#emiliya (lost heir)
rainysfatesonas · 7 years
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Valencia is here to spread the Valentine Love and she’ll be my representative this year~
Happy Valentine’s the day passed where I am currently since it is 2 am but I hope you guys got to have some fun and I wanted to thank you all who wrote or planned or are planning S-Supports and even if the characters just simply love each other regardless of lack of S-Support. 
Undercut are some first attempt at chibi art and I’m so sorry about the quality and promise to draw them better next time.
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Special thanks to you guys
@oreowarrior with Floran (1st heart) [pretend that we wrote the S-Support lol]
@the-kat-of-fates with Dvalin (2nd heart), Morien (3rd heart) and Fran (8th heart)
@lazutheroleplayer with Hayden/Blaise (4th heart)
@miki-7heaven with Mariposa (5th heart) and Katsumi (9th heart)
@soundlessroom with Denna (6th heart) (I hope we can write the support together soon)
@rose-mary-sona with Emiliya (7th heart) [I consider them romantic regardless of lack of S-Support]
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rainysfatesonas · 7 years
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Thank you @xion-rose for requesting Fairooz and Emiliya in A3! I had a lot of fun doing this! (Not shown in this photo Emiliya on a box or Fairooz lifting her.)
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rainysfatesonas · 7 years
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Here’s a lot of doodles I have of Ishtar and Hilal. First two were muscle exercises, second is the benefit of having a marionette bf ft @the-kat-of-fates  ‘s Drocell. Third is how to carry a marionette ft @lskartcorner  ‘s Melanie/Dalal and as well as Drocell and @xion-rose  ‘s Emiliya. Bonus Hilal carrying Ignacio who as well belongs to lsk (Part of assuring that Melanie is in safe hands).
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rainysfatesonas · 7 years
Emiliya/Jamie and Fairooz C-A+ Support
Thank you @xion-rose for being my first support for both Fairooz and for Lost Heir! I had a lot of fun with this! This takes place before the recruitment chapter for the Toma Siblings.
[Emiliya/Jamie and Fairooz C-Support]
Fairooz: Oh Emiliya, Jamie it's nice to see the magical duo. I wanted to get to know you guys and if there's anything you guys need; I'm just one shout away.
Emiliya: ...
Jamie: Oh, hello there. Almost mistaken you for a Plegian or something.
Fairooz: Close enough I do live in a desert area. If you'd like I can give you guys a tour one day, although I don't know anyone who could tolerate the weather except for Plegians.
Jamie: I'm certain I can handle the heat. My sister and I are Plegians, after all. Heck, even in the summer heat!
Emiliya: ... [You can't handle the summer heat, Jamie.]
Jamie: (He doesn't need to know that, sis.)
Fairooz: Oh my we got a brave man here. If you can survive summer heat, you are practically invincible. But don't worry the village has a lot of indoor areas. I'm sure you guys will enjoy the theater there. Do any of you guys like theaters?
Jamie: Not much, but it's a dream to see my sister to perform in one.
Emiliya: ...! [B-brother, please...!]
Jamie: *Sweats* So sorry, sis! Didn't want to make you feel all embarrassed...
Fairooz: There isn't anything to be scared of. The theater is very accepting. But if you don't want to at least dance with me, I want to feel your passion, and I rarely can find another dancer let alone willing to dance with me.
Jamie: I didn't know you're a dancer. Quite a surprise!
Fairooz: Although I call myself a dancer, I can't say that I'm that great because I can't motivate people in battle. But I can call myself a competent performer.
Jamie: Cool! I'm sure my sis would be happy join you.
Emiliya: *smacks Jamie's head* ...! [Stop that!]
Jamie: *rubbing his head* (Hey! This could be your chance to achieve your dream, sis!)
Emiliya: *Disappears*
Jamie: Um... We'll meet again, Fairooz. I just got to go find out where my sister went. See yah! *leaves*
Fairooz: I wonder if I should be concerned?
[End-C Support]
[Emiliya/Jamie and Fairooz B-Support]
Jamie: *sigh* She's quicker than I thought... Have I really ticked her off?
Fairooz: Why the long face, Jamie?
Jamie: Whenever my sis spots me, she immediately leaps away. It's not that I meant to embarrass her or anything...
Fairooz: Why don't you tell me more about her. That could give us a clue on why she acts like that. I honestly don't think it is stage fright or shyness by any means if she's avoiding you like that.
Jamie: It's none of those, yeah. She gets a little embarrassed whenever I tell people about her dream. Before she a mannequin, she always wanted to perform in front of the royal family. I was the only one she told me about, as she was a bit afraid Father wouldn't approve. *Pauses* She was never afraid to tell anyone else, but these days, now she is a mannequin, she's too embarrassed to achieve her dream, as people would judge her on her appearance.
Fairooz: I can't offer any powers to help her out, my condolences. I believe she thinks that being a mannequin has made her believe that she could never achieve anything. That her only fate is just to be a doll. This worry of hers is not that much of a problem. Dancing is not judged by the way a person looks but by the performer. Just because the more successful ones are usually very beautiful doesn't mean she doesn't have a chance. But let's take it slow with her little by little and show her that just because of how she looks won't stop her dreams.
Emiliya (in the distance): ...!
Jamie: Yeah... 
Jamie: *senses her presence * How long have you been listening?
Emiliya: ... [I don't know]
Jamie: It doesn't matter, Sis. I know you feel discouraged by what you look now, but like he said, you shouldn't have to be. Also, I'm terribly sorry for pressuring you like that.
Fairooz: Emiliya there's really nothing to be scared of. No one's going to judge you. I know of dancers who were badly scarred from fights, those who have lost arms and limbs, even while traveling I would find dancers of different species from you and I., In the end, it's the passion of your performance that'll leave an impression. The way you carry yourself and execute the dance. You have your whole life ahead of you so don't waste it. I won't sugar coat it, but there will always be people who will judge you, but a performer knows to not listen to those whose only intent is to belittle them.
Emiliya: ...! 
Jamie: Aww, you're blushing, Sis!
Fairooz: You know if you'd like we could perform together. I'm sure we could make quite the pair.
Emiliya: *nods* 
Jamie: Sounds good to me!
[End B]
[Emiliya/Jamie & Fairooz A-Support]
Fairooz: Emiliya, follow my lead and watch your feet.
Jamie: She knows what she's doing.
Emiliya: ... [I can handle this, Jamie.]
Jamie: Be careful.
Fairooz:...So far so good.
Emiliya: ...
Jamie: (She's doing so well... what are they doing? It's not the kind of dance they had in Plegia...)
Fairooz: *Nods* (Now for the dip.)
Jamie: D-don't drop her!
Fairooz: Have faith in these muscles, Jamie. (Now for the spin.)
Jamie: *Surprised*
Fairooz:...(The last final dip for both of us.)
Jamie: (Amazing!)
Fairooz: So, what do you think?
Jamie: Incredible! I was a bit worried that you might drop Emiliya, but it was truly wonderful!
Emiliya: ...!
Fairooz: That's the magic of dancing it builds up the tension. Don't worry I have muscles of a mercenary. So I could even dip a person with armor on. But your sister was terrific to work with. You'll go big in dancing. Although I would stay away from tap dancing if I were you.
Jamie: *frowns* Yeah, I'm still trying to work on improvements on her figure.
Emiliya: ... 
Jamie: My sister says she would like to dance with you some time when you have the time.
Fairooz: I understand things take time. If anything it'd be a pleasure to dance with you again. Maybe next time it'll be on a stage with lots of people watching us.
Emiliya: ...
Jamie: That'll be great!
Fairooz: You know you guys are one of the few to be enthusiastic about my dancing. I know it seems shallow but do keep cheering me on. It motivates me, and I have you two to thank for that. I feel like a good dancer for once.
Jamie: Hehe.
[End A]
[Fairooz and Emiliya/Jamie A+ Support]
Fairooz: Oh if it isn't the siblings. I've been looking for you two especially Emiliya.
Jamie: Oh?
Fairooz: It's a surprise. Tadah! Your very own dancer outfit and a veil to go with it.
Emiliya: *Places both hands on the sides of her face in excitement.*
Jamie: Whoa... It's so decorative...!
Fairooz: One must stand out in both performance and outfit, so I only wanted to get the best for her. I know it will look absolutely stunning on you, Emiliya.
Emiliya: *Sways in embarrassment.*
Jamie: Aww, I'm sure you'll look great in it, Sis!
Fairooz: Don't be shy, how about you try it on right now. There should be a private place right over there you can change in.
Jamie: That sounds good.
Emiliya: ...
Jamie: We can go together on this. I'll be sure no one watches you while you're getting dressed.
Fairooz: Don't worry I won't look. (Wait isn't she a doll? Oh well, probably human nature.) I think she's pretty lucky to have such a considerate brother.
Jamie: Yeah... considering I'm the one who brought her back to life as a Marionette, I've been doing my best to protect her from any harm. She doesn't mind, sometimes...
Fairooz: It is very commendable what you did, and I can't blame you. Hopefully, things will start to get better for the both of you.
Jamie: Yep... 
Emiliya: ...
Jamie: You're done? ... Okay, I'll step aside to let you out.
Emiliya: *Walks out.*
Fairooz: ...By the Gods! You look so lovely in this. I can't take my eyes off you. What do you think, Jamie?
Jamie: *Extremely flustered.*
Fairooz: Looks like I did an excellent job if both of you are speechless. I hope I get to see you on stage soon.
Emiliya: ... 
Jamie: She says she can't wait to be there!
Fairooz: I'm a bit sad that I'll be leaving Ylisse soon and hopefully we can see each other again.
Jamie: Yeah... I'll be sure to come by to see you.
Fairooz: Until then, farewell.
[End of A+ Support]
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