pembrokewkorgi · 2 years
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I've been wanting to create OCs of every Eeveelution for a while, but never had the time for it. But I put in on a poll on Patreon, and the Patreon followers said they wanted it, too. So here we are.
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lambentplume · 1 year
me when both of my internships ask if i have transcribing experience: (blows a silent kiss to the naddcord)
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rose-animations · 4 years
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Been so busy with pieces, commissions and uni work lately, here are a few I’ve been working on!
Commissions are still open BUT I WILL be dropping a new commission sheet! Due to Covid, my partner is out of work so I’m the only one working (commissions) and I’m really not getting much right now!
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billloguidice · 4 years
New Legends Ultimate home arcade firmware - 7 new leaderboard arcade games, new third party apps, and more!
New Legends Ultimate home arcade firmware - 7 new leaderboard arcade games, new third party apps, and more! #arcade #legendsultimate
Legends Ultimate Firmware 4.24.0 is now out! You can read the full release notes here: https://www.atgames.net/arcades/release-notes/
The highlights are:
New CoinOPSX feature
New setting to customize spinner and trackball menu navigation
NightMode for User Interface
Seven new leaderboard games:
Battle Wings / B-Wings
Darwin 4078
E.D.F. – Earth Defense Force
Major Havoc
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1-highscore · 7 years
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New high score on Valtric (Arcade Emulated / M.A.M.E.) by Larquey 91,280 http://ift.tt/2nRMEuy
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avantguard-arathor · 13 years
How raid spots are filled
First, a big thank you to everyone for coming out and supporting our raids. One downside of more people showing up, is sometimes not everyone gets to go who wants to. It is our goal to get everyone who wants to raid a spot. This is an attempt to let you know how raid spots are filled, and hopefully get us all on the same page. It is NOT set in stone. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. I don't think a “perfect” solution for 200+ people exists, but I know we can find one that works.  The raid times go on the calendar at least a week in advance. I prefer to fill out the schedule in month blocks, but that's just a goal. If I know I'm not going to attend a particular event, I remove myself. After that, the event sits on the calendar waiting for people to sign up.  When raid night arrives, I open up the event and start pulling in healers and tanks. People who "accepted" have priority over people who are "tenative". If we still need people after I go through the people who signed up, I will ask in guild chat. Typically, we need 3 healers and 2 tanks. I pull in heals and tanks first, because we have to have them to run. If we don't have enough, it's best to know up front. Precedence goes to people who volunteered for standby the last raid and are online. More on that in a minute. If no one is on standby, I go by the date/time you signed up for the raid. I start at the top of the list and if you're online, I shoot you an invite. Please let me stress you have to be online when it's time to run. Signing up for every raid on the calendar as soon as they go up will not “hold” a spot.  After the healers and tanks are in, we still need 5 DPS. If there are any standby DPS on, they get an invite. Otherwise, it's back to the top of the list and DPS invites go out by sign up date/time. Ideally, everyone who signed up gets a spot, we have a raid group and it's time to make bad things dead!  “So, what happens if more than 10 people signed up and they're online?”  If people who signed up are online and didn't get an invitation, I announce in guild chat, “xxx raid is full. If you didn't get an invitation and wish to be on standby PST”.  “You mentioned “standby” before. What does that even mean?”  It means I'm asking you whisper me that you are willing to be on standby and be available while the raid is going on. You don't have to be on the character that signed up, just online.  “If I didn't get in, what's the point of hanging out online?”  Well, if someone who did get in needs to leave, it's easier on me having you more or less instantly available. You're just an invite and summon away and we can press on with a minimum of interruption.  “I'm all for helping the guild and everything, but what's in it for me? There might be a Dukes of Hazzard marathon on I want to watch.”  In return for committing to be available while the raid is running, you are first alternate if someone leaves and I'm guaranteeing you a spot in in the next raid.  “That kinda makes sense. Can I “save” my standby and pick the raid I want to go on?”  Right now, I'm thinking no. The idea is to get you in the next time that raid is run. If you volunteer to standby on Tuesday for DS 10, you would have a spot on Thursday for DS 10. Inversely, standing by on Thursday would get you a Tuesday spot. Is it perfect? No, but having 5 people “save” their standby until the night we're on the last boss and then “spending” it seems even less perfect. Whatever we come up with has to be manageable, consistent and equitable for most of us.  ““I can see that I guess. What if healers and tanks sign up, go on standby and want to bring a DPS next time?”  I'd have to say no there as well. Standby spots are meant to be both raid and role specific. Just having a healer or tank doesn't mean we can use the character to “bump” a DPS only player.  “I still don't like healers and tanks always getting to go. It's usually going to be the DPS on standby.”  I don't disagree. If you'd like to level and gear a healer or tank, I have no doubt I can find a healer/tank who could use a break. Short of that, I don't have a solution. Until Blizzard makes all DPS groups viable, we're stuck with the classic trio.  “Why don't we just run 25's? There are a lot more DPS spots in those.”  Absolutely there are, and I don't think anyone is opposed to 25's. It is our goal to be as inclusive as possible. However, we usually don't have 25 players on, let alone 25 raid ready characters. Without more members, I don't think this will work right now either. Grouping up for LFR runs are an obvious exception, and we do have those scheduled.  “OK. What do I need to do to maximize my chance of getting in a raid?”  Role a healer/tank (or both) and sign up early on both characters. If you prefer to DPS, sign up in advance when you see events on the calendar. If you don't get a spot on a given night, volunteer to standby when I announce the raid is full.  None of this is about being “leet” or “cliquish”. We're trying to get as many people in as we can with what we have to work with. Again, if you have suggestions, PLEASE let me know so we can make a system we can live with (even if we curse it on occasion).
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lambentplume · 1 year
If mesna valtric has million number of fans i am one of them . if mesna has ten fans i am one of them. if mesna have only one fan and that is me . if mesna has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth . if world against the mesna, i am against the world. i love #mesna till my last breath.. .. Die Hard fan of mesna . Hit Like If you Think mesna Best player & Smart In the world
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lambentplume · 4 years
My first polished NADDPOD fanart is going to be a Mesna Valtric character sheet and I’m NOT mad about it. Anyways When Will Murph Give Us Ramussett Lore
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1-highscore · 8 years
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New high score on Valtric (Arcade Emulated / M.A.M.E.) by JES 88,850 http://ift.tt/2n7CJjJ
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1-highscore · 8 years
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New high score on Valtric (Arcade Emulated / M.A.M.E.) by Larquey 80,510 http://ift.tt/2lxdt68
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avantguard-arathor · 12 years
The Rules
• Preface  While each of us may find joy in different aspects of play, the end result is the same. We gather together to be with like minded individuals and be a part of a community.  In any community there will be differences of opinion and belief. The following rules are in place to help all members. In a perfect world no one would ever need them.  With that in mind, the following principles should be upheld by all guild members:  • Core Rules  Be courteous to all fellow guild members. Insulting other players will not be tolerated in any form. Respect is earned, courtesy must be given in order to maintain a friendly guild.  All guild members are expected to act maturely.  We are PG-13. Occasional swearing is likely to occur in guild, group and voice chat but is strongly discouraged. Also, be mindful of the ages and temperaments of other guild and group members before using any language which might offend.  Guild members are to always positively represent the guild (i.e. don't troll trade chat). Professional behavior reflects well on the guild, terrible behavior reflects badly, and a bad reputation spreads faster than a good one.  No cheating, hacking, or exploiting. If anyone is found to be in breach of any game policies you will be reported to Blizzard and removed. No second chances.  Begging will not be tolerated. Just because other players are a higher level than you, does not mean they can always afford to help you. If you need something, kindly ask in guild chat, if someone can help you, they will, if not, do not keep asking.  • Participation  In order that all guild members can make the most of the guild, we need an effective method of communication. Guild members need to all work together for the common good.  It is a requirement that all guild members be members of the guild forum. The forum should be visited on a regular basis in order to keep in touch with happenings within the guild, and to sign upfor planned raids and events.  Guild members who have difficulty signing up on the forum should contact an officer to discuss the situation.  • Rank Structure  Guild Master. The person in charge, or, as described by her officers at various times-the administrator, boss, captain, chief, chieftain, commandant, commander, commanding officer, conqueror, controller, director, employer, general, governor, guide, guru, head, head person, instructor, judge, lord, manager, matriarch, overlord, overseer, owner, pedagogue, preceptor, principal, pro, ruler, schoolmistress, skipper, slave driver, spiritual leader, superintendent, supervisor, swami, taskmaster, teacher, top dog, tutor, wheel.  Bank officer. This rank is responsible for organizing/monitoring the guild bank, trackingdeposits/withdrawals and alerting the Guild Master if there is problem. Other than the guild controls and withdrawing money from the guild bank, they have more or less the same powers as the Guild Master. Bank officers require an authenticator.  Raid officer. These officers are responsible for organizing/leading raids. With the exception of abbreviated guild bank withdrawals, they have the same powers as bank officers. Raid officers require an authenticator.  Officer. This is a temporary rank for bank or raid officers demoted for removing an authenticator. It should be empty. Re-attach an authenticator to be promoted or please alert the Guild Master if that isn't possible so a new “permanent” rank can be set.  Veterans. Old officers never die, they just get moved to veterans (with apologies to MacArthur). This is our highest rank without any officer powers. They get extra stacks out of the guild bank. If an officer isn't available, veterans can probably still help or at least point you in the right direction.  Raider rank. If you're raiding consistently with us, you'll probably end up here. Raiders get access to expanded guild repairs and raid mats from the guild bank. Raiders are expected to contribute raiding materials to the guild bank. These can be flasks, herbs for flasks or fish for feasts.  Full member. Our most common rank. Full members have access to both guild repairs and the guild bank.  New to guild. Where everyone starts. Come hang out in vent or talk in guild chat. Let us get to know you!  Non active. Inactive and suspected “hacked” players are demoted to this rank.  • Looting Guidelines  MS>OS>Xmog>D/E (if no one needs/wants. Materials deposited to guild bank at the end of the raid), highest roll wins.  BoE. MS>OS, highest roll wins. If won as MS/OS, must equip immediately and be inspected. If no one wants to roll MS>OS we put it in the guild bank.  Tokens. MS>OS>Xmog>D/E (same as above), highest roll wins. If token is not the enchanter's class (or if no enchanter is present), token is sold by the loot master and the funds are deposited in the guild bank.  Patterns. If you have that profession link it in raid chat, we check to make sure you don't know it. Those that don't know it and have the required level profession get to roll. Highest roll wins. They must learn at time of receipt of pattern. We inspect to ensure its proper use. If no one knows that profession (or at the required level), we put it in the guild bank.  Crafting materials (i.e. essences, orbs, etc). Free roll. Highest roll wins.  • Raiding Guidelines  It is our goal to get everyone who wants to raid a spot. Sometimes not everyone gets to go who wants to. This is an attempt to let you know how raid spots are filled, and hopefully get us all on the same page. It is NOT set in stone. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. I don't think a “perfect” solution for 200+ people exists, but I know we can find one that works.  The raid times go on the calendar at least a week in advance. I prefer to fill out the schedule in month blocks, but that's just a goal. If I know I'm not going to attend a particular event, I remove myself. After that, the event sits on the calendar waiting for people to sign up.  When raid night arrives, I'll announce in guild chat 30 minutes prior “Invites going out in 15 minutes.” Please get on the toon you intend to bring, even if you are in voice chat. If it is a toon other than the one you signed up on, NOW is the time to alert the raid leader you want to bring an alt. Raid leaders will not “hunt down” missing players.  At 15 minutes before raid time, I'll open up the event and start pulling in healers and tanks. People who "accepted" have priority over people who are "tentative". Typically, we need 3 healers and 2 tanks. I pull in heals and tanks first, because we have to have them to run. If we don't have enough, it's best to know up front. I go by the date/time you signed up for the raid. I start at the top of the list and if you're online, I shoot you an invite.  After the healers and tanks are in, we still need 5 DPS. It's back to the top of the list and DPS invites go out by sign up date/time.  If we still need people after I go through the sign ups, I will ask in guild chat. If people who signed up are online and didn't get an invitation, I announce in guild chat, “xxx raid is full.” Ideally, everyone who signed up gets a spot, we have a raid group and it's time to make bad things dead!  Some questions that have come up are answered below.  “I still don't like healers and tanks always getting to go. It's usually going to be the DPS sitting out.”  I don't disagree. If you'd like to level and gear a healer or tank, I have no doubt I can find a healer/tank who could use a break. Short of that, I don't have a solution. Until Blizzard makes all DPS raid groups viable, we're stuck with the classic trio.  “Why don't we just run 25's? There are a lot more DPS spots in those.”  Absolutely there are, and I don't think anyone is opposed to 25's. It is our goal to be as inclusive as possible. However, we usually don't have 25 players on, let alone 25 raid ready characters. Without more members, I don't think this will work right now either. Grouping up for LFR runs are an obvious exception, and we do schedule those.  “OK. What do I need to do to maximize my chance of getting in a raid?”  Role a healer/tank (or both) and sign up early on both characters. If you prefer to DPS, sign up in advance when you see events on the calendar. Please let me stress you have to be online when it's time to run. Signing up for every raid on the calendar as soon as they go up will not “hold” a spot.  None of this is about being “leet” or “cliquish”. We're trying to get as many people in as we can with what we have to work with. Again, if you have suggestions, PLEASE let me know so we can make a system we can live with (even if we curse it on occasion).  Required Addons  In order to take part in raids, all raid members need access to Ventrilo (no mic required). Login information is posted in the guild “Info” tab in-game.  Every raider must have the following addons installed:  Threat Management  Recommended: Skada  Compatible alternative: Omen  Boss Alerts  Recommended: Deadly Boss Mods  Compatible alternative: Bigwigs  Ground Effects  Recommended: GTFO  Compatible alternative: A mass or single-target resurrection spell?  • Inactivity  Any guild member who is inactive for one month will be demoted. More than a month of inactivity may result in removal from the guild. This includes alts. Any guild member who is taking an extended break with the intent to return can notify an officer and a note will be made on the expected return date and if said member does not return within one month of that date they will be removed from the guild. Any guild member who is removed due to inactivity may be reinstated upon returning. • Discipline  Infractions of the rules will be addressed as soon as possible by an officer. If an officer is present please bring the event to their attention and provide them with all the information you have (including screenshots if necessary). If an officer is not present please address a guild member privately if you believe them to be in violation of any rules. Do not make a public spectacle. A simple statement or request to a fellow guild member should be sufficient to resolve any differences. If this does not prove sufficient please record all events to present to an officer as soon as one becomes available (ie screenshots).  If a public spectacle is involved, the member will be asked to limit his discussion to tells with the officer / other party. Everyone gets upset. It is expected that members to be capable of reigning themselves in when asked to do so.  Members are always expected to abide by the rules set forth in this document. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action that can include warning, demotion, suspension, or banishment from the guild.
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