#vaes dothrak
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54_Juego de tronos_Daenerys VI
 Dany colocó los otros dos huevos junto al negro, sobre el fuego. Se alejó del brasero y contuvo la respiración.
Se quedó mirando hasta que las ascuas se convirtieron en cenizas. Algunas chispas flotaron en torno a los huevos, y el calor dibujaba ondulaciones sobre ellos. Nada más.
«Vuestro hermano Rhaegar fue el último dragón», le había dicho Ser Jorah. Dany contempló los huevos con tristeza. ¿Qué había esperado? Los huevos habían estado vivos hacía mil años, pero ya no eran más que piedras hermosas.
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agentrouka-blog · 7 months ago
Daenerys says to the Khals: “You are small men. None of you are fit to lead the Dothraki, but I am, so I will.”
So she kills them and burns down their holy place.
And forgive my ignorance (and if I overlooked something), but if those Khals are men who think they can possess women like they possess horses, who rape women because they want to and to prove that they can, and who think that women are just for their pleasure,
Why is what she did so wrong?
And is there any other way Dany could have tried to escape her situation?
Counter question: What about what she does is right?
This is not an "escape plan". Daario and Jorah already offered to help her escape. She rejects that plan. Instead, they will lock the doors or the building from the outside to help her violent coup. When she burns their holy place and murders the khals, it is not out out of necessity, it is a deliberate and serenely executed choice.
And while the show made a ham-fisted point about their sexual violence (over and over, to erase any sympathy for them), Dany's actions are not about that, either.
She doesn't reform their culture in a way that makes it less predatory and more compatible with peace. All she does is replace a collection of several leaders with only herself to gain control over the Dothraki warriors. To serve the conquest plans that match her own preference.
All those women who watch her come out of the inferno also don't really accompany her to Westeros the way they normally would a proper khalasar in Essos. They presumably stay behind in the Dothraki Sea, separated from their men and left to carry on with life alone. So what we're talking about is uprooting and potentially destroying a whole culture for her own political benefit on an entirely different continent. A continent where she will also have to kill in order to take control. The Stallion that Mounts the World.
How is she different from the khals, deep down?
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asoiafreadthru · 1 year ago
A Game of Thrones, Bran III
He lifted his eyes and saw clear across the narrow sea.
To the Free Cities and the green Dothraki sea and beyond, to Vaes Dothrak under its mountain.
To the fabled lands of the Jade Sea.
To Asshai by the Shadow, where dragons stirred beneath the sunrise.
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jelmaezmo · 2 years ago
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starry-eyer · 5 days ago
Daenerys’s rise to power is inseparable from the setting in which it unfolds. Unlike the female pov characters in Westeros, who remain trapped within rigid societal structures, a portion of Dany’s storyline exists largely outside of what is considered the “civilized” world. This separation is not incidental—it is fundamental to her ability to seize power in a way no other woman in asoiaf can.
Like the noblewomen of Westeros, Dany is sold into marriage, her body used as currency to further her house’s (her patriarch’s) ambitions. But while Westerosi arranged marriages are framed as political alliances, the underlying reality remains the same: women are commodities, their fates dictated by the men who claim authority over them. What sets Dany apart is not simply the brutality of her circumstances—being sold as a bridal slave to a foreign Dothraki warlord whose language and customs are alien to her—but also the opportunities those circumstances create. In Westeros, a woman’s best hope for power is to influence the men around her or exercise power in the name of the men she is connected to, but even the most politically savvy women remain constrained by a system that does not recognize their autonomy. Dany too has to initially wield power through her husband as Dothraki society is also patriarchal, but once he (and her unborn son) dies, she finds herself in a space where she is no longer beholden to any man and rejects the last institution that would otherwise confine her.
The decentralized nature of Dothraki society gave Dany an opening to refuse to join the Dosh Khaleen. Custom dictated that she should have done so, but there is no true institution enforcing this tradition, likely because it’s normally a self-enforcing one. More importantly, the powerful remnants of Khal Drogo’s khalasar were clearly not expected to enforce their own traditions, so they did not do so. Dany was not useful to them, and there was likely no benefit in sending her to Vaes Dothrak when they needed to focus on forming their new khalasars. Dany turned that perceived uselessness into an advantage. By stepping outside the last constraints placed upon her, and by the nature of her setting, she created the conditions necessary for her dragons to be hatched safely. Believed to be useless by Khal Drogo’s ko’s, they split the khalasar and rode away, leaving her in a perfect position as they took with them anyone powerful or greedy enough to challenge her for her dragons long before she even stepped into the pyre to hatch them.
So, upon Khal Drogo’s ashes, she hatched her dragons, and in doing so, she reclaimed motherhood from its patriarchal definition—not as a role that serves the interests of men, but as a source of her own power.
Her story makes it clear that working within an oppressive system to gain power is often futile. This parallels how our female Westerosi povs who attempt to gain power by playing the game remain trapped by its rules. No matter how skillfully they navigate it, the system itself is built to ensure their subjugation. Dany has succeeded not because she played better, but because she refused to play at all. She burnt the board, then removed herself from civilization—from its structures and trappings—by crossing through the Red Waste to protect herself and to safeguard her dragon hatchlings. Because of this, she is later able to reenter society as a force of disruption in her world. It’s important to note that it was Dany herself who chose to reenter society—annd later decided to use her dragons not just to empower herself, but to liberate others as well.
The message asoiaf presents through Dany is quite clear: true liberation is impossible within a system designed to oppress. Hatching her dragons on the Dothraki Sea, far away from the “civilized” world, was the perfect setting for her liberation—both practically and symbolically.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 3 months ago
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Burn with Me
Pairing: Viserys III Targaryen (Game of Thrones) x f!reader Warnings: Smut, imbalanced power dynamics, abuse of power. Word count: ~2k
Summary: Viserys shares a piece of his ancestry with his concubine.
Author's note: Day one of Smuffmas - candlelight and collaring. No tag list. Follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications.
She steps into the tent that has been erected to serve as Viserys’ personal bathhouse and is immediately enveloped in humidity that clings to her skin like a shroud, as the opening falls closed behind her. True to his Targaryen nature, he favours the heat and, as such, always demands that the water be scalding before it fills the wooden tub, with as many candles lit as the surrounding space will allow, to ensure that it retains its heat.
The atmosphere within the canvas walls is one of resplendence; the rounded tub that sits in the far corner wafts viscous steam up into the air. The water’s surface reflects the vibrant orange glow of more candles than she can possibly count, all casting flickering shadows that dance upon the ceiling. The heady fragrance of Myrish oils lingers in the air, a potent aroma of cinnamon and ginger. Viserys refuses the use of Dothraki spiceflower in his bathwater, despite it being in abundance, and far less costly than oils and spices from the Free Cities.
“It is insult enough that I must exist among these savages,” he had once told her, “I will not smell like them too. See that my command is heeded, or you shall wake the dragon.”
He stands beside the bathtub, spine rigid and eyes narrowed in annoyance. She had come to him the moment she was summoned, yet she can tell from the subtle flare of his nostrils that he is impatient already.
Despite the gossamer fabric of the dress that drapes over her body, she can feel sweat prickling the back of her neck, dampening the hairs that rest at the base of it. She knows this is due to the stifling heat of the bathing tent, but the fearful hammering of her heart as Viserys eyes her in displeasure only serves to exacerbate it.
“About time,” he snaps irritably, beckoning her closer with a restive click of his fingers.
“Your grace,” she greets courteously, before he has the chance to scold her further, “allow me to help you.”
She steps in front of him, deft fingers moving over the forest green wool of the tunic that covers his lithe frame. It is a wildly impractical choice of fabric, considering the climate of Vaes Dothrak, but Viserys shuns more traditional garb in favour of wool and silk. One by one she pulls open the clasps, revealing the creamy, white flesh beneath.
During her time in the pleasure houses of Lys, she had lain with many men and grown accustomed to the sight of skin marred by battle scars and hardened by the ravages of hard labour. Viserys bears no such afflictions. He is thin, an unfortunate consequence of a life lived in squalor, but he has never known battle, he is soft and smooth, unblemished by conflict. She has silently wondered on many occasions how he could possibly ever hope to rule as king of Westeros if he is not competent with a sword, a musing she will never give voice to, lest she pay with her life for it. She has no doubt he will take no issue in wetting his blade with her blood, if provoked into doing so.
Despite his rakish appearance and short temper, she cannot help the appreciative gaze she casts upon him as she strips him of the remnants of his clothing. For all his flaws, Viserys is a handsome man; soft, silver waves of hair frame the hard lines of his face, a strong nose and chin accentuate the pierce of his gaze. His eyes carry madness within them, enticing with dangerous allure.
“Careful with that,” he commands, nodding to the tunic which she has picked back up to fold, “what’s in the pocket is worth at least five times more than what I paid for you.”
“Of course, your grace,” she replies simply, noticing the subtle weight the garment has to it that isn’t usually there.
“Bring it here,” he says to her, stepping into the tub and sitting down. The motion causes steamy water to slop over the sides, soaking into the clay coloured earth of the ground below, as he leans back, resting his elbows behind him on the edge.
“Not the tunic, stupid girl,” he spits, scowling as she steps forward with it, “just what’s in the pocket.”
She blinks rapidly, bowing her head, a fruitless attempt to will away the humiliation that burns hotly at her skin. Reaching into the pocket, she wraps her fingers around something hard, that feels cold against her skin despite the heat that hangs heavy in the air.
Pulling it free, she can see that it is a steel choker. Thick silver plates inlaid with large rubies make up the bulk of it, with a dainty chain that fastens it at the back. She has never held anything so valuable in her hands before, the very weight of it feels representative of its significance.
“I don’t suppose you have ever seen such opulence before,” Viserys tells her, drawing her attention back to him, to where he reclines in the bath, a smug smirk upon his face as he regards her pridefully.
She places the choker in his upturned, waiting palm. “Won’t it rust if you get it wet?”
Viserys grins, the gesture lighting up his face in a way that seems almost unnatural, as the ever present madness dances within the lilac of his eyes. “It is Valyrian steel, forged in dragon fire, it won’t rust, it can’t. Now disrobe and join me.”
He plays idly with the choker, running the chain through his fingers and holding the rubies up to the candlelight as she undresses, though it does not take her long. The near translucent dress is the only item of clothing that he will allow her to wear when tending to him, and it is rare that it stays on for long.
She hisses quietly at the burn of the water against her flesh as she climbs into the tub, the all encompassing heat making her legs tingle. She does not understand how Viserys can stand it, but then there is blood of the dragon coursing through his veins, so she supposes he barely notices it.
“Turn around,” he instructs, and she does as she’s told, presenting her back to him as she faces away. She can hear the splash of the water as he advances upon her within the small space, feel the water moving with him.
Dampened hands scoop her hair away from her neck, before he places the choker around it, carefully fastening it. It chills her skin, a strange juxtaposition to the clamminess that their surroundings elicit. It feels heavy and tight around her throat, more like a collar than a necklace, and as Viserys turns her roughly to face him, sending yet more water cascading over the sides of the bath, she can see that that was precisely his intent.
His eyes are wild as he appraises her, lips slightly parted. “This is hundreds of years old, it would have been worn by a Targaryen princess from the days of Old Valyria,” he tells her, his voice lowering, taking on the seductive timbre that he affects only when aroused. He hooks two fingers beneath the centre ruby, giving it a tug. “How does it make you feel?”
She swallows thickly, considering her answer, wanting to offer words that will please him. “It makes me feel…fortunate…to have the opportunity to wear something of such significance.”
He hums, clearly satisfied with her answer, giving a slight nod as he grasps her hips beneath the water and manhandles her into his lap. She can feel his hardened cock prodding insistently at her most intimate area as she settles into the position of straddling him, winding her arms around his neck, as his hands keep a firm grip of her.
“Ser Jorah came by this on his travels,” he tells her, eyes fixated upon her throat, “he was going to give it as a gift to my sister, but I have taken it for myself. I do not see why she should lay claim to such a valuable piece of our shared ancestry, just for spreading her legs and siring a whelp for that savage, Drogo.”
The tone of his voice drips with jealousy, and it makes her uncomfortable to be faced with his arousal, not for the first time, while he speaks of Daenerys. She knows that the Targaryens existed on a foundation of bloodline purity, however, those customs are queer to her and to be faced with the reality of their incestuous nature makes her stomach churn.
All thoughts leave her mind, however, as he tugs her downwards to meet his upward thrust, spearing her open on his cock with a grunt elicited through gritted teeth. She moans at the exquisite stretch, nuzzling into the crook of his neck as she clings tightly to him, her breaths hot against his wet skin.
Viserys keeps his hands upon her hips, helping to guide her movements as she rolls her pelvis against his, bouncing herself upon his aching length. Though he is often cruel to her, when he holds her close like this, and it is just the sounds of their mingling pants for breath and the slap of their skin, it is easy for her to forget that she was purchased for his pleasure, a means to distract him from the want to defile his sister.
When he holds her close, his harsh features contorted in ecstasy, the madness that dances within his eyes conveying only lust, she can allow herself to believe that she is special, that he chose her alone to travel with him and warm his bed because he wanted only her, not because the Beggar King could not afford more than one concubine. 
In her own foolish heart, she has allowed gratitude to be misplaced for love. The fondness she feels towards him for him having taken her from the pleasure houses of Lys, and rescuing her from the life of a common whore, in her mind, is romantic. 
So when he takes one of the stiffened peaks of her nipples between thumb and forefinger and pinches harshly, she mewls wantonly as the sensation causes her sensitive walls to clench around him, wanting him to know just how good he makes her feel, how eager she is to please him.
If he did not return her affection, why else would he allow her to wear the choker that currently sits snug against her throat?
She speeds up her movements, the bathwater undulating around them with more intensity. The head of his cock bullies relentlessly at a spot inside of her that, coupled with the lightheadedness she feels from the heat of the water, makes her forget herself entirely. Before she can stop them, the words tumble carelessly from her lips.
“I love you.”
He halts all movements, and she freezes, her heart hammering wildly against her ribcage as she realises what she has just said. She opens her mouth, wanting to apologise, to take it back, to beg for forgiveness, but before she can he’s grasping her jaw, forcing her to meet the intensity of his stare.
“Say it again,” he orders quietly, leaving no room for argument.
She is hesitant at first, but he tangles his fingers into the back of her hair, not allowing her to look away, so she relents. “I–I love you.”
He snarls, tugging harshly at her hair as he resumes his brutal thrusts up into her. “That’s right, you fucking do.”
For the briefest of moments, she had allowed herself to believe he might say it back, and is not even given the respite to experience disappointment, as he chases his release within her. Her confession of love having been enough to stroke his ego to the point of climax, evidenced by the insistent pulsating of his member as he pumps it in and out of her with renewed vigour.
He holds her tightly against himself, pushing himself as far up into her as he can go as he peaks, spilling inside of her with a shameless groan, before settling back down, her body pliant against his as they both catch their breath.
“I’m finished with you for tonight. Leave me,” he says despondently, as his rapidly softening cock slips free of her.
She offers a curt nod, disentangling herself from him and climbing on shaky legs from the tub, bathwater and Viserys’ seed both dripping down her thighs, as she reaches for her dress, clutching it to herself to protect what little remains of her modesty.
“Wait,” he snaps, and for a moment she believes he will tell her he has changed his mind, that he longs for her company. Instead he snaps his fingers, gesturing to her neck. “The necklace.”
Her heart sinks, but she forces her expression to remain stoic, unclasping it and depositing it back into his outstretched palm. Her neck feels immediately lighter, having been freed from the weight of it. However, as she walks from the tent, it is replaced with a heaviness upon her heart that reminds her irrevocably of her place - or lack thereof - in the world of Viserys Targaryen.
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georgescitadel · 2 months ago
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Viserys, in a deal brokered by one of the magisters of Pentos, Illyrio Mopatis, gives up his sister into marriage to this horse lord in return for a promise of an army. The problem is that Viserys doesn't really understand the Dothraki, and also that he's arrogant; he has a sense of entitlement. The Dothraki are not merchants; they do not buy or sell. They trade favours, and they do it in their own time. They look at it as Dany was given to Khal Drogo as a gift, and in return, he will give a gift of this golden crown that he has promised Viserys. Drogo, by the customs of his people, is obliged to return to Vaes Dothrak and to present his new bride to the dosh khaleen, the crones who are at the heart of the Dothraki culture. Viserys tags along with them, which is a mistake on a whole number of levels. The horse people come to have great contempt for Viserys. Dany adjusts to their culture; she rides, starts wearing Dothraki clothing, and learns their language. Viserys doesn't do any of this. He's the king of Westeros and expects deference. It becomes more and more of a problem.
- George R.R. Martin, Game Of Thrones Commentary
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raventreehall · 1 year ago
a storm of swords dash simulator
🍋ladyjonquil Follow
i don't want to reveal too much but i had a really great day today hawking and riding and received some really exciting news (and maybe a potential marriage offer!) wow wow wow!!! haven't felt like this in so long 🥰
🤡florianthefool Follow
i'm so happy for you my jonquil
🐦littlefinger Follow
thanks for sharing my lady
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🏹kissedbyfire Follow
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👸🏼daenerys-targaryen-tracker Follow
🐎raeqqo Follow
by the law of the dothraki she must return to vaes dothrak to take her place alongside the crones of the dosh khaleen. it is known.
🐉3heads Follow
shut up and go sack a defenseless city or something
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🍁weirwoodzz Follow
hey do you guys remember when theon greyjoy took winterfell last year and killed the stark boys? has anyone heard anything else about that? feel like it kind of just disappeared from the news cycle, what happened to greyjoy?
🪓cerwynnation Follow
lord bolton's bastard killed him
🍁weirwoodzz Follow
oh really? wow. kind of extreme but deserved i guess
💗ramsays-sharpest-blade Follow
Ramsay isn't a bastard, King Joffrey legitimized him two months ago and Lord Roose is going to make him castellan of the Dreadfort soon. He loves his son and trusts his abilities. Plus, Ramsay is being awarded for his efforts in saving Winterfell and putting a stop to the ironborn raids in the North by being betrothed to Arya Stark—would a bastard be granted that honor? I don't think so.
Also, Theon isn't dead, Ramsay is (rightfully) flaying him for his crimes in the dungeons beneath the Dreadfort. Gods, I'd love to see Ramsay thrust the knife under his skin!!!!! 😜
#ramsay bolton #house bolton #our blades are sharp #theon greyjoy
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🐐the-goat Follow
i'm boutta come into thome real money real thoon 😈 💎💎💎💎💯
🏰freygirl73 Follow
ughhhh my sister is getting married tmrw and my brothers keep going on about getting revenge on king robb while he's here for the feast... like i just wanted some food :/// iswtg that's the only good thing about my siblings weddings and now they're saying there won't even be any and i'm gonna have to go into hiding before the bedding ceremony or something. why can't my family just be NORMAL
🐟greenfork Follow
TW: Red Wedding, death, violence
A masterpost on what happened at the Twins and what it means for the Northern independence cause, the War of the Five Kings, and the realm in general.
Also a bunch of links on how you can help people affected in the Riverlands.
Keep Reading
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🍵bowlobrown Follow
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🔥heatofdorne Follow
i wanna ***** ********* on ellaria sand's **** and *** ****** then call in oberyn and ***** **** them both until **** *****
🤎pate7534 Follow
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🌊onthesunsetsea Follow
why are there so many crabs on my dash rn
🐺direwolfing Follow
💙cassssanna Follow
actually i think it's still for king joffrey
🦁lann1sporter Follow
lol i thought it was for robb stark
🥂arborgold Follow
maybe it's for the mountain?
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⬛️ freezingmyarseoffonthewall Follow
⬛️ freezingmyarseoffonthewall Follow
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🕊️ just-a-humble-sparrow Follow
mother have mercy i was walking by the great sept of baelor (i wanted to pay my respects to our blessed king joffrey) but i was blocked by a knight of the kingsguard—i believe it was one of the kettleblacks, unfortunately i always forget which one has been elevated to the kingsguard—because the queen was keeping vigil over her son, so i prayed outside instead. yet only a few minutes passed when i swear i saw the kingslayer arrive (he seemed to be missing a hand!) and enter. then, and this is the most disturbing part, i swear to the father that i heard noises of fornication coming from inside! i know for a fact that the only other person inside was the queen mother. could the rumors be true? i feel dirty even writing this. i wonder if i should tell my septon.
❤️‍🔥stannis-sweep Follow
stannis has literally been telling y'all and you didn't listen 🙄
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🏳️ bannerless Follow
is it just me or is lady stoneheart kinda 👀
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36_Juego de tronos_Daenerys IV
—Vuestro hermano debió esperar en Pentos —dijo el caballero mientras lanzaba una mirada dubitativa en dirección a Viserys—. Un khalasar no es lugar para él. Illyrio ya se lo advirtió.  
—Se irá en cuanto tenga a sus diez mil. Mi señor esposo le prometió una corona de oro.
  —Sí, khaleesi, pero... —Ser Jorah se detuvo, titubeante—. Los dothrakis ven las cosas de manera diferente a nosotros, los occidentales. Yo se lo he dicho, Illyrio también se lo dijo, pero vuestro hermano no quiere escuchar. Los señores de los caballos no son comerciantes. Viserys cree que os ha vendido, y ahora quiere cobrar. Pero Khal Drogo cree que fuisteis un regalo. Por supuesto, hará otro regalo a Viserys para corresponder... pero cuando lo considere oportuno. No se exigen regalos a un khal. A un khal no se le exige nada.
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slumberingchaos · 1 year ago
A hum was offered as he nodded at her words. He could see that, especially when thinking about the times he had to teach some new recruit his dad decided to throw into his little khalassar. Too haughty and always thinking they were the shit. At least they could put them in their place quickly - a gut punch and a few broken ribs always had the desired effect when getting people in line. A tried and true tradition that even he wasn’t exempt from at first. Teach tho?
He took a moment to look over the short woman, twisting his lips slightly in thought. They’d try to run all over her if because of her size alone. “Adults, eh?” A snort left him, “You’ve got more of my respect on that, Teach… or professor? Anyway. Least you’d know some kids enjoy learnin’. Adults, they can be di—“ he stopped himself quickly, flinching at the glare the older woman sent his way at his near crassness. “-fficult. Always thinkin’ they know better just because they’ve got some age on ‘em.”
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Absently he scratched at his beard, filing away her name for later use or so he hoped. He knew that his elder wouldn’t be much longer - a fact he cursed inwardly - but he couldn’t just jump from her job to something off kilter. He could commit on how pretty her name was but even to him that felt a bit cringy with the old follow up of 'pretty name for a pretty girl'. Fuck. Glancing at the older woman he could see his time dwindling down to nothing, her movements of packaging all her purchases slipping away faster than the sand within a hourglass. "I hope that whomever your sharin' those with appreciates it, Fozaki makes the best treats in all of Vaes Dothrak." Fuck...
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ルールー As conceited as she knew it would be, she'd been here before. Not this exact spot with this exact male, but a very similar situation in another city, another country, even. Lulu was very quick to locate a good coffee shop and once she had? She tended to stick with it. This wasn't the first time that a man had bought her order for her in the hopes it would turn into a date, or even just an exchange of numbers.
It wasn't that she wasn't interested in dating as a whole, she just didn't think it fair to get involved with someone when she had no plans to stay long term.
❝ I wouldn't know about teaching children as I teach adults, but if my colleagues are anything to go by? Teaching adults is worse. ❞ She'd heard the odd horror story from her peers about when they had taught children of varying ages. The thing with them is that they can be reasoned with, and punishment, in terms of detention and the like, actually served a purpose. With an adult? It was a little more of a minefield. They weren't obligated to return to the class, and some had a real sense of entitlement.
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After several beats, and a good deal of them spent pondering whether or not she should introduce herself, Lulu finally decided there was no harm and returned the pleasantry. ❝ Lulu. ❞ No, 'nice to meet you' or even a fully strung sentence. Just straight to the point.
Best to keep things at a distance.
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rainhadaenerys · 29 days ago
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Vaes Dothrak
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the-fiction-witch · 7 months ago
Media - Game Of Thrones Character - Viserys Targaryen Couple - Viserys X Reader Reader - Y/n Rating - 18 Violence / horror/ gore/ nudity/ Abuse/ body horror Word Count - 1217
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The Dothraki celebrated, with drums, dancing and drinking. All were much loved by the Dothraki horse lords, A Fire burning in the centre with a pig roasting. Viserys wondered drunk into the tent, he was angry and frustrated at all that had happened since arriving at Vaes Dothrak.
“Daynares!” Stumbling through the door, he called out, “Where’s my sister!”
The music died down the moment he entered,
Jorah made his way over to the drunken Targaryen, trying to settle him
“Get your hands off me!” Viserys warned pushing him away, “No one touched the dragon!”
Karl Drogo listened to the translation of the going’s on and began to laugh, Which caught Visery’s attention.
“Karl Drogo!” he called out, “I’m here for the feast!”
Drogo answered but of course, Viserys had no care to bother to understand, and looked to Jorah for translation,
“Karl Drogo says there is a place for you… Back there.”
Viserys shook his head like a petulant child, “That is no place for a king!”
“You. Are. No. King.” Drogo spat back
Viserys drew his sword pointing it at anyone near him,
“Viserys Please,” Danerys spoke up,
“There she is…” He chuckled turning his attention and sword to her,
“Put the sword down. They’ll kill us all.” Jorah reminded,
“They can’t kill us,” Viserys chuckled as he walked, “They can’t shed blood in their sacret city.” He smirked, “But I can.” He said pushing his sister to her seat with his blade, “I want what I came for, I want the crown he promised me. He bought you but he never paid for you. Tell him I want what we bargained for or I’m taking you back… he can keep the baby. I’ll cut it out and leave it for him.”
Karl Drogo answered once more,
“What’s he saying?”
“He says yes.” She answered “He says you shall have a golden crown. That men will tremble to behold.”
“Oh… well… good I… that's all I wanted, what was promised.” Viserys nodded with a drunken chuckle,
Drogo rose to his feet and comforted Dany, cradling their baby in her womb, the two shared a look of a deeper understanding but before he moved away she thought of all he had done for her, in the days before Illrio how he could have sold her away to a pleasure house, could have left her to die, and yet he didn’t. She squeezed his hand with a small plead in her eyes, the last inch of mercy she would give her brother.
Drogo merely looked to his men and they grabbed Viserys by both arms and dragged him away,
“Let go of me! Get off me! I am the dragon!”
They forced him down to his knees,
He screamed out in rage but it cooled,
As Drogo selected a gleaming gold necklace from the treasure trove, he strode over to the roaring flames of the fire and carefully placed the precious metal amidst the glowing coals. Viserys, growing increasingly desperate, frantically flipped out and implored his sister for clemency.
But she ignored him,
“Dany Please!” He begged,
Drogo used a pair of metal tongs to pick up the necklace, its gold glowing and smoking from the heat. As he approached, Viserys squirmed in desperation to escape, but Drogo's men held him firmly in place. “A Crown for A King.”
Without warning Drogo dropped the necklace down,
The hot gold meeting Visery’s head handing like a crown and setting fire to his hair, the heat melting his skin and fusing to it,
Viserys screamed as the gold links bound in a tight meld of metal and skin, he was convinced this was how he died but the Dothraki men poured a bucket of horse piss over him cooling the gold enough that the meer heat and burns wouldn’t kill him.
Dorgo made an order but viserys was too lost to listen as the men dragged him away.
At dawn, he found himself among the horses, left to die there in the muck. But to his surprise, the men came back for him.
They dragged him to the centre of camp where all the horse lords, and Drogo and Dany had gathered. They seemed surprised he was even alive.
Viserys had no strength even to hold himself up let alone to fight when Drogo gave orders. the men cut and ripped Visery’s clothes leaving him naked in view of everyone, Then bound Visery’s hands in front of his stomach, they forced him up to mount the horse bareback, tied a rope around his ankles and under the horse leaving him unable to get down even if he wanted to, another Dothraki took the reins of Visery’s horse as the hoard began to roll out forcing the horse forward.
Viserys was numb with pain, his head throbbed with pain his head still burning from the gold melded with his head, his lips chapped and desperate for water, his skin dry and burning in the hot sun, his stomach sunken and nauseous, his balls numb from the bareback on the horse, his legs cramping, everything so sore, tender and painful. He struggled even keeping himself up but he knew if he was to fall they would simply leave him to die in the mud.
The Dothraki forced him to ride for hours from dawn to dusk.
Once the sun set the Dothraki set up camp for the evening and left Viserys on his horse without so much as a cup of water or a moment of rest.
Viserys was convinced he would fall at some point in the night, and he would die in the dirt without anyone even thinking twice,
“Here,” A voice whispered, “Drink,”
Viserys opened his eyes and saw a water flask by his lips, and without a word, he latched his chapped lips around the flask and gulped down the water desperately, the cool water soothing his body even just slightly, once he had suckled every last drop it was taken from his lips and he gasped, “T-Thank you- Thank you.”
“It’s okay, Here, it’s not much but it should help,” she whispered helping to lift his body enough to slip some folded blankets between him and the horse,
It didn’t do much but even just the slight padding did wonders for his body’s pain,
“Thank you… thank you,” he said almost crying,
“There’s not much I can do for you tonight, we’ll start travelling once more in the morning.”
“No… no please I can’t take any more…” he begged,
“I’ll bring you more water and some food before dawn, I promise I will help you.”
“Thank you,” He nodded,
She moved away and went to disappear into the night,
“Wait… your name? Please.”
“Y/n.” She answered before she vanished into the darkness of camp,
“Y/n…. y/n…” He gasped doing all he could to remember her name, and her did.
She was a slave girl, Viserys had bought for Dany as a handmaiden. He had slept with her a few times on the travels, made her bathe him, and he was cruel to her… as he was to all of them. He wondered if he should trust her after all he knew he’d done to her, but he didn’t really have another choice if he didn’t want to die. He questioned why she would want to help him after how cruel and degrading he was to her, but for now, he was just thankful she even wanted to help him. 
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kaerinio · 10 months ago
sitting here going insane over the fact that viserys was made to feel so special by his father and the court. and when dany became pregnant, there was some displeasure on his part because that, in some way, tied drogo closer to dany and this unborn child, and perhaps, the khal would win the throne for that child instead. but also, going back to the viserys being made to feel exceptional, perhaps even being told that he was the prince they were all waiting for . . . imagine how it must have spun him to learn that his sister's son was given a prophecy that put him above everything, including him. for months, he watched his sister, who had once been weak and timid and frightened and completely under his thumb, rise above him. and now, her baby??? there's something there between him stumbling in extremely drunk, prepared to kill dany in front of everyone, and the fact that he calls her baby 'bastard' as a means of delegitimizing her son, but in a very westerosi way.
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agentrouka-blog · 6 months ago
While I don't think Dany is a hero in ASOIAF, it stills icks me when some of her Antis claim that Dany allowed Drogo to kill Viserys. I think Drogo killed Viserys because he threatened to kill Drogo unborn child and Dany in Vaes Dothrak. Dany didn't had a say in it. She already tried to protect Viserys before. I don't think in this situation Dany has any agency.
I agree. Viserys doomed himself and the only thing Dany did in that moment was quit trying to save him from his own self-destruction. There was nothing she could have done to save him, and he gave her every incentive to feel relief at his demise.
This moment isn't about Dany failing him. This moment is mainly interesting because what Dany takes mental refuge in during this traumatic display is the idea of the "true dragon", and it gives us a glimpse at what danger there is in a sense of personal invulnerability and exceptionality. Viserys feels safe to indulge in a deeply disrespectful tantrum, because of a legal technicality, because he is bitter and he has suffered, because the feelings of the distasteful business partners he has acquired don't matter to him. Because he has a story in mind for himself, and this is not it.
He is very wrong. And Dany only sees the dragon he isn't, the dragon she is. There is a lesson in there she will have failed to learn down the line.
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greenbloods · 7 months ago
i genuinely think the only way we can cover all the dany ground we need to in winds in order for her to actually get to westeros for the long night is for everything to occur offpage through vignettes and whispers. whispers of dany riding drogon to vaes dothrak and bringing the dosh khaleen to heel as per her vision in the house of the undying. whispers of her flying back to slavers' bay at the head of the largest khalasar the world has ever seen. dragons plant no trees. whispers of dragon wings flying past qarth, past yi ti, until they have gone east to touch asshai-beyond-the-shadow. whispers of her dealing with the fallout of the battle of meereen and barristan's kingbreaking and quentyn dying and marwyn and victarion and tyrion finally meeting her (ok maybe we get one pov chapter here from tyrion). whispers of her flying east with the dothraki army on greyjoy ships. whispers of volantis burning. of a strange tattered prince taking pentos. and then finally, finally, after six books, dany arriving in westeros, to young griff taking king's landing and the Others having breached the walls. all that us to finally get back into dany's head and see her pov again.
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jedimaesteryoda · 10 months ago
When their lord husbands died and a new khal took his place at the front of his riders, with a new khaleesi mounted beside him, they were sent here, to reign over the vast Dothraki nation. Even the mightiest of khals bowed to the wisdom and authority of the dosh khaleen. Still, it gave Dany the shivers to think that one day she might be sent to join them, whether she willed it or no. -AGOT, Daenerys V
A scene from where Daenerys's unborn child Rhaego is declared the Stallion Who Mounts the World. Dothraki society provides much reverence for horses which serve as both their primary mode of transportation as well as a source of leather, milk and meat. They associate themselves with horses.
It makes sense that their society is modeled after horses even along gender lines to some degree. The leaders of the horse herds are always older mares rather than stallions. They decide when the herd moves and where to graze as well as leading them to food, water and shelter. The dosh khaleen themselves dwell at Vaes Dothrak, which has both the lake of the Womb of the World, the largest source of freshwater in the Dothraki Sea and the only permanent shelter of the khalasars. The khals, who are always men, defer to the dosh khaleen, and see them as the true leaders of their people.
"yet Vaes Dothrak is large enough to house every man of every khalasar, should all the khals return to the Mother at once. The crones have prophesied that one day that will come to pass, and so Vaes Dothrak must be ready to embrace all its children." -AGOT, Daenerys IV
However, interestingly enough, no one among the Dothraki including Daenerys even consider the possibility that it is a Mare Who Mounts the World despite the rulers over horse and Dothraki society being female. It is through Daenerys's basic role that is often assigned to Dothraki women, as a mother, that she manages to become the prophecy figure as her child Drogon gives her a clear military advantage over any khal, including allowing her to kill in Vaes Dothrak without violating the taboo against steel and spilling blood.
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