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cookiekissers · 3 months ago
finding an active crk x reader blog in 2024 is like finding an oasis in the desert 🙏🙏🙏 im not sure if you do multiple characters, but if you do, could i please request lilac, licorice and mango x nb/gn!goth!reader? if you dont do multiple, you can just pick whoever you feel like writing. thank you!!!
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[Lilac & Licorice x Nonbinary!Goth Reader]
I'm glad I can be an oasis for all the cookie lovers out there <3 And I was unsure if Mango Cookie was a child or an adult so I left him out on this one. Hope that's ok!
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Licorice Cookie
Honestly? Licorice Cookie loves that you're goth and secretly admires your style. He thinks that when you're both side by side, you look like a couple and you fit each other perfectly. Licorice Cookie will even make you new outfits and accessories and gift them to you, saying that it's not really a big deal, and he just had some spare time so he threw something together and it "happened" to fit you perfectly. Don't read too much into it! But he'll wait with bated breath for your reaction, hoping that you'll like it. And if you do, he's over the moon. But if you also compliment Licorice he might just short circuit and need to lie down for a little while. He just thinks you're so cool and wants your attention!
Lowkey he's a bit intimated by you, not in a fearful way, more of a "they're so cool oh god I hope they think I'm cool too" kind of way. If you wear make up, Licorice will want to help you put it on occasionally. It gives him an excuse to stare at you for as long as he wants, but he will quickly get flustered and has to look away. And if you are the type to wear lipstick, better keep an eye on it because Licorice will swipe it when you're not looking. It was an impulse decision, and his heart is going wild just thinking about how this lipstick has touched your lips... he wants to put it on, and make it an indirect kiss. But Licorice gets too embarrassed, and he can't go through with it. Later he'll put it back in you make up kit, bag, or wherever he sure you'll find it.
Licorice Cookie writes about you in his diary frequently, drawing hearts around both of your initials together. He has a full blown crush on you.
Lilac Cookie
At first Lilac Cookie didn't think much of you, but you somehow always managed to sneak up on him or spot him. He was puzzled because he was very skilled at concealing himself. Lilac Cookie ended up confronting you about how you were able spot him so easily, and you surprised him by pointing out that because of how brightly colored he is, he kind of sticks out. Lilac Cookie admittedly, was a little annoyed at this, since he didn't stop to think about it, and usually his scent is what gave him away the most. He will go on to darken the clothing he wears when he's trying to sneak around, or cover himself with a dark cloak.
Lilac Cookie will begin to hang around you, as from your first conversation, he became intrigued by you. He does like your fashion sense, and he doesn't say it out loud, but he finds it alluring.
Lilac Cookie will check up on you from time to time, and if you invite him to hang out, he'll oblige. For most of the date hangout, he will just listen to you talk. He doesn't mind. For Lilac, actions speak louder than worse.
At some point you gift Lilac a gothic accessory, he thanks you for it and accepts the gift, but says that he's usually not into "flashy" jewelry (he'll say this even if its the least flashy kind of accessory) and won't be able to wear it. But he does. He TOTALLY does. Lilac wears the gift you got him all the time and doesn't take it off. He tries to keep it concealed so there's no chance it gets stolen or accidentally falls off. Truly, any gift from you is a treasure to him.
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onenicebugperday · 3 months ago
hello!!!!!!!!! you are doing the work of the earth and you are amazing and you deserve light and joy keep it up <3
Hi!!! Thank you!!!
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superstar-ethereal · 2 months ago
hiiiiiiii ik we dont talk much but you are like. so fucking epic dawg mentally handing you a bouquet of flowers rn.
also.... i saw you were a shifter... evil laugh..... (ive been trying to shift for 5 years. someday man, someday.)
wuAgh tysm >0<
ur epic too ily /p
also yippee fellow shifter !! what's your main dr atm? :D
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habibisagi · 8 months ago
Sora which bllk boys are vamps and which are werewolves to u (I think rin fits vamp and barou gives werewolf to me cause I’ve already written that but I’m curious abt ur thoughts)🎤🎤🎤
thank u for asking oz !!!!! :> <333 right off the bat (lol) you get me completely lol. vamp rin and werewolf barou are very correct... vamp barou also tho,,,,
but basically...
vampire: rin (duh), sae (duh pt.2), bachira, barou, kaiser (duh pt.3), nagi, chigiri (duh pt.4), noa, niko, hiori, otoya
werewolf: isagi (duh), ness, oliver (LOL), gagamaru, noa (again...), hiori (again lol), karasu (again </3), barou (again :>), raichi, kunigami, kurona, nanase, reo
can be both actually but is extremely terrifying in either scenario therefore deserves his own category and not with the others: shidou
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ghostbeam · 1 year ago
Having a moment rn where I want to write everything I’ve ever thought abt writing ever and I have no idea where to start
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joachimz · 2 years ago
vampire itoshi brothers who - scarily - have the same taste in (blood) types and try to use their mind games on you to convince you to drop the other one and only court them. who leave marks on you just to piss the other off. who send you off w their scent lingering in your veins just to rile each other up. i have so much to say
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okkalo · 2 years ago
thots on vampiree rinnie poo
he’s hot and i wojld beg him to bite me
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twijaxx · 2 months ago
more fem vamp rin pllzzz ^_^ biting necks this time perhaps
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oh! so yall want more Fem vamp Rin? WHO AM I TO REFUSE?
F! itoshi rin x F! reader, Vampire Rin, Smut, VERY occ Rin, Pet names [ Cute girl, Pretty girl] Neck bitting, Blood. wc: 1k
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You heard your stomach rumbling, it was evening already so you decided to make some food. As you were going downstairs (wondering where’s your gf OBVIOUSLY) you heard some strange noises at your doorstep “is someone there??… Rinnie is that you?” you usually brushed strange noises off cause you literally lived in the middle of the forest so it was common, but this time you where sure it wasn’t pack of raccoons or couple of wolfs.
“mhhh… me… please.” you where standing too far away from your door to actually hear what that someone.. was talking about, you where scared but you decided to approach your door and look thru the peephole.
The “someone” you heard was actually your girlfriend, but something wasn’t right she was all beaten up, covered in blood clenching at her stomach, did she fight someone again?
“[name] let me in… please…” you where just standing there in shock not even thinking before opening the door.
“Rin what happened! did you-“ you didn’t even have time to finish your sentence before she started passing out but you managed to catch her quickly “what am i gonna do with you now…”
You slowly dragged Rin into your house but what now? she’s all covered in blood and you didn’t want to stain any of your furniture (not talking ab the fact that your fav t-shirt is already stained) You decided to lay her down on the floor, clean her up, change her clothes and then lay her down on your bed.
You managed to do all that, you gave Rin quick kiss on the lips and went downstairs to make something to eat. Your ramen was done microwaving, as you sat down to finally eat you felt someone’s hands on your shoulders (why is everyone interrupting you today?)
“what are you doing Rin?..” -she didn’t respond, that was quite a common thing for her when she wanted to avoid your questions.
“what happened? did you get in a fight again??”-no response, but this time you felt Rin hair nuzzling in your neck slowly leaving wet kisses along your artery, you didn’t have time to ask another question because she lifted you up from your chair (poor ramen:<) and started walking up your stairs carrying you to your bedroom.
You were left breathless the time she finally made it to your bed. “i’m.. hungry, can i feed off on you?” -she said while taking off your bloody t-shirt form earlier. You nodded in a response. You knew she loves to get your heart pounding before finally sinking her fangs into your neck and she never fails to do that.
Rin didn’t waste any second, taking off your bra and panties, you felt like she was staring into your soul every time you two have sex and to be honest, it turned you on so much:3
“come on pretty girl, what are you waiting for? come here..” You exactly knew what she meant by those words, Rin just wanted you to sit on her lap so she can have easier access to your neck and your cunt.
And you did what she asked you to, slowly crawling onto Rin lap as she continued to make out with you. You can’t say your heart wasn’t pounding by now but she wanted more, Rin wanted you to feel like your heart is about to jump out of your chest. And as we know Rin always gets what she wants.
Without a warning she put one finger in your already soaked pussy “My cute girl is already so wet for me, didn’t know i turn you on that much” You wanted to say something but she didn’t let you, adding another finger causing you to moan.
“ahh! Rinnie please!…” “I didn’t know my girl is so needy for me, say what you want and i might give it to you” Is she seriously gonna make you say it? she knows you want her to absolutely ruin you under her touch, you wanted to be fucked out to oblivion by her.
“Don’t worry i know what my girl wants. I’m not gonna make you say it this time.” Why you where suddenly even more turned on my those words? As you where lost in your thoughts Rin started moving her fingers in and out of your pussy quickly bringing you to your climax. (in wasn’t your fault for cumming that quickly she was just too good with her fingers okay?)
“You came so quickly, i think you are ready now” she pulled out her fingers out of your cunt, you whined a little at the feeling of emptiness. She started kissing your neck, looking for a place where she can feel your pulse the strongest, just so she can finally taste your sweet blood on her sharp fangs.
After couple more minutes she found it, that oh sweet spot on your neck, she couldn’t stop staring at when you were around her. “i’m gonna bite you now. okay?” You hummed in response, not wanting her to loose the spot, then suddenly you felt pain at the right side of your neck. It hurts, it really fucking does but every time Rin ask you about it you say it doesn’t, you don’t want her to think she’s hurting you so it’s better if you lie.
After what felt like ages she pulled out, licking the excess blood you had on your neck from what just happened. You felt dizzy, little starts appearing before your eyes.
“are you okay [Name]? You look like you’re about to pass out. did i took too much blood??” -she sounds really worried, which is only common when she feeds off on you. You want to lie that you are okay but the look in her eyes stops you from doing it.
“fuck.. i’m really dizzy Rin, can you bring me a glass of water?” -she asked no questions teleporting to your kitchen and then back to your room. Handing you the glass of water waiting for you to stop drinking. She told you to lay down and you did what she asked, Rin laid down beside you whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you fall asleep.
tags: @isaisliterallyhim :3
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angel-of-the-moons · 1 year ago
Yandere!Miguel x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: DDDNE, Dead Dove Do Not Eat, NSFW, masturbation, spying, camera usage, Miguel being an overall gross creep, stalker behavior, possessiveness, obsessiveness, mentions of murder from the previous chapter, manipulation tactics
A/N: Woot! Sorry it's taken so long, everyone! I reinjured my back somehow so hopefully I can relax and get comfy enough to be a bit more regular with uploads to this! This chapter is a bit of filler before we once again, get into the heavier stuff later on. (And yeah I totally looked up the recipe for that drink because UGH I want it so BAD)
Part 2
Taglist: @vineberries9 @irmiki @autismsupermusicalassassin @obi-mom-kenobi @rin-matsuoka345-blog @loosecan @6thhokageswife @selarus @heyohalie @sapphire-and-ruby @night-spectrum @famouscattale @thespaceinbetweennothing @lazy-idate @toshimoshiko @saharadesertaj @flaps200 @amelialysm @fried-milkfish @zaunsin @darksidescorner @renareyouhere @vide0-vamp @reverieblondie @bunnibitez @kaqua @peterbparkersburger @tojishugetiddies @aisyakirmann @itslariette @xxeclipze @oharasfilipinawife @amber-content @ixanne2006 @miguels-aranita
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Pt. 3
Several weeks had passed since the incident with the man in the alley, since Spider-Man had come to your rescue.
Several weeks since Miguel first felt the taste of euphoria from claiming you verbally. Even if you didn't know it, or knew he was Spider-Man.
Snapping that disgusting prick's neck was satisfying. It would only have felt better if he had sunk his fangs in his throat and just ripped it out, or curled his talons deep, his fist wrapping around his windpipe and yanking it free of his body.
No, no, he had no time for that, though. He had to hurry up and get home so he could comfort you, his scared Little Bird.
His precious Little Bird.
Wrapping his arm around your shoulders and patting your back filled him with such a sense of accomplishment. Not even fighting and detaining anomalies felt that good. Protecting the multiverse paled in comparison to feeling your trembling little body beneath his hands, seeing your body visibly relax under his touch and in his presence.
Fuck, did he want you so badly. But, he couldn't. Not yet. He had to earn more of your trust.
Or at the very least, coerce it from you.
He felt pangs of guilt whenever he would think too deeply on it, but he realized when he checked your canon events, that... well. There was nothing saying you couldn't be his. That your universe would collapse.
You were safe, because you were in his native universe. You were safe because you were his.
Or, you would be. One way or another.
He wouldn't lose you the way he lost Gabriela. He wouldn't watch as you crumbled in his arms.
He wouldn't be alone again.
The way he rationalized it when his morals clouded his drive to possess you, was that you were precious. A cool drink of water after a run in the desert, a calm spot in the middle of a hurricane.
You were something pure that he needed to have. He needed to keep you safe.
Pulling up the statistics of your previous apartment district definitely solidified his reasoning that you simply couldn't be trusted to make decisions on your own. Why else would someone as naive as you move somewhere with a crime rate that reached nearly 76% in petty violent crime?
Which brought him back around to the garbage he tossed into a random alley in the city.
His fingerprints and DNA tied him to assaults and break-ins at your building and the neighboring district.
So once again... Miguel was merely doing what was best for you.
Thankfully you didn't have many friends, your busy work schedule from before saw to that. You were simply too raggedly worn to make friends. You even admitted that Lyla was probably the only friend you had (Miguel heard in the recordings of your conversations that you were still too new to Miguel as a person to count him as something so intimate just yet).
Another reason he was taking care of you.
You couldn't manage your work-life balance on your own, and you were struggling financially and mentally from the workload and lack of funds.
But because you were living rent free and with a paycheck to boot... Miguel knew that was the first turn of the proverbial key for your situation.
Soon, you would be locked inside your guilded cage where only he could touch and hold you.
You would thank him for it, eventually. He was sure of it. He would have you on your knees, smiling up at him happily, a pretty gold, necklace-like collar around your neck, the key would hang over his heart.
The thought alone made his cock throb.
No, no...
First things first.
He needed to earn you a bit more. He'd realized that with his work in Alchemax and the Spider Society, you and him hadn't had much interaction save for the end of the day, just after he'd come back from patrolling and you were headed off to bed for the night.
Well, lucky for him... Miguel had put in that he was taking a week away from work, and he even let Jess, Peter, and Lyla take control of things back at HQ, just so he can have time to spend with you.
He needed to make sure that you knew he wasn't afraid to be social with you, that he could be friendly and charming. Maybe once he hammered your walls down a bit... Things might be able to flow naturally. Maybe you would be interested in a relationship with him. It would make manipulating you that much easier.
'It's all for her own good. Nobody else can protect her like I can.' He kept telling himself.
'She'll realize that.'
You had just let the dinner you made finish baking in the oven.
It was nice, you discovered, to have a conversation with your boss and Lyla while you worked.
Miguel--as politely as possible--convinced you to let him help you cook. He made some interesting dishes that smelled amazing, plus you two worked together to make a tres leches cake just for the two of you. He even showed you how to make homemade whipped icing! (That was messy but you two had fun doing it, of course)
He promised he'd teach you how to make chocoflan and a few other sweets, sometime. Maybe over the next week, since he had the coming days off; and your skills lie in appetizers and main dishes, not desserts.
And it was because of this topic that you learned Miguel had a hell of a sweet tooth. You made a note to add a few new items to your grocery list to make up for this oversight.
Because, hey, he's been working so hard, comes home ragged... who wouldn't enjoy coming home to a nice sweet, homemade treat after working all day and most of the night?
Thankfully your time as a bartender, you knew some things about making some good cocktails without skimping on the liquor.
Like, right now.
Miguel had a bar in his mansion (like most rich people in Nueva York, you assumed), and he allowed you free reign of it because he trusted you.
That knowledge made you feel a bit more pride than you normally would, because this rich and powerful man trusted you with bottles of liquor and champagne that cost more than a year's worth of rent at your old apartment.
At the moment, you were making him a cocktail you've always wanted to try, but menus priced them too high and you couldn't afford the proper stuff to make it right at home.
It was difficult, however, because he was so close, with his Adonis-like good looks and the body that surely made any woman's eyes wander. You had to snap your eyes away when he leaned on the counter, his biceps flexing beneath his partially unbuttoned dress shirt; the sleeves rolled up revealing his thick forearms and the veins lacing the gorgeous tanned skin that probably had phlebotomists fainting or swooning at the sight.
You tried so hard to stay on task as you carefully dipped the rim of the martini glasses in marshmallow fluff and rolled the rims in the crushed graham crackers. It took a few tries, because you were so distracted by the sheer inhuman beauty that was Miguel O'Hara, but his voice snapped you to attention.
"So... What is it you're making?" He hummed curiously, his brow quirking up from behind his glasses.
You cleared your throat and held up the two dusted glasses, "It's called a s'mores martini. It's a bit of a pain to make, but I'm told it tastes amazing."
"Ah." He smiled at you, resting his chin in his palm, his plush and pouty lips curled upwards as he watched. "But you've never made it before, hmm?"
You cringed. "Er... Well. I mean... I've seen other people make it plenty of times..."
Miguel laughed a little, the noise softly escaping his lips as you first poured in the Irish cream, heavy cream, the chocolate syrup, and finally the chocolate liqueur into the shaker.
"Of course. We learn from watching others experience, right?" He hummed softly, eyes tracking your hands.
You awkwardly avoided eye contact as you closed the shaker and held it above you, shaking the contents to make sure they were well mixed. You didn't notice because you were a little embarrassed, that Miguel was staring shamelessly at your cleavage as they jiggled with each over-the-shoulder shake of the metal shaker.
"Well... Yeah! Exactly!" You smiled, finally looking back at him. He'd corrected his line of sight swiftly so you wouldn't notice his hungry leering.
Once it was done, you strained the mixture into the glasses slowly, smiling proudly at the fact you didn't accidentally drop or--god forbid--throw the shaker into the glass bar behind you or across the goddamn room.
You then impaled two marshmallows on both of the smaller skewers you'd prepared, and held them up one at a time, lighting them with the small handheld torch.
You always liked yours a teeny bit more burned, so you let yours bubble and blacken a bit more to ensure optimum gooey-ness before placing it above your cocktail, leaving Miguel's lightly toasted before placing his.
They looked damn delicious, if you did say so yourself.
Miguel gave a tiny congratulatory clap as he watched you finish garnishing the drinks, his lips still curled in that smirk of his.
He took the stem of the glass and plucked the skewer from the rim, making a small show of his tongue curling around the sweet fluffy treats before pulling them off the stick and into his mouth.
He felt his gut twist with a fire as he watched you awkwardly avoid looking at him once more as you munched on yours a bit less eloquently than he did, getting some of the delicious sticky treat on your bottom lip. Miguel continued to watch with ravenous eyes as your tongue swiped the excess off and into your waiting mouth.
Miguel cleared his throat to get your attention again, and lifted his glass in a small toast, "Salud."
Your smile could melt his heart any day, and he felt it do a funny little flip as you returned it. "Salud!"
You wanted to squirm with glee when you saw his eyebrows shoot up when the flavor hit his mouth. You could tell by his expression that it wasn't bad; on the contrary, it was the look of someone who tried something new for the first time and absolutely loved it.
"Muy Bien." Miguel grinned. "You're right. This is good. I didn't know this cocktail existed 'til you showed me."
"See?" You chuckled, licking some of the fluff and crackers off the rim before taking another sip (something Miguel couldn't help but shamelessly watch). "I love looking up drink recipes. There's this one made from melon liqueur that involves soaking chunks of the melon in the alcohol, right..."
"That sounds good... Sprinkle a little chili-lime salt on it, it could almost be like a treat I used to eat as a kid with my brother." He grinned at you.
"We'd go to the park, buy a mango fresh from the bodega, some of the salt, and just sit on a bench and eat it after school."
"Oh! You can make it with mangos, too! We could try that." You chirp helpfully, ignoring how your heart skipped a beat
"I'd like that." Miguel chuckled, taking another sip. "Perhaps I can make you a white Russian, too?"
"Oh! That sounds good! I've never had one of those..."
You smiled, taking in the quiet, budding camaraderie between you and your boss. Lyla had long since moved her little holographic self to the kitchen, carefully monitoring the food so it didn't burn, so it was just you and Miguel in the comfortable silence as you enjoyed your drinks.
God, of course you couldn't keep your hands to yourself. The moment you finished your chores and bade Miguel goodnight, you ran to your room, your heart fluttering like a wild hummingbird.
It was the booze. It had to be the booze.
Especially with these thoughts running through your head. He was your boss.
He was your boss.
You couldn't think about him like that, it would only complicate things. Being friends you could do, but... job romances always ended nasty. Like when you broke up with your coworker at the insurance office.
Bryce was still pissy about that and would harass you on occasion, sending hurtful and suggestive e-messages to your addresses.
But... working for a guy who may as well have been molded by the gods themselves; how the fuck were you to function properly without your mind wandering to less family-friendly thoughts?
The answer: not fucking easily.
Like right now, you were laid back on your cushy, soft bed, your fingers rolling soft circles onto your clit as you plunged your silicone dildo in and out of your wet and messy channel, your slick and juices leaving a shiny and creamy trail along the length as you twisted and pulled, desperately trying to get that orgasm you wanted. Thankfully you had a towel cushioned beneath you to contain your mess...
Hell, you tried watching porn on your phone, but even that could only get you so fired up. And thus, you were stuck with what your imagination could cook up.
And right now it was a heated image of Miguel leaning over you, whispering filthy things into your ear;
"Ah, so wet and needy, doll? Need my help to work you through it?" He would growl, his teeth just barely grazing the shell of your ear.
"That's it, just tip it up a bit more, thrust it harder--like that. Good girl."
You couldn't help the small moans and breathy gasps that trembled free from your lungs as you felt that wonderful pressure begin to curl your toes.
Your fingers slid down, gathering some of your slick as you imagined Miguel praising you, encouraging what you were doing as you used your wetness to lubricate your fingers so you could do smoother rolls on your little bundle of nerves.
"Good girl." He'd breathe softly, his voice a hair above a whisper as his breath fanned over your cheeks. You could imagine smelling his cologne and aftershave wafting off of him, his natural musk bleeding beneath it all...
"Get yourself nice and wet. Keep going. So close now, muñeca, so close."
You imagined him then, behind your closed eyes, hissing through clenched teeth as he would smack your hand off of your toy, taking the base in his palm before shoving it roughly up into you.
"Need my help, huh? Your little hands not good enough? Fine."
He'd lean back, staring down at you with heavy, lidded eyes as he roughly fucked you with that pale imitation of a real dick; the bulge in his pants straining against the seams in a way you'd swear they would burst.
Miguel would bring a hand back, slicking his messy hair, the sticky gel coming loose from the sweat and heat that was shared in such a small space between you; and he would rip the buttons of his shirt open as he watched you squeak and mewl as your orgasm got closer.
He'd grin down at you, his crooked teeth gleaming like shark teeth on display as he'd twist and thrust the toy up further and further, hitting every spot you needed with every deft curve of his hand.
"And once I'm done, magdalena, I will show you what a real cock can do to that cute little pussy of yours."
You tossed your head back when your imagination spat that line of dialogue out, and moaned wantonly as your orgasm gushed out of you, every muscle in your body tensing and relaxing all at the same time as the euphoria crashed into you like a violent surf.
You just couldn't contain yourself, crying breathily at the mental image:
You laid there for what felt like forever, breathing, trying to regain from the intense orgasm that made your head and heart pound.
That's when the post-coital clarity began to set in, and you sat up abruptly, covering your mouth in sheer shock at the fact you just called out his name.
Your boss's name.
You looked around, knowing it was stupid, that he couldn't have possibly heard you from elsewhere in the house, but the flush that crept up your body was there all the same.
Equal parts shame and arousal, honestly...
Thankfully, Miguel didn't hear you.
But you were still none the wiser to the cameras above your bed, pointing straight down at you; feeding right to Miguel's office so he could watch you like his own private peep show.
And you were definitely none the wiser about the thick ropes of cum that covered Miguel's fingers, or how his lips curled into a sick smile as he licked his warm spend from his own hand, his face awash in the dim glow from the monitors in front of him.
Yes. You were going to be a fun little project.
Part 4: Link
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ning-ningx300 · 1 month ago
Here we go - Favourite pantone colour, outfits, spotify lyrics, and aesthetic favourite placee with the matching pantone colour
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TAGS - @wendigo-wraithe @yippymutt @purely-puppy-pawz @choucon @crack-cocaine-kibe @hera-arii @hannamoon143 @sparky4577 @carcin0-88 @itzzzzzzyyyyydaaaaa @preposterousray @rins-batcave @thepiedcurrawong @thegayfoxboy @bamgyuuu-2001 @woods3115 @adenaunspoken @aurora-tontu @annas-very-radicalcorner @jammahanna @vamps-skull
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lynnaredfield3383 · 3 months ago
Masterlist - Under 18 DNI
Bakugo Shorts
Bakugo Rescue
BakuKiri Babybrain
Bakugo's Girlfriend
Bakugo - One Night
Bakugo's Insecurity
BakuKiri Threesome
BakuDeku HQ Crossover
BakuDeku Bestie
Bakugo Winter Wedding
Bakugo Dinner Game
Boobie Grabbing Game - MDNI
Bakugo - Kiss Me at Midnight
Bakugo Soulmate
BakuKiri - Move In
Bakugo - Bored
Bakugo -Scared (P2 to Bored)
Bakugo's Ex Roommate
Bakugo - Hero Gala
Bakugo - Short
Bakugo - Dream Vacation
Bakugo - Valentine's Day
Bakugo - A Simple Moment
Bakugo - The Move In Plan
Bakugo - Mine
Bakugo - In His Shadow
Bakugo Mini Series
Bakugo's Ex
Bakugo's Ex Part 2
Bakugo's Ex Part 3
Bakugo's Ex (Bakugo's Ending)
Bakugo's Ex (Shoto's Ending)
BakuKiriBurst P1
BakuKiriBurst P2
Bakugo - Rejected
Bakugo - A Rare Moment
Other MHA Shorts
Sero Short
Shoto's Vampire Kiss
Denki Short
Shoto vs Bakugo
Kiri Short
MHA Vamps
TOUYA Shorts
DabiHawks MHA Ending
Touya in Love
Touya's GF
Touya's Other Half
Touya's Hero Partner
Touya's Hero Partner Part 2
HQ Inarizaki HS
Rintaro Suna
Rin College P1
Rin College P2A
Rin College P2
Rin College P3
Rin Short
Osamu Miya/Atsumu
Osamu's Former Bestie
Osamu HQ Crossover
Osamu Drabble
Osamu Valentine's Day
HQ Karasuno HS
Ninja Shoyo
TimeSkip Tobio
Daichi First Time
Suga First Time
Possessive Suga
HQ Nekoma HS
Kenma's Crush P1
Kenma's Crush P2
Kenma - Desire
Kuroo's Crush
HQ Fukurodani HS
Bokuto's GF
Bokuto's GF - P2
Bokuto's GF - P3
Kuroko's Basketball -
College Short
Akashi's Crush
Akashi's Ex
Smash or Pass
Kise's Soulmate
Kise's Crush
Aomine - College
LADS - Short Random Thoughts
Sylus - Insecurity
Caleb vs Bakugo
Other - Random blurbs/thoughts
Blue Lock 1
Blue Lock 2
Blue Lock 3
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blondeaxolotl · 8 months ago
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Finally found the time to draw my re-vamp of Pluto... I had this planned for a while but I didn't do anything until now!!! so here he is! The guy!!!
Since I probably won't talk about Pluto that often, I'm deciding to just drop his re-vamp here and his lore that I made for him in this post!!
Personality wise: Pluto is a human who was formed into a "Hell-hound", unlike "Canon Pluto", Pluto here has more of the personality of a human instead of a dog in a mans body. He resembles a dog yes, but he talks, walks, behaves like a person, and prefers to be treated as one, otherwise it makes him feel de-humanised if he's being shoo'd away like some house-pet (which is what Sebastian often does, they don't like eachother that much). Pluto seems to have a close bond with Finny and Snake, considering them truly family first before he starts viewing the others as such as well (Not Sebastian). He does not recall his human life, he doesn't even remember his own name. The reason why he's referred to as "Pluto" is because it's what Angela called him when she was in charge of him, and the name stuck within the phantomfam, but he did eventually gain the nickname "Plu-Plu" by Finny, which Pluto seems to not mind, but he prefers if it's only used by either Finny or Snake (or his snakes). Besides his obvious close bond with Finny and Snake, he's slowly starting to show more trust with the others, Like Ciel, Mey-Rin and Tanaka. He doesn't like Baldroy that much but he doesn't hate him (they'll eventually bond when Baldroy starts to cook better food). Though he seems to hate Sebastian and refuses to be near him or listen to him (unless Ciel tells him to), poor fella is uncomfortable around him.
BACKSTORY/LORE (Warning for Human experiment, demon sacrifice, implied animal abuse, physical abuse and torture) Please read with caution if any of this things might discomfort or trigger you
I'm going to keep things short and simple I won't go into deep detail or such, it's just a summary of what "Pluto" went through from beginning to end and how he got to where he is now, also sorry if the writing is shit this is my first time writing anything like this so my bad.
On a bright sunny day, a 17 year old boy, Maxwell, and his pet dog were both kidnapped and taken away while alone working on their family farm while his parents were away for the week. Max and his dog were taken away by a group of men and taken to a mad doctor who wanted to create the first ever "half-beast half-man" and sell it off to a freakshow for alot of money, pretending to have "found" the beast instead of "creating" it. Unfortunately, the boy and his dog were not the first. While being dragged away to their new long-time home, Max noticed cages upon cages of "people" with animal parts attached to them (from the looks of it, it seemed like a few of them were already lifeless and decaying). With now knowing what's going to become of him, Max and his dog were thrown in an empty cage together, a cage which will be known as his long-time home and thus 2 long years of torture began. The torture of him and his dog becoming one.
After many forced injections, body parts being taken apart and stitched together, Max slowly grew weaker and weaker as more as he went through, not only did his body grow weaker, but so did his mind. Who was he? Who were his parents? Where did he come from? Why was he wearing a dog collar? Answers who he did not know for, at least not anymore. The doctor, who was getting more and more irritated realizing the only thing keeping his creation alive right now was his weak breathing, has grown sick and tired of all these failed experiments. The doctor had one last option to make his half-beast man become fully alive and functional, one last chance of becoming the rich man he wished to be.
Max being yanked by his collar and forced to walk on his hind legs (which was already painful enough to stand) was dragged down to a lower, darker part of the building(?) he was in, his vision was blurry and his ears were muffled but upon entering a room, he could see the figure of who believed to be the doctor standing above something and surrounded- what Max believed to be a weird circle.
After being thrown into the circle, he struggled to stand up and fell down to the ground, rubbing his eyes trying to handle this brain-spliting headache while the doctor rambles off non-sense, for a second he felt like he heard something being impaled but wasn't sure. Barely a second past and suddenly the whole room felt like it was spinning, weird black goop and furniture started circling around him and the doctor as if there was a hurricane accruing right this moment.
Max finally looked up and saw a strange tall lanky figure leaning over the doctor (at least what he thought was a figure), his vision was still blurry but he knew he felt unsafe the moment that thing appeared in the room. Not even trying to comprehend what the two of them were talking or even trying to figure out what that thing was or where it came from, he tried his best to regain his strength and attempt to crawl away to safety- Which didn't last long as he felt a sharp pain within his chest suddenly, as if a hand went through him and started crushing his soul. Whatever that thing was, he knew the doctor told it to do it (since he heard loud cheer coming from that freak)- He felt like he was being killed and reincarnated at the same time.
Moments later, Max found himself running out of the building he was once kept in for what felt like an eternity. Blood was dripping down from his mouth but he no longer felt pain every stepped he took, his vision and earing have improved as well, as if all that pain he went through never happened.
He did not know what that thing was, (he did not recall what he did or what happened after the experience with the figure and the doctor, but he knew he did something- did he hurt someone?) but it seemed to have helped him more than it helped the doctor, whatever it was, he did NOT want to encounter it again nor something similar to it. Despite feeling physically better, his mental state still remained fragile, he still couldn't remember anything nor how he even got here. Who was he again?
Months after finally fleeing his personal hell, walking for days and hours as far away as he could. He eventually found himself in a forest, and finally decided this was a good place to rest for a bit, he was far away from his abusers, but also isolated enough to where no one could find him and take him away again. At least, that's what he thought.
A minute has past with his eyes closed, only to quickly open them up again after feeling something hover over him, a strange woman in white was standing over him. “Oh dear, what are you” she muttered.
He didn’t know if she meant it with disgust, but she seemed surprised nonetheless. They both stared at each other for a short period of time, before the lady look away for a moment and then looked back, as if an idea clicked in her head.
“You’re a strange looking demon hound” A demon hound? Is that who he is? What's a demon hound? “But you seem to be lost and scared, come now, as an Angel, it’s my duty to help those in need, even if one is a demon”
He had no idea who this woman was, but the moment she spilled out that she was an angel he immediately jumped back onto his feet, an angel? Did she come to help him? Did she come to fix him? If only she would’ve come sooner but he would rather not complain “What’s your name?” she asked but all he could do is stare, what was his name again? Did he even have one? After receiving moments of silence, he felt a tug on his collar “Pluto” The angel said
“Nice to meet you Pluto, we’re going to be friends for a while now” Pluto? That felt familiar, but he didn’t know why.. But it was his name now, and it’s what he will be referred to from now on according to the angel. With his tail wagging and his spirit high now, Pluto finally found someone he can trust, I mean, it’s an angel after all, and angels are always there to help, so of course he's going to trust her, she did say she is going to help him.
Without hesitation, Pluto began following the angel after she gestured to him, leading him to a village. Believing that this village might be his journey to fixing himself, though unfortunately, he does not realise that the angel tricked him into becoming the monster of this villager, leading to long months of now being treated like monster that deserves to be hunted down by the towns people, and only bringing hatred towards the villages own dogs because of him being a "hound dog". That is, until help finally arrives.
Okay yeah I yapped a little too much my bad I got carried away, but basically long story short, Ciel and Sebastian get there, they found out it’s not some evil spirit and it’s pluto instead (Sebastian beats the fuck out of him) and later on Angela hands Pluto over to them to “train him better” or whatever. Which Ciel agrees to and next thing you know Pluto ends up becoming a trio with Finny and Snake because he feels the closest to them and believes they’re the only ones who relate to him the most with the experience he went though and yeah. This took longer than I expected and it's now 3am lmaooo, as a bonus for reading my edgy story have a doodle:
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superstar-ethereal · 3 months ago
did a picrew thing cuz im bored
where i am vs. where i want to be
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tagging all my mutuals because this seems like a fun chain to do: @whimsii-cal @thefabledparade @nathasnobitches @mydnite-moonrabbit @little-blurry-stars5 @astr0-n4ught @rawrheniexd @bloody-neon @threecheersslxt @owlpilott @wannabescemo @ratgirlevelyn @turing-tested @prayers-on-fire @akaripng @imnotdoingmuchbetter @monscrow @randyzdz @speechlessandredundant13 @icedtoastt @stormywinter42 @akto-is-my-boy @oddvanilla @the-badass-penguin @onehugenerd @razz-is-queer @tabnk2 @regular-samdragon @amelia-haynes @artist-bakedbean @thew33p1ngang3l @livingsecret @robyntheloser @supershitronpa @decayingmelody @akechi-protection-squad @deer-genius-idol-unmatched @adviansimaginarium @kokichighost143 @strawberrypony @vamp-rin @jadesshiftingjourney @shiftingcraze39 @sayahastoomanyblogs if any of y'all don't like tags lmk :3
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tteokdoroki · 2 years ago
i saw ur vamp!isagi and it made me blush the whole day HSJDNCSJAJAN now i wanna see possessive vamp!nagi or rin !! i love ur words sm <3
૮ ͈>◡< ͈ა warnings — please read + mdni ! characters aged up, suggestive, mentions of blood, drinking blood, vampires, possession, pining, some nagireo if you squint, vampire!nagi, fem!reader.
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vampire!nagi is a little different to the others in their clan. i think he’s a bit more lazy than possessive.
i feel as though he wouldn’t have as much of the trauma that older vampires like isagi and kunigami might do. he doesn’t find being one as much as a burden or a hassle other fledglings like rin might do either. nagi was mostly turned because reo liked to feed on him, liked his company and wanted to keep nagi as his treasure for the rest of eternity. 
for nagi, his undead life as a vampire is easy. he never has to sleep, as those of his kind don’t get tired. he can game all day and all night with no consequences of sluggishness the next morning. there’s no need for him to train or exercise — his reflexes are sharp and fast, sometimes they make him dizzy. how new and improved his senses are. but again, it’s a small price to pay in order to live forever. 
the only thing that truly irritates vampire!nagi is his change in appetite. eating before was a hassle, but now the desire quench his thirst with a cherry red elixir known as blood is even worse. magi’s fangs ache from their place protruding out of his pink gums — especially when he forgets that feeding is absolutely necessary for him to survive even in this modern day life. 
“your laziness will be the death of you, nagi,” his sire, reo, warns with twisted affection — letting the fleshing feed eagerly off of his wrist. “my blood alone can’t keep your appetite at bay for long. especially since you’re a newborn. isagi won’t be happy if you die.” the elder reminds him like it’s a threat. it’s not unnoticeable how much vampire!nagi admires the head of their clan, his power is something to behold. 
blood bags end up being the solution for the white haired vampire too lazy to go out hunting with the others. he sips on them and whenever hunger causes his stomach to cave in, he doesn’t have to move to snack on them. to run after his prey and force himself into a game of cat and mouse for food.
when isagi brings you home for the first time, the clan sees a switch in the younger vampire as soon as your scent wafts through the manor. nagi can’t bare the sting of his protruding fangs cutting up the insides of his cheeks, the blood lust that pours through him and darkens the soft grey of his eyes. everywhere vampire!nagi goes; he can taste the wisps of you, hear the sound of your heart thumping in its place lodged on the left side of your chest. 
throughout your days, you notice nagi staring with his tongue between his teeth and his Adam’s apple bobbing but he never makes a move on you to feed. not because he’s scared like rin, or wants you to beg for him like yoichi…but because there’s too much effort in feeding. he doesn’t know if you’re worth the hassle. 
vampire!nagi wouldn’t know how to deal with prey that screams, that cries and begs for mercy. he’s heard from the other boys that you’re an easy feed with someone you trust — but he doesn’t have the time nor the effort to build a connection with you (even if he’ll be alive for all of eternity). you start to feel as though seishiro doesn’t desire you in the ways that others do. not that it should matter to you, being held against your will and forced to feed monsters with your very life essence. 
but it does, in a twisted way, it does matter that the white haired vampire likes you. you wonder if it’s the way you smell, you know that if you’re too sweet on some days it puts some of the boys off. is it the way you dress? is your heartbeat muffled by the cashmere sweaters you drown in after dealing with a messy tangle in the sheets (mostly isagi’s fault), do you need to wear something lighter for nagi’s attention? 
you express all of this to reo during one of his late night sessions with you, his mouth cool against your bare shoulder as you sit with your back to his chest in his quarters. vampire!nagi’s cluelessness with girls seems to have carried over from his human life into the after life. it seems he needs a little help. and reo ever the gossip, blabs about your little crush on his fledgling to the man himself.
“i do want you,” vampire!nagi breaths against your lips, looming over you despite having to bend down to your height. he easily corners you on a day when the manor is empty and you’re left to tend to household chores. the rest of the clan are out hunting. “you’re a distraction, pretty thing. can’t focus on my games when you walk through the house and smell that good.” 
you won’t deny that he makes you dopamine rush through you, makes you dizzy at the very sight of his fangs just resting on the swell of his bottom lip. nagi is a pretty vampire, you won’t deny that — and his sudden attention has your world spinning. 
he pushes you back against the door with one arm resting on the wood above your head , and you find his sudden effort attractive — making you want to give it all up for him. “then why won’t you feed from me?” your voice is shaky, not fearful and it sends seishiro’s instincts into overdrive. 
“i want to do that too,” vampire!nagi reiterates quietly, suppressing the growl that so annoyingly interrupts his words. “but i didn’t wan’ it to be a hassle. i don’t know how t’hunt like the others. i’ve never…captured my own prey b’fore.” the way you shake underneath nagi’s crimson gaze only serves to turn on his instincts. he wants to drain you dry, wants to see you fall apart and piece you back together. he understands the drive and the hunger of his counterparts… and why they like a sweet thing like you so much. “pretty thing i—“ 
“let me make this easy for you then,” you whisper breathily, so quietly that you almost don’t hear yourself speak. nagi does, his eyes flickering to your lips and then down to every part of you that’s exposed — leaving you up to his greedy scrutiny. you offer your wrist, just like reo does, your scent strong and divine. 
vampire!nagi’s pupils dilate and the black consumed the colour shift in his eyes as he matches into your wrist, tongue lapping over the puncture marks from his fangs as your saccharine blood pours into his mouth. internally, nagi chides himself for his own laziness for you taste so much better than the bags of blood he’s rewarded with by his sire. 
you’re so much more decadent and your squirms against his tall, leaner and cold frame are completely worth it. it causes a pitiful lecherousness to crawl up his spine and curl around the heart that lays still in his chest (though if he were alive nagi is sure that it would beat for you and only you). he sucks and swallows and moans around whatever you give him eagerly, right up until you fall limp in his arms and he has to press you to him to keep you up. 
you’re only set free from vampire!nagi’s clutched when your darling whimpers start to die down and you go quiet from the blood loss. when he pulls away, however, you instantly search for his lips — preening when seishiro kisses you with a passion neither of you knew he was capable of. you taste yourself on his tongue, and he lavishes himself in the scent you leave on his mouth and his lips as he licks against your own. 
“from now on, you’ll come to me when i call,” he grunts against your cheek, allowing you to catch your breath impatiently. he forgets that humans need to breathe where vampires don’t. what a hassle. “i won’t need to hunt you, right, angel?” 
“never.” you promise, smiling in satisfaction and running a hand through the very white locks that tickle your cheek. “you won’t need to catch me when you already have me.” 
from then on, around the manor you’re mostly tossed between the fledglings (and isagi, who practically owns you when they’re not around). rin and seishiro get into immature little brawls over you which the taller, white haired vampire usually wins because his desire for you turns him into some kind of monster that the clan can’t handle. 
vampire!nagi hisses and snarls, claws at anyone who dares to touch you when he’s in the mood for a feed. but when he isn’t, you’re sleeping in his quarters with your head in his lap as he games the night away.  because maybe vampire!nagiis a little more possessive than he once was. he likes having your scent on him, and his on you too.na
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scrunchiesandsquips · 9 days ago
more eden lore!!
~ eden is SHORT. like. ridiculously short. this goes until she is 15-16 years old and she hits a growth spurt practically overnight.
~ she's a 1980s buff through and through. she loves 80s music and 80s movies, syd and jeddie like to joke that they're shocked she was born in the 21st century
~ she's a pianist!
~ when she's old enough to work, she works at an escape room! ( @vamp-rin and @souperkoolkidz know exactly what im talking about…)
~ for a brief period of time, she plays field hockey! she quit after four months, though- by no means is she an athlete
~ she has an ever-so-slight accent. it’s a distinctly european accent, though no one can place from where.
~ the acorn necklace that she’s wearing in her picrew (see first lore post) was a gift from sydney! eden NEVER takes that necklace off, you can pry it from her cold dead hands.
~ sydney and jedidiah will make little designs for her feeding tube tape!
~ she is the absolute QUEEN of just dance. no one can beat her. especially in rasputin.
and finally, lemme introduce eden's partner!
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meet eve spitzer! some things about eve:
~ when they met sydney and jedidiah for the first time, they were SO anxious about making a good first impression. they were so awkward too, eden found it adorable.
~ huge bookworm. loves classic literature. and just any literature. poetry too.
~ they play ice hockey! unlike eden, who only played field hockey for four months, they've been playing since they were six.
as always, if you have any headcanons, drop them in the comments or feel free to send me an ask or dm!!
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bunbunpire · 5 months ago
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Happy Halloween everyone (◕_◕)🎉🎉
I drew my fav as a vamp to celebrate!
I sit in my room full of cinnamoroll plushies and merch that my husband bought me (⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠) ♡
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