#valencia katsaros
rainysfatesonas · 6 years
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So since inktober is coming up I thought I'd practice with my ocs and see what I like.
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rainysfatesonas · 6 years
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Fatesona!Valencia Katsaros
So guess who I’m bringing back to the fatesona world it’s ya girl Valencia. This time much tougher than her previous incarnation as an exsona.
Name: Valencia Katsaros
Age: 23
Height: 5′6 ft
Class/Alternative Class: Malig Knight / Wyvern Lord
Boon / Bane: Strength / Speed
Nationality: Nohrian
Skill: Last Defense (If her hp is 50% or lower +10 critical + 1 defense)
Bio: Valencia had wanted to become a wyvern knight really badly and join the army, but due to having only a single arm it seemed impossible. She found a dark mage in a hidden area of Nohr. She begged him to teach her magic and to give her a way to gain a hand and paid him almost making her broke. After many trails and error, they got an end result that was the same shape as her arm but it was a faceless’ arm. So while he continues to do research she has attached that arm to herself and will use it. Her right arm is now much stronger than her left arm and joined the Nohrian Army. Her current status is that she has a pretty good ranking as a soldier and is a backup retainer in case any of the Nohrian siblings' retainers die.
Personality: Valencia is a very determined character and will do anything to get what she wants even if it seems impossible. She's also a really confident person when it comes to confrontation because of her will and won’t allow an enemy to see her weak points. Puts up a really cold front in battle even in the face of death. Once she lives another day she tends to stay up at night guilt not allowing her to sleep the more death she causes.  But when her guard is down and she’s socializing she’ll start flirting away. Usually plays wingman for people she cares for even if she has a crush on them because they deserve better than her.
Additional Information below.
Family life: Valencia is from a family of six with triplets as siblings and a mom and dad. Her father is constantly away but he constantly dotes on her and would get her gifts from his travel. Her mother, on the other hand, doesn’t show her emotions much and would never look at Valencia because she’s ashamed of herself for bringing a daughter who would struggle in this world which only put off Valencia. She’s the eldest sibling.
S-Support Options // A-Support Options:
Birthright Characters: Hinata, Reina // Rinkah, Hayato
Neutral Characters: Corrin (F/M),  Felicia, Silas // Jakob
Conquest Characters: Camilla, Beruka, Selena, Laslow, Odin, Keaton. // Elise, Benny
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rainysfatesonas · 6 years
Jakob and Valencia C-A Support
I just had the certain urge to write this but I thought it’d be a very fun support to write.
Jakob: What are you doing here? You have no place here nor have any permission to be anywhere near Lord/Lady Corrin.
Valencia: Relax I’m here to escort him/her around town and he/she has requested for me in the first place.
Jakob: I don’t believe that Milord/Mistress Corrin would ever request for a heathen like you.
Valencia: Heathen, am I now? You know that I’m a backup retainer in the case that I have to replace anyone. I’m sure you know what that means for you.
Jakob: Are you threatening me?
Valencia: You are the only thing stopping me from becoming Lord/Lady Corrin’s retainer.
Jakob: Heathen is much too nice of a word to describe you.
Valencia: Aww why thank you. Intimidation is a strong suit of mine.
Jakob: You’re just a pest, and I won’t be afraid to take you down if it must come down to it.
Valencia: Lovely, well I’ll just make my way to Lord/Lady Corrin. Oh, as for you, break a leg.
Jakob: If you do anything to Lord/Lady Corrin I will personally come for your head.
Valencia: Wouldn’t dream of it.
Valencia: Hello butler. So, may I ask why you’re pointing that dagger at me?
Jakob: Don’t take another step.
Valencia: Don’t tell me you’re scared of me.
Jakob: No, but I will protect myself in order to serve Lord/Lady Corrin more.
Valencia: Wouldn’t it be a shame if you managed to break your arms, then I’d have to take over.
Jakob: You wouldn’t dare.
Valencia: You’re very widely disliked by others compared to me so if anything happened who would you think they’d believe.
Jakob: I won’t allow you near Lady/Lord Corrin, your presence disturbs him/her enough.
Valencia: That’s not what she/he told me last time we went out. If you’re that worried I’m not going to replace you anytime soon.
Jakob: Wasn’t that your goal from the beginning?
Valencia: Yes and no. Just worry about your own job and I’ll worry about my current one. I’ll become a retainer when the time is right. So, let’s call it a truce.
Jakob: Hmph, fine.
Valencia: Little butler, I came to talk to you.
Jakob: Would it kill you to refer to me by name.
Valencia: I swore an oath to call all non-royals by nicknames so yes it would. I brought something.
Jakob: Is that a large bottle?
Valencia: Alcohol, so we can hit it off as friends.
Jakob: Drinking on the job is irresponsible and I have a hunch you would’ve poisoned it.
Valencia: I’m so hurt by your lack of faith in me. Okay, so I think we can start over. I’m only here as support, don’t think of me as competition but rather think of me as someone who’ll continue what you left off temporarily.
Jakob: And what if you got cozy and started enjoying it.
Valencia: I still don’t have the rights to take away your job. You can have it all to yourself.
Jakob What if I were to die. Would you then claim it?
Valencia: Don’t worry your gray hair over it, I’m not letting you die anytime soon. We’ll get there once we get there.
Jakob: I suppose so. You might not be a bad influence, but a very pesky one.
Valencia: I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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rainysfatesonas · 7 years
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Valencia is here to spread the Valentine Love and she’ll be my representative this year~
Happy Valentine’s the day passed where I am currently since it is 2 am but I hope you guys got to have some fun and I wanted to thank you all who wrote or planned or are planning S-Supports and even if the characters just simply love each other regardless of lack of S-Support. 
Undercut are some first attempt at chibi art and I’m so sorry about the quality and promise to draw them better next time.
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Special thanks to you guys
@oreowarrior with Floran (1st heart) [pretend that we wrote the S-Support lol]
@the-kat-of-fates with Dvalin (2nd heart), Morien (3rd heart) and Fran (8th heart)
@lazutheroleplayer with Hayden/Blaise (4th heart)
@miki-7heaven with Mariposa (5th heart) and Katsumi (9th heart)
@soundlessroom with Denna (6th heart) (I hope we can write the support together soon)
@rose-mary-sona with Emiliya (7th heart) [I consider them romantic regardless of lack of S-Support]
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rainysfatesonas · 7 years
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The more you love the harder it is to save them all.
So I told @miki-7heaven about this angsty idea since Mariposa has a lot of people who love her.
I added some stuff to this idea, since Mariposa has a very important position in her country it puts all her loved ones in danger and because Mariposa tries to save them all at once she ends up saving none of them. The heart with a sniper circle on each character is where I imagined was the fatal shot.
Characters: Mariposa as the focus @papillionrecordhouse , Valencia (the far left is mine), Dante (second left) @mo-re-mi123 , Alex (first right) @karu-ck , Haku @xianha (the far right.)
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rainysfatesonas · 7 years
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I’ve been meaning to post this once school settled down.
I commissioned @pommeplisa for Valencia and I was not disappointed. It’s so pretty the drawing style is so elegant and the way you color is just so beautiful. I just adore the textures used on the wings especially since it gives like a cool paint and soft effect. The hair is just so fluffy and the shading is just so pleasing. But honestly, my favorite thing is your style overall. I really love your art style so much it’s so gorgeous the way you draw the eyes, the eyelashes and just about all of the character features. Thank you again for this wonderful art!
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rainysfatesonas · 7 years
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Thank you @miki-7heaven for requesting Valencia in her typical underwear (the thirst is real) I originally also had a cute MariVale to go along with it but sadly a no go.
This one is an attempt to also have a second art style to play with.
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rainysfatesonas · 7 years
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I’ve been practicing birds so I decided to practice drawing Raven Laguz. This is a what if scenario if the Raven’s feathers were to resemble their hair. I tried to do all the Raven Laguz with wings available and although I did find one more in the discord I sadly didn’t know his/her tumblr url.
In order from top to bottom or last drawn to first
@killablume  ‘s Shanti
@mo-re-mi123 ‘s Liber
@lskartcorner ‘s Tohrus
@arikentsia ‘s Layla
@miki-7heaven ‘s Hickory Doc
@jememe ‘s Keme
@soundlessroom ‘s Michael
and Valencia who belongs to me.
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rainysfatesonas · 7 years
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I feel like I've neglected Valencia so here's a sketch dump of all the sketches I have of Valencia ft @miki-7heaven 's Mariposa.
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rainysfatesonas · 7 years
Mariposa & Valencia Events
The events were so much fun to write with @miki-7heaven , they might be my favorite parts of the support. The three events featured are in that order Messis (Harvest festival), Feralia (Festival of the dead),  Solstitium (Solstice). Main Support.
Mariposa: *Walking around with an ice cream in her hand* Hmmm I wonder who I can- *sees Valencia* Oh! ~ *walks over* Hello there pretty bird~ What brings you here?
Valencia: *Turns around* Oh hey Mari, it is good to see you again. You definitely make the view a lot more radiant. I'm just checking out the area. It has been a while since I've been to a harvest festival.
Mariposa: Oh? I'm glad I could brighten up your day~ *Stands next to her* I hope our festival has made your trip here worth it~ I hope you didn't come here with a date because I'd love to show you around myself~
Valencia: It has been fun so far, my siblings insisted on coming to the harvest festival, so I've got them to thank. Oh how I wish I had a date with me, but if I knew you'd show me around, I'm glad I didn't bring one with me.
Mariposa: Oh, you have siblings? *looking around* Are you the youngest? *looks back at her with a smile* Any protective ones I should worry about? ~
Valencia: I have three younger siblings and no overprotective ones to worry about. A blessing I must say. If anything if I had older siblings I'd have to be worried about them stealing you from me. I've come to like your presence. *Flashes a small smile*
Mariposa: *Gives out a playful gasp* Oh my~ how forward~ *thinking* But you know, it must be great having your family with you. Especially one as big as yours... Makes me think of my own.
Valencia: So I've been told~  A big family can be hectic, I'm just glad two out of three are well behaved, and I'm not going to even mention the third. But what about you? What's your family like?
Mariposa: *chuckles* Well I never have to worry about behavior~ ... except for maybe grandpa~ My mom's side are nomads by tradition, so they are very free-spirited~ My papa though, he was always sterner but still loving...
Valencia: Oh, I didn't know you were a nomad. *Flashes a sympathetic smile.* The most strict people tend to be the most loving or so I've been told.
Mariposa: Oh I'm not! I like to stay in one place, kinda why I didn't go with my parents when they left... And as for the strict thing... *frowns a bit* I don't know if that's true, but I know my dad was more loving before he was stern. Old habits I guys, he was in the military after all. He and my grandma are the ones who taught me how to fight after all.
Valencia: That does make things quite difficult. Your dad and mine are quite the worlds apart. Mine was often called the mother since he wasn't exactly a traditional father type. Oh, so those two are the ones who I have to thank for that riveting match we had quite a while back. I've never been hit with as much electricity in my life.
Mariposa: *smirks* yep~ It runs in my grandma's family~ Women with her blood have high magic ability, so much so we can even use it without a tome~ oh but enough of that, how about I steal you away for a dance at the plaza~
Valencia: *In awe* That's amazing. Well, I'm not much of a dancer, but a dance does sound fun. Let's go. *Holds her hand as they walk to the plaza.*
Mariposa: *Helping a family with their grieving ceremony* She was a good person. She would be so proud that you have made it this far. 
Family: Thank you, Madam. You've given us so much. *sobs, sniffles*
Mariposa: *Nods then sees Valencia* Oh excuse me for a moment. *leaves and goes up to Valencia.*
Valencia: Oh Mari it's nice to see you again. I always look forward to our encounters. So how have you been?
Mariposa: I've been well, was just helping some friends. *looks at her worried* Is everything well with you? Your siblings still with us?...
Valencia: Yeah everything's fine. *Shifts eyes* I'm here for Mother and Pa- I mean Father. Sometimes I wonder where they buried Mother. I didn't stick around long enough to see or even if they buried her at all.
Mariposa: *Confused* Why won't they bury her?
Valencia: She could have been cremated for all I know. But if she were I wouldn't know where her ashes are either.
Mariposa: *confused* What happened to your parents that would cause you to not how they were serviced?
Valencia: *Pained look crosses her face quickly.* It's a long story, but Father is buried in Kilvas after his execution, as for Mother there were bad men, and she didn't make it. I got my siblings out of there after help came but we didn't stay long and ran off. That's why I no longer know where she is or how she was serviced. That's the summary of it.
Mariposa: *Looks hurt* Oh...  I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to bring up bad memories, though I'm sure no matter where she is... She hears your prayers for her. *holds her*
Valencia: *Smiles* Don't worry it's all fine. I'll take your word to heart. I'm sure mother and father will enjoy the festivities once it hits midnight. I'm content with how things are despite some troubles. And maybe I wouldn't have met you had I not ran away. You're becoming a dear friend to me.
Mariposa: *smiles back* I'm glad I can be a friend to you, you're becoming someone I care for as well. Though for now, I must go, my friends need me. I wish you a peaceful service. *bows*
Valencia: *Waves* See you, Mari, I'll be here if you're looking for me. I'm going to have a long chat with my parents.
Mariposa: Until then. *leaves*
Mariposa: *Waiting outside* "Come on now Valencia~ We need to get going or we'll miss all the fun!"
Valencia: Sorry to keep you waiting. I had difficulties with wearing this outfit. My wing kept getting stuck.
Mariposa: *smirks* I told you to let me help~ *runs her fingers up her back* It would have been my pleasure~
Valencia: *Twitches a little* Trust me if I let you we would've been even more late. You really like to take your time.
Mariposa: *shrugs a little* What can I say~ I love to make sure everything is... *whispers* Satisfied~ *backs away then walks down her steps* But enough of that. Let's go! ~
Valencia: *Blushes and looks away for a second* Alright I'm coming. No need to wait up, I can catch up fast.
Mariposa: Well I can't do that~ It would be impolite. *waits for her at the bottom of the stairs* So tell me, do you know the tales of this festival?
Valencia: *Catches up* You're quite the gentleman, Mari. I'm not very well versed since this is my first time, but I do know there's stargazing and weaving.
Mariposa: *chuckles* I think you mean gentlewoman~ and yes there's that. But the biggest tradition, at least for my family, as the process of weaving flowers for a wish~
Valencia: A wish? What might the wish be for? Eternal beauty, wealth, or long life?
Mariposa: For romantic success~ *looks at her and winks*
Valencia: I'm sure you'll get your lucky girl or guy. *Grumbles* Not like I'll have a chance.
Mariposa: Huh? *looks at her, confused* I don't think I quite caught that.
Valencia: *Stammers* L-let's just get going already. *Starts walking at a brisk pace holding Mariposa's hand.*
Mariposa:? *follows her but then retakes the lead* This way Valencia~ So would you like to do the weaving with me? It's best doing it with a partner~
Valencia: I'd love to but won't I get in the way? My wings might blow the flowers away when I move.
Mariposa: You in the way? No way! *pulls her to a weaving workshop on the festival grounds* Now pick two flowers you like~
Valencia: Okay how about these two flowers. *Mumbles* It's just as beautiful as-. I mean the colors are exquisite.
Mariposa: *raises an eyebrow and nods* And I'll use these~ *shows her a black rose and bundle of daisies* Alright let's do this! It will be the best wreath of the night! ~
Valencia: With your skills, I'm sure it'll be. Let's get started.
Mariposa: *they start weaving, looks at Valencia* So who do you hope to succeed with? ~
Valencia: There are so many lovely people it'll be hard to choose, but I think I might have one in mind. What about you, do you have anyone in mind?
Mariposa: *nods* Oh I do, that's why I need this wreath. Got to get every advantage I can~ After all, she's not something I want to lose... *blushes*
Valencia: Mari...You hopeless romantic, I'm sure she'll be happy knowing you were thinking of her and that you are trying your best for her. I'm more surprised you aren't taken already seeing how amazing you are.
Mariposa: *chuckles* Well, it may surprise you, but I actually get nervous too when it comes sincere love~ But I think with this wreath will do the trick. *smiles and finishes the wreath with her*
Valencia: Love can be really nerve-wracking, I can't blame you. But now it's time to let the wreath float. Let's hope for a successful romance.
Mariposa: *nods and they go and release the wreath together* Well there it goes~ Hopefully, the goddess and her stars hear our wishes and grant them.
Valencia: I'm sure it'll work out. *Notices something stuck on her feathers* Hey we forgot a black rose. No wonder we couldn't see it. It'll be a waste if it isn't on something or someone beautiful. Hopefully, it sticks on your ear, Mariposa.
Mariposa: *blushes then smiles, a little flustered* Th-Thank you. *takes it* Well let's go check out the stars, alright? ~
Valencia: No problem. *Sits down with Mariposa.* This takes me back. I would spread my wing as so and wrap it around someone dear as we watch the stars together. You know Mari, I found my reason to stay.
Mariposa: *looks at her* Oh? And what is that reason? ~
Valencia: I wanted to tease you. I'm not saying, but I thought you should know. I'll tell you when you're older.
Mariposa: *pouts* How mean! ~ Come on, tell me! ~
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rainysfatesonas · 7 years
Mariposa & Valencia C-S Support
Thank you @miki-7heaven for the wonderful time! I had a lot of fun doing this with you. Here’s the support of the two flirtiest girls of exire. I will post the events seperately but this can be read without the events but the events build on their relationship and past. Event Support.
Valencia: You must be Mariposa, right? I saw you on the battlefield earlier.
Mariposa: *putting books away* Oh yes, you're Valencia correct? The raven laguz, I've- *thinks for a moment* witnessed you as well. You're quite vicious out there.
Valencia: Yeah that's me. The one and only wing ripper. Although I'm more curious about you, despite your incredible abilities you don't fight much.
Mariposa: hmm?  Oh well, fighting isn't quite my style. Even if it was, I am not exactly in the best shape to do much of it.
Valencia: That's a shame you could've made quite the femme fatale. Especially someone as beautiful as you.
Mariposa: *smirks at her and puts away the final book* Well why thank you~ But I won't want to steal away your lime light, lovely~ *winks*
Mariposa: If you like I can teach you a few things I learned from my grandparents and father~
Valencia: *Blushes a little* I'm sure people can't miss me with all that screaming my opponent does. I'd love to take up on your offer, maybe just to see you fight again. It would be a nice sight indeed.
Mariposa: Very well, I can't wait to show you what I'm made of~  *takes her hand and kisses it* It would be my pleasure to entertain you~ But I must warn you... I can be- *gives her a small zap* electrifying~
Valencia: *Her face becomes very red* I-I can't wait. A spar is one thing I never pass up on. I want to see all you've got.
Mariposa: *nods and gives a small bow* Until then, later~ For now, I must return to my duty~ Good bye~ *leaves*
[End C-Support]
Valencia: Mari, do you ever go anywhere else but this library? I always find you here more than any other place.
Mariposa: *Turns to her* Oh! *chuckles* Well, of course, ~ As much as I'd love to just live here, among my books, I actually travel a lot. Mostly for work reasons. Why do you ask?
Valencia: Well it would be nice to hang out someplace where I don't disturb the others or have to keep my voice down. Maybe so we can change the air once in a while as nice as this place is.
Mariposa: *chuckles* Oh,  well I could always take you on a date if you like~ That is, if your siblings don't mind me taking to away for awhile~
Valencia: *Rubs her neck sheepishly* A date sounds fun. Well, my siblings are back in Crimea, so there's no harm done.
Mariposa: Oh? That's so far, you must miss them. Especially with how often you come.
Valencia: Well it does get lonely even when I travel with or without my guardian. I usually stay on my own. What about you?
Mariposa: Well growing up with a big family like I did, and then not having them anymore. It... can be tough, but nothing I can't handle. *smiles sadly*
Valencia: *Places her hand on Mariposa's shoulder* I know how you feel. Whenever I wake up and know that there's no one to greet me in the morning. It just leaves a hollow feeling inside.
Mariposa: *Nods* I always think about going after them, to my mom's home country... Even if they are nomads, they always go back there. I miss them, but then I think about all I'll lose leaving here. I'm never sure what to do...
Valencia: If anything a few visits won't hurt. Don't tell my siblings but even though I no longer live in Kilvas, I go there to see my family. You know with time maybe you'll finally come to a decision on where your home is. It's a tough decision, but maybe it's still not the time for you to choose.
Mariposa: hmmm maybe, oh but enough that~ *shakes and takes her hand* How about we talk about that date of ours~ *puts her hand up to her lips* Maybe I can take you home after
Valencia: *Face reddens* You read my mind. I'm a bit curious about what you have planned after. *She uses her right wing trailing Mariposa's arm.*
[End B-Support]
Valencia: Mari, what's your favorite thing about Ellavelle. Except for the library?
Mariposa: Huh? Oh, I'd say... *thinking* I suppose all the friends and memories I've made. My home? Nothing much else really. Why?
Valencia: I'm thinking of sticking around longer here. There's something that draws me here unlike other places.
Mariposa: Oh really?  What could that be, and what about your siblings?
Valencia: I'm not sure myself. I'll tell you when I find out. As for my siblings well they are already old enough to take care of themselves, and they are staying with our guardian. Not like I'll be gone forever.
Mariposa: Ah... yes I suppose... and it really isn't my placed to judge on the matter. *frowns*
Valencia: My siblings would appreciate the sentiment. You are way too kind for your own good. Always thinking of others. Sometimes perfect girls do exist.
Mariposa: *Blushes and looks away* Pffft! I wouldn't say that... *twirls her hair* and I can confirm to you that, as kind as I am, I am far from naive.
Valencia: *Chuckles* I never did say that but maybe I should. As confident as you are always, you are cute when you blush. I should fluster you more often.
Mariposa: *Blushes more than shakes her head* Don't get cocky~ I just cause you made me blush once doesn't mean you can do it again! *, brings her close*
Mariposa: After all, I'm no walk in the park~
Valencia: *Blushes at the proximity* You know I can hold my ground down. I've gotten too used to you.
Mariposa: Oh~ *pulls out about it* Have we really grown so close that my flirting doesn't affect you?  What a shame~ *holds her heart playfully, as if in pain*
Valencia: *Giggles* C'mon you're ridiculous right now. It's not necessarily a bad thing. That just means you'll have to step up your game.
Mariposa: *Raises an eyebrow and a smirk* Oh? ~ is that a challenge~ *gets back in close* I'm always up for a challenge~
Valencia: I know you are. Even if I challenged you to a flying race, you'd find a way to still participate.
Mariposa: *Gives out a small, happy gasp* You really do know me! ~ *chuckles* Well to get back to the manner at hand... Mariposa: *Lets go of her* If you really want to stay longer. You could always stay at my place if you need it~
Valencia: I'll take you up on your offer, it would be wonderful to wake up for once with someone there to greet me in the morning.
[End A-Support]
Valencia: Mari, I've been looking all over for you. Remember when I said that I found my reason to stay? Well, now that you are a few months older I can tell you.
Mariposa: *Chuckles* Oh?~ Well finally! I've been aching to know~ *looks all excited* So what's the reason? `
Valencia: *Wraps her wing around Mariposa* All this time I've been looking for a place that feels like home. Everywhere I went there was something I couldn't get. Something no other place could ever have.
Mariposa: *Blushes* O-Oh? *feels all tingly* And did you mind what you were missing here?
Valencia: I did. A wonderful Goddess by the name of Mariposa Hansuke Cardoso. I-I love you, I love you a lot.  You were one of the few people who didn't feel disgust, fear and or pity towards me. Something even my own mother couldn't do. I'm grateful to have you as a friend, but I hope to have you by my side as my lover and if the time ever comes as my wife.
Mariposa: *Looks at her in shock then her face begins to redden* You... *takes her hands into her own* Truly? Do you? *brings her closer* If this is some cruel trick, I'll punish you... *leaning her forehead against hers*
Valencia: I'd honestly enjoy that punishment, but I do mean what I said. I couldn't ever ask the Goddess for more. You are the one I love, Mariposa. I'd do anything for you, and I'll protect you until I'm six feet under. Even then my spirit wouldn't rest until you are safe and happy.
Mariposa: *Eyes soften, and she smiles* I love you too Valencia~ *kisses her* I find myself also so warm and at peace with you~ thank you for that. And I'll be sure we can stay warm and happy together for as long as possible~
Valencia: *Blushes* Ma-Mari. You always throw off my confidence. But I'm so happy, and I honestly don't have any more words left to express. Hopefully, my actions will. I'm so grateful to have met you, my darling.
Mariposa: *chuckles* And I'm happy to have met you as well~
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rainysfatesonas · 7 years
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Since Exire is based on the Tellius games, I tried to redraw exsonas over Radiant Dawn in game sprites. So I did my oc Valencia and @oreowarrior  ‘s oc Chen / Lucian. (Yes I used the actual drawing of Chen’s hair instead of drawing only cause I couldn’t draw the bangs with a laptop touchpad.)  So I recommend you guys try out yourselves to do this~
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rainysfatesonas · 7 years
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So I wanted to make a chart reference of my ocs eye and eyebrow. You may not recognize some names since they are in my drafts. The ones that aren't fe related is Masuyo (BNHA) and Kurisu (P5). Since my handwriting can be unreadable I'll just list who it is from right to left: Masuyo, Liberata, Fairooz, Asim, Kaito, Kurisu, Valencia, Kiyoshi and Pretty Boy.
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