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triaelf9 · 10 months ago
The Re-Slayers Take Character Designs!!
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My designs for The Re-Slayers Take podcast for Critical Role! Please check out the podcast, it's an all-ages (no swears no gore, but still plenty of thrills and spooks) actual play podcast in the style of an audio drama in easy-to-consume episode lengths!
More info here! https://critrole.com/the-re-slayers-take/
(and b/c Tumblr crunches art now, you can see more zoomed in pics on bluesky, maybe twitter? https://bsky.app/profile/triaelf9.bsky.social/post/3ktlp4fdzd72b )
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whirlingbadger · 7 months ago
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If you haven't listened to The Re-Slayers Take, give it a shot! The 1st season is now available. It took me a little to adjust to the format and I'm glad I stuck with it.
The characters are fantastic. If you have listened or watched C1/C2, there's some throwbacks and nods but you don't need to have a deep knowledge of Exandrian lore to enjoy it.
I'm looking forward to where the story goes in season 2.
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defsiarte · 6 months ago
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New insulin scammer, you know the deal. PayPal name is Vallary Nafula.
How to tell if someone’s a scammer
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keyleth-clay · 1 month ago
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Artwork of the Re-Slayer's Take by Marty Abbe-Schneider, posted by heroclubpodcast on Instagram.
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wolfinasart · 7 months ago
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Making a rococo style dress, love how it's turning out so far, still need some embellishments and a petticoat (and a good ironing haha)
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gaddaboutgriffon · 9 months ago
Super Phantom
Writing prompt #3
Danny reveals his ghost half to his parents and they took it well accepting him. As a result the doctors Fenton then backed out of the weapons deal they had with the GIW and are actively protecting Phantom from them.
The GIW don’t give up even after the anti ecto acts are being repealed and sabotaged the gas tank for Nasty Burger’s grill. This causes the explosion that would Kill Danny’s family and friends there for Jazz’s graduation celebration. Clockwork foresaw of a Dan event happening and froze time to take and de-age Danny, Jazz, Sam, Tucker and Vallarta. (Clockwork is a jerk and frankly blames Jack and Maddie for making the he portals that caused both Vlad and Danny’s halfa status and a lot more work for him. He is letting those two die.)
Clockwork then sends the Deaged to babies/toddler to different places in the Yong Justice cartoon DC universe. All the kids are liminal and have powers.
Jazz now a 3 year old is sent to Hippallita on Themescira. (Excuse my spelling) liminal powers make her strength on par with Amazons.
Sam, age 1 as well and sent to Giovanni Zattarra. Three year old Zatana gets a younger sister that also has the gift of magic. Especially nature/plant magic.
Tucker I had a hard time deciding but eventually chose Lucius Fox. (If you can think of someone better go ahead and make suggestions.)
Vallarie was Supposed to be sent to Ted Kord, but Lex Luthor was trying to tap into the watchtower’s zeta tubs but accidentally got clockwork’s portal instead. It cased he basket to be dropped instead of gently set down. Startled, two year old Vallarie instinctively activates her ghost tech armor. Now that is a curious unexpected asset Lex will find a way to utilize.
And finally deaged to one year old Danny is sent in a in a basket with a solar system print blanket with a envelope sitting on top. The portal opens and the basket is carefully set on the table with the note. Then clockwork places a folder thick with other papers of to the side. He retreats into the portal closing it behind him just as the apartment door is opening.
Clark Kent has just finished his third week of work at the Daily Planet, the evening patrol and even grocery shopping. Thoughts of the paper he needs to write and turn in the morning are on his mind as he enters his apartment in time to notice a Green glow wink out of existence from his kitchen door. He drops the now forgotten grocery bags when he hears the tiny heartbeat and rushes over to the basket on the table.
A sleeping baby. A baby! Wha- how had anyone. When his brain stops stalling he notices the letter. It reads:
The boy’s name is Danny. You are the most likely to survive him learning to use his powers as they emerge. His parents died trying to protect him. It is not safe for him here.
I have already forged the legal documents naming you as his godfather and a cover story in the attached folder. Also three gold coins will be sent to you each month as child support. If anyone else looks at this letter the text will change to simply read that you are the godfather of this recently orphaned boy.
Clark stood in shock rereading the letter in shock a dozen times. Before Lois snapped him out of it.
“Hey Smallville, it may not be Gotham but even in Metropolis you shouldn’t just leave your door open.” She called as she entered from the hall. Then she noticed the spilled bags of groceries on the floor. And came in. “Are you ok? You may be a klutz but you always pick u- Oh My God, That’s a Baby!”
Well that is enough for tonight. I will add on more later. Wonder how quickly this would grow if I don’t tag anyone? Eh just a few. @bloggerspam @confusedshades @hypewinter @zylev-blog @kizzer55555
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discardead · 2 months ago
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··· ✧✦✧ ··· Lily of the Valley themed NPT
Requested by anonymous!
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Lily. Lilia. Lilith. Lilithe. Lillie. Lilara. Lilira. Lillaria. Lillaire. Lilisa. Lilico. Lilybell. Lilibette. Lilaris. Valily. Valie. Convilly. Convallie. Convalis. Convalisse. Convaire. Vallaria. Valleria. Vallarie. Valerie. Valeria. Majalis. Majalisa. Majalith. Muguet. Maybell. Maybelle. Maylily. Maylie. Maybette. Mary. Maribelle. Marilie. Marilyn. Tearfiesse. Tearsette. Tearsett. Teariesth. Tearlyn. Tearmi.
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li/lily. li/ly. ly/lyr. li/lir. lie/lier. lie/liem. ley/lem. ley/leyr. va/var. vae/vaer. vae/vaem. ve/ver. vey/vem. va/val. val/valley. vi/vir. vi/vim. co/cor. con/cons. ma/maj. maja/lis. te/ter. tea/tear. tear/tears. ti/ter. tie/tier.
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The Lady's Tears. Prn* (Fallen) Tears. The [noun] of the Valley. Prn* of the Valley. The [noun] among the Lilies. The Beauty and prn* Poison. Prn* Poisonous Petals. The Poison to prn* Flower. Prn* Poison to your Flower. The Tearful [noun]. Prn* who cries Petals.
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mythologer · 2 years ago
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The six most illustrious coronas (crowns) that a Roman soldier could attain.
1: The Corona Civica, perhaps the most revered was for a Roman who saved a fellow citizen's life or a soldier directly saving another soldiers life (this had to be witnessed) it was made of oak leaves and the person was allowed to wear it for life and himself, father and grandfather were immediately freed from any financial burdens and no longer subject to taxation.
2: Corona obsidonalis (grass crown) for directly saving a garrison or besieged army encampment.
3: Corona Muralis was the prized crown made of solid gold and was awarded to the first man over the battlements of an enemy's town that was under siege, leading to Roman forces complete victory. This was personally awarded by the Consul, Legatus or highest ranking commander at the siege.
4: Corona Navalis a metal crown for the the first naval soldier to board the enemy's vessel.
5: Corona Radiata - depicted on coins to Emperors who had been deified. Some even did this while still alive, such as Caligula, Trajan and Marcus Aurelius. Statues of gods are often depicted wearing the Radiata.
6: Corona Vallaris (aka Castrensis) also for the first man over the wall of a besieged town but the Corona Muralis had actual architectural battlements built onto the crown. It appeared to carry more significance as exhibited by the fanciful construction.
Julius Caesar won the Corona Civica in 79 BC and is said to have worn it, or reconstructions of it whenever possible to remind the mob of his connection to them.
Image: Wikimedia CC-BY-SA-1.0
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spungolden · 2 years ago
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Feeling watched in a place she knew she didn't belong was nothing new to her. The wildlife still being alive was the only thing that kept her walking. She knew that if there was true danger that the forest would be silent. Despite knowing there was possible danger, she still chose to sit at the base of a lone tree. Tired, red eyes searched the shadows, but with no intent of finding. Maybe it was simply a forest guardian, or maybe it was her paranoia. Maybe she'd find out if she waited long enough, and so she closed her eyes.
— @spungolden ( Dio ) // SC.
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Anyone who entered that forest would always end up being observed by someone or… something. Not by the animals, not even the trees looked like they were going to move. But that shadow lingers in the shadows, judging the new arrival's apparition.
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okami-draws · 7 months ago
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Valravn Au Cyberpunk
Vallari Atarau. Goes by Valravn as her handler or Val for short.
With Vals favorite character as a patch. Doodle Bob.
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triaelf9 · 10 months ago
Meet the Re-Slayers take! Meet all the characters, see more of the art, and check out the podcast!
All-ages (aka no swears no gore) actual play in a sort of radio drama style (sound effects! music!) with a stellar cast and a group that you will just LOVE ^_^
First ep up for everyone to hear wherever you get podcasts, 3 eps up on beacon! First feels like a pilot ep with intros and stuff, but two really sucked me in and 3 had me SCREAMING for more XD
Please give it a look! ^_^
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whirlingbadger · 6 months ago
Just some quick fire thoughts for the 1st episode of S2 The Re-Slayers Take.
• I hope we follow Idrin's story more, somewhere down the line. He's consecuted w/repressed memories and quite possibly had his memory modified. By his mother. I want to know everything lol
• Farah as well as Heerah not trusting Kash and giving him shit won't get old.
• Farah and Heerah being brusque (?) and not being cowed with Osysa was delightful.
• Of *course* Timpani is related to Pumat 😂
• They have a base! Of course it's a dilapidated apartment building that a stiff breeze could bring down...but still, a home base!
• Did Osysa just show Aeor to Frog or is it implied that that's where she is from?
• I'm glad we got a few more peeks into their histories.
• I continue to be amused and pleasantly surprised at the guests that they've had.
• This podcast continues to be delightful. I hope people give it a chance.
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keyleth-clay · 25 days ago
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Critical Role Moodboards: Farah Vallari
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kamiicarl · 6 months ago
Hello this a long shot call, am a citizen of Palestine. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin (Humalog), just an injection for today to save my life please I beg.I was diagnosized with type 1 diabetes and due to current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week, am having a balance of$168. Am sorry if am sending you again this request, kindly donate any amount please. My donation link is in my pinned post🇵🇸. Thank you and be blessed ❤️
Share and donate if you can
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lamppostss · 1 year ago
"Fevers" [3/3] (Disc)
“Are you sleeping?” in hushed whisper asked Soleil a while later. To his surprise the rogue responded. “No, not really. What about it?” “Just… Just checking. I can heat up some soup if you prefer…” “Sounds… Sounds good actually!” the woman almost sprung back to life, laying down on her back again. “Has anyone told you you’d make a good servant? Because you totally would. If that whole wizarding business doesn’t work out – I heard mom is hiring again.” Once again, with a smug smirk, chuckled Ra’anir. Soleil however, was not smiling. In fact, something inside of him snapped, as the exhaustion peaked. “Please go fuck yourself.” “Oi, what’d I say? It’s just…” “A joke. I know. Just like everything to you is a joke, you blue-blooded brat.” The wizard got up, still drenched in sweat and doubt. “You are a goddamn child. Prancing around, getting into everyone’s shit for no reason, imagining yourself some unstoppable daring hero, while being just some girlie with an overblown ego and no care for others. I am done.” The man left the room, slamming the door behind him. He could still hear the muffled obscenities hurled at his back, but nothing would stop him now. He went downstairs, the world around him surrounded by heavy fog, and collapsed onto a small, wooden chair. The emotions swirling within him were swiftly getting overpowered by an unparalleled amount of distress and exhaustion, slowly shutting his body off, limb by limb. He didn’t notice as he passed out. He only thought about needing a rest. He woke up soon after. “What the fuck did I just do?” the wizard asked himself. It was more of a rhetorical question, as he perfectly realized what just happened, redirecting all the anger from outside back inside. Soleil clasped his head with his hands, cursing himself. For being so weak, for giving in into his anger. No sane person would’ve done that in his place. He should apologize. No. He must apologize. The felt like a piece of human waste opening that door once again. There she was. Curled up on her bed. He hurt her. He knew he did. He placed a heated up bowl on the bedside table, all while keeping his head down, with the shame he felt weighing his whole being down. No reaction from the dragonborn – she must’ve fallen asleep again. Le’Garde had not a clue what to say. He could only stand there and hurl insults at himself, once again feeling worthless. It was all just like home again.
“I’m sorry, Valla.” He mumbled sheepishly, sitting down on the floor near the bed, pressing his knees against his chin. “I’m… so, so sorry. I was an idiot. And still am. I knew what was going on and yet… I… I cracked. I’m weak. I knew it isn’t your fault. I knew I shouldn’t insult you and run away. I… I don’t know…” the wizard mumbled, feeling a ball form inside his throat. “I know I am wrong. And I apologize. For what I said, for what I did. It was… moronic.” Soleil felt as if something started pressing down between his ribs. Why did it hurt so much to just say he’s sorry? Why was it so difficult to pick words, when the act itself was so simple? Was it weakness? Stupidity? Was he simply just not enough? Unknowingly to himself, he rambled on. “I thought I was better. I spent most of my life wiping vomit and spit off of brothel floors, and after I got my chance – moved on to serving insufferable blue bloods in Neue Luex. And I thought I was above it all. Above all that pettiness and drama. Yet here I am. Maybe I should go back. I’d fit right in…” as he spoke, his usual mannerisms dropped, replaced by a shaky voice and an urge to incinerate himself on the spot. He barely managed to compose himself back in with a heavy sigh. He was weary. And angry. He should be so much better, yet he isn’t. Worthless. “I’m sorry, once again. I never wanted to hurt you. Yet I did. I… I won’t bother you anymore. Sorry. Sleep well…”
“Can you stop with the self-flagellation, man?” suddenly grumbled Vallarys, turning to her side to face Soleil, eye to eye. She sounded… sad. Sad and tired. Her gaze was full of melancholic meekness. “You’re an ass. I know. But… But aren’t we all, really? You let a joke get under your skin. Had a hissy fit. That… That happens, okay? Big shocker, but you CAN feel emotions. It is, in fact, legal. Dumbass…” she went quiet for a second. “You owned up to it. Good, I-I forgive you. Now please stop… whatever this is. I didn’t know your life was like it was, pushed the wrong buttons, got yelled at a bit. See, I’m an ass too. Maybe a lesser ass out of us two, but…” Vallarys let out a shaky, but heavy sigh. “I shouldn’t’ve done that anyways.” Interjected the wizard. “Well yes. You should’ve told me about your past sooner. Then I would’ve gone… Well, easier on the jokes, I don’t know.” Her eyes lowered a bit. “It’s okay. I understand it all. Just… Just accept that we can’t be always rational. Nobody’s perfect, man. And if they are – fuck ‘em sideways anyways. Being perfect is boring.” They sat in silence, when suddenly her hand reached out from under the blanket, grabbing his. “I never wanted to hurt you either, Sol. And it hurts me to see you like this, even if you did a stupid thing. So please, let’s just… not. Water under the bridge. I forgive you, but ask one more thing.” Vallarys looked deep into Soleil’s icy blue eyes. “Promise me to be yourself. It will be better this way, I swear.” The man went quiet. Shocked, sad, shaken and touched to the core of his soul.
“Promise.” As the unknown illness subsided, the group was fit to move further north, through the mountains. They’ve been through many dangers, but in the end – they reached it. A dwarven hold, a giant stone carved city, older than nine-tenths of everything else on this disk. Neither Torgrim, nor Lavender were aware of what exactly happened that night – for it was a secret for two.
============================================================ The group found themselves in a luxury boarding house. It was a (presumably) dark and cold mountain night. A norm for many rock dwarves, but a bit  of a shake up for surfacers. As Soleil laid in the dark, he felt a sudden presence weigh down the side of his bed. “Why hello there.” A familiar voice. Vallarys had somehow gotten into his room and crawled onto his bed without making a single noise. Impressive, considering everything. “How did you get here?” “The door.” “And why did you get here?” “My room is cold. And lame. And it’s not like we’re in a big hurry anyway – just wanted to look around.” With an innocent look on her face answered the dragonborn, right before leaning in closer, her breath tickling the wizard’s nose. “Besides, someone here didn’t get properly compensated for his… Medicinal skills.  I,  as a great hero, can’t let such injustice slide, can I?” Soleil’s eyes widened slightly, and one of his eyebrows arched. “Go on.” “What? Just pick a reward, dum-dum. You’re the doctor here.” Le’Garde hesitated. He knew what he wanted, but did he dare to speak his mind? He made that promise, after all… “Is a kiss from a great hero on the menu?” with a surprisingly (even to the mage himself) flirtatious tone of voice and a provocative smirk asked the man. The rogue leaned in even closer, holding the fair headed man up by his sharp chin with her index finger and her thumb. They could feel their breath flutter against each other’s skin. “I thought you’d never ask.”
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vallarii · 2 years ago
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Hunter X Hunter Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Kurapika/Kuroro Lucifer | Chrollo Lucifer Characters: Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter), Kuroro Lucifer | Chrollo Lucifer, Shizuku (Hunter X Hunter), Bonolenov (Hunter X Hunter), Oito Hui Guo Rou, Woble Hui Guo Rou, Mizaistom Nana, Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter), Illumi Zoldyck, Bill (Hunter X Hunter), Tserriednich Hui Guo Rou Additional Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Attraction, Sexual Tension, Black Whale, loosely based from canon, character exploration, getting together?, Eventual Romance Summary:
Emotions were no longer of any use to him, Chrollo thinks. It’s a dangerous thing. Yet here he was—chasing after it.
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