#vague fic ideas
owlbeanies · 25 days
A quick rundown of the naruto fanfic i've been rotating around my brain for the past couple of months.
More or less during the kanabi mission Obito gets yoinked instead of Rin. She unable to convince Kakashi to halt the mission to save him, and by the time they complete it-- its too late. The trail has gone cold. everyone assumes he's dead...
He isnt.
Obito is now a prisoner of war. He spends not an insignificant amount of time in an enemy prison, dreaming of the day of his escape. He makes multiple plans but security is tight and he knows damn well he will never walk out that gate on his own.
So he sets his sights to plan B. Whats plan B? Desperately trying to recreate the hiraishin so he can quite literally throw himself out of there.
unfortunately Obito doesn't really know jack shit about seals. He had basic sealing lessons sure-- but do you really think his adhd ass retained any of it? No. And whats worse is that he doesn't really remember the make up of the hirashin either. Like he knows the general shape of it. He could probably fake a decent look-alike, but that doesn't help in the function department.
Well... thanks to vast amounts of stress (and more than just threats a of torture) he succeeds! He makes a seal that actually works and escapes.
Through a long string of events he ends up running into(and subsequently helping) a few akasuki memebers. He ends up joining because they're hiding him, and if he doesn't his ass is going back to prison.
His environment is far from stable considering he(an uchiha) is in a war torn RAIN, but at least he can breath a little. He takes the chance to smooth out some of the kinks in his cool new Hiraishin recreation. This catches the attention of multiple people, with the rain trio being some of them. They decide to swing by just to see what all the hubbub is about in regard to their newest member.
Obito is bragging, and is absolutely showing off his cool new technique.
amazed they ask him how it works.
Obito shows them.
Nagito takes one fucking looks at that seal, kneels over, and dies(not really).
Yahiko is confused. Where is the seal? Obito points. Yahiko stares.
Now let it be known that Yahiko isnt exactly the most knowledgeable person when it comes to seals, but he was trained by Jiraiya. And by gods is that not a fucking seal. He tells Obito so. That is the most chicken-scratch scribble of nothing he has ever laid eyes upon.
Obito is offended.
It is too a seal! and look he says, it has many other features that the hiraishin doesn't have which makes it even better. Such as exploding when he forces too much chakra into it.
Yahiko points out that he could just attach a paper-bomb to his kunai. In fact doing so would not only be less draining but also better in every imaginable way.
Obito disagrees, for the coolness factor of his seal far outweighs that of a paper-bomb.
Yahiko points out that his seal doesn't have a locking mechanism. There's nothing stopping anyone from stealing the kunai and using it without Obito's permission.
Well, Obito clicks his tongue because he how dare he, the amount of chakra that must be used is extremely finicky. If they don't use the exact amount of chakra it wont work, as you can see from it exploding from being overloaded.
what happens if not enough chakra is applied?
well... obito has never tried. So he cant say for certain. But if he had to hazard a guess its nothing good. (they are violently torn apart and only maybe put back together in a somewhat correct order depending on how much chakra is being used.)
Needless to say no one wants anything to do with Obito's cool new seal anymore...
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stevieschrodinger · 8 months
Steve sighs to himself. It's so godamn cold his car door handle is frozen.
Which means he can't open the door.
Which means he can't get in.
It's fucking dark, it's fucking cold, and Steve is one hundred percent done. If he was actually parked in the lot at work this wouldn't be a problem - isn't normally a problem - he just goes in and gets a mug of boiling water and dumps it over the door handle. Not today though, oh no, the lot at work is being resurfaced and he's been forced to park a ten minute walk away for three days this week.
Steve contemplates what to do - actually briefly contemplating taking a piss on his own car door handle and wondering if that would even work- when the only positive about this whole thing comes around the corner.
The dog walker guy. He's so cute, especially in the cold, all his fluffy hair poking out from his lopsided, clearly home made, knitted pom pom hat. Yesterday he had a whole pack of dogs with him, today he's got one.
It's a very old looking Jack Russell, waddling along. Cute dog walker guy stops, "Bill," he calls after the dog. The dog does not stop, waddling on in a determined fashion. "Bill, this is our car," the guy tries again. Bill has made it maybe fifteen feet, but he turns and looks. Seems to come to the conclusion that, 'oh yeah, that is our car,' and starts to waddle back.
The whole exchange makes Steve's day better, and he can't help the laughter. Cute guy laughs too, giving Steve a 'what can you do' kind of shrug, and the prettiest smile Steve's ever seen.
Cute dog walker guy scoops Bill up and puts him in the passenger seat, before heading around to the driver side, he must notice Steve's helplessness, or demeanor, or something, because he asks Steve, "you okay man?"
"Yeah, yeah, I just...locked out you know, doors frozen."
"Huh," the guys says coming over to inspect Steve's frozen handle, "well, I usually get Bill a pupachino, want to get coffee with us? We can bring back a couple of to go cups of hot water?"
And that sounds way, way better than pissing on his car, "yeah,that's great thanks, I'm Steve, let me at least get the coffee."
"Eddie...and are you cool with a geriatric guy sitting on your lap, because Bill already called shotgun."
"I think I'll cope."
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"Probably because they don't have a grave," Danny said, pulling out his vape. "Final resting places are--HEY!"
Nightwing held the pilfered vape above his head. "Where did you get this?" he asked, scandalized.
Danny jumped for it, but Nightwing was too tall! Even at 5'7 he'd have to use his powers to reach the vape; he had no chance as a 9 year old. "We're in Gotham! You're lucky I didn't get cocaine instead!"
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lucabyte · 8 months
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I don't know how everyone isn't also always constantly thinking about how burial rites seem to be potentially one of the few things Siffrin instinctively remembers about their culture. But rest assured. I am in fact always thinking about it.
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Textless version where they're just hanging out. It's fine!
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justaz · 2 months
merlin slipping up early on around arthur and trying to assuage his fears by assuring that the gods would look out for them and arthur pauses before asking “the gods?” and they have a awkward lil conversation where merlin is like “yeah i worship the gods of the old religion” and arthurs like “why?” and merlin goes “well why do you worship the god of the new religion? we just believe in them” and arthur takes in this new information and is eventually like “yeah. sure. i guess its not illegal in escetir is it?” anyways thats it. it doesnt get brought up again until later on
when arthur + the knights and merlin and in that shrine and the knights aren’t taking it seriously and merlin goes “in the time of the old religion, they built shrines like this to appease restless spirits. we shouldn’t be here” and the knights brush it off but arthur knows merlin truly believes in it all so he redirects the knights away and later on its him and merlin at the well and arthur is there to calm merlin after he sees the visions from the raid. merlin’s crying and pleading with arthur to leave, that they shouldn’t be here. arthur agrees and goes to leave when merlin calls out to him. arthur stops but doesn’t turn. merlin wraps his arms around his middle
“you were here”
arthur doesn’t say anything more and walks away
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the-random-phan · 4 months
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Sides of a Coin
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salemoleander · 1 year
In another dream, they ended the game together. The blood-crowned king lowered his head, and offered his Hand anything he could wish for.
Cautiously, the knight of Dogwarts said, "I wish for a kingdom," and the king smiled.
"You already have this one."
Bolder now, the shield of Dogwarts said, "I wish for your heart," and the king laughed.
"You already have it."
Quietly, so very quietly, the hound of Dogwarts said, "I wish we could both win," and the king died.
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ciphercicada · 18 days
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I'll be haunting you as you take in your outer spacial view
When you look up you'll remember me and then I'll be haunting you
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meta-squash · 6 months
the most frustrating stage of fic writing is when you have an idea but the idea is 95% vibes rather than actual plot
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 11 months
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future scene in space au,, Eclipse kills a man by hitting him with another man, bc his comfort tiny has been Hurt and this has triggered the Murder Instinct only well-designed murderbots can achieve <3
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quirkle2 · 6 months
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art pieces that r incomprehensible without access to my mind
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fistfuloflightning · 6 months
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You are without doubt the worst rogue cultivator I’ve ever heard of. Ah. But you have heard of me.
Some Mobei-jun/rogue cultivator!Shen Yuan brainrot—thanks to @neonghostcat I can no longer separate SY from the guandao 😭 (thank you from the bottom of my heart)
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genericaces · 3 months
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remembered my doomed weslah(?) post-nfa au that i can only describe as "wesley is an unofficial third to a semi-retired frunn who are now hippies in portland and also lilah is there"
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wes grows a depression beard and gets really into building birdhouses. sometimes lilah, still liaison for w&h, shows up and together they're the most sexually tense couple at the farmer's market. (lilah makes him shave the beard)
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obviously lilah decides that she needs to insert herself into this non-throuple in order to make wesley jealous and admit that he cares about... something. other than birdhouses.
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anyways every visit inevitably ends with lilah being called back to work by the senior partners. she only gets to snag brief moments of freedom before she goes back to work, and every time wes has to say goodbye to her all over again he gets all morose and guilty about it.
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and i think it's ultimately about hanging onto guilt and loss past the point where it's helpful for you because it's your last connection to someone, even though it's keeping you from living your life in the present, because on some level the idea of being happy feels like a betrayal. and trying to figure out what moving on even looks like
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
"You know," Jimmy says, irritated, as Grian hangs upside down in front of him, sticking out his tongue. "You know. For someone somewhere he's not supposed to be, you seem pretty uninterested in actually going home. If I didn't know better, I'd say you all want to stay here and cause problems."
Grian pauses, looks at Jimmy, and blinks slowly.
(Pop quiz. You are Grian. How do you answer this question?
A. "I'm enjoying hanging out with you, you know." B. "Last time the world ended, I put finishing touches on my base and tried not to think about the fact that I was pretty sure Scar's plan was to kill us, and I'm still not certain I lived after that, either." C. "There's a painting of Pearl in a tomb, and Ren crawled out from beneath it. I'm not so sure we ever weren't here." D. "Maybe I want to see you when I don't have to kill you." E. "What do you know about fixing rifts, anyway?" F. "Do you really think you get to escape me, Tim?" G. "I'm scared too." H. None of the above.)
"Aw, are you trying to get rid of me?" Grian laughs. "Too bad, Tim. You can't escape me if you try."
"Ugh," Jimmy says. "Figures."
"You're stuck with me for now. Believe me, Tim. I'm not going to just not look into it. I'm just... taking my time, is all."
"Well, take your time faster." There's a long pause. "Unless you're going to take Scar, I guess. He hasn't been half bad, really."
Grian makes an offended sound.
(Pop quiz. You are Grian. Is the answer given above true or false?)
"Well now I'm going to try to figure out how to re-light the rift even faster," he says. "You've gone and ruined it, Tim. Look at what you've done."
"What? No! I mean, yes! I mean, agh! Why are you so confusing?"
"I think I'm perfectly simple," Grian says primly.
"One day professors will teach a course about you, and it will be all the students' least favorite class," Jimmy says dryly.
"Ouch. That was almost a good burn," Grian says.
"I hate you," Jimmy says.
"I always feel bad for unrequited emotions," Grian says.
"I'm going to force you to play Monopoly later," Jimmy says.
"What? No, you can't do that here," Grian says, alarmed. "Jimmy, you can't do that here. Jimmy."
Jimmy huffs. "That's what you get for bringing everyone through that Rift thingy of yours. Don't think I haven't heard the others talking, either. That whole thing was your fault, wasn't it?"
(Pop quiz. You are Grian. Do you regret it? If so, why do you regret something that let you see all of your friends in one place for the first time in a long time? If not, why don't you regret the fact that you've put them all in irreversible danger? Please answer as completely as possible.)
Grian sighs. "Yeah," he says, and it's almost fond. "I suppose that's what I get."
"Now, get down from there and give me my hat back."
"Why on earth would I do that Tim? I'm so comfortable up here!"
"Agh -"
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justaz · 4 months
servant of two masters while merlin is kidnapped, arthur is running himself ragged trying to find a sign that merlin is still alive. his trail went cold the moment they left the forest and arthur has sent out practically every knight and guard to search and is debating on sending the servants out to join them. he hasn’t slept in near a week and is more snappish than usual. his uncle urges him to rest, insists that he can’t be much help to merlin on an hour of sleep. arthur begrudgingly relents and returns to his chambers but just as his fingers brush his blankets, his exhaustion dissipates. still it takes him another moment to realize theres an unnatural, ethereal blue glow lighting up his chambers
he spins and finds the same glowing blue orb that had guided him years ago when merlin was in danger, on the precipice of death. perhaps that is the only purpose for the light. with that thought a fresh wave of panic, fear, and desperation rocks through him as he stumbles forward, pleading that he has to find merlin. the light floats out his door and then through the winding halls of the castle and to his uncles chambers. he follows it in and toward his uncles desk.
he looks up in confusion when suddenly a drawer of the desk shoots out. the papers within flutter up and into a stack on the desk. the false bottom of the drawer rattles. arthur practically splits the wood in half tearing it from the drawer. he find a multitude of items but his gaze laser focuses in on the rolled up map within. as he unfurls it, he finds a very clear path from camelot to a hut nestles deep within the woods and hidden by magic.
it’s clear to him who the traitor is, who compromised the route, who took merlin from him-
arthur storms out of agravaine’s chambers and down to the throne room where he had been told his uncle would be direction the groups of scouts only to find his uncle alone in the room. his anger blazes hotter than ever before at he draws his sword and confronts his uncle. it takes a bit of wheedling and tossing of evidences in his face (metaphorical of course, no chance in hell is he letting go of the map to merlin) before his uncle starts laughing in his face as he brags about his treachery.
arthur swings his sword but the duel does not last long. agravaine is laying on his back, defenseless. arthur raises his sword to strike the killing blow when that cool blue of the guiding light fills his vision (he swears he can feel the ghost of merlin’s touch). he lowers his sword and calls on the guards to lock his uncle away in the dungeons. he sets percival and leon on guard duty bc they have his utmost trust and they care a great deal for merlin so they would never let agravaine go no matter what he said.
then arthur finally rides out to the hut with the remainder of his knights to save merlin
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Sasuke boutta drop the hottest diss-track of 2k23
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