avec des tissus des années 70'. C'était un défi très stimulant et amusant! Merci de votre visite!
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