#valiant heart my beloved... ;w;
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zu-is-here · 1 month ago
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<– • –>
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starglitterz · 1 year ago
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❝ baby, take a chance on me! give me one sign and you will see. // crushing on the local barista ❞
✧ feat : xiao x gn!reader
✧ a/n : FIRST POST OF THE YEAR!! yk it had to be my beloved xiao <3 here's to a fourth year with my baby hehe
✧ note : this is a very late entry to ying's cafe week for the prompt americano !
please reblog w tags + leave comments ! it rlly makes my day :)
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“uh, hi. could i please get a…” you flash what you’re certain is the most awkward grin of your life at the poor barista, who’s currently running the cashier as well. you swear you’re never the type to hold up a queue, pondering for ages over what to drink to get – in fact, you always get the exact same drink. it’s just that the way the barista’s pretty amber eyes almost seem to gleam in the late afternoon sun has you stumbling over your words, barely able to form coherent sentences; it’s so embarrassing you wish the ground would open up and swallow you whole, you're lucky there's no one else in the line behind you.
“your usual?” he raises an eyebrow, a few strands of jade hair tumbling out of his loose bun to frame his face, and holy archons this man is such a masterpiece he belongs in a museum. you gape at him for a few seconds, opening and closing your mouth like a goldfish before you realise how stupid you must look and you scramble for a reply, “how do you know?!” the corner of his lips quirk up into what might be a smile, “you order the same drink every time.” you’re fumbling for a retort when he continues, “and you come here three times a day.” now you’re ninety-nine percent certain your face is on fire.
“that’s true…” you mutter sheepishly before making a valiant attempt to defend yourself, “but maybe i just really like coffee!” “i think you drink too much coffee,” he chuckles softly as he writes your name on the cup. you’re freaking out over the fact that what has to be the world’s cutest barista is actually aware of your existence, he recognises you instead of seeing you as just another customer from the endless throngs of students that flock to the campus coffee shop daily. then you gasp, “wait. how do you know my name?!” he lifts an eyebrow once more, “i just told you that you order coffee here three times a day. you say your name every time.” great. now he definitely thinks you’re an idiot. it’s not your fault that all your braincells seem to fly out of your head every time you see him!
“oh.” you laugh weakly as you pull your wallet out of your bag, “that makes sense.” mentally, you’re slamming your head against the wall, cursing yourself for being so head-over-heels that you can’t even carry a normal conversation with the barista. as he types your total, he suddenly murmurs so softly that you have to struggle to catch it, “it’s a pretty name, though.” “o-oh, you think so?” the compliment makes your brain short-circuit, but thankfully you manage a proper response, “i like your name too… xiao.” saying his name out loud almost makes you spontaneously burst into flames, which honestly would be pretty inconvenient for the rest of the customers in the coffee shop. not to mention you doubt it would endear you to xiao if you exploded in the middle of his workplace.
you aren't sure if it's just your imagination, but you think that xiao's ears look a little red as he taps on the screen in front of him. then he clears his throat, “you know what, today's drink is on the house.” “what?! really?!” your eyes light up and xiao meets your gaze for a split second before looking away, the faintest pink tinge dusting his cheeks as he starts making your drink, “yeah.” your heart's beating at a million miles per hour from just this small interaction, but you swallow your nerves and give yourself a pep talk as you wait to receive your drink. you never know unless you try, right?
and as xiao turns to give your drink, you blurt, “icouldtakeyououtonadate!” he blinks slowly, cat-like, and furrows his brow in confusion, “sorry, what did you say?” doing your best not to melt into a puddle on the ground, you mumble, “to make up for the free coffee, i could take you out to lunch or something.” there’s a pause, and you quickly continue, “only if you want to, of course!” you're cursing yourself for even daring to be so bold, there's no way he'd want to go out with a caffeine addict like you- “i'd like that.” his reply is so unexpected you look at him incredulously, “what?” “i said, i’d like to go for lunch with you,” now xiao's face is bright red, and he's gripping your coffee cup so tightly his knuckles are turning white.
at this point, you think that you could jump over the moon. “oh! that's great!” you beam, and xiao thinks that your smile is like the sun, “maybe sunday?” “sure,” he smiles, and it's the most adorable thing you've ever seen, “it's a date.” he turns away after saying that to hide his blush, and with the biggest, cheesiest grin on your face you reply, “yeah, it's a date.”
(and later when you finally drink your coffee, you realise xiao has scribbled his number on the side of the cup. maybe all this time you were crushing on the local barista, he was crushing on you too.)
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wahhh i missed writing 🥹 i tried something new with this one, i usually prefer writing confident and flirty readers so i hope this is okay for a first time hehehe. hope you enjoyed! <3
© starglitterz 2024. do not repost or modify in any way – reblog / follow if you enjoyed !
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etheries1015 · 1 year ago
Hii I’m so sorry but I’m the anon that asked for the s/o who gives generous compliments and poetic words and I just wanted to say what you wrote was very adorable and made me smile but due to my dyslexia I thought I had already written Jack’s name on the request 😭 I’m so sorry I didn’t write his name in the ask that was so embarrassing! 😭😭😭
SESDLKFj THIS IS SO FUNNY HAHA I was staring at it and thinking to myself the most popular tsundere characters and made a guess....i'm so sad I got it wrong 😭 It's okay I gotchu don't even worry about it I do stuff like that all the time EOIFJSLDKJ
The prefects muse...pt2!
Featuring: Jack!
General warnings: Gender-neutral reader, not proof read (very well, that is heuheu.) I hope you like it! I feel I'm not the best at writing Jack, but I hope it was still enjoyable nonetheless <3 thank you for the ask!
Tw: none!
Jack was always strong in his resolve about finishing school with ease and without distractions of love and affection...until you came and wreaked havoc. When you had asked Jack if he would be interested in studying with you, he was not aware that included hour-long sessions of him trying to revert your attention to textbooks while you seem to be indulging in some sort of poetry. While staring at him.
"Didn't you say you were failing this class?" He groaned with a pink face after you went on a tirade about how beautiful his hair looked, "Stop getting so distracted. School is important, you know! It'll be the foundation of your future-"
"Oh, I'm not failing."
....What did you just say? You giggled at his reaction which included staring at you with his jaw open ever so slightly in surprise at your sudden confession of academic skill. He was ready to throw in the rag seeing as you were "wasting his time," but you knew the right words to make him stay.
"But Jack," You gave him your best puppy eyes, "You're always so busy...you never hangout with poor, lonely, woeful me. Time is but limited, why not spend what I can with my dear beloved Jack?" You went into the entire theatric display - on hand in the air and the other over your heart, as if you were the prince declaring love to the damsel.
And it was working.
Jack has a very strong sense of loyalty, and to see how valiant and generous you were in dishing out compliments always seemed to give him a run for his sense of self-preservation when it came to school. He found himself eager to hear your words of honey and perhaps even finding ways to seek it out, craving those compliments and reveling in every single praise you threw the beastmans way. He took your declaration as you reciprocated his enjoyment of your company, face red and hand rubbing the back of his neck in contemplation of his next course of action.
"W-well..." he said, before faltering down into a mutter, "You don't need an excuse to hang out, you know..." You almost didn't catch what he had said, leaning in with a bright smile his face turned an even deeper shade of scarlet.
"N-not so close!" He stumbled over his words, "Jeez, just...just ask me next time! We can find other things to do together, I like your company, too!" He finally let out in a burst of confidence.
His mistake.
You were swooning! Giggling and teasing Jack at his cute reactions and seeing how your words affected him so. His face ended up buried in his hands, groaning at your brazen display of affection.
This was only one of many examples, though. You had a habit of throwing out random compliments passing the halls or in class, as well as in front of other people. No matter how many times he told you to stop in a whiney voice or claimed he disliked such attention, Jack is a fiercely loyal man, and never truly wanted you to stop. He was snagged in your charming word, and convinced himself perhaps one day he would get used to your teasing remarks and flamboyant scripts of poetry.
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years ago
s is a movie aragorn type of guy but he would hold a grudge against book aragorn i know it in my heart he would hate that the dude just walks around with a broken sword HOWEVER boromir... he would be obsessed with the idea of having a terrible parent but still being valiant & brave & loved & boromir being a very beloved brother to faramir i feel like the departure of boromir would be the chapter to end all chapters for him he would cry for days and make james read it and james wouldn't understand what the big deal is. i do feel like remus would've grown up reading the hobbit but he wouldn't be a big tolkien man unfortunately for his sophisticated self.......
ok ok i see what u mean....i read the books one time when i was 13 and then. never again so i am more familiar w the movies but obviously s would not have access 2 those....
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jeoseungsaja · 3 years ago
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@mythvoiced ♚ sent ‘⊕’ for an aesthetic graphic.
Kim Shin & Wang Yeo (beach house edition) There’s nowhere else I want to be but here, with you. Keep me in your arms, drown me in your perfume; plaster me with kisses coming from your honeyed lips. You take me into another dimension where there’s only peace and love and you; oh, so much of you. My love, I’ll be here forever if you let me. Please, let me. 
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mystoz · 2 years ago
hey there! could i have an angie yonaga x gn!reader prompt where angie falls in love w/ reader and starts to get a bit more clingy and affectionate with them before confessing her love?
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— epiphany of love.
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A/N: AAA ANON IM SO SORRY THAT THIS REQUEST IS SO LATE !!! yonaga is such a delight to write for, such a sweetie !! again, im so sorry that this is late. moving forward, i hope you enjoy !!
SYNOPSIS: headcanons for yonaga angie becoming clingy whilst falling in love with you.
PAIRING: yonaga angie x gn! reader 
CONTENT WARNINGS: religious talk
ADDITIONAL INFO: reader is gender neutral and uses they/them pronouns
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to fall for angie yonaga is like riding a rollercoaster.
there are many unexpected twists and turns that will leave your heart dropping down to your stomach, but will leave your heart racing and mind fuzzy, cherishing the experience for a long time.
yonaga is such a sweetheart !!
she loves holding your hand, intertwining her fingers with yours and putting her free palm atop your guys’ hands
she loves to kiss you !! both before and after dating, kissing you is everything she lives for
kisses all over !! she’ll squish your cheeks together softly and bring you close to her face and just begin peppering kisses all on your face, smothering you with nothing but love and adoration
one of her limbs has to be touching you at all times. her hand on your shoulder, arm linked with yours, you name it !! she is always attached to you somehow
she’s quite touchy in general with everyone, so to you, it would be no surprise that she was so touchy with you
her peers think otherwise
it turns out, yonaga’s not this touchy with everyone.
her classmates will point out the fact that she doesn’t hold everyone else’s hands, let alone kiss them
but you dont pay mind to it, using the excuse that you two just happen to be closer
…they all mentally facepalm at your obliviousness to figure it out.
(yonaga secretly does too, but she’ll never tell you that.)
oh my, she absolutely loves nicknames.
she has so many for you, it’s hard to keep track of them all.
her favorites consist of ‘my treasure, sunshine, dearest, beloved, my prince/princess/highness, sweetie, my beautiful, and my butterfly’
she makes sure to refer to you as one of these daily
if you listen to yonaga’s religious rants or support her in her consistent praise in atua, she’ll fall for you harder
she makes a valiant attempt to tone down her religious practices for you because she’s aware of the fact that it can get annoying quite fast, but she finds that you always listen
she’ll never tell you, but she’s so grateful that you listen to her rambling. the last thing she would want to be is a burden to you, so it fills her with happiness to know that you’ll listen to her
when it comes to confessions, it won’t take much time for yonaga to tell you her true feelings
but when the time does eventually come, she is such a nervous wreck.
she’s so scared she’ll mess it up and scare you away somehow
so she inevitably does it over text. it’s not the glamorous gesture she wishes she could do for you, but she still manages to get her message across
‘ y/n, would you allow angie speak to you about something? ’ ‘ of course! what did you want to talk about? ’ ‘ well, in actuality, it’s more angie telling you something. angie will just tell you head on! ’ ‘ you can tell me anything angie :) what is it? ’ ‘ this has been on angie’s mind for a while now, but angie would just like to tell you that she likes you more than the platonic relation! it is quite alright if y/n doesn’t reciprocate these feelings, angie just wanted to let you know (●^∀^)♡ ’ ‘ really? ang, of course i reciprocate your feelings. i like you a lot too <3 ’ ‘ ah! that is a delight to hear!! well, angie isso glad angie has the pleasure to call you hers <3 ’
you two start dating not long after, and are quite definitely the cutest couple around.
falling for yonaga angie is a cherished moment in your lifetime that you forever hold dear to you. hold angie close to your heart, she is a sweetheart and will give you all your hearts desire.
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salemorbit · 4 years ago
Little Lynel Man (part 14; BONUS)
[Tigo the Lynel AU]
hi!! so thank u so much @thebattlecats2001 for this extra request fleshing out more of tigo and reader and their place in the alternate timeline w the champion successors
i wanted to make it a little different since you've got such a great idea and this is wrapping up this version of the tigo au! the request is summarized down below :)
all credit to @thebattlecats2001 for the ideas presented in this!!
The fight with Ganon is over, so the warriors gather for one final banquet while they swap stories. The successors from the future tell about the brave efforts of Tigo and the reader from their timeline, and how they paid honor to them over the years.
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Calamity Ganon was sealed away for good, which meant that it was time to celebrate!
The king arranged an impromptu banquet in what was left of the castle, gathering food and supplies and whatever they could. The heroes of Hyrule deserved only the best, of course.
You were ushered away from helping clear debris and aiding the injured by Zelda, intent on telling you about the celebration that would happen later. Once everything was tended to, you met with the Champions, their successors, Zelda, and Tigo in a courtyard lit by lanterns.
It was a truly beautiful sight, the worn and weathered smiles of your colleagues gleaming in the lamplight. The food on the spread makeshift table looked absolutely wonderful, making your stomach growl in anticipation.
You settled in next to Link with Tigo on your other side. You looked up at your Lynel, smiling at his bright eyes taking in the bountiful food and anxiously awaiting the chance to dig in.
"Before we begin," King Rhoam announced from the head of the table, "it would be my absolute pleasure to congratulate the Champions of Hyrule on their success at defeating Calamity Ganon!"
There was a loud round of applause as the Champions, including Tigo, nodded in acknowledgement.
"Lest we forget the wonderful help from their friends, as well!" Zelda stood up and gestured to the successors, most of whom looked bashful. "Without their strength, we would not be here to celebrate together."
There was another round of applause for the successors, and then the feast began. You and Tigo feverishly dug into the food in front of you, filling the cavern of your stomachs. It wasn't until you were well into the second course that Sidon spoke up from across from you.
"It's truly amazing that I have gotten to see you again, dear [Y/N]," he said, watching you as you dabbed a napkin around your mouth. "It's been quite a long time."
"So you've said," you smiled at him. "Tell me, Sidon, does anyone else remember us from your time? It's still weird to know that Tigo and I...well, we didn't make it in your time, right?"
"Correct," Sidon nodded solemnly. "You and your Lynel sacrificed yourselves alongside the princess and Link to stop Calamity Ganon. And when Link came back, we wished that perhaps you had survived the same fate as well. But we learned that such was not the case."
Tigo paused from eating, tuning in to Sidon's change in demeanor. Tigo purred softly, catching Sidon's attention and bringing a smile to his face. Sidon reached forward and patted one of Tigo's paws affectionately.
"Fear not, old friend," Sidon offered, "we still remember you. The Zora greatly appreciated everything you and [Y/N] did for the Zora and the entirety of Hyrule. There's a grand statue at the front of the Zora Domain to pay homage to you both, spear and all. The elders that fought alongside the two of you tell the young guppies of all your valiant efforts! Your memory will never be forgotten."
"That's absolutely admiring," Mipha looked up at her brother. She turned to you with a sure look in her eyes. "I'll make sure that construction on that starts right away. You two have done so much for the Zora, and we have only begun to thank you."
"Oh, that's not necessary," you blushed, waving the praise off. "Tigo just loves the Zora, and it was all no problem! Really."
"Don't the Gorons have something as well?" Sidon turned to Yunobo who blinked up, startled. All attention turned to the little Goron, making him sink into himself a little with a shy smile.
"Uh, yeah!" He squeaked. "Yeah, we do. Tigo has this huge statue right up by the statues of the other great Gorons!" His face fell momentarily: "From what I heard, the Gorons were devastated to hear of the passing of Tigo and his tamer, [Y/N]. He was a beloved warrior and strong soul, so it wasn't a question about paying some sort of homage to him."
Tigo brightened up, growling kindly and urging Yunobo to go on.
"There's this legend that Tigo's spirit gives the Gorons their fighting spirit," Yunobo explained, looking around animatedly. "It's the only reason why the Gorons survived as much of the Calamity as they did. Legend has it that we owe Tigo a lot, and from fighting next to him I can see why! Every half-moon we hold a ceremony and offer up the best rock roast to the statue of Tigo so that he gives us our fighting spirit to live on another day. It's a really cool time."
"That definitely sounds like something the Gorons would do," Daruk smirked, reaching over to pat Tigo on the back heavily. "You deserve it, little Lynel man!"
"It's hard to believe that the Rito would ever be as showy as that," Revali scoffed, crossing his feathers. He looked over at Teba. "Please tell me you're more refined than that."
"Actually," Teba began, making Revali throw his head back with a soft groan, "our statue for Tigo and [Y/N] is arguably the most attractive out of the others in Hyrule."
There was a moment of arguing between the successors, which just made you laugh and look over at Link who was also smiling at his friends. Tigo gave a soft roar, telling Teba to continue.
"First of all, it's made of the finest wood surrounding the Hebra Region," Teba leaned forward as he got into the story. "It's decorated with flowers and stands right at the entrance to Rito Village. Tigo's bow was recovered from the Calamity, and it's still kept with Revali's bow and the Rito Elder. Every year there's a competition between the younger Rito that takes place at the archery range, and whoever wins gets to take home Tigo's bow and is tasked with taking care of it."
"I'd have to argue that the Gerudo have a much more glamorous statue," Riju jumped in excitedly. "It's this massive stone statue in the middle of Gerudo Town, and it has the most lovely gems decorating it! I've heard such wondrous stories of [Y/N] and her bravery and strength when it came to raising and taming Tigo." She turned to you and Tigo, smiling widely. "I'm so grateful that I was able to witness your bond in person! It's much more amazing than just the stories. We have you riding Tigo's back and wielding your sword and shield, of course. It's the most adored object in the entire town, and I will make sure it stays that way."
You smiled, patting Tigo's hide and leaning on him. You were so glad that even though you had to sacrifice yourselves in the other timeline that it was done and acknowledged. You would have done it even if it wasn't praised, of course, but it was amazing to see how many lives you and your Lynel had impacted and for such a long time! Your heart warmed at the thought.
Sidon went on to continue how the rest of Hyrule took the passings of you and Tigo. You sadly learned that many of the surviving Hylians thought that you and Tigo were simply myths. They didn't seem to believe that taming a Lynel was even possible, mainly because the monsters had gotten so much more dangerous in their 100 years of Calamity.
The Sheikah, however, still tried to keep your memory alive. Sidon told you about Impa's attempts to pass along the stories of you and Tigo through the ages. Many of the elders in Karkariko were solely responsible for keeping your memory alive, and you had much to thank them for. You half wished that you could go back to their time and tell Impa how much you appreciated her efforts even after so long.
Sidon also told Tigo how he was a legend among blacksmiths in his Hyrule, and how Tigo's skills were incredibly sought after and the goal of many blacksmiths. There was even a myth that if you were a young apprentice to a blacksmith and were exceeding in your skills, you would get visited by the spirit of Tigo and given a blessing of strength to become one of the best blacksmiths in the history of Hyrule.
Of course there was no concrete evidence to this myth, but it made Tigo exceptionally excited nonetheless.
And that was that. You may have suffered a terrible fate in that separate timeline, but in this one you didn't. You were still alive to see another day with Link, Tigo, and Zelda, and surrounded by the best friends you could ask for.
The successors were summoned back to their time soon enough, and the goodbye was tearful but sweet. Both sides had gotten closure, and all there was to look forward to was tomorrow.
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dwellordream · 4 years ago
“…When the two lovers meet after Parliament's decision, Criseyde offers Troilus the opportunity to "ravish her" as her uncle has suggested. She begs for his aid, crying "Help, Troilus!" (IV, 1150) and falling into a dead faint. For once, she wishes that another would take control and make decisions for her. Not realizing that Troilus has relapsed into an impotent, emasculated state, Criseyde expects him to interpret successfully her intent and to act boldly in order to rescue her from her terrible plight. Troilus, however, is no longer the valiant, empathetic young man transformed by Criseyde's love; consequently, he fails to play the role of the manly hero. He does not seize this moment to carry the maiden off; instead, he convinces himself that she has died and poetically beseeches the heavens to hasten his own demise (IV, 1191-1211).
His behavior contrasts greatly with Criseyde's when he had fainted. She roused herself to action, doing all in her power to revive her lover, who, like Criseyde in this later scene, seemed at the precipice of death. Criseyde begins to argue eloquently upon the advantages of biding her time behind enemy lines only after she awakes to discover that Troilus has not heeded her cry for help. A careful reader would recognize, how ever, that she still yearns for her lover to prevent the exchange, for she interrupts her own argument to assure Troilus "what so ye me comaunde,/ That wol I don, for that is no demaunde" (IV, 1294-95). In arguing in favor of removing to the Greek camp, Criseyde tests the extent of Troilus's affection. …Criseyde thought that surely a man willing to slay himself for her would be willing to risk ruining his reputation for her love, but Troilus finds himself incapable of performing such a heroic feat.
When Troilus fails to make even the slightest attempt to rescue his ill fated lover, Criseyde realizes that she must bring about her own salvation. As she spins out her plan, she gains more confidence in her abilities to effect her own rescue. Sheltered within the walls of Troy, Criseyde knows little of the true horrors of war, only what she has gleaned from gossip and from the books that she has read in her cloistered garden. Her overconfidence stems both from her ignorance concerning the actual situation facing her nation and from her earlier successes in effecting her will.
In contrast, Troilus has been out in the trenches, and he should recognize the implausibility of Criseyde's plan of action. His attempts to dissuade her, however, seem half-hearted at best. Indeed, he feels relieved that she seems to exonerate him from taking any rash action, for such a view accords with his own and enables him to rationalize his impotence as simply a chivalric attempt to uphold his lady's desire: This Troilus, with herte and erys spradde,/Herde al this thyng devysen to and fro,/And verrayliche him semed that he hadde The selve wit. . . (IV, 1422-25) Although Troilus finally does argue with Criseyde that they should elope (IV, 1503), he does so only to determine the extent of her loyalty, for he beseeches her "That of hire heste he myghte her trewe fynde" (IV, 1439).
For nine stanzas he dwells on his potential desolation should Criseyde forsake him and displays little concern as to whether she might suffer from the trade as well (IV, 1436-98). He does not want Criseyde to abandon her plans but only to assure him that she will remain stead fast in her love for the Trojan prince. Troilus now behaves like Percival's maid, arguing against his lover's bold plan only to make her more resolved to carry it out. He succeeds, for Criseyde dismisses his worries, assuring him that she can achieve all that she has set out to accomplish. Thinking of the state of her city that "hath now swich nede / Of help" (IV, 1558-59), she chides Troilus for wanting to abandon his home, reminding him that he plays a vital role in his city's defense.
Concern for his city, however, does not motivate Troilus in his insistence that he and Criseyde run off; rather, his hesitancy to allow her to leave stems from his hitherto unwarranted fear that Criseyde will prove untrue. After Criseyde's eloquent argument, which included an impassioned declaration that she would remain constant in her love (IV, 1527-54), Troilus still asks her to leave with him: "But for the love of God, if it be may,/So late us stelen priveliche away;/For evere in oon, as for to lyve in reste,/Myn herte seyth that it wol be the beste." (IV, 1600-1604)
After listening to this plea, Criseyde finally experiences an awakening, realizing that her lover does not hold the values that she herself cherishes. She recognizes his plea stems only from jealousy and not from any noble concern for her or for their country's grave situation. Sighing with exasperation, she once again defends herself against the charge of infidelity: "I se wel now that ye mystrusten me, For by youre wordes it is wel yseene./Now for the love of Cinthia the sheene, Mistrust me nought thus ca?seles, for routhe,/Syn to be trewe I have yow plight my trouthe." (IV, 1606-10)
Criseyde now recognizes that Troilus, who had shunned jealousy during his earlier blissful state (III, 1805-6), has relapsed into a suspicious suitor, one who holds little faith in his love's sincerity. He has forgotten that the last time he questioned Criseyde's trustworthiness he nearly lost her favor (III, 1054-85). Troilus's hypocrisy at Criseyde's departure serves only to alienate her further and to make her resolve to return to Troy begin to evaporate. The Trojan prince not only refuses to heed Pandarus's advice and openly declare his love; he also feigns joy at the arrival of Antenor (V, 77). Even if he believed that openly expressing his love for Criseyde would imperil her, he need not seem joyous concerning the exchange. Criseyde does not mask her emotions so easily but instead weeps piteously as Diomede leads her away (V, 82). She feels distraught not only because she must leave Troilus and Troy but also because she now recognizes that she has misread her lover's nature.
Troilus's behavior undercuts the narrator's contention that the young prince refuses to act only because he fears some harm may befall Criseyde: But why he nolde don so fel a dede,/That shal I seyn, and whi hym liste it spare:/He hadde in herte alweyes a manere drede/Lest that Criseyde, in rumour of this fare,/Sholde han ben slayn; lo, this was al his care./And ellis, certeyn, as I seyde yore,/He hadde it don, wi thou ten wordes more.(V, 50-56) These assurances concerning Troilus's desire to behave valiantly seem to reflect anxiety on the part of the narrator, who suspects, perhaps, that he recounts not the tale of a hero but of a coward.
W. A. Davenport believes Troilus's poetic apostrophes to his lost love as he waits for her in Troy indicate that the young prince's despair is primarily a pose. Troilus's letters also reveal that he continues to play a role. These solipsistic missives to Criseyde seal his fate, for they leave no question that Troilus remains a courtly lover. He does not consider the needs of his auditor, for instead of tender, solicitous queries concerning the hardships she must have endured, he stresses his own affliction. Cox comments that "Troilus sings of his woe with little regard for Criseyde, . . . and his letter, . . . full of fin’amors platitudes, blames her for going to the Greeks."
As in Book I, where he allowed his misery to paralyze him, Troilus has succeeded in making himself overwrought. It is as if the communion he experienced with Criseyde in Book III never occurred, for the Trojan prince once again acts like the lovelorn suitor of a lady he scarcely knows, whom he can address only in the most artificial, contrived manner. Troilus pens his letter ostensibly to convince Criseyde to return to Troy. Such a demand, however, is absurd, and he knows it. He, who remained completely passive while the Trojans forced his love to leave, now expects Criseyde to risk her life by rushing across the battlefield to return to him. Even if she succeeded in reaching Troy, Troilus knows his father would send her back to the Greeks.
Troilus does not really expect Criseyde to reunite with him; rather, he expects her to behave like a proper lady and die for her love. One can speculate that he wants her to act like the nondescript tragic heroines in the Legend of Good Women, to pine away like Ariadne or to commit suicide like Dido. Such behavior would prove a fitting end for the object of Troilus's desire, enabling him to compose tragic lays about the death of his beautiful, beloved dame. Criseyde sees through Troilus's importunate letter, and, instead of playing the expected role of the bereft lady, she assumes the role of a courtly lover herself. As Davis notes, "when his [Troilus's] thou becomes an it, it rightly opts out." Criseyde might have risked her life or wasted away for the valiant Troilus of Book III, but she deems this poseur unworthy of such deep, abiding affection.
John McKinnell contrasts the structure of Criseyde's letter to Troilus's, noting that her epistle flows eloquently and follows the rules of artes dictamen. Criseyde's controlled prose reflects her nature; she will determine her own actions and certainly will not be dictated to by a man whose own convoluted letter displays an utter lack of composure or self-discipline. The time for impulsive behavior on the part of Troilus has passed. He should have displayed such passion when Criseyde was taken from him; he should have acted rashly when such behavior would have proved effective. Now his raving falls on deaf ears, and his former lover tersely retorts "Nor other thyng nys in youre remembraunce, / As thynketh me, but only youre plesaunce" (V, 1607-8).
In abandoning Troilus and accepting Diomede's suit, Criseyde behaves like a male lover jilting a woman with whom he has grown weary. Criseyde knows that men behave in this manner, for prior to accepting Troilus's advances, she complains about the faithlessness of men: "ek men ben so un trewe,/That right anon as cessed is hire lest,/So cesseth love, and forth to love a newe./But harm ydoon is doon, whoso it rewe:,For though thise men for love hem first torende,/Ful sharp bygynnyng breketh ofte at ende."(II, 786-91) Criseyde follows the consummate courtly lover's, Pandarus's, advice to Troilus, an act that leaves both uncle and lover astounded. Her behavior provokes Pandarus's violent exclamation "I hate, ywis, Cryseyde; / And, God woot, I wol hate hire evermore!" (V, 1732-33), as well as his wish that she will die soon, a desire to which Troilus, by not gainsaying, seems to give his silent assent.
Criseyde's unconventional behavior confounds the narrator as well. He cannot quite grasp why she gives Diomede Troilus's brooch, for instance, despairing that there "was litel nede" for such a deed (V, 1040). The narrator cannot admit that Troilus deserves to be abandoned by Criseyde, for to do so would be to recognize that he has recounted the story of a dithering, self-consumed man. By giving Diomede her brooch, Criseyde sends Troilus a clear message that no matter how much he rants and raves she no longer will accommodate his desires. She lets him know that not only does she refuse to return to Troy; she also refuses to waste away for love of him. Criseyde never wanted to involve herself in an affair constrained by the rules of courtly love, and she takes up with a new lover, who, like her, eschews such conventions.
Diomede's desire for Criseyde does not emasculate him, and he never complains of her cruel heart or hints that she causes him great pain. Instead, he treats her as his equal, engaging her in an intellectual conversation concerning the siege and seeking her opinion about the war: He gan first fallen of the werre in speche Bitwixe hem and the folk of Troie town;/And of th'assege he gan hire ek biseche To telle hym what was hire opynyoun. (V, 855-58) Diomede understands Criseyde's nature, for he recognizes that she is a woman interested in much more than silly love games. Instead of harping about himself, as Troilus tends to do, Diomede at least feigns empathy for Criseyde's plight, telling her he has noticed her sorrow and wondering if she laments a lost love (V, 871-82).
His concern indeed may be motivated merely by lust, but compared to Troilus's self pitying posturing, it strikes the Trojan beauty as a welcome change. In Criseyde's estimation, Diomede now seems much closer to the ideal she seeks than the Trojan prince, for Diomede pretends at least to admire both her beauty and her intellect. Indeed, Chaucer hints that Diomede may prove a much better match for feisty Criseyde than the young, oversensitive prince. The poet reveals that the Greek warrior and the Trojan beauty share the same pragmatic philosophy. Determined to court Criseyde, Diomede reminds himself that "he that naught n'asaieth naught n'acheveth" (V, 784). His words echo Criseyde's own, who, while contemplating Troilus's suit, mused that "'He which that nothing undertaketh, / Nothyng n'acheveth, be hym looth or deere'" (II, 807-8). Troilus, significantly, does not subscribe to this self-sufficient view.
Readers should not scorn Criseyde for turning toward Diomede. After being so bitterly disappointed in Troilus, who proved himself incapable of transcending the conventional, Criseyde continues to believe in the possibility of attaining the ideal in love. She may not remain loyal to a man who has failed her, but she does remain loyal to the notion of a healthy, wholesome love, a love based on mutual desire and a meeting of minds. Her passion for Troilus has changed her; she does not revert back to the cynical young widow of Book II, who regarded love as little more than a trap set by men. For one fleeting moment, Criseyde found her affair with Troilus liberating, because it enabled her to express and to sate finally her own desires. She embarks on a relationship with Diomede yearning to recapture the bliss that she once felt with her Trojan prince. Diomede, she hopes, will prove a more worthy recipient of her stalwart heart.
Troilus also finds himself altered by his love affair with Criseyde, but his transformation occurs only after his death. His demise releases him from the courtly love conventions that he found impossible to escape while on earth. In Reading Lolita in Tehran, Azar Nafisi describes the metamorphosis that occurs when her female students remove their mandatory black robes in the sanctuary of their professor's apartment. Freed from these black garbs, symbols of the repressive Iranian regime, they indulge in the luxury of laughter. Upon his death, Troilus finds himself similarly released from the strictures of his society. He can now shed his pose as a courtly lover, and, looking at the world from his heavenly perch, he too can laugh, both at his weakness in constantly allowing the values of the majority to dictate his actions and at the temerity of the woman he once loved, who refused to do so.”
- Mary Behrman, “Heroic Criseyde.”
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lionloft · 3 years ago
continued w/ @pastchronicled​​:
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Eowyn listened to what Aslan said and his very voice filled her with courage and hope. How could she turn her back on such a gentle lord? On such a valiant king as this? She took a deep breath and did not hesitate to lower herself to the ground and then bow once more. “I’m prepared Aslan. I knew this would be difficult when I started the journey, and I cannot turn back now. Narnia and Archenland deserve freedom. Freedom from cruelty and suffering and if I can help I will, no matter the cost to me,” She spoke bravely. She was telling the truth though. She would fight for what she thought was the right thing. She would not allow her heart to falter. She would fight for Aslan. She looked into his eyes and the golden radiance was almost too much for her to look at. She felt a thrill of fear but held his gaze. She would never turn away from him. He wild and deadly that was true, but he was also kind and the real king of Narnia. The being who created it all. “As long as I draw breath my sword and shield are yours,” She told him her tone was showing her more solemn nature.  
“Aslan…” She spoke. Saying the name and even hearing it was like a delicious scent in the breeze or a delightful strain of music and made her feel happiness beyond measure. “I will join your army and fight alongside you. I have heard tell that the four children of the prophecy have also come to Narnia?” She asked. She recited the poem in her head and had a strange feeling. It was almost like a premonition. The sight of four children all crowned at Cair Paravel. Her people journeying into Narnia once more and being the true nomadic people, they had been. The banner of the Rohirrim joining their Narnian cousins once more. “Aslan can it be true? I have hoped for so long and have never forgotten. I am almost like the most loyal badger holding onto things. My brother thinks it folly,” She said with fear. Eomer was as true as steel but years of hardship and nothing, but pain had turned him bitter. In a gesture to comfort herself she patted her horses neck once more her arm slung around the strong beats shoulders.  
“I can never doubt. I will never doubt,” She spoke fiercely. She had in the past when she had been a child and she and Eomer had to flee with their cousin and uncle. Theoden was in ill health and their cousin had been slain by the witch years ago. It had almost broke Eowyn’s spirits, but she had taken comfort in the fact that in the end Aslan had a plan. He was their lord and would never steer their wrong. “Tell me what I must do,” She told him. Her face was pale, and her bottom lip showed she had been nibbling at it, but she was going to do as Aslan said. Eowyn knew that when the witch was gone their people could begin to rebuild and perhaps become better people in peace.  
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THERE WAS NO BETTER INDIVIDUAL THAN THE THE GREAT LION HIMSELF TO TESTIFY TO THE TRUTH OF HER WHOLEHEARTED DEVOTION AND FAITHFULNESS: these were unquenchable fires so fiercely loyal. “My beloved daughter,” spoke the Lion. “Though you have not seen me for quite some time, and though there will continue to be times where you may no longer see me, I am with you always. Your faith has never gone unnoticed to me, Eoywn.” The Lord of Narnia gently nuzzled the warrior woman with his nose. Blinding, glorious light emanated from his touch, and when it has dissipated, armor for both Eowyn and her horse had been set upon a large rock that was nearby. “It is mythril,” explained the Lion. “Beautiful and seemingly delicate, but it is true-heartedly unwavering.” There was a lilt in his tone and the gleam of a tender smile in his eyes. “Just like your noble heart, my dear child.” Aslan sat back on his hind legs, and his tail thudded back and forth, back and forth on the tawny path. “None other would I entrust with this important task than you. It is true that the children of the prophecy have come to Narnia, but the wicked Witch and her cunning schemes have scattered the group. She has taken one of the children captive. Eowyn, select the warriors you deem worthy of the task of pursuing the Witch. You must bear in mind that the Witch is most deceptive with her charms and Magic. The warriors you choose must be people who are well-acquainted with and unafraid of the darkness within their own hearts, as she is known to sway even the most intelligent of Man to join her cause. She is on the children’s tail, and I fear that the kind Beavers’ home will shortly give way to her relentless attack. Your very special task, Eowyn, is to protect the children and bring all four of them to safety at the Stone Table.”
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the-wanderer-willow · 3 years ago
[@the-valianter-valkyriest] JEALOUSY w/ the girls my beloveds
Willow has such terrible taste.
How offended had Wigfrid been when she said she preferred picture shows to live performances! Sure, they were impressive technologically, but they didn’t even have sound! No words, no music, an insult to her craft! It was only made slightly better when she admitted she’d only ever snuck in to see movies, never paying for them.
Terrible taste then, terrible taste now with that new woman around. That Wheeler. She seemed to arrive out of nowhere (ignoring that technically everyone in the Constant kind of arrived out of nowhere), and now she was miss popular with her stories of distant adventure (also ignoring that of course an adventurer would be a useful ally in a world full of it).
None were more captivated by her tales than Willow.
“It’s a hot air balloon! You use FIRE to make it FLY. I mean, how cool is that!” She pointed out with the biggest grin when she and Wigfrid were together for the first watch of the night.
The performer was long sick of Willow’s fascination. The way she laughed at all her jokes and twirled her pigtails around her. The barest bit of pink on her pale face the one time Wheeler winked at her. It all sent lava beating out Wigfrid’s heart and into her veins.
When the intruder adventurer decided to move on, everyone was surprised. Most gently tried to convince her to stay at the group camp for the extra safety, with Willow being especially convincing, but Wheeler claimed this was the way she preferred it after a promise to keep in touch with and help the others often.
The firestarter was so clearly heartbroken the day she left. Wigfrid sighed to herself seeing the dejected young lady moping as she went about her chores. She’d felt so vindicated by her absence, but she never liked to see her sad.
“What was that öne yöu went ön and ön aböut last time we discussed yöur preciöus films?” She came up to ask, taking up an axe to help her gather wood.
“Come on, I’m not the only one who thinks it’s cool people are capturing moving images in tiny little boxes. It was ‘Tillie’s Punctured Romance’. It was one of my favorites.” Willow picked up the pinecones from the tree she had just felled with Wigfrid’s help. “I know opera is your thing, but you know, I bet you’d make a fantastic movie star. They can’t be silent forever, right? A lot more people would get to hear your voice, too.”
If it were anyone else, she would’ve scoffed at the notion. Instead, Wigfrid tilted her head to the side to hide her blush. “Are yöu sure Wheeler wöuldn’t be better för the pictures?” It was almost impossible to suppress the venom in her tone.
Willow laughed. “Please. She’s awesome, but no performer. Maybe she could write the scripts and stories if she worked on her handwriting a bit, but you’re the one I’d want to see on stage.”
Wigfrid decided she could live with that.
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From Upon the Golden Thrones
Episode 32: A Castle Full of Memories
               “Peter!” a familiar voice shouted from the balcony. In a flash, Lucy was speeding down the hallway banging on every door as she went, shouting that her big brother had finally returned. Susan and Edmund quickly followed suit, rushing after her to greet the magnificent king as he entered the castle gates. Soon word of the army’s return had reached everyone in Cair Paravel, and the families of those who had fought tirelessly all joined the young king and queens.
               Peter’s heart swelled with happiness at the sight of his family, caught in a tight embrace the moment he left Besnik’s back. “We’re so happy you’ve returned safely” Susan whispered.
               “How was it?” Edmund asked. “What were the giants like? Did they put up a good fight? I still wish you had let me come with you, Pete.”
               “It was fine” Peter replied despondently. There was something off about him. He had bags under his eyes, and he looked almost sickly. He turned his gaze to the happy reunions of his army, wives and parents and children all rushing to hug their beloved. Tristan’s family wailed and kissed his cheeks, desperate to ensure that he was really alive. Their hearts broke upon discovering he had lost an arm, but the fact he had lived despite that was a miracle. It’s Aslan’s blessing! they exclaimed. And then there were those who weren’t quite so lucky.
               A young woman rushed forward, frantic, a hand upon her pregnant stomach. “High King Peter, y-your majesty!” she cried, “W-what about my husband? Has he fallen behind? Will he return soon?” The look of desperation upon her face, the terrified suspicion, only enforced Peter’s own depression.
               “I’m terribly sorry” he replied, placing a hand upon the woman’s shoulder. He tried to be as kind as possible, but still there was something rather detached and robotic about him. Something not quite right. She looked upon him incredulously for a moment, searching his face for any sign of this perhaps just being some sick joke but when she found none, she brought her hands to her mouth and then subsequently broke down. Susan rushed to her side, wrapping the woman in her arms and trying to calm her. She glared at her elder brother and mouthed That was nicely handled.
               In the following days, however, it was clear that something was definitely amiss. Peter kept to himself often and didn’t want anything to do with anyone. Of course a battle of such proportions would take it’s toll on anyone, and at first the others presumed he was just tired from the fight, but when he was sleeping for far too long and still in a terrible mood, their suspicions escalated. Something wasn’t right and Susan, Edmund, and Lucy were determined to get to the bottom of it.
               “I just don’t understand” the gentle said one day, gathering her siblings in the library for a meeting. “I’m so worried.”
               “I knew I should’ve gone with him, no matter what he said” Edmund replied, arms crossed as he sat back in one of the reading chairs.
               “It’s not your fault, Ed” Lucy assured him, resting a hand on his shoulder. “He just wanted you to stay safe.”
               “Lucy’s right” Susan agreed. “Besides, we needed you here. Your work in the castle is just as important as anything you might do on a battlefield, if not more.”
               “I know, but still” Edmund replied. “I wish I had been there. Maybe then I could’ve prevented whatever’s bothering him from happening.”
               “I do wish we had some sort of clue as to what’s the matter” Lucy sighed. She hated seeing her eldest brother so withdrawn. “The last time he was this bad was after Eilonwy had left.”
               Edmund furrowed his brows and stroked his chin, deep in thought. “You know, Lu, now that you mention it, I have seen him spending a lot of time in the garden by the monument.”
               “Do you think something happened to hike up his depression about her again?” Susan asked.
               “It seems like a valid conclusion” Edmund began, “But I can’t possibly imagine what could’ve happened.” His sisters both shook their head in mutual understanding. Without any inkling of the journey itself, it was hard to discern what may have caused such a spell. Lucy gazed out the window to the garden below, wondering whether her brother was out there right at that very moment. She wished there was something she could do to make him feel better like last time, but they couldn’t afford another seafaring adventure. They had far too many obligations in court now. If she wanted to cheer him up, she’d have to think of something far less grand.
               When he wasn’t wandering the garden, Peter spent much of the rest of his time in his office mulling over paperwork. It had stacked up rather quickly while he was gone. Susan peeked her head in, a small stack of envelopes in hand, before approaching. “I’ve brought your mail” she replied, smiling softly. “Plenty of letters from Brenn. You ought to respond to them quickly. Ginevra’s been growing rather anxious, per her letters to me.” She hoped that perhaps their dear friend would bring at least the tiniest hint of a smile to his face, but to no avail.
               “Put them wherever” he said flippantly, barely even looking up from the page. “I’ll deal with her later.”
               Susan knew deep down that he couldn’t possibly be this cold, at least not without reason, but he was clearly in a compromising mood and she preferred not to make matters even worse. She nodded once, silently obliging, then stepped back out into the hall. “I’ll just be a few doors down if you need anything” she said, hoping for a response, but when she received none, she sighed and disappeared.
               “Well?” Edmund asked. He leapt up from his chair the moment Susan returned to the library. “What happened?”
               The gentle queen shook her head. “Absolutely nothing” she replied. She explained the situation in exact detail, then watched as her younger siblings fell back with heavy sighs.
               “I wish he would just tell us what’s wrong!” Lucy moaned.
               “We’ll just have to keep a close eye on him in the next few weeks” Susan said. “We can’t rush these things. He’ll tell us when he’s ready. However, if he should get worse, then…”
               Her voice trailed off, but the just and valiant knew exactly what she meant. They didn’t want to have to resort to such manners, but if Peter was to be noncompliant and show no signs of progression, then they would have no choice but to intervene. Lucy and Edmund nodded in agreement, and their secret pact was then formed.
               Within the next week and a half, Peter was stagnant. Letters from Ginevra were stacked from the floor to as high as the windowsill now, and he was paying very little attention to the many documents he was signing.
               “Uh, Peter?” Edmund asked, reviewing the one. The magnificent merely grunted as he skimmed the contents of his next page. “You do know you just signed a law to make raspberry jam illegal, right?”
               “Never liked raspberry anyway” Peter muttered. Edmund reached out just as he dipped his quill in ink, gripping his wrist as the point hovered over the page.
               “You’re not paying attention” Edmund scolded.
               “Of course I am” Peter replied, glaring up at him.
               The just smirked. “Then what’s the purpose of that one?” he asked, pointing to the document in front of him.
               Peter blinked, then smiled confidently. “It’s an addendum to the law about illegal grocery distribution” he said. Edmund snatched the paper from his desk and skimmed the document himself.
               “It’s a complaint about marine pollution filtering into Glasswater Creek” Edmund corrected. “See? You’re not paying attention.”
               Lucy sighed and pressed her back against the wall outside of his office. “I can’t watch this anymore” she whispered. Susan shook her head, standing beside her. “It’s like he’s a shell of his former self!” She cupped her hands at her chest, her heart aching at the sight of it all. It was too much.
               Susan knew it, too. “There’s nothing more we can do” she whispered. “We just need to wait it out a little while longer.”
               Lucy peered back inside for a moment more, as if to torture herself further. She hated feeling so helpless. She truly respected her older sister, but at the same time she couldn’t stand to sit back and do nothing while their eldest brother was clearly suffering. She was going to have to take matters into her own hands.
               The roses in the garden were in full bloom, coating the air in their sweet fragrance. The garden was silent all but for the fountain in the center, upon where the statues of the former royals stood. Peter stared upon them with great focus, leaning forward with fingers tented before his mouth. The valiant watched from afar and tried to piece everything together, but his mind was barred.
               “Seems like you’ve been spending an awful lot of time out here” she then spoke, stepping out into the open. She gazed upon the statue a moment, then to her brother and asked, “Mind if I join you?” She sat beside him before he could utter a response.
               They stayed there in silence for a few moments, Lucy simply observing and trying to make sense of everything. When she got nowhere, she resorted to small talk. “I’m sure you’re glad to be back in warmer weather after your trip up north, right?”
               “Doesn’t really matter to me” Peter muttered. Lucy frowned.
               “Soon it’ll be the perfect weather to run down to the beach. We could have a picnic! Wouldn’t that be fun?”
               “I guess.”
               “Until then, we could always have a picnic here in the garden. Just the four of us! It’ll be like old times, when Mum and Dad would take us to the park with sandwiches and those little chocolate biscuits.”
               Peter shrugged. “I’d rather not.”
               “Oh? And why not?” Lucy asked.
               “I just want to be alone” Peter said, and this time there was a hint of frustration in his tone. As if he was trying to tell Lucy to leave. She wouldn’t hear of it.
               “Well, then we can be alone together” she grinned. She could almost see Peter’s eyes roll into the back of his head with frustration. They then fell back into another bout of silence, before Lucy got a brilliant idea. She mimicked Peter, staring up at the statues with great purpose, then said, “I wonder what they were like. You know, when they were alive.”
               Peter made a strange sound and then shook his head, breaking his gaze with the statues. “I hate this goddamn thing” he muttered. “She should be up there with them.”
               “Who should?” Lucy asked, cocking her head to the side.
               “Eilonwy” Peter said quietly, as if she should’ve already known.
               “But she’s not gone. Not really” Lucy replied. “I mean, she’s still out there somewhere.”
               Peter abruptly stood and kicked at a rock on the ground, biting his lower lip. For a moment, it looked to Lucy as if he was about to cry. Then he sniffled, leaned down, and began turning the rock over in his hands. “I wish we had never done this. So stupid” he said, analyzing every inch of the thing. He turned his gaze back to the king and queen atop the fountain, pursing his lips and then growling “This was the biggest mistake.” Then, without a single ounce of hesitancy, he groaned and launched the rock with perfect aim straight for King Lorr’s head, knocking his nose clear off.
               “Peter!” Lucy exclaimed. She leapt up from her seat and pulled his hand back into hers. “What did you do that for?!”
               He was very still for a moment, his eyes skating down to the chunk of rock now laying on the grass, then turned back to his baby sister with wide, incredulous eyes. “Oh, god…” he murmured. “What have I done…?” His hand began to shake in Lucy’s grasp, his face growing red and his eyes teary. “What have I done?” he repeated, louder now. And then he broke down, wailing pathetically and burying his face in his hands.
               Lucy’s heart pounded in her chest. What was happening? There were very few times when she had seen Peter this distraught and broken. All she could think to do was wrap her arms around him tightly and attempt to comfort him, but nothing seemed to quell his hysteria. “P-Peter, please! What is this all about?” she begged.
               It was then that she was met with a sentence she never thought she would hear. When the words fell from his lips, the entire world went silent and Lucy’s heart leapt into her throat. Peter looked at her with wide, bloodshot eyes, voice cracking and body quaking, and whispered, “Eilonwy is dead.”
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leatherbookmarking · 5 years ago
OK SO WELCOME 2 GUSU LIVEBLOGGIN because i reblogged but didn’t comment, like a little worm,
(from ch1)
1. lxc listening to (i assume) mainsteam radio warms my heart to no end
2. god!!! i’ve been sitting in the same place since i was born, essentially, but the feeling of returning to a beloved place!!! is v nicely shown here.... dreamy sigh i went to one (1) summer camp (? trip? who knows) and hated it 65% of the time but let’s blame that on me being 11 and not entirely into the concept of “rich kids in a catholic school” concept (lmao guess what junior high i went to 2 years later) BUT based on this into alone (and quarantine yearnings) i would 100% abandon everything and fuck off to gusu at any given moment
3. lan zhan is so protective of gusu hhhgggggg i am soft like tapioca pearls
4. i am soft like overcooked tapioca pearls... the way camp elders act with lwj is so ughhhh and “zhanzhan” ZHANZHAN!!! MOM I DIE
6. (while vibrating) family dynamicsssssss
7. “Wen Qing unceremoniously shoving Huaisang over to be able to sit next to Wangji“ i love a girl
8. loving how lwj chooses not to ask re: mysterious new staff member when he’s still in the car with xichen, yknow? so he can react to it in peace and privacy, and then, as everyone’s like, oh you KNOW, considering who’s joining us this year! (lwj internally: who) oh don’t you know yet! (lwj internally: WHO. WHO!!!) wouldn’t you like to know!!!
9. wei ‘of course i am not experiencing any negative emotions, what are you talking about, i am SMILING, see? happy!” wuxian strikes BACK oh how i love this stupid boy
10. i vaguely remember you saying something something i don’t want to write serious stuff, they’re xianxia characters in a summer camp setting!, and then i was like OH HO BUT BY ALL MEANS, and then you did, and then i’m like :’’’’’’’’’’’’) it’s fine.jpeg hurt me!! hurt me with sixteen years old boys on a summer camp!!!
11. back 2 the present and xichen once again wins the mvp title. “alright, here’s the thing--”
13. baby
14. “Xichen,” he repeats, almost desperately, but everyone else clearly sees the opportunity to leave this particular situation“ SITUATIONAL COMEDY AT ITS FINEST!!!!
15. absolutely in love w/ how everyone takes one (1) look at lwj and decides ha! this sounds like a he problem! bye!!!
16. even xichen
18. MIANMIAN MIANMIAN MIANMIAN being tiny!!! hugging lan zhan!!! i love you!!!
19. “you’re the one getting shorter” okay ao MAYBE my heart burst in my chest from sheer tenderness, but also maybe it DIDN’T. can you prove it? thought so!!!
20. tapioca update: it didn’t go well. however! if you ever need wallpaper glue,
21. picturing jc wrangling nhs fills me with so much joy also
22. GOD!!! wwx standing on top of the stairs!!! time stopping!!! ‘oh no he’s hot’!!!! LAN ZHAN YOU GAY DISASTER
23. lan zhan: Processes how hot wwx has gotten
Do I Have To Say Anything
24. “Wei Wuxian tries to match his death glare, a very valiant attempt for someone with a face as animated as him, and gives up about three seconds later, bursting into laughter“
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25. THE EXODUS!!! AH THE DRAMATIC EXODUS!!!!! i am a BIG slut for “ugh you HAD to come back and LIGHT A FIRE IN MY CHEST AGAIN, you ASSHOLE >:/” moments, the SLUT LEVEL in me overshadows jin guangshan’s, i am QUEEN SLUT for moments like those B L E S S
in which we move onwards to ch2. will i embarrass myself further with excessive exclamation marks? let’s find out!!!!
26. “wow. you’re doing such a good job selling me this“ i was already in heart eyes over the bros but this line just!!! lol
28. [DRAFT]!!!!!!!!!
29. lan xichen is having at least as much fun as i have with this situation, and i love it
30. but he does have the courtesy to look ashamed
31. from time to time :-)
32. but not always :-)
33. lan “brother i love you but you and wei wuxian should be KISSING as we speak so don’t you ‘you didn’t’ me :>” xichen
34. “do you remember how many rules he broke” you sure it’s just the RULES, my boy
35. i’m honestly, honestly really loving lxc here. like yes the two main idiots are delightful but... zewu-jun.... cute....
36. “all the other things his head is suggesting he do“ SNORT is “sit on the floor and sulk about wei wuxian daring to exist, and like this” one of them gfkhgfsk
37. “surely there’s no way in hell xichen would“ xichen, as soon as wangji went to his cabin: please. please. PLEASE
38. the part about crown shyness is tiny but so pretty. i feel severely lacking in summer camp tree trivia now
39. “And then Wangji sees him, and all rational thought promptly abandons him for dead“ wangxian summed up in one sentence (jk)
40. SO UH IS HE SINGLE i wholeheartedly enjoy wwx being Whacked
41. “when Wei Wuxian recalls the people who used to, and still should be, standing by his side, he only meets with a dismissive ‘Long story’ from his brother, and a somewhat nervous ‘I’ll tell you later’ from Nie Huaisang” oh? oh??  oh??? OH?????
42. oh yeah i forgot 2 mention before but lwj playing the guitar makes me feel... things... like yeah string instruments BUT guqin is so fancy and dignified, meanwhile guitar is... somehow... i mean of course lwj is a pro and makes everyone swoon playing the easiest chords but the THING is guitar is such a friend-shaped instrument... i need to lie down hold up
43. A NING A NING A NING A NINGGGGGGGG THE BOY IS HERE!!! making wwx almost inhale his harmonica no less! king of powerful entrances, truly
44. “what really happened to Nie Huaisang’s older brother, who was once ride-or-die for both Gusu and Lan Xichen (he got a job very far abroad, that’s all Wen Ning knows, and Wei Wuxian promises himself he’s going to pour some alcohol into Huaisang eventually to make him spill the beans)“ vibrates, at the speed of a hummingbird’s wings
45. the grass scene is wonderful 2 me for two reasons: one, WWX PLAYING A BLADE OF GRASS. i just watched a yt vid in which a dude does make it actually play, which is amazing, but my experience consists mostly of emitting one PTWEEEEET and making everyone almost jump out of their skins. good times! two, the contrast between this scene and the one in ep2... cql: wuji.mp3, slowmo, passionate gazes, wtg: wwx torturing a blade of grass, STILL making lwj (wayward) come to him. true love!!! truly true love!!!
46. yells @ wwx’s cute habit still being present
47. the following scenes are too gentle and sweet for me to formulate coherent thoughts.... i’m just sitting here, chihanding, sighing dreamily, thank you, bless
48. “Lan Zhan he once knew is still in there“ ah, sensei, sorry, i won’t be submitting my thesis this year.... i need at least six months to cope with this sentence... ご迷惑をかけて申��訳ございません
49. BABY WANGXIANS bonding over rabbits... lan zhan looking almost proud when wwx mentions his big brother...
50. “WE’RE GOING TO HAVE A GREAT SUMMER, YOU AND I” OI!!! WEI WUXIAN!!! WEI YING!!! is it legal to be so (gestures) CUTE at the tender age of nine??? hm???
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cleverfoxhound-writes · 6 years ago
Commission: Valkyrie’s Kiss
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Barbarian/Valkyrie! AU With the threat of the undead army nearly on the doorstep of Zarya and her sibling's home, her younger brother rushed into a journey she felt that he didn't need to take, Zarya goes after her brother to bring him back to safety. 
What she didn't expect was to meet one of the rarest sights of all. A male Valkyrie. Barbarian! Zarya x M!Valkyrie!Mercy
"The undead army will overrun us if we don't do something…"
She knew about the carnage that on the fields and if left unchecked the undead army that rampaged over their homeland would overrun them and they too would be added to the undead army.
Her youngest brother, Olaf, had left the safety of their home and on a journey that she believed was not needed. The eldest brothers were already protecting the villages that were in danger and their village that her and her siblings were tucked away provided safety but did not prevent those who willingly ran into danger.
In Endoria their family was one of the most revered and prestigious Barbarian families because of their strength and ruthless tactics. Zarya was the oldest of the eight children, three male and five female, she took over the household and refused to marry until her sisters were old enough to be wed. But the family had a new danger, Zarya knew that her brothers were not immortal and she promised their mother before their mother went to her death with her father on the field.
"Mother…guide me. I will bring Olaf back and protect everyone," Zarya whispered as she clutched the pendant around her neck. She stood in front of the entrance of their home, eyes closed in a small prayer before she reached for the door.
"You're going after him…aren't you?"
Zarya turned around to see a small girl with nearly the same features as hers, her hair blond with a pink hue, her eyes were bright blue.
"Vestra…" Zarya began. The young girl slowly approached Zarya.
"Yes…I have to," Zarya replied.
"Please…don't die," Vestra whispered as she tried to hold back tears that threatened to fall. Zarya sighed as she knelt in front of her and with a quick flick of a finger Zarya wiped away the tears.
"I have to bring him back, mother told me to protect him and I will. It was her dying wish," Zarya replied. Vestra nodded silently.
"Back to bed. I will return with haste until then, listen to Grei," Zarya said as she stood and grabbed the axe that her father once wielded.
Vestra nodded silently as she watched the woman exit from the safety of their home.
Dressed in her leather armor that had been made for her on the premise if her older brothers fell in battle or if her mother were unable to bear more male children.
Her helmet resembled that of her father, small plates on the side meant to protect the sides of the face followed by intricately designed "V" cut front of the helmet to shield her eyes. The poignant feature about the helmet was the three large spikes that jutted from the sides and top.
Patched together with leather, hide, fur and steel, each piece of her armor symbolized an achievement or a trophy to prove her worth to her father. The cuirass accommodated her large chest and covered with tribal designs important to their family and scale mail to provide more protection. Finally, the pauldron she adorned was nearly a replica of her father's but more simple design, leather, and iron plates angled and fastened together to protect her wielding arm.
"Mother...Father...guide me,"
"The Valkyries are aware of what is to come if the undead army is left untouched…," one of the winged females began.
"We already have the best Valkyries on the battlefield to assist the...barbarians," another voice came.
"The barbarians…well at least they will do the heavy lifting and the Valkyries will handle the rest," the first winged woman began.
"And what of the others? What are we to do?"
The women at the table gave a quick look to one another before they glanced at the person who had spoken. A blue-eyed, blond-haired man that stood in the crowd mostly of women with the same features.
"You are to stay here until you are needed. There are those that will go out into the field and assist where needed," the woman stated.
"You will not act unless you are told to,"
The young man seemed to hold back but relented as the other women began to whisper and look at him. He knew they whispered about him, he knew his situation was different from theirs, Angelo, known as Mercy was rare.
A male Valkyrie.
The women in the large hall began to disperse leaving only Angelo and a woman with blonde hair pinned into double buns.
"Angelo, you know not to question the elders," the woman began.
"The world below is in danger, I could not just sit idly by, Siva," Angelo replied.
The woman known as Siva sighed heavily as she stopped the young man in his tracks, Siva stood at least a foot taller than he but the look that he gave the woman proved that he would stand his ground in front of her as well. Again, Siva sighed as she gave Angelo a knowing look.
"I have been at your side since you somehow made it into Valhalla...you are like a family to me," Siva began as she reached for the stray piece of hair that stuck to the side of Angelo's face.
"I appreciate you and everyone for that but-" Angelo trailed off.
"You parents... lives were taken so suddenly, you were still a babe when they were slain," Siva began quietly.
"Even so-" Angelo began. "That does not give you the right to treat me as a child,"
The taller blond haired woman sighed exasperatedly at the young man's stubbornness.
"We cannot go against the orders of Brynhylde, that goes against the word of Odin himself!" Siva huffed.
"Then what do we do-" Angelo began.
"We wait," Siva replied firmly.
At that moment, Angelo narrowed his eyes at the taller woman as he grabbed his beloved staff, Caduceus and pass the woman to the outside of large sanctuary and took flight into the heavens and down beneath the clouds.
"Angelo wait!"
Zarya knocked back the rotten corpse that lashed at her, her large dual sided axe cleaved cleanly through the rotten corpse. She quickly spun her axe around to slice another corpse in half before she swung her axe wide halving the group of undead that surrounded her.
"There are too many…but I cannot falter and cannot give up!"
With a flick of her axe, she prepared for the second onslaught from the unrelenting forces of the undead. With a ferocious cry, Zarya lashed out at the closest undead soldier and cleaved it in two. Though valiant, the sword-wielding corpses managed to cut through her stalwart reflexes, and through the armor, she wore and along with tough leather hide she wore. The deep cuts burned at her biceps, and thigh.
In a blind rage, she swung her axe wide again halving the undead that encroached upon her. Adrenaline pumped through her system muting the burning and biting pain of the wounds that surly bled down her legs and arms.
"I will not fall," Zarya began. "My time will not end here!" Zarya roared as the rage of her ancestors filled her with a new an unbridled strength.
Filled with rage she lunged at the nearest corpse as did the army of corpses did at her. She didn't know how many she had cleaved or shredded in two but her strength began to fade her as she demolished all that she could but the wounds she had sustained from the rage of her ancestors began to fade and she soon would succumb to the wounds if there were no reprieve. Her vision began to fade as she fell to one knee.
Suddenly, a bright light shone above the woman blinding her and surprising the undead army. Though her heart drummed in her ears, she could hear the nearly muted noise of a trumpet echoing in the area. Suddenly, fire and lightning rained down from the heavens striking down the undead.
"W-What?" Zarya panted as blood and sweat ran down her face and stung her eyes, her throat burned.
Within minutes the rest of the undead army that surrounded Zarya had been struck down, burned and fried to a crisp. With her strength waning, Zarya quickly looked for the source of the magic, the source of warmth the surrounded her as she looked towards the heavens.
Angelic like wings filled her vision as she fell into darkness.
Heroes never die
Zarya suddenly shot up from her forced slumber and came face to face with an armor-clad winged man.
"Y-You—" Zarya choked.
"You're alive…good," the unknown Valkyrie began as they gave the woman a sheepskin flask and stood.
Her heartbeat drummed in her ear as she tried to gather her surroundings and to regain her voice.
"Where…am I? Who are you?" Zarya questioned, her voice rough, harsh as she hints of the iron-like taste of blood assaulted her taste buds causing her to grimace.
"Who am I? In short, your savior…where are you? Somewhere safe…for now at least," the blonde haired man replied.
Zarya remained silent as she cautiously looked over the man, she could feel the strange celestial aura radiating from the man. The armor he wore made of materials she had never seen before, the metal boots and greaves that shielded the man's legs, followed by the bare skin of his thighs and the metal plating of the skirt that protected his crotch. Her eyes then traveled to the intricately designed breast plate and wings.
The main feature that was poignant to Zarya was the fact that this celestial being, which she knew to be a Valkyrie was not a woman but male.
Obvious to the woman's critical eye, the male Valkyrie focused on their surroundings, to see if there were more enemies about.
"Is there something wrong?"
"Your name," Zarya began.
"I am known as Mercy," Mercy replied as he extended a hand to the woman to help her stand.
Zarya glanced at the gesture and stood herself. Silently, Mercy pursed their lips together as he moved away from the larger barbarian woman; he focused on the corpses and their belongings.
"I did not want to believe that all Barbarians were rude but you have quickly crushed that," Mercy muttered.
Zarya watched in silence as Mercy seemed to check the corpses for something, she was somewhat in a shock at the man.
"Are you really a Valkyrie? I thought Valkyries were all women…"Zarya commented as she checked her armor and her leathers. She heard the man click his tongue his in annoyance and the sullen look that crossed the man's face.
"And I thought that all Barbarian warriors were male," Mercy replied. Zarya raised an eyebrow surprised at the sarcastic response from the male.
From what she was told about the Valkyries by her father, all Valkyries were women welcomed into Valhalla with Odin and the other women that died a noble death were welcomed by Freyja in Folkvanger, but the man in front of her proved differently.
"It is rare, but I am a Valkyrie," Mercy replied.
Zarya looked at the man uncertain before she too turned her attention to the setting sun.
"I am here because I have a mission that involves you," Mercy replied.
"What mission would you have with me? Are you blind to see that what we are dealing with? The dead rise from the ground once again to wreak havoc upon our lands while YOUR kind watches the destruction upon our lands while you do nothing—" Zarya began.
"You are wrong," Mercy interjected cutting the woman off. "We are aware what is transpires in the realm of mortals and we are aiding as much as we can," Mercy added as he looked at the woman.
"Then use your magicks, do something, our people…our families are being massacred," Zarya began.
"We are more than aware of the situation that plagues this land ...what we didn't expect is for the women to be on the field…" Mercy commented.
"Says the person who clearly defies all teaching...or logic," Zarya commented underhandedly. "You shouldn't even exist,"
"I exist as much as you do and last time I checked women were not supposed to be warriors," Mercy replied bitterly.
Zarya grumbled and turned away from the blond-haired man and began to trudge through the bodies. Mercy quickly looked towards the woman and sighed, his wings fluttered slightly as they flapped giving the young man flight as he followed after her.
"Do you require something from me?" Zarya asked as she continued forward.
"Yes, I need to speak to you about the one named Olaf...he is of your kin correct?" Mercy questioned.
"What about him?" Zarya questioned and suddenly stopped as she turned to face the man. The smaller man nearly bumped into the woman surprised at the sudden stop.
"The other Valkyries are searching for him...he is the one to stop all of this nonsense," Mercy began. "He's the chosen one,"
"It would seem that luck is on your side….Valkyrie," Zarya replied as she turned her back to him and continued forward. "I am looking for him as well,"
"Perfect, we can travel together," Mercy replied.
"I didn't ask for a travel partner," Zarya replied as she continued forward, Angelo followed after her.
"I did not ask for many things but they happened," Mercy replied. "Besides, you cannot die on the field,"
"I was not going to die, "Zarya countered.
"Denial is the first sign of defeat. I am here to help," Angelo smirked.
"It doesn't seem like it. You seem like a nuisance," Zarya muttered.
Angelo stopped at the woman's comment and watched as she continued forward.
Slightly annoyed with me the male Valkyrie, she turned to see if indeed the man still followed her. What she didn't expect is for the man to stand there dejectedly.
"What? Did I offend you? I am surprised," Zarya commented as she stopped to face the seemingly young man.
"There are some things that...are delicate," Mercy replied.
"Even though you are a celestial being...I would have thought that would have been nothing for you," Zarya commented.
"I find your humor misplaced," Mercy replied bitterly.
"The feeling is mutual," Zarya replied as she gave the man a stoic stare.
"Who knew that Barbarians were so stoic…" Mercy commented.
"We do what we must to survive. Also...if you're coming with me then let's go perhaps you can assist me in searching for my brother," Zarya sighed.
"I am glad you agreed," Mercy smirked as his wings fluttered slightly as they flapped slightly as he began to hover after her.
Several hours into their journey, the two travel in silence until one spoke up.
"Your armor is strange…I still find it interesting that Barbarians have female warriors…" Mercy began.
"Warriors aren't supposed to dress like this," Zarya commented as she gestured to the man. " What kind of protection does your armor give? It reveals the most important areas. It makes no sense,"
"It...it is the tradition. All Valkyries dress as such," Mercy replied confidently.
"It doesn't protect you from an enemy's attack with a sword or even a quarter stick, you are too open," Zarya replied.
"I mean-"
Without warning a dark aura seemed to prick at the warm sunny air around the two, immediately the two stopped in their tracks.
'"Looks like we're no longer alone," Mercy commented.
"Stay alert...I will protect you," Zarya began as her icy blue eyes scanned the area. Mercy chuckled deeply as the large opal-like crystal of his beloved staff, Caduceus, began to glow a soft blue.
"Don't underestimate me," Mercy replied.
"We'll see about that," Zarya grunted as the dead seemed to claw themselves from the ground below and up to the surface to surround the two.
The woman shouted a battle cry as a surge of energy rushed through Zarya's system and dashed forward to rush the undead that stood before them, a big gust of wind behind her as Mercy took flight above her, out of reach of the undead army as the larger woman slaughtered the undead for their final rest. Within moments, the undead were dealt with and Zarya collapsed to one knee, exhausted from the surge of energy that had coursed through her moments ago.
"W-what was that?" Zarya panted. Mercy was silent as he lowered himself to the stained ground next to her.
"W..what did you do to me?" Zarya questioned.
"I am not just a Valkyrie for my good looks…" Mercy smirked.
"Spare me," Zarya scoffed as she stood.
Without warning Zarya pulled the man to her, pressing her lips to his in a heated hungry kiss, almost instinctively Mercy responded to the kiss. Hungry, needy and almost immediately Zarya pulled back from the kiss leaving the man in shock.
"...What..was that?" Zarya muttered as she turned away.
"That is what I want to know…" Mercy commented and cleared his throat slightly his cheeks stained a bright red
Awkward and a bit flustered Zarya turned away from the man and quickly retrieved her axe. Mercy after he calmed himself from the sudden rush and embarrassment, he looked smugly at the woman.
"What was that?" Zarya questioned.
"I am attuned to the magic arts and well I can heal those who need it and can increase the brute strength of those as well," Mercy replied with a smirk. " I suppose you were coming down from the euphoria of my magic,"
"I...I see," Zarya stuttered. "Let's continue...we don't have much sunlight left,"
The two made haste through the open fields and found large formations of rocks to use a shelter for the night, they were weary but needed to rest.
"Your real name is Angelo…" Zarya repeated, Mercy replied with a nod.
"Yes. We have titles just as your kind does...and well mine was Mercy...I'm sure it has something to do with...my upbringing,"
"I see...you will receive no pity from me...your kind are nearly gods to us, you live among the Heavens with Odin himself," Zarya replied.
"We don't want pity, we know what we need to do and nothing more," Mercy replied. "Besides, we do have free reign to do what we wish within means...but for you...it seems a bit more...ordered,"
"Without it, things would be in chaos," Zarya replied.
"Does that include your arranged marriage?" Mercy commented.
"...It does," Zarya hesitated. "Although it is postponed until this whole ordeal with the undead has been dealt with.
"And after?"
"If my supposed husband is still alive we will be wed,"
"And if he's not?" Mercy questioned.
"You are asking too many questions…" Zarya trailed off.
"I am curious about you," Mercy replied.
Zarya blushed slightly at the man adjacent to her, they had been traveling all day and learned small fragments about one another but there was one thing about the man that Zarya noticed.
He looked feminine at a passing glance, his seemingly silky blond hair pulled into a ponytail did nothing but to make his features look even more feminine, but now closer she could clearly see the man's nearly chiseled jawline. His stature and form were much smaller than her but she could clearly see the lean and nearly hidden features of muscles in his arms and partially underneath the cloth that he wore underneath the breastplate that he wore.
She knew that he was no Adonis and didn't compare him to her soon to be partner. Lost in thought and oblivious to the man's movement, Zarya flinched as Mercy placed an errant piece of the woman's soft pink hair behind her ear and gently ran the back of his hand across Zarya's soft but strong jawline.
"I thought beauty was only for the gods and goddesses, but you rival the goddesses," Mercy whispered softly as he stood in front of her.
"T..thank you," Zarya replied as her cheeks were stained like the pink of her hair.
He stood on the tips of his toes and leaned in to see if the woman would stop him, she did not, she remained silent as her eyes searched his. With a gentle smirk, he brushed his lips against hers before he pressed his lips flush against her in a gentle kiss.
Tender and full of affection.
A soft moan came from Zarya as she slowly responded to his kiss. Soft, slow, almost methodical he kissed her again and again. The tenderness of the kiss was foreign to her and completely opposite of the adrenaline-filled kiss earlier.
A surprised yelp came from the woman as she felt the man's tongue run over her bottom lip, she had to admit that she was new to this gentle way. With a bit a tender coaxing she obliged and opened to him. Gingerly her fingertips brushed against his chiseled stomach and then to the hidden muscles of his back.
He groaned slightly at the woman's hand's as they curiously and cautiously explored him. He wrapped a hand around the woman's neck as the other slowly slid down the curve of her lower back and to the supple curve of her rear and bravely caressed and groped.
Moans came from both of them as he deepening the seemingly innocent kiss. Without preamble, Zarya took control of the kiss, the same rash and impulsiveness as before came rushing back and into the kiss. Their tongues clashed and danced against each other, not giving leeway to the other to show who was more dominant between the two.
As quickly as it started they both broke the kiss, both panting as they looked hazily at each other. The fire crackled softly in front of them as they gradually regained their breath.
"Um…" Zarya began almost awkwardly," What...was that for?"
Mercy cleared his throat as he looked at the woman with a cocked grin.
"I wanted to see how well you would do…" he began. "And you did well…"
Zarya looked at the man confused and noticed that his wings had grown to encircle the two, enveloping them both in a warm light the protected them from the evil that surrounded them in the night.
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bigboxochristmas · 2 years ago
Yuletidings 1993: Hillbilly Holiday
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01 Christmas Time's a-Comin' - Peter Rowan 02 Christmas Shopping - Buck Owens & His Buckaroos 03 Deck the Bunkhouse Walls/Sidemeat's Christmas Goose - Riders in the Sky 04 Santa Claus is Comin' to Town - David Grisman 05 The Greatest Little Christmas Ever Wuz - Ray Stevens 06 Santa's Song - The Oak Ridge Boys 07 Light of the Stable - Emmylou Harris (w/Linda Ronstadt, Neil Young, Dolly Parton) 08 Santa Bring My Baby Back (To Me) - Ranch Romance 09 Reindeer Boogie - Hank Snow 10 I'm Your Private Santa Claus - Eddy Arnold 11 Jingle Bell Rock - k.d. lang 12 Jingle Bells - Les Paul 13 I'm Gonna Lasso Santa Claus - Brenda Lee 14 What Child is This - Dan Crary 15 I'll Be Home with Bells On - Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton 16 Christmas Time in Texas - Vince Vance & The Valiants 17 Riding Home on Christmas Eve - Riders in the Sky 18 Santa Looked a Lot Like Daddy - Buck Owens & His Buckaroos 19 Santa Bring Your Elves - The Oak Ridge Boys 20 I'm Gonna Wrap My Heart in Ribbons - Hank Thompson 21 I Want to Go to Santa Claus Land - Bobby Helms 22 Christmas Carol Medley - Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver 23 That White Christmas Song - Red Knuckles & The Trailblazers 24 Mr. Santa - Suzy Bogguss 25 We Wish You a Merry Christmas - David Grisman
I think it was somewhere around this time that I gained access to a DAT (Digital Audio Tape) machine and began mastering these collections on DAT tapes, which made it easier to burn them to disc when CD recorders became available some years later.  Which also means that some of the collections from this period are the original mixes, scratchy vinyl and all.  The previous collection, Christmas Power, seemed okay, but there were some exceedingly crackly records on this one (as I recall, Eddy Arnold’s “I’m Your Private Santa Claus” was taken from a beat-up thrift-store 45.) so I went back and re-did it.
This collection focuses mostly on country and bluegrass, with several of the tracks being taken from Rhino Records’ Hillbilly Holiday, after which this compilation is named and from which I swiped the cover art.  A number of tracks were also taken from a 1993 collection called Sugar Plums: Holiday Treats from Sugar Hill.  
Highlights include: those wonderful contemporary cowboy singers, Riders in the Sky, who contribute both the goofy “Sidemeat’s Christmas Goose” and the lovely “Riding Home on Christmas Eve”; k.d. lang’s spaghetti-western version of “Jingle Bell Rock” from her appearance on the Peewee Herman show; the Oak Ridge Boys rocking out on “Santa’s Song” and “Santa Bring Your Elves; the always great Les Paul with “Jingle Bells”, David Grisman’s newgrass take on “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”; the two holiday classics by Buck Owens and His Buckaroos, “Christmas Shopping” and “Santa Looked a Lot Like Daddy”; the country-swing version of “Santa Bring My Baby Back to Me” by Ranch Romance; the lovely a cappella carol medley by Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver and the very funny “Christmas Time in Texas” by Vince Vance & The Valiants.
“I'm Gonna Wrap My Heart in Ribbons” by Hank Thompson is a catchy tune but lyrically kind of gruesome, as he apparently plans to gift-wrap his heart and hang it from his beloved’s Christmas tree.  Edgar Allen Poe would approve.
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years ago
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Chapter 4
This book is called the Canticle of Canticles, that is to say, the most excellent of all canticles: because it is full of high mysteries, relating to the happy union of Christ and his spouse; which is here begun by love; and is to be eternal in heaven. The spouse of Christ is the Church: more especially as to the happiest part of it, viz. perfect souls, every one of which is his beloved; but above all others, the immaculate and ever blessed Virgin mother. Ch. --- The bridegroom is Christ, as God and man. His praises and those of his spouse are recorded by various speakers. Solomon has given us three works; for beginners, the more advanced, and the perfect; as the philosophers teach ethics, physics, and metaphysics. All the holy Scriptures contain spiritual food, but they are not all fit for every person. Heb. v. 13. With what humility ought we not, therefore, to read this most perfect and mystical canticle, as the sentiments of spiritual love are expressed in the same words as that of worldlings, and we are more inclined to follow our own judgment and carnal notions! W. --- None, therefore, should dare to peruse this work, who has not mastered his passions, having his conversation in heaven. H. --- The Jews would not allow any ot read it before the age of thirty. Orig. and S. Jer. --- Some of the fathers and commentators have even asserted that the mystical sense is the only one which pertains to this book, (Theod. Durham. T.) and it is certainly the true and principal one, though allusion may be made to the marriage of Solomon with Pharao's daughter, (C. Bossuet. D.) or with a Tyrian princess, (c. iv. 8. and 3 K. xiii. 5.) or with Abisag. Rabbins. --- Grotius shews the corruption of his own heart in his impure comments, as Theodorus, of Mopsuestra, is blamed by the second Council of Const. iv. a. 68. The name of God never, indeed, occurs; as he is represented under the idea of the bridegroom, &c. and the piece is allegorical. It might be divided into seven scenes, or nights, as the marriage feast lasted so long. Gen. xxix. 22. During this time the bridegroom saw his spouse seldom, and with great reserve, (C.) as was the custom with the Lacedemonians. Plut. in Lyc. --- We might also refer all to six nights, or to the six ages of the Church, conformably to the system of De la Chetardie and Bishop Walmesley on the Apocalypse. --- I. Age. C. i. 2. marks the ascension of Christ, and the propagation of Christianity; v. 4. 5. persecutions; v. 6. 7. vocation of the Gentiles; v. 12. protection granted by Christ. II. C. ii. 3. peace under Constantine; v. 11. 17. troubles excited by Arius. III. C. iii. 1. irruption of barbarians; v. 4. does not overturn the Church; v. 6. they are converted; v. 11. and Christ is more glorified, as Apoc. xix. IV. C. iv. 5. the Latin and Greek Churches; v. 8. the Chaldees, lions, and Greeks, leopards, (Dan.) are converted; the Turks obtain dominion; v. 12. the Greek schismatics cut off: v. 16. the Church is persecuted, but protected. V. C. v. 2. Dew marks the cooling of charity, (S. Aug.) when Luther appeared; c. vi. 3. yet the Church triumphs, particularly after the Council of Trent. VI. C. vi. 9. after the sounding of the sixth trumpet, the Jews are converted, and adorn the Church, in spite of antichrist's power; v. 11. she addresses the synagogue, v. 12. C. viii. 2. obtains leave to go into the house of her mother, as the apostles were of Jewish extraction; v. 7. the constancy of the martyrs appears; (see Rondet.) v. 8-14. the Church pants for her speedy union with her beloved. We may justly admire her authority, in preserving this and the former work of the canon, notwithstanding the internal and external evidence, and the ill use made of them by infidels, which seemed to militate against them. The Prot. Chateillon styles this "a wicked book." Several passages may, no doubt, be abused by a corrupt heart: but what is there so holy, which may not be perverted? When we meditate on this canticle, we ought to remember the admonition given by the Church in the Mass: "Let hearts be on high;" and Oh! that all might answer with truth: "We have them to the Lord!"
The additional Notes in this Edition of the New Testament will be marked with the letter A. Such as are taken from various Interpreters and Commentators, will be marked as in the Old Testament. B. Bristow, C. Calmet, Ch. Challoner, D. Du Hamel, E. Estius, J. Jansenius, M. Menochius, Po. Polus, P. Pastorini, T. Tirinus, V. Bible de Vence, W. Worthington, Wi. Witham. — The names of other authors, who may be occasionally consulted, will be given at full length.
Verses are in English and Latin. HAYDOCK CATHOLIC BIBLE COMMENTARY
This Catholic commentary on the Old Testament, following the Douay-Rheims Bible text, was originally compiled by Catholic priest and biblical scholar Rev. George Leo Haydock (1774-1849). This transcription is based on Haydock's notes as they appear in the 1859 edition of Haydock's Catholic Family Bible and Commentary printed by Edward Dunigan and Brother, New York, New York.
Changes made to the original text for this transcription include the following:
Greek letters. The original text sometimes includes Greek expressions spelled out in Greek letters. In this transcription, those expressions have been transliterated from Greek letters to English letters, put in italics, and underlined. The following substitution scheme has been used: A for Alpha; B for Beta; G for Gamma; D for Delta; E for Epsilon; Z for Zeta; E for Eta; Th for Theta; I for Iota; K for Kappa; L for Lamda; M for Mu; N for Nu; X for Xi; O for Omicron; P for Pi; R for Rho; S for Sigma; T for Tau; U for Upsilon; Ph for Phi; Ch for Chi; Ps for Psi; O for Omega. For example, where the name, Jesus, is spelled out in the original text in Greek letters, Iota-eta-sigma-omicron-upsilon-sigma, it is transliterated in this transcription as, Iesous. Greek diacritical marks have not been represented in this transcription.
Footnotes. The original text indicates footnotes with special characters, including the astrisk (*) and printers' marks, such as the dagger mark, the double dagger mark, the section mark, the parallels mark, and the paragraph mark. In this transcription all these special characters have been replaced by numbers in square brackets, such as [1], [2], [3], etc.
Accent marks. The original text contains some English letters represented with accent marks. In this transcription, those letters have been rendered in this transcription without their accent marks.
Other special characters.
Solid horizontal lines of various lengths that appear in the original text have been represented as a series of consecutive hyphens of approximately the same length, such as ---.
Ligatures, single characters containing two letters united, in the original text in some Latin expressions have been represented in this transcription as separate letters. The ligature formed by uniting A and E is represented as Ae, that of a and e as ae, that of O and E as Oe, and that of o and e as oe.
Monetary sums in the original text represented with a preceding British pound sterling symbol (a stylized L, transected by a short horizontal line) are represented in this transcription with a following pound symbol, l.
The half symbol (1/2) and three-quarters symbol (3/4) in the original text have been represented in this transcription with their decimal equivalent, (.5) and (.75) respectively.
Unreadable text. Places where the transcriber's copy of the original text is unreadable have been indicated in this transcription by an empty set of square brackets, [].
Chapter 4
Christ sets forth the graces of his spouse: and declares his love for her.
[1] How beautiful art thou, my love, how beautiful art thou! thy eyes are doves' eyes, besides what is hid within. Thy hair is as flocks of goats, which Come up from mount Galaad.
SPONSUS. Quam pulchra es, amica mea! quam pulchra es! Oculi tui columbarum, absque eo quod intrinsecus latet. Capilli tui sicut greges caprarum quae ascenderunt de monte Galaad.
[2] Thy teeth as flocks of sheep, that are shorn which come up from the washing, all with twins, and there is none barren among them.
Dentes tui sicut greges tonsarum quae ascenderunt de lavacro; omnes gemellis foetibus, et sterilis non est inter eas.
[3] Thy lips are as a scarlet lace: and thy speech sweet. Thy cheeks are as a piece of a pomegranate, besides that which lieth hid within.
Sicut vitta coccinea labia tua, et eloquium tuum dulce. Sicut fragmen mali punici, ita genae tuae, absque eo quod intrinsecus latet.
[4] Thy neck, is as the tower of David, which is built with bulwarks: a thousand bucklers hang upon it, all the armour of valiant men.
Sicut turris David collum tuum, quae aedificata est cum propugnaculis; mille clypei pendant ex ea, omnis armatura fortium.
[5] Thy two breasts like two young roes that are twins, which feed among the lilies.
Duo ubera tua sicut duo hinnuli, capreae gemelli, qui pascuntur in liliis.
[6] Till the day break, and the shadows retire, I will go to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense.
Donec aspiret dies, et inclinentur umbrae, vadam ad montem myrrhae, et ad collem thuris.
[7] Thou art all fair, O my love, and there is not a spot in thee.
Tota pulchra es, amica mea, et macula non est in te.
[8] Come from Libanus, my spouse, come from Libanus, come: thou shalt be crowned from the top of Amana, from the top of Sanir and Hermon, from the dens of the lions, from the mountains of the leopards.
Veni de Libano, sponsa mea : veni de Libano, veni, coronaberis : de capite Amana, de vertice Sanir et Hermon, de cubilibus leonum, de montibus pardorum.
[9] Thou hast wounded my heart, my sister, my spouse, thou hast wounded my heart with one of thy eyes, and with one hair of thy neck.
Vulnerasti cor meum, soror mea, sponsa; vulnerasti cor meum in uno oculorum tuorum, et in uno crine colli tui.
[10] How beautiful are thy breasts, my sister, my spouse! thy breasts are more beautiful than wine, and the sweet smell of thy ointments above all aromatical spices.
Quam pulchrae sunt mammae tuae, soror mea sponsa! pulchriora sunt ubera tua vino, et odor unguentorum tuorum super omnia aromata.
[11] Thy lips, my spouse, are as a dropping honeycomb, honey and milk are under thy tongue; and the smell of thy garments, as the smell of frankincense.
Favus distillans labia tua, sponsa; mel et lac sub lingua tua : et odor vestimentorum tuorum sicut odor thuris.
[12] My sister, my spouse, is a garden enclosed, a garden enclosed, a fountain sealed up.
Hortus conclusus soror mea, sponsa, hortus conclusus, fons signatus.
[13] Thy plants are a paradise of pomegranates with the fruits of the orchard. Cypress with spikenard.
Emissiones tuae paradisus malorum punicorum, cum pomorum fructibus, cypri cum nardo.
[14] Spikenard and saffron, sweet cane and cinnamon, with all the trees of Libanus, myrrh and aloes with all the chief perfumes.
Nardus et crocus, fistula et cinnamomum, cum universis lignis Libani; myrrha et aloe, cum omnibus primis unguentis.
[15] The fountain of gardens: the well of living waters, which run with a strong stream from Libanus.
Fons hortorum, puteus aquarum viventium, quae fluunt impetu de Libano.
[16] Arise, O north wind, and come, O south wind, blow through my garden, and let the aromatical spices thereof flow.
SPONSA. Surge, aquilo, et veni, auster : perfla hortum meum, et fluant aromata illius.
Ver. 1. How. Christ again praises the beauty of his Church. W. --- The dialogue takes place in the country. H. --- From corporal beauty, which is often dangerous, and the portion of the most dissolute, we must raise our minds to spiritual advantages, which the Holy Ghost has here in view. --- Within. S. Amb. "besides thy taciturnity." Sept. "silence." Rabbins, &c. "hair." Prot. "within thy locks." But what renders this version of tsammathec (H.) suspicious is, that none of the ancients knew of it, and the hair is afterwards specified. C. vi. 4. Moreover, Isaias, (xlvii. 2.) uses it for (C.) "turpitude," (S. Jer.) or the parts which are usually "covered." Sept. H. --- Si qua latent, meliora putat. Met. 1500. --- All the glory of the king's daughter is within. Ps. xliv. 14. Modesty and silence are the best encomium. C. --- The Lord praises the intention, occupations and doctrine of the Church, the twins of faith and good works; the preaching of Christ's passion without shame, (v. 3.) and the administration of the sacraments, which, like the neck, unite the members to their head; so that they become invincible, (v. 4.) whether they be of Jewish or Gentile extraction, v. 5. W. --- Up. Heb. and Sept. "appear." Jerusalem was the highest part of the country; (H.) and coming up and down often means no more than coming or going. Jug. xi. 3. and xv. 11. C. --- The hair of goats in Lycia was beautifully curled. Ælian xvi. 30. --- Women used such false hair. Mart. xii. 45. --- Though the hair be only an ornament, it is not to be neglected; so the pious Christian will always treat with respect the ceremonies established chiefly for the instruction of the ignorant. C. --- Those simple and fervent souls, by their numbers, adorn the Church, as hair does the body. S. Greg. --- The external and internal perfections of the spouse deserve commendation. M.
Ver. 2. Them. Those who lay aside the old man, and receive baptism, are filled with grace, to bring forth the fruits of virtue. S. Aug. Doct. ii. 6. --- Pastors in particular, must lay aside worldly cares, and attend to their flocks. M.
Ver. 3. Scarlet. Preachers of the gospel (S. Greg.) must speak with elegance, and have their lips dyed with the blood of Christ, and purified with coals from the altar. C. --- So, if we may use the words of a living critic, who is sometimes accurate, "a commentator ought to study at the foot of his crucifix, and write with ink drawn from the heart of Jesus." H. --- Pomegranate. Plump and ruddy, representing the purity of the Church, and of virgins, who are its "flower," (S. Cyp.) and bring forth fruits of good works. S. Aug. de Virg.
Ver. 4. Bulwarks. Heb. Thalpiyoth, "at the height of the defiles," probably in Libanus, when David conquered Syria. Thalassar, Thelmela, &c. were such "heights." Bucklers, to be used in case of need, or for ornament. Thus the neck of the spouse was adorned with chains and pearls. The Church is this tower, the pillar of truth, 1 Tim. iii. Matt. xvi. 18. Apostles and prelates are her bucklers.
Ver. 5. Roes. This comparison does not seem happy: but exactitude is not required. C. --- Indeed if we were to take all in the literal sense, a very grotesque figure would arise, with a head like Carmel, a nose like a tower, &c. which shews that the tropological or allegorical sense must be adopted. D. --- The two Testaments given for our instruction, (c. i. 2.) or the charity towards God and our neighbour, may be meant. Theod.
Ver. 6. Retire. In the morning, (Sanct.) or rather the bridegroom takes his leave early, promising to return in the evening. C. ii. 17. C. --- Myrrh. To Calvary, where the fervent will pour forth their prayers, and learn mortification. C. --- Christ dwells in mortified and devout minds.
Ver. 7. Thee. All must be pure before they enter heaven, as the blessed Virgin was on earth, (W.) and the Church is still. Eph. v. 27. C. --- Before his departure, Christ heaps praises on her.
Ver. 8. Thou. Heb. "look from." --- Libanus. So Jerusalem is called, Zac. xi. 3. Ribera. M. --- Amana. Sept. "faith." By it and charity, we must do good. S. Aug. Ps. lxvii. Amanus separates Cilicia from Syria. --- Sanir is the name given by the Phenicians to Hermon, (Eusebius) beyond the Jordan. 1 Par. v. 23. --- Leopards. It is not fit for women to hunt such beasts. Ovid (Met. x. 10.) thus speaks of Venus: Nuda genu, vestemque ritu succincta Dianæ, &c. The Church leaves Jerusalem to preach the gospel without fear. M.
Ver. 9. Wounded. Symmachus, "given." Sept. Prot. "ravished." Mystic writers suppose, that the spouse had been guilty of some negligence; or, on the contrary, that her deportment was most enchanting, bent on God, and on good works. C. --- Sister. So Assuerus styles himself brother of Esther. xv. 12. Christ died for the unity of his Church. M.
Ver. 10. Spices. He returns her compliment. C. i. 2.
Ver. 11. Lips. Teachers who accommodate their instructions to the capacity of their audience, (C.) giving milk to children. Heb. v. 13. H. 1 Cor. iii. 2. --- In allusion, perhaps, to this passage, (C.) it was customary to give milk and honey to the new baptized. Tert. coron. --- Garments. Which were perfumed, (Gen. xxvii. 17. Ps. xliv. 9.) and imply good works, (2 Cor. v. 3. Rom. xiii. 14. C.) and the external service and prayers of the Church, which ascend like incense. Ps. cxl. 2. M.
Ver. 12. Up. She is perfectly chaste. Prov. v. 14. The Church excludes from her society all unbelievers and schismatics. The wicked serve to exercise the virtuous. Her pastors explain the Scriptures, the fountains of saving knowledge. C. --- Christ is also a fountain. Zac. xiii. 1. and Jo. vii. 37. M.
Ver. 13. Plants. The various orders of clergy and laity. --- Cyprus, (c. i. 13. C.) whence a healing oil is extracted. Theod. --- Prot. "camphire." H. --- Spikenard is twice mentioned, as it may be well mixed with cyprus and saffron. M.
Ver. 14. Cinnamon. Very rare. Ex. xxx. 23. --- Libanus, or "incense." Heb.
Ver. 15. Libanus. The law of the gospel was proclaimed by the apostles, who were Jews. They explained the pure doctrine of the Scriptures, and converted many.
Ver. 16. Wind. At different times. Let all nations be convinced of thy beauty. C. --- The holy Spirit enabled the apostles to convert the world. Nys. Rupert. - All temptations, whether proceeding from cruelty or deceit, "make constant souls more grateful to God." W.
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ohgygia · 8 years ago
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been reading a lot of klance fics lately so i thought i’d share it w you guys!! here’s 14 of them and definitely my favorites. comes with the title (duh), description, a review by yours truly, and link to the fic. the writers of said fics also have some gorg other masterpieces so be sure to check those out!
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1. ) Smile for the Stars by maIikcutie
Though he's been dealt many bad cards, Lance isn't sure he can handle this one: winding up stranded, a million lightyears away from home, with only Keith to keep him company. The universe is cruel.
amazing a+++ fic but i strongly advise not to read this unless you are willing to live the rest of your life broken hearted and Sad. i promise ur heart will be wrecked but in the best way possible!!! a buncha artists on tumblr made art for this so be sure to check those out & also there’s a epilogue-ish thing for this that dulls the pain a lil less and its called The Stars Smile Back in case yall were interested
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2. ) Dirty Laundry by Gibslythe
"Two whole months of free laundry in exchange for two weeks of being my fake boyfriend. Deal?” Keith hesitated for a moment. Was this really worth it? Hardly. Lance was an asshole, and he wasn’t sure what fake dating would entail. But, free laundry was free laundry, right? “Alright, it’s a deal.” Or: Lance makes the mistake of telling his Mom he has a boyfriend coming home with him for Christmas. Keith makes the mistake of agreeing to be Lance's 'fake boyfriend'.
if u love slow burn then BOY ur gonna love this !!!! mama lance is so warm i luv her !!! fake dating aka one of my fav tropes so 11/10 and i just rly love this ok im in tears
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3. ) call me, beep me by safra
(00:31) Do you think she gave me the wrong number on purpose? (00:31) Or was it a genuine mistake? (00:32) Like maybe she writes funny and I misread it? (00:32) Some of the numbers do look a little dodgy... (00:33) Cause, you know, her threes couldvery easily be poorly formed eights? And maybe she writes her sevens like her ones? (00:45) What (00:46) The (00:46) Fuck?? (00:47) Oh good, you are awake! where lance messages the wrong number and things kind of snowball from there
i love through-chat fics therefore i am so in love with this!!!!!! your everyday "wrong number" trope but so so so much better!!! cute and happy
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4. ) Seasons by fairietailed
“Do you think we’ll be together, still, by the time we make it home?” Lance is quiet for a moment, thinking. Then he says, “That depends. Do you plan on going somewhere?” Keith laughs, threading his fingers through Lance’s hair. “No, I suppose I don’t.”
their relationship is just SO PURE AND SOFT and so well written i'm in luuuv but the open ending will shatter and will most likely rip u apart
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5. )  Don't Break Connection, Baby by princedeadend
Keith works part-time as a phone sex operator and receives a prank call from Lance. This does not go as planned for Lance. Thus begins the adventure of our dear sweet idiot continuing to call Keith to fuck with him (but not like fuck fuck with him...at least not yet). And y'know, eventually having legit conversations with him and getting attached and growing on Keith. aka the phone sex operator fic no one asked for
this is soooooooooo cute and adorable and wow i luv ittttt!!! made me smile so hard it hurts
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6. ) He Who Fights Monsters by magisterpavus
In a world where monstrous dragons terrorize humanity daily, the Garrison trains valiant Knights to slay the evil beasts and defend Earth. But when Knight cadet Lance Espinosa is kidnapped by a strange red dragon who kills its own kind, certain truths are revealed...and so are the true monsters.
oh my god the buildup may be slow but i promise it's worth it like everything just falls perfectly into place !!! and its so adorable and creative and just wow not ur usual klance fanfic and that just makes it 1000x better and also,,, dragons !!
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7. ) Bonding Time by magisterpavus
“Shiro, I fucked up,” Keith blurted, wringing his hands. Shiro paused mid-punch, shooting him a quizzical look. “What? What happened?” “I think,” Keith whispered, “I think I accidentally roofied Lance. With my dick.”
galra keith will always and forever be my fav au so this is a definite fav for me !!! i love the other 3 sequels it comes w too!! and nsfw content too dont even lie ik u guys are thirsty for that
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8 .) Just Static by Jessadilla
--Static---- -iro, Hunk, Kei---, nybody? I’m---- -static-- --I’m sorry guys. This is all my-- --static--cc-- ---I found my coordinates. They’re-- -stttcc- -guys. I hear something--- --scccc- -end transmission- Alone on a hostile planet, transmissions aren't getting through. How did it come to this?
this fic got me sad and crying in the middle of the night )': wont leave u too sad tho the ending is pretty nice
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9. ) What a Healing Pod Can't Repair by Remember_Me
The compromised wormhole was ripping apart at the seams, sending everyone spiraling away in completely different directions. Lance could feel himself being pulled and bent in ways he was definitely not supposed to be. -- Stitching the team back together after everyone is separated is difficult, and for one Paladin rescue wouldn't be coming for a very long time.
no words. literally no words. this was so painful and just wow the buildup will shatter u i swear )’: also poor bb lance i sob. comes with cool-looking art which makes it a whole lot better
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10. ) Seen: 5:29 by SpeedOfSins
AU where Keith is some important guy who has a business suit, and lance is a good housewife. (tha ts a lie, i honestly dont have a summary but this fic hurts, i have been told by at least 3 people) Written in text format
will wreck u, beware!! may be short but enough to bring u to tears honestly
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11. ) On Thin Ice by Minadora
Once upon a time, two Canadian nerds decided to start a figure skating au about their two space sons and their wonderful misfit friends. Ten pages of headcanons later we finally put electronic pen to electronic paper and created this monstrosity. This multi-chapter fic chronicles the lives of a hockey player named Keith who gets forcibly enlisted into figure skating lessons by his brother, Shiro, to "work on his footwork". There he meets a pompous - yet talented - figure skater named Lance and gets swept away by both the sport and the skater. Enjoy the ride because it's only just started.
the description says it all !!!!! a fic beloved by the vld fandom and gosh whats not to love honestly???? also the whole gang is so happy !!! (sidenote: this is unfinished and its killing me)
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12. ) I bet you look good on the dancefloor by xShieru
"So like in 'Step Up'?" Allura shrugs. "Now that you put it like that - yes. I guess it's just like in 'Step Up'." The smile that she sends Shiro's way - followed by a shy wave, eugh - is sickening to say the least, and Lance still doesn't believe in dance camps. - Lance McClain's dancing career begins and ends with Keith. Keith just wants to find out what Lance's deal is.
if u love step up ur gonna LOVE this !!!! i love it so so so so much can i just say and wow keith is so hot ffs
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13. ) thunderstruck by xShieru
Lance doesn't pine for anyone ever, Keith's never been to a dance, Hunk tries his best to be supportive, Shiro is very done, and Pidge steals a car.But hey, it could've been worse.
space prom!!!!!!! and cute pining gays!! whats not to love about that?
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14. ) In English, Please
Lance thinks he can get away with flirting with Keith if it's in Spanish. Lance thinks if he says the words angrily enough no one will catch on to the ruse. Lance thinks his secret crush is safe. Lance, my friends, is very...very wrong.
two words - too. cute. i can't even with this fic
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