#valencian passion
yuzukahibiscus · 6 months
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Takarazuka Revue Star Troupe Top Musumeyaku Maisora Hitomi Retirement Press Conference “I am overwhelmed with sentiments”
(Source from Nikkan Sports)
Takarazuka Revue Star Troupe Top Musumeyaku Maisora Hitomi has decided to retire in December 2024, and she had her press conference in the Takarazuka Grand Theatre “Espree Hall” on the 8th. In a white dress, Maisora says, “to everyone whom I have met, taught me, guided me, raised me up, and to all the fans so far, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. I will continue to evolve every day as a Takarazuka musumeyaku before the last day comes and want to do my best.”
Maisora entered the Revue, ranking first of the 102th class in 2016. After assigned to Flower Troupe, she was known for her loveable appearnace and sharp dancing. In April 2019, she was transferred to Star Troupe and in the same year in October, with Rei Makoto as her partner, she became the Top Musumeyaku. She was the heroine for many overseas musical (adaptations), such as “Romeo and Juliette” “1789 – Lovers of the Bastille”. Together with Rei-san, they are the Top Combi of the firsts. (*Rei Makoto was ranked first of the 95th class.)
She decided her retirement after the closing performance of “ME AND MY GIRL”, in which she admired, and she played the heroine Sally in the performance. “I decided to retire on this 110th anniversary, a turning point in which I feel so content and fulfilled in my heart.” She told this news to Rei-san in the rehearsals for the previous Grand Theatre performance, and (REi Makoto has said), “If that is what Naco-chan (Maisora) has decided, I will suport her fully.”
Her memorable performances were three, including her first role without changes in Flower Troupe’s performance “Hanna’s Florist”, “Romeo and Juliette” to which she described, “how I instantly felt that I was welcoming a new ‘door’ of myself”, “Valencian Passion” to which she played the heroine in Shibata Yukihiro’s play, a director whom she admired.
In the conference, she wore the necklace Rei-san gifted her. “Rei-san said these encouraging words, ‘Even if you can’t do it, that’s fine. As long as you enjoy yourself the fullest on stage’. Such words gave me the motivation to continue moving forward,” she smiled and recalled.
Her retirement performance will be “Hit Me Anyone One More Time -Top Secret- / Tiara Azul -Destino-” which will be performing in the Takarazuka Grand Theatre on August 17~September 22. And after the Tokyo Takarazuka theatre performances on October 19-December 1, she will be retiring (from Takarazuka Revue) after the closing performance.
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guillemelgat · 2 years
Hey hello I made a thing! As perhaps a few of you know, I have spent the last half a year being completely unhinged about Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey-Maturin books, and I’ve always been particularly interested in the character Stephen Maturin and his relationship to Catalonia. I saw that there was a lack of stuff about this part of his identity, and, being me, I felt the need to fill it in the only way I could: compiling music and yelling about it for thirty pages. Hence this playlist.
You really don’t need to know anything about these books to listen to this playlist. You also don’t need to know anything about Catalan (I hope). Catalonia and the Catalan Countries in general (including Valencia, the Balearic Islands, and parts of southern France, Aragon, and Sardinia) have a really interesting musical and literary tradition, and I wanted to make that more accessible, so I put together a few songs I liked, translated them, and wrote a bit about each of their significance, including the most important cultural tidbits I could. Some things don’t translate super well, and I hope my Catalan followers will forgive me for trying to adapt them more for English-speaking audiences than perhaps would be preferable; I usually don’t choose to do that, but in this case I wanted to open the door, and not to intimidate people.
Now that that’s out of the way, here is a link to the PDF of the liner notes (graphic design is my passion, as they say): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MUpRM84W8aypznEIrt0eA1jG5OxaRZvz/view?usp=sharing
Under the cut I’ve included the ephimera and unnecessary commentary that you know and love, feel free to read or ignore it as you will
These roughly follow the order of the songs and are varying levels of seriousness
If you like "Sant Joan, feu-lo ben gran" then I'd highly recommend listening to the whole Tornaveus album. I almost included the “Stabat Mater de Sudanell” and the “Goigs de Sant Julià de Lòria”, which are both from western Catalonia, and they also have more cançons de pandero, in perhaps a slightly more traditional style. A lot of the other songs have interesting cultural commentary in them, especially on feminist topics, and they’re very well-researched because literally one of the members of the group is basically the ethnomusicologist of Catalan music at the moment. Anyways, if people would like the liner notes perhaps next time I’m home I’ll scan them, they’re in Catalan and English and very well-written. Also note the legendary Lluís Llach song which has been turned into a polyphonic piece lol (and I did not include the “Goigs de la Nostra Senyora de la Llibertat” but tbh that might have been a mistake on my part) (Blorbo side note that I think this fits Stephen’s childhood very well which is mostly why I chose it)
“L’Hereu Riera” is one of my favorite Catalan folk songs I love it so much and if you want to hear the Catalan version (as opposed to the Valencian one included here) and see the dance and also see a cobla, I am including a link to this version by Germà Negre which is tragically not on Spotify. I chose the Valencian one because (1) Al Tall and (2) I think it fits The Blorbo better (specifically I was thinking of his fiancée who dies before Book One who idk if anyone ever remembers shdjfhskf). That being said, Stephen would probably know the Catalan one (and almost certainly not the Valencian one). Also, on a memey-er note, Hereu Riera bisexual king and literal icon <3 love how he has to remind his girlfriend on her deathbed that actually he'd technically be interested in both her sisters AND her brothers if he wasn't so into her that he never wanted to marry anyone else
I literally did put in Roger Mas just so there would be at least one person with a Lleidan accent, #diversity win
Many points about the “Cançó de pandero de l’Urgell” and “Jo no canto per la veu” so here we go:
I put these two songs in mostly because I got very obsessed with the cançó de pandero from Alcarràs (which is a great movie that came out last year about a farming family in a village near Lleida that is winning all the awards atm). Anyways, since Carla Simón has been too busy winning things to put up the gotdam soundtrack, I did a bit of digging and it turns out that it was written for the movie?? By her brother??? It's excellent and very anticapitalist and you can listen to it here and see the trailer for Alcarràs all in one! (Includes English subtitles)
The original “Canto per un amic meu que per mi daria la vida” is probably from a Valencian cant de batre, although I could not get any confirmation on that. But regardless everyone should listen to Pep Botifarra's version of it, which I would literally marry if it had a physical form it’s so so good. (I posted it here back in ye olden days but it's been long enough I think I can post it again)
Valencian music side note because I can’t stop myself: the second pair of verses in the "Cançó de pandero de l'Urgell" (starting with “vos esteu ben acotxada…”) are sung by Miquel Gil, who is a very famous Valencian traditional singer, anyways you should listen to this version of him singing “Del Sud” by Obrint Pas (you want to go down a Valencian music rabbit hole so so bad)
I firmly believe that Stephen would canonically be obsessed with Ausiàs March, and the fact that he has not yet recited any of his poems is Patrick O’Brian’s biggest failing in my eyes. Anyways I have more thoughts but I’m saving them for other posts shdfjsd
If you read this before listening to the playlist please just listen to "El testament d'Amèlia" and follow along with the lyrics in real time before reading the blurb, it's such a good experience to let that song hit you as it comes. I won't say more than that but you'll get it when you get it. (Also obligatory listen to Marala they're so good <3)
From the Càntut album, I also quite like the songs "El pomeró" and "El divino vull cantar", and Càntut in general is an incredible resource, it's a database of folk song field recordings from northeastern Catalonia.
Brief pause to scream about the fact that Maria Arnal and Marcel Bagés WERE ON NPR??? AND NO ONE TOLD ME???? Anyways link in the sources section, also they're great and you should listen to their whole discography
As the #1 Roba Estesa stan blog on Tumblr, listen to Roba Estesa. And Ebri Knight. And El Diluvi.
I chose this version of "La presó de Lleida" because I like it but here's a more traditional one sung by Joan Manel Serrat, another Catalan legend. Here's another one in Catalan rumba style with Sílvia Pérez Cruz singing, the sound is a bit wonky but it's also one of my favorites. The Valencian version of this song is called "La presó de Tibi" and El Diluvi have done a very explicitly anti-monarchical rendition of it (the Balearic one is "La presó de Nàpols").
I'm sorry for never putting the Sílvia Pérez Cruz version of "Corrandes d'exili" but if you want it here it is. Also note that the statue of the Virgin in the poem is a reference to the Virgin of Montserrat, it literally all goes back to her shfjkshdf (also apologies for being very bad at Christianity and Catholicism, if I mistranslated things let me know)
Okay so I have a whole essay to deliver on this that I've been holding inside for the past like two months or so, I apologize in advance for my excessive pedantry on the topic.
In Master and Commander, Stephen delivers this speech:
"‘Then I must tell you that on Sunday mornings it is the custom, in that country, for people of all ages and conditions to dance, on coming out of church: so I was dancing with Ramon Mateu i Cadafalch in the square before the cathedral church of Tarragona, where I had gone to hear the Palestrina Missa Brevis. The dance is a particular dance, a round called the sardana.’"
I hate to be a hater but it is very, very unlikely that anyone would have been dancing a sardana as far south as Tarragona in this time period. The sardana as the symbol of equality and brotherhood emerged in the Renaixença and would not yet have been a thing; Stephen could well have heard sardanas in Ullastret, but they would have been a more typical folk dance, and not anything like the way they're described in the book. It's very ironic, then, that they've become THE Catalan music style for Aubreyad readers, but hopefully this playlist can change that a bit :)
(also sorry for being a sardana-hater on main, someone bring me to dance a sardana and maybe I'll feel better)
Songs that didn't make the cut: La cançó del lladre, Rossinyol que vas a França, La balanguera, La gavina - I'm always happy for more recs!
Originally, this list was also going to include songs in Irish; I quickly realized that I was in over my head with that one, but the working list of songs is here (may be subject to changes so save songs elsewhere if you like them!). Also I would add "Fé Bhláth" by Imelda May and Kíla if it was on Spotify but alas it is not; and "Amhrán na Leabhar" which I have not had time to add but was kindly recommended by someone. I'd love it if someone was interested in actually doing a proper playlist for Irish though—it's a gap in my knowledge that I'd love to start filling.
Aaaaaaand that's a wrap. I hope. Final comment to say thank you to everyone who voted in the cover image poll, turns out you all won :) (Pirineus did win and take the cover of the liner notes though)
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x-infernhoes-x · 9 months
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𝕁𝕁𝔹𝔸𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕒 ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕗𝕚𝕝𝕖- 𝕍𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕠 𝔸𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕠˖°˖🌪˖°˖ •☽─────⋅☾⋆⋅ ゚⛆˖°˖🌪˖°˖ ゚⛆ ⋅⋆☽⋅─────☾•
Updated as of 12/15/2023
Created on 12/13/2023
Hi! so this is just an update of sorts for my old JJBAsona bio that has something to do with my self shipping considering that I've been dragged into the Jojo fandom again HVFSHJABF HJ
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˖°˖🌪˖°˖𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝 ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕗𝕚𝕝𝕖˖°˖🌪˖°˖
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❝𝕆𝕙, 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕙𝕖?❞ - I Monster, Who is She?
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Codename: Paella Visconti
↳ Namesake: Paella: A Spanish rice dish from the Valencian Community.
Luchino Visconti: Italian filmmaker, theatre and opera director, and screenwriter
Birthname: Eunice Flores
Nickname(s): Elvis (by Mista and Formaggio), En, tigrotta mia (by Risotto Nero, Abbacchio, and Bucciarati)
Age: Depending on the verse but the main verse has her as 24 years old
Birthday: February 8th, 19██
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac: Tiger
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5 ft 3 in / 160 cm
Weight: 100 lbs / 45 kg
Blood Type: O
Birthplace: ████ ██ ██████,Metro Manila, Philippines
Eye Color: Dark Brown/Black
Occupation: Assassin (current), University Student (formerly), Personal Bodyguard of Italy's pop sensation, Trish Una (Formerly), Bruno Bucciarati's personal assistant (formerly)
Ethnicity: Filipino
Nationality: Filipino-Italian (through marriage of connivence)
Organization: Passione
Backstory: Born and raised in somewhere in Metro Manila, Philippines, En or more commonly known by the undercover name she had once she had joined Passione as Paella Visconti (often shortened to Ella or Elvis as Mista and Formaggio would call her), she had a relatively normal and quiet life in her hometown where she was raised by her father’s parents inside the walls of the very same home her father and his siblings had grown up on. But En knew she was destined for a life that was just more than normal. A natural born stand user, En was initially unaware of her abilities as a stand user and has been subconsciously using its abilities from the start, En’s stand managed to manifest itself physically at the age of 16, triggered by her intense emotions during her days as a junior high student. She also happens to be a close friend and ally of Josuke Higashikata whom she met online at age 14.
She first appears after the events of Golden Wind and Purple Haze Feedback, she subsequently crosses paths with the one and only Bruno Bucciarati himself at the age of 21 during a trip to Singapore and ends up working for him as the Capo’s personal assistant before getting assigned as the personal bodyguard for Italy’s pop-sensation singer, Trish Una along side with Narancia Ghirga, Guido Mista, and Shiela E.
Now a bonafide member of Passione, En is assigned by Don Giorno himself to the newly reinstated La Squadra Esecuzioni, En currently lives in Naples, Italy, with her boyfriend of 3 years, Pannacotta Fugo along with their cats and their roommate, Guido Mista.
(Relationship lore of Fugo and En can be found here!)
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˖°˖🌪˖°˖𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖𝕤, 𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖𝕤, 𝔽𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕨𝕤
𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕖𝕥𝕔.˖°˖🌪˖°˖
•☽─────⋅☾⋆⋅ ゚⛆˖°˖🌪˖°˖ ゚⛆ ⋅⋆☽⋅─────☾•
❝𝕀 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕒 𝕓𝕖 𝕕𝕖𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖. ℕ𝕠𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖, 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀'𝕞 𝕒𝕗𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕕 𝕠𝕗. ℕ𝕠𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕦𝕟𝕥 𝕞𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥, 𝕀 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖.❞
- Taylor Swift, Daylight
Favorite Color(s): Dark colours and certain pastels, anything that doesn't look like an eye sore or gross
Favorite Flower(s): peonies, lavender, garden roses, forget-me-not, and blue hydrangeas
Favorite Movie(s): Stay Alive (2006), Moulin Rouge (2001), Mamma Mia! (2008), Mulan (1998), Les Miserables (2012)
TV Show(s): Revolutionary Girl Utena, Digimon, again too many to count
Favorite Food(s): Kare-Kare, Tteok-Bokki, Pizza, Cheeseburgers, Fries, Pasta, usually depends on what she hyperfixates on
Hobbies: Reading novels that fall under young adult, greek mythology related, fantasy, or even classics, cooking, singing, dancing as a form of leisure exercise (though not very good at freestyle), video gaming, art, doing runs, listening to music, reading and learning.
Musician(s): Too many to count or list but is found mostly listening to her top five artists: Hozier, Florence and the Machine, Mitski, Taylor Swift, and Fleetwood Mac, occasionally listens to David Bowie and Kate Bush.
Likes: Cats, books, memes, video games, puzzles, her family, coffee, pickles, trail mix, astronomy and astrology, anything witchcraft related, visiting historical sites, learning, swimming, the beach, stormy weather, learning about flower languages and plants, listening to podcasts that are mainly true crime or character/media analyses, psychology related stuff, cinnamon, people who ask nicely and talk without malice or anger.
Dislikes: Fried Chicken that has too much oil in it or repeatedly being served, being seen as her being like parents/her father, the weather being way too hot, creeps, misplacing or losing her items, people who chew loudly, sewer rats, stepping on things with her bare feet, basically anything gross, certain conspiracy theories, people lying and those who deceive her, any type of abuse, harassment or violations against someone’s consent, animal abuse, cucumbers, going to the sea/beach without slippers, sand getting into places that shouldn't be in, physical touch from people who she aren't close with without warning, people who don't ask nicely or yell, patriarchy, weird textures.
Fears: Being seen as someone who is a burden to people, being seen less as a person and discriminated due to her learning disability which is ADHD, failing or becoming a disappointment, being seen as a terrible person, being betrayed, losing her loved ones, becoming like her father, the apocalypse, certain carnivorous reptiles such as snakes, heights, and certain images of saints aka 'Santo'.
Flaws: En, while highly self-aware that she can overthink, has this certain tendency to keep her thoughts to herself and bottling it up due to her upbringing and her fear of being a burden to people. Though while this is mainly solved and is making progress of keeping in touch with people she cares and trusts enough, the habit is still there. She also has the habit of apologizing when there's no need to and also thinking that she's invincible but not to the point of tomfoolery especially when it comes to dangerous or high-risk situations but rather, this manifests as mostly in completely mundane things such as her sleeping and eating habits. She also has this internalized vindictiveness to her that sometimes shows itself from time to time but this is regulated.
She also has this habit of offering sage advice to people but never follows her own advice, thus calling herself as a 'walking contradiction' due to this, she also developed this habit of taking care of others, making sure their needs are well met and forgets about her own, sometimes her 'mother hen' like habits can be smothering but manages to keep it on the low. Despite of her flaws, she is currently working through these issues to the best of her abilities.
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˖°˖🌪˖°˖𝔽𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟˖°˖🌪˖°˖
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❝ℍ𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕀'𝕞 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕪𝕠𝕦.❞ -Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Home
While it is common knowledge amongst her peers that En comes from a big middle class family back in the Philippines, she doesn't really mention any of them by name, considering her position as a hitman and a member of Passione. The info below is taken directly from her file from Passione as per requested by the Speedwagon Foundation to add to their database and associates. It seems that most of it is blacked out as it follows:
KNOWN RELATIVES: Father: █████ ███████ Flores Age: [REDACTED] Status: Alive Stand User: No Mother: ███████ ████████ Age: [REDACTED] Status: Alive Stand User: No Grandmother: ████ Flores Age: [REDACTED] Status: Alive Stand User: No Notes from the Researchers: has been suspected as a Ripple User as is the rest of the subject's family from the 'Flores' side. This is also suspected with Subject 13 herself considering that one of her stand's abilities happens to be healing through the means of breathing. -Subject 13, aka Eunice ███████ Flores, first born daughter of █████ ███████ Flores (second son of ████ Flores and the late ███████ Flores) and ███████ ████████, has been raised by the matriarch and former patriarch of the Flores family since she was born. Medical records state that the Subject was born prematurely and was raised by the new grandparents. Our researchers have also noted that Subject 13 happens to be the only known natural born stand user amongst her family members, and by extension, her 12 cousins. Subject 13 happens to have at least four known siblings, but the whereabouts or status of the fourth sibling happen to be unknown.
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𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟
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❝𝕄𝕪 𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕖 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕒 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕞, 𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕀 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕓𝕠𝕣𝕟, 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕀 𝕗𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕒𝕟𝕪 𝕙𝕦𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕖?❞ - Hozier, Francesca
Stand Name: Heroes
Stand Namesake: Heroes (David Bowie Album & Song)
Ability Types: Close-Range/Long-Range, Semi-Sentient
Form Type: Natural Humanoid Stand
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History: Heroes is a close-range/long-range natural humanoid stand of En Flores who possesses a range of abilities focused on air/weather related abilities. Though she’s been with the user from the beginning, Heroes makes her first physical appearance to a young En at the age of 16 after the latter had experience a bout of strong emotions, most particularly emotional distress over something that happened during En’s time as a Junior High student (which, funnily enough, happens to be En stressing over her History test) and has been with her ever since.
Personality: Noted by some of En's friends and enemies alike, Heroes, while seemingly looking like as if she has no innate personality due to her stoic disposition, has shown bouts of intense protectiveness over her user, En and by extension, those who En holds dear to her heart, mirroring the user's mother bear habits. While it's not very obvious to some, Heroes seems to sometimes have a separate consciousness from her user and has been noted to have mannerisms similar to that of a curious owl or a playful and mischievous feline at times.
In battle, she remains as composed as she is in general, barely showing any emotion unless En herself feels a strong bout of them, which Heroes would mirror. Another thing that not most people know much about is that Heroes can speak for herself but instead of a normal voice, those who aren't close with En get to hear the sound of every storm, howling winds, and blizzards and a banshee's* *combined but En understands her perfectly. However when a connection is formed, Heroes' voice becomes crystal clear, speaking in a voice that's similar to her user's but much more ethereal, airy and echoey with the hints of the previous sounds and her way of speaking is mentioned to be very polite and smart.
Physical Description: Heroes is a humanoid Stand of a feminine figure, resembling its user in some of its proportions. Often characterized by its free flowing golden locks tipped with silver, blue winged helmet-like mask with the Christian cross in the middle, obscuring its eyes and the upper half of its face, and pale silver skin and the motif that its sporting being a notable mix of a valkyrie, a ballerina, and Elizibethan fashion judging from its collar and overskirt.
The lower part of its face has these distinctive markings of two vertical lines across its eyes and a half circle under its lower lip which are painted gold.
Heroes wears a body suit of gold and blue with two elongated hexagonal shapes at the sides of its hips, a tear drop shape opening right over where its belly button should be, and multiple lines sewn onto it finished by the feathered blue Medici styled collar and overskirt detailed with thin, golden tendrils of pure lightning; it also wears knee-high boots where the kneepads baring some sort of resemblance to the frangipani flower, african violets, strawberry blossoms, and marsh marigolds with the stem pointed out as a blade in the middle of a ribbon spiral finished off with two-tiered pauldrons resting on its shoulders.
Abilities: Heroes is a highly versatile stand possessing the ability to control the weather. Though Heroes’ ability may be near similar to Weather Report’s, it’s not the same. Unlike Weather Report, Heroes can manipulate certain elements such as thunder and lighting and be able to create weapons out from the elements that they can control. One of Heroes’ featured abilities are giving its user the ability to fly and glide in the air, breath healing, controlling the atmosphere and the weather, aerokinetic invisibility, air attacks, and weather weaponry. It can also have control over any form of precipitation and storms and grant the user a banshee-like physiology.
Its range when creating large-scale storms is based on the location where the user is currently situated. The most notable example is that if Heroes and En found themselves in a city such as Venice, Italy, that would mean the entirety of Venice would be affected, and where both the stand and user are will serve as the main landfall zone where the storms are particularly worse than the rest of the location.
•☽─────⋅☾⋆⋅ ゚⛆˖°˖🌪˖°˖ ゚⛆ ⋅⋆☽⋅─────☾•
Okay so hi! First off the pic came from here and that I just edited it on my computer considering I haven't been able to draw anything as of late :"DD which would also explain why the picture I have for my sona lacks glasses ;u;
As for the timelines, there are at least two known variations of it! The main verse, which I will be calling as strawberries and cigarettes, and a secondary verse called which will be called as fulmine dorato [eng. golden lightning]!
So basically, in the strawberries and cigarettes verse, the events of Golden Wind + Purple Haze Feedback take place in the year 2015 as opposed to 2001. It also means that the events of DIU happened at less than a year before the events of Golden Wind basically making Josuke, En, and Fugo be the same age. Also this is a verse which basically reverses the deaths of Leone, Narancia, Bruno, and La Squadra but they all carry some form of scarring from the nature of their deaths and whatnot. I got inspired by theclockworkkid on ig and this one fic I read way back in 2020 something and it just stuck on me.
For the fulmine dorato verse, its basically the canon version of golden wind/purple haze feedback (no one dies in La Squadra and Bucci Gang bc I am a sucker and I want them to have happy endings HBVFHJASFB) and that En has been around Passione since she was 15 and was originally a part of La Squadra before being put under the custody of Bruno Bucciarati's team due to 'mysterious circumstances as of late' (basically, La Squadra protecting their youngest bc they're about to betray the boss after Sorbet and Gelato's deaths, only to find out that En would go down the same path as they did aka betraying the boss insert spiderman pointing meme here)
so yeah! Which leads into the tag of 🍓🌦children of the revolution//fugoen children🌦🍓that can be seen on my blog and the family's introduction which can be read here!
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Cabanyal Color . Big thanks to Paco Ferrer @paco_ferrer for showing Kass @kmencher and me around the incredibly fascinating Valencian seaside fishing village/neighborhood, Cabanyal. Robert Frank spent six months here in 1952 and produced a great body of work (later resulting in the book “Valencia, 1952) but no one has photographed Cabanyal with the depth and passion of Paco! (at Barrio El Cabanyal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CljSHg9oKzH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tomsamjim · 1 year
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Valencian Passion... seonako so powerful 
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1982brucespringsteen · 6 months
so about that modern au i wrote about ages ago 😳 I've decided to localize it in madrid!!
luffy is from a tiny seaside valencian town. his dad was involved in the early 2000s housing market economic bubble, making benidorm a hellscape and all that. his other dad is a països catalans independentist. his biggest influence as a kid was shanks, a football legend from valencia c.f. that spent his summers in luffy's town. he now lives in madrid with his brothers in what they thought was a squat (garp was paying the rent behind their backs). doesn't really have a real relationship with his dads, but he's very fond of his dad's girlfriend ivankov, who runs his fave drag club. any pronouns transfag who doesn't bind. speaks fluent valencià
zoro is a basque punk. he ended up in madrid because he took the wrong train at the bilbao station. gym rat and all that. currently lives in the storage unit of johnny and yosaku's business. best friends with kuina (alive and transmasc in this au), hates his twin sister tashigi with a passion (she's a national police officer after all). him and perona were adopted by mihawk when they were very young. he/him transfag with green hair and more piercings than a pincushion. speaks euskara batua
nami is from murcia but downplays her accent sooo much (think la kinki from la pija y la kinki). influencer who got cancelled, she originally came to madrid to study meteorology and become the weather woman. maybe she'll go back to college some day. currently she's couchsurfing through her girl best friend's apartments since vivi kicked her out of their shared place. she/her femme lesbian who has "completed" her transition.
usopp says they're from barcelona but they actually grew up in a tiny bedroom-town adjacent to the city. ironically the most skilled and well rounded person from the squad but the least confident in their worth. shared a huuuge apartment with their gf kaya, but she went back to barcelona to do her residency there, so now they're looking for roommates 👀 afrodescendent, speaks a bit of fang and fluent català, but can't understand luffy to save their life. works at humana and has an etsy store. they/them bisexual nonbinary transfem, pulls people all over the queer spectrum
sanji was born in tenerife from a british expat family but moved to madrid to live on his own when he was VERY young. zeff hired him knowing he wasn't even 16 and ended up adopting him. during the 2020 lockdown he had a very popular tiktok account where he cooked designer dishes shirtless but now it's all been deleted. secretly performs as a drag queen in ivankov's drag club, is fucking the bouncer (ace). the biggest egg you've ever seen, will end up identifying as a she/her bisexual trans woman, but a lot has to happen before she can do that...
more mugiwaras under the cut!
robin is an archeology professor at the complutense. originally from [REDACTED], speaks with a completely standard accent and is fluent a couple dozen languages. somehow knows luffy's dads? the intelligence brigade spies on her regularly and they joke about it sooo much. judo black belt. works with the ARMH. she/they in a t4t bi4bi d/s open marriage with franky.
chopper is a child prodigy from córdoba who came to madrid to study medicine. kureha, his legal guardian, set him up to live with frobin, thinking a young couple of respectable professionals will be a good influence on him!! jokes on her chopper came back with pink hair, a new gender and a boiling hate for capitalism (kureha's chill about it don't worry). is starting to have contact with real live patients and is soooo scared to mess up. has ended up stitching zoro in the er more times that he would like. has a local speech modism from córdoba where he calls people close to him "padre" and "madre" and when i tell you franky straight up started sobbing the first time chopper called him that........
franky is from ferrol.
brook was a
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rainbows-fanfics · 10 months
All'inzio (Chapter 19)
Summary: A  soldier-in-training, Valerie hopes to join the Valencian Army to avenge  her father’s death under the wing of General Rooke. But when she happens  to catch the attention of Commander Kane, her plans take a different  turn.
Human AU of the Armada from Pirate101, where Kane meets his Queen.
Pairing: Kane/Queen
Note: The title translates to “at the beginning”.
The elaborate ceiling staring down at her was the first sight ‘Queen’ woke up to in the morning. The curtains were drawn from the window, allowing the sun to completely fill the room as the birds chirped melodically outside. It was difficult to move from the comfortable pillow, but she eventually peered around the room. When she looked to her left, she noticed an empty space on the mattress again.
‘He must already be awake…’
After having dinner, she and Kane retired to his bedroom last night. But there were more on their minds rather than sleeping. Some considerable time passed since the they shared a similar space, and they celebrated with a small ‘reunion’ of their own. She’d been craving him, and to receive him in the walls of his own home was a privilege she was honored to have. 
It was strange sleeping in such a comfortable bed. The sheets were soft and her pillow was exactly to her liking. It was hard to believe Kane rarely slept in here - she didn't want to leave the blankets as it is! ‘Queen’ noticed her nudity and put on some clothes. She spent this time properly unpacking her things, starting with the dresses, shoes, and jewelry she brought.
After all was said and done, a knock sounded from the door. The taps were so quiet that she almost didn’t hear them. 
“Come in.” She called, holding her mask over her face. 
The doorknob twisted and slowly opened, revealing a tall figure from the other side. She jumped when a plague doctor mask tilted curiously at her. The figure did not step inside the room, though it wasn’t necessary. She recognized him as one of Kane’s sons - a member of the Elite she met yesterday. 
“Kane wants you to join us in the workshop.” Bishop informed her. 
“Workshop?” She repeated, meeting with him at the doorway. “May I ask what for?”
“He will inform you once we are there.” 
She preferred freshening up first, but she didn't want to keep him waiting. She followed Bishop down the hallways. He led her without uttering a word. She exchanged some questions with him during dinner last night. She learned that Bishop worked with Kane and contributed to many of his projects. Judging by the way they spoke passionately to one another over the table that night, they seemed to collaborate a lot on these sorts of things. 
As they carried on, she found it strange that Kane’s home - or rather, mansion - was so quiet. It made little sense, after learning how many people lived here. She didn’t get a chance to question this, as they arrived at a door. She was promptly led inside and the sight took her aback. 
The workshop was a large room in every sense. While the floor they walked on was clean, there wasn't a space empty in here. The countertops and closets were littered with tools and structures. One part of the room appeared to be a small laboratory, as she spotted beakers and equipment laying about. The rest had large machines she did not recognize. ‘Queen’ noticed a chalkboard that sat uncovered in the back - but she couldn’t understand a single thing written on it. 
They found Kane standing in front of a large desk. There were piles of papers and objects strewn about. He was observing one of them until they stepped in his line of sight. His girlfriend was the first one to approach him, a smile lighting up her face.
“I see you’re awake.” He commented. She pulled her mask away to leave a kiss on his lips. “Did you sleep well?” 
“Of course. It was most comfortable.” She looked around. “Bishop said you wanted me here?”
“Indeed. Today will be the start of what I - and the rest of my family - can teach you.” He led her to the middle of the room, where he gestured to their surroundings. “--This is where I primarily work. Bishop shares the space with me, and we conduct most of our research here.” 
“-Do not touch anything.” The tall plague doctor warned her from behind. He retreated to the part of the room that she believed to be a small lab, searching through some cabinets without another word. Kane waved him off in his absence.
“He’s only protective of his work. I doubt you’ll break anything in here.” 
She was looking around with amazement in her eyes. The sight was something she would’ve seen in a movie - filled with so many books, and complex machinery everywhere she looked…She approached one of the structures and looked at it curiously. Kane followed closely. After a moment, she turned to him and pointed at what she was staring at. 
“What is this?”
“A prototype of a weapon Bishop is designing.” The other man looked up from across the room. “-You must be careful.” 
She gave him an odd look before turning around again. There was so much to see. She was nowhere near understanding exactly what Kane does . He explained he was a sort of inventor - but seeing such work in front of her was another experience. With so many prototypes laying about, sketches of designs and notes in different languages scattered on the tables…’Queen’ was absolutely fascinated. 
“So this is where you do everything? Where you invent, design, and build?” He nodded along to her words. “I did not think it was this…. big …” 
“I work for the King. Not only do I design for my army, but for various improvements to Valencia as well. That is not something I can do without all the resources available.” 
She hesitated. “May I look around?”
“Be my guest.” 
She gazed around the room with curious eyes. She went to the tables and inspected the work laying on them, reading everything she could. She kept a respectable amount of space - not laying a hand on anything she saw. Kane watched her intently as she went around the workshop, a gloved finger tapping his chin in interest. Bishop joined his side and eyed the woman with more indifference. 
“I do not like this.” He stated bluntly. “You are exposing her to our plans. Do you have any idea how dangerous this is? Some of this information is highly confidential, and she may stumble right upon it.” 
“I’m aware.” At Bishop’s insulted look, he elaborated. “-She is not just anyone to me. I will ask you to remember that.” The plague doctor went quiet. “If she is going to help us, then she will need to see this. We need her assistance.” 
“Do we, really ? You and I work perfectly together. I do not see why we need someone else in the picture.” 
“Believe me.” His blue eyes went over to ‘Queen’. She was attempting to decipher some mathematical equations on the chalkboard in the room. “--I know what I am doing.” 
The rest of the week was spent in Kane and Bishop’s workshop. ‘Queen’ was sent there every day. In that time, she observed them working and listened to the lessons they gave her. They worked out the structure of the Valencian army to her, and elaborated on some things that were not known to the public. Even though she’d been a soldier herself, she received information that even she didn't know - which obliged her to listen carefully. They explained loopholes and unspoken rules within the system. How could she not be interested? 
In this time, Kane was open and answered any of her questions. He was honest, albeit blunt, but she appreciated his truthfulness, nonetheless. Bishop appeared to be another matter - as he avoided talking to her beyond their lessons and would repeatedly remind her not to touch anything in the room. He was defensive and snappy when she was around, so she seldom talked to him. She would offer help if she found him struggling, to which he’d insist he was fine, and that would be it between them. 
She asked Kane why he was like this. He told her he was stubborn and a perfectionist like him. He assured her that his defensiveness was not personal. 
. . .
A few days passed before she was summoned again. This time, it was Deacon on the other end of the door. She’d just gotten out of the shower when he knocked. She didn't want to keep whoever it was waiting, so she hastily opened the door. Although her frame was completely covered by a towel, he averted his eyes the entire time they spoke. She found his respect rather charming. 
“Your training starts today, so please, get ready.” He told her.
She realized she had business with the entire Elite, and not just Kane and Bishop. Rooke and Deacon were going to train her in combat. She prepared as promised. She was led to a small training ground - with targets and weapons prepared beforehand. Rooke was already there, sitting on a crate and polishing the guns innately. When Deacon and ‘Queen’ arrived, he stopped what he was doing and began preparing their setup. 
“We’re going to start out with seeing your progress so far.” Deacon explained as the larger man moved along in the background. “Rooke informed me of your performances in training. I’d like to see that today.” 
“Yes, sir.” She responded confidently.
 As strange as it was, she sort of... missed this process. Of being a ‘promising soldier. It felt so long since she fired a gun or performed on the battlefield. She almost craved it. Rooke equipped her with a vest and a gun, informing her what type it was and how to properly handle it. She was surprised when Deacon offered some earplugs, which she gratefully accepted. All she was instructed to do was hit a target. She took her time aiming and executing her shots, all of which were notably accurate and hit the targets. 
Deacon was impressed. He offered his criticisms on her performance. After following his advice, she was more accurate and thanked him. After he was done teaching her, Rooke took over. She was excited to be taken under his wing once more, as he proved to be an excellent instructor before. He asked to show her performance with physical combat - which was executed with training dummies and mats. 
‘This feels familiar…’ ‘Queen’ thought as she hit these dummies, with full force and focus. 
Rooke was similarly impressed. He had little to mention on improvement, but gave her advice as well. His input was as great as Deacon’s, and with his help, she was able to hit harder and quicker. He informed her he was planning on teaching her various fighting techniques throughout their time together. This was exciting - as she longed for the days of showing what she was capable of, and to be recognized by high figures such as Kane’s Elite was an honor. 
. . . 
The process kept up for the next few days. Deacon would retrieve her in the morning and bring her to the training grounds for her lessons. Rooke met them there and taught her what he could. The two worked so well together. Rarely did she find them butt heads on anything . Rooke moved targets around while she practiced with Deacon, and in return, the spymaster was used as an example when she was being shown fighting moves and strategies. 
She couldn’t help make a remark during their time together. 
“You get along well.” She commented. “I've never seen brothers as close as you two.” 
Deacon and Rooke exchanged glances before returning their eyes on her. It was difficult to say how they reacted - but they seemed intrigued. The taller one looked down at his twin, his tone a mixture of delight and wonder. 
“-That's the first time anyone ever said that. Do you think we work well together, Deacon?” 
His response came quick. “Of course.” 
The General’s spirits were lifted, judging by the way he resumed their lesson with new vigor. ‘Queen’ noticed an appreciative look showing her way from Deacon and smiled at him in return.
A few weeks passed while she spent time with Kane and his Elite. She was learning plenty from Bishop and Kane - who showed her their notes and told her secrets of the army. She was also grateful that her sessions with Deacon and Rooke were getting her back into a normal routine of training. She noticed her muscles were toning again and was finally getting back into the spirit of a soldier - all while understanding the mechanics of it. 
She was learning more than she ever would’ve if she had started her AITs. 
She was so invested in what she learned from this new family, that she forgot about the lessons from someone else. When a knock sounded on her door that morning, she expected either Bishop or Deacon. She was surprised to find a jester on the other side. The bells on his cap jingled as he moved his head, giving her an impatient look from the unmasked part of his face. 
“Well? Are you ready, or not?” Phule asked at her silence. 
She blinked as she held onto the door frame, trying to understand what he was exactly talking about.
“Oh, ah - yes. I’m supposed to learn…. something from you, aren’t I?” She flashed a smile nervously. She felt terrible for not exactly knowing what . 
“Kane told me what you have to learn. So, you're going to join me while I work.” He explained bluntly. 
“And what exactly is that?”
He only laughed in response.
She realized he wasn’t going to answer any of her questions, so she wasted no time following him out. Kane’s eldest son was the one she’s barely spent time with over these weeks. While he was around for dinner and came into the house often, catching sight of him was rare. At least, when he’d be willing to stick around. She can’t recall exchanging any conversations with him before. He kept to himself and would not pass a second glance if he’d caught sight of her. 
If he means ‘work’ , her best assumption would be his jester act. What did she have to learn from that, exactly? Her time will be wasted watching this man pretend to be silly. It was more productive to learn about the army or how to fight. Why would Kane send her out with Phule like this? Questions gathered in her mind by the second as he led her into the heart of Cadiz. 
The higher classes leisurely walked around as few children played in the streets. While Phule strolled around with ease, she carried a slower pace from behind, looking around in uncertainty. She had to admit one thing - he carried a lot of confidence with himself, even though plenty of noblewomen and gentlemen chuckled at his appearance as they passed by. 
“What am I supposed to do?” She asked. 
“Watch, observe. That's what he wants you to do.” 
‘He wants me to watch him perform?’  
She was still confused by the request, but complied anyway. Phule motioned when they approached a small group of women, sitting and talking on a bench. She got the message and allowed him to do his thing. The way his voice changed was natural, and his movements became theatrical in an instant. He jested about their clothes and the way the girls were sitting - which resulted in titters and giggles their way. He told them a few jokes, only which ‘Queen’ found a couple amusing enough to laugh at. 
When he was done, he returned to her side. She couldn’t understand it. He made fun of those women, told a few jokes, and they laughed. At her lost look, he rolled his eyes and continued his way - grabbing some plastic balls from his pocket and juggled as they walked along. She admired how he did this while moving. 
“You're a good jester,” She complimented. She did not get a response. 
A few children laughed and surrounded them while Phule performed. This was when he added more to what he juggled, impressing the little eyes that absorbed him intently. Eventually, a circle was surrounding him, filled with various nobles looking amused and expecting more. ‘Queen’ stepped aside to blend in with the crowd. He took on a showman’s role as he called out to them. He made snarky comments towards their clothes and wealth, done in such poor taste that ‘Queen’ was surprised to hear them laugh. He performed a few card tricks while he was at it. The crowd ate him up in a contagious way. 
He eventually removed himself from the scene and ‘Queen’ followed intently. He stopped to look at her - waiting for a response of some sorts. She still didn't know what to give him. 
“You're talented. But I don't know what it is I should say.” She thought for a moment. “--You’re funny.”
“Of course I am.” He crossed his arms. “But what exactly did I do ?” 
“You performed tricks and acts, then joked with them. It was fun to watch.” 
He sighed. This confused her more. She grew aggravated with his guessing games. “Well, what do you want me to say?” 
“You don’t understand what I do. But...not many people do.” 
As she opened her mouth to inquire, he walked away without a word. He led them to a bench so they could talk properly. As he took a seat, she joined his side, holding her mask in one hand while resting the other in her lap. He had poor posture as he sat there, crossing one leg over the other and humming thoughtfully. 
“You might know my job is to make others laugh and pretend to be silly, isn’t it?” She agreed. “-You’re not entirely wrong. But there's a lot more to it than that. I have what's called 'jester's privilege'. You heard me pointing out those noble’s clothes and riches - and they didn’t bat an eye. If I were a commoner, they would most certainly have been punished for such words.” 
She blinked, listening carefully. 
“--However, we jesters are not expected to be taken seriously. I can tell the King he’s ignorant and he would laugh in my face. We keep everyone honest this way, to point out their selfishness and conceited ways. I’m allowed to manipulate them - and that’s what Kane would like you to do as well.”
Her lips parted in surprise. Now the dots were starting to connect. 
“I don’t know why, but I'm going to be your teacher for this sort of thing.” He tilted his head to the side. “Father is too busy to teach you himself. And my job is the perfect example of manipulation. Those are his words, anyway.” 
“That's a good point, isn’t it?” She agreed. “You tell them their flaws to their own faces, but they don't take you seriously. How do you manage that?” 
“I assume he's taught you a little bit of this already, hasn’t he?” She recalled her time in Florenza, when he told her how to blend in with the nobles. She nodded right away. 
She did not expect to have this type of insightful conversation with a jester. Now it made sense - she learned how to copy others during her time in Florenza. She’ll have to do the same here, but in a more difficult way. These people are of the highest class, and even the royals themselves are here. Learning this will be a useful trick while she's out, if she is to establish her presence as Kane’s girlfriend....
She turned to Phule and smiled. “I have to say that I... admire what you do.” 
He sounded sarcastic. “Really?”
“You know how to do this so well. Lying to them, keeping them honest while also being funny and talented... I've never understood what a jester does until now. Thank you, for teaching me this.” 
He looked surprised at her words. Being this close made her notice that he had two different colored eyes - his right a similar blue to Kane’s, but the left a brown like hers. It was mesmerizing to look at, but then he turned away. He returned to the scornful tone he had earlier. 
“I’m sure this won’t be the last time he asks me to do this with you. So expect this to happen again.” 
She grinned. “I’m sure I will.” 
She retired to the bedroom that evening. Deacon and Rooke attended tonight’s dinner while Bishop and Phule were nowhere to be found. She was getting used to such a thing, so she didn’t find it out of the ordinary. She had a nice time talking with the two about their lessons, informing Kane on how they went. They’ve been giving positive reports about her, and it felt like she was a soldier all over again, wanting to impress her Supreme Commander. 
She was relieved to speak more with his sons, considering their difficult first meeting. Their company was delightful in different ways. She wanted to spend time with them, not only to further learn in their eyes, but to get to know Kane’s family. It meant a lot to her in that aspect, although she was uncertain if Phule or Bishop liked her yet. She'd have to try harder with them as time went on.
She changed into her nightgown and approached the bed, where her boyfriend waited for her. She hopped at his side. He laid a hand on her back as she rested her head on his chest. He hadn’t changed from his clothes yet, but it was still early in the night. He noticed her good mood and quirked an eyebrow when she started humming under her breath. 
“How did it go today with Phule?” He asked.
She never informed him on how it went. She had been busy talking with Deacon and Rooke at the time. “I was confused with what you wanted me to learn from him. I guess he got impatient when I didn’t catch on.”
“It was interesting learning how his job worked. And that it's something similar to what I was already learning.” Her eyes traveled downwards. “I never thought I would learn from a jester. It sounded ridiculous when you first told me, but now I want to know more .” 
“It’s not a humiliating job, you know. Court jesters are looked highly upon, especially ones that work for royalty like he does.” 
“It’s funny - I never met one until you introduced me to Phule.” 
He stared at her for a moment. In a serious tone, he asked, “He did not act out today, did he?” 
“What? No. He was in a bad mood when he got me, but he wasn’t unkind. I found it charming how the children loved watching him juggle.” 
“Good, good....it is normal for him to seem upset, at times. Take no offense when that happens.” He sat up, moving her off in a smooth movement. “-I take it you are learning plenty from my children?”
“Oh, yes...Bishop is as smart as you, and Deacon and Rooke have taught me well with how to fight. I know Phule will help me understand how to act around here - they are all so talented…I’m honored to work with them.”
Kane stood from the bed to start changing into his nightwear. She watched him move around with hungry eyes, eagerly waiting on the blankets. He took off his shirt in an almost teasing pace, pulling it from his shoulders slowly. His words snapped her out of her trance. “-When I have the time, I plan on teaching you how to fence.” 
She couldn’t hide the excitement in her voice. “You’re going to give me fencing lessons?” 
“Of course. As soon as I am caught up with my work, I will begin teaching you the sport of swords.”
She took on a flirtatious tone, sliding her finger on her bottom lip as she eyed him hungrily. “You know, back when I was in those barracks...there were a lot of rumors that you had quite a long sword…”
“My rapier? Yes, I was taught by the finest instructor in Valencia. He crafted me--” Kane’s words stopped when he turned around and found the inviting smile on ‘Queen’s face. When she licked her lips, he realized he misunderstood. “-I see.” 
He gave her an excited smile of his own, pulling off his gloves and meeting with her in the covers of his bed. In their embrace, he thought of how well she was getting along with his family. Rooke and Deacon told him she was a worthy student, but they admired her kindness as well. Even Bishop appreciated her help at times, despite presenting it otherwise. He was sure Phule would learn to come around, as there was no other option. He understood his children - and they liked her.
This will make things more convenient.
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zukadiary · 2 years
Obvs I have totally given up on any kind of regular schedule here, but today was one of those fun absolutely bonkers days I love to wake up to so here's a special edition roundup:
ICYMI, last week Makaze Suzuho and Jun Hana announced their mutual taidan. They will be leaving with Casino Royale in June. Their successors have not yet been announced.
The off day at the Grand Theater, which has been Wednesday forever, will be switching to MONDAY as of Yukigumi's opening day in April. Don't go to Takarazuka for food or shopping on a Monday because everything will be closed.
The official Takarazuka website has been updated, in a way that in my opinion as a professional designer is both less attractive and more confusing
Ayaki Hikari will be moving from Hoshigumi back to her original Hanagumi on Feb 13
The March/April Hoshigumi small theater shows have been announced. Rei Makoto will be starring in Le Rouge et le Noir in Drama City, as of today by herself, while her partner Maisora Hitomi goes on National Tour with Nagina Ruumi in Valencian Passion / Passion d'Amour AGAIN, the latter of which is presumably a revue adaptation of Kacha's 2020 solo concert. This is all incredibly fishy for numerous reasons.
Also ICYMI, JAPAN IS REOPENING TO ORDINARY UNREGULATED TOURISM on October 11, after more than 2 1/2 years. Get your Skype numbers and Takarazuka IDs and club paperwork and thick skin in order because it's a new world over there
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germtrips · 3 months
Best Hotels in Villarreal, Castellón, Valencia, Spain
Villarreal, a charming city nestled amidst the Valencian countryside, beckons travelers with its rich cultural heritage, vibrant atmosphere, and deep-rooted passion for football. Villarreal boasts the iconic Estadio de la Cerámica, a network of charming streets showcasing traditional architecture, and a relaxed pace of life ideal for unwinding in a Spanish setting. Explore the fascinating Museo…
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relationxpert · 4 months
Uncovering the Success Story of Fran Candelera
Fran Candelera is a progressive blogger known for his impactful work in advocating for social change through storytelling and  bringing a strong community building through blogging. He uses his platform to address important social issues, spark meaningful conversations, and inspire positive action.
Through his innovative use of digital media idea , he continues to reached the boundaries of traditional art forms, merge technology with artistic expression to create immersive experiences​
Qualification and Education of Fran Candelera
Fran did a degree in English at the University of Malaga (UMA) in 2008. Before finishing it, he also spent a year studying at the University of Wolverhampton as an Erasmus student. After finishing his degree, he worked in a secondary school as a Foreign Language Assistant.
Then he did a degree in Teaching at the University of Cadiz. Once he got it, he worked teaching English in an academy, public and private schools, literacy to Seniors, and as a guide in a museum. His last teaching experience was in a Secondary school and the Official Language School of Los Cristianos in Tenerife.
Besides, he took a gap year to do a degree in Mediation at the Valencian International University. At that point, he decided to make a career change. Despite the fact that reading and writing was his passion, working for Tododisca allowed him to take up the job he had always wanted.
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yuzukahibiscus · 2 months
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Maisora Hitomi Retirement Press Conference
She has always been shining ever since she joined the revue, and in the blink of an eye, Maisora has been aiming for a higher level. After being in Flower Troupe, she became the Star Troupe Top Musumeyaku in 2019. She challenged the role of the heroine the many grand works, and she always coloured every performance with her grace and lovely stage presence, yet she announced her retirement in December. On April 8, she held the press conference in Takarazuka Revue.
Maisora's speech
To everyone whom I have met, who have guided me and raised me up, and also to all the fans who have been supporting me, I am grateful from the bottom of my heart. Until the last day, I wish to remember Kobayashi Ichizou's words of "Pure, Proper, and Beautiful and Bright" by heart, and continue to hone myself as a Takarazuka musumeyaku every day.
Extract of the Q&A
What was the moment you decided your retirement?
Since I became a Top Musumeyaku, I've always been thinking when I would be retiring. I was admitted into the Takarazuka Music School in the 100th anniversary of Takarazuka Revue. Now, I am still a current sienne in the 110th anniversary of Takarazuka. And at this year I call my turning point, I had played the role of Sally from "ME AND MY GIRL" that I admire so much, and I feel so satisfied, and that was when I thought of retiring.
When did you tell your partner Rei (Makoto)?
I told her during the rehearsals for "RRR x TAKA"R"AZUKA -√Bheem- / Violetopia". I'm not good at expressing my thoughts in words, but Rei-san has always been so understanding, and she knows who I really am... She slowly heard my words and said, "If that is what Naco-chan (Maisora) decides, I will support you fully", and said such warm words to me.
What is/are your memorable role(s)?
The first role I got with a name was during Flower Troupe times when I played Hanna in "Hanna's Florist" and it's still a very dear role to me even now. When I came to Star Troupe, I played Juliette in "Romeo & Juliette", and it was a time when I wanted to do my best and confront the challenges ahead, the teachers and everyone from Star Troupe helped me a lot and I felt that I was able to open a new door for myself. Also, I was able to perform in a musical written by Shibata Yukihiro "Valencian Passion", which is a dream come true for me and thus unforgettable.
What's the greatest hurdle you've faced?
When I transferred to another troupe, it was a great change in my Takarazuka life. There were so many hurdles to overcome, but Rei-san who was the closest to me and encouraged me, "It's okay if you can't do it. Just enjoy yourself the most on stage" and I was able to progress forward. Whenever the time, Star Troupe members never let go of my hand and guided me warmly, so my encounter with them is a great fortune, and I wanted to convey my gratitude for each and every one of them.
A message to the fans.
I'm truly thankful for all the fans that found me and cherished me. Even in the midst of the coronavirus that we couldn't meet each other in a close distance, it's because everyone was always supporting me and never left my side that I was able to continue walking on my path. Until the last day, I will convey my appreciation on stage and do my very best. Please continue to support me.
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paellaamor03 · 6 months
Party Perfection: Sydney’s Premier Paella Catering Services
In the vibrant city of Sydney, where culinary experiences abound, one catering service stands out for its commitment to excellence and passion for authentic Spanish cuisine. Party Perfection, Sydney’s premier Party catering Sydney service, brings the taste of Spain to your special occasions, offering a tantalizing array of traditional paellas cooked to perfection. With a dedication to quality ingredients, skilled chefs, and exceptional service, Party Perfection ensures that every event is a culinary delight.
Exquisite Paellas for Every Occasion:
At Party Perfection, we believe that great food is the heart of every memorable event. Whether you’re hosting a wedding, corporate function, birthday celebration, or intimate gathering, our exquisite paellas are sure to impress your guests. From the classic Valencian paella with succulent seafood and tender chicken to vegetarian and vegan options bursting with flavor, we offer a variety of paella styles to suit every palate. Each dish is crafted with care, using traditional Spanish recipes and the freshest locally sourced ingredients, guaranteeing an authentic taste experience.
Skilled Chefs and Impeccable Service:
Our team of skilled chefs brings years of experience and a deep passion for Spanish cuisine to every event. With meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to culinary excellence, they ensure that each paella is cooked to perfection, delivering rich flavors and aromatic delights. From the sizzle of the pan to the final presentation, our chefs work tirelessly to create a feast for the senses that will leave your guests raving.
At Party Perfection, we understand that exceptional food is only part of the equation. That’s why we also pride ourselves on providing impeccable service from start to finish. From the initial consultation to the moment the last guest leaves, our dedicated staff are there to ensure that every aspect of your event runs smoothly. Whether you require assistance with menu planning, venue setup, or on-site catering, we go above and beyond to exceed your expectations and make your event truly unforgettable.
A Commitment to Quality:
Quality is at the core of everything we do at Party Perfection. We believe that our clients deserve nothing less than the best, which is why we source only the finest ingredients for our paellas and maintain the highest standards of culinary excellence. From fresh seafood and locally grown produce to premium Spanish saffron and authentic Bomba rice, we spare no expense in creating dishes that are as delicious as they are memorable.
For those seeking a taste of Spain in the heart of Sydney, look no further than Party Perfection. With our exquisite paellas, skilled chefs, and impeccable service, we are proud to be Sydney’s premier paella catering service. Whether you’re planning an intimate dinner party or a grand celebration, let us bring the flavors of Spain to your next event and make it an occasion to remember.
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top15facts · 6 months
Discover the Delicious World of Spanish Food: Facts, Flavors, and FAQs Introduction Spanish cuisine is a delicious tapestry of flavors, colors, and culinary traditions. From the iconic paella to the humble tapas, Spanish food embodies the country's rich history, dive...
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paellacatering · 2 years
Why You Can Trust Our Paella Catering Services?
Build a sense of occasion and expectation at your next event, with catering that satisfies all the senses. 
Paella is synonymous with comfort food, as it’s rich, decadent, hearty, filling and warm. Favourites include chicken cooked in Oloroso sherry from Cadiz, arroz negro as well as the Valencian classic of chicken, rabbit and green beans. Paella also has the added benefit of being incredibly versatile, meaning you can easily switch up ingredients depending on your guests’ tastes and dietary needs without losing the classic flavour of this Spanish dish.
Vamos Paella is happy to travel to your event. When you have paella catering at your event, your guests will be absolutely mesmerised! Our paella catering services are sure to exceed your expectations.
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We bring to you:
Great food with amazing flavours
Delicious and colourful food
Detailed presentation
High quality
Convenience of service
Customized menu
Hassle free paella catering     solutions
Affordable price
Our paella is grounded, pounded and infused with flavour, made with healthy rice, is gluten free and accompanied by salads and condiment.
Our team is made up of carefully selected group of passionate, hardworking, creative and talented individuals. Our chef has the technical expertise and experience to execute any demand matched with a creative vision to take things to the next level! Our servers are determined to creating an unforgettable experience for you and your guests.
Did we tell you; we use only specially selected ingredients and the finest produce such as fresh seafood, rice and saffron to produce a taste sensation. Do not hesitate to inform us of any dietary restrictions, allergies and special food request. We are happy to accommodate you in your needs. Choose from a selection of menus that we offer, or create a customised one. Whatever the decision we are sure that your needs will be met.
With a fully licensed kitchen, we specialise in providing paella catering services for events such as weddings, private parties, birthday parties, christening, baby shower, villa catering, and corporate events throughout London and beyond.
For dependable paella catering services, contact us today. 
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pellicano-sanguino · 6 years
Streaming Valencian Passion
Next Thursday 25th of October I will stream Valencian Passion (soragumi 2016) and some revues (Hot Eyes and Viva!Festa!). The stream will begin at 19.00 Eastern European Time. Check Trello for timezones:
Stream will be held at Pelican's Nest 2.0. at cytube. The stream is password protected, message me for the password.
TakaWiki has a plot synopsis for the story:
The usual warnings: If I don't show up, technical difficulties have occurred.
Also, be prepared for the aishiteirus. They are plentiful.
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justforbooks · 4 years
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Some people like to read the biographies of the most influential people in history, like Martin Luther King or Mahatma Ghandi. Some people like novels that send chills down their spines, from goth horror novels like Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” to Stephen King’s epistolary novel, “Carrie”. Some prefer the classics, like “Pride and Prejudice” or the “Old Man and the Sea”.
But regardless of the kind of books you like the most, the indisputable truth is that the world would not be the same without books. Books have been educating and inspiring us for thousands of years, so it should go without saying that World Book Day is a more than a well-deserved holiday.
Books are more than simple pieces of paper with words on them (or, in the case of digital books, a bunch of pixels on a screen). They’re a door into another world, whether that’s one full of fiction and imagination or a factual world that teaches you incredible new things. World Book Day is all about celebrating the wonderful power of books and the joy of reading. It’s especially meant to help encourage a love of reading in children, but people of all ages can recognize and celebrate the day.
World Book Day has a strong connection with schools, and it’s used worldwide to allow school children to engage with reading and their favorite books. It’s not just a day to indulge a love of books, but also a day where children and young people can gain access to books. Also known as World Book and Copyright Day or International Day of the Book, the day is also designed to promote publishing and copyright.
Books did not always look the way they do today, with their glossy covers and creamy pages. When writing systems were invented in ancient civilizations thousands of years ago, clay tablets were used. Later, humanity moved on to using papyrus. In the 3rd century, the Chinese were the first to make something that resembled today’s books in that they consisted of numerous thick, bamboo pages sewn together. Then, in the mid-15th century, Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press brought books into the industrial age, making them readily available to anyone who wanted to read them. It is thanks to than ingenious invention that we are all able to enjoy the works of Shakespeare, Tolstoy and many others in the comfort of our own homes today.
World Book Day was created on April 23rd, 1995, by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The connection between that date and books, however, was made in Spain in 1923, as it is the anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, prominent Spanish Chronicler.
There were a few ideas for the day of the year that World Book Day should be held. Originally, Vicente Clavel Andrés, a Valencian writer, suggested that the day should be on a day that honored the author Miguel de Cervantes. This would be either his birthday, October 7, or his death date, April 23. The latter date is the one that was chosen because it was also the date that William Shakespeare died and when Inca Garcilaso de la Vega died too. In fact, several other prominent authors have also died on April 23 – perhaps authors should be wary of this date!
In some countries, World Book Day actually takes place on other days of the year, despite the fact that the international event was created by UNESCO. For example, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Ireland all celebrate their own World Book Day events on a different day. However, the international day has been held on the same day each year since it began in 1995.
Passionate book lovers can celebrate World Book Day in a number of ways, and spread the positive ways reading can affect your life. It’s the day when you can put some thought into how to encourage others to read more too, especially if you’re a parent or you work with students. You can read a favorite book and even read it out loud to children, young people, or perhaps some older people who would appreciate someone reading to them.
The absolute best way to celebrate this day would be to find the time to do some reading. Do you have a book you just can’t get around to finishing? Today’s the time to curl up on the couch or a blanket outside with a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy every last page.
If you have children, this could be the perfect day to teach them about the joys of reading. In today’s world, we are so flooded with images and videos that we run a very real risk of abandoning reading entirely–why bother if we can just watch a movie? Imagination is a child’s best friend, so make sure you contribute to keeping that little imagination as active as possible. Pick a topic your child is interested in, and spend part of this day exploring the magical world of literature together!
Yet another way to go about celebrating this day would be to get together with some friends for a reading of a book you all love. Hearing someone read aloud sentences you have only ever murmured to yourself could cause you to see them in a whole new way by adding feeling or emphasis of some certain elements. Furthermore, varied interpretations of a book could make for animated discussions about who did what and why they did it.
Whichever way you choose to celebrate World Book Day, make sure it’s an educational experience for you and those you care about. As acclaimed author Alan Bennett once said: “A book is a device to ignite the imagination.” World Book Day is a registered UK charity on a mission to give every child and young person a book of their own. It’s also a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) it’s a celebration of reading. In fact, it’s the biggest celebration of its kind, designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and marked in over 100 countries all over the world.
Unlike some other days started by the UN, there are no themes for World Book Day, so you’re free to think up anything you like to celebrate. You can find various materials and inspiration from UNESCO each year, which will help to inspire you and encourage you to think of some creative ways to celebrate the day. You don’t need to be a teacher or someone who works with children to make this day a fun one, although it is a fantastic way to encourage children to read.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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