#val mora
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blakelysco-pilot · 7 months ago
Gimme a line from your latest WIP or project that involves hands. (Search-find hand, hands, fingers, fingerpad, nails, wrist, palm, thumb, heel, lifelines etc)
Here’s a teaser from the next part of Eight To The Bar
“Christ sake, okay,” She pried herself out from Everett’s arm and headed for the truck, the pilot still clutching Meatball’s harness in the other hand. “Might as well bring some coffee up for the boys.”
“I’ll walk you, sweetheart, I need to talk to Jack anyway.”
“Thank you,” She poked her head out of the truck, now inside putting together a few coffee’s and some donuts for the boys in Operations. “You can help me carry this stuff.”
“Here Curt, you’re on Meatball duty till Benny gets back.”
Everett handed off the leash to Curt, moving to the window of the truck to take the cups Val was passing down to him. With his hands full, he stood waiting for Valencia to exit the truck. Her own hands full, the pair began their walk towards the Operations hut. If they moved a bit more leisurely than they normally would, well, Val would say it was so they didn’t spill any coffee on the way.
tagging: @winniemaywebber @sagesolsticewrites @hesbuckcompton-baby @bcolfanfic @hephaestn and anyone else who’d like to play along. no pressure!
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doctorwhoisadhd · 8 months ago
remember when the 5th base was happening and somehow by some miracle don mitchell didnt pick it up???
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blogoslibertarios · 5 months ago
‘Sem-teto’ Marcos do Val define Alexandre de Moraes como uma pessoa cruel
Para o senador, as decisões cruéis contra ele e pessoas condenadas pelo 8 de janeiro, muitas delas inocentes, “violam direitos humanos” (Foto: Diário do Poder)   O senador Marcos do Val (Pode-ES) relatou ao podcast Diário do Poder sua impressionante história de conflitos com o ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal Alexandre de Moraes, cuja marca, diz, é a crueldade. E lembra medidas como a…
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tidesfate · 5 months ago
a necklace w a mini eye pendant of it's exact color and shape
❛[ GIVE MY MUSE AN ITEM ≻ accepting
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CURLED AROUND THE LENGTH OF CHAIN, TENTACLE BROUGHT THE OBJECT CLOSER TO THE CENTRAL MASS. Effigies, wearable or otherwise, made in its imagery were not unusual-- - many crafted by mortal hand // AND SOME CAME FROM ITS OWN MAKE. Them provided as offering or gift was rarer (THOUGH TRUE UNIQUENESS CAME IN HAND THAT PROVIDED SUCH). Details and exactness also added to a rarity-- - FEW WORTHY OF PROPER COMMUNICATION WITH THE PRINCE OF KNOWLEDGE // FEWER OF PROLONGED. Infrequencies paired in such a way a material that could have blended in amongst its kin was OBSERVED with a manor of clear indexing included // BEFORE IT WAS LOST WITHIN FLOWING LIMB. “&– - Perhaps, in times to come, you shall once more see what you have given, My Eminent Collector.” // @daandov
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onlylonelylatino · 6 months ago
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Multiple Man and Val Cooper by George Pérez
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daandov · 8 months ago
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FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  miraak is the good influence  /  miraak is the bad influence  /  val is the good influence  /  val is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  miraak is val's childhood crush  /  val is miraak's childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited miraak's side  /  unrequited val's side  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other 
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other 
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kalyria1674-blog · 2 years ago
Quelques Idées sur les Falmer
Les Falmer actuels pourraient vénérer Malacath. Selon moi, cela correspondrait mieux à leur état culturel actuel que, par exemple, Mephala et/ou Boethia comme j'ai pu le voir ailleurs. Sans compter que ce Prince, celui des Ostracisés et des Serments Brisés, est connu pour être particulièrement protecteur envers ses fidèles. Et, franchement ? Je pense que les Falmer le mérite.
Et, attention, pas dans le sens d'un peuple vengeur et assoiffé de sang. Pas quand on parle de quelques choses s'étant déroulés des générations auparavant et que même les Orques, ses plus fidèles adeptes, ne le sont pas.
Non, je les verrais plus le vénérer comme celui qui comprends la douleur de la trahison... mais aussi la volonté de se relever malgré cela et d'aller de l'avant. C'est pourquoi, je considère souvent Malacath comme étant le Prince le plus proche (sans tout a fait le faire) d'incarner les valeurs du Courage et de l'Espoir, celles-ci n'ayant pas besoin d'être départies d'une certaine fureur (que ce soit la vengeance ou la simple soif de vivre) pour fonctionner.
Celui qui voit les Ostracisés, les Mutilés, ceux dont on ne veut pas et qui n'ont plus nul part où aller... et qui les accueille auprès de lui. Qui les motive à se relever et a transformé la source de leur ignominie précédente en marque de fierté ! Cela irait bien avec ses tendances protectrice, je pense.
D'ailleurs, je ne suis pas du tout sûre de moi là-dessus mais Malacath n'implique-t-il pas le Changement dans le sens de l'Adaptation pour surmonter les obstacles ? Après tout, les Falmer ont survécus aux Anciens Nordiques (qui ont vu leur Culte Draconique, puis leur Empire, s'effondrer) et aux Dwemer (qui ont tout simplement disparus) qui avaient tout les deux tentés de les détruire.
... Et si leur apparence actuelle n'était pas une ''malédiction'' au sens péjoratif du terme ou une ''dégénérescence'' comme le prétendent les érudits et/ou Gélébor mais le présent offert par Malacath pour leur permettre de se relever de cette trahison ? Après tout, ne dit-on pas qu'il a changer son culte Altmeri de l'époque en Orsimer ? Et n'est-il pas le ''Prince des Malédictions'' ?
Et il y a de la poésie dans le fait que des Falmer changés se mettent à adorer Malacath quand Trinimac était dans leur ancien panthéon...
Pour ce qui est d'Hermeaus Mora, c'est plus compliqué... je pense que les Anciens Falmer auraient pu le vénérer mais les actuels ? Il est le Prince des Connaissances Interdites alors, selon moi, ça peut aller dans deux sens : un ''non'' car cette idée de Connaissances Interdites pourraient se rapporter aux Dwemer dans leur imaginaire... ou un ''oui'' avec, dans l'idée, que la Connaissance qui leur actuellement inconnue serait celle de ce qu'était leur peuple auparavant.
Pas dans l'idée d'un retour en arrière comme l'espère (naïvement ou désespérément ? Il doit se sentir si seul et impuissant...) Gélébor mais plus comme une façon d'appréhender pleinement leurs racines et comprendre comment ils sont arrivés là et ce qu'ils vont faire maintenant.
J'aime l'idée des Falmer du Val Oublié ou autres régions de la Crevasse capables d'être en contact avec les Parjures. Je pense que ce serait vraiment exceptionnel, compte-tenu de l'ouverture d'esprit des Crevassais (quelque chose de beaucoup trop sous-estimé et méprisé dans les TES !) vis-à-vis de leurs fréquentations de tout bords... ainsi que leurs points communs, ayant été déshumanisés par les société modernes et chasser de leurs terres par les nordiques.
[Attention, je ne dis absolument pas que les Crevassais sont un peuple doux, gentillet et incompris et j'espère que vous en avez conscience. Par ouverture d'esprit, je voulais dire qu'ils sont, dans les TES, ceux qui reconnaissent le plus facilement les différents potentiels propres à chaque races et n'hésite pas à les accueillir dans leur lignée, indiquant une posture d'amélioration constante et recherchée plutôt que d'eugénisme.]
Est-ce que les Falmer se déplacent vraiment dans leur position accroupie au quotidien ? Parce que, ce que je remarque, c'est que celle-ci est la même que la position de furtivité du joueur. Alors, ne serait-ce pas plutôt les Falmer qui se déplacent furtivement car, même sans pouvoir exactement le localiser, ils savent que le joueur est là ? Après tout, on les voit sortir de leur cachette en hauteur même quand nous ne sommes pas repérés et, pourtant, ils agissent comme si c'était un moyen de défense...
Pour ce qui est de l'ancienne langue falmeri, elle n'a ni ponctuation ni espace clairement définit entre les mots et les phrases car l'écrit n'était qu'un support à la lecture orale (un peu comme le latin, en fait) et sa transmission de part et d'autres du pays. Notamment en ce qui concerne les ordonnances religieuses, politiques et/sociétale d'importance. Du moins, en ce qui concerne leur apogée où ce n'était pas nécessaire. Durant le génocide nordique, cependant, l'écriture se serait généralisée, dans un dernier sursaut, afin de lutter contre l'oubli auquel voulait les condamner leurs ennemis. Avec un succès très modeste. Ce qui explique également le peu de matière que possède les historiens pour travailler.
J'aime l'idée de Vyrthur considéré par la plupart des Falmer comme une sorte de protecteur, se débarrassant de ceux, envoyés par Gélébor, qui viendraient troubler la paix de la Chantrie jusqu'à ce qu'il soit temps. Parce que, s'il est vrai qu'il a gelé plusieurs falmer, rien ne dit que ce n'est pas arriver pendant l'invasion mais que les choses n'ont pas évolué par la suite. Surtout quand on voit que les falmers gelés semblent physiquement moins dégénérés que les autres. Ou plus si on compte le vampirisme mais c'est encore autre chose.
Parce que, ce que je remarque, en entrant dans la Chantrie, c'est que la plupart des Falmer gelé sont ceux qui ont possiblement attaqué la Chantrie toute ces années où qui pourraient être responsables des offrandes envers Auri-El qu'on retrouve aux pieds de la statue... qu'il n'a jamais détruite, cela dit.
Et il s'excuse, parfois, quand on le tue. Je pense qu'il est un bel exemple de l'adage ''les plus seuls sont souvent les plus tristes''...
Il n'y a aucune trace de purge et/ou d'assaut nulle part ailleurs dans le Val. En fait, une colonie falmer habite carrément au pied du bâtiment ou presque et, pourtant, il ne semble pas que notre vampire résident ait jamais eu à se battre pour sa vie. Car sinon, il aurait certainement finit submergé par le nombre depuis un moment...
Sans parler du fait que Vyrthur aurait eu besoin de se nourrir régulièrement pour ne pas devenir fou à cause de la soif.
Et, égoïstement, j'ai envie d'imaginer, même en étant familière de la violence de Tamriel et TES, un monde où les Falmer et Vyrthur auraient tous pu trouver un semblant de paix.
Donc Vyrthur protégerait les Falmer du Val des envahisseurs et, en échange, ceux-ci le protégerait, voir le nourrirait en remerciement. L'un voulant accomplir son devoir (de protecteur de son peuple, pas de serviteur d'Auri-El) tout en éprouvant un mélange de pitié et d'attachement pour des êtres qui sont, finalement, aussi misérables que lui et les autres voulant lui montrer, sans, probablement, parvenir à communiquer, que même dans les ténèbres les plus profondes où il se trouve, il n'est pas seul ou abandonné.
Auri-El l'a peut-être laisser tomber, mais eux sont toujours là et ils ne le laisseront pas.
Encore que, pour l'abandon en question, lui faire croire ça serait tout a fait dans les cordes de Molag, surtout avec l'arc d'Auri-El en jeu, mais bon... ce n'est pas comme si Auri-El était connu pour sa miséricorde non plus donc je ne sais vraiment pas.
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daandov · 7 months ago
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" why ?? " though she feels she already knows the answer. free from the bindings of sithis , still stained with the now late emperor's blood , the dragonborn has been holed up in the museum reconciling. all else ─── even alduin's hot breath breathing down tamriel's neck ─── abandoned. for now. where had her mind gone these past few months ?? was her desire for someone to take the reigns and control her life so strong that she'd really allowed a cult to point where they wanted their attack dog to gnash her teeth ?? where had her backbone been ?? " kas. . . an emperor is dead. i did that. " i was told to do that. " what good am i if i follow orders so readily ?? " and would the gardner even take her back after abandonment ??
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“&– - It's better late than never. I'm still on your side- I'm on your side.” // @daandov liked for a lyrical starter
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kaeyas-beloved · 9 months ago
four sides and a bottom
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Character: Kaveh
— a box full of your things, that’s it, that’s all
CWs: gn!reader (you/your), ANGST, hurt/no comfort, aftermath of a breakup
val’s no sympathy november masterlist
gonna apologize for dipping for so long but i'm also warning you that it could very much happen again <3 also i'm a little rusty with writing pls be nice to me :(
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Kaveh wishes your relationship could’ve ended on good terms. He wouldn’t be able to kiss you or cuddle up to you with a glass of wine after a tough day, but at least you would still be his life. That and that alone would be good enough for him.
On rougher days, the words you spoke echo in his head, disrupting him as he goes about his day. When his mind isn’t occupied it’ll wander to the last day he was able to call you his, making even simple tasks like working or making a cup of coffee painful. A pang in his heart followed by an uncomfortable weight on his chest, throat blocked, barely able to breathe.
“We’re done Kaveh. No more, I can’t keep doing this!” The architect squeezes his eyes shut, willing away the repeat of the past. Without thinking, he takes his almost forgotten glass and downs a greedy gulp of the dark red liquid, the sweet yet bitter drink coating his throat and stomach, making his head spin and his heart beat just the way he likes it - stuttering and skipping as if to stop and bypass the thoughts he’d rather forget.
As much as the deadline loomed over him, Kaveh couldn’t, for the life of him, work on his latest project. Instead, his eyes kept trailing to the box pushed against his closet, the contents overflowing and peeking out for the world to see. By the fourth glance he groans and stands up, chair dragging along the wood floor and nearly toppling over from the force.
Some days he doesn’t know why he keeps this box of reminders around, other times he knows exactly why. People will cling to the last things they own when it affects them so greatly in life. You, by far, were one of the greatest effects on him.
There’s a clink and a thud as Kaveh sets the box of your things on the table, and it’s almost sad how he’s able to identify exactly what made each noise. He’s only memorized everything in it a dozen and a half times after all. A pocket watch, a picture frame, a scarf, a sketchbook, a ring. Meaningless things on their own or to the outside eye, but to you and Kaveh, they meant the world.
Clear as water he could remember when he gifted each of these to you, save the frame and picture. That was your own doing, something you had set on your desk because you liked looking at how happy you both were that day (or so you said - he thinks it's just because you liked looking at him specifically).
He’d given you the scarf to stay warm one night, the watch because you said it had a pretty design (you scolded him a little after finding out he almost spent all his mora on it for you as a gift. You were still touched nonetheless though). The sketchbook was given after you let slip that sometimes you liked to doodle. You always said you didn’t feel as talented as he was, but he’d always shoot back and say that as long as you appreciated the art of it all, the process, and you drew with a smile, then anything you drew was perfect (you were perfect).
The ring was a promise, one that he hadn’t intended to break. This gift you were too speechless to get on his case about financially because the words of love, dedication and loyalty that he added along meant the world to you. The promise to love you forever, to always take into consideration your feelings, and to one day make you his.
In some poetic, way maybe each item was an accumulation of things he was willing to give, when the reality was that you only needed him. Thinking on it now, it hurts more knowing that his absence was what caused your split in paths. Then again…
“Everything hurts when I’m not with you… I miss you.”
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Tag list (both regular and event exclusive): @spoopy-fish-writes // @that-enby-alien // @xenuuu // @kaeyaloml // @mariposa666haruka // @quackquackmfs // @kunikuzushiii // @genshin-impact-writings // @ventisweetheart // @lordbugs // @leena-shi // @ari-the-wr1ter // @xiaos-wife // @milkwithspiceyicecubes // @stygianoir // @francisnyx // @leemidnightmoon // @bisexuawolfsalt
@kaiserkisser // @multipleshadesofblue // @moloteco-real // @kithewanderingme // @scaramood // @ii-lily2 // @esuz // @kochothehoe // @cindywasneverhere // @kaeyastittysucker
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lisaalmeida · 2 months ago
Às vezes és brisa que passa.
Outras, que és tormenta.
Ás vezes ave que rasa.
Outras, ao longe, cometa.
Às vezes és o que mora.
Outras, o-sem-lugar.
Às vezes o que se demora.
Outras, o-sem-vagar.
Porque às vezes tu não és...
...Tantas e tantas vezes...
Mas às vezes, ao invés,
És, esse todo que sentes.
jorge du val
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thescrolls-haveforetold · 2 months ago
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here are my little guys
25 is when Outlander leaves and Nerevar returns, 45 is when Val ‘dies’ and 20 is when kynwyn stops aging from Mora’s influence
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tecontos · 9 months ago
Fui pra balada com minha amiga e da lá fomos foder com os carinhas que conhecemos. (04-05-2024)
By; Larissa
Me chamo Larissa, namoro o Lucas e somos de São Paulo-Sp
Final de semana passado, começo de mês, salário na conta, eu estava muito animada afinal eu e Lucas estávamos numa boa fase da vida, tanto na vida financeira quanto sexual, estava tudo realmente muito bom. Uma das minhas amigas de serviço, Valentina, me chamou pra sair, estava mal, havia terminado um relacionamento e queria beber e dançar um pouco. Pedi ao Lucas e ele deixou tranquilamente, pois queria ficar um pouco sozinho para poder descansar.
Estou em uma fase que não estava aprontando nada, afinal o fixo com quem eu saia de vez em quando havia assumido um relacionamento sério e eu não queria outra pessoa, sendo assim, não esperava que rolasse nada, nem o Lucas, mas mesmo assim, me arrumei bastante, afinal, não era sempre que pegava uma balada, ainda mais com amiga de trabalho. Coloquei um vestido lindo, que descia até um pouco abaixo do joelho, de alcinha, afinal fazia muito calor, não coloquei sutiã mas coloquei uma lingerie vermelha, linda, que o Lucas adora.
Valentina é uma amiga de serviço, daquelas que em pouco tempo a gente já pega carinho e amizade sincera, ela é uma mulher bonita, gostosa e saindo com ela, sabia que atrairíamos muita atenção. Ela além disso, sabia das minhas aventuras e do tipo de relacionamento que tenho com o Lucas, portanto, sabia que eu era meio “aventureira”.
Dei um beijo no Lucas e saí, ia deixar meu carro na casa dela e sairíamos de lá. Encontrei Valentina e ela tb estava linda, também de vestido colado ao corpo, entrou com duas garrafinhas de cerveja, brindamos e fomos pra balada.
Entramos e nos jogamos na pista, bebíamos e nos divertíamos muito, estávamos afim de dançar bastante e é claro, eramos bastante assediadas na pista, afinal, eramos duas mulheres lindas no meio de um monte de homens igualmente bonitos.
Em certo momento, resolvi ir ao banheiro e depois pegar bebidas, Valentina ficou na pista dançando, quando cheguei nela, ela estava conversando com uma carinha, que estava acompanhado de outro, me apresentou, dizendo que era amigo de longa data, cumprimentei os dois e logo ela sugeriu irmos para uma mesinha, do lado de fora, com menos musica onde poderiamos conversar mais a vontade.
Logo engatamos um papo legal com os dois, o amigo dela era o Pedro e o amigo dele se chamava João, percebi que Valentina e Pedro estavam mais conectados e voltei minha atenções ao João. Era um cara muito agradável, não era lindo, mas tinha um corpo visivelmente malhado, que na verdade era fruto da sua profissão, policial. Valetina e Pedro conversavam sozinhos e o mesmo eu e João fazíamos. Em poucos minutos Valentina e Pedro começaram a se pegar, eu não tinha a intenção de ficar com João, mas numa distração minha ele se aproximou e beijou meu pescoço, aquilo foi inesperado e me arrepiou todinha, fiquei sem palavras, ele então me beijou, e nossa, que beijo gostoso, senti minha buceta melar na hora, ficamos um bom tempo nos beijando, o lugar não era muito escondido, então, ficamos apenas beijando e passando a mão no corpo um do outro, sem exageros, mas pelo beijo ambos sabiamos o que queriamos fazer.
Num determinado momento, eles sairam para ir pegar bebidas e nos deixaram na mesa esperando, Valentina então me disse:
– Lari, o Pedro disse que mora aqui perto, junto com o João, o AP deles está sozinho, chamou a gente pra ir pra lá…
– Ah Val, não sei, não tava pensando nisso
– Não sei, não saí pensando nisso, vão vocês…
– Imagina, eu saí com vc, se vc não quer ir a gente fica, mas sem vc, nem pensar…
– Sei lá, nem conheço o cara direito
– Lari, eu conheço ele, é gente boa, trabalhador, policial…
– Não to afim de dar pra ele
– não dá, se pega um pouco e talz, não precisa dar, eu tb não vou demorar tanto, s�� quero tirar o atraso
– Ahhh, não sei…
– Vamos lindona, seu marido deixa, aliás, adora quando vc apronta…
– Isso é verdade, bom vamos lá, mas não vou dar pra ele…
Quando eles voltaram, saímos os 4, eu fui com o João no carro dele e a Val com o Pedro no carro dela. No caminho fomos conversando e vi que de fato ele não era um tarado, parecia uma boa pessoa, disposta a só fazer o bem, isso me tranquilizou de certa forma, afinal, estava indo pra casa dele. Chegamos quase juntos e entramos, Val e Pedro, eu e João. Sentamos todos nos sofás e Pedro pegou algumas cervejas, estava cada casal em um dos sofás, entre um assunto e outro bebiamos e trocavamos beijos, que devo confessar estavam cada vez mais gostosos.
Num momento o assunto parou, Val e Pedro se pegavam e eu e João fizemos o mesmo, só que dessa vez, João passava a mão nas minhas pernas e as mãos foram escorregando pra dentro do vestido, entre beijos e chupadas no pescoço, mordidinhas, fui perdendo a vergonha e me deixando levar. Então, olhei pro lado e vi Val com os seios de fora, sendo chupados por Pedro, deu um sorrisinho pra ela e voltei a pegar João, não demorou nem um minuto, os dois levantaram e foram para o quarto de Pedro.
Agora eu e joão estávamos sozinhos na sala, comecei a alisar seu corpo e logo tirei sua camiseta, revelando um corpo sarado, que fiz questão de beijar, ele então afastou a alcinha do meu vestido e caiu de boca nos meus seios, chupando bem gostoso e por um longo tempo, eu não queria dar pra ele, mas naquele momento, não conseguia mais dizer não. Ele então me fez levantar, tirou meu vestido e a sua calça, me deixando só de calcinha e ele de cueca, ele me colocou sentada no sofá e veio me beijando e alisando meu corpo, de repente, sem que eu me desse conta, minha calcinha já estava saindo pelos meus pés e eu estava peladinha com a buceta aberta para ele. Assim que tirou, ele ajeitou a cabeça entre as minhas pernas e começou a chupar minha bucetinha, lambendo de baixo para cima, pincelando o grelo e lentamente intruduzindo a lingua lá dentro. Eu estava voando, que chupada gostosa, fiquei completamente molhada e por pouco não gozei na boca dele.
Ele então ficou em pé na minha frente, fez um carinho na minha cabeça e entendi o recado, abaixei a cueca dele, relevando um pau de tamanho médio, grosso e cabeçudo, e muito duro, um pau realmente muito bonito. Então abocanhei aquele caralho e chupei gostoso, lambia a cabeça, as bolas, subia a descia, bem babado, chupei muito gostoso, ele não aguentou e disse que queria me foder, me fez levantar e ficar apoiada no braço do sofá, quase de quatro.
Ele lentamente posicionou a rola na entrada e começou a meter sem dó, ia num ritmo cadenciado, não fodia forte, mas tinha uma pegada deliciosa, eu estava desconfortável, mas gemia gostoso com a rola dele entalada.
De repente ele saiu de trás, me colocou de frente, no braço do sofá, com as pernas erguidas, quase no meu rosto, e de frente voltou a me foder no mesmo ritmo, dessa vez, um pouco mais forte e foi quando ganhei os primeiros tapas na bunda, aos quais reagi gemendo, ele ao perceber, não parou mais de bater na minha bunda e foi socando a rola cada vez mais forte. Desse jeito, gozei a primeira vez, forte, intenso, gemendo alto, ele então me colocou de quatro no sofá e voltou a foder com força, desse vez enrolando a mão no meu cabelo me fazendo gemer alto, fodeu muito forte mesmo e acabou gozando na minha bucetinha, me enchendo de porra, eu acabei gozando de novo, junto com ele.
Ficamos nos beijando um pouco, ele perguntou se eu queria um banho pra me limpar, mas eu disse que não, ele riu e me beijou. Vesti a calcinha e fiquei ali, beijando ele, de boa, com calma, esperando Val sair do quarto, nisso percebi que o pau dele foi ficando duro de novo, eu então abaixei no colo dele e chupei bem gostoso, deixando novamente duro como pedra, ele me puxou e me fez sentar no colo dele, minha buceta estava inteirinha melecada e o pau dele deslizou gostoso pra dentro de mim, sentei, rebolei e quiquei no caralho dele, enquanto ele chupava meus seios, sentei tão forte que novamente gozei na rola dele.
Então, saí de cima e mandei ele gozar na minha cara, ajoelhei, abri a boca e esperei, ele punhetou o pau por 1 minuto e depois gozou fartamente na minha cara, me deixando toda melada.
Depois me levantei e ia pro banheiro, mas ele não deixou, entregou a minha calcinha e disse pra limpar meu rosto com ela, fiz o que ele disse e logo depois vesti a calcinha toda melecada, quando terminei de colocar o vestido, Val saiu do quarto, de banho tomado e percebendo o meu estado, riu muito, eu ri junto com ela.
Nos despedimos dos rapazes e fomos.
No caminho contei a ela o que tinha rolado e ela contou um pouco da transa com o amigo, que já a havia comido algumas vezes. Cheguei em casa, dei um beijo gostoso no meu marido, deitei na cama, abri a perna e disse que tinha presente pra ele. Quando ele viu a calcinha no estava que estava ficou alucinado, me chupou toda e depois me fodeu com força pra terminar bem a noite.
Enviado ao Te Contos por Larissa
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thevindicativevordan · 1 month ago
So, overall thoughts on 2024 Superman stuff, and hopes for 2025?
Pretty good year for Superman with a few exceptions.
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Obviously the biggest news on the comic side is the launch of Absolute DC, with a new incarnation of Superman as part of the first wave. DC finally does a proper "Ultimate" line and surprise, surprise, it's a success! Who could've predicted that a new line without DC's messy mainline continuity weighing things down would connect with people (me that's who)? I've loved every issue thus far, Aaron's creation of a working class Superman in the vein of both Siegel/Shuster and Morrison/Morales has been a welcome sight, and the worldbuilding done plus the changes to the usual formula has me excited to see where he intends to go. Ironic that after all the back and forth with various new Supermen meant to replace Clark as the Superman for the 21st century (Jon, Val, Kenan), the comics, film, and animation divisions ended up simply doing revamps of Clark to fill that space. Also Sandoval's art is amazing, if he stays on the title he will definitely go down as a definitive Superman artist when all is said and done.
Williamson's run dipped at the start of the year with the underwhelming conclusion to the Pharm and Graft storyline, but I enjoyed House of Brainiac and the Absolute Power tie-ins. Mora joining on art, Williamson cutting back on how many titles he was writing, and a number of genuinely surprising plot twists has reinvigorated my enthusiasm for this book. Part of why I'm so hard on Waid (more on that below) is that Williamson is doing a far superior job at what Waid is trying: mixing together the DCAU with Silver Age tone and Modern Age characterization/stakes. Current rumor is that both Superman and Batman are getting relaunched in 2025, which could mean the end of Williamson's tenure is in sight. If so I hope Williamson can deliver a satisfying resolution to the Zod and Lex storylines he's set up.
Superstars has on the whole been inferior to the best of PKJ's Action, although I can admit that the book declined steeply post Warworld for reasons I don't believe are PKJ's fault, but I did enjoy Aaron and Simone's arcs. Aaron wrote one of my favorite Bizarro arcs and Simone perfectly captured how Superman feels about fighting imo.
Downside has to be Waid's fall off. If you had asked me to pick who out of the Superstar writers would be the weakest, I would never have picked Waid, but that's what happened. His handling of the Aethyr plotline PKJ set up was dreadful, his sanitizing of Jor-El only made the character worse, to the point I actually dropped the book because of that decision. World's Finest began strong this year with the Magog arc, but has since started to feel like filler and driven me to drop that book too. Now it's just JLU (which I'm unsure if I'll continue to read) and LDoLL (which I actually do remain excited for). Waid's schtick has grown stale for me, tragic irony being is that he seems to have grown disenchanted with his own style as well per his comments on BluSky in the wake of Trump's re-election. We'll have to see if that results in any actual shakeups to his writing approach.
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Already dove deep into the trailer and poster here, only thing to add is that at the time of this post, the trailer has hit 50 million views, the lifetime total of the third MoS trailer which was the most popular MoS trailer. Folks if Gunn delivers a film on par with his Guardians trilogy, I think this is going to be the breakout hit of the summer even with Jurassic World and F4 for competition
S&L S4 largely seems to have satisfied the fans of the show and as I thought, has seemingly been forgotten in the wake of marketing for Gunn's reboot beginning. Suppose that's fitting given the DC CW shows by and large always had to toil in the shadow of whatever WB was doing with the characters on the film side. Nice full circle moment that DC on the CW began and ended with a Superman show set in Smallville
MAWS S2 ruled, can't wait for S3. Wish more of you bought the tie-in comic which I thought was excellent and featured my man Bloodsport. Hopefully Gunn tosses some of that Creatures Commandos money this show's way.
SS: KTJL was a total bomb that appears to mark the end of DC pushing them. Apparently RS is haphazardly resurrecting the JL in cutscenes made on a shoestring budget but I genuinely wonder why. Conroy is dead so we probably won't get another Arkham Batman game, the WW game features a different WW, and none of the other Leaguers are ever getting their own game. I am totally fine with Arkham Superman staying dead, only NRS did a worse job handling the character, and I absolutely would not want to play a Superman game that had to try and salvage the mess RS made of Superman and his setting. In the unlikely scenario where we ever did get a new Superman game, it would probably be either off on it's own world or congruent with the Wonder Woman game anyway.
Looking Ahead to 2025
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Don't feel hyperbolic in proclaiming that next year will be the most important year for Superman since 1978. This is likely the last chance we have to get WB to push Superman back up there with Batman and Spider-Man the way he was decades ago.
Obviously the biggest hope for me is that Gunn's Superman movie is a critical and commercial success. Even if I don't love it personally I would still benefit from that. If it succeeds it reaffirms to WB that Superman is a money-maker, and that would lead to more Superman projects in animation, comics, film, etc. MAWS would be more likely to get more seasons. Wonder Woman got a video game off of her first movie being a hit. Anyone who wants that for Superman has to root for this film to be a hit.
Comics wise if Williamson is leaving then I'd prefer someone other than Slott took over. Totally fine with Slott getting Action, but I'd prefer Williamson either stay or we get someone like Dan Watters handling writing duties. I cannot wrap my mind around DC potentially relaunching Superman for a past his prime Marvel creator again. But better him than Taylor I suppose, who I expect will be getting one of the books next year.
Speaking of Taylor I hope Injustice 3 is at least one more year off. It's less cancerous for the character with the movie, Absolute Superman, and MAWS in the picture but I still hate that franchise with every fiber of my seething fanboy heart. DC needs to get people to like Supes and Injustice solely exists to dump on him and Wondy while wanking Batman. Let's not remind people of childkiller fascist Muderman while trying to reintroduce Superman to the general public ok?
Can't wait for PKJ's book, with that and Absoute I will at least have two Superbooks to read no matter how things shake out with the mainline
For S3 of MAWS I am crossing my fingers for Zod in addition to Lex. I want a Superman cartoon that has the Big 3 (Lex, Brainiac, and Zod) all together, and the tease they've done about Krypton's fate has my mind scrambling over all the possibilities. Mostly I'm interested to see how they would differentiate a MAWS Zod from their Brainiac who already shares some traits in common with "classic" Zod. I'd also like a more traditional Metallo but it kinda seems like they'll be making Henshaw into Metallo based on the new opening shot of the baddies.
Seems likely Kara will get a new book, I wish it would be a team-up book with Kon. I liked their dynamic in HoB!
Would be cool if Kenan got something written by a good writer but I'm not holding my breath
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blogoslibertarios · 1 year ago
Senador afirma que trabalha há dois anos para prender Moraes, diz site
  Uma troca de mensagens que teria o senador Marcos do Val (Podemos-ES) como partícipe, o parlamentar teria dito que está “trabalhando há dois anos para prender Alexandre de Moraes”, ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF). O senador troca mensagens com uma pessoa identificada como Elmo. A informação é do portal Metrópoles, que diz que Elmo seria o irmão de do Val. Em conversa com o pai,…
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tidesfate · 4 months ago
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THE REALMS CREAKS SHIFT, AS IF CONTEMPLATING WITHIN VERY ARCHITECTURE. It is not in matters of whether to give or not-- - no, there was little benefit in such. “&– - My realm is that of the constantly shifting. Where it is now, it may not be by conclusion of your trek. Or perhaps it shall remain, endless and constant. These are truths only I am privy to.” Hermaeus Mora made no effort to hide that it could INDEED do as requested, but would not give with such ease. However a corridor lets out a soft groaning, bending in connection to where now the two communed // AN OFFERING OF A START, OR PERHAPS A TRICK FOR ENTERTAINMENT. “&– - Should it be... mmm.... befitting that you are the one to gain such knowledge, then you should find what you seek.”
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"Yes, of course..." Valeriu looked around the vast interiors, corridors, and books, winding out into an endless sea of sickly beryl green and writhing inky masses. He then turned his attention, rather fearlessly, to Mora. "But I am looking for something very specific, and you have quite the collection here. Surely, there is some way you can..point me in the right direction?"
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mycatwantstoeatpins · 1 year ago
Favourite MoShang fics
I’ve read something like two hundred MoShang fics in the last couple of weeks (RIP my sleep schedule) and these are some of my favourites.
bureaucratic processes (Restricted) by tciddaemina. Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Canon, Oblivious Shàng Qīnghuá, Demon Courting, Demon Politics, POV Mòběi-jūn, Cultural Misunderstandings, Marriage, Bad Communication, Crack, Explicit Sexual Content, Shang Qinghua is Empress of the Northern Demon Realm, posessiveness, Shang Qinghua is Loud
how to face your high school crush after 7 years by revesdelimonade. Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe – Office, Getting Together, First Kiss, Jealousy, Mutual Pining, Happy Ending, Oblivious Shàng Qīnghuá, Childhood Friends, Moshang Events Secret Santa 22
How to Tell if a Demon Wants you Dead: the Unhelpful Guide by Esora247. Tags: 5+1 Things, Fluff, Attempt at Humor, Oblivious Shàng Qīnghuá, Courting Rituals, Gift Giving, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, No Beta We Die Like GongYi Xiao, Post-Canon, Canon-Typical Violence, < basically violence stemming from demon lords being protective (possessive) of their humans, Mobei-Jun is whipped he just shows it in his own special way
Husband (Imaginary) by diamondbruise. Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Attempted divorce, Miscommunication, Misunderstandings, extremely poor communication from all parties involved, Angst with a Happy Ending, although is it angst if it's just straight up stupid
in the stripped club. straight up "jorking it" by Volatilevore. Tags: Overstimulation, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
no more choose than rivers (Restricted) by Val Mora (valmora). Tags: Cultural Differences, Marriage Proposal, Courtship, Misunderstandings, dowry/betrothal gift/bride price, Classism, Discussion of mpreg, historically-inspired sex education, awkwardness about sex, Fade to Black, comparative cuisine, Weddings, Canon-Typical Fantasy Racism
of love, war, and romantic reconnaissance (Restricted) by dalairei. Tags: Fluff, Misunderstandings, Humor, Demon/Human Relationships, Human Courting Customs, Demon Courting Customs, Getting Together, Oblivious Shàng Qīnghuá, Soft Mòběi-jūn, Moshang Events Big Bang 2023 (Scum Villain)
The Shang Qinghua Effect by Yuu_chi. Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Romantic Comedy, Fluff and Humor, Background Bingqiu – Freeform, cucumberplane friendship, Shang Qinghua isn't undesirable he's just dumb
Stay Acting Brave by Pip (Moirail). Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Magic School, Demon Summoning, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Rimming, Oral Sex, Size Kink, Size Difference, Loss of Virginity, accidental boyfriend acquisition
The Subtle Art of Trying to F*ck by firesandpixies. Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe – Showbusiness, Social Media, Fluff and Crack, Fluff and Humor, Crack, Alternate Universe – Actors, Mobei-Jun being oblivious to his feelings, Bingqiu is a side pairing, PiningDirty Jokes, Bad Jokes, Bad Puns, Puns & Word Play
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