#nasim al-adil
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rainysfatesonas · 6 years ago
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So I’m traveling in a few days so I thought I’d try my best to finish Nasim before then.
Name: Nasim Al-Adil
Age: 26
Height: 5′5 ½ ft
Nationality: Plegian
Class / Alternative Class: Dark Mage / Cavalier
S-Support / A-Support Options: Robin (M/F), Chrom, Fredrick, Lon’qu, Gregor, Panne, Olivia. // Ricken, Lissa, Tharja, and Cordelia.
Skill: Thirst to Thrive (When his health is low +15 Critical)
Bio: Nasim was born and raised in Plegia and used to help his parents out at the store before his brother Asim became old enough to take over it from him. He then entered the Plegian army as a Cavalier but he found his true calling as a dark mage when during battle his sword broke and sustained the wound on his ribs, and he had taken the tome of a fallen soldier near him to defend himself. During a dispute by his parents, he joined his father to go to Ylisse only because of Asim and resigned from the army. Unlike Asim who is a naga believer, he is still a Grimlel.
Personality: Nasim is a very harsh person who keeps himself at a distance. He won’t appreciate anyone trying to dissect his personality and can easily be provoked. He holds strong beliefs and will not be afraid to question authority if it isn’t morally correct, but it also lands him in hot water and he has been demoted from his rank several times. Occasionally he falls into a depressive episode that is hard to coax him out of when he gets nightmares and memories of all the friends he has lost. He won’t show it as he’s gotten better at concealing it, but if nobody’s around he’ll do nothing but lie in bed. He is not afraid of pegasuses but due to one of his friends being skewered by a pegasus knight right in front of him, it’s hard for him to get near one.
Recruitment: He is first seen in chapter 7 as a green unit but had fallen off the cliff but he managed to land onto the piece of land sticking out of the cliff. But he remained incapacitated and was taken in by the Plegian army assuming he was one of their own judging by his Plegian attire. He used that opportunity after being healed to stay with the army in hopes of finding the Shepherds. Joins in chapter 10 (the chapter right after Emmeryn’s death.) where either Chrom or Asim have to talk to him.
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harianpublik-blog · 8 years ago
Dalam Tekanan dan Ketidakadilan, GEMA Pembebasan Sukses Menyelenggarakan Diskusi Panel
Dalam Tekanan dan Ketidakadilan, GEMA Pembebasan Sukses Menyelenggarakan Diskusi Panel
Dakwah Media – Di tengah-tengah kondisi politik yang terbentuk ke dalam dua kutub; kebhinekaan dan agama (Islam) sejak riuh-riuh Pilkada DKI Jakarta, penyelenggaraan acara Diskusi Panel GEMA Pembebasan Kota Bandung bertajuk “Khilafah dan Wawasan Kebangsaan” yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 27 April 2017 mendapatkan tekanan untuk dibatalkan dari pihak-pihak tertentu. Acara yang hendak menghadirkan Pembicara dari HTI Kota Bandung, Yuana Riyan Tresna, M.Ag dan para panelis seperti Dr. H. Uu Nurul Huda, S.H., M.H. (Ahli Hukum Tatanegara UIN Bandung), Dr. Arim Nasim, M.Si (Akademisi UPI), Dr. H. Asep Agus Handaka (Akademisi Unpad) dan KH. M. Rif’at Syadli, LC., M.AG. (Alumni Univ. Al-Azhar Kairo, Pengasuh Ponpes Baiturrahman) akan diselenggarakan di Gd. Wakaf Pro Bandung.
Beberapa hari jelang Hari H, Tim Panitia GEMA Pembebasan tiba-tiba dihubungi pohak kepolisian untuk menghadap terkait rencana agenda yang diselenggarakan. Pihak panitia pun berusaha untuk memenuhi permintaan kepolisian kelengkapan administratif pemberitahuan akan Acara Diskusi tersebut hingga rekomendasi ke MUI. Namun ketika bertandang ke MUI, ditegaskan bahwa acara yang merujuk kepada Syiar Islam tidak perlu meminta rekomendasi ke MUI bahkan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan penyelenggaraan tersebut tidak membutuhkan Ijin apapun.
Beberapa Jam menjelang Acara, Tim Panitia mendapatkan momentumnya untuk mempertanyakan kejanggalan atas tekanan yang terjadi seperti adanya kecaman dari kelompok-kelompok massa atas acara, penempatan mobil-mobil kompi pihak aparat di sekitaran tempat penyelenggaraan diskusi beserta penempatan pasukan polisi, tentara dan satpol PP. Tentu saja hal ini memberikan tekanan juga kepada pihak Gedung hingga akhirnya “mundur” dan pembatalan penyewaan gedung.
Ketika negosiasi, Tim GEMA Pembebasan dengan berbagai pihak diantaranya : Perwakilan polrestabes Bandung, Polsek setempat, anggota TNI, Perwakilan Kecamatan, Kesbangpol, penjelasan atas alasan keharusan dibatalkannya acara tidak rasional dan tidak bisa diterima oleh Pihak GEMA Pembebasan. Pertama, diskusi yang rutin diselenggarakan GEMA Pembebasan baru kali ini mendapatkan perlakuan tidak adil dengan rumitnya administrasi yang diminta, padahal di saat yang sama beberapa gerakan dan organisasi lain menyelenggarakan acara serupa dengan tema juga yang serupa namun tidak mendapatkan tekanan dan diperlakukan seperti ini. Kedua, Permintaan untuk dimediasi dan dijelaskan kepada pihak yang memberikan tekanan terhadap Acara tersebut pun tidak mendapatkan argumentasi logis. Justru Tim GEMA Pembebasan dibilang tidak perlu tahu. “Bicara menentut keadilan, Kita sama-sama tahu hukum di dunia ga ada yang adil, kecuali di Akhirat” Tandas seorang Polisi.
Namun Demikian, Dengan cepat, Tim Panitia membuat rencana untuk menentukan tempat pengganti hingga akhirnya dapat diselenggarakan di Masjid Al-Hidayah. Meski dilingkupi Hujan, pukul 16.00 WIB Acara dapat berlangsung dengan tertib. Puluhan tamu undangan dan peserta acara tak terkecuali pembicara dan para panelis turut mengikuti acara sampai akhir menjelang maghrib. Alhamdulillah dengan menghadapi berbagai halangan, Acara tetap tersenggara atas Ijin Allah SWT. [vm]
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rainysfatesonas · 6 years ago
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So since inktober is coming up I thought I'd practice with my ocs and see what I like.
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rainysfatesonas · 6 years ago
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So this is another revamp of one of my ocs and I’ve updated his looks up a bit. So a glitch happened where my pen sensitivity sort of didn’t work and the lines kind of came out bad so I had the idea to try and color over my sketch.
Name: Asim Al-Adil
Age: 24
Height: 5′5 ft
Nationality: Plegian
Class / Alternative Class: Archer / Dark Mage
S-Support Options / A-Support Options: Robin (M/F), Henry, Libra, Tharjah, Sumia, Gaius, Mariabelle / Donnel, Chrom, Cherche, Sully.
Skill: Finest Archer (If up against another archer +3 defense)
Bio: Asim used to live in plegia and helped his dad and mom with the store and used to be the one to trade with the other areas and would take even days to reach there. After Gangrel came into power his father no longer felt safe living there and after an argument with his mother, the two had decided a break was needed and his father left the country along with Asim and his older brother Nasim while his mother now resides with her parents. He now lives in Ylisse with the two of them. It was easier for him to fit in as he was more of a Naga believer but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t still hold his beliefs of being a grimlel. 
Recruitment: He joins during chapter 7 (the chapter where Cordelia is recruited) and his brother comes along with him but only as a green unit and the two are separated during the fight and somebody believed to have seen him falling over the ledge which causes Asim to go into shock.
Personality: Asim is a well-mannered guy who tends to be misunderstood as emotionless and insensitive. He enjoys helping all those around him and purposefully neglects himself so as to not have to deal with himself. He has many pent-up emotions and with the exception of his brother he’s had no one to talk to or support him for it. He just wants to see peace which is his reason for fighting.
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