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cubbihue · 5 months ago
Indeed, Why did Peri get assigned Dev as his first godchild?
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Peri’s assignment was as correct as any other fairy’s assignment!
Which is to say that somewhere, out there, there is a fairy with great experience, a fairy so good at their task that they can handle even the most extreme cases.
And that fairy has been given an “Extreme Case” child whose biggest concern is “Quick Sand”.
As far as the system is concerned, Dev is classified as “Simple”. A perfect beginner’s child for a beginning godparent like Peri!!!
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bunnieswithknives · 4 months ago
i'm sorry if this sounds insensitive but what's the name of the fic? i'm curious
Nahh its finee, i wouldnt have read it through if it wasnt a well written fic. its intense but you can check it out if you like
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paranormal-peri · 3 months ago
Dear Paranormal Peri readers,
If you enjoy Paranormal Peri, I have found another work you will absolutely LOVE.
I’ve read all of what is currently released of it and OHH MY GODDD IS THIS HOW YOU GUYS FEEL WHEN YOU READ MY WORK??
Anyway, this work is highly underrated and I wish I could give them my hits a kudos, so I’m here to exactly that!
PLEASE get to AT LEAST chapter 2!!!
It’s pretty much all Dev in the first chapter, but it’s an important first chapter for contrast and foreshadowing.
Do you wanna see Dev torturing Peri with wishes? Wanna see starving Peri? Wanna see your favorite fairy suffering within poetic-like writing? And Dev people, you are missing out on the best Dev angst you’ll ever read.
Go read What It Takes on AO3 by @valleymyristica
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cubbihue · 5 months ago
I'm curious,
If an Fairy changes court, like Upper(Fairy) to Circuit(Pixie), what happens to the Lower court(Anti-fairy) counterpart?
Do they just cease to exist? Will they come back if the change is reversed? Will they have any idea of what happened?
In addition to that, does the Leisure court(specialty fairies) have a Lower court counterpart, or is it just the Upper court that has that?
And if it's only the upper court that has that, why only them?
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Besides Timmy, Pixies and Leisure fairies actually can't change courts! They're stuck the way they're born because they technically lack a living counterpart!
Leisure Fairies are bound to their specialty, while Pixies are bound to their work. But Uppers and Lowers are bound to each other, which is why they can swap places. If a fairy's counterpart dies or disappears, so does the original and vis-versa.
The only exception to this rule is if the "Binding" of the fairies are changed before the counterpart dies.
Additional fun fact! There's technically 4 Fairy "realms". They're stacked on top of each other, and it's progressively harder to get to each one the higher they are (Only Leisure Fairies can access ""Olympus"", for example). They have official names but nobody bothers to use them.
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cubbihue · 6 months ago
I'm curious, did fairy food or fairies come first?
Kinda, how did the first fairies come to be?
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Fairies came the same way all other creatures came! Through lots and lots of speculation. I'd answer more, but I've been told that I can't bring up fairy food anymore. So.
Someone's a bit sour I brought up their lack of "Fairy" title. Haha. Hah. ..uhm.
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cubbihue · 6 months ago
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Black or white? Night or day? I'm sure, either way, He's doing okay!
Can't you see that pretty smile? He wears it with glee It's almost like he's living in a fantasy
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cubbihue · 6 months ago
All Chimmy Changa Tried to compile all that you've shown so far of Chimmy Don't know if it will help any, but it might be nice to have easy access to some Also tried to format it some so it wouldn't be to hard to read (and it goes from first to last posted)
Creation: me-da-ganas-de-escribir-un-fanfic-sobre-tu-au-de
Failure: if-someone-does-realize-the-truth-about-timmy
Timmy’s goodbye: how-did-og-timmy-feel-about-leaving-changeling
Chimmy Moving
The move 1: como-es-la-relaci%C3%B3n-del-cambiante-timmy The move 2: oh-no-mr-turner-your-eyes-looked-a-bit-different The move 3: dear-mr-and-mrs-turner-i-dont-think-your-son-is The move 4: have-there-been-times-the-turner-parents-have The move 5: uhm-is-chimmy-changa-doing-well-its-seems
I have to do a masterpost soon where i disconnect all of the posts into their own special sections so I can quickly find everythi g ans this saves me so much time ohly SHIT
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cubbihue · 6 months ago
I think my favorite part about your ittiy bitty series is that it all just makes sense?
For, of course Cosmo and Wanda would adore Timmy to such an extent, he's a very special kid to both them and all of fairy world
And if Timmy's gone, it would make sense that something would have to take his place, if we are to believe that channel chasers still holds up.
It just feels like the best way to handle Timmy. He was such a big part of fairy world, it would be somewhat sad if he just ended up being another normal human. Like imagine a random fairy seeing a statue of him in fairy world, then when working, seeing him all grown up. (Makes me wonder if a fairy disguised as a human would go up to him and ask for an autograph)
In addition, if Timmy just disappeared, surely someone would take note, if not his parents then surely Crooker, who would just know it's the work of fairies
Also, the different courts work so nicely together and Anti-faries practically being shadow versions of normal fairies makes so much sense to me. Like, they were initially invisible in the first place. It's such a nice explanation
And then the pixies fit so well into it all, it makes sense that they would exist. Like someone has to go through the paperwork and ensure that the rules are as they should be. Ensure that world ending wishes aren't something a kid can do easily and also figured out if there are any loopholes that a kid can use for their benefit
Just- you're great and I adore this little series you've made
Thank you ᵔᵜᵔ
Pixies are sorta like the opposite of the Leisure fairies, yknow?? Cause, Tooth Fairy, April Fools, Santa, Cupid, those are all holidays. Holidays are for leisure. To have fun! But Pixies are about work and business!!! Leisures are all human sized and pixies are the smallest ittiest bittiest!!!!!
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cubbihue · 6 months ago
Love it when you go >:} One just knows that means we're in for a ride
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cubbihue · 6 months ago
I think Ghost Pepper was the name of the actress ghost in a new wish?
OOOH!! oki i see now :O! !
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waitineedaname · 4 months ago
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Pretty as the moon, bright in the sky
Just a little distraction
A light to bring calm
Telling you of your wonder
And wishing you the best till dawn
ahhhh your photography is always so beautiful! that reflection on the water is especially lovely 🥺 thank you for sharing!
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waitineedaname · 5 months ago
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Also, took a picture of the moon in the sky tonight, hope it brings you joy
beautiful!! it does bring me joy! I was in awe of the moon last night, it was so bright and beautiful in the sky. thank you for sending it to me!
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waitineedaname · 8 months ago
A sea so wast, you would think it cold
Yet, the sun keeps you warm in it's hold
I hope your days are bright with glee
For the best part of a day is knowing you can be happy
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Wanted to share a piece of my day
And wish you the best in whatever it may
(To bad I can't send images on anon)
ahh your identity has been revealed! (I say as if I haven't known for ages lol)
Thank you for sharing your sunny day with me 😊 it was a little cloudy here, but my friends and I still went out kayaking and enjoyed the fresh air
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cubbihue · 6 months ago
Closed the inbox! And also I went back and fixed all the Chimmy Changa tags, bcs I realized that a good chunk of them are missing.
I thiiink every tag should be fixed in the series now :O !!!
Also also, I have a Masterlist that groups up all of the asks and Itty Bitties into appropriate categories!!!! (thank you @valleymyristica for helping compile so so much of it!!!!!!!!)
The list isn't in chronological order as in, when they're posted, but it's helpful for if you just want to find specific story parts, like Chimmy's move or the swapping shenanigans.
okki gobai now, ill b posting itty bitties sometime soon eventually probably who knows lets be real im slow or something lets not get specific here oh god this is going on too long oh ok bye bye o/////
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waitineedaname · 1 year ago
thank you @patron-saints for tagging me! haven't done one of these in a bit :]
last movie: Free Guy! my stepdad wanted to watch it, so we watched it on new years. it was. fine. very gamer guy self insert-y, but the stuff about the corrupt game company that totally wasn't blizzard was at least kinda fun
last song: I Was the Sun (Before It Was Cool) by Curtis Schweitzer! I've never played Starbound but this song rules
currently reading: I haven't started it yet, but I picked up Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells from the library today! I'm enjoying the murderbot diaries so much, I'm excited to read more
currently watching: right at this moment, wayneradiotv's Lethal Company VOD from last night! but more generally, I'm making my way through Twin Peaks. I've watched the first two episodes of season three, and I'll be watching more soon probably
currently consuming: nothing, but I just ate dinner! I had tacos
currently craving: there is a tube of cookie dough in my fridge that is calling to me... but I must resist......
I'll tag @birbliophile, @clearbun, @neonlav, @unnamedartists, and @valleymyristica if you guys wanna do it!!
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