#valuation for tax purpose
Valuation For Capital Gains Tax Purposes In Sydney 
Identifying an asset's fair market value at the time of sale or transfer is known as valuation for capital gains tax purposes, and this data is necessary for figuring out the capital gains tax due. 
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propertyvaluers · 1 year
 If You Are Selling A Business Property, Do You Require A Valuation For Capital Gains Tax Purposes?
The valuation for capital gains tax purposes is required to estimate the cast of transactions between the buyer and seller. It can be either current or retroactive. Current valuation determines the value of your asset in the current market, whereas retrospective valuation determines the value at a previous date or time.
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haggishlyhagging · 21 days
Money, like writing, seems to have originated in the temples of the ancient world. The word money comes from the Roman Goddess Juno who in one of her forms was called Moneta meaning She Who Gives Warning. Her temple in Rome was the center for the finances of Rome and so her name Moneta became the word money. The same word became also mint because that same temple was the place where coins were minted. According to Barbara Walker silver and gold coins manufactured there were valuable not only by reason of their precious metal but also by the blessing of the Goddess herself which was believed to bring good fortune and healing magic.
Money was indeed a magical invention. Folk tales are full of magic lamps and genies and beanstalks, of magical ways to have our every wish granted. We would all like to be able to snap our fingers or twitch our noses and have our purposes accomplished. And that is almost exactly what happens with money. It can be exchanged for every conceivable kind of real wealth. Magic. Pure magic. So enamored were people of this magical invention that it became over time the primary measure of real wealth in Westem society.
Why then do three quite diverse philosophical or intellectual traditions agree on the idea that money is somehow unclean or something to be despised?
One of those traditions is Christianity. About one third of the parables of Jesus are about money. He is reported to have taught that being rich is a barrier to salvation and to have told the rich young man to sell everything and give his money to the poor. The one time he is depicted as angry is when he turns over the tables of the money changers at the temple. His advice on taxes is to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, to separate money and worldly concerns from one's religion. Classical Christianity has preached, if not practiced, that money and this world are to be renounced in favor of an other-worldly kingdom of heaven. The love of money, said St. Paul, is the root of all evil.
Classical Marxism also renounces money as responsible for the alienation of human beings from their labor. People no longer work to create or produce, but only to make money. This situation Marx considered to be disastrous. He felt it was labor which was of essential value and that all monetary valuations were to be discarded. Those who seek only money he saw as exploiting those who work.
Finally there is Freud who thought money was anal. He equated money with feces, excrement. It is therefore filthy and messy. Withholding money is a kind of constipation. Money is related to the bowels and is dirty. And indeed, we do refer to money sometimes as "filthy lucre."
Christianity, Marxism and Freudianism all agree on despising money. As a psychologist I have learned to pay careful attention to those things another person protests most vehemently against. And as a woman I have learned to pay close attention to those things which our great patriarchs preach most loudly against. Because, of course, what is loudly despised is often what is covertly desired or feared or worshipped. So if Jesus, Marx and Freud are all in agreement on something, we women had better take a careful look.
Women are socialized to live out the Christian ideals of self-sacrifice and martyrdom and men are socialized to give lip service to them. The same hypocrisy would seem to apply to what is preached about money. Filthy, despicable, and barrier to salvation it may be, but the fact is that in general, men have money and women don't. According to the United Nations Labor Organization, women put in 65% of the world's work and get back only 10% of all income paid. The female half of the world's population owns less than 1% of world property. Women in our Western society may have access to money through their husbands or fathers, but until recently women rarely accumulated or controlled their own large fortunes.
Men may philosophize about the distinction between money, which is "merely" a measure, and "real wealth," the goods and services into which money can be changed. They can say that the pursuit of money leads to an unhappy, hollow existence. They can urge upon women the virtues of simplicity. But for most men the ultimate appeal is to the "bottom line," that is, to money. How much money will something cost? How much financial profit will be gleaned? Mae West cut through this hypocrisy with great clarity when she said "I've been rich and I've been poor, and rich is better."
-Shirley Ann Ranck, Cakes for the Queen of Heaven
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queeniethevampire · 3 months
((As my Queenie muse is hard, innuendo intended, more lore! This time for the fantasy verse.
Queenie is a monarch of her lands but she’s far from absolute. I’ve mentioned how she picks what regions are represented and by how many people. But then those people pass the main laws. She has a few exceptions where she’s in charge without parliaments authority.
1)Royal territories. As she is a literal immortal queen Queenie maintains a line of consistent rule. To this end certain institutions exist on a royal level. And while they recieve state budgets Queenie can supplement with her own budget as she wishes.
These institutions are the royal garrisons. In each of the major cites there are royal garrisons of professional soldiers. The largest are at the Western most city as it expands around the two forks and is most vulnerable to attack historically. However there are 6 historic garrisons (including the western one) which all have permanent garrisons. Though ironically the capital is the smallest. There are also 3 garrison towns. One at each the western river crossings. While the third is up in the Eastern mountains and is also the second largest garrison due to the dangers of mountain bandits, monster attacks and other problems.
Queenie has historically had 6 forges, however she has reduced it down to 4. The capital and Eastern city forge have become centers of industry, and now mostly make tools and such and are points where a developing Industrial Revolution is starting. While the twin fork city and the Mountain Garrison town hold the two armament forges. The western river city is the largest weapon forge in the kingdom by far, and the Eastern one also does help make general purpose tools.
The eastern mountains also hold her traditional mines. With a pair of gemstone seams being the marker of her furthest traditional eastward expansion. However Iron, Mythril and other valuable metal and stone veins have been discovered in the hills and lead to an expansion of the traditionally limited eastern economy.
She also holds the farmlands immediately to the west of the capital and is partially why urban development around the capital is restricted to the north, south and east.
Queenie is taxed on this, though she can pay up to half of her tax in delivered goods. The other half must be paid in cash. And is valued by state regulators not Queenie herself. Queenie has generally been complaint with any valuations recieved and seems likely to continue on that path.
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longwindedbore · 1 year
No! Legislators should know better. The job of the county assessor is to assign a reasonable valuation for a property. Assessment is not to be used to punish people.
DJT has paid a reasonable amount of property tax on the property given the independent valuations which took into account the covenants restricting its use and occupancy as an Historical Landmark as well as those additional restrictions allowing Donald to use it as a private club or whatever.
DJT’s fraud in the New York case is that he and his organization deliberately misrepresented the nature of the covenants and restrictions when validating the property for purposes of obtaining a loan. Repeatedly. For 20+ properties.
DJT lost the Summary Jusgment because Statute and Case Law were the basis of rejecting each and every counter argument of caveat emptor his attorneys presented. Counter arguments were also denied on appeal. Twice.
Jeff Bezos could decide tomorrow that he can’t live without owning Mar-A-Lago or other Trump property and buys one for $2 billion.
It would not affect that the Trump organization committed fraud each and every time it knowingly FAILED TO DISCLOSE material facts.
If such a purchase occurred, Trump would walk away with a lot of cash but would not be able to do business in New York State.
Trump’s stupidity is that he kept ALL his properties in one New York based umbrella trust instead of incorporating separately in Delaware or in a bunch of different States. Which is how it’s the NY AG who is seizing his assets worldwide.
Not that he would have escaped litigation. All 50 States and the Federal government have these ‘blue sky laws’ like the one Trump is fighting and States/Federal are constantly prosecuting businesses for violating them.
We never hear about these cases because they just aren’t the kind of Infotainment that the Media covers…unless it’s infotainment celebrity like Trump.
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conradscrime · 1 year
The Bath School Disaster, 1927
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August 13, 2023
The village of Bath was located just a short distance from the city of Lansing, Michigan. In 1922, the town voted for a school district, which also would lead to an increase in property taxes for the town to be able to afford the new school. The creation of the school was extremely controversial in the town.
When the school had opened there was 236 children that attended, all from grade one to grade twelve.
Andrew Kehoe was born in Tecumseh, Michigan on February 1, 1872. After graduating high school, Andrew studied electrical engineering at Michigan State College and worked as an electrician in Missouri for years.
During his time working as an electrician, Andrew had sustained a head injury from a fall and it was reported that he supposedly had been in a coma for several weeks after. He eventually healed somewhat and moved back to Michigan to live on his father's farm.
After Andrew's mother died his father married a woman who was younger than him, Frances Wilder, and the two had a daughter together.
On September 17, 1911, Frances had tried to light the family's oil stove, when it suddenly exploded and set her on fire. Andrew through a bucket of water on her but the fire being oil-based, it ended up spreading the flames quicker. Frances died the next day due to her injuries. Later on there was a rumour that Andrew had caused the stove explosion purposely.
The following year in 1912, Andrew married a woman named Nellie Price and a few years later they moved to a farm outside of Bath. Andrew was known by his neighbours as always doing favours and volunteering to help others. However, Andrew also had an impatient side, even killing a neighbour's dog who had annoyed him with it's barking. Andrew also beat one of his horses to death when it did not perform what he wanted it to do.
In 1924, Andrew was elected as a trustee on the school board and had even been the treasurer for a year. He argued a lot for lower taxes and was known to be difficult to work with, often voting against the board. He would claim he paid too much in taxes and tried to get the value of his property reduced so he would pay less.
In 1922, the school tax was $12.26 for every $1000 valuation of a property -- in 1923 the school board raised this to $18.80 per $1000, in 1926 it was $19.80.
In 1926, Andrew's tax liability was $198.00 and he found out that the family member who held the mortgage on his property was starting foreclosure proceedings. It was later on said from a local sheriff who had served the notice to Andrew, he had muttered, "If it hadn't been for that $300 school tax I might have paid off this mortgage."
In 1925, Andrew was appointed as temporary town clerk, but was defeated the following year -- this public rejection made him angry.
One of Andrew's neighbours noticed he had stopped working on his farm in 1926 and had believed he was possibly planning to end his own life. Andrew had given this neighbour one of his horses in April 1927, but the neighbour returned it. Andrew had also cut all his wire fences, seemingly preparing to destroy his farm. He also put lumber and materials in a tool shed and later destroyed it with a bomb.
At the time the bombing happened, Nellie, Andrew's wife had symptoms quite similar to tuberculosis. She often was in the hospital, which could have added to the family debt. Andrew had stopped making mortgage and insurance payments months before.
It is believed that Andrew had begun his plan of bombing the school after being defeated as towns clerk in 1926. During that summer he had access to the school building. He had bought pyrotol, an explosive as well as dynamite. Both of these were frequent things farmers used so it did not seem odd he would be purchasing them.
Neighbours even called him "the dynamite farmer" because they would often hear the sounds of explosions on his property. After the bombing occurred police found that dynamite had been stolen from a bridge construction site, Andrew was suspected as having stolen it.
Andrew spent a considerable amount of time buying explosives, going in between his house and the school with them. On May 16, 1927, Nellie was discharged from the hospital and it was in between this day and the day of the bombings, May 18, that her husband Andrew murdered her.
Andrew put her body in a wheelbarrow behind the chicken coop where it was later found very charred. Around the wheelbarrow he had placed silverware and a metal cash box that banknotes could be seen in it. Andrew had wired homemade pyrotol firebombs in his home and the farm's buildings.
Around 8:45 am on May 18, 1927 the bombs exploded in Andrew's house and farm buildings. Neighbours noticed the fire and volunteers rushed over. As people were going over to the property to help, Andrew drove off in his truck, stopping to tell them they better head over to the school.
Classes began at the school at 8:30 am, and Andrew had made sure the bombs would begin going off at 8:45 am. Rescuers heading over to Andrew's farm heard the school explosion and turned back. Many people were killed initially, 38 of them and most were children.
The scene was chaos, with many people rushing to help remove debris to look for wounded children. Many witnessed mother's moving extremely heavy bricks on their own, frantically searching for their babies.
One mother, Mrs. Hart, was sitting on a bank near the school and had two little dead girls on either side of her. She was holding a little boy named Percy, and right then Andrew blew his car up on the street, wounding little Percy, Mrs. Hart's oldest child. He later died in the hospital.
The north wing of the school collapsed, where the roof was on the ground and there was about 5-6 children under the roof in a pile. One man even volunteered to grab some heavy rope to be able to pull the roof off of the children. The man later stated on his way back to his farm for rope he saw Andrew drive by him and he waved and had the biggest grin on his face.
Andrew drove up to the school about 30 minutes after the first explosion. Andrew got out of his truck and detonated the explosives he had stored in there, killing himself, 3 other men and one second grader named Cleo Clayton who had wandered out of the school building in the initial explosion.
The explosion from Andrew's truck spread debris over a big area, and many cars parked in the area had damage, including several roofs catching on fire.
During the search for more survivors and victims, it was found that 500 more pounds of dynamite that had not been detonated was in the south wing of the school. It is believed that the initial explosion caused a short circuit in the second bombs, preventing them from going off.
Police searched Andrew's farm, looking for Nellie and eventually found her charred remains the following day. All of the farm buildings had been destroyed and two of Andrew's horses had been burned to death. Their legs had been tied together with wire, preventing them from being able to escape.
There was a wooden sign wired to the farm's fence that Andrew had stenciled "Criminals are made, not born."
The Red Cross had received many donations that were sent in to pay for medical expenses for the survivors and burial costs of those who did not make it.
Andrew's body was claimed by his sister and was buried in an unmarked grave in the pauper's section of Mount Rest Cemetery in St. Johns, Michigan. Nellie's family buried her in a Landing cemetery under her maiden name.
It was no question that Andrew Kehoe was the perpetrator of the bombings, however at the coroner's inquest the jury needed to determine whether the school board or employees were guilty of criminal negligence. After more than a week, the jury exonerated the school board and employees. This was determined as Andrew had hidden his plan quite well from everyone around him.
It was determined that Andrew murdered superintendent Huyck, as he had asked him to come over by his truck right before it exploded. Andrew had also been determined to have acted alone, and murdered 43 people in total, including his wife Nellie. Andrew's own suicide was considered the 44th causality.
On August 22, 1927, 3 months after the bombing, Beatrice Gibbs, a 4th grader at the time of the bombing died following a hip surgery. Her death was considered the 45th death attributed to the Bath School disaster. This makes it the deadliest attack to ever occur in an American school.
Richard Fritz was injured in the explosion and died almost a year later from myocarditis at 8 years old. His older sister, Marjorie, had died in the explosion. Richard is not listed as one of the victims, however his death is thought to be directly caused by an infection from his injuries.
School resumed on September 5, 1927 and was held in the community hall, town hall and two retail buildings for the year. Many donations were given to help rebuild, and the damaged portion of the school was demolished, with a new wing being built. The new school, James Couzens Agricultural School was dedicated on August 18, 1928.
In 1975, the building was demolished and was then rebuilt as the James Couzens Memorial Park, dedicated to the victims. In 1991, a Michigan State Historical Marker was installed. In 2002, a bronze plaque with the names of those killed was placed near the entrance.
On May 1, 2022, weeks away from the disaster's 95th anniversary, Irene Dunham who was the last Bath School student from the time of the bombing died at the age of 114.
The Bath School disaster is regarded to some as an act of terrorism. Medical experts wrote it was "the largest pediatric terrorist disaster in U.S. history."
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whiskeyswifty · 1 year
Bestie would you please link to your posts explaining wealth wrt to taylor? I'm poor but interested in the concept of how having that much money like... works
i think i only talked in depth once about the intricacies of the super wealthy and how they manage money to stay richer than all of us, and it took me FOREVER to find it so you're welcome.
Here you go
It's all speculation in terms of what she is and isn't participating in, but like the post says that obscurity of any provable net worth is on purpose! also another reminder that Forbes and whoever else that do their Net Worth articles are GUESSING!!! they don't know, nobody does. they guess based on a lot of what's in that post, valuations of businesses, etc etc. and many times they're wayyyyyyy off. I think the most notable was Forbes' proclamation that Kylie Jenner was a billionaire way back when when in fact she was not! not even close! They were duped by estimations of her company's valuation and properties and other stuff i don't remember.
Also another huge thing to remember is a lot of wealthy people's money at that level, like my post touches on, isn't liquid. liquid meaning like cold hard cash in a bank that you can take out of an ATM. liquid cash is heavily taxed, so most of a rich person's money is invested, making it untouchable, but also inaccessible to the person. Taylor proooooobably can't go to an ATM and take out 10 Mil. she's gotta pull that out of her portfolio where it's distributed across many investments or dip into several funds that are earmarked for other business related things. So the CRAZY part is their money like.... doesn't actually exist a lot of the time. it's in stocks or investments which change value all the time, and are totally arbitrary in value. She may earn what are called "dividends", which is any cent over the value of your original investment, but those are usually re-invested if they exceed a certain amount cuz they're taxable "income". (blah blah it all comes down to avoiding taxes).
alllllll of this is also totally obscured to people below a certain wealth threshold because they don't want icky yucky poor people like us participating in their moneymaking and investments to improve our own financial standing! many wealth managers and accountants know how to cheat just about anything, including taxes and loans (see the oceangate submersible "loan forgiveness" info if you wanna scream). once you reach that threshold, you will have insane resources at your fingertips to turn your large sums of money into even bigger sums, and to get out of paying taxes of any kind if you don't want to! This also applies ACROSS THE WEST not just america so if you think it's not happening in your western country, surprise! it is!!!
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comparemyequity · 1 year
Business Name: Compare My Equity Release
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What are commercial real estate services?
Commercial real estate services refer to a range of professional services and activities related to the buying, selling, leasing, managing, and investing in commercial properties. Commercial properties include office buildings, retail spaces, industrial facilities, hotels, warehouses, and other income-producing real estate assets. These services are typically offered by real estate professionals, companies, and organizations specializing in the commercial real estate sector. Here are some of the key components of commercial real estate services:
Brokerage Services: Commercial real estate brokers help clients buy, sell, or lease commercial properties. They facilitate transactions, negotiate terms and conditions, and provide market insights to help clients make informed decisions.
Property Management: Property management companies oversee the day-to-day operations of commercial properties on behalf of owners. This includes tasks such as rent collection, maintenance, tenant relations, and financial reporting.
Leasing and Tenant Representation: Commercial real estate agents and brokers specializing in leasing help property owners find suitable tenants for their spaces. Tenant representation services assist businesses in finding suitable properties to lease.
Investment Services: Investment firms and professionals provide guidance on real estate investment strategies. They may help investors acquire, manage, or divest commercial properties to optimize returns.
Appraisal and Valuation: Appraisers determine the market value of commercial properties, which is crucial for financing, taxation, and decision-making purposes. Valuation services help property owners understand the worth of their assets.
Development and Construction: Developers and construction companies focus on creating new commercial properties or renovating existing ones. They handle the design, permitting, and construction phases of commercial real estate projects.
Financing and Mortgage Services: Lenders and financial institutions offer loans and mortgage products tailored to commercial real estate projects. These services help property buyers secure the necessary capital for their investments.
Market Research and Analysis: Real estate research firms provide market data, trends, and analysis to assist clients in making informed decisions. This includes information on vacancy rates, rental rates, and demand trends.
Consulting and Advisory Services: Real estate consultants offer strategic advice and planning services to property owners, investors, and developers. They may help clients optimize property portfolios, assess market risks, or formulate investment strategies.
Legal and Regulatory Services: Real estate attorneys specialize in handling legal aspects of commercial real estate transactions. They ensure that contracts, leases, and other legal documents comply with local laws and regulations.
Environmental Assessment: Environmental consultants assess commercial properties for environmental risks and compliance with environmental regulations. This is particularly important for properties with potential contamination issues.
Property Tax Services: Property tax consultants assist property owners in managing and minimizing property tax obligations by evaluating assessments and pursuing tax appeals when necessary.
Overall, commercial real estate services encompass a wide range of activities aimed at facilitating the acquisition, management, and optimization of commercial properties, with the goal of maximizing returns and minimizing risks for property owners, investors, and businesses.
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tarzinnia · 1 year
Barbie and Ken In Action (Figuratively)
With the Barbie movie set for this summer, seems like an opportunity to consider how Barbie (Mattel 1959) was marketed as a doll and G.I. Joe (Hasbro 1964) was marketed as an action figure. Other competitors to Hasbro's G.I. Joe around that time used the term boy's doll, which fell out of use.
Marketing and collectibles aside, interesting to observe people's reactions when one uses the terms doll and action figure interchangeably and even more interesting when gender is brought into the picture. To me, they're toys and makes no difference who plays with what; toys are aids to a child's imagination and creativity and that type of play should be allowed to be free from adult hang-ups. If collectors and the IRS want to get into the weeds for valuation and import tax purposes they can have at it.
That being said, Ken (Mattel 1961) really is a doll. Literally. In more ways than one. Ryan Gosling do your thing.
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March 16, 2023
Heather Cox Richardson
Yesterday, Tamar Hallerman and Bill Rankin of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that the special grand jury in Fulton County, Georgia, investigating the attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election in that state, heard yet another recording of former president Trump pushing a key lawmaker—in this case, Georgia House speaker David Ralston—to convene a special session of the legislature to overturn Biden’s victory.
One juror recalled that Ralston “basically cut the president off. He said, ‘I will do everything in my power that I think is appropriate.’ … He just basically took the wind out of the sails.” Ralston, who died last November, did not call a special session.
This is the third such recorded call. One was with Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger, and another was with the lead investigator in Raffensperger’s office. Ralston had reported the call, but it was not public knowledge that there was a recording of it.
Hallerman and Rankin interviewed five members of the grand jury, which met for 8 months and heard testimony from 75 witnesses. The jurors praised the elections system, and one said, “I tell my wife if every person in America knew every single word of information we knew, this country would not be divided as it is right now.” Another said: “A lot’s gonna come out sooner or later…. And it’s gonna be massive. It’s gonna be massive.”
The special grand jury recommended Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis indict people involved in the attempt to overturn the election. The cases are now in her hands.
Yesterday, prosecutors in New York met with Stormy Daniels, the adult film actress whom Trump allegedly paid $130,000 to keep their sexual liaison quiet. Also yesterday, Trump fixer Michael Cohen testified before a grand jury about the hush-money payment. Cohen’s testimony suggests that Manhattan district attorney Alvin L. Bragg is considering an indictment on a felony charge for misrepresenting the nature of that payment.
Trump has a new lawyer in that case, Joe Tacopina, who has been making the rounds on television shows to insist that Trump isn’t guilty. Tacopina’s job isn’t easy, and he is not necessarily helping, telling MSNBC’s Ari Melber that Trump didn’t actually lie about the hush payment when he lied about it because he was not under oath and he didn’t want to violate a confidentiality agreement.
Also in New York, Trump has asked a judge to delay the $250 million civil case against him, his three oldest children, and the Trump Organization, for manipulating asset valuations to get bank loans and avoid taxes. New York attorney general Letitia James, who brought the suit, said the defendants had had plenty of time to prepare and that Trump is trying to move the case into the election season, at which point he will insist it must be delayed again.
Katelyn Polantz, Paula Reid, Kristen Holmes, and Casey Gannon of CNN reported today that the federal grand jury investigating Trump’s handling of classified documents has interviewed dozens of Mar-a-Lago staff, from servers to attorneys. Special Counsel Jack Smith continues to try to get Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran to testify after prosecutors learned that on June 24, 2022, Trump and Corcoran spoke on the phone as Trump had been ordered to produce the missing documents and the surveillance tapes of the area.
Prosecutors want Corcoran to have to testify despite the attorney-client privilege he claims, using the “crime-fraud exception,” which means that discussions that aided a crime cannot be kept secret.
In the face of this mounting legal pressure, Trump took to video to demand: “The State Department, the defense bureaucracy, the intelligence services, and all of the rest need to be completely overhauled and reconstituted to fire the deep staters.” Then, he said, his people need to finish the process he began of “fundamentally revaluating [sic] NATO’s purpose and NATO’s mission.” “[T]he greatest threat to Western civilization today is not Russia,” he said, but “some of the horrible USA-hating people that represent us.”
This speech was not simply a defense of Russia and its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. In his attempt to undermine the legal cases against him, Trump has endorsed the “post-liberal order” whose adherents reject the American institutions that defend democracy. In their formulation, American institutions they do not control—“the State Department, the defense bureaucracy, the intelligence services, and all of the rest,” for example—are corrupt because they defend the ideas of equality before the law, a free press, religious freedom, and so on. They must be torn down and taken over by true believers who will use the state to enforce their “Christian nationalism.”
In that formulation, the FBI and the Department of Justice are persecuting good Americans who were trying to protect the country on January 6, 2021. And yesterday, Zoe Tillman of Bloomberg reported that Matthew Graves, the U.S. attorney in Washington, D.C., sent a letter on October 28 last year to Chief Judge Beryl Howell warning that as many as 1,200 more people could still face charges in connection with the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Today, the House Republicans announced an investigation, run by Representative Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), into the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol. The January 6th committee asked Loudermilk to talk to it voluntarily to explain why he gave a tour of the Capitol complex on January 5, 2021, a time when the coronavirus had ended public tours. One of the people on that tour showed up on a video the next day threatening lawmakers.
Loudermilk told Scott MacFarlane and Rebecca Kaplan of CBS News that Americans have “very little confidence” in the report of the January 6th committee, “[a]nd there’s good reason. I mean, you even consider what they did to me, the false allegations that they made against me regarding the constituents that I had in my office in the office buildings—accusing me of giving reconnaissance tours.”
Loudermilk, who chairs the House Administration subcommittee on Oversight, says his committee will work “aggressively” to explain why Capitol security failed on January 6 and will seek interviews with people involved, including former House speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). He says his panel will “be honest, show the truth, show both sides.” Representative Norma Torres (D-CA), the top Democrat on the panel, notes that Loudermilk has not informed the Democrats even of the dates on which the committee is supposed to meet.
Politico’s Heidi Przybyla today reported on a February 2023 “bootcamp” for Republican staffers to learn how to investigate the Biden administration. The camp was sponsored by right-wing organizations including the Conservative Partnership Institute, which is led by Trump’s former chief of staff Mark Meadows and other right-wing leaders and which raised $45 million in 2021 alone. Sessions included “Deposing/Interviewing a Witness” and “Managing the News Cycle.”
At one of those investigations yesterday, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who sits on the Homeland Security committee, said she intended to divulge classified information, saying: “I’m not gonna be confidential because I think people deserve to know.” She claimed that drug cartels had left an explosive device on the border; U.S. Border Patrol chief Raul Ortiz later posted a picture of the “device” and said it was “a duct-taped ball filled with sand that wasn’t deemed a threat to agents/public.”
Meanwhile, the Biden administration continues to administer.
Today, Sanofi, the third major producer of insulin in the United States, announced it will cap prices for insulin at $35 a month. Sanofi, Eli Lilly, and Novo Nordisk produce 90% of the insulin in the U.S. The producers have faced pressure after the Inflation Reduction Act lowered the monthly cost of insulin to $35 a month for those on Medicare.
[From comments :: “Wild how Putin just assumed Trump would win one way or another and Ukraine would have been an easy acquisition. NATO and our State Department would have been dismantled.Scary to think this evil is still so prevalent in our government with the help of Mark Meadows and Steve Bannon lurking around the back doors.”]
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propertyvaluers · 1 year
Unlocking Assets True Valuation For Capital Gains Tax Purposes
Any profit or gain that results from the sale of a "capital asset" is referred to as valuation for capital gains tax purposes. Investments like homes, lands, stocks, mutual funds, jewellery, trademarks, etc. are considered capital assets. Since the gain or profit is regarded as "income,"  pay taxes in the same year.  
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moorerealestategroup · 10 hours
Understanding Property Appraisal: Methods, Importance, and Real Estate Applications
Property appraisal plays a vital role in the real estate market by providing an accurate valuation of real estate assets. Whether you're a property owner or a potential buyer, knowing the true value of a property is essential for making informed decisions. For example, a commercial appraisal in Los Angeles can help buyers better understand a property's worth before purchasing. The appraisal process is objective and unbiased, aimed at determining a property's true market value based on current conditions. While sellers may overestimate a property's worth due to emotional ties, buyers might undervalue it due to personal biases. Therefore, a professional appraisal helps establish a fair market price that benefits both parties involved.
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Key Methods of Property Valuation
Sales Comparison Approach: This method involves comparing the subject property's value to recent sales of similar properties in the same area. The appraiser collects data from sources like public records and real estate agents. While this is a commonly used approach, it may not always be precise, as external factors such as market fluctuations or urgency of sale can affect the comparables' prices.
Cost Approach: In this method, the appraiser estimates the cost of replacing or rebuilding the property with a similar one. The evaluation is based on the current condition of the property, which can be helpful when market data is scarce. Since this approach focuses strictly on the property itself, it avoids potential external influences such as market volatility.
Why Property Appraisal Is Crucial
Determining Market Value: The primary purpose of an appraisal is to determine a property's current market value. Knowing this value is critical for homeowners and investors when making important financial decisions. Whether you're refinancing or selling, an accurate valuation provides the insight needed for better planning.
Securing Loans: Lenders require property appraisals when you use a property as collateral for a loan. The appraisal ensures the loan amount doesn't exceed the property's true value, protecting both the lender and borrower.
Estate Planning: When planning for the future distribution of assets, it's essential to know the value of your property. Accurate appraisals ensure fair taxation and help guide decisions on whether to keep or sell properties during the inheritance process.
Reducing Property Taxes: If your property's assessed value seems too high, you may be able to lower your property taxes by contesting the assessment. A recent appraisal demonstrating the property's true market value can support your case.
Buying or Selling Property: Whether you're a buyer or seller, an appraisal is key to determining a fair price. Mortgage lenders often require appraisals, but even if you're not seeking a loan, an appraisal provides critical information for negotiations and ensures you're paying or receiving a fair price.
The Role of Appraisal in Real Estate Transactions
Real estate appraisals are fundamental to various transactions, whether residential or commercial. These appraisals are used for buying and selling properties, refinancing, tax assessments, and estate planning. For example, commercial appraisals in Los Angeles ensure that properties are priced appropriately, avoiding issues like overpricing or underpricing. This enables smoother transactions and provides a fair outcome for all involved parties.
Property appraisals are indispensable for understanding a real estate asset's true value. Whether you're buying, selling, or refinancing, an accurate appraisal helps protect your financial interests and ensures that you make well-informed decisions throughout the real estate process.
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acquisory · 10 hours
Final Rules on Valuation of Unquoted Shares Notified – An Analysis
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“CBDT has notified the final rules prescribing ‘fair market value’ method for valuation of unquoted shares. The amended rules are called the Income-tax (20th Amendment), Rules, 2017 for Sections 56(2)(x) and 50CA, are broadly in line with the draft rules released by the CBDT in May. The amended rules shall come into force from April 1, 2018 and shall apply in relation to assessment year 2018–19 and subsequent years.”
Finance Act, 2017 inserted two new provisions under the Act- clause (x) under Section 56(2) and section 50CA. The said sections were inserted to deal with a situation where the property, including unquoted shares, are being transacted for inadequate consideration much below the FMV of such property.
Insertion of clause (x) in section 56(2) to provide that receipt of money or specified property by any person for inadequate consideration or without consideration from any person shall be subject to tax.
Introduction of section 50CA to provide that where consideration for transfer of shares of a company other than a quoted share is less than the FMV of such share, the FMV determined as per the Rules shall be deemed to be the full value consideration for computing income under the head “capital gains”.
The CBDT had issued a draft notification in May 2017 that proposed to amend Rule 11UA and to introduce Rule 11UAA for computing the FMV of unquoted shares of a company for the purpose of Sections 56(2)(x) and 50CA respectively.
Thus, in case of transaction involving transfer of unquoted shares, the aforesaid computational mechanism seeks to tax the same differential amount of consideration and FMV in hands of both tax payers i.e., the transferor and transferee.
It is further important to note that clause (x) under section 56(2) has widened the scope of the provisions as the same becomes applicable for all taxpayers unlike provisions of clauses section (vii) and (viia) of section 56(2) of the Act which were applicable to selected taxpayers.
Final Rules Prescribed
For valuation of the unquoted shares, clause (x) under section 56(2), even after insertion, continued to make reference to provisions of Rule-11UA as was applicable for clauses section (vii) and (viia) of section 56(2) of the Act. The CBDT, however, came out with the drafted amended Rule-11UA which were at variance with the erstwhile Rule-11UA.
The CBDT has now notified the amended Rule-11UA which provides for…
Read More: https://www.acquisory.com/ArticleDetails/44/Final-Rules-on-Valuation-of-Unquoted-Shares-Notified-%E2%80%93-An-Analysis
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bbtfinance · 14 hours
Commercial Property Loans
A commercial property loan is a type of business financing. It is typically used to purchase or renovate a commercial property. It can also be used to refinance an existing commercial property.
The key requirements for a commercial loan include credit score, financial history, and business revenue. This article will cover the details of each of these factors and how they affect your application.
Interest Rates
Commercial property loans Sydney have different structures than residential mortgages, and their interest rates are higher. They also typically have shorter loan terms and a higher deposit requirement. They can also require regular loan reviews and revaluations. There are also various fees associated with a commercial property loan, including stamp duty, legal and valuation fees.
These fees are passed on to the borrower and should be taken into account when assessing whether a commercial property loan is suitable for your business. Other criteria that lenders may consider include your credit score, financial history and revenue. A strong credit score indicates that you’re able to repay your loan, while consistent and sufficient revenue shows that your business is capable of servicing the debt.
Commercial property finance can be obtained from a variety of lenders. These include banks, specialist non-bank mortgage brokers and private financiers. The loan amount that you can borrow will depend on your credit history, financial capacity and the size of your deposit. Some lenders will also require additional security in the form of other business assets or residential properties.
A commercial property loan is typically used to finance the purchase of real estate for business purposes. These may be office buildings, retail spaces or multiple residential dwellings. They are normally larger than residential loans and have stricter lending criteria.
The main requirements for a commercial property loan are a strong credit score and a consistent source of revenue for the business. Lenders will assess the business’s profit and loss statements and balance sheets to determine whether or not the income generated by the property can cover the loan repayments. This process is known as income verification. There are several ways to provide this information, including tax returns for the last two years and the most recent business bank accounts.
If you’re looking to invest in commercial property, you need to make sure that all the necessary documentation is prepared and submitted to lenders. This includes financial statements, business plans, and future forecasts. It is also a good idea to provide the lender with verification of recent income.
Commercial loan interest rates are typically higher than residential loans. This is due to the fact that commercial properties are deemed to be more risky than residential ones. However, you can still secure a commercial loan by presenting the required documentation and working with a mortgage broker.
Moreover, it is crucial to choose a reliable lender with an excellent reputation and responsive customer service. This will ensure that your investment is protected and that the process is as smooth as possible. It will also help you negotiate better terms and conditions. In addition, you should understand the different ways to own commercial property. This will help you determine which one is best for your situation.
Buying commercial property is a smart investment, but the lending process can be complex and requires expert advice. A good broker can streamline the process and secure a competitive loan. They can also help you find lenders that offer flexible terms.
There are several types of commercial property loans, including those for investment (Low Risk), owner-occupied, and working capital. Each type has its own eligibility criteria. Lenders assess the creditworthiness of borrowers to determine their ability to repay the debt. They also conduct a property valuation and review the borrower’s financial projections.
In addition to assessing creditworthiness and income stability, a lender will consider the purpose of the commercial property loan. A loan for a business expansion is typically considered to be less risky than a loan for working capital. The type of commercial property loan also affects the interest rate and other fees.
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