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- Jesús Quintero: "Señor Gala, ¿Qué es lo más inteligente que se puede hacer en esta vida?"
- Antonio Gala: "En principio yo le diría: irse a una playa. Pero en el fondo, de verdad, tengo que decirle que salir de esta especie de laberinto en que nos han metido, una vida que no es la nuestra y que no es la mandada. Que es una organización que necesita esclavos para seguir manteniendo la pura organización que necesita esclavos, y así hasta el final. Salirse de esa cadena terrible, desencadenarse. A riesgo de la soledad, a riesgo de la falta de comprensión, pero irse un poco al campo, en el mejor de los sentidos. Salir de esa extraña y monótona esclavitud de cada día. Darle a cada día su propio afán, pero también su propia sonrisa, su propio gozo, su propio color, su propio aroma. Eso es la inteligencia. Porque una inteligencia que no nos ayude a vivir, no la quiero. No me sirve para nada. No creo que le sirva para nada a nadie".
Fotografía de Braulio Valderas
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Ignacio Valderas
Face: Raul Castillo Age: 46 Occupation: Waiter at a restaurant / barman Gift: Werewolf Sexuality: Gay Position: Versatile / Omega Family: Two brothers: Javier (Pedro Pascal) and Miguel (Oscar Isaac) / Best frienemy: Mort mac Cumhaill (Joe Alwyn) / He also works with Guy (Steven Yeun) and because both have similar connections to the moon, they help each other. Gods Connections: He is the dog/wolf/pet of Artemis, Circe, Anubis, Lugh Lámhfhada and other gods. He does their work as a trained dog.
Ignacio seemed to be ready for a bright future - that was until his brother, Javier, got tangled with the mac Cumhaills. Once Javier got involved too deep, it moved to the rest of his family. Ignacio was cursed with the mark of the wolf - he can transform into a beast and for most of the month, he is fully in control. But on the nights of full moon, the beast is the master.
The curse happened once he got involved with the handsome but dangerous Mort mac Cumhaill. A great fuck, some wild nights out and the stealing of an artifact in what was supposed to be just a game ended up with him being hunted by gods and caged for days until they came to the decision of marking them as their beast.
Now he has to lay low, afraid of what the beast clawing inside his chest for release might do.
In bed:
he likes outdoors, watersports, musk, armpit worship, spanking, knotting, breeding, puppy play, collar, etc.
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Un mio scritto di tanti anni fa postato su un vecchio profilo ormai perduto.
Cronache di Ponsacco (Pisa) [Scusate i termini].
Vi spiego perché gli abitanti di Ponsacco li chiamano "Rubaorsi".
Avverto gli incauti lettori che questa è una storia triste e dolorosa, fatta di soprusi e angherie.
Bisogna innanzitutto dire che i ponsacchini non hanno mai brillato per acume intellettivo, infatti basta guardarli in volto per capire che non sono propriamente persone sveglie e attente e solo in un lavoro erano piuttosto attivi e "scaltri": nelle ruberie ai danni dei forestieri e contadini. E, come se ai ponsacchini non bastassero le ruberie, avevano anche la mania di vessare gli abitanti dei paesi vicini, nei confronti dei quali istituirono perfino una tassa per chi proveniva dalla Alta Valdera e gli toccava attraversare il paese di Ponsacco, i tapini dovevano pagare la gabella sia per trasportare il prezioso sale dalle Saline di Volterra che per altre cose o merci, essendo costretti e obbligati, loro malgrado, a passare l'unico ponte sull'unica strada che collegava la Valdera alla pianura e al bacini dell’Arno (Vedere la foto). Inoltre non erano rari i furti di mercanzie varie che i trasportatori di allora portavano ai mercati di Pontedera e di Bientina, si dice che quando dopo essere transitati sul ponte frustavano le già esauste bestie per passare il più velocemente possibile in mezzo a Ponsacco e alle campagne limitrofe coi loro barrocci per evitare i birbaccioni.
Infatti, su Wikipedia si legge questo:
Gli storici che nel corso dei secoli hanno citato Ponsacco sono assai numerosi e questo ha contribuito a generare varie ipotesi ed incertezze sull'origine del nome. Attualmente, in base alle fonti più accreditate, si ritiene che il nome nasca dalla fusione di pons sacci che significa ponte di Sacco. È logico supporre che Sacco fosse il nome della persona che aveva fondato il ponte oppure che lo custodiva e riscuoteva i pedaggi di coloro che transitavano sul ponte del fiume Cascina, attualmente situato nelle immediate vicinanze del centro storico, sulla via Salaiola che conduceva alle Saline di Volterra.
Ma torniamo ai Rubaorsi.
Non contenti di rubare le merci, avevano anche il vizio di appropriarsi indebitamente delle cose più preziose che i contadini dei paesi nei dintorni avevano: i maiali.
Si narra (ma ci sono varie leggende a tal proposito) che un contadino, e qui ci sta tutto il detto "Scarpe grosse e cervello fino", stanco di vedersi portar via i maiali dalle stallette, vi rinchiuse dentro una di esse un orso fattosi prestare da un saltimbanco che faceva spettacoli itineranti nei dintorni. Quando i ladri entrarono dentro vi trovarono appunto la sorpresa: al posto del suino il bestione che, incazzato come un orso, non esitò ad attaccarli, le cronache narrano che una volta entrati non vi uscirono più, e che forse i resti furono dati in pasto agli altri maiali.
Certo che il racconto sopra è una delle tante varianti del fattaccio, tuttavia in rete ho trovato quest'altra che, pare, sia la più vera di tutte:
si dice che una volta un tale Cini, figlio di Palle di Mescuglio, un poco di buono di Ponsacco a capo di un manipolo di ladroni, si fosse messo in testa di fare incursione in una stalla per rubare un maiale. Tutto era pronto, quando il destino ci mise lo zampino. E il destino assunse le sembianze di un saltimbanco che con il suo orso girava per fiere e mercati. Il giullare chiese ospitalità al contadino che accettò ma l’orso, pensò, meglio metterlo nella stalla al posto del maiale…. Avrete già capito come andò finire. I ladroni di Ponsacco entrarono a tentoni nella stalla e si trovarono davanti la bestia feroce che con una zampata sfigurò il povero Cini. La voce di quella bravata finita male arrivò agli orecchi degli abitanti di Pontedera che cominciarono a sbeffeggiare i ponsacchini chiamandoli “Rubaorsi”.
Tutt'oggi allo stadio, ricettacolo di contumelie e prese di culo, quando gioca il Ponsacco, i giocatori e specialmente i suoi tifosi, vengono sbeffeggiati chiamandoli "Rubaorsi", vale a dire Tonti o Sciocchi.
Spero abbiate gradito questa turpe storia, e non mi mandate a quel paese... specialmente se quel paese è Ponsacco.
P.s.: O ponsacchini... si fa per scherzare, eh?
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Pseudocomplément : le mystère Oummo
À lire avant pour ne pas être trop perdu :
1. Petit historique - Partie 1
Pseudocomplément : l'affaire Roswell
2. Petit historique - Partie 2
3. Petit historique - Partie 3
4. Caractéristiques générales
5. Comportement et lieux d'intérêt
6. Troisième type
Je remercie les chercheuses et chercheurs cité·e·s dans ce pseudossier pour leurs travaux. Pour réaliser ce pseudossier, je me suis appuyé sur des films documentaires, des interviews vidéos, des ouvrages, des articles de presse ou de sites internet. Je remercie les pseudosphéristes passionnés qui en sont à l’origine.
Principales pseudosources :
Le site suivant, régulièrement actualisé, permet d'accéder à l'ensemble des lettres ummites et des tweets : https://www.ummo-sciences.org/fr/index-cons.htm https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ummo Stone Gardenteapot, Ummo, l'avertissement, Éditions Atlantes, 2016 Stone Gardenteapot, Oummo, l'effet Quetzalcoatl, conflit asymétrique, Éditions Atlantes, 2020 Jocelin Morisson, Orbs, l'autre planète, Spécial contact, Le Capital Humain Éditions, décembre 2022 (article en question : pages 86 à 111) Jean-Pierre Petit, Enquête sur des extraterrestres qui sont déjà parmi nous - le mystère des Ummites, Éditions Albin Michel, 1991 Chaine Vidgita Investigation, Les Ummites (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1UC_vkSKrI) https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ummo/indexf.htm
Voix d'un Oummain : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDuqluIZGsI&t=16s
Concernant les photos : Jocelin Morisson, Orbs, l'autre planète, Spécial contact, Le Capital Humain Éditions, décembre 2022 (page 94) http://ummo-sciences.org/activ/art/art11-1.htm https://rr0.org/science/crypto/ufo/enquete/dossier/Ummo/SanJoseDeValderas/
#pseudossier#pseudocomplement#phenomene ovni#extraterrestre#ummite#oummain#ummo#Fernando Sesma#woa#oyagaa#soucoupe volante#José Luis Jordán Peña#Jean-Pierre Petit#San José de Valderas#BD#humour
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The Eternal Subject :: Brinsley Le Poer Trench
View On WordPress
#0-2856-2082-7#books by brinsley le poer trench#cosmic concept#first edition books#flying saucers#levitation#mysteries of the universe series#mysterious airships#mystery airships#mystery rockets#paranormal objects#san jose de valderas#stars#teleportation#ufos#unidentified flying objects
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Later that night, controller held lazily in his hand, Tashiro asks, “Don’t you get eye strain?” He clicks through some dialogue and clarifies, “From gaming in the dark.” “Nope,” Shirahama replies. “I have perfect vision. 20/20 and everything.” Tashiro doesn’t need glasses, which is probably why he doesn’t react to this statement with the appropriate level of awe. Instead he flicks through the dialogue choices, and picks the blatantly terrible option (“Who are you, again?”). Shirahama wrestles with him for the controller. (“It’s glaringly obvious!” he squawks, trying to bat Tashiro’s hands to the side. “It’s so in your face, you should get blinded by it!”)
#shirashiro#shirahama kyouji#tashiro gonzaburou#sasaki to miyano#sasaki and miyano#shiratashi#kiri.txt#my writing
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Saphi: Ah, hello! New intro to be more organised! This blog is essentially a hub for Ferrum's main figureheads, most notably the League! We're also a side blog hub, allowing some of our associates to link to us, so most notifications will come through under this blog name! Below is the list of people on this blog!
Saphi Monet
Travis Moore — @【blueberry-academy-official】
Keith Martinez — @【keiths-fashion-corner】
Elinn McCann
Glenn Dumont
Alyssa Suzuki
Nia Ushijima
Leah Valderas
Anne Saito
Walter Yoshimoto
Nora Moliner
Jake Awana
Professor Triston Blossom
Kenny + Nami (I need to relocate their surnames)
Saphi: There's a LOT of Pokémon we have combined, so not everyone will be detailed. Oh, and apparently there's more details below?
My MAIN main is @【katt-sports】, but I'm rarely ever active there now as my Rotomblr blogs have taken all my Tumblr time. My other two main blogs are @【tobias-the-legend】 and @【augustine-key】!
As a recap, here's the tags:
Saphi-side - Saphi is present
League-side - The League members are present
Robed-side - Walter, Nora and/or Jake are present
Advisor-side - Nia, Anne and/or Leah are present
Prof-side - Professor Triston Blossom is present
Trainer-side - An extra trainer is present
Poke-side - A miscellaneous Pokémon is present
Legend-side - A Legendary Pokémon (most likely Suicune or Mewtwo) is present
Katt-side - OOC
As everyone present is adults and some are dating, there will be suggestive content, so be warned.
Like my other blogs, my tagging system will follow cw 【subject matter】/tw 【subject matter】.
@【keiths-fashion-corner】 - Keith's separate sideblog, as stated above
@【essence-unlimited】 - A blog for my fan region, Yufaria
@【thetuxedohawlucha】 - A blog for a talking Hawlucha
@【official-team-trident】 - A blog for my fan region's evil team, Team Trident (Note: the Ferrum League did not give them permission to link to Gaia Channel)
@【blueberry-academy-official】 - The official BBA blog that Travis is the admin of
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Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz (Spanish, 1815-1894) Isabel Álvarez Montes, 2nd Marchioness of Valderas and 2nd Duchess of Castro Enríquez, 1868 Museo Del Prado
#art#fine art#fine arts#classical art#female portrait#spanish art#european art#women in art#marchioness#duchess#Aristocracy#aristocrat#european#europe#europa#spain#spanish#spanish noble#oil painting#traditional art#Isabel Álvarez Montes#western civilization#Federico de Madrazo#Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz#1800s#1800s fashion
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Sulle colline dell’entroterra della provincia di Pisa, in Toscana, c’è un borgo in cui si possono vedere, inserite all’interno del centro storico medioevale e nelle sue vicinanze, opere, architetture e installazioni d’arte contemporanea: si chiama Peccioli, un nome che certamente non risulterà nuovo ai lettori del Post, in quanto sede di diverse nostre iniziative. Da Peccioli si può godere anche di una notevole vista panoramica su parte della Valdera, e infatti in epoca medioevale questa sua posizione ebbe un importante ruolo strategico in quell’area: il castello del borgo, e il borgo stesso, furono infatti alternativamente conquistati da Pisa e da Firenze proprio per controllare militarmente la valle.
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Victor Valderas
Clouds reflected in my car windshield
Tyler County, East Texas
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Tomorrow, it would be one day, one month, and one year after the battle against Gaea at Camp Half-Blood. Then, and only then, would Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano finally be free. ...And with absolutely nothing to do.
this for the me in 2014 who thought blood of olympus should've ended with nico & reyna being friends and taking a vacation together. to me of the past, take this as a proof-of-concept. for anyone else who wanted the same thing, this is also for you.
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A3! Fic Recs Post
dress for success by valdera
2k words, Juza & Yuki AO3 Summary: The ensuing silence makes Juza feel so awkward that he blurts out, “Where’s your hat?” “My hat?” “Uh,” Juza says, feeling his face grow warm in embarrassment. “You’re usually wearing it.” “I don’t usually wear it when I’m sewing because it gets in the way,” Yuki says, “and I thought—right, that doesn’t matter now.” Abruptly, he moves to stand right in front of Juza, scowling at the ground like it’s personally wronged him. “Juza,” Yuki says, meeting his eyes with that same challenging look again, “I heard that you wanted to try wearing a dress?” Juza blinks at him. “What?” Notes: REALLY CUTE JUZA AND YUKI BONDING FIC
Late Afternoon Sunset by Timeskipped
1.7k words, Kazunari & Misumi AO3 Summary: Summer Troupe is welcoming him with open arms, and it’s not that Misumi doesn’t like it (because he loves it, adores it, would die for more of it) but rather because Misumi isn't used to this kind of friendship. He’s not triangular enough for them. Kazu, especially. Notes: I looove how the author writes Misumi (in all of his fics, but in this one especially). Top-tier platonic hurt/comfort.
Today I Will Be You by NoodleStories
6k words, gen AO3 Summary: It would be funny, she thought. Have her actors pretend to be each other for a day under the pretense of it being an acting exercise. It couldn't be that bad, she thought. She had a headache. (A personal writing challenge where I randomly generated who had to imitate who) Notes: DELIGHTFULLY funny (and also lots of fun trying to guess who's playing who).
What A Slutty, Slutty Lightbulb by flavovitta
1.5k words, gen, M AO3 Summary: Tsuzuru, Kazunari, and Misumi sit down for a talk about his adjective choices Notes: This fic made my soul leave my body
Multichapter (Complete)
offer me that deathless death by flavovitta
69k words, Kazunari/ Misumi/ Tsuzuru, Immortality AU, M AO3 Summary: If you tread into the woods and offer up a gift, there's a chance a witch will grant your wish. Notes: Emotional equivalent of being wrapped in a blanket, given a mug of hot cocoa, then being punched in the face. And then wanting to go back for more.
Permanent Marker by thechavanator
10k words, Kazunari/ Misumi/ Tsuzuru, Soulmate AU AO3 Summary: A little less "the person (or people) you're meant to spend your life with", a little more "make an effort, goddammit!" or; Tsuzuru makes a questionable late night decision, Kazunari tries to make a plan, and Misumi is apparently the only one who knows how soulmates work. Notes: If you like soulmate aus, you'll love this. If you don't like soulmate aus...you'll also love this, not in a "oh it's just so good you'll change your mind uwu" but in a "the complete deconstruction of predestination has set the bar for literally every other soulmate au".
Pyrrhic by Timeskipped
39k words, Chikage & Hisoka AO3 Summary: adjective - (of a victory) won at too great a cost to have been worthwhile for the victor. Hisoka forgets. “I won’t die. I’ll just lose my memories again. I can make new memories. Everyone will understand. If I do this, you’ll believe me. And I can have my whole family back.” Notes: What would happen if Hisoka DID end up drinking the memory erasing potion in Act 5? PAIN. LOT'S OF PAIN THAT'S WHAT.
Multichapter (In Progress)
(word count as of 1 March 2023)
Boreas Over Veludo by Luonto
6k words, Fuyupoly, No Mankai AU AO3 Summary: "The Spring Troupe is like a family, the Summer Troupe like school friends, and the Autumn Troupe like comrades for the same cause. What does that make us, then?" "Noble figures fated to share the same destiny, perhaps?" "…I guess I'd say our relationship is supporting each other when our burdens become too heavy to bear on our own." // Award-winning poet Homare Arisugawa grapples with the unchanging pace of everyday life. A mysterious man with no memory of his past finds his way to his apartment doorstep. The two's destinies become inexplicably intertwined together, drawing in those around them. Even without the common ground of Mankai Company, the members of Winter Troupe still find their way to each other. Notes: Hasn't been updated in a while so it might be abandoned, which is a damn shame because I ADORE what exists so far
手紙 (Letters) by NoodleStories
15k words, gen AO3 Summary: Hello everyone! I have a new exercise I'd like you to participate in. I thought it would be fitting if I told you all through letter. Encased in this envelope are everything you need to write a letter of your own! As well as the name of an actor who I'd like you to write to. I haven't looked at which name went into each envelope, so I'm trusting you all to not cheat and swap names! As for the contents, it doesn't have to be anything big. Just put down whatever comes to mind. And if you're up to it, try to write it all in one draft. It's important for us to understand each other as a company. I won't be reading them, but I hope that you all receive a lovely letter in the next few days. - Izumi Tachibana Notes: Another character study by the same author, albeit slightly more serious. Has lots of great bonding moments, especially for characters that don't interact that much in canon.
Mankai Suisougakubu by ImberNox
269k words, High School AU AO3 Summary: Mankai High's Wind Symphonic gets a new director by the name of Tachibana Izumi. With only three members in the club initially, she goes to great lengths to recruit new members for her band and secure funding opportunities. Thus begins a long two years of practices and rehearsals. Along the way, Izumi realizes that, for all she needs musicians in her band, her musicians need her and each other as family even more. Notes: Pretty heavy-hitting (mind the tags) but damn.
mirror's face by ryukogo
150k words, Isekai AO3 Summary: Once, during an old production, the previous members of MANKAI bought a set of floor mirrors that never ended up getting used, and was forgotten about. However, these mirrors were rather strange ones - if you saw a different “you” inside a mirror and touched it, you would switch places with that “you”, and be trapped in the world within the mirror while that “you” wandered free. Unfortunate, really, that all of Yuki’s troupe members touched those stupid mirrors at different points while he wasn’t looking. How the hell was he going to hide this from the rest of the dorm, anyway? And how was he going to bring the rest of the summer troupe back? Notes: This fic has everything. Chaotic Natsugumi shenanigans. Absolutely insane levels of worldbuilding. Yuki having the only braincell.
of covens and magicians by flavovitta
436k words, Urban Fantasy AU AO3 Summary: Izumi, a Fourthborn Witch who had given up on becoming a powerful magician years ago, receives a letter addressed to her father. It requests assistance in the following two endeavors: 1: The restoration of the Mankai Coven, 2: The Education of a Firstborn Witch named Sakuya. Notes: bro.
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Miguel Valderas
Face: Oscar Isaac Age: 43 Occupation: Professor (History/Archeology) / Archeologist Gift: possess a strange crystal that gives him power over light and darkness Sexuality: Bi Position: Verse Family: Two brothers: Ignacio (Raul Castillo) and Javier (Pedro Pascal) / Husband: Alois mac Cumhaill (Michael Fassbender) / Sons: none of his own, but acts like a full time dad for Alois' two boys. Gods Connection: an unknown god of Chaos from the outer world, protectors: Anpao, Sue and Zhulong
Much like his two brothers, Miguel was sucked into the lives of the mac Cumhaill's as if destiny had in store for the Valderas family the gods themselves. But it was not just his dealings with them that connected Miguel to the stars and beyond. Through his work as an archeologist, Miguel found a strange gem that "chose" him. Once he touched it, he had visions of the infinity and he would have been lost for that if it wasn't for his two protector gods, Anpao, Sue and Zhulong.
The three gods guided him back and gave him the power to control the stone. Despite the chaos and darkness inside the stone, Miguel has also the power of light to keep it all under control. He uses these powers as a vigilant.
But once the mac Cumhaill's discovered his powers, they took him in the family. That's where he met his current husband, Alois. Their relationship, like all of the others in that family, is open and very much balanced too.
In bed:
he likes rimming, cum worship, cum swapping, feet worship, massages, dirty talking, tentacles (with his powers), outdoor sex, musk, etc.
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Season 2 plot synopsis... but in memes
Ok so,
CoB s2 is a much more ambitious plot (both in terms of characters and events but also in terms of the wider themes) So to explain i'm going to post some memes I've made that pertains to the three plotlines and will give a 2-3 sentence explanation, so here goes:
After the events of Eden, Adam is in the midst of his search for a way to get Ichrinth back. He comes across the captain of a ship (Edward Llewelyn) who owes him a favour. From there Adam meets old friends and new enemies, slowly realising that his search comes at a cost.
After being recruited by Exalted-By-Fire (Avalon Willowbloom) to help investigate the Anthronesians, Lanralis (Kayla Valderas) begins to question her position in the system she upholds. But after a tragedy befalls her, she begins to lose herself in that very same system...
Having killed the delegate of a powerful warlord, Setmes (Méabh de Brún) searches for a way to gain power in order to protect her and her organisation. She soon comes across a masked woman (chickie nuggies) who appears to offer the power she seeks, but at a dire price...
Now there's a lot more other stuff going on and I barely touched the political stuff that's sprinkled in there, but if any of this intrigues you, please consider donating to our seed and spark to help bring this story to life!
#sci-fi#chain of being#chain of being podcast#science fiction#podcast#audio fiction#audiodrama#cob#scifi#audio drama#meabhdebrun#the silt verses#tsv#silt verses#crowdfunding#seedandspark
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In questi ultimi giorni non si fa altro che pensare a quel poveretto sbranato da un orso nel Trentino.
Allora mi è venuto in mente un vecchio mio post sul paese di Ponsacco di due anni fa.
Forse la storia ci viene tramandata a noi fin dal Basso Medioevo oppure chissà da quale secolo, ma non è questione di tempi antichi, sicuramente prima del 1500 DC, il fatto è che il problema "orsi" anche qua in Toscana viene da lontano, e di orsi in regione ne abbiamo pochissimi e forse oggi anche meno.
Buona lettura:
Ponsacco (Pisa) [Scusate i termini.]
Vi spiego perché gli abitanti di Ponsacco li chiamano da sempre i "Rubaorsi" della Val d'Era.
Avverto gli incauti lettori che incapperanno nella lettura che è una storia triste e dolorosa, fatta di soprusi e angherie.
Bisogna anziché dire che i ponsacchini non hanno mai brillato per intelligenza, infatti basta guardarli in volto per capire che non sono propriamente persone sveglie e attente, ma solo in un lavoro erano piuttosto attivi e "scaltri", se così si può dire: nelle ruberie ai danni dei forestieri e contadini. E, come se ai ponsacchini non bastassero le ruberie, avevano anche la mania di vessare gli abitanti dei paesi vicini, nei confronti dei quali istituirono perfino una tassa per chi proveniva dalla Alta Valdera e gli toccava attraversare il paese di Ponsacco, i tapini dovevano pagare la gabella sia per trasportare il prezioso sale dalle Saline di Volterra che per altre cose o merci, essendo costretti e obbligati, loro malgrado, a passare l'unico ponte sull'unica strada che collegava la valle alla pianura, infatti il nome Ponsacco deriverebbe da Pons Sacco -Ponte di Sacco-, probabilmente il nome del proprietario che lo fece costruire e obbligava chi vi transitava sopra a pagargli l'odioso obolo (Vedere la foto). Inoltre non erano rari i furti di mercanzie varie che i trasportatori di allora portavano ai mercati di Pontedera e di Bientina, si dice che quando dopo essere transitati sul ponte frustavano le già esauste bestie per passare il più velocemente possibile in mezzo a Ponsacco e alle campagne limitrofe coi loro barrocci per evitare i birbaccioni.
Ma torniamo ai Rubaorsi.
Non contenti di rubare le merci, avevano anche il vizio di appropriarsi indebitamente delle cose più preziose che i contadini dei paesi nei dintorni avevano: i maiali.
Si narra (ma ci sono varie leggende a tal proposito) che un contadino, e qui ci sta tutto il detto "Scarpe grosse e cervello fino", stanco di vedersi portar via i maiali dalle piccole stalle per suini e altri animali, vi rinchiuse dentro una di esse un orso fattosi prestare da un saltimbanco che faceva spettacoli itineranti nei dintorni. Quando i ladri entrarono dentro vi trovarono appunto la sorpresa: al posto del suino c'era il bestione che, incazzato come un orso, non esitò ad attaccarli, le cronache narrano che una volta entrati non vi uscirono più, e che forse i resti furono dati in pasto agli altri maiali.
Certo che il racconto sopra è una delle tante varianti del fattaccio, tuttavia in rete ho trovato quest'altra che, pare, sia la più vera di tutte:
si dice che una volta un tale Cini, figlio di Palle di Mescuglio, un poco di buono di Ponsacco a capo di un manipolo di ladroni, si fosse messo in testa di fare incursione in una stalla per rubare un maiale. Tutto era pronto, quando il destino ci mise lo zampino. E il destino assunse le sembianze di un saltimbanco che con il suo orso girava per fiere e mercati. Il giullare chiese ospitalità al contadino che accettò ma l’orso, pensò, meglio metterlo nella stalla al posto del maiale…. Avrete già capito come andò finire. I ladroni di Ponsacco entrarono a tentoni nella stalla e si trovarono davanti la bestia feroce che con una zampata sfigurò il povero Cini. La voce di quella bravata finita male arrivò agli orecchi degli abitanti di Pontedera che cominciarono a sbeffeggiare i ponsacchini chiamandoli “Rubaorsi”.
Tutt'oggi allo stadio, ricettacolo di contumelie e prese di culo, quando gioca il Ponsacco, i giocatori e specialmente i suoi tifosi, vengono sbeffeggiati chiamandoli "Rubaorsi", vale a dire Tonti o Sciocchi.
Spero abbiate gradito questa turpe storia, e non mi mandate a quel paese... specialmente se quel paese è Ponsacco.
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#DivisioneRegionale2: due vittorie in 48 ore per la #LibertasLiburniaLivorno #Livorno #ilbasketlivorneselive
(foto by Libertas Liburnia Livorno) (articolo pubblicato sul quotidiano online www.losservatore.com) Vittoria nel derby contro l’US Livorno e nel match contro Polisportiva Nicola Chimenti Campionato di Divisione Regionale 2, girone A: la Libertas Liburnia, in attesa di concludere il suo 2024 agonistico con la partita in programma venerdì 20 (palla a due alle 21:15) sul campo del Valdera, ha…
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