#valgrace prompt
ginnyluna · 2 months
i've seen "valgrace with werewolf!Jason", and i've seen the "Leo with mechanical prosthetic arms/legs" headcanons
but what if... what if we did both
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lesbiantrish · 1 year
um for the valgrace prompts um. they have a movie night. and they are happy??? idk sorry ebstie im bad at giving prompts <333
HELP DJDKDK ok i will try <33 🫶💞💞
Leo was very distracted. i mean, how could he not be? he was about to see jason. again. it had been so long…
what was he going to say? what was he going to do? he had thought a lot lately about his feelings toward the guy.
it made a lot of sense, looking back. the way he always knew jason was deep in thought because his lips crinkled up. it was perplexing, to say the least.
he was currently walking across camp to get to the zeus cabin. jason had been staying there since he came back to life, leo had heard.
he hadn’t talked to jason yet. really, he was running through every possible scenario that had a way of happening. jason might hug him, or feel awkward, or laugh just like he always did. but leo knew there was a very low chance jason shared his feelings.
jason wasn’t someone who would ever love leo, not like that anyway. jason was someone who hugged leo like they had known each other forever. leo truly regrets ever letting go of the other boy’s embrace.
leo had arrived at jason’s cabin’s door. he held his hand out in a fist, about to knock, but hesitated. he realized he was scared. leo valdez, scared. a strange idea, that’s for sure.
he took a deep breath, and pounded on the door.
it opened pretty quickly, and leo could swear he heard himself gulp. leo didn’t know where to look. jason’s eyes? the ground? off to the side? i mean, what do you do in a situation like this? what do you do when you see your dead best friend who you have realized you have romantic feelings for again?
leo’s thoughts got interrupted by jason’s voice.
“leo!” he yelled. “man, it is SO good to see you again!”
leo let himself smile. maybe not fully, but semi at least. “hey man” leo tried to sound as normal as he possibly could. he probably failed and sounded like he was singing for an opera.
leo looked up at jason, and he could swear he heard angels sing. jason had the biggest smile on, and it made leo’s insides melt. it looked like what sunshine feels like during the summer. he reminded leo of those old renaissance paintings, the way they always showed something beautiful in such a short amount of time. leo wanted to laugh. leo wanted to scream. leo wanted to kiss jason. none of these would lead to good outcomes, especially the kissing jason one.
jason moved to the side and motioned leo to come in. leo obliged.
jason lead him inside. “i figured we could watch a movie, i haven’t seen one of those in forever!”
leo stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. jason went into the bathroom, probably to grab something. when he emerged, he had a black and white jacket on. when he turned around, leo could see an image of an eagle on the back.
“if you’re cool with it, it’s all set up in the big house.” leo was very much confused at this statement. his face must have shown it because jason started talking again. “the movie? i figured i would set it up as so we could have more time to watch it!”
“oh. right,” leo said like a complete idiot. “yeah, let’s go.”
jason smiled again, and leo’s insides were combusting. all his gears stopped turning, paralyzed in passion. he wanted nothing more than to reach out and rub his thumb into jason’s cheeks. leo had to keep himself from looking at jason’s face, his lips. they looked like a roman statue’s, and leo wanted to give himself to jason. give all of him to this boy who probably had no idea what was going through his head.
leo followed jason to the big house. chiron was there, so he waved hello to the both of them.
“alright boys, you two have fun. come find me if you need anything, i’ll be at the archery range.”
leo and jason both nodded, and chiron lightly galloped out the door. jason went over to the couch, and then looked over at leo. leo tripped over air on the way to join his friend. (friend didn’t feel right. what else was he supposed to call jason though? lover? no, that definitely wasn’t right.)
leo sat down on the other end of the couch, but jason patted the cushion next to him, letting leo know he was welcome to move closer to him. leo awkwardly nodded, and moved closer.
jason put his arm on the top of the couch, so it was resting near leo’s shoulders. leo closed his eyes, tried to control his feelings for this boy. leo wanted nothing more than to press their lips together, but that would only end in catastrophe. he had no choice but to suffer.
he opened his eyes, and looked around the room. when his eyes landed on jason, he realized he had been looking at leo. he looked concerned. his mouth was doing that thing, letting leo know his mind was running a thousand miles a minute.
“so, what are we watching?” leo wanted to kiss jason more than anything. who hated leo so much that they would put jason this close to him, but he still couldn’t reach out and kiss the boy. what a torturous fate this way…
“i kind of wanted to watch romeo and juliet.” so this was how leo was going to die. of course jason picked a love story.
“oh…” leo didn’t know what to say.
“it’s a classic, leo! i know you don’t like these kind of movies, but it’ll be fun! i promise!”
leo let himself smile partly again. “yeah, no you’re right. let’s start it.”
leo was very much not paying attention to what was happening on the screen. jason kept shifting in his seat, and every so often jason’s legs touched leo’s. leo closed his eyes each time, trying to not grab jason and kiss him passionately. he wanted nothing more than to feel the softness of jason’s touch, the gentleness he was sure jason would grace him with. jason was straight. end of fucking story.
when they got to the part where the romance really started, leo couldn’t stay still. his emotions were overcoming him, taking root in his system.
suddenly leo felt something warm on his hand. jason had put his hand on top of leo’s, as to comfort him.
“leo, what’s wrong?” jason looked very concerned now.
“oh- uh-“ leo stammered.
jason moved closer. leo felt his eyes widen, he was so close to jason now.
“jason i uh…” leo didn’t know what to say to jason. why was he so close? did he want to kiss leo as much as leo wanted to kiss him?
jason let his mouth fall open, and leo felt he must be in some kind of personal hell. he needed to grab jason and kiss him for hours, and it needed to happen this fucking second.
leo closed his eyes and shifted in his seat again. suddenly jason groaned, probably in exasperation.
“leo i can’t do this anymore oh my gods.” leo wanted to run. that’s what he was good at right? running. that’s what he had always done, ever since his mother’s death. he pushed down on the couch, making his body stay in the room. he wasn’t going to run, not from jason. whatever jason was about to say, he could take it. he had to be able to take it. there was no if in this scenario.
suddenly his felt something on his lips. he realized it was jason. he was kissing jason. he was kissing jason grace, oh my gods.
he let himself melt into it, moving his hands to rest on jason’s arms. he moved one hand up to jason’s neck, and jason made a sound that let leo knee jason felt that sensation calming.
leo and jason kept kissing, maybe for hours. leo eventually let jason out of his grasp, his eyes still closed.
“i hate you” leo laughed.
jason joined in. “i’m really glad i did that.”
“i think we should watch romeo and juliet more often,” leo joked.
jason laughed again. when jason laughed, leo could swear his soul smiled. his insides warmed up, and he let himself smile. he realized he could kiss jason again. so he did. and then again. and again and again.
it was funny how things like this turned out. you think you know exactly how things are going to work, and then they don’t happen anything like you imagined. it was fate. no, it was love. it was joy. it was jason grace.
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reddamselette · 3 months
valgrace except leo schemes with everyone and their mother to throw jason a bonfire party with close friends and family. they sit snuggled close to each other, curled into one another’s side as everyone shares stories about and first impressions about the son of jupiter.
annabeth mentioned how she threatened him with her dagger at first, piper and their mist filled memories, thalia with baby jason antics that had her hair turn gray at a young age.
after the night ended and they all go their separate ways, leo and jason snuck out somewhere else to share a kiss under the stars.
leo's first impression of jason was how beautiful he really is and seeing him made him believe in love at first sight.
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green-tea217 · 5 months
dear Leo,
the closet is glass might as well come out now
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crookedghosts · 3 months
Valgrace nation are you ready for: “I need you to be my fake boyfriend, more precisely. Of, um. Four years.”
“Four years? Why so specific?” 
“Because I maybe lied about this four years ago and it’s only biting me in the ass now?” “Your dumbass plan has a backstory!?”
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spitsonyou1 · 2 months
Soo I asked for drawing ideas on my YouTube, and we have the first one done!!😋😋 (Click for full photo)
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Very cute idea! Gonna make more for the rest of the prompts ofc, this is just the first
Okay I need to go to sleep now
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2nd2ndalto · 1 year
I have a headcanon that all the demigod kids routinely end up in each others beds/cabins at night, because nightmares and trauma and whatnot. So I wrote this smol fic.
There Is Rest and There's You
The first time Nico sees Annabeth leaving the Poseidon cabin at an ungodly early hour (having been dragged from his warm bed by Leo and Jason for an ungodly early errand), he flushes, quickly looking away. Because it's obvious, even to him, that she’d spent the night. But Annabeth merely sleepily raises a hand in greeting and continues on her way back to her own cabin.
Jason, maybe noticing Nico’s discomfort, simply shrugs. “Musical cabins,” he explains. “Happens a lot.”
Leo nods in agreement. “Yep. I had some really wicked nightmares last week, three nights running. I ended up on Jason’s floor. Would have been in the bed, but Piper got there first,” he adds, disgruntled.
Huh, Nico thinks. Musical cabins. That's a little weird.
After that, he pays more attention. It’s not unusual, as it turns out, to find the Apollo cabin overstuffed with various campers early in the morning, rivalling even the occupancy of the Hermes cabin. Sometimes it’s couples tucked in together, but more often it’s friends, siblings. Seeking comfort, and sleep.
It's six months into Nico's stay at Camp when he begins forgetting to lock the door to Cabin Thirteen. He nearly runs Harley through with his sword the first night he finds the younger boy fast asleep in his cabin. But after that, it quickly becomes routine to wake to the quiet comfort of someone else’s soft snoring across the darkened room. Most often it's Will, brushing a warm hand over Nico's forehead before settling into the other bed, but sometimes it's Harley, and several times Leo, complaining that Jason’s bed was already full.
It’s a little weird, but surprisingly nice. Nico begins leaving his door unlocked most of the time.
On a night late in February, the nightmares are worse than usual. Nico wakes in a cold sweat, heart pounding, tears welling behind his eyelids. He does what he usually does - dresses quickly, and walks. There’s something meditative about the rhythm of his boots on the ground and the sharp, cold air on his skin that usually settles him.
But the thing is, it’s really cold. And after only about half an hour he finds himself standing in the central green, torn. He can't feel his toes, but he can’t quite stomach the thought of returning to his own empty cabin, either.
His frozen feet lead him up the stairs to Cabin Seven. And gods, it’s warm inside.
There’s a soft rustle of blankets from Will’s bunk.
“Nico?” Will’s voice is soft and scratchy. “What’s wrong?”
The taller boy is out of bed and across the cabin in a heartbeat, reaching for Nico’s hand. Scanning him, Nico knows, blue eyes wide with worry.
Nico shakes his head. “I’m fine. Just - couldn’t sleep,” he murmurs, and the concern on Will’s face fades to sympathy.
“The bunk above mine is empty,” he says simply.
And that’s that. Nico climbs up, snuggles in. Will’s messy blond bedhead pops over the edge of the bunk, his smile fond. He squeezes Nico’s arm. “Sleep tight.” And then he disappears.
Nico worries it might be awkward, in the daylight. It’s anything but. The Apollo cabin is a riot of sound and motion in the morning. Austin flings a stuffed turtle at Nico's head. Nico's foot is hanging off the edge of the bunk, and Kayla tickles it, cackling when he squeaks.
“Breakfast time, sleepyhead,” she chirps.
“Sleep well?” Will asks as Nico climbs back down.
And the thing is, he really did.
Time passes. The nightmares wax and wane, but they get easier, mostly.
Until one night in July. It’s almost a year to the day since he came to stay at Camp - Nico thinks, later, maybe that’s why the nightmares hit particularly hard. He wakes shaking, gasping for air, convinced he’s fading again, permanently this time. It scares him so much more than it did when it was actually happening. He shoves his hands against the wood of his headboard, hard, positive they’re going to slip right through. They don’t, but he can't shake the panic.
Nico’s up and out the door in the space of a breath, no hesitation as he makes a beeline, barefoot, for Cabin Seven. The air is cool for July, the full moon shining bright above.
He can feel his panic ease the second he closes the door behind him, soothed by a quiet symphony of soft breathing.
But the bunk above Will’s is occupied tonight, and as Nico's eyes adjust, he realizes all the others are, too.
“Nico?” Will’s voice is a whisper. “Nightmare?” He sits up, silhouetted in moonlight.
“Yeah.” Nico steps closer. “Looks like you’re all full in here, though. I’ll see you in the morning.”
He turns to leave, but Will grabs his arm. “I’ll come with you.”
“No, it’s okay. I’ll be fine. You go back to sleep.”
Will gazes at him in the dark, fingers still wrapped around Nico’s wrist. “Or you could stay. Here.”
“There’s no room, though.”
“I have room,” Will whispers.
Nico blinks at Will’s bunk, then back at Will, his stomach attempting to leap into his throat. Will’s eyes are wide, nervous.
“I... um -” Nico begins. He can feel his face heating at the thought of it.
“Gods, di Angelo, just stop talking and get into his bed. Literally no one cares,” Kayla grumbles from the next bunk over. There appears to be at least one Demeter kid in her bed. Maybe two.
Will’s fighting a grin now and he shrugs. Nico shrugs back, then… climbs into the bed. Will scoots over to make room, pulling the blankets over them both. And gods it’s warm, and it smells like Will, and when nothing else calms him, that always does.
Nico lets his eyes close. Then -
“Do - do I feel like I’m fading?” he asks in a whisper, echoes of the nightmare flashing behind his closed eyelids.
Will gazes at him. Then he reaches for Nico’s hand.
“No,” Will whispers. Someone clears their throat nearby and Will grimaces, yanking the blankets over their heads.
“Did something happen?” he asks, his breath brushing Nico’s face.
“No, just - nightmare."
Will nods in understanding. “No. You’re good,” he smiles. He goes to pull the blankets back down, then seems to reconsider.
“That’s um… that’s usually why I end up in your cabin. At night.” he admits, quiet. “Sometimes... I just need to make sure that you’re still solid.”
Nico stomach flip-flops. "Oh."
Will shrugs, sheepish. He pulls the blankets back down, settling on his side. "Here," he says, reaching for Nico's hand again. "Then neither of us has to worry." He tangles their fingers together, reaching out to lay his other hand on Nico's arm, tethering him.
Will's soft smile in the dark is dazzling, and his hands are warm, and Nico worries his own answering smile might just light up the entire cabin.
When he wakes hours later to the familiar sounds of chaos, his head tucked against Will's shoulder, Will's face buried in his hair, well. He thinks maybe this musical cabins thing isn't so bad after all.
This is a short one! I tried to challenge myself to write something coherent in 1000 words or less. I almost managed it.
It is also my personal headcanon that Harley kind of attaches himself to Nico & sees him as a big brother. This comes up in something else I'm working on as well.
I would love to hear your related headcanons! Snuggly demigods! Sleeping in heaps like puppies!
Jason may not come up much in my fics but please rest assured he is Always Alive.
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poppitron360 · 25 days
So ages ago I did an experiment to see if we could write a Valgrace fanfic one sentence at a time, but now I wanna see if we can do it TWO WORDS at a time, and try and make a cohesive plot.
- ONLY two words, including small words.
- You can add a prompt in the tags if there’s a specific direction you want it to go, but the next person doesn’t have to use it.
- You can absolutely tag ppl and get them involved, and please do. It’s open to anyone
- Add punctuation if you want, but the other person doesn’t have to stick to those grammar rules if they want to change the meaning.
- No smut pls.
- Have fun!
@lavenderfairiez @via-rant @demigod-shenanigans @ginnyluna @ottpopfic
I’ll start you off-
I’m sorry
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
I don’t know if this is said before, but I just recall something extremely amusing with Jason and wolf behaviors.
Do you know that wolves lick another’s mouth to show affection? Because they do.
It’s a cute thing, really. Originating from the pups’ old habits of licking the mother’s mouth as a signal to be fed, it remains in the adult wolves as a way to greeting, showing affection and/or submission.
There’s a video about a woman greeted by a bunch of wolves and she had to keep her mouth open
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And this is another post I found about how it felt to get wolf style French-kisses lolol
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Now. Imagine wolf boy Jason Grace with this exact behavior. When he extremely likes someone he’d just straight up give them french kisses the moment he sees them LMAO
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actual-gremlin · 4 months
Ok I need to start writing again. Please send me asks for anything Will Solace (or just pjo in general) related! I’ll do poems, short fics, or long ones depending on the prompt. Open to anyone, but NO SMUT and I’ll also only do Solangelo, Valgrace, and Percabeth for romantic pairings.
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anticomedygarden · 1 year
got antsy and didn't feel like waiting so here's a valgrace ficlet based on this prompt from this website:
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taking some liberties with the word regency cause frankly i hate that trope
Jason quickly pulled the door closed behind him, careful not to let it slam. He didn't think anyone followed him here, but you never knew with nosy government officials, especially when those officials were teenage Roman demigods.
"Did we have to meet in the closet of all places?" he asked wearily, glancing around as his eyes adjusted to the low light. "Are our lives not already one big fantasy trope?"
There was a shuffling sound toward the back of the little room, and a soft whoosh gave way to a small flame. Under the fire was a light brown hand leading to a skinny arm and the grease stained sleeve of Leo Valdez. The son of Hephaestus grinned. "Now we're both in the closet!"
"We were already both in the closet," Jason grumbled, stepping over the sleeve of someone's black windbreaker. The toga he was wearing didn't make maneuvering the tiny coat closet any easier, but he managed to make it to Leo without falling flat on his face. "C'mon, I had to trade Percy three drachmae to talk to Octavian for me, so we may not have that long."
Leo snorted. "So sexy." Without further preamble, he grabbed Jason by the shoulders and brought the blond down to his height and kissed him. It wasn't long before hands were under shirts, and Jason's glasses made their way into his pocket.
Suddenly, the sounds from outside grew much louder and Jason realized too late that the door had opened.
"Oh my gods!"
Jason jumped backwards with a curse, turning around to see the son of Hades standing in the door frame with wide eyes and a blush gracing his sharp cheek bones.
"Nope, nope, nope, not my problem, nope," Nico muttered. he shut the door without addressing either of the other boys or getting his coat.
Jason looked at back at Leo who had a smirk on his stupid pretty face, and in that second, he made a potentially bad decision. "We can deal with that tomorrow."
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lesbiantrish · 1 year
u should shuffle some songs and do a fic vaguely based on the lyrics of one of em -s. (still copyin n.'s sign <3)
thank u so much!! (also djkdkdkd good keep copying nico 🙄)
i redid it a few times for a few reasons JDKDKKD
song: the red means i love you by madds buckley
Leo was mesmerized by the sight of him. he was beautiful, and leo was starved.
leo hadn’t fed in so long. he was so ready to do it. he wouldn’t kill the guy, he swore to the styx internally that he wouldn’t let that happen.
leo felt himself drawn to this guy. leo let himself sniff the air, and let out a sound of satisfaction. yes, this will do just nicely. he didn’t even realize at first that he had already started sneaking towards this blond haired boy. he had started to lose control of himself. he was so thirsty, he was so desperate.
he was about to do the deed when the sun-kissed boy turned around. he tilted his head in confusion, and leo silently cursed himself. he must have let his thirst get the better of him, and now he had nothing to feast on.
“…hello…” leo let himself draw out the word slowly.
the boy’s mouth fell open. leo needed to taste him more than anything.
“hi” he said in such a way that leo wished he could die for the second time. how could someone just speak like that? leo couldn’t take it. he needed to feed so bad right then. “i’m uh.. i’m jason.”
“leo” okay he would play nice, okay? draw this “jason” close and then he would get what he wanted. what he needed. “i’m leo”.
jason smiled. leo felt some kind of deep pain in his stomach. it was the thirst for blood, it must be. i mean, what else could it possibly be?
“leo, it’s nice to meet you” he held out a hand. leo obliged. jason’s skin was soft like fabric. leo couldn’t stop himself from closing his eyes. what was happening to him?
“mm” leo forced his eyed open. “yeah, you too jason.”
jason’s eyes widened at this. he stood back on the ball of his feet, seeming unable to stay still. “what brings you here? this is a pretty small town and i’ve never seen you around before.”
leo tried to subtly catch his breath. the truth was, he hadn’t tasted blood in so long he almost fainted. he stopped at the first sight of human civilization. and now he had gotten so close to getting caught.
“yeah, it just looked pretty to me i guess.” leo relaxed as jason kindly nodded at this response.
“would you like me to show you around?”
“oh uh..” leo had to admit, he was only mildly annoyed at this. sure, he needed to refuel himself, but there was something about this boy that seemed to fill leo with interest. “yeah. okay. sure, why not.”
jason smiled and was leo dead? i mean yeah, he was, but this was death in a whole different way. leo wanted to scream. leo wanted to hurt jason. leo wanted to touch him. … what?
leo clenched his palms into fists. he needed to get ahold of himself.
wait… was this attraction? leo had heard of it before, but never had experienced first hand. most ran away from him in fear, not many had ever treated him like… well like he was worth anything. it felt good, to be honest. leo realized he wanted to kiss jason. he hated himself for it, but knew this was the truth.
“so uh..” jason’s voice snapped him back to reality. “do u want to get a bite to eat?”
it took leo a moment to realize jason was talking about going to a restaurant. “yeah, yeah sure.”
jason led him to a wooded tavern. leo looked around as the heavy door slammed shut behind them. jason went to sit and leo followed.
someone came to take their order and both boys obliged. leo looked over at jason, who was smiling wide. leo wanted to smash their lips together in a moment of passion. he wanted to forget about everything else, he wanted to make jason forget about everything else.
what was it about this boy that made leo crave him carnally? if this was a fairy tale, leo would swear this would have been love at first sight.
and suddenly leo remembers this is not a fairy tale. he’s not a princess awaiting his prince, he’s a fucking vampire. vampires don’t get happy endings, they get loneliness.
suddenly his entire world is destroyed. he feels like he is dying for the second time. he wants to run. just like the first time. run away and never seen this beautiful boy again.
what made him think he ever deserved joy?
jason clears his throat, and leo realized jason has been looking at him. “sorry uh” leo begins.
“you okay, man” jason looks worried.
fuck, leo thinks. “man” he said. “man” is not what you call someone you want to kiss.
leo can’t help it. he lets out a laugh. he does this instead of crying. he doesn’t want jason to see him like this.
leo flinches when he sees jason’s face. he’s wearing a mask of concern. leo forces himself to smile, hoping jason will believe it. he won’t.
leo forces himself to look up at jason. jason’s lips are curled up in thought. leo is in hell. he curses whoever did this to him.
jason reaches his hand out. leo can’t help himself, he reaches his own out to touch the other boy’s.
he lets out a sigh of relief, lets himself close his eyes. “jason, there’s something i have to tell you” leo can’t go on with this boy without him knowing the truth.
jason’s head drops to the side in confusion. “what is it?” he squeezes leo’s hand. leo wants to sob. jason doesn’t deserve this.
“i’m…” leo tries. leo doesn’t know what to say. how do you confess your darkest secret to someone you barely just met? it seemed hopeless. leo was hopeless. leo was helpless.
“leo” jason interrupted him.
leo looked up at the other boy. he didn’t want jason to see him like this, but he had no choice. none of this made any sense. why did this boy mean so much to him? he just met him. he shouldn’t care. but he did. it made no sense.
jason looked down and it took leo a minute to realize jason was staring at his lips.
there was something uncanny about it. as if they had known each other for a thousand lifetimes. as if they had never said a single word to one another. what was it about jason that made leo want to destroy himself?
leo barely knew jason, but he wanted nothing more than to push him against a wall in a dark room and kiss him until he forgot his own name.
suddenly leo’s lungs were being crushed. jason had reached across the hard wooden table and smashed their faces together.
leo had sometimes wondered what a kiss would feel like. he figured it would be stupid, especially since he no longer had a beating heart. how can ur heart stop beating if you don’t have one?
leo never could have knew it feel like sunshine. like rain. like beauty. like death. like this.
he could feel himself relax in jason’s embrace. jason kissed him harder and he realized he was running his hands through jason’s hair. jason said leo’s name against the kiss and leo could swear he was human again. was this what hope was? suddenly leo never would need to taste blood again. he didn’t need to drink, he needed jason loving him.
jason let go of leo’s shirt and breathed heavily, immensely out of breath.
“wow” jason uttered. “sorry, i couldn’t help myself.”
that was probably the greatest thing leo had ever heard anyone say in all his life, and death. leo wanted to kiss him again, but he restrained himself.
suddenly all his hope vanished. he remembered what he was going to say.
part of him didn’t care though. what did it matter when jason’s lips felt like lightning against his own? he felt a fire ignite inside of him. he wanted to sacrifice himself for this boy he had just met earlier that day.
jason was fire and he was ice. he wanted to melt under jason’d touch. he wanted to sink, to let go of all his pain for this beautiful boy.
jason was smiling as if someone had just gifted him eternal joy. leo wanted to touch his pink lips. leo needed to be stopped before he gave all of himself to this fucker.
“jason” leo had to say it.
jason looked confused but at the same time leo knew he was listening fully.
“i need to tell you something” jason nodded his head, letting leo know he was paying attention.
“i’m not… alive..” jason looked horribly puzzled.
leo wanted to hide under the table. he forced himself to stay. he was done running. after all, would his mama have wanted him to be a coward for the rest of all time?
“i’m uh… i’m a vampire” leo physically cringed as he said this.
jason looked down. leo knew that look all too well. jason was going to leave. that’s what always was destined to happen, right? he wasn’t ever going to have someone who loved him, especially not someone as gracious as jason.
“that…” leo gulped. “makes a lot of sense actually.”
was jason… smiling at him? leo looked down at their hands, waiting for jason to take his own back. but jason only rubbed leo’s palm.
leo felt his eyebrows raise. “you aren’t scared?”
“no. not of you. you aren’t a monster leo, you’re just scarred.”
leo felt something wet fall down his face. oh. he was crying. he couldn’t even remember the last time he let himself cry. especially in a public space.
leo grabbed jason by the shirt and led him out the door.
“where are we going???” jason looked very, very lost in that moment.
“you’ll see” is all leo said in response.
leo was going to give himself to this boy. he wanted nothing more than to kiss jason until they both were nothing more than bones, but he needed to show jason this. he wanted to.
he led jason to an alley way and held out his hand. one of the perks of being a vampire was definitely his speed. jason looked reluctant but obliged. leo took jason’s hand in his and sped off.
they arrived at a cave entrance on the outskirts of a forest.
leo had only been here a few times before, but he needed jason to see it. leo smiled at jason, and motioned for him to follow him inside. jason nodded in agreement.
the cave was dark as night. leo knew jason couldn’t see like him, so he held onto jason’s grip tight.
suddenly lit up in the near distance. leo looked over and jason was looking at it.
“woah” jason said in astonishment. one by one, more crystals of all different colors started to shine light all around.
when the show was over and jason could see clearly again, he looked over at leo.
he walked closer to leo and held his face in his hands. this kiss was different, it was soft. leo had the feeling it wasn’t going to end anytime soon. good, leo thought. he didn’t want it to.
leo swayed, so jason started to hold him tighter. leo made a sound that sounded like “mmph”. jason seemed to enjoy it, so leo started to smile through jason’s lips.
they started to kiss like they had before. like nothing else mattered. and did it? did it when jason was there, with leo? was the world ending? was the world on fire? it felt like that. leo wouldn’t have cared if someone ended his immortality right then and there. he wouldn’t have cared because he had gotten to be loved. truly loved.
and suddenly his thirst died away. it was replaced with a much more satisfying one. one of wanting to be loved, loved by jason.
and leo started to experience a miracle. he felt his heart beat. that was supposed to be impossible, but this feeling was confirmed to be true when jason rested his hand on leo’s chest.
he knew jason could feel it too, and they kissed again.
in the end, leo didn’t need a lover. he needed someone who saw him. saw him as human.
jason was right, leo wasn’t a monster. no, leo was loved.
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reddamselette · 2 months
valgrace except jason is an international superstar and prodigy in football and leo is known worldwide for his podcast who brings special guests on his shows like piper mclean who’s made a name for herself in historical dramas always in the lead of a warrior, architect annabeth chase who’s been granted the honor of rebuilding the temples and ruins in greece and rome with her olympic swimmer boyfriend percy jackson.
and by popular demand, the public requested jason grace to be on hephaestus’ forge. leo, always the good host, obliges and reaches out to jason.
what the audience doesn’t know is that leo and jason have known eachother for years, running in the same crowd during middle school and high school despite being interested in different things. like all close best friends, they parted ways due to university and internships across the country. but they parted with a kiss goodbye, a promise to one another that held up since they were young.
so when jason finally arrives onto the scene, leo feels everything rush back and now that the season is over, jason plans to stay in new york.
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demigod-shenanigans · 3 months
So I didn’t get very much done ship-week wise because university and terrible time management, however, how do you guys feel about a 10.5k word established relationship sickfic for the assurance prompt?
Jason is sick. Being an ex-praetor, champion of Juno, son of Jupiter, he’s pretty sure that isn’t allowed.
Leo is dealing with some residual limb pain. After roughly three and a half months of this nonsense, he’s forced to admit that that’s maybe a little more allowed than he’d like it to be. Not while he’s trying to take care of his sick boyfriend, though.
— General note: Technically this fic is part of a series, but you don’t really need to read the series to enjoy this. You might just miss context for one or two of the jokes.
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lavndvrr · 8 months
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This is the alt prompt “human shield”, it’s for my god au but the colors look a little weird and idk why. Trying to draw the arrow/injury was a nightmare and I’m not the biggest fan of this piece. It’s a good thing I decided to mix art and writting because this took me 3 days 💀😭
(Also Jason died by an arrow right? I’m on blood of Olympus so I’m not sure)
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MY MATHS EXAM IS DONE WITH time to valgrace like crazy
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