#-insert ominous chord here-
cubbihue · 8 hours
Indeed, Why did Peri get assigned Dev as his first godchild?
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Peri’s assignment was as correct as any other fairy’s assignment!
Which is to say that somewhere, out there, there is a fairy with great experience, a fairy so good at their task that they can handle even the most extreme cases.
And that fairy has been given an “Extreme Case” child whose biggest concern is “Quick Sand”.
As far as the system is concerned, Dev is classified as “Simple”. A perfect beginner’s child for a beginning godparent like Peri!!!
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lovewillthaw-j · 4 years
(please unmute and watch till the end)
Focus on Frozen (1) score (1/?)
Sisters theme
I’m celebrating 1000 followers today! Thank you all my followers, it’s been 9 months and 3 days since I started this blog (kinda like a pregnancy LOL! and I...erm...gave birth to this post?! haha) and I’ve posted 615 original posts. For some weird reason I don’t appear on Tumblr’s top #frozen or #elsa blogs...I’ve given up on trying to fix that...thank you all still for following me. And a great big thanks to my close friends who reblog everything I post!! Really appreciate it!!
I’ve been listening to Frozen 1 soundtrack incessantly for the past few days and I might make some more posts focusing on the major themes.
This is not my first post on the F1 sisters theme. I made one here a while back aaaaand I’m pretty embarrassed to say that I missed out quite a few more instances of the theme! So this post supercedes that one.
AND - I want to credit @let-it-show​ for pointing out that F2 sisters theme contains 3 notes of F1 sisters theme!! How did I miss that!! Watch till the end of the video for that part!
1. Children snowplay scene
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The first instance of this theme. The first 2 bars are the essential 4 notes of this theme. The theme is fun-filled and exuberant initially. After Anna’s accident it is emotional (poor Elsa...she didn’t mean for it to happen)
2. Confrontation before disaster
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A slight variation on the third note. And the theme is so ominous and foreboding here, being played by very high violins.
3. Anna pursues Elsa
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Again a slight variation here on the 4th note. Some might call it a stretch to consider this the Sisters theme. But anyway, I included it.
4. She’s a stinker!
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Cute. I love the way Kbell says “Stinker”. (tho I know what you’re gonna say @99884321​ the real pungent one is K =)
5. We need Elsa to bring back summer
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So after carefully listening to the score and the movie, I realised that they cut this out of the final scene (but it’s in the CD). It would have played when Kristoff said those words. So cool of composer Christophe Beck to insert a tiny musical reference here! Although it was cut out eventually (maybe it interfered with the flow of the scene?). It’s very cutely played by the glockenspiel.
6. Reunion at the ice palace
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Ah...one of my favourite tracks of F1 soundtrack. We Were So Close is so beautiful, a fitting musical backdrop to the ethereal beauty of the ice palace and the revealing of Elsa’s beautiful new form to Anna. And their first reunion.
7. The greatest sacrifice
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Anna makes the greatest sacrifice T.T Ugh my heart...Kbell’s whimper just before she turns and runs just gets me everytime.
8. Elsa’s worst fear
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This is another bit that is cut out of the final scene. I think Beck wrote this for Elsa’s sobbing and clinging on to frozen Anna, her worst fears coming true and having lost everyone dear to her (UGH MY HEART!!!! ELSAAA!!!) but directors made the right call to have it cut out (not that it’s bad or what) so that there is absolute silence in the movie theater except for Elsa’s desperate sobs. Slaying us all. But still, this little 12 seconds of strings is wonderfully written and terribly sad. T.T
9. Sisters reunited, forever!
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Ohhh such joy in this hug!! HUGZ!!!!! Finally we hear the theme in a happy mode again!!
Frozen 2 sisters theme
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Again, kudos to @let-it-show​ for pointing this out to me!! Although the chord structure is different, Beck definitely referenced the F1 sisters theme here with the unmistakable 1st note, then down 1 step to the 2nd note, and then down 5 notes to the 3rd note.
MASSIVE kudos to Christophe Beck!!!!!! Thank you for what you did with F1 and F2 scores!!!
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randomvarious · 4 years
Black Uhuru - “Brutal” Três Décadas De Reggae Vol.1 Song released in 1986. Compilation released in 1996. Reggae
The legendary reggae group Black Uhuru are known for a few things. One, they're regarded by many as the spiritual successors to Bob Marley & The Wailers; two, they won the first ever reggae Grammy; three, they counted superstars Sly & Robbie as members, who ended up developing both Black Uhuru's signature sound as well as their own; and four, for one reason or another, they've rotated through a handful of lead singers throughout their history.
All of those facts came into play for the group's 1986 album, Brutal. BU's previous LP, 1983's Anthem, took home the Grammy for Best Reggae Album, but after it was released, tensions within the band boiled over and caused lead singer Michael Rose to depart. But arriving in his stead was the not-yet-exalted, but nonetheless similar-sounding Junior Reid. Reid would only last with BU for a couple albums, but he would deliver a notable dancehall flavor with his vocals to a band that was otherwise known for its rootsiness. As a result, Brutal would earn BU another Grammy nom and produce five singles, however, oddly enough, none of those singles were the album's title track.
In the Biography section of Black Uhuru's Facebook page, they write that, "together," Sly & Robbie "developed a musical style full of deep bass thumps, loud drum slaps, sharp keyboards, long instrumentals with guitar riffs, whirly back round noises, echos and the signature'woh oh oh's' creating they're 'classic' sound." And you'll find all of those ingredients on "Brutal," a song on which Reid laments the world's deplorable social conditions ("Public sector hot like hell, private sector armed at the bell").
I think one of the main things that makes "Brutal" such a nice track is its drums. I mean, just listen to how those things pound and how they're arranged. Sly Dunbar's ever-changing riddims are so nice and weird and unique. And they're so integral to the track, too. There's a lot of different pieces in here (blaring guitar haze, Reid's reggae scat, insertion of string synths, a light layer of uncredited ?xylophone?), but without those drums, this song isn't worth shit, no matter how right-on its lyrics are.
"Brutal" is also a song that's sort of a lesson in reggae tone (not reggaeton, a music genre that's more than overstayed its welcome) and how little it really takes to give a tune its mood. The only instrument on this song that consistently carries a note is the keyboard, and because its chords have a little darkness to them, "Brutal" is able to sound a bit more ominous than most other reggae tracks. It's a little thing, sure, but it's also a pretty big deal. Everything on this song could remain the same, but if you raised those keyboard notes an octave or two, the overall disposition would definitely be sunnier, even if the lyrics reflect reality's brutality.
Awesome mid-80s tune from this big-time reggae band.
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political-fluffle · 5 years
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A Kremlin-Linked Firm Invested Millions in Kentucky. Were They After More Than Money? - Time.com
(...) In the little-used park just off I-64, Braidy would build the largest aluminum mill constructed in the U.S. in nearly four decades. The $1.7 billion plant would take aluminum slab and roll it into the material used in everything from cars and planes to soda cans. It would employ 600 full-time workers earning twice the average salary in the region, Bouchard said, and create 18,000 other jobs across the state. Gesturing at the empty space around him, the CEO described an employee health center, a technical lab, a day care and hundreds of employees walking around “carrying iPads.” More than just making aluminum, the plant would help “rebuild northeast Kentucky, and in fact all of Appalachia,” Bouchard told the crowd.
There was just one problem: Bouchard still needed a major investor to make the vision a reality. After months of searching, the only option was problematic. Rusal, the Russian aluminum giant, was tailor-made to join forces on the project. But it was under sanctions imposed by the U.S. Treasury Department. Its billionaire owner, Oleg Deripaska, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s, was being investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller for his potential involvement in the effort to swing the 2016 presidential election. The Treasury sanctions—punishment for the Kremlin’s “malign activities” around the world, including “attempting to subvert Western democracies”—made it illegal for Americans to do business with Rusal or its boss. (...)
But to some observers, the story of how a Kremlin-linked aluminum giant offered an economic lifeline to Appalachia is an object lesson of the exact opposite. Critics of the deal, both Democrat and Republican, say it gives Moscow political influence that could undermine national security. Pointing to Moscow’s use of economic leverage to sway European politics, they warn the deal is a stalking horse for a new kind of Russian meddling in America, one that exploits the U.S. free-market system instead of its elections. “That’s just what the Russians do,” says veteran diplomat Daniel Fried, who shaped U.S. policy on Eastern Europe at the State Department from the late 1980s until 2017. “They insert themselves into a foreign economy and then start to influence its politics from the inside.” (...)
To free itself from sanctions, Rusal fielded a team of high-paid lobbyists for an intense, months-long effort in Washington. One of the targets was Kentucky’s own Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, who helped thwart a bipartisan push to keep the sanctions in place. Since May, two of McConnell’s former staffers have lobbied Congress on behalf of Braidy, according to filings. Ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, one of Rusal’s longtime major shareholders, Len Blavatnik, contributed more than $1 million through his companies to a GOP campaign fund tied to McConnell. (...)
(...) In the 1990s, an array of mobsters, oligarchs and corrupt officials fought a bloody turf war for control of the aluminum assets privatized by the Russian state. Deripaska emerged from the struggle victorious. Still in his early 30s, he managed to consolidate Russia’s key aluminum assets and form Rusal in 2000. He developed close ties with the Kremlin, becoming a “more or less permanent fixture on Putin’s trips abroad,” a 2006 U.S. embassy cable reported. The cable, later published by WikiLeaks, describes Deripaska as “among the 2-3 oligarchs Putin turns to on a regular basis.”
As his empire grew, Deripaska enlisted U.S. lobbyists to support his interests. Among them was GOP political operator Paul Manafort, who offered Deripaska a lobbying strategy that he said would benefit “the Putin Government,” according to the Mueller report. Manafort and Deripaska fell out in 2009 over unpaid debts. (...)
In recent weeks, McConnell has been taunted by protesters in Washington, on social media and back home, who have labeled him “Moscow Mitch” for his refusal to bring election-security legislation to a vote. It’s a moniker that has stuck in Kentucky, where Democrats started selling “Just Say Nyet to Moscow Mitch” merchandise, including Cossack hats. McConnell has slammed critics and the media for “modern-day McCarthyism” and says his record proves he has been tough on Russia. (...)
But not everyone in Kentucky was excited about the Russians’ arrival. After Donets’ visit, a red billboard funded by a liberal group was erected on a busy stretch of I-75: “Russian mob money . . . Really, Mitch?” “The only reason Oleg is here is because Mitch McConnell opened the gate,” says Representative Kelly Flood, a Democrat from Lexington. “We are now all aligned with this criminal.” The deal created unease among some Republicans too. “I would not have taken the Russian money,” James Comer, the GOP Congressman representing Kentucky’s First District, said on the day the partnership was announced. (...)
Other Western democracies have learned that such bonds can carry consequences. Oligarch-owned companies have helped the Kremlin influence politics across Europe. Since Putin came to power in 2000, Russia has used economic leverage to “force a change in policy” or undermine governments in at least 19 European countries, Laura Rosenberger, a former National Security Council official under Obama, told a House committee last May.
On rare occasions, Russian oligarchs have even described how this strategy works. “What is a factory in a one-factory town? It’s what all life revolves around,” the billionaire Dmitry Firtash, a longtime ally of the Kremlin in Ukraine, told TIME in a 2017 interview. “We don’t just pay wages. We provide the social safety net. So people believe us.” When he and his factories put their support behind a political cause or candidate, “that influences people,” Firtash explained. “That’s what ensures electoral support.” (...)
To critics of Russian economic influence, the letter sounded one particularly ominous chord. “As part of our international growth strategy, we see significant opportunities across the whole industry value chain in North America,” Barker wrote. The investment in Kentucky, he added, “is just the beginning of our long-term ambitions.”
The Russian mob bought themselves a Mitch and a whole Kentucky state: “ just the beginning of our long-term ambitions.”
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mrwilliamcharley · 6 years
The Best Remixes Of The Week 026
Start your week with smoking hot remixes from Sweater Beats, Win and Woo, Whethan, Tim Gunter, it’s different, and more. Also check out our feisty Run The Remixes playlist on Spotify with all our all-time favorite remixes, updated weekly.
Panic At The Disco – Say Amen (Sweater Beats Remix) | Stream
Sweater Beats never fails to deliver knockout remixes. In April, he unveiled a delicious official remix of Fall Out Boy’s “Hold Me Tight Or Don’t” and now he’s taken our middle school dreams to the next level. The LA based producer has been drafted by “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” hitmakers Panic At The Disco to craft a spicy official remix of their new single “Say Amen”. Sweater Beats taps into his sinister side for this one by stringing eerie melodies amidst dark bass lines and crisp percussion. He fills the iconic pop rock vocals with an ominous soundscape that rumbles into a haunting, grungy drop. Wondrously different from his usual vibrant dance pop atmospheres, Sweater Beats has shown us a refined, Jekyll-like side of himself that will instantly capture your attention. Stream Sweater Beats’ adventurous Panic At The Disco remix below. – Jordan Farley
Fall Out Boy – The Last Of The Real Ones (Win & Woo Remix) | Stream
Win and Woo have just dropped off one of their finest remixes to date. For their latest, the Chicago duo have been tapped by the legends Fall Out Boy to turn their pop punk anthem “The Last Of The Real Ones” into a luxurious future house bop. Deep, shiny synths bounce off of Patrick Stump’s signature vocals, bringing an edgy electro house groove to the track. This remix follows a string of summer releases including their bubbly Cosmos & Creature collaboration “Beam Me Up” and official remixes of Robert DeLong and K.Flay’s “Favorite Color Is Blue” and Clara Mae and Jake Miller’s “Better Me Better You“. – Jordan Farley
Post Malone x Justin Bieber – Deja Vu (Whethan Remix) | Stream
Whethan is currently preparing for his debut project but he’s dropping off some treats to hold our anticipation. His latest flips Post Malone and Justin Bieber‘s Stoney hit “Deja Vu” into a future bass wonderland. Wonky, chopped synths bounce off breezy percussion, bringing a charismatic charm to the track. Keep your eyes peeled for Whethan’s next single.
Snails & Waka Flocka Flame – WFSU (Virtual Riot & Snails Remix) | Stream
Snails and Virtual Riot have been crushing the dubstep game for a minute now, so seeing them on the same track definitely perks our interest. The duo just dropped of a remix of Snails and Waka Flocka Flame’s “WFSU” remix and dear lord is it filthy. Get ready to start hearing this one at concerts near you. – Max Chung
DJ Khaled ft. Justin Bieber, Chance The Rapper & Quavo – No Brainer (it’s different Cover) | Stream
it’s different are one of our favorite rising duos and they’ve drawn us in with their vibey new cover series. Following on the tail of their recent “Fireflies” cover, their latest is the second in their new Our Different Version series. They’ve now spun DJ Khaled‘s “No Brainer” into a hypnotic pop banger. Snappy percussion and sultry vocal chops beautifully drape it’s different’s dance pop flip and bring a new vibrance to the hit. Get hyped for their next cover.
Travis Scott – Sicko Mode (ANGELZ Remix) | Free Download
ANGELZ just dropped what has been the hardest rendition to Travis Scott‘s “Sicko Mode” so far. The single arose from Scott’s recent ASTROWORLD LP and slathered a hefty Drake feature so it’s no surprise to see the record see so much success outside of the album. Charting across the globe, countless remixes have hit the forefront but ANGELZ’s twisted rendition simply trumps the competition. In an era where house music continues to reign supreme, the Quebec City native continues to show off his immense versatility. Possessing a background in rap and hip-hop, his most recent house ventures have been tough to ignore. If you’ve yet to hear the name, now is the time to invest into ANGELZ. – Omar Serrano
Charlie Puth – The Way I Am (Taska Black Remix) | Stream
Bitbird producer Taska Black has just turned Charlie Puth‘s “The Way I Am” into an excessively hot remix. Tribal inspired percussion crafts an anthemic build up to the edgy future bass drop fueled by airy, chopped synths and deep bass lines. This is one of Taska Black’s finest remixes to date.
Loud Luxury – Body (Tim Gunter Edit) | Stream
Tim Gunter has certainly stepped up with this smooth remix of Loud Luxury‘s chart-topping hit “Body”. He recently impressed with his luscious remix of Hotel Garuda’s “Blurry Eyes” and has once again unleashed his dark futuristic soundscapes on “Body”. Swift percussion and bright piano hits bring a breezy future bass twist to the house original and it’s amazing. Tim Gunter has definitely caught our eye with this edit.
LIONE – Glimmer (tofû Remix) | Free Download
tofû is one of our favorite remixers and his latest remix is extra glittery. Taking on LIONE‘s “Glimmer”, tofû has wrapped the track in sugary sweet synths that drape it in a playful, light vibe. tofû’s “Glimmer” remix is a wonderful addition to his ever growing collection.
David Guetta, Martin Garrix & Brooks – Like I Do (LZRD Remix) | Free Download
LZRD have continually amazed with their adventurous future trap remixes of Louis The Child, Krewella, The Chainsmokers, and more. For their new remix of David Guetta and Martin Garrix‘s “Like I Do”, LZRD have unleashed wild percussion and wonky synths soar amidst chopped vocals, expertly blend future bass and trap. This is one of LZRD’s most ambitious remixes to date.
Two Friends – Bandaid (Wild Cards Remix) | Free Download
Wild Cards have consistently impressed with their jaw dropping remixes of Khalid, Fall Out Boy, Illenium, and more. They’ve now drafted a marvelous remix of Two Friends‘ “Bandaid” that erupts with vibrant piano hits and ringing synths. Their adventurous remix is sparked by playful future bass and bright dance pop, making it one of their finest remixes yet.
Lost Kings – Stuck (feat. Tove Styrke) [Kuur x Kbubs x DCB Remix] | Stream
Newcomers Kuur, Kbubs, and DCB have come together for one hell of a three-way remix. Together, the trio have pumped Lost Kings‘ “Stuck” with glittery synths, snappy percussion, and silky melodies that beautifully compliment Tove Styrke‘s lush vocals. Their vibrant, feel-good dance pop remix is quite a banger. Definitely keep an eye on these three this year.
Illenium – Chosen You (Birthdayy Partyy Flip) | Free Download
Birthdayy Partyy never fail to bring the bass and they’ve just brought it to Illenium‘s “Chosen You”. The Chicago duo have inserted their deep bass and hard hitting dubstep to turn the Illenium original into a wildly ambitious festival banger. This one goes off hard.
Lucy Daydream – Go Flex (Post Malone Cover) | Stream
Newcomer Lucy Daydream has certainly impressed with her debut release. Taking on Post Malone is no small task but Lucy Daydream has done it magically by covering his Stoney hit “Go Flex”. Her soft and sensual rendition is dreamy and luscious, floating into an effervescent world that takes “Go Flex” to a whole other place. Lucy Daydream is definitely one to keep an eye on this year.
Cailee Rae – It’s On You (Mielo Remix) | Stream
Mielo has continued to amaze with each of his wondrously produced remixes. Earlier this year, he dropped a gorgeous rendition of Slow Magic’s “Wildfire” and now he’s unveiled a brilliant official remix of Cailee Rae‘s “It’s On You”. Hypnotic synth melodies wrap Rae’s sultry vocals in a haunting dark pop vibe that is seductive and enticing. Mielo has certainly stepped up with this one.
Anarbor – MIA (Dead Robot Remix) | Free Download
Anarbor has stolen the hearts of many through the use of their heartfelt records and grunginess. When the release of The EP hit the world, they simply continued to build onto the bands lasting legacy. Venturing into realms of music they’ve yet to experiment into, it was no surprise to see their remix package tackle the same concept. That’s why we’re sharing with the remix to “MIA” by Dead Robot. His tasteful remix offers a melancholy version of the single that is prepared to sink into your heart. Putting you in a melodic whirlwind of emotions, his adventurous rendition is something you need to get your ears onto asap. – Omar Serrano
Drake – In My Feelings (VAVO X Steve Reece Remix) | Free Download
Vavo and Steve Reece just dropped one of the best remixes of Drake that I’ve ever heard.  They’ve both been crushing it on their own right, but them teaming up to take on “In My Feelings” is out of this world.  Their lush chords and crisp production make this Drake remix unforgettable. – Hunter Thompson
Tiesto & Dzeko ft. Preme & Post Malone – Jackie Chan (HtPkt & Facade Remix) | Free Download
Two months ago, Tarro put his spin on Tiesto and Post Malone‘s “Jackie Chan” and now two up and coming hotshots have dropped another stunning remix. HtPkt and Facade have each been featured on our pages and now they’ve joined forces for a funky future bass remix. Snappy percussion instantly brings a dance crazed groove to the track before blasting into a summery future house drop. HtPkt and Facade make for an amazing duo.
The Chainsmokers – Side Effects feat. Emily Warren (Nolan van Lith Remix) | Stream
Rising producer Nolan van Lith has pulled out all the stops for his official remix of The Chainsmokers‘ “Side Effects”. He opens with an ominous, shadowy soundscape filled with eerily pitched vocals, twisting The Chainsmokers’ original into a haunting future bass rendition. Nolan van Lith has definitely tapped into his dark side for this one and it’s phenomenal.
>> Submit Your Remix Here <<
Read more from Jordan and connect with her on Soundcloud, Twitter, and Instagram
'The Best Remixes Of The Week 026
The post The Best Remixes Of The Week 026 appeared first on Run The Trap: The Best EDM, Hip Hop & Trap Music.
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WARNING: Rambly nonsense!
I’m about to get pretty verbose, so it’s going under a read-more. But after waiting a good while, I’m ready to talk about this.
I’ve been waiting to make sure that I had some time watching Dictators Circus FINAL (DC FINAL from this point on) and its Behind the Scenes DVD over and over again before I put my thoughts into words, so here we go:
Let’s talk about the bad first because there’s really only one bad thing about DC FINAL that, well, upsets just about every Pierra out there. We all know what it is, but let’s get it out there for those that haven’t seen the concerts in some capacity.
Aiji was, for the most part, acting like a goddamn douchebag. His entire IDGAF attitude throughout it was, well, disheartening. You’d think that he’d have some fondness for the band that made him big, but NOPE! He has the expression like he stepped in some cat shit barefoot. He really did not like it all that much whenever Kirito got near him.
He was just whatever with Jun, but I think Aiji wouldn’t dare piss off the one other dude in the band that sided with him back in 2006. In fact, I really do think that if it wasn’t for Jun, Aiji wouldn’t have agreed to a reunion in the first place. He didn’t want to be there, plain and simple. It got to the point where I thought that the next time PIERROT decides they want to have a reunion and Aiji doesn’t want to do it, Kirito could always just ask Karyu to take Aiji’s spot. Of course, that’s a moot point since another one’s happening and Aiji’s on board with it. Here’s hoping he doesn’t act like an asshole this time around.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a musician’s ear, so I can’t tell this myself, but I do remember Polochon mentioning something of Aiji switching up chords to make Kirito sound off and overplaying to cover Kirito’s voice, which was then retaliated by Kohta overplaying his bass to cover Aiji’s guitar. I wish she had mentioned which song/s all of that had happened on.
I’m going to quote @ominous-musings here because she summed it up best when we were talking about Aiji and his ‘tude: “God, it's like he just showed up to a temp job to pick up a paycheck so he can pay his electric bill. That's how entirely uninterested Aiji is in this.”
Truer words have never been spoken about concerning Aiji and his performance on DC Final.
Luckily, that was the worst of the concert. On to the good stuff!
This band has never sounded as good as they do here. Eight years apart has not dulled their ability to perform together nor the songs at all. Listening to PIERROT is a comfort and I know that, for some, watching the concerts is difficult simply because we’re all reminded of the bad blood that happened and that it was a tearjerker killer for us.
THANKFULLY, DC Final is fantastic and I feel we can go back and look at the earlier concerts without feeling that pain anymore. I feel healed and rejuvenated watching it, knowing that it’s a far happier concert overall. Also, the few songs off of the Freeze album that were played gave me a better impression of these songs. Seriously, I think the Freeze album wouldn’t be considered to be meh if we got to hear the entire album live (Don’t get me wrong, Window is still my favorite track off of the album, but Pieces rose up the ranks thanks to the live performance).
Kirito was in great spirits, just all around happy and a bit spacey, like as though he’s in a dream that was thought to be impossible. Like, he’s still the same stubborn, gotta-have-it-his-way ass, but he’s mellower too. He’s more open with his emotions out there and, therefore, it makes for a much softer Kirito. It also makes for a nicer Kirito all around. Like, he tried, he tried really hard to be as nice to Aiji as possible. And that niceness may simply because he didn’t want to cause any more issues than there already were between him and Aiji. Like, Aiji made damn sure to not be near Kirito willingly. Kirito had to drag Aiji on the 2nd day into proper position for a traditional line-up at the end.
Kohta’s performance was fun and, not only that, a riot. His MC on the 2nd day was hilarious. Plus, I thought his clothes were rather cool. Just seeing that big, bright smile on his face was just sweet. He was just beaming and happy to see the family he grew up in back together again. And goddamnit, the reunion was worth it for that alone.
There’s not much to say about Takeo because Takeo goes out of his way to only be noticeable in one thing and one thing only: his drumming. It’s as solid and consistent as it has always been. One thing I will mention is how absolutely nervous he looked on the first day, just before getting on the stage (as shown in the Making of DVD). Poor darling, I wanted to give him a hug.
Finally, we’ve come to my ultimate bias, Jun. And holy shit, does that asshole ever age?! He’s forty-one during these concerts and he still looks like he could get carded at American bars. He looks younger than me and I’m thirty-one now. So not fair. Every last one of these folks talking about K-Poppers looking good and shit, well, get back to me when they’ve defied time in their forties, okay? And no, it’s not just the make-up. Jun could have no makeup on and he would STILL look twenty. He won the goddamn genetic lottery, complete with the fountain of youth built right in. For fuck’s sakes, he’s older than Gackt by a couple of months and Gackt is the one looking older than Jun.
(For those wondering why I didn’t say that about the others, it’s because the others don’t look two decades younger. They do look younger, but would you mistakenly think that Kirito, Aiji, Kohta, or Takeo as being under the age of 21? No? Didn’t think so.)
Also... I’m going to give a warning here that I’m about to go into shipper trash territory. This is the other reason why I put this under a cut.
Yeah, if nothing else came out of these concerts, it’s pretty much confirming that the two of them are friends again. Even during songs where cuddling isn’t necessary, Kirito was right up on Jun’s side often. Also, those fucking smiles they had. Like, damn. I legit cried during Last Letter, Birthday, and Super String Theory the first time I watched it because it killed my KiriJun shipper trash heart. I genuinely hope that, maybe someday, the two of them will work together to create new music, even if it isn’t in PIERROT (*insert dreams of a CELLCODE/CRims collaboration*).
So, now, here comes the question: Where to get this pain in the ass concert? Luckily, it’s relatively easy if you have the cash to get a physical copy. There are people on Yahoo!Japan auctioning this concert like it’s going out of style. I used Buyee to buy it out at the seller’s buy out price, but it is expensive. Expect to spend about $300 or so on average to get it (it may or may not include shipping, depending on how cheap it is).
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