malhare-archive · 2 years
Note in SCP Containment Breach: If you find yourself forming an emotional attachment to an SCP object, please report for psychological counseling and reassignment
Both of my ocs: Im just gonna pretend like I didn't see that
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mybeingthere · 2 years
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Simon Vaeth - a young Danish illustrator.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Animated Progress Bars – Speckyboy
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/8-css-javascript-snippets-for-creating-animated-progress-bars-speckyboy/
8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Animated Progress Bars – Speckyboy
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User interfaces (UIs) that measure progress are helpful. They offer visual confirmation when completing various tasks, so users don’t have to guess how far they are into a process.
We see these UIs on our devices. Anyone who’s performed an update on their computer or phone will be familiar with them. Thus, it’s easy to take their design for granted.
However, we’re starting to see more creative implementations. And the web has become a driving force. Designers are using CSS and JavaScript to make progress UIs fun and informative. By adding quirky animations and other visuals, we’re well beyond the standard progress bar.
Here are eight progress bars and UIs that have something unique to offer. You might be surprised at how far these elements have come.
Unlimited Downloads for Web Designers
Starting at just $16.50 per month, download 1,000s of HTML, Bootstrap, and Tailwind CSS, as well as WordPress themes and plugins with Envato Elements. You will also get unlimited access to millions of design assets, photos, video files, fonts, presets, addons, and much more.
Animated Semi-Circular Progress Bar Chart Using SVG by Andrew Sims
We don’t always measure progress in a straight line. You can also use shapes like this beautiful semicircle. The snippet uses ProgressBar.js and SVG to create an attractive presentation.
See the Pen Animated semicircular progress bar chart using SVG by Andrew Sims
CSS Animated Download & Progress Animation by Aaron Iker
Users spend a lot of time downloading files. Progress meters keep them abreast of their status. We love that this example keeps things simple. A single button houses all the information users need.
See the Pen Download progress animation by Aaron Iker
Progress Bar Animation by Eva Wythien
Who says progress bars have to be boring? Here’s a look at how creativity can spice things up. CSS keyframe animations, patterns, and gradients add fun to the mix.
See the Pen Progress bar animation by Eva Wythien
CSS & JavaScript Progress Clock by Jon Kantner
Time is another way to measure progress, and this clock does so in a unique way. Hover on the date, hours, minutes, and seconds to focus on their meters. The effect takes a complex UI and breaks it into bite-sized chunks.
See the Pen Progress Clock by Jon Kantner
CSS-Only Order Process Steps by Jamie Coulter
Here’s a fun way to show users the steps in an eCommerce process. Clicking on a step reveals more details. Notice how the box icon changes along the way. This UI demonstrates progress and doubles as an onboarding component.
See the Pen CSS only order process steps by Jamie Coulter
Screen Wraparound Progress Bar by Thomas Vaeth
Progress UIs can also be scroll-based. In this case, a colored bar wraps around the viewport as you scroll. The effect goes in reverse as you move back to the top. Perhaps this example isn’t a fit for every use case. But it could be a companion to a storytelling website.
See the Pen Wraparound Progress Bar by Thomas Vaeth
Responsive Circle Progress Bar by Tigran Sargsyan
This snippet uses an HTML range input that syncs with a circular progress UI. The shape makes this one stand out. But so does the color-changing effect. As the slider value changes, so do the colors.
See the Pen Circle progress by Tigran Sargsyan
Rotating 3d Progress Bar by Amit
Here’s something different. These rotating 3D progress bars provide a futuristic look. That aside, they were built entirely with CSS, and they’re sure to draw attention.
See the Pen 3d progress bar v2 by Amit
Better Progress Through Code
There’s no reason to settle for an old-school progress UI. It’s now possible to create something that matches your desired aesthetic. And best of all, you don’t need a lot of complex code or imagery. Make these elements as simple or complex as you like.
The examples above demonstrate a wide range of possibilities. But they’re only scratching the surface. Combine CSS, JavaScript, and imagination to build a distinct look and feel.
Are you looking for more progress UI examples? You’ll want to check out our CodePen collection!
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robotpoetry · 1 year
Fled Back Unhinderd Till The Meath
And Forlorn But A Vaeth
Wild Is Your Chimneys I Will Nifty
S Answer Earth Seek Lowery
Winter S They Sleep Multimillionaire
Mercy Has A Smile Never Auclair
There She Only Delight And Veith
All Admired The Bird That Meath
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milchbopesch2022 · 2 years
SVEN VAETH @ Omen (Frankfurt):17-03-1995
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outofcontextbeaver · 5 years
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2010 mr vaeth has seen god and he is quite happy about it
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mrdirtybear · 6 years
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‘Greed’ A lino print by Danish teacher, illustrator, and graphic artist Simon Væth. Find his personal website here. 
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melongumi · 6 years
i love vivienne? she’s so fantastic?
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malhare-archive · 2 years
Gotta love how my SCP ocs are like
Commander Maddox: If I had it my way, a majority of the Foundation's resources would go towards figuring out how to execute all these abominations. Except Cain. Abel can stay too, but he's on thin fucking ice
Researcher Vaeth: Pwease don't terminate SCP-096 🥺 I know it killed 12 civilians and 7 Foundation agents last time it breached containment but it's a unique living creature 🥺 I can figure out a way to make it harmless I swear I prommy 🥺
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andrearrrrr · 3 years
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S. Vaeth, sketch dayly - pillow, pen on paper
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mybeingthere · 3 years
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Simon Vaeth - a young Danish illustrator.
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youneedone2 · 3 years
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Fabric Stamp by Stephanie Vaeth
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clarrissathen · 3 years
Week 4: Is blogging still relevant in the age of TikToks and Instagram?
In today's world of TikToks and Instagram, is blogging even relevant? Before the deliberation, let's understand the fundamentals.
 Social networking services (SNS)
Xu et al. define SNS as an online service that allows users to create and share personal profiles, explore, interact with, and establish connections through personal networks within the bonded system (2014, p. 240).
Pettigrew, Archer, and Harrigan described blogging as an informative website that displays content in reverse chronological order, with the most recent post at the top (2016, p. 1026).
 Initially architectural for plan posting, photo sharing, and check-in on the Burbn app, then deconstructing to central its commenting, "like," and photo function, based on the computational IOS structure, the renowned Instagram was launched in 2010, receiving 25,000 users on the first day (Gillespie 2010, p. 349; Blystone 2020). Ultimately computational with the Andriod operating system in 2012 and bought over by Facebook (Blystone 2020). Instagram's continuous enhancement with attractive features, enabling users to upload media with filters, viewable posts for 24 hours known as "Instagram Stories," messaging, and more, led to one billion active users monthly in June 2018 (Blystone 2020; Statista Research Department 2021). In addition, after acquiring the competitor Musical.ly and having 200 million accounts ported over, TikToks became today's rising social media platform (D'Souza 2021). Including addictive functions to create 60 seconds videos and combine music, filters, sticker, and more, TikToks withstands approximately 65.9 million active users monthly as of 2020 in the United States (D'Souza 2021; Statista Research Department 2021). Meanwhile, in the United States, Statista Research Department (2021) estimated 31.7 million bloggers in the United States.
Based on the image, it shows the slow growth of blogging (Djuraskovic 2021). Thence, what makes SNS such as Instagram and TikToks popular?
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According to Lin and Lu, studies found that people are motivated to adopt SNS because of its pleasure-oriented information system and its capability to connect with peers (2011, p. 1159). Based on the Maslow hierarchy of needs, humans desire belongingness, and SNS has built prompting interaction functions (Ghatak & Singh 2019, p. 298). For instance, on the user-generated content, the other users can react using commenting, instant messaging, reaction "like," sharing, mentioning of others, and more (Voorveld et al. 2018, p. 40). The interaction results in forming virtual communities, whereby social aggregations develop from the Internet when sufficient people participate in public debates for an extended period and enough human emotion to build personal relationships in virtual worlds (Akar & Mardikyan 2018, p. 1).
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Thus, when social media is so popular, how is blogging still relevant? Although there are declines in personal "diary" blogging, blogs are read by 77% of internet users. As blogging evolves and sustains more in the knowledge-providing direction, blog posts emerge whenever individuals search for answers (Dietz 2021; Edgecomb 2016). For example, famous blogging service WordPress has dodged the blogging decline as the platform commercial towards professional bloggers instead of novice bloggers (Kopytoff 2011). Moreover, as SNS providers tend to have writing limitations, such as Instagram restricting to 2,200 characters, it is unsuitable to accommodate extended writing on topics than blogs (Zote 2021). Since the blog has comments, it also promotes a public sphere where diverse individuals gather to provide ideas and opinions and public debate on the shared information (Batorski & Hrzywinska 2018, p. 358). Additionally, blogging implies a promotional tool. According to Chang (2021), 81% of United States customers rely on blogs as a means of advice and information, showing blogs' influence on purchasing decisions.
 In conclusion, blogs remain relevant in the age of social media as the platforms serve different purposes and meet the distinctive needs of the users.
Reference list
Akar, E 7 Mardikyan, S 2018, ‘User roles and contribution patterns in online communities: A managerial perspective’, SAGE Open, pp. 1-19, viewed 22 September 2021, <https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2158244018794773>.
Batorski, D, Grzywinska, I 2018, ‘Three dimensions of the public sphere on Facebook’, Information, communication & society, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 356-374, viewed 22 September 2021, <https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/1369118X.2017.1281329?needAccess=true>.
Blystone, D 2020, ‘The Story of Instagram: The Rise of the #1 Photo-Sharing Application’, Investopedia, 6 June, viewed 21 September 2021, <https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/102615/story-instagram-rise-1-photo0sharing-app.asp>.
Chang, J 2021, Number of US Bloggers in 2021/2022 demographics, revenues, and best practices, FinancesOnline, viewed 22 September 2021, <https://financesonline.com/number-of-us-bloggers/>.
Dietz, R 2021, ‘Is blogging dead in 2021?’, Medium, 20 April, viewed 22 September 2021, <https://medium.com/@rebekahdietz/is-blogging-dead-887f35a83587>.
Djuraskovic, O 2021, ‘Blogging Statistics 2021: Ultimate list with 47 facts and stats’, First Site Guide, 26 August, viewed 21 September 2021, <https://firstsiteguide.com/blogging-stats/>.
D’Souza, D 2021, ‘What is TikTok?’, Investopedia, 22 July, viewed 21 September 2021, <https://www.investopedia.com/what-is-tiktok-4588933>.
Edgecomb, C 2016, ‘Blogging statistics: 52 reasons your company blog is worth the time & effort’, Impact, 2 December, viewed 22 September 2021, <https://www.impactplus.com/blogging-statistics-55-reasons-blogging-creates-55-more-traffic>.
Ghatak, S & Singh, S 2019, ‘Examing Maslow’s hierarchy need theory in the social media adoption’, FIIB Business Review, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 292-302, viewed 22 September 2021, <https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2319714519882830>.
Gillespie, T 2010, ‘The politics of ‘platforms’’, New media & Society, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 347-364, viewed 21 September 2021, <https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1461444809342738>.
Kopytoff, VG 2011, ‘Blogs wane as the young drift to sites like twitter’, The New York Times, 20 February, viewed 22 September 2021, <https://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/21/technology/internet/21blog.html>.
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Statista Research Department 2016, ‘Number of bloggers in the United States 2014-2020’, Statista, 29 February, viewed 21 September 2021, <https://www.statista.com/statistics/187267/number-of-bloggers-in-usa/>.
Statista Research Department 2021, ‘Number of monthly active Instagram users 2013-2018’, Statista, 10 September, viewed 21 September 2021, <https://www.statista.com/statistics/253577/number-of-monthly-active-instagram-users/>.
Statista Research Department 2021, ‘TikTok: number of users in selected countries 2020’, Statista, 26 July, viewed 21 September 2021, <https://www.statista.com/statistics/1202979/number-of-monthly-active-tiktok-users/>.
 Xu, Y, Yang, Y, Cheng, Z & Lim, J 2014, ‘Retaining and attracting users in social networking services: An empirical investigation of cyber migration’, Journal of Strategic Information System, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 239-253, viewed 20 September 2021, <https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S0963868714000195?token=59850A05BB92383D18EF618453A92BB7E8F6B070EE0FA7C11B9F04E23570CBD313FC20FA4E65A77440E33D3D87ED99EE&originRegion=eu-west-1&originCreation=20210920062516>.
 Vaeth, K 2020, ‘Tapping into TikTok as a branding platform’, Infinite, viewed 22 September 2021, <https://theinfiniteagency.com/insights/social/tapping-into-tiktok-as-a-branding-platform/>.
 Voorveld, HAM, Noort, GV, Muntinga, DG, Bronner, F 2018, ‘Engagement with social media and social media advertising: The differentiating role of platform type, Digital Engagement with Advertising, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 38-54, viewed 22 September 2021, <https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00913367.2017.1405754?needAccess=true>.
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First Day of the Novena of the Assumption of Mary!
How familiar joy was to Mary’s heart, even in the incomparable depth of the sensation of mystery, of obscurity into which she penetrated day by day. What sustains this apparent contradiction? Faith. The certainty that everything is God’s, that God is the Father of everyone, that the world is destined to everlasting positivity. If she had not had this in her mind every day, if she had not gotten up every morning thinking about this, if she had not moved through her day thinking about this, if she had not gone to bed at night thinking about this, it would have been an abstract theory, it would have been just thoughts.
The mystery that is proposed to us here is the mystery of the Incarnation of Jesus, of His Birth. In this is specified the general remembrance, the general memory of our relationship with Him, of having been called by Him. He was born; conceived and born of a woman.
Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory Be
[artwork by Annie Vaeth]
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artistsanimals · 8 years
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Title: Cover for the British record label “Chapter 24″ Artist: Simon Vaeth Date: November 2015 Medium: Linocut Source: Simonvaeth.dk
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outofcontextbeaver · 5 years
We will not be naming my song 'poo eyes'
Mr. Vaeth
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