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red-moon-shine · 1 year ago
Threads of rain
He was tired,the rain was soon to come and he wasn´t in the best condition to afford getting wet,but despite that he still needed a refuge in wich to hide.
¿But were to go? that was a question he still needed to figure out,as for now the only thing he knew was that he´s missing way to much blood and that his vision was getting blurry.
Soon enough to his luck he recognized were he was runing he recognized the streets,now an idea surged in his mind he knew exactly were to go.
Doing his best efforts not to fall and using as much strength as he had left,he acelerated the path now runing into a concrete direction,a friends house or at least to the house of someone he could trust.
He arrived to the department block looking from the side were the valconys were,tho with his arival the rain had started,he looked at his own back looking at his wings to secure their state.
Afther cheking his wings he decided and with the help of his wings he started scalating the floors,he remembered barely wich floor was it but even if he had to guess he was sure it was the 7th floor.
Due to the rain the fences in the valconys were slipery and inevitably he hit himself a couple of times for this leaving what will soon be bruises.
But afther a couple hiccups he arrived to the window of the valcony of the 7th floor taking a bit to breath looking down as a group of people passed by they were his procecutors who had lost him finally.
He let out a relived sigh as he watched them go,now he directed his gaze towards the front to the sliding valcony door to wich aproaching to it he decided to leave a little knock.
It was around 4 am now,he had been working on new chemical recepies since he arrived his home and despite being a bit tired he wasn´t as tire to go to sleep right away.
He heard the rain starting said rain bringing some calm into his lost deep in thought mind,he was lost into memories and what he remembered of a distant past including certain faces some of wich he prefered to forget.
Said memories would have continued if it wasn´t for an sudden a soft but strong knock was heard on the volcony´s door,it took him aback since he for sure did not spect for something to knock on said door.
Certainly it was unsure if it was an object or someone who knocked,but it was pretty unlikely who the hell would climb all the way up to his apartment floor,yeah it was unlikely but certainly not imposible.
Just in case he still will go check,he looked at his table for either sedatives of acid but finding non disgrafully,but the friying pan was way too close,he aproched the valcony and in the right moment he opened and sung the pan.
He hadn´t doubted on attacking whatever was on the other side of the door,noticing quick it was someone when his hand was grabbed,but he did not expect at all to see a known face.
That was the only thing he could have mutered upon realizing it was in fact the double color eyed bee who standed in front of him,it did not need to take much closer look to notice he was really injured.
It really showed since the really shaky hand that holded his,to the poorly mantaining right leg that seemed broken,not to mention the visual cut injuries he visibly had.
He was on his exterminator attire wich meant a surely failed mission thing the slighty cracked visor sustained,now he could notice a blood trail coming of his head,he really wasn´t in good shape.
''i…i didn´t know were else to hide…''
was his only but certain response,he could barely mantain his current position and it showed when he almost fell on top of him,he put his hand on the others chest to keep him in place.
''wow there!…man you look awful…''
he said as he suported the other with one hand,he was sure the other climbed all the way up despite his clear injuries,he wasn´t surprised tho since mis was like that sometimes.
''i know…''
Said mis in a pained laught triying to lighten a bit the mood,as he let go of his other hand wich he lowered,now putting himself under mis arm to serve as a suport and help him get in.
He quickly scaned the room till he fixated his eyes into the large but old couch he had practically dragging mis there he sofly put the other onto the couch helping with his leg receiving a pained hiss.
Mis didn´t take much to get comfy on the couch,battling to maintain his conciousness due to both exahustion and the sleep deprivation he had been going throu lately.
While he was looking for medical suplies mis slowly took off his visor and mask putting them asside on the coffe table now triying to get rid of his jacket,he looked at him triying and groaning in his almost useless tries to get it off.
''your going to injure more if you keep doing that''
He said clearly for the other to hear to wich he only cursed desisting of triying,he aproached to the other with all the medical supplies in his hands putting them on the coffe table.
Now he was helping mis to get the jacket off once that done he took of the armor plates off as well to have a clearer look to his injuries the biggest one besides his leg was on his left side.
Mis hissed in pain once again he sounded like an angry cat at this point,he took at quick glance to all his injuries deciding where he should start he first of looked at the still bleading side of his visitor.
He acted quick grabing the desinfectant straight up pouring it into the cut,thing that mis did not like in the slightest cursing and growling aswell hissing in agony due to the burning feeling the desinfectant left,thanks to this waking him up completly.
As this uraveled he acted quick bandaging the zone tightly making the bandages fill a bit with his bluish blood,he didn´t had the things to stich the injurie back toguether so he had to improvise.
Soon afther he moved to the other injuries desinfecting them and bandaging them quickly everynow and then hearing the other hiss or curse at him,afther finishing he looked at his leg wondering how to proced.
''do you…''
''want you to help me with that? well yeah but…do you have any experience doing so?''
''no…but maybe i can try? if you help me with guidence of course…''
Their conversation around mis notably dislocated leg or more likely knee,put the taller one kinda nervous since he had no prior experience with fixing this kind of thing and even with guidence it could be dangerous to do so.
''i don´t know…i can guide you but…even if you use sedatives they won´t work…im still slightly under agrenalin effects…''
Clarified the bee irken as he looked at him in the eye looking trough the dark googles of his mask,he remained silent for a while as he examined the situation mis was right with the agrenalin sedatives wouldn´t work.
Wich meant having to do this with all the pain it will bring,only if she was here,she would know what to do…now it wasn´t the time to remember old ghost,he needed a solution.
''i can´t bring you to the hospital until tomorrow yet even if it was more likely for trained medics to do the job we have to improvise now…leaving it like this is not going to help you…''
Mis was thinking on what to say deep in thought as he wondered what to do,he knew how to guide him tho he didn´t new if it was the safest option to take,they needed to be careful afther all,but then he sighted.
''fine…ill guide you just try not to break my leg further ok?''
''ill try to control myself''
''fine,fine i was just jocking geez…''
Afther the failed joke attempt he started to receive instruction first putting a bag with ice onto the knee to lower the inflamation a bit,afther that it was finally time to try to get mis leg back in place.
''this is gonnas hurt badly…ready?''
''just get it over with already…''
''alright i warned you…''
The taller one send a glare at him not for long afther he flinched at the feeling of hands into his knee he inhaled and exahaled before bitting the pillow he had in his arms at the moment.
Afther a sonorous crack and a kinda loud but short muffled scream from mis,he was able to put his knee back in place it seemed that everything was ok toxik let his leg rest afther putting the ice bag on it as he went to watch for something he could use to stabilise his leg.
Meanwhile mis let go off the pillow he almost exploded by sqeezing it way too hard breating heavily as he wipped a tear of pain out of his face,growling and hissing in agony as he recovered.
He let out a small laugh of relief upon hearing the other curse seing him recover silence reigned for a bit while he came back to mis,with the help of a couple spoons he stabilized his leg taking another pillow and elevating the leg and putting the ice bag onto the knee again.
Afther that he could hear mis groaning in pain wich catched his attention looking how he put a hand onto his side the injury could have opened again,he needed to take a closer look.
''let me see…''
The bandages were covered in blood they needed to be replaced that was sure but afther a quick glance the injury looked just fine,he changed the bandages carefully examining the in good apearence injury.
''everything looks good to me''
Said himself as he put the new bandages on,mis afther that looked at the clock he had onto his wall 5 am was the hour marked at the clock,silence reigned for a bit but it wasn´t an akward one.
''do you have tea? or maybe coffe?''
The questions caught him off guard it wasn´t a weird request tho but maybe it was a bit inapropiate for the situation,he took some time to think he in fact did have some tea not for him tho since he was not going to drink it not like he could aniway.
''uhh…yeah? i think i do''
Was what he said as he stood up and went to the kitchen to put some water to boil and looked on the shelfs till he found the a bit dirty and dusty tea box taking one on the tea bags and putting it into a mug beforee pouring water in it.
''with or without sugar?''
''how many-?''
Soon afther he reached with the tea cup offering it to the unable to move irken on his couch,mis thanked him as he took the cup and started drinking it calmly,meanwhile he sat on another smaller couch he had.
He watched and heared at the rain once again getting lost in his own mind thinking about the current situation and how it seemed kinda…similar,mis drinked his tea as he now noticed him lost in thougt.
''everything ok there pal?''
''huh? oh!…yeah…im fine,is just…''
He sighted as he now remembered more clearly that memory of when they first met and hos distraous it was,a memory surely long forgotten,he went into his memories again now just for a second.
''i think…we should stop meeting like this…''
Was his response as he now looked at him in the face mis remained silent nooding a bit in aprovement aparently as he continued to drink his tea while saying not a single word.
''…can i ask you something?''
''what is it?''
''why…why did you came here?''
Mis again remained silent,his patience and initial liking of the silence was slightly desapearing,he just stood there wainting for a response that never came being close to speak to him when the other started first.
''becuse…becuse i trust you…''
Was the response of the taller one as he finished his tea leaving the cup on the coffe table to his side,he was surprised over this discovery afther all he wasn´t expecting such answer.
''do you…do you really trust me?''
''i do…''
''why?…why me?''
''…i…i wish i could answer…''
Afther that silence again,there wasn´t much more of a converstion afther that,sudenly mis started moving carefully calling his attention looking as he positioned his whole body on the couch.
''what are you doing?''
''isn´t it obvios? i want to at least try to sleep im exahusted…''
Not long afther that answer mis got into his final position on the couch and afther sighting he closed his eyes wiling to go to sleep,maybe he should go to bed aswell it was now 6 am afther all…
He got up and took the cup mis used and washed it once done looking at his visitor aparently now sleeping thing to wich a soft snoring sound seamed to confirm,he smiled slightly at the sight.
Once finished with everything he was doing and putting everything in order he went into his room,he let out a tired sight and let his body floop onto the bed he closed his eyes and soon the sleepiness hit.
A new day started without the sun while it kept raining outside someone waked up at that 7th floor apartment who most likely had forgotten all the distrous night he had lived in said apartment once sober.
He waked up disoriented and kinda dizzy looking around him in confusion,this obviosly wasn´t his house but ¿whose was it then?,he could barely recal what have happened the night before.
The only things he knew for now it was that he was at an strange house,he was bandaged all over and with and incredible pain at his knee wich had and melted ice bag on top of it and his leg was on top of a pillow.
''finally,your awake,i thought you will sleep for forever''
A familiar voice sounded close to him looking up he found a familiar face aswell or rather mask,he went static as he was remembering all the happenings of the prior night and who helped him with his injuries.
''happy to see me? you mummified bastard''
He was silent for a good minute before he started groaning and cursing onto his own misery,the other at this point couldn´t help but laugh at his dramatic acting,maybe he was a bit way too high for when he decided it was a good idea to actually came to HIS apartment.
They came out of the hospital afther mis leg and other injuries being cheked correctly by specialist everything seemend fine tho mis will have to wear a kind of suport for a while and be helped by a crutch for sometime.
''we´re never talking about this…''
''i promise nothing''
Was what toxik said with a smirk that could be sensed trough his voice,thing that only made mis look at him badly,the masked one just laughted at his anger walking by the side of who he could consider a rival.
Toxik is my friend @stingerking oc
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ryujingangan · 2 years ago
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ベランダ菜園1年目 * * リン、カリ肥料により朝顔開花! ナス🍆、ピーマン🫑の実りも良くなった! * * #家庭菜園 #ベランダ菜園 #朝顔 #ナス #ピーマン #バジル #ミニトマト #valcony #farm #landscape https://www.instagram.com/p/CiuylMGPPrk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jonetoart · 5 years ago
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Crazy ornament half way done. #metalfence #baroquefence #vinefence #overelavoratefence #digitalsculpt #artfence #bronzesculpture #metalfence #valcony https://www.instagram.com/p/B48x1KAhItT/?igshid=1nab6yntnlutc
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dalgoongjun · 5 years ago
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Finally #arrived #Florence. #Room is #cozy. #Nice #valcony. #Now #sleep for #tomorrow. . . . #tired #travel https://www.instagram.com/p/B3VaxvqHlgh/?igshid=9gk0t5kn3uzg
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rhulyon · 3 years ago
Things yo remmember to check next time you move out: that your new home is not a fucking faraday cage.
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jesse96buelvas · 6 years ago
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Vista de la catedral de Sincelejo desde el balcón de la librería Aguas Vivas. Foto original: https://www.deviantart.com/dream-bunker/art/Sincelejo-Colombia-HDR-511605701... #deviantart #dreambunker #sincelejo #sincelejosucre #sucrecolombia #centrodesoncelejo #centro #patrimonio #heritage #restauracion #restoration #architecture #arquitectura #architecturestudents #balcony #valcony #balcones #balcon #libreriaaguasvivas #fugepoint #perspectivephotography #perspectiva #jesse96buelvas #instagram #photoshop #hdr #hdrphoto (en Centro, Sincelejo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1CYn01hf-l/?igshid=1mi3r8s1fqjxl
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feanors-daughter · 4 years ago
Continued from here with @thegreatstrongbow
“There is much I wish I could forget.”
On the ramparts of Himring’s fortress, Beleg looked out at the dying sun with a heavy weight on his heart. His hands curled around the stone, trying to ground himself against the wave of emotion that threatened to smother him.
“I have not slept well since… Since Doriath.”
The colored chalk in her hand had long since stilled after committing the sunset before them to paper. Blue eyes watched the sun sink below the horizon, though her gaze seemed far from any focal point. She finally sighed and closed the sketchbook, leaning back in her chair and resting her hands on her swollen belly.
"Neither have I," she remarked softly. For Doriath still haunted her nightmares as well, but for different reasons than the Sinda. The corpses of her brothers flashed in her mind, their blood mixing with her tears as she is unable to stop their demise, time and time again. She watches them fall, their faces contort in agony, and she is useless.
That was the reason she had started to slip into Beleg's chambers at night. She felt closer to him now as time slipped by since his arrival in Himring, and the nightmares did not seem so bad when she was not alone. His presence comforted her, much to her own surprise.
"Memory is pain, but a part of me knows forgetting would not be any better. But that realization does little to quell the dreams, does it?"
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into-control · 5 years ago
Dude those valcony pics are so fake this PR is bullshit and for me Camila is with shawnny boy there to do the photoshoot for new years. This PR just keeps getong better and better and now that Camila left Epic she needs this more shit for her to come they are gonna drag her with more GAY articles and rare Camren pics and more racist shit they have on her so good luck Camila cause girl shes gonna need it.
camila hasn’t left epic
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blackbird-cris · 8 years ago
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I wanna live in that painting
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dreyblr · 6 years ago
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ahmed-mobark-blog · 6 years ago
باتمان يقابل الجوكر 1
التاريخ : 0 
افراد عصابة فالكوني في أحد الهناجر 
-thug 1:faster faster, we have to end this by the night
ولسوء حظهم انهم خشو النهار ولم يخشو الليل
-صوت خشولة 
-thug 2:huh , who is there?
ومحدش يرد
-thug 1: hey hey don’t be stupid we have work here
-thug 2: I thought I heard something.
فجأة صراخ والراجل اللي سمع صوت يتسحب للظلام
-thug 1: henry, henry.
-thug 3: where did he go?
-thug 1: I don’t know but we have company tonight , get read........
وكمان الراجل ملحقش يكمل الكلمة واتسحب لفوق
-thug 4: Who is here? بيبص وراه
-Batman وهو متشعلق بالمقلوب وطواط بقي: me 
وعينك متشوف الا النور
اخر تلات افراد اتلمو حوالين بعض في النور 
thug 2: gather around boys ,he can’t harm us if we are gathered.
لسه مكملش الكلمة يا عيني والبريداتور بقي راح فاقع قنبلة دخان 
وطلع اللي كان بيتكلم ده اول واحد يجري
صوت ضرب نار في كل حتة وسط الدخان وفجأة يقف وصوت صويت رجالة مرعب
وصاحبنا اللي هرب ده يلاقي نفسه يهرب ويروح للمبني بتاع خزان المية
يشوف عينين بيضا من بعيد في وسط الظلام يروح ضارب عليها نار وتفضل العينين تلف وتدو�� وتقرب بسرعة جدا جدا وهو بيحاول يضرب عليها نار وفجأة في scare jump
مخيفة جدا زي افلام الرعب باتمان يمسكه من رقابته ويرزعه في الحيطة
الراجل مرعوب وبيتخنق بس باتمان مش فيجان يا عنيا
Batman: (بصوت الكرتون مش صوت السينما البشع )-
who works with valcony?
الراجل مبيردش
batman : ANSWER ME
thug 2: I don’t know I swear to god.
باتمان فجأة بيطير لاعلي خزان المية وخانق الراجل معاه
الراجل اترعب محدش عارف ان باتمان عادي زينا معندوش قدرات خارقة بقي وكدا
BATMAN: swear to me
عارف اني واخد كتير من نولان بس اتقل بس
باتمان مشعلق الراجل من رقبته في الهوا كدا ايه انتريجيشن انتريجيشن يعني
هذا هو الديتيكتيف والله
thug 2: I.. I.. I will tell you nothing , you won’t kill me anyway 
Batman: But I have something better
وهو باتمان يرميه في الهوا كدا ايه الراجل بيحلق في الفضاء
وشغل الفيجلينيتيزم يشتغل بقي ويروح رامي علي البات كلو يعلقه زيه البندول
لك أن تتخيل عزيزي القارئ ألم البندول وهو بيخبط  بعد ما حد رفعه للهوا
عايز اوصلك الاكشن
اللي هو باتمان مان رماه في الهوا وبعد كدا راح ماسكه بالحبل
فبكل بساطة راح اتخبط في حيطة الخزان
باتمان يسحب الحبل ويرفع الراجل لفوق
batman:what about now?
thug 2: I will talk I will talk.. Bane, they call him Bane.
batman : you are lying , I saw bane dies.
thug 2:that is all what I know I swear to you
باتمان يروح سايب خطافه والراجل ينزل دب ع الارض بتاع ضلعين اتكسرو
متقلقوش يا جماعة ما متش أنا باديك منتج مصدق من الكوميكبوكس واللعبة
أحسن تكون مفكرني زي زاك سنايدر ولا حاجة
batman:Alfred, send me the bat wing.
alfred : on its way sir, but there is one more quest for today master Wayne. But I think that this is quite enough for one night
Batman: no Alfred, the crime never rests,
وتيجي الباتجيت او الباتوينج او الباتبلان سميها زي ما تحب وكله ليه ريفرينس من الكوميكس لا تقلق
تنزل كدا من الباتجيت الباتموبيل ويركب الرجل الوطواط
batman: send me the coordinates and keep the batwing ready
Alfred:sent sir
يركب باتمان كدا ويروح للمكان 
هنجر برضه ويشغل ال detective vision
مجرمين برضه عدد قريب
بس لابسين اقنعة مهرجين 
وحاجة غريبة كمان 
نبضات قلبهم مش متسارعة زي المجرمين العاديين
وشحنة بتركب في اتوبيس
نفس كل حاجة تقريبا
وكفاية كدا للنهاردة...
وجب التنوية انا مش بتاع كوميكس 
وجب التنوية اصبر مش باتمان بس في مرحلة ما هاضيفلك جاستس ليج وهاحللك مشكلة ضعف باتمان وكل الحاجات اللي محدش عرف يعملها في الفيلم
باذن الله يعني
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chobistudio · 3 years ago
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ryujingangan · 3 years ago
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ベランダ菜園 /ナス、ピーマン、朝顔、ミニトマト * * * #vegitable #valcony_farm #farm #valcony #魔女の宅急便 https://www.instagram.com/p/CfBVtkIh65x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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piapollo · 4 years ago
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HOA Will fined her for the flag in HER VALCONY!!!!! Talk about freedom of speech!!!! I have seen in groups the company owners are saying they will fire you if the other one wins!!!! https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJmqBCkU/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CG7asNwFOEVkGiBwHe1ggVw3K1fFQFAFg-Fogk0/?igshid=1n2njoys1alzm
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botanyshitposts · 8 years ago
Do you think I could grow a container venus flytrap on my balcony? I live in NC (and not too far from their habitat) and my valcony is hot sunfacing). But I am concerned that since I am on the 3rd floor the windchill might hurt it...
the babs can be hardier than you think, so long as they get the right water and food (distilled water/rain water ONLY, do NOT pot in potting soil!!). I would put them out and see how they do; start with the hardy hybrid sold in stores, and then move to the fancy cultivars if you want to grow a collection. because you’re so close to their natural habitat, I’m less concerned about temperatures and stuff. a lot of people put them in pot bogs (they’re super cool! like they build a giant special pot structure with a ton of carni plants in them that basically is like a tiny artificial bog) and put them out on their back porches and stuff. 
just remember that if it starts dying back in fall, its TOTALLY natural!!! venus fly traps are natural perennials (unlike carnivores like asian pitcher plants, which are tropical and grow year round) and if you leave it where it can sense the light/temp differences when spring starts coming back (start on a windowsill, then move it back outside) then it’ll come back up when it’s ready.
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slowlife-blackbird · 7 years ago
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This is the valcony Hitler used to use to give speeches in 1938.
Nowadays it waves the love flag.
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